TextAnchor.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ DotNET / DotNET / 8.0 / untmp / WIN_WINDOWS / lh_tools_devdiv_wpf / Windows / wcp / Framework / MS / Internal / Annotations / TextAnchor.cs / 2 / TextAnchor.cs

//    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// Description: 
//     TextAnchor represents a set of TextSegments that are part of an annotation's 
//     attached anchor.  The TextSegments do not overlap and are ordered.
//     We cannot use TextRange for this purpose because we need to represent sets of
//     TextSegments that are not valid TextRanges (such as non-rectangular regions of
//     a table).
// History:
//  11/16/2005: [....]:  creates the TextAnchor class 
using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows; 
using System.Windows.Documents;
using MS.Internal; 

namespace System.Windows.Annotations 
    public sealed class TextAnchor 
        //  Constructors

        #region Constructors
        /// Creates an empty TextAnchor.  If left empty it will be invalid for most operations. 
        internal TextAnchor()

        /// Creates a clone of the passed in TextAnchor. 
        internal TextAnchor(TextAnchor anchor) 
            Invariant.Assert(anchor != null, "Anchor to clone is null."); 

            foreach (TextSegment segment in anchor.TextSegments)
                _segments.Add(new TextSegment(segment.Start, segment.End)); 
         * Code used to trim text segments for alternative display of sticky note anchors 
        /// ctor that initializes the TextSegments array by cloning and trimming the input segment Array
        /// input segment
        /// This is used to convert a TextRange into TextAnchor. 
        /// Input segments must be ordered and non overlapping 
        internal TextAnchor(IList segments)
            if (segments == null)

            ITextPointer lastPointer = null; 
            for (int i = 0; i < segments.Count; i++)
                Invariant.Assert((lastPointer == null) || (lastPointer.CompareTo(segments[i].Start) <= 0), "overlapped segments found"); 
                TextSegment newSegment = TextAnchor.Trim(segments[i]);
                if (newSegment.IsNull) 

                lastPointer = newSegment.End; 

        #endregion Constructors 

        //  Public Methods 
        #region Public Methods
        /// Determines if the text pointer is contained by one of the
        /// anchor's TextSegment.s
        /// text pointer to test
        internal bool Contains(ITextPointer textPointer) 
            if (textPointer == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("textPointer");

            if (textPointer.TextContainer != this.Start.TextContainer) 
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.NotInAssociatedTree, "textPointer")); 

            // Correct position normalization on range boundary so that 
            // our test would not depend on what side of formatting tags
            // pointer is located.
            if (textPointer.CompareTo(this.Start) < 0)
                textPointer = textPointer.GetInsertionPosition(LogicalDirection.Forward);
            else if (textPointer.CompareTo(this.End) > 0) 
                textPointer = textPointer.GetInsertionPosition(LogicalDirection.Backward); 

            // Check if at least one segment contains this position.
            for (int i = 0; i < _segments.Count; i++) 
                if (_segments[i].Contains(textPointer)) 
                    return true;

            return false;

        /// Add a text segment with the specified text pointers. 
        /// start pointer for the new text segment 
        /// end pointer for the new text segment
        internal void AddTextSegment(ITextPointer start, ITextPointer end)
            Invariant.Assert(start != null, "Non-null start required to create segment."); 
            Invariant.Assert(end != null, "Non-null end required to create segment.");
            TextSegment newSegment = CreateNormalizedSegment(start, end); 


        /// Returns the hash code for this anchor.  Implementation is required 
        /// because Equals was overriden.
        public override int GetHashCode() 
            return base.GetHashCode(); 

        /// Determines if two TextAnchors are equal - they contain 
        /// the same number of segments and the segments all have the
        /// same start and ends. 
        /// the other TextAnchor to compare to
        public override bool Equals(object obj) 
            TextAnchor other = obj as TextAnchor;

            if (other == null) 
                return false;
            if (other._segments.Count != this._segments.Count) 
                return false;
            for (int i = 0; i < _segments.Count; i++)
                if ((_segments[i].Start.CompareTo(other._segments[i].Start) != 0) ||
                    (_segments[i].End.CompareTo(other._segments[i].End) != 0)) 
                    return false;
            return true;

        /// Determines if there is any overlap between this anchor and the passed
        /// in set of TextSegments. 
        /// set of segments to test against 
        internal bool IsOverlapping(ICollection textSegments) 
            Invariant.Assert(textSegments != null, "TextSegments must not be null."); 

            textSegments = SortTextSegments(textSegments, false);

            TextSegment ourSegment, theirSegment; 

            IEnumerator ourEnumerator = _segments.GetEnumerator(); 
            IEnumerator theirEnumerator = textSegments.GetEnumerator(); 
            bool moreOurs = ourEnumerator.MoveNext();
            bool moreTheirs = theirEnumerator.MoveNext(); 

            while (moreOurs && moreTheirs)
                ourSegment = ourEnumerator.Current; 
                theirSegment = theirEnumerator.Current;
                //special case for 0 length segments 
                if (theirSegment.Start.CompareTo(theirSegment.End) == 0)
                    // Check boundaries. If theirSegment is at the beginning/end of ourSegment
                    // we check the LogicalDirection. Thus we can handle end of lines, end of pages,
                    // bidiractional texts (arabic etc)
                    // If their segment is at the start of ourSegment
                    // We have overlapping if the direction of theirSegment.Start is toward ourSegment 
                    if ((ourSegment.Start.CompareTo(theirSegment.Start) == 0) && 
                        (theirSegment.Start.LogicalDirection == LogicalDirection.Forward))
                        return true; 

                    // If their segment is at the end of ourSegment
                    // We have overlapping if the direction of theirSegment.End is toward ourSegment
                    if ((ourSegment.End.CompareTo(theirSegment.End) == 0) && 
                    (theirSegment.End.LogicalDirection == LogicalDirection.Backward))
                        return true; 

                // our segment is after their segment, so try the next of their segments 
                if (ourSegment.Start.CompareTo(theirSegment.End) >= 0)
                    moreTheirs = theirEnumerator.MoveNext(); // point to the next of their segments
                // our segment is before their segment so try next of our segments 
                if (ourSegment.End.CompareTo(theirSegment.Start) <= 0)
                    moreOurs = ourEnumerator.MoveNext(); // point to the next of our segments
                // at this point we know for sure that there is some overlap
                return true; 

            // no overlaps found 
            return false;

        /// Calculate the 'exclusive' union of the two anchors.  Exclusive means none of the segments 
        /// contributed by either anchor are allowed to overlap.  The method will throw an exception if 
        /// they do.  This method modifies the first anchor passed in.  Callers should assign the
        /// result of this method to the anchor they passed in. 
        internal static TextAnchor ExclusiveUnion(TextAnchor anchor, TextAnchor otherAnchor)
            Invariant.Assert(anchor != null, "anchor must not be null."); 
            Invariant.Assert(otherAnchor != null, "otherAnchor must not be null.");
            foreach (TextSegment segment in otherAnchor.TextSegments) 

            return anchor;

        /// Modifies the passed in TextAnchor to contain its relative 
        /// complement to the set of text segments passed in.  The resulting
        /// TextAnchor contains those segments or portions of segments that do 
        /// not overlap with the passed in segments in anyway.  If after trimming
        /// the anchor has no more segments, null is returned instead.  Callers
        /// should assign the result of this method to the anchor they passed in.
        /// the anchor to trim
        /// the text segments to calculate relative complement with 
        /// Note: textSegments is expected to be ordered and contain no overlapping segments 
        internal static TextAnchor TrimToRelativeComplement(TextAnchor anchor, ICollection textSegments)
            Invariant.Assert(anchor != null, "Anchor must not be null.");
            Invariant.Assert(textSegments != null, "TextSegments must not be null.");

            textSegments = SortTextSegments(textSegments, true); 

            IEnumerator enumerator = textSegments.GetEnumerator(); 
            bool hasMore = enumerator.MoveNext(); 
            int currentIndex = 0;
            TextSegment current; 
            TextSegment otherSegment = TextSegment.Null;
            while (currentIndex < anchor._segments.Count && hasMore)
                Invariant.Assert(otherSegment.Equals(TextSegment.Null) || otherSegment.Equals(enumerator.Current) || otherSegment.End.CompareTo(enumerator.Current.Start) <= 0, "TextSegments are overlapping or not ordered."); 

                current = anchor._segments[currentIndex]; 
                otherSegment = enumerator.Current; 

                // Current segment is after other segment, no overlap 
                // Also, done with the other segment, move to the next one
                if (current.Start.CompareTo(otherSegment.End) >= 0)
                    hasMore = enumerator.MoveNext(); 
                    continue;  // No increment, still processing the current segment
                // Current segment starts after other segment starts and ...
                if (current.Start.CompareTo(otherSegment.Start) >= 0) 
                    // ends before other segment ends, complete overlap, remove the segment
                    if (current.End.CompareTo(otherSegment.End) <= 0)
                        continue;  // No increment, happens implicitly because of the removal 
                        // ends after other segment, first portion of current overlaps,
                        // create new segment from end of other segment to end of current
                        anchor._segments[currentIndex] = CreateNormalizedSegment(otherSegment.End, current.End);
                        // Done with the other segment, move to the next one 
                        hasMore = enumerator.MoveNext();
                        continue; // No increment, need to process just created segment 
                // Current segment starts before other segment starts and ... 
                    // ends after it starts, first portion of current does not overlap,
                    // create new segment for that portion 
                    if (current.End.CompareTo(otherSegment.Start) > 0)
                        anchor._segments[currentIndex] = CreateNormalizedSegment(current.Start, otherSegment.Start); 
                        // If there's any portion of current after other segment, create a new segment for that which
                        // will be the next one processed 
                        if (current.End.CompareTo(otherSegment.End) > 0)
                            // Overlap ends before current segment's end, we create a new segment with the remainder of current segment
                            anchor._segments.Insert(currentIndex + 1, CreateNormalizedSegment(otherSegment.End, current.End)); 
                            // Done with the other segment, move to the next one
                            hasMore = enumerator.MoveNext(); 
                    // ends before it starts, current is completely before other, no overlap, do nothing 


            if (anchor._segments.Count > 0) 
                return anchor; 
                return null; 

        /// Modifies the text anchor's TextSegments so all of them 
        /// overlap with the passed in text segments.  This is used
        /// for instance to clamp a TextAnchor to a set of visible 
        /// text segments.  If after trimming the anchor has no more 
        /// segments, null is returned instead.  Callers should
        /// assign the result of this method to the anchor they 
        /// passed in.
        /// Note: This method assumes textSegments is ordered and do not overlap amongs themselves 
        /// The target of the method is to trim this anchor's segments to overlap with the passed in segments. 
        /// The loop handles the following three cases - 
        /// 1. Current segment is after other segment, the other segment doesn't contribute at all, we move to the next other segment
        /// 2. Current segment is before other segment, no overlap, remove current segment 
        /// 3. Current segment starts before other segment, and ends after other segment begins,
        ///    therefore the portion from current's start to other's start should be trimmed
        /// 4. Current segment starts in the middle of other segment, two possibilities
        ///      a. current segment is completely within other segment, the whole segment overlaps 
        ///         so we move on to the next current segment
        ///      b. current segment ends after other segment ends, we split current into the 
        ///         overlapped portion and the remainder which will be looked at separately 
        /// the anchor to trim 
        /// collection of text segments to intersect with
        internal static TextAnchor TrimToIntersectionWith(TextAnchor anchor, ICollection textSegments)
            Invariant.Assert(anchor != null, "Anchor must not be null."); 
            Invariant.Assert(textSegments != null, "TextSegments must not be null.");
            textSegments = SortTextSegments(textSegments, true); 
            TextSegment currentSegment, otherSegment = TextSegment.Null;
            int current = 0;
            IEnumerator enumerator = textSegments.GetEnumerator();
            bool hasMore = enumerator.MoveNext();
            while (current < anchor._segments.Count && hasMore)
                Invariant.Assert(otherSegment.Equals(TextSegment.Null) || otherSegment.Equals(enumerator.Current) || otherSegment.End.CompareTo(enumerator.Current.Start) <= 0, "TextSegments are overlapping or not ordered."); 

                currentSegment = anchor._segments[current]; 
                otherSegment = enumerator.Current;

                // Current segment is after other segment, so try the next other segment
                if (currentSegment.Start.CompareTo(otherSegment.End) >= 0) 
                    hasMore = enumerator.MoveNext(); // point to the next other 
                    continue; // Do not increment, we are still on the same current 
                // Current segment is before other segment, no overlap so remove it and continue
                if (currentSegment.End.CompareTo(otherSegment.Start) <= 0)
                    continue; // Do not increment, it happens implicitly because of the remove
                // We know from here down that there is some overlap. 

                // Current starts before the other segment and ends after other segment begins, the first portion of current segment doesn't overlap so we remove it
                if (currentSegment.Start.CompareTo(otherSegment.Start) < 0) 
                    anchor._segments[current] = CreateNormalizedSegment(otherSegment.Start, currentSegment.End); 
                    continue;  // Do not increment, we need to look at this just created segment 
                // Current segment begins in the middle of other segment... 
                    // and ends after other segment does, we split current into the portion that is overlapping and the remainder
                    if (currentSegment.End.CompareTo(otherSegment.End) > 0) 
                        anchor._segments[current] = CreateNormalizedSegment(currentSegment.Start, otherSegment.End); 
                        // This segment will be the first one looked at next 
                        anchor._segments.Insert(current + 1, CreateNormalizedSegment(otherSegment.End, currentSegment.End));
                        hasMore = enumerator.MoveNext(); 
                    // and ends at the same place as other segment, its completely overlapping, we move on to the next other
                    else if (currentSegment.End.CompareTo(otherSegment.End) == 0)
                        hasMore = enumerator.MoveNext();
                    // and ends within other segment, its completely overlapping, but we aren't done with other so we just continue 

            // If we finished and there are no more other segments, then any remaining segments 
            // in our list must not overlap, so we remove them.
            if (!hasMore && current < anchor._segments.Count) 
                anchor._segments.RemoveRange(current, anchor._segments.Count - current);

            if (anchor._segments.Count == 0)
                return null;
                return anchor;
        #endregion Public Methods
        //  Public Properties
        #region Public Properties 

        /// The start of the bounding range of this TextAnchor.
        public ContentPosition BoundingStart
                return Start as ContentPosition; 

        /// The end of the bounding range of this TextAnchor.
        public ContentPosition BoundingEnd
                return End as ContentPosition; 

        #endregion Public Properties
        //  Internal Properties 

        #region Internal Properties 

        /// The start pointer of the first segment in the TextAnchor 
        internal ITextPointer Start 
                return _segments.Count > 0 ? _segments[0].Start : null; 
        /// The end pointer of the last segment in the TextAnchor 
        internal ITextPointer End
                return _segments.Count > 0 ? _segments[_segments.Count - 1].End : null; 
        /// Returns whether or not this text anchor is empty - meaning
        /// it has one text segment whose start and end are the same.
        internal bool IsEmpty
                return (_segments.Count == 1 && (object)_segments[0].Start == (object)_segments[0].End); 

        /// Returns a concatenation of the text for each of this anchor's
        /// TextSegments. 
        internal string Text
                // Buffer for building a resulting plain text
                StringBuilder textBuffer = new StringBuilder(); 

                for (int i = 0; i < _segments.Count; i++) 
                    textBuffer.Append(TextRangeBase.GetTextInternal(_segments[i].Start, _segments[i].End));

                return textBuffer.ToString();

        /// Returns a read only collection of this anchor's TextSegments. 
        internal ReadOnlyCollection TextSegments 
                return _segments.AsReadOnly(); 
        #endregion Internal Properties
        //  Private Methods
        #region Private Methods 

        /// Sorts a list of text segments by their Start pointer first then End pointer.
        /// Used because list of TextSegments from a TextView are not guaranteed to be sorted
        /// but in most cases they are.
        /// Note: In most cases the set of segments is of count 1 and this method is a no-op. 
        /// In the majority of other cases the number of segments is less than 5.
        /// In extreme cases (such as a table with many, many columns and each cell 
        /// in a row being split across pages) you may have more than 5 segments 
        /// but this is very rare.
        /// segments to be sorted
        /// We've seen 0 length segments in the TextView that overlap other segments
        /// this will break our algorithm, so we remove them (excludeZeroLength = true). When we calculate
        /// IsOverlapping 0-length segments are OK - then excludeZeroLength is false 
        private static ICollection SortTextSegments(ICollection textSegments, bool excludeZeroLength)
            Invariant.Assert(textSegments != null, "TextSegments must not be null."); 

            List orderedList = new List(textSegments.Count); 

            if (excludeZeroLength)
                //remove 0 length segments - work around for a bug in MultiPageTextView
                for (int i = orderedList.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) 
                    TextSegment segment = orderedList[i];
                    if (segment.Start.CompareTo(segment.End) >= 0) 
                        //remove that one
            // If there are 0 or 1 segments, no need to sort, just return the original collection
            if (orderedList.Count > 1) 
                orderedList.Sort(new TextSegmentComparer());
            return orderedList;

        /// Inserts a segment into this anchor in the right order.  If the new segment
        /// overlaps with existing anchors it throws an exception.
        private void InsertSegment(TextSegment newSegment) 
            int i = 0; 
            for (; i < _segments.Count; i++) 
                if (newSegment.Start.CompareTo(_segments[i].Start) < 0) 

            // Make sure it starts after the one its being put behind 
            if (i > 0 && newSegment.Start.CompareTo(_segments[i - 1].End) < 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.TextSegmentsMustNotOverlap)); 
            // Make sure it ends before the one its being put ahead of
            if (i < _segments.Count && newSegment.End.CompareTo(_segments[i].Start) > 0) 
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.TextSegmentsMustNotOverlap));

            _segments.Insert(i, newSegment);

        /// Creates a new segment with the specified pointers, but first 
        /// normalizes them to make sure they are on insertion positions.
        /// start of the new segment
        /// end of the new segment
        private static TextSegment CreateNormalizedSegment(ITextPointer start, ITextPointer end)
            // Normalize the segment
            if (start.CompareTo(end) == 0) 
                // When the range is empty we must keep it that way during normalization
                if (!TextPointerBase.IsAtInsertionPosition(start, start.LogicalDirection)) 
                    start = start.GetInsertionPosition(start.LogicalDirection);
                    end = start;
                if (!TextPointerBase.IsAtInsertionPosition(start, start.LogicalDirection))
                    start = start.GetNextInsertionPosition(LogicalDirection.Forward);
                if (!TextPointerBase.IsAtInsertionPosition(end, start.LogicalDirection))
                    end = end.GetNextInsertionPosition(LogicalDirection.Backward);
                // Collapse range in case of overlapped normalization result
                if (start.CompareTo(end) >= 0) 
                    // The range is effectuvely empty, so collapse it to single pointer instance
                    if (start.LogicalDirection == LogicalDirection.Backward)
                        // Choose a position normalized backward,
                        start = end.GetFrozenPointer(LogicalDirection.Backward); 
                        // NOTE that otherwise we will use start position,
                        // which is oriented and normalizd Forward 
                    end = start;

            return new TextSegment(start, end); 

        // Code used to trim text segments for alternative display of sticky note anchors.
        ///// Trims certain whitespace off ends of segments if they fit certain 
        ///// conditions - such as being inside of an embedded element.
        ///// Returns a whole new TextSegment that's been trimmed or TextSegment.Null 
        ///// if the trimming results in a non-existent TextSegment. 
        //private static TextSegment Trim(TextSegment segment) 
        //    ITextPointer cursor = segment.Start.CreatePointer();
        //    ITextPointer segmentStart = null;
        //    TextPointerContext nextContext = cursor.GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection.Forward);
        //    while ((cursor.CompareTo(segment.End) < 0) && 
        //        (nextContext != TextPointerContext.Text) && 
        //        (nextContext != TextPointerContext.EmbeddedElement))
        //    { 
        //        // Simply skip all other opening tags
        //        cursor.MoveToNextContextPosition(LogicalDirection.Forward);
        //        nextContext = cursor.GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection.Forward);
        //    } 

        //    while (cursor.CompareTo(segment.End) >= 0) 
        //        return TextSegment.Null; 

        //    segmentStart = cursor; 
        //    cursor = segment.End.CreatePointer();

        //    nextContext = cursor.GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection.Backward);
        //    while ((cursor.CompareTo(segmentStart) > 0) && 
        //        (nextContext != TextPointerContext.Text) &&
        //        (nextContext != TextPointerContext.EmbeddedElement)) 
        //    { 
        //        cursor.MoveToNextContextPosition(LogicalDirection.Backward);
        //        nextContext = cursor.GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection.Backward); 
        //    }

        //    return segmentStart.CompareTo(cursor) < 0 ? new TextSegment(segmentStart, cursor) : TextSegment.Null;
        #endregion Private Methods 

        //  Private Fields

        #region Private Fields 
        // List of text segments for this anchor
        private List _segments = new List(1); 

        #endregion Private Fields

        //  Private Classes 
        #region Private Classes

        /// Simple comparer class that sorts TextSegments by their Start pointers. 
        /// If Start pointers are the same, then they are sorted by their End pointers.
        /// Null is sorted as less than a non-null result. 
        private class TextSegmentComparer : IComparer
            /// All comparisons are done a segments Start pointer. If
            /// those are the same, then the End pointers are compared.
            /// Returns 0 if x is == to y; -1 if x is less than y; 1 if x is greater than y. 
            /// If x is null and y is not, returns -1; if y is null and x is not, returns 1.
            public int Compare(TextSegment x, TextSegment y) 
                if (x.Equals(TextSegment.Null)) 
                    // Both are null
                    if (y.Equals(TextSegment.Null))
                        return 0; 
                    // x is null but y is not
                        return -1; 
                    // x is not null but y is
                    if (y.Equals(TextSegment.Null))
                        return 1; 
                        int retVal = x.Start.CompareTo(y.Start); 
                        // If starts are different, return their comparison
                        if (retVal != 0) 
                            return retVal;
                        // Otherwise return the comparison of the ends
                            return x.End.CompareTo(y.End); 
        #endregion Private Classes

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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