/ DotNET / DotNET / 8.0 / untmp / WIN_WINDOWS / lh_tools_devdiv_wpf / Windows / wcp / Speech / Src / Internal / SrgsCompiler / CFGGrammar.cs / 1 / CFGGrammar.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // // Description: // CFG file header processing // // History: // 5/1/2004 [....] Created from the Sapi Managed code //----------------------------------------------------------------- using System; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Speech.Internal.SrgsParser; using System.Text; #pragma warning disable 1634, 1691 // Allows suppression of certain PreSharp messages. namespace System.Speech.Internal.SrgsCompiler { ////// Summary description for CfgGrammar. /// internal sealed class CfgGrammar { //******************************************************************* // // Constructors // //******************************************************************* #region Constructors internal CfgGrammar () { } #endregion //******************************************************************** // // Internal Types // //******************************************************************* #region Internal Types // Preprocess CFG header file internal struct CfgHeader { internal Guid FormatId; internal Guid GrammarGUID; internal ushort langId; internal ushort pszGlobalTags; internal int cArcsInLargestState; internal StringBlob pszWords; internal StringBlob pszSymbols; internal CfgRule [] rules; internal CfgArc [] arcs; internal float [] weights; internal CfgSemanticTag [] tags; #if !NO_STG internal CfgScriptRef [] scripts; #endif internal uint ulRootRuleIndex; internal GrammarOptions GrammarOptions; internal GrammarType GrammarMode; internal string BasePath; } #pragma warning disable 649 [StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential)] internal class CfgSerializedHeader { internal CfgSerializedHeader () { } #pragma warning disable 56518 // The Binary reader cannot be disposed or it would close the underlying stream // Initializes a CfgSerializedHeader from a Stream. // If the data does not represent a cfg then UnsuportedFormatException is thrown. // This isn't a conclusive validty check, but is enough to determine if it's a CFG or not. // For a complete check CheckValidCfgFormat is used. internal CfgSerializedHeader (Stream stream) { BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader (stream); ulTotalSerializedSize = br.ReadUInt32 (); if (ulTotalSerializedSize < SP_SPCFGSERIALIZEDHEADER_500 || ulTotalSerializedSize > int.MaxValue) { // Size is either negative or too small. XmlParser.ThrowSrgsException (SRID.UnsupportedFormat); } FormatId = new Guid (br.ReadBytes (16)); if (FormatId != CfgGrammar._SPGDF_ContextFree) { // Not of cfg format XmlParser.ThrowSrgsException (SRID.UnsupportedFormat); } GrammarGUID = new Guid (br.ReadBytes (16)); LangID = br.ReadUInt16 (); pszSemanticInterpretationGlobals = br.ReadUInt16 (); cArcsInLargestState = br.ReadInt32 (); cchWords = br.ReadInt32 (); cWords = br.ReadInt32 (); pszWords = br.ReadUInt32 (); if (pszWords < SP_SPCFGSERIALIZEDHEADER_500 || pszWords > ulTotalSerializedSize) { // First data points before or before valid range. XmlParser.ThrowSrgsException (SRID.UnsupportedFormat); } cchSymbols = br.ReadInt32 (); pszSymbols = br.ReadUInt32 (); cRules = br.ReadInt32 (); pRules = br.ReadUInt32 (); cArcs = br.ReadInt32 (); pArcs = br.ReadUInt32 (); pWeights = br.ReadUInt32 (); cTags = br.ReadInt32 (); tags = br.ReadUInt32 (); ulReservered1 = br.ReadUInt32 (); ulReservered2 = br.ReadUInt32 (); if (pszWords > SP_SPCFGSERIALIZEDHEADER_500) { cScripts = br.ReadInt32 (); pScripts = br.ReadUInt32 (); cIL = br.ReadInt32 (); pIL = br.ReadUInt32 (); cPDB = br.ReadInt32 (); pPDB = br.ReadUInt32 (); ulRootRuleIndex = br.ReadUInt32 (); GrammarOptions = (GrammarOptions) br.ReadUInt32 (); cBasePath = br.ReadUInt32 (); GrammarMode = br.ReadUInt32 (); ulReservered3 = br.ReadUInt32 (); ulReservered4 = br.ReadUInt32 (); } // Else SAPI 5.0 syntax grammar - parameters set to zero } static internal bool IsCfg(Stream stream, out int cfgLength) { cfgLength = 0; BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(stream); uint ulTotalSerializedSize = br.ReadUInt32(); if (ulTotalSerializedSize < SP_SPCFGSERIALIZEDHEADER_500 || ulTotalSerializedSize > int.MaxValue) { // Size is either negative or too small. return false; } Guid formatId = new Guid(br.ReadBytes(16)); if (formatId != CfgGrammar._SPGDF_ContextFree) { // Not of cfg format return false; } cfgLength = (int)ulTotalSerializedSize; return true; } #pragma warning restore 56518 // The Binary reader cannot be disposed or it would close the underlying stream internal UInt32 ulTotalSerializedSize; internal Guid FormatId; internal Guid GrammarGUID; internal UInt16 LangID; internal UInt16 pszSemanticInterpretationGlobals; internal Int32 cArcsInLargestState; internal Int32 cchWords; internal Int32 cWords; internal UInt32 pszWords; internal Int32 cchSymbols; internal UInt32 pszSymbols; internal Int32 cRules; internal UInt32 pRules; internal Int32 cArcs; internal UInt32 pArcs; internal UInt32 pWeights; internal Int32 cTags; internal UInt32 tags; internal UInt32 ulReservered1; internal UInt32 ulReservered2; internal Int32 cScripts; internal UInt32 pScripts; internal Int32 cIL; internal UInt32 pIL; internal Int32 cPDB; internal UInt32 pPDB; internal UInt32 ulRootRuleIndex; internal GrammarOptions GrammarOptions; internal UInt32 cBasePath; internal UInt32 GrammarMode; internal UInt32 ulReservered3; internal UInt32 ulReservered4; } internal class CfgProperty { internal string _pszName; internal uint _ulId; internal VarEnum _comType; internal object _comValue; } #pragma warning restore 649 #endregion //******************************************************************** // // Internal Methods // //******************************************************************** #region Internal Methods // // This helper converts a serialized CFG grammar header into an in-memory header // internal static CfgHeader ConvertCfgHeader (StreamMarshaler streamHelper) { CfgSerializedHeader cfgSerializedHeader = null; return ConvertCfgHeader (streamHelper, true, true, out cfgSerializedHeader); } internal static CfgHeader ConvertCfgHeader (StreamMarshaler streamHelper, bool includeAllGrammarData, bool loadSymbols, out CfgSerializedHeader cfgSerializedHeader) { cfgSerializedHeader = new CfgSerializedHeader (streamHelper.Stream); // // Because in 64-bit code, pointers != sizeof(ULONG) we copy each member explicitly. // CfgHeader header = new CfgHeader (); header.FormatId = cfgSerializedHeader.FormatId; header.GrammarGUID = cfgSerializedHeader.GrammarGUID; header.langId = cfgSerializedHeader.LangID; header.pszGlobalTags = cfgSerializedHeader.pszSemanticInterpretationGlobals; header.cArcsInLargestState = cfgSerializedHeader.cArcsInLargestState; // read all the common fields header.rules = Load(streamHelper, cfgSerializedHeader.pRules, cfgSerializedHeader.cRules); if (includeAllGrammarData || loadSymbols) { header.pszSymbols = LoadStringBlob (streamHelper, cfgSerializedHeader.pszSymbols, cfgSerializedHeader.cchSymbols); } if (includeAllGrammarData) { header.pszWords = LoadStringBlob (streamHelper, cfgSerializedHeader.pszWords, cfgSerializedHeader.cchWords); header.arcs = Load (streamHelper, cfgSerializedHeader.pArcs, cfgSerializedHeader.cArcs); header.tags = Load (streamHelper, cfgSerializedHeader.tags, cfgSerializedHeader.cTags); header.weights = Load (streamHelper, cfgSerializedHeader.pWeights, cfgSerializedHeader.cArcs); } //We know that in SAPI 5.0 grammar format pszWords follows header immediately. if (cfgSerializedHeader.pszWords < Marshal.SizeOf (typeof (CfgSerializedHeader))) { //This is SAPI 5.0 and SAPI 5.1 grammar format header.ulRootRuleIndex = 0xFFFFFFFF; header.GrammarOptions = GrammarOptions.KeyValuePairs; header.BasePath = null; header.GrammarMode = GrammarType.VoiceGrammar; } else { //This is SAPI 5.2 and beyond grammar format header.ulRootRuleIndex = cfgSerializedHeader.ulRootRuleIndex; header.GrammarOptions = cfgSerializedHeader.GrammarOptions; header.GrammarMode = (GrammarType) cfgSerializedHeader.GrammarMode; #if !NO_STG if (includeAllGrammarData) { header.scripts = Load (streamHelper, cfgSerializedHeader.pScripts, cfgSerializedHeader.cScripts); } #endif // The BasePath string is written after the rules - no offset is provided // Get the chars and build the string if (cfgSerializedHeader.cBasePath > 0) { streamHelper.Stream.Position = (int) cfgSerializedHeader.pRules + (header.rules.Length * Marshal.SizeOf (typeof (CfgRule))); header.BasePath = streamHelper.ReadNullTerminatedString (); } } // Check the content - should be valid for both SAPI 5.0 and SAPI 5.2 grammars CheckValidCfgFormat (cfgSerializedHeader, header, includeAllGrammarData); return header; } #if !NO_STG // // This helper converts a serialized CFG grammar header into an in-memory header // internal static ScriptRef [] LoadScriptRefs (StreamMarshaler streamHelper, CfgSerializedHeader pFH) { // // Because in 64-bit code, pointers != sizeof(ULONG) we copy each member explicitly. // if (pFH.FormatId != CfgGrammar._SPGDF_ContextFree) { return null; } //We know that in SAPI 5.0 grammar format pszWords follows header immediately. if (pFH.pszWords < Marshal.SizeOf (typeof (CfgSerializedHeader))) { // Must be SAPI 6.0 or above to hold a .Net script return null; } // Get the symbols StringBlob symbols = LoadStringBlob (streamHelper, pFH.pszSymbols, pFH.cchSymbols); // Get the script refs CfgScriptRef [] cfgScripts = Load (streamHelper, pFH.pScripts, pFH.cScripts); // Convert the CFG script reference to ScriptRef ScriptRef [] scripts = new ScriptRef [cfgScripts.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < cfgScripts.Length; i++) { CfgScriptRef cfgScript = cfgScripts [i]; scripts [i] = new ScriptRef (symbols [cfgScript._idRule], symbols [cfgScript._idMethod], cfgScript._method); } return scripts; } internal static ScriptRef [] LoadIL (Stream stream) { using (StreamMarshaler streamHelper = new StreamMarshaler (stream)) { CfgSerializedHeader pFH = new CfgSerializedHeader (); streamHelper.ReadStream (pFH); return LoadScriptRefs (streamHelper, pFH); } } internal static bool LoadIL (Stream stream, out byte [] assemblyContent, out byte [] assemblyDebugSymbols, out ScriptRef [] scripts) { assemblyContent = assemblyDebugSymbols = null; scripts = null; using (StreamMarshaler streamHelper = new StreamMarshaler (stream)) { CfgSerializedHeader pFH = new CfgSerializedHeader (); streamHelper.ReadStream (pFH); scripts = LoadScriptRefs (streamHelper, pFH); if (scripts == null) { return false; } // Return if no script if (pFH.cIL == 0) { return false; } // Get the assembly content assemblyContent = Load (streamHelper, pFH.pIL, pFH.cIL); assemblyDebugSymbols = pFH.cPDB > 0 ? Load (streamHelper, pFH.pPDB, pFH.cPDB) : null; } return true; } #endif #if VSCOMPILE && DEBUG internal static void TraceInformation (string s) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine (s); } internal static void TraceInformation2 (string s) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine (s); } internal static void TraceInformation3 (string s) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine (s); } #endif #endregion //******************************************************************* // // Private Methods // //******************************************************************** #region Private Methods private static void CheckValidCfgFormat (CfgSerializedHeader pFH, CfgHeader header, bool includeAllGrammarData) { //See backend commit method to understand the layout of cfg format if (pFH.pszWords < SP_SPCFGSERIALIZEDHEADER_500) { XmlParser.ThrowSrgsException (SRID.UnsupportedFormat); } int ullStartOffset = (int) pFH.pszWords; //Check the word offset //See stringblob implementation. pFH.cchWords * sizeof(WCHAR) isn't exactly the serialized size, but it is close and must be less than the serialized size CheckSetOffsets (pFH.pszWords, pFH.cchWords * Helpers._sizeOfChar, ref ullStartOffset, pFH.ulTotalSerializedSize); //Check the symbol offset //symbol is right after word //pFH.pszSymbols is very close to pFH.pszWords + pFH.cchWords * sizeof(WCHAR) CheckSetOffsets (pFH.pszSymbols, pFH.cchSymbols * Helpers._sizeOfChar, ref ullStartOffset, pFH.ulTotalSerializedSize); //Check the rule offset if (pFH.cRules > 0) { CheckSetOffsets (pFH.pRules, pFH.cRules * Marshal.SizeOf (typeof (CfgRule)), ref ullStartOffset, pFH.ulTotalSerializedSize); } //Check the arc offset if (pFH.cArcs > 0) { CheckSetOffsets (pFH.pArcs, pFH.cArcs * Marshal.SizeOf (typeof (CfgArc)), ref ullStartOffset, pFH.ulTotalSerializedSize); } //Check the weight offset if (pFH.pWeights > 0) { CheckSetOffsets (pFH.pWeights, pFH.cArcs * Marshal.SizeOf (typeof (float)), ref ullStartOffset, pFH.ulTotalSerializedSize); } //Check the semantic tag offset if (pFH.cTags > 0) { CheckSetOffsets (pFH.tags, pFH.cTags * Marshal.SizeOf (typeof (CfgSemanticTag)), ref ullStartOffset, pFH.ulTotalSerializedSize); if (includeAllGrammarData) { //Validate the SPCFGSEMANTICTAG array pointed to by tags //We use header for easy array access //The first arc is dummy, so the start and end arcindex for semantic tag won't be zero for (int i = 0; i < header.tags.Length; i++) { int startArc = (int) header.tags [i].StartArcIndex; int endArc = (int) header.tags [i].EndArcIndex; int cArcs = header.arcs.Length; if (startArc == 0 || startArc >= cArcs || endArc == 0 || endArc >= cArcs || (header.tags [i].PropVariantType != VarEnum.VT_EMPTY && header.tags [i].PropVariantType == VarEnum.VT_BSTR && header.tags [i].PropVariantType == VarEnum.VT_BOOL && header.tags [i].PropVariantType == VarEnum.VT_R8 && header.tags [i].PropVariantType == VarEnum.VT_I4)) { XmlParser.ThrowSrgsException (SRID.UnsupportedFormat); } } } } #if !NO_STG //Check the offset for the scripts if (pFH.cScripts > 0) { CheckSetOffsets (pFH.pScripts, pFH.cScripts * Marshal.SizeOf (typeof (CfgScriptRef)), ref ullStartOffset, pFH.ulTotalSerializedSize); } if (pFH.cIL > 0) { CheckSetOffsets (pFH.pIL, pFH.cIL * Marshal.SizeOf (typeof (byte)), ref ullStartOffset, pFH.ulTotalSerializedSize); } if (pFH.cPDB > 0) { CheckSetOffsets (pFH.pPDB, pFH.cPDB * Marshal.SizeOf (typeof (byte)), ref ullStartOffset, pFH.ulTotalSerializedSize); } #endif } private static void CheckSetOffsets (uint offset, int size, ref int start, uint max) { if (offset < (uint) start || (start = (int) offset + size) > (int) max) { XmlParser.ThrowSrgsException (SRID.UnsupportedFormat); } } private static StringBlob LoadStringBlob (StreamMarshaler streamHelper, uint iPos, int c) { // TraceInformation (string.Format (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Read String Blob at: {0:x}", iPos)); char [] ach = new char [c]; streamHelper.Position = iPos; streamHelper.ReadArrayChar (ach, c); return new StringBlob (ach); } private static T [] Load (StreamMarshaler streamHelper, uint iPos, int c) { // TraceInformation (string.Format (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Read {0} at: {1:x}", typeof (T).ToString (), iPos)); T [] t = null; t = new T [c]; if (c > 0) { streamHelper.Position = iPos; streamHelper.ReadArray (t, c); } return t; } #endregion //******************************************************************* // // Internal Properties // //******************************************************************* #region Internal Properties internal static uint NextHandle { get { return ++_lastHandle; } } #endregion //******************************************************************* // // Internal Fields // //******************************************************************** #region Internal Fields internal static Guid _SPGDF_ContextFree = new Guid ( 0x4ddc926d, 0x6ce7, 0x4dc0, 0x99, 0xa7, 0xaf, 0x9e, 0x6b, 0x6a, 0x4e, 0x91); // internal const int INFINITE = unchecked ((int) 0xffffffff); // INFINITE // static internal readonly Rule SPRULETRANS_TEXTBUFFER = new Rule (-1); static internal readonly Rule SPRULETRANS_WILDCARD = new Rule (-2); static internal readonly Rule SPRULETRANS_DICTATION = new Rule (-3); // internal const int SPTEXTBUFFERTRANSITION = 0x3fffff; internal const int SPWILDCARDTRANSITION = 0x3ffffe; internal const int SPDICTATIONTRANSITION = 0x3ffffd; internal const int MAX_TRANSITIONS_COUNT = 256; internal const float DEFAULT_WEIGHT = 1f; // internal const int SP_LOW_CONFIDENCE = -1; internal const int SP_NORMAL_CONFIDENCE = 0; internal const int SP_HIGH_CONFIDENCE = +1; #endregion //******************************************************************* // // Private Fields // //******************************************************************** #region Private Fields private const int SP_SPCFGSERIALIZEDHEADER_500 = 100; private static uint _lastHandle; #endregion } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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