CollectionContainer.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / 3.5.1 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / Orcas / NetFXw7 / wpf / src / Framework / System / Windows / Data / CollectionContainer.cs / 1 / CollectionContainer.cs

//    Copyright (C) 2003 by Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// Description: Holds an existing collection structure 
//              (e.g. ObservableCollection or DataSet) inside the ItemCollection.
// See specs at http://avalon/connecteddata/M5%20General%20Docs/ItemCollection.mht
//              http://avalon/connecteddata/M5%20Specs/IDataCollection.mht
// History: 
//  07/14/2003 : [....] - Created

using System.Collections; 
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.ComponentModel;

using System.Diagnostics; 
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls; 
using MS.Utility; 
using MS.Internal;              // Invariant.Assert
using MS.Internal.Utility; 
using MS.Internal.Data;         // IndexedEnumerable

using System;
namespace System.Windows.Data
    /// Holds an existing collection structure
    /// (e.g. ObservableCollection or DataSet) for use under a CompositeCollection. 
    public class CollectionContainer : DependencyObject, INotifyCollectionChanged, IWeakEventListener
        //  Dynamic properties and events 

        /// Collection to be added into flattened ItemCollection
        public static readonly DependencyProperty CollectionProperty =
                        new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(new PropertyChangedCallback(OnCollectionChanged)));

        //  Constructors 
        static CollectionContainer()
        //  Public Properties 

        #region Public Properties

        //ISSUE/[....]/030820 perf will potentially degrade if assigned collection 
        //                      is only IEnumerable, but will improve if it
        //                      implements ICollection (for Count property), or, 
        //                      better yet IList (for IndexOf and forward/backward enum using indexer) 
        /// Collection to be added into flattened ItemCollection. 
        public IEnumerable Collection
            get { return (IEnumerable) GetValue(CollectionContainer.CollectionProperty); } 
            set { SetValue(CollectionContainer.CollectionProperty, value); }
        /// This method is used by TypeDescriptor to determine if this property should 
        /// be serialized.
        public bool ShouldSerializeCollection() 
            if (Collection == null) 
                return false;

            // Try to see if there is an item in the Collection without
            // creating an enumerator.
            ICollection collection = Collection as ICollection; 
            if (collection != null && collection.Count == 0)
                return false; 
            // If MoveNext returns true, then the enumerator is non-empty.
            IEnumerator enumerator = Collection.GetEnumerator();
            return enumerator.MoveNext();

        #endregion Public Properties 
        //  Internal Properties
        #region Internal Properties
        internal ICollectionView View 
                return _view;

        internal int ViewCount 
                if (View == null)
                    return 0;

                CollectionView cv = View as CollectionView; 
                if (cv != null)
                    return cv.Count; 
                ICollection coll = View as ICollection;
                if (coll != null) 
                    return coll.Count;

                // As a last resort, use the IList interface or IndexedEnumerable to find the count.
                if (ViewList != null) 
                    return ViewList.Count;
                return 0; 

        internal bool ViewIsEmpty
                if (View == null) 
                    return true; 

                ICollectionView cv = View as ICollectionView; 
                if (cv != null)
                    return cv.IsEmpty;

                ICollection coll = View as ICollection; 
                if (coll != null)
                    return (coll.Count == 0); 
                // As a last resort, use the IList interface or IndexedEnumerable to find the count.
                if (ViewList != null) 
                    IndexedEnumerable le = ViewList as IndexedEnumerable;
                    if (le != null)
                        return le.IsEmpty; 
                        return (ViewList.Count == 0); 

                return true; 

        #endregion Internal Properties 

        //  Internal Methods

        #region Internal Methods
        internal object ViewItem(int index)
            Invariant.Assert(index >= 0 && View != null); 

            CollectionView cv = View as CollectionView; 
            if (cv != null)
                return cv.GetItemAt(index);

            // As a last resort, use the IList interface or IndexedEnumerable to iterate to the nth item. 
            if (ViewList != null) 
                return ViewList[index];
            return null;

        internal int ViewIndexOf(object item) 
            if (View == null) 
                return -1; 

            CollectionView cv = View as CollectionView; 
            if (cv != null)
                return cv.IndexOf(item);

            // As a last resort, use the IList interface or IndexedEnumerable to look for the item. 
            if (ViewList != null) 
                return ViewList.IndexOf(item);
            return -1;

        #endregion Internal Methods 

        #region INotifyCollectionChanged 
        /// Occurs when the contained collection changes 
        event NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler INotifyCollectionChanged.CollectionChanged
            add     { CollectionChanged += value; } 
            remove  { CollectionChanged -= value; }
        /// Occurs when the contained collection changes 
        protected virtual event NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler CollectionChanged;

        /// Called when the contained collection changes
        protected virtual void OnContainedCollectionChanged(NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs args) 
            if (CollectionChanged != null) 
                CollectionChanged(this, args);

        #endregion INotifyCollectionChanged 

        #region IWeakEventListener 
        /// Handle events from the centralized event table 
        bool IWeakEventListener.ReceiveWeakEvent(Type managerType, object sender, EventArgs e)
            return ReceiveWeakEvent(managerType, sender, e); 
        /// Handle events from the centralized event table
        protected virtual bool ReceiveWeakEvent(Type managerType, object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (managerType == typeof(CollectionChangedEventManager))
                // forward the event to CompositeCollections that use this container
                return false;       // unrecognized event

            return true; 
        #endregion IWeakEventListener 

        //  Private Properties

        #region Private Properties 
        private IndexedEnumerable ViewList
                if (_viewList == null && View != null)
                    _viewList = new IndexedEnumerable(View);
                return _viewList; 


        //  Private Methods 
        #region Private Methods

        // called when value of CollectionProperty is required by property store
        private static object OnGetCollection(DependencyObject d) 
            return ((CollectionContainer) d).Collection; 

        // Called when CollectionProperty is changed on "d." 
        private static void OnCollectionChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            CollectionContainer cc = (CollectionContainer) d;
            cc.HookUpToCollection((IEnumerable) e.NewValue, true); 
        // To prevent CollectionContainer memory leak: 
        // HookUpToCollection() is called to start listening to CV only when
        // the Container is being used by a CompositeCollectionView. 
        // When the last CCV stops using the container (or the CCV is GC'ed),
        // HookUpToCollection() is called to stop listening to its CV, so that
        // this container can be GC'ed if no one else is holding on to it.
        // unhook old collection/view and hook up new collection/view
        private void HookUpToCollection(IEnumerable newCollection, bool shouldRaiseChangeEvent) 
            // clear cached helper
            _viewList = null; 

            // unhook from the old collection view
            if (View != null)
                CollectionChangedEventManager.RemoveListener(View, this);
                if (_traceLog != null) 
                    _traceLog.Add("Unsubscribe to CollectionChange from {0}",

            // change to the new view
            if (newCollection != null) 
                _view = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultCollectionView(newCollection, this);
                _view = null; 

            // hook up to the new collection view 
            if (View != null)
                CollectionChangedEventManager.AddListener(View, this);
                if (_traceLog != null)
                    _traceLog.Add("Subscribe to CollectionChange from {0}", TraceLog.IdFor(View)); 

            if (shouldRaiseChangeEvent) // it's as if this were a refresh of the container's collection 
                OnContainedCollectionChanged(new NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs(NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset));

        #endregion Private Methods 

        // this method is here just to avoid the compiler error 
        // error CS0649: Warning as Error: Field '..._traceLog' is never assigned to, and will always have its default value null 
        void InitializeTraceLog()
            _traceLog = new TraceLog(20);

        //  Private Fields 
        #region Private Fields

        private TraceLog        _traceLog;
        private ICollectionView _view; 
        private IndexedEnumerable _viewList;      // cache of list wrapper for view
        #endregion Private Fields 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
//    Copyright (C) 2003 by Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// Description: Holds an existing collection structure 
//              (e.g. ObservableCollection or DataSet) inside the ItemCollection.
// See specs at http://avalon/connecteddata/M5%20General%20Docs/ItemCollection.mht
//              http://avalon/connecteddata/M5%20Specs/IDataCollection.mht
// History: 
//  07/14/2003 : [....] - Created

using System.Collections; 
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.ComponentModel;

using System.Diagnostics; 
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls; 
using MS.Utility; 
using MS.Internal;              // Invariant.Assert
using MS.Internal.Utility; 
using MS.Internal.Data;         // IndexedEnumerable

using System;
namespace System.Windows.Data
    /// Holds an existing collection structure
    /// (e.g. ObservableCollection or DataSet) for use under a CompositeCollection. 
    public class CollectionContainer : DependencyObject, INotifyCollectionChanged, IWeakEventListener
        //  Dynamic properties and events 

        /// Collection to be added into flattened ItemCollection
        public static readonly DependencyProperty CollectionProperty =
                        new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(new PropertyChangedCallback(OnCollectionChanged)));

        //  Constructors 
        static CollectionContainer()
        //  Public Properties 

        #region Public Properties

        //ISSUE/[....]/030820 perf will potentially degrade if assigned collection 
        //                      is only IEnumerable, but will improve if it
        //                      implements ICollection (for Count property), or, 
        //                      better yet IList (for IndexOf and forward/backward enum using indexer) 
        /// Collection to be added into flattened ItemCollection. 
        public IEnumerable Collection
            get { return (IEnumerable) GetValue(CollectionContainer.CollectionProperty); } 
            set { SetValue(CollectionContainer.CollectionProperty, value); }
        /// This method is used by TypeDescriptor to determine if this property should 
        /// be serialized.
        public bool ShouldSerializeCollection() 
            if (Collection == null) 
                return false;

            // Try to see if there is an item in the Collection without
            // creating an enumerator.
            ICollection collection = Collection as ICollection; 
            if (collection != null && collection.Count == 0)
                return false; 
            // If MoveNext returns true, then the enumerator is non-empty.
            IEnumerator enumerator = Collection.GetEnumerator();
            return enumerator.MoveNext();

        #endregion Public Properties 
        //  Internal Properties
        #region Internal Properties
        internal ICollectionView View 
                return _view;

        internal int ViewCount 
                if (View == null)
                    return 0;

                CollectionView cv = View as CollectionView; 
                if (cv != null)
                    return cv.Count; 
                ICollection coll = View as ICollection;
                if (coll != null) 
                    return coll.Count;

                // As a last resort, use the IList interface or IndexedEnumerable to find the count.
                if (ViewList != null) 
                    return ViewList.Count;
                return 0; 

        internal bool ViewIsEmpty
                if (View == null) 
                    return true; 

                ICollectionView cv = View as ICollectionView; 
                if (cv != null)
                    return cv.IsEmpty;

                ICollection coll = View as ICollection; 
                if (coll != null)
                    return (coll.Count == 0); 
                // As a last resort, use the IList interface or IndexedEnumerable to find the count.
                if (ViewList != null) 
                    IndexedEnumerable le = ViewList as IndexedEnumerable;
                    if (le != null)
                        return le.IsEmpty; 
                        return (ViewList.Count == 0); 

                return true; 

        #endregion Internal Properties 

        //  Internal Methods

        #region Internal Methods
        internal object ViewItem(int index)
            Invariant.Assert(index >= 0 && View != null); 

            CollectionView cv = View as CollectionView; 
            if (cv != null)
                return cv.GetItemAt(index);

            // As a last resort, use the IList interface or IndexedEnumerable to iterate to the nth item. 
            if (ViewList != null) 
                return ViewList[index];
            return null;

        internal int ViewIndexOf(object item) 
            if (View == null) 
                return -1; 

            CollectionView cv = View as CollectionView; 
            if (cv != null)
                return cv.IndexOf(item);

            // As a last resort, use the IList interface or IndexedEnumerable to look for the item. 
            if (ViewList != null) 
                return ViewList.IndexOf(item);
            return -1;

        #endregion Internal Methods 

        #region INotifyCollectionChanged 
        /// Occurs when the contained collection changes 
        event NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler INotifyCollectionChanged.CollectionChanged
            add     { CollectionChanged += value; } 
            remove  { CollectionChanged -= value; }
        /// Occurs when the contained collection changes 
        protected virtual event NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler CollectionChanged;

        /// Called when the contained collection changes
        protected virtual void OnContainedCollectionChanged(NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs args) 
            if (CollectionChanged != null) 
                CollectionChanged(this, args);

        #endregion INotifyCollectionChanged 

        #region IWeakEventListener 
        /// Handle events from the centralized event table 
        bool IWeakEventListener.ReceiveWeakEvent(Type managerType, object sender, EventArgs e)
            return ReceiveWeakEvent(managerType, sender, e); 
        /// Handle events from the centralized event table
        protected virtual bool ReceiveWeakEvent(Type managerType, object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (managerType == typeof(CollectionChangedEventManager))
                // forward the event to CompositeCollections that use this container
                return false;       // unrecognized event

            return true; 
        #endregion IWeakEventListener 

        //  Private Properties

        #region Private Properties 
        private IndexedEnumerable ViewList
                if (_viewList == null && View != null)
                    _viewList = new IndexedEnumerable(View);
                return _viewList; 


        //  Private Methods 
        #region Private Methods

        // called when value of CollectionProperty is required by property store
        private static object OnGetCollection(DependencyObject d) 
            return ((CollectionContainer) d).Collection; 

        // Called when CollectionProperty is changed on "d." 
        private static void OnCollectionChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            CollectionContainer cc = (CollectionContainer) d;
            cc.HookUpToCollection((IEnumerable) e.NewValue, true); 
        // To prevent CollectionContainer memory leak: 
        // HookUpToCollection() is called to start listening to CV only when
        // the Container is being used by a CompositeCollectionView. 
        // When the last CCV stops using the container (or the CCV is GC'ed),
        // HookUpToCollection() is called to stop listening to its CV, so that
        // this container can be GC'ed if no one else is holding on to it.
        // unhook old collection/view and hook up new collection/view
        private void HookUpToCollection(IEnumerable newCollection, bool shouldRaiseChangeEvent) 
            // clear cached helper
            _viewList = null; 

            // unhook from the old collection view
            if (View != null)
                CollectionChangedEventManager.RemoveListener(View, this);
                if (_traceLog != null) 
                    _traceLog.Add("Unsubscribe to CollectionChange from {0}",

            // change to the new view
            if (newCollection != null) 
                _view = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultCollectionView(newCollection, this);
                _view = null; 

            // hook up to the new collection view 
            if (View != null)
                CollectionChangedEventManager.AddListener(View, this);
                if (_traceLog != null)
                    _traceLog.Add("Subscribe to CollectionChange from {0}", TraceLog.IdFor(View)); 

            if (shouldRaiseChangeEvent) // it's as if this were a refresh of the container's collection 
                OnContainedCollectionChanged(new NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs(NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset));

        #endregion Private Methods 

        // this method is here just to avoid the compiler error 
        // error CS0649: Warning as Error: Field '..._traceLog' is never assigned to, and will always have its default value null 
        void InitializeTraceLog()
            _traceLog = new TraceLog(20);

        //  Private Fields 
        #region Private Fields

        private TraceLog        _traceLog;
        private ICollectionView _view; 
        private IndexedEnumerable _viewList;      // cache of list wrapper for view
        #endregion Private Fields 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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