CoreChannel.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / clr / src / ManagedLibraries / Remoting / Channels / CORE / CoreChannel.cs / 1305376 / CoreChannel.cs

                            // ==++== 
//   Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// ==--== 
using System;
using System.Text; 
using System.Threading; 
using System.DirectoryServices; 
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters; 
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary; 
using System.Runtime.Remoting; 
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels;
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging; 
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata;
using System.Security.Principal;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.IO; 
using System.Net;
using System.Collections; 
using System.Net.Sockets; 
using System.Resources;
using System.Diagnostics; 
using System.Globalization;
using System.Web;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

// These two attributes are for supporting side-by-side of COM-visible 
// objects with NDP 1.0 RTM. This needs to be set on all assemblies that
// expose COM-visible types to be made Side by Side with NDP 1.0 RTM.
// This declaration covers System.Runtime.Remoting.dll

namespace System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels 

    // Use this internal indicator (as opposed to the nested enum found
    //   on some of the server channel sinks) 
    internal enum SinkChannelProtocol
        Http, // special processing needed for http 
    } // ChannelProtocol 

    internal static class CoreChannel 
        private static IByteBufferPool _bufferPool = new ByteBufferPool(10, 4096); 
        private static RequestQueue _requestQueue = new RequestQueue(8,4,250); 

        internal static IByteBufferPool BufferPool { get { return _bufferPool; } } 
        internal static RequestQueue RequestQueue { get { return _requestQueue; } }

        internal const int MaxStringLen = 512; 

        internal const String SOAPMimeType = "text/xml"; 
        internal const String BinaryMimeType = "application/octet-stream"; 

        internal const String SOAPContentType = "text/xml; charset=\"utf-8\""; 

        private static String s_hostName = null;
        private static String s_MachineName = null;
        private static String s_MachineIp = null; 
        private static IPAddress s_MachineIpAddress = null;
        // Copy of consts defined in RemotingServices.cs 
        internal const int CLIENT_MSG_GEN          = 1; 
        internal const int CLIENT_MSG_SINK_CHAIN   = 2;
        internal const int CLIENT_MSG_SER          = 3; 
        internal const int CLIENT_MSG_SEND         = 4;
        internal const int SERVER_MSG_RECEIVE      = 5;
        internal const int SERVER_MSG_DESER        = 6;
        internal const int SERVER_MSG_SINK_CHAIN   = 7; 
        internal const int SERVER_MSG_STACK_BUILD  = 8;
        internal const int SERVER_DISPATCH         = 9; 
        internal const int SERVER_RET_STACK_BUILD  = 10; 
        internal const int SERVER_RET_SINK_CHAIN   = 11;
        internal const int SERVER_RET_SER          = 12; 
        internal const int SERVER_RET_SEND         = 13;
        internal const int SERVER_RET_END          = 14;
        internal const int CLIENT_RET_RECEIVE      = 15;
        internal const int CLIENT_RET_DESER        = 16; 
        internal const int CLIENT_RET_SINK_CHAIN   = 17;
        internal const int CLIENT_RET_PROPAGATION  = 18; 
        internal const int CLIENT_END_CALL         = 19; 
        internal const int TIMING_DATA_EOF         = 99;
        private static bool s_isClientSKUInstallationInitialized = false;
        private static bool s_isClientSKUInstallation = false;

        // Returns true if the Fx Client SKU is installed, false if Full SKU 
        internal static bool IsClientSKUInstallation
                if (!s_isClientSKUInstallationInitialized) 
                    Type type = Type.GetType("System.Web.HttpContext, " + AssemblyRef.SystemWeb, false);
                    s_isClientSKUInstallation = (type == null);
                    s_isClientSKUInstallationInitialized = true; 
                return s_isClientSKUInstallation; 
        } // IsClientSKUInstallation 

        internal static String GetHostName()
            if (s_hostName == null)
                s_hostName = Dns.GetHostName(); 

                if (s_hostName == null) 
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("hostName");

            return s_hostName; 
        } // GetHostName 

        internal static String GetMachineName() 
            if (s_MachineName == null)
                String machineName = GetHostName(); 
                if (machineName != null)
                    IPHostEntry host = Dns.GetHostEntry(machineName); 
                    if (host != null)
                        s_MachineName = host.HostName; 

                if (s_MachineName == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("machine");

            return s_MachineName; 
        } // GetMachineName

        // This helper function Checks whether the remote IP Adress is actually a local address 
        internal static bool IsLocalIpAddress(IPAddress remoteAddress)
            if (s_MachineIpAddress == null) 
                String hostName = GetMachineName(); 

                // NOTE: We intentionally allow exceptions from these api's
                //  propagate out to the caller.
                IPHostEntry ipEntries = Dns.GetHostEntry(hostName); 
                // If there is only one entry we should cache it
                if(ipEntries != null && ipEntries.AddressList.Length == 1) 
                    if (Socket.OSSupportsIPv4)
                        s_MachineIpAddress = GetMachineAddress(ipEntries, AddressFamily.InterNetwork);
                        s_MachineIpAddress = GetMachineAddress(ipEntries, AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6);
                    return IsLocalIpAddress(ipEntries, remoteAddress.AddressFamily, remoteAddress);
            return s_MachineIpAddress.Equals(remoteAddress); 
        //This helper function compares and IpAddress with all addresses in IpHostEntry 
        internal static bool IsLocalIpAddress(IPHostEntry host, AddressFamily addressFamily, IPAddress remoteAddress)
            if (host != null)
                IPAddress[] addressList = host.AddressList;
                for (int i = 0; i < addressList.Length; i++) 
                    if (addressList[i].AddressFamily == addressFamily) 
                            return true; 
            return false; 
        // process specified host name to see if it is a meta-hostname that 
        //   should be replaced with something else.
        internal static String DecodeMachineName(String machineName) 
            if (machineName.Equals("$hostName"))
                return GetHostName();
            return machineName;
        } // DecodeMachineName 

        internal static String GetMachineIp() 
            if (s_MachineIp == null)
                String hostName = GetMachineName(); 

                // NOTE: We intentionally allow exceptions from these api's 
                //  propagate out to the caller. 
                IPHostEntry ipEntries = Dns.GetHostEntry(hostName);
                //Assumption is Socket.OSSupportsIPv4 will be false only on OS >= Vista with IPv4 turned off.
                AddressFamily addressFamily = (Socket.OSSupportsIPv4) ? AddressFamily.InterNetwork : AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6;
                IPAddress addr = GetMachineAddress(ipEntries, addressFamily);
                if (addr != null) 
                    s_MachineIp = addr.ToString(); 

                if (s_MachineIp == null) 
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("ip");

            return s_MachineIp; 
        } // GetMachineIp 

        // This helper function returns the first IPAddress with family 'addressFamily' from 
        // host.AddressList, or null if there is no such address or if host is null.
        internal static IPAddress GetMachineAddress(IPHostEntry host, AddressFamily addressFamily)
            // NOTE: We intentionally allow exceptions from these api's 
            //  propagate out to the caller.
            IPAddress result = null; 
            if (host != null) 
                // find the first address for this address family 
                IPAddress[] addressList = host.AddressList;
                for (int i = 0; i < addressList.Length; i++)
                    if (addressList[i].AddressFamily == addressFamily) 
                        result = addressList[i]; 

            //Console.WriteLine("GetMachineAddress(" + hostName + ", " + addressFamily + ") -> " + (result == null ? "" : result.ToString()));
            return result; 
        } // GetMachineAddress
        // Core Serialization and Deserialization support 
        internal static Header[] GetMessagePropertiesAsSoapHeader(IMessage reqMsg)
            IDictionary d = reqMsg.Properties; 
            if (d == null)
                return null; 
            int count = d.Count;
            if (count == 0) 
                return null;

            IDictionaryEnumerator e = (IDictionaryEnumerator) d.GetEnumerator();
            // cycle through the headers to get a length
            bool[] map = new bool[count]; 
            int len = 0, i=0; 
            IMethodMessage msg = (IMethodMessage)reqMsg;
            while (e.MoveNext()) 
                String key = (String)e.Key;
                if ((key.Length >= 2) &&
                    (String.CompareOrdinal(key, 0, "__", 0, 2)  == 0) 
                                && (!RemotingServices.IsMethodOverloaded(msg)) 
                                && (!msg.HasVarArgs))
                                && ((e.Value != null) ? (((LogicalCallContext)e.Value).HasInfo==false) : true))
                map[i] = true; 
            if (len == 0)
                return null;

            Header[] ret = new Header[len];
            int k=0; 
            i = 0;
            while (e.MoveNext()) 
                Object key = e.Key;
                if (!map[k])

                Header h = e.Value as Header; 

                // If the property is not a header, then make a header out of it.
                if (h == null)
                    h =
                        new Header( 
                            (String)key, e.Value, false, 

                // <
                if (i == ret.Length)
                    InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace("HTTPChannel::GetHeaders creating a new array of length " + (i+1) + "\n");
                    Header[] newret= new Header[i+1]; 
                    Array.Copy(ret, newret, i); 
                    ret = newret;
                ret[i] = h;

            return ret; 
        } // GetMessagePropertiesAsSoapHeader 

        internal static Header[] GetSoapHeaders(IMessage reqMsg)
            // If there are message properties, we'll need to resize the header array.
            Header[] msgProperties = GetMessagePropertiesAsSoapHeader(reqMsg); 

            return msgProperties; 
        } // GetSoapHeaders 


        internal static SoapFormatter CreateSoapFormatter(bool serialize, bool includeVersions)
            SoapFormatter remotingFormatter = new SoapFormatter(); 

            if (serialize) 
                RemotingSurrogateSelector rss = new RemotingSurrogateSelector();
                remotingFormatter.SurrogateSelector = rss; 
                remotingFormatter.SurrogateSelector = null; 

            remotingFormatter.Context = new StreamingContext(StreamingContextStates.Other); 
            remotingFormatter.AssemblyFormat =
                includeVersions ? 
                    FormatterAssemblyStyle.Full :

            return remotingFormatter; 
        } // CreateSoapFormatter
        internal static BinaryFormatter CreateBinaryFormatter(bool serialize,
                                                              bool includeVersionsOrStrictBinding) 
            BinaryFormatter remotingFormatter = new BinaryFormatter();

            if (serialize) 
                RemotingSurrogateSelector rss = new RemotingSurrogateSelector(); 
                remotingFormatter.SurrogateSelector = rss; 
                remotingFormatter.SurrogateSelector = null;
            remotingFormatter.Context = new StreamingContext(StreamingContextStates.Other);
            remotingFormatter.AssemblyFormat = 
                includeVersionsOrStrictBinding ?
                    FormatterAssemblyStyle.Full : 

            return remotingFormatter;
        } // CreateBinaryFormatter 


        internal static void SerializeSoapMessage(IMessage msg, Stream outputStream, bool includeVersions) 
            // create soap formatter
            SoapFormatter fmt = CreateSoapFormatter(true, includeVersions);
            //check for special options if this is the SoapFormatter
            IMethodMessage methodMsg = msg as IMethodMessage; 
            if (methodMsg != null) 
                MethodBase mb = methodMsg.MethodBase; 
                if (mb != null)
                    Type type = methodMsg.MethodBase.DeclaringType;
                    SoapTypeAttribute cache = 
                    if ((cache.SoapOptions & SoapOption.AlwaysIncludeTypes) == SoapOption.AlwaysIncludeTypes) 
                        fmt.TypeFormat |= FormatterTypeStyle.TypesAlways; 
                    if ((cache.SoapOptions & SoapOption.XsdString) == SoapOption.XsdString)
                        fmt.TypeFormat |= FormatterTypeStyle.XsdString; 
            // end of set special options for SoapFormatter
            Header[] h = GetSoapHeaders(msg);
            // this is to make messages within a  message serialize correctly 
            // and not use the fake type
            fmt.Serialize(outputStream, msg, h);
        } // SerializeSoapMessage

        internal static Stream SerializeSoapMessage(IMessage msg, bool includeVersions) 
            MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream(); 
            SerializeSoapMessage(msg, memStream, includeVersions); 
            memStream.Position = 0;
            return memStream; 
        } // SerializeSoapMessage

        internal static void SerializeBinaryMessage(IMessage msg, Stream outputStream, bool includeVersions)
            // create binary formatter 
            BinaryFormatter fmt = CreateBinaryFormatter(true, includeVersions);
            // WE SHOULD NOT CALL GetHeaders() here. The BinaryFormatter does special
            //   serialization for any headers that might be present.

            fmt.Serialize(outputStream, msg, null); 
        } // SerializeBinaryMessage
        internal static Stream SerializeBinaryMessage(IMessage msg, bool includeVersions) 
            MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream(); 
            SerializeBinaryMessage(msg, memStream, includeVersions);
            memStream.Position = 0;
            return memStream;
        } // SerializeBinaryMessage 

        // class used to pass uri into binary serializer, so that the message
        //   gets the object uri. 
        private class UriHeaderHandler
            String _uri = null;
            internal UriHeaderHandler(String uri)
                _uri = uri; 
            public Object HeaderHandler(Header[] Headers)
                return _uri;

        } // classUriHeaderHandler 

        internal static IMessage DeserializeSoapRequestMessage( 
            Stream inputStream, Header[] h, bool bStrictBinding, TypeFilterLevel securityLevel)
            SoapFormatter fmt = CreateSoapFormatter(false, bStrictBinding);
            fmt.FilterLevel = securityLevel; 

            MethodCall mc = new MethodCall(h); 
            fmt.Deserialize(inputStream, new HeaderHandler(mc.HeaderHandler)); 

            IMessage resMessage = (IMessage)mc; 

            return resMessage;
        } // DeserializeSoapRequestMessage

        internal static IMessage DeserializeSoapResponseMessage( 
            Stream inputStream, IMessage requestMsg, Header[] h, bool bStrictBinding) 
            SoapFormatter fmt = CreateSoapFormatter(false, bStrictBinding); 

            IMethodCallMessage mcm = (IMethodCallMessage)requestMsg;
            MethodResponse mr = new MethodResponse(h, mcm);
            fmt.Deserialize(inputStream, new HeaderHandler(mr.HeaderHandler)); 

            IMessage resMessage = (IMessage)mr; 
            return resMessage;
        } // DeserializeSoapResponseMessage 

        internal static IMessage DeserializeBinaryRequestMessage(
            String objectUri, 
            Stream inputStream,
            bool bStrictBinding, 
            TypeFilterLevel securityLevel) 
            BinaryFormatter fmt = CreateBinaryFormatter(false, bStrictBinding); 
            fmt.FilterLevel = securityLevel;

            UriHeaderHandler uriHH = new UriHeaderHandler(objectUri);
            IMessage reqMsg =
                (IMessage)fmt.UnsafeDeserialize(inputStream, new HeaderHandler(uriHH.HeaderHandler)); 
            return reqMsg;
        } // DeserializeBinaryRequestMessage 

        internal static IMessage DeserializeBinaryResponseMessage(
            Stream inputStream, 
            IMethodCallMessage reqMsg,
            bool bStrictBinding) 
            BinaryFormatter fmt = CreateBinaryFormatter(false, bStrictBinding);
            IMessage replyMsg = (IMessage)fmt.UnsafeDeserializeMethodResponse(inputStream, null, reqMsg);
            return replyMsg;
        } // DeserializeBinaryResponseMessage
        internal static Stream SerializeMessage(String mimeType, IMessage msg, bool includeVersions)
            Stream returnStream = new MemoryStream(); 
            SerializeMessage(mimeType, msg, returnStream, includeVersions);
            returnStream.Position = 0; 
            return returnStream;
        } // SerializeMessage

        internal static void SerializeMessage(String mimeType, IMessage msg, Stream outputStream,
                                              bool includeVersions) 
            InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace("MimeType: " + mimeType); 

            if (string.Compare(mimeType, SOAPMimeType, StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0)
                SerializeSoapMessage(msg, outputStream, includeVersions);
            if (string.Compare(mimeType, BinaryMimeType, StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0)
                SerializeBinaryMessage(msg, outputStream, includeVersions);

            InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace("SerializeMessage: OUT"); 
        } // SerializeMessage

        internal static IMessage DeserializeMessage(String mimeType, Stream xstm, bool methodRequest, IMessage msg)
            return DeserializeMessage(mimeType, xstm, methodRequest, msg, null);

        internal static IMessage DeserializeMessage(String mimeType, Stream xstm, bool methodRequest, IMessage msg, Header[] h) 
            InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace("MimeType: " + mimeType); 

            CoreChannel.DebugOutXMLStream(xstm, "Deserializing");

            Stream fmtStm = null; 

            bool bin64encode = false; 
            bool doHeaderBodyAsOne = true; 

            if (string.Compare(mimeType, BinaryMimeType, StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0) 
                doHeaderBodyAsOne = true;
            if (string.Compare(mimeType, SOAPMimeType, StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0)
                doHeaderBodyAsOne = false; 
            if (bin64encode == false)
                fmtStm  = xstm;
                InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace("***************** Before base64 decode *****"); 

                long Position = xstm.Position; 
                MemoryStream inStm = (MemoryStream)xstm;
                byte[] byteArray = inStm.ToArray();
                xstm.Position = Position;
                String base64String = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(byteArray,0, byteArray.Length);
                byte[] byteArrayContent = Convert.FromBase64String(base64String); 

                MemoryStream memStm = new MemoryStream(byteArrayContent); 

                fmtStm = memStm;
                InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace("***************** after base64 decode *****");

            Object ret; 
            IRemotingFormatter fmt = MimeTypeToFormatter(mimeType, false); 

            if (doHeaderBodyAsOne == true) 
                ret = ((BinaryFormatter)fmt).UnsafeDeserializeMethodResponse(fmtStm, null, (IMethodCallMessage)msg);
                InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace("***************** Before Deserialize Headers *****"); 

                InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace("***************** After Deserialize Headers *****"); 

                InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace("***************** Before Deserialize Message *****");

                if (methodRequest == true) 
                    MethodCall mc = new MethodCall(h); 
                    InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace("***************** Before Deserialize Message - as MethodCall *****"); 
                    fmt.Deserialize(fmtStm, new HeaderHandler(mc.HeaderHandler));
                    ret = mc; 
                    IMethodCallMessage mcm = (IMethodCallMessage)msg; 
                    MethodResponse mr = new MethodResponse(h, mcm);
                    InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace("***************** Before Deserialize Message - as MethodResponse *****"); 
                    fmt.Deserialize(fmtStm, new HeaderHandler(mr.HeaderHandler)); 
                    ret = mr;

                InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace("***************** After Deserialize Message *****");
            // Workaround to make this method verifiable
            IMessage resMessage = (IMessage) ret; 
            InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace("CoreChannel::DeserializeMessage OUT");

            return resMessage;

        internal static IRemotingFormatter MimeTypeToFormatter(String mimeType, bool serialize) 
            InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace("MimeTypeToFormatter: mimeType: " + mimeType); 

            if (string.Compare(mimeType, SOAPMimeType, StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0)
                return CreateSoapFormatter(serialize, true); 
            if (string.Compare(mimeType, BinaryMimeType, StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0) 
                return CreateBinaryFormatter(serialize, true); 

            return null;
        } // MimeTypeToFormatter 

        // Other helper methods

        // Removes application name from front of uri if present.
        internal static String RemoveApplicationNameFromUri(String uri)
            if (uri == null)
                return null; 
            String appName = RemotingConfiguration.ApplicationName;
            if ((appName == null) || (appName.Length == 0)) 
                return uri;

            // uri must be longer than the appname plus a slash (hence the "+2")
            if (uri.Length < (appName.Length + 2)) 
                return uri;
            // case-insensitively determine if uri starts with app name 
            if (String.Compare(appName, 0, uri, 0, appName.Length, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                // make sure a slash follows the app name (we already made sure
                //   uri was long enough above)
                if (uri[appName.Length] == '/')
                    uri = uri.Substring(appName.Length + 1);

            return uri; 
        } // RemoveApplicationNameFromUri

        internal static void AppendProviderToClientProviderChain( 
            IClientChannelSinkProvider providerChain,
            IClientChannelSinkProvider provider) 
            if (providerChain == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("providerChain"); 

            // walk to last provider in chain
            while (providerChain.Next != null)
                providerChain = providerChain.Next;
            providerChain.Next = provider;
        } // AppendProviderToClientProviderChain 

        internal static void CollectChannelDataFromServerSinkProviders(
            ChannelDataStore channelData,
            IServerChannelSinkProvider provider) 
            // walk chain and ask each provider for channel data 
            while (provider != null) 

                provider = provider.Next;
        } // CollectChannelDataFromServerSinkProviders 

        // called by providers that aren't expecting custom provider data 
        internal static void VerifyNoProviderData(String providerTypeName, ICollection providerData)
            if ((providerData != null) && (providerData.Count > 0))
                throw new RemotingException(
                        CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, CoreChannel.GetResourceString(
        } // VerifyNoProviderData 

        internal static void ReportUnknownProviderConfigProperty(String providerTypeName,
                                                                 String propertyName)
            throw new RemotingException(
                    CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, CoreChannel.GetResourceString( 
                    providerTypeName, propertyName)); 
        } // ReportUnknownProviderConfigProperty

        internal static SinkChannelProtocol DetermineChannelProtocol(IChannel channel)
            String objectUri; 
            String channelUri = channel.Parse("", out objectUri);
            if (channelUri != null) 
                return SinkChannelProtocol.Http;

            return SinkChannelProtocol.Other;
        } // DetermineChannelProtocol 

        // SetupUrlBashingForIisSslIfNecessaryWorker wrapper. 
        // Prevents System.Web type load for client sku installations. 
        internal static bool SetupUrlBashingForIisSslIfNecessary()
            bool bBashUrl;

            if (IsClientSKUInstallation)
                bBashUrl = false;
                bBashUrl = SetupUrlBashingForIisSslIfNecessaryWorker(); 

            return bBashUrl;
        } // SetupUrlBashingForIisSslIfNecessary 

        internal static bool SetupUrlBashingForIisSslIfNecessaryWorker() 
            // Rotor doesn't support SSL.
            return false;
            // If the incoming request was IIS ssl we  need to add an
            // entry to the call context so that the ObjRef knows 
            // to [....] the channel data. 
            // During serialization when using ssl the ObjRef url
            // must have the host name. 

            HttpContext httpContext = HttpContext.Current;
            bool bBashUrl = false;
            if ((httpContext != null) && httpContext.Request.IsSecureConnection)
                // create new url 
                Uri requestUrl = httpContext.Request.Url;
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(100);

                String[] bashInfo = new String[2]; 
                bashInfo[0] = IisHelper.ApplicationUrl;
                bashInfo[1] = sb.ToString();
                CallContext.SetData("__bashChannelUrl", bashInfo);
                bBashUrl = true; 
            return bBashUrl; 
        } // SetupUrlBashingForIisSslIfNecessaryWorker 

        internal static void CleanupUrlBashingForIisSslIfNecessary(bool bBashedUrl)
            if (bBashedUrl) 
        } // CleanupUrlBashingForIisSslIfNecessary

        internal static string GetCurrentSidString() 
            return WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().User.ToString(); 

        internal static string SidToString(IntPtr sidPointer) 
            if (!NativeMethods.IsValidSid(sidPointer))
                throw new RemotingException(CoreChannel.GetResourceString("Remoting_InvalidSid"));
            StringBuilder sidString = new StringBuilder();
            IntPtr sidIdentifierAuthorityPointer = NativeMethods.GetSidIdentifierAuthority(sidPointer); 
            int lastError = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); 
            if (lastError != 0)
                throw new Win32Exception(lastError); 
            byte[] sidIdentifierAuthority = new byte[6];
            Marshal.Copy(sidIdentifierAuthorityPointer, sidIdentifierAuthority, 0, 6);

            IntPtr subAuthorityCountPointer = NativeMethods.GetSidSubAuthorityCount(sidPointer); 
            lastError = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
            if (lastError != 0) 
                throw new Win32Exception(lastError); 
            uint subAuthorityCount = (uint)Marshal.ReadByte(subAuthorityCountPointer);
            if (sidIdentifierAuthority[0] != 0 && sidIdentifierAuthority[1] != 0)
                sidString.Append(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "{0:x2}{1:x2}{2:x2}{3:x2}{4:x2}{5:x2}",
                uint number = (uint)sidIdentifierAuthority[5] +
                                    (uint)(sidIdentifierAuthority[4] << 8) + 
                                    (uint)(sidIdentifierAuthority[3] << 16) +
                                    (uint)(sidIdentifierAuthority[2] << 24) ; 
                sidString.Append(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "{0:x12}", number));

            for (int index = 0; index < subAuthorityCount; ++index)
                IntPtr subAuthorityPointer = NativeMethods.GetSidSubAuthority(sidPointer, index); 
                lastError = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
                if (lastError != 0) 
                    throw new Win32Exception(lastError); 

                uint number = (uint)Marshal.ReadInt32(subAuthorityPointer); 
                sidString.Append(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "-{0:x12}", number));

            return sidString.ToString(); 
#endif // !FEATURE_PAL 

        //** Resource helpers **************************************************** 
        internal static ResourceManager SystemResMgr;

        private static ResourceManager InitResourceManager()
 			if (SystemResMgr == null)
                SystemResMgr = new ResourceManager("System.Runtime.Remoting", typeof(CoreChannel).Module.Assembly); 
			return SystemResMgr; 
        // Looks up the resource string value for key.
        internal static String GetResourceString(String key)
            if (SystemResMgr == null)
            String s = SystemResMgr.GetString(key, null); 
            Debug.Assert(s!=null, "Resource string lookup failed.  Resource name was: \""+key+"\"");
            return s; 

        //** Debug items ***************************************************
        internal static void DebugOut(String s)
        internal static void DebugOutXMLStream(Stream stm, String tag)
            This can't be done when using networked streams.
            long oldpos = stm.Position; 
            StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(stm, Encoding.UTF8);
            String line; 
            InternalRemotingServices.DebugOutChnl("\n   -----------" + tag + " OPEN-------------\n") ;
            while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
            InternalRemotingServices.DebugOutChnl("\n   -----------" + tag + " CLOSE------------\n") ; 
            stm.Position = oldpos;

        internal static void DebugMessage(IMessage msg) 
              if (msg is IMethodCallMessage) 
              if (msg is IMethodReturnMessage)

              if (msg == null) 
                InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace("***** IMessage is null");
              InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace("DebugMessage Here"); 
              IDictionary d = msg.Properties;
              if (d == null) 
                InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace("***** Properties is null");

              InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace("DebugMessage Here0");
              if (d.Count == 0) 
                  InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace("Zero Properties"); 
              InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace("DebugMessage Here1");
              IDictionaryEnumerator e = (IDictionaryEnumerator) d.GetEnumerator();
              InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace("DebugMessage Here1");
              while (e.MoveNext())
                InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace("DebugMessage Here2"); 

                Object key = e.Key; 

                InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace("DebugMessage Here3");

                String keyName = key.ToString(); 

                InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace("DebugMessage Here4"); 
                Object value = e.Value;
                InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace("DebugMessage Here5");

                InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace(keyName + ":" + e.Value);
                InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace("DebugMessage Here6");
                if (String.Compare(keyName, "__CallContext", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) 

                InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace("DebugMessage Here7");
        internal static void DebugException(String name, Exception e)
            InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace("EXCEPTION THROWN!!!!!! - " + name);

        internal static void DebugStream(Stream stm)
                long Position = stm.Position; 

                MemoryStream memStm = (MemoryStream)stm; 
                byte[] byteArray = memStm.ToArray(); 
                int byteArrayLength = byteArray.Length;
                String streamString = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(byteArray,0, byteArrayLength); 
                stm.Position = Position;
              catch(Exception e) 
                DebugException("DebugStream", e); 

    } // class CoreChannel

    internal static class IisHelper 
        private static bool _bIsSslRequired = false;
        private static String _iisAppUrl = null; 

        internal static void Initialize()
            // NOTE!!!: This is only called from the synchronized initialization 
            //   stage in HTTP remoting handler.
                HttpRequest request = HttpContext.Current.Request;
                String mdPath = request.ServerVariables["APPL_MD_PATH"]; 

                bool bSslRequired = false;
                if (mdPath.StartsWith("/LM/", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    mdPath = "IIS://localhost/" + mdPath.Substring(4);
                    DirectoryEntry dir = new DirectoryEntry(mdPath); 
                    bSslRequired = (bool)dir.Properties["AccessSSL"][0]; 
                _bIsSslRequired = bSslRequired;
                // If initialization failed, we just assume that ssl isn't required.
                // This just means that we'll have to manually [....] the channel data 
                // everytime. 
        } // Initialize 

        internal static bool IsSslRequired
            get { return _bIsSslRequired; } 
        } // IsSslRequired
        internal static String ApplicationUrl 
            get { return _iisAppUrl; } 

            set { _iisAppUrl = value; }
        } // ApplicationUrl
    } // class IisHelper
#endif // !FEATURE_PAL 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// ==++== 
//   Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// ==--== 
using System;
using System.Text; 
using System.Threading; 
using System.DirectoryServices; 
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters; 
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary; 
using System.Runtime.Remoting; 
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels;
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging; 
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata;
using System.Security.Principal;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.IO; 
using System.Net;
using System.Collections; 
using System.Net.Sockets; 
using System.Resources;
using System.Diagnostics; 
using System.Globalization;
using System.Web;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

// These two attributes are for supporting side-by-side of COM-visible 
// objects with NDP 1.0 RTM. This needs to be set on all assemblies that
// expose COM-visible types to be made Side by Side with NDP 1.0 RTM.
// This declaration covers System.Runtime.Remoting.dll

namespace System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels 

    // Use this internal indicator (as opposed to the nested enum found
    //   on some of the server channel sinks) 
    internal enum SinkChannelProtocol
        Http, // special processing needed for http 
    } // ChannelProtocol 

    internal static class CoreChannel 
        private static IByteBufferPool _bufferPool = new ByteBufferPool(10, 4096); 
        private static RequestQueue _requestQueue = new RequestQueue(8,4,250); 

        internal static IByteBufferPool BufferPool { get { return _bufferPool; } } 
        internal static RequestQueue RequestQueue { get { return _requestQueue; } }

        internal const int MaxStringLen = 512; 

        internal const String SOAPMimeType = "text/xml"; 
        internal const String BinaryMimeType = "application/octet-stream"; 

        internal const String SOAPContentType = "text/xml; charset=\"utf-8\""; 

        private static String s_hostName = null;
        private static String s_MachineName = null;
        private static String s_MachineIp = null; 
        private static IPAddress s_MachineIpAddress = null;
        // Copy of consts defined in RemotingServices.cs 
        internal const int CLIENT_MSG_GEN          = 1; 
        internal const int CLIENT_MSG_SINK_CHAIN   = 2;
        internal const int CLIENT_MSG_SER          = 3; 
        internal const int CLIENT_MSG_SEND         = 4;
        internal const int SERVER_MSG_RECEIVE      = 5;
        internal const int SERVER_MSG_DESER        = 6;
        internal const int SERVER_MSG_SINK_CHAIN   = 7; 
        internal const int SERVER_MSG_STACK_BUILD  = 8;
        internal const int SERVER_DISPATCH         = 9; 
        internal const int SERVER_RET_STACK_BUILD  = 10; 
        internal const int SERVER_RET_SINK_CHAIN   = 11;
        internal const int SERVER_RET_SER          = 12; 
        internal const int SERVER_RET_SEND         = 13;
        internal const int SERVER_RET_END          = 14;
        internal const int CLIENT_RET_RECEIVE      = 15;
        internal const int CLIENT_RET_DESER        = 16; 
        internal const int CLIENT_RET_SINK_CHAIN   = 17;
        internal const int CLIENT_RET_PROPAGATION  = 18; 
        internal const int CLIENT_END_CALL         = 19; 
        internal const int TIMING_DATA_EOF         = 99;
        private static bool s_isClientSKUInstallationInitialized = false;
        private static bool s_isClientSKUInstallation = false;

        // Returns true if the Fx Client SKU is installed, false if Full SKU 
        internal static bool IsClientSKUInstallation
                if (!s_isClientSKUInstallationInitialized) 
                    Type type = Type.GetType("System.Web.HttpContext, " + AssemblyRef.SystemWeb, false);
                    s_isClientSKUInstallation = (type == null);
                    s_isClientSKUInstallationInitialized = true; 
                return s_isClientSKUInstallation; 
        } // IsClientSKUInstallation 

        internal static String GetHostName()
            if (s_hostName == null)
                s_hostName = Dns.GetHostName(); 

                if (s_hostName == null) 
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("hostName");

            return s_hostName; 
        } // GetHostName 

        internal static String GetMachineName() 
            if (s_MachineName == null)
                String machineName = GetHostName(); 
                if (machineName != null)
                    IPHostEntry host = Dns.GetHostEntry(machineName); 
                    if (host != null)
                        s_MachineName = host.HostName; 

                if (s_MachineName == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("machine");

            return s_MachineName; 
        } // GetMachineName

        // This helper function Checks whether the remote IP Adress is actually a local address 
        internal static bool IsLocalIpAddress(IPAddress remoteAddress)
            if (s_MachineIpAddress == null) 
                String hostName = GetMachineName(); 

                // NOTE: We intentionally allow exceptions from these api's
                //  propagate out to the caller.
                IPHostEntry ipEntries = Dns.GetHostEntry(hostName); 
                // If there is only one entry we should cache it
                if(ipEntries != null && ipEntries.AddressList.Length == 1) 
                    if (Socket.OSSupportsIPv4)
                        s_MachineIpAddress = GetMachineAddress(ipEntries, AddressFamily.InterNetwork);
                        s_MachineIpAddress = GetMachineAddress(ipEntries, AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6);
                    return IsLocalIpAddress(ipEntries, remoteAddress.AddressFamily, remoteAddress);
            return s_MachineIpAddress.Equals(remoteAddress); 
        //This helper function compares and IpAddress with all addresses in IpHostEntry 
        internal static bool IsLocalIpAddress(IPHostEntry host, AddressFamily addressFamily, IPAddress remoteAddress)
            if (host != null)
                IPAddress[] addressList = host.AddressList;
                for (int i = 0; i < addressList.Length; i++) 
                    if (addressList[i].AddressFamily == addressFamily) 
                            return true; 
            return false; 
        // process specified host name to see if it is a meta-hostname that 
        //   should be replaced with something else.
        internal static String DecodeMachineName(String machineName) 
            if (machineName.Equals("$hostName"))
                return GetHostName();
            return machineName;
        } // DecodeMachineName 

        internal static String GetMachineIp() 
            if (s_MachineIp == null)
                String hostName = GetMachineName(); 

                // NOTE: We intentionally allow exceptions from these api's 
                //  propagate out to the caller. 
                IPHostEntry ipEntries = Dns.GetHostEntry(hostName);
                //Assumption is Socket.OSSupportsIPv4 will be false only on OS >= Vista with IPv4 turned off.
                AddressFamily addressFamily = (Socket.OSSupportsIPv4) ? AddressFamily.InterNetwork : AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6;
                IPAddress addr = GetMachineAddress(ipEntries, addressFamily);
                if (addr != null) 
                    s_MachineIp = addr.ToString(); 

                if (s_MachineIp == null) 
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("ip");

            return s_MachineIp; 
        } // GetMachineIp 

        // This helper function returns the first IPAddress with family 'addressFamily' from 
        // host.AddressList, or null if there is no such address or if host is null.
        internal static IPAddress GetMachineAddress(IPHostEntry host, AddressFamily addressFamily)
            // NOTE: We intentionally allow exceptions from these api's 
            //  propagate out to the caller.
            IPAddress result = null; 
            if (host != null) 
                // find the first address for this address family 
                IPAddress[] addressList = host.AddressList;
                for (int i = 0; i < addressList.Length; i++)
                    if (addressList[i].AddressFamily == addressFamily) 
                        result = addressList[i]; 

            //Console.WriteLine("GetMachineAddress(" + hostName + ", " + addressFamily + ") -> " + (result == null ? "" : result.ToString()));
            return result; 
        } // GetMachineAddress
        // Core Serialization and Deserialization support 
        internal static Header[] GetMessagePropertiesAsSoapHeader(IMessage reqMsg)
            IDictionary d = reqMsg.Properties; 
            if (d == null)
                return null; 
            int count = d.Count;
            if (count == 0) 
                return null;

            IDictionaryEnumerator e = (IDictionaryEnumerator) d.GetEnumerator();
            // cycle through the headers to get a length
            bool[] map = new bool[count]; 
            int len = 0, i=0; 
            IMethodMessage msg = (IMethodMessage)reqMsg;
            while (e.MoveNext()) 
                String key = (String)e.Key;
                if ((key.Length >= 2) &&
                    (String.CompareOrdinal(key, 0, "__", 0, 2)  == 0) 
                                && (!RemotingServices.IsMethodOverloaded(msg)) 
                                && (!msg.HasVarArgs))
                                && ((e.Value != null) ? (((LogicalCallContext)e.Value).HasInfo==false) : true))
                map[i] = true; 
            if (len == 0)
                return null;

            Header[] ret = new Header[len];
            int k=0; 
            i = 0;
            while (e.MoveNext()) 
                Object key = e.Key;
                if (!map[k])

                Header h = e.Value as Header; 

                // If the property is not a header, then make a header out of it.
                if (h == null)
                    h =
                        new Header( 
                            (String)key, e.Value, false, 

                // <
                if (i == ret.Length)
                    InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace("HTTPChannel::GetHeaders creating a new array of length " + (i+1) + "\n");
                    Header[] newret= new Header[i+1]; 
                    Array.Copy(ret, newret, i); 
                    ret = newret;
                ret[i] = h;

            return ret; 
        } // GetMessagePropertiesAsSoapHeader 

        internal static Header[] GetSoapHeaders(IMessage reqMsg)
            // If there are message properties, we'll need to resize the header array.
            Header[] msgProperties = GetMessagePropertiesAsSoapHeader(reqMsg); 

            return msgProperties; 
        } // GetSoapHeaders 


        internal static SoapFormatter CreateSoapFormatter(bool serialize, bool includeVersions)
            SoapFormatter remotingFormatter = new SoapFormatter(); 

            if (serialize) 
                RemotingSurrogateSelector rss = new RemotingSurrogateSelector();
                remotingFormatter.SurrogateSelector = rss; 
                remotingFormatter.SurrogateSelector = null; 

            remotingFormatter.Context = new StreamingContext(StreamingContextStates.Other); 
            remotingFormatter.AssemblyFormat =
                includeVersions ? 
                    FormatterAssemblyStyle.Full :

            return remotingFormatter; 
        } // CreateSoapFormatter
        internal static BinaryFormatter CreateBinaryFormatter(bool serialize,
                                                              bool includeVersionsOrStrictBinding) 
            BinaryFormatter remotingFormatter = new BinaryFormatter();

            if (serialize) 
                RemotingSurrogateSelector rss = new RemotingSurrogateSelector(); 
                remotingFormatter.SurrogateSelector = rss; 
                remotingFormatter.SurrogateSelector = null;
            remotingFormatter.Context = new StreamingContext(StreamingContextStates.Other);
            remotingFormatter.AssemblyFormat = 
                includeVersionsOrStrictBinding ?
                    FormatterAssemblyStyle.Full : 

            return remotingFormatter;
        } // CreateBinaryFormatter 


        internal static void SerializeSoapMessage(IMessage msg, Stream outputStream, bool includeVersions) 
            // create soap formatter
            SoapFormatter fmt = CreateSoapFormatter(true, includeVersions);
            //check for special options if this is the SoapFormatter
            IMethodMessage methodMsg = msg as IMethodMessage; 
            if (methodMsg != null) 
                MethodBase mb = methodMsg.MethodBase; 
                if (mb != null)
                    Type type = methodMsg.MethodBase.DeclaringType;
                    SoapTypeAttribute cache = 
                    if ((cache.SoapOptions & SoapOption.AlwaysIncludeTypes) == SoapOption.AlwaysIncludeTypes) 
                        fmt.TypeFormat |= FormatterTypeStyle.TypesAlways; 
                    if ((cache.SoapOptions & SoapOption.XsdString) == SoapOption.XsdString)
                        fmt.TypeFormat |= FormatterTypeStyle.XsdString; 
            // end of set special options for SoapFormatter
            Header[] h = GetSoapHeaders(msg);
            // this is to make messages within a  message serialize correctly 
            // and not use the fake type
            fmt.Serialize(outputStream, msg, h);
        } // SerializeSoapMessage

        internal static Stream SerializeSoapMessage(IMessage msg, bool includeVersions) 
            MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream(); 
            SerializeSoapMessage(msg, memStream, includeVersions); 
            memStream.Position = 0;
            return memStream; 
        } // SerializeSoapMessage

        internal static void SerializeBinaryMessage(IMessage msg, Stream outputStream, bool includeVersions)
            // create binary formatter 
            BinaryFormatter fmt = CreateBinaryFormatter(true, includeVersions);
            // WE SHOULD NOT CALL GetHeaders() here. The BinaryFormatter does special
            //   serialization for any headers that might be present.

            fmt.Serialize(outputStream, msg, null); 
        } // SerializeBinaryMessage
        internal static Stream SerializeBinaryMessage(IMessage msg, bool includeVersions) 
            MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream(); 
            SerializeBinaryMessage(msg, memStream, includeVersions);
            memStream.Position = 0;
            return memStream;
        } // SerializeBinaryMessage 

        // class used to pass uri into binary serializer, so that the message
        //   gets the object uri. 
        private class UriHeaderHandler
            String _uri = null;
            internal UriHeaderHandler(String uri)
                _uri = uri; 
            public Object HeaderHandler(Header[] Headers)
                return _uri;

        } // classUriHeaderHandler 

        internal static IMessage DeserializeSoapRequestMessage( 
            Stream inputStream, Header[] h, bool bStrictBinding, TypeFilterLevel securityLevel)
            SoapFormatter fmt = CreateSoapFormatter(false, bStrictBinding);
            fmt.FilterLevel = securityLevel; 

            MethodCall mc = new MethodCall(h); 
            fmt.Deserialize(inputStream, new HeaderHandler(mc.HeaderHandler)); 

            IMessage resMessage = (IMessage)mc; 

            return resMessage;
        } // DeserializeSoapRequestMessage

        internal static IMessage DeserializeSoapResponseMessage( 
            Stream inputStream, IMessage requestMsg, Header[] h, bool bStrictBinding) 
            SoapFormatter fmt = CreateSoapFormatter(false, bStrictBinding); 

            IMethodCallMessage mcm = (IMethodCallMessage)requestMsg;
            MethodResponse mr = new MethodResponse(h, mcm);
            fmt.Deserialize(inputStream, new HeaderHandler(mr.HeaderHandler)); 

            IMessage resMessage = (IMessage)mr; 
            return resMessage;
        } // DeserializeSoapResponseMessage 

        internal static IMessage DeserializeBinaryRequestMessage(
            String objectUri, 
            Stream inputStream,
            bool bStrictBinding, 
            TypeFilterLevel securityLevel) 
            BinaryFormatter fmt = CreateBinaryFormatter(false, bStrictBinding); 
            fmt.FilterLevel = securityLevel;

            UriHeaderHandler uriHH = new UriHeaderHandler(objectUri);
            IMessage reqMsg =
                (IMessage)fmt.UnsafeDeserialize(inputStream, new HeaderHandler(uriHH.HeaderHandler)); 
            return reqMsg;
        } // DeserializeBinaryRequestMessage 

        internal static IMessage DeserializeBinaryResponseMessage(
            Stream inputStream, 
            IMethodCallMessage reqMsg,
            bool bStrictBinding) 
            BinaryFormatter fmt = CreateBinaryFormatter(false, bStrictBinding);
            IMessage replyMsg = (IMessage)fmt.UnsafeDeserializeMethodResponse(inputStream, null, reqMsg);
            return replyMsg;
        } // DeserializeBinaryResponseMessage
        internal static Stream SerializeMessage(String mimeType, IMessage msg, bool includeVersions)
            Stream returnStream = new MemoryStream(); 
            SerializeMessage(mimeType, msg, returnStream, includeVersions);
            returnStream.Position = 0; 
            return returnStream;
        } // SerializeMessage

        internal static void SerializeMessage(String mimeType, IMessage msg, Stream outputStream,
                                              bool includeVersions) 
            InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace("MimeType: " + mimeType); 

            if (string.Compare(mimeType, SOAPMimeType, StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0)
                SerializeSoapMessage(msg, outputStream, includeVersions);
            if (string.Compare(mimeType, BinaryMimeType, StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0)
                SerializeBinaryMessage(msg, outputStream, includeVersions);

            InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace("SerializeMessage: OUT"); 
        } // SerializeMessage

        internal static IMessage DeserializeMessage(String mimeType, Stream xstm, bool methodRequest, IMessage msg)
            return DeserializeMessage(mimeType, xstm, methodRequest, msg, null);

        internal static IMessage DeserializeMessage(String mimeType, Stream xstm, bool methodRequest, IMessage msg, Header[] h) 
            InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace("MimeType: " + mimeType); 

            CoreChannel.DebugOutXMLStream(xstm, "Deserializing");

            Stream fmtStm = null; 

            bool bin64encode = false; 
            bool doHeaderBodyAsOne = true; 

            if (string.Compare(mimeType, BinaryMimeType, StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0) 
                doHeaderBodyAsOne = true;
            if (string.Compare(mimeType, SOAPMimeType, StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0)
                doHeaderBodyAsOne = false; 
            if (bin64encode == false)
                fmtStm  = xstm;
                InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace("***************** Before base64 decode *****"); 

                long Position = xstm.Position; 
                MemoryStream inStm = (MemoryStream)xstm;
                byte[] byteArray = inStm.ToArray();
                xstm.Position = Position;
                String base64String = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(byteArray,0, byteArray.Length);
                byte[] byteArrayContent = Convert.FromBase64String(base64String); 

                MemoryStream memStm = new MemoryStream(byteArrayContent); 

                fmtStm = memStm;
                InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace("***************** after base64 decode *****");

            Object ret; 
            IRemotingFormatter fmt = MimeTypeToFormatter(mimeType, false); 

            if (doHeaderBodyAsOne == true) 
                ret = ((BinaryFormatter)fmt).UnsafeDeserializeMethodResponse(fmtStm, null, (IMethodCallMessage)msg);
                InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace("***************** Before Deserialize Headers *****"); 

                InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace("***************** After Deserialize Headers *****"); 

                InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace("***************** Before Deserialize Message *****");

                if (methodRequest == true) 
                    MethodCall mc = new MethodCall(h); 
                    InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace("***************** Before Deserialize Message - as MethodCall *****"); 
                    fmt.Deserialize(fmtStm, new HeaderHandler(mc.HeaderHandler));
                    ret = mc; 
                    IMethodCallMessage mcm = (IMethodCallMessage)msg; 
                    MethodResponse mr = new MethodResponse(h, mcm);
                    InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace("***************** Before Deserialize Message - as MethodResponse *****"); 
                    fmt.Deserialize(fmtStm, new HeaderHandler(mr.HeaderHandler)); 
                    ret = mr;

                InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace("***************** After Deserialize Message *****");
            // Workaround to make this method verifiable
            IMessage resMessage = (IMessage) ret; 
            InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace("CoreChannel::DeserializeMessage OUT");

            return resMessage;

        internal static IRemotingFormatter MimeTypeToFormatter(String mimeType, bool serialize) 
            InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace("MimeTypeToFormatter: mimeType: " + mimeType); 

            if (string.Compare(mimeType, SOAPMimeType, StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0)
                return CreateSoapFormatter(serialize, true); 
            if (string.Compare(mimeType, BinaryMimeType, StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0) 
                return CreateBinaryFormatter(serialize, true); 

            return null;
        } // MimeTypeToFormatter 

        // Other helper methods

        // Removes application name from front of uri if present.
        internal static String RemoveApplicationNameFromUri(String uri)
            if (uri == null)
                return null; 
            String appName = RemotingConfiguration.ApplicationName;
            if ((appName == null) || (appName.Length == 0)) 
                return uri;

            // uri must be longer than the appname plus a slash (hence the "+2")
            if (uri.Length < (appName.Length + 2)) 
                return uri;
            // case-insensitively determine if uri starts with app name 
            if (String.Compare(appName, 0, uri, 0, appName.Length, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                // make sure a slash follows the app name (we already made sure
                //   uri was long enough above)
                if (uri[appName.Length] == '/')
                    uri = uri.Substring(appName.Length + 1);

            return uri; 
        } // RemoveApplicationNameFromUri

        internal static void AppendProviderToClientProviderChain( 
            IClientChannelSinkProvider providerChain,
            IClientChannelSinkProvider provider) 
            if (providerChain == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("providerChain"); 

            // walk to last provider in chain
            while (providerChain.Next != null)
                providerChain = providerChain.Next;
            providerChain.Next = provider;
        } // AppendProviderToClientProviderChain 

        internal static void CollectChannelDataFromServerSinkProviders(
            ChannelDataStore channelData,
            IServerChannelSinkProvider provider) 
            // walk chain and ask each provider for channel data 
            while (provider != null) 

                provider = provider.Next;
        } // CollectChannelDataFromServerSinkProviders 

        // called by providers that aren't expecting custom provider data 
        internal static void VerifyNoProviderData(String providerTypeName, ICollection providerData)
            if ((providerData != null) && (providerData.Count > 0))
                throw new RemotingException(
                        CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, CoreChannel.GetResourceString(
        } // VerifyNoProviderData 

        internal static void ReportUnknownProviderConfigProperty(String providerTypeName,
                                                                 String propertyName)
            throw new RemotingException(
                    CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, CoreChannel.GetResourceString( 
                    providerTypeName, propertyName)); 
        } // ReportUnknownProviderConfigProperty

        internal static SinkChannelProtocol DetermineChannelProtocol(IChannel channel)
            String objectUri; 
            String channelUri = channel.Parse("", out objectUri);
            if (channelUri != null) 
                return SinkChannelProtocol.Http;

            return SinkChannelProtocol.Other;
        } // DetermineChannelProtocol 

        // SetupUrlBashingForIisSslIfNecessaryWorker wrapper. 
        // Prevents System.Web type load for client sku installations. 
        internal static bool SetupUrlBashingForIisSslIfNecessary()
            bool bBashUrl;

            if (IsClientSKUInstallation)
                bBashUrl = false;
                bBashUrl = SetupUrlBashingForIisSslIfNecessaryWorker(); 

            return bBashUrl;
        } // SetupUrlBashingForIisSslIfNecessary 

        internal static bool SetupUrlBashingForIisSslIfNecessaryWorker() 
            // Rotor doesn't support SSL.
            return false;
            // If the incoming request was IIS ssl we  need to add an
            // entry to the call context so that the ObjRef knows 
            // to [....] the channel data. 
            // During serialization when using ssl the ObjRef url
            // must have the host name. 

            HttpContext httpContext = HttpContext.Current;
            bool bBashUrl = false;
            if ((httpContext != null) && httpContext.Request.IsSecureConnection)
                // create new url 
                Uri requestUrl = httpContext.Request.Url;
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(100);

                String[] bashInfo = new String[2]; 
                bashInfo[0] = IisHelper.ApplicationUrl;
                bashInfo[1] = sb.ToString();
                CallContext.SetData("__bashChannelUrl", bashInfo);
                bBashUrl = true; 
            return bBashUrl; 
        } // SetupUrlBashingForIisSslIfNecessaryWorker 

        internal static void CleanupUrlBashingForIisSslIfNecessary(bool bBashedUrl)
            if (bBashedUrl) 
        } // CleanupUrlBashingForIisSslIfNecessary

        internal static string GetCurrentSidString() 
            return WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().User.ToString(); 

        internal static string SidToString(IntPtr sidPointer) 
            if (!NativeMethods.IsValidSid(sidPointer))
                throw new RemotingException(CoreChannel.GetResourceString("Remoting_InvalidSid"));
            StringBuilder sidString = new StringBuilder();
            IntPtr sidIdentifierAuthorityPointer = NativeMethods.GetSidIdentifierAuthority(sidPointer); 
            int lastError = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); 
            if (lastError != 0)
                throw new Win32Exception(lastError); 
            byte[] sidIdentifierAuthority = new byte[6];
            Marshal.Copy(sidIdentifierAuthorityPointer, sidIdentifierAuthority, 0, 6);

            IntPtr subAuthorityCountPointer = NativeMethods.GetSidSubAuthorityCount(sidPointer); 
            lastError = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
            if (lastError != 0) 
                throw new Win32Exception(lastError); 
            uint subAuthorityCount = (uint)Marshal.ReadByte(subAuthorityCountPointer);
            if (sidIdentifierAuthority[0] != 0 && sidIdentifierAuthority[1] != 0)
                sidString.Append(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "{0:x2}{1:x2}{2:x2}{3:x2}{4:x2}{5:x2}",
                uint number = (uint)sidIdentifierAuthority[5] +
                                    (uint)(sidIdentifierAuthority[4] << 8) + 
                                    (uint)(sidIdentifierAuthority[3] << 16) +
                                    (uint)(sidIdentifierAuthority[2] << 24) ; 
                sidString.Append(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "{0:x12}", number));

            for (int index = 0; index < subAuthorityCount; ++index)
                IntPtr subAuthorityPointer = NativeMethods.GetSidSubAuthority(sidPointer, index); 
                lastError = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
                if (lastError != 0) 
                    throw new Win32Exception(lastError); 

                uint number = (uint)Marshal.ReadInt32(subAuthorityPointer); 
                sidString.Append(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "-{0:x12}", number));

            return sidString.ToString(); 
#endif // !FEATURE_PAL 

        //** Resource helpers **************************************************** 
        internal static ResourceManager SystemResMgr;

        private static ResourceManager InitResourceManager()
 			if (SystemResMgr == null)
                SystemResMgr = new ResourceManager("System.Runtime.Remoting", typeof(CoreChannel).Module.Assembly); 
			return SystemResMgr; 
        // Looks up the resource string value for key.
        internal static String GetResourceString(String key)
            if (SystemResMgr == null)
            String s = SystemResMgr.GetString(key, null); 
            Debug.Assert(s!=null, "Resource string lookup failed.  Resource name was: \""+key+"\"");
            return s; 

        //** Debug items ***************************************************
        internal static void DebugOut(String s)
        internal static void DebugOutXMLStream(Stream stm, String tag)
            This can't be done when using networked streams.
            long oldpos = stm.Position; 
            StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(stm, Encoding.UTF8);
            String line; 
            InternalRemotingServices.DebugOutChnl("\n   -----------" + tag + " OPEN-------------\n") ;
            while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
            InternalRemotingServices.DebugOutChnl("\n   -----------" + tag + " CLOSE------------\n") ; 
            stm.Position = oldpos;

        internal static void DebugMessage(IMessage msg) 
              if (msg is IMethodCallMessage) 
              if (msg is IMethodReturnMessage)

              if (msg == null) 
                InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace("***** IMessage is null");
              InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace("DebugMessage Here"); 
              IDictionary d = msg.Properties;
              if (d == null) 
                InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace("***** Properties is null");

              InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace("DebugMessage Here0");
              if (d.Count == 0) 
                  InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace("Zero Properties"); 
              InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace("DebugMessage Here1");
              IDictionaryEnumerator e = (IDictionaryEnumerator) d.GetEnumerator();
              InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace("DebugMessage Here1");
              while (e.MoveNext())
                InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace("DebugMessage Here2"); 

                Object key = e.Key; 

                InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace("DebugMessage Here3");

                String keyName = key.ToString(); 

                InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace("DebugMessage Here4"); 
                Object value = e.Value;
                InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace("DebugMessage Here5");

                InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace(keyName + ":" + e.Value);
                InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace("DebugMessage Here6");
                if (String.Compare(keyName, "__CallContext", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) 

                InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace("DebugMessage Here7");
        internal static void DebugException(String name, Exception e)
            InternalRemotingServices.RemotingTrace("EXCEPTION THROWN!!!!!! - " + name);

        internal static void DebugStream(Stream stm)
                long Position = stm.Position; 

                MemoryStream memStm = (MemoryStream)stm; 
                byte[] byteArray = memStm.ToArray(); 
                int byteArrayLength = byteArray.Length;
                String streamString = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(byteArray,0, byteArrayLength); 
                stm.Position = Position;
              catch(Exception e) 
                DebugException("DebugStream", e); 

    } // class CoreChannel

    internal static class IisHelper 
        private static bool _bIsSslRequired = false;
        private static String _iisAppUrl = null; 

        internal static void Initialize()
            // NOTE!!!: This is only called from the synchronized initialization 
            //   stage in HTTP remoting handler.
                HttpRequest request = HttpContext.Current.Request;
                String mdPath = request.ServerVariables["APPL_MD_PATH"]; 

                bool bSslRequired = false;
                if (mdPath.StartsWith("/LM/", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    mdPath = "IIS://localhost/" + mdPath.Substring(4);
                    DirectoryEntry dir = new DirectoryEntry(mdPath); 
                    bSslRequired = (bool)dir.Properties["AccessSSL"][0]; 
                _bIsSslRequired = bSslRequired;
                // If initialization failed, we just assume that ssl isn't required.
                // This just means that we'll have to manually [....] the channel data 
                // everytime. 
        } // Initialize 

        internal static bool IsSslRequired
            get { return _bIsSslRequired; } 
        } // IsSslRequired
        internal static String ApplicationUrl 
            get { return _iisAppUrl; } 

            set { _iisAppUrl = value; }
        } // ApplicationUrl
    } // class IisHelper
#endif // !FEATURE_PAL 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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