RolePrincipal.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / untmp / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / xsp / System / Web / Security / RolePrincipal.cs / 1305376 / RolePrincipal.cs

//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

 * RolePrincipal 
 * Copyright (c) 2002 Microsoft Corporation 

namespace System.Web.Security {
    using  System.Security.Principal; 
    using System.Security.Permissions;
    using System.Collections; 
    using System.Collections.Specialized; 
    using System.Web;
    using System.Web.Hosting; 
    using System.Text;
    using System.Web.Configuration;
    using System.Web.Util;
    using System.Globalization; 
    using System.Runtime.Serialization;
    using System.IO; 
    using System.Configuration.Provider; 
    using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;
    public class RolePrincipal : IPrincipal, ISerializable
        public RolePrincipal(IIdentity identity, string encryptedTicket) 
            if (identity == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "identity" ); 

            if (encryptedTicket == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "encryptedTicket" );
            _Identity = identity;
            _ProviderName = Roles.Provider.Name;
            if (identity.IsAuthenticated) 
        public RolePrincipal(IIdentity identity)
            if (identity == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "identity" ); 
            _Identity = identity;

        public RolePrincipal(string providerName, IIdentity identity ) 
            if (identity == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "identity" );
            if( providerName == null)
                throw new ArgumentException( SR.GetString( SR.Role_provider_name_invalid ), "providerName" ); 
            _ProviderName = providerName;
            if (Roles.Providers[providerName] == null) 
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.Role_provider_name_invalid), "providerName");

            _Identity = identity;
        public RolePrincipal(string providerName, IIdentity identity, string encryptedTicket ) 
            if (identity == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "identity" );

            if (encryptedTicket == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "encryptedTicket" ); 

            if( providerName == null) 
                throw new ArgumentException( SR.GetString( SR.Role_provider_name_invalid ), "providerName" ); 

            _ProviderName = providerName; 
            if (Roles.Providers[_ProviderName] == null)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.Role_provider_name_invalid), "providerName");
            _Identity = identity;
            if (identity.IsAuthenticated) 

        private void InitFromEncryptedTicket( string encryptedTicket )
            if (HostingEnvironment.IsHosted && EtwTrace.IsTraceEnabled(EtwTraceLevel.Information, EtwTraceFlags.AppSvc)) 
                EtwTrace.Trace(EtwTraceType.ETW_TYPE_ROLE_BEGIN, HttpContext.Current.WorkerRequest);
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(encryptedTicket)) 
                goto Exit;
            byte[] bTicket = CookieProtectionHelper.Decode(Roles.CookieProtectionValue, encryptedTicket);
            if (bTicket == null)
                goto Exit;
            RolePrincipal   rp = null;
            MemoryStream    ms = null; 
                ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream(bTicket);
                rp = (new BinaryFormatter()).Deserialize(ms) as RolePrincipal; 
            } catch {
            } finally {
            if (rp == null)
                goto Exit; 
            if (!StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(rp._Username, _Identity.Name)) 
                goto Exit;
            if (!StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(rp._ProviderName, _ProviderName)) 
                goto Exit;
            if (DateTime.UtcNow > rp._ExpireDate)
                goto Exit;
            _Version = rp._Version;
            _ExpireDate = rp._ExpireDate; 
            _IssueDate = rp._IssueDate; 
            _IsRoleListCached = rp._IsRoleListCached;
            _CachedListChanged = false; 
            _Username = rp._Username;
            _Roles = rp._Roles;

            if (HostingEnvironment.IsHosted && EtwTrace.IsTraceEnabled(EtwTraceLevel.Information, EtwTraceFlags.AppSvc)) 
                EtwTrace.Trace( EtwTraceType.ETW_TYPE_ROLE_END, HttpContext.Current.WorkerRequest, "RolePrincipal", _Identity.Name);
            _CachedListChanged = true; 
            if (HostingEnvironment.IsHosted && EtwTrace.IsTraceEnabled(EtwTraceLevel.Information, EtwTraceFlags.AppSvc))
                EtwTrace.Trace(EtwTraceType.ETW_TYPE_ROLE_END, HttpContext.Current.WorkerRequest, "RolePrincipal", _Identity.Name); 
        private void Init() {
            _Version = 1; 
            _IssueDate = DateTime.UtcNow; 
            _ExpireDate = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(Roles.CookieTimeout);
            //_CookiePath = Roles.CookiePath; 
            _IsRoleListCached = false;
            _CachedListChanged = false;
            if (_ProviderName == null)
                _ProviderName = Roles.Provider.Name; 
            if (_Roles == null)
                _Roles = new HybridDictionary(true); 
            if (_Identity != null) 
                _Username = _Identity.Name;

        // Public properties
        public int       Version           { get { return _Version;}}
        public DateTime  ExpireDate        { get { return _ExpireDate.ToLocalTime();}} 
        public DateTime  IssueDate         { get { return _IssueDate.ToLocalTime();}} 
        // DevDiv Bugs: 9446
        // Expired should check against DateTime.UtcNow instead of DateTime.Now because 
        // _ExpireData is a Utc DateTime.
        public bool      Expired           { get { return _ExpireDate < DateTime.UtcNow;}}
        public String    CookiePath        { get { return Roles.CookiePath;}} //
        public IIdentity Identity          { get { return _Identity; }} 
        public bool      IsRoleListCached  { get { return _IsRoleListCached; }}
        public bool      CachedListChanged { get { return _CachedListChanged; }} 
        public string    ProviderName      { get { return _ProviderName; } } 

        // Public functions 

        [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Assert, Flags = SecurityPermissionFlag.SerializationFormatter)] 
        public string ToEncryptedTicket()
            if (!Roles.Enabled)
                return null;
            if (_Identity != null && !_Identity.IsAuthenticated)
                return null; 
            if (_Identity == null && string.IsNullOrEmpty(_Username))
                return null; 
            if (_Roles.Count > Roles.MaxCachedResults) 
                return null;
            MemoryStream ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream();
            byte[] buf = null;
            IIdentity id = _Identity;
            try { 
                _Identity = null;
                BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter(); 
                bf.Serialize(ms, this); 
                buf = ms.ToArray();
            } finally { 
                _Identity = id;
            return CookieProtectionHelper.Encode(Roles.CookieProtectionValue, buf, buf.Length);
        private void RenewIfOld() {
            if (!Roles.CookieSlidingExpiration)
            DateTime dtN = DateTime.UtcNow;
            TimeSpan t1  = dtN - _IssueDate; 
            TimeSpan t2  = _ExpireDate - dtN; 

            if (t2 > t1) 
            _ExpireDate = dtN + (_ExpireDate - _IssueDate);
            _IssueDate = dtN;
            _CachedListChanged = true; 
        public string[] GetRoles()
            if (_Identity == null)
                throw new ProviderException(SR.GetString(SR.Role_Principal_not_fully_constructed)); 

            if (!_Identity.IsAuthenticated) 
                return new string[0]; 
            string[] roles;
            if (!_IsRoleListCached || !_GetRolesCalled) {
                roles = Roles.Providers[_ProviderName].GetRolesForUser(Identity.Name);
                foreach (string role in roles) 
                    if (_Roles[role] == null)
                        _Roles.Add(role, String.Empty); 
                _IsRoleListCached = true; 
                _CachedListChanged = true;
                _GetRolesCalled = true; 
                return roles;
            } else {
                roles = new string[_Roles.Count];
                int index = 0; 
                foreach (string role in _Roles.Keys)
                    roles[index++] = role; 
                return roles; 


        public bool IsInRole(string role) 
            if (_Identity == null)
                throw new ProviderException(SR.GetString(SR.Role_Principal_not_fully_constructed)); 

            if (!_Identity.IsAuthenticated || role == null)
                return false;
            role = role.Trim(); 
            if (!IsRoleListCached) {
                string[] roles = Roles.Providers[_ProviderName].GetRolesForUser(Identity.Name); 
                foreach(string roleTemp in roles)
                    if (_Roles[roleTemp] == null) 
                        _Roles.Add(roleTemp, String.Empty);

                _IsRoleListCached = true;
                _CachedListChanged = true; 
            return _Roles[role] != null; 

        public void SetDirty() 
            _IsRoleListCached = false;
            _CachedListChanged = true;

        protected RolePrincipal(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) 
            _Version = info.GetInt32("_Version");
            _ExpireDate = info.GetDateTime("_ExpireDate"); 
            _IssueDate = info.GetDateTime("_IssueDate");
            try {
                _Identity = info.GetValue("_Identity", typeof(IIdentity)) as IIdentity;
            } catch { } // Ignore Exceptions 
            _ProviderName = info.GetString("_ProviderName");
            _Username = info.GetString("_Username"); 
            _IsRoleListCached = info.GetBoolean("_IsRoleListCached"); 
            _Roles = new HybridDictionary(true);
            string allRoles = info.GetString("_AllRoles"); 
            if (allRoles != null) {
                foreach(string role in allRoles.Split(new char[] {','}))
                    if (_Roles[role] == null)
                        _Roles.Add(role, String.Empty); 
        void ISerializable.GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
            GetObjectData(info, context);

        protected virtual void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) 
            info.AddValue("_Version", _Version); 
            info.AddValue("_ExpireDate", _ExpireDate);
            info.AddValue("_IssueDate", _IssueDate); 
            try {
                info.AddValue("_Identity", _Identity);
            } catch { } // Ignore Exceptions
            info.AddValue("_ProviderName", _ProviderName); 
            info.AddValue("_Username", _Identity == null ? _Username : _Identity.Name);
            info.AddValue("_IsRoleListCached", _IsRoleListCached); 
            if (_Roles.Count > 0) { 
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(_Roles.Count * 10);
                foreach(object role in _Roles.Keys) 
                    sb.Append(((string)role) + ",");
                string allRoles = sb.ToString();
                info.AddValue("_AllRoles", allRoles.Substring(0, allRoles.Length - 1));
            } else { 
                info.AddValue("_AllRoles", String.Empty);

        private int         _Version;
        private DateTime    _ExpireDate; 
        private DateTime    _IssueDate;
        private IIdentity   _Identity; 
        private string      _ProviderName; 
        private string      _Username;
        private bool        _IsRoleListCached; 
        private bool        _CachedListChanged;

        private HybridDictionary _Roles = null; 
        private bool _GetRolesCalled; 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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