IRCollection.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ DotNET / DotNET / 8.0 / untmp / whidbey / REDBITS / ndp / clr / src / BCL / System / Security / Principal / IRCollection.cs / 1 / IRCollection.cs

                            // ==++== 
//   Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// ==--== 

using System; 
using System.Collections; 
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace System.Security.Principal
    public class IdentityReferenceCollection : ICollection 
        #region Private members 
        // Container enumerated by this collection 

        private ArrayList _Identities;
        #region Constructors 

        // Creates an empty collection of default size

        public IdentityReferenceCollection() 
            : this( 0 )

        // Creates an empty collection of given initial size

        public IdentityReferenceCollection( int capacity ) 
            _Identities = new ArrayList( capacity ); 


        #region ICollection implementation

        public void CopyTo( IdentityReference[] array, int offset ) 
            _Identities.CopyTo( 0, array, offset, Count ); 

        public int Count 
            get { return _Identities.Count; }
        public bool IsReadOnly
            get { return false; } 
        public void Add( IdentityReference identity )
            if ( identity == null )
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "identity" );
            _Identities.Add( identity );

        public bool Remove( IdentityReference identity )
            if ( identity == null ) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "identity" ); 

            if ( Contains( identity )) 
                _Identities.Remove( identity );
                return true;

            return false; 

        public void Clear() 
        public bool Contains( IdentityReference identity )
            if ( identity == null ) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "identity" ); 

            return _Identities.Contains( identity );


        #region IEnumerable implementation 

        IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
	    return GetEnumerator(); 
        public IEnumerator GetEnumerator() 
            return new IdentityReferenceEnumerator( this ); 

        #region Public methods
        public IdentityReference this[int index] 
                return _Identities[index] as IdentityReference;
                if ( value == null ) 
                    throw new ArgumentNullException( "value" ); 

                _Identities[index] = value;
        internal ArrayList Identities 
            get { return _Identities; } 

        public IdentityReferenceCollection Translate( Type targetType )
            return Translate( targetType, false );
        public IdentityReferenceCollection Translate( Type targetType, bool forceSuccess )

            if ( targetType == null )
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "targetType" ); 
            // Target type must be a subclass of IdentityReference

            if ( !targetType.IsSubclassOf( typeof( IdentityReference )))
                throw new ArgumentException( Environment.GetResourceString( "IdentityReference_MustBeIdentityReference" ), "targetType" ); 
            // if the source collection is empty, just return an empty collection
            if (Identities.Count == 0)
                return new IdentityReferenceCollection();

            int SourceSidsCount = 0; 
            int SourceNTAccountsCount = 0; 

            // First, see how many of each of the source types we have.
            // The cases where source type == target type require no conversion.
            for ( int i = 0; i < Identities.Count; i++ )
                Type type = Identities[i].GetType(); 

                if ( type == targetType ) 
                else if ( type == typeof( SecurityIdentifier )) 
                    SourceSidsCount += 1; 
                else if ( type == typeof( NTAccount ))
                    SourceNTAccountsCount += 1;
                    // Rare case that we have defined a type of identity reference and 
                    // not included it in the code logic above (this is more like a bug in the implementation 
                    // but only as long as we do not allow IdentityReference to be subclassed outside of the BCL)
                    BCLDebug.Assert( false, "Source type is an IdentityReference type which has not been included in translation logic.");
                    throw new SystemException();

            bool Homogeneous = false; 
            IdentityReferenceCollection SourceSids = null; 
            IdentityReferenceCollection SourceNTAccounts = null;
            if ( SourceSidsCount == Count )
                Homogeneous = true;
                SourceSids = this; 
            else if ( SourceSidsCount > 0 ) 
                SourceSids = new IdentityReferenceCollection( SourceSidsCount );

            if ( SourceNTAccountsCount == Count )
                Homogeneous = true; 
                SourceNTAccounts = this;
            else if ( SourceNTAccountsCount > 0 ) 
                SourceNTAccounts = new IdentityReferenceCollection( SourceNTAccountsCount ); 
            // Repackage only if the source is not homogeneous (contains different source types)

            IdentityReferenceCollection Result = null; 
            if ( !Homogeneous )
                Result = new IdentityReferenceCollection( Identities.Count );

                for ( int i = 0; i < Identities.Count; i++ )
                    IdentityReference id = this[i];
                    Type type = id.GetType(); 

                    if ( type == targetType ) 
                    else if ( type == typeof( SecurityIdentifier )) 
                        SourceSids.Add( id ); 
                    else if ( type == typeof( NTAccount ))
                        SourceNTAccounts.Add( id );
                        // Rare case that we have defined a type of identity reference and 
                        // not included it in the code logic above (this is more like a bug in the implementation 
                        // but only as long as we do not allow IdentityReference to be subclassed outside of the BCL)
                        BCLDebug.Assert( false, "Source type is an IdentityReference type which has not been included in translation logic.");
                        throw new SystemException();
            bool someFailed = false; 
            IdentityReferenceCollection TargetSids = null, TargetNTAccounts = null;
            if ( SourceSidsCount > 0 )
                TargetSids = SecurityIdentifier.Translate( SourceSids, targetType, out someFailed );
                if ( Homogeneous && !(forceSuccess && someFailed))
                    Result = TargetSids; 

            if ( SourceNTAccountsCount > 0 )
                TargetNTAccounts = NTAccount.Translate( SourceNTAccounts, targetType, out someFailed ); 

                if ( Homogeneous && !(forceSuccess && someFailed)) 
                    Result = TargetNTAccounts;

            if (forceSuccess && someFailed) {
                // Need to throw an exception here and provide information regarding 
                // which identity references could not be translated to the target type 
                Result = new IdentityReferenceCollection();

                if (TargetSids != null) {
                    foreach (IdentityReference id in TargetSids) {
                        if ( id.GetType() != targetType ) 


                if (TargetNTAccounts != null) { 
                     foreach (IdentityReference id in TargetNTAccounts) {
                        if ( id.GetType() != targetType )


                throw new IdentityNotMappedException( Environment.GetResourceString("IdentityReference_IdentityNotMapped"), Result); 

            else if ( !Homogeneous )
                SourceSidsCount = 0;
                SourceNTAccountsCount = 0; 
                Result = new IdentityReferenceCollection( Identities.Count );
                for ( int i = 0; i < Identities.Count; i++ )
                    IdentityReference id = this[i];
                    Type type = id.GetType();
                    if ( type == targetType ) 
                        Result.Add( id ); 
                    else if ( type == typeof( SecurityIdentifier ))
                        Result.Add( TargetSids[SourceSidsCount++] ); 
                    else if ( type == typeof( NTAccount )) 
                        Result.Add( TargetNTAccounts[SourceNTAccountsCount++] );
                        // Rare case that we have defined a type of identity reference and 
                        // not included it in the code logic above (this is more like a bug in the implementation
                        // but only as long as we do not allow IdentityReference to be subclassed outside of the BCL) 
                        BCLDebug.Assert( false, "Source type is an IdentityReference type which has not been included in translation logic.");
                        throw new SystemException(); 
            return Result;

    internal class IdentityReferenceEnumerator : IEnumerator
        #region Private members
        // Current enumeration index

        private int _Current;

        // Parent collection
        private readonly IdentityReferenceCollection _Collection;

        #region Constructors
        internal IdentityReferenceEnumerator( IdentityReferenceCollection collection )
            if ( collection == null ) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "collection" ); 

            _Collection = collection;
            _Current = -1; 

        #region IEnumerator implementation 

        object IEnumerator.Current
            get { return _Collection.Identities[_Current]; }
        public IdentityReference Current
            get { return (( IEnumerator )this).Current as IdentityReference; }

        public bool MoveNext() 
            return ( _Current < _Collection.Count );

        public void Reset()
            _Current = -1; 
	 void IDisposable.Dispose() 

        protected void Dispose() {}


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