/ 4.0 / 4.0 / untmp / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / wpf / src / Framework / MS / Internal / PtsHost / PtsHelper.cs / 1305600 / PtsHelper.cs
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // File: PtsHelper.cs // // Description: Helper services to query PTS objects. // // History: // 05/05/2003 : [....] - moving from Avalon branch. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Security; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Media; using System.Windows.Documents; using MS.Internal.Text; using MS.Internal.Documents; using MS.Internal.PtsHost.UnsafeNativeMethods; namespace MS.Internal.PtsHost { // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Helper services to query PTS objects. // --------------------------------------------------------------------- internal static class PtsHelper { // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Visual Helpers // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- #region Visual Helpers // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Update mirroring transform. // ------------------------------------------------------------------ internal static void UpdateMirroringTransform(FlowDirection parentFD, FlowDirection childFD, ContainerVisual visualChild, double width) { // Set mirroring transform if necessary, or clear it just in case it was set in the previous // format process. if (parentFD != childFD) { MatrixTransform transform = new MatrixTransform(-1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, width, 0.0); visualChild.Transform = transform; visualChild.SetValue(FrameworkElement.FlowDirectionProperty, childFD); } else { visualChild.Transform = null; visualChild.ClearValue(FrameworkElement.FlowDirectionProperty); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Clips visual children to a specified rect // ------------------------------------------------------------------ internal static void ClipChildrenToRect(ContainerVisual visual, Rect rect) { VisualCollection visualChildren = visual.Children; for(int index = 0; index < visualChildren.Count; index++) { ((ContainerVisual)visualChildren[index]).Clip = new RectangleGeometry(rect); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Syncs a floating element para list with a visual collection // ----------------------------------------------------------------- internal static void UpdateFloatingElementVisuals(ContainerVisual visual, ListfloatingElementList) { VisualCollection visualChildren = visual.Children; int visualIndex = 0; if(floatingElementList == null || floatingElementList.Count == 0) { visualChildren.Clear(); } else { for(int index = 0; index < floatingElementList.Count; index++) { Visual paraVisual = floatingElementList[index].Visual; while(visualIndex < visualChildren.Count && visualChildren[visualIndex] != paraVisual) { visualChildren.RemoveAt(visualIndex); } if(visualIndex == visualChildren.Count) { visualChildren.Add(paraVisual); } visualIndex++; } if(visualChildren.Count > floatingElementList.Count) { visualChildren.RemoveRange(floatingElementList.Count, visualChildren.Count - floatingElementList.Count); } } } #endregion Visual Helpers // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // Arrange Helpers // // ------------------------------------------------------------------ #region Arrange Helpers //------------------------------------------------------------------- // Arrange PTS track. //-------------------------------------------------------------------- /// /// Critical: /// a) calls Critical function PTS.FsQueryTrackDetails. /// b) calls Critical functions: ParaListFromTrack and ArrangeParaList. /// [SecurityCritical] internal static void ArrangeTrack( PtsContext ptsContext, ref PTS.FSTRACKDESCRIPTION trackDesc, uint fswdirTrack) { // There is possibility to get empty track. (example: large figures) if (trackDesc.pfstrack != IntPtr.Zero) { // Get track details PTS.FSTRACKDETAILS trackDetails; PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQueryTrackDetails(ptsContext.Context, trackDesc.pfstrack, out trackDetails)); // There is possibility to get empty track. if (trackDetails.cParas != 0) { // Get list of paragraphs PTS.FSPARADESCRIPTION[] arrayParaDesc; ParaListFromTrack(ptsContext, trackDesc.pfstrack, ref trackDetails, out arrayParaDesc); // Arrange paragraphs ArrangeParaList(ptsContext, trackDesc.fsrc, arrayParaDesc, fswdirTrack); } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Arrange para list. // ----------------------------------------------------------------- ////// Critical, because: /// a) calls Critical function BaseParaClient.Arrange. /// b) calls Critical function PTS.FsTransformRectangle /// [SecurityCritical] internal static void ArrangeParaList( PtsContext ptsContext, PTS.FSRECT rcTrackContent, PTS.FSPARADESCRIPTION [] arrayParaDesc, uint fswdirTrack) { // For each paragraph, do following: // (1) Retrieve ParaClient object // (2) Arrange and update paragraph metrics int dvrPara = 0; for (int index = 0; index < arrayParaDesc.Length; index++) { // (1) Retrieve ParaClient object BaseParaClient paraClient = ptsContext.HandleToObject(arrayParaDesc[index].pfsparaclient) as BaseParaClient; PTS.ValidateHandle(paraClient); // Convert to appropriate page coordinates. if(index == 0) { uint fswdirPage = PTS.FlowDirectionToFswdir(paraClient.PageFlowDirection); if(fswdirTrack != fswdirPage) { PTS.FSRECT pageRect = paraClient.Paragraph.StructuralCache.CurrentArrangeContext.PageContext.PageRect; PTS.Validate(PTS.FsTransformRectangle(fswdirTrack, ref pageRect, ref rcTrackContent, fswdirPage, out rcTrackContent)); } } // (2) Arrange and update paragraph metrics int dvrTopSpace = arrayParaDesc[index].dvrTopSpace; PTS.FSRECT rcPara = rcTrackContent; rcPara.v += dvrPara + dvrTopSpace; rcPara.dv = arrayParaDesc[index].dvrUsed - dvrTopSpace; paraClient.Arrange(arrayParaDesc[index].pfspara, rcPara, dvrTopSpace, fswdirTrack); dvrPara += arrayParaDesc[index].dvrUsed; } } #endregion Arrange Helpers // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Update Visual Helpers // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- #region Update Visual Helpers //------------------------------------------------------------------- // Update PTS track (column) visuals. //------------------------------------------------------------------- ////// Critical: /// a) calls Critical function PTS.FsQueryTrackDetails. /// b) calls Critical function ParaListFromTrack. /// [SecurityCritical] internal static void UpdateTrackVisuals( PtsContext ptsContext, VisualCollection visualCollection, PTS.FSKUPDATE fskupdInherited, ref PTS.FSTRACKDESCRIPTION trackDesc) { PTS.FSKUPDATE fskupd = trackDesc.fsupdinf.fskupd; if (trackDesc.fsupdinf.fskupd == PTS.FSKUPDATE.fskupdInherited) { fskupd = fskupdInherited; } // If there is no change, visual information is valid if (fskupd == PTS.FSKUPDATE.fskupdNoChange) { return; } ErrorHandler.Assert(fskupd != PTS.FSKUPDATE.fskupdShifted, ErrorHandler.UpdateShiftedNotValid); bool emptyTrack = (trackDesc.pfstrack == IntPtr.Zero); if (!emptyTrack) { // Get track details PTS.FSTRACKDETAILS trackDetails; PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQueryTrackDetails(ptsContext.Context, trackDesc.pfstrack, out trackDetails)); emptyTrack = (trackDetails.cParas == 0); if (!emptyTrack) { // Get list of paragraphs PTS.FSPARADESCRIPTION[] arrayParaDesc; ParaListFromTrack(ptsContext, trackDesc.pfstrack, ref trackDetails, out arrayParaDesc); // Update visuals for list of paragraphs UpdateParaListVisuals(ptsContext, visualCollection, fskupd, arrayParaDesc); } } // There is possibility to get empty track. (example: large figures) if (emptyTrack) { // There is no content, remove all existing children visuals. visualCollection.Clear(); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Update visuals for list of paragraphs. // ----------------------------------------------------------------- internal static void UpdateParaListVisuals( PtsContext ptsContext, VisualCollection visualCollection, PTS.FSKUPDATE fskupdInherited, PTS.FSPARADESCRIPTION [] arrayParaDesc) { // For each paragraph, do following: // (1) Retrieve ParaClient object // (3) Update visual, if necessary for (int index = 0; index < arrayParaDesc.Length; index++) { // (1) Retrieve ParaClient object BaseParaClient paraClient = ptsContext.HandleToObject(arrayParaDesc[index].pfsparaclient) as BaseParaClient; PTS.ValidateHandle(paraClient); // (2) Update visual, if necessary PTS.FSKUPDATE fskupd = arrayParaDesc[index].fsupdinf.fskupd; if (fskupd == PTS.FSKUPDATE.fskupdInherited) { fskupd = fskupdInherited; } if (fskupd == PTS.FSKUPDATE.fskupdNew) { // Disconnect visual from its old parent, if necessary. Visual currentParent = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(paraClient.Visual) as Visual; if(currentParent != null) { ContainerVisual parent = currentParent as ContainerVisual; Invariant.Assert(parent != null, "parent should always derives from ContainerVisual"); parent.Children.Remove(paraClient.Visual); } // New paragraph - insert new visual node visualCollection.Insert(index, paraClient.Visual); paraClient.ValidateVisual(fskupd); } else { // Remove visuals for non-existing paragraphs while (visualCollection[index] != paraClient.Visual) { visualCollection.RemoveAt(index); Invariant.Assert(index < visualCollection.Count); } if(fskupd == PTS.FSKUPDATE.fskupdChangeInside || fskupd == PTS.FSKUPDATE.fskupdShifted) { paraClient.ValidateVisual(fskupd); } } } // Remove obsolete visuals if (arrayParaDesc.Length < visualCollection.Count) { visualCollection.RemoveRange(arrayParaDesc.Length, visualCollection.Count - arrayParaDesc.Length); } } #endregion Update Visual Helpers #region Update Viewport Helpers //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Update viewport for track //-------------------------------------------------------------------- ////// Critical: /// a) calls Critical function PTS.FsQueryTrackDetails. /// b) calls Critical function ParaListFromTrack. /// [SecurityCritical] internal static void UpdateViewportTrack( PtsContext ptsContext, ref PTS.FSTRACKDESCRIPTION trackDesc, ref PTS.FSRECT viewport) { // There is possibility to get empty track. (example: large figures) if (trackDesc.pfstrack != IntPtr.Zero) { // Get track details PTS.FSTRACKDETAILS trackDetails; PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQueryTrackDetails(ptsContext.Context, trackDesc.pfstrack, out trackDetails)); // There is possibility to get empty track. if (trackDetails.cParas != 0) { // Get list of paragraphs PTS.FSPARADESCRIPTION[] arrayParaDesc; ParaListFromTrack(ptsContext, trackDesc.pfstrack, ref trackDetails, out arrayParaDesc); // Arrange paragraphs UpdateViewportParaList(ptsContext, arrayParaDesc, ref viewport); } } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Update viewport for para list // ------------------------------------------------------------------ internal static void UpdateViewportParaList( PtsContext ptsContext, PTS.FSPARADESCRIPTION [] arrayParaDesc, ref PTS.FSRECT viewport) { for (int index = 0; index < arrayParaDesc.Length; index++) { // (1) Retrieve ParaClient object BaseParaClient paraClient = ptsContext.HandleToObject(arrayParaDesc[index].pfsparaclient) as BaseParaClient; PTS.ValidateHandle(paraClient); paraClient.UpdateViewport(ref viewport); } } #endregion Arrange Helpers // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // HitTest Helpers // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- #region HitTest Helpers // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Hit tests to the correct IInputElement within the track that the // mouse is over. // ------------------------------------------------------------------ ////// Critical: /// a) calls Critical function PTS.FsQueryTrackDetails. /// b) calls Critical function ParaListFromTrack. /// [SecurityCritical] internal static IInputElement InputHitTestTrack( PtsContext ptsContext, PTS.FSPOINT pt, ref PTS.FSTRACKDESCRIPTION trackDesc) { // There is possibility to get empty track. (example: large figures) if (trackDesc.pfstrack == IntPtr.Zero) { return null; } IInputElement ie = null; // Get track details PTS.FSTRACKDETAILS trackDetails; PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQueryTrackDetails(ptsContext.Context, trackDesc.pfstrack, out trackDetails)); // There might be possibility to get empty track, skip the track // in such case. if (trackDetails.cParas != 0) { // Get list of paragraphs PTS.FSPARADESCRIPTION[] arrayParaDesc; ParaListFromTrack(ptsContext, trackDesc.pfstrack, ref trackDetails, out arrayParaDesc); // Hittest list of paragraphs ie = InputHitTestParaList(ptsContext, pt, ref trackDesc.fsrc, arrayParaDesc); } return ie; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Hit tests to the correct IInputElement within the list of // paragraphs that the mouse is over. // ------------------------------------------------------------------ internal static IInputElement InputHitTestParaList( PtsContext ptsContext, PTS.FSPOINT pt, ref PTS.FSRECT rcTrack, // track's rectangle PTS.FSPARADESCRIPTION [] arrayParaDesc) { IInputElement ie = null; for (int index = 0; index < arrayParaDesc.Length && ie == null; index++) { BaseParaClient paraClient = ptsContext.HandleToObject(arrayParaDesc[index].pfsparaclient) as BaseParaClient; PTS.ValidateHandle(paraClient); if(paraClient.Rect.Contains(pt)) { ie = paraClient.InputHitTest(pt); } } return ie; } #endregion HitTest Helpers // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // // GetRectangles Helpers // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- #region GetRectangles Helpers // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Returns ArrayList of rectangles for the ContentElement e within // the specified track. If e is not found or if track contains nothing, // returns empty list // // start: int representing start offset of e // length: int representing number of positions occupied by e // ----------------------------------------------------------------- ////// Critical: /// a) calls Critical function PTS.FsQueryTrackDetails. /// b) calls Critical function ParaListFromTrack. /// [SecurityCritical] internal static ListGetRectanglesInTrack( PtsContext ptsContext, ContentElement e, int start, int length, ref PTS.FSTRACKDESCRIPTION trackDesc) { List rectangles = new List (); // There is possibility to get empty track. (example: large figures) if (trackDesc.pfstrack == IntPtr.Zero) { // TRack is empty. Return empty list. return rectangles; } // Get track details PTS.FSTRACKDETAILS trackDetails; PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQueryTrackDetails(ptsContext.Context, trackDesc.pfstrack, out trackDetails)); // There might be possibility to get empty track, skip the track // in such case. if (trackDetails.cParas != 0) { // Get list of paragraphs PTS.FSPARADESCRIPTION[] arrayParaDesc; ParaListFromTrack(ptsContext, trackDesc.pfstrack, ref trackDetails, out arrayParaDesc); // Check list of paragraphs for element rectangles = GetRectanglesInParaList(ptsContext, e, start, length, arrayParaDesc); } return rectangles; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns ArrayList of rectangles for the ContentElement e within the // list of paragraphs. If the element is not found, returns empty list. // start: int representing start offset of e // length: int representing number of positions occupied by e // ----------------------------------------------------------------- internal static List GetRectanglesInParaList( PtsContext ptsContext, ContentElement e, int start, int length, PTS.FSPARADESCRIPTION[] arrayParaDesc) { List rectangles = new List (); for (int index = 0; index < arrayParaDesc.Length; index++) { BaseParaClient paraClient = ptsContext.HandleToObject(arrayParaDesc[index].pfsparaclient) as BaseParaClient; PTS.ValidateHandle(paraClient); if (start < paraClient.Paragraph.ParagraphEndCharacterPosition) { // Element lies within the paraClient boundaries. rectangles = paraClient.GetRectangles(e, start, length); // Rectangles collection should not be null for consistency Invariant.Assert(rectangles != null); if (rectangles.Count != 0) { // Element cannot span more than one para client in the same track, so we stop // if the element is found and the rectangles are calculated break; } } } return rectangles; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Returns List of rectangles offset by x/y values. // ----------------------------------------------------------------- internal static List OffsetRectangleList(List rectangleList, double xOffset, double yOffset) { List offsetRectangles = new List (rectangleList.Count); for(int index = 0; index < rectangleList.Count; index++) { Rect rect = rectangleList[index]; rect.X += xOffset; rect.Y += yOffset; offsetRectangles.Add(rect); } return offsetRectangles; } #endregion GetRectangles Helpers // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Query Helpers // // ------------------------------------------------------------------ #region Query Helpers // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Retrieve section list from page. // ------------------------------------------------------------------ /// /// Critical, because: /// a) calls Critical function PTS.FsQueryPageSectionList, /// b) it is unsafe method. /// [SecurityCritical] internal static unsafe void SectionListFromPage( PtsContext ptsContext, IntPtr page, ref PTS.FSPAGEDETAILS pageDetails, out PTS.FSSECTIONDESCRIPTION [] arraySectionDesc) { arraySectionDesc = new PTS.FSSECTIONDESCRIPTION [pageDetails.u.complex.cSections]; int sectionCount; fixed (PTS.FSSECTIONDESCRIPTION* rgSectionDesc = arraySectionDesc) { PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQueryPageSectionList(ptsContext.Context, page, pageDetails.u.complex.cSections, rgSectionDesc, out sectionCount)); } ErrorHandler.Assert(pageDetails.u.complex.cSections == sectionCount, ErrorHandler.PTSObjectsCountMismatch); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Retrieve track (column) list from subpage. // ----------------------------------------------------------------- ////// Critical, because: /// a) calls Critical function PTS.FsQuerySubpageBasicColumnList, /// b) it is unsafe method. /// [SecurityCritical] internal static unsafe void TrackListFromSubpage( PtsContext ptsContext, IntPtr subpage, ref PTS.FSSUBPAGEDETAILS subpageDetails, out PTS.FSTRACKDESCRIPTION [] arrayTrackDesc) { arrayTrackDesc = new PTS.FSTRACKDESCRIPTION [subpageDetails.u.complex.cBasicColumns]; int trackCount; fixed (PTS.FSTRACKDESCRIPTION* rgTrackDesc = arrayTrackDesc) { PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQuerySubpageBasicColumnList(ptsContext.Context, subpage, subpageDetails.u.complex.cBasicColumns, rgTrackDesc, out trackCount)); } ErrorHandler.Assert(subpageDetails.u.complex.cBasicColumns == trackCount, ErrorHandler.PTSObjectsCountMismatch); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Retrieve track (column) list from section. // ------------------------------------------------------------------ ////// Critical, because: /// a) calls Critical function PTS.FsQuerySectionBasicColumnList, /// b) it is unsafe method. /// [SecurityCritical] internal static unsafe void TrackListFromSection( PtsContext ptsContext, IntPtr section, ref PTS.FSSECTIONDETAILS sectionDetails, out PTS.FSTRACKDESCRIPTION [] arrayTrackDesc) { // Debug.Assert(sectionDetails.u.withpagenotes.cSegmentDefinedColumnSpanAreas == 0); Debug.Assert(sectionDetails.u.withpagenotes.cHeightDefinedColumnSpanAreas == 0); arrayTrackDesc = new PTS.FSTRACKDESCRIPTION[sectionDetails.u.withpagenotes.cBasicColumns]; int trackCount; fixed (PTS.FSTRACKDESCRIPTION* rgTrackDesc = arrayTrackDesc) { PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQuerySectionBasicColumnList(ptsContext.Context, section, sectionDetails.u.withpagenotes.cBasicColumns, rgTrackDesc, out trackCount)); } ErrorHandler.Assert(sectionDetails.u.withpagenotes.cBasicColumns == trackCount, ErrorHandler.PTSObjectsCountMismatch); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Retrieve paragraph list from the track. // ------------------------------------------------------------------ ////// Critical, because: /// a) calls Critical function PTS.FsQueryTrackParaList, /// b) it is unsafe method. /// [SecurityCritical] internal static unsafe void ParaListFromTrack( PtsContext ptsContext, IntPtr track, ref PTS.FSTRACKDETAILS trackDetails, out PTS.FSPARADESCRIPTION [] arrayParaDesc) { arrayParaDesc = new PTS.FSPARADESCRIPTION [trackDetails.cParas]; int paraCount; fixed (PTS.FSPARADESCRIPTION* rgParaDesc = arrayParaDesc) { PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQueryTrackParaList(ptsContext.Context, track, trackDetails.cParas, rgParaDesc, out paraCount)); } ErrorHandler.Assert(trackDetails.cParas == paraCount, ErrorHandler.PTSObjectsCountMismatch); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Retrieve paragraph list from the track. // ----------------------------------------------------------------- ////// Critical, because: /// a) calls Critical function PTS.FsQuerySubtrackParaList, /// b) it is unsafe method. /// [SecurityCritical] internal static unsafe void ParaListFromSubtrack( PtsContext ptsContext, IntPtr subtrack, ref PTS.FSSUBTRACKDETAILS subtrackDetails, out PTS.FSPARADESCRIPTION [] arrayParaDesc) { arrayParaDesc = new PTS.FSPARADESCRIPTION [subtrackDetails.cParas]; int paraCount; fixed (PTS.FSPARADESCRIPTION* rgParaDesc = arrayParaDesc) { PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQuerySubtrackParaList(ptsContext.Context, subtrack, subtrackDetails.cParas, rgParaDesc, out paraCount)); } ErrorHandler.Assert(subtrackDetails.cParas == paraCount, ErrorHandler.PTSObjectsCountMismatch); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Retrieve simple line list from the full text paragraph. // ----------------------------------------------------------------- ////// Critical, because: /// a) calls Critical function PTS.FsQueryLineListSingle, /// b) it is unsafe method. /// [SecurityCritical] internal static unsafe void LineListSimpleFromTextPara( PtsContext ptsContext, IntPtr para, ref PTS.FSTEXTDETAILSFULL textDetails, out PTS.FSLINEDESCRIPTIONSINGLE [] arrayLineDesc) { arrayLineDesc = new PTS.FSLINEDESCRIPTIONSINGLE [textDetails.cLines]; int lineCount; fixed (PTS.FSLINEDESCRIPTIONSINGLE* rgLineDesc = arrayLineDesc) { PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQueryLineListSingle(ptsContext.Context, para, textDetails.cLines, rgLineDesc, out lineCount)); } ErrorHandler.Assert(textDetails.cLines == lineCount, ErrorHandler.PTSObjectsCountMismatch); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Retrieve composite line list from the full text paragraph. // ----------------------------------------------------------------- ////// Critical, because: /// a) calls Critical function PTS.FsQueryLineListComposite, /// b) it is unsafe method. /// [SecurityCritical] internal static unsafe void LineListCompositeFromTextPara( PtsContext ptsContext, IntPtr para, ref PTS.FSTEXTDETAILSFULL textDetails, out PTS.FSLINEDESCRIPTIONCOMPOSITE [] arrayLineDesc) { arrayLineDesc = new PTS.FSLINEDESCRIPTIONCOMPOSITE [textDetails.cLines]; int lineCount; fixed (PTS.FSLINEDESCRIPTIONCOMPOSITE* rgLineDesc = arrayLineDesc) { PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQueryLineListComposite(ptsContext.Context, para, textDetails.cLines, rgLineDesc, out lineCount)); } ErrorHandler.Assert(textDetails.cLines == lineCount, ErrorHandler.PTSObjectsCountMismatch); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Retrieve line elements list from the composite line. // ----------------------------------------------------------------- ////// Critical, because: /// a) calls Critical function PTS.FsQueryLineCompositeElementList, /// b) it is unsafe method. /// [SecurityCritical] internal static unsafe void LineElementListFromCompositeLine( PtsContext ptsContext, ref PTS.FSLINEDESCRIPTIONCOMPOSITE lineDesc, out PTS.FSLINEELEMENT [] arrayLineElement) { arrayLineElement = new PTS.FSLINEELEMENT [lineDesc.cElements]; int lineElementCount; fixed (PTS.FSLINEELEMENT* rgLineElement = arrayLineElement) { PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQueryLineCompositeElementList(ptsContext.Context, lineDesc.pline, lineDesc.cElements, rgLineElement, out lineElementCount)); } ErrorHandler.Assert(lineDesc.cElements == lineElementCount, ErrorHandler.PTSObjectsCountMismatch); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Retrieve attached object list from the paragraph. // ------------------------------------------------------------------ ////// Critical, because: /// a) calls Critical function PTS.FsQueryAttachedObjectList, /// b) it is unsafe method. /// [SecurityCritical] internal static unsafe void AttachedObjectListFromParagraph( PtsContext ptsContext, IntPtr para, int cAttachedObject, out PTS.FSATTACHEDOBJECTDESCRIPTION [] arrayAttachedObjectDesc) { arrayAttachedObjectDesc = new PTS.FSATTACHEDOBJECTDESCRIPTION [cAttachedObject]; int attachedObjectCount; fixed (PTS.FSATTACHEDOBJECTDESCRIPTION* rgAttachedObjectDesc = arrayAttachedObjectDesc) { PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQueryAttachedObjectList(ptsContext.Context, para, cAttachedObject, rgAttachedObjectDesc, out attachedObjectCount)); } ErrorHandler.Assert(cAttachedObject == attachedObjectCount, ErrorHandler.PTSObjectsCountMismatch); } #endregion Query Helpers // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // Misc Helpers // // ------------------------------------------------------------------ #region Misc Helpers // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Retrieve TextContentRange from PTS track. // ----------------------------------------------------------------- ////// Critical: /// a) calls Critical function PTS.FsQueryTrackDetails. /// b) calls Critical function ParaListFromTrack. /// [SecurityCritical] internal static TextContentRange TextContentRangeFromTrack( PtsContext ptsContext, IntPtr pfstrack) { // Get track details PTS.FSTRACKDETAILS trackDetails; PTS.Validate(PTS.FsQueryTrackDetails(ptsContext.Context, pfstrack, out trackDetails)); // Combine ranges from all nested paragraphs. TextContentRange textContentRange = new TextContentRange(); if (trackDetails.cParas != 0) { PTS.FSPARADESCRIPTION[] arrayParaDesc; PtsHelper.ParaListFromTrack(ptsContext, pfstrack, ref trackDetails, out arrayParaDesc); // Merge TextContentRanges for all paragraphs BaseParaClient paraClient; for (int i = 0; i < arrayParaDesc.Length; i++) { paraClient = ptsContext.HandleToObject(arrayParaDesc[i].pfsparaclient) as BaseParaClient; PTS.ValidateHandle(paraClient); textContentRange.Merge(paraClient.GetTextContentRange()); } } return textContentRange; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Calculates a page margin adjustment to eliminate free space if column width is not flexible // ------------------------------------------------------------------ internal static double CalculatePageMarginAdjustment(StructuralCache structuralCache, double pageMarginWidth) { double pageMarginAdjustment = 0.0; DependencyObject o = structuralCache.Section.Element; if(o is FlowDocument) { ColumnPropertiesGroup columnProperties = new ColumnPropertiesGroup(o); if(!columnProperties.IsColumnWidthFlexible) { double lineHeight = DynamicPropertyReader.GetLineHeightValue(o); double pageFontSize = (double)structuralCache.PropertyOwner.GetValue(Block.FontSizeProperty); FontFamily pageFontFamily = (FontFamily)structuralCache.PropertyOwner.GetValue(Block.FontFamilyProperty); int ccol = PtsHelper.CalculateColumnCount(columnProperties, lineHeight, pageMarginWidth, pageFontSize, pageFontFamily, true); double columnWidth; double freeSpace; double gap; GetColumnMetrics(columnProperties, pageMarginWidth, pageFontSize, pageFontFamily, true, ccol, ref lineHeight, out columnWidth, out freeSpace, out gap); pageMarginAdjustment = freeSpace; } } return pageMarginAdjustment; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Calculate column count based on column properties. // If column width is Auto column count is calculated by assuming // ColumnWidth as 20*FontSize // ------------------------------------------------------------------ internal static int CalculateColumnCount( ColumnPropertiesGroup columnProperties, double lineHeight, double pageWidth, double pageFontSize, FontFamily pageFontFamily, bool enableColumns) { int columns = 1; double gap; double rule = columnProperties.ColumnRuleWidth; if (enableColumns) { if (columnProperties.ColumnGapAuto) { gap = 1 * lineHeight; } else { gap = columnProperties.ColumnGap; } if (!columnProperties.ColumnWidthAuto) { // Column count is ignored in this case double column = columnProperties.ColumnWidth; columns = (int)((pageWidth + gap) / (column + gap)); } else { // Column width is assumed to be 20*FontSize double column = 20 * pageFontSize; columns = (int)((pageWidth + gap) / (column + gap)); } } return Math.Max(1, Math.Min(PTS.Restrictions.tscColumnRestriction-1, columns)); // at least 1 column is required } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // GetColumnMetrics // ----------------------------------------------------------------- internal static void GetColumnMetrics(ColumnPropertiesGroup columnProperties, double pageWidth, double pageFontSize, FontFamily pageFontFamily, bool enableColumns, int cColumns, ref double lineHeight, out double columnWidth, out double freeSpace, out double gapSpace) { double rule = columnProperties.ColumnRuleWidth; if (!enableColumns) { Invariant.Assert(cColumns == 1); columnWidth = pageWidth; gapSpace = 0; lineHeight = 0; freeSpace = 0; } else { // For FlowDocument, calculate default column width if (columnProperties.ColumnWidthAuto) { columnWidth = 20 * pageFontSize; } else { columnWidth = columnProperties.ColumnWidth; } if (columnProperties.ColumnGapAuto) { gapSpace = 1 * lineHeight; } else { gapSpace = columnProperties.ColumnGap; } } columnWidth = Math.Max(1, Math.Min(columnWidth, pageWidth)); freeSpace = pageWidth - (cColumns * columnWidth) - (cColumns - 1) * gapSpace; freeSpace = Math.Max(0, freeSpace); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Get columns info // ----------------------------------------------------------------- ////// Critical, because it is unsafe method. /// [SecurityCritical] internal static unsafe void GetColumnsInfo( ColumnPropertiesGroup columnProperties, double lineHeight, double pageWidth, double pageFontSize, FontFamily pageFontFamily, int cColumns, PTS.FSCOLUMNINFO* pfscolinfo, bool enableColumns) { Debug.Assert(cColumns > 0, "At least one column is required."); double columnWidth; double freeSpace; double gap; double rule = columnProperties.ColumnRuleWidth; GetColumnMetrics(columnProperties, pageWidth, pageFontSize, pageFontFamily, enableColumns, cColumns, ref lineHeight, out columnWidth, out freeSpace, out gap); // Set columns information if (!columnProperties.IsColumnWidthFlexible) { // All columns have the declared width // ColumnGap is flexible and is increased based on ColumnSpaceDistribution policy // (ColumnGap is effectively min) for (int i = 0; i < cColumns; i++) { // Today there is no way to change the default value of ColumnSpaceDistribution. // If column widths are not flexible, always allocate unused space on the right side. pfscolinfo[i].durBefore = TextDpi.ToTextDpi((i == 0) ? 0 : gap); pfscolinfo[i].durWidth = TextDpi.ToTextDpi(columnWidth); // ColumnWidth has to be > 0 and SpaceBefore has to be >= 0 pfscolinfo[i].durBefore = Math.Max(0, pfscolinfo[i].durBefore); pfscolinfo[i].durWidth = Math.Max(1, pfscolinfo[i].durWidth); } } else { // ColumnGap is honored // ColumnWidth is effectively min, and space is distributed according to ColumnSpaceDistribution policy for (int i = 0; i < cColumns; i++) { if (columnProperties.ColumnSpaceDistribution == ColumnSpaceDistribution.Right) { pfscolinfo[i].durWidth = TextDpi.ToTextDpi((i == cColumns - 1) ? columnWidth + freeSpace : columnWidth); } else if (columnProperties.ColumnSpaceDistribution == ColumnSpaceDistribution.Left) { pfscolinfo[i].durWidth = TextDpi.ToTextDpi((i == 0) ? columnWidth + freeSpace : columnWidth); } else { pfscolinfo[i].durWidth = TextDpi.ToTextDpi(columnWidth + (freeSpace / cColumns)); } // If calculated column width is greater than the page width, set it to page width to // avoid clipping if (pfscolinfo[i].durWidth > TextDpi.ToTextDpi(pageWidth)) { pfscolinfo[i].durWidth = TextDpi.ToTextDpi(pageWidth); } pfscolinfo[i].durBefore = TextDpi.ToTextDpi((i == 0) ? 0 : gap); // ColumnWidth has to be > 0 and SpaceBefore has to be >= 0 pfscolinfo[i].durBefore = Math.Max(0, pfscolinfo[i].durBefore); pfscolinfo[i].durWidth = Math.Max(1, pfscolinfo[i].durWidth); } } } #endregion Misc Helpers } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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- XmlSchemaCollection.cs
- DefaultExpressionVisitor.cs
- TextRenderingModeValidation.cs
- AssociationTypeEmitter.cs
- TransactionScope.cs
- StreamGeometryContext.cs
- LocalValueEnumerator.cs
- FontStretchConverter.cs
- HttpStaticObjectsCollectionWrapper.cs
- Atom10FormatterFactory.cs
- PerformanceCounterManager.cs
- AutomationPropertyInfo.cs
- WindowsListViewScroll.cs
- OleDbRowUpdatingEvent.cs
- HtmlInputButton.cs
- ProfilePropertySettings.cs
- ImageCodecInfo.cs
- Permission.cs
- ScriptControlManager.cs
- FileRecordSequence.cs
- XmlDataSourceView.cs
- TypeElementCollection.cs
- SessionEndingCancelEventArgs.cs
- EntityTemplateUserControl.cs
- CLRBindingWorker.cs
- NamespaceCollection.cs
- DataGridViewCellMouseEventArgs.cs
- Collection.cs
- View.cs
- WeakReferenceEnumerator.cs
- SynchronizingStream.cs
- SystemDiagnosticsSection.cs
- ServiceCredentialsSecurityTokenManager.cs
- StorageRoot.cs
- Variable.cs
- DateTimeFormat.cs
- DataGridViewSelectedCellsAccessibleObject.cs
- DynamicDataManager.cs
- AssemblyAssociatedContentFileAttribute.cs
- BCryptHashAlgorithm.cs
- BindingContext.cs
- SerialPort.cs
- NavigatorOutput.cs
- WeakEventTable.cs
- TreeNodeStyle.cs
- RegionData.cs
- UserControlParser.cs
- ObjectListSelectEventArgs.cs
- SqlErrorCollection.cs
- HandleCollector.cs
- Int32Storage.cs
- AsmxEndpointPickerExtension.cs
- XmlSchemaSimpleType.cs
- DbConnectionStringCommon.cs
- ProfileWorkflowElement.cs
- CellCreator.cs
- ProtocolViolationException.cs
- CellTreeNode.cs
- Span.cs
- ResourceManagerWrapper.cs
- WmlValidatorAdapter.cs
- PhoneCall.cs
- RuleSettingsCollection.cs
- FrameSecurityDescriptor.cs
- DllNotFoundException.cs
- SecurityChannelFaultConverter.cs
- SegmentTree.cs
- WindowsSecurityToken.cs
- WindowsListViewGroupHelper.cs
- FrugalMap.cs
- AsymmetricSignatureFormatter.cs
- SpeechRecognizer.cs
- OLEDB_Enum.cs
- CellIdBoolean.cs
- DataKey.cs
- TraceContext.cs
- HandoffBehavior.cs
- TransactionManagerProxy.cs
- Font.cs
- SQLByteStorage.cs
- DataGridItemEventArgs.cs
- Misc.cs
- ReadOnlyMetadataCollection.cs
- ToolBarOverflowPanel.cs
- ToolStripContentPanelRenderEventArgs.cs