XmlQualifiedNameTest.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / untmp / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / XmlUtils / System / Xml / Xsl / XmlQualifiedNameTest.cs / 1305376 / XmlQualifiedNameTest.cs

//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// [....] 
using System; 
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Schema; 
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Text;
namespace System.Xml.Xsl {
    /// XmlQualifiedName extends XmlQualifiedName to support wildcards and adds nametest functionality
    /// Following are the examples: 
    ///     {A}:B     XmlQualifiedNameTest.New("B", "A")        Match QName with namespace A        and local name B
    ///     *         XmlQualifiedNameTest.New(null, null)      Match any QName
    ///     {A}:*     XmlQualifiedNameTest.New(null, "A")       Match QName with namespace A        and any local name
    ///               XmlQualifiedNameTest.New("A", false) 
    ///     *:B       XmlQualifiedNameTest.New("B", null)       Match QName with any namespace      and local name B
    ///     ~{A}:*    XmlQualifiedNameTest.New("B", "A")        Match QName with namespace not A    and any local name 
    ///     {~A}:B    only as a result of the intersection      Match QName with namespace not A    and local name B 
    internal class XmlQualifiedNameTest : XmlQualifiedName { 
        bool exclude;
        const string wildcard = "*";
        static XmlQualifiedNameTest wc = XmlQualifiedNameTest.New(wildcard, wildcard);
        /// Full wildcard 
        public static XmlQualifiedNameTest Wildcard {
            get { return wc; } 

        /// Constructor 
        private XmlQualifiedNameTest(string name, string ns, bool exclude) : base (name, ns) { 
            this.exclude = exclude; 
        /// Construct new from name and namespace. Returns singleton Wildcard in case full wildcard
        public static XmlQualifiedNameTest New(string name, string ns) { 
            if (ns == null && name == null) {
                return Wildcard; 
            else {
                return new XmlQualifiedNameTest(name == null ? wildcard : name, ns == null ? wildcard : ns, false); 

        /// True if matches any name and any namespace
        public bool IsWildcard { 
            get { return (object)this == (object)Wildcard; }

        /// True if matches any name
        public bool IsNameWildcard {
            get { return (object)this.Name == (object)wildcard; } 

        /// True if matches any namespace
        public bool IsNamespaceWildcard {
            get { return (object)this.Namespace == (object)wildcard; } 
        private bool IsNameSubsetOf(XmlQualifiedNameTest other) { 
            return other.IsNameWildcard || this.Name == other.Name;

        private bool IsNamespaceSubsetOf(XmlQualifiedNameTest other) {
            return other.IsNamespaceWildcard 
                || (this.exclude == other.exclude && this.Namespace == other.Namespace)
                || (other.exclude && !this.exclude && this.Namespace != other.Namespace); 

        /// True if this matches every QName other does
        public bool IsSubsetOf(XmlQualifiedNameTest other) {
            return IsNameSubsetOf(other) && IsNamespaceSubsetOf(other); 
        /// Return true if the result of intersection with other is not empty
        public bool HasIntersection(XmlQualifiedNameTest other) {
            return (IsNamespaceSubsetOf(other) || other.IsNamespaceSubsetOf(this)) && (IsNameSubsetOf(other) || other.IsNameSubsetOf(this));
        /// String representation 
        public override string ToString() {
            if ((object)this == (object)Wildcard) { 
                return "*";
            else {
                if (this.Namespace.Length == 0) { 
                    return this.Name;
                else if ((object)this.Namespace == (object)wildcard) { 
                    return "*:" + this.Name;
                else if (this.exclude) {
                    return  "{~" + this.Namespace + "}:" + this.Name;
                else { 
                    return  "{" + this.Namespace + "}:" + this.Name;
        #if SchemaTypeImport
        /// Construct new from XmlQualifiedName. Returns singleton Wildcard in case full wildcard
        public static XmlQualifiedNameTest New(XmlQualifiedName name) {
            if (name.IsEmpty) { 
                return Wildcard; 
            else { 
                return new XmlQualifiedNameTest(name.Name, name.Namespace, false);
        /// Construct new "exclusion" name test 
        public static XmlQualifiedNameTest New(string ns, bool exclude) {
            Debug.Assert(ns != null); 
            return new XmlQualifiedNameTest(wildcard, ns, exclude);

        /// Return the result of intersection with other
        public XmlQualifiedNameTest Intersect(XmlQualifiedNameTest other) { 
            // Namespace
            // this\other   ~y                          *               y 
            //        ~x    x=y ? this|other : null     this            x!=y ? other : null
            //         *    other                       this|other      other
            //         x    x!=y ? this : null          this            x=y ? this|other : null
            XmlQualifiedNameTest namespaceFrom = IsNamespaceSubsetOf(other) ? this : other.IsNamespaceSubsetOf(this) ? other : null; 
            XmlQualifiedNameTest nameFrom = IsNameSubsetOf(other) ? this : other.IsNameSubsetOf(this) ? other : null;
            if ((object)namespaceFrom == (object)nameFrom) { 
                return namespaceFrom;
            else if (namespaceFrom == null || nameFrom == null) {
                return null;
            else { 
                return new XmlQualifiedNameTest(nameFrom.Name, namespaceFrom.Namespace, namespaceFrom.ExcludeNamespace);

        /// True if neither name nor namespace is a wildcard
        public bool IsSingleName {
            get { return (object)this.Name != (object)wildcard && (object)this.Namespace != (object)wildcard  && this.exclude == false; } 
        /// True if matches any namespace other then this.Namespace
        public bool ExcludeNamespace {
            get { return this.exclude; }

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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