WindowsGraphics2.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / untmp / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / Misc / GDI / WindowsGraphics2.cs / 1305376 / WindowsGraphics2.cs

//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

// (Compiled in System.Windows.Forms but not in System.Drawing). 

#if [....]_NAMESPACE 
namespace System.Windows.Forms.Internal
namespace System.Drawing.Internal
namespace System.Experimental.Gdi
    using System;
    using System.Internal; 
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.Drawing; 
    using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
    using System.Windows.Forms; 
    ///     See notes on WindowsGraphics.cs file.
    sealed partial class WindowsGraphics : MarshalByRefObject, IDisposable, IDeviceContext
        // Flag used by TextRenderer to clear the TextRenderer specific flags.
        public const int GdiUnsupportedFlagMask = (unchecked((int)0xFF000000));
        public static readonly Size MaxSize = new Size(Int32.MaxValue, Int32.MaxValue);
        // The value of the ItalicPaddingFactor comes from several tests using different fonts & drawing
        // flags and some benchmarking with GDI+. 
        private const float ItalicPaddingFactor = 1/2f; 

        private TextPaddingOptions paddingFlags; 

        ///    The padding options to be applied to the text bounding box internally.
        public TextPaddingOptions TextPadding
            //Since Enum.IsDefined is only used within a Debug.Assert, it is okay to leave it 
            [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1803:AvoidCostlyCallsWherePossible")]
                Debug.Assert( Enum.IsDefined(typeof(TextPaddingOptions), this.paddingFlags));
                return this.paddingFlags;
            //Since Enum.IsDefined is only used within a Debug.Assert, it is okay to leave it
            [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1803:AvoidCostlyCallsWherePossible")] 
                Debug.Assert( Enum.IsDefined(typeof(TextPaddingOptions), value)); 
                if( this.paddingFlags != value)
                    this.paddingFlags = value;
        /// Drawing methods.
        public void DrawPie(WindowsPen pen, Rectangle bounds, float startAngle, float sweepAngle)
            HandleRef hdc = new HandleRef( this.dc, this.dc.Hdc);
            if( pen != null ) 
                // 1. Select the pen in the DC 
                IntUnsafeNativeMethods.SelectObject(hdc, new HandleRef(pen, pen.HPen));

            // 2. call the functions 
            // we first draw a path that goes :
            // from center of pie, draw arc (this draw the line to the beginning of the arc 
            // then, draw the closing line. 
            // paint the path with the pen
            int sideLength = Math.Min(bounds.Width, bounds.Height); 
            Point p = new Point(bounds.X+sideLength/2, bounds.Y+sideLength/2);
            int radius = sideLength/2;
            IntUnsafeNativeMethods.MoveToEx(hdc, p.X, p.Y, null); 
            IntUnsafeNativeMethods.AngleArc(hdc, p.X, p.Y, radius, startAngle, sweepAngle);
            IntUnsafeNativeMethods.LineTo(hdc, p.X, p.Y); 

        private void DrawEllipse(WindowsPen pen, WindowsBrush brush,
            int nLeftRect,  // x-coord of upper-left corner of rectangle
            int nTopRect,   // y-coord of upper-left corner of rectangle 
            int nRightRect, // x-coord of lower-right corner of rectangle
            int nBottomRect ) 
        { // y-coord of lower-right corner of rectangle 
            HandleRef hdc = new HandleRef( this.dc, this.dc.Hdc);
            if (pen != null)
                // 1. Select the pen in the DC
                IntUnsafeNativeMethods.SelectObject(hdc, new HandleRef(pen, pen.HPen)); 
            if (brush != null) 
                IntUnsafeNativeMethods.SelectObject(hdc, new HandleRef(brush, brush.HBrush)); 

            // 2. call the function
            IntUnsafeNativeMethods.Ellipse(hdc, nLeftRect, nTopRect, nRightRect, nBottomRect); 
        public void DrawAndFillEllipse(WindowsPen pen, WindowsBrush brush, Rectangle bounds) 
            DrawEllipse(pen, brush, bounds.Left, bounds.Top, bounds.Right, bounds.Bottom); 

        /// Text rendering methods 
        ///     Draws the text at the specified point, using the given Font and foreColor.
        ///     CR/LF are honored. 
        public void DrawText(string text, WindowsFont font, Point pt, Color foreColor)
            DrawText(text, font, pt, foreColor, Color.Empty, IntTextFormatFlags.Default); 
        ///     Draws the text at the specified point, using the given Font, foreColor and backColor.
        ///     CR/LF are honored. 
        public void DrawText(string text, WindowsFont font, Point pt, Color foreColor, Color backColor)
            DrawText(text, font, pt, foreColor, backColor, IntTextFormatFlags.Default); 
        ///     Draws the text at the specified point, using the given Font and foreColor, and according to the
        ///     specified flags. 
        public void DrawText(string text, WindowsFont font, Point pt, Color foreColor, IntTextFormatFlags flags)
            DrawText(text, font, pt, foreColor, Color.Empty, flags); 
        ///     Draws the text at the specified point, using the given Font, foreColor and backColor, and according
        ///     to the specified flags. 
        public void DrawText(string text, WindowsFont font, Point pt, Color foreColor, Color backColor, IntTextFormatFlags flags)
            Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle( pt.X, pt.Y, Int32.MaxValue, Int32.MaxValue ); 
            DrawText( text, font, bounds, foreColor, backColor, flags );
        ///     Draws the text centered in the given rectangle and using the given Font and foreColor. 
        public void DrawText(string text, WindowsFont font, Rectangle bounds, Color foreColor)
            DrawText(text, font, bounds, foreColor, Color.Empty); 
        ///     Draws the text centered in the given rectangle and using the given Font, foreColor and backColor.
        public void DrawText(string text, WindowsFont font, Rectangle bounds, Color foreColor, Color backColor)
            DrawText(text, font, bounds, foreColor, backColor, IntTextFormatFlags.HorizontalCenter | IntTextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter);

        ///     Draws the text in the given bounds, using the given Font and foreColor, and according to the specified flags. 
        public void DrawText(string text, WindowsFont font, Rectangle bounds, Color color, IntTextFormatFlags flags) 
            DrawText( text, font, bounds, color, Color.Empty, flags );
        ///     Draws the text in the given bounds, using the given Font, foreColor and backColor, and according to the specified 
        ///     TextFormatFlags flags. 
        ///     If font is null, the font currently selected in the hdc is used.
        ///     If foreColor and/or backColor are Color.Empty, the hdc current text and/or background color are used. 
        public void DrawText(string text, WindowsFont font, Rectangle bounds, Color foreColor, Color backColor, IntTextFormatFlags flags)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text) || foreColor == Color.Transparent) 

            Debug.Assert( ((uint)flags & GdiUnsupportedFlagMask) == 0, "Some custom flags were left over and are not GDI compliant!" ); 
            Debug.Assert( (flags & IntTextFormatFlags.CalculateRectangle) == 0, "CalculateRectangle flag is set, text won't be drawn" );

            HandleRef hdc = new HandleRef( this.dc, this.dc.Hdc);
            // DrawText requires default text alignment.
            if( this.dc.TextAlignment != DeviceContextTextAlignment.Default ) 
                this.dc.SetTextAlignment(DeviceContextTextAlignment.Default );

            // color empty means use the one currently selected in the dc.

            if( !foreColor.IsEmpty && foreColor != this.dc.TextColor) 

            if (font != null) 
            DeviceContextBackgroundMode newBackGndMode = (backColor.IsEmpty || backColor == Color.Transparent) ?
                DeviceContextBackgroundMode.Transparent : 

            if( this.dc.BackgroundMode != newBackGndMode ) 
                this.dc.SetBackgroundMode( newBackGndMode );
            if( newBackGndMode != DeviceContextBackgroundMode.Transparent && backColor != this.dc.BackgroundColor )
                this.dc.SetBackgroundColor( backColor ); 
            IntNativeMethods.DRAWTEXTPARAMS dtparams = GetTextMargins(font);

            bounds = AdjustForVerticalAlignment(hdc, text, bounds, flags, dtparams);
            // Adjust unbounded rect to avoid overflow since Rectangle ctr does not do param validation.
            if( bounds.Width == MaxSize.Width ) 
                bounds.Width = bounds.Width - bounds.X;
            if( bounds.Height == MaxSize.Height )
                bounds.Height = bounds.Height - bounds.Y;

            IntNativeMethods.RECT rect = new IntNativeMethods.RECT(bounds); 
            IntUnsafeNativeMethods.DrawTextEx(hdc, text, ref rect, (int) flags, dtparams);

            /* No need to restore previous objects into the dc (see comments on top of the class).
            if (hOldFont != IntPtr.Zero) 
                IntUnsafeNativeMethods.SelectObject(hdc, new HandleRef( null, hOldFont)); 

            if( foreColor != textColor ) 
            if( backColor != bkColor )
            if( bckMode != newMode )

            if( align != DeviceContextTextAlignment.Default ) 
                // Default text alignment required by DrewText.
        public Color GetNearestColor(Color color) 
            HandleRef hdc = new HandleRef(null, this.dc.Hdc); 
            int colorResult = IntUnsafeNativeMethods.GetNearestColor(hdc, ColorTranslator.ToWin32(color));
            return ColorTranslator.FromWin32(colorResult);
        ///       Calculates the spacing required for drawing text w/o clipping hanging parts of a glyph. 
        public float GetOverhangPadding( WindowsFont font )
            // Some parts of a glyphs may be clipped depending on the font & font style, GDI+ adds 1/6 of tmHeight
            // to each size of the text bounding box when drawing text to account for that; we do it here as well. 

            WindowsFont tmpfont = font; 
            if( tmpfont == null)
                tmpfont = this.dc.Font;

            float overhangPadding = tmpfont.Height / 6f; 

            if( tmpfont != font ) 

            return overhangPadding;
        ///     Get the bounding box internal text padding to be used when drawing text. 
        public IntNativeMethods.DRAWTEXTPARAMS GetTextMargins(WindowsFont font)
            // DrawText(Ex) adds a small space at the beginning of the text bounding box but not at the end,
            // this is more noticeable when the font has the italic style.  We compensate with this factor.

            int leftMargin = 0; 
            int rightMargin = 0;
            float overhangPadding = 0; 
            switch( this.TextPadding )
                case TextPaddingOptions.GlyphOverhangPadding:
                    // [overhang padding][Text][overhang padding][italic padding]
                    overhangPadding = GetOverhangPadding(font);
                    leftMargin = (int) Math.Ceiling(overhangPadding); 
                    rightMargin = (int) Math.Ceiling(overhangPadding * (1 + ItalicPaddingFactor));
                case TextPaddingOptions.LeftAndRightPadding:
                    // [2 * overhang padding][Text][2 * overhang padding][italic padding] 
                    overhangPadding = GetOverhangPadding(font);
                    leftMargin = (int) Math.Ceiling(2 * overhangPadding);
                    rightMargin = (int) Math.Ceiling(overhangPadding * (2 + ItalicPaddingFactor));

                case TextPaddingOptions.NoPadding: 

            return new IntNativeMethods.DRAWTEXTPARAMS(leftMargin, rightMargin);

        ///       Returns the Size of the given text using the specified font if not null, otherwise the font currently
        ///       set in the dc is used. 
        ///       This method is used to get the size in points of a line of text; it uses GetTextExtentPoint32 function
        ///       which computes the width and height of the text ignoring TAB\CR\LF characters.
        ///       A text extent is the distance between the beginning of the space and a character that will fit in the space.
        public Size GetTextExtent(string text, WindowsFont font) 
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
                return Size.Empty;

            IntNativeMethods.SIZE size = new IntNativeMethods.SIZE(); 

            HandleRef hdc = new HandleRef(null, this.dc.Hdc); 
            if (font != null)

            IntUnsafeNativeMethods.GetTextExtentPoint32(hdc, text, size); 

            // Unselect, but not from Measurement DC as it keeps the same 
            // font selected for perf reasons. 
            if (font != null && !MeasurementDCInfo.IsMeasurementDC(this.dc)) {

            return new Size(,;

        ///     Returns the Size in logical units of the given text using the given Font. 
        ///     CR/LF/TAB are taken into account.
        public Size MeasureText(string text, WindowsFont font)
            return MeasureText(text, font, MaxSize, IntTextFormatFlags.Default);

        ///     Returns the Size in logical units of the given text using the given Font and using the specified rectangle 
        ///     as the text bounding box (see overload below for more info).
        ///     TAB/CR/LF are taken into account. 
        public Size MeasureText(string text, WindowsFont font, Size proposedSize)
            return MeasureText( text, font, proposedSize, IntTextFormatFlags.Default ); 
        ///     Returns the Size in logical units of the given text using the given Font, and according to the formatting flags.
        ///     The proposed size is used to create a bounding rectangle as follows: 
        ///     - If there are multiple lines of text, DrawText uses the width of the rectangle pointed to by
        ///       the lpRect parameter and extends the base of the rectangle to bound the last line of text.
        ///     - If the largest word is wider than the rectangle, the width is expanded.
        ///     - If the text is less than the width of the rectangle, the width is reduced. 
        ///     - If there is only one line of text, DrawText modifies the right side of the rectangle so that
        ///       it bounds the last character in the line. 
        ///     If the font is null, the hdc's current font will be used. 
        ///     Note for vertical fonts (if ever supported): DrawTextEx uses GetTextExtentPoint32 for measuring the text and this 
        ///     function has the following limitation (from MSDN):
        ///     - This function assumes that the text is horizontal, that is, that the escapement is always 0. This is true for both
        ///       the horizontal and vertical measurements of the text.  The application must convert it explicitly.

        public Size MeasureText(string text, WindowsFont font, Size proposedSize, IntTextFormatFlags flags) 
            Debug.Assert( ((uint)flags & GdiUnsupportedFlagMask) == 0, "Some custom flags were left over and are not GDI compliant!" ); 

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) 
                return Size.Empty; 

            // DrawText returns a rectangle useful for aligning, but not guaranteed to encompass all
            // pixels (its not a FitBlackBox, if the text is italicized, it will overhang on the right.)
            // So we need to account for this.
            IntNativeMethods.DRAWTEXTPARAMS dtparams = null;
            // use the cache if we've got it
            if (MeasurementDCInfo.IsMeasurementDC(this.DeviceContext)) 
                dtparams = MeasurementDCInfo.GetTextMargins(this,font);

            if (dtparams == null) 
                dtparams = GetTextMargins(font);

            // If Width / Height are < 0, we need to make them larger or DrawText will return
            // an unbounded measurement when we actually trying to make it very narrow. 
            int minWidth = 1 + dtparams.iLeftMargin + dtparams.iRightMargin; 

            if( proposedSize.Width <= minWidth ) { 
                proposedSize.Width = minWidth;
            if( proposedSize.Height <= 0 ) {
                proposedSize.Height = 1; 
            IntNativeMethods.RECT rect = IntNativeMethods.RECT.FromXYWH(0, 0, proposedSize.Width, proposedSize.Height); 

            HandleRef hdc = new HandleRef(null, this.dc.Hdc); 

            if (font != null)
            // If proposedSize.Height >= MaxSize.Height it is assumed bounds needed.  If flags contain SingleLine and 
            // VerticalCenter or Bottom options, DrawTextEx does not bind the rectangle to the actual text height since
            // it assumes the text is to be vertically aligned; we need to clear the VerticalCenter and Bottom flags to 
            // get the actual text bounds.
            if (proposedSize.Height >= MaxSize.Height && (flags & IntTextFormatFlags.SingleLine) != 0)
                // Clear vertical-alignment flags. 
                flags &= ~(IntTextFormatFlags.Bottom | IntTextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter);
            if (proposedSize.Width == MaxSize.Width)
               // PERF: No constraining width means no word break.
               // in this case, we dont care about word wrapping - there should be enough room to fit it all
               flags &= ~(IntTextFormatFlags.WordBreak);

            flags |= IntTextFormatFlags.CalculateRectangle; 
            IntUnsafeNativeMethods.DrawTextEx(hdc, text, ref rect, (int)flags, dtparams); 

            /* No need to restore previous objects into the dc (see comments on top of the class). 
            if( hOldFont != IntPtr.Zero )
            return rect.Size;

        ///      The GDI DrawText does not do multiline alignment when IntTextFormatFlags.SingleLine is not set. This 
        ///      adjustment is to workaround that limitation. We don't want to duplicate SelectObject calls here,
        ///      so put your Font in the dc before calling this. 
        ///      AdjustForVerticalAlignment is only used when the text is multiline and it fits inside the bounds passed in.
        ///      In that case we want the horizontal center of the multiline text to be at the horizontal center of the bounds. 
        ///      If the text is multiline and it does not fit inside the bounds passed in, then return the bounds that were passed in.
        ///      This way we paint the top of the text at the top of the bounds passed in.
        public static Rectangle AdjustForVerticalAlignment(HandleRef hdc, string text, Rectangle bounds, IntTextFormatFlags flags, IntNativeMethods.DRAWTEXTPARAMS dtparams) 
            Debug.Assert( ((uint)flags & GdiUnsupportedFlagMask) == 0, "Some custom flags were left over and are not GDI compliant!" );
            // Ok if any Top (Cannot test IntTextFormatFlags.Top because it is 0), single line text or measuring text.
            bool isTop = (flags & IntTextFormatFlags.Bottom) == 0 && (flags & IntTextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter) == 0;
            if( isTop ||((flags & IntTextFormatFlags.SingleLine) != 0) || ((flags & IntTextFormatFlags.CalculateRectangle) != 0) )
                return bounds;
            IntNativeMethods.RECT rect = new IntNativeMethods.RECT(bounds);
            // Get the text bounds.
            flags |= IntTextFormatFlags.CalculateRectangle;
            int textHeight = IntUnsafeNativeMethods.DrawTextEx(hdc, text, ref rect, (int) flags, dtparams);
            // if the text does not fit inside the bounds then return the bounds that were passed in
            if (textHeight > bounds.Height) 
                return bounds;

            Rectangle adjustedBounds = bounds;

            if( (flags & IntTextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter) != 0 )  // Middle 
                adjustedBounds.Y = adjustedBounds.Top + adjustedBounds.Height / 2 - textHeight / 2; 
            else // Bottom.
                adjustedBounds.Y = adjustedBounds.Bottom - textHeight;

            return adjustedBounds; 
        // DrawRectangle overloads 

        public void DrawRectangle(WindowsPen pen, Rectangle rect)
            DrawRectangle(pen, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height);

        public void DrawRectangle(WindowsPen pen, int x, int y, int width, int height) 
            Debug.Assert( pen != null, "pen == null" ); 

            HandleRef hdc = new HandleRef(this.dc, this.dc.Hdc);

            if( pen != null ) 
                this.dc.SelectObject(pen.HPen, GdiObjectType.Pen); 

            DeviceContextBinaryRasterOperationFlags rasterOp = this.dc.BinaryRasterOperation; 

            if( rasterOp != DeviceContextBinaryRasterOperationFlags.CopyPen )
                rasterOp = this.dc.SetRasterOperation(DeviceContextBinaryRasterOperationFlags.CopyPen); 
            IntUnsafeNativeMethods.SelectObject(hdc, new HandleRef(null, IntUnsafeNativeMethods.GetStockObject(IntNativeMethods.HOLLOW_BRUSH))); 
            // [....]
            IntUnsafeNativeMethods.Rectangle(hdc, x, y, x + width , y + height );

            if( rasterOp != DeviceContextBinaryRasterOperationFlags.CopyPen )

        // FillRectangle overloads 

        public void FillRectangle(WindowsBrush brush, Rectangle rect)
            FillRectangle(brush, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height);
        public void FillRectangle(WindowsBrush brush, int x, int y, int width, int height) 
            Debug.Assert( brush != null, "brush == null" );

            HandleRef hdc  = new HandleRef(this.dc, this.dc.Hdc); 
            IntPtr hBrush  = brush.HBrush;  // We don't delete this handle since we didn't create it.
            IntNativeMethods.RECT rect = new IntNativeMethods.RECT(x, y, x + width, y + height ); 
            if (brush is WindowsHatchBrush) 
                int clr = ColorTranslator.ToWin32(((WindowsHatchBrush)brush).BackGroundColor);
                IntUnsafeNativeMethods.SetBkColor(hdc, clr );
                IntUnsafeNativeMethods.SetBkMode(hdc, (int)DeviceContextBackgroundMode.Transparent); 
            IntUnsafeNativeMethods.FillRect(hdc, ref rect, new HandleRef(brush, hBrush)); 

        // DrawLine overloads

        ///     Draws a line starting from p1 (included) to p2 (excluded).  LineTo doesn't paint the last 
        ///     pixel because if it did the intersection points of connected lines would be drawn multiple 
        ///     times turning them back to the background color.
        public void DrawLine(WindowsPen pen, Point p1, Point p2)
            DrawLine(pen, p1.X, p1.Y, p2.X, p2.Y);

        public void DrawLine(WindowsPen pen, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) 
            HandleRef hdc  = new HandleRef(this.dc, this.dc.Hdc); 

            DeviceContextBinaryRasterOperationFlags rasterOp = this.dc.BinaryRasterOperation;
            DeviceContextBackgroundMode bckMode = this.dc.BackgroundMode;
            if( rasterOp != DeviceContextBinaryRasterOperationFlags.CopyPen )
                rasterOp = this.dc.SetRasterOperation( DeviceContextBinaryRasterOperationFlags.CopyPen ); 
            if( bckMode != DeviceContextBackgroundMode.Transparent )
                bckMode = this.dc.SetBackgroundMode( DeviceContextBackgroundMode.Transparent );

            if (pen != null) 
                this.dc.SelectObject(pen.HPen, GdiObjectType.Pen);

            IntNativeMethods.POINT oldPoint = new IntNativeMethods.POINT();

            IntUnsafeNativeMethods.MoveToEx(hdc, x1, y1, oldPoint); 
            IntUnsafeNativeMethods.LineTo(hdc, x2, y2);
            if( bckMode != DeviceContextBackgroundMode.Transparent ) 
                this.dc.SetBackgroundMode( bckMode ); 

            if( rasterOp != DeviceContextBinaryRasterOperationFlags.CopyPen )
                this.dc.SetRasterOperation( rasterOp );
            IntUnsafeNativeMethods.MoveToEx(hdc, oldPoint.x, oldPoint.y, null);

        ///     Returns a TEXTMETRIC structure for the font selected in the device context
        ///     represented by this object, in units of pixels. 
        public IntNativeMethods.TEXTMETRIC GetTextMetrics() 
            IntNativeMethods.TEXTMETRIC tm  = new IntNativeMethods.TEXTMETRIC();
            HandleRef                   hdc = new HandleRef( this.dc, this.dc.Hdc ); 

            // Set the mapping mode to MM_TEXT so we deal with units of pixels.
            DeviceContextMapMode mapMode = dc.MapMode;
            bool setupDC = mapMode != DeviceContextMapMode.Text;
            if( setupDC ) 
                // Changing the MapMode will affect viewport and window extent and origin, we save the dc 
                // state so all those properties can be properly restored once done.
                if (setupDC) 
                    mapMode = dc.SetMapMode(DeviceContextMapMode.Text); 

                IntUnsafeNativeMethods.GetTextMetrics(hdc, ref tm);
                if (setupDC) 

            return tm; 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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