/ Net / Net / 3.5.50727.3053 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / whidbey / netfxsp / ndp / fx / src / Net / System / Net / _ShellExpression.cs / 1 / _ShellExpression.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Net { using System; internal struct ShellExpression { private enum ShExpTokens { Asterisk = -1, Question = -2, AugmentedDot = -3, AugmentedAsterisk = -4, AugmentedQuestion = -5, Start = -6, End = -7 } private ShExpTokens[] pattern; private int[] match; // Normally would defer parsing, but we want to throw here if it's invalid. internal ShellExpression(string pattern) { this.pattern = null; this.match = null; GlobalLog.Print("ShellServices.ShellExpression#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::.ctor() pattern:" + ValidationHelper.ToString(pattern)); Parse(pattern); } /* // Consider removing. internal void SetPattern(string pattern) { GlobalLog.Print("ShellServices.ShellExpression#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::SetPattern() pattern:" + ValidationHelper.ToString(pattern)); Parse(pattern); } */ internal bool IsMatch(string target) { GlobalLog.Print("ShellServices.ShellExpression#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::IsMatch() target:" + ValidationHelper.ToString(target)); int i = 0; int j = 0; bool reverse = false; bool matched = false; while (true) { if (!reverse) { if (j > target.Length) { break; } switch (pattern[i]) { case ShExpTokens.Asterisk: match[i++] = j = target.Length; continue; case ShExpTokens.Question: if (j == target.Length) { reverse = true; } else { match[i++] = ++j; } continue; case ShExpTokens.AugmentedDot: if (j == target.Length) { match[i++] = j; } else if (target[j] == '.') { match[i++] = ++j; } else { reverse = true; } continue; case ShExpTokens.AugmentedAsterisk: if (j == target.Length || target[j] == '.') { reverse = true; } else { match[i++] = ++j; } continue; case ShExpTokens.AugmentedQuestion: if (j == target.Length || target[j] == '.') { match[i++] = j; } else { match[i++] = ++j; } continue; case ShExpTokens.Start: if (j != 0) { break; } match[i++] = 0; continue; case ShExpTokens.End: if (j == target.Length) { matched = true; break; } reverse = true; continue; default: if (j < target.Length && (int) pattern[i] == (int) char.ToLowerInvariant(target[j])) { match[i++] = ++j; } else { reverse = true; } continue; } } else { switch (pattern[--i]) { case ShExpTokens.Asterisk: case ShExpTokens.AugmentedQuestion: if (match[i] != match[i - 1]) { j = --match[i++]; reverse = false; } continue; case ShExpTokens.Start: case ShExpTokens.End: break; case ShExpTokens.Question: case ShExpTokens.AugmentedDot: case ShExpTokens.AugmentedAsterisk: default: continue; } } break; } GlobalLog.Print("ShellServices.ShellExpression#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::IsMatch() return:" + matched.ToString()); return matched; } private void Parse(string patString) { pattern = new ShExpTokens[patString.Length + 2]; // 2 for the start, end match = null; int i = 0; pattern[i++] = ShExpTokens.Start; for (int j = 0; j < patString.Length; j++) { switch (patString[j]) { case '?': pattern[i++] = ShExpTokens.Question; break; case '*': pattern[i++] = ShExpTokens.Asterisk; break; case '^': if (j < patString.Length - 1) { j++; } else { pattern = null; if (Logging.On) Logging.PrintWarning(Logging.Web, SR.GetString(SR.net_log_shell_expression_pattern_format_warning, patString)); throw new FormatException(SR.GetString(SR.net_format_shexp, patString)); } switch (patString[j]) { case '.': pattern[i++] = ShExpTokens.AugmentedDot; break; case '?': pattern[i++] = ShExpTokens.AugmentedQuestion; break; case '*': pattern[i++] = ShExpTokens.AugmentedAsterisk; break; default: pattern = null; if (Logging.On) Logging.PrintWarning(Logging.Web, SR.GetString(SR.net_log_shell_expression_pattern_format_warning, patString)); throw new FormatException(SR.GetString(SR.net_format_shexp, patString)); } break; default: pattern[i++] = (ShExpTokens) (int) char.ToLowerInvariant(patString[j]); break; } } pattern[i++] = ShExpTokens.End; match = new int[i]; } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Net { using System; internal struct ShellExpression { private enum ShExpTokens { Asterisk = -1, Question = -2, AugmentedDot = -3, AugmentedAsterisk = -4, AugmentedQuestion = -5, Start = -6, End = -7 } private ShExpTokens[] pattern; private int[] match; // Normally would defer parsing, but we want to throw here if it's invalid. internal ShellExpression(string pattern) { this.pattern = null; this.match = null; GlobalLog.Print("ShellServices.ShellExpression#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::.ctor() pattern:" + ValidationHelper.ToString(pattern)); Parse(pattern); } /* // Consider removing. internal void SetPattern(string pattern) { GlobalLog.Print("ShellServices.ShellExpression#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::SetPattern() pattern:" + ValidationHelper.ToString(pattern)); Parse(pattern); } */ internal bool IsMatch(string target) { GlobalLog.Print("ShellServices.ShellExpression#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::IsMatch() target:" + ValidationHelper.ToString(target)); int i = 0; int j = 0; bool reverse = false; bool matched = false; while (true) { if (!reverse) { if (j > target.Length) { break; } switch (pattern[i]) { case ShExpTokens.Asterisk: match[i++] = j = target.Length; continue; case ShExpTokens.Question: if (j == target.Length) { reverse = true; } else { match[i++] = ++j; } continue; case ShExpTokens.AugmentedDot: if (j == target.Length) { match[i++] = j; } else if (target[j] == '.') { match[i++] = ++j; } else { reverse = true; } continue; case ShExpTokens.AugmentedAsterisk: if (j == target.Length || target[j] == '.') { reverse = true; } else { match[i++] = ++j; } continue; case ShExpTokens.AugmentedQuestion: if (j == target.Length || target[j] == '.') { match[i++] = j; } else { match[i++] = ++j; } continue; case ShExpTokens.Start: if (j != 0) { break; } match[i++] = 0; continue; case ShExpTokens.End: if (j == target.Length) { matched = true; break; } reverse = true; continue; default: if (j < target.Length && (int) pattern[i] == (int) char.ToLowerInvariant(target[j])) { match[i++] = ++j; } else { reverse = true; } continue; } } else { switch (pattern[--i]) { case ShExpTokens.Asterisk: case ShExpTokens.AugmentedQuestion: if (match[i] != match[i - 1]) { j = --match[i++]; reverse = false; } continue; case ShExpTokens.Start: case ShExpTokens.End: break; case ShExpTokens.Question: case ShExpTokens.AugmentedDot: case ShExpTokens.AugmentedAsterisk: default: continue; } } break; } GlobalLog.Print("ShellServices.ShellExpression#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::IsMatch() return:" + matched.ToString()); return matched; } private void Parse(string patString) { pattern = new ShExpTokens[patString.Length + 2]; // 2 for the start, end match = null; int i = 0; pattern[i++] = ShExpTokens.Start; for (int j = 0; j < patString.Length; j++) { switch (patString[j]) { case '?': pattern[i++] = ShExpTokens.Question; break; case '*': pattern[i++] = ShExpTokens.Asterisk; break; case '^': if (j < patString.Length - 1) { j++; } else { pattern = null; if (Logging.On) Logging.PrintWarning(Logging.Web, SR.GetString(SR.net_log_shell_expression_pattern_format_warning, patString)); throw new FormatException(SR.GetString(SR.net_format_shexp, patString)); } switch (patString[j]) { case '.': pattern[i++] = ShExpTokens.AugmentedDot; break; case '?': pattern[i++] = ShExpTokens.AugmentedQuestion; break; case '*': pattern[i++] = ShExpTokens.AugmentedAsterisk; break; default: pattern = null; if (Logging.On) Logging.PrintWarning(Logging.Web, SR.GetString(SR.net_log_shell_expression_pattern_format_warning, patString)); throw new FormatException(SR.GetString(SR.net_format_shexp, patString)); } break; default: pattern[i++] = (ShExpTokens) (int) char.ToLowerInvariant(patString[j]); break; } } pattern[i++] = ShExpTokens.End; match = new int[i]; } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
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