UpdateTranslator.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / DataEntity / System / Data / Map / Update / Internal / UpdateTranslator.cs / 1305376 / UpdateTranslator.cs

//      Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// @owner [....]
// @backupOwner [....] 

using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Data.Objects;
using System.Data.Common.Utils;
using System.Data.Common.CommandTrees;
using System.Data.Common; 
using System.Threading;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel; 
using System.Diagnostics; 
using System.Data.Metadata.Edm;
using System.Data.EntityClient; 
using System.Globalization;
using System.Data.Entity;
using System.Linq;
namespace System.Data.Mapping.Update.Internal
    /// This class performs to following tasks to persist C-Space changes to the store:
    /// Extract changes from the entity state manager
    /// Group changes by C-Space extent
    /// For each affected S-Space table, perform propagation (get changes in S-Space terms)
    /// Merge S-Space inserts and deletes into updates where appropriate 
    /// Produce S-Space commands implementating the modifications (insert, delete and update SQL statements)
    internal partial class UpdateTranslator
        #region Constructors
        /// Constructs a grouper based on the contents of the given entity state manager.
        /// Entity state manager containing changes to be processed.
        /// Metadata workspace. 
        /// Map connection 
        /// Timeout for update commands; null means 'use provider default'
        private UpdateTranslator(IEntityStateManager stateManager, MetadataWorkspace metadataWorkspace, EntityConnection connection, int? commandTimeout) 
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(stateManager, "stateManager");
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(metadataWorkspace, "metadataWorkspace");
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(connection, "connection"); 

            // propagation state 
            m_changes = new Dictionary(); 
            m_functionChanges = new Dictionary>();
            m_stateEntries = new List(); 
            m_knownEntityKeys = new Set();
            m_requiredEntities = new Dictionary();
            m_optionalEntities = new Set();
            m_includedValueEntities = new Set(); 

            // workspace state 
            m_metadataWorkspace = metadataWorkspace; 
            m_viewLoader = metadataWorkspace.GetUpdateViewLoader();
            m_stateManager = stateManager; 

            // ancillary propagation services
            m_recordConverter = new RecordConverter(this);
            m_constraintValidator = new RelationshipConstraintValidator(this); 

            m_providerServices = DbProviderServices.GetProviderServices(connection.StoreProviderFactory); 
            m_connection = connection; 
            m_commandTimeout = commandTimeout;
            // metadata cache
            m_extractorMetadata = new Dictionary, ExtractorMetadata>(); ;

            // key management 
            KeyManager = new KeyManager(this);
            KeyComparer = CompositeKey.CreateComparer(KeyManager); 


        #region Fields
        // propagation state
        private readonly Dictionary m_changes; 
        private readonly Dictionary> m_functionChanges;
        private readonly List m_stateEntries; 
        private readonly Set m_knownEntityKeys; 
        private readonly Dictionary m_requiredEntities;
        private readonly Set m_optionalEntities; 
        private readonly Set m_includedValueEntities;

        // workspace state
        private readonly MetadataWorkspace m_metadataWorkspace; 
        private readonly ViewLoader m_viewLoader;
        private readonly IEntityStateManager m_stateManager; 
        // ancillary propagation services
        private readonly RecordConverter m_recordConverter; 
        private readonly RelationshipConstraintValidator m_constraintValidator;

        // provider information
        private readonly DbProviderServices m_providerServices; 
        private readonly EntityConnection m_connection;
        private readonly int? m_commandTimeout; 
        private Dictionary m_functionCommandDefinitions; 

        // metadata cache 
        private readonly Dictionary, ExtractorMetadata> m_extractorMetadata;

        // static members
        private static readonly List s_emptyMemberList = new List(); 
        #region Properties 
        /// Gets workspace used in this session. 
        internal MetadataWorkspace MetadataWorkspace
            get { return m_metadataWorkspace; } 
        /// Gets key manager that handles interpretation of keys (including resolution of
        /// referential-integrity/foreign key constraints) 
        internal readonly KeyManager KeyManager;

        /// Gets the view loader metadata wrapper for the current workspace.
        internal ViewLoader ViewLoader 
            get { return m_viewLoader; } 

        /// Gets record converter which translates state entry records into propagator results. 
        internal RecordConverter RecordConverter 
            get { return m_recordConverter; }

        /// Gets command timeout for update commands. If null, use default.
        internal int? CommandTimeout
            get { return m_commandTimeout; } 
        internal readonly IEqualityComparer KeyComparer;

        #region Methods 
        /// Registers any referential constraints contained in the state entry (so that 
        /// constrained members have the same identifier values). Only processes relationships 
        /// with referential constraints defined.
        /// State entry
        internal void RegisterReferentialConstraints(IEntityStateEntry stateEntry)
            if (stateEntry.IsRelationship) 
                AssociationSet associationSet = (AssociationSet)stateEntry.EntitySet; 
                if (0 < associationSet.ElementType.ReferentialConstraints.Count) 
                    DbDataRecord record = stateEntry.State == EntityState.Added ? 
                        (DbDataRecord)stateEntry.CurrentValues : stateEntry.OriginalValues;
                    foreach (ReferentialConstraint constraint in associationSet.ElementType.ReferentialConstraints)
                        // retrieve keys at the ends 
                        EntityKey principalKey = (EntityKey)record[constraint.FromRole.Name];
                        EntityKey dependentKey = (EntityKey)record[constraint.ToRole.Name]; 
                        // associate keys, where the from side 'owns' the to side
                        using (ReadOnlyMetadataCollection.Enumerator principalPropertyEnum = constraint.FromProperties.GetEnumerator()) 
                        using (ReadOnlyMetadataCollection.Enumerator dependentPropertyEnum = constraint.ToProperties.GetEnumerator())
                            while (principalPropertyEnum.MoveNext() && dependentPropertyEnum.MoveNext())
                                int principalKeyMemberCount;
                                int dependentKeyMemberCount; 
                                // get offsets for from and to key properties
                                int principalOffset = GetKeyMemberOffset(constraint.FromRole, principalPropertyEnum.Current, 
                                    out principalKeyMemberCount);
                                int dependentOffset = GetKeyMemberOffset(constraint.ToRole, dependentPropertyEnum.Current,
                                    out dependentKeyMemberCount);
                                int principalIdentifier = this.KeyManager.GetKeyIdentifierForMemberOffset(principalKey, principalOffset, principalKeyMemberCount);
                                int dependentIdentifier = this.KeyManager.GetKeyIdentifierForMemberOffset(dependentKey, dependentOffset, dependentKeyMemberCount); 
                                // register equivalence of identifiers
                                this.KeyManager.AddReferentialConstraint(stateEntry, dependentIdentifier, principalIdentifier); 
            else if (!stateEntry.IsKeyEntry) 
                if (stateEntry.State == EntityState.Added || stateEntry.State == EntityState.Modified)
                    RegisterEntityReferentialConstraints(stateEntry, true);
                if (stateEntry.State == EntityState.Deleted || stateEntry.State == EntityState.Modified)
                    RegisterEntityReferentialConstraints(stateEntry, false);
        private void RegisterEntityReferentialConstraints(IEntityStateEntry stateEntry, bool currentValues)
            IExtendedDataRecord record = currentValues
                ? (IExtendedDataRecord)stateEntry.CurrentValues 
                : (IExtendedDataRecord)stateEntry.OriginalValues;
            EntitySet entitySet = (EntitySet)stateEntry.EntitySet; 
            EntityKey dependentKey = stateEntry.EntityKey; 

            foreach (var foreignKey in entitySet.ForeignKeyDependents) 
                AssociationSet associationSet = foreignKey.Item1;
                ReferentialConstraint constraint = foreignKey.Item2;
                EntityType dependentType = MetadataHelper.GetEntityTypeForEnd((AssociationEndMember)constraint.ToRole); 
                if (dependentType.IsAssignableFrom(record.DataRecordInfo.RecordType.EdmType))
                    EntityKey principalKey = null; 

                    // First, check for an explicit reference 
                    if (!currentValues || !m_stateManager.TryGetReferenceKey(dependentKey, (AssociationEndMember)constraint.FromRole, out principalKey))
                        // build a key based on the foreign key values
                        EntityType principalType = MetadataHelper.GetEntityTypeForEnd((AssociationEndMember)constraint.FromRole); 
                        bool hasNullValue = false;
                        object[] keyValues = new object[principalType.KeyMembers.Count]; 
                        for (int i = 0, n = keyValues.Length; i < n; i++) 
                            EdmProperty keyMember = (EdmProperty)principalType.KeyMembers[i]; 

                            // Find corresponding foreign key value
                            int constraintOrdinal = constraint.FromProperties.IndexOf((EdmProperty)keyMember);
                            int recordOrdinal = record.GetOrdinal(constraint.ToProperties[constraintOrdinal].Name); 
                            if (record.IsDBNull(recordOrdinal))
                                hasNullValue = true; 
                            keyValues[i] = record.GetValue(recordOrdinal);

                        if (!hasNullValue) 
                            EntitySet principalSet = associationSet.AssociationSetEnds[constraint.FromRole.Name].EntitySet; 
                            if (1 == keyValues.Length) 
                                principalKey = new EntityKey(principalSet, keyValues[0]); 
                                principalKey = new EntityKey(principalSet, keyValues); 

                    if (null != principalKey) 
                        // find the right principal key... (first, existing entities; then, added entities; finally, just the key)
                        IEntityStateEntry existingPrincipal;
                        EntityKey tempKey; 
                        if (m_stateManager.TryGetEntityStateEntry(principalKey, out existingPrincipal))
                            // nothing to do. the principal key will resolve to the existing entity 
                        else if (currentValues && this.KeyManager.TryGetTempKey(principalKey, out tempKey)) 
                            // if we aren't dealing with current values, we cannot resolve to a temp key (original values
                            // cannot indicate a relationship to an 'added' entity).
                            if (null == tempKey) 
                                throw EntityUtil.Update(Strings.Update_AmbiguousForeignKey(constraint.ToRole.DeclaringType.FullName), null, stateEntry); 
                                principalKey = tempKey;
                        // pull the principal end into the update pipeline (supports value propagation)
                        AddValidAncillaryKey(principalKey, m_optionalEntities); 
                        // associate keys, where the from side 'owns' the to side
                        for (int i = 0, n = constraint.FromProperties.Count; i < n; i++) 
                            var principalProperty = constraint.FromProperties[i];
                            var dependentProperty = constraint.ToProperties[i];
                            int principalKeyMemberCount;
                            // get offsets for from and to key properties 
                            int principalOffset = GetKeyMemberOffset(constraint.FromRole, principalProperty, out principalKeyMemberCount);
                            int principalIdentifier = this.KeyManager.GetKeyIdentifierForMemberOffset(principalKey, principalOffset, principalKeyMemberCount); 
                            int dependentIdentifier;

                            if (entitySet.ElementType.KeyMembers.Contains(dependentProperty))
                                int dependentKeyMemberCount;
                                int dependentOffset = GetKeyMemberOffset(constraint.ToRole, dependentProperty, 
                                    out dependentKeyMemberCount); 
                                dependentIdentifier = this.KeyManager.GetKeyIdentifierForMemberOffset(dependentKey, dependentOffset, dependentKeyMemberCount);
                                dependentIdentifier = this.KeyManager.GetKeyIdentifierForMember(dependentKey, dependentProperty.Name, currentValues);

                            // don't allow the user to insert or update an entity that refers to a deleted principal 
                            if (currentValues && null != existingPrincipal && existingPrincipal.State == EntityState.Deleted && 
                                (stateEntry.State == EntityState.Added || stateEntry.State == EntityState.Modified))
                                throw EntityUtil.Update(
                            // register equivalence of identifiers
                            this.KeyManager.AddReferentialConstraint(stateEntry, dependentIdentifier, principalIdentifier); 
        // requires: role must not be null and property must be a key member for the role end 
        private static int GetKeyMemberOffset(RelationshipEndMember role, EdmProperty property, out int keyMemberCount)
            Debug.Assert(null != role);
            Debug.Assert(null != property);
            Debug.Assert(BuiltInTypeKind.RefType == role.TypeUsage.EdmType.BuiltInTypeKind,
                "relationship ends must be of RefType"); 
            RefType endType = (RefType)role.TypeUsage.EdmType;
            Debug.Assert(BuiltInTypeKind.EntityType == endType.ElementType.BuiltInTypeKind, 
                "relationship ends must reference EntityType"); 
            EntityType entityType = (EntityType)endType.ElementType;
            keyMemberCount = entityType.KeyMembers.Count; 
            return entityType.KeyMembers.IndexOf(property);

        /// Yields all relationship state entries with the given key as an end.
        internal IEnumerable GetRelationships(EntityKey entityKey) 
            return m_stateManager.FindRelationshipsByKey(entityKey);
        /// Persists stateManager changes to the store. 
        /// StateManager containing changes to persist.
        /// Map adapter requesting the changes. 
        /// Total number of state entries affected
        internal static Int32 Update(IEntityStateManager stateManager, IEntityAdapter adapter)
            IntPtr cookie; 
            EntityBid.ScopeEnter(out cookie, "");
            // provider/connection details 
            EntityConnection connection = (EntityConnection)adapter.Connection;
            MetadataWorkspace metadataWorkspace = connection.GetMetadataWorkspace(); 
            int? commandTimeout = adapter.CommandTimeout;

                UpdateTranslator translator = new UpdateTranslator(stateManager, metadataWorkspace, connection, commandTimeout);
                // tracks values for identifiers in this session 
                Dictionary identifierValues = new Dictionary();
                // tracks values for generated values in this session
                List> generatedValues = new List>();

                IEnumerable orderedCommands = translator.ProduceCommands(); 

                // used to track the source of commands being processed in case an exception is thrown 
                UpdateCommand source = null; 
                    foreach (UpdateCommand command in orderedCommands)
                        // Remember the data sources so that we can throw meaningful exception
                        source = command; 
                        long rowsAffected = command.Execute(translator, connection, identifierValues, generatedValues);
                        translator.ValidateRowsAffected(rowsAffected, source); 
                catch (Exception e) 
                    // we should not be wrapping all exceptions
                    if (UpdateTranslator.RequiresContext(e))
                        throw EntityUtil.Update(System.Data.Entity.Strings.Update_GeneralExecutionException, e, translator.DetermineStateEntriesFromSource(source));

                int totalStateEntries = translator.AcceptChanges(adapter);
                return totalStateEntries;
                EntityBid.ScopeLeave(ref cookie); 

        private IEnumerable ProduceCommands() 
            // load all modified state entries 
            // check constraints
            // gather all commands (aggregate in a dependency orderer to determine operation order
            IEnumerable dynamicCommands = this.ProduceDynamicCommands(); 
            IEnumerable functionCommands = this.ProduceFunctionCommands(); 
            UpdateCommandOrderer orderer = new UpdateCommandOrderer(dynamicCommands.Concat(functionCommands), this);
            IEnumerable orderedCommands; 
            IEnumerable remainder;
            if (!orderer.TryTopologicalSort(out orderedCommands, out remainder))
                // throw an exception if it is not possible to perform dependency ordering 
                throw DependencyOrderingError(remainder);
            return orderedCommands;

        // effects: given rows affected, throws if the count suggests a concurrency failure.
        // Throws a concurrency exception based on the current command sources (which allow
        // us to populated the EntityStateEntries on UpdateException) 
        private void ValidateRowsAffected(long rowsAffected, UpdateCommand source)
            // 0 rows affected indicates a concurrency failure; negative values suggest rowcount is off; 
            // positive values suggest at least one row was affected (we generally expect exactly one,
            // but triggers/view logic/logging may change this value) 
            if (0 == rowsAffected)
                var stateEntries = DetermineStateEntriesFromSource(source);
                throw EntityUtil.UpdateConcurrency(rowsAffected, null, stateEntries); 
        private IEnumerable DetermineStateEntriesFromSource(UpdateCommand source)
            if (null == source)
                return Enumerable.Empty();
            return source.GetStateEntries(this);
        // effects: Given a list of pairs describing the contexts for server generated values and their actual
        // values, backpropagates to the relevant state entries 
        private void BackPropagateServerGen(List> generatedValues)
            foreach (KeyValuePair generatedValue in generatedValues)
                PropagatorResult context;
                // check if a redirect to "owner" result is possible 
                if (PropagatorResult.NullIdentifier == generatedValue.Key.Identifier ||
                    !KeyManager.TryGetIdentifierOwner(generatedValue.Key.Identifier, out context)) 
                    // otherwise, just use the straightforward context
                    context = generatedValue.Key;

                object value = generatedValue.Value; 
                if (context.Identifier == PropagatorResult.NullIdentifier) 
                    SetServerGenValue(context, value); 
                    // check if we need to back propagate this value to any other positions (e.g. for foreign keys) 
                    foreach (int dependent in this.KeyManager.GetDependents(context.Identifier))
                        if (this.KeyManager.TryGetIdentifierOwner(dependent, out context)) 
                            SetServerGenValue(context, value); 
        private static void SetServerGenValue(PropagatorResult context, object value) 
            if (context.RecordOrdinal != PropagatorResult.NullOrdinal) 
                CurrentValueRecord targetRecord = context.Record;

                // determine if type compensation is required 
                IExtendedDataRecord recordWithMetadata = (IExtendedDataRecord)targetRecord;
                EdmMember member = recordWithMetadata.DataRecordInfo.FieldMetadata[context.RecordOrdinal].FieldType; 
                value = value ?? DBNull.Value; // records expect DBNull rather than null
                value = AlignReturnValue(value, member, context); 
                targetRecord.SetValue(context.RecordOrdinal, value);
        /// Aligns a value returned from the store with the expected type for the member. 
        /// Value to convert.
        /// Metadata for the member being set. 
        /// The context generating the return value.
        /// Converted return value
        private static object AlignReturnValue(object value, EdmMember member, PropagatorResult context)
            if (DBNull.Value.Equals(value))
                // check if there is a nullability constraint on the value 
                if (BuiltInTypeKind.EdmProperty == member.BuiltInTypeKind &&
                    throw EntityUtil.Update(System.Data.Entity.Strings.Update_NullReturnValueForNonNullableMember(
                        member.DeclaringType.FullName), null); 
                // convert the value to the appropriate CLR type 
                Debug.Assert(BuiltInTypeKind.PrimitiveType == member.TypeUsage.EdmType.BuiltInTypeKind,
                    "we only allow return values that are instances of EDM primitive types");
                PrimitiveType primitiveType = (PrimitiveType)member.TypeUsage.EdmType;
                Type clrType = primitiveType.ClrEquivalentType; 

                    value = Convert.ChangeType(value, clrType, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                catch (Exception e)
                    // we should not be wrapping all exceptions
                    if (UpdateTranslator.RequiresContext(e)) 
                        throw EntityUtil.Update(System.Data.Entity.Strings.Update_ReturnValueHasUnexpectedType( 
                            member.DeclaringType.FullName), e);
            // return the adjusted value 
            return value;

        /// Accept changes to entities and relationships processed by this translator instance.
        /// Data adapter
        /// Number of state entries affected. 
        private int AcceptChanges(IEntityAdapter adapter) 
            int affectedCount = 0; 
            foreach (IEntityStateEntry stateEntry in m_stateEntries)
                // only count and accept changes for state entries that are being explicitly modified
                if (EntityState.Unchanged != stateEntry.State) 
                    if (adapter.AcceptChangesDuringUpdate) 
            return affectedCount; 
        /// Gets extents for which this translator has identified changes to be handled
        /// by the standard update pipeline. 
        /// Enumeration of modified C-Space extents.
        private IEnumerable GetDynamicModifiedExtents()
            return m_changes.Keys;
        /// Gets extents for which this translator has identified changes to be handled 
        /// by function mappings.
        /// Enumreation of modified C-Space extents.
        private IEnumerable GetFunctionModifiedExtents() 
            return m_functionChanges.Keys; 

        /// Produce dynamic store commands for this translator's changes.
        /// Database commands in a safe order
        private IEnumerable ProduceDynamicCommands() 
            // Initialize DBCommand update compiler 
            UpdateCompiler updateCompiler = new UpdateCompiler(this); 

            // Determine affected 
            Set tables = new Set();

            foreach (EntitySetBase extent in GetDynamicModifiedExtents())
                Set affectedTables = m_viewLoader.GetAffectedTables(extent, m_metadataWorkspace);
                //Since these extents don't have Functions defined for update operations, 
                //the affected tables should be provided via MSL. 
                //If we dont find any throw an exception
                if (affectedTables.Count == 0) 
                    throw EntityUtil.Update(System.Data.Entity.Strings.Update_MappingNotFound(
                        extent.Name), null /*stateEntries*/);

                foreach (EntitySet table in affectedTables) 

            // Determine changes to apply to each table
            foreach (EntitySet table in tables) 
                DbQueryCommandTree umView = m_connection.GetMetadataWorkspace().GetCqtView(table); 
                // Propagate changes to root of tree (at which point they are S-Space changes)
                ChangeNode changeNode = Propagator.Propagate(this, table, umView); 

                // Process changes for the table
                TableChangeProcessor change = new TableChangeProcessor(table);
                foreach (UpdateCommand command in change.CompileCommands(changeNode, updateCompiler)) 
                    yield return command; 

        // Generates and caches a command definition for the given function
        internal DbCommandDefinition GenerateCommandDefinition(StorageFunctionMapping functionMapping)
            if (null == m_functionCommandDefinitions)
                m_functionCommandDefinitions = new Dictionary(); 
            DbCommandDefinition commandDefinition; 
            if (!m_functionCommandDefinitions.TryGetValue(functionMapping, out commandDefinition))
                // synthesize a RowType for this mapping
                TypeUsage resultType = null; 
                if (null != functionMapping.ResultBindings && 0 < functionMapping.ResultBindings.Count)
                    List properties = new List(functionMapping.ResultBindings.Count); 
                    foreach (StorageFunctionResultBinding resultBinding in functionMapping.ResultBindings)
                        properties.Add(new EdmProperty(resultBinding.ColumnName, resultBinding.Property.TypeUsage));
                    RowType rowType = new RowType(properties);
                    CollectionType collectionType = new CollectionType(rowType); 
                    resultType = TypeUsage.Create(collectionType);
                // add function parameters
                IEnumerable> functionParams = 
                    functionMapping.Function.Parameters.Select(paramInfo => new KeyValuePair(paramInfo.Name, paramInfo.TypeUsage));

                // construct DbFunctionCommandTree including implict return type
                DbFunctionCommandTree tree = new DbFunctionCommandTree(m_metadataWorkspace, DataSpace.SSpace, 
                    functionMapping.Function, resultType, functionParams);
                commandDefinition = m_providerServices.CreateCommandDefinition(tree); 
            return commandDefinition; 

        // Produces all function commands in a safe order
        private IEnumerable ProduceFunctionCommands() 
            foreach (EntitySetBase extent in GetFunctionModifiedExtents()) 
                // Get a handle on the appropriate translator
                FunctionMappingTranslator translator = m_viewLoader.GetFunctionMappingTranslator(extent, m_metadataWorkspace); 

                if (null != translator)
                    // Compile commands 
                    foreach (ExtractedStateEntry stateEntry in GetExtentFunctionModifications(extent))
                        FunctionUpdateCommand command = translator.Translate(this, stateEntry); 
                        if (null != command)
                            yield return command;
        /// Gets a metadata wrapper for the given type. The wrapper makes 
        /// certain tasks in the update pipeline more efficient.
        /// Structural type
        /// Metadata wrapper 
        internal ExtractorMetadata GetExtractorMetadata(EntitySetBase entitySetBase, StructuralType type)
            ExtractorMetadata metadata; 
            var key = Tuple.Create(entitySetBase, type);
            if (!m_extractorMetadata.TryGetValue(key, out metadata)) 
                metadata = new ExtractorMetadata(entitySetBase, type, this);
                m_extractorMetadata.Add(key, metadata);
            return metadata;
        /// Returns error when it is not possible to order update commands. Argument is the 'remainder', or commands 
        /// that could not be ordered due to a cycle.
        private UpdateException DependencyOrderingError(IEnumerable remainder)
            Debug.Assert(null != remainder && remainder.Count() > 0, "must provide non-empty remainder");
            HashSet stateEntries = new HashSet(); 

            foreach (UpdateCommand command in remainder) 
            // throw exception containing all related state entries
            throw EntityUtil.Update(System.Data.Entity.Strings.Update_ConstraintCycle, null, stateEntries); 

        /// Creates a command in the current context.
        /// DbCommand tree
        /// DbCommand produced by the current provider. 
        internal DbCommand CreateCommand(DbModificationCommandTree commandTree)
            DbCommand command; 
            Debug.Assert(null != m_providerServices, "constructor ensures either the command definition " +
                    "builder or provider service is available"); 
            Debug.Assert(null != m_connection.StoreConnection, "EntityAdapter.Update ensures the store connection is set");
                command = m_providerServices.CreateCommand(commandTree); 
            catch (Exception e) 
                // we should not be wrapping all exceptions
                if (UpdateTranslator.RequiresContext(e)) 
                    // we don't wan't folks to have to know all the various types of exceptions that can
                    // occur, so we just rethrow a CommandDefinitionException and make whatever we caught
                    // the inner exception of it. 
                    throw EntityUtil.CommandCompilation(System.Data.Entity.Strings.EntityClient_CommandDefinitionPreparationFailed, e);
            return command; 

        /// Determines whether the given exception requires additional context from the update pipeline (in other
        /// words, whether the exception should be wrapped in an UpdateException). 
        /// Exception to test.
        /// true if exception should be wrapped; false otherwise 
        internal static bool RequiresContext(Exception e)
            // if the exception isn't catchable, never wrap
            if (!EntityUtil.IsCatchableExceptionType(e)) { return false; } 

            // update and incompatible provider exceptions already contain the necessary context 
            return !(e is UpdateException) && !(e is ProviderIncompatibleException); 
        #region Private initialization methods
        /// Retrieve all modified entries from the state manager.
        private void PullModifiedEntriesFromStateManager()
            // do a first pass over added entries to register 'by value' entity key targets that may be resolved as 
            // via a foreign key
            foreach (IEntityStateEntry addedEntry in m_stateManager.GetEntityStateEntries(EntityState.Added)) 
                if (!addedEntry.IsRelationship && !addedEntry.IsKeyEntry)
            // do a second pass over entries to register referential integrity constraints
            // for server-generation 
            foreach (IEntityStateEntry modifiedEntry in m_stateManager.GetEntityStateEntries(EntityState.Modified | EntityState.Added | EntityState.Deleted))

            foreach (IEntityStateEntry modifiedEntry in m_stateManager.GetEntityStateEntries(EntityState.Modified | EntityState.Added | EntityState.Deleted)) 

        /// Retrieve all required/optional/value entries into the state manager. These are entries that --
        /// although unmodified -- affect or are affected by updates. 
        private void PullUnchangedEntriesFromStateManager()
            foreach (KeyValuePair required in m_requiredEntities)
                EntityKey key = required.Key;
                if (!m_knownEntityKeys.Contains(key))
                    // pull the value into the translator if we don't already it 
                    IEntityStateEntry requiredEntry;
                    if (m_stateManager.TryGetEntityStateEntry(key, out requiredEntry) && !requiredEntry.IsKeyEntry)
                        // load the object as a no-op update
                        // throw an exception
                        throw EntityUtil.UpdateMissingEntity(required.Value.Name, TypeHelpers.GetFullName(key.EntityContainerName, key.EntitySetName)); 
            foreach (EntityKey key in m_optionalEntities)
                if (!m_knownEntityKeys.Contains(key)) 
                    IEntityStateEntry optionalEntry; 

                    if (m_stateManager.TryGetEntityStateEntry(key, out optionalEntry) && !optionalEntry.IsKeyEntry)
                        // load the object as a no-op update 
            foreach (EntityKey key in m_includedValueEntities)
                if (!m_knownEntityKeys.Contains(key))
                    IEntityStateEntry valueEntry;
                    if (m_stateManager.TryGetEntityStateEntry(key, out valueEntry)) 
                        // Convert state entry so that its values are known to the update pipeline. 
                        var result = m_recordConverter.ConvertCurrentValuesToPropagatorResult(valueEntry, ModifiedPropertiesBehavior.NoneModified);
        /// Validates and tracks a state entry being processed by this translator.
        private void ValidateAndRegisterStateEntry(IEntityStateEntry stateEntry)
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(stateEntry, "stateEntry"); 

            EntitySetBase extent = stateEntry.EntitySet; 
            if (null == extent) 
                throw EntityUtil.InternalError(EntityUtil.InternalErrorCode.InvalidStateEntry, 1); 

            // Determine the key. May be null if the state entry does not represent an entity.
            EntityKey entityKey = stateEntry.EntityKey; 
            IExtendedDataRecord record = null;
            // verify the structure of the entry values 
            if (0 != ((EntityState.Added | EntityState.Modified | EntityState.Unchanged) & stateEntry.State))
                // added, modified and unchanged entries have current values
                record = (IExtendedDataRecord)stateEntry.CurrentValues;
                ValidateRecord(extent, record, stateEntry);
            if (0 != ((EntityState.Modified | EntityState.Deleted | EntityState.Unchanged) & stateEntry.State))
                // deleted, modified and unchanged entries have original values 
                record = (IExtendedDataRecord)stateEntry.OriginalValues;
                ValidateRecord(extent, record, stateEntry); 
            Debug.Assert(null != record, "every state entry must contain a record");

            // check for required ends of relationships 
            AssociationSet associationSet = extent as AssociationSet;
            if (null != associationSet) 
                AssociationSetMetadata associationSetMetadata = m_viewLoader.GetAssociationSetMetadata(associationSet, m_metadataWorkspace);
                if (associationSetMetadata.HasEnds)
                    foreach (FieldMetadata field in record.DataRecordInfo.FieldMetadata)
                        // ends of relationship record must be EntityKeys
                        EntityKey end = (EntityKey)record.GetValue(field.Ordinal); 
                        // ends of relationships must have AssociationEndMember metadata
                        AssociationEndMember endMetadata = (AssociationEndMember)field.FieldType; 

                        if (associationSetMetadata.RequiredEnds.Contains(endMetadata))
                            if (!m_requiredEntities.ContainsKey(end)) 
                                m_requiredEntities.Add(end, associationSet); 
                        else if (associationSetMetadata.OptionalEnds.Contains(endMetadata))
                            AddValidAncillaryKey(end, m_optionalEntities);

                        else if (associationSetMetadata.IncludedValueEnds.Contains(endMetadata)) 
                            AddValidAncillaryKey(end, m_includedValueEntities);

                // register relationship with validator 
                m_constraintValidator.RegisterAssociation(associationSet, record, stateEntry);
                // register entity with validator 

            // add to the list of entries being tracked 
            if (null != (object)entityKey) { m_knownEntityKeys.Add(entityKey); } 

        /// effects: given an entity key and a set, adds key to the set iff. the corresponding entity
        /// is:
        ///     not a stub (or 'key') entry, and; 
        ///     not a core element in the update pipeline (it's not being directly modified)
        private void AddValidAncillaryKey(EntityKey key, Set keySet) 
            // Note: an entity is ancillary iff. it is unchanged (otherwise it is tracked as a "standard" changed entity) 
            IEntityStateEntry endEntry;
            if (m_stateManager.TryGetEntityStateEntry(key, out endEntry) && // make sure the entity is tracked
                !endEntry.IsKeyEntry && // make sure the entity is not a stub
                endEntry.State == EntityState.Unchanged) // if the entity is being modified, it's already included anyways 
        private void ValidateRecord(EntitySetBase extent, IExtendedDataRecord record, IEntityStateEntry entry)
            Debug.Assert(null != extent, "must be verified by caller");
            DataRecordInfo recordInfo;
            if ((null == record) || 
                (null == (recordInfo = record.DataRecordInfo)) || 
                (null == recordInfo.RecordType))
                throw EntityUtil.InternalError(EntityUtil.InternalErrorCode.InvalidStateEntry, 2);

            VerifyExtent(MetadataWorkspace, extent); 

            // additional validation happens lazily as values are loaded from the record 

        // Verifies the given extent is present in the given workspace. 
        private static void VerifyExtent(MetadataWorkspace workspace, EntitySetBase extent)
            // get the container to which the given extent belongs
            EntityContainer actualContainer = extent.EntityContainer; 

            // try to retrieve the container in the given workspace 
            EntityContainer referenceContainer = null; 
            if (null != actualContainer)
                    actualContainer.Name, actualContainer.DataSpace, out referenceContainer);
            // determine if the given extent lives in a container from the given workspace
            // (the item collections for each container are reference equivalent when they are declared in the 
            // same item collection) 
            if (null == actualContainer || null == referenceContainer ||
                !Object.ReferenceEquals(actualContainer, referenceContainer)) 


                throw EntityUtil.Update(System.Data.Entity.Strings.Update_WorkspaceMismatch, null); 
        private void LoadStateEntry(IEntityStateEntry stateEntry)
            Debug.Assert(null != stateEntry, "state entry must exist");
            // make sure the state entry doesn't contain invalid data and register it with the
            // update pipeline 

            // use data structure internal to the update pipeline instead of the raw state entry 
            ExtractedStateEntry extractedStateEntry = new ExtractedStateEntry(this, stateEntry);

            // figure out if this state entry is being handled by a function (stored procedure) or
            // through dynamic SQL 
            EntitySetBase extent = stateEntry.EntitySet;
            if (null == m_viewLoader.GetFunctionMappingTranslator(extent, m_metadataWorkspace)) 
                // if there is no function mapping, register a ChangeNode (used for update
                // propagation and dynamic SQL generation) 
                ChangeNode changeNode = GetExtentModifications(extent);
                if (null != extractedStateEntry.Original)
                if (null != extractedStateEntry.Current) 
                // for function updates, store off the extracted state entry in its entirety 
                // (used when producing FunctionUpdateCommands)
                List functionEntries = GetExtentFunctionModifications(extent); 

        /// Retrieve a change node for an extent. If none exists, creates and registers a new one.
        /// Extent for which to return a change node. 
        /// Change node for requested extent.
        internal ChangeNode GetExtentModifications(EntitySetBase extent) 
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(extent, "extent");
            Debug.Assert(null != m_changes, "(UpdateTranslator/GetChangeNodeForExtent) method called before translator initialized");
            ChangeNode changeNode;
            if (!m_changes.TryGetValue(extent, out changeNode)) 
                changeNode = new ChangeNode(TypeUsage.Create(extent.ElementType)); 
                m_changes.Add(extent, changeNode);

            return changeNode; 
        /// Retrieve a list of state entries being processed by custom user functions.
        /// Extent for which to return entries.
        /// List storing the entries.
        internal List GetExtentFunctionModifications(EntitySetBase extent)
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(extent, "extent");
            Debug.Assert(null != m_functionChanges, "method called before translator initialized"); 
            List entries;
            if (!m_functionChanges.TryGetValue(extent, out entries))
                entries = new List();
                m_functionChanges.Add(extent, entries); 
            return entries; 

    /// Enumeration of possible operators.
    /// The values are used to determine the order of operations (in the absence of any strong dependencies).
    /// The chosen order is based on the observation that hidden dependencies (e.g. due to temporary keys in 
    /// the state manager or unknown FKs) favor deletes before inserts and updates before deletes. For instance,
    /// a deleted entity may have the same real key value as an inserted entity. Similarly, a self-reference
    /// may require a new dependent row to be updated before the prinpical row is inserted. Obviously, the actual
    /// constraints are required to make reliable decisions so this ordering is merely a heuristic. 
    internal enum ModificationOperator : byte 
        Update = 0,
        Delete = 1, 
        Insert = 2,

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
//      Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// @owner [....]
// @backupOwner [....] 

using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Data.Objects;
using System.Data.Common.Utils;
using System.Data.Common.CommandTrees;
using System.Data.Common; 
using System.Threading;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel; 
using System.Diagnostics; 
using System.Data.Metadata.Edm;
using System.Data.EntityClient; 
using System.Globalization;
using System.Data.Entity;
using System.Linq;
namespace System.Data.Mapping.Update.Internal
    /// This class performs to following tasks to persist C-Space changes to the store:
    /// Extract changes from the entity state manager
    /// Group changes by C-Space extent
    /// For each affected S-Space table, perform propagation (get changes in S-Space terms)
    /// Merge S-Space inserts and deletes into updates where appropriate 
    /// Produce S-Space commands implementating the modifications (insert, delete and update SQL statements)
    internal partial class UpdateTranslator
        #region Constructors
        /// Constructs a grouper based on the contents of the given entity state manager.
        /// Entity state manager containing changes to be processed.
        /// Metadata workspace. 
        /// Map connection 
        /// Timeout for update commands; null means 'use provider default'
        private UpdateTranslator(IEntityStateManager stateManager, MetadataWorkspace metadataWorkspace, EntityConnection connection, int? commandTimeout) 
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(stateManager, "stateManager");
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(metadataWorkspace, "metadataWorkspace");
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(connection, "connection"); 

            // propagation state 
            m_changes = new Dictionary(); 
            m_functionChanges = new Dictionary>();
            m_stateEntries = new List(); 
            m_knownEntityKeys = new Set();
            m_requiredEntities = new Dictionary();
            m_optionalEntities = new Set();
            m_includedValueEntities = new Set(); 

            // workspace state 
            m_metadataWorkspace = metadataWorkspace; 
            m_viewLoader = metadataWorkspace.GetUpdateViewLoader();
            m_stateManager = stateManager; 

            // ancillary propagation services
            m_recordConverter = new RecordConverter(this);
            m_constraintValidator = new RelationshipConstraintValidator(this); 

            m_providerServices = DbProviderServices.GetProviderServices(connection.StoreProviderFactory); 
            m_connection = connection; 
            m_commandTimeout = commandTimeout;
            // metadata cache
            m_extractorMetadata = new Dictionary, ExtractorMetadata>(); ;

            // key management 
            KeyManager = new KeyManager(this);
            KeyComparer = CompositeKey.CreateComparer(KeyManager); 


        #region Fields
        // propagation state
        private readonly Dictionary m_changes; 
        private readonly Dictionary> m_functionChanges;
        private readonly List m_stateEntries; 
        private readonly Set m_knownEntityKeys; 
        private readonly Dictionary m_requiredEntities;
        private readonly Set m_optionalEntities; 
        private readonly Set m_includedValueEntities;

        // workspace state
        private readonly MetadataWorkspace m_metadataWorkspace; 
        private readonly ViewLoader m_viewLoader;
        private readonly IEntityStateManager m_stateManager; 
        // ancillary propagation services
        private readonly RecordConverter m_recordConverter; 
        private readonly RelationshipConstraintValidator m_constraintValidator;

        // provider information
        private readonly DbProviderServices m_providerServices; 
        private readonly EntityConnection m_connection;
        private readonly int? m_commandTimeout; 
        private Dictionary m_functionCommandDefinitions; 

        // metadata cache 
        private readonly Dictionary, ExtractorMetadata> m_extractorMetadata;

        // static members
        private static readonly List s_emptyMemberList = new List(); 
        #region Properties 
        /// Gets workspace used in this session. 
        internal MetadataWorkspace MetadataWorkspace
            get { return m_metadataWorkspace; } 
        /// Gets key manager that handles interpretation of keys (including resolution of
        /// referential-integrity/foreign key constraints) 
        internal readonly KeyManager KeyManager;

        /// Gets the view loader metadata wrapper for the current workspace.
        internal ViewLoader ViewLoader 
            get { return m_viewLoader; } 

        /// Gets record converter which translates state entry records into propagator results. 
        internal RecordConverter RecordConverter 
            get { return m_recordConverter; }

        /// Gets command timeout for update commands. If null, use default.
        internal int? CommandTimeout
            get { return m_commandTimeout; } 
        internal readonly IEqualityComparer KeyComparer;

        #region Methods 
        /// Registers any referential constraints contained in the state entry (so that 
        /// constrained members have the same identifier values). Only processes relationships 
        /// with referential constraints defined.
        /// State entry
        internal void RegisterReferentialConstraints(IEntityStateEntry stateEntry)
            if (stateEntry.IsRelationship) 
                AssociationSet associationSet = (AssociationSet)stateEntry.EntitySet; 
                if (0 < associationSet.ElementType.ReferentialConstraints.Count) 
                    DbDataRecord record = stateEntry.State == EntityState.Added ? 
                        (DbDataRecord)stateEntry.CurrentValues : stateEntry.OriginalValues;
                    foreach (ReferentialConstraint constraint in associationSet.ElementType.ReferentialConstraints)
                        // retrieve keys at the ends 
                        EntityKey principalKey = (EntityKey)record[constraint.FromRole.Name];
                        EntityKey dependentKey = (EntityKey)record[constraint.ToRole.Name]; 
                        // associate keys, where the from side 'owns' the to side
                        using (ReadOnlyMetadataCollection.Enumerator principalPropertyEnum = constraint.FromProperties.GetEnumerator()) 
                        using (ReadOnlyMetadataCollection.Enumerator dependentPropertyEnum = constraint.ToProperties.GetEnumerator())
                            while (principalPropertyEnum.MoveNext() && dependentPropertyEnum.MoveNext())
                                int principalKeyMemberCount;
                                int dependentKeyMemberCount; 
                                // get offsets for from and to key properties
                                int principalOffset = GetKeyMemberOffset(constraint.FromRole, principalPropertyEnum.Current, 
                                    out principalKeyMemberCount);
                                int dependentOffset = GetKeyMemberOffset(constraint.ToRole, dependentPropertyEnum.Current,
                                    out dependentKeyMemberCount);
                                int principalIdentifier = this.KeyManager.GetKeyIdentifierForMemberOffset(principalKey, principalOffset, principalKeyMemberCount);
                                int dependentIdentifier = this.KeyManager.GetKeyIdentifierForMemberOffset(dependentKey, dependentOffset, dependentKeyMemberCount); 
                                // register equivalence of identifiers
                                this.KeyManager.AddReferentialConstraint(stateEntry, dependentIdentifier, principalIdentifier); 
            else if (!stateEntry.IsKeyEntry) 
                if (stateEntry.State == EntityState.Added || stateEntry.State == EntityState.Modified)
                    RegisterEntityReferentialConstraints(stateEntry, true);
                if (stateEntry.State == EntityState.Deleted || stateEntry.State == EntityState.Modified)
                    RegisterEntityReferentialConstraints(stateEntry, false);
        private void RegisterEntityReferentialConstraints(IEntityStateEntry stateEntry, bool currentValues)
            IExtendedDataRecord record = currentValues
                ? (IExtendedDataRecord)stateEntry.CurrentValues 
                : (IExtendedDataRecord)stateEntry.OriginalValues;
            EntitySet entitySet = (EntitySet)stateEntry.EntitySet; 
            EntityKey dependentKey = stateEntry.EntityKey; 

            foreach (var foreignKey in entitySet.ForeignKeyDependents) 
                AssociationSet associationSet = foreignKey.Item1;
                ReferentialConstraint constraint = foreignKey.Item2;
                EntityType dependentType = MetadataHelper.GetEntityTypeForEnd((AssociationEndMember)constraint.ToRole); 
                if (dependentType.IsAssignableFrom(record.DataRecordInfo.RecordType.EdmType))
                    EntityKey principalKey = null; 

                    // First, check for an explicit reference 
                    if (!currentValues || !m_stateManager.TryGetReferenceKey(dependentKey, (AssociationEndMember)constraint.FromRole, out principalKey))
                        // build a key based on the foreign key values
                        EntityType principalType = MetadataHelper.GetEntityTypeForEnd((AssociationEndMember)constraint.FromRole); 
                        bool hasNullValue = false;
                        object[] keyValues = new object[principalType.KeyMembers.Count]; 
                        for (int i = 0, n = keyValues.Length; i < n; i++) 
                            EdmProperty keyMember = (EdmProperty)principalType.KeyMembers[i]; 

                            // Find corresponding foreign key value
                            int constraintOrdinal = constraint.FromProperties.IndexOf((EdmProperty)keyMember);
                            int recordOrdinal = record.GetOrdinal(constraint.ToProperties[constraintOrdinal].Name); 
                            if (record.IsDBNull(recordOrdinal))
                                hasNullValue = true; 
                            keyValues[i] = record.GetValue(recordOrdinal);

                        if (!hasNullValue) 
                            EntitySet principalSet = associationSet.AssociationSetEnds[constraint.FromRole.Name].EntitySet; 
                            if (1 == keyValues.Length) 
                                principalKey = new EntityKey(principalSet, keyValues[0]); 
                                principalKey = new EntityKey(principalSet, keyValues); 

                    if (null != principalKey) 
                        // find the right principal key... (first, existing entities; then, added entities; finally, just the key)
                        IEntityStateEntry existingPrincipal;
                        EntityKey tempKey; 
                        if (m_stateManager.TryGetEntityStateEntry(principalKey, out existingPrincipal))
                            // nothing to do. the principal key will resolve to the existing entity 
                        else if (currentValues && this.KeyManager.TryGetTempKey(principalKey, out tempKey)) 
                            // if we aren't dealing with current values, we cannot resolve to a temp key (original values
                            // cannot indicate a relationship to an 'added' entity).
                            if (null == tempKey) 
                                throw EntityUtil.Update(Strings.Update_AmbiguousForeignKey(constraint.ToRole.DeclaringType.FullName), null, stateEntry); 
                                principalKey = tempKey;
                        // pull the principal end into the update pipeline (supports value propagation)
                        AddValidAncillaryKey(principalKey, m_optionalEntities); 
                        // associate keys, where the from side 'owns' the to side
                        for (int i = 0, n = constraint.FromProperties.Count; i < n; i++) 
                            var principalProperty = constraint.FromProperties[i];
                            var dependentProperty = constraint.ToProperties[i];
                            int principalKeyMemberCount;
                            // get offsets for from and to key properties 
                            int principalOffset = GetKeyMemberOffset(constraint.FromRole, principalProperty, out principalKeyMemberCount);
                            int principalIdentifier = this.KeyManager.GetKeyIdentifierForMemberOffset(principalKey, principalOffset, principalKeyMemberCount); 
                            int dependentIdentifier;

                            if (entitySet.ElementType.KeyMembers.Contains(dependentProperty))
                                int dependentKeyMemberCount;
                                int dependentOffset = GetKeyMemberOffset(constraint.ToRole, dependentProperty, 
                                    out dependentKeyMemberCount); 
                                dependentIdentifier = this.KeyManager.GetKeyIdentifierForMemberOffset(dependentKey, dependentOffset, dependentKeyMemberCount);
                                dependentIdentifier = this.KeyManager.GetKeyIdentifierForMember(dependentKey, dependentProperty.Name, currentValues);

                            // don't allow the user to insert or update an entity that refers to a deleted principal 
                            if (currentValues && null != existingPrincipal && existingPrincipal.State == EntityState.Deleted && 
                                (stateEntry.State == EntityState.Added || stateEntry.State == EntityState.Modified))
                                throw EntityUtil.Update(
                            // register equivalence of identifiers
                            this.KeyManager.AddReferentialConstraint(stateEntry, dependentIdentifier, principalIdentifier); 
        // requires: role must not be null and property must be a key member for the role end 
        private static int GetKeyMemberOffset(RelationshipEndMember role, EdmProperty property, out int keyMemberCount)
            Debug.Assert(null != role);
            Debug.Assert(null != property);
            Debug.Assert(BuiltInTypeKind.RefType == role.TypeUsage.EdmType.BuiltInTypeKind,
                "relationship ends must be of RefType"); 
            RefType endType = (RefType)role.TypeUsage.EdmType;
            Debug.Assert(BuiltInTypeKind.EntityType == endType.ElementType.BuiltInTypeKind, 
                "relationship ends must reference EntityType"); 
            EntityType entityType = (EntityType)endType.ElementType;
            keyMemberCount = entityType.KeyMembers.Count; 
            return entityType.KeyMembers.IndexOf(property);

        /// Yields all relationship state entries with the given key as an end.
        internal IEnumerable GetRelationships(EntityKey entityKey) 
            return m_stateManager.FindRelationshipsByKey(entityKey);
        /// Persists stateManager changes to the store. 
        /// StateManager containing changes to persist.
        /// Map adapter requesting the changes. 
        /// Total number of state entries affected
        internal static Int32 Update(IEntityStateManager stateManager, IEntityAdapter adapter)
            IntPtr cookie; 
            EntityBid.ScopeEnter(out cookie, "");
            // provider/connection details 
            EntityConnection connection = (EntityConnection)adapter.Connection;
            MetadataWorkspace metadataWorkspace = connection.GetMetadataWorkspace(); 
            int? commandTimeout = adapter.CommandTimeout;

                UpdateTranslator translator = new UpdateTranslator(stateManager, metadataWorkspace, connection, commandTimeout);
                // tracks values for identifiers in this session 
                Dictionary identifierValues = new Dictionary();
                // tracks values for generated values in this session
                List> generatedValues = new List>();

                IEnumerable orderedCommands = translator.ProduceCommands(); 

                // used to track the source of commands being processed in case an exception is thrown 
                UpdateCommand source = null; 
                    foreach (UpdateCommand command in orderedCommands)
                        // Remember the data sources so that we can throw meaningful exception
                        source = command; 
                        long rowsAffected = command.Execute(translator, connection, identifierValues, generatedValues);
                        translator.ValidateRowsAffected(rowsAffected, source); 
                catch (Exception e) 
                    // we should not be wrapping all exceptions
                    if (UpdateTranslator.RequiresContext(e))
                        throw EntityUtil.Update(System.Data.Entity.Strings.Update_GeneralExecutionException, e, translator.DetermineStateEntriesFromSource(source));

                int totalStateEntries = translator.AcceptChanges(adapter);
                return totalStateEntries;
                EntityBid.ScopeLeave(ref cookie); 

        private IEnumerable ProduceCommands() 
            // load all modified state entries 
            // check constraints
            // gather all commands (aggregate in a dependency orderer to determine operation order
            IEnumerable dynamicCommands = this.ProduceDynamicCommands(); 
            IEnumerable functionCommands = this.ProduceFunctionCommands(); 
            UpdateCommandOrderer orderer = new UpdateCommandOrderer(dynamicCommands.Concat(functionCommands), this);
            IEnumerable orderedCommands; 
            IEnumerable remainder;
            if (!orderer.TryTopologicalSort(out orderedCommands, out remainder))
                // throw an exception if it is not possible to perform dependency ordering 
                throw DependencyOrderingError(remainder);
            return orderedCommands;

        // effects: given rows affected, throws if the count suggests a concurrency failure.
        // Throws a concurrency exception based on the current command sources (which allow
        // us to populated the EntityStateEntries on UpdateException) 
        private void ValidateRowsAffected(long rowsAffected, UpdateCommand source)
            // 0 rows affected indicates a concurrency failure; negative values suggest rowcount is off; 
            // positive values suggest at least one row was affected (we generally expect exactly one,
            // but triggers/view logic/logging may change this value) 
            if (0 == rowsAffected)
                var stateEntries = DetermineStateEntriesFromSource(source);
                throw EntityUtil.UpdateConcurrency(rowsAffected, null, stateEntries); 
        private IEnumerable DetermineStateEntriesFromSource(UpdateCommand source)
            if (null == source)
                return Enumerable.Empty();
            return source.GetStateEntries(this);
        // effects: Given a list of pairs describing the contexts for server generated values and their actual
        // values, backpropagates to the relevant state entries 
        private void BackPropagateServerGen(List> generatedValues)
            foreach (KeyValuePair generatedValue in generatedValues)
                PropagatorResult context;
                // check if a redirect to "owner" result is possible 
                if (PropagatorResult.NullIdentifier == generatedValue.Key.Identifier ||
                    !KeyManager.TryGetIdentifierOwner(generatedValue.Key.Identifier, out context)) 
                    // otherwise, just use the straightforward context
                    context = generatedValue.Key;

                object value = generatedValue.Value; 
                if (context.Identifier == PropagatorResult.NullIdentifier) 
                    SetServerGenValue(context, value); 
                    // check if we need to back propagate this value to any other positions (e.g. for foreign keys) 
                    foreach (int dependent in this.KeyManager.GetDependents(context.Identifier))
                        if (this.KeyManager.TryGetIdentifierOwner(dependent, out context)) 
                            SetServerGenValue(context, value); 
        private static void SetServerGenValue(PropagatorResult context, object value) 
            if (context.RecordOrdinal != PropagatorResult.NullOrdinal) 
                CurrentValueRecord targetRecord = context.Record;

                // determine if type compensation is required 
                IExtendedDataRecord recordWithMetadata = (IExtendedDataRecord)targetRecord;
                EdmMember member = recordWithMetadata.DataRecordInfo.FieldMetadata[context.RecordOrdinal].FieldType; 
                value = value ?? DBNull.Value; // records expect DBNull rather than null
                value = AlignReturnValue(value, member, context); 
                targetRecord.SetValue(context.RecordOrdinal, value);
        /// Aligns a value returned from the store with the expected type for the member. 
        /// Value to convert.
        /// Metadata for the member being set. 
        /// The context generating the return value.
        /// Converted return value
        private static object AlignReturnValue(object value, EdmMember member, PropagatorResult context)
            if (DBNull.Value.Equals(value))
                // check if there is a nullability constraint on the value 
                if (BuiltInTypeKind.EdmProperty == member.BuiltInTypeKind &&
                    throw EntityUtil.Update(System.Data.Entity.Strings.Update_NullReturnValueForNonNullableMember(
                        member.DeclaringType.FullName), null); 
                // convert the value to the appropriate CLR type 
                Debug.Assert(BuiltInTypeKind.PrimitiveType == member.TypeUsage.EdmType.BuiltInTypeKind,
                    "we only allow return values that are instances of EDM primitive types");
                PrimitiveType primitiveType = (PrimitiveType)member.TypeUsage.EdmType;
                Type clrType = primitiveType.ClrEquivalentType; 

                    value = Convert.ChangeType(value, clrType, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                catch (Exception e)
                    // we should not be wrapping all exceptions
                    if (UpdateTranslator.RequiresContext(e)) 
                        throw EntityUtil.Update(System.Data.Entity.Strings.Update_ReturnValueHasUnexpectedType( 
                            member.DeclaringType.FullName), e);
            // return the adjusted value 
            return value;

        /// Accept changes to entities and relationships processed by this translator instance.
        /// Data adapter
        /// Number of state entries affected. 
        private int AcceptChanges(IEntityAdapter adapter) 
            int affectedCount = 0; 
            foreach (IEntityStateEntry stateEntry in m_stateEntries)
                // only count and accept changes for state entries that are being explicitly modified
                if (EntityState.Unchanged != stateEntry.State) 
                    if (adapter.AcceptChangesDuringUpdate) 
            return affectedCount; 
        /// Gets extents for which this translator has identified changes to be handled
        /// by the standard update pipeline. 
        /// Enumeration of modified C-Space extents.
        private IEnumerable GetDynamicModifiedExtents()
            return m_changes.Keys;
        /// Gets extents for which this translator has identified changes to be handled 
        /// by function mappings.
        /// Enumreation of modified C-Space extents.
        private IEnumerable GetFunctionModifiedExtents() 
            return m_functionChanges.Keys; 

        /// Produce dynamic store commands for this translator's changes.
        /// Database commands in a safe order
        private IEnumerable ProduceDynamicCommands() 
            // Initialize DBCommand update compiler 
            UpdateCompiler updateCompiler = new UpdateCompiler(this); 

            // Determine affected 
            Set tables = new Set();

            foreach (EntitySetBase extent in GetDynamicModifiedExtents())
                Set affectedTables = m_viewLoader.GetAffectedTables(extent, m_metadataWorkspace);
                //Since these extents don't have Functions defined for update operations, 
                //the affected tables should be provided via MSL. 
                //If we dont find any throw an exception
                if (affectedTables.Count == 0) 
                    throw EntityUtil.Update(System.Data.Entity.Strings.Update_MappingNotFound(
                        extent.Name), null /*stateEntries*/);

                foreach (EntitySet table in affectedTables) 

            // Determine changes to apply to each table
            foreach (EntitySet table in tables) 
                DbQueryCommandTree umView = m_connection.GetMetadataWorkspace().GetCqtView(table); 
                // Propagate changes to root of tree (at which point they are S-Space changes)
                ChangeNode changeNode = Propagator.Propagate(this, table, umView); 

                // Process changes for the table
                TableChangeProcessor change = new TableChangeProcessor(table);
                foreach (UpdateCommand command in change.CompileCommands(changeNode, updateCompiler)) 
                    yield return command; 

        // Generates and caches a command definition for the given function
        internal DbCommandDefinition GenerateCommandDefinition(StorageFunctionMapping functionMapping)
            if (null == m_functionCommandDefinitions)
                m_functionCommandDefinitions = new Dictionary(); 
            DbCommandDefinition commandDefinition; 
            if (!m_functionCommandDefinitions.TryGetValue(functionMapping, out commandDefinition))
                // synthesize a RowType for this mapping
                TypeUsage resultType = null; 
                if (null != functionMapping.ResultBindings && 0 < functionMapping.ResultBindings.Count)
                    List properties = new List(functionMapping.ResultBindings.Count); 
                    foreach (StorageFunctionResultBinding resultBinding in functionMapping.ResultBindings)
                        properties.Add(new EdmProperty(resultBinding.ColumnName, resultBinding.Property.TypeUsage));
                    RowType rowType = new RowType(properties);
                    CollectionType collectionType = new CollectionType(rowType); 
                    resultType = TypeUsage.Create(collectionType);
                // add function parameters
                IEnumerable> functionParams = 
                    functionMapping.Function.Parameters.Select(paramInfo => new KeyValuePair(paramInfo.Name, paramInfo.TypeUsage));

                // construct DbFunctionCommandTree including implict return type
                DbFunctionCommandTree tree = new DbFunctionCommandTree(m_metadataWorkspace, DataSpace.SSpace, 
                    functionMapping.Function, resultType, functionParams);
                commandDefinition = m_providerServices.CreateCommandDefinition(tree); 
            return commandDefinition; 

        // Produces all function commands in a safe order
        private IEnumerable ProduceFunctionCommands() 
            foreach (EntitySetBase extent in GetFunctionModifiedExtents()) 
                // Get a handle on the appropriate translator
                FunctionMappingTranslator translator = m_viewLoader.GetFunctionMappingTranslator(extent, m_metadataWorkspace); 

                if (null != translator)
                    // Compile commands 
                    foreach (ExtractedStateEntry stateEntry in GetExtentFunctionModifications(extent))
                        FunctionUpdateCommand command = translator.Translate(this, stateEntry); 
                        if (null != command)
                            yield return command;
        /// Gets a metadata wrapper for the given type. The wrapper makes 
        /// certain tasks in the update pipeline more efficient.
        /// Structural type
        /// Metadata wrapper 
        internal ExtractorMetadata GetExtractorMetadata(EntitySetBase entitySetBase, StructuralType type)
            ExtractorMetadata metadata; 
            var key = Tuple.Create(entitySetBase, type);
            if (!m_extractorMetadata.TryGetValue(key, out metadata)) 
                metadata = new ExtractorMetadata(entitySetBase, type, this);
                m_extractorMetadata.Add(key, metadata);
            return metadata;
        /// Returns error when it is not possible to order update commands. Argument is the 'remainder', or commands 
        /// that could not be ordered due to a cycle.
        private UpdateException DependencyOrderingError(IEnumerable remainder)
            Debug.Assert(null != remainder && remainder.Count() > 0, "must provide non-empty remainder");
            HashSet stateEntries = new HashSet(); 

            foreach (UpdateCommand command in remainder) 
            // throw exception containing all related state entries
            throw EntityUtil.Update(System.Data.Entity.Strings.Update_ConstraintCycle, null, stateEntries); 

        /// Creates a command in the current context.
        /// DbCommand tree
        /// DbCommand produced by the current provider. 
        internal DbCommand CreateCommand(DbModificationCommandTree commandTree)
            DbCommand command; 
            Debug.Assert(null != m_providerServices, "constructor ensures either the command definition " +
                    "builder or provider service is available"); 
            Debug.Assert(null != m_connection.StoreConnection, "EntityAdapter.Update ensures the store connection is set");
                command = m_providerServices.CreateCommand(commandTree); 
            catch (Exception e) 
                // we should not be wrapping all exceptions
                if (UpdateTranslator.RequiresContext(e)) 
                    // we don't wan't folks to have to know all the various types of exceptions that can
                    // occur, so we just rethrow a CommandDefinitionException and make whatever we caught
                    // the inner exception of it. 
                    throw EntityUtil.CommandCompilation(System.Data.Entity.Strings.EntityClient_CommandDefinitionPreparationFailed, e);
            return command; 

        /// Determines whether the given exception requires additional context from the update pipeline (in other
        /// words, whether the exception should be wrapped in an UpdateException). 
        /// Exception to test.
        /// true if exception should be wrapped; false otherwise 
        internal static bool RequiresContext(Exception e)
            // if the exception isn't catchable, never wrap
            if (!EntityUtil.IsCatchableExceptionType(e)) { return false; } 

            // update and incompatible provider exceptions already contain the necessary context 
            return !(e is UpdateException) && !(e is ProviderIncompatibleException); 
        #region Private initialization methods
        /// Retrieve all modified entries from the state manager.
        private void PullModifiedEntriesFromStateManager()
            // do a first pass over added entries to register 'by value' entity key targets that may be resolved as 
            // via a foreign key
            foreach (IEntityStateEntry addedEntry in m_stateManager.GetEntityStateEntries(EntityState.Added)) 
                if (!addedEntry.IsRelationship && !addedEntry.IsKeyEntry)
            // do a second pass over entries to register referential integrity constraints
            // for server-generation 
            foreach (IEntityStateEntry modifiedEntry in m_stateManager.GetEntityStateEntries(EntityState.Modified | EntityState.Added | EntityState.Deleted))

            foreach (IEntityStateEntry modifiedEntry in m_stateManager.GetEntityStateEntries(EntityState.Modified | EntityState.Added | EntityState.Deleted)) 

        /// Retrieve all required/optional/value entries into the state manager. These are entries that --
        /// although unmodified -- affect or are affected by updates. 
        private void PullUnchangedEntriesFromStateManager()
            foreach (KeyValuePair required in m_requiredEntities)
                EntityKey key = required.Key;
                if (!m_knownEntityKeys.Contains(key))
                    // pull the value into the translator if we don't already it 
                    IEntityStateEntry requiredEntry;
                    if (m_stateManager.TryGetEntityStateEntry(key, out requiredEntry) && !requiredEntry.IsKeyEntry)
                        // load the object as a no-op update
                        // throw an exception
                        throw EntityUtil.UpdateMissingEntity(required.Value.Name, TypeHelpers.GetFullName(key.EntityContainerName, key.EntitySetName)); 
            foreach (EntityKey key in m_optionalEntities)
                if (!m_knownEntityKeys.Contains(key)) 
                    IEntityStateEntry optionalEntry; 

                    if (m_stateManager.TryGetEntityStateEntry(key, out optionalEntry) && !optionalEntry.IsKeyEntry)
                        // load the object as a no-op update 
            foreach (EntityKey key in m_includedValueEntities)
                if (!m_knownEntityKeys.Contains(key))
                    IEntityStateEntry valueEntry;
                    if (m_stateManager.TryGetEntityStateEntry(key, out valueEntry)) 
                        // Convert state entry so that its values are known to the update pipeline. 
                        var result = m_recordConverter.ConvertCurrentValuesToPropagatorResult(valueEntry, ModifiedPropertiesBehavior.NoneModified);
        /// Validates and tracks a state entry being processed by this translator.
        private void ValidateAndRegisterStateEntry(IEntityStateEntry stateEntry)
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(stateEntry, "stateEntry"); 

            EntitySetBase extent = stateEntry.EntitySet; 
            if (null == extent) 
                throw EntityUtil.InternalError(EntityUtil.InternalErrorCode.InvalidStateEntry, 1); 

            // Determine the key. May be null if the state entry does not represent an entity.
            EntityKey entityKey = stateEntry.EntityKey; 
            IExtendedDataRecord record = null;
            // verify the structure of the entry values 
            if (0 != ((EntityState.Added | EntityState.Modified | EntityState.Unchanged) & stateEntry.State))
                // added, modified and unchanged entries have current values
                record = (IExtendedDataRecord)stateEntry.CurrentValues;
                ValidateRecord(extent, record, stateEntry);
            if (0 != ((EntityState.Modified | EntityState.Deleted | EntityState.Unchanged) & stateEntry.State))
                // deleted, modified and unchanged entries have original values 
                record = (IExtendedDataRecord)stateEntry.OriginalValues;
                ValidateRecord(extent, record, stateEntry); 
            Debug.Assert(null != record, "every state entry must contain a record");

            // check for required ends of relationships 
            AssociationSet associationSet = extent as AssociationSet;
            if (null != associationSet) 
                AssociationSetMetadata associationSetMetadata = m_viewLoader.GetAssociationSetMetadata(associationSet, m_metadataWorkspace);
                if (associationSetMetadata.HasEnds)
                    foreach (FieldMetadata field in record.DataRecordInfo.FieldMetadata)
                        // ends of relationship record must be EntityKeys
                        EntityKey end = (EntityKey)record.GetValue(field.Ordinal); 
                        // ends of relationships must have AssociationEndMember metadata
                        AssociationEndMember endMetadata = (AssociationEndMember)field.FieldType; 

                        if (associationSetMetadata.RequiredEnds.Contains(endMetadata))
                            if (!m_requiredEntities.ContainsKey(end)) 
                                m_requiredEntities.Add(end, associationSet); 
                        else if (associationSetMetadata.OptionalEnds.Contains(endMetadata))
                            AddValidAncillaryKey(end, m_optionalEntities);

                        else if (associationSetMetadata.IncludedValueEnds.Contains(endMetadata)) 
                            AddValidAncillaryKey(end, m_includedValueEntities);

                // register relationship with validator 
                m_constraintValidator.RegisterAssociation(associationSet, record, stateEntry);
                // register entity with validator 

            // add to the list of entries being tracked 
            if (null != (object)entityKey) { m_knownEntityKeys.Add(entityKey); } 

        /// effects: given an entity key and a set, adds key to the set iff. the corresponding entity
        /// is:
        ///     not a stub (or 'key') entry, and; 
        ///     not a core element in the update pipeline (it's not being directly modified)
        private void AddValidAncillaryKey(EntityKey key, Set keySet) 
            // Note: an entity is ancillary iff. it is unchanged (otherwise it is tracked as a "standard" changed entity) 
            IEntityStateEntry endEntry;
            if (m_stateManager.TryGetEntityStateEntry(key, out endEntry) && // make sure the entity is tracked
                !endEntry.IsKeyEntry && // make sure the entity is not a stub
                endEntry.State == EntityState.Unchanged) // if the entity is being modified, it's already included anyways 
        private void ValidateRecord(EntitySetBase extent, IExtendedDataRecord record, IEntityStateEntry entry)
            Debug.Assert(null != extent, "must be verified by caller");
            DataRecordInfo recordInfo;
            if ((null == record) || 
                (null == (recordInfo = record.DataRecordInfo)) || 
                (null == recordInfo.RecordType))
                throw EntityUtil.InternalError(EntityUtil.InternalErrorCode.InvalidStateEntry, 2);

            VerifyExtent(MetadataWorkspace, extent); 

            // additional validation happens lazily as values are loaded from the record 

        // Verifies the given extent is present in the given workspace. 
        private static void VerifyExtent(MetadataWorkspace workspace, EntitySetBase extent)
            // get the container to which the given extent belongs
            EntityContainer actualContainer = extent.EntityContainer; 

            // try to retrieve the container in the given workspace 
            EntityContainer referenceContainer = null; 
            if (null != actualContainer)
                    actualContainer.Name, actualContainer.DataSpace, out referenceContainer);
            // determine if the given extent lives in a container from the given workspace
            // (the item collections for each container are reference equivalent when they are declared in the 
            // same item collection) 
            if (null == actualContainer || null == referenceContainer ||
                !Object.ReferenceEquals(actualContainer, referenceContainer)) 


                throw EntityUtil.Update(System.Data.Entity.Strings.Update_WorkspaceMismatch, null); 
        private void LoadStateEntry(IEntityStateEntry stateEntry)
            Debug.Assert(null != stateEntry, "state entry must exist");
            // make sure the state entry doesn't contain invalid data and register it with the
            // update pipeline 

            // use data structure internal to the update pipeline instead of the raw state entry 
            ExtractedStateEntry extractedStateEntry = new ExtractedStateEntry(this, stateEntry);

            // figure out if this state entry is being handled by a function (stored procedure) or
            // through dynamic SQL 
            EntitySetBase extent = stateEntry.EntitySet;
            if (null == m_viewLoader.GetFunctionMappingTranslator(extent, m_metadataWorkspace)) 
                // if there is no function mapping, register a ChangeNode (used for update
                // propagation and dynamic SQL generation) 
                ChangeNode changeNode = GetExtentModifications(extent);
                if (null != extractedStateEntry.Original)
                if (null != extractedStateEntry.Current) 
                // for function updates, store off the extracted state entry in its entirety 
                // (used when producing FunctionUpdateCommands)
                List functionEntries = GetExtentFunctionModifications(extent); 

        /// Retrieve a change node for an extent. If none exists, creates and registers a new one.
        /// Extent for which to return a change node. 
        /// Change node for requested extent.
        internal ChangeNode GetExtentModifications(EntitySetBase extent) 
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(extent, "extent");
            Debug.Assert(null != m_changes, "(UpdateTranslator/GetChangeNodeForExtent) method called before translator initialized");
            ChangeNode changeNode;
            if (!m_changes.TryGetValue(extent, out changeNode)) 
                changeNode = new ChangeNode(TypeUsage.Create(extent.ElementType)); 
                m_changes.Add(extent, changeNode);

            return changeNode; 
        /// Retrieve a list of state entries being processed by custom user functions.
        /// Extent for which to return entries.
        /// List storing the entries.
        internal List GetExtentFunctionModifications(EntitySetBase extent)
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(extent, "extent");
            Debug.Assert(null != m_functionChanges, "method called before translator initialized"); 
            List entries;
            if (!m_functionChanges.TryGetValue(extent, out entries))
                entries = new List();
                m_functionChanges.Add(extent, entries); 
            return entries; 

    /// Enumeration of possible operators.
    /// The values are used to determine the order of operations (in the absence of any strong dependencies).
    /// The chosen order is based on the observation that hidden dependencies (e.g. due to temporary keys in 
    /// the state manager or unknown FKs) favor deletes before inserts and updates before deletes. For instance,
    /// a deleted entity may have the same real key value as an inserted entity. Similarly, a self-reference
    /// may require a new dependent row to be updated before the prinpical row is inserted. Obviously, the actual
    /// constraints are required to make reliable decisions so this ordering is merely a heuristic. 
    internal enum ModificationOperator : byte 
        Update = 0,
        Delete = 1, 
        Insert = 2,

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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