TextTreeRootNode.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / 3.5.1 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / Orcas / NetFXw7 / wpf / src / Framework / System / Windows / Documents / TextTreeRootNode.cs / 1 / TextTreeRootNode.cs

//    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// Description: The root node of a TextContainer. 
// History: 
//  02/18/2004 : benwest - Created
using System;
using MS.Internal; 
using System.Collections; 
using System.Windows.Threading;
namespace System.Windows.Documents
    // All TextContainers contain a single TextTreeRootNode, which contains all other
    // nodes.  The root node is special because it contains tree-global data, 
    // and TextPositions may never reference its BeforeStart/AfterEnd edges.
    // Because of the restrictions on TextPointer, the root node may never 
    // be removed from the tree. 
    internal class TextTreeRootNode : TextTreeNode
        //  Constructors
        #region Constructors 

        // Creates a TextTreeRootNode instance. 
        internal TextTreeRootNode(TextContainer tree)
            _tree = tree;
            _deadPositionList = new ArrayList(0);
            // Root node has two imaginary element edges to match TextElementNode semantics.
            _symbolCount = 2; 

            // CaretUnitBoundaryCache always starts unset.
            _caretUnitBoundaryCacheOffset = -1;

        #endregion Constructors 
        //  Public Methods
        #region Public Methods
#if DEBUG 
        // Debug-only ToString override.
        public override string ToString() 
            return ("RootNode Id=" + this.DebugId + " SymbolCount=" + _symbolCount);
#endif // DEBUG 

        #endregion Public Methods 
        //  Internal Methods
        #region Internal Methods
        // Returns a shallow copy of this node. 
        // This should never be called for the root node, since it is never
        // involved in delete operations. 
        internal override TextTreeNode Clone()
            Invariant.Assert(false, "Unexpected call to TextTreeRootNode.Clone!");
            return null; 
        // Returns the TextPointerContext of the node. 
        // If node is TextTreeTextElementNode, this method returns ElementStart
        // if direction == Forward, otherwise ElementEnd if direction == Backward. 
        internal override TextPointerContext GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection direction)
            // End-of-tree is "None".
            return TextPointerContext.None; 
        #endregion Internal methods 

        //  Internal Properties

        #region Internal Properties 
        // The root node never has a parent node.
        internal override SplayTreeNode ParentNode 
                return null; 
                Invariant.Assert(false, "Can't set ParentNode on TextContainer root!"); 

        // Root node of a contained tree, if any. 
        internal override SplayTreeNode ContainedNode
                return _containedNode; 

                _containedNode = (TextTreeNode)value;

        // The root node never has sibling nodes, so the LeftSymbolCount is a 
        // constant zero.
        internal override int LeftSymbolCount
                return 0; 

                Invariant.Assert(false, "TextContainer root is never a sibling!");

        // The root node never has sibling nodes, so the LeftCharCount is a 
        // constant zero. 
        internal override int LeftCharCount
                return 0;

                Invariant.Assert(false, "TextContainer root is never a sibling!");

        // The root node never has siblings, so it never has child nodes.
        internal override SplayTreeNode LeftChildNode 
                return null;

                Invariant.Assert(false, "TextContainer root never has sibling nodes!"); 
        // The root node never has siblings, so it never has child nodes.
        internal override SplayTreeNode RightChildNode 
                return null; 
                Invariant.Assert(false, "TextContainer root never has sibling nodes!"); 

        // The tree generation.  Incremented whenever the tree content changes. 
        internal override uint Generation
                return _generation; 

                _generation = value;

        // Like the Generation property, but this counter is only updated when 
        // an edit that might affect TextPositions occurs.  In practice, inserts
        // do not bother TextPositions, but deletions do.
        internal uint PositionGeneration
                return _positionGeneration; 
                _positionGeneration = value;
        // Incremeneted whenever a layout property value changes on a TextElement. 
        internal uint LayoutGeneration
                return _layoutGeneration;

                _layoutGeneration = value;
                // Invalidate the caret unit boundary cache on layout update.
                _caretUnitBoundaryCacheOffset = -1;

        // Cached symbol offset.  The root node is always at offset zero. 
        internal override int SymbolOffsetCache 
                return 0;
                Invariant.Assert(value == 0, "Bad SymbolOffsetCache on TextContainer root!"); 

        // The count of all symbols in the tree, including two edge symbols for
        // the root node itself.
        internal override int SymbolCount 
                return _symbolCount;

                Invariant.Assert(value >= 2, "Bad _symbolCount on TextContainer root!"); 
                _symbolCount = value;

        // The count of all chars in the tree. 
        internal override int IMECharCount
                return _imeCharCount;
                Invariant.Assert(value >= 0, "IMECharCount may never be negative!");
                _imeCharCount = value;

        // Count of TextPositions referencing the node's BeforeStart 
        // edge.  We don't bother to actually track this for the root node 
        // since it is only useful in delete operations and the root node
        // is never deleted. 
        internal override bool BeforeStartReferenceCount
                return false;
                Invariant.Assert(!value, "Root node BeforeStart edge can never be referenced!");
        // Count of TextPositions referencing the node's AfterStart
        // edge.  We don't bother to actually track this for the root node 
        // since it is only useful in delete operations and the root node 
        // is never deleted.
        internal override bool AfterStartReferenceCount 
                return false; 
                // We can ignore the value because the TextContainer root is never removed. 

        // Count of TextPositions referencing the node's BeforeEnd 
        // edge.  We don't bother to actually track this for the root node
        // since it is only useful in delete operations and the root node 
        // is never deleted. 
        internal override bool BeforeEndReferenceCount
                return false;

                // We can ignore the value because the TextContainer root is never removed.

        // Count of TextPositions referencing the node's AfterEnd
        // edge.  We don't bother to actually track this for the root node 
        // since it is only useful in delete operations and the root node
        // is never deleted. 
        internal override bool AfterEndReferenceCount 
                return false;
                Invariant.Assert(!value, "Root node AfterEnd edge can never be referenced!"); 

        // The owning TextContainer.
        internal TextContainer TextContainer
                return _tree; 

        // A tree of TextTreeTextBlocks, used to store raw text for the entire
        // tree.
        internal TextTreeRootTextBlock RootTextBlock 
                return _rootTextBlock;

                _rootTextBlock = value; 
        // A list of positions ready to be garbage collected.  The TextPointer 
        // finalizer adds positions to this list.
        internal ArrayList DeadPositionList
                return _deadPositionList; 

                _deadPositionList = value;
        // Structure that allows for dispatcher processing to be 
        // enabled after a call to Dispatcher.DisableProcessing.
        internal DispatcherProcessingDisabled DispatcherProcessingDisabled 
                return _processingDisabled; 
                _processingDisabled = value; 

        // Cached TextView.IsAtCaretUnitBoundary calculation for CaretUnitBoundaryCacheOffset. 
        internal bool CaretUnitBoundaryCache
                return _caretUnitBoundaryCache; 

                _caretUnitBoundaryCache = value;

        // Symbol offset of CaretUnitBoundaryCache, or -1 if the cache is empty. 
        internal int CaretUnitBoundaryCacheOffset
                return _caretUnitBoundaryCacheOffset;
                _caretUnitBoundaryCacheOffset = value;
        #endregion Internal Properties
        //  Private Fields 

        #region Private Fields 

        // The owning TextContainer. 
        private readonly TextContainer _tree; 

        // Root node of a contained tree, if any. 
        private TextTreeNode _containedNode;

        // The count of all symbols in the tree, including two edge symbols for
        // the root node itself. 
        private int _symbolCount;
        // The count of all chars in the tree. 
        private int _imeCharCount;
        // The tree generation.  Incremented whenever the tree content changes.
        private uint _generation;

        // Like _generation, but only updated when a change could affect positions. 
        private uint _positionGeneration;
        // Like _generation, but only updated when on a TextElement layout property change. 
        private uint _layoutGeneration;
        // A tree of TextTreeTextBlocks, used to store raw text for the entire TextContainer.
        private TextTreeRootTextBlock _rootTextBlock;

        // A list of positions ready to be garbage collected.  The TextPointer
        // finalizer adds positions to this list. 
        private ArrayList _deadPositionList; 
        // Cached TextView.IsAtCaretUnitBoundary calculation for _caretUnitBoundaryCacheOffset.
        private bool _caretUnitBoundaryCache;

        // Symbol offset of _caretUnitBoundaryCache, or -1 if the cache is empty. 
        private int _caretUnitBoundaryCacheOffset;
        // Structure that allows for dispatcher processing to be 
        // enabled after a call to Dispatcher.DisableProcessing.
        private DispatcherProcessingDisabled _processingDisabled; 

        #endregion Private Fields

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
//    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// Description: The root node of a TextContainer. 
// History: 
//  02/18/2004 : benwest - Created
using System;
using MS.Internal; 
using System.Collections; 
using System.Windows.Threading;
namespace System.Windows.Documents
    // All TextContainers contain a single TextTreeRootNode, which contains all other
    // nodes.  The root node is special because it contains tree-global data, 
    // and TextPositions may never reference its BeforeStart/AfterEnd edges.
    // Because of the restrictions on TextPointer, the root node may never 
    // be removed from the tree. 
    internal class TextTreeRootNode : TextTreeNode
        //  Constructors
        #region Constructors 

        // Creates a TextTreeRootNode instance. 
        internal TextTreeRootNode(TextContainer tree)
            _tree = tree;
            _deadPositionList = new ArrayList(0);
            // Root node has two imaginary element edges to match TextElementNode semantics.
            _symbolCount = 2; 

            // CaretUnitBoundaryCache always starts unset.
            _caretUnitBoundaryCacheOffset = -1;

        #endregion Constructors 
        //  Public Methods
        #region Public Methods
#if DEBUG 
        // Debug-only ToString override.
        public override string ToString() 
            return ("RootNode Id=" + this.DebugId + " SymbolCount=" + _symbolCount);
#endif // DEBUG 

        #endregion Public Methods 
        //  Internal Methods
        #region Internal Methods
        // Returns a shallow copy of this node. 
        // This should never be called for the root node, since it is never
        // involved in delete operations. 
        internal override TextTreeNode Clone()
            Invariant.Assert(false, "Unexpected call to TextTreeRootNode.Clone!");
            return null; 
        // Returns the TextPointerContext of the node. 
        // If node is TextTreeTextElementNode, this method returns ElementStart
        // if direction == Forward, otherwise ElementEnd if direction == Backward. 
        internal override TextPointerContext GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection direction)
            // End-of-tree is "None".
            return TextPointerContext.None; 
        #endregion Internal methods 

        //  Internal Properties

        #region Internal Properties 
        // The root node never has a parent node.
        internal override SplayTreeNode ParentNode 
                return null; 
                Invariant.Assert(false, "Can't set ParentNode on TextContainer root!"); 

        // Root node of a contained tree, if any. 
        internal override SplayTreeNode ContainedNode
                return _containedNode; 

                _containedNode = (TextTreeNode)value;

        // The root node never has sibling nodes, so the LeftSymbolCount is a 
        // constant zero.
        internal override int LeftSymbolCount
                return 0; 

                Invariant.Assert(false, "TextContainer root is never a sibling!");

        // The root node never has sibling nodes, so the LeftCharCount is a 
        // constant zero. 
        internal override int LeftCharCount
                return 0;

                Invariant.Assert(false, "TextContainer root is never a sibling!");

        // The root node never has siblings, so it never has child nodes.
        internal override SplayTreeNode LeftChildNode 
                return null;

                Invariant.Assert(false, "TextContainer root never has sibling nodes!"); 
        // The root node never has siblings, so it never has child nodes.
        internal override SplayTreeNode RightChildNode 
                return null; 
                Invariant.Assert(false, "TextContainer root never has sibling nodes!"); 

        // The tree generation.  Incremented whenever the tree content changes. 
        internal override uint Generation
                return _generation; 

                _generation = value;

        // Like the Generation property, but this counter is only updated when 
        // an edit that might affect TextPositions occurs.  In practice, inserts
        // do not bother TextPositions, but deletions do.
        internal uint PositionGeneration
                return _positionGeneration; 
                _positionGeneration = value;
        // Incremeneted whenever a layout property value changes on a TextElement. 
        internal uint LayoutGeneration
                return _layoutGeneration;

                _layoutGeneration = value;
                // Invalidate the caret unit boundary cache on layout update.
                _caretUnitBoundaryCacheOffset = -1;

        // Cached symbol offset.  The root node is always at offset zero. 
        internal override int SymbolOffsetCache 
                return 0;
                Invariant.Assert(value == 0, "Bad SymbolOffsetCache on TextContainer root!"); 

        // The count of all symbols in the tree, including two edge symbols for
        // the root node itself.
        internal override int SymbolCount 
                return _symbolCount;

                Invariant.Assert(value >= 2, "Bad _symbolCount on TextContainer root!"); 
                _symbolCount = value;

        // The count of all chars in the tree. 
        internal override int IMECharCount
                return _imeCharCount;
                Invariant.Assert(value >= 0, "IMECharCount may never be negative!");
                _imeCharCount = value;

        // Count of TextPositions referencing the node's BeforeStart 
        // edge.  We don't bother to actually track this for the root node 
        // since it is only useful in delete operations and the root node
        // is never deleted. 
        internal override bool BeforeStartReferenceCount
                return false;
                Invariant.Assert(!value, "Root node BeforeStart edge can never be referenced!");
        // Count of TextPositions referencing the node's AfterStart
        // edge.  We don't bother to actually track this for the root node 
        // since it is only useful in delete operations and the root node 
        // is never deleted.
        internal override bool AfterStartReferenceCount 
                return false; 
                // We can ignore the value because the TextContainer root is never removed. 

        // Count of TextPositions referencing the node's BeforeEnd 
        // edge.  We don't bother to actually track this for the root node
        // since it is only useful in delete operations and the root node 
        // is never deleted. 
        internal override bool BeforeEndReferenceCount
                return false;

                // We can ignore the value because the TextContainer root is never removed.

        // Count of TextPositions referencing the node's AfterEnd
        // edge.  We don't bother to actually track this for the root node 
        // since it is only useful in delete operations and the root node
        // is never deleted. 
        internal override bool AfterEndReferenceCount 
                return false;
                Invariant.Assert(!value, "Root node AfterEnd edge can never be referenced!"); 

        // The owning TextContainer.
        internal TextContainer TextContainer
                return _tree; 

        // A tree of TextTreeTextBlocks, used to store raw text for the entire
        // tree.
        internal TextTreeRootTextBlock RootTextBlock 
                return _rootTextBlock;

                _rootTextBlock = value; 
        // A list of positions ready to be garbage collected.  The TextPointer 
        // finalizer adds positions to this list.
        internal ArrayList DeadPositionList
                return _deadPositionList; 

                _deadPositionList = value;
        // Structure that allows for dispatcher processing to be 
        // enabled after a call to Dispatcher.DisableProcessing.
        internal DispatcherProcessingDisabled DispatcherProcessingDisabled 
                return _processingDisabled; 
                _processingDisabled = value; 

        // Cached TextView.IsAtCaretUnitBoundary calculation for CaretUnitBoundaryCacheOffset. 
        internal bool CaretUnitBoundaryCache
                return _caretUnitBoundaryCache; 

                _caretUnitBoundaryCache = value;

        // Symbol offset of CaretUnitBoundaryCache, or -1 if the cache is empty. 
        internal int CaretUnitBoundaryCacheOffset
                return _caretUnitBoundaryCacheOffset;
                _caretUnitBoundaryCacheOffset = value;
        #endregion Internal Properties
        //  Private Fields 

        #region Private Fields 

        // The owning TextContainer. 
        private readonly TextContainer _tree; 

        // Root node of a contained tree, if any. 
        private TextTreeNode _containedNode;

        // The count of all symbols in the tree, including two edge symbols for
        // the root node itself. 
        private int _symbolCount;
        // The count of all chars in the tree. 
        private int _imeCharCount;
        // The tree generation.  Incremented whenever the tree content changes.
        private uint _generation;

        // Like _generation, but only updated when a change could affect positions. 
        private uint _positionGeneration;
        // Like _generation, but only updated when on a TextElement layout property change. 
        private uint _layoutGeneration;
        // A tree of TextTreeTextBlocks, used to store raw text for the entire TextContainer.
        private TextTreeRootTextBlock _rootTextBlock;

        // A list of positions ready to be garbage collected.  The TextPointer
        // finalizer adds positions to this list. 
        private ArrayList _deadPositionList; 
        // Cached TextView.IsAtCaretUnitBoundary calculation for _caretUnitBoundaryCacheOffset.
        private bool _caretUnitBoundaryCache;

        // Symbol offset of _caretUnitBoundaryCache, or -1 if the cache is empty. 
        private int _caretUnitBoundaryCacheOffset;
        // Structure that allows for dispatcher processing to be 
        // enabled after a call to Dispatcher.DisableProcessing.
        private DispatcherProcessingDisabled _processingDisabled; 

        #endregion Private Fields

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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