PermissionSet.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ DotNET / DotNET / 8.0 / untmp / whidbey / REDBITS / ndp / clr / src / BCL / System / Security / PermissionSet.cs / 2 / PermissionSet.cs

                            // ==++== 
//   Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// ==--== 

namespace System.Security { 
    using System; 
    using System.Threading;
    using System.Security.Util; 
    using System.Collections;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Security.Permissions;
    using System.Security.Policy; 
    using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;
    using BindingFlags = System.Reflection.BindingFlags; 
    using System.Runtime.Serialization; 
    using System.Text;
    using System.Runtime.Remoting.Activation; 
    using System.Globalization;
    using System.Runtime.Versioning;

    internal enum SpecialPermissionSetFlag
        // These also appear in clr/src/vm/permset.h 
        Regular = 0,
        NoSet = 1, 
        EmptySet = 2,
        SkipVerification = 3
    [StrongNameIdentityPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Name = "mscorlib", PublicKey = "0x" + AssemblyRef.EcmaPublicKeyFull)] 
    public class PermissionSet : ISecurityEncodable, ICollection, IStackWalk, IDeserializationCallback
    #if _DEBUG
        internal static readonly bool debug;
        [System.Diagnostics.Conditional( "_DEBUG" )]
        [ResourceConsumption(ResourceScope.Process, ResourceScope.Process)] 
        private static void DEBUG_WRITE(String str) {
        #if _DEBUG 
            if (debug) Console.WriteLine(str);
        [System.Diagnostics.Conditional( "_DEBUG" )]
        [ResourceConsumption(ResourceScope.Process, ResourceScope.Process)] 
        private static void DEBUG_COND_WRITE(bool exp, String str)
        #if _DEBUG
            if (debug && (exp)) Console.WriteLine(str);

        [System.Diagnostics.Conditional( "_DEBUG" )] 
        [ResourceConsumption(ResourceScope.Process, ResourceScope.Process)]
        private static void DEBUG_PRINTSTACK(Exception e) 
        #if _DEBUG
            if (debug) Console.Error.WriteLine((e).StackTrace);
        // These members are accessed from EE using their hardcoded offset. 
        // Please update the PermissionSetObject in object.h if you make any changes
        // to the fields here. !dumpobj will show the field layout 

        // First the fields that are serialized x-appdomain (for perf reasons)
        private bool m_Unrestricted;
        [OptionalField(VersionAdded = 2)] 
        private bool m_allPermissionsDecoded = false;
        [OptionalField(VersionAdded = 2)] 
        private bool m_canUnrestrictedOverride = false; 

        [OptionalField(VersionAdded = 2)] 
        internal TokenBasedSet m_permSet = null;

        // This is a hack so that SQL can operate under default policy without actually
        // granting permissions in assemblies that they disallow.  @ 

        [OptionalField(VersionAdded = 2)] 
        private bool m_ignoreTypeLoadFailures = false;
        // This field will be populated only for non X-AD scenarios where we create a XML-ised string of the PermissionSet
        [OptionalField(VersionAdded = 2)]
        private String m_serializedPermissionSet;
        [NonSerialized] private bool m_CheckedForNonCas;
        [NonSerialized] private bool m_ContainsCas; 
        [NonSerialized] private bool m_ContainsNonCas; 

        // only used during non X-AD serialization to save the m_permSet value (which we dont want serialized) 
        [NonSerialized] private TokenBasedSet m_permSetSaved;

        // Following 3 fields are used only for serialization compat purposes: DO NOT USE THESE EVER!
#pragma warning disable 169 
        private bool readableonly;
        private TokenBasedSet m_unrestrictedPermSet; 
        private TokenBasedSet m_normalPermSet; 
#pragma warning restore 169
        // END: Serialization-only fields 

        internal static readonly PermissionSet s_fullTrust = new PermissionSet( true );

        private void OnDeserializing(StreamingContext ctx)
        private void OnDeserialized(StreamingContext ctx)
            if (m_serializedPermissionSet != null) 
                // Whidbey non X-AD case 
            else if (m_normalPermSet != null) 
                // Everett non X-AD case
                m_permSet = m_normalPermSet.SpecialUnion(m_unrestrictedPermSet, ref m_canUnrestrictedOverride);
            else if (m_unrestrictedPermSet != null)
                // Everett non X-AD case 
                m_permSet = m_unrestrictedPermSet.SpecialUnion(m_normalPermSet, ref m_canUnrestrictedOverride);

            m_serializedPermissionSet = null;
            m_normalPermSet = null;
            m_unrestrictedPermSet = null; 

        private void OnSerializing(StreamingContext ctx) 

            if ((ctx.State & ~(StreamingContextStates.Clone|StreamingContextStates.CrossAppDomain)) != 0)
                m_serializedPermissionSet = ToString(); // For v2.x and beyond
                if (m_permSet != null) 
                    m_permSet.SpecialSplit(ref m_unrestrictedPermSet, ref m_normalPermSet, m_ignoreTypeLoadFailures); 
                m_permSetSaved = m_permSet;
                m_permSet = null; 
        private void OnSerialized(StreamingContext context) 
            if ((context.State & ~(StreamingContextStates.Clone|StreamingContextStates.CrossAppDomain)) != 0) 
                m_serializedPermissionSet = null;
                m_permSet = m_permSetSaved; 
                m_permSetSaved = null;
                m_unrestrictedPermSet = null;
                m_normalPermSet = null;
        internal PermissionSet() 
            m_Unrestricted = true;

        internal PermissionSet(bool fUnrestricted) 
            : this()
        public PermissionSet(PermissionState state)
            : this()
            if (state == PermissionState.Unrestricted) 
                SetUnrestricted( true ); 
            else if (state == PermissionState.None)
                SetUnrestricted( false );
                throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_InvalidPermissionState"));

        public PermissionSet(PermissionSet permSet) 
            : this()
            if (permSet == null)

            m_Unrestricted = permSet.m_Unrestricted; 
            m_CheckedForNonCas = permSet.m_CheckedForNonCas;
            m_ContainsCas = permSet.m_ContainsCas;
            m_ContainsNonCas = permSet.m_ContainsNonCas;
            m_canUnrestrictedOverride = permSet.m_canUnrestrictedOverride; 
            m_ignoreTypeLoadFailures = permSet.m_ignoreTypeLoadFailures;
            if (permSet.m_permSet != null) 
                m_permSet = new TokenBasedSet(permSet.m_permSet); 

                // now deep copy all permissions in set
                for (int i = m_permSet.GetStartingIndex(); i <= m_permSet.GetMaxUsedIndex(); i++)
                    Object obj = m_permSet.GetItem(i);
                    IPermission perm = obj as IPermission; 
                    ISecurityElementFactory elem = obj as ISecurityElementFactory; 
                    if (perm != null)
                        m_permSet.SetItem(i, perm.Copy());
                    else if (elem != null)
                        m_permSet.SetItem(i, elem.Copy());

        public virtual void CopyTo(Array array, int index)
            if (array == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "array" );
            PermissionSetEnumeratorInternal enumerator = new PermissionSetEnumeratorInternal(this); 

            while (enumerator.MoveNext()) 
                array.SetValue(enumerator.Current , index++ );

        // private constructor that doesn't create any token based sets 
        private PermissionSet( Object trash, Object junk )
            m_Unrestricted = false;

        // Returns an object appropriate for synchronizing access to this
        // Array. 
        public virtual Object SyncRoot 
        {  get { return this; } }
        // Is this Array synchronized (i.e., thread-safe)?  If you want a synchronized
        // collection, you can use SyncRoot as an object to synchronize your
        // collection with.  You could also call GetSynchronized()
        // to get a synchronized wrapper around the Array. 
        public virtual bool IsSynchronized
        {  get { return false; } } 
        // Is this Collection ReadOnly?
        public virtual bool IsReadOnly 
        {  get {return false; } }

        // Reinitializes all state in PermissionSet - DO NOT null-out m_serializedPermissionSet
        internal void Reset() 
            m_Unrestricted = false; 
            m_allPermissionsDecoded = true; 
            m_canUnrestrictedOverride = true;
            m_permSet = null; 

            m_ignoreTypeLoadFailures = false;

            m_CheckedForNonCas = false; 
            m_ContainsCas = false;
            m_ContainsNonCas = false; 
            m_permSetSaved = null; 


        internal void CheckSet()
            if (this.m_permSet == null)
                this.m_permSet = new TokenBasedSet(); 

        public bool IsEmpty() 
            if (m_Unrestricted)
                return false;
            if (m_permSet == null || m_permSet.FastIsEmpty())
                return true; 
            PermissionSetEnumeratorInternal enumerator = new PermissionSetEnumeratorInternal(this);
            while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                IPermission perm = (IPermission)enumerator.Current;
                if (!perm.IsSubsetOf( null ))
                    return false; 

            return true;
        internal bool FastIsEmpty()
            if (m_Unrestricted) 
                return false;
            if (m_permSet == null || m_permSet.FastIsEmpty())
                return true;

            return false; 
        public virtual int Count 
                int count = 0;

                if (m_permSet != null) 
                    count += m_permSet.GetCount();
                return count; 

        internal IPermission GetPermission(int index)
            if (m_permSet == null)
                return null; 
            Object obj = m_permSet.GetItem( index ); 
            if (obj == null)
                return null; 
            IPermission perm = obj as IPermission;
            if (perm != null)
                return perm;
            perm = CreatePermission(obj, index); 
            if (perm == null)
                return null; 
            BCLDebug.Assert( PermissionToken.IsTokenProperlyAssigned( perm, PermissionToken.GetToken( perm ) ), 
                             "PermissionToken was improperly assigned" );
            BCLDebug.Assert( PermissionToken.GetToken( perm ).m_index == index, 
                             "Assigning permission to incorrect index in tokenbasedset" );
            return perm;

        internal IPermission GetPermission(PermissionToken permToken) 
            if (permToken == null)
                return null; 

            return GetPermission( permToken.m_index );
        internal IPermission GetPermission( IPermission perm )
            if (perm == null) 
                return null;
            return GetPermission(PermissionToken.GetToken( perm ));

        public IPermission GetPermission(Type permClass) 
            if (permClass == null) 
                return null; 

            return GetPermission(PermissionToken.FindToken(permClass)); 

        public IPermission SetPermission(IPermission perm)
            return(SetPermission(perm, true));
        // SetPermission adds a permission to a permissionset.
        // if fReplace is true, then force an override of current slot contents 
        // otherwise, don't replace current slot contents.
        internal IPermission SetPermission(IPermission perm, bool fReplace)
            // can't get token if perm is null 
            if (perm == null)
                return null; 
            if (!CodeAccessPermission.CanUnrestrictedOverride(perm))
                this.m_canUnrestrictedOverride = false; 

            PermissionToken permToken = PermissionToken.GetToken(perm);

            if ((permToken.m_type & PermissionTokenType.IUnrestricted) != 0) 
                // SetPermission Makes the Permission "Restricted" 
                m_Unrestricted = false; 

            IPermission currPerm = GetPermission( permToken.m_index );
            // If a Permission exists in this slot, then our behavior
            // is defined by the value of fReplace.  Don't replace if 
            // fReplace is false, just return what was found. The caller of this function 
            // should compare the references of the added permission
            // to the one returned. If they are equal, then the permission 
            // was added successfully, otherwise it was not.
            if ((currPerm != null) && !fReplace)
                return currPerm;
            // OK, either we were told to always override (fReplace == true) or
            // there wasn't anything in the slot.  In either case, set the slot contents 
            // to perm and return. 

            m_CheckedForNonCas = false; 

            // Should we copy here?
            m_permSet.SetItem( permToken.m_index, perm );
            return perm; 
        public IPermission AddPermission(IPermission perm) 
            // can't get token if perm is null 
            if (perm == null)
                return null;

            if (!CodeAccessPermission.CanUnrestrictedOverride(perm)) 
                this.m_canUnrestrictedOverride = false;
            m_CheckedForNonCas = false; 

            // If the permission set is unrestricted, then return an unrestricted instance 
            // of perm.

            PermissionToken permToken = PermissionToken.GetToken(perm);
            if (this.IsUnrestricted() && ((permToken.m_type & PermissionTokenType.IUnrestricted) != 0))
                Type perm_type = perm.GetType(); 
                Object[] objs = new Object[1];
                objs[0] = PermissionState.Unrestricted; 
                return (IPermission) Activator.CreateInstance(perm_type, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public, null, objs, null );

            IPermission currPerm = GetPermission(permToken.m_index);
            // If a Permission exists in this slot, then union it with perm 
            // Otherwise, just add perm.
            if (currPerm != null) {
                IPermission ip_union = currPerm.Union(perm);
                m_permSet.SetItem( permToken.m_index, ip_union );
                return ip_union; 
            } else {
                // Should we copy here? 
                m_permSet.SetItem( permToken.m_index, perm ); 
                return perm;


        internal IPermission RemovePermission( int index ) 
            IPermission perm = GetPermission(index); 
            if (perm == null) 
                return null;
            return (IPermission)m_permSet.RemoveItem( index ); // this cast is safe because the call to GetPermission will guarantee it is an IPermission 

        internal IPermission RemovePermission(PermissionToken permToken)
            if (permToken == null)
                return null; 
            return RemovePermission( permToken.m_index );

        public IPermission RemovePermission(Type permClass)
            if (permClass == null) 
                return null;
            return RemovePermission(PermissionToken.FindToken(permClass)); 
        // Make this internal soon.
        internal void SetUnrestricted(bool unrestricted)
            m_Unrestricted = unrestricted; 
        public bool IsUnrestricted() 
            return m_Unrestricted; 

        internal bool CanUnrestrictedOverride()
            return m_canUnrestrictedOverride;
        internal enum IsSubsetOfType
        internal bool IsSubsetOfHelper(PermissionSet target, IsSubsetOfType type, out IPermission firstPermThatFailed, bool ignoreNonCas) 
    #if _DEBUG 
            if (debug)
                DEBUG_WRITE("IsSubsetOf\n" +
                            "Other:\n" +
                            (target == null ? "" : target.ToString()) + 
                            "\nMe:\n" +

            firstPermThatFailed = null; 
            if (target == null || target.FastIsEmpty())
                    return true; 
                    firstPermThatFailed = GetFirstPerm(); 
                    return false;
            else if (this.IsUnrestricted() && !target.IsUnrestricted())
                return false;
            else if (this.m_permSet == null) 
                return true;
                for (int i = m_permSet.GetStartingIndex(); i <= this.m_permSet.GetMaxUsedIndex(); ++i)
                    IPermission thisPerm = this.GetPermission(i);
                    if (thisPerm == null || thisPerm.IsSubsetOf(null)) 
                    IPermission targetPerm = target.GetPermission(i); 
#if _DEBUG
                    PermissionToken token = (PermissionToken)PermissionToken.s_tokenSet.GetItem( i ); 
                    BCLDebug.Assert(targetPerm == null || (token.m_type & PermissionTokenType.DontKnow) == 0, "Token not properly initialized");

                    if (target.m_Unrestricted && CodeAccessPermission.CanUnrestrictedOverride(thisPerm)) 
                    // targetPerm can be null here, but that is fine since it thisPerm is a subset 
                    // of empty/null then we can continue in the loop.
                    CodeAccessPermission cap = thisPerm as CodeAccessPermission; 
                    if(cap == null)
                        if (!ignoreNonCas && !thisPerm.IsSubsetOf( targetPerm ))
                            firstPermThatFailed = thisPerm;
                            return false; 
                        firstPermThatFailed = thisPerm;
                        case IsSubsetOfType.Normal:
                            if (!thisPerm.IsSubsetOf( targetPerm )) 
                                return false; 
                        case IsSubsetOfType.CheckDemand: 
                            if (!cap.CheckDemand( (CodeAccessPermission)targetPerm ))
                                return false;
                        case IsSubsetOfType.CheckPermitOnly: 
                            if (!cap.CheckPermitOnly( (CodeAccessPermission)targetPerm ))
                                return false; 
                        case IsSubsetOfType.CheckAssertion:
                            if (!cap.CheckAssert( (CodeAccessPermission)targetPerm )) 
                                return false;
                        firstPermThatFailed = null; 

            return true; 

        public bool IsSubsetOf(PermissionSet target)
            IPermission perm;
            return IsSubsetOfHelper(target, IsSubsetOfType.Normal, out perm, false); 

        internal bool CheckDemand(PermissionSet target, out IPermission firstPermThatFailed) 
            return IsSubsetOfHelper(target, IsSubsetOfType.CheckDemand, out firstPermThatFailed, true);
        internal bool CheckPermitOnly(PermissionSet target, out IPermission firstPermThatFailed)
            return IsSubsetOfHelper(target, IsSubsetOfType.CheckPermitOnly, out firstPermThatFailed, true); 
        internal bool CheckAssertion(PermissionSet target)
            IPermission perm;
            return IsSubsetOfHelper(target, IsSubsetOfType.CheckAssertion, out perm, true); 
        internal bool CheckDeny(PermissionSet deniedSet, out IPermission firstPermThatFailed) 
            firstPermThatFailed = null; 
            if (deniedSet == null || deniedSet.FastIsEmpty() || this.FastIsEmpty())
                return true;

            if(this.m_Unrestricted && deniedSet.m_Unrestricted) 
                return false;
            CodeAccessPermission permThis, permThat; 
            PermissionSetEnumeratorInternal enumThis = new PermissionSetEnumeratorInternal(this);
            while (enumThis.MoveNext())
                permThis = enumThis.Current as CodeAccessPermission;
                if(permThis == null || permThis.IsSubsetOf(null)) 
                    continue; // ignore non-CAS permissions in the grant set.
                        firstPermThatFailed = permThis;
                        return false;
                permThat = (CodeAccessPermission)deniedSet.GetPermission(enumThis.GetCurrentIndex());
                if (!permThis.CheckDeny(permThat)) 
                    firstPermThatFailed = permThis;
                    return false; 
                PermissionSetEnumeratorInternal enumThat = new PermissionSetEnumeratorInternal(deniedSet);
                while (enumThat.MoveNext()) 
                    if(enumThat.Current is IPermission && CodeAccessPermission.CanUnrestrictedOverride((IPermission)enumThat.Current))
                        return false; 
            return true;

        internal void CheckDecoded( CodeAccessPermission demandedPerm, PermissionToken tokenDemandedPerm ) 
            BCLDebug.Assert( demandedPerm != null, "Expected non-null value" );
            if (this.m_allPermissionsDecoded || this.m_permSet == null)

            if (tokenDemandedPerm == null) 
                tokenDemandedPerm = PermissionToken.GetToken( demandedPerm );
            BCLDebug.Assert( tokenDemandedPerm != null, "Unable to find token for demanded permission" ); 

            CheckDecoded( tokenDemandedPerm.m_index ); 

        internal void CheckDecoded( int index )
            if (this.m_allPermissionsDecoded || this.m_permSet == null)

        internal void CheckDecoded(PermissionSet demandedSet)
            BCLDebug.Assert(demandedSet != null, "Expected non-null value"); 

            if (this.m_allPermissionsDecoded || this.m_permSet == null) 

            PermissionSetEnumeratorInternal enumerator = demandedSet.GetEnumeratorInternal(); 

            while (enumerator.MoveNext())
        static internal void SafeChildAdd( SecurityElement parent, ISecurityElementFactory child, bool copy )
            if (child == parent)
            if (child.GetTag().Equals( "IPermission" ) || child.GetTag().Equals( "Permission" ))
                parent.AddChild( child );
            else if (parent.Tag.Equals( child.GetTag() )) 
                BCLDebug.Assert( child is SecurityElement, "SecurityElement expected" ); 
                SecurityElement elChild = (SecurityElement)child;
                BCLDebug.Assert( elChild.InternalChildren != null,
                    "Non-permission elements should have children" );
                for (int i = 0; i < elChild.InternalChildren.Count; ++i)
                    ISecurityElementFactory current = (ISecurityElementFactory)elChild.InternalChildren[i]; 
                    BCLDebug.Assert( !current.GetTag().Equals( parent.Tag ),
                        "Illegal to insert a like-typed element" ); 
                    parent.AddChildNoDuplicates( current );
                parent.AddChild( (ISecurityElementFactory)(copy ? child.Copy() : child) ); 
        internal void InplaceIntersect( PermissionSet other )
            Exception savedException = null;
            m_CheckedForNonCas = false;
            if (this == other) 
            if (other == null || other.FastIsEmpty())
                // If the other is empty or null, make this empty.
            if (this.FastIsEmpty())

            int maxMax = this.m_permSet == null ? -1 : this.m_permSet.GetMaxUsedIndex();
            int otherMax = other.m_permSet == null ? -1 : other.m_permSet.GetMaxUsedIndex();
            if (this.IsUnrestricted() && maxMax < otherMax)
                maxMax = otherMax; 

            if (other.IsUnrestricted())
            for (int i = 0; i <= maxMax; ++i) 
                Object thisObj = this.m_permSet.GetItem( i ); 
                IPermission thisPerm = thisObj as IPermission;
                ISecurityElementFactory thisElem = thisObj as ISecurityElementFactory;

                Object otherObj = other.m_permSet.GetItem( i ); 
                IPermission otherPerm = otherObj as IPermission;
                ISecurityElementFactory otherElem = otherObj as ISecurityElementFactory; 
                if (thisObj == null && otherObj == null)

                if (thisElem != null && otherElem != null)
                    // If we already have an intersection node, just add another child 
                    if (thisElem.GetTag().Equals( s_str_PermissionIntersection ) ||
                        thisElem.GetTag().Equals( s_str_PermissionUnrestrictedIntersection )) 
                        BCLDebug.Assert( thisElem is SecurityElement, "SecurityElement expected" );
                        SafeChildAdd( (SecurityElement)thisElem, otherElem, true ); 
                    // If either set is unrestricted, intersect the nodes unrestricted
                        bool copyOther = true;
                        if (this.IsUnrestricted()) 
                            SecurityElement newElemUU = new SecurityElement( s_str_PermissionUnrestrictedUnion );
                            newElemUU.AddAttribute( "class", thisElem.Attribute( "class" ) ); 
                            SafeChildAdd( newElemUU, thisElem, false );
                            thisElem = newElemUU;
                        if (other.IsUnrestricted()) 
                            SecurityElement newElemUU = new SecurityElement( s_str_PermissionUnrestrictedUnion ); 
                            newElemUU.AddAttribute( "class", otherElem.Attribute( "class" ) ); 
                            SafeChildAdd( newElemUU, otherElem, true );
                            otherElem = newElemUU; 
                            copyOther = false;

                        SecurityElement newElem = new SecurityElement( s_str_PermissionIntersection ); 
                        newElem.AddAttribute( "class", thisElem.Attribute( "class" ) );
                        SafeChildAdd( newElem, thisElem, false ); 
                        SafeChildAdd( newElem, otherElem, copyOther );
                        this.m_permSet.SetItem( i, newElem ); 
                else if (thisObj == null)
                    // There is no object in , so intersection is empty except for IUnrestrictedPermissions
                    if (this.IsUnrestricted()) 
                        if (otherElem != null)
                            SecurityElement newElem = new SecurityElement( s_str_PermissionUnrestrictedIntersection );
                            newElem.AddAttribute( "class", otherElem.Attribute( "class" ) );
                            SafeChildAdd( newElem, otherElem, true );
                            this.m_permSet.SetItem( i, newElem ); 
                            BCLDebug.Assert( PermissionToken.s_tokenSet.GetItem( i ) != null, "PermissionToken should already be assigned" );
                            PermissionToken token = (PermissionToken)PermissionToken.s_tokenSet.GetItem( i ); 
                            if ((token.m_type & PermissionTokenType.IUnrestricted) != 0)
                                this.m_permSet.SetItem( i, otherPerm.Copy() );
                                BCLDebug.Assert( PermissionToken.s_tokenSet.GetItem( i ) != null, "PermissionToken should already be assigned" ); 
                else if (otherObj == null) 
                    if (other.IsUnrestricted())
                        if (thisElem != null) 
                            SecurityElement newElem = new SecurityElement( s_str_PermissionUnrestrictedIntersection ); 
                            newElem.AddAttribute( "class", thisElem.Attribute( "class" ) ); 
                            SafeChildAdd( newElem, thisElem, false );
                            this.m_permSet.SetItem( i, newElem ); 
                            PermissionToken token = (PermissionToken)PermissionToken.s_tokenSet.GetItem( i ); 
                            if ((token.m_type & PermissionTokenType.IUnrestricted) == 0)
                                this.m_permSet.SetItem( i, null ); 
                        this.m_permSet.SetItem( i, null );
                    if (thisElem != null) 
                        thisPerm = this.CreatePermission(thisElem, i);
                    if (otherElem != null) 
                        otherPerm = other.CreatePermission(otherElem, i);

                        IPermission intersectPerm;
                        if (thisPerm == null) 
                            intersectPerm = otherPerm; 
                        else if(otherPerm == null)
                            intersectPerm = thisPerm; 
                            intersectPerm = thisPerm.Intersect( otherPerm );
                        this.m_permSet.SetItem( i, intersectPerm );
                    catch (Exception e)
                        if (savedException == null) 
                            savedException = e;

            this.m_Unrestricted = this.m_Unrestricted && other.m_Unrestricted; 

            if (savedException != null) 
                throw savedException; 
        public PermissionSet Intersect(PermissionSet other)
            if (other == null || other.FastIsEmpty() || this.FastIsEmpty())
                return null;
            int thisMax = this.m_permSet == null ? -1 : this.m_permSet.GetMaxUsedIndex();
            int otherMax = other.m_permSet == null ? -1 : other.m_permSet.GetMaxUsedIndex(); 
            int minMax = thisMax < otherMax ? thisMax : otherMax;

            if (this.IsUnrestricted() && minMax < otherMax)
                minMax = otherMax;

            if (other.IsUnrestricted() && minMax < thisMax) 
                minMax = thisMax;

            PermissionSet pset = new PermissionSet( false ); 
            if (minMax > -1)
                pset.m_permSet = new TokenBasedSet();

            for (int i = 0; i <= minMax; ++i) 
                Object thisObj = this.m_permSet.GetItem( i ); 
                IPermission thisPerm = thisObj as IPermission; 
                ISecurityElementFactory thisElem = thisObj as ISecurityElementFactory;
                Object otherObj = other.m_permSet.GetItem( i );
                IPermission otherPerm = otherObj as IPermission;
                ISecurityElementFactory otherElem = otherObj as ISecurityElementFactory;
                if (thisObj == null && otherObj == null)
                if (thisElem != null && otherElem != null)
                    bool copyOther = true;
                    bool copyThis = true;
                    SecurityElement newElem = new SecurityElement( s_str_PermissionIntersection );
                    newElem.AddAttribute( "class", otherElem.Attribute( "class" ) ); 
                    if (this.IsUnrestricted())
                        SecurityElement newElemUU = new SecurityElement( s_str_PermissionUnrestrictedUnion ); 
                        newElemUU.AddAttribute( "class", thisElem.Attribute( "class" ) );
                        SafeChildAdd( newElemUU, thisElem, true ); 
                        copyThis = false;
                        thisElem = newElemUU;
                    if (other.IsUnrestricted()) 
                        SecurityElement newElemUU = new SecurityElement( s_str_PermissionUnrestrictedUnion ); 
                        newElemUU.AddAttribute( "class", otherElem.Attribute( "class" ) ); 
                        SafeChildAdd( newElemUU, otherElem, true );
                        copyOther = false; 
                        otherElem = newElemUU;

                    SafeChildAdd( newElem, otherElem, copyOther ); 
                    SafeChildAdd( newElem, thisElem, copyThis );
                    pset.m_permSet.SetItem( i, newElem ); 
                else if (thisObj == null)
                    if (this.m_Unrestricted)
                        if (otherElem != null)
                            SecurityElement newElem = new SecurityElement( s_str_PermissionUnrestrictedIntersection );
                            newElem.AddAttribute( "class", otherElem.Attribute( "class" ) ); 
                            SafeChildAdd( newElem, otherElem, true ); 
                            pset.m_permSet.SetItem( i, newElem );
                            BCLDebug.Assert( PermissionToken.s_tokenSet.GetItem( i ) != null, "PermissionToken should already be assigned" ); 
                        else if (otherPerm != null)
                            PermissionToken token = (PermissionToken)PermissionToken.s_tokenSet.GetItem( i ); 
                            if ((token.m_type & PermissionTokenType.IUnrestricted) != 0)
                                pset.m_permSet.SetItem( i, otherPerm.Copy() ); 
                                BCLDebug.Assert( PermissionToken.s_tokenSet.GetItem( i ) != null, "PermissionToken should already be assigned" );
                else if (otherObj == null) 
                    if (other.m_Unrestricted) 
                        if (thisElem != null)
                            SecurityElement newElem = new SecurityElement( s_str_PermissionUnrestrictedIntersection );
                            newElem.AddAttribute( "class", thisElem.Attribute( "class" ) );
                            SafeChildAdd( newElem, thisElem, true );
                            pset.m_permSet.SetItem( i, newElem ); 
                            BCLDebug.Assert( PermissionToken.s_tokenSet.GetItem( i ) != null, "PermissionToken should already be assigned" );
                        else if (thisPerm != null) 
                            PermissionToken token = (PermissionToken)PermissionToken.s_tokenSet.GetItem( i ); 
                            if ((token.m_type & PermissionTokenType.IUnrestricted) != 0)
                                pset.m_permSet.SetItem( i, thisPerm.Copy() );
                                BCLDebug.Assert( PermissionToken.s_tokenSet.GetItem( i ) != null, "PermissionToken should already be assigned" ); 
                    if (thisElem != null)
                        thisPerm = this.CreatePermission(thisElem, i);
                    if (otherElem != null) 
                        otherPerm = other.CreatePermission(otherElem, i);
                    IPermission intersectPerm; 
                    if (thisPerm == null)
                        intersectPerm = otherPerm; 
                    else if(otherPerm == null)
                        intersectPerm = thisPerm;
                        intersectPerm = thisPerm.Intersect( otherPerm ); 
                    pset.m_permSet.SetItem( i, intersectPerm );
                    BCLDebug.Assert( intersectPerm == null || PermissionToken.s_tokenSet.GetItem( i ) != null, "PermissionToken should already be assigned" ); 
            pset.m_Unrestricted = this.m_Unrestricted && other.m_Unrestricted;
            if (pset.FastIsEmpty())
                return null;
                return pset;
        internal void InplaceUnion( PermissionSet other )
            // Unions the "other" PermissionSet into this one.  It can be optimized to do less copies than
            // need be done by the traditional union (and we don't have to create a new PermissionSet).

            if (this == other) 
            // Quick out conditions, union doesn't change this PermissionSet 
            if (other == null || other.FastIsEmpty())

            m_CheckedForNonCas = false;

            this.m_Unrestricted = this.m_Unrestricted || other.m_Unrestricted;
            if (this.m_Unrestricted)
                if (CodeAccessSecurityEngine.DoesFullTrustMeanFullTrust())
                    // FullTrustMeansFullTrust is if the result of Union is unrestricted permset, null the m_permSet member
                    this.m_permSet = null; 
                if (this.m_canUnrestrictedOverride && other.m_canUnrestrictedOverride) 
                    // Only unrestricted override-able permissions in both this and other ...again, we can null the m_permSet member
                    this.m_permSet = null;
                if (other.m_canUnrestrictedOverride) 
                    // Only unrestricted override-able permissions in other...cannot null m_permSet, but don't look at other.m_permSet

            // If we reach here, result of Union is not unrestricted
            // We have to union "normal" permission no matter what now. 
            int maxMax = -1; 
            if (other.m_permSet != null)
                maxMax = other.m_permSet.GetMaxUsedIndex();
            // Save exceptions until the end 
            Exception savedException = null;
            for (int i = 0; i <= maxMax; ++i) 
                Object thisObj = this.m_permSet.GetItem( i ); 
                IPermission thisPerm = thisObj as IPermission;
                ISecurityElementFactory thisElem = thisObj as ISecurityElementFactory;

                Object otherObj = other.m_permSet.GetItem( i ); 
                IPermission otherPerm = otherObj as IPermission;
                ISecurityElementFactory otherElem = otherObj as ISecurityElementFactory; 
                if (thisObj == null && otherObj == null)

                if (thisElem != null && otherElem != null)
                    if (thisElem.GetTag().Equals( s_str_PermissionUnion ) || 
                        thisElem.GetTag().Equals( s_str_PermissionUnrestrictedUnion ))
                        BCLDebug.Assert( thisElem is SecurityElement, "SecurityElement expected" ); 
                        SafeChildAdd( (SecurityElement)thisElem, otherElem, true );
                        SecurityElement newElem;
                        if (this.IsUnrestricted() || other.IsUnrestricted()) 
                            newElem = new SecurityElement( s_str_PermissionUnrestrictedUnion );
                            newElem = new SecurityElement( s_str_PermissionUnion ); 
                        newElem.AddAttribute( "class", thisElem.Attribute( "class" ) );
                        SafeChildAdd( newElem, thisElem, false ); 
                        SafeChildAdd( newElem, otherElem, true );
                        this.m_permSet.SetItem( i, newElem );
                else if (thisObj == null)
                    if (otherElem != null) 
                        this.m_permSet.SetItem( i, otherElem.Copy() ); 
                    else if (otherPerm != null)
                        PermissionToken token = (PermissionToken)PermissionToken.s_tokenSet.GetItem( i ); 
                        if (((token.m_type & PermissionTokenType.IUnrestricted) == 0) || !this.m_Unrestricted)
                            this.m_permSet.SetItem( i, otherPerm.Copy() ); 
                else if (otherObj == null)
                    if (thisElem != null)
                        thisPerm = this.CreatePermission(thisElem, i); 
                    if (otherElem != null)
                        otherPerm = other.CreatePermission(otherElem, i);

                        IPermission unionPerm; 
                        if(thisPerm == null) 
                            unionPerm = otherPerm;
                        else if(otherPerm == null) 
                            unionPerm = thisPerm;
                            unionPerm = thisPerm.Union( otherPerm );
                        this.m_permSet.SetItem( i, unionPerm ); 
                    catch (Exception e) 
                        if (savedException == null)
                            savedException = e; 
            if (savedException != null)
                throw savedException; 

        public PermissionSet Union(PermissionSet other) 
            // if other is null or empty, return a clone of myself
            if (other == null || other.FastIsEmpty())
                return this.Copy();
            if (this.FastIsEmpty())
                return other.Copy();

            int maxMax = -1; 

            PermissionSet pset = new PermissionSet(); 
            pset.m_Unrestricted = this.m_Unrestricted || other.m_Unrestricted; 
            if (pset.m_Unrestricted)
                if (CodeAccessSecurityEngine.DoesFullTrustMeanFullTrust())
                    // FullTrustMeansFullTrust is if the result of Union is unrestricted permset, just return
                    return pset; 
                if (this.m_canUnrestrictedOverride && other.m_canUnrestrictedOverride) 
                    // Only unrestricted override-able permissions in both this and other ...again, we can return just an unrestricted pset
                    return pset; 
                if (other.m_canUnrestrictedOverride)
                    // Only unrestricted override-able permissions in other...cannot null pset.m_permSet, but don't look at other.m_permSet 
                    // just copy over this.m_permSet
                    pset.m_permSet = (this.m_permSet != null)? new TokenBasedSet(this.m_permSet): null; 
                    return pset; 

            // degenerate case where we look at both this.m_permSet and other.m_permSet
            maxMax = this.m_permSet.GetMaxUsedIndex() > other.m_permSet.GetMaxUsedIndex() ? this.m_permSet.GetMaxUsedIndex() : other.m_permSet.GetMaxUsedIndex();
            pset.m_permSet = new TokenBasedSet(); 

            for (int i = 0; i <= maxMax; ++i)
                Object thisObj = this.m_permSet.GetItem( i );
                IPermission thisPerm = thisObj as IPermission; 
                ISecurityElementFactory thisElem = thisObj as ISecurityElementFactory;
                Object otherObj = other.m_permSet.GetItem( i ); 
                IPermission otherPerm = otherObj as IPermission;
                ISecurityElementFactory otherElem = otherObj as ISecurityElementFactory; 

                if (thisObj == null && otherObj == null)
                if (thisElem != null && otherElem != null)
                    SecurityElement newElem; 
                    if (this.IsUnrestricted() || other.IsUnrestricted())
                        newElem = new SecurityElement( s_str_PermissionUnrestrictedUnion ); 
                        newElem = new SecurityElement( s_str_PermissionUnion );
                    newElem.AddAttribute( "class", thisElem.Attribute( "class" ) );
                    SafeChildAdd( newElem, thisElem, true ); 
                    SafeChildAdd( newElem, otherElem, true );
                    pset.m_permSet.SetItem( i, newElem ); 
                else if (thisObj == null)
                    if (otherElem != null)
                        pset.m_permSet.SetItem( i, otherElem.Copy() );
                        BCLDebug.Assert( PermissionToken.s_tokenSet.GetItem( i ) != null, "PermissionToken should already be assigned" ); 
                    else if (otherPerm != null) 
                        PermissionToken token = (PermissionToken)PermissionToken.s_tokenSet.GetItem( i );
                        if (((token.m_type & PermissionTokenType.IUnrestricted) == 0) || !pset.m_Unrestricted) 
                            pset.m_permSet.SetItem( i, otherPerm.Copy() );
                            BCLDebug.Assert( PermissionToken.s_tokenSet.GetItem( i ) != null, "PermissionToken should already be assigned" );
                else if (otherObj == null) 
                    if (thisElem != null) 
                        pset.m_permSet.SetItem( i, thisElem.Copy() );
                    else if (thisPerm != null) 
                        PermissionToken token = (PermissionToken)PermissionToken.s_tokenSet.GetItem( i ); 
                        if (((token.m_type & PermissionTokenType.IUnrestricted) == 0) || !pset.m_Unrestricted) 
                            pset.m_permSet.SetItem( i, thisPerm.Copy() ); 
                            BCLDebug.Assert( PermissionToken.s_tokenSet.GetItem( i ) != null, "PermissionToken should already be assigned" );
                    if (thisElem != null) 
                        thisPerm = this.CreatePermission(thisElem, i);
                    if (otherElem != null) 
                        otherPerm = other.CreatePermission(otherElem, i);

                    IPermission unionPerm;
                    if(thisPerm == null) 
                        unionPerm = otherPerm;
                    else if(otherPerm == null) 
                        unionPerm = thisPerm; 
                        unionPerm = thisPerm.Union( otherPerm ); 
                    pset.m_permSet.SetItem( i, unionPerm );
                    BCLDebug.Assert( unionPerm == null || PermissionToken.s_tokenSet.GetItem( i ) != null, "PermissionToken should already be assigned" );

            return pset; 

        // Treating the current permission set as a grant set, and the input set as 
        // a set of permissions to be denied, try to cancel out as many permissions
        // from both sets as possible. For a first cut, any granted permission that
        // is a safe subset of the corresponding denied permission can result in
        // that permission being removed from both sides. 

        internal void MergeDeniedSet(PermissionSet denied) 
            if (denied == null || denied.FastIsEmpty() || this.FastIsEmpty())

            m_CheckedForNonCas = false;

            // Check for the unrestricted case: FastIsEmpty() will return false if the PSet is unrestricted, but has no items 
            if (this.m_permSet == null || denied.m_permSet == null)
                return; //nothing can be removed 
            int maxIndex = denied.m_permSet.GetMaxUsedIndex() > this.m_permSet.GetMaxUsedIndex() ? this.m_permSet.GetMaxUsedIndex() : denied.m_permSet.GetMaxUsedIndex();
            for (int i = 0; i <= maxIndex; ++i) { 
                IPermission deniedPerm = denied.m_permSet.GetItem(i) as IPermission;
                if (deniedPerm == null)
                IPermission thisPerm = this.m_permSet.GetItem(i) as IPermission;
                if (thisPerm == null && !this.m_Unrestricted) { 
                    denied.m_permSet.SetItem(i, null);

                if (thisPerm != null && deniedPerm != null) {
                    if (thisPerm.IsSubsetOf(deniedPerm)) { 
                        this.m_permSet.SetItem(i, null);
                        denied.m_permSet.SetItem(i, null); 

        // Returns true if perm is contained in this
        internal bool Contains(IPermission perm) 
            if (perm == null) 
                return true; 
            if (m_Unrestricted && CodeAccessPermission.CanUnrestrictedOverride(perm))
                return true; 
            if (FastIsEmpty())
                return false;

            PermissionToken token = PermissionToken.GetToken(perm); 
            Object thisObj = this.m_permSet.GetItem( token.m_index );
            if (thisObj == null) 
                return perm.IsSubsetOf( null ); 

            IPermission thisPerm = GetPermission(token.m_index); 
            if (thisPerm != null)
                return perm.IsSubsetOf( thisPerm );
                return perm.IsSubsetOf( null ); 
        public override bool Equals( Object obj )
            // Note: this method is designed to accept both PermissionSet and NamedPermissionSets.
            // It will compare them based on the values in the base type, thereby ignoring the
            // name and description of the named permission set.
            PermissionSet other = obj as PermissionSet;
            if (other == null) 
                return false;
            if (this.m_Unrestricted != other.m_Unrestricted)
                return false;

            int maxIndex = Math.Max( this.m_permSet.GetMaxUsedIndex(), other.m_permSet.GetMaxUsedIndex() );

            for (int i = 0; i <= maxIndex; ++i)
                IPermission thisPerm = (IPermission)this.m_permSet.GetItem( i );
                IPermission otherPerm = (IPermission)other.m_permSet.GetItem( i ); 
                if (thisPerm == null && otherPerm == null)
                else if (thisPerm == null)
                    if (!otherPerm.IsSubsetOf( null ))
                        return false; 
                else if (otherPerm == null)
                    if (!thisPerm.IsSubsetOf( null ))
                        return false;
                    if (!thisPerm.Equals( otherPerm )) 
                        return false; 

            return true;
        public override int GetHashCode() 
            int accumulator;
            accumulator = this.m_Unrestricted ? -1 : 0;

            if (this.m_permSet != null)
                int maxIndex = this.m_permSet.GetMaxUsedIndex(); 

                for (int i = m_permSet.GetStartingIndex(); i <= maxIndex; ++i) 
                    IPermission perm = (IPermission)this.m_permSet.GetItem( i );
                    if (perm != null)
                        accumulator = accumulator ^ perm.GetHashCode();
            return accumulator;

        // Mark this method as requiring a security object on the caller's frame 
        // so the caller won't be inlined (which would mess up stack crawling).
        public void Demand() 
            if (this.FastIsEmpty()) 
                return;  // demanding the empty set always passes.

            if (m_ContainsCas)
                StackCrawlMark stackMark = StackCrawlMark.LookForMyCallersCaller; 
                CodeAccessSecurityEngine.Check(GetCasOnlySet(), ref stackMark);
            if (m_ContainsNonCas)
        internal void DemandNonCAS() 

            if (m_ContainsNonCas)
                if (this.m_permSet != null) 
                    for (int i = m_permSet.GetStartingIndex(); i <= this.m_permSet.GetMaxUsedIndex(); ++i) 
                        IPermission currPerm = GetPermission(i); 
                        if (currPerm != null && !(currPerm is CodeAccessPermission))
        // Metadata for this method should be flaged with REQ_SQ so that
        // EE can allocate space on the stack frame for FrameSecurityDescriptor 

        public void Assert()
            StackCrawlMark stackMark = StackCrawlMark.LookForMyCaller;
            SecurityRuntime.Assert(this, ref stackMark); 

        // Metadata for this method should be flaged with REQ_SQ so that 
        // EE can allocate space on the stack frame for FrameSecurityDescriptor

        public void Deny() 
            StackCrawlMark stackMark = StackCrawlMark.LookForMyCaller; 
            SecurityRuntime.Deny(this, ref stackMark); 
        // Metadata for this method should be flaged with REQ_SQ so that
        // EE can allocate space on the stack frame for FrameSecurityDescriptor

        public void PermitOnly()
            StackCrawlMark stackMark = StackCrawlMark.LookForMyCaller; 
            SecurityRuntime.PermitOnly(this, ref stackMark);

        internal IPermission GetFirstPerm()
            IEnumerator enumerator = GetEnumerator(); 
                return null; 
            return enumerator.Current as IPermission; 
        // Returns a deep copy
        public virtual PermissionSet Copy()
            return new PermissionSet(this); 
        internal PermissionSet CopyWithNoIdentityPermissions() 
            PermissionSet copy = Copy(); 

            // There's no easy way to distinguish an identity permission from any other CodeAccessPermission,
            // so remove them directly.

            return copy;

        public IEnumerator GetEnumerator() 
            return new PermissionSetEnumerator(this);

        internal PermissionSetEnumeratorInternal GetEnumeratorInternal()
            return new PermissionSetEnumeratorInternal(this); 
        public override String ToString() 
            return ToXml().ToString(); 

        private void NormalizePermissionSet()
            // This function guarantees that all the permissions are placed at
            // the proper index within the token based sets.  This becomes necessary 
            // since these indices are dynamically allocated based on usage order. 

            PermissionSet permSetTemp = new PermissionSet(false); 

            permSetTemp.m_Unrestricted = this.m_Unrestricted;

            // Move all the normal permissions to the new permission set 

            if (this.m_permSet != null) 
                for (int i = m_permSet.GetStartingIndex(); i <= this.m_permSet.GetMaxUsedIndex(); ++i)
                    Object obj = this.m_permSet.GetItem(i);
                    IPermission perm = obj as IPermission;
                    ISecurityElementFactory elem = obj as ISecurityElementFactory;
                    if (elem != null)
                        perm = CreatePerm( elem ); 
                    if (perm != null) 
                        permSetTemp.SetPermission( perm );

            this.m_permSet = permSetTemp.m_permSet;

        private bool DecodeXml(byte[] data, HostProtectionResource fullTrustOnlyResources, HostProtectionResource inaccessibleResources ) 
            if (data != null && data.Length > 0)
                FromXml( new Parser( data, Tokenizer.ByteTokenEncoding.UnicodeTokens ).GetTopElement() );

            FilterHostProtectionPermissions(fullTrustOnlyResources, inaccessibleResources); 

            // We call this method from unmanaged to code a set we are going to use declaratively.  In 
            // this case, all the lazy evaluation for partial policy resolution is wasted since we'll 
            // need to decode all of these shortly to make the demand for whatever.  Therefore, we
            // pay that price now so that we can calculate whether all the permissions in the set 
            // implement the IUnrestrictedPermission interface (the common case) for use in some
            // unmanaged optimizations.


            return true; 

        private void DecodeAllPermissions() 
            if (m_permSet == null)
                m_allPermissionsDecoded = true; 
            m_canUnrestrictedOverride = true;
            int maxIndex = m_permSet.GetMaxUsedIndex();
            for (int i = m_permSet.GetStartingIndex(); i <= maxIndex; ++i)
                IPermission perm = GetPermission(i); 
                if (perm != null && !CodeAccessPermission.CanUnrestrictedOverride(perm))
                    m_canUnrestrictedOverride = false; 

#if _DEBUG 
            for (int i = 0; i <= maxIndex; ++i)
                Object obj = m_permSet.GetItem( i );
                BCLDebug.Assert(obj  == null || obj is IPermission || obj is SecurityElement, 
                    "After DecodeAllPermissions, everything in m_permSet should be an IPermission" );
            m_allPermissionsDecoded = true;

        internal void FilterHostProtectionPermissions(HostProtectionResource fullTrustOnly, HostProtectionResource inaccessible)
            HostProtectionPermission.protectedResources = fullTrustOnly; 
            HostProtectionPermission hpp = (HostProtectionPermission)GetPermission(HostProtectionPermission.GetTokenIndex());
            if(hpp == null) 
            HostProtectionPermission newHpp = (HostProtectionPermission)hpp.Intersect(new HostProtectionPermission(fullTrustOnly));
            if(newHpp == null) 
            else if(newHpp.Resources != hpp.Resources)

        private bool DecodeUsingSerialization( byte[] data ) 
            MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream( data );
            BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter(); 

            PermissionSet ps = null;

            Object obj = formatter.Deserialize(ms); 

            if (obj != null) 
                ps = (PermissionSet)obj;
                this.m_Unrestricted = ps.m_Unrestricted; 
                this.m_permSet = ps.m_permSet;
                this.m_CheckedForNonCas = false;
                BCLDebug.Trace("SER", ps.ToString());
                return true; 
                return false;

        public virtual void FromXml( SecurityElement et )
            FromXml( et, false, false );
        internal static bool IsPermissionTag( String tag, bool allowInternalOnly )
            if (tag.Equals( s_str_Permission ) ||
                tag.Equals( s_str_IPermission ))
                return true; 
            if (allowInternalOnly && 
                (tag.Equals( s_str_PermissionUnion ) ||
                 tag.Equals( s_str_PermissionIntersection ) || 
                 tag.Equals( s_str_PermissionUnrestrictedIntersection ) ||
                 tag.Equals( s_str_PermissionUnrestrictedUnion)))
                return true; 
            return false; 
        internal virtual void FromXml( SecurityElement et, bool allowInternalOnly, bool ignoreTypeLoadFailures )
            if (et == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("et"); 

            if (!et.Tag.Equals(s_str_PermissionSet)) 
                throw new ArgumentException(String.Format( null, Environment.GetResourceString( "Argument_InvalidXMLElement" ), "PermissionSet", this.GetType().FullName) ); 

            m_ignoreTypeLoadFailures = ignoreTypeLoadFailures;
            m_allPermissionsDecoded = false;
            m_Unrestricted = XMLUtil.IsUnrestricted( et );
            if (et.InternalChildren != null)
                int childCount = et.InternalChildren.Count; 
                for (int i = 0; i < childCount; ++i)
                    SecurityElement elem = (SecurityElement)et.Children[i];

                    if (IsPermissionTag( elem.Tag, allowInternalOnly ))
                        String className = elem.Attribute( "class" );
                        PermissionToken token; 
                        Object objectToInsert;
                        if (className != null)
                            token = PermissionToken.GetToken( className );
                            if (token == null) 
                                objectToInsert = CreatePerm( elem ); 
#if _DEBUG 
                                PermissionToken tokenDebug = PermissionToken.GetToken( (IPermission)objectToInsert );
                                BCLDebug.Assert( tokenDebug != null && (tokenDebug.m_type & PermissionTokenType.BuiltIn) != 0, "This should only be called for built-ins" ); 
                                if (objectToInsert != null)
                                    BCLDebug.Assert( objectToInsert.GetType().Module.Assembly == System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), 
                                        "PermissionToken.GetToken returned null for non-mscorlib permission" );
                                    token = PermissionToken.GetToken( (IPermission)objectToInsert ); 
                                    BCLDebug.Assert( (token.m_type & PermissionTokenType.DontKnow) == 0, "We should always know the permission type when getting a token from an instance" ); 
                                objectToInsert = elem;
                            IPermission ip = CreatePerm( elem );
                            if (ip == null) 
                                token = null;
                                objectToInsert = null;
                                token = PermissionToken.GetToken( ip ); 
                                BCLDebug.Assert( PermissionToken.IsTokenProperlyAssigned( ip, token ),
                                                 "PermissionToken was improperly assigned" ); 
                                objectToInsert = ip;
                        if (token != null && objectToInsert != null)
                            if (m_permSet == null) 
                                m_permSet = new TokenBasedSet();
                            if (this.m_permSet.GetItem( token.m_index ) != null)
                                // If there is already something in that slot, let's union them
                                // together. 

                                IPermission permInSlot; 
                                if (this.m_permSet.GetItem( token.m_index ) is IPermission)
                                    permInSlot = (IPermission)this.m_permSet.GetItem( token.m_index ); 
                                    permInSlot = CreatePerm( (SecurityElement)this.m_permSet.GetItem( token.m_index ) );

                                if (objectToInsert is IPermission) 
                                    objectToInsert = ((IPermission)objectToInsert).Union( permInSlot );
                                    objectToInsert = CreatePerm( (SecurityElement)objectToInsert ).Union( permInSlot ); 
                            if(m_Unrestricted && objectToInsert is IPermission && CodeAccessPermission.CanUnrestrictedOverride((IPermission)objectToInsert))
                                objectToInsert = null;

                            this.m_permSet.SetItem( token.m_index, objectToInsert ); 

        internal virtual void FromXml( SecurityDocument doc, int position, bool allowInternalOnly ) 
            if (doc == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("doc"); 

            if (!doc.GetTagForElement( position ).Equals(s_str_PermissionSet)) 
                throw new ArgumentException(String.Format( null, Environment.GetResourceString( "Argument_InvalidXMLElement" ), "PermissionSet", this.GetType().FullName) );

            m_allPermissionsDecoded = false; 
            Exception savedException = null;
            String strUnrestricted = doc.GetAttributeForElement( position, "Unrestricted" ); 
            if (strUnrestricted != null) 
                m_Unrestricted = strUnrestricted.Equals( "True" ) || strUnrestricted.Equals( "true" ) || strUnrestricted.Equals( "TRUE" );
                m_Unrestricted = false;

            ArrayList childrenIndices = doc.GetChildrenPositionForElement( position );
            int childCount = childrenIndices.Count; 
            for (int i = 0; i < childCount; ++i)
                int childIndex = (int)childrenIndices[i]; 
                if (IsPermissionTag( doc.GetTagForElement( childIndex ), allowInternalOnly ))
                        String className = doc.GetAttributeForElement( childIndex, "class" );
                        PermissionToken token;
                        Object objectToInsert; 
                        if (className != null)
                            token = PermissionToken.GetToken( className );
                            if (token == null)
                                objectToInsert = CreatePerm( doc.GetElement( childIndex, true ) ); 

                                if (objectToInsert != null) 
#if _DEBUG
                                    PermissionToken tokenDebug = PermissionToken.GetToken( (IPermission)objectToInsert ); 
                                    BCLDebug.Assert((tokenDebug != null), "PermissionToken.GetToken returned null ");
                                    BCLDebug.Assert( (tokenDebug.m_type & PermissionTokenType.BuiltIn) != 0, "This should only be called for built-ins" );
                                    BCLDebug.Assert( objectToInsert.GetType().Module.Assembly == System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), 
                                        "PermissionToken.GetToken returned null for non-mscorlib permission" );
                                    token = PermissionToken.GetToken( (IPermission)objectToInsert ); 
                                    BCLDebug.Assert((token != null), "PermissionToken.GetToken returned null "); 
                                    BCLDebug.Assert( (token.m_type & PermissionTokenType.DontKnow) == 0, "We should always know the permission type when getting a token from an instance" );
                                objectToInsert = ((ISecurityElementFactory)new SecurityDocumentElement(doc, childIndex)).CreateSecurityElement(); 
                            IPermission ip = CreatePerm( doc.GetElement( childIndex, true ) ); 
                            if (ip == null)
                                token = null;
                                objectToInsert = null; 
                                token = PermissionToken.GetToken( ip );
                                BCLDebug.Assert( PermissionToken.IsTokenProperlyAssigned( ip, token ), 
                                                 "PermissionToken was improperly assigned" );
                                objectToInsert = ip;

                        if (token != null && objectToInsert != null) 
                            if (m_permSet == null)
                                m_permSet = new TokenBasedSet(); 

                            IPermission permInSlot = null;
                            if (this.m_permSet.GetItem( token.m_index ) != null)
                                // If there is already something in that slot, let's union them
                                // together. 
                                if (this.m_permSet.GetItem( token.m_index ) is IPermission)
                                    permInSlot = (IPermission)this.m_permSet.GetItem( token.m_index ); 
                                    permInSlot = CreatePerm( this.m_permSet.GetItem( token.m_index ) );
                            if (permInSlot != null)
                                if (objectToInsert is IPermission) 
                                    objectToInsert = permInSlot.Union((IPermission)objectToInsert);
                                    objectToInsert = permInSlot.Union(CreatePerm( objectToInsert ));

                            if(m_Unrestricted && objectToInsert is IPermission && CodeAccessPermission.CanUnrestrictedOverride((IPermission)objectToInsert)) 
                                objectToInsert = null;
                            this.m_permSet.SetItem( token.m_index, objectToInsert ); 
                    catch (Exception e)
#if _DEBUG
                        if (debug) 
                            DEBUG_WRITE( "error while decoding permission set =\n" + e.ToString() );
                        if (savedException == null) 
                            savedException = e;
            if (savedException != null)
                throw savedException; 
        private  IPermission CreatePerm(Object obj)
            return CreatePerm(obj, m_ignoreTypeLoadFailures);
        internal static IPermission CreatePerm(Object obj, bool ignoreTypeLoadFailures)
            SecurityElement el = obj as SecurityElement; 
            ISecurityElementFactory isf = obj as ISecurityElementFactory;
            if (el == null && isf != null) 
                el = isf.CreateSecurityElement();
            IEnumerator enumerator;
            IPermission finalPerm = null; 
            switch (el.Tag)
            case s_str_PermissionUnion:
                enumerator = el.Children.GetEnumerator();
                while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                    IPermission tempPerm = CreatePerm( (SecurityElement)enumerator.Current, ignoreTypeLoadFailures);
                    if (finalPerm != null) 
                        finalPerm = finalPerm.Union( tempPerm );
                        finalPerm = tempPerm;
            case s_str_PermissionIntersection:
                enumerator = el.Children.GetEnumerator(); 
                while (enumerator.MoveNext()) 
                    IPermission tempPerm = CreatePerm( (SecurityElement)enumerator.Current, ignoreTypeLoadFailures); 

                    if (finalPerm != null)
                        finalPerm = finalPerm.Intersect( tempPerm );
                        finalPerm = tempPerm;
                    if (finalPerm == null) 
                        return null;

            case s_str_PermissionUnrestrictedUnion:
                enumerator = el.Children.GetEnumerator(); 
                bool first = true;
                while (enumerator.MoveNext()) 
                    IPermission tempPerm = CreatePerm( (SecurityElement)enumerator.Current, ignoreTypeLoadFailures );
                    if (tempPerm == null)

                    PermissionToken token = PermissionToken.GetToken( tempPerm ); 

                    BCLDebug.Assert( (token.m_type & PermissionTokenType.DontKnow) == 0, "We should know the permission type already" ); 
                    if ((token.m_type & PermissionTokenType.IUnrestricted) != 0)
                        finalPerm = XMLUtil.CreatePermission( GetPermissionElement((SecurityElement)enumerator.Current), PermissionState.Unrestricted, ignoreTypeLoadFailures );
                        first = false;
                        BCLDebug.Assert( tempPerm != null, "We should only come here if we have a real permission" ); 
                        if (first)
                            finalPerm = tempPerm; 
                            finalPerm = tempPerm.Union( finalPerm );
                        first = false;
            case s_str_PermissionUnrestrictedIntersection:
                enumerator = el.Children.GetEnumerator(); 
                while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                    IPermission tempPerm = CreatePerm( (SecurityElement)enumerator.Current, ignoreTypeLoadFailures );
                    if (tempPerm == null)
                        return null; 
                    PermissionToken token = PermissionToken.GetToken( tempPerm );
                    BCLDebug.Assert( (token.m_type & PermissionTokenType.DontKnow) == 0, "We should know the permission type already" );

                    if ((token.m_type & PermissionTokenType.IUnrestricted) != 0)
                        if (finalPerm != null)
                            finalPerm = tempPerm.Intersect( finalPerm ); 
                            finalPerm = tempPerm;
                        finalPerm = null;

                    if (finalPerm == null) 
                        return null; 

            case "IPermission":
            case "Permission":
                finalPerm = el.ToPermission(ignoreTypeLoadFailures); 
                BCLDebug.Assert( false, "Unrecognized case found during permission creation" );

            // This is useful to enable to detect when we load permissions outside of mscorlib 

            if (finalPerm != null) 
                System.Reflection.Assembly asm = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
                if (asm != finalPerm.GetType().Module.Assembly) 
            return finalPerm; 
        internal IPermission CreatePermission(Object obj, int index) 
            IPermission perm = CreatePerm(obj); 
            if(perm == null)
                return null;

            // See if the PermissionSet.m_Unrestricted flag covers this permission 
            if(m_Unrestricted && CodeAccessPermission.CanUnrestrictedOverride(perm))
                perm = null; 
            // Store the decoded result
            m_permSet.SetItem(index, perm);

            // Do some consistency checks
            BCLDebug.Assert(perm == null || PermissionToken.IsTokenProperlyAssigned( perm, PermissionToken.GetToken( perm ) ), "PermissionToken was improperly assigned"); 
            if (perm != null)
                PermissionToken permToken = PermissionToken.GetToken(perm); 
                if (permToken != null && permToken.m_index != index)
                    throw new ArgumentException( Environment.GetResourceString( "Argument_UnableToGeneratePermissionSet")); 

            return perm; 
        private static SecurityElement GetPermissionElement( SecurityElement el ) 
            switch (el.Tag) 
            case "IPermission":
            case "Permission":
                return el; 
            IEnumerator enumerator = el.Children.GetEnumerator(); 
            if (enumerator.MoveNext()) 
                return GetPermissionElement((SecurityElement)enumerator.Current);
            BCLDebug.Assert( false, "No Permission or IPermission tag found" ); 
            return null;

        internal static SecurityElement CreateEmptyPermissionSetXml() 
            SecurityElement elTrunk = new SecurityElement("PermissionSet"); 
            elTrunk.AddAttribute( "class", "System.Security.PermissionSet" );
            elTrunk.AddAttribute( "version", "1" );
            return elTrunk;

        // internal helper which takes in the hardcoded permission name to avoid lookup at runtime
        // can be called from classes that derive from PermissionSet 
        internal SecurityElement ToXml(String permName) 
            SecurityElement elTrunk = new SecurityElement("PermissionSet"); 
            elTrunk.AddAttribute( "class", permName );

            elTrunk.AddAttribute( "version", "1" );
            PermissionSetEnumeratorInternal enumerator = new PermissionSetEnumeratorInternal(this);
            if (m_Unrestricted) 
                elTrunk.AddAttribute(s_str_Unrestricted, "true" ); 

            while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                IPermission perm = (IPermission)enumerator.Current;
                if (!m_Unrestricted || !CodeAccessPermission.CanUnrestrictedOverride(perm)) 
                    elTrunk.AddChild( perm.ToXml() );
            return elTrunk;

        internal SecurityElement InternalToXml() 
            SecurityElement elTrunk = new SecurityElement("PermissionSet"); 
            elTrunk.AddAttribute( "class", this.GetType().FullName); 
            elTrunk.AddAttribute( "version", "1" );
            if (m_Unrestricted)
                elTrunk.AddAttribute(s_str_Unrestricted, "true" );

            if (this.m_permSet != null) 
                int maxIndex = this.m_permSet.GetMaxUsedIndex();
                for (int i = m_permSet.GetStartingIndex(); i <= maxIndex; ++i)
                    Object obj = this.m_permSet.GetItem( i );
                    if (obj != null) 
                        if (obj is IPermission) 
                            if (!m_Unrestricted || !CodeAccessPermission.CanUnrestrictedOverride((IPermission)obj))
                                elTrunk.AddChild( ((IPermission)obj).ToXml() ); 
                            elTrunk.AddChild( (SecurityElement)obj ); 
            return elTrunk ;

        public virtual SecurityElement ToXml() 
            // If you hit this assert then most likely you are trying to change the name of this class. 
            // This is ok as long as you change the hard coded string above and change the assert below. 
            BCLDebug.Assert( this.GetType().FullName.Equals( "System.Security.PermissionSet" ), "Class name changed! Was: System.Security.PermissionSet Should be:" +  this.GetType().FullName);
            return ToXml("System.Security.PermissionSet");

        internal byte[] EncodeUsingSerialization() 
            MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); 
            new BinaryFormatter().Serialize( ms, this ); 
            return ms.ToArray();

        byte[] EncodeXml()
            MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
            BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter( ms, Encoding.Unicode ); 
            writer.Write( this.ToXml().ToString() ); 
            // The BinaryWriter is going to place
            // two bytes indicating a Unicode stream.
            // We want to chop those off before returning
            // the bytes out. 

            ms.Position = 2; 
            int countBytes = (int)ms.Length - 2; 
            byte[] retval = new byte[countBytes];
            ms.Read( retval, 0, retval.Length ); 
            return retval;

        static public byte[] 
        ConvertPermissionSet(String inFormat, 
                             byte[] inData,
                             String outFormat) 
            if(inData == null)
                return null;
            if(inFormat == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("inFormat");
            if(outFormat == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("outFormat"); 

            PermissionSet permSet = new PermissionSet( false ); 

            inFormat = String.SmallCharToUpper(inFormat);
            outFormat = String.SmallCharToUpper(outFormat);
            if (inFormat.Equals( "XMLASCII" ) || inFormat.Equals( "XML" ))
                permSet.FromXml( new Parser( inData, Tokenizer.ByteTokenEncoding.ByteTokens ).GetTopElement() ); 
            else if (inFormat.Equals( "XMLUNICODE" )) 
                permSet.FromXml( new Parser( inData, Tokenizer.ByteTokenEncoding.UnicodeTokens ).GetTopElement() );
            else if (inFormat.Equals( "BINARY" )) 
                permSet.DecodeUsingSerialization( inData ); 
                return null;

            if (outFormat.Equals( "XMLASCII" ) || outFormat.Equals( "XML" )) 
                MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); 
                StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter( ms, Encoding.ASCII ); 
                writer.Write( permSet.ToXml().ToString() );
                return ms.ToArray();
            else if (outFormat.Equals( "XMLUNICODE" ))
                MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
                StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter( ms, Encoding.Unicode ); 
                writer.Write( permSet.ToXml().ToString() ); 
                ms.Position = 2;
                int countBytes = (int)ms.Length - 2;
                byte[] retval = new byte[countBytes];
                ms.Read( retval, 0, retval.Length ); 
                return retval;
            else if (outFormat.Equals( "BINARY" )) 
                return permSet.EncodeUsingSerialization(); 
                return null; 

        // Determines whether the permission set contains any non-code access 
        // security permissions.
        public bool ContainsNonCodeAccessPermissions()
            if (m_CheckedForNonCas) 
                return m_ContainsNonCas;
            lock (this) 
                if (m_CheckedForNonCas) 
                    return m_ContainsNonCas;

                m_ContainsCas = false;
                m_ContainsNonCas = false; 

                if (IsUnrestricted()) 
                    m_ContainsCas = true; 

                if (this.m_permSet != null) 
                    PermissionSetEnumeratorInternal enumerator = new PermissionSetEnumeratorInternal(this);

                    while (enumerator.MoveNext() && (!m_ContainsCas || !m_ContainsNonCas)) 
                        IPermission perm = enumerator.Current as IPermission; 
                        if (perm != null)
                            if (perm is CodeAccessPermission)
                                m_ContainsCas = true;
                                m_ContainsNonCas = true; 

                m_CheckedForNonCas = true; 

            return m_ContainsNonCas;

        // Returns a permission set containing only CAS-permissions. If possible 
        // this is just the input set, otherwise a new set is allocated. 
        private PermissionSet GetCasOnlySet()
            if (!m_ContainsNonCas)
                return this;

            if (IsUnrestricted()) 
                return this;
            PermissionSet pset = new PermissionSet(false); 

            PermissionSetEnumeratorInternal enumerator = new PermissionSetEnumeratorInternal(this); 

            while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                IPermission perm = (IPermission)enumerator.Current; 

                if (perm is CodeAccessPermission) 
            pset.m_CheckedForNonCas = true;
            pset.m_ContainsCas = !pset.IsEmpty();
            pset.m_ContainsNonCas = false;
            return pset;
        private const String s_str_PermissionSet = "PermissionSet";
        private const String s_str_Permission    = "Permission"; 
        private const String s_str_IPermission    = "IPermission";
        private const String s_str_Unrestricted  = "Unrestricted";
        private const String s_str_PermissionUnion = "PermissionUnion";
        private const String s_str_PermissionIntersection = "PermissionIntersection"; 
        private const String s_str_PermissionUnrestrictedUnion = "PermissionUnrestrictedUnion";
        private const String s_str_PermissionUnrestrictedIntersection = "PermissionUnrestrictedIntersection"; 
        // Internal routine used to setup a special security context
        // for creating and manipulated security custom attributes 
        // that we use when the Runtime is hosted.

        private static void SetupSecurity()
            PolicyLevel level = PolicyLevel.CreateAppDomainLevel();
            CodeGroup rootGroup = new UnionCodeGroup( new AllMembershipCondition(), level.GetNamedPermissionSet( "Execution" ) ); 

            StrongNamePublicKeyBlob microsoftBlob = new StrongNamePublicKeyBlob( AssemblyRef.MicrosoftPublicKeyFull ); 
            CodeGroup microsoftGroup = new UnionCodeGroup( new StrongNameMembershipCondition( microsoftBlob, null, null ), level.GetNamedPermissionSet( "FullTrust" ) );

            StrongNamePublicKeyBlob ecmaBlob = new StrongNamePublicKeyBlob( AssemblyRef.EcmaPublicKeyFull );
            CodeGroup ecmaGroup = new UnionCodeGroup( new StrongNameMembershipCondition( ecmaBlob, null, null ), level.GetNamedPermissionSet( "FullTrust" ) ); 

            CodeGroup gacGroup = new UnionCodeGroup( new GacMembershipCondition(), level.GetNamedPermissionSet( "FullTrust" ) ); 
            rootGroup.AddChild( microsoftGroup );
            rootGroup.AddChild( ecmaGroup ); 
            rootGroup.AddChild( gacGroup );

            level.RootCodeGroup = rootGroup;
                AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetAppDomainPolicy( level ); 
            catch (PolicyException) 
        // Internal routine used by CreateSerialized to add a permission to the set
        private static void MergePermission(IPermission perm, bool separateCasFromNonCas, ref PermissionSet casPset, ref PermissionSet nonCasPset) 
            if (perm == null)

            if (!separateCasFromNonCas || perm is CodeAccessPermission)
                if(casPset == null) 
                    casPset = new PermissionSet(false);
                IPermission oldPerm = casPset.GetPermission(perm); 
                IPermission unionPerm = casPset.AddPermission(perm); 
                if (oldPerm != null && !oldPerm.IsSubsetOf( unionPerm ))
                    throw new NotSupportedException( Environment.GetResourceString( "NotSupported_DeclarativeUnion" ) ); 
                if(nonCasPset == null) 
                    nonCasPset = new PermissionSet(false);
                IPermission oldPerm = nonCasPset.GetPermission(perm); 
                IPermission unionPerm = nonCasPset.AddPermission( perm ); 
                if (oldPerm != null && !oldPerm.IsSubsetOf( unionPerm ))
                    throw new NotSupportedException( Environment.GetResourceString( "NotSupported_DeclarativeUnion" ) ); 

        // Converts an array of SecurityAttributes to a PermissionSet 
        [ResourceExposure(ResourceScope.Machine)]  // Reading these attributes can load files.
        private static byte[] CreateSerialized(Object[] attrs, bool serialize, ref byte[] nonCasBlob, out PermissionSet casPset, HostProtectionResource fullTrustOnlyResources) 
            // Create two new (empty) sets. 
            casPset = null;
            PermissionSet nonCasPset = null;

            // Most security attributes generate a single permission. The 
            // PermissionSetAttribute class generates an entire permission set we
            // need to merge, however. 
            for (int i = 0; i < attrs.Length; i++) 
                BCLDebug.Assert(i == 0 || ((SecurityAttribute)attrs[i]).m_action == ((SecurityAttribute)attrs[i - 1]).m_action, "Mixed SecurityActions"); 
                if (attrs[i] is PermissionSetAttribute)
                    PermissionSet pset = ((PermissionSetAttribute)attrs[i]).CreatePermissionSet();
                    if (pset == null) 
                        throw new ArgumentException( Environment.GetResourceString( "Argument_UnableToGeneratePermissionSet" ) );
                    PermissionSetEnumeratorInternal enumerator = new PermissionSetEnumeratorInternal(pset); 

                    while (enumerator.MoveNext()) 
                        IPermission perm = (IPermission)enumerator.Current;
                        MergePermission(perm, serialize, ref casPset, ref nonCasPset);

                    if(casPset == null) 
                        casPset = new PermissionSet(false); 
                    if (pset.IsUnrestricted())
                    IPermission perm = ((SecurityAttribute)attrs[i]).CreatePermission(); 
                    MergePermission(perm, serialize, ref casPset, ref nonCasPset);
            BCLDebug.Assert(serialize || nonCasPset == null, "We shouldn't separate nonCAS permissions unless fSerialize is true");
            // Filter HostProtection permission
            if(casPset != null)
                casPset.FilterHostProtectionPermissions(fullTrustOnlyResources, HostProtectionResource.None); 
                casPset.ContainsNonCodeAccessPermissions(); // make sure all declarative PermissionSets are checked for non-CAS so we can just check the flag from native code
            if(nonCasPset != null) 
                nonCasPset.FilterHostProtectionPermissions(fullTrustOnlyResources, HostProtectionResource.None); 
                nonCasPset.ContainsNonCodeAccessPermissions(); // make sure all declarative PermissionSets are checked for non-CAS so we can just check the flag from native code

            // Serialize the set(s). 
            byte[] casBlob = null;
            nonCasBlob = null; 
                if(casPset != null) 
                    casBlob = casPset.EncodeXml();
                if(nonCasPset != null)
                    nonCasBlob = nonCasPset.EncodeXml();
            return casBlob;
        void IDeserializationCallback.OnDeserialization(Object sender) 
            m_CheckedForNonCas = false;

        public static void RevertAssert() 
            StackCrawlMark stackMark = StackCrawlMark.LookForMyCaller;
            SecurityRuntime.RevertAssert(ref stackMark); 

        internal static PermissionSet RemoveRefusedPermissionSet(PermissionSet assertSet, PermissionSet refusedSet, out bool bFailedToCompress) 
            BCLDebug.Assert((assertSet == null || !assertSet.IsUnrestricted()), "Cannot be unrestricted here"); 
            PermissionSet retPs = null; 
            bFailedToCompress = false;
            if (assertSet == null) 
                return null;
            if (refusedSet != null)
                if (refusedSet.IsUnrestricted()) 
                    return null; // we're refusing everything...cannot assert anything now.
                PermissionSetEnumeratorInternal enumerator = new PermissionSetEnumeratorInternal(refusedSet); 
                while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                    CodeAccessPermission refusedPerm = (CodeAccessPermission)enumerator.Current;
                    int i = enumerator.GetCurrentIndex();
                    if (refusedPerm != null)
                        CodeAccessPermission perm
                            = (CodeAccessPermission)assertSet.GetPermission(i); 
                            if (refusedPerm.Intersect(perm) != null) 
                                if (refusedPerm.Equals(perm))
                                    if (retPs == null) 
                                        retPs = assertSet.Copy();
                                    // Asserting a permission, part of which is already denied/refused
                                    // cannot compress this assert
                                    bFailedToCompress = true; 
                                    return assertSet;
                        catch (ArgumentException) 
                            // Any exception during removing a refused set from assert set => we play it safe and not assert that perm
                            if (retPs == null)
                                retPs = assertSet.Copy(); 
            if (retPs != null)
                return retPs;
            return assertSet;

        internal static void RemoveAssertedPermissionSet(PermissionSet demandSet, PermissionSet assertSet, out PermissionSet alteredDemandSet) 
            BCLDebug.Assert(!assertSet.IsUnrestricted(), "Cannot call this function if assertSet is unrestricted");
            alteredDemandSet = null; 

            PermissionSetEnumeratorInternal enumerator = new PermissionSetEnumeratorInternal(demandSet);
            while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                CodeAccessPermission demandDerm = (CodeAccessPermission)enumerator.Current;
                int i = enumerator.GetCurrentIndex(); 
                if (demandDerm != null) 
                    CodeAccessPermission assertPerm 
                        = (CodeAccessPermission)assertSet.GetPermission(i);
                        if (demandDerm.CheckAssert(assertPerm)) 
                            if (alteredDemandSet == null) 
                                alteredDemandSet = demandSet.Copy(); 

                    catch (ArgumentException)
        internal static bool IsIntersectingAssertedPermissions(PermissionSet assertSet1, PermissionSet assertSet2)
            bool isIntersecting = false;
            if (assertSet1 != null && assertSet2 != null) 
                PermissionSetEnumeratorInternal enumerator = new PermissionSetEnumeratorInternal(assertSet2); 
                while (enumerator.MoveNext()) 
                    CodeAccessPermission perm2 = (CodeAccessPermission)enumerator.Current; 
                    int i = enumerator.GetCurrentIndex();
                    if (perm2 != null)
                        CodeAccessPermission perm1 
                            = (CodeAccessPermission)assertSet1.GetPermission(i);
                            if (perm1 != null && !perm1.Equals(perm2))
                                isIntersecting = true; // Same type of permission, but with different flags or something - cannot union them
                        catch (ArgumentException) 
                            isIntersecting = true; //assume worst case 
            return isIntersecting;


        // This is a hack so that SQL can operate under default policy without actually 
        // granting permissions in assemblies that they disallow.  @ 

        internal bool IgnoreTypeLoadFailures
            set { m_ignoreTypeLoadFailures = value; }


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