/ Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / 8.0.50727.4016 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / whidbey / NetFxQFE / ndp / fx / src / Xml / System / Xml / Serialization / SoapAttributeOverrides.cs / 1 / SoapAttributeOverrides.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //[....] //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Xml.Serialization { using System.Reflection; using System.Collections; using System.IO; using System.Xml.Schema; using System; using System.ComponentModel; ////// /// public class SoapAttributeOverrides { Hashtable types = new Hashtable(); ///[To be supplied.] ////// /// public void Add(Type type, SoapAttributes attributes) { Add(type, string.Empty, attributes); } ///[To be supplied.] ////// /// public void Add(Type type, string member, SoapAttributes attributes) { Hashtable members = (Hashtable)types[type]; if (members == null) { members = new Hashtable(); types.Add(type, members); } else if (members[member] != null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlMultipleAttributeOverrides, type.FullName, member)); } members.Add(member, attributes); } ///[To be supplied.] ////// /// public SoapAttributes this[Type type] { get { return this[type, string.Empty]; } } ///[To be supplied.] ////// /// public SoapAttributes this[Type type, string member] { get { Hashtable members = (Hashtable)types[type]; if (members == null) return null; return (SoapAttributes)members[member]; } } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //[To be supplied.] ///// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //[....] //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Xml.Serialization { using System.Reflection; using System.Collections; using System.IO; using System.Xml.Schema; using System; using System.ComponentModel; ////// /// public class SoapAttributeOverrides { Hashtable types = new Hashtable(); ///[To be supplied.] ////// /// public void Add(Type type, SoapAttributes attributes) { Add(type, string.Empty, attributes); } ///[To be supplied.] ////// /// public void Add(Type type, string member, SoapAttributes attributes) { Hashtable members = (Hashtable)types[type]; if (members == null) { members = new Hashtable(); types.Add(type, members); } else if (members[member] != null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlMultipleAttributeOverrides, type.FullName, member)); } members.Add(member, attributes); } ///[To be supplied.] ////// /// public SoapAttributes this[Type type] { get { return this[type, string.Empty]; } } ///[To be supplied.] ////// /// public SoapAttributes this[Type type, string member] { get { Hashtable members = (Hashtable)types[type]; if (members == null) return null; return (SoapAttributes)members[member]; } } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.[To be supplied.] ///
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