/ DotNET / DotNET / 8.0 / untmp / whidbey / REDBITS / ndp / fx / src / WinForms / Managed / System / WinForms / FileDialog_Vista.cs / 2 / FileDialog_Vista.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Windows.Forms { using System; using System.ComponentModel; using System.ComponentModel.Design; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Security; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Threading; using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; public partial class FileDialog { private bool _autoUpgradeEnabled = true; internal virtual bool SettingsSupportVistaDialog { get { return !this.ShowHelp; } } internal bool UseVistaDialogInternal { get { return UnsafeNativeMethods.IsVista && this._autoUpgradeEnabled && SettingsSupportVistaDialog; } } internal abstract FileDialogNative.IFileDialog CreateVistaDialog(); [ SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Assert, Flags=SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode), SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Reliability", "CA2004:RemoveCallsToGCKeepAlive") ] private bool RunDialogVista(IntPtr hWndOwner) { FileDialogNative.IFileDialog dialog = CreateVistaDialog(); OnBeforeVistaDialog(dialog); VistaDialogEvents events = new VistaDialogEvents(this); uint eventCookie; dialog.Advise(events, out eventCookie); try { int result = dialog.Show(hWndOwner); return 0 == result; } finally { dialog.Unadvise(eventCookie); //Make sure that the event interface doesn't get collected GC.KeepAlive(events); } } internal virtual void OnBeforeVistaDialog(FileDialogNative.IFileDialog dialog) { dialog.SetDefaultExtension(this.DefaultExt); dialog.SetFileName(this.FileName); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.InitialDirectory)) { try { FileDialogNative.IShellItem initialDirectory = GetShellItemForPath(this.InitialDirectory); dialog.SetDefaultFolder(initialDirectory); dialog.SetFolder(initialDirectory); } catch (FileNotFoundException) { } } dialog.SetTitle(this.Title); dialog.SetOptions(GetOptions()); SetFileTypes(dialog); this._customPlaces.Apply(dialog); } private FileDialogNative.FOS GetOptions() { const FileDialogNative.FOS BlittableOptions = FileDialogNative.FOS.FOS_OVERWRITEPROMPT | FileDialogNative.FOS.FOS_NOCHANGEDIR | FileDialogNative.FOS.FOS_NOVALIDATE | FileDialogNative.FOS.FOS_ALLOWMULTISELECT | FileDialogNative.FOS.FOS_PATHMUSTEXIST | FileDialogNative.FOS.FOS_FILEMUSTEXIST | FileDialogNative.FOS.FOS_CREATEPROMPT | FileDialogNative.FOS.FOS_NODEREFERENCELINKS ; const int UnexpectedOptions = NativeMethods.OFN_USESHELLITEM //This is totally bogus (only used in FileDialog by accident to ensure that places are shown | NativeMethods.OFN_SHOWHELP //If ShowHelp is true, we don't use the Vista Dialog | NativeMethods.OFN_ENABLEHOOK //These shouldn't be set in options (only set in the flags for the legacy dialog) | NativeMethods.OFN_ENABLESIZING //These shouldn't be set in options (only set in the flags for the legacy dialog) | NativeMethods.OFN_EXPLORER //These shouldn't be set in options (only set in the flags for the legacy dialog) ; System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(0==(UnexpectedOptions & options), "Unexpected FileDialog options"); FileDialogNative.FOS ret = (FileDialogNative.FOS)options & BlittableOptions; //Force no mini mode for the SaveFileDialog ret |= FileDialogNative.FOS.FOS_DEFAULTNOMINIMODE; // DevDiv Bugs 107025: Make sure that the Open dialog allows the user to specify // non-file system locations. This flag will cause the dialog to copy the resource // to a local cache (Temporary Internet Files), and return that path instead. This // also affects the Save dialog by disallowing navigation to these areas. // An example of a non-file system location is a URL (http://), or a file stored on // a digital camera that is not mapped to a drive letter. // This reproduces the behavior of the "classic" Open and Save dialogs. ret |= FileDialogNative.FOS.FOS_FORCEFILESYSTEM; return ret; } internal abstract string[] ProcessVistaFiles(FileDialogNative.IFileDialog dialog); [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1031:DoNotCatchGeneralExceptionTypes")] private bool HandleVistaFileOk(FileDialogNative.IFileDialog dialog) { int saveOptions = options; int saveFilterIndex = filterIndex; string[] saveFileNames = fileNames; bool saveSecurityCheckFileNames = securityCheckFileNames; bool ok = false; try { securityCheckFileNames = true; Thread.MemoryBarrier(); uint filterIndexTemp; dialog.GetFileTypeIndex(out filterIndexTemp); filterIndex = unchecked((int)filterIndexTemp); fileNames = ProcessVistaFiles(dialog); if (ProcessFileNames()) { CancelEventArgs ceevent = new CancelEventArgs(); if (NativeWindow.WndProcShouldBeDebuggable) { OnFileOk(ceevent); ok = !ceevent.Cancel; } else { try { OnFileOk(ceevent); ok = !ceevent.Cancel; } catch (Exception e) { Application.OnThreadException(e); } } } } finally { if (!ok) { //Order here is important. We don't want a window where securityCheckFileNames is false, but the temporary fileNames is still in place securityCheckFileNames = saveSecurityCheckFileNames; Thread.MemoryBarrier(); fileNames = saveFileNames; options = saveOptions; filterIndex = saveFilterIndex; } else { if (0 != (options & NativeMethods.OFN_HIDEREADONLY)) { //When the dialog is dismissed OK, the Readonly bit can't // be left on if ShowReadOnly was false // Downlevel this happens automatically, on Vista mode, we need to watch out for it. options &= ~ NativeMethods.OFN_READONLY; } } } return ok; } private class VistaDialogEvents : FileDialogNative.IFileDialogEvents { private FileDialog _dialog; public VistaDialogEvents(FileDialog dialog) { this._dialog = dialog; } public int OnFileOk(FileDialogNative.IFileDialog pfd) { return this._dialog.HandleVistaFileOk(pfd) ? NativeMethods.S_OK : NativeMethods.S_FALSE; } public int OnFolderChanging(FileDialogNative.IFileDialog pfd, FileDialogNative.IShellItem psiFolder) { return NativeMethods.S_OK; } public void OnFolderChange(FileDialogNative.IFileDialog pfd) { } public void OnSelectionChange(FileDialogNative.IFileDialog pfd) { } public void OnShareViolation(FileDialogNative.IFileDialog pfd, FileDialogNative.IShellItem psi, out FileDialogNative.FDE_SHAREVIOLATION_RESPONSE pResponse) { pResponse = FileDialogNative.FDE_SHAREVIOLATION_RESPONSE.FDESVR_DEFAULT; } public void OnTypeChange(FileDialogNative.IFileDialog pfd) { } public void OnOverwrite(FileDialogNative.IFileDialog pfd, FileDialogNative.IShellItem psi, out FileDialogNative.FDE_OVERWRITE_RESPONSE pResponse) { pResponse = FileDialogNative.FDE_OVERWRITE_RESPONSE.FDEOR_DEFAULT; } } private void SetFileTypes(FileDialogNative.IFileDialog dialog) { FileDialogNative.COMDLG_FILTERSPEC[] filterItems = FilterItems; dialog.SetFileTypes((uint)filterItems.Length, filterItems); if (filterItems.Length > 0) { dialog.SetFileTypeIndex(unchecked((uint)filterIndex)); } } private FileDialogNative.COMDLG_FILTERSPEC[] FilterItems { get { return GetFilterItems(this.filter); } } private static FileDialogNative.COMDLG_FILTERSPEC[] GetFilterItems(string filter) { //Expected input types //"Text files (*.txt)|*.txt|All files (*.*)|*.*" //"Image Files(*.BMP;*.JPG;*.GIF)|*.BMP;*.JPG;*.GIF|All files (*.*)|*.*" Listextensions = new List (); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter)) { string[] tokens = filter.Split('|'); if (0 == tokens.Length % 2) { //All even numbered tokens should be labels //Odd numbered tokens are the associated extensions for (int i = 1; i < tokens.Length; i += 2) { FileDialogNative.COMDLG_FILTERSPEC extension; extension.pszSpec = tokens[i];//This may be a semicolon delimeted list of extensions (that's ok) extension.pszName = tokens[i - 1]; extensions.Add(extension); } } } return extensions.ToArray(); } internal static FileDialogNative.IShellItem GetShellItemForPath(string path) { FileDialogNative.IShellItem ret = null; IntPtr pidl = IntPtr.Zero; uint zero = 0; if (0 <= UnsafeNativeMethods.Shell32.SHILCreateFromPath(path, out pidl, ref zero)) { if (0 <= UnsafeNativeMethods.Shell32.SHCreateShellItem( IntPtr.Zero, //No parent specified IntPtr.Zero, pidl, out ret)) { return ret; } } throw new System.IO.FileNotFoundException(); } internal static string GetFilePathFromShellItem(FileDialogNative.IShellItem item) { string filename; item.GetDisplayName(FileDialogNative.SIGDN.SIGDN_DESKTOPABSOLUTEPARSING, out filename); return filename; } private FileDialogCustomPlacesCollection _customPlaces = new FileDialogCustomPlacesCollection(); [ Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden) ] public FileDialogCustomPlacesCollection CustomPlaces { get { return this._customPlaces; } } /// /// Gets or Sets whether the dialog will be automatically upgraded to enable new features. /// [ DefaultValue(true) ] public bool AutoUpgradeEnabled { get { return this._autoUpgradeEnabled; } set { this._autoUpgradeEnabled = value; } } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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