TextStore.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ DotNET / DotNET / 8.0 / untmp / WIN_WINDOWS / lh_tools_devdiv_wpf / Windows / wcp / Framework / System / Windows / Documents / TextStore.cs / 7 / TextStore.cs

//    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// Description: ITextStoreACP implementation. 
// History: 
//  07/17/2003 : [....] - Ported from dotnet tree.

using System; 
using System.Runtime.InteropServices; 
using System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes;
using System.Windows.Threading; 
using System.Threading;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.ComponentModel;
using MS.Internal; 
using MS.Internal.PresentationFramework;                   // SecurityHelper 
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Markup;        // for XmlLanguage 
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Windows.Interop; 
using System.Windows.Documents;
using MS.Internal.Documents; 
using System.Security; 
using System.Security.Permissions;
using MS.Win32; 

using IComDataObject = System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IDataObject;

namespace System.Windows.Documents 
    // The TextStore class is a managed implementation of a Text Services 
    // Framework ITextStoreACP.  TextStores represent documents for TSF,
    // which enables things like IME input, speech dictation, or ink-to-text 
    // handwriting.
    // The TextEditor class instantiates TextStore's when it detects available
    // Text Services on the desktop. 
    internal class TextStore : UnsafeNativeMethods.ITextStoreACP,

        //  Constructors 
        #region Constructors

        // Creates a new TextStore instance.
        // The interesting initialization is in Attach/Detach. 
        internal TextStore(TextEditor textEditor)
            // We have only weak reference to TextEditor so it is free to be GCed. 
            _weakTextEditor = new ScopeWeakReference(textEditor);
            // initialize Cookies.
            _threadFocusCookie = UnsafeNativeMethods.TF_INVALID_COOKIE;
            _editSinkCookie = UnsafeNativeMethods.TF_INVALID_COOKIE;
            _editCookie = UnsafeNativeMethods.TF_INVALID_COOKIE; 
            _transitoryExtensionSinkCookie = UnsafeNativeMethods.TF_INVALID_COOKIE;
        #endregion Constructors
        //  Methods - ITextStoreACP
        #region ITextStoreACP 

        // See msdn's ITextStoreACP documentation for a full description. 
        ///     Critical: calls Marshal.ReleaseComObject which LinkDemands
        ///     TreatAsSafe: Can only release an existing sink, and only if a vaild new one is passed in
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
        public void AdviseSink(ref Guid riid, object obj, UnsafeNativeMethods.AdviseFlags flags) 
            UnsafeNativeMethods.ITextStoreACPSink sink;
            if (riid != UnsafeNativeMethods.IID_ITextStoreACPSink)
                throw new COMException(SR.Get(SRID.TextStore_CONNECT_E_CANNOTCONNECT), unchecked((int)0x80040202));

            sink = obj as UnsafeNativeMethods.ITextStoreACPSink; 
            if (sink == null) 
                throw new COMException(SR.Get(SRID.TextStore_E_NOINTERFACE), unchecked((int)0x80004002)); 

            // It's legal to replace existing sink.
            if (_sink != null) 
                // Start tracking window movement for _sink.
            _sink = sink;

        // See msdn's ITextStoreACP documentation for a full description. 
        /// Critical - as this satisfies the LinkDemand from Marshal.ReleaseComObject().
        /// TreatAsSafe - as the worst that would happen is NullReference exception when _sink is accessed.
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
        public void UnadviseSink(object obj) 
            if (obj != _sink)
                throw new COMException(SR.Get(SRID.TextStore_CONNECT_E_NOCONNECTION), unchecked((int)0x80040200));

            _sink = null;
            // We don't need to track window movement for this textstore any more. 
            // _sink was the only consumer.

        // See msdn's ITextStoreACP documentation for a full description.
        public void RequestLock(UnsafeNativeMethods.LockFlags flags, out int hrSession) 
            if (_sink == null) 
                throw new COMException(SR.Get(SRID.TextStore_NoSink)); 

            if (flags == 0) 
                throw new COMException(SR.Get(SRID.TextStore_BadLockFlags));

            if (_lockFlags != 0)
                // Normally, we disallow reentrant lock requests.
                // However, there is one legal case.  If the caller already 
                // holds a read lock, and is asking for a write lock, then 
                // we will grant that asynchronously as soon as they walk
                // back up the stack to the original RequestLock call. 
                if (((_lockFlags & UnsafeNativeMethods.LockFlags.TS_LF_WRITE) == UnsafeNativeMethods.LockFlags.TS_LF_WRITE) ||
                    ((flags & UnsafeNativeMethods.LockFlags.TS_LF_WRITE) == 0) ||
                    ((flags & UnsafeNativeMethods.LockFlags.TS_LF_SYNC) == UnsafeNativeMethods.LockFlags.TS_LF_SYNC))
                    throw new COMException(SR.Get(SRID.TextStore_ReentrantRequestLock));
                _pendingWriteReq = true;
                hrSession = UnsafeNativeMethods.TS_S_ASYNC; 
                if (_textChangeReentrencyCount == 0) 
                    // We can grant a synchronous lock. 
                    hrSession = GrantLockWorker(flags); 
                    // We can't grant a synchornous lock -- we're inside a OnTextChanged notification.
                    // We don't want to allow even read-only locks, because that might
                    // trigger a layout update. 
                    if ((flags & UnsafeNativeMethods.LockFlags.TS_LF_SYNC) == 0)
                        if (_pendingAsyncLockFlags == 0) 
                            // No pending lock item in the queue, post one. 
                            _pendingAsyncLockFlags = flags;
                            Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Normal, new DispatcherOperationCallback(GrantLockHandler), null);
                        else if (((flags & UnsafeNativeMethods.LockFlags.TS_LF_READWRITE) & _pendingAsyncLockFlags) != 
                                 (flags & UnsafeNativeMethods.LockFlags.TS_LF_READWRITE))
                            // There's a pending item in the queue, but we need to bump up 
                            // the privilege from read-only to write.
                            _pendingAsyncLockFlags = flags; 
                            // There's already a pending queue item of sufficient privilege -- 
                            // nothing to do.
                        hrSession = UnsafeNativeMethods.TS_S_ASYNC; 
                        // Caller insists on a sync lock -- give up.
                        hrSession = UnsafeNativeMethods.TS_E_SYNCHRONOUS;

        // See msdn's ITextStoreACP documentation for a full description. 
        public void GetStatus(out UnsafeNativeMethods.TS_STATUS status)
            if (IsTextEditorValid && IsReadOnly)
                // ITfContext::GetStatus() does not take edit cookie. So this could be called
                // out of EditSession. We need to get an access to Dispatcher to check ReadOnly. 
                status.dynamicFlags = UnsafeNativeMethods.DynamicStatusFlags.TS_SD_READONLY; 
                status.dynamicFlags = 0;
            // This textstore supports Regions.
            status.staticFlags = UnsafeNativeMethods.StaticStatusFlags.TS_SS_REGIONS; 

        // See msdn's ITextStoreACP documentation for a full description. 
        public void QueryInsert(int startIndex, int endIndex, int cch, out int startResultIndex, out int endResultIndex)
            // For now, always ok to insert.
            startResultIndex = startIndex; 
            endResultIndex = endIndex;
        // See msdn's ITextStoreACP documentation for a full description.
        public void GetSelection(int index, int count, UnsafeNativeMethods.TS_SELECTION_ACP[] selection, out int fetched) 
            fetched = 0;

            if (count > 0 && (index == 0 || index == UnsafeNativeMethods.TS_DEFAULT_SELECTION)) 
                selection[0].start = this.TextSelection.Start.CharOffset; 
                selection[0].end = this.TextSelection.End.CharOffset; 
                selection[0].style.ase = (this.TextSelection.MovingPosition.CompareTo(this.TextSelection.Start) == 0) ? UnsafeNativeMethods.TsActiveSelEnd.TS_AE_START : UnsafeNativeMethods.TsActiveSelEnd.TS_AE_END;
                selection[0].style.interimChar = _interimSelection; 
                fetched = 1;
        // See msdn's ITextStoreACP documentation for a full description.
        public void SetSelection(int count, UnsafeNativeMethods.TS_SELECTION_ACP[] selection) 
            ITextPointer start;
            ITextPointer end; 

            if (count == 1)
                GetNormalizedRange(selection[0].start, selection[0].end, out start, out end); 

                if (selection[0].start == selection[0].end) 
                    // Setting a caret.  Make sure we set Backward direction to
                    // keep the caret tight with the composition text. 
                    this.TextSelection.SetCaretToPosition(start, LogicalDirection.Backward, /*allowStopAtLineEnd:*/true, /*allowStopNearSpace:*/true);
                else if (selection[0].style.ase == UnsafeNativeMethods.TsActiveSelEnd.TS_AE_START)
                    this.TextSelection.Select(end, start);
                    this.TextSelection.Select(start, end); 

                // Update the selection style of InterimSelection.
                bool previousInterimSelection = _interimSelection; 
                _interimSelection = selection[0].style.interimChar;
                if (previousInterimSelection != _interimSelection) 
                    // Call TextSelection to start/stop the block caret. 

        // See msdn's ITextStoreACP documentation for a full description. 
        public void GetText(int startIndex, int endIndex, char[] text, int cchReq, out int charsCopied, 
            UnsafeNativeMethods.TS_RUNINFO[] runInfo, int cRunInfoReq, out int cRunInfoRcv, out int nextIndex)
            ITextPointer navigator;
            ITextPointer limit;
            bool hitLimit;
            charsCopied = 0;
            cRunInfoRcv = 0; 
            nextIndex = startIndex; 
            if (cchReq == 0 && cRunInfoReq == 0)

            if (startIndex == endIndex)
            navigator = CreatePointerAtCharOffset(startIndex, LogicalDirection.Forward);
            limit = (endIndex >= 0) ? CreatePointerAtCharOffset(endIndex, LogicalDirection.Forward) : null; 
            hitLimit = false; 

            // Loop until we hit something that blocks the get, or until we run 
            // out of buffer space.
            while (!hitLimit && (cchReq == 0 || cchReq > charsCopied) && (cRunInfoReq == 0 || cRunInfoReq > cRunInfoRcv))
                TextPointerContext context = navigator.GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection.Forward); 

                switch (context) 
                    case TextPointerContext.Text:
                        hitLimit = WalkTextRun(navigator, limit, text, cchReq, ref charsCopied, runInfo, cRunInfoReq, ref cRunInfoRcv); 

                    case TextPointerContext.EmbeddedElement:
                        hitLimit = WalkObjectRun(navigator, limit, text, cchReq, ref charsCopied, runInfo, cRunInfoReq, ref cRunInfoRcv); 
                    case TextPointerContext.ElementStart: 
                        Invariant.Assert(navigator is TextPointer);
                        TextElement element = (TextElement)((TextPointer)navigator).GetAdjacentElement(LogicalDirection.Forward); 

                        if (element.IMELeftEdgeCharCount > 0)
                            Invariant.Assert(element.IMELeftEdgeCharCount == 1); 
                            hitLimit = WalkRegionBoundary(navigator, limit, text, cchReq, ref charsCopied, runInfo, cRunInfoReq, ref cRunInfoRcv);
                            hitLimit = (limit != null && navigator.CompareTo(limit) >= 0);
                    case TextPointerContext.ElementEnd:
                        hitLimit = (limit != null && navigator.CompareTo(limit) >= 0); 
                    case TextPointerContext.None:
                        // Hit the begin/end-of-doc.
                        hitLimit = true;

                        Invariant.Assert(false, "Bogus TextPointerContext!"); 

            nextIndex = navigator.CharOffset;

        // See msdn's ITextStoreACP documentation for a full description. 
        public void SetText(UnsafeNativeMethods.SetTextFlags flags, int startIndex, int endIndex, char[] text, int cch, out UnsafeNativeMethods.TS_TEXTCHANGE change) 
            if (this.IsReadOnly) 
                throw new COMException(SR.Get(SRID.TextStore_TS_E_READONLY), UnsafeNativeMethods.TS_E_READONLY);
            ITextPointer start;
            ITextPointer end; 
            GetNormalizedRange(startIndex, endIndex, out start, out end);
            while (start != null && TextPointerBase.IsBeforeFirstTable(start))
                start = start.GetNextInsertionPosition(LogicalDirection.Forward);

            if (start == null) 
                throw new COMException(SR.Get(SRID.TextStore_CompositionRejected), NativeMethods.E_FAIL);

            if (start.CompareTo(end) > 0)
                end = start; 
            string filteredText = new string(text); 
            if (!this.TextEditor.AcceptsRichContent)
                filteredText = FilterCompositionString(filteredText, start.GetOffsetToPosition(end));
                if (filteredText == null)
                    throw new COMException(SR.Get(SRID.TextStore_CompositionRejected), NativeMethods.E_FAIL); 
            // Openes a composition undo unit for the composition undo.
            CompositionParentUndoUnit unit = OpenCompositionUndoUnit(); 
            UndoCloseAction undoCloseAction = UndoCloseAction.Rollback;

                ITextRange range = new TextRange(start, end, true /* ignoreTextUnitBoundaries */);
                this.TextEditor.SetText(range, filteredText, InputLanguageManager.Current.CurrentInputLanguage); 

                change.start = startIndex; 
                change.oldEnd = endIndex;
                change.newEnd = endIndex + text.Length - (endIndex - startIndex);

                undoCloseAction = UndoCloseAction.Commit; 
                // Closes compsotion undo unit with commit to add the composition undo unit into the undo stack.
                CloseTextParentUndoUnit(unit, undoCloseAction);
        // See msdn's ITextStoreACP documentation for a full description. 
        public void GetFormattedText(int startIndex, int endIndex, out object obj)
            obj = null;
            throw new COMException(SR.Get(SRID.TextStore_E_NOTIMPL), unchecked((int)0x80004001));
        // See msdn's ITextStoreACP documentation for a full description.
        public void GetEmbedded(int index, ref Guid guidService, ref Guid riid, out object obj) 
            obj = null;
            ITextPointer textPosition;

            if (index < this.TextContainer.IMECharCount) 
                // Create a position just following the index and look backward. 
                // CreatePointerAtCharOffset always returns a pointer adjacent 
                // to the lowest symbol offset matching a given char offset.
                textPosition = CreatePointerAtCharOffset(index + 1, LogicalDirection.Forward); 

                if (textPosition.GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection.Backward) == TextPointerContext.EmbeddedElement)
                    object rawobj = textPosition.GetAdjacentElement(LogicalDirection.Forward); 
                    InkInteropObject inkobject = rawobj as InkInteropObject;
                    if (inkobject != null) 
                        obj = inkobject.OleDataObject;

        // See msdn's ITextStoreACP documentation for a full description. 
        public void QueryInsertEmbedded(ref Guid guidService, int formatEtc, out bool insertable) 
#if true 
            // Disable embedded object temporarily because...
            // -  There is no persistency supported including cut and past (Bug 985589).
            // -  It is GDI metadata that is rendered so there is no relation with Avalon ink editing at all. 
            // -  This was one of major feature in Cicero on Office XP timeframe however the latest Tablet
            //    Input Panel does not have this feature anymore. (Does it?) 
            insertable = false;
            if (TextEditor.AcceptsRichContent)
                insertable = this.TextSelection.HasConcreteTextContainer; 
                insertable = false;

        // See msdn's ITextStoreACP documentation for a full description. 
        public void InsertEmbedded(UnsafeNativeMethods.InsertEmbeddedFlags flags, int startIndex, int endIndex, object obj, out UnsafeNativeMethods.TS_TEXTCHANGE change)
            if (IsReadOnly) 
                throw new COMException(SR.Get(SRID.TextStore_TS_E_READONLY), UnsafeNativeMethods.TS_E_READONLY); 

            // Disable embedded object temporarily.
            if (!TextSelection.HasConcreteTextContainer)
                throw new COMException(SR.Get(SRID.TextStore_TS_E_FORMAT), UnsafeNativeMethods.TS_E_FORMAT); 
            TextContainer container;
            TextPointer startPosition;
            TextPointer endPosition;
            IComDataObject data; 

            // The object must have IOldDataObject internface. 
            // The obj param of InsertEmbedded is IDataObject in Win32 definition. 
            data = obj as IComDataObject;
            if (data == null) 
                throw new COMException(SR.Get(SRID.TextStore_BadObject), NativeMethods.E_INVALIDARG);
            container = (TextContainer)this.TextContainer;
            startPosition = container.CreatePointerAtOffset(startIndex, LogicalDirection.Backward); 
            endPosition = container.CreatePointerAtOffset(endIndex, LogicalDirection.Forward);
            InsertEmbeddedAtRange(startPosition, endPosition, data, out change);
            throw new COMException(SR.Get(SRID.TextStore_TS_E_FORMAT), UnsafeNativeMethods.TS_E_FORMAT);
        // See msdn's ITextStoreACP documentation for a full description. 
        public void InsertTextAtSelection(UnsafeNativeMethods.InsertAtSelectionFlags flags, char[] text, int cch, out int startIndex, out int endIndex, out UnsafeNativeMethods.TS_TEXTCHANGE change)
            ITextPointer startNavigator;
            ITextPointer endNavigator;
            int selectionStartIndex;
            int selectionEndIndex; 

            startIndex = -1; 
            endIndex = -1; 

            change.start = 0; 
            change.oldEnd = 0;
            change.newEnd = 0;

            if (IsReadOnly) 
                throw new COMException(SR.Get(SRID.TextStore_TS_E_READONLY), UnsafeNativeMethods.TS_E_READONLY); 



            ITextRange range = new TextRange(this.TextSelection.AnchorPosition, this.TextSelection.MovingPosition);
            range.ApplyTypingHeuristics(false /* overType */); 

            ITextPointer start;
            ITextPointer end;
            GetAdjustedSelection(range.Start, range.End, out start, out end);
            // Someone might change the default selection gravity, so use our 
            // own TextPositions to track the insert.
            startNavigator = start.CreatePointer(); 
            endNavigator = end.CreatePointer();
            selectionStartIndex = startNavigator.CharOffset;
            selectionEndIndex = endNavigator.CharOffset; 
            // Do the insert.
            if ((flags & UnsafeNativeMethods.InsertAtSelectionFlags.TS_IAS_QUERYONLY) == 0) 
                // Opene a composition undo unit for the composition undo.
                CompositionParentUndoUnit unit = OpenCompositionUndoUnit();
                UndoCloseAction undoCloseAction = UndoCloseAction.Rollback; 

                    change.oldEnd = selectionEndIndex;

                    string filteredText = FilterCompositionString(new string(text), range.Start.GetOffsetToPosition(range.End));
                    if (filteredText == null) 
                        throw new COMException(SR.Get(SRID.TextStore_CompositionRejected), NativeMethods.E_FAIL); 

                    // We still need to call ApplyTypingHeuristics, even though 
                    // we already did the work above, because it might need
                    // to spring load formatting.
                    this.TextSelection.ApplyTypingHeuristics(false /* overType */);
                    //Invariant.Assert(this.TextSelection.Start.CompareTo(range.Start) == 0 && this.TextSelection.End.CompareTo(range.End) == 0);
                    // We cannot make this Assertion because TextRange will normalize 
                    // differently around Floater/Inline edges.  This is probably 
                    // not desired behavior.  To repro,
                    //              para
                    //                  Floater 
                    // 1. Put the caret before the Floater. 
                    // 2. Shift-right to select the entire Floater. 
                    // 3. Activate the chinese pinyin IME, and press 'a'.
                    // Avoid calling Select when the selection doesn't need a
                    // final reposition to preserve any spring loaded formatting
                    // from ApplyTypingHeuristics.
                    if (start.CompareTo(this.TextSelection.Start) != 0 || 
                        end.CompareTo(this.TextSelection.End) != 0)
                        this.TextSelection.Select(start, end); 
                    if (!_isComposing && _previousCompositionStartOffset == -1)
                        // IMEs have the option (TF_IAS_NO_DEFAULT_COMPOSITION)
                        // of inserting text (via this method only) without first 
                        // starting a composition.  If that happens, we need
                        // to remember where the composition started, from the 
                        // point of view of the application listening to events 
                        // we will raise in the future.
                        _previousCompositionStartOffset = this.TextSelection.Start.Offset; 
                        _previousCompositionEndOffset = this.TextSelection.End.Offset;

                    this.TextEditor.SetSelectedText(filteredText, InputLanguageManager.Current.CurrentInputLanguage); 

                    change.start = startNavigator.CharOffset; 
                    change.newEnd = endNavigator.CharOffset; 


                    undoCloseAction = UndoCloseAction.Commit;
                    // Close a composition undo unit with commit to add the composition undo unit into the undo stack. 
                    CloseTextParentUndoUnit(unit, undoCloseAction);

            // Report the location of the new text.
            if ((flags & UnsafeNativeMethods.InsertAtSelectionFlags.TS_IAS_NOQUERY) == 0) 
                startIndex = selectionStartIndex; 
                endIndex = endNavigator.CharOffset; 

        // See msdn's ITextStoreACP documentation for a full description.
        public void InsertEmbeddedAtSelection(UnsafeNativeMethods.InsertAtSelectionFlags flags, object obj, out int startIndex, out int endIndex, out UnsafeNativeMethods.TS_TEXTCHANGE change)
            startIndex = -1;
            endIndex = -1; 
            change.start = 0;
            change.oldEnd = 0; 
            change.newEnd = 0;

            if (IsReadOnly)
                throw new COMException(SR.Get(SRID.TextStore_TS_E_READONLY), UnsafeNativeMethods.TS_E_READONLY);
            IComDataObject data; 

            if (IsReadOnly)
                throw new COMException(SR.Get(SRID.TextStore_TS_E_READONLY), UnsafeNativeMethods.TS_E_READONLY); 
            if (!TextSelection.HasConcreteTextContainer) 
                throw new COMException(SR.Get(SRID.TextStore_TS_E_FORMAT), UnsafeNativeMethods.TS_E_FORMAT); 

            // The object must have IOldDataObject internface.
            // The obj param of InsertEmbedded is IDataObject in Win32 definition. 
            data = obj as IComDataObject;
            if (data == null) 
                throw new COMException(SR.Get(SRID.TextStore_BadObject), NativeMethods.E_INVALIDARG);

            // Do the insert.
            if ((flags & UnsafeNativeMethods.InsertAtSelectionFlags.TS_IAS_QUERYONLY) == 0)
                InsertEmbeddedAtRange((TextPointer)this.TextSelection.Start, (TextPointer)this.TextSelection.End, data, out change);
            if ((flags & UnsafeNativeMethods.InsertAtSelectionFlags.TS_IAS_NOQUERY) == 0)
                startIndex = this.TextSelection.Start.Offset;
                endIndex = this.TextSelection.End.Offset;
            throw new COMException(SR.Get(SRID.TextStore_TS_E_FORMAT), UnsafeNativeMethods.TS_E_FORMAT);

        // See msdn's ITextStoreACP documentation for a full description. 
        public int RequestSupportedAttrs(UnsafeNativeMethods.AttributeFlags flags, int count, Guid[] filterAttributes)

            // return the default app property value, which target is Scope. 
                              UiScope as Visual, 
                              count, filterAttributes);

            if (_preparedattributes.Count == 0)
                return NativeMethods.S_FALSE; 

            return NativeMethods.S_OK; 

        // See msdn's ITextStoreACP documentation for a full description. 
        public int RequestAttrsAtPosition(int index, int count, Guid[] filterAttributes, UnsafeNativeMethods.AttributeFlags flags)
            ITextPointer position;
            position = CreatePointerAtCharOffset(index, LogicalDirection.Forward);
                              count, filterAttributes);
            if (_preparedattributes.Count == 0)
                return NativeMethods.S_FALSE; 
            return NativeMethods.S_OK;

        // See msdn's ITextStoreACP documentation for a full description.
        public void RequestAttrsTransitioningAtPosition(int position, int count, Guid[] filterAttributes, UnsafeNativeMethods.AttributeFlags flags) 
            throw new COMException(SR.Get(SRID.TextStore_E_NOTIMPL), unchecked((int)0x80004001)); 

        // See msdn's ITextStoreACP documentation for a full description. 
        public void FindNextAttrTransition(int startIndex, int haltIndex, int count, Guid[] filterAttributes, UnsafeNativeMethods.AttributeFlags flags, out int acpNext, out bool found, out int foundOffset)
            acpNext = 0;
            found = false; 
            foundOffset = 0;
        // See msdn's ITextStoreACP documentation for a full description.
        public void RetrieveRequestedAttrs(int count, UnsafeNativeMethods.TS_ATTRVAL[] attributeVals, out int fetched) 
            fetched = 0;
            int i;
            for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
                if (i >= _preparedattributes.Count) 
                attributeVals[i] = ((UnsafeNativeMethods.TS_ATTRVAL)_preparedattributes[i]);
            // clear _preparedattributes now so we can keep the ref count of val if it is VT_UNKNOWN.
            _preparedattributes = null; 
        // See msdn's ITextStoreACP documentation for a full description.
        public void GetEnd(out int end)
            end = this.TextContainer.IMECharCount; 
        // See msdn's ITextStoreACP documentation for a full description. 
        public void GetActiveView(out int viewCookie)
            viewCookie = _viewCookie;

        // See msdn's ITextStoreACP documentation for a full description. 
        ///     SecurityCritical: This code causes an elevation by calling into ScreentoClient 
        ///     TreatAsSafe: Demand for unmanaged code permission 
        public void GetACPFromPoint(int viewCookie, ref UnsafeNativeMethods.POINT tsfPoint, UnsafeNativeMethods.GetPositionFromPointFlags flags, out int positionCP)
            PresentationSource source;
            IWin32Window win32Window; 
            CompositionTarget compositionTarget; 
            ITextView view;
            Point milPoint; 
            ITextPointer position;
            NativeMethods.POINT point;

            point = new NativeMethods.POINT(tsfPoint.x, tsfPoint.y); 
            GetVisualInfo(out source, out win32Window, out view);
            compositionTarget = source.CompositionTarget; 
            // Convert to client coordinates.
            SafeNativeMethods.ScreenToClient(new HandleRef(null,win32Window.Handle), point); 

            // Convert to mil measure units.
            milPoint = new Point(point.x, point.y);
            milPoint = compositionTarget.TransformFromDevice.Transform(milPoint); 

            // Convert to local coordinates. 
            GeneralTransform transform = compositionTarget.RootVisual.TransformToDescendant(RenderScope); 
            if (transform != null)
                transform.TryTransform(milPoint, out milPoint);
            // Validate layout information on TextView
            if (!view.Validate(milPoint)) 
                throw new COMException(SR.Get(SRID.TextStore_TS_E_NOLAYOUT), UnsafeNativeMethods.TS_E_NOLAYOUT);

            // Do the hittest.
            position = view.GetTextPositionFromPoint(milPoint, (flags & UnsafeNativeMethods.GetPositionFromPointFlags.GXFPF_NEAREST) != 0 /* snapToText */);
            if (position == null) 
                // GXFPF_ROUND_NEAREST was clear and we didn't hit a char. 
                throw new COMException(SR.Get(SRID.TextStore_TS_E_INVALIDPOINT), UnsafeNativeMethods.TS_E_INVALIDPOINT); 
            positionCP = position.CharOffset;
            if ((flags & UnsafeNativeMethods.GetPositionFromPointFlags.GXFPF_ROUND_NEAREST) == 0)
                // Check if the point is on the backward position of the TextPosition. 
                Rect rectCur;
                Rect rectPrev; 
                Point milPointTopLeft; 
                Point milPointBottomRight;
                ITextPointer positionCur = position.CreatePointer(LogicalDirection.Backward);
                ITextPointer positionPrev = position.CreatePointer(LogicalDirection.Forward);
                rectCur = view.GetRectangleFromTextPosition(positionCur);
                rectPrev = view.GetRectangleFromTextPosition(positionPrev); 
                // Take the "extended" union of the previous char's bounding box.
                milPointTopLeft = new Point(Math.Min(rectPrev.Left, rectCur.Left), Math.Min(rectPrev.Top, rectCur.Top)); 
                milPointBottomRight = new Point(Math.Max(rectPrev.Left, rectCur.Left), Math.Max(rectPrev.Bottom, rectCur.Bottom));

                // The rect of the previous char.
                Rect rectTest = new Rect(milPointTopLeft, milPointBottomRight); 
                if (rectTest.Contains(milPoint))
        // See msdn's ITextStoreACP documentation for a full description.
        /// Critical - elevates to query visual information
        /// TreatAsSafe - only exposes coordinates, which are safe 
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
        void UnsafeNativeMethods.ITextStoreACP.GetTextExt(int viewCookie, int startIndex, int endIndex, out UnsafeNativeMethods.RECT rect, out bool clipped) 
            PresentationSource source; 
            IWin32Window win32Window;
            CompositionTarget compositionTarget;
            ITextView view;
            ITextPointer startPointer; 
            ITextPointer endPointer;
            GeneralTransform transform; 
            Point milPointTopLeft; 
            Point milPointBottomRight;
            // We need to update the layout before getting rect. It could be dirty by SetText call of TIP.

            rect = new UnsafeNativeMethods.RECT(); 
            clipped = false;
            GetVisualInfo(out source, out win32Window, out view); 
            compositionTarget = source.CompositionTarget; 

            // We use local coordinates. 
            startPointer = CreatePointerAtCharOffset(startIndex, LogicalDirection.Forward);

            if (!this.TextView.IsValid) 
                // We can not get the visual. Return TS_R_NOLAYOUT to the caller. 
                throw new COMException(SR.Get(SRID.TextStore_TS_E_NOLAYOUT), UnsafeNativeMethods.TS_E_NOLAYOUT); 
            if (startIndex == endIndex)
                Rect rectStart = startPointer.GetCharacterRect(LogicalDirection.Forward);
                milPointTopLeft = rectStart.TopLeft; 
                milPointBottomRight = rectStart.BottomRight;
                Rect rectBound = new Rect(Size.Empty); 
                ITextPointer navigator = startPointer.CreatePointer();
                endPointer = CreatePointerAtCharOffset(endIndex, LogicalDirection.Backward);
                bool moved; 

                    // Compute the textSegment bounds line by line.
                    TextSegment lineRange = this.TextView.GetLineRange(navigator); 
                    ITextPointer end;
                    Rect lineRect;

                    // Skip any BlockUIContainer or any other content that is not treated as a line by TextView. 
                    if (!lineRange.IsNull)
                        ITextPointer start = (lineRange.Start.CompareTo(startPointer) <= 0) ? startPointer : lineRange.Start; 
                        end = (lineRange.End.CompareTo(endPointer) >= 0) ? endPointer : lineRange.End;
                        lineRect = GetLineBounds(start, end);
                        moved = (navigator.MoveToLineBoundary(1) != 0) ? true : false;

                        lineRect = navigator.GetCharacterRect(LogicalDirection.Forward); 
                        moved = navigator.MoveToNextInsertionPosition(LogicalDirection.Forward);
                        end = navigator; 

                    if (lineRect.IsEmpty == false)
                    if (end.CompareTo(endPointer) == 0)
                while (moved); 

                // Invariant.Assert(rectBound.IsEmpty == false); 
                milPointTopLeft = rectBound.TopLeft;
                milPointBottomRight = rectBound.BottomRight; 

            // Transform to root visual coordinates.
            transform = UiScope.TransformToAncestor(compositionTarget.RootVisual); 

            transform.TryTransform(milPointTopLeft, out milPointTopLeft); 
            transform.TryTransform(milPointBottomRight, out milPointBottomRight);
            rect = TransformRootRectToScreenCoordinates(milPointTopLeft, milPointBottomRight, win32Window, source);

        // See msdn's ITextStoreACP documentation for a full description. 
        ///     Critical: This code accceses PresentationSource to retrieve CompositionTarget 
        ///     TreatAsSafe: Both of the types are not exposed and the rect is ok to give out 
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
        public void GetScreenExt(int viewCookie, out UnsafeNativeMethods.RECT rect)
            PresentationSource source;
            IWin32Window win32Window; 
            ITextView view;
            CompositionTarget compositionTarget; 
            Rect rectUi; 
            Rect rectDescendant;
            Point milPointTopLeft; 
            Point milPointBottomRight;
            GeneralTransform transform;

            rectUi = UiScope.VisualContentBounds; 
            rectDescendant = UiScope.VisualDescendantBounds;

            GetVisualInfo(out source, out win32Window, out view); 
            compositionTarget = source.CompositionTarget;
            // Take the points of the renderScope. 
            milPointTopLeft = new Point(rectUi.Left, rectUi.Top);
            milPointBottomRight = new Point(rectUi.Right, rectUi.Bottom); 

            // Transform to root visual coordinates.
            transform = UiScope.TransformToAncestor(compositionTarget.RootVisual);
            transform.TryTransform(milPointTopLeft, out milPointTopLeft); 
            transform.TryTransform(milPointBottomRight, out milPointBottomRight); 
            rect = TransformRootRectToScreenCoordinates(milPointTopLeft, milPointBottomRight, win32Window, source);

        // See msdn's ITextStoreACP documentation for a full description.
        /// Critical - elevates and access protected information (hwnd and 
        ///            source), then hands it out (hwnd)!
        void UnsafeNativeMethods.ITextStoreACP.GetWnd(int viewCookie, out IntPtr hwnd)
            hwnd = IntPtr.Zero;
            hwnd = CriticalSourceWnd;
        #endregion ITextStoreACP
        //  Methods - ITfThreadFocusSink 

        #region ITfThreadFocusSink 

        // See msdn's ITextStoreACP documentation for a full description. 
        /// Critical - manipulates focus
        void UnsafeNativeMethods.ITfThreadFocusSink.OnSetThreadFocus()
            if (!IsTextEditorValid) 

            // Reset the focus, cicero won't do it for us. 
            if (Keyboard.FocusedElement == UiScope)
        // See msdn's ITextStoreACP documentation for a full description. 
        public void OnKillThreadFocus()

        #endregion ITfThreadFocusSink
        //  Methods - ITfContextOwnerCompositionSink 

        #region ITfContextOwnerCompositionSink

        // See msdn's ITextStoreACP documentation for a full description. 
        /// Critical - calls unmanaged code. This starts a text composition 
        /// and in doing so extracts the inputmanager which is a critical resource. 
        /// It gets this from the Inputmanager.UnsecureCurrent call.
        /// TreatAsSafe - doesn't return critical information, all parameters are typesafe. 
        /// The location where the input manager is stored is critical and its
        /// usage is tracked
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
        public void OnStartComposition(UnsafeNativeMethods.ITfCompositionView view, out bool ok)
            // Disallow multiple compositions. 
            if (_isComposing)
                ok = false;
            ITextPointer start;
            ITextPointer end; 
            GetCompositionPositions(view, out start, out end);
            int startOffsetBefore;
            int endOffsetBefore;

            if (_previousCompositionStartOffset != -1) 
                startOffsetBefore = _previousCompositionStartOffset; 
                endOffsetBefore = _previousCompositionEndOffset; 
                startOffsetBefore = start.Offset;
                endOffsetBefore = end.Offset;

            // Add the composition message into the composition message list. 
            // This composition message list will be handled all together after release the lock. 
            _lastCompositionText = TextRangeBase.GetTextInternal(start, end);
            this.CompositionEventList.Add(new CompositionEventRecord(CompositionStage.StartComposition, startOffsetBefore, endOffsetBefore, _lastCompositionText)); 

            _previousCompositionStartOffset = start.Offset;
            _previousCompositionEndOffset = end.Offset;
            _isComposing = true;
            // Composition event is completed, so new composition undo unit will be opened. 
            ok = true;

        // See msdn's ITextStoreACP documentation for a full description. 
        /// Critical - calls unmanaged code (GetRange) 
        public void OnUpdateComposition(UnsafeNativeMethods.ITfCompositionView view, UnsafeNativeMethods.ITfRange rangeNew) 
            // If UiScope has a ToolTip and it is open, any keyboard/mouse activity should close the tooltip.
            Invariant.Assert(_previousCompositionStartOffset != -1); 
            ITextPointer oldStart;
            ITextPointer oldEnd; 

            GetCompositionPositions(view, out oldStart, out oldEnd);

            ITextPointer newStart = null; 
            ITextPointer newEnd = null;
            bool compositionRangeShifted = false; 

            if (rangeNew != null) 
                TextPositionsFromITfRange(rangeNew, out newStart, out newEnd);
                compositionRangeShifted = (newStart.Offset != oldStart.Offset || newEnd.Offset != oldEnd.Offset);

            if (compositionRangeShifted) 
                _previousCompositionStartOffset = newStart.Offset;
                _previousCompositionEndOffset = newEnd.Offset; 

                _lastCompositionText = null;
                // Add the composition message into the composition message list. 
                // This composition message list will be handled all together after release the lock. 

                string compositionText = TextRangeBase.GetTextInternal(oldStart, oldEnd); 

                CompositionEventRecord record = new CompositionEventRecord(CompositionStage.UpdateComposition, _previousCompositionStartOffset, _previousCompositionEndOffset, compositionText);
                CompositionEventRecord previousRecord = (this.CompositionEventList.Count == 0) ? null : this.CompositionEventList[this.CompositionEventList.Count - 1];
                if (_lastCompositionText == null ||
                    String.CompareOrdinal(compositionText, _lastCompositionText) != 0) 
                    // Add the new update event.

                _previousCompositionStartOffset = oldStart.Offset;
                _previousCompositionEndOffset = oldEnd.Offset; 
                _lastCompositionText = compositionText;
            // Composition event is completed, so new composition undo unit will be opened.

        // See msdn's ITextStoreACP documentation for a full description.
        /// Critical - calls unmanaged code (GetRange)
        public void OnEndComposition(UnsafeNativeMethods.ITfCompositionView view)
            Invariant.Assert(_previousCompositionStartOffset != -1);

            ITextPointer start; 
            ITextPointer end;
            GetCompositionPositions(view, out start, out end); 

            // If we're called from inside the scope of HandleCompositionEvents 
            // we won't be raising any events.
            if (_compositionEventState == CompositionEventState.NotRaisingEvents)
                // Add the composition message into the composition message list. 
                // This composition message list will be handled all together after release the lock.
                this.CompositionEventList.Add(new CompositionEventRecord(CompositionStage.EndComposition, start.Offset, end.Offset, TextRangeBase.GetTextInternal(start, end))); 
                // Composition event is completed, so new composition undo unit will be opened.
                CompositionParentUndoUnit unit = PeekCompositionParentUndoUnit(); 
                if (unit != null)
                    unit.IsLastCompositionUnit = true;
            _nextUndoUnitIsFirstCompositionUnit = true; 
            _isComposing = false;
            _previousCompositionStartOffset = -1; 
            _previousCompositionEndOffset = -1;

            // The composition no longer exist. We should stop the interim block caret.
            if (_interimSelection) 
                _interimSelection = false; 

        #endregion ITfContextOwnerCompositionSink 

        //  Methods - ITfTextEditSink

        #region ITfTextEditSink
        // See msdn's ITextStoreACP documentation for a full description.
        /// Critical - calls unmanaged code, exposes raw input 
        void UnsafeNativeMethods.ITfTextEditSink.OnEndEdit(UnsafeNativeMethods.ITfContext context, int ecReadOnly, UnsafeNativeMethods.ITfEditRecord editRecord)
            // Call text service's property OnEndEdit.
            _textservicesproperty.OnEndEdit(context, ecReadOnly, editRecord); 

            // Release editRecord so Finalizer won't do Release() to Cicero's object in GC thread. 
        #endregion ITfTextEditSink

        //  Public Methods - ITfTransitoryExtensionSink

        #region ITfTransitoryExtensionSink 

        // Transitory Document has been updated.
        // This is the notification of the changes of the result string and the composition string.
        /// Critical - Calls critical method (StringFromITfRange), commits that range to the document
        /// TreatAsSafe - all parameters are typesafe and are validated, elevated data (the string) 
        ///               is passed from one highly trusted entity to another. 
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
        public void OnTransitoryExtensionUpdated(UnsafeNativeMethods.ITfContext context, int ecReadOnly, UnsafeNativeMethods.ITfRange rangeResult, UnsafeNativeMethods.ITfRange rangeComposition, out bool fDeleteResultRange)
            fDeleteResultRange = true;
            if (rangeResult != null)
                string result = StringFromITfRange(rangeResult, ecReadOnly); 
                if (result.Length > 0)
                    if (TextEditor.AllowOvertype && TextEditor._OvertypeMode && TextSelection.IsEmpty)
                        // Extend selection forward to innclude next character within this paragraph
                        ITextPointer navigator; 

                        navigator = TextSelection.End.CreatePointer(); 


                        if (navigator.GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection.Forward) == TextPointerContext.Text)
                            Char[] nextChars;
                            nextChars = new Char[2]; 
                            // Check if the caret stands before newline - we should not eat it in overtype mode.
                            navigator.GetTextInRun(LogicalDirection.Forward, nextChars, 0, nextChars.Length); 
                            if (!(nextChars[0] == Environment.NewLine[0] && nextChars[1] == Environment.NewLine[1]))
                                int cnt = result.Length;
                                while (cnt-- > 0) 
                    this.TextEditor.SetText(TextSelection, this.TextEditor._FilterText(result, TextSelection), InputLanguageManager.Current.CurrentInputLanguage);
                    TextSelection.Select(TextSelection.End, TextSelection.End);
        #endregion ITfTransitoryExtensionSink
        //  Public Methods - ITfMouseTrackerACP
        #region ITfMouseTrackerACP 

        // new mouse sink is registered. 
        public int AdviceMouseSink(UnsafeNativeMethods.ITfRangeACP range, UnsafeNativeMethods.ITfMouseSink sink, out int dwCookie)
            if (_mouseSinks == null)
                _mouseSinks = new ArrayList(1);
            // Find sinks.
            for (dwCookie = 0; dwCookie < _mouseSinks.Count; dwCookie++)
                if (((MouseSink)_mouseSinks[dwCookie]).Cookie != dwCookie)

            // -1 is an invalid cookie value. This should not happen. 
            Invariant.Assert(dwCookie != UnsafeNativeMethods.TF_INVALID_COOKIE);

            _mouseSinks.Add(new MouseSink(range, sink, dwCookie));

            if (_mouseSinks.Count == 1) 
                // If this is the first sink, start listening mouse event for MSIME mouse operation.
                UiScope.PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown += new MouseButtonEventHandler(OnMouseButtonEvent); 
                UiScope.PreviewMouseLeftButtonUp += new MouseButtonEventHandler(OnMouseButtonEvent);
                UiScope.PreviewMouseRightButtonDown += new MouseButtonEventHandler(OnMouseButtonEvent);
                UiScope.PreviewMouseRightButtonUp += new MouseButtonEventHandler(OnMouseButtonEvent);
                UiScope.PreviewMouseMove += new MouseEventHandler(OnMouseEvent); 
            return NativeMethods.S_OK; 

        // existing mouse sink is unadviced. 
        public int UnadviceMouseSink(int dwCookie)
            int ret = NativeMethods.E_INVALIDARG;
            int i; 
            for (i = 0; i < _mouseSinks.Count; i++)
                MouseSink mSink = (MouseSink)_mouseSinks[i]; 
                if (mSink.Cookie == dwCookie)

                    if (_mouseSinks.Count == 0)
                        // If there is no registerd sink, stop listening mouse event for MSIME mouse operation.
                        UiScope.PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown -= new MouseButtonEventHandler(OnMouseButtonEvent); 
                        UiScope.PreviewMouseLeftButtonUp -= new MouseButtonEventHandler(OnMouseButtonEvent); 
                        UiScope.PreviewMouseRightButtonDown -= new MouseButtonEventHandler(OnMouseButtonEvent);
                        UiScope.PreviewMouseRightButtonUp -= new MouseButtonEventHandler(OnMouseButtonEvent); 
                        UiScope.PreviewMouseMove -= new MouseEventHandler(OnMouseEvent);

                    // Dispose sink and range. 
                    if (mSink.Locked)
                        mSink.PendingDispose = true; 
                    ret = NativeMethods.S_OK; 

            return ret; 

        #endregion ITfMouseTrackerACP
        //  Internal Methods 

        #region Internal Methods

        // Called by the TextEditor when the document should go live. 
        /// Critical - calls critical code (RegisterTextStore) 
        /// TreatAsSafe - adds this textstore to the list of textstores, a safe operation 
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
        internal void OnAttach()
            _netCharCount = this.TextContainer.IMECharCount;
            // keep _textservicesHost because we may not be in Dispatcher when GC Finalizer calls OnDetach().
            _textservicesHost = TextServicesHost.Current; 
            this.TextContainer.Change += new TextContainerChangeEventHandler(OnTextContainerChange);

            _textservicesproperty = new TextServicesProperty(this);
        // Called by the TextEditor when the document should shut down. 
        /// Critical - calls critical code (UnregisterTextStore) 
        /// TreatAsSafe - removes this textstore from the list of textstores, a safe operation
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
        internal void OnDetach(bool finalizer) 
            // TextEditor could be GCed before. 
            if (this.IsTextEditorValid) 
                this.TextContainer.Change -= new TextContainerChangeEventHandler(OnTextContainerChange); 

            // Relase the naitive resources. Unregister ThreadFocusSink and EditSink and release DocumentManager.
            _textservicesHost.UnregisterTextStore(this, finalizer); 

            _textservicesproperty = null; 

        // Called when our TextEditor.TextContainer gets keyboard focus. 
        ///     Critical: This code calls into SetFocus which is critical since it elevates
        internal void OnGotFocus()

            // We don't set focus to the DocumentManager if InputMethod is disabled in this element.
            // InputMethod already called ThreadMgr.SetFocus(EmptyDIM) if IsInputMethodEnabledProperty is false.
            if ((bool)UiScope.GetValue(InputMethod.IsInputMethodEnabledProperty))
                // ThreadMgr Method call will be marshalled to the dispatcher thread since Ciecro is STA.

            if (_makeLayoutChangeOnGotFocus) 
                _makeLayoutChangeOnGotFocus = false;
        // Called when losing keyboard focus. 
        // Finalizes the current composition.
        internal void OnLostFocus() 
        // Called when the layout of the rendered TextContainer changes.
        // Called explicitly by the TextEditor. 
        /// Critical - calls unmanaged code
        /// TreatAsSafe - notifies IME that the layout changed, this is a safe notification 
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
        internal void OnLayoutUpdated()
            if (_sink != null)
                // Sink Method call will be marshalled to the dispatcher thread since Ciecro is STA. 
                _sink.OnLayoutChange(UnsafeNativeMethods.TsLayoutCode.TS_LC_CHANGE, _viewCookie);

            if (_textservicesproperty != null)
        // Called as the selection changes.
        // We can't modify document state here in any way. 
        internal void OnSelectionChange()
            _compositionModifiedByApp = true;

        // Called when the selection changes position. 
        // Called explicitly by the TextEditor. 
        /// Critical - calls unmanaged code (_sink) 
        /// TreatAsSafe - notifies of selection change, no potential data leak, this is safe
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
        internal void OnSelectionChanged() 
            if (_compositionEventState == CompositionEventState.RaisingEvents) 

            if (_ignoreNextSelectionChange)
                // If this change originated from a TIP, ignore it. 
                // Note if there's a reentrant 2nd selection change
                // inside the current change block notification, we won't 
                // ignore the selection change event, which is what we want 
                // (and why we have to clear the flag right now).
                _ignoreNextSelectionChange = false; 
            else if (_sink != null)
                // Sink Method call will be marshalled to the dispatcher thread since Ciecro is STA. 

        // Query or do reconvert for the current selection. 
        /// Critical - calls unmanaged code
        /// TreatAsSafe - all input comes from trusted sources (DocumentManager)
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
        internal bool QueryRangeOrReconvertSelection(bool fDoReconvert) 
            // If there is a composition that covers the current selection,
            // we can return it is reconvertable. 
            // Some TIP may finalize and cancel the current candidate list (Bug 1291712).
            if (_isComposing && !fDoReconvert)
                ITextPointer compositionStart; 
                ITextPointer compositionEnd;
                GetCompositionPositions(out compositionStart, out compositionEnd); 

                if ((compositionStart != null) && 
                    (compositionEnd != null))
                    if ((compositionStart.CompareTo(TextSelection.Start) <= 0) &&
                        (compositionStart.CompareTo(TextSelection.End) <= 0) && 
                        (compositionEnd.CompareTo(TextSelection.Start) >= 0) &&
                        (compositionEnd.CompareTo(TextSelection.End) >= 0)) 
                        return true;

            bool fReconvertable = false; 
            UnsafeNativeMethods.ITfFnReconversion funcReconv;
            UnsafeNativeMethods.ITfRange range; 
            fReconvertable = GetFnReconv(TextSelection.Start, TextSelection.End, out funcReconv, out range);
            if (funcReconv != null)
                if (fDoReconvert)


            if (range != null) 
            return fReconvertable;
        // Query or do reconvert for the current selection.
        /// Critical - calls unmanaged code and return critical ITfCandidateList
        internal UnsafeNativeMethods.ITfCandidateList GetReconversionCandidateList() 
            bool fReconvertable = false; 
            UnsafeNativeMethods.ITfFnReconversion funcReconv; 
            UnsafeNativeMethods.ITfRange range;
            UnsafeNativeMethods.ITfCandidateList candidateList = null; 
            fReconvertable = GetFnReconv(TextSelection.Start, TextSelection.End, out funcReconv, out range);

            if (funcReconv != null)
                funcReconv.GetReconversion(range, out candidateList);

            if (range != null) 
            return candidateList;
        // Query or do reconvert for the current selection.
        /// Critical - calls unmanaged code and return ITfFnReconversion
        private bool GetFnReconv(ITextPointer textStart, ITextPointer textEnd, out UnsafeNativeMethods.ITfFnReconversion funcReconv, out UnsafeNativeMethods.ITfRange rangeNew) 
            UnsafeNativeMethods.ITfContext context; 
            UnsafeNativeMethods.ITfRange range; 
            UnsafeNativeMethods.ITfRangeACP rangeACP;
            bool fReconvertable = false; 

            funcReconv = null;
            rangeNew = null;
            // Create ITfRangeACP for the current selection.
            //  1. Get the context from the document manager and call GetStart to get the instance of 
            //     ITfRange. 
            //  2. QI the ITfRange to get ITfRangeACP.
            //  3. Get start and end of the current selection from TextContainer. 
            //  4. Set extent of the ITfRangeACP.
            DocumentManager.GetBase(out context);
            context.GetStart(EditCookie, out range);
            rangeACP = range as UnsafeNativeMethods.ITfRangeACP; 
            int start = textStart.CharOffset;
            int end = textEnd.CharOffset; 
            rangeACP.SetExtent(start, end - start); 

            // Readonly fields can not be passed ref to the interface methods. 
            // Create pads for them.
            Guid guidSysFunc = UnsafeNativeMethods.GUID_SYSTEM_FUNCTIONPROVIDER;
            Guid guidNull = UnsafeNativeMethods.Guid_Null;
            Guid iidFnReconv = UnsafeNativeMethods.IID_ITfFnReconversion; 

            UnsafeNativeMethods.ITfFunctionProvider functionPrv; 
            // ThreadMgr Method call will be marshalled to the dispatcher thread since Ciecro is STA.
            _textservicesHost.ThreadManager.GetFunctionProvider(ref guidSysFunc, out functionPrv); 

            object obj;

            // ITfFnReconversion is always available in SystemFunctionProvider. 
            functionPrv.GetFunction(ref guidNull, ref iidFnReconv, out obj);
            funcReconv = obj as UnsafeNativeMethods.ITfFnReconversion; 
            funcReconv.QueryRange(range, out rangeNew, out fReconvertable); 

            // release objects.

            if (!fReconvertable) 
                funcReconv = null; 

            return fReconvertable; 
        // Completes the current composition, if any, asynchronously. 
        internal void CompleteCompositionAsync()
            Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Normal, new DispatcherOperationCallback(CompleteCompositionHandler), null);

        // Completes the current composition, if any. 
        ///     Critical:Calls CompleteCurrentComposition which has a link demand 
        ///     TreatAsSafe: Exposes no data, calls trusted code. 
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
        internal void CompleteComposition()
            if (_isComposing)
            _previousCompositionStartOffset = -1;
            _previousCompositionEndOffset = -1; 

            _previousCompositionStart = null;
            _previousCompositionEnd = null;

        // Creates an ITextPointer at a specific character offset. 
        internal ITextPointer CreatePointerAtCharOffset(int charOffset, LogicalDirection direction) 

            ITextPointer pointer = this.TextContainer.CreatePointerAtCharOffset(charOffset, direction);

            if (pointer == null) 
                // A null pointer means that the ITextContainer has no character offsets. 
                // This happens in an empty TextBox, or in a mal-formed RichTextBox. 
                // In either case, use the selection start.
                pointer = this.TextSelection.Start.CreatePointer(direction); 

            return pointer;

        internal void MakeLayoutChangeOnGotFocus() 
            if (_isComposing)
                _makeLayoutChangeOnGotFocus = true;
        // Inserts composition text into the document.
        // Raises public text, selection changed events. 
        // Called by default editor TextInputEvent handler. 
        internal void UpdateCompositionText(FrameworkTextComposition composition)
            if (_compositionModifiedByApp)
                // If the app has modified the document since this event was raised
                // (by hooking a TextInput event), then we don't know what to do, 
                // so do nothing.

            _handledByTextStoreListener = true; 

                ITextRange range;
                string text; 
                if (composition._ResultStart != null)
                    range = new TextRange(composition._ResultStart, composition._ResultEnd, true /* ignoreTextUnitBoundaries */);
                    text = composition.Text;
                    range = new TextRange(composition._CompositionStart, composition._CompositionEnd, true /* ignoreTextUnitBoundaries */); 
                    text = composition.CompositionText; 
                this.TextEditor.SetText(range, text, InputLanguageManager.Current.CurrentInputLanguage);

                if (_interimSelection) 
                    this.TextSelection.Select(range.Start, range.End); 
                    this.TextSelection.SetCaretToPosition(range.End, LogicalDirection.Backward, /*allowStopAtLineEnd:*/true, /*allowStopNearSpace:*/true);
                // We're about to raise the public event. 
                // Set a flag so we can detect app changes. 
                _compositionModifiedByApp = false;
                // PUBLIC EVENT:

        /// Critical - calls SecurityCritical InputManager.Current and InputManager.UnsecureCurrent. 
        /// TreatAsSafe - It doesn't return critical information, all parameters are typesafe.
        /// The location where the input manager is stored is critical and the usage is tracked. 
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
        internal static FrameworkTextComposition CreateComposition(TextEditor editor, object owner)
            FrameworkTextComposition composition;
            // FrameworkRichTextComposition should be used for RichContent so TextRange is exposed for the application 
            // to track the composition range.
            // FrameworkTextComposition should be used for non-RichContent and TextRange is not exposed. 
            if (editor.AcceptsRichContent)
                composition = new FrameworkRichTextComposition(InputManager.UnsecureCurrent, editor.UiScope, owner);
                composition = new FrameworkTextComposition(InputManager.Current, editor.UiScope, owner); 
            return composition;

        #endregion Internal Methods 

        //  Internal Properties

        #region Internal Properties
        internal UIElement RenderScope
                 if (this.TextEditor == null) 
                     return null;

                 if (this.TextEditor.TextView == null)
                     return null; 

                 return this.TextEditor.TextView.RenderScope; 
        internal FrameworkElement UiScope
            get { return this.TextEditor.UiScope; }

        internal ITextContainer TextContainer 
            get { return this.TextEditor.TextContainer; }

        internal ITextView TextView
            get { return TextEditor.TextView; } 
        // The pointer to ITfDocumentMgr. 
        ///     Critical: UnsafeNativeMethods.ITfDocumentMgr has methods with SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity. 
        internal UnsafeNativeMethods.ITfDocumentMgr DocumentManager
                if (_documentmanager == null) 
                    return null; 

                return _documentmanager.Value;
            set { _documentmanager = new SecurityCriticalDataClass(value); }
        // Cookie for ITfThreadFocusSink.
        internal int ThreadFocusCookie 
            get { return _threadFocusCookie; }
            set { _threadFocusCookie = value; }

        // Cookie for ITfTextEditSink. 
        internal int EditSinkCookie 
            get { return _editSinkCookie; } 
            set { _editSinkCookie = value; }

        // Cookie for ITfContext. 
        internal int EditCookie
            get { return _editCookie; } 
            set { _editCookie = value; }

        // True if the current selection is for interim character.
        internal bool IsInterimSelection
            get { return _interimSelection; }
        // true if we're in the middle of an ongoing composition.
        internal bool IsComposing 
            get { return _isComposing; }
        internal int TransitoryExtensionSinkCookie
            get { return _transitoryExtensionSinkCookie; } 
            set { _transitoryExtensionSinkCookie = value; }

        /// Critical - get: It calls GetSourceWnd, which is Critical. Since it specifies/ that the caller is trusted, NO underlying demands will be performed.
        internal IntPtr CriticalSourceWnd
                bool callerIsTrusted = true;
                return( GetSourceWnd(callerIsTrusted) );

        #endregion Internal Properties 
        //  Private Methods
        #region Private Methods
        // Tree change listener.  We need to forward any tree change events 
        // to TSF.  But we must never forward any events that occur while
        // TSF holds a document lock. 
        /// Critical - calls unmanaged code
        /// TreatAsSafe - notifies the IME of text change within range, only potential
        ///               attack here would be to get the IME to update more UI than 
        ///               needed
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
        private void OnTextContainerChange(object sender, TextContainerChangeEventArgs args)
            if (args.IMECharCount > 0 && (args.TextChange == TextChangeType.ContentAdded || args.TextChange == TextChangeType.ContentRemoved))
                _compositionModifiedByApp = true;

            if (_compositionEventState == CompositionEventState.RaisingEvents) 

            Invariant.Assert(sender == this.TextContainer);

            // Record the offset of the first symbol in the document
            // affected by this edit. 
            // Used by RemoveContent to track the effects of an edit. 
            if (args.TextChange == TextChangeType.ContentRemoved &&
                _minSymbolsRemovedIndex > args.TextPosition.Offset) 
                _minSymbolsRemovedIndex = args.TextPosition.Offset;

            // Don't send TSF events that it initiated (ie, while it holds a lock). 
            if (_lockFlags == 0 && _sink != null) 
                int charsAdded = 0; 
                int charsRemoved = 0;

                if (args.TextChange == TextChangeType.ContentAdded)
                    charsAdded = args.IMECharCount;
                else if (args.TextChange == TextChangeType.ContentRemoved) 
                    charsRemoved = args.IMECharCount; 
                    // This is a TextChange.ContentAffected change, which we 
                    // don't want to pass on to cicero.  Cicero doesn't care
                    // about DependencyProperty values, and we don't want it 
                    // to invalidate cicero properties unless symbols were 
                    // added or removed.

                if (charsAdded > 0 || charsRemoved > 0)
                    UnsafeNativeMethods.TS_TEXTCHANGE change; 

                    change.start = args.ITextPosition.CharOffset; 
                    change.oldEnd = change.start + charsRemoved; 
                    change.newEnd = change.start + charsAdded;
                    // We can't call VerifyTextStoreConsistency() yet because more changes may be pending.


                        _sink.OnTextChange(0 /* flags */, ref change); 
        // DispatcherOperationCallback callback.  Async lock requests are dequeued to
        // this callback, which grants the pending lock.
        private object GrantLockHandler(object o)
            // _textservicesHost or _sink may have been released (set null) if cicero already shut down
            // before we got this callback.  In which case, there's no one 
            // to talk to. 
            if ((_textservicesHost != null) && (_sink != null))
            _pendingAsyncLockFlags = 0;
            return null; 
        // Makes an OnLockGranted callback to cicero. 
        private int GrantLockWorker(UnsafeNativeMethods.LockFlags flags)
            int hrSession;

            TextEditor textEditor = this.TextEditor;
            if (textEditor == null)
                // The app shutdown before we got an async callback. 
                hrSession = NativeMethods.E_FAIL;
                _lockFlags = flags;
                UndoManager undoManager = UndoManager.GetUndoManager(textEditor.TextContainer.Parent); 
                int initialUndoCount = 0;
                // undoManager will be null for readonly documents like FlowDocumentReader. 
                if (undoManager != null) 
                    initialUndoCount = undoManager.UndoCount;
                    undoManager.IsImeSupportModeEnabled = true;

                // Reset the composition offsets.  Sometimes an IME will 
                // allow the editor handle a keystroke during an active composition. 
                // See bug 118934.  When this happens, we need to update the composition
                // here.  Where the IME holds a lock, no one else can modify 
                // the text, and int offsets allow us to use the undo stack internally.
                _previousCompositionStartOffset = (_previousCompositionStart == null) ? -1 : _previousCompositionStart.Offset;
                _previousCompositionEndOffset = (_previousCompositionEnd == null) ? -1 : _previousCompositionEnd.Offset;
                        hrSession = GrantLock();
                        if (_pendingWriteReq)
                            _lockFlags = UnsafeNativeMethods.LockFlags.TS_LF_READWRITE; 
                        _pendingWriteReq = false;
                        _lockFlags = 0;

                        // Set a flag to ignore the first selection change event during 
                        // this change block -- we must not report any changes made to
                        // the selection by the IME that just released the cicero lock. 
                        _ignoreNextSelectionChange = textEditor.Selection._IsChanged; 
                            // Skip the public events for the changing of the composition
                            // by Cicero, but the below HandleCompositionEvents will raise
                            // the public events about the composition and text change.
                            textEditor.Selection.EndChange(false /* disableScroll */, true /* skipEvents */); 
                            // Note we also clear the flag in our OnSelectionChanged listener,
                            // but we have to clear it here in case the change block we just 
                            // closed wasn't the outermost change block.
                            _ignoreNextSelectionChange = false;

                    if (undoManager != null) 
                        // Finally raise the recorded composition events publicly.
                    if (undoManager != null)
                        undoManager.IsImeSupportModeEnabled = false; 
                    _previousCompositionStart = (_previousCompositionStartOffset == -1) ? null : textEditor.TextContainer.CreatePointerAtOffset(_previousCompositionStartOffset, LogicalDirection.Backward);
                    _previousCompositionEnd = (_previousCompositionEndOffset == -1) ? null : textEditor.TextContainer.CreatePointerAtOffset(_previousCompositionEndOffset, LogicalDirection.Forward);

            return hrSession; 

        // Grant cicero a lock, and do any house keeping around it. 
        // Note cicero won't get tree change events from within the scope of this method.
        /// Critical - calls unmanaged code
        /// TreatAsSafe - notifies the sink of a lock grant, no other data is transfered. 
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
        private int GrantLock() 
            int hr; 

            // GrantLock should be called from only RequestLock. So it must be in the dispatcher thread.
            Invariant.Assert(Thread.CurrentThread == _textservicesHost.Dispatcher.Thread, "GrantLock called on bad thread!");
            hr = _sink.OnLockGranted(_lockFlags); 


            return hr;
        // GetText handler for text runs.
        private static bool WalkTextRun(ITextPointer navigator, ITextPointer limit, char[] text, int cchReq, ref int charsCopied, UnsafeNativeMethods.TS_RUNINFO[] runInfo, int cRunInfoReq, ref int cRunInfoRcv) 
            int runCount;
            int offset; 
            bool hitLimit;

            Invariant.Assert(navigator.GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection.Forward) == TextPointerContext.Text);
            Invariant.Assert(limit == null || navigator.CompareTo(limit) <= 0); 

            hitLimit = false; 
            if (cchReq > 0)
                runCount = TextPointerBase.GetTextWithLimit(navigator, LogicalDirection.Forward, text, charsCopied, Math.Min(cchReq, text.Length - charsCopied), limit);
                charsCopied += runCount;
                hitLimit = (text.Length == charsCopied) || (limit != null && navigator.CompareTo(limit) == 0); 
                // Caller doesn't want text, just run info.
                // Advance the navigator. 
                runCount = navigator.GetTextRunLength(LogicalDirection.Forward);

                // If the caller passed in a non-null limit, backup to the limit if 
                // we've passed it.
                if (limit != null) 
                    if (navigator.CompareTo(limit) >= 0)
                        offset = limit.GetOffsetToPosition(navigator);
                        Invariant.Assert(offset >= 0 && offset <= runCount, "Bogus offset -- extends past run!");
                        runCount -= offset;
                        hitLimit = true;
            if (cRunInfoReq > 0 && runCount > 0)
                // Be sure to merge this text run with the previous run, if they are both text runs.
                // (A good robustness fix would be to make cicero handle this, if we ever get the chance.) 
                if (cRunInfoRcv > 0 && runInfo[cRunInfoRcv - 1].type == UnsafeNativeMethods.TsRunType.TS_RT_PLAIN)
                    runInfo[cRunInfoRcv - 1].count += runCount; 
                    runInfo[cRunInfoRcv].count = runCount;
                    runInfo[cRunInfoRcv].type = UnsafeNativeMethods.TsRunType.TS_RT_PLAIN;
            return hitLimit;

        // GetText handler for object runs.
        private static bool WalkObjectRun(ITextPointer navigator, ITextPointer limit, char[] text, int cchReq, ref int charsCopied, UnsafeNativeMethods.TS_RUNINFO[] runInfo, int cRunInfoReq, ref int cRunInfoRcv) 
            bool hitLimit; 
            Invariant.Assert(navigator.GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection.Forward) == TextPointerContext.EmbeddedElement);
            Invariant.Assert(limit == null || navigator.CompareTo(limit) <= 0); 

            if (limit != null && navigator.CompareTo(limit) == 0)
                return true; 
            hitLimit = false; 


            if (cchReq >= 1)
                text[charsCopied] = UnsafeNativeMethods.TS_CHAR_EMBEDDED; 
            if (cRunInfoReq > 0)
                // Be sure to merge this text run with the previous run, if they are both text runs.
                // (A good robustness fix would be to make cicero handle this, if we ever get the chance.)
                if (cRunInfoRcv > 0 && runInfo[cRunInfoRcv - 1].type == UnsafeNativeMethods.TsRunType.TS_RT_PLAIN)
                    runInfo[cRunInfoRcv - 1].count++;
                    runInfo[cRunInfoRcv].count = 1; 
                    runInfo[cRunInfoRcv].type = UnsafeNativeMethods.TsRunType.TS_RT_PLAIN;

            return hitLimit; 

        // GetText handler for Blocks and TableCell to add '\n' or TS_CHAR_REGION. 
        private static bool WalkRegionBoundary(ITextPointer navigator, ITextPointer limit, char[] text, int cchReq, ref int charsCopied, UnsafeNativeMethods.TS_RUNINFO[] runInfo, int cRunInfoReq, ref int cRunInfoRcv)
            bool hitLimit;
            Invariant.Assert(navigator.GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection.Forward) == TextPointerContext.ElementStart || navigator.GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection.Forward) == TextPointerContext.ElementEnd);
            Invariant.Assert(limit == null || navigator.CompareTo(limit) <= 0); 
            // If the caller passed in a non-null limit, we don't do anything and just return true.
            // we've passed it. 
            if (limit != null)
                if (navigator.CompareTo(limit) >= 0)
                    return true;

            hitLimit = false; 

            if (cchReq > 0)
                // Add one TS_CHAR_REGION (TableCell) or '\n' (everything else) char. 
                char ch = (navigator.GetAdjacentElement(LogicalDirection.Forward) is TableCell) ? UnsafeNativeMethods.TS_CHAR_REGION : '\n';
                text[charsCopied] = ch; 
                charsCopied += 1;
                hitLimit = (text.Length == charsCopied) || (limit != null && navigator.CompareTo(limit) == 0); 
                // Caller doesn't want text, just run info. 
                // Advance the navigator.
                // Add one TS_CHAR_REGION char. 
            if (cRunInfoReq > 0)
                // Be sure to merge this text run with the previous run, if they are both text runs.
                // (A good robustness fix would be to make cicero handle this, if we ever get the chance.) 
                if (cRunInfoRcv > 0 && runInfo[cRunInfoRcv - 1].type == UnsafeNativeMethods.TsRunType.TS_RT_PLAIN)
                    runInfo[cRunInfoRcv - 1].count += 1; 
                    runInfo[cRunInfoRcv].count = 1;
                    runInfo[cRunInfoRcv].type = UnsafeNativeMethods.TsRunType.TS_RT_PLAIN;
            return hitLimit;

        // Returns objects useful for talking to the underlying HWND.
        // Throws TS_E_NOLAYOUT if they are not available.
        ///     Critical: This code calls into PresentationSource.FromVisual to retrieve Source
        ///               The source is also handed out to the callers 
        private void GetVisualInfo(out PresentationSource source, out IWin32Window win32Window, out ITextView view) 
            source = PresentationSource.CriticalFromVisual(RenderScope);
            win32Window = source as IWin32Window;
            if (win32Window == null)
                throw new COMException(SR.Get(SRID.TextStore_TS_E_NOLAYOUT), UnsafeNativeMethods.TS_E_NOLAYOUT); 
            view = this.TextView;

        // Transforms mil measure unit points to screen pixels. 
        ///     Critical - calls UnsafeNativeMethods.ClientToScreen and asserts to get HWND 
        ///     TreatAsSafe - safe to expose screen coordinates 
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
        private static UnsafeNativeMethods.RECT TransformRootRectToScreenCoordinates(Point milPointTopLeft, Point milPointBottomRight, IWin32Window win32Window, PresentationSource source)
            UnsafeNativeMethods.RECT rect;
            NativeMethods.POINT clientPoint; 
            CompositionTarget compositionTarget;
            rect = new UnsafeNativeMethods.RECT(); 

            // Transform to device units. 
            compositionTarget = source.CompositionTarget;
            milPointTopLeft = compositionTarget.TransformToDevice.Transform(milPointTopLeft);
            milPointBottomRight = compositionTarget.TransformToDevice.Transform(milPointBottomRight);
            IntPtr hwnd = IntPtr.Zero;
            new UIPermission(UIPermissionWindow.AllWindows).Assert(); // BlessedAssert 
                hwnd = win32Window.Handle; 
            // Transform to screen coords. 
            clientPoint = new NativeMethods.POINT();
            UnsafeNativeMethods.ClientToScreen(new HandleRef(null, hwnd), /* ref by interop */ clientPoint); 

            rect.left = (int)(clientPoint.x + milPointTopLeft.X);
            rect.right = (int)(clientPoint.x + milPointBottomRight.X);
            rect.top = (int)(clientPoint.y + milPointTopLeft.Y); 
            rect.bottom = (int)(clientPoint.y + milPointBottomRight.Y);
            return rect; 

        // Insert InkInteropObject at the position.
        /// Critical - calls unmanaged code to access the OLE data object
        /// TreatAsSafe - has demand for unmanaged code 
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
        private void InsertEmbeddedAtPosition(TextPointer position, IComDataObject data, out UnsafeNativeMethods.TS_TEXTCHANGE change) 

            ITextContainer container;
            // Get enhanced metafile handle from IOleDataObject.
            FORMATETC formatetc = new FORMATETC(); 
            STGMEDIUM stgmedium = new STGMEDIUM();
            formatetc.cfFormat = NativeMethods.CF_ENHMETAFILE; 
            formatetc.ptd = IntPtr.Zero; 
            formatetc.dwAspect = DVASPECT.DVASPECT_CONTENT;
            formatetc.lindex = -1; 
            formatetc.tymed = TYMED.TYMED_ENHMF;
            stgmedium.tymed = TYMED.TYMED_ENHMF;

            data.GetData(ref formatetc, out stgmedium); 

            if (stgmedium.unionmember == IntPtr.Zero) 
                throw new COMException(SR.Get(SRID.TextStore_BadObjectData), NativeMethods.E_INVALIDARG);

            // Convert metafile to bitmap. BitmapImage does not support the metafile.
            System.Drawing.Imaging.Metafile metafile = new System.Drawing.Imaging.Metafile(stgmedium.unionmember, false);
            // Initialize the bitmap size to render the metafile.
            int bitmapheight = metafile.Size.Height; 
            int bitmapwidth =  metafile.Size.Width; 

            // We use System.Drawing to render metafile into the bitmap. 
            System.Drawing.Bitmap bmp = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(bitmapwidth, bitmapheight);
            System.Drawing.Graphics graphics = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(bmp);
            // graphics.FillRectangle(new System.Drawing.SolidBrush(System.Drawing.Color.White), 0, 0, bitmapwidth, bitmapheight);
            graphics.DrawImage(metafile, 0, 0, bitmapwidth, bitmapheight); 

            // create a InkInteropObject framework element. 
            InkInteropObject inkobject = new InkInteropObject(data); 

            inkobject.Source = Imaging.CreateBitmapSourceFromHBitmap(bmp.GetHbitmap(), IntPtr.Zero, Int32Rect.Empty, null); 

            position = InsertInkAtPosition(position, inkobject, out change);

            // Move the selection. 
            container = this.TextContainer;
            TextSelection.SetCaretToPosition(position, LogicalDirection.Backward, /*allowStopAtLineEnd:*/false, /*allowStopNearSpace:*/false); 

        // Inserts an InkInteropObject at a specified position. 
        private TextPointer InsertInkAtPosition(TextPointer insertionPosition, InkInteropObject inkobject, out UnsafeNativeMethods.TS_TEXTCHANGE change)
            int symbolsAddedBefore = 0;
            int symbolsAddedAfter = 0; 

            // Prepare an insertion position for InlineUIContainer. 
            // As an optimization, shift outside of any formatting tags to avoid 
            // splitting tags below.
            while (insertionPosition.GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection.Backward) == TextPointerContext.ElementStart && 
                insertionPosition = insertionPosition.GetNextContextPosition(LogicalDirection.Backward);
            while (insertionPosition.GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection.Forward) == TextPointerContext.ElementEnd &&
                insertionPosition = insertionPosition.GetNextContextPosition(LogicalDirection.Forward);

            // If we need to, split the current parent TextElement and prepare
            // a suitable home for an InlineUIContainer.
            if (!TextSchema.IsValidParent(insertionPosition.Parent.GetType(), typeof(InlineUIContainer))) 
                insertionPosition = TextRangeEditTables.EnsureInsertionPosition(insertionPosition, out symbolsAddedBefore, out symbolsAddedAfter); 
                Invariant.Assert(insertionPosition.Parent is Run, "position must be in Run scope"); 

                insertionPosition = TextRangeEdit.SplitElement(insertionPosition); 
                // We need to remember how many symbols were added into addition
                // to the InlineUIContainer itself.
                // Account for the two element edges just added.
                symbolsAddedBefore += 1; 
                symbolsAddedAfter += 1;
            // Create an InlineUIContainer.
            InlineUIContainer inlineUIContainer = new InlineUIContainer(inkobject); 

            change.start = ((ITextPointer)insertionPosition).Offset - symbolsAddedBefore;
            change.oldEnd = change.start;
            // Insert it into the insertionPosition.  This adds 3 symbols.
            change.newEnd = change.start + symbolsAddedBefore + inlineUIContainer.SymbolCount + symbolsAddedAfter;
            // Return a position after the inserted object.
            return inlineUIContainer.ElementEnd.GetInsertionPosition(LogicalDirection.Forward);

        // determine a family name from a FontFamily and XmlLanguage 
        private static string GetFontFamilyName(FontFamily fontFamily, XmlLanguage language) 
            if (fontFamily == null) 
                return null;

            // If the font family was constructed from a font name or URI, return that value.
            if (fontFamily.Source != null) 
                return fontFamily.Source;
            // Use the dictionary of names provided by the font. 
            LanguageSpecificStringDictionary names = fontFamily.FamilyNames;
            if (names == null) 
                return null;

            // try every matching language to most-specific to least specific, including ""
            foreach (XmlLanguage matchingLanguage in language.MatchingLanguages) 
                string name = names[matchingLanguage]; 
                if (name != null) 
                    return name;

            // give up!
            return null;

        // Prepare the app property values and store them into _preparedatribute. 
        /// Critical - accesses presentationsource query visual information
        /// TreatAsSafe - only exposes transformation information, which is safe 
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
        private void PrepareAttributes(InputScope inputScope, double fontSize, FontFamily fontFamily, XmlLanguage language, Visual visual, int count, Guid[] filterAttributes)
            if (_preparedattributes == null)
                _preparedattributes = new ArrayList(count); 
            int i;
            for (i = 0; i < _supportingattributes.Length; i++) 
                if (count != 0)
                    int j;
                    bool found = false;
                    for (j = 0; j < count; j++)
                        if (_supportingattributes[i].Guid.Equals(filterAttributes[j]))
                            found = true; 

                    if (!found) 

                UnsafeNativeMethods.TS_ATTRVAL attrval = new UnsafeNativeMethods.TS_ATTRVAL(); 
                attrval.attributeId = _supportingattributes[i].Guid;
                attrval.overlappedId = (int)_supportingattributes[i].Style; 
                attrval.val = new NativeMethods.VARIANT(); 

                // This VARIANT is returned to the caller, which supposed to call VariantClear(). 
                // GC does not have to clear it.

                switch (_supportingattributes[i].Style) 
                    case AttributeStyle.InputScope: 
                        object obj = new InputScopeAttribute(inputScope); 
                        attrval.val.vt = (short)NativeMethods.tagVT.VT_UNKNOWN;
                        attrval.val.data1.Value = Marshal.GetIUnknownForObject(obj); 

                    case AttributeStyle.Font_Style_Height:
                        // We always evaluate the font size and returns a value. 
                        attrval.val.vt = (short)NativeMethods.tagVT.VT_I4;
                        attrval.val.data1.Value = (IntPtr)(int)fontSize; 

                    case AttributeStyle.Font_FaceName: 
                            string familyName = GetFontFamilyName(fontFamily, language);
                            if (familyName != null)
                                attrval.val.vt = (short)NativeMethods.tagVT.VT_BSTR;
                                attrval.val.data1.Value = Marshal.StringToBSTR(familyName); 

                    case AttributeStyle.Font_SizePts:
                        attrval.val.vt = (short)NativeMethods.tagVT.VT_I4;
                        attrval.val.data1.Value = (IntPtr)(int)(fontSize / 96.0 * 72.0); 
                    case AttributeStyle.Text_ReadOnly: 
                        attrval.val.vt = (short)NativeMethods.tagVT.VT_BOOL;
                        attrval.val.data1.Value = IsReadOnly ? (IntPtr)1 : (IntPtr)0; 

                    case AttributeStyle.Text_Orientation:
                        attrval.val.vt = (short)NativeMethods.tagVT.VT_I4; 
                        attrval.val.data1.Value = (IntPtr)0;
                        // Get the transformation that is relative from source. 
                        PresentationSource source = null;
                        source = PresentationSource.CriticalFromVisual((Visual)RenderScope);
                        if (source != null)
                            Visual root = source.RootVisual; 
                            if ((root !=  null) && (visual != null))
                                // Calc radian from Matirix. This is approximate calculation from the first row.
                                // If tf.M12 is 0, angle will be 0. So we don't have to calc it. 
                                GeneralTransform transform = visual.TransformToAncestor(root);
                                Transform t = transform.AffineTransform;
                                if (t != null)
                                    Matrix tf = t.Value; 
                                    if ((tf.M11 != 0) || (tf.M12 != 0))
                                        double radSin = Math.Asin(tf.M12 / Math.Sqrt((tf.M11 * tf.M11) + (tf.M12 * tf.M12)));
                                        double radCos = Math.Acos(tf.M11 / Math.Sqrt((tf.M11 * tf.M11) + (tf.M12 * tf.M12)));
                                        // double angleSin = Math.Round((radSin * 180) / Math.PI, 0);
                                        double angleCos = Math.Round((radCos * 180) / Math.PI, 0); 
                                        double angle;
                                        // determine angle from the sign of radSin; 
                                        if (radSin <= 0)
                                            angle = angleCos; 
                                            angle = 360 - angleCos;

                                        attrval.val.data1.Value = (IntPtr)((int)angle * 10); 

                    case AttributeStyle.Text_VerticalWriting:

                        attrval.val.vt = (short)NativeMethods.tagVT.VT_BOOL; 
                        attrval.val.data1.Value = (IntPtr)0;

        // retrieve the TextPositions from ITfRange. 
        /// Critical - calls unmanaged code 
        private void TextPositionsFromITfRange(UnsafeNativeMethods.ITfRange range, out ITextPointer start, out ITextPointer end)
            UnsafeNativeMethods.ITfRangeACP rangeACP;
            int startIndex; 
            int length; 

            rangeACP = range as UnsafeNativeMethods.ITfRangeACP; 
            rangeACP.GetExtent(out startIndex, out length);

            start = CreatePointerAtCharOffset(startIndex, LogicalDirection.Backward);
            end = CreatePointerAtCharOffset(startIndex + length, LogicalDirection.Forward); 

            while (start.CompareTo(end) < 0 && start.GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection.Forward) != TextPointerContext.Text) 

        // Returns the start and end positions of the current composition, or
        // null if there is no current composition. 
        /// Critical - calls critical methods. 
        /// TreatAsSafe - takes no input and reveals no sensitive information. 
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
        private void GetCompositionPositions(out ITextPointer start, out ITextPointer end)
            start = null;
            end = null; 

            if (_isComposing) 
                UnsafeNativeMethods.ITfCompositionView view = FrameworkTextComposition.GetCurrentCompositionView(this.DocumentManager);
                if (view != null)
                    GetCompositionPositions(view, out start, out end);
        /// Critical - calls unmanaged code 
        private void GetCompositionPositions(UnsafeNativeMethods.ITfCompositionView view, out ITextPointer start, out ITextPointer end)
            UnsafeNativeMethods.ITfRange range;
            view.GetRange(out range); 
            TextPositionsFromITfRange(range, out start, out end);
        // get the text from ITfRange.
        /// Critical - calls unmanaged code (GetExtent) 
        private static string StringFromITfRange(UnsafeNativeMethods.ITfRange range, int ecReadOnly)
            // Transitory Document uses ther TextStore, which is ACP base.
            UnsafeNativeMethods.ITfRangeACP rangeacp = (UnsafeNativeMethods.ITfRangeACP)range; 
            int start;
            int count; 
            int countRet; 
            rangeacp.GetExtent(out start, out count);
            char[] text = new char[count]; 
            rangeacp.GetText(ecReadOnly, 0, text, count, out countRet);
            return new string(text);
        // Mouse Button state was changed. 
        private void OnMouseButtonEvent(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            e.Handled = InternalMouseEventHandler();

        // Mouse was moved.
        private void OnMouseEvent(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) 
            e.Handled = InternalMouseEventHandler(); 

        // The mouse event handler to generate MSIME message to IME listeners. 
        /// Critical - calls unmanaged code (IME listener) and simulates a mouse event 
        /// TreatAsSafe - only sends mouse event to IME listeners, only uses current state of
        ///               text as input. Can't use this to spoof messages to non-IME contexts. 
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
        private bool InternalMouseEventHandler()
            int btnState = 0;
            if (Mouse.LeftButton == MouseButtonState.Pressed) 
               btnState |= NativeMethods.MK_LBUTTON;
            if (Mouse.RightButton == MouseButtonState.Pressed)
               btnState |= NativeMethods.MK_RBUTTON;
            if ((Keyboard.Modifiers & ModifierKeys.Shift) != 0)
               btnState |= NativeMethods.MK_SHIFT; 
            if ((Keyboard.Modifiers & ModifierKeys.Control) != 0) 
               btnState |= NativeMethods.MK_CONTROL;
            Point point = Mouse.GetPosition(RenderScope);
            ITextView view; 
            ITextPointer positionCurrent; 
            ITextPointer positionNext;
            Rect rectCurrent; 
            Rect rectNext;

            view = TextView;
            // Check if view is available. 
            if (view == null)
                return false; 
            // Validate layout information on TextView
            if (!view.Validate(point))
                return false; 
            // Do the hittest. 
            positionCurrent = view.GetTextPositionFromPoint(point, false);
            if (positionCurrent == null) 
                return false;
            rectCurrent = view.GetRectangleFromTextPosition(positionCurrent);
            positionNext = positionCurrent.CreatePointer(); 
            if (positionNext == null)
                return false;

            if (point.X - rectCurrent.Left >= 0) 

            rectNext = view.GetRectangleFromTextPosition(positionNext); 

            int edge; 
            int quadrant; 
            edge = positionCurrent.CharOffset;
            if (point.X - rectCurrent.Left >= 0)
                if ((((point.X - rectCurrent.Left) * 4) / (rectNext.Left - rectCurrent.Left)) <= 1)
                    quadrant = 2; 
                    quadrant = 3; 
                if (((point.X - rectNext.Left) * 4) / (rectCurrent.Left - rectNext.Left) <= 3)
                    quadrant = 0;
                    quadrant = 1; 

            int i;
            bool eaten = false; 
            for (i = 0; (i < _mouseSinks.Count) && (eaten == false); i++)
                MouseSink mSink = (MouseSink)_mouseSinks[i];
                // TIPs care about only the range. 
                // If the quadrant is outside of the range, we don't do SendMessage. 
                int start;
                int count;
                mSink.Range.GetExtent(out start, out count);
                if (edge < start)
                if (edge > start + count)

                if ((edge == start) && (quadrant <= 1))
                if ((edge == start + count) && (quadrant >= 2))
                mSink.Locked = true;
                    mSink.Sink.OnMouseEvent(edge - start, quadrant, btnState, out eaten);
                    mSink.Locked = false; 
            return eaten;

        // Opens the composition undo unit if it exists on the top 
        // of the stack. Otherwise, create a new composition undo unit
        // and add it to the undo stack. 
        private CompositionParentUndoUnit OpenCompositionUndoUnit() 
            UndoManager undoManager = UndoManager.GetUndoManager(this.TextContainer.Parent); 

            if (undoManager == null || !undoManager.IsEnabled)
                return null; 
            // The start position is where we'll put the caret if this composition is later 
            // undone by a user.
            // At this point some IMEs will not have updated the selection to a
            // position within the composition, suggesting that we always want to
            // use selection start.  However, some IMEs will expand the composition backward on input
            // so the composition covers unmodified text.  (E.g.: chinese prc pinyin IME 
            // will expand to cover previously finalized text on  input.)
            // So we use a hueristic: take the rightmost of the selection start or composition 
            // start.
            ITextPointer start; 
            ITextPointer compositionStart;
            ITextPointer compositionEnd;

            GetCompositionPositions(out compositionStart, out compositionEnd); 

            if (compositionStart != null && compositionStart.CompareTo(this.TextSelection.Start) > 0) 
                start = compositionStart;
                start = this.TextSelection.Start;

            CompositionParentUndoUnit unit = new CompositionParentUndoUnit(this.TextSelection, start, start, _nextUndoUnitIsFirstCompositionUnit); 
            _nextUndoUnitIsFirstCompositionUnit = false; 

            // Add the given composition undo unit to the undo manager and making it 
            // as the opened undo unit.

            return unit; 
        /// Computes the bounds for a given text segment, provided that the entire segment
        /// is located on a single text line. 
        private static Rect GetLineBounds(ITextPointer start, ITextPointer end)
            // Get the line range. 
            if (!start.HasValidLayout || !end.HasValidLayout)
                return Rect.Empty; 
            // Get the left and the width of the range bounds.
            Rect lineBounds = start.GetCharacterRect(LogicalDirection.Forward);
            // Scan the line range and compute the top and the height of the bounding rectangle.
            ITextPointer navigator = start.CreatePointer(LogicalDirection.Forward); 
            while (navigator.MoveToNextContextPosition(LogicalDirection.Forward) == true && navigator.CompareTo(end) < 0) 
                TextPointerContext context = navigator.GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection.Backward); 
                switch (context)
                    case TextPointerContext.ElementStart:
                    case TextPointerContext.ElementEnd: 
                    case TextPointerContext.EmbeddedElement:
                    case TextPointerContext.Text:
                        // Unexpected
                        Invariant.Assert(context != TextPointerContext.None); 

            return lineBounds;
        // Inserts an embedded object into the document, replacing a range of text. 
        private void InsertEmbeddedAtRange(TextPointer startPosition, TextPointer endPosition, IComDataObject data, out UnsafeNativeMethods.TS_TEXTCHANGE change) 
            int symbolsRemoved; 
            int removeStartIndex;
            int startIndex;

            // Remove the existing range content. 
            // See the comments on RemoveContent for an explanation of the
            // out params. 
            startIndex = startPosition.Offset; 
            RemoveContent(startPosition, endPosition, out symbolsRemoved, out removeStartIndex);
            Invariant.Assert(startIndex >= removeStartIndex); 

            // Remember where we're actually going to do the insert.
            startIndex = startPosition.Offset;
            Invariant.Assert(startIndex >= removeStartIndex); 

            // Do the insert. 
            // The TS_TEXTCHANGE reflects on the insert, we have to update it 
            // for any content we may have removed above.
            InsertEmbeddedAtPosition(startPosition, data, out change); 

            // Update change for the remove content step above.
            change.start = removeStartIndex;
            change.oldEnd += symbolsRemoved; 
        // Deletes a specified run of content. 
        // On exit, 
        //   symbolsRemoved <== count of symbols actually removed.
        //   removeStartIndex <== offset of first symbol affected by the edit.
        // removeStartIndex is always <= endPosition.Offset, but it does not necessarily 
        // match the position of the logically removed content.  In some rare cases
        // a scoping element may be removed, meaning we have two or more runs of 
        // removed content, and removeStartIndex + symbolsRemoved < the offset of 
        // the last position affected by the operation.
        private void RemoveContent(ITextPointer startPosition, ITextPointer endPosition, out int symbolsRemoved, out int removeStartIndex) 
            symbolsRemoved = 0;
            removeStartIndex = startPosition.Offset;
            if (startPosition.CompareTo(endPosition) == 0)
            TextContainer container = (TextContainer)startPosition.TextContainer;
            symbolsRemoved = container.SymbolCount;

            if (startPosition is TextPointer)
                _minSymbolsRemovedIndex = Int32.MaxValue;
            if (startPosition is TextPointer)
                removeStartIndex = _minSymbolsRemovedIndex;

            symbolsRemoved = symbolsRemoved - container.SymbolCount; 
        // Filter the composition string.
        private string FilterCompositionString(string text, int charsToReplaceCount)
            string newText = this.TextEditor._FilterText(text, charsToReplaceCount); 

            // if the length has been changed, there is no way to recover and we finalize the composition string. 
            if (newText.Length != text.Length) 
                return null;

            return newText; 
        // Handler to complete the composition string. 
        private object CompleteCompositionHandler(object o)
            return null;
        /// Critical - if called from a trusted method (callerIsTrusted == true), calls CriticalFromVisual, which is Critical, 
        /// and then returns the information returned by that call. 
        private IntPtr GetSourceWnd(bool callerIsTrusted)
            IntPtr hwnd = IntPtr.Zero;
            if (RenderScope != null) 
                IWin32Window win32Window; 
                if (callerIsTrusted)
                    win32Window = PresentationSource.CriticalFromVisual(RenderScope) as IWin32Window;
                    win32Window = PresentationSource.FromVisual(RenderScope) as IWin32Window;
                if (win32Window != null)
                    (new UIPermission(UIPermissionWindow.AllWindows)).Assert();//BlessedAssert
                        hwnd = win32Window.Handle; 
            return hwnd;

        // Detects errors in the change notifications we send TSF. 
        private void ValidateChange(UnsafeNativeMethods.TS_TEXTCHANGE change) 
            Invariant.Assert(change.start >= 0, "Bad StartIndex"); 
            Invariant.Assert(change.start <= change.oldEnd, "Bad oldEnd index");
            Invariant.Assert(change.start <= change.newEnd, "Bad newEnd index");

            _netCharCount += (change.newEnd - change.oldEnd); 
            Invariant.Assert(_netCharCount >= 0, "Negative _netCharCount!");
        // Asserts that this TextStore is sending TS_TEXTCHANGE structs
        // in sync with the actual TextContainer. 
        private void VerifyTextStoreConsistency()
            if (_netCharCount != this.TextContainer.IMECharCount)
                Invariant.Assert(false, "TextContainer/TextStore have inconsistent char counts!");

        // Validates the character offset supplied by cicero. 
        // See bug 1395082.  Sometimes cicero gives us offsets that are
        // too large for the document.
        private void ValidateCharOffset(int offset)
            if (offset < 0 || offset > this.TextContainer.IMECharCount)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.TextStore_BadIMECharOffset, offset, this.TextContainer.IMECharCount)); 

        /// Discards previous composition undo unit, to prevent
        /// from merging it with the subsequent typing.
        private void BreakTypingSequence(ITextPointer caretPosition) 
            CompositionParentUndoUnit unit = PeekCompositionParentUndoUnit(); 
            if (unit != null)
                // We also put the caret at the end of the composition after
                // redoing a composition undo.  So update the end position now.
                unit.RecordRedoSelectionState(caretPosition, caretPosition);
        // Repositions an ITextRange to comply with limitations on IME input. 
        // We cannot modify Table structure, or insert content
        // before or after Tables or BlockUIContainers while maintaing our 
        // contract with the cicero interfaces (without major refactoring of
        // our code).
        private static void GetAdjustedSelection(ITextPointer startIn, ITextPointer endIn, out ITextPointer startOut, out ITextPointer endOut)
            startOut = startIn;
            endOut = endIn; 
            TextPointer start = startOut as TextPointer;
            // Tables and BlockUIContainers only exist in TextContainers, if
            // we're in some other kind of document no adjustments are needed.
            if (start == null)
            TextPointer end = (TextPointer)endOut;
            if (startIn.CompareTo(endIn) != 0)
                bool scopingBlockUIContainer = TextPointerBase.IsInBlockUIContainer(start) || TextPointerBase.IsInBlockUIContainer(end);
                TableCell startCell = TextRangeEditTables.GetTableCellFromPosition(start); 
                TableCell endCell = TextRangeEditTables.GetTableCellFromPosition(end);
                bool singleScopingTableCell = (startCell != null && startCell == endCell); 
                bool scopingTable = TextRangeEditTables.GetTableFromPosition(start) != null || TextRangeEditTables.GetTableFromPosition(end) != null; 

                // With a non-empty selection, if neither end of the selection is inside a Table or BlockUIContainer, 
                // there's nothing to adjust.
                if (!scopingBlockUIContainer &&
                    (singleScopingTableCell || !scopingTable))

            // From this point forward, we know selection will collapse to 
            // a single insertion point, so we ignore end.

            if (start.IsAtRowEnd)
                TextPointer previousPosition = start.GetNextInsertionPosition(LogicalDirection.Backward);
                Table currentTable = TextRangeEditTables.GetTableFromPosition(start); 
                start = TextRangeEditTables.GetAdjustedRowEndPosition(currentTable, start); 

                if (!start.IsAtInsertionPosition) 
                    // The document ends with a Table, and position is just past that.
                    // Back up to the previous TableCell proceding.
                    start = previousPosition; 
            else if (TextPointerBase.IsInBlockUIContainer(start)) 
                if (start.GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection.Backward) == TextPointerContext.ElementStart) 
                    start = start.GetNextInsertionPosition(LogicalDirection.Backward);
                    start = start.GetNextInsertionPosition(LogicalDirection.Forward); 
            while (start != null && TextPointerBase.IsBeforeFirstTable(start))
                // Note that the symmetrical case, AfterLastTable, is handled by
                // the IsAtRowEnd test above. 
                start = start.GetNextInsertionPosition(LogicalDirection.Forward);
            // If we have non-canonical format, give up.
            if (start == null || start.IsAtRowEnd || TextPointerBase.IsInBlockUIContainer(start)) 
                throw new COMException(SR.Get(SRID.TextStore_CompositionRejected), NativeMethods.E_FAIL);
            startOut = start;
            endOut = start; 

        // Normalizes a range: 
        // -The start position is advanced over all element edges not visible
        //  to the IMEs.
        // -Start and end positions are moved to insertion positions. 
        private void GetNormalizedRange(int startCharOffset, int endCharOffset, out ITextPointer start, out ITextPointer end)
            start = CreatePointerAtCharOffset(startCharOffset, LogicalDirection.Forward); 
            end = (startCharOffset == endCharOffset) ? start : CreatePointerAtCharOffset(endCharOffset, LogicalDirection.Backward);
            // Skip over hidden element edges.
            while (start.CompareTo(end) < 0)
                TextPointerContext forwardContext = start.GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection.Forward); 

                if (forwardContext == TextPointerContext.ElementStart) 
                    TextElement element = start.GetAdjacentElement(LogicalDirection.Forward) as TextElement;
                    if (element == null)
                    if (element.IMELeftEdgeCharCount != 0)
                else if (forwardContext != TextPointerContext.ElementEnd) 

            // Move to insertion positions.
            // If the positions are already adjacent to text, we must respect 
            // the IME's decision in regards to exact placement. 
            // MoveToInsertionPosition will skip over surrogates and combining
            // marks, but the IME needs fine-grained control over these positions. 

            if (start.CompareTo(end) == 0)
                start = start.GetFormatNormalizedPosition(LogicalDirection.Backward); 
                end = start;
                start = start.GetFormatNormalizedPosition(LogicalDirection.Backward); 
                end = end.GetFormatNormalizedPosition(LogicalDirection.Backward);
        // Raises public events corresponding to internal callbacks from
        // Cicero.  Specifically, here we raise 
        // TextInputStart, TextInputUpdate, and TextInput events. 
        // The Cicero contract disallows any reentrancy while calling IMEs hold 
        // the document lock.  By this point, the lock has just been released,
        // and we are free to "play back" the record we stored in _compositionEventList.
        // However, we may have several events queued up.  We use the undo stack 
        // to roll document state back before the first event was received and
        // then restore state forward incrementally with each public event. 
        private void HandleCompositionEvents(int previousUndoCount) 
            if (this.CompositionEventList.Count == 0 || 
                _compositionEventState != CompositionEventState.NotRaisingEvents)
                // No work to do.
            // Set a flag that informs the event listeners that they must hide 
            // events from the IMEs.  We don't want the IMEs to know about
            // the view of the document we're about to present the application. 
            _compositionEventState = CompositionEventState.RaisingEvents;

                // Remember our original selection positions.
                int imeSelectionAnchorOffset = this.TextSelection.AnchorPosition.Offset; 
                int imeSelectionMovingOffset = this.TextSelection.MovingPosition.Offset; 

                UndoManager undoManager = UndoManager.GetUndoManager(this.TextContainer.Parent); 

                // Undo the last set of IME changes, saving the current state
                // on the undo stack. 
                undoManager.SetRedoStack(null); // Clear the redo stack in case undoManager.UndoCount - previousUndoCount == 0. 
                UndoQuietly(undoManager.UndoCount - previousUndoCount);
                Stack imeChangeStack = undoManager.SetRedoStack(null); 

                int initialUndoCount = undoManager.UndoCount;

                // Play back IME changes, raising public events as we go along.
                int appSelectionAnchorOffset;
                int appSelectionMovingOffset; 

                RaiseCompositionEvents(out appSelectionAnchorOffset, out appSelectionMovingOffset);

                // Restore text composition with undo or redo
                SetFinalDocumentState(undoManager, imeChangeStack, undoManager.UndoCount - initialUndoCount, imeSelectionAnchorOffset, imeSelectionMovingOffset, appSelectionAnchorOffset, appSelectionMovingOffset);
                // Clear the composition message list

                // Reset the rasising composition events flag 
                _compositionEventState = CompositionEventState.NotRaisingEvents; 

        // Open the text parent undo unit
        private TextParentUndoUnit OpenTextParentUndoUnit()
            UndoManager undoManager = UndoManager.GetUndoManager(this.TextContainer.Parent);
            // Create the text parent undo unit 
            TextParentUndoUnit textParentUndoUnit = new TextParentUndoUnit(this.TextSelection, this.TextSelection.Start, this.TextSelection.Start);
            // Open the text parent undo unit

            return textParentUndoUnit; 
        // Close the text parent undo unit 
        private void CloseTextParentUndoUnit(TextParentUndoUnit textParentUndoUnit, UndoCloseAction undoCloseAction)
            if (textParentUndoUnit != null)
                UndoManager undoManager = UndoManager.GetUndoManager(this.TextContainer.Parent);
                // Close the text parent undo unit
                undoManager.Close(textParentUndoUnit, undoCloseAction); 
        // Raise the each composition events(Start, Update and End).
        // At this point, hte document has been "rolled back" to its original
        // state before the last IME edit.  We'll play back each IME edit
        // (StartComposition/UpdateComposition/EndComposition) now, raising 
        // public events at each iteration.
        /// Critical - calls critical (TextCompositionManager) code. 
        /// TreatAsSafe - doesn't accept or return critical information.
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
        private void RaiseCompositionEvents(out int appSelectionAnchorOffset, out int appSelectionMovingOffset)
            appSelectionAnchorOffset = -1; 
            appSelectionMovingOffset = -1;
            UndoManager undoManager = UndoManager.GetUndoManager(this.TextContainer.Parent); 

            // Raise the each composition events 
            for (int i = 0; i < this.CompositionEventList.Count; i++)
                CompositionEventRecord record = this.CompositionEventList[i];
                FrameworkTextComposition composition = CreateComposition(this.TextEditor, this); 

                ITextPointer start = this.TextContainer.CreatePointerAtOffset(record.StartOffsetBefore, LogicalDirection.Backward); 
                ITextPointer end = this.TextContainer.CreatePointerAtOffset(record.EndOffsetBefore, LogicalDirection.Forward); 

                bool handled = false; 
                _handledByTextStoreListener = false;
                _compositionModifiedByApp = false;

                switch (record.Stage) 
                    case CompositionStage.StartComposition: 
                        composition.Stage = TextCompositionStage.None; 
                        composition.SetCompositionPositions(start, end, record.Text);
                        undoManager.MinUndoStackCount = undoManager.UndoCount;
                            // PUBLIC event: 
                            handled = TextCompositionManager.StartComposition(composition);
                            undoManager.MinUndoStackCount = 0; 

                    case CompositionStage.UpdateComposition: 
                        composition.Stage = TextCompositionStage.Started;
                        composition.SetCompositionPositions(start, end, record.Text); 
                        undoManager.MinUndoStackCount = undoManager.UndoCount;
                            // PUBLIC event:
                            handled = TextCompositionManager.UpdateComposition(composition);
                            undoManager.MinUndoStackCount = 0; 

                    case CompositionStage.EndComposition:
                        composition.Stage = TextCompositionStage.Started; 
                        composition.SetResultPositions(start, end, record.Text);
                        undoManager.MinUndoStackCount = undoManager.UndoCount; 
                            // PUBLIC event:
                            handled = TextCompositionManager.CompleteComposition(composition);
                            undoManager.MinUndoStackCount = 0; 


                        Invariant.Assert(false, "Invalid composition stage!");
                // If composition events is handled by application, we immediately complete the 
                // composition and keep the application's change.
                if ((record.Stage == CompositionStage.EndComposition && !_handledByTextStoreListener) || 
                    (record.Stage != CompositionStage.EndComposition && handled) ||
                    _compositionModifiedByApp = true; 
                if (_compositionModifiedByApp) 
                    // Stop rasing the composition by application's text change or handled events 
                    appSelectionAnchorOffset = this.TextSelection.AnchorPosition.Offset;
                    appSelectionMovingOffset = this.TextSelection.MovingPosition.Offset;

                // We're clear to update the composition. 
                // For EndComposition, this has already happened in the default 
                // TextEditor TextInputEvent listener.  (We don't have default
                // control/editor listeners for TextInputStart or TextInputUpdate 
                // event because there are no public virtuals for those events
                // on UIElement.)
                if (record.Stage != CompositionStage.EndComposition)
                    // UpdateCompositionText raises a PUBLIC EVENT....

                if (record.Stage == CompositionStage.EndComposition) 
                    // Move the start position of the next complete composition text
                    start = end.GetFrozenPointer(LogicalDirection.Backward);

                // Because we just raised an event, we may need to complete the composition. 
                if (_compositionModifiedByApp) 
                    // Stop rasing the composition by application's text change or handled events 
                    appSelectionAnchorOffset = this.TextSelection.AnchorPosition.Offset;
                    appSelectionMovingOffset = this.TextSelection.MovingPosition.Offset;
        // Called after raising public events.
        // If the application interrupted events, this method will temporarily rollback
        // the application changes to safely finalize the composition, then restore
        // the application changes.
        // If the application did not interrupt events, restores the original view
        // of the document last seen by IMEs. 
        private void SetFinalDocumentState(UndoManager undoManager, Stack imeChangeStack, int appChangeCount, 
            int imeSelectionAnchorOffset, int imeSelectionMovingOffset, int appSelectionAnchorOffset, int appSelectionMovingOffset)

                bool textChanged = _compositionModifiedByApp;
                // Undo app changes.


                // Redo IME changes.
                Stack appRedoStack = undoManager.SetRedoStack(imeChangeStack);
                int imeChangeCount = imeChangeStack.Count; 

                // At this point the document should be exactly where the IME left it.
                Invariant.Assert(_netCharCount == this.TextContainer.IMECharCount); 

                if (textChanged) 
                    // We need to complete the composition before continuing. 

                    int completeUnitCount = undoManager.UndoCount;
                    if (_isComposing)
                        TextParentUndoUnit completeUndoUnit = OpenTextParentUndoUnit(); 
                            CloseTextParentUndoUnit(completeUndoUnit, (completeUndoUnit.LastUnit != null) ? UndoCloseAction.Commit : UndoCloseAction.Discard);

                    completeUnitCount = (undoManager.UndoCount - completeUnitCount); 

                    // Set a flag that informs the event listeners they need
                    // to pass along change notifications to the IMEs.
                    _compositionEventState = CompositionEventState.ApplyingApplicationChange; 
                        // Undo the composition complete, if any.


                        // Undo the remaining IME changes.
                        // Restore application changes.
                        // The IME should have received the app change events from preceeding RedoQuietly.
                        Invariant.Assert(_netCharCount == this.TextContainer.IMECharCount); 

                        // we can't rely on Redo fixing up the selection.
                        // If the app only modified the selection appChangeCount == 0.
                        ITextPointer anchor = this.TextContainer.CreatePointerAtOffset(appSelectionAnchorOffset, LogicalDirection.Forward); 
                        ITextPointer moving = this.TextContainer.CreatePointerAtOffset(appSelectionMovingOffset, LogicalDirection.Forward);
                        this.TextSelection.Select(anchor, moving); 
                        // Reset CompositionEventState after Redo operation
                        _compositionEventState = CompositionEventState.RaisingEvents;
                    // Restore the selection.
                    ITextPointer anchor = this.TextContainer.CreatePointerAtOffset(imeSelectionAnchorOffset, LogicalDirection.Backward); 
                    ITextPointer moving = this.TextContainer.CreatePointerAtOffset(imeSelectionMovingOffset, LogicalDirection.Backward);

                    this.TextSelection.Select(anchor, moving);
                    // Since we just had a composition accepted, we need to merge all
                    // of its individual units now. 
                this.TextSelection.EndChange(false /* disableScroll */, true /* skipEvents */);
        // Pops a unit off the undo stack without raising any public events. 
        private void UndoQuietly(int count)
            if (count > 0)
                UndoManager undoManager = UndoManager.GetUndoManager(this.TextContainer.Parent);
                    this.TextSelection.EndChange(false /* disableScroll */, true /* skipEvents */);
        // Pops a unit off the redo stack without raising any public events.
        private void RedoQuietly(int count) 
            if (count > 0)
                UndoManager undoManager = UndoManager.GetUndoManager(this.TextContainer.Parent); 

                    this.TextSelection.EndChange(false /* disableScroll */, true /* skipEvents */); 

        // Merges individual undo units that are part of a single composition into 
        // single undo units.
        private void MergeCompositionUndoUnits()
            UndoManager undoManager = UndoManager.GetUndoManager(this.TextContainer.Parent); 

            if (undoManager == null || !undoManager.IsEnabled) 

            // Walk backwards through the undo stack, looking for units originating
            // from a single composition to merge.
            int i = undoManager.UndoCount - 1; 
            int j = undoManager.UndoCount - 1;
            while (i >= 0) 
                CompositionParentUndoUnit unit = undoManager.GetUndoUnit(i) as CompositionParentUndoUnit; 

                if (unit == null || (unit.IsFirstCompositionUnit && unit.IsLastCompositionUnit)) //
                if (!unit.IsFirstCompositionUnit)

                // We're ready to merge.
                int mergeCount = j - i;
                for (int k = i+1; k <= i + mergeCount; k++)
                    CompositionParentUndoUnit mergeSource = (CompositionParentUndoUnit)undoManager.GetUndoUnit(k); 

                undoManager.RemoveUndoRange(i + 1, mergeCount);

                j = i;

        // Returns the top CompositionParentUndoUnit on the undo stack, 
        // if any.  Does not actually pop the unit.
        private CompositionParentUndoUnit PeekCompositionParentUndoUnit()
            UndoManager undoManager = UndoManager.GetUndoManager(this.TextContainer.Parent); 

            if (undoManager == null || !undoManager.IsEnabled) 
                return null; 

            return undoManager.PeekUndoStack() as CompositionParentUndoUnit; 

        #endregion Private Methods
        //  Private Properties 

        #region Private Properties

        private bool IsTextEditorValid 
            get { return _weakTextEditor.IsValid; } 

        private TextEditor TextEditor 
            get { return _weakTextEditor.TextEditor; }
        private ITextSelection TextSelection
            get { return this.TextEditor.Selection; } 
        private bool IsReadOnly
                return ((bool)this.UiScope.GetValue(TextEditor.IsReadOnlyProperty) || TextEditor.IsReadOnly);

        // Lazy allocated _compositionEventList accessor. 
        private List CompositionEventList
                if (_compositionEventList == null)
                    _compositionEventList = new List(); 
                return _compositionEventList;
        #endregion Private Properties
        //  Private Types 

        #region Private Types 

        // This is an enumrator of AppProperty types. 
        private enum AttributeStyle 
            InputScope = 0, 
            Font_Style_Height = 1,
            Font_FaceName = 2,
            Font_SizePts = 3,
            Text_ReadOnly = 4, 
            Text_Orientation = 5,
            Text_VerticalWriting = 6, 

        // This structure maps TS_ATTR (GUID) to AttributeStyle. 
        private struct TextServicesAttribute
            internal TextServicesAttribute(Guid guid, AttributeStyle style)
                _guid = guid;
                _style = style; 

            internal Guid Guid 
                get { return _guid; }
            internal AttributeStyle Style
                get { return _style; } 
            private Guid _guid;

            private AttributeStyle _style;

        // Scope WeakReference wrapper to detect whether the target object is invalid. 
        private class ScopeWeakReference : WeakReference 
            internal ScopeWeakReference(object obj) : base(obj) 

            internal bool IsValid 
                        return IsAlive;
                    catch (InvalidOperationException)
                        return false;
            internal TextEditor TextEditor
                        return (TextEditor)this.Target; 
                    catch (InvalidOperationException) 
                        return null;
        // This structure maps TS_ATTR (GUID) to AttributeStyle.
        private class MouseSink : IDisposable, IComparer 
            internal MouseSink(UnsafeNativeMethods.ITfRangeACP range, UnsafeNativeMethods.ITfMouseSink sink, int cookie)
                _range = new SecurityCriticalDataClass(range); 
                _sink = new SecurityCriticalDataClass(sink);
                _cookie = cookie; 

            ///     Critical:      UnsafeNativeMethods.ITfRangeACP has methods with SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity.
            ///     TreatAsSafe:   Only disposing objects.
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
            public void Dispose()

                // In case Dispose comes twice. 
                if (_range != null)
                    _range = null; 
                if (_sink != null) 
                    _sink = null; 
                _cookie = UnsafeNativeMethods.TF_INVALID_COOKIE;
            public int Compare( Object x, Object y )
                return (((MouseSink)x)._cookie - ((MouseSink)y)._cookie); 
            // While Locked == false, UnadviseSink will not immediately
            // dispose of this object.  Locked is a poor man's AddRef/Release,
            // necessary because (1) we can't let the gc Dispose this object on
            // the finalizer thread, and (2) cicero will sometimes unadvise 
            // this object from within a callback.
            internal bool Locked 
                    return _locked;

                    _locked = value; 
                    if (!_locked && _pendingDispose)

            // Set true when this object has been released via UnadviseSink. 
            internal bool PendingDispose 
                    _pendingDispose = value;

            ///     Critical: UnsafeNativeMethods.ITfRangeACP has methods with SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity. 
            internal UnsafeNativeMethods.ITfRangeACP Range 
                get {return _range.Value;}

            ///     Critical: UnsafeNativeMethods.ITFMouseSink has methods with SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity. 
            internal UnsafeNativeMethods.ITfMouseSink Sink 
                get {return _sink.Value;}

            internal int Cookie {get{return _cookie;}} 
            ///     Critical: UnsafeNativeMethods.ITfRangeACP has methods with SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity. 
            private SecurityCriticalDataClass _range;

            ///     Critical: UnsafeNativeMethods.ITfMouseSink has methods with SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity.
            private SecurityCriticalDataClass _sink; 

            private int _cookie; 

            // Set true during a sink callback.
            private bool _locked;
            // Set true when this object has been released via UnadviseSink.
            private bool _pendingDispose; 

        // Custom parent undo unit used to hold composition updates. 
        private class CompositionParentUndoUnit : TextParentUndoUnit
            internal CompositionParentUndoUnit(ITextSelection selection, ITextPointer anchorPosition, ITextPointer movingPosition, bool isFirstCompositionUnit)
                : base(selection, anchorPosition, movingPosition) 
                _isFirstCompositionUnit = isFirstCompositionUnit; 

            // Creates a redo unit from an undo unit. 
            private CompositionParentUndoUnit(CompositionParentUndoUnit undoUnit)
                : base(undoUnit)
                _isFirstCompositionUnit = undoUnit._isFirstCompositionUnit; 
                _isLastCompositionUnit = undoUnit._isLastCompositionUnit;
            protected override TextParentUndoUnit CreateRedoUnit()
                return new CompositionParentUndoUnit(this);

            // Merges another unit into this unit. 
            internal void MergeCompositionUnit(CompositionParentUndoUnit unit)
                object[] units = unit.CopyUnits(); 

                Invariant.Assert(this.Locked); // If this fails, then the Locked = true below is invalid. 
                this.Locked = false;

                for (int i = units.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                this.Locked = true;

                _isLastCompositionUnit |= unit.IsLastCompositionUnit;

            // True if this unit is the first unit of a composition. 
            internal bool IsFirstCompositionUnit 
                    return _isFirstCompositionUnit;

            // True if this unit is the last unit of a composition. 
            internal bool IsLastCompositionUnit 
                    return _isLastCompositionUnit;
                    _isLastCompositionUnit = value; 

            // Returns a shallow copy of this units children.
            private object[] CopyUnits()
                return this.Units.ToArray();
            private readonly bool _isFirstCompositionUnit;
            private bool _isLastCompositionUnit;

        // Tristate used to filter TextContainer change events. 
        private enum CompositionEventState
            // Not currently raising composition events. 
            // Events received in this state are application changes.
            NotRaisingEvents = 0, 

            // Raising public events.  Events should be hidden from IMEs.
            RaisingEvents = 1,
            // Raising public event, but events should not be hidden from IMEs.
            ApplyingApplicationChange = 2, 

        // Context associated with a FrameworkTextComposition. 
        private enum CompositionStage
            /// The StartComposition has set. 
            StartComposition = 1, 
            /// The UpdateComposition has set. 
            UpdateComposition = 2,

            /// The EndComposition has set.
            EndComposition = 3, 
        // Package for state saved during a composition start/update/end event.
        private class CompositionEventRecord
            internal CompositionEventRecord(CompositionStage stage, int startOffsetBefore, int endOffsetBefore, string text) 
                _stage = stage; 
                _startOffsetBefore = startOffsetBefore; 
                _endOffsetBefore = endOffsetBefore;
                _text = text; 

            internal CompositionStage Stage
                get { return _stage; }
            internal int StartOffsetBefore
                get { return _startOffsetBefore; }

            internal int EndOffsetBefore 
                get { return _endOffsetBefore; } 

            internal string Text 
                get { return _text; }
            private readonly CompositionStage _stage;
            private readonly int _startOffsetBefore; 

            private readonly int _endOffsetBefore; 

            private readonly string _text;
        #endregion Private Types
        //  Private Fields 

        #region Private Fields 

        // An element to which the TextEditor instance is attached 
        private readonly ScopeWeakReference _weakTextEditor; 

        private TextServicesHost _textservicesHost; 

        // A TSF sink used to notify TSF after selection, document, or layout changes.
        private UnsafeNativeMethods.ITextStoreACPSink _sink;
        // true if TSF has a pending lock upgrade request.
        private bool _pendingWriteReq; 
        // The current document lock status.
        private UnsafeNativeMethods.LockFlags _lockFlags; 

        // If we're waiting for an async lock request to be dispatched,
        // this field will be non-zero with the requested lock privilege level.
        private UnsafeNativeMethods.LockFlags _pendingAsyncLockFlags; 

        // Counter set non-zero during OnTextChange callbacks. 
        // Used to prevent reentrant locks. 
        private int _textChangeReentrencyCount;
        // true if we're in the middle of an ongoing composition.
        private bool _isComposing;

        private int _previousCompositionStartOffset = -1; 

        private int _previousCompositionEndOffset = -1; 
        // Position of the composition start as of the last update.
        // We can't simply store int offsets because under some circumstances 
        // IMEs will ignore text input during a composition, letting the editor
        // handle the event, in which case we need live pointers to react
        // to the changes.  See bug 118934.
        private ITextPointer _previousCompositionStart; 

        // Position of the composition end as of the last update. 
        private ITextPointer _previousCompositionEnd; 

        // Manages display attributes for active compositions. 
        private TextServicesProperty _textservicesproperty;

        // We only ever expose one view, so we can use a constant identifier
        // when talking to TSF. 
        private const int _viewCookie = 0;
        // The TSF document object.  This is a native resource. 
        ///     Critical: UnsafeNativeMethods.ITfDocumentMgr has methods with SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity. 
        private SecurityCriticalDataClass _documentmanager;

        // The ITfThreadFocusSink cookie. 
        private int _threadFocusCookie;
        // The ITfEditSink cookie. 
        private int _editSinkCookie;
        // The readonly edit cookie TSF returns from CreateContext.
        private int _editCookie;

        // The transitory extension sink cookie. 
        private int _transitoryExtensionSinkCookie;
        // This is the temp array for TS_ATTRVAL for RetrieveRequestedAttr. 
        private ArrayList _preparedattributes;
        // This is the array for mouse sinks.
        private ArrayList _mouseSinks;

        // We keep the mapping data from TS_ATTR (GUID) to AttributeStyle. 
        private static readonly TextServicesAttribute[] _supportingattributes = new TextServicesAttribute[] {
            new TextServicesAttribute(UnsafeNativeMethods.GUID_PROP_INPUTSCOPE, AttributeStyle.InputScope), 
                          new TextServicesAttribute(UnsafeNativeMethods.TSATTRID_Font_Style_Height, AttributeStyle.Font_Style_Height), 
                          new TextServicesAttribute(UnsafeNativeMethods.TSATTRID_Font_FaceName, AttributeStyle.Font_FaceName),
                          new TextServicesAttribute(UnsafeNativeMethods.TSATTRID_Font_SizePts, AttributeStyle.Font_SizePts), 
                          new TextServicesAttribute(UnsafeNativeMethods.TSATTRID_Text_ReadOnly, AttributeStyle.Text_ReadOnly),
                          new TextServicesAttribute(UnsafeNativeMethods.TSATTRID_Text_Orientation, AttributeStyle.Text_Orientation),
                          new TextServicesAttribute(UnsafeNativeMethods.TSATTRID_Text_VerticalWriting, AttributeStyle.Text_VerticalWriting),

        // This is true if the current selection is for an interim character. Koream Interim Support. 
        private bool _interimSelection; 

        // Buffer used by RemoveContent/OnTextContainerChangeAdded to record
        // the first symbol offset affected by a content remove edit.
        private int _minSymbolsRemovedIndex;

        // Set true if a TIP modifies the selection. 
        // Used to avoid reporting non-external selection changes when the 
        // OnLockGranted change block closes.
        private bool _ignoreNextSelectionChange; 

        // The sum of all character added/removed events.
        // Should never be negative.
        // Should always equal this.TextContainer.IMECharCount. 
        // This field is only used for reliabilty reasons, in calls to Invariant.Assert.
        private int _netCharCount; 
        // The element might be disconnected from tree when the parent window is moved.
        // We need to make a LayoutChange notification when it gets focus back. 
        private bool _makeLayoutChangeOnGotFocus;

        // Flag that indicate the rasising composition events
        private CompositionEventState _compositionEventState; 

        // Flag that indicate the composition text changed by 
        // someone other than the editor or an IME (ie, during 
        // a public event).
        private bool _compositionModifiedByApp; 

        // Composition event list.
        private List _compositionEventList;
        // Used to identify the start of a new composition on the undo stack.
        private bool _nextUndoUnitIsFirstCompositionUnit = true; 
        // A record of the last text inserted by a composition update.
        private string _lastCompositionText; 

        // Set true when TextEditor.OnTextInput handles a TextInput event (no app override).
        private bool _handledByTextStoreListener;
        #endregion Private Fields

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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