CommonProperties.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / untmp / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / WinForms / Managed / System / WinForms / Layout / CommonProperties.cs / 1305376 / CommonProperties.cs

//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

namespace System.Windows.Forms.Layout { 
    using System; 
    using System.Collections.Specialized;
    using System.Collections; 
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
    using System.Drawing;
    using System.Windows.Forms; 
    using System.ComponentModel;
    // Some LayoutEngines extend the same properties to their children.  We want
    // these extended properties to retain their value when moved from one container 
    // to another.  (For example, set BoxStretchInternal on a control in FlowPanel and then move
    // the control to GridPanel.)  CommonProperties is a place to define keys and
    // accessors for such properties.
    internal class CommonProperties { 

        private static readonly int _layoutStateProperty = PropertyStore.CreateKey(); 
        private static readonly int _specifiedBoundsProperty = PropertyStore.CreateKey();
        private static readonly int _preferredSizeCacheProperty = PropertyStore.CreateKey(); 
        private static readonly int _paddingProperty = PropertyStore.CreateKey();

        private static readonly int _marginProperty = PropertyStore.CreateKey();
        private static readonly int _minimumSizeProperty = PropertyStore.CreateKey(); 
        private static readonly int _maximumSizeProperty = PropertyStore.CreateKey();
        private static readonly int _layoutBoundsProperty = PropertyStore.CreateKey(); 
        private static readonly int _lastKnownStateProperty = PropertyStore.CreateKey(); 


        internal const ContentAlignment DefaultAlignment = ContentAlignment.TopLeft; 
        internal const AnchorStyles DefaultAnchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left;
        internal const bool DefaultAutoSize = false; 
        internal const DockStyle DefaultDock = DockStyle.None;
        internal static readonly Padding DefaultMargin = new Padding(3); 
        internal static readonly Size DefaultMinimumSize = new Size(0, 0);
        internal static readonly Size DefaultMaximumSize = new Size(0, 0);

        // We have done some special arranging here so that if the first 7 bits of state are zero, we know 
        // that the control is purely absolutely positioned and DefaultLayout does not need to do 
        // anything.
        private static readonly BitVector32.Section _dockAndAnchorNeedsLayoutSection = BitVector32.CreateSection(0x7F);
        private static readonly BitVector32.Section _dockAndAnchorSection = BitVector32.CreateSection(0x0F);
        private static readonly BitVector32.Section _dockModeSection = BitVector32.CreateSection(0x01, _dockAndAnchorSection);
        private static readonly BitVector32.Section _autoSizeSection = BitVector32.CreateSection(0x01, _dockModeSection); 
        private static readonly BitVector32.Section _BoxStretchInternalSection = BitVector32.CreateSection(0x03, _autoSizeSection);
        private static readonly BitVector32.Section _anchorNeverShrinksSection = BitVector32.CreateSection(0x01, _BoxStretchInternalSection); 
        private static readonly BitVector32.Section _flowBreakSection = BitVector32.CreateSection(0x01, _anchorNeverShrinksSection); 
        private static readonly BitVector32.Section _selfAutoSizingSection = BitVector32.CreateSection(0x01, _flowBreakSection);
        private static readonly BitVector32.Section _autoSizeModeSection   = BitVector32.CreateSection(0x01, _selfAutoSizingSection); 

        private enum DockAnchorMode{ 
            Anchor = 0,
            Dock = 1 

#region AppliesToAllLayouts 

        /// ClearMaximumSize
        ///     Removes the maximum size from the property store, making it "unset".
        internal static void ClearMaximumSize(IArrangedElement element) {
             if (element.Properties.ContainsObject(_maximumSizeProperty)) { 

        /// GetAutoSize
        ///     Determines whether or not the System.Windows.Forms.Layout LayoutEngines
        ///     think the element is AutoSized. 
        ///     A control can thwart the layout engine by overriding its virtual AutoSize 
        ///     property and not calling base.  If CommonProperties.GetAutoSize(element) is false, 
        ///     a layout engine will treat it as AutoSize = false and not size the element to its
        ///     preferred size. 
        [System.Runtime.TargetedPatchingOptOutAttribute("Performance critical to inline across NGen image boundaries")]
        internal static bool GetAutoSize(IArrangedElement element) {
            BitVector32 state = GetLayoutState(element);
            int value = state[_autoSizeSection]; 
            return value != 0;
        /// GetMargin
        ///     Returns the Margin (exterior space) for an item 
        ///     We can not use our pattern of passing the default value into Margin because the
        ///     LayoutEngines read this property and do not know each element's DefaultMargin.
        ///     Instead the Element sets the Margin in its ctor. 
        [System.Runtime.TargetedPatchingOptOutAttribute("Performance critical to inline across NGen image boundaries")]
        internal static Padding GetMargin(IArrangedElement element) { 
            bool found; 
            Padding padding = element.Properties.GetPadding(_marginProperty, out found);
            if (found) { 
                return padding;
            return DefaultMargin;

       /// GetMaximumSize 
       ///     Returns the maximum size for an element 
       internal static Size GetMaximumSize(IArrangedElement element, Size defaultMaximumSize) {
           bool found; 
           Size size = element.Properties.GetSize(_maximumSizeProperty, out found);
           if (found) {
              return size;
           return defaultMaximumSize;

        /// GetMinimumSize 
        ///     Returns the minimum size for an element
        internal static Size GetMinimumSize(IArrangedElement element, Size defaultMinimumSize) {
            bool found;
            Size size = element.Properties.GetSize(_minimumSizeProperty, out found); 
            if (found) {
               return size; 
            return defaultMinimumSize;

        /// GetPadding
        ///        Returns the padding for an element
        ///        Typically the padding is accounted for in either the DisplayRectangle calculation 
        ///        and/or the GetPreferredSize calculation of a control.
        /// NOTE:  LayoutEngines should never read this property.  Padding gets incorperated into 
        ///        layout by modifying what the control reports for preferred size.
        [System.Runtime.TargetedPatchingOptOutAttribute("Performance critical to inline across NGen image boundaries")] 
        internal static Padding GetPadding(IArrangedElement element, Padding defaultPadding) {
            bool found;
            Padding padding = element.Properties.GetPadding(_paddingProperty, out found);
            if (found) { 
                return padding;
            return defaultPadding; 
        /// GetSpecifiedBounds
        ///     Returns the last size manually set into the element.  See UpdateSpecifiedBounds.
        internal static Rectangle GetSpecifiedBounds(IArrangedElement element) {
            bool found; 
            Rectangle rectangle = element.Properties.GetRectangle(_specifiedBoundsProperty, out found);
            if (found && rectangle != LayoutUtils.MaxRectangle) { 
               return rectangle; 
            return element.Bounds; 

        /// ResetPadding	
        ///    clears out the padding from the property store 
        internal static void ResetPadding(IArrangedElement element) {
            object value = element.Properties.GetObject(_paddingProperty); 
            if(value != null) { 

        /// SetAutoSize 
        ///     Sets whether or not the layout engines should treat this control as auto sized.
        internal static void SetAutoSize(IArrangedElement element, bool value) { 
            Debug.Assert(value != GetAutoSize(element), "PERF: Caller should guard against setting AutoSize to original value."); 

            BitVector32 state = GetLayoutState(element); 
            state[_autoSizeSection] = value ? 1 : 0;
            SetLayoutState(element, state);
            if(value == false) {
                // If autoSize is being turned off, restore the control to its specified bounds. 
                element.SetBounds(GetSpecifiedBounds(element), BoundsSpecified.None);
            Debug.Assert(GetAutoSize(element) == value, "Error detected setting AutoSize.");

        /// SetMargin
        ///     Sets the margin (exterior space) for an element.
        internal static void SetMargin(IArrangedElement element, Padding value) { 
            Debug.Assert(value != GetMargin(element), "PERF: Caller should guard against setting Margin to original value.");
            element.Properties.SetPadding(_marginProperty, value); 

            Debug.Assert(GetMargin(element) == value, "Error detected setting Margin."); 

            LayoutTransaction.DoLayout(element.Container, element, PropertyNames.Margin);


        /// SetMaximumSize 
        ///     Sets the maximum size for an element.
        internal static void SetMaximumSize(IArrangedElement element, Size value) { 
            Debug.Assert(value != GetMaximumSize(element, new Size(-7109, -7107)),
                "PERF: Caller should guard against setting MaximumSize to original value.");

            element.Properties.SetSize(_maximumSizeProperty, value); 

            // Element bounds may need to truncated to new maximum 
            Rectangle bounds = element.Bounds;
            bounds.Width = Math.Min(bounds.Width, value.Width); 
            bounds.Height = Math.Min(bounds.Height, value.Height);
            element.SetBounds(bounds, BoundsSpecified.Size);

            // element.SetBounds does a SetBoundsCore.  We still need to explicitly refresh parent layout. 
            LayoutTransaction.DoLayout(element.Container, element, PropertyNames.MaximumSize);
            Debug.Assert(GetMaximumSize(element, new Size(-7109, -7107)) == value, "Error detected setting MaximumSize."); 
        /// SetMinimumSize
        ///     Sets the minimum size for an element.
        internal static void SetMinimumSize(IArrangedElement element, Size value) {
            Debug.Assert(value != GetMinimumSize(element, new Size(-7109, -7107)), 
                "PERF: Caller should guard against setting MinimumSize to original value.");
            element.Properties.SetSize(_minimumSizeProperty, value); 

            using (new LayoutTransaction(element.Container as Control, element, PropertyNames.MinimumSize)) { 
                // Element bounds may need to inflated to new minimum
                Rectangle bounds = element.Bounds;
                bounds.Width = Math.Max(bounds.Width, value.Width); 
                bounds.Height = Math.Max(bounds.Height, value.Height);
                element.SetBounds(bounds, BoundsSpecified.Size); 

            Debug.Assert(GetMinimumSize(element, new Size(-7109, -7107)) == value, "Error detected setting MinimumSize."); 

        /// SetPadding 
        ///     Sets the padding (interior space) for an element. See GetPadding for more detiails.
        ///     NOTE: It is the callers responsibility to do layout.  See Control.Padding for details. 
        internal static void SetPadding(IArrangedElement element, Padding value) { 
            Debug.Assert(value != GetPadding(element, new Padding(-7105)),
                "PERF: Caller should guard against setting Padding to original value."); 

            value = LayoutUtils.ClampNegativePaddingToZero(value);
            element.Properties.SetPadding(_paddingProperty, value);

            Debug.Assert(GetPadding(element, new Padding(-7105)) == value, "Error detected setting Padding."); 

        /// UpdateSpecifiedBounds
        ///     The main purpose of this function is to remember what size someone specified in the Size, Width, Height, Bounds
        ///     property.  (Its the whole reason the BoundsSpecified enum exists.)  Consider this scenario.  You set a Button
        ///     to DockStyle.Fill, then DockStyle.None.  When Dock.Filled, the Size changed to 300,300.  When you 
        ///     set it back to DockStyle.None, the size switches back to 100,23.  How does this happen?
        ///     Setting the control to Dock.Fill (via DefaultLayout engine) 
        ///         element.SetBounds(newElementBounds, BoundsSpecified.None);
        ///     (If someone happens to set the Size property here the specified bounds gets updated via Control.Size)
        ///          SetBounds(x, y, value.Width, value.Height, BoundsSpecified.Size);
        ///     Setting the control to Dock.None (via DefaultLayout.SetDock) 
        ///         element.SetBounds(CommonProperties.GetSpecifiedBounds(element), BoundsSpecified.None);
        internal static void UpdateSpecifiedBounds(IArrangedElement element, int x, int y, int width, int height, BoundsSpecified specified) { 
            Rectangle originalBounds = CommonProperties.GetSpecifiedBounds(element); 

            // PERF note: Bitwise operator usage intentional to optimize out branching. 

            bool xChangedButNotSpecified = ((specified & BoundsSpecified.X) == BoundsSpecified.None) & x != originalBounds.X;
            bool yChangedButNotSpecified = ((specified & BoundsSpecified.Y) == BoundsSpecified.None) & y != originalBounds.Y;
            bool wChangedButNotSpecified = ((specified & BoundsSpecified.Width) == BoundsSpecified.None) & width != originalBounds.Width; 
            bool hChangedButNotSpecified = ((specified & BoundsSpecified.Height) == BoundsSpecified.None) & height != originalBounds.Height;
            if(xChangedButNotSpecified | yChangedButNotSpecified | wChangedButNotSpecified | hChangedButNotSpecified) { 
                // if any of them are changed and specified cache the new value.
                if (!xChangedButNotSpecified) originalBounds.X = x;
                if (!yChangedButNotSpecified) originalBounds.Y = y;
                if (!wChangedButNotSpecified) originalBounds.Width = width;
                if (!hChangedButNotSpecified) originalBounds.Height = height; 

                element.Properties.SetRectangle(_specifiedBoundsProperty, originalBounds); 
            } else {
                // SetBoundsCore is going to call this a lot with the same bounds.  Avoid the set object 
                // (which indirectly may causes an allocation) if we can.
                if(element.Properties.ContainsObject(_specifiedBoundsProperty)) {
                    // use MaxRectangle instead of null so we can reuse the SizeWrapper in the property store.
                    element.Properties.SetRectangle(_specifiedBoundsProperty, LayoutUtils.MaxRectangle); 

        // Used by ToolStripControlHost.Size. 
        internal static void UpdateSpecifiedBounds(IArrangedElement element, int x, int y, int width, int height) {
            Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle(x, y, width, height);
            element.Properties.SetRectangle(_specifiedBoundsProperty, bounds);

        /// xClearPreferredSizeCache
        ///     clears the preferred size cached for any control that overrides 
        ///     the internal GetPreferredSizeCore method.  DO NOT CALL DIRECTLY
        ///     unless it is understood how the size of the control is going to be updated.

        [System.Runtime.TargetedPatchingOptOutAttribute("Performance critical to inline across NGen image boundaries")] 
        internal static void xClearPreferredSizeCache(IArrangedElement element) { 
            element.Properties.SetSize(_preferredSizeCacheProperty, LayoutUtils.InvalidSize);
#if DEBUG 

            Debug.Assert(xGetPreferredSizeCache(element) == Size.Empty, "Error detected in xClearPreferredSizeCache."); 
        /// xClearAllPreferredSizeCaches 
        ///     clears all the caching for an IArrangedElement hierarchy
        ///     typically done in dispose. 
        internal static void xClearAllPreferredSizeCaches(IArrangedElement start) {

            ArrangedElementCollection controlsCollection = start.Children; 
            // This may have changed the sizes of our children.
            // PERFNOTE: This is more efficient than using Foreach.  Foreach 
            // forces the creation of an array subset enum each time we 
            // enumerate
            for(int i = 0; i < controlsCollection.Count; i++) { 
        /// xGetPreferredSizeCache
        ///     This value is the cached result of the return value from 
        ///     a control's GetPreferredSizeCore implementation when asked 
        ///     for a constraining value of LayoutUtils.MaxValue (or Size.Empty too).
        internal static Size xGetPreferredSizeCache(IArrangedElement element) { 
            bool found;
            Size size = element.Properties.GetSize(_preferredSizeCacheProperty, out found);
            if (found && (size != LayoutUtils.InvalidSize)) {
               return size; 
            return Size.Empty; 

        /// xSetPreferredSizeCache 
        ///     Sets a control's preferred size.  See xGetPreferredSizeCache.
        internal static void xSetPreferredSizeCache(IArrangedElement element, Size value) {
            Debug.Assert(value == Size.Empty || value != xGetPreferredSizeCache(element), "PERF: Caller should guard against setting PreferredSizeCache to original value.");
#if DEBUG 
            element.Properties.SetSize(_preferredSizeCacheProperty, value); 
            Debug.Assert(xGetPreferredSizeCache(element) == value, "Error detected in xGetPreferredSizeCache.");


#region DockAndAnchorLayoutSpecific 

        /// GetAutoSizeMode 
        ///     Returns whether or not a control should snap to its smallest size 
        ///     or retain its original size and only grow if the preferred size is larger.
        ///     We tried not having GrowOnly as the default, but it becomes difficult 
        ///     to design panels or have Buttons maintain their default size of 100,23
        internal static AutoSizeMode GetAutoSizeMode(IArrangedElement element) {
             BitVector32 state = GetLayoutState(element);
             return state[_autoSizeModeSection] == 0 ? AutoSizeMode.GrowOnly : AutoSizeMode.GrowAndShrink; 
        /// GetNeedsDockAndAnchorLayout 
        ///     Do not use.  Internal property for DockAndAnchor layout.
        ///     Returns true if DefaultLayout needs to do any work for this element. 
        ///     (Returns false if the element is purely absolutely positioned)
        internal static bool GetNeedsDockAndAnchorLayout(IArrangedElement element) {
            BitVector32 state = GetLayoutState(element);
            bool result = state[_dockAndAnchorNeedsLayoutSection] != 0; 

                (xGetAnchor(element) == DefaultAnchor 
                && xGetDock(element) == DefaultDock
                && GetAutoSize(element) == DefaultAutoSize) != result, 
                "Individual values of Anchor/Dock/AutoRelocate/Autosize contradict GetNeedsDockAndAnchorLayout().");

            return result;

        /// GetNeedsAnchorLayout 
        ///     Do not use.  Internal property for DockAndAnchor layout. 
        ///     Returns true if DefaultLayout needs to do anchoring for this element.
        internal static bool GetNeedsAnchorLayout(IArrangedElement element) { 
            BitVector32 state = GetLayoutState(element);
            bool result = (state[_dockAndAnchorNeedsLayoutSection] != 0) && (state[_dockModeSection] == (int) DockAnchorMode.Anchor);

                (xGetAnchor(element) != DefaultAnchor
                || (GetAutoSize(element) != DefaultAutoSize && xGetDock(element) == DockStyle.None)) == result, 
                "Individual values of Anchor/Dock/AutoRelocate/Autosize contradict GetNeedsAnchorLayout()."); 

            return result; 

        /// GetNeedsDockLayout
        ///     Do not use.  Internal property for DockAndAnchor layout. 
        ///     Returns true if DefaultLayout needs to do docking for this element.
        internal static bool GetNeedsDockLayout(IArrangedElement element) { 
            BitVector32 state = GetLayoutState(element); 
            bool result = state[_dockModeSection] == (int) DockAnchorMode.Dock && element.ParticipatesInLayout;
            Debug.Assert(((xGetDock(element) != DockStyle.None) && element.ParticipatesInLayout) == result,
                "Error detected in GetNeedsDockLayout().");

            return result; 
        /// GetSelfAutoSize 
        ///     Compat flag for controls that previously sized themselves.
        ///     Some controls rolled their own implementation of AutoSize in V1 for Dock & Anchor 
        ///     In V2, the LayoutEngine is the one responsible for sizing the child items when
        ///     they're AutoSized.  For new layout engines, the controls will let the layout engine
        ///     size them, but for DefaultLayout, they're left to size themselves.
        internal static bool GetSelfAutoSizeInDefaultLayout(IArrangedElement element) { 
            BitVector32 state = GetLayoutState(element);
            int value = state[_selfAutoSizingSection]; 
            return (value == 1); 

        /// SetAutoSizeMode
        ///     Returns whether or not a control should snap to its smallest size
        ///     or retain its original size and only grow if the preferred size is larger. 
        ///     We tried not having GrowOnly as the default, but it becomes difficult
        ///     to design panels or have Buttons maintain their default size of 100,23 
        internal static void SetAutoSizeMode(IArrangedElement element, AutoSizeMode mode) { 
             BitVector32 state = GetLayoutState(element);
             state[_autoSizeModeSection] = mode == AutoSizeMode.GrowAndShrink ? 1 : 0; 
             SetLayoutState(element, state);

        /// ShouldSelfSize 
        ///     Compat flag for controls that previously sized themselves.
        ///     See GetSelfAutoSize comments. 
        internal static bool ShouldSelfSize(IArrangedElement element) { 
            if (GetAutoSize(element)) {
                // check for legacy layout engine 
                if (element.Container is Control) {
                    if (((Control)element.Container).LayoutEngine is DefaultLayout) {
                        return GetSelfAutoSizeInDefaultLayout(element);
                // else 
                //   - unknown element type 
                //   - new LayoutEngine which should set the size to the preferredSize anyways.
                return false; 
            // autosize false things should selfsize.
            return true;

        /// SetSelfAutoSizeInDefaultLayout 
        ///     Compat flag for controls that previously sized themselves. 
        ///     See GetSelfAutoSize comments.
        internal static void SetSelfAutoSizeInDefaultLayout(IArrangedElement element, bool value) { 
            Debug.Assert(value != GetSelfAutoSizeInDefaultLayout(element), "PERF: Caller should guard against setting AutoSize to original value.");

            BitVector32 state = GetLayoutState(element);
            state[_selfAutoSizingSection] = value ? 1 : 0; 
            SetLayoutState(element, state);
            Debug.Assert(GetSelfAutoSizeInDefaultLayout(element) == value, "Error detected setting AutoSize."); 

        /// xGetAnchor -
        ///     Do not use this.  Use DefaultLayout.GetAnchor.
        ///     NOTE that Dock and Anchor are exclusive, so we store their enums in the same section. 
        internal static AnchorStyles xGetAnchor(IArrangedElement element) {
            BitVector32 state = GetLayoutState(element); 
            AnchorStyles value = (AnchorStyles) state[_dockAndAnchorSection]; 
            DockAnchorMode mode = (DockAnchorMode) state[_dockModeSection];
            // If we are docked, or if it the value is 0, we return DefaultAnchor
            value = mode == DockAnchorMode.Anchor ? xTranslateAnchorValue(value) : DefaultAnchor;

            Debug.Assert(mode == DockAnchorMode.Anchor || value == DefaultAnchor, "xGetAnchor needs to return DefaultAnchor when docked."); 
            return value;
        /// xGetAutoSizedAndAnchored -
        ///     Do not use.  Internal property for DockAndAnchor layout. 
        ///     Returns true if the element is both AutoSized and Anchored.
        internal static bool xGetAutoSizedAndAnchored(IArrangedElement element) {
            BitVector32 state = GetLayoutState(element);
            if (state[_selfAutoSizingSection] != 0) {
                return false; 
            bool result = (state[_autoSizeSection] != 0) && (state[_dockModeSection] == (int) DockAnchorMode.Anchor);
            Debug.Assert(result == (GetAutoSize(element) && xGetDock(element) == DockStyle.None), 
                "Error detected in xGetAutoSizeAndAnchored.");

            return result;

        /// xGetDock 
        ///     Do not use this.  Use DefaultLayout.GetDock. 
        ///     Note that Dock and Anchor are exclusive, so we store their enums in the same section.
        internal static DockStyle xGetDock(IArrangedElement element) { 
            BitVector32 state = GetLayoutState(element);
            DockStyle value = (DockStyle) state[_dockAndAnchorSection];
            DockAnchorMode mode = (DockAnchorMode) state[_dockModeSection];
            // If we are anchored we return DefaultDock
            value = mode == DockAnchorMode.Dock ? value : DefaultDock; 
            Debug.Assert(ClientUtils.IsEnumValid(value, (int)value, (int)DockStyle.None, (int)DockStyle.Fill), "Illegal value returned form xGetDock."); 

            Debug.Assert(mode == DockAnchorMode.Dock || value == DefaultDock, 
                "xGetDock needs to return the DefaultDock style when not docked.");

            return value;

        /// xSetAnchor -
        ///     Do not use this.  Use DefaultLayout.SetAnchor. 
        ///     Note that Dock and Anchor are exclusive, so we store their enums in the same section.
        internal static void xSetAnchor(IArrangedElement element, AnchorStyles value) {
            Debug.Assert(value != xGetAnchor(element), "PERF: Caller should guard against setting Anchor to original value.");
            BitVector32 state = GetLayoutState(element);
            // We translate DefaultAnchor to zero - see the _dockAndAnchorNeedsLayoutSection section above. 
            state[_dockAndAnchorSection] = (int) xTranslateAnchorValue(value);
            state[_dockModeSection] = (int) DockAnchorMode.Anchor; 

            SetLayoutState(element, state);

            Debug.Assert(xGetAnchor(element) == value, "Error detected setting Anchor."); 
            Debug.Assert(GetLayoutState(element)[_dockModeSection] == (int) DockAnchorMode.Anchor,
                "xSetAnchor did not set mode to Anchor."); 

        /// xSetDock 
        ///     Do not use this.  Use DefaultLayout.SetDock.
        ///     Note that Dock and Anchor are exclusive, so we store their enums in the same section.
        internal static void xSetDock(IArrangedElement element, DockStyle value) {
            Debug.Assert(value != xGetDock(element), "PERF: Caller should guard against setting Dock to original value."); 
            Debug.Assert(ClientUtils.IsEnumValid(value, (int)value, (int)DockStyle.None, (int)DockStyle.Fill), "Illegal value passed to xSetDock.");
            BitVector32 state = GetLayoutState(element); 

            state[_dockAndAnchorSection] = (int) value;     // See xTranslateAnchorValue for why this works with Dock.None. 
            state[_dockModeSection] = (int) (value == DockStyle.None ? DockAnchorMode.Anchor : DockAnchorMode.Dock);

            SetLayoutState(element, state);
            Debug.Assert(xGetDock(element) == value, "Error detected setting Dock.");
            Debug.Assert((GetLayoutState(element)[_dockModeSection] == (int) DockAnchorMode.Dock) 
                == (value != DockStyle.None), "xSetDock set DockMode incorrectly."); 
        /// xTranslateAnchorValue -
        ///     Helper method for xGetAnchor / xSetAnchor.
        ///     We store anchor DefualtAnchor as None and vice versa.
        ///     We either had to do this or map Dock.None to DefaultAnchor (Dock & Anchor share the same section 
        ///     in LayoutState.) Mapping DefaultAnchor to 0 is nicer because we do not need to allocate anything in
        ///     the PropertyStore to get a 0 back from PropertyStore.GetInteger(). 
        private static AnchorStyles xTranslateAnchorValue(AnchorStyles anchor) { 
            switch(anchor) {
                case AnchorStyles.None: 
                    return DefaultAnchor;
                case DefaultAnchor:
                    return AnchorStyles.None;
            return anchor;
#region FlowLayoutSpecific


        internal static bool GetFlowBreak(IArrangedElement element) { 
            BitVector32 state = GetLayoutState(element);
            int value = state[_flowBreakSection]; 
            return value == 1;

        /// SetFlowBreak
        ///     Use FlowLayoutSettings.SetFlowBreak instead. 
        ///     See GetFlowBreak. 
        internal static void SetFlowBreak(IArrangedElement element, bool value) {
            Debug.Assert(value != GetFlowBreak(element), "PERF: Caller should guard against setting FlowBreak to original value."); 

            BitVector32 state = GetLayoutState(element);
            state[_flowBreakSection] = value ? 1 : 0;
            SetLayoutState(element, state); 

            LayoutTransaction.DoLayout(element.Container, element, PropertyNames.FlowBreak); 
            Debug.Assert(GetFlowBreak(element) == value, "Error detected setitng SetFlowBreak.");
#region AutoScrollSpecific

        /// GetLayoutBounds - 
        ///     This is the size used to determine whether or not we need scrollbars.
        ///     Used if the layoutengine always want to return the same layout bounds regardless 
        ///     of how it lays out. Example is TLP in RTL and LTR. VSWhidbey# 392913
        internal static Size GetLayoutBounds(IArrangedElement element) { 
            bool found;
            Size size = element.Properties.GetSize(_layoutBoundsProperty, out found);
            if (found) {
               return size; 
            return Size.Empty; 

        /// SetLayoutBounds -
        ///     This is the size used to determine whether or not we need scrollbars.
        ///     The TableLayout engine now calls CommonProperties.SetLayoutBounds when 
        ///     it is done with its layout. The layoutbounds are the total column width
        ///     and the total row height. ScrollableControl checks if the LayoutBounds 
        ///     has been set in the CommonProperties when it tries to figure out if it 
        ///     should add scrollbars - but only if the layout engine is not the default
        ///     layout engine. If the bounds has been set, ScrollableControl will use 
        ///     those bounds to check if scrollbars should be added, rather than doing
        ///     its own magic to figure it out.
        internal static void SetLayoutBounds(IArrangedElement element, Size value) {
            element.Properties.SetSize(_layoutBoundsProperty, value); 
        /// HasLayoutBounds -
        ///     Returns whether we have layout bounds stored for this element. 
        internal static bool HasLayoutBounds(IArrangedElement element) {
            bool found;
            element.Properties.GetSize(_layoutBoundsProperty, out found);
            return found; 
#region InternalCommonPropertiesHelpers
        /// GetLayoutState - returns the layout state bit vector from the property store.
        ///     CAREFUL: this is a copy of the state.  You need to SetLayoutState() to save your changes.
        [System.Runtime.TargetedPatchingOptOutAttribute("Performance critical to inline across NGen image boundaries")] 
        internal static BitVector32 GetLayoutState(IArrangedElement element) {
            return new BitVector32(element.Properties.GetInteger(_layoutStateProperty)); 

        internal static void SetLayoutState(IArrangedElement element, BitVector32 state) { 
            element.Properties.SetInteger(_layoutStateProperty, state.Data);
#region DebugHelpers
#if DEBUG 

        internal static readonly TraceSwitch PreferredSize = new TraceSwitch("PreferredSize", "Debug preferred size assertion"); 

        internal static string Debug_GetChangedProperties(IArrangedElement element) {
            string diff = "";
            if (PreferredSize.TraceVerbose) { 
                Hashtable propertyHash = element.Properties.GetObject(_lastKnownStateProperty) as Hashtable;
                if(propertyHash != null) { 
                    foreach (PropertyDescriptor pd in TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(element)) { 
                         if (propertyHash.ContainsKey(pd.Name) && (propertyHash[pd.Name].ToString() != pd.Converter.ConvertToString(pd.GetValue(element))))  {
                             diff += "Prop [ " + pd.Name + "] OLD [" + propertyHash[pd.Name] + "] NEW [" + pd.Converter.ConvertToString(pd.GetValue(element)) + "]\r\n"; 
            else {
                diff = "For more info, try enabling PreferredSize trace switch"; 
            return diff;

        internal static void Debug_SnapProperties(IArrangedElement element) {
            // DEBUG - store off the old state so we can figure out what has changed in a GPS assert 
            element.Properties.SetObject(_lastKnownStateProperty, Debug_GetCurrentPropertyState(element));
        internal static void Debug_ClearProperties(IArrangedElement element) { 
            // DEBUG - clear off the old state so we can figure out what has changed in a GPS assert
            element.Properties.SetObject(_lastKnownStateProperty, null); 

        [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1031:DoNotCatchGeneralExceptionTypes")]
        public static Hashtable Debug_GetCurrentPropertyState(object obj) { 

            Hashtable propertyHash = new Hashtable(); 
            if (PreferredSize.TraceVerbose) { 

                foreach (PropertyDescriptor pd in TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(obj)) { 
                    if (pd.Name == "PreferredSize") {
                        continue;  // avoid accidentally forcing a call to GetPreferredSize
                    try { 
                      if (pd.IsBrowsable && !pd.IsReadOnly && pd.SerializationVisibility != DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden) {
                         propertyHash[pd.Name] = pd.Converter.ConvertToString(pd.GetValue(obj)); 
                    catch { 
            return propertyHash; 



// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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