/ 4.0 / 4.0 / untmp / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / wpf / src / Framework / System / Windows / Automation / Peers / DocumentAutomationPeer.cs / 1305600 / DocumentAutomationPeer.cs
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // File: DocumentAutomationPeer.cs // // Description: AutomationPeer associated with flow and fixed documents. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- using System.Collections.Generic; // Listusing System.Security; // SecurityCritical using System.Windows.Documents; // ITextContainer using System.Windows.Interop; // HwndSource using System.Windows.Media; // Visual using MS.Internal; // PointUtil using MS.Internal.Automation; // TextAdaptor using MS.Internal.Documents; // TextContainerHelper namespace System.Windows.Automation.Peers { /// /// AutomationPeer associated with flow and fixed documents. /// public class DocumentAutomationPeer : ContentTextAutomationPeer { ////// Constructor. /// /// Owner of the AutomationPeer. public DocumentAutomationPeer(FrameworkContentElement owner) : base(owner) { if (owner is IServiceProvider) { ITextContainer textContainer = ((IServiceProvider)owner).GetService(typeof(ITextContainer)) as ITextContainer; if (textContainer != null) { _textPattern = new TextAdaptor(this, textContainer); } } } ////// Notify the peer that it has been disconnected. /// internal void OnDisconnected() { if (_textPattern != null) { _textPattern.Dispose(); _textPattern = null; } } ////// ////// /// Since DocumentAutomationPeer gives access to its content through /// TextPattern, this method always returns null. /// protected override ListGetChildrenCore() { if (_childrenStart != null && _childrenEnd != null) { ITextContainer textContainer = ((IServiceProvider)Owner).GetService(typeof(ITextContainer)) as ITextContainer; return TextContainerHelper.GetAutomationPeersFromRange(_childrenStart, _childrenEnd, textContainer.Start); } return null; } /// /// public override object GetPattern(PatternInterface patternInterface) { object returnValue = null; if (patternInterface == PatternInterface.Text) { if (_textPattern == null) { if (Owner is IServiceProvider) { ITextContainer textContainer = ((IServiceProvider)Owner).GetService(typeof(ITextContainer)) as ITextContainer; if (textContainer != null) { _textPattern = new TextAdaptor(this, textContainer); } } } returnValue = _textPattern; } else { returnValue = base.GetPattern(patternInterface); } return returnValue; } ////// /// protected override AutomationControlType GetAutomationControlTypeCore() { return AutomationControlType.Document; } ////// /// ////// protected override string GetClassNameCore() { return "Document"; } /// /// protected override bool IsControlElementCore() { return true; } ////// /// ////// /// Critical - Calls PresentationSource.CriticalFromVisual to get the source for this visual /// TreatAsSafe - The returned PresenationSource object is not exposed and is only used for converting /// co-ordinates to screen space. /// [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] protected override Rect GetBoundingRectangleCore() { UIElement uiScope; Rect boundingRect = CalculateBoundingRect(false, out uiScope); if (boundingRect != Rect.Empty && uiScope != null) { HwndSource hwndSource = PresentationSource.CriticalFromVisual(uiScope) as HwndSource; if (hwndSource != null) { boundingRect = PointUtil.ElementToRoot(boundingRect, uiScope, hwndSource); boundingRect = PointUtil.RootToClient(boundingRect, hwndSource); boundingRect = PointUtil.ClientToScreen(boundingRect, hwndSource); } } return boundingRect; } ////// ////// /// Critical - Calls PresentationSource.CriticalFromVisual to get the source for this visual /// TreatAsSafe - The returned PresenationSource object is not exposed and is only used for converting /// co-ordinates to screen space. /// [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] protected override Point GetClickablePointCore() { Point point = new Point(); UIElement uiScope; Rect boundingRect = CalculateBoundingRect(true, out uiScope); if (boundingRect != Rect.Empty && uiScope != null) { HwndSource hwndSource = PresentationSource.CriticalFromVisual(uiScope) as HwndSource; if (hwndSource != null) { boundingRect = PointUtil.ElementToRoot(boundingRect, uiScope, hwndSource); boundingRect = PointUtil.RootToClient(boundingRect, hwndSource); boundingRect = PointUtil.ClientToScreen(boundingRect, hwndSource); point = new Point(boundingRect.Left + boundingRect.Width * 0.1, boundingRect.Top + boundingRect.Height * 0.1); } } return point; } ////// protected override bool IsOffscreenCore() { UIElement uiScope; Rect boundingRect = CalculateBoundingRect(true, out uiScope); return (boundingRect == Rect.Empty || uiScope == null); } ////// /// Gets collection of AutomationPeers for given text range. /// internal override ListGetAutomationPeersFromRange(ITextPointer start, ITextPointer end) { _childrenStart = start.CreatePointer(); _childrenEnd = end.CreatePointer(); ResetChildrenCache(); return GetChildren(); } /// /// Calculate visible rectangle. /// private Rect CalculateBoundingRect(bool clipToVisible, out UIElement uiScope) { uiScope = null; Rect boundingRect = Rect.Empty; if (Owner is IServiceProvider) { ITextContainer textContainer = ((IServiceProvider)Owner).GetService(typeof(ITextContainer)) as ITextContainer; ITextView textView = (textContainer != null) ? textContainer.TextView : null; if (textView != null) { // Make sure TextView is updated if (!textView.IsValid) { if (!textView.Validate()) { textView = null; } if (textView != null && !textView.IsValid) { textView = null; } } // Get bounding rect from TextView. if (textView != null) { boundingRect = new Rect(textView.RenderScope.RenderSize); uiScope = textView.RenderScope; // Compute visible portion of the rectangle. if (clipToVisible) { Visual visual = textView.RenderScope; while (visual != null && boundingRect != Rect.Empty) { if (VisualTreeHelper.GetClip(visual) != null) { GeneralTransform transform = textView.RenderScope.TransformToAncestor(visual).Inverse; // Safer version of transform to descendent (doing the inverse ourself), // we want the rect inside of our space. (Which is always rectangular and much nicer to work with) if (transform != null) { Rect clipBounds = VisualTreeHelper.GetClip(visual).Bounds; clipBounds = transform.TransformBounds(clipBounds); boundingRect.Intersect(clipBounds); } else { // No visibility if non-invertable transform exists. boundingRect = Rect.Empty; } } visual = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(visual) as Visual; } } } } } return boundingRect; } private ITextPointer _childrenStart; private ITextPointer _childrenEnd; private TextAdaptor _textPattern; } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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