Journaling.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / wpf / src / Framework / MS / Internal / AppModel / Journaling.cs / 1305600 / Journaling.cs

// File: Journaling.cs
// Description: Contains various journaling related internal enums and classes 
// History: 
//  1/20/2005:  [....]     Branched off system/windows/navigation/JournalEntry.cs 
// Copyright (C) 2006 by Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved. 

using System; 
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions; 
using System.Runtime.Serialization; 
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Windows; 
using System.Windows.Markup;

using System.Windows.Navigation;
using MS.Internal.Utility; 

//In order to avoid generating warnings about unknown message numbers and 
//unknown pragmas when compiling your C# source code with the actual C# compiler, 
//you need to disable warnings 1634 and 1691. (Presharp Documentation)
#pragma warning disable 1634, 1691 

namespace MS.Internal.AppModel
    internal enum JournalEntryType : byte

    internal enum JournalReason
        NewContentNavigation = 1, FragmentNavigation, AddBackEntry 
    /// Encapsulates the custom journal state of an element implementing IJournalState.
    internal abstract class CustomJournalStateInternal
        /// Called when the entire journal is about to be binary-serialized. Non-serializable objects
        /// should be removed or replaced with serializable ones. 
        internal virtual void PrepareForSerialization() { }

    /// Currently used in two contexts:
    /// 1) Allows an element in the logical tree of INavigator.Content to implement "custom" journaling 
    ///   of its state, beyond the DP journaling that DataStreams does.
    ///   [The public IProvideCustomContentState applies only to the root element.] 
    ///   journalReason is always NewContentNavigation in this use. 
    ///   Initially, the only actual use is for Frame to preserve its own journal.
    /// 2) Root viewer journaling. See NavigationService.MakeJournalEntry()... 
    internal interface IJournalState
        CustomJournalStateInternal GetJournalState(JournalReason journalReason); 
        void RestoreJournalState(CustomJournalStateInternal state);
    /// Shared state for all journal entries associated with the same content object ("bind product"). 
    /// Journal entries created for fragment navigations or CustomContentState navigations within the
    /// current page share one JournalEntryGroupState object. This avoids duplication of state and
    /// the problems described in bug 1216726.
    internal class JournalEntryGroupState 
        internal JournalEntryGroupState() { }
        internal JournalEntryGroupState(Guid navSvcId, uint contentId)
            _navigationServiceId = navSvcId;
            _contentId = contentId; 
        internal Guid NavigationServiceId 
            get { return _navigationServiceId; } 
            set { _navigationServiceId = value; }

        /// Unique identifier (within a NavigationService, not across the entire Journal) of the page
        /// content ("bind product") this journal entry group is associated with. 
        /// One use of this property is to help us distinguish back/fwd navigations 
        /// within the same page from navigations to a different instance of the same page
        /// (same URI, modulo #frament id). (Bugs 1187603 and 1187613). 
        /// Zero is not a valid id.
        internal uint ContentId
            get { return _contentId; }
                Debug.Assert(_contentId == 0 || _contentId == value,
                    "Once set, the ContentId for a JournalEntryGroup should not be changed."); 
                _contentId = value;
        internal DataStreams JournalDataStreams
            #if DEBUG 
                // Do not make this getter create a new DataStreams object. Keep-alive journal entries
                // don't need it. 
                return _journalDataStreams;
                _journalDataStreams = value; 

        internal JournalEntry GroupExitEntry 
            get { return _groupExitEntry; } 
                Debug.Assert(value.JEGroupState == this); 
                Debug.Assert(_groupExitEntry == null || _groupExitEntry.ContentId == value.ContentId);
                _groupExitEntry = value;

        private Guid _navigationServiceId; 
        private uint _contentId; 
        private DataStreams _journalDataStreams;
        private JournalEntry _groupExitEntry; 

    /// The journal entry when journaling by URI. When navigating away, it will save the form state. 
    /// When navigating back/forwards to this entry, it will navigate back to the URI, and then
    /// restore the form state. 
    internal class JournalEntryUri : JournalEntry, ISerializable 
        // Ctors
        #region Ctors
        internal JournalEntryUri(JournalEntryGroupState jeGroupState, Uri uri) 
            : base(jeGroupState, uri)

        /// Serialization constructor. Marked Protected so derived classes can be deserialized correctly 
        protected JournalEntryUri(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) : base(info, context) 

        // Internal methods 
        #region Internal methods 

        internal override void SaveState(object contentObject) 
            Invariant.Assert(this.Source != null, "Can't journal by Uri without a Uri.");
            base.SaveState(contentObject); // Save controls state (JournalDataStreams).


    /// This is the journal entry class for use when the entire tree is being kept alive. It will be
    /// saved when navigated away from, and when restored, it navigates to the saved tree.
    // Not [Serializable], because keep-alive content should not be serialized into the TravelLog. 
    internal class JournalEntryKeepAlive : JournalEntry
        // Ctors 
        #region Ctors

        internal JournalEntryKeepAlive(JournalEntryGroupState jeGroupState, Uri uri, object keepAliveRoot)
            : base(jeGroupState, uri) 
            Invariant.Assert(keepAliveRoot != null); 
            _keepAliveRoot = keepAliveRoot; 

        // Internal methods

        #region Internal methods 
        /// This is how the JournalEntry holds on to the tree itself. There is no need to keep track of other 
        /// things c.f. AlivePageFunction.
        internal object KeepAliveRoot
            get { return _keepAliveRoot; }
        internal override bool IsAlive()
            return this.KeepAliveRoot != null;

        internal override void SaveState(object contentObject) 
            Debug.Assert(this.KeepAliveRoot == contentObject); // set by ctor; shouldn't change 
            this._keepAliveRoot = contentObject; 
            // No call to base.SaveState() since it saves controls state, and contentObject is KeepAlive.

        internal override bool Navigate(INavigator navigator, NavigationMode navMode)
            Debug.Assert(navMode == NavigationMode.Back || navMode == NavigationMode.Forward); 
            Debug.Assert(this.KeepAliveRoot != null);
            return navigator.Navigate(this.KeepAliveRoot, new NavigateInfo(Source, navMode, this)); 


        #region Private fields

        private object _keepAliveRoot;     // the root of a tree being kept alive 


    /// The journal entry for page functions. Ideally, these would use the same journal method
    /// that the other entries use, and derive from the other JournalEntry* classes to add the
    /// small bit of functionality that the page functions require (the Finish handler, for one.)
    internal abstract class JournalEntryPageFunction : JournalEntry, ISerializable 
        // Ctors

        #region Ctors

        internal JournalEntryPageFunction(JournalEntryGroupState jeGroupState, PageFunctionBase pageFunction) 
            : base(jeGroupState, null)
            PageFunctionId = pageFunction.PageFunctionId; 
            ParentPageFunctionId = pageFunction.ParentPageFunctionId;

        /// Serialization constructor. Marked Protected so derived classes can be deserialized correctly
        /// The base implementation needs to be called if this class is overridden 
        protected JournalEntryPageFunction(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) 
            : base(info, context) 
            _pageFunctionId         = (Guid)info.GetValue("_pageFunctionId", typeof(Guid)); 
            _parentPageFunctionId   = (Guid)info.GetValue("_parentPageFunctionId", typeof(Guid)); ;

        //  ISerializable implementation
        /// Critical: does object serialization
        /// Public OK: has a LinkDemand 
        [SecurityPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, SerializationFormatter = true)]
        public override void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) 
            base.GetObjectData(info, context); 
            info.AddValue("_pageFunctionId", _pageFunctionId); 
            info.AddValue("_parentPageFunctionId", _parentPageFunctionId);


        // Internal Properties 
        /// This is the GUID for this PageFunction. It will be used as its childrens'
        /// ParentPageFunctionId. 
        internal Guid PageFunctionId
            get { return _pageFunctionId; } 
            set { _pageFunctionId = value; }
        /// If this PageFunction is a child PageFunction, this will be the GUID of its 
        /// parent PageFunction. If this is Guid.Empty, then the parent is NOT a
        /// PageFunction.
        internal Guid ParentPageFunctionId 
            get { return _parentPageFunctionId; } 
            set { _parentPageFunctionId = value; } 
        // Internal methods

        #region Internal methods 

        internal override bool IsPageFunction() 
            return true;

        internal override bool IsAlive()
            return false; 
        /// Reconstitutes the PageFunction associated with this journal entry so that it can be
        /// re-navigated to. Happens when returning from a child PF or doing journal navigation. 
        internal abstract PageFunctionBase ResumePageFunction();


        #region internal Static method 
        // This method is to get the journal entry index in the Journal List for the parent page 
        // of this PageFunction.
        // The parent page could be a PageFunction or a Non-PageFunction.
        // For the non PageFunction case, it could have a Uri or could not have a Uri. 
        // Case 1: The ParentPageFunction has been set, so just go back and look for it. 
        // Case 2: The ParentPageFunction has NOT been set, so the parent must be most recent non-PF entry. 
        internal static int GetParentPageJournalIndex(NavigationService NavigationService, Journal journal, PageFunctionBase endingPF) 
            JournalEntryPageFunction pageFunctionEntry;
            JournalEntry journalEntry;
            for (int index = journal.CurrentIndex - 1; index >= 0; --index)
                journalEntry = journal[index]; 

                // Be sure that the navigation containers match 
                if (journalEntry.NavigationServiceId != NavigationService.GuidId)

                pageFunctionEntry = journalEntry as JournalEntryPageFunction; 

                if (endingPF.ParentPageFunctionId == Guid.Empty) 
                    // We are looking for a non-PageFunction
                    if (pageFunctionEntry == null) 
                        return index; // found!
                    // we are looking for a PageFunction 
                    if ((pageFunctionEntry != null) && (pageFunctionEntry.PageFunctionId == endingPF.ParentPageFunctionId))
                        return index; // found!

            Debug.Assert(endingPF.ParentPageFunctionId == Guid.Empty, 
                "Should have been able to find the parent if the ParentPageFunctionId was set. Are they in different NavigationServices? They shouldn't be."); 

            return _NoParentPage; 

        // Private fields
        // If you add any fields here, check if it needs to be serialized. 
        // If yes, then add it to the ISerializable implementation and make
        // corresponding changes in the Serialization constructor. 

        private Guid _pageFunctionId; 
        private Guid _parentPageFunctionId;
        internal const int _NoParentPage = -1; 

    /// This is the class for page functions that are being kept alive.
    // Not [Serializable], because keep-alive content should not be serialized into the TravelLog.
    internal class JournalEntryPageFunctionKeepAlive : JournalEntryPageFunction 
        // Ctors 
        #region Ctors

        internal JournalEntryPageFunctionKeepAlive(JournalEntryGroupState jeGroupState, PageFunctionBase pageFunction)
            : base(jeGroupState, pageFunction) 
            Debug.Assert(pageFunction != null && pageFunction.KeepAlive); 
            this._keepAlivePageFunction = pageFunction; 

        // Internal methods

        #region Internal methods 
        internal override bool IsPageFunction()
            return true;

        internal override bool IsAlive() 
            return this.KeepAlivePageFunction != null; 

        internal PageFunctionBase KeepAlivePageFunction 
            get { return _keepAlivePageFunction; }
        internal override PageFunctionBase ResumePageFunction()
            PageFunctionBase pageFunction = this.KeepAlivePageFunction; 
            pageFunction._Resume = true;
            return pageFunction; 

        internal override void SaveState(object contentObject)
            Invariant.Assert(_keepAlivePageFunction == contentObject); // set by ctor
            // No call to base.SaveState() since it saves controls state, and this PF is KeepAlive. 

        /// This override is used when doing journal navigation to a PF, not when it is resumed after
        /// a child PF finishes.
        internal override bool Navigate(INavigator navigator, NavigationMode navMode) 
            Debug.Assert(navMode == NavigationMode.Back || navMode == NavigationMode.Forward); 
            // When doing fragment navigation within the PF, it should not be marked as Resumed; 
            // otherwise, its Start() override may not be called.
            PageFunctionBase pf = (navigator.Content == _keepAlivePageFunction) ? 
                _keepAlivePageFunction : ResumePageFunction();
            Debug.Assert(pf != null);
            return navigator.Navigate(pf, new NavigateInfo(this.Source, navMode, this));

        #region Private fields
        PageFunctionBase _keepAlivePageFunction = null;


    /// JournalEntryPageFunctionSaver 
    /// This is JournalEntry for PageFunction which is not set as KeepAlive. The PageFunction could be
    /// navigated from a Uri or the instance created from a PageFunction type. 
    internal abstract class JournalEntryPageFunctionSaver : JournalEntryPageFunction, ISerializable
        // Ctors
        #region Ctors
        // Ctor of JournalEntryPageFunctionSaver
        internal JournalEntryPageFunctionSaver(JournalEntryGroupState jeGroupState, PageFunctionBase pageFunction) 
            : base(jeGroupState, pageFunction)

        /// Serialization constructor. Marked Protected so derived classes can be deserialized correctly
        /// The base implementation needs to be called if this class is overridden 
        protected JournalEntryPageFunctionSaver(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) 
            : base(info, context) 
            _returnEventSaver       = (ReturnEventSaver)info.GetValue("_returnEventSaver", typeof(ReturnEventSaver)); 

        //  ISerializable implementation 
        /// Critical: does object serialization 
        /// Public OK: has a LinkDemand
        [SecurityPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, SerializationFormatter = true)]
        public override void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
            base.GetObjectData(info, context);
            info.AddValue("_returnEventSaver", _returnEventSaver); 

        // Internal methods
        #region Internal methods
        internal override void SaveState(object contentObject) 
            PageFunctionBase pageFunction = (PageFunctionBase)contentObject; 
            _returnEventSaver = pageFunction._Saver;
            base.SaveState(contentObject); // Save controls state (JournalDataStreams).
        // Take the PageFunction specific setting, then call the RestoreState in base class 
        // to store previous state in a journal navigation. 
        internal override void RestoreState(object contentObject) 

            if (contentObject == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("contentObject"); 

            PageFunctionBase pageFunction = (PageFunctionBase)contentObject; 
            if (pageFunction == null)
                throw new Exception(SR.Get(SRID.InvalidPageFunctionType, contentObject.GetType( )));

            pageFunction.ParentPageFunctionId = ParentPageFunctionId; 
            pageFunction.PageFunctionId = PageFunctionId;
            pageFunction._Saver = _returnEventSaver; // saved Return event delegate from the *parent* of this PF 
            pageFunction._Resume = true; 



        /// This override is used when doing journal navigation to a PF, not when it is resumed after
        /// a child PF finishes. 
        internal override bool Navigate(INavigator navigator, NavigationMode navMode)
            Debug.Assert(navMode == NavigationMode.Back || navMode == NavigationMode.Forward);

            // Resume the PF and navigate to it.
            // Special case: doing fragment navigation or CustomContentState navigation 
            // within a PF. Then don't create a new PF object!
            IDownloader idl = navigator as IDownloader; 
            NavigationService ns = idl != null ? idl.Downloader : null; 
            Debug.Assert(ns != null, "Fragment navigation won't work when the INavigator doesn't have a NavigationService.");
            PageFunctionBase pageFunction =
                (ns != null && ns.ContentId == this.ContentId) ?
                (PageFunctionBase)ns.Content : ResumePageFunction();
            Debug.Assert(pageFunction != null);
            return navigator.Navigate(pageFunction, new NavigateInfo(this.Source, navMode, this)); 

        // Internal properties

        #region Internal properties 
        // private methods

        // Private fields 
        // If you add any fields here, check if it needs to be serialized. 
        // If yes, then add it to the ISerializable implementation and make 
        // corresponding changes in the Serialization constructor.

        #region Private fields
        private ReturnEventSaver _returnEventSaver;

    // When the PageFunction is implemented in a pure code file without Xaml file involved,
    // and the instance of such PageFunction was passed to Navigiation method, JournalEntryPageFunctionType 
    // would be created to save journal data information.
    internal class JournalEntryPageFunctionType : JournalEntryPageFunctionSaver, ISerializable
        // Ctors

        #region Ctors 

        /// Critical: Sets the crtical _typeName. 
        /// Safe: The type is a subtype of PageFunctionBase, and the application has access to it.
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
        internal JournalEntryPageFunctionType(JournalEntryGroupState jeGroupState, PageFunctionBase pageFunction)
            : base(jeGroupState, pageFunction)
            string typeName = pageFunction.GetType().AssemblyQualifiedName;
            this._typeName = new SecurityCriticalDataForSet(typeName); 

        /// Serialization constructor. Marked Protected so derived classes can be deserialized correctly
        /// The base implementation needs to be called if this class is overridden
        /// Critical: Sets the critical _typeName. 
        protected JournalEntryPageFunctionType(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) 
            : base(info, context)
            _typeName = new SecurityCriticalDataForSet(info.GetString("_typeName"));

        //  ISerializable implementation 
        /// Critical: does object serialization
        /// Public OK: has a LinkDemand
        [SecurityPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, SerializationFormatter = true)]
        public override void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) 
            base.GetObjectData(info, context);
            info.AddValue("_typeName", _typeName.Value); 

        // Internal methods 
        #region Internal methods 

        internal override void SaveState(object contentObject) 
            Debug.Assert(contentObject.GetType().AssemblyQualifiedName == this._typeName.Value,
                "The type of a PageFunction a journal entry is associated with cannot change.");
            base.SaveState(contentObject); // Save controls state (JournalDataStreams). 
        // Reconstitutes the PageFunction associated with this journal entry so that it can be
        // re-navigated to. Happens when returning from a child PF or doing journal navigation. 
        // The PageFunction should be implemented in pure code file without xaml file involved.
        /// Critical: Asserts ReflectionPermission to create an instance of the page function type.
        /// Safe: The object created is of the same type that the application originally navigated to. 
        ///     It is necessarily derived from PageFunctionBase. 
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
        internal override PageFunctionBase ResumePageFunction()
            PageFunctionBase pageFunction;
            Invariant.Assert(this._typeName.Value != null, "JournalEntry does not contain the Type for the PageFunction to be created");
            //First try Type.GetType from the saved typename, then try Activator.CreateInstanceFrom 
            //Type.GetType - Since the typename is fullyqualified
            //we will end up using the default binding mechanism to locate and bind to the assembly. 
            //If the assembly was not a strongly named one nor is present in the APPBASE, this will

            Type pfType = Type.GetType(this._typeName.Value); 
            new ReflectionPermission(ReflectionPermissionFlag.MemberAccess).Assert();
                pageFunction = (PageFunctionBase)Activator.CreateInstance(pfType);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception(SR.Get(SRID.FailedResumePageFunction, this._typeName.Value), ex);

            return pageFunction;
        #region private method

        private void InitializeComponent(PageFunctionBase pageFunction)
            // Need to explicitly add a call to InitializeComponent() for Page
            IComponentConnector iComponentConnector = pageFunction as IComponentConnector; 
            if (iComponentConnector != null) 


        // private methods 

        // Private fields 
        // If you add any fields here, check if it needs to be serialized.
        // If yes, then add it to the ISerializable implementation and make
        // corresponding changes in the Serialization constructor. 
        #region Private fields
        /// AssemblyQualifiedName of the PageFunction Type
        /// Critical: The type name is used to create an instance under elevation. We have to make
        ///     sure that it is the same page function type that the application originally navigated to. 
        private SecurityCriticalDataForSet _typeName; 

    // When the PageFunction is implemented in a xaml file, or it was navigated from a Uri, 
    // JournalEntryPageFunctionUri would be created to save journal data information.
    internal class JournalEntryPageFunctionUri : JournalEntryPageFunctionSaver, ISerializable
        // Ctors

        #region Ctors 

        internal JournalEntryPageFunctionUri(JournalEntryGroupState jeGroupState, PageFunctionBase pageFunction, Uri markupUri) 
            : base(jeGroupState, pageFunction) 
            _markupUri = markupUri; 

        protected JournalEntryPageFunctionUri(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) 
            : base(info, context)
            _markupUri = (Uri)info.GetValue("_markupUri", typeof(Uri)); 
        //  ISerializable implementation
        /// Critical: does object serialization
        /// Public OK: has a LinkDemand 
        [SecurityPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, SerializationFormatter = true)] 
        public override void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
            base.GetObjectData(info, context);
            info.AddValue("_markupUri", _markupUri); 
        // Internal methods

        #region Internal methods

        // Create an instance of PageFunction for Resume purpose. this PageFunction should be created 
        // from a Uri. 
        internal override PageFunctionBase ResumePageFunction() 

            PageFunctionBase pageFunction;
            // The page function was compiled from a xaml file. 

            // We should pay more attention on this scenario. The instance of PageFunction is created from 
            // the baml stream, but it should ignore the value setting for all the Journal-able properties
            // and elements while the tree is created from the original baml stream.
            Debug.Assert(_markupUri != null, "_markupUri in JournalEntryPageFunctionUri should be set.");
            pageFunction = Application.LoadComponent(_markupUri, true) as PageFunctionBase; 


            return pageFunction;
        // Private field
        #region private fields

        // Keep the Uri that is associated with current PageFunction page. 
        // It could be Navigator.Source or the Uri of Baml resource for the PageFunction type.
        // Notes: We don't mix this with JournalEntry.Source, since NavigationService has some special usage 
        // for JE.Source, JE.Source could affect the Navigator.Source in some scenario.
        private Uri _markupUri;


// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// File: Journaling.cs
// Description: Contains various journaling related internal enums and classes 
// History: 
//  1/20/2005:  [....]     Branched off system/windows/navigation/JournalEntry.cs 
// Copyright (C) 2006 by Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved. 

using System; 
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions; 
using System.Runtime.Serialization; 
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Windows; 
using System.Windows.Markup;

using System.Windows.Navigation;
using MS.Internal.Utility; 

//In order to avoid generating warnings about unknown message numbers and 
//unknown pragmas when compiling your C# source code with the actual C# compiler, 
//you need to disable warnings 1634 and 1691. (Presharp Documentation)
#pragma warning disable 1634, 1691 

namespace MS.Internal.AppModel
    internal enum JournalEntryType : byte

    internal enum JournalReason
        NewContentNavigation = 1, FragmentNavigation, AddBackEntry 
    /// Encapsulates the custom journal state of an element implementing IJournalState.
    internal abstract class CustomJournalStateInternal
        /// Called when the entire journal is about to be binary-serialized. Non-serializable objects
        /// should be removed or replaced with serializable ones. 
        internal virtual void PrepareForSerialization() { }

    /// Currently used in two contexts:
    /// 1) Allows an element in the logical tree of INavigator.Content to implement "custom" journaling 
    ///   of its state, beyond the DP journaling that DataStreams does.
    ///   [The public IProvideCustomContentState applies only to the root element.] 
    ///   journalReason is always NewContentNavigation in this use. 
    ///   Initially, the only actual use is for Frame to preserve its own journal.
    /// 2) Root viewer journaling. See NavigationService.MakeJournalEntry()... 
    internal interface IJournalState
        CustomJournalStateInternal GetJournalState(JournalReason journalReason); 
        void RestoreJournalState(CustomJournalStateInternal state);
    /// Shared state for all journal entries associated with the same content object ("bind product"). 
    /// Journal entries created for fragment navigations or CustomContentState navigations within the
    /// current page share one JournalEntryGroupState object. This avoids duplication of state and
    /// the problems described in bug 1216726.
    internal class JournalEntryGroupState 
        internal JournalEntryGroupState() { }
        internal JournalEntryGroupState(Guid navSvcId, uint contentId)
            _navigationServiceId = navSvcId;
            _contentId = contentId; 
        internal Guid NavigationServiceId 
            get { return _navigationServiceId; } 
            set { _navigationServiceId = value; }

        /// Unique identifier (within a NavigationService, not across the entire Journal) of the page
        /// content ("bind product") this journal entry group is associated with. 
        /// One use of this property is to help us distinguish back/fwd navigations 
        /// within the same page from navigations to a different instance of the same page
        /// (same URI, modulo #frament id). (Bugs 1187603 and 1187613). 
        /// Zero is not a valid id.
        internal uint ContentId
            get { return _contentId; }
                Debug.Assert(_contentId == 0 || _contentId == value,
                    "Once set, the ContentId for a JournalEntryGroup should not be changed."); 
                _contentId = value;
        internal DataStreams JournalDataStreams
            #if DEBUG 
                // Do not make this getter create a new DataStreams object. Keep-alive journal entries
                // don't need it. 
                return _journalDataStreams;
                _journalDataStreams = value; 

        internal JournalEntry GroupExitEntry 
            get { return _groupExitEntry; } 
                Debug.Assert(value.JEGroupState == this); 
                Debug.Assert(_groupExitEntry == null || _groupExitEntry.ContentId == value.ContentId);
                _groupExitEntry = value;

        private Guid _navigationServiceId; 
        private uint _contentId; 
        private DataStreams _journalDataStreams;
        private JournalEntry _groupExitEntry; 

    /// The journal entry when journaling by URI. When navigating away, it will save the form state. 
    /// When navigating back/forwards to this entry, it will navigate back to the URI, and then
    /// restore the form state. 
    internal class JournalEntryUri : JournalEntry, ISerializable 
        // Ctors
        #region Ctors
        internal JournalEntryUri(JournalEntryGroupState jeGroupState, Uri uri) 
            : base(jeGroupState, uri)

        /// Serialization constructor. Marked Protected so derived classes can be deserialized correctly 
        protected JournalEntryUri(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) : base(info, context) 

        // Internal methods 
        #region Internal methods 

        internal override void SaveState(object contentObject) 
            Invariant.Assert(this.Source != null, "Can't journal by Uri without a Uri.");
            base.SaveState(contentObject); // Save controls state (JournalDataStreams).


    /// This is the journal entry class for use when the entire tree is being kept alive. It will be
    /// saved when navigated away from, and when restored, it navigates to the saved tree.
    // Not [Serializable], because keep-alive content should not be serialized into the TravelLog. 
    internal class JournalEntryKeepAlive : JournalEntry
        // Ctors 
        #region Ctors

        internal JournalEntryKeepAlive(JournalEntryGroupState jeGroupState, Uri uri, object keepAliveRoot)
            : base(jeGroupState, uri) 
            Invariant.Assert(keepAliveRoot != null); 
            _keepAliveRoot = keepAliveRoot; 

        // Internal methods

        #region Internal methods 
        /// This is how the JournalEntry holds on to the tree itself. There is no need to keep track of other 
        /// things c.f. AlivePageFunction.
        internal object KeepAliveRoot
            get { return _keepAliveRoot; }
        internal override bool IsAlive()
            return this.KeepAliveRoot != null;

        internal override void SaveState(object contentObject) 
            Debug.Assert(this.KeepAliveRoot == contentObject); // set by ctor; shouldn't change 
            this._keepAliveRoot = contentObject; 
            // No call to base.SaveState() since it saves controls state, and contentObject is KeepAlive.

        internal override bool Navigate(INavigator navigator, NavigationMode navMode)
            Debug.Assert(navMode == NavigationMode.Back || navMode == NavigationMode.Forward); 
            Debug.Assert(this.KeepAliveRoot != null);
            return navigator.Navigate(this.KeepAliveRoot, new NavigateInfo(Source, navMode, this)); 


        #region Private fields

        private object _keepAliveRoot;     // the root of a tree being kept alive 


    /// The journal entry for page functions. Ideally, these would use the same journal method
    /// that the other entries use, and derive from the other JournalEntry* classes to add the
    /// small bit of functionality that the page functions require (the Finish handler, for one.)
    internal abstract class JournalEntryPageFunction : JournalEntry, ISerializable 
        // Ctors

        #region Ctors

        internal JournalEntryPageFunction(JournalEntryGroupState jeGroupState, PageFunctionBase pageFunction) 
            : base(jeGroupState, null)
            PageFunctionId = pageFunction.PageFunctionId; 
            ParentPageFunctionId = pageFunction.ParentPageFunctionId;

        /// Serialization constructor. Marked Protected so derived classes can be deserialized correctly
        /// The base implementation needs to be called if this class is overridden 
        protected JournalEntryPageFunction(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) 
            : base(info, context) 
            _pageFunctionId         = (Guid)info.GetValue("_pageFunctionId", typeof(Guid)); 
            _parentPageFunctionId   = (Guid)info.GetValue("_parentPageFunctionId", typeof(Guid)); ;

        //  ISerializable implementation
        /// Critical: does object serialization
        /// Public OK: has a LinkDemand 
        [SecurityPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, SerializationFormatter = true)]
        public override void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) 
            base.GetObjectData(info, context); 
            info.AddValue("_pageFunctionId", _pageFunctionId); 
            info.AddValue("_parentPageFunctionId", _parentPageFunctionId);


        // Internal Properties 
        /// This is the GUID for this PageFunction. It will be used as its childrens'
        /// ParentPageFunctionId. 
        internal Guid PageFunctionId
            get { return _pageFunctionId; } 
            set { _pageFunctionId = value; }
        /// If this PageFunction is a child PageFunction, this will be the GUID of its 
        /// parent PageFunction. If this is Guid.Empty, then the parent is NOT a
        /// PageFunction.
        internal Guid ParentPageFunctionId 
            get { return _parentPageFunctionId; } 
            set { _parentPageFunctionId = value; } 
        // Internal methods

        #region Internal methods 

        internal override bool IsPageFunction() 
            return true;

        internal override bool IsAlive()
            return false; 
        /// Reconstitutes the PageFunction associated with this journal entry so that it can be
        /// re-navigated to. Happens when returning from a child PF or doing journal navigation. 
        internal abstract PageFunctionBase ResumePageFunction();


        #region internal Static method 
        // This method is to get the journal entry index in the Journal List for the parent page 
        // of this PageFunction.
        // The parent page could be a PageFunction or a Non-PageFunction.
        // For the non PageFunction case, it could have a Uri or could not have a Uri. 
        // Case 1: The ParentPageFunction has been set, so just go back and look for it. 
        // Case 2: The ParentPageFunction has NOT been set, so the parent must be most recent non-PF entry. 
        internal static int GetParentPageJournalIndex(NavigationService NavigationService, Journal journal, PageFunctionBase endingPF) 
            JournalEntryPageFunction pageFunctionEntry;
            JournalEntry journalEntry;
            for (int index = journal.CurrentIndex - 1; index >= 0; --index)
                journalEntry = journal[index]; 

                // Be sure that the navigation containers match 
                if (journalEntry.NavigationServiceId != NavigationService.GuidId)

                pageFunctionEntry = journalEntry as JournalEntryPageFunction; 

                if (endingPF.ParentPageFunctionId == Guid.Empty) 
                    // We are looking for a non-PageFunction
                    if (pageFunctionEntry == null) 
                        return index; // found!
                    // we are looking for a PageFunction 
                    if ((pageFunctionEntry != null) && (pageFunctionEntry.PageFunctionId == endingPF.ParentPageFunctionId))
                        return index; // found!

            Debug.Assert(endingPF.ParentPageFunctionId == Guid.Empty, 
                "Should have been able to find the parent if the ParentPageFunctionId was set. Are they in different NavigationServices? They shouldn't be."); 

            return _NoParentPage; 

        // Private fields
        // If you add any fields here, check if it needs to be serialized. 
        // If yes, then add it to the ISerializable implementation and make
        // corresponding changes in the Serialization constructor. 

        private Guid _pageFunctionId; 
        private Guid _parentPageFunctionId;
        internal const int _NoParentPage = -1; 

    /// This is the class for page functions that are being kept alive.
    // Not [Serializable], because keep-alive content should not be serialized into the TravelLog.
    internal class JournalEntryPageFunctionKeepAlive : JournalEntryPageFunction 
        // Ctors 
        #region Ctors

        internal JournalEntryPageFunctionKeepAlive(JournalEntryGroupState jeGroupState, PageFunctionBase pageFunction)
            : base(jeGroupState, pageFunction) 
            Debug.Assert(pageFunction != null && pageFunction.KeepAlive); 
            this._keepAlivePageFunction = pageFunction; 

        // Internal methods

        #region Internal methods 
        internal override bool IsPageFunction()
            return true;

        internal override bool IsAlive() 
            return this.KeepAlivePageFunction != null; 

        internal PageFunctionBase KeepAlivePageFunction 
            get { return _keepAlivePageFunction; }
        internal override PageFunctionBase ResumePageFunction()
            PageFunctionBase pageFunction = this.KeepAlivePageFunction; 
            pageFunction._Resume = true;
            return pageFunction; 

        internal override void SaveState(object contentObject)
            Invariant.Assert(_keepAlivePageFunction == contentObject); // set by ctor
            // No call to base.SaveState() since it saves controls state, and this PF is KeepAlive. 

        /// This override is used when doing journal navigation to a PF, not when it is resumed after
        /// a child PF finishes.
        internal override bool Navigate(INavigator navigator, NavigationMode navMode) 
            Debug.Assert(navMode == NavigationMode.Back || navMode == NavigationMode.Forward); 
            // When doing fragment navigation within the PF, it should not be marked as Resumed; 
            // otherwise, its Start() override may not be called.
            PageFunctionBase pf = (navigator.Content == _keepAlivePageFunction) ? 
                _keepAlivePageFunction : ResumePageFunction();
            Debug.Assert(pf != null);
            return navigator.Navigate(pf, new NavigateInfo(this.Source, navMode, this));

        #region Private fields
        PageFunctionBase _keepAlivePageFunction = null;


    /// JournalEntryPageFunctionSaver 
    /// This is JournalEntry for PageFunction which is not set as KeepAlive. The PageFunction could be
    /// navigated from a Uri or the instance created from a PageFunction type. 
    internal abstract class JournalEntryPageFunctionSaver : JournalEntryPageFunction, ISerializable
        // Ctors
        #region Ctors
        // Ctor of JournalEntryPageFunctionSaver
        internal JournalEntryPageFunctionSaver(JournalEntryGroupState jeGroupState, PageFunctionBase pageFunction) 
            : base(jeGroupState, pageFunction)

        /// Serialization constructor. Marked Protected so derived classes can be deserialized correctly
        /// The base implementation needs to be called if this class is overridden 
        protected JournalEntryPageFunctionSaver(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) 
            : base(info, context) 
            _returnEventSaver       = (ReturnEventSaver)info.GetValue("_returnEventSaver", typeof(ReturnEventSaver)); 

        //  ISerializable implementation 
        /// Critical: does object serialization 
        /// Public OK: has a LinkDemand
        [SecurityPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, SerializationFormatter = true)]
        public override void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
            base.GetObjectData(info, context);
            info.AddValue("_returnEventSaver", _returnEventSaver); 

        // Internal methods
        #region Internal methods
        internal override void SaveState(object contentObject) 
            PageFunctionBase pageFunction = (PageFunctionBase)contentObject; 
            _returnEventSaver = pageFunction._Saver;
            base.SaveState(contentObject); // Save controls state (JournalDataStreams).
        // Take the PageFunction specific setting, then call the RestoreState in base class 
        // to store previous state in a journal navigation. 
        internal override void RestoreState(object contentObject) 

            if (contentObject == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("contentObject"); 

            PageFunctionBase pageFunction = (PageFunctionBase)contentObject; 
            if (pageFunction == null)
                throw new Exception(SR.Get(SRID.InvalidPageFunctionType, contentObject.GetType( )));

            pageFunction.ParentPageFunctionId = ParentPageFunctionId; 
            pageFunction.PageFunctionId = PageFunctionId;
            pageFunction._Saver = _returnEventSaver; // saved Return event delegate from the *parent* of this PF 
            pageFunction._Resume = true; 



        /// This override is used when doing journal navigation to a PF, not when it is resumed after
        /// a child PF finishes. 
        internal override bool Navigate(INavigator navigator, NavigationMode navMode)
            Debug.Assert(navMode == NavigationMode.Back || navMode == NavigationMode.Forward);

            // Resume the PF and navigate to it.
            // Special case: doing fragment navigation or CustomContentState navigation 
            // within a PF. Then don't create a new PF object!
            IDownloader idl = navigator as IDownloader; 
            NavigationService ns = idl != null ? idl.Downloader : null; 
            Debug.Assert(ns != null, "Fragment navigation won't work when the INavigator doesn't have a NavigationService.");
            PageFunctionBase pageFunction =
                (ns != null && ns.ContentId == this.ContentId) ?
                (PageFunctionBase)ns.Content : ResumePageFunction();
            Debug.Assert(pageFunction != null);
            return navigator.Navigate(pageFunction, new NavigateInfo(this.Source, navMode, this)); 

        // Internal properties

        #region Internal properties 
        // private methods

        // Private fields 
        // If you add any fields here, check if it needs to be serialized. 
        // If yes, then add it to the ISerializable implementation and make 
        // corresponding changes in the Serialization constructor.

        #region Private fields
        private ReturnEventSaver _returnEventSaver;

    // When the PageFunction is implemented in a pure code file without Xaml file involved,
    // and the instance of such PageFunction was passed to Navigiation method, JournalEntryPageFunctionType 
    // would be created to save journal data information.
    internal class JournalEntryPageFunctionType : JournalEntryPageFunctionSaver, ISerializable
        // Ctors

        #region Ctors 

        /// Critical: Sets the crtical _typeName. 
        /// Safe: The type is a subtype of PageFunctionBase, and the application has access to it.
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
        internal JournalEntryPageFunctionType(JournalEntryGroupState jeGroupState, PageFunctionBase pageFunction)
            : base(jeGroupState, pageFunction)
            string typeName = pageFunction.GetType().AssemblyQualifiedName;
            this._typeName = new SecurityCriticalDataForSet(typeName); 

        /// Serialization constructor. Marked Protected so derived classes can be deserialized correctly
        /// The base implementation needs to be called if this class is overridden
        /// Critical: Sets the critical _typeName. 
        protected JournalEntryPageFunctionType(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) 
            : base(info, context)
            _typeName = new SecurityCriticalDataForSet(info.GetString("_typeName"));

        //  ISerializable implementation 
        /// Critical: does object serialization
        /// Public OK: has a LinkDemand
        [SecurityPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, SerializationFormatter = true)]
        public override void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) 
            base.GetObjectData(info, context);
            info.AddValue("_typeName", _typeName.Value); 

        // Internal methods 
        #region Internal methods 

        internal override void SaveState(object contentObject) 
            Debug.Assert(contentObject.GetType().AssemblyQualifiedName == this._typeName.Value,
                "The type of a PageFunction a journal entry is associated with cannot change.");
            base.SaveState(contentObject); // Save controls state (JournalDataStreams). 
        // Reconstitutes the PageFunction associated with this journal entry so that it can be
        // re-navigated to. Happens when returning from a child PF or doing journal navigation. 
        // The PageFunction should be implemented in pure code file without xaml file involved.
        /// Critical: Asserts ReflectionPermission to create an instance of the page function type.
        /// Safe: The object created is of the same type that the application originally navigated to. 
        ///     It is necessarily derived from PageFunctionBase. 
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
        internal override PageFunctionBase ResumePageFunction()
            PageFunctionBase pageFunction;
            Invariant.Assert(this._typeName.Value != null, "JournalEntry does not contain the Type for the PageFunction to be created");
            //First try Type.GetType from the saved typename, then try Activator.CreateInstanceFrom 
            //Type.GetType - Since the typename is fullyqualified
            //we will end up using the default binding mechanism to locate and bind to the assembly. 
            //If the assembly was not a strongly named one nor is present in the APPBASE, this will

            Type pfType = Type.GetType(this._typeName.Value); 
            new ReflectionPermission(ReflectionPermissionFlag.MemberAccess).Assert();
                pageFunction = (PageFunctionBase)Activator.CreateInstance(pfType);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception(SR.Get(SRID.FailedResumePageFunction, this._typeName.Value), ex);

            return pageFunction;
        #region private method

        private void InitializeComponent(PageFunctionBase pageFunction)
            // Need to explicitly add a call to InitializeComponent() for Page
            IComponentConnector iComponentConnector = pageFunction as IComponentConnector; 
            if (iComponentConnector != null) 


        // private methods 

        // Private fields 
        // If you add any fields here, check if it needs to be serialized.
        // If yes, then add it to the ISerializable implementation and make
        // corresponding changes in the Serialization constructor. 
        #region Private fields
        /// AssemblyQualifiedName of the PageFunction Type
        /// Critical: The type name is used to create an instance under elevation. We have to make
        ///     sure that it is the same page function type that the application originally navigated to. 
        private SecurityCriticalDataForSet _typeName; 

    // When the PageFunction is implemented in a xaml file, or it was navigated from a Uri, 
    // JournalEntryPageFunctionUri would be created to save journal data information.
    internal class JournalEntryPageFunctionUri : JournalEntryPageFunctionSaver, ISerializable
        // Ctors

        #region Ctors 

        internal JournalEntryPageFunctionUri(JournalEntryGroupState jeGroupState, PageFunctionBase pageFunction, Uri markupUri) 
            : base(jeGroupState, pageFunction) 
            _markupUri = markupUri; 

        protected JournalEntryPageFunctionUri(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) 
            : base(info, context)
            _markupUri = (Uri)info.GetValue("_markupUri", typeof(Uri)); 
        //  ISerializable implementation
        /// Critical: does object serialization
        /// Public OK: has a LinkDemand 
        [SecurityPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, SerializationFormatter = true)] 
        public override void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
            base.GetObjectData(info, context);
            info.AddValue("_markupUri", _markupUri); 
        // Internal methods

        #region Internal methods

        // Create an instance of PageFunction for Resume purpose. this PageFunction should be created 
        // from a Uri. 
        internal override PageFunctionBase ResumePageFunction() 

            PageFunctionBase pageFunction;
            // The page function was compiled from a xaml file. 

            // We should pay more attention on this scenario. The instance of PageFunction is created from 
            // the baml stream, but it should ignore the value setting for all the Journal-able properties
            // and elements while the tree is created from the original baml stream.
            Debug.Assert(_markupUri != null, "_markupUri in JournalEntryPageFunctionUri should be set.");
            pageFunction = Application.LoadComponent(_markupUri, true) as PageFunctionBase; 


            return pageFunction;
        // Private field
        #region private fields

        // Keep the Uri that is associated with current PageFunction page. 
        // It could be Navigator.Source or the Uri of Baml resource for the PageFunction type.
        // Notes: We don't mix this with JournalEntry.Source, since NavigationService has some special usage 
        // for JE.Source, JE.Source could affect the Navigator.Source in some scenario.
        private Uri _markupUri;


// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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