XmlBindingWorker.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ Net / Net / 3.5.50727.3053 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / Orcas / SP / wpf / src / Framework / MS / Internal / Data / XmlBindingWorker.cs / 2 / XmlBindingWorker.cs

//    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// Description: Defines XmlBindingWorker object, workhorse for XML bindings 
using System;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.XPath;
using System.Collections; 
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Reflection; 
using System.Windows.Threading; 
using System.Threading;
using System.Diagnostics; 
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Data;
using System.Windows.Controls;      // IGeneratorHost
using MS.Internal.Data; 

namespace MS.Internal.Data 

    internal class XmlBindingWorker : BindingWorker, IWeakEventListener 
        private enum XPathType : byte { Default, SimpleName, SimpleAttribute }

        //  Constructors 
        internal XmlBindingWorker(ClrBindingWorker worker, bool collectionMode) : base(worker.ParentBindingExpression)
            _hostWorker = worker;
            _xpath = ParentBinding.XPath; 
            Debug.Assert(_xpath != null);
            // when collectionMode is true, we update the XmlDataCollection for XmlNodeChanges, 
            // otherwise, any XmlNodeChange counts as a disastrous change that requires reset.
            _collectionMode = collectionMode; 

            _xpathType = GetXPathType(_xpath);

            // PERF: it is possible to add one more optimization "mode" for the case when 
            // we know the host wants to use the CurrentItem (i.e. DrillIn == Always).
            // We could be using SelectSingleNode() instead of SelectNodes(), 
            // and then only watch for changes to one node instead of comparing collections. 
        //  Internal Methods
        internal override void AttachDataItem() 
            // If there is an XPath, we get a context node for running queries by 
            // creating a view from DataItem and using its CurrentItem.
            // If DataItem isn't a valid collection, it's probably an XmlNode,
            // in which case we will try using DataItem directly as the ContextNode
            if (XPath.Length > 0)
                CollectionView = DataItem as CollectionView; 

                if (CollectionView == null && DataItem is ICollection) 
                    CollectionView = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultCollectionView(DataItem, TargetElement);

            if (CollectionView != null) 
                CurrentChangedEventManager.AddListener(CollectionView, ParentBindingExpression);
                if (IsReflective)
                    CurrentChangingEventManager.AddListener(CollectionView, ParentBindingExpression);
            // Set ContextNode and hook events 

        internal override void DetachDataItem()
            //UnHook Collection Manager Currency notifications 
            if (CollectionView != null)
                CurrentChangedEventManager.RemoveListener(CollectionView, ParentBindingExpression); 

                if (IsReflective) 
                    CurrentChangingEventManager.RemoveListener(CollectionView, ParentBindingExpression);
                CollectionView = null;
            // Set ContextNode (this unhooks events first)

        internal override void OnCurrentChanged(ICollectionView collectionView, EventArgs args)
            // There are two possible CurrentChanged events that comes through this event handler.
            // 1. CurrentChanged from DataItem as CollectionView 
            // 2. CurrentChanged from QueriedCollection 

            // only handle changed event from DataItem as CollectionView 
            if (collectionView == CollectionView)
                using (ParentBindingExpression.ChangingValue())
                    // This will unhook and hook notifications
                    // tell host worker to use a new item
        internal override object RawValue()
            if (XPath.Length == 0) 
                return DataItem; 

            if (ContextNode == null)    // possibly because currentItem moved off collection
                QueriedCollection = null;
                return null; 

            XmlNodeList nodes = SelectNodes(); 

            if (nodes == null)
                QueriedCollection = null; 
                return DependencyProperty.UnsetValue;
            return BuildQueriedCollection(nodes);

        //  Private Properties 
        private XmlDataCollection QueriedCollection
            get { return _queriedCollection; }
            set { _queriedCollection = value; }
        private ICollectionView CollectionView
            get { return _collectionView; } 
            set { _collectionView = value; }

        private XmlNode ContextNode
            get { return _contextNode; } 
                if (_contextNode != value && TraceData.IsExtendedTraceEnabled(ParentBindingExpression, TraceDataLevel.ReplaceItem)) 

                _contextNode = value; 
        private string XPath
            get { return _xpath; }

        private XmlNamespaceManager NamespaceManager 
                DependencyObject target = TargetElement;
                if (target == null)
                    return null;
                XmlNamespaceManager nsMgr = Binding.GetXmlNamespaceManager(target);
                if (nsMgr == null) 
                    if (XmlDataProvider != null) 
                        nsMgr = XmlDataProvider.XmlNamespaceManager;

                return nsMgr; 
        // lazy computation of the XmlDataProvider that begat our data.
        // This is used primarily to get the right XmlNamespaceManager for
        // subqueries, sorting, etc.
        private XmlDataProvider XmlDataProvider 
                if (_xmlDataProvider == null)
                    XmlDataCollection xdc;

                    // if the binding knows its data source and it's the right kind, use it
                    if ((_xmlDataProvider = ParentBindingExpression.DataSource as XmlDataProvider) != null) 
                        // nothing more to do 

                    // if the data is an XmlDataCollection, use its provider 
                    else if ((xdc = DataItem as XmlDataCollection) != null)
                        _xmlDataProvider = xdc.ParentXmlDataProvider;

                    // if the data is a view over an XmlDataCollection, use its provider 
                    else if (CollectionView != null && 
                            (xdc = CollectionView.SourceCollection as XmlDataCollection) != null)
                        _xmlDataProvider = xdc.ParentXmlDataProvider;

                    // bindings in DataTemplates are typically bound to a single XmlNode. 
                    // Find the governing XmlDataProvider.
                        _xmlDataProvider = Helper.XmlDataProviderForElement(TargetElement);

                return _xmlDataProvider;
        //  Private Methods 

        // Recalculate the node to be used as XPath query context; 
        // only call this when CurrentItem changes and for Attach/Detach DataItem.
        // If worker was hooked up for notifications, this will UnhookNotifications() 
        // before changing ContextNode, and then optionally HookNotifications() after. 
        private void UpdateContextNode(bool hookNotifications)

            if (CollectionView != null)
                ContextNode = CollectionView.CurrentItem as XmlNode;
                if (ContextNode != CollectionView.CurrentItem && TraceData.IsEnabled) 
                    TraceData.Trace(TraceEventType.Error, TraceData.XmlBindingToNonXmlCollection, XPath, 
                            ParentBindingExpression, DataItem);
                ContextNode = DataItem as XmlNode; 
                if (ContextNode != DataItem && TraceData.IsEnabled)
                    TraceData.Trace(TraceEventType.Error, TraceData.XmlBindingToNonXml, XPath,
                            ParentBindingExpression, DataItem);

            if (hookNotifications) 
        // We hook up only one set of event listeners per document and propagate
        // events to our worker instances.  This is a perf savings because we use
        // a doubly-linked to add/remove workers, whereas delegate add/remove
        // is linear and doesn't scale well for high number of binding workers. 
        private void HookNotifications()
            //Hook Xml Node Change Notifications for one way 
            //and two way binding
            if (IsDynamic) 
                // Check the node on which we would run XPath queries.
                // We can only hook if there is a node.
                if (ContextNode != null) 
                    XmlDocument doc = DocumentFor(ContextNode); 
                    if (doc != null) 
                        XmlNodeChangedEventManager.AddListener(doc, this); 

        // see comment on HookNotifications() 
        private void UnHookNotifications() 
            //Hook Xml Node Change Notifications for one way 
            //and two way binding
            if (IsDynamic)
                //this worker might not be hooked, either because 
                //the query is empty or because of an invalid query.
                //Only unhook if we were hooked in the first place. 
                if (ContextNode != null) 
                    XmlDocument doc = DocumentFor(ContextNode); 
                    if (doc != null)
                        XmlNodeChangedEventManager.RemoveListener(doc, this);

        private XmlDocument DocumentFor(XmlNode node) 
            XmlDocument doc = node.OwnerDocument;
            if (doc == null)
                // this may be a document itself
                doc = node as XmlDocument; 

            return doc; 

        XmlDataCollection BuildQueriedCollection(XmlNodeList nodes)
            if (TraceData.IsExtendedTraceEnabled(ParentBindingExpression, TraceDataLevel.GetValue))

            QueriedCollection = new XmlDataCollection(XmlDataProvider); 
            QueriedCollection.XmlNamespaceManager = NamespaceManager;
            return QueriedCollection; 
        bool IWeakEventListener.ReceiveWeakEvent(Type managerType, object sender, EventArgs args)
            if (TraceData.IsExtendedTraceEnabled(ParentBindingExpression, TraceDataLevel.Events))

            if (managerType == typeof(XmlNodeChangedEventManager))
                return false;       // unrecognized event 

            return true;

        void ProcessXmlNodeChanged(EventArgs args) 
            // By the time this worker is notified, its binding's TargetElement may already be gone.
            // We should first check TargetElement to see if this worker still matters. (Fix 1494812) 
            DependencyObject target = ParentBindingExpression.TargetElement;
            if (target == null)
            if (IgnoreSourcePropertyChange)
            // There should never be a change notification when there's no ContextNode.
            // If this Assert ever hits, something is wrong with the logic or ordering of 
            // UpdateContextNode(), HookNotifications() and UnHookNotifications().
            Debug.Assert(ContextNode != null);

            // ignore changes that cannot possibly affect the value of this XPath 
            if (!IsChangeRelevant(args))
            if (XPath.Length == 0)
                // DataItem is being used directly; no need to check queries at all.
            else if (QueriedCollection == null) 
                // If there was no previous QueryCollection, it's probably because 
                // the previous xpath query failed.  Try again now. 
                // We have a previous query result; run a new query for comparison:
                XmlNodeList nodes = SelectNodes();
                if (nodes == null) 
                    // Node change has caused the new query to fail. 
                    QueriedCollection = null;
                else if (_collectionMode) 
                    if (TraceData.IsExtendedTraceEnabled(ParentBindingExpression, TraceDataLevel.GetValue)) 
                    // Any xml change action, doesn't matter if it's an insert,
                    // remove, or change, can result in any number of changes 
                    // to the content of the queried collection, so we have to 
                    // update the old collection with the new results.
                // PERF: it is possible to add one more optimization "mode" here for singleMode.
                else if (QueriedCollection.CollectionHasChanged(nodes))
                    // RawValue itself has changed, and we don't know
                    // if the hostWorker is consuming information on the 
                    // collection itself or on its CurrentItem, so we just reset. 
                    // RawValue itself hasn't changed, but its children's content may have.
            GC.KeepAlive(target);   // keep target alive during process xml change (bug 1494812) 
        private XmlNodeList SelectNodes()
            XmlNamespaceManager nsMgr = NamespaceManager;
            XmlNodeList nodes = null; 
                if (nsMgr != null) 
                    nodes = ContextNode.SelectNodes(XPath, nsMgr); 
                    nodes = ContextNode.SelectNodes(XPath); 
            catch (XPathException xe) 
                Status = BindingStatus.PathError; 
                if (TraceData.IsEnabled)
                    TraceData.Trace(TraceEventType.Error, TraceData.CannotGetXmlNodeCollection,
                            (ContextNode != null) ? ContextNode.Name : null, XPath, 
                            ParentBindingExpression, xe);

            if (TraceData.IsExtendedTraceEnabled(ParentBindingExpression, TraceDataLevel.GetValue)) 
            return nodes;

        private string IdentifyNode(XmlNode node) 
            if (node == null) 
                return ""; 

            return String.Format(DataBindEngine.EnglishUSCulture, "{0} ({1})", 
                                    node.GetType().Name, node.Name);

        private string IdentifyNodeList(XmlNodeList nodeList) 
            if (nodeList == null) 
                return ""; 

            return String.Format(DataBindEngine.EnglishUSCulture, "{0} (hash={1} Count={2})", 
                                    nodeList.GetType().Name, AvTrace.GetHashCodeHelper(nodeList), nodeList.Count);

        // 90% of the XPaths used in practice are very simple - consisting of a 
        // single child or attribute.  For these we can streamline the process of
        // handling change events, since we can ignore many events that cannot 
        // possibly affect the value of the XPath. 
        private static XPathType GetXPathType(string xpath)
            int n = xpath.Length;
            if (n == 0)
                return XPathType.SimpleName;
            // attributes start with '@', followed by a Name
            bool isAttribute = (xpath[0] == '@'); 
            int index = isAttribute ? 1 : 0; 
            if (index >= n)
                return XPathType.Default; 

            // [XML spec]  Name ::= (Letter | '_' | ':') (NameChar)*
            char c = xpath[index];
            if (! (Char.IsLetter(c) || c == '_' || c == ':') ) 
                return XPathType.Default;
            // [XML spec]  NameChar ::=  Letter | Digit | '.' | '-' | '_' | ':' | CombiningChar | Extender 
            // We ignore the last two possibilities to keep the code simple.  They
            // don't arise often in practice. 
            for (++index; index < n; ++index)
                c = xpath[index];
                if (! (Char.IsLetterOrDigit(c) || c == '.' || c == '-' || c == '_' || c == ':') ) 
                    return XPathType.Default;
            return isAttribute ? XPathType.SimpleAttribute : XPathType.SimpleName;

        // determine if a change can possibly affect the value of the XPath
        private bool IsChangeRelevant(EventArgs rawArgs)
            // if the XPath isn't "simple", any change in the XML tree might
            // affect its value 
            if (_xpathType == XPathType.Default) 
                return true;
            XmlNodeChangedEventArgs args = (XmlNodeChangedEventArgs)rawArgs;
            XmlNode parent = null;
            XmlNode valueNode = null;
            switch (args.Action)
                case XmlNodeChangedAction.Insert: 
                    parent = args.NewParent;

                case XmlNodeChangedAction.Remove:
                    parent = args.OldParent;

                case XmlNodeChangedAction.Change: 
                    valueNode = args.Node; 

            if (_collectionMode)
                // only insertions/deletions to the context node are relevant 
                return (parent == ContextNode);
                // insertions/deletions to the context node are relevant - 
                // the inserted/deleted node might match the XPath
                if (parent == ContextNode)
                    return true;
                // also relevant are changes that affect the value of the result
                // node.  This includes value changes directly on the result node, 
                // as well as any change to the descendants of the result node. 
                XmlNode resultNode = _hostWorker.GetResultNode() as XmlNode;
                if (resultNode == null) 
                    return false;

                if (valueNode != null)
                    parent = valueNode; 

                while (parent != null) 
                    if (parent == resultNode)
                        return true; 

                    parent = parent.ParentNode;
                return false;

        //  Private Fields

        private bool _collectionMode; 
        private XPathType _xpathType; 
        private XmlNode _contextNode;
        private XmlDataCollection _queriedCollection; // new DataCollection 
        private ICollectionView _collectionView;
        private XmlDataProvider _xmlDataProvider;
        private ClrBindingWorker _hostWorker;
        private string _xpath; 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
//    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// Description: Defines XmlBindingWorker object, workhorse for XML bindings 
using System;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.XPath;
using System.Collections; 
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Reflection; 
using System.Windows.Threading; 
using System.Threading;
using System.Diagnostics; 
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Data;
using System.Windows.Controls;      // IGeneratorHost
using MS.Internal.Data; 

namespace MS.Internal.Data 

    internal class XmlBindingWorker : BindingWorker, IWeakEventListener 
        private enum XPathType : byte { Default, SimpleName, SimpleAttribute }

        //  Constructors 
        internal XmlBindingWorker(ClrBindingWorker worker, bool collectionMode) : base(worker.ParentBindingExpression)
            _hostWorker = worker;
            _xpath = ParentBinding.XPath; 
            Debug.Assert(_xpath != null);
            // when collectionMode is true, we update the XmlDataCollection for XmlNodeChanges, 
            // otherwise, any XmlNodeChange counts as a disastrous change that requires reset.
            _collectionMode = collectionMode; 

            _xpathType = GetXPathType(_xpath);

            // PERF: it is possible to add one more optimization "mode" for the case when 
            // we know the host wants to use the CurrentItem (i.e. DrillIn == Always).
            // We could be using SelectSingleNode() instead of SelectNodes(), 
            // and then only watch for changes to one node instead of comparing collections. 
        //  Internal Methods
        internal override void AttachDataItem() 
            // If there is an XPath, we get a context node for running queries by 
            // creating a view from DataItem and using its CurrentItem.
            // If DataItem isn't a valid collection, it's probably an XmlNode,
            // in which case we will try using DataItem directly as the ContextNode
            if (XPath.Length > 0)
                CollectionView = DataItem as CollectionView; 

                if (CollectionView == null && DataItem is ICollection) 
                    CollectionView = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultCollectionView(DataItem, TargetElement);

            if (CollectionView != null) 
                CurrentChangedEventManager.AddListener(CollectionView, ParentBindingExpression);
                if (IsReflective)
                    CurrentChangingEventManager.AddListener(CollectionView, ParentBindingExpression);
            // Set ContextNode and hook events 

        internal override void DetachDataItem()
            //UnHook Collection Manager Currency notifications 
            if (CollectionView != null)
                CurrentChangedEventManager.RemoveListener(CollectionView, ParentBindingExpression); 

                if (IsReflective) 
                    CurrentChangingEventManager.RemoveListener(CollectionView, ParentBindingExpression);
                CollectionView = null;
            // Set ContextNode (this unhooks events first)

        internal override void OnCurrentChanged(ICollectionView collectionView, EventArgs args)
            // There are two possible CurrentChanged events that comes through this event handler.
            // 1. CurrentChanged from DataItem as CollectionView 
            // 2. CurrentChanged from QueriedCollection 

            // only handle changed event from DataItem as CollectionView 
            if (collectionView == CollectionView)
                using (ParentBindingExpression.ChangingValue())
                    // This will unhook and hook notifications
                    // tell host worker to use a new item
        internal override object RawValue()
            if (XPath.Length == 0) 
                return DataItem; 

            if (ContextNode == null)    // possibly because currentItem moved off collection
                QueriedCollection = null;
                return null; 

            XmlNodeList nodes = SelectNodes(); 

            if (nodes == null)
                QueriedCollection = null; 
                return DependencyProperty.UnsetValue;
            return BuildQueriedCollection(nodes);

        //  Private Properties 
        private XmlDataCollection QueriedCollection
            get { return _queriedCollection; }
            set { _queriedCollection = value; }
        private ICollectionView CollectionView
            get { return _collectionView; } 
            set { _collectionView = value; }

        private XmlNode ContextNode
            get { return _contextNode; } 
                if (_contextNode != value && TraceData.IsExtendedTraceEnabled(ParentBindingExpression, TraceDataLevel.ReplaceItem)) 

                _contextNode = value; 
        private string XPath
            get { return _xpath; }

        private XmlNamespaceManager NamespaceManager 
                DependencyObject target = TargetElement;
                if (target == null)
                    return null;
                XmlNamespaceManager nsMgr = Binding.GetXmlNamespaceManager(target);
                if (nsMgr == null) 
                    if (XmlDataProvider != null) 
                        nsMgr = XmlDataProvider.XmlNamespaceManager;

                return nsMgr; 
        // lazy computation of the XmlDataProvider that begat our data.
        // This is used primarily to get the right XmlNamespaceManager for
        // subqueries, sorting, etc.
        private XmlDataProvider XmlDataProvider 
                if (_xmlDataProvider == null)
                    XmlDataCollection xdc;

                    // if the binding knows its data source and it's the right kind, use it
                    if ((_xmlDataProvider = ParentBindingExpression.DataSource as XmlDataProvider) != null) 
                        // nothing more to do 

                    // if the data is an XmlDataCollection, use its provider 
                    else if ((xdc = DataItem as XmlDataCollection) != null)
                        _xmlDataProvider = xdc.ParentXmlDataProvider;

                    // if the data is a view over an XmlDataCollection, use its provider 
                    else if (CollectionView != null && 
                            (xdc = CollectionView.SourceCollection as XmlDataCollection) != null)
                        _xmlDataProvider = xdc.ParentXmlDataProvider;

                    // bindings in DataTemplates are typically bound to a single XmlNode. 
                    // Find the governing XmlDataProvider.
                        _xmlDataProvider = Helper.XmlDataProviderForElement(TargetElement);

                return _xmlDataProvider;
        //  Private Methods 

        // Recalculate the node to be used as XPath query context; 
        // only call this when CurrentItem changes and for Attach/Detach DataItem.
        // If worker was hooked up for notifications, this will UnhookNotifications() 
        // before changing ContextNode, and then optionally HookNotifications() after. 
        private void UpdateContextNode(bool hookNotifications)

            if (CollectionView != null)
                ContextNode = CollectionView.CurrentItem as XmlNode;
                if (ContextNode != CollectionView.CurrentItem && TraceData.IsEnabled) 
                    TraceData.Trace(TraceEventType.Error, TraceData.XmlBindingToNonXmlCollection, XPath, 
                            ParentBindingExpression, DataItem);
                ContextNode = DataItem as XmlNode; 
                if (ContextNode != DataItem && TraceData.IsEnabled)
                    TraceData.Trace(TraceEventType.Error, TraceData.XmlBindingToNonXml, XPath,
                            ParentBindingExpression, DataItem);

            if (hookNotifications) 
        // We hook up only one set of event listeners per document and propagate
        // events to our worker instances.  This is a perf savings because we use
        // a doubly-linked to add/remove workers, whereas delegate add/remove
        // is linear and doesn't scale well for high number of binding workers. 
        private void HookNotifications()
            //Hook Xml Node Change Notifications for one way 
            //and two way binding
            if (IsDynamic) 
                // Check the node on which we would run XPath queries.
                // We can only hook if there is a node.
                if (ContextNode != null) 
                    XmlDocument doc = DocumentFor(ContextNode); 
                    if (doc != null) 
                        XmlNodeChangedEventManager.AddListener(doc, this); 

        // see comment on HookNotifications() 
        private void UnHookNotifications() 
            //Hook Xml Node Change Notifications for one way 
            //and two way binding
            if (IsDynamic)
                //this worker might not be hooked, either because 
                //the query is empty or because of an invalid query.
                //Only unhook if we were hooked in the first place. 
                if (ContextNode != null) 
                    XmlDocument doc = DocumentFor(ContextNode); 
                    if (doc != null)
                        XmlNodeChangedEventManager.RemoveListener(doc, this);

        private XmlDocument DocumentFor(XmlNode node) 
            XmlDocument doc = node.OwnerDocument;
            if (doc == null)
                // this may be a document itself
                doc = node as XmlDocument; 

            return doc; 

        XmlDataCollection BuildQueriedCollection(XmlNodeList nodes)
            if (TraceData.IsExtendedTraceEnabled(ParentBindingExpression, TraceDataLevel.GetValue))

            QueriedCollection = new XmlDataCollection(XmlDataProvider); 
            QueriedCollection.XmlNamespaceManager = NamespaceManager;
            return QueriedCollection; 
        bool IWeakEventListener.ReceiveWeakEvent(Type managerType, object sender, EventArgs args)
            if (TraceData.IsExtendedTraceEnabled(ParentBindingExpression, TraceDataLevel.Events))

            if (managerType == typeof(XmlNodeChangedEventManager))
                return false;       // unrecognized event 

            return true;

        void ProcessXmlNodeChanged(EventArgs args) 
            // By the time this worker is notified, its binding's TargetElement may already be gone.
            // We should first check TargetElement to see if this worker still matters. (Fix 1494812) 
            DependencyObject target = ParentBindingExpression.TargetElement;
            if (target == null)
            if (IgnoreSourcePropertyChange)
            // There should never be a change notification when there's no ContextNode.
            // If this Assert ever hits, something is wrong with the logic or ordering of 
            // UpdateContextNode(), HookNotifications() and UnHookNotifications().
            Debug.Assert(ContextNode != null);

            // ignore changes that cannot possibly affect the value of this XPath 
            if (!IsChangeRelevant(args))
            if (XPath.Length == 0)
                // DataItem is being used directly; no need to check queries at all.
            else if (QueriedCollection == null) 
                // If there was no previous QueryCollection, it's probably because 
                // the previous xpath query failed.  Try again now. 
                // We have a previous query result; run a new query for comparison:
                XmlNodeList nodes = SelectNodes();
                if (nodes == null) 
                    // Node change has caused the new query to fail. 
                    QueriedCollection = null;
                else if (_collectionMode) 
                    if (TraceData.IsExtendedTraceEnabled(ParentBindingExpression, TraceDataLevel.GetValue)) 
                    // Any xml change action, doesn't matter if it's an insert,
                    // remove, or change, can result in any number of changes 
                    // to the content of the queried collection, so we have to 
                    // update the old collection with the new results.
                // PERF: it is possible to add one more optimization "mode" here for singleMode.
                else if (QueriedCollection.CollectionHasChanged(nodes))
                    // RawValue itself has changed, and we don't know
                    // if the hostWorker is consuming information on the 
                    // collection itself or on its CurrentItem, so we just reset. 
                    // RawValue itself hasn't changed, but its children's content may have.
            GC.KeepAlive(target);   // keep target alive during process xml change (bug 1494812) 
        private XmlNodeList SelectNodes()
            XmlNamespaceManager nsMgr = NamespaceManager;
            XmlNodeList nodes = null; 
                if (nsMgr != null) 
                    nodes = ContextNode.SelectNodes(XPath, nsMgr); 
                    nodes = ContextNode.SelectNodes(XPath); 
            catch (XPathException xe) 
                Status = BindingStatus.PathError; 
                if (TraceData.IsEnabled)
                    TraceData.Trace(TraceEventType.Error, TraceData.CannotGetXmlNodeCollection,
                            (ContextNode != null) ? ContextNode.Name : null, XPath, 
                            ParentBindingExpression, xe);

            if (TraceData.IsExtendedTraceEnabled(ParentBindingExpression, TraceDataLevel.GetValue)) 
            return nodes;

        private string IdentifyNode(XmlNode node) 
            if (node == null) 
                return ""; 

            return String.Format(DataBindEngine.EnglishUSCulture, "{0} ({1})", 
                                    node.GetType().Name, node.Name);

        private string IdentifyNodeList(XmlNodeList nodeList) 
            if (nodeList == null) 
                return ""; 

            return String.Format(DataBindEngine.EnglishUSCulture, "{0} (hash={1} Count={2})", 
                                    nodeList.GetType().Name, AvTrace.GetHashCodeHelper(nodeList), nodeList.Count);

        // 90% of the XPaths used in practice are very simple - consisting of a 
        // single child or attribute.  For these we can streamline the process of
        // handling change events, since we can ignore many events that cannot 
        // possibly affect the value of the XPath. 
        private static XPathType GetXPathType(string xpath)
            int n = xpath.Length;
            if (n == 0)
                return XPathType.SimpleName;
            // attributes start with '@', followed by a Name
            bool isAttribute = (xpath[0] == '@'); 
            int index = isAttribute ? 1 : 0; 
            if (index >= n)
                return XPathType.Default; 

            // [XML spec]  Name ::= (Letter | '_' | ':') (NameChar)*
            char c = xpath[index];
            if (! (Char.IsLetter(c) || c == '_' || c == ':') ) 
                return XPathType.Default;
            // [XML spec]  NameChar ::=  Letter | Digit | '.' | '-' | '_' | ':' | CombiningChar | Extender 
            // We ignore the last two possibilities to keep the code simple.  They
            // don't arise often in practice. 
            for (++index; index < n; ++index)
                c = xpath[index];
                if (! (Char.IsLetterOrDigit(c) || c == '.' || c == '-' || c == '_' || c == ':') ) 
                    return XPathType.Default;
            return isAttribute ? XPathType.SimpleAttribute : XPathType.SimpleName;

        // determine if a change can possibly affect the value of the XPath
        private bool IsChangeRelevant(EventArgs rawArgs)
            // if the XPath isn't "simple", any change in the XML tree might
            // affect its value 
            if (_xpathType == XPathType.Default) 
                return true;
            XmlNodeChangedEventArgs args = (XmlNodeChangedEventArgs)rawArgs;
            XmlNode parent = null;
            XmlNode valueNode = null;
            switch (args.Action)
                case XmlNodeChangedAction.Insert: 
                    parent = args.NewParent;

                case XmlNodeChangedAction.Remove:
                    parent = args.OldParent;

                case XmlNodeChangedAction.Change: 
                    valueNode = args.Node; 

            if (_collectionMode)
                // only insertions/deletions to the context node are relevant 
                return (parent == ContextNode);
                // insertions/deletions to the context node are relevant - 
                // the inserted/deleted node might match the XPath
                if (parent == ContextNode)
                    return true;
                // also relevant are changes that affect the value of the result
                // node.  This includes value changes directly on the result node, 
                // as well as any change to the descendants of the result node. 
                XmlNode resultNode = _hostWorker.GetResultNode() as XmlNode;
                if (resultNode == null) 
                    return false;

                if (valueNode != null)
                    parent = valueNode; 

                while (parent != null) 
                    if (parent == resultNode)
                        return true; 

                    parent = parent.ParentNode;
                return false;

        //  Private Fields

        private bool _collectionMode; 
        private XPathType _xpathType; 
        private XmlNode _contextNode;
        private XmlDataCollection _queriedCollection; // new DataCollection 
        private ICollectionView _collectionView;
        private XmlDataProvider _xmlDataProvider;
        private ClrBindingWorker _hostWorker;
        private string _xpath; 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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