ResourcesGenerator.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ DotNET / DotNET / 8.0 / untmp / WIN_WINDOWS / lh_tools_devdiv_wpf / Windows / wcp / Build / Microsoft / Build / Tasks / Windows / ResourcesGenerator.cs / 1 / ResourcesGenerator.cs

//    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved. 
// Description: An MSBuild task that generate .resources file from given 
//              resource files, .jpg, .ico, .baml, etc.
// Spec:        [....]/app/Compilation/Avalon-MSBUILD%20Targets.doc
// History:
//  04/27/2005 : Integrate from ResourcesGenerator 
using System;
using System.IO; 
using System.Collections;

using System.Globalization;
using System.Diagnostics; 
using System.Reflection;
using System.Resources; 
using System.Runtime.InteropServices; 

using Microsoft.Build.Framework; 
using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;

using MS.Utility;
using Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Windows; 
using MS.Internal;
using MS.Internal.Tasks; 
// Since we disable PreSharp warnings in this file, PreSharp warning is unknown to C# compiler.
// We first need to disable warnings about unknown message numbers and unknown pragmas. 
#pragma warning disable 1634, 1691

namespace Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Windows

    #region ResourcesGenerator Task class 
    public sealed class ResourcesGenerator : Task
        //  Constructors 

        #region Constructors

        /// ctor
        public ResourcesGenerator ( ) 
                 : base(SR.ResourceManager)
            // set the source directory
            _sourceDir = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;
        #endregion Constructors
        //  Public Methods
        #region Public Methods
        /// Execute
        public override bool Execute()
            TaskHelper.DisplayLogo(Log, SR.Get(SRID.ResourcesGeneratorTask)); 

            // Validate the property settings 
            if (ValidResourceFiles(ResourceFiles) == false)
               // ValidResourceFiles has already showed up error message.
               // Just stop here. 
               return false;
            if (OutputResourcesFile != null && OutputResourcesFile.Length > 1)
                // Every task should generate only one .resources.
                return false;

            bool successful = true; 
            ResourceWriter resWriter = null; 

                // create output directory
                if (!Directory.Exists(OutputPath))
                string resourcesFile = OutputResourcesFile[0].ItemSpec;
                Log.LogMessageFromResources(MessageImportance.Low, SRID.ResourcesGenerating.String, resourcesFile);

                // Go through all the files and create a resources file.
                resWriter = new ResourceWriter(resourcesFile); 

#pragma warning disable 6518 
// Warning 56518 Local IDisposable object not disposed
// Comments from CLR code owners as why not to call Close on the memeory stream:
// This is one of those strange places where the lifetime of the MemoryStream must be
// at least until you call Generate on the ResourceWriter. 
// This is one of those poorly-defined lifetime issues your code could decide to
// close the MemoryStream after its done generating the ResourceWriter, but we have 
// no good way of letting you know of this requirement up front. 
// Since there arent any relatively precious native handles involved, you are best 
// off not closing the MemoryStream, and letting the GC do its job.

// Presharp violations are just an indication that something could be wrong. Some of 
// the rules are noisy. you have a live reference to the MemoryStream in resWriter
// so for this case,  The Presharp violation is wrong for this situataion and should 
// be suppressed. 
                for (int i = 0; i < ResourceFiles.Length; i++)
                    byte[] fileBuffer = null;
                    string resourceId = null; 

                    string resFileName = ResourceFiles[i].ItemSpec; 
                    string fullFilePath = Path.GetFullPath(resFileName);
                    resourceId = GetResourceIdForResourceFile(ResourceFiles[i]);

                    // read the file as a byte array
                    using (FileStream resourceStream = File.Open(fullFilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read)) 
                        // limit size to System.Int32.MaxValue 
                        long length = resourceStream.Length; 
                        if (length > (long)System.Int32.MaxValue)
                            throw new ApplicationException(SR.Get(SRID.ResourceTooBig, resFileName, System.Int32.MaxValue));

                        Log.LogMessageFromResources(MessageImportance.Low, SRID.ReadResourceFile.String, fullFilePath); 
                        Log.LogMessageFromResources(MessageImportance.Low, SRID.ResourceId.String, resourceId);
                        //Store the assembly stream to a byte array. 

                        fileBuffer = new byte[(int)length]; 

                        if (fileBuffer != null)
                            int read = resourceStream.Read(fileBuffer, 0, (int)length); 

                            MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(fileBuffer); 
                            // add the resource
                            resWriter.AddResource(resourceId, stream); 


#pragma warning restore 6518 
                // Generate the .resources file.

                Log.LogMessageFromResources(MessageImportance.Low, SRID.ResourcesGenerated.String, resourcesFile);
            catch (Exception e) 
                // PreSharp Complaint 6500 - do not handle null-ref or SEH exceptions. 
                if (e is NullReferenceException || e is SEHException) 
                    string message; 
                    string errorId;
                    errorId = Log.ExtractMessageCode(e.Message, out message); 

                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(errorId)) 
                        errorId = UnknownErrorID;
                        message = SR.Get(SRID.UnknownBuildError, message);

                    Log.LogError(null, errorId, null, null, 0, 0, 0, 0, message, null); 
                    successful = false; 
#pragma warning disable 6500
            catch   // Non-cls compliant errors
                successful = false;
#pragma warning restore 6500 

                if (resWriter != null)
                    // close the resource writer 
            return successful;

        #endregion Public Methods

        //  Public Properties 
        #region Public Properties

        /// Image or baml files which will be embedded into Resources File 
        public ITaskItem [] ResourceFiles 
            get { return _inputFiles; } 
            set { _inputFiles = value; }

        /// The directory where the generated resources file lives.
        public string OutputPath
            get { return _outputPath; }
                _outputPath = Path.GetFullPath(value); 

                if (!_outputPath.EndsWith((Path.DirectorySeparatorChar).ToString(), StringComparison.Ordinal)) 
                    _outputPath += Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; 

        /// Generated resources file. This is a required input item.
        /// Every task should generate only one .resource file. 
        /// If the resource is for a specific culture, the ItemSpec should have syntax like
        ///      Filebasename.$(Culture).resources. 
        /// The file path should also include OutputPath.
        public ITaskItem [] OutputResourcesFile
            get { return _outputResourcesFile; }
            set { _outputResourcesFile = value; } 

        #endregion Public Properties 

        //  Public Events 
        #region Public Events

        #endregion Public Events

        //  Protected Methods 
        #region Protected Methods

        #endregion Protected Methods 

        //  Internal Methods

        #region Internal Methods
        #endregion Internal Methods
        //  Internal Properties 

        #region Internal Properties 

        #endregion Internal Properties 
        //  Internal Events
        #region Internal Events
        #endregion Internal Events 

        //  Private Methods

        #region Private Methods 
        /// Check if the passed files have valid path 
        private bool ValidResourceFiles(ITaskItem[] inputFiles) 
            bool bValid = true; 
            foreach (ITaskItem  inputFile  in inputFiles)
                string strFileName;

                strFileName = inputFile.ItemSpec;
                if (!File.Exists(TaskHelper.CreateFullFilePath(strFileName, SourceDir)))
                    bValid = false; 
                    Log.LogErrorWithCodeFromResources(SRID.FileNotFound.String, strFileName);

            return bValid;

        /// Return the correct resource id for the passed resource file path.
        /// Resource File Path
        /// the resource id
        private string GetResourceIdForResourceFile(ITaskItem resFile)
            string resourceId = null;
            string fullFilePath = Path.GetFullPath(resFile.ItemSpec); 
            string relPath;
            // If the resFile is relative to the StagingDir (OutputPath here)
            // take the relative path as resource id.
            // If the resFile is not relative to StagingDir, but relative 
            // to the project directory, take this relative path as resource id.
            // Otherwise, just take the file name as resource id. 

            relPath = TaskHelper.GetRootRelativePath(OutputPath, fullFilePath); 

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(relPath))
                relPath = TaskHelper.GetRootRelativePath(SourceDir, fullFilePath); 
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(relPath) == false) 
                resourceId = relPath; 
                resourceId = Path.GetFileName(fullFilePath); 
            // Modify resource ID to correspond to canonicalized Uri format 
            // i.e. - all lower case, use "/" as separator
            // ' ' is converted to escaped version %20 

            resourceId = ResourceIDHelper.GetResourceIDFromRelativePath(resourceId);
            return resourceId;
        #endregion Private Methods
        //  Private Properties

        #region Private Properties 
        private string SourceDir
            get { return _sourceDir; }

        #endregion Private Properties 

        //  Private Fields

        #region Private Fields
        private ITaskItem []               _inputFiles;
        private ITaskItem []               _outputResourcesFile; 
        private string                     _outputPath;
        private string                     _sourceDir;
        private const string UnknownErrorID = "RG1000";

        #endregion Private Fields 

    #endregion ResourcesGenerator Task class

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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