/ FX-1434 / FX-1434 / 1.0 / untmp / whidbey / REDBITS / ndp / fx / src / Data / System / Data / SimpleType.cs / 1 / SimpleType.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //[....] //[....] //[....] //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Data { using System; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.Schema; using System.Diagnostics; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Runtime.Serialization; using System.Globalization; using System.Collections; ////// [Serializable] internal sealed class SimpleType : ISerializable { string baseType = null; // base type name SimpleType baseSimpleType = null; // object xmlBaseType = null; // Qualified name of Basetype XmlQualifiedName xmlBaseType = null; // Qualified name of Basetype string name = ""; int length = -1; int minLength = -1; int maxLength = -1; string pattern = ""; string ns = ""; // my ns // string maxExclusive = ""; string maxInclusive = ""; string minExclusive = ""; string minInclusive = ""; //REMOVED: encoding due to March 2001 XDS changes // internal string enumeration = ""; internal SimpleType (string baseType) { // anonymous simpletype this.baseType = baseType; } internal SimpleType (XmlSchemaSimpleType node) { // named simpletype name = node.Name; ns = (node.QualifiedName != null) ? node.QualifiedName.Namespace : ""; LoadTypeValues(node); } private SimpleType(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) { this.baseType = info.GetString("SimpleType.BaseType"); this.baseSimpleType = (SimpleType)info.GetValue("SimpleType.BaseSimpleType", typeof(SimpleType)); if (info.GetBoolean("SimpleType.XmlBaseType.XmlQualifiedNameExists")) { string xmlQNName = info.GetString("SimpleType.XmlBaseType.Name"); string xmlQNNamespace = info.GetString("SimpleType.XmlBaseType.Namespace"); this.xmlBaseType = new XmlQualifiedName(xmlQNName, xmlQNNamespace); } else { this.xmlBaseType = null; } = info.GetString("SimpleType.Name"); this.ns = info.GetString("SimpleType.NS"); this.maxLength = info.GetInt32("SimpleType.MaxLength"); this.length = info.GetInt32("SimpleType.Length"); } void ISerializable.GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) { info.AddValue("SimpleType.BaseType", this.baseType); info.AddValue("SimpleType.BaseSimpleType", this.baseSimpleType); XmlQualifiedName xmlQN = (xmlBaseType as XmlQualifiedName); info.AddValue("SimpleType.XmlBaseType.XmlQualifiedNameExists", xmlQN != null ? true : false); info.AddValue("SimpleType.XmlBaseType.Name", xmlQN != null ? xmlQN.Name : null); info.AddValue("SimpleType.XmlBaseType.Namespace", xmlQN != null ? xmlQN.Namespace : null); info.AddValue("SimpleType.Name",; info.AddValue("SimpleType.NS", this.ns); info.AddValue("SimpleType.MaxLength", this.maxLength); info.AddValue("SimpleType.Length", this.length); } internal void LoadTypeValues (XmlSchemaSimpleType node) { if ((node.Content is XmlSchemaSimpleTypeList) || (node.Content is XmlSchemaSimpleTypeUnion)) throw ExceptionBuilder.SimpleTypeNotSupported(); if (node.Content is XmlSchemaSimpleTypeRestriction) { XmlSchemaSimpleTypeRestriction content = (XmlSchemaSimpleTypeRestriction) node.Content; XmlSchemaSimpleType ancestor = node.BaseXmlSchemaType as XmlSchemaSimpleType; if ((ancestor != null) && (ancestor.QualifiedName.Namespace != Keywords.XSDNS)) { // I'm assuming that built-in types don't have a name! // Console.WriteLine("In simpleNode, ancestor.Name = '{0}'", ancestor.Name); baseSimpleType = new SimpleType(node.BaseXmlSchemaType as XmlSchemaSimpleType); // baseSimpleType = new SimpleType(node); } // do we need to put qualified name? // for user defined simpletype, always go with qname if (content.BaseTypeName.Namespace == Keywords.XSDNS) baseType = content.BaseTypeName.Name; else baseType = content.BaseTypeName.ToString(); if (baseSimpleType != null && baseSimpleType.Name != null && baseSimpleType.Name.Length > 0) { xmlBaseType = baseSimpleType.XmlBaseType;// SimpleTypeQualifiedName; } else { xmlBaseType = content.BaseTypeName; } if (baseType == null || baseType.Length == 0) { // Console.WriteLine("baseType == null, setting it to ", content.BaseType.Name); baseType = content.BaseType.Name; xmlBaseType = null; } if (baseType == "NOTATION") baseType = "string"; foreach(XmlSchemaFacet facet in content.Facets) { if (facet is XmlSchemaLengthFacet) length = Convert.ToInt32(facet.Value, null); if (facet is XmlSchemaMinLengthFacet) minLength = Convert.ToInt32(facet.Value, null); if (facet is XmlSchemaMaxLengthFacet) maxLength = Convert.ToInt32(facet.Value, null); if (facet is XmlSchemaPatternFacet) pattern = facet.Value; if (facet is XmlSchemaEnumerationFacet) enumeration = !Common.ADP.IsEmpty(enumeration) ? enumeration + " " + facet.Value : facet.Value; if (facet is XmlSchemaMinExclusiveFacet) minExclusive = facet.Value; if (facet is XmlSchemaMinInclusiveFacet) minInclusive = facet.Value; if (facet is XmlSchemaMaxExclusiveFacet) maxExclusive = facet.Value; if (facet is XmlSchemaMaxInclusiveFacet) maxInclusive = facet.Value; } } string tempStr = XSDSchema.GetMsdataAttribute(node, Keywords.TARGETNAMESPACE); if (tempStr != null) ns = tempStr; } internal bool IsPlainString() { return ( XSDSchema.QualifiedName(this.baseType) == XSDSchema.QualifiedName("string") && Common.ADP.IsEmpty( && this.length == -1 && this.minLength == -1 && this.maxLength == -1 && Common.ADP.IsEmpty(this.pattern) && Common.ADP.IsEmpty(this.maxExclusive) && Common.ADP.IsEmpty(this.maxInclusive) && Common.ADP.IsEmpty(this.minExclusive) && Common.ADP.IsEmpty(this.minInclusive) && Common.ADP.IsEmpty(this.enumeration) ); } internal string BaseType { get { return baseType; } } internal XmlQualifiedName XmlBaseType { get { return (XmlQualifiedName)xmlBaseType; } } internal string Name { get { return name; } } internal string Namespace { get { return ns; } } internal int Length { get { return length; } } internal int MaxLength { get { return maxLength; } set { maxLength = value; } } internal SimpleType BaseSimpleType { get { return baseSimpleType; } } // return qualified name of this simple type public string SimpleTypeQualifiedName { get { if (ns.Length == 0) return name; return (ns + ":" + name); } } internal string QualifiedName(string name) { int iStart = name.IndexOf(':'); if (iStart == -1) return Keywords.XSD_PREFIXCOLON + name; else return name; } /* internal XmlNode ToNode(XmlDocument dc) { return ToNode(dc, null, false); } */ internal XmlNode ToNode(XmlDocument dc, Hashtable prefixes, bool inRemoting) { XmlElement typeNode = dc.CreateElement(Keywords.XSD_PREFIX, Keywords.XSD_SIMPLETYPE, Keywords.XSDNS); if (name != null && name.Length != 0) { // this is a global type : typeNode.SetAttribute(Keywords.NAME, name); if (inRemoting) { typeNode.SetAttribute(Keywords.TARGETNAMESPACE, Keywords.MSDNS, this.Namespace); } } XmlElement type = dc.CreateElement(Keywords.XSD_PREFIX, Keywords.XSD_RESTRICTION, Keywords.XSDNS); if (!inRemoting) { if (baseSimpleType != null) { if (baseSimpleType.Namespace != null && baseSimpleType.Namespace.Length > 0) { string prefix = (prefixes!=null)?(string) prefixes[baseSimpleType.Namespace]:null; if (prefix != null) { type.SetAttribute(Keywords.BASE, (prefix +":"+ baseSimpleType.Name)); } else { type.SetAttribute(Keywords.BASE, baseSimpleType.Name); } } else { // [....] type.SetAttribute(Keywords.BASE, baseSimpleType.Name); } } else { type.SetAttribute(Keywords.BASE, QualifiedName(baseType)); // has to be xs:SomePrimitiveType } } else{ type.SetAttribute(Keywords.BASE, (baseSimpleType != null) ? baseSimpleType.Name : QualifiedName(baseType)); } XmlElement constraint; if (length >= 0) { constraint = dc.CreateElement(Keywords.XSD_PREFIX, Keywords.XSD_LENGTH, Keywords.XSDNS); constraint.SetAttribute(Keywords.VALUE, length.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); type.AppendChild(constraint); } if (maxLength >= 0) { constraint = dc.CreateElement(Keywords.XSD_PREFIX, Keywords.XSD_MAXLENGTH, Keywords.XSDNS); constraint.SetAttribute(Keywords.VALUE, maxLength.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); type.AppendChild(constraint); } /* // removed due to MDAC bug 83892 // will be reactivated in whidbey with the proper handling if (pattern != null && pattern.Length > 0) { constraint = dc.CreateElement(Keywords.XSD_PREFIX, Keywords.XSD_PATTERN, Keywords.XSDNS); constraint.SetAttribute(Keywords.VALUE, pattern); type.AppendChild(constraint); } if (minLength >= 0) { constraint = dc.CreateElement(Keywords.XSD_PREFIX, Keywords.XSD_MINLENGTH, Keywords.XSDNS); constraint.SetAttribute(Keywords.VALUE, minLength.ToString()); type.AppendChild(constraint); } if (minInclusive != null && minInclusive.Length > 0) { constraint = dc.CreateElement(Keywords.XSD_PREFIX, Keywords.XSD_MININCLUSIVE, Keywords.XSDNS); constraint.SetAttribute(Keywords.VALUE, minInclusive); type.AppendChild(constraint); } if (minExclusive != null && minExclusive.Length > 0) { constraint =dc.CreateElement(Keywords.XSD_PREFIX, Keywords.XSD_MINEXCLUSIVE, Keywords.XSDNS); constraint.SetAttribute(Keywords.VALUE, minExclusive); type.AppendChild(constraint); } if (maxInclusive != null && maxInclusive.Length > 0) { constraint =dc.CreateElement(Keywords.XSD_PREFIX, Keywords.XSD_MAXINCLUSIVE, Keywords.XSDNS); constraint.SetAttribute(Keywords.VALUE, maxInclusive); type.AppendChild(constraint); } if (maxExclusive != null && maxExclusive.Length > 0) { constraint = dc.CreateElement(Keywords.XSD_PREFIX, Keywords.XSD_MAXEXCLUSIVE, Keywords.XSDNS); constraint.SetAttribute(Keywords.VALUE, maxExclusive); type.AppendChild(constraint); } if (enumeration.Length > 0) { string[] list = enumeration.TrimEnd(null).Split(null); for (int i = 0; i < list.Length; i++) { constraint = dc.CreateElement(Keywords.XSD_PREFIX, Keywords.XSD_ENUMERATION, Keywords.XSDNS); constraint.SetAttribute(Keywords.VALUE, list[i]); type.AppendChild(constraint); } } */ typeNode.AppendChild(type); return typeNode; } // internal static SimpleType CreateEnumeratedType(string values) { SimpleType enumType = new SimpleType("string"); enumType.enumeration = values; return enumType; } internal static SimpleType CreateByteArrayType(string encoding) { SimpleType byteArrayType = new SimpleType("base64Binary"); return byteArrayType; } internal static SimpleType CreateLimitedStringType(int length) { SimpleType limitedString = new SimpleType("string"); limitedString.maxLength = length; return limitedString; } internal static SimpleType CreateSimpleType(Type type) { SimpleType simpleType = null; if(type == typeof(Char)) { simpleType = new SimpleType("string"); simpleType.length = 1; } return simpleType; } // Assumption is otherSimpleType and current ST name and NS matches. // if existing simpletype is being redefined with different facets, then it will return no-empty string defining the error internal string HasConflictingDefinition(SimpleType otherSimpleType) { if (otherSimpleType == null) return "otherSimpleType"; if (this.MaxLength != otherSimpleType.MaxLength) return ("MaxLength"); if (string.Compare(this.BaseType, otherSimpleType.BaseType, StringComparison.Ordinal) != 0) return ("BaseType"); if ((this.BaseSimpleType == null && otherSimpleType.BaseSimpleType != null) && (this.BaseSimpleType.HasConflictingDefinition(otherSimpleType.BaseSimpleType)).Length != 0) return ("BaseSimpleType"); return string.Empty; } // only string types can have MaxLength internal bool CanHaveMaxLength() { SimpleType rootType = this; while (rootType.BaseSimpleType != null) { rootType = rootType.BaseSimpleType; } if (string.Compare(rootType.BaseType, "string", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) return true; return false; } internal void ConvertToAnnonymousSimpleType() { = null; this.ns = string.Empty; SimpleType tmpSimpleType = this; while (tmpSimpleType.baseSimpleType != null) { tmpSimpleType = tmpSimpleType.baseSimpleType; } baseType = tmpSimpleType.baseType; baseSimpleType = tmpSimpleType.baseSimpleType; xmlBaseType = tmpSimpleType.xmlBaseType; } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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