CodeDomLocalizationProvider.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ DotNET / DotNET / 8.0 / untmp / whidbey / REDBITS / ndp / fx / src / Designer / Host / Serialization / CodeDomLocalizationProvider.cs / 1 / CodeDomLocalizationProvider.cs

//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
namespace System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization {
    using System; 
    using System.Collections;
    using System.ComponentModel; 
    using System.ComponentModel.Design;
    using System.Design;
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.Globalization; 
    using System.Resources;
    using System.Windows.Forms; 
    using System.Windows.Forms.Design; 

    ///		This is a serialization provider that provides a localization feature.  This provider
    ///     adds two properties to the root component:  Language and Localizable.  If Localizable
    ///     is set to true this provider will change the way that component properties are generated 
    ///     and will route their values to a resource file.  Two localization models are
    ///     supported. 
    public sealed class CodeDomLocalizationProvider: IDisposable, IDesignerSerializationProvider {
        private IExtenderProviderService    _providerService;
        private CodeDomLocalizationModel    _model;
        private CultureInfo[]               _supportedCultures;
        private LanguageExtenders           _extender; 
        private Hashtable                   _memberSerializers;
        private Hashtable                   _nopMemberSerializers; 
        ///		Creates a new adapter and attaches it to the serialization manager.  This
        ///		will add itself as a serializer for resources into the serialization manager, and,
        ///		if not already added, will add itself as an extender provider to the roost component
        ///		and provide the Language and Localizable properties.  The latter piece is only 
        ///		supplied if CodeDomLocalizationModel is not �none�.
        public CodeDomLocalizationProvider(IServiceProvider provider, CodeDomLocalizationModel model) { 
            if (provider == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("provider");
            _model = model; 

        ///		Creates a new adapter and attaches it to the serialization manager.  This 
        ///		will add itself as a serializer for resources into the serialization manager, and, 
        ///		if not already added, will add itself as an extender provider to the roost component
        ///		and provide the Language and Localizable properties.  The latter piece is only 
        ///		supplied if CodeDomLocalizationModel is not �none�.
        public CodeDomLocalizationProvider(IServiceProvider provider, CodeDomLocalizationModel model, CultureInfo[] supportedCultures) {
            if (provider == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("provider"); 
            if (supportedCultures == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("supportedCultures");
            _model = model; 
            _supportedCultures = (CultureInfo[])supportedCultures.Clone();

        ///     Disposes this object.
        public void Dispose() { 
            if (_providerService != null && _extender != null) {
                _providerService = null;
                _extender = null;

        ///     Adds our extended properties. 
        private void Initialize(IServiceProvider provider) { 
            _providerService = provider.GetService(typeof(IExtenderProviderService)) as IExtenderProviderService;
            if (_providerService == null) {
                throw new NotSupportedException(SR.GetString(SR.LocalizationProviderMissingService, typeof(IExtenderProviderService).Name));

            _extender = new LanguageExtenders(provider, _supportedCultures); 

        #region IDesignerSerializationProvider Members

        ///    Returns a code dom serializer
        private object GetCodeDomSerializer(IDesignerSerializationManager manager, object currentSerializer, Type objectType, Type serializerType) { 

            if (currentSerializer == null) { 
                return null;

            // Always do default processing for the resource manager. 
            if (typeof(ResourceManager).IsAssignableFrom(objectType)) {
                return null; 

            // Here's how this works.  We have two different types of serializers to offer :  a 
            // serializer that writes out code like this:
            //      this.Button1.Text = rm.GetString("Button1_Text");
            // And one that writes out like this:
            //      rm.ApplyResources(Button1, "Button1"); 
            // The first serializer is used for serializable objects that have no serializer of their 
            // own, and for localizable properties when the CodeDomLocalizationModel is set to PropertyAssignment.
            // The second serializer is used only for localizaing properties when the CodeDomLocalizationModel
            // is set to PropertyReflection

            // Compute a localization model based on the property, localization mode, 
            // and what (if any) serializer already exists 
            CodeDomLocalizationModel model = CodeDomLocalizationModel.None;
            object modelObj = manager.Context[typeof(CodeDomLocalizationModel)]; 
            if (modelObj != null) model = (CodeDomLocalizationModel)modelObj;

            /* Nifty, but this causes everything to be loc'd because our provider
               comes in before the default one 

            if (model == CodeDomLocalizationModel.None && currentSerializer == null) { 
                model = CodeDomLocalizationModel.PropertyAssignment; 

            if (model != CodeDomLocalizationModel.None) {
                return new LocalizationCodeDomSerializer(model, currentSerializer);

            return null; 

        ///    Returns a code dom serializer for members.
        private object GetMemberCodeDomSerializer(IDesignerSerializationManager manager, object currentSerializer, Type objectType, Type serializerType) {
            CodeDomLocalizationModel model = _model; 

            if (!typeof(PropertyDescriptor).IsAssignableFrom(objectType)) { 
                return null; 
            // Ok, we got a property descriptor.  If we're being localized
            // we provide a different type of serializer.  But, we only
            // do this if we were given a current serializer.  Otherwise
            // we don't know how to perform the serialization. 
            // We can only provide a custom serializer if we have an existing one
            // to base off of. 
            if (currentSerializer == null) { 
                return null;

            // If we've already provided this serializer, don't do it again
            if (currentSerializer is ResourcePropertyMemberCodeDomSerializer) {
                return null; 
            // We only care if we're localizable 
            if (_extender == null || !_extender.GetLocalizable(null)) {
                return null; 

            // Fish the property out of the context to see if the property is
            // localizable. 
            PropertyDescriptor serializingProperty = manager.Context[typeof(PropertyDescriptor)] as PropertyDescriptor;
            if (serializingProperty == null || !serializingProperty.IsLocalizable) { 
                model = CodeDomLocalizationModel.None;

            if (_memberSerializers == null) {
                _memberSerializers = new Hashtable();
            if (_nopMemberSerializers == null) {
                _nopMemberSerializers = new Hashtable(); 

            object newSerializer = null; 
            if (model == CodeDomLocalizationModel.None) {
                newSerializer = _nopMemberSerializers[currentSerializer];
            else { 
                newSerializer = _memberSerializers[currentSerializer];
            if (newSerializer == null) {
                newSerializer = new ResourcePropertyMemberCodeDomSerializer((MemberCodeDomSerializer)currentSerializer, _extender, model); 
                if (model == CodeDomLocalizationModel.None) {
                    _nopMemberSerializers[currentSerializer] = newSerializer;
                else { 
                    _memberSerializers[currentSerializer] = newSerializer;

            return newSerializer; 

        ///     Returns an appropriate serializer for the object.
        object IDesignerSerializationProvider.GetSerializer(IDesignerSerializationManager manager, object currentSerializer, Type objectType, Type serializerType) { 

            if (serializerType == typeof(CodeDomSerializer)) { 
                return GetCodeDomSerializer(manager, currentSerializer, objectType, serializerType);
            else if (serializerType == typeof(MemberCodeDomSerializer)) {
                return GetMemberCodeDomSerializer(manager, currentSerializer, objectType, serializerType); 
            return null; // don't understand this type of serializer. 

        #region LanguageExtenders class
        ///    The design time language and localizable properties.
        [ProvideProperty("Language", typeof(IComponent))] 
        [ProvideProperty("LoadLanguage", typeof(IComponent))]
        [ProvideProperty("Localizable", typeof(IComponent))] 
        internal class LanguageExtenders: IExtenderProvider {

            private IServiceProvider _serviceProvider;
            private IDesignerHost _host; 
            private IComponent _lastRoot;
            private TypeConverter.StandardValuesCollection _supportedCultures; 
            private bool _localizable; 
            private CultureInfo _language;
            private CultureInfo _loadLanguage; 
            private CultureInfo _defaultLanguage;

            public LanguageExtenders(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, CultureInfo[] supportedCultures) {
                _serviceProvider = serviceProvider; 
                _host = serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IDesignerHost)) as IDesignerHost; 
                _language = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
                if (supportedCultures != null) {
                    _supportedCultures = new TypeConverter.StandardValuesCollection(supportedCultures);

            ///    A collection of custom supported cultures.  This can be null, indicating that the 
            ///    type converter should use the default set of supported cultures.
            internal TypeConverter.StandardValuesCollection SupportedCultures {
                get {
                    return _supportedCultures; 
            ///    Returns the current default language for the thread. 
            private CultureInfo ThreadDefaultLanguage {
                get {
                    if (_defaultLanguage == null) { 
                        _defaultLanguage = Application.CurrentCulture;
                    return _defaultLanguage; 

            ///     Broadcasts a global change, indicating that all
            ///     objects on the designer have changed. 
            private void BroadcastGlobalChange(IComponent comp) { 
                ISite site = comp.Site; 
                if (site != null) {
                    IComponentChangeService cs = site.GetService(typeof(IComponentChangeService)) as IComponentChangeService; 
                    IContainer container = site.GetService(typeof(IContainer)) as IContainer;

                    if (cs != null && container != null) {
                        foreach(IComponent c in container.Components) { 
                            cs.OnComponentChanging(c, null);
                            cs.OnComponentChanged(c, null, null, null); 

            ///     This method compares the current root component 
            ///     with the last one we saw.  If they don't match,
            ///     that means the designer has reloaded and we 
            ///     should set all of our properties back to their 
            ///     defaults.  This is more efficient than syncing
            ///     an event. 
            private void CheckRoot() {
                if (_host != null && _host.RootComponent != _lastRoot) {
                    _lastRoot = _host.RootComponent; 
                    _language = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
                    _loadLanguage = null; 
                    _localizable = false; 

            ///    Gets the language set for the specified object.
            public CultureInfo GetLanguage(IComponent o) { 
                return _language;
            ///    Gets the language we'll use when re-loading the designer. 
            public CultureInfo GetLoadLanguage(IComponent o) {


                // If we never configured the load language, we're always invariant. 
                if (_loadLanguage == null) { 
                    _loadLanguage = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;

                return _loadLanguage;
            ///    Gets a value indicating whether the specified object supports design-time localization 
            ///     support. 
            public bool GetLocalizable(IComponent o) {
                return _localizable;
            ///    Sets the language to use.  When the language is set the designer will be 
            ///    reloaded.
            public void SetLanguage(IComponent o, CultureInfo language) {
                if (language == null) {
                    language = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; 

                bool isInvariantCulture = (language.Equals(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); 
                CultureInfo defaultUICulture = this.ThreadDefaultLanguage;

                if (_language.Equals(language)) {
                _language = language; 

                if (!isInvariantCulture) { 
                    SetLocalizable(o, true);

                if (_serviceProvider != null && _host != null) { 
                    IDesignerLoaderService ls = _serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IDesignerLoaderService)) as IDesignerLoaderService;
                    // Only reload if we're not in the process of loading! 
                    if (_host.Loading) { 
                        _loadLanguage = language;
                    else {
                        bool reloadSuccessful = false; 

                        if (ls != null) { 
                            reloadSuccessful = ls.Reload(); 
                        if (!reloadSuccessful) {
                            IUIService uis = (IUIService)_serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IUIService));

                            if (uis != null) { 

            ///    Sets a value indicating whether or not the specified object has design-time 
            ///    localization support.
            public void SetLocalizable(IComponent o, bool localizable) { 
                if (localizable != _localizable) {
                    _localizable = localizable;

                    if (!localizable) { 
                        SetLanguage(o, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    if (_host != null && !_host.Loading) {
            ///    Gets a value indicating whether the specified object should have its design-time localization support persisted. 
            private bool ShouldSerializeLanguage(IComponent o) {
                return (_language != null && _language != CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); 

            ///    Gets a value indicating whether the specified object should have its design-time localization support persisted. 
            private bool ShouldSerializeLocalizable(IComponent o) { 
                return (_localizable); 
            ///    Resets the localizable property to the 'defaultLocalizable' value.
            private void ResetLocalizable(IComponent o) { 
                SetLocalizable(o, false);
            ///    Resets the language for the specified object. 
            private  void ResetLanguage(IComponent o) {
                SetLanguage(o, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            ///    We only extend the root component. 
            public bool CanExtend(object o) { 
                return (_host != null && o == _host.RootComponent);

        #region LanguageCultureInfoConverter 
        ///    This is a culture info converter that knows how to provide
        ///    a restricted list of cultures based on the SupportedCultures 
        ///    property of the extender.  If the extender can't be found
        ///    or the SupportedCultures property returns null, this
        ///    defaults to the stock implementation.
        internal sealed class LanguageCultureInfoConverter: CultureInfoConverter {
            ///       Gets a collection of standard values collection for a System.Globalization.CultureInfo
            ///       object using the specified context. 
            public override StandardValuesCollection GetStandardValues(ITypeDescriptorContext context) {

                StandardValuesCollection values = null; 

                if (context.PropertyDescriptor != null) { 
                    ExtenderProvidedPropertyAttribute attr = context.PropertyDescriptor.Attributes[typeof(ExtenderProvidedPropertyAttribute)] as ExtenderProvidedPropertyAttribute; 
                    if (attr != null) {
                        LanguageExtenders provider = attr.Provider as LanguageExtenders; 
                        if (provider != null) {
                            values = provider.SupportedCultures;
                if (values == null) { 
                    values = base.GetStandardValues(context);

                return values;

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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