DragAssistanceManager.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ FX-1434 / FX-1434 / 1.0 / untmp / whidbey / REDBITS / ndp / fx / src / Designer / WinForms / System / WinForms / Design / Behavior / DragAssistanceManager.cs / 1 / DragAssistanceManager.cs

                            //#define DEBUGSNAPLINES 

namespace System.Windows.Forms.Design.Behavior {
    using System;
    using System.Collections; 
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.ComponentModel.Design; 
    using System.Design; 
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; 
    using System.Drawing;
    using System.Windows.Forms.Design;

    ///     The DragAssistanceManager, for lack of a better name, is responsible for integrating 
    ///     SnapLines into the DragBehavior.  At the beginning of a DragBehavior this class 
    ///     is instantiated and at every mouse move this class is called and given the opportunity
    ///     to adjust the position of the drag.  The DragAssistanceManager needs to work as fast 
    ///     as possible - so not to interupt a drag operation.  Because of this, this class has
    ///     many global variables that are re-used, in hopes to limit the # of allocations per
    ///     mouse move / drag operation.  Also, for loops are used extensively (instead of
    ///     foreach calls) to eliminate the creation of an enumerator. 
    [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1049:TypesThatOwnNativeResourcesShouldBeDisposable")] 
    internal sealed class DragAssistanceManager { 

        private BehaviorService     behaviorService; 
        private IServiceProvider    serviceProvider;
        private Graphics            graphics;//graphics to the adornerwindow
        private IntPtr              rootComponentHandle;//used for mapping window points of nested controls
        private Point               dragOffset;//the offset from the new drag pos compared to the last 
        private Rectangle           cachedDragRect;//used to store drag rect between erasing & waiting to render
        private Pen edgePen = SystemPens.Highlight; 
        private bool disposeEdgePen = false;
        private Pen marginAndPaddingPen = SystemPens.InactiveCaption; 
        private bool disposeMarginPen = false;
        private Pen baselinePen = new Pen(Color.Fuchsia);

        //These are global lists of all the existing vertical and hoirizontal snaplines 
        //on the designer's surface excluding the targetControl.  All SnapLine coords in these
        //lists have been properly adjusted for the AdornerWindow coords. 
        private ArrayList verticalSnapLines = new ArrayList();
        private ArrayList horizontalSnapLines = new ArrayList(); 

        //These are SnapLines that represent our target control.
        private ArrayList targetVerticalSnapLines = new ArrayList();
        private ArrayList targetHorizontalSnapLines = new ArrayList(); 

        //This is a list of all the different type of SnapLines our target control 
        //has.  When compiling our global SnapLine lists, if we see a SnapLineType 
        //that doesn't exist on our target - we can safely ignore it
        private ArrayList targetSnapLineTypes = new ArrayList(); 

        //These are created in our init() method (so we don't have to recreate them
        //for every mousemove).  These arrays represent the closest distance to any
        //snap point on our target control.  Once these are calculated - we can: 1) 
        //remove anything > than snapDistance and 2) determine the smallest distance
        private int[] verticalDistances; 
        private int[] horizontalDistances;
        //These are cleared and populated on every mouse move.  These lists contain
        //all the new vertical and horizontal lines we need to draw.  At the end
        //of each mouse move - these lines are stored off in the vertLines and horzLines
        //arrays.  This way - we can keep track of old snap lines and can avoid 
        //erasing and redrawing the same line.  HA.
        private ArrayList tempVertLines = new ArrayList(); 
        private ArrayList tempHorzLines = new ArrayList(); 
        private Line[] vertLines = new Line[0];
        private Line[] horzLines = new Line[0]; 

        //When we draw snap lines - we only draw lines from the targetControl to the
        //control we're snapping to.  To do this, we'll keep a hashtable...
        //format: snapLineToBounds[SnapLine]=ControlBounds. 
        private Hashtable snapLineToBounds = new Hashtable();
        //We remember the last set of (vert & horz) lines we draw so that 
        //we can push them to the beh. svc.  From there, if we receive a
        //test hook message requesting these - we got 'em 
        private Line[] recentLines;

        private Image backgroundImage; //instead of calling .invalidate on the windows below us, we'll just draw over w/the background image
        private const int snapDistance = 8; //default snapping distance (pixels) 
        private int snapPointX, snapPointY; //defines the snap adjustment that needs to be made during the mousemove/drag operation
        private const int INVALID_VALUE = 0x1111;//used to represent 'un-set' distances 

        private bool resizing;    // Are we resizing? 
        private bool ctrlDrag;    // Are we in a ctrl-drag?

        ///     Internal constructor called that only takes a service provider.  Here it is assumed that all
        ///     painting will be done to the AdornerWindow and that there are no target controsl to exclude 
        ///     from snapping. 
        internal DragAssistanceManager(IServiceProvider serviceProvider) : this (serviceProvider, null, null, null, false, false) { 

        ///     Internal constructor that takes the service provider and the list of dragCompoents.
        internal DragAssistanceManager(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, ArrayList dragComponents) : this (serviceProvider, null, dragComponents, null, false, false) { 

        ///     Internal constructor that takes the service provider, the list of dragCompoents, and a boolean 
        ///     indicating that we are resizing.
        internal DragAssistanceManager(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, ArrayList dragComponents, bool resizing) : this (serviceProvider, null, dragComponents, null, resizing, false) { 
        ///     Internal constructor called by DragBehavior.
        internal DragAssistanceManager(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, Graphics graphics, ArrayList dragComponents, Image backgroundImage, bool ctrlDrag) : this(serviceProvider, graphics, dragComponents, backgroundImage, false, ctrlDrag) {
        ///     Internal constructor called by DragBehavior.
        [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1808:AvoidCallsThatBoxValueTypes")]
        internal DragAssistanceManager(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, Graphics graphics, ArrayList dragComponents, Image backgroundImage, bool resizing, bool ctrlDrag) { 
            #if DEBUGSNAPLINES
                Debug.WriteLine("DragAssistanceManager - Initialize-----------------------------------------"); 
            this.serviceProvider = serviceProvider;
            this.behaviorService = serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(BehaviorService)) as BehaviorService;
            IDesignerHost host = serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IDesignerHost)) as IDesignerHost;
            IUIService uiService = serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IUIService)) as IUIService;
            if (host == null || behaviorService == null) {
                Debug.Fail("Cannot get DesignerHost or BehaviorService"); 
            if (graphics == null) {
                this.graphics = behaviorService.AdornerWindowGraphics;
            else { 
                this.graphics = graphics;
            if (uiService != null) {
                //Can't use 'as' here since Color is a value type 
                if (uiService.Styles["VsColorSnaplines"] is Color) {
                    edgePen = new Pen((Color) uiService.Styles["VsColorSnaplines"]);
                    disposeEdgePen = true;

                if (uiService.Styles["VsColorSnaplinesTextBaseline"] is Color) { 
                    baselinePen = new Pen((Color) uiService.Styles["VsColorSnaplinesTextBaseline"]);

                if (uiService.Styles["VsColorSnaplinesMarginAndPadding"] is Color) {
                    marginAndPaddingPen = new Pen((Color) uiService.Styles["VsColorSnaplinesMarginAndPadding"]);
                    disposeMarginPen = true; 

            this.backgroundImage = backgroundImage; 
            this.rootComponentHandle = host.RootComponent is Control ? ((Control)host.RootComponent).Handle : IntPtr.Zero;

            this.resizing = resizing;
            this.ctrlDrag = ctrlDrag; 

            Initialize(dragComponents, host); 

        ///     Adjusts then adds each snap line the designer has to offer to
        ///     either our global horizontal and vertical lists or our target lists.
        ///     Note that we also keep track of our target snapline types - 'cause 
        ///     we can safely ignore all other types.  If valid target is false- then
        ///     we don't yet know what we're snapping against - so we'll exclude 
        ///     the check below to skip unwanted snap line types. 
        private void AddSnapLines(ControlDesigner controlDesigner, ArrayList horizontalList, ArrayList verticalList, bool isTarget, bool validTarget) { 

            IList snapLines = controlDesigner.SnapLines;
            //Used for padding snaplines
            Rectangle controlRect = controlDesigner.Control.ClientRectangle; 
            //Used for all others 
            Rectangle controlBounds = controlDesigner.Control.Bounds;
            // Now map the location
            controlBounds.Location = controlRect.Location = behaviorService.ControlToAdornerWindow(controlDesigner.Control);

            // Remember the offset -- we need those later 
            int xOffset = controlBounds.Left;
            int yOffset = controlBounds.Top; 

            //We need to adjust the bounds to the client area. This is so that we don't
            //include borders + titlebar in the snaplines. VSWhidbey #274860 & 342105

            //In order to add padding, we need to get the offset from the usable client area of our control 
            //and the actual origin of our control.  In other words: how big is the non-client area here?
            // Ex: we want to add padding on a form to the insides of the borders and below the titlebar. 
            Point offset = controlDesigner.GetOffsetToClientArea(); 
            controlRect.X += offset.X;//offset for non-client area
            controlRect.Y += offset.Y;//offset for non-client area 


            //Adjust each snapline to local coords and add it to our global list 
            foreach (SnapLine snapLine in snapLines) {
                if (isTarget) { 
                    //we will remove padding snaplines from targets - it doesn't make sense to snap to
                    //the target's padding lines 
                    if (snapLine.Filter != null && snapLine.Filter.StartsWith(SnapLine.Padding)) {
                        #if DEBUGSNAPLINES
                            Debug.WriteLine("\t**Found a padding line on our target, we'll ignore this one.");
                    if (validTarget && !targetSnapLineTypes.Contains(snapLine.SnapLineType)) {
                        #if DEBUGSNAPLINES
                            Debug.WriteLine("\t**Found unique target type:  " + snapLine.SnapLineType + ", added to target type list");
                else { 
                    if (validTarget && !targetSnapLineTypes.Contains(snapLine.SnapLineType)) { 
                        #if DEBUGSNAPLINES
                            Debug.WriteLine("\t**Current SnapLine's Type (" + snapLine.SnapLineType +") is not in targetSnapLine's Types - skipping"); 
                    //store off the bounds in our hashtable, so if we draw snaplines we know the length of the line 
                    //we need to remember different bounds based on what type of snapline this is. VSWhidbey #342105
                    if ((snapLine.Filter != null) && snapLine.Filter.StartsWith(SnapLine.Padding)) { 
                        snapLineToBounds.Add(snapLine, controlRect); 
                    else { 
                        snapLineToBounds.Add(snapLine, controlBounds);
                if (snapLine.IsHorizontal) {
                else { 


        ///     Build up a distance array of all same-type-alignment pts to the
        ///     closest point on our targetControl.  Also, keep track of the smallest
        ///     distance overall.
        private int BuildDistanceArray(ArrayList snapLines, ArrayList targetSnapLines, int[] distances, Rectangle dragBounds) {
            int smallestDistance = INVALID_VALUE; 
            int highestPriority = 0;//none
            for (int i = 0; i < snapLines.Count; i++) {
                SnapLine snapLine = (SnapLine)snapLines[i];

                #if DEBUGSNAPLINES 
                    Debug.WriteLine("looking at snapline: " + snapLine.ToString());
                if (IsMarginOrPaddingSnapLine(snapLine)) {
                    //validate margin and padding snaplines (to make sure it intersects with the dragbounds) 
                    //if not, skip this guy
                    if (!ValidateMarginOrPaddingLine(snapLine, dragBounds)) {
                        distances[i] = INVALID_VALUE;
                int smallestDelta = INVALID_VALUE;//some large #
                for (int j = 0; j < targetSnapLines.Count; j++) {
                    SnapLine targetSnapLine = (SnapLine)targetSnapLines[j];

                    if (SnapLine.ShouldSnap(snapLine, targetSnapLine)) { 
                        #if DEBUGSNAPLINES
                            Debug.WriteLine("Last SnapLine is of the same type as this: " + targetSnapLine); 

                        int delta = targetSnapLine.Offset - snapLine.Offset; 
                        if (Math.Abs(delta) < Math.Abs(smallestDelta)) {
                            smallestDelta = delta;
                            #if DEBUGSNAPLINES
                                Debug.WriteLine("We have a new smallest delta: " + smallestDelta); 
                distances[i] = smallestDelta;
                int pri = (int)((SnapLine)snapLines[i]).Priority;

                //save off this delta for the overall smallest delta! 

                // Need to check the priority here as well if the distance is the same. VSWhidbey 245479 & 338279. 
                // E.g. smallestDistance so far is 1, for a Low snapline.
                // We now find another distance of -1, for a Medium snapline. 
                // The old check if (Math.Abs(smallestDelta) < Math.Abs(smallestDistance))
                // would not set smallestDistance to -1, since the ABSOLUTE values are the
                // same. Since the return value is used to phycially move the control,
                // we would move the control in the direction of the Low snapline, but 
                // draw the Medium snapline in the opposite direction.
                if ((Math.Abs(smallestDelta) < Math.Abs(smallestDistance)) || 
                    ((Math.Abs(smallestDelta) == Math.Abs(smallestDistance)) && (pri > highestPriority))) { 

                    smallestDistance = smallestDelta; 
                    if (pri != (int)SnapLinePriority.Always) {
                        highestPriority = pri;

            return smallestDistance;

        ///     Here, we erase all of our old horizontal and vertical snaplines
        ///     UNLESS they are also contained in our tempHorzLines or tempVertLines 
        ///     arrays - if they are - then erasing them would be redundant (since
        ///     we know we want to draw them on this mousemove) 
        private Line[] EraseOldSnapLines(Line[] lines, ArrayList tempLines) {
            bool foundMatch = false;
            Rectangle invalidRect = Rectangle.Empty;

            if (lines != null) { 
                for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++) {
                    Line line = lines[i]; 
                    foundMatch = false; 

                    if (tempLines != null) { 
                        for (int j = 0; j < tempLines.Count; j++) {
                            if (line.LineType != ((Line)tempLines[j]).LineType) {
                                // If the lines are not the same type, then we should forcefully try to remove it.
                                // Say you have a Panel with a Button in it. By default Panel.Padding = 0, and 
                                // Button.Margin = 3. As you move the button to the left, you will first get the
                                // combined LEFT margin+padding snap line. If you keep moving the button, you will 
                                // now snap to the Left edge, and you will get the Blue snapline. You now 
                                // move the button back to the right, and you will immediately snap to the
                                // LEFT Padding snapline. 

                                // But what's gonna happen. Both the old (Left) snapline, and the LEFT Padding snapline
                                // (remember these are the panels) have the same coordinates, since Panel.Padding
                                // is 0. Thus Line.GetDiffs will return a non-null diffs. BUT e.g the first line 
                                // will result in an invalidRect of (x1,y1,0,0), this we end up invalidating
                                // only a small portion of the existing Blue (left) Snapline. 
                                // That's actually not okay since VERTICAL (e.g. LEFT) padding snaplines 
                                // actually end up getting drawn HORIZONTALLY - thus we didn't really
                                // invalidate correctly. 

                                // VSWhidbey 169705
                            Line[] diffs = Line.GetDiffs(line, (Line)tempLines[j]); 
                            if (diffs != null) {
                                for (int k = 0; k < diffs.Length; k++) { 
                                    invalidRect = new Rectangle(diffs[k].x1, diffs[k].y1, diffs[k].x2 - diffs[k].x1, diffs[k].y2 - diffs[k].y1);

                                    if (backgroundImage != null) { 
                                        graphics.DrawImage(backgroundImage, invalidRect, invalidRect, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
                                    else { 
                                        using (Graphics g = behaviorService.AdornerWindowGraphics) { 
                                            g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Red, invalidRect);
                                foundMatch = true;
                    if (!foundMatch) { 
                        invalidRect = new Rectangle(line.x1, line.y1, line.x2 - line.x1, line.y2 - line.y1);
                        if (backgroundImage != null) {
                            graphics.DrawImage(backgroundImage, invalidRect, invalidRect, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
                        else { 
                        #if DEBUGSNAPLINES
                            Debug.WriteLine("******Found a line to erase: " + line.ToString()); 

            if (tempLines != null) { 
                //Now, store off all the new lines (from the temp structures), so 
                //next time around (next mousemove message) we know which lines
                //to erase and which ones to keep 
                lines = new Line[tempLines.Count];
            else { 
                lines = new Line[0];
            #if DEBUGSNAPLINES
                Debug.WriteLine("---Stored all temp lines---"); 

            return lines; 

        internal void EraseSnapLines() {
            EraseOldSnapLines(vertLines, null);
            EraseOldSnapLines(horzLines, null);
        ///     This internal method returns a snap line[] representing the last SnapLines that 
        ///     were rendered before this algorithm was stopped (usually by an OnMouseUp).
        ///     This is used for storing additional toolbox drag/drop info and testing hooks. 
        internal Line[] GetRecentLines() {
            if (recentLines != null) {
                return recentLines; 
            return new Line[0]; 

        private void IdentifyAndStoreValidLines(ArrayList snapLines, int[] distances, Rectangle dragBounds, int smallestDistance) {

            int highestPriority = 1;//low
            //identify top pri
            for (int i = 0 ; i < distances.Length; i++) { 
                if (distances[i] == smallestDistance) { 
                    int pri = (int)((SnapLine)snapLines[i]).Priority;
                    if ((pri > highestPriority) && (pri != (int)SnapLinePriority.Always)) {//Always is a special category VSWhidbey 255346 
                        highestPriority = pri;

            //store all snapLines equal to the smallest distance (of the highest priority) 
            for (int i = 0; i < distances.Length; i++) { 
                if ((distances[i] == smallestDistance) &&
                  (((int)((SnapLine)snapLines[i]).Priority == highestPriority) || 
                    ((int)((SnapLine)snapLines[i]).Priority == (int)SnapLinePriority.Always))) { //always render SnapLines with Priority.Always which has the same distance. VSWhidbey 255346
                    StoreSnapLine((SnapLine)snapLines[i], dragBounds);
        // Returns true of this child component (off the root control) should add its snaplines to the collection 
        private bool AddChildCompSnaplines(IComponent comp, ArrayList dragComponents, Rectangle clipBounds, Control targetControl) {
            Control control = comp as Control; 
            if (control == null || //has to be a control to get snaplines
               (dragComponents != null && dragComponents.Contains(comp) && !ctrlDrag) || //cannot be something that we are dragging, unless we are in a ctrlDrag
               IsChildOfParent(control, targetControl) ||//cannot be a child of the control we will drag
               !clipBounds.IntersectsWith(control.Bounds) || //has to be partially visible on the rootcomp's surface 
               control.Parent == null || // control must have a parent.
               !control.Visible) { //control itself has to be visible -- we do mean visible, not ShadowedVisible 
                return false; 
            Control c = control;
            if (!c.Equals(targetControl)) {
                IDesignerHost host = serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IDesignerHost)) as IDesignerHost;
                if (host != null) 
                    ControlDesigner controlDesigner = host.GetDesigner(c) as ControlDesigner; 
                    if (controlDesigner != null) 
                        return controlDesigner.ControlSupportsSnaplines; 
            return true;
        // Returns true if we should add snaplines for this control
        private bool AddControlSnaplinesWhenResizing(ControlDesigner designer, Control control, Control targetControl) { 
            // do not add snaplines if
            // we are resizing
            // the control is a container control with AutoSize set to true
            // and the control is the parent of the targetControl -- VSWhidbey #224878 
            if (resizing &&
                (designer is ParentControlDesigner) && 
                (control.AutoSize == true) && 
                (targetControl != null) &&
                (targetControl.Parent != null) && 
                (targetControl.Parent.Equals(control))) {
                return false;
            return true;
        ///     Initializes our class - we cache all snap lines for every 
        ///     control we can find.  This is done for perf. reasons.
        private void Initialize(ArrayList dragComponents, IDesignerHost host) {
            //our targetControl will always be the 0th component in our dragComponents
            //array list (a.k.a. the primary selected component). 
            Control targetControl = null; 

            if (dragComponents != null && dragComponents.Count > 0) { 
                targetControl = dragComponents[0] as Control;

            Control rootControl = host.RootComponent as Control; 

            //the clipping bounds will be used to ignore all controls that are completely outside of 
            //our rootcomponent's bounds -this way we won't end up snapping to controls that are not 
            //visible on the form's surface
            Rectangle clipBounds = new Rectangle(0,0,rootControl.ClientRectangle.Width, rootControl.ClientRectangle.Height); 
            clipBounds.Inflate(-1, -1);

            //determine the screen offset from our rootComponent to the AdornerWindow
            //(since all drag notification coords will be in adorner window coords) 
            if (targetControl != null) {
                dragOffset = behaviorService.ControlToAdornerWindow(targetControl); 
            else {
                dragOffset = behaviorService.MapAdornerWindowPoint(rootControl.Handle, Point.Empty);
                if (rootControl.Parent != null && rootControl.Parent.IsMirrored) {
                    dragOffset.Offset(-rootControl.Width, 0);
            if (targetControl != null) { 
                ControlDesigner designer = host.GetDesigner(targetControl) as ControlDesigner;
                bool disposeDesigner = false; 

                //get all the target snapline information
                // we need to create one then
                if (designer == null) { 
                    designer = TypeDescriptor.CreateDesigner(targetControl, typeof(IDesigner)) as ControlDesigner;
                    if (designer != null) { 
                        //Make sure the control is not forced visible 
                        designer.ForceVisible = false;
                        disposeDesigner = true;
                AddSnapLines(designer, targetHorizontalSnapLines, targetVerticalSnapLines, true, targetControl != null);
                if (disposeDesigner) { 

            //get SnapLines for all our children (nested too) off our root control
            foreach (IComponent comp in host.Container.Components) { 
               if (!AddChildCompSnaplines(comp, dragComponents, clipBounds, targetControl)) {

                ControlDesigner designer = host.GetDesigner(comp) as ControlDesigner; 
                if (designer != null) {

                    if (AddControlSnaplinesWhenResizing(designer, comp as Control, targetControl)) {
                        AddSnapLines(designer, horizontalSnapLines, verticalSnapLines, false, targetControl != null); 
                    // Does the designer have internal control designers for which we need to add snaplines (like SplitPanelContainer, ToolStripContainer) 
                    int numInternalDesigners = designer.NumberOfInternalControlDesigners();
                    for (int i = 0; i < numInternalDesigners; i++) {
                        // Yup we did
                        ControlDesigner internalDesigner = designer.InternalControlDesigner(i);
                        if (internalDesigner != null && 
                            AddChildCompSnaplines(internalDesigner.Component, dragComponents, clipBounds, targetControl) &&
                            AddControlSnaplinesWhenResizing(internalDesigner, internalDesigner.Component as Control, targetControl)) { 
                            AddSnapLines(internalDesigner, horizontalSnapLines, verticalSnapLines, false, targetControl != null); 


            //Now that we know how many snaplines everyone has, we can create 
            //temp arrays now.  Intentionally avoiding this on every mousemove. 
            verticalDistances = new int[verticalSnapLines.Count];
            horizontalDistances = new int[horizontalSnapLines.Count]; 

            #if DEBUGSNAPLINES
        ///     Helper function that determines if the child control is related to the parent.
        private static bool IsChildOfParent(Control child, Control parent) {
            if (child == null || parent == null) {
                return false;

            Control currentParent = child.Parent; 
            while (currentParent != null) { 
                if (currentParent.Equals(parent)) {
                    return true; 
                currentParent = currentParent.Parent;
            return false; 
        ///     Helper function that identifies margin or padding snaplines 
        private static bool IsMarginOrPaddingSnapLine(SnapLine snapLine) {
            return snapLine.Filter != null &&
                  (snapLine.Filter.StartsWith(SnapLine.Margin) || 
        ///     Returns the offset in which the targetControl's rect needs to be 
        ///     re-positioned (given the direction by 'directionOffset') in order to align
        ///     with the nearest possible snapline.  This is called by commandSet
        ///     during keyboard movements to auto-snap the control around the designer.
        internal Point OffsetToNearestSnapLocation(Control targetControl, IList targetSnaplines, Point directionOffset) {
            //manually add our snaplines as targets
            foreach (SnapLine snapline in targetSnaplines) {
                if (snapline.IsHorizontal) {
                else { 

            return OffsetToNearestSnapLocation(targetControl, directionOffset);


        ///     Returns the offset in which the targetControl's rect needs to be 
        ///     re-positioned (given the direction by 'directionOffset') in order to align
        ///     with the nearest possible snapline.  This is called by commandSet 
        ///     during keyboard movements to auto-snap the control around the designer.
        internal Point OffsetToNearestSnapLocation(Control targetControl, Point directionOffset) {
            Point offset = Point.Empty; 

            Rectangle currentBounds = new Rectangle(behaviorService.ControlToAdornerWindow(targetControl), targetControl.Size); 
            if (directionOffset.X != 0) {//movement somewhere in the x dir
                //first, build up our distance array 
                BuildDistanceArray(verticalSnapLines, targetVerticalSnapLines, verticalDistances, currentBounds);

                //now start with the smallest distance and find the first snapline we would intercept given our horizontal direction
                int minRange = directionOffset.X < 0 ? 0: currentBounds.X; 
                int maxRange = directionOffset.X < 0 ? currentBounds.Right : Int32.MaxValue;
                offset.X = FindSmallestValidDistance(verticalSnapLines, verticalDistances, minRange, maxRange, directionOffset.X); 

                if (offset.X != 0) { 

                    //store off the line structs for actual rendering
                    IdentifyAndStoreValidLines(verticalSnapLines, verticalDistances, currentBounds, offset.X);
                    if (directionOffset.X < 0) {
                        offset.X *= -1; 
            if (directionOffset.Y != 0) {//movement somewhere in the y dir
                //first, build up our distance array
                BuildDistanceArray(horizontalSnapLines, targetHorizontalSnapLines, horizontalDistances, currentBounds);
                //now start with the smallest distance and find the first snapline we would intercept given our horizontal direction
                int minRange = directionOffset.Y < 0 ? 0: currentBounds.Y; 
                int maxRange = directionOffset.Y < 0 ? currentBounds.Bottom: Int32.MaxValue; 

                offset.Y = FindSmallestValidDistance(horizontalSnapLines, horizontalDistances, minRange, maxRange, directionOffset.Y); 

                if (offset.Y != 0) {

                    //store off the line structs for actual rendering 
                    IdentifyAndStoreValidLines(horizontalSnapLines, horizontalDistances, currentBounds, offset.Y);
                    if (directionOffset.Y < 0) { 
                        offset.Y *= -1;

            if (!offset.IsEmpty) { 
                //setup the cached info for drawing
                cachedDragRect = currentBounds; 
                cachedDragRect.Offset(offset.X, offset.Y); 
                if (offset.X != 0) {
                    vertLines = new Line[tempVertLines.Count]; 
                if (offset.Y != 0) {
                    horzLines = new Line[tempHorzLines.Count]; 

            return offset; 

        private static int FindSmallestValidDistance(ArrayList snapLines, int[] distances, int min, int max, int direction) {
            int distanceValue =0;
            int snapLineIndex = 0; 
            //loop while we still have valid distance to check and try to find the smallest valid distance
            while (true) { 
                //get the next smallest snapline index
                snapLineIndex = SmallestDistanceIndex(distances, direction, out distanceValue);

                if (snapLineIndex == INVALID_VALUE) { 
                    //ran out of valid distances

                if (IsWithinValidRange(((SnapLine)snapLines[snapLineIndex]).Offset, min, max)) { 
                    //found it - make sure we restore the original value for rendering the
                    //snap line in the future
                    distances[snapLineIndex] = distanceValue;
                    return distanceValue; 
            return 0;

        private static bool IsWithinValidRange(int offset, int min, int max) {
            return offset > min && offset < max;

        private static int SmallestDistanceIndex(int[] distances, int direction, out int distanceValue) { 
            distanceValue = INVALID_VALUE;
            int smallestIndex = INVALID_VALUE; 

            //check for valid array
            if (distances.Length ==0) {
                return smallestIndex; 
            //find the next smallest
            for(int i = 0; i < distances.Length; i++) { 

                //If a distance is 0 or if it is to our left and we're
                //heading right or if it is to our right and we're
                //heading left then we can null this value out 
                if (distances[i] == 0 ||
                  distances[i] > 0 && direction > 0 || 
                  distances[i] < 0 && direction < 0) { 
                    distances[i] = INVALID_VALUE;

                if (Math.Abs(distances[i]) < distanceValue) {
                    distanceValue = Math.Abs(distances[i]);
                    smallestIndex = i; 
            if (smallestIndex < distances.Length) {
                //return and clear the smallest one we found 
                distances[smallestIndex] = INVALID_VALUE;

            return smallestIndex; 
        ///     Actually draws the snaplines based on type, location, and specified pen
        private void RenderSnapLines(Line[] lines, Rectangle dragRect) {

            Pen currentPen = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++) {
                if (lines[i].LineType == LineType.Margin || lines[i].LineType == LineType.Padding ) { 

                    currentPen = marginAndPaddingPen; 

                    if (lines[i].x1 == lines[i].x2) {//vertical margin
                        int coord = Math.Max(dragRect.Top, lines[i].OriginalBounds.Top);
                        coord = coord + (Math.Min(dragRect.Bottom, lines[i].OriginalBounds.Bottom) - coord)/2; 
                        lines[i].y1 = lines[i].y2 = coord;
                        if (lines[i].LineType == LineType.Margin) { 
                            lines[i].x1 = Math.Min(dragRect.Right, lines[i].OriginalBounds.Right); 
                            lines[i].x2 = Math.Max(dragRect.Left, lines[i].OriginalBounds.Left);
                        else if (lines[i].PaddingLineType == PaddingLineType.PaddingLeft) {
                            lines[i].x1 = lines[i].OriginalBounds.Left;
                            lines[i].x2 = dragRect.Left;
                        else {
                            Debug.Assert(lines[i].PaddingLineType == PaddingLineType.PaddingRight); 
                            lines[i].x1 = dragRect.Right; 
                            lines[i].x2 = lines[i].OriginalBounds.Right;
                        lines[i].x2 --;//off by 1 adjust
                        Debug.WriteLine("----- RenderSnapLines ----------------------------------");
                        Debug.WriteLine(lines[i].LineType.ToString() + " line " + i.ToString()); 
                        Debug.WriteLine("dragRect = " + dragRect.ToString());
                        Debug.WriteLine("OriginalBounds = " + lines[i].OriginalBounds.ToString()); 
                        Debug.WriteLine("dragRect.Left + (dragRect.Width/2) = " + (dragRect.Left + (dragRect.Width/2)).ToString()); 
                        Debug.WriteLine("lines[i].OriginalBounds.Left + (lines[i].OriginalBounds.Width/2) = " + (lines[i].OriginalBounds.Left + (lines[i].OriginalBounds.Width/2)).ToString());
                    else {//horizontal margin
                        int coord = Math.Max(dragRect.Left, lines[i].OriginalBounds.Left); 
                        coord = coord + (Math.Min(dragRect.Right, lines[i].OriginalBounds.Right) - coord)/2;
                        lines[i].x1 = lines[i].x2 = coord; 
                        if (lines[i].LineType == LineType.Margin) { 
                            lines[i].y1 = Math.Min(dragRect.Bottom, lines[i].OriginalBounds.Bottom);
                            lines[i].y2 = Math.Max(dragRect.Top, lines[i].OriginalBounds.Top); 
                        else if (lines[i].PaddingLineType == PaddingLineType.PaddingTop) {
                            lines[i].y1 = lines[i].OriginalBounds.Top;
                            lines[i].y2 = dragRect.Top; 
                        else { 
                            Debug.Assert(lines[i].PaddingLineType == PaddingLineType.PaddingBottom); 
                            lines[i].y1 = dragRect.Bottom;
                            lines[i].y2 = lines[i].OriginalBounds.Bottom; 
                        lines[i].y2 --;//off by 1 adjust
                else if (lines[i].LineType == LineType.Baseline) {
                    currentPen = baselinePen; 
                    lines[i].x2 -=1;//off by 1 adjust 
                else { 
                    //default to edgePen

                    currentPen = edgePen;
                    if (lines[i].x1 == lines[i].x2) {
                        lines[i].y2 --;//off by 1 adjustment 
                    else {
                        lines[i].x2 --;//off by 1 adjustment 

                graphics.DrawLine(currentPen, lines[i].x1, lines[i].y1, lines[i].x2, lines[i].y2); 

                #if DEBUGSNAPLINES 
                    Debug.WriteLine("Rendering Line: " + lines[i].ToString()); 

        ///     Performance improvement: 
        ///     Given an snapline we will render, check if it overlaps 
        ///     with an existing snapline. If so, combine the two. 
        private static void CombineSnaplines(Line snapLine, ArrayList currentLines) { 

            bool merged = false;

            for (int i= 0; i < currentLines.Count; i++) { 
                Line curLine = (Line)currentLines[i];
                Line mergedLine = Line.Overlap(snapLine, curLine); 
                if (mergedLine != null) { 
                    currentLines[i] = mergedLine;
                    merged = true; 

            if (!merged) { 

        ///     Here, we store all the SnapLines we will render.  This way we can
        ///     erase them when they are no longer needed.
        [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1808:AvoidCallsThatBoxValueTypes")] 
        private void StoreSnapLine(SnapLine snapLine, Rectangle dragBounds) {
            Rectangle bounds = (Rectangle)snapLineToBounds[snapLine]; 

            Line line = null; 

            // In order for CombineSnapelines to work correctly, we have to determine the type first
            LineType type = LineType.Standard;
            if (IsMarginOrPaddingSnapLine(snapLine)) {
                type = snapLine.Filter.StartsWith(SnapLine.Margin) ? LineType.Margin : LineType.Padding; 
            //propagate the baseline through to the linetype
            else if (snapLine.SnapLineType == SnapLineType.Baseline) { 
                type = LineType.Baseline;

            if (snapLine.IsVertical) {
                line = new Line(snapLine.Offset, Math.Min(dragBounds.Top + (snapPointY != INVALID_VALUE ? snapPointY : 0), bounds.Top), 
                             snapLine.Offset, Math.Max(dragBounds.Bottom + (snapPointY != INVALID_VALUE ? snapPointY : 0), bounds.Bottom)); 
                line.LineType = type;
                // Performance improvement: Check if the newly added line overlaps existing lines and if so, combine them.
                CombineSnaplines(line, tempVertLines);
            else { 
                line = new Line(Math.Min(dragBounds.Left + (snapPointX != INVALID_VALUE ? snapPointX : 0), bounds.Left), snapLine.Offset,
                             Math.Max(dragBounds.Right + (snapPointX != INVALID_VALUE ? snapPointX : 0), bounds.Right), snapLine.Offset); 
                line.LineType = type; 

                // Performance improvement: Check if the newly added line overlaps existing lines and if so, combine them. 
                CombineSnaplines(line, tempHorzLines);

            if (IsMarginOrPaddingSnapLine(snapLine)) {
                line.OriginalBounds = bounds; 
                //VSWhidbey #379775 - need to know which padding line (left, right) we are storing. The original 
                //check in RenderSnapLines was wrong. It assume that the dragRect was completely within the OriginalBounds
                //which is not necessarily true 
                if (line.LineType == LineType.Padding) {
                    switch (snapLine.Filter) {
                        case SnapLine.PaddingRight:
                            line.PaddingLineType = PaddingLineType.PaddingRight; 
                        case SnapLine.PaddingLeft: 
                            line.PaddingLineType = PaddingLineType.PaddingLeft; 
                        case SnapLine.PaddingTop: 
                            line.PaddingLineType = PaddingLineType.PaddingTop;
                        case SnapLine.PaddingBottom:
                            line.PaddingLineType = PaddingLineType.PaddingBottom; 
                            Debug.Fail("Unknown snapline filter type"); 

            #if DEBUGSNAPLINES 
            Debug.WriteLine("Storing Line: " + line.ToString());

        ///     This function validates a Margin or Padding SnapLine.  A valid Margin SnapLine is
        ///     one that will be drawn only if the target control being dragged somehow
        ///     intersects (vertically or horizontally) the coords of the given snapLine.
        ///     This is done so we don't start drawing margin lines when controls are 
        ///     large distances apart (too much mess);
        [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1808:AvoidCallsThatBoxValueTypes")] 
        private bool ValidateMarginOrPaddingLine(SnapLine snapLine, Rectangle dragBounds) {
            Rectangle bounds = (Rectangle)snapLineToBounds[snapLine];

            if (snapLine.IsVertical) {
                if (bounds.Top < dragBounds.Top) { 
                    if (bounds.Top + bounds.Height < dragBounds.Top) {
                        return false; 
                else if (dragBounds.Top + dragBounds.Height < bounds.Top) { 
                    return false;
            else { 
                if (bounds.Left < dragBounds.Left) {
                    if (bounds.Left + bounds.Width < dragBounds.Left) { 
                        return false; 
                else if (dragBounds.Left + dragBounds.Width < bounds.Left) {
                    return false;

            #if DEBUGSNAPLINES 
                Debug.WriteLine("Margin/Padding SnapLine " + snapLine + " is valid - it does intersect w/DragBounds."); 
            //valid overlapping margin line
            return true;
        internal Point OnMouseMove(Rectangle dragBounds, SnapLine[] snapLines) {
            bool didSnap = false; 
            return OnMouseMove(dragBounds, snapLines, ref didSnap, true); 
        ///     Called by the DragBehavior on every mouse move.  We first offset
        ///     all of our drag-control's snap lines by the amount of the mouse move
        ///     then follow our 2-pass heuristic to determine which SnapLines to render. 
        internal Point OnMouseMove(Rectangle dragBounds, SnapLine[] snapLines, ref bool didSnap, bool shouldSnapHorizontally) { 
            if (snapLines == null || snapLines.Length == 0){ 
                return Point.Empty;

            //manually add our snaplines as targets
            foreach (SnapLine snapline in snapLines) { 
                if (snapline.IsHorizontal) { 
                else {

            return OnMouseMove(dragBounds, false, ref didSnap, shouldSnapHorizontally); 

        ///     Called by the DragBehavior on every mouse move.  We first offset
        ///     all of our drag-control's snap lines by the amount of the mouse move
        ///     then follow our 2-pass heuristic to determine which SnapLines to render.
        internal Point OnMouseMove(Rectangle dragBounds) {
            bool didSnap = false; 
            return OnMouseMove(dragBounds, true, ref didSnap, true); 
        ///     Called by the resizebehavior. It needs to know whether we really snapped or not.
        ///     The snapPoint could be (0,0) even though we snapped.
        internal Point OnMouseMove(Control targetControl, SnapLine[] snapLines, ref bool didSnap, bool shouldSnapHorizontally) {
            Rectangle dragBounds = new Rectangle(behaviorService.ControlToAdornerWindow(targetControl), targetControl.Size); 
            didSnap = false; 
            return OnMouseMove(dragBounds, snapLines, ref didSnap, shouldSnapHorizontally);

        ///     Called by the DragBehavior on every mouse move.  We first offset
        ///     all of our drag-control's snap lines by the amount of the mouse move 
        ///     then follow our 2-pass heuristic to determine which SnapLines to render.
        private Point OnMouseMove(Rectangle dragBounds, bool offsetSnapLines, ref bool didSnap, bool shouldSnapHorizontally) { 

            dragOffset = new Point(dragBounds.X - dragOffset.X, dragBounds.Y - dragOffset.Y);

            if (offsetSnapLines) { 
                //offset our targetSnapLines by the amount we have dragged it
                for (int i = 0; i < targetHorizontalSnapLines.Count; i++) { 
                for (int i = 0; i < targetVerticalSnapLines.Count; i++) { 
            #if DEBUGSNAPLINES
                Debug.WriteLine("We just offset all our target's snaplines according to new drag position.  Offset = " + dragOffset); 
            //int smallestDistanceVert = INVALID_VALUE; //saved off in first pass - used in our second pass
            //int smallestDistanceHorz = INVALID_VALUE;

            //First pass - build up a distance array of all same-type-alignment pts to the 
            //closest point on our targetControl.  Also, keep track of the smallest
            //distance overall 
            int smallestDistanceVert = BuildDistanceArray(verticalSnapLines, targetVerticalSnapLines, verticalDistances, dragBounds); 
            int smallestDistanceHorz = INVALID_VALUE;
            if (shouldSnapHorizontally) { 
                smallestDistanceHorz =BuildDistanceArray(horizontalSnapLines, targetHorizontalSnapLines, horizontalDistances, dragBounds);

            #if DEBUGSNAPLINES 
            //Second Pass!  We only need to do a second pass if the smallest delta is <= SnapDistance.
            //If this is the case - then we draw snap lines for every line equal to the smallest 
            //distance available in the distance array
            snapPointX = (Math.Abs(smallestDistanceVert) <= snapDistance) ? -smallestDistanceVert : INVALID_VALUE;
            snapPointY = (Math.Abs(smallestDistanceHorz) <= snapDistance) ? -smallestDistanceHorz : INVALID_VALUE;
            // certain behaviors (like resize) might want to know whether we really snapped or not.
            // They can't check the returned snapPoint for (0,0) since that is a valid snapPoint. 
            didSnap = false; 

            if (snapPointX != INVALID_VALUE) { 
                IdentifyAndStoreValidLines(verticalSnapLines, verticalDistances, dragBounds, smallestDistanceVert);
                didSnap = true;
            if (snapPointY != INVALID_VALUE) {
                IdentifyAndStoreValidLines(horizontalSnapLines, horizontalDistances, dragBounds, smallestDistanceHorz); 
                didSnap = true; 
            Point snapPoint = new Point(snapPointX != INVALID_VALUE ? snapPointX : 0, snapPointY != INVALID_VALUE ? snapPointY : 0);
            Rectangle tempDragRect = new Rectangle(dragBounds.Left + snapPoint.X, dragBounds.Top + snapPoint.Y, dragBounds.Width, dragBounds.Height);

            //out with the old... 
            vertLines = EraseOldSnapLines(vertLines, tempVertLines);
            horzLines = EraseOldSnapLines(horzLines, tempHorzLines); 
            //store this drag rect - we'll use it when we are (eventually)
            //called back on to actually render our lines 

            //NOTE NOTE NOTE: If OnMouseMove is called during a resize operation, then cachedDragRect is not guaranteed to work.
            //See VSWhidbey #340048. That is why I introduced RenderSnapLinesInternal(dragRect)
            cachedDragRect = tempDragRect; 

            //reset the dragoffset to this last location 
            dragOffset = dragBounds.Location; 

            //this 'snapPoint' will be the amount we want the dragBehavior to shift the 
            //dragging control by ('cause we snapped somewhere)
            return snapPoint;
        //NOTE NOTE NOTE: If OnMouseMove is called during a resize operation, then cachedDragRect is not guaranteed to work.
        //See VSWhidbey #340048. That is why I introduced RenderSnapLinesInternal(dragRect) 
        ///     Called by the ResizeBehavior after it has finished drawing
        internal void RenderSnapLinesInternal(Rectangle dragRect) {
            cachedDragRect = dragRect;

        ///     Called by the DropSourceBehavior after it 
        ///     finished drawing its' draging images so that
        ///     we can draw our lines on top of everything. 
        internal void RenderSnapLinesInternal() {
            RenderSnapLines(vertLines, cachedDragRect);
            RenderSnapLines(horzLines, cachedDragRect); 

            recentLines = new Line[vertLines.Length + horzLines.Length]; 
            vertLines.CopyTo(recentLines, 0); 
            horzLines.CopyTo(recentLines, vertLines.Length);

        ///     Clean up all of our references.
        internal void OnMouseUp() {
            //Here, we store off our recent snapline info to the 
            //behavior service - this is used for testing purposes
            if (behaviorService != null) {
                Line[] recent = GetRecentLines();
                string[] lines = new string[recent.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < recent.Length; i++) { 
                    lines[i] = recent[i].ToString();
                this.behaviorService.RecentSnapLines = lines; 


            if (disposeEdgePen && edgePen != null) {

            if (disposeMarginPen && marginAndPaddingPen != null) { 

            if (baselinePen != null) { 
            if (backgroundImage != null) {

            #if DEBUGSNAPLINES 
                Debug.WriteLine("DragAssistanceManager - MouseUp-----------------------------------------");
        ///     Our 'line' class - used to manage two points and
        ///     calculate the difference between any two lines.
        internal class Line {
            public int x1, y1, x2, y2; 
            private LineType lineType;
            private PaddingLineType paddingLineType; 
            private Rectangle originalBounds;

            public LineType LineType {
                get { 
                    return lineType;
                set { 
                    lineType = value;

            public Rectangle OriginalBounds { 
                get {
                    return this.originalBounds; 
                set {
                    this.originalBounds = value; 

            public PaddingLineType PaddingLineType { 
                get {
                    return paddingLineType; 
                set {
                    paddingLineType = value; 

            public Line(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) {
                this.x1 = x1; this.y1 = y1; this.x2 = x2; this.y2 = y2; 
                this.lineType = LineType.Standard; 
            private Line(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, LineType type) {
                this.x1 = x1; this.y1 = y1; this.x2 = x2; this.y2 = y2;
                this.lineType = type;

            public static Line[] GetDiffs(Line l1, Line l2) { 
                //x's align 
                if (l1.x1 == l1.x2 && l1.x1 == l2.x1) {
                    return new Line[2] {new Line(l1.x1, Math.Min(l1.y1, l2.y1), l1.x1, Math.Max(l1.y1, l2.y1)), 
                                        new Line(l1.x1, Math.Min(l1.y2, l2.y2), l1.x1, Math.Max(l1.y2, l2.y2))};

                //y's align 
                if (l1.y1 == l1.y2 && l1.y1 == l2.y1) {
                    return new Line[2] {new Line(Math.Min(l1.x1, l2.x1), l1.y1, Math.Max(l1.x1, l2.x1), l1.y1), 
                                        new Line(Math.Min(l1.x2, l2.x2), l1.y1, Math.Max(l1.x2, l2.x2), l1.y1)}; 
                return null;

            public static Line Overlap(Line l1, Line l2) { 
                // Need to be the same type
                if (l1.LineType != l2.LineType) { 
                    return null; 
                // only makes sense to do this for Standard and Baseline
                if ((l1.LineType != LineType.Standard) && (l1.LineType != LineType.Baseline)) {
                    return null;

                // 2 overlapping vertical lines 
                if ((l1.x1 == l1.x2) && (l2.x1 == l2.x2) && (l1.x1 == l2.x1)) { 
                    return new Line(l1.x1, Math.Min(l1.y1, l2.y1), l1.x2, Math.Max(l1.y2, l2.y2), l1.LineType);

                // 2 overlapping horizontal lines
                if ((l1.y1 == l1.y2) && (l2.y1 == l2.y2) && (l1.y1 == l2.y2)) {
                    return new Line(Math.Min(l1.x1, l2.x1), l1.y1, Math.Max(l1.x2, l2.x2), l1.y2, l1.LineType); 
                return null; 
            public override string ToString() {
                return "Line, type = " + lineType + ", dims =(" + x1 + ", " + y1 + ")->(" + x2 + ", " + y2 + ")";

        ///     Describes different types of lines (used for margins, etc..)
        internal enum LineType {
        ///     Describes what kind of padding line we have 
        internal enum PaddingLineType {

            private void PrintDistanceArrays() { 
                Debug.WriteLine(">>>Printing Distance Arrays...");
                for (int i = 0; i < horizontalDistances.Length; i++) { 
                    Debug.WriteLine("\t" + i + ":" + horizontalDistances[i]);
                for (int i = 0; i < verticalDistances.Length; i++) {
                    Debug.WriteLine("\t" + i + ":" + verticalDistances[i]);
                Debug.WriteLine(">>>Done Printing Distance Arrays");
            private void PrintSnapLineArrays() {
                Debug.WriteLine(">>>Printing SnapLine Arrays..."); 
                Debug.WriteLine("--Target Control's SnapLines--");
                foreach (SnapLine snapLine in targetHorizontalSnapLines) {
                    Debug.WriteLine("\t" + snapLine.ToString()); 
                foreach (SnapLine snapLine in targetVerticalSnapLines) { 
                    Debug.WriteLine("\t" + snapLine.ToString());
                Debug.WriteLine("--Global SnapLines--");
                foreach (SnapLine snapLine in horizontalSnapLines) {
                    Debug.WriteLine("\t" + snapLine.ToString()); 
                foreach (SnapLine snapLine in verticalSnapLines) { 
                    Debug.WriteLine("\t" + snapLine.ToString());
                Debug.WriteLine("--Valid SnapLinesTypes--");
                foreach (SnapLineType type in targetSnapLineTypes) {
                    Debug.WriteLine("\t" + type.ToString());
                Debug.WriteLine(">>>Done Printing SnapLine Arrays");


// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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