/ 4.0 / 4.0 / untmp / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / DataEntity / System / Data / Objects / DataClasses / RelatedEnd.cs / 1458001 / RelatedEnd.cs
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// @owner [....]
// @backupOwner [....]
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data.Common.Utils;
using System.Data.Metadata.Edm;
using System.Data.Objects.Internal;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Text;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Linq;
namespace System.Data.Objects.DataClasses
/// Base class for EntityCollection and EntityReference
[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1710:IdentifiersShouldHaveCorrectSuffix")]
public abstract class RelatedEnd : IRelatedEnd
// Internal Constructors
/// The default constructor is required for some serialization scenarios with EntityReference.
internal RelatedEnd()
_wrappedOwner = EntityWrapperFactory.NullWrapper;
internal RelatedEnd(IEntityWrapper wrappedOwner, RelationshipNavigation navigation, IRelationshipFixer relationshipFixer)
EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(wrappedOwner, "wrappedOwner");
EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(wrappedOwner.Entity, "wrappedOwner.Entity");
EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(navigation, "navigation");
EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(relationshipFixer, "fixer");
InitializeRelatedEnd(wrappedOwner, navigation, relationshipFixer);
// ------
// Fields
// ------
private const string _entityKeyParamName = "EntityKeyValue";
// The following fields are serialized. Adding or removing a serialized field is considered
// a breaking change. This includes changing the field type or field name of existing
// serialized fields. If you need to make this kind of change, it may be possible, but it
// will require some custom serialization/deserialization code.
// These fields should not be changed once they have been initialized with non-null values, but they can't be read-only because there
// are serialization scenarios where they have to be set after construction
/// Note that this field should no longer be used directly. Instead, use the _wrappedOwner
/// field. This field is retained only for compatability with the serialization format introduced in v1.
private IEntityWithRelationships _owner;
private RelationshipNavigation _navigation;
private IRelationshipFixer _relationshipFixer;
internal bool _isLoaded;
// The fields in this group are set only when attached to a context, so we don't need to serialize.
private RelationshipSet _relationshipSet;
private ObjectContext _context;
private bool _usingNoTracking;
private RelationshipType _relationMetadata;
private RelationshipEndMember _fromEndProperty; //owner end property
private RelationshipEndMember _toEndProperty;
private string _sourceQuery;
private IEnumerable _sourceQueryParamProperties; // indicates which properties populate query parameters
internal bool _suppressEvents;
internal CollectionChangeEventHandler _onAssociationChanged;
private IEntityWrapper _wrappedOwner;
// ------
// Events
// ------
/// Event to notify changes in the Associations.
public event CollectionChangeEventHandler AssociationChanged
_onAssociationChanged += value;
_onAssociationChanged -= value;
/// internal event to notify change in collection
internal virtual event CollectionChangeEventHandler AssociationChangedForObjectView
// we fire this event only from EntityCollection, definetely not from EntityReference
add { Debug.Assert(false, "should never happen"); }
remove { Debug.Assert(false, "should never happen"); }
// ----------
// Properties
// ----------
internal bool IsForeignKey
Debug.Assert(this.ObjectContext != null, "the IsForeignKey property shouldn't be used in detached scenarios");
Debug.Assert(this._relationMetadata != null, "this._relationMetadata == null");
return ((AssociationType)_relationMetadata).IsForeignKey;
/// This class describes a relationship navigation from the
/// navigation property on one entity to another entity.
/// RelationshipNavigation uniquely identify a relationship type.
/// The RelationshipNavigation class is internal only, so this property is also internal.
/// See RelationshipName, SourceRoleName, and TargetRoleName for the public exposure
/// of the information contained in this RelationshipNavigation.
internal RelationshipNavigation RelationshipNavigation
return _navigation;
/// Name of the relationship in which this RelatedEnd is participating
public string RelationshipName
return _navigation.RelationshipName;
/// Name of the relationship source role used to generate this RelatedEnd
public string SourceRoleName
return _navigation.From;
/// Name of the relationship target role used to generate this RelatedEnd
public string TargetRoleName
return _navigation.To;
IEnumerable IRelatedEnd.CreateSourceQuery()
return this.CreateSourceQueryInternal();
internal IEntityWrapper WrappedOwner
return this._wrappedOwner;
internal ObjectContext ObjectContext
return this._context;
internal virtual void BulkDeleteAll(System.Collections.Generic.List list)
throw EntityUtil.NotSupported();
/// Returns the relationship metadata associated with this RelatedEnd.
/// This value is available once the RelatedEnd is attached to an ObjectContext
/// or is retrieved with MergeOption.NoTracking
public RelationshipSet RelationshipSet
return this._relationshipSet;
internal RelationshipType RelationMetadata
return this._relationMetadata;
internal RelationshipEndMember ToEndMember
return this._toEndProperty;
internal bool UsingNoTracking
return this._usingNoTracking;
internal MergeOption DefaultMergeOption
return UsingNoTracking ? MergeOption.NoTracking : MergeOption.AppendOnly;
internal RelationshipEndMember FromEndProperty
return this._fromEndProperty;
/// IsLoaded returns true if and only if Load was called.
public bool IsLoaded
return this._isLoaded;
internal void SetIsLoaded(bool value)
this._isLoaded = value;
/// This is the query which represents the source of the
/// related end. It is constructed on demand using the
/// _connection and _cache fields and a query string based on
/// the type of related end and the metadata passed into its
/// constructor indicating the particular EDM construct the
/// related end models. This method is called by both subclasses of this type
/// and those subclasses pass in their generic type parameter in order
/// to produce an ObjectQuery of the right type. This allows this common
/// functionality to be implemented here in the base class while still
/// allowing the base class to be non-generic.
/// MergeOption to use when creating the query
/// Indicates whether the query can produce results.
/// For instance, a lookup with null key values cannot produce results.
/// The query loading related entities.
internal ObjectQuery CreateSourceQuery(MergeOption mergeOption, out bool hasResults)
// must have a context
if (_context == null)
hasResults = false;
return null;
EntityEntry stateEntry = _context.ObjectStateManager.FindEntityEntry(_wrappedOwner.Entity);
EntityState entityState;
if (stateEntry == null)
if (UsingNoTracking)
entityState = EntityState.Detached;
throw EntityUtil.InvalidEntityStateSource();
Debug.Assert(stateEntry != null, "Entity should exist in the current context");
entityState = stateEntry.State;
//Throw incase entity is in added state, unless this is the dependent end of an FK relationship
if (entityState == EntityState.Added &&
(!IsForeignKey ||
!IsDependentEndOfReferentialConstraint(checkIdentifying: false)))
throw EntityUtil.InvalidEntityStateSource();
Debug.Assert(!(entityState != EntityState.Detached && UsingNoTracking), "Entity with NoTracking option cannot exist in the ObjectStateManager");
// the CreateSourceQuery method can only return non-NULL when we're
// either detached & mergeOption is NoTracking or
// Added/Modified/Unchanged/Deleted and mergeOption is NOT NoTracking
// (if entity is attached to the context, mergeOption should never be NoTracking)
// If the entity state is added, at this point it is an FK dependent end
if (!((entityState == EntityState.Detached && UsingNoTracking) ||
entityState == EntityState.Modified ||
entityState == EntityState.Unchanged ||
entityState == EntityState.Deleted ||
entityState == EntityState.Added))
hasResults = false;
return null;
// Construct a new source query and return it.
Debug.Assert(_relationshipSet != null, "If we are attached to a context, we should have a relationship set.");
// Retrieve the entity key of the owner.
EntityKey key = _wrappedOwner.EntityKey;
EntityUtil.CheckEntityKeyNull(key); // Might be null because of faulty IPOCO implementation
// If the source query text has not been initialized, then do so now.
if (null == _sourceQuery)
Debug.Assert(_relationshipSet.BuiltInTypeKind == BuiltInTypeKind.AssociationSet, "Non-AssociationSet Relationship Set?");
AssociationType associationMetadata = (AssociationType)_relationMetadata;
EntitySet ownerEntitySet = ((AssociationSet)_relationshipSet).AssociationSetEnds[_fromEndProperty.Name].EntitySet;
EntitySet targetEntitySet = ((AssociationSet)_relationshipSet).AssociationSetEnds[_toEndProperty.Name].EntitySet;
EntityType targetEntityType = MetadataHelper.GetEntityTypeForEnd((AssociationEndMember)_toEndProperty);
bool ofTypeRequired = false;
if (!targetEntitySet.ElementType.EdmEquals(targetEntityType) &&
!TypeSemantics.IsSubTypeOf(targetEntitySet.ElementType, targetEntityType))
// If the type contained in the target entity set is not equal to
// or a subtype of the referenced type, then an OfType must be
// applied to the target entityset to yield only those elements that
// are of the referenced type or a subtype of the referenced type.
ofTypeRequired = true;
// The type name used in the OfType clause must be the name of the
// corresponding O-Space Entity type, since the source query will be
// parsed using the CLR perspective (by ObjectQuery).
TypeUsage targetOSpaceTypeUsage = ObjectContext.MetadataWorkspace.GetOSpaceTypeUsage(TypeUsage.Create(targetEntityType));
targetEntityType = (EntityType)targetOSpaceTypeUsage.EdmType;
StringBuilder sourceBuilder;
if (associationMetadata.IsForeignKey)
var fkConstraint = associationMetadata.ReferentialConstraints[0];
var principalProps = fkConstraint.FromProperties;
var dependentProps = fkConstraint.ToProperties;
Debug.Assert(principalProps.Count == dependentProps.Count, "Mismatched foreign key properties?");
if (fkConstraint.ToRole.EdmEquals(_toEndProperty))
// This related end goes from 'principal' to 'dependent', and has the key of the principal.
// In this case it is sufficient to filter the target (dependent) set where the foreign key
// properties have the same values as the corresponding entity key properties from the principal.
// FROM OfType(##DependentEntityset, ##DependentEntityType)
// AS D
// D.DependentProperty1 = @PrincipalProperty1 [AND
// ...
// D.DependentPropertyN = @PrincipalPropertyN]
// Note that the OfType operator can be omitted if the element type of ##DependentEntitySet
// is equal to the Entity type produced by the target end of the relationship.
sourceBuilder = new StringBuilder("SELECT VALUE D FROM ");
AppendEntitySet(sourceBuilder, targetEntitySet, targetEntityType, ofTypeRequired);
sourceBuilder.Append(" AS D WHERE ");
// For each principal key property there is a corresponding query parameter that supplies the value
// from this owner's entity key, so KeyParam1 corresponds to the first key member, etc.
// We remember the order of the corresponding principal key values in the _sourceQueryParamProperties
// field.
AliasGenerator keyParamNameGen = new AliasGenerator(_entityKeyParamName); // Aliases are cached in AliasGenerator
_sourceQueryParamProperties = principalProps;
for(int idx = 0; idx < dependentProps.Count; idx++)
if (idx > 0)
sourceBuilder.Append(" AND ");
sourceBuilder.Append("] = @");
// This related end goes from 'dependent' to 'principal', and has the key of the dependent
// In this case it is necessary to filter the target (principal) entity set on the foreign
// key relationship properties to retrieve the corresponding principal entity.
// OfType(##PrincipalEntityset, ##PrincipalEntityType) AS P
// P.PrincipalProperty1 = @DependentProperty1 AND ...
Debug.Assert(fkConstraint.FromRole.EdmEquals(_toEndProperty), "Source query for foreign key association related end is not based on principal or dependent?");
sourceBuilder = new StringBuilder("SELECT VALUE P FROM ");
AppendEntitySet(sourceBuilder, targetEntitySet, targetEntityType, ofTypeRequired);
sourceBuilder.Append(" AS P WHERE ");
AliasGenerator keyParamNameGen = new AliasGenerator(_entityKeyParamName); // Aliases are cached in AliasGenerator
_sourceQueryParamProperties = dependentProps;
for (int idx = 0; idx < principalProps.Count; idx++)
if (idx > 0)
sourceBuilder.Append(" AND ");
sourceBuilder.Append("] = @");
_sourceQuery = sourceBuilder.ToString();
// Translate to:
// SELECT VALUE [TargetEntity]
// (SELECT VALUE x FROM ##RelationshipSet AS x
// WHERE Key(x.[##SourceRoleName]) = ROW(@key1 AS key1[..., @keyN AS keyN])
// ) AS [AssociationEntry]
// OfType(##TargetEntityset, ##TargetRole.EntityType) AS [TargetEntity]
// ON
// Key([AssociationEntry].##TargetRoleName) = Key(Ref([TargetEntity]))
// Note that the OfType operator can be omitted if the element type of ##TargetEntitySet
// is equal to the Entity type produced by the target end of the relationship.
sourceBuilder = new StringBuilder("SELECT VALUE [TargetEntity] FROM (SELECT VALUE x FROM ");
sourceBuilder.Append("] AS x WHERE Key(x.[");
sourceBuilder.Append("]) = ");
AppendKeyParameterRow(sourceBuilder, key.GetEntitySet(ObjectContext.MetadataWorkspace).ElementType.KeyMembers);
sourceBuilder.Append(") AS [AssociationEntry] INNER JOIN ");
AppendEntitySet(sourceBuilder, targetEntitySet, targetEntityType, ofTypeRequired);
sourceBuilder.Append(" AS [TargetEntity] ON Key([AssociationEntry].[");
sourceBuilder.Append("]) = Key(Ref([TargetEntity]))");
_sourceQuery = sourceBuilder.ToString();
// Create a new ObjectQuery based on the source query text, the object context, and the specfied merge option.
ObjectQuery query = new ObjectQuery(_sourceQuery, _context, mergeOption);
// Add a parameter for each entity key value found on the key.
AliasGenerator paramNameGen = new AliasGenerator(_entityKeyParamName); // Aliases are cached in AliasGenerator
IEnumerable parameterMembers = _sourceQueryParamProperties
?? key.GetEntitySet(ObjectContext.MetadataWorkspace).ElementType.KeyMembers;
hasResults = true;
foreach (EdmMember parameterMember in parameterMembers)
// Create a new ObjectParameter with the next parameter name and the next entity value.
// When _sourceQueryParamProperties are defined, it means we are handling a foreign key association. For an FK association,
// the current entity values are considered truth. Otherwise, we use EntityKey values for backwards
// compatibility with independent association behaviors in .NET 3.5.
object value;
if(null == _sourceQueryParamProperties)
// retrieve the value from the entity key (independent association lookup)
value = _wrappedOwner.EntityKey.EntityKeyValues.Single(ekv => ekv.Key == parameterMember.Name).Value;
// retrieve the value from the entity itself (FK lookup)
EntityReference reference = this as EntityReference;
if (reference != null && ForeignKeyFactory.IsConceptualNullKey(reference.CachedForeignKey))
value = null;
value = GetCurrentValueFromEntity(parameterMember);
ObjectParameter queryParam;
if (null == value)
queryParam = new ObjectParameter(paramNameGen.Next(), ((PrimitiveType)parameterMember.TypeUsage.EdmType).ClrEquivalentType);
// If any lookup value is null, the query cannot match any rows.
hasResults = false;
queryParam = new ObjectParameter(paramNameGen.Next(), value);
// Map the type of the key member to C-Space and explicitly specify this mapped type
// as the effective type of the new ObjectParameter - this is required so that the
// type of the key value parameter matches the declared type of the key member when
// the query text is parsed.
queryParam.TypeUsage = Helper.GetModelTypeUsage(parameterMember);
// Add the new parameter to the Parameters collection of the query.
// It should not be possible to add or remove parameters from the new query, since the query text
// is fixed. Adding or removing parameters will likely make the query fail to execute.
// Return the new ObjectQuery. Note that this is intentionally a tear-off so that any changes made
// to its Parameters collection (or the ObjectParameters themselves) have no effect on anyone else
// that may retrieve this query - each access will always return a new ObjectQuery instance.
return query;
private object GetCurrentValueFromEntity(EdmMember member)
// retrieve member accessor from the object context (which already keeps track of the relevant
// metadata)
StateManagerTypeMetadata metaType = _context.ObjectStateManager.GetOrAddStateManagerTypeMetadata(member.DeclaringType);
StateManagerMemberMetadata metaMember = metaType.Member(metaType.GetOrdinalforCLayerMemberName(member.Name));
return metaMember.GetValue(_wrappedOwner.Entity);
private static void AppendKeyParameterRow(StringBuilder sourceBuilder, IList keyMembers)
AliasGenerator keyParamNameGen = new AliasGenerator(_entityKeyParamName); // Aliases are cached in AliasGenerator
int keyMemberCount = keyMembers.Count;
for (int idx = 0; idx < keyMemberCount; idx++)
string keyParamName = keyParamNameGen.Next();
sourceBuilder.Append(" AS ");
if (idx < keyMemberCount - 1)
private static void AppendEntitySet(StringBuilder sourceBuilder, EntitySet targetEntitySet, EntityType targetEntityType, bool ofTypeRequired)
if (ofTypeRequired)
if (ofTypeRequired)
sourceBuilder.Append(", [");
if (targetEntityType.NamespaceName != string.Empty)
/// Validates that a call to Load has the correct conditions
/// This helps to reduce the complexity of the Load call (SQLBU 524128)
/// See RelatedEnd.CreateSourceQuery method. This is returned here so we can create it and validate the state before returning it to the caller
internal ObjectQuery ValidateLoad(MergeOption mergeOption, string relatedEndName, out bool hasResults)
ObjectQuery sourceQuery = CreateSourceQuery(mergeOption, out hasResults);
if (null == sourceQuery)
throw EntityUtil.RelatedEndNotAttachedToContext(relatedEndName);
EntityEntry entry = ObjectContext.ObjectStateManager.FindEntityEntry(_wrappedOwner.Entity);
//Throw in case entity is in deleted state
if (entry != null && entry.State == EntityState.Deleted)
throw EntityUtil.InvalidEntityStateLoad(relatedEndName);
// MergeOption for Load must be NoTracking if and only if the source entity was NoTracking. If the source entity was
// retrieved with any other MergeOption, the Load MergeOption can be anything but NoTracking. I.e. The entity could
// have been loaded with OverwriteChanges and the Load option can be AppendOnly.
if (UsingNoTracking != (mergeOption == MergeOption.NoTracking))
throw EntityUtil.MismatchedMergeOptionOnLoad(mergeOption);
if (UsingNoTracking)
if (this.IsLoaded)
throw EntityUtil.LoadCalledOnAlreadyLoadedNoTrackedRelatedEnd();
if (!IsEmpty())
throw EntityUtil.LoadCalledOnNonEmptyNoTrackedRelatedEnd();
return sourceQuery;
// -------
// Methods
// -------
/// Loads the related entity or entities into the local related end using the default merge option.
public void Load()
/// Loads the related entity or entities into the local related end using the supplied MergeOption.
public abstract void Load(MergeOption mergeOption);
internal void DeferredLoad()
if (_wrappedOwner != null && _wrappedOwner != EntityWrapperFactory.NullWrapper &&
!IsLoaded &&
_context != null &&
_context.ContextOptions.LazyLoadingEnabled &&
!_context.InMaterialization &&
// Ensure the parent EntityState is NoTracking, Unchanged, or Modified
// Detached, Added, and Deleted parents cannot call Load
Debug.Assert(_wrappedOwner != null, "Wrapper owner should never be null");
if (UsingNoTracking ||
(_wrappedOwner.ObjectStateEntry != null &&
(_wrappedOwner.ObjectStateEntry.State == EntityState.Unchanged ||
_wrappedOwner.ObjectStateEntry.State == EntityState.Modified ||
(_wrappedOwner.ObjectStateEntry.State == EntityState.Added && IsForeignKey && IsDependentEndOfReferentialConstraint(false)))))
// Avoid infinite recursive calls
_context.ContextOptions.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;
_context.ContextOptions.LazyLoadingEnabled = true;
internal virtual bool CanDeferredLoad
get { return true; }
/// Takes a list of related entities and merges them into the current collection.
/// Entities to relate to the owner of this EntityCollection
/// MergeOption to use when updating existing relationships
/// Indicates whether IsLoaded should be set to true after the Load is complete.
/// Should be false in cases where we cannot guarantee that the set of entities is complete
/// and matches the server, such as Attach.
internal void Merge(IEnumerable collection, MergeOption mergeOption, bool setIsLoaded)
List refreshedCollection = collection as List;
if (refreshedCollection == null)
refreshedCollection = new List();
EntitySet targetEntitySet = ((AssociationSet)RelationshipSet).AssociationSetEnds[TargetRoleName].EntitySet;
foreach (TEntity entity in collection)
IEntityWrapper wrapper = EntityWrapperFactory.WrapEntityUsingContext(entity, ObjectContext);
// When the MergeOption is NoTraking, we need to make sure the wrapper reflects the current context and
// has an EntityKey
if (mergeOption == MergeOption.NoTracking)
EntityWrapperFactory.UpdateNoTrackingWrapper(wrapper, ObjectContext, targetEntitySet);
Merge(refreshedCollection, mergeOption, setIsLoaded);
// Internal version of Merge that works on wrapped entities.
internal void Merge(List collection, MergeOption mergeOption, bool setIsLoaded)
//Dev note: do not add event firing in Merge API, if it need to be added, add it to the caller
EntityKey sourceKey = _wrappedOwner.EntityKey;
ObjectStateManager.UpdateRelationships(this.ObjectContext, mergeOption, (AssociationSet)RelationshipSet, (AssociationEndMember)FromEndProperty, sourceKey, _wrappedOwner, (AssociationEndMember)ToEndMember, collection, setIsLoaded);
if (setIsLoaded)
// If the input collection contains all related entities, mark the collection as "loaded"
_isLoaded = true;
/// Attaches an entity to the related end. This method works in exactly the same way as Attach(object).
/// It is maintained for backward compatablility with previous versions of IRelatedEnd.
/// The entity to attach to the related end
/// Thrown when is null.
/// Thrown when the entity cannot be related via the current relationship end.
void IRelatedEnd.Attach(IEntityWithRelationships entity)
/// Attaches an entity to the related end. If the related end is already filled
/// or partially filled, this merges the existing entities with the given entity. The given
/// entity is not assumed to be the complete set of related entities.
/// Owner and all entities passed in must be in Unchanged or Modified state.
/// Deleted elements are allowed only when the state manager is already tracking the relationship
/// instance.
/// The entity to attach to the related end
/// Thrown when is null.
/// Thrown when the entity cannot be related via the current relationship end.
void IRelatedEnd.Attach(object entity)
EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(entity, "entity");
Attach(new IEntityWrapper[] { EntityWrapperFactory.WrapEntityUsingContext(entity, ObjectContext) }, false);
internal void Attach(IEnumerable wrappedEntities, bool allowCollection)
// validate children and collect them in the "refreshedCollection" for this instance
int index = 0;
List collection = new List();
foreach (IEntityWrapper entity in wrappedEntities)
ValidateEntityForAttach(entity, index++, allowCollection);
_suppressEvents = true;
// After Attach, the two entities should be related in the Unchanged state, so use OverwriteChanges
// Since no query is done in this case, the MergeOption only controls the relationships
Merge(collection, MergeOption.OverwriteChanges, false /*setIsLoaded*/);
ReferentialConstraint constraint = ((AssociationType)RelationMetadata).ReferentialConstraints.FirstOrDefault();
if (constraint != null)
ObjectStateManager stateManager = ObjectContext.ObjectStateManager;
EntityEntry ownerEntry = stateManager.FindEntityEntry(_wrappedOwner.Entity);
Debug.Assert(ownerEntry != null, "Both entities should be attached.");
if (IsDependentEndOfReferentialConstraint(checkIdentifying: false))
Debug.Assert(collection.Count == 1, "Dependant should attach to single principal");
if (!VerifyRIConstraintsWithRelatedEntry(constraint, ownerEntry.GetCurrentEntityValue, collection[0].ObjectStateEntry.EntityKey))
throw EntityUtil.InconsistentReferentialConstraintProperties();
foreach (IEntityWrapper wrappedTarget in collection)
RelatedEnd targetRelatedEnd = GetOtherEndOfRelationship(wrappedTarget);
if (targetRelatedEnd.IsDependentEndOfReferentialConstraint(checkIdentifying: false))
EntityEntry targetEntry = stateManager.FindEntityEntry(((EntityReference)targetRelatedEnd).WrappedOwner.Entity);
Debug.Assert(targetEntry != null, "Both entities should be attached.");
if (!VerifyRIConstraintsWithRelatedEntry(constraint, targetEntry.GetCurrentEntityValue, ownerEntry.EntityKey))
throw EntityUtil.InconsistentReferentialConstraintProperties();
_suppressEvents = false;
OnAssociationChanged(CollectionChangeAction.Refresh, null);
// verifies requirements for Owner in Attach()
internal void ValidateOwnerForAttach()
if (null == this.ObjectContext || UsingNoTracking)
throw EntityUtil.InvalidOwnerStateForAttach();
// find state entry
EntityEntry stateEntry = this.ObjectContext.ObjectStateManager.GetEntityEntry(_wrappedOwner.Entity);
if (stateEntry.State != EntityState.Modified &&
stateEntry.State != EntityState.Unchanged)
throw EntityUtil.InvalidOwnerStateForAttach();
// verifies requirements for child entity passed to Attach()
internal void ValidateEntityForAttach(IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity, int index, bool allowCollection)
if (null == wrappedEntity || null == wrappedEntity.Entity)
if (allowCollection)
throw EntityUtil.InvalidNthElementNullForAttach(index);
throw EntityUtil.ArgumentNull("wrappedEntity");
// Having this verification here results in having the same exception no matter how the further code path is changed.
// verify the entity exists in the current context
Debug.Assert(null != this.ObjectContext,
"ObjectContext must not be null after call to ValidateOwnerForAttach");
Debug.Assert(!UsingNoTracking, "We should not be here for NoTracking case.");
EntityEntry stateEntry = ObjectContext.ObjectStateManager.FindEntityEntry(wrappedEntity.Entity);
if (null == stateEntry || !Object.ReferenceEquals(stateEntry.Entity, wrappedEntity.Entity))
if (allowCollection)
throw EntityUtil.InvalidNthElementContextForAttach(index);
throw EntityUtil.InvalidEntityContextForAttach();
Debug.Assert(stateEntry.State != EntityState.Detached,
"State cannot be detached if the entry was retrieved from the context");
// verify the state of the entity (may not be in added state, since we only support attaching relationships
// to existing entities)
if (stateEntry.State != EntityState.Unchanged &&
stateEntry.State != EntityState.Modified)
if (allowCollection)
throw EntityUtil.InvalidNthElementStateForAttach(index);
throw EntityUtil.InvalidEntityStateForAttach();
internal abstract IEnumerable CreateSourceQueryInternal();
/// Adds an entity to the related end. This method works in exactly the same way as Add(object).
/// It is maintained for backward compatablility with previous versions of IRelatedEnd.
/// Entity instance to add to the related end
void IRelatedEnd.Add(IEntityWithRelationships entity)
/// Adds an entity to the related end. If the owner is
/// attached to a cache then the all the connected ends are
/// added to the object cache and their corresponding relationships
/// are also added to the ObjectStateManager. The RelatedEnd of the
/// relationship is also fixed.
/// Entity instance to add to the related end
void IRelatedEnd.Add(object entity)
EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(entity, "entity");
this.Add(EntityWrapperFactory.WrapEntityUsingContext(entity, ObjectContext));
internal void Add(IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity)
Debug.Assert(wrappedEntity != null, "IEntityWrapper instance is null.");
if (_wrappedOwner.Entity != null)
Add(wrappedEntity, /*applyConstraints*/true);
// The related end is in a disconnected state, so the related end is just a container
// A common scenario for this is during WCF deserialization
/// Removes an entity from the related end. This method works in exactly the same way as Remove(object).
/// It is maintained for backward compatablility with previous versions of IRelatedEnd.
/// Entity instance to remove from the related end
/// Returns true if the entity was successfully removed, false if the entity was not part of the RelatedEnd.
bool IRelatedEnd.Remove(IEntityWithRelationships entity)
return ((IRelatedEnd)this).Remove((object)entity);
/// Removes an entity from the related end. If owner is
/// attached to a cache, marks relationship for deletion and if
/// the relationship is composition also marks the entity for deletion.
/// Entity instance to remove from the related end
/// Returns true if the entity was successfully removed, false if the entity was not part of the RelatedEnd.
bool IRelatedEnd.Remove(object entity)
EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(entity, "entity");
return Remove(EntityWrapperFactory.WrapEntityUsingContext(entity, ObjectContext), false);
// Internal version that works on a wrapped entity and can be called from multiple
// places where the public version is no longer appropriate.
internal bool Remove(IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity, bool preserveForeignKey)
Debug.Assert(wrappedEntity != null, "IEntityWrapper instance is null.");
if (_wrappedOwner.Entity != null)
if (ContainsEntity(wrappedEntity))
Remove(wrappedEntity, /*fixup*/true, /*deleteEntity*/false, /*deleteOwner*/false, /*applyReferentialConstraints*/true, preserveForeignKey);
return true;
// The entity is not related so return false
return false;
// The related end is in a disconncted state, so the related end is just a container
// A common scenario for this is during WCF deserialization
return DisconnectedRemove(wrappedEntity);
internal abstract void DisconnectedAdd(IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity);
internal abstract bool DisconnectedRemove(IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity);
internal void Add(IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity, bool applyConstraints)
// SQLBU: 508819 508813 508752
// Detect as soon as possible if we are trying to readd entities which are in Deleted state.
// When one of the entity is in Deleted state, attempt would be made to readd this entity
// to the OSM which is not allowed.
// NOTE: Current cleaning code (which uses cleanupOwnerEntity and cleanupPassedInEntity)
// works only if one of the entity is not attached to the context.
// PERFORMANCE: following can be performed faster if ObjectStateManager provide method to
// lookup only in dictionary with Deleted entities (because here we are interestede only in Deleted entities)
if (_context != null && !UsingNoTracking)
applyConstraints: applyConstraints,
addRelationshipAsUnchanged: false,
relationshipAlreadyExists: false,
allowModifyingOtherEndOfRelationship: true,
forceForeignKeyChanges: true);
internal void CheckRelationEntitySet(EntitySet set)
Debug.Assert(set != null, "null EntitySet");
Debug.Assert(_relationshipSet != null,
"Should only be checking the RelationshipSet on an attached entity and it should always be non-null in that case");
if ((((AssociationSet)_relationshipSet).AssociationSetEnds[_navigation.To] != null) &&
(((AssociationSet)_relationshipSet).AssociationSetEnds[_navigation.To].EntitySet != set))
throw EntityUtil.EntitySetIsNotValidForRelationship(set.EntityContainer.Name, set.Name, _navigation.To, _relationshipSet.EntityContainer.Name, _relationshipSet.Name);
internal void ValidateStateForAdd(IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity)
Debug.Assert(wrappedEntity != null, "IEntityWrapper instance is null.");
EntityEntry entry = this.ObjectContext.ObjectStateManager.FindEntityEntry(wrappedEntity.Entity);
if (entry != null && entry.State == EntityState.Deleted)
throw EntityUtil.UnableToAddRelationshipWithDeletedEntity();
internal void Add(IEntityWrapper wrappedTarget,
bool applyConstraints,
bool addRelationshipAsUnchanged,
bool relationshipAlreadyExists,
bool allowModifyingOtherEndOfRelationship, // needed by ChangeRelationshipState - check multiplicity constraints instead of silently updating other end of relationship
bool forceForeignKeyChanges)
Debug.Assert(wrappedTarget != null, "IEntityWrapper instance is null.");
// Do verification
if (!this.VerifyEntityForAdd(wrappedTarget, relationshipAlreadyExists))
// Allow the same item to be "added" to a collection as a no-op operation
EntityKey key = wrappedTarget.EntityKey;
if ((object)key != null && ObjectContext != null)
RelatedEnd targetRelatedEnd = GetOtherEndOfRelationship(wrappedTarget);
if (Object.ReferenceEquals(this.ObjectContext, targetRelatedEnd.ObjectContext) && this.ObjectContext != null)
// Both entities are associated with the same non-null context
// Make sure that they are either both tracked or both not tracked, or both don't have contexts
if (UsingNoTracking != targetRelatedEnd.UsingNoTracking)
throw EntityUtil.CannotCreateRelationshipBetweenTrackedAndNoTrackedEntities(UsingNoTracking ?
this._navigation.From : this._navigation.To);
else if (this.ObjectContext != null && targetRelatedEnd.ObjectContext != null)
// Both entities have a context
if (UsingNoTracking && targetRelatedEnd.UsingNoTracking)
// Both entities are NoTracking, but have different contexts
// Attach the owner's context to the target's RelationshipManager
// O-C mappings are 1:1, so this operation is allowed
wrappedTarget.ResetContext(this.ObjectContext, GetTargetEntitySetFromRelationshipSet(), MergeOption.NoTracking);
// Both entities are already tracked by different non-null contexts
throw EntityUtil.CannotCreateRelationshipEntitiesInDifferentContexts();
else if ((_context == null || UsingNoTracking) && (targetRelatedEnd.ObjectContext != null && !targetRelatedEnd.UsingNoTracking))
// Only the target has a context, so validate it is in a suitable state
targetRelatedEnd.VerifyEntityForAdd(_wrappedOwner, relationshipAlreadyExists);
// Do actual add
// Perfrom multiplicity constraints verification for the target related end before current related end is modified.
// The "allowModifyingOtherEndOfRelationship" is used by ObjectStateManager.ChangeRelationshipState.
// Add the target entity to the source entity's collection or reference
if (this.CheckIfNavigationPropertyContainsEntity(wrappedTarget))
this.AddToLocalCache(wrappedTarget, applyConstraints);
this.AddToCache(wrappedTarget, applyConstraints);
// Fix up the target end of the relationship by adding the source entity to the target entity's collection or reference
// devnote: applyConstraints should be always false to enable scenarios like this:
// orderLine.Order = order1;
// order2.OrderLines.Add(orderLine); // orderLine.Order is changed to order2
if (targetRelatedEnd.CheckIfNavigationPropertyContainsEntity(WrappedOwner))
// Example: IPOCO order, POCO customer with a bidirectional relationship
// customer.Orders.Add(order);
// order.Customer = customer <-- the Orders collection already contains "order" on fixup and this would add a duplicate
targetRelatedEnd.AddToLocalCache(_wrappedOwner, /*applyConstraints*/ false);
targetRelatedEnd.AddToCache(_wrappedOwner, /*applyConstraints*/ false);
// delay event firing for targetRelatedEnd. once we fire the event, we should be at operation completed state
// Ensure that both entities end up in the same context:
// (1) If neither entity is attached to a context, we don't need to do anything else.
// (2) If they are both in the same one, we need to make sure neither one was created with MergeOption.NoTracking,
// and if not, add a relationship entry if it doesn't already exist.
// (3) If both entities are already in different contexts, fail.
// (4) Otherwise, only one entity is attached, and that is the context we will use.
// For the entity that is not attached, attach it to that context.
RelatedEnd attachedRelatedEnd = null; // the end of the relationship that is already attached to a context, if there is one.
IEntityWrapper entityToAdd = null; // the entity to be added to attachedRelatedEnd
if (Object.ReferenceEquals(this.ObjectContext, targetRelatedEnd.ObjectContext) && this.ObjectContext != null)
// Both entities are associated with the same non-null context
// Make sure that a relationship entry exists between these two entities. It is possible that the entities could
// have been added to the context independently of each other, so the relationship may not exist yet.
if (!this.IsForeignKey && !relationshipAlreadyExists && !UsingNoTracking)
// If this Add is triggered by setting the principle end of an unchanged/modified dependent end, then the relationship should be Unchanged
if (!this.ObjectContext.ObjectStateManager.TransactionManager.IsLocalPublicAPI &&
this.WrappedOwner.EntityKey != null &&
!this.WrappedOwner.EntityKey.IsTemporary && IsDependentEndOfReferentialConstraint(false))
addRelationshipAsUnchanged = true;
AddRelationshipToObjectStateManager(wrappedTarget, addRelationshipAsUnchanged, /*doAttach*/false);
// The condition (IsAddTracking || IsAttachTracking || IsDetectChanges) excludes the case
// when the method is called from materialization when we don't wan't to verify the navigation property.
if (wrappedTarget.RequiresRelationshipChangeTracking &&
(this.ObjectContext.ObjectStateManager.TransactionManager.IsAddTracking ||
this.ObjectContext.ObjectStateManager.TransactionManager.IsAttachTracking ||
else if (this.ObjectContext != null || targetRelatedEnd.ObjectContext != null)
// Only one entity has a context, so figure out which one it is, and determine which entity we will be adding to it
if (this.ObjectContext == null)
attachedRelatedEnd = targetRelatedEnd;
entityToAdd = _wrappedOwner;
attachedRelatedEnd = this;
entityToAdd = wrappedTarget;
if (!attachedRelatedEnd.UsingNoTracking)
TransactionManager transManager = attachedRelatedEnd.WrappedOwner.Context.ObjectStateManager.TransactionManager;
bool doCleanup = true;
if (attachedRelatedEnd.WrappedOwner.Context.ObjectStateManager.TransactionManager.TrackProcessedEntities)
// The Entity could have been already wrapped by DetectChanges
if (!attachedRelatedEnd.WrappedOwner.Context.ObjectStateManager.TransactionManager.WrappedEntities.ContainsKey(entityToAdd.Entity))
attachedRelatedEnd.WrappedOwner.Context.ObjectStateManager.TransactionManager.WrappedEntities.Add(entityToAdd.Entity, entityToAdd);
attachedRelatedEnd.AddGraphToObjectStateManager(entityToAdd, relationshipAlreadyExists,
addRelationshipAsUnchanged, /*doAttach*/ false);
// The code below is almost duplicated as the code few lines above
// because this one can't be moved outside of try{}catch{}.
if (entityToAdd.RequiresRelationshipChangeTracking && TargetAccessor.HasProperty)
Debug.Assert(this.CheckIfNavigationPropertyContainsEntity(wrappedTarget), "owner's navigation property doesn't contain the target entity as expected");
doCleanup = false;
if (doCleanup)
Debug.Assert(entityToAdd != null, "entityToAdd should be set if attachedRelatedEnd is set");
// Remove the source entity from the target related end
attachedRelatedEnd.FixupOtherEndOfRelationshipForRemove(entityToAdd, /*preserveForeignKey*/ false);
// Remove the target entity from the source related end
attachedRelatedEnd.RemoveFromCache(entityToAdd, /*resetIsLoaded*/ false, /*preserveForeignKey*/ false);
// Remove the graph that we just tried to add to the context
entityToAdd.RelationshipManager.NodeVisited = true;
// FK: update foreign key values on the dependent end.
if (this.ObjectContext != null &&
this.IsForeignKey &&
// Note that we use "forceChange" below so that the FK properties will be set as modified
// even if they don't actually change.
if (this.IsDependentEndOfReferentialConstraint(false))
Debug.Assert(this is EntityReference, "Dependent end cannot be a collection.");
((EntityReference)this).UpdateForeignKeyValues(_wrappedOwner, wrappedTarget, changedFKs: null, forceChange: forceForeignKeyChanges);
else if (targetRelatedEnd.IsDependentEndOfReferentialConstraint(false))
Debug.Assert(targetRelatedEnd is EntityReference, "Dependent end cannot be a collection.");
((EntityReference)targetRelatedEnd).UpdateForeignKeyValues(wrappedTarget, _wrappedOwner, changedFKs: null, forceChange: forceForeignKeyChanges);
// else neither entity is associated with a context, so there is no state manager to update
// fire the Association changed event, first on targetRelatedEnd then on this EC
targetRelatedEnd.OnAssociationChanged(CollectionChangeAction.Add, _wrappedOwner.Entity);
OnAssociationChanged(CollectionChangeAction.Add, wrappedTarget.Entity);
private void AddGraphToObjectStateManager(IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity, bool relationshipAlreadyExists,
bool addRelationshipAsUnchanged, bool doAttach)
Debug.Assert(wrappedEntity != null, "IEntityWrapper instance is null.");
Debug.Assert(!UsingNoTracking, "Should not be attempting to add graphs to the state manager with NoTracking related ends");
AddEntityToObjectStateManager(wrappedEntity, doAttach);
if (!relationshipAlreadyExists &&
this.ObjectContext != null && wrappedEntity.Context != null)
if (!this.IsForeignKey)
AddRelationshipToObjectStateManager(wrappedEntity, addRelationshipAsUnchanged, doAttach);
if (wrappedEntity.RequiresRelationshipChangeTracking || WrappedOwner.RequiresRelationshipChangeTracking)
if (doAttach)
EntityEntry entry = _context.ObjectStateManager.GetEntityEntry(wrappedEntity.Entity);
WalkObjectGraphToIncludeAllRelatedEntities(wrappedEntity, addRelationshipAsUnchanged, doAttach);
private void UpdateSnapshotOfRelationships(IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity)
RelatedEnd otherRelatedEnd = this.GetOtherEndOfRelationship(wrappedEntity);
if (!otherRelatedEnd.ContainsEntity(this.WrappedOwner))
// Since we now align changes, we can allow the Add to remove the old value
// Reference/FK violations are detected elsewhere
otherRelatedEnd.AddToLocalCache(this.WrappedOwner, applyConstraints: false);
internal void Remove(IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity, bool doFixup, bool deleteEntity, bool deleteOwner, bool applyReferentialConstraints, bool preserveForeignKey)
if (wrappedEntity.RequiresRelationshipChangeTracking && // Is it POCO?
doFixup && // Remove() is called for both ends of relationship, once with doFixup==true, once with doFixup==false. Verify only one time.
this.TargetAccessor.HasProperty) // Is there anything to verify?
bool contains = this.CheckIfNavigationPropertyContainsEntity(wrappedEntity);
if (!contains)
RelatedEnd relatedEnd = GetOtherEndOfRelationship(wrappedEntity);
if (!this.ContainsEntity(wrappedEntity))
// There can be a case when symmetrical Remove() shall be performed because of Referential Constraints
// Example:
// Relationshipo Client -> Order with Referential Constraint on in.
// When user calls (pseudo code) Order.Remove(Client), we perform Client.Remove(Order),
// because removing relationship between Client and Order should cause cascade delete on the Order side.
if (null != _context && doFixup &&
applyReferentialConstraints &&
IsDependentEndOfReferentialConstraint(false)) // don't check the nullability of the "from" properties
// Remove _wrappedOwner from the related end with applying Referential Constraints
RelatedEnd relatedEnd = GetOtherEndOfRelationship(wrappedEntity);
relatedEnd.Remove(_wrappedOwner, doFixup, deleteEntity, deleteOwner, applyReferentialConstraints, preserveForeignKey);
//The following call will verify that the given entity is part of the collection or ref.
bool fireEvent = RemoveFromCache(wrappedEntity, false, preserveForeignKey);
if (!UsingNoTracking &&
this.ObjectContext != null &&
MarkRelationshipAsDeletedInObjectStateManager(wrappedEntity, _wrappedOwner, _relationshipSet, _navigation);
if (doFixup)
FixupOtherEndOfRelationshipForRemove(wrappedEntity, preserveForeignKey);
// For the "LocalPublicAPI" just remove the entity from the related end, don't trigger cascade delete
if (_context == null || !_context.ObjectStateManager.TransactionManager.IsLocalPublicAPI)
//The related end "entity" cannot live without this side "owner". It should be deleted. Cascade this
// effect to related enteties of the "related" entity
if (null != _context && (deleteEntity ||
(deleteOwner && CheckCascadeDeleteFlag(_fromEndProperty)) ||
(applyReferentialConstraints && IsPrincipalEndOfReferentialConstraint())) &&
!Object.ReferenceEquals(wrappedEntity.Entity, _context.ObjectStateManager.TransactionManager.EntityBeingReparented))
//Once related entity is deleted, all relationships involving related entity would be updated
// RemoveEntityFromRelatedEnds check for graph circularities to make sure
// it does not get into infinite loop
RemoveEntityFromRelatedEnds(wrappedEntity, _wrappedOwner, _navigation.Reverse);
if (fireEvent)
OnAssociationChanged(CollectionChangeAction.Remove, wrappedEntity.Entity);
/// Returns true if this Related end represents the dependent of a Referential Constraint
/// If true then the method will only return true if the Referential Constraint is identifying
internal bool IsDependentEndOfReferentialConstraint(bool checkIdentifying)
if (null != _relationMetadata)
// NOTE Referential constraints collection will usually contains 0 or 1 element,
// so performance shouldn't be an issue here
foreach (ReferentialConstraint constraint in ((AssociationType)this.RelationMetadata).ReferentialConstraints)
if (constraint.ToRole == this.FromEndProperty)
if (checkIdentifying)
EntityType entityType = constraint.ToRole.GetEntityType();
bool allPropertiesAreKeyProperties = RelatedEnd.CheckIfAllPropertiesAreKeyProperties(entityType.KeyMemberNames, constraint.ToProperties);
return allPropertiesAreKeyProperties;
// Example:
// Client --- Order
// RI Constraint: Principal/From , Dependent/To
// When current RelatedEnd is a CollectionOrReference in Order's relationships,
// constarint.ToRole == this._fromEndProperty == Order
return true;
return false;
/// Check if current RelatedEnd is a Principal end of some Referential Constraint and if some of the "from" properties is not-nullable
internal bool IsPrincipalEndOfReferentialConstraint()
if (null != _relationMetadata)
// NOTE Referential constraints collection will usually contains 0 or 1 element,
// so performance shouldn't be an issue here
foreach (ReferentialConstraint constraint in ((AssociationType)_relationMetadata).ReferentialConstraints)
if (constraint.FromRole == this._fromEndProperty)
EntityType entityType = constraint.ToRole.GetEntityType();
bool allPropertiesAreKeyProperties = RelatedEnd.CheckIfAllPropertiesAreKeyProperties(entityType.KeyMemberNames, constraint.ToProperties);
// Example:
// Client --- Order
// RI Constraint: Principal/From , Dependent/To
// When current RelatedEnd is a CollectionOrReference in Client's relationships,
// constarint.FromRole == this._fromEndProperty == Client
return allPropertiesAreKeyProperties;
return false;
static internal bool CheckIfAllPropertiesAreKeyProperties(string[] keyMemberNames, ReadOnlyMetadataCollection toProperties)
// Check if some of the "to" properties is not a key property
foreach (EdmProperty property in toProperties)
bool found = false;
foreach (string keyPropertyName in keyMemberNames)
if (keyPropertyName == property.Name)
found = true;
if (!found)
return false;
return true;
//Add given entity and its relationship to ObjectStateManager. Walk graph to recursively
// add all entities in the graph.
// If doAttach==TRUE, the entities are attached directly as Unchanged without calling AcceptChanges()
internal void IncludeEntity(IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity, bool addRelationshipAsUnchanged, bool doAttach)
Debug.Assert(wrappedEntity != null, "IEntityWrapper instance is null.");
Debug.Assert(!UsingNoTracking, "Should not be trying to include entities in the state manager for NoTracking related ends");
//check to see if entity is already added to the cache
//search by object reference so that we will not find any entries with the same key but a different object instance
// NOTE: if (cacheEntry.Entity == entity) then this part of the graph is skipped
EntityEntry cacheEntry = _context.ObjectStateManager.FindEntityEntry(wrappedEntity.Entity);
Debug.Assert(cacheEntry == null || cacheEntry.Entity == wrappedEntity.Entity,
"Expected to have looked up this state entry by reference, how did we get a different entity?");
if (null != cacheEntry && cacheEntry.State == EntityState.Deleted)
throw EntityUtil.UnableToAddRelationshipWithDeletedEntity();
if (wrappedEntity.RequiresRelationshipChangeTracking || WrappedOwner.RequiresRelationshipChangeTracking)
// Verify relationship fixup before including rest of the graph.
RelatedEnd otherRelatedEnd = GetOtherEndOfRelationship(wrappedEntity);
// Validate the type is compatable before trying to get/set properties on it.
// The following will throw if the type is not mapped.
// If the other end is a reference that is non-null, then don't overwrite it.
// If the reference is non-null and doesn't match what we think it should be, then throw.
EntityReference otherEndAsRef = otherRelatedEnd as EntityReference;
if (otherEndAsRef != null)
if (otherEndAsRef.NavigationPropertyIsNullOrMissing())
// If the other end is a dependent that is already tracked, then we need to make sure
// its FK props are marked as modified even though we are not fixing them up.
Debug.Assert(ObjectContext != null, "Expected attached context at this point.");
if (ObjectContext.ObjectStateManager.TransactionManager.IsAddTracking &&
IsForeignKey &&
otherRelatedEnd.IsDependentEndOfReferentialConstraint(checkIdentifying: false))
else if (!otherEndAsRef.CheckIfNavigationPropertyContainsEntity(this._wrappedOwner))
throw new InvalidOperationException(System.Data.Entity.Strings.ObjectStateManager_ConflictingChangesOfRelationshipDetected(
// For collections, always add
if (null == cacheEntry)
// NOTE (Attach): if (null == entity.Key) then check must be performed whether entity really
// doesn't exist in the context (by creating fake Key and calling FindObjectStateEntry(Key) )
// This is done in the ObjectContext::AttachSingleObject().
AddGraphToObjectStateManager(wrappedEntity, /*relationshipAlreadyExists*/ false,
addRelationshipAsUnchanged, doAttach);
// There is a possibility that related entity is added to cache but relationship is not added.
// Example: Suppose A and B are related. When walking the graph it is possible that
// node B was visited through some relationship other than A-B.
else if (null == FindRelationshipEntryInObjectStateManager(wrappedEntity))
// If we have a reference with a detached key, make sure the key matches the relationship we are about to add
EntityReference entityRef = this as EntityReference;
if (entityRef != null && entityRef.DetachedEntityKey != null)
EntityKey targetKey = wrappedEntity.EntityKey;
if (entityRef.DetachedEntityKey != targetKey)
throw EntityUtil.EntityKeyValueMismatch();
// else -- null just means the key isn't set, so the target entity key doesn't also have to be null
if (this.ObjectContext != null && wrappedEntity.Context != null)
if (!this.IsForeignKey)
if (cacheEntry.State == EntityState.Added)
// In POCO, when the graph is partially attached and user is calling Attach on the detached entity
// and the entity in the context is in the Added state, the relationship has to created also in Added state.
AddRelationshipToObjectStateManager(wrappedEntity, addRelationshipAsUnchanged, false);
AddRelationshipToObjectStateManager(wrappedEntity, addRelationshipAsUnchanged, doAttach);
if (wrappedEntity.RequiresRelationshipChangeTracking || WrappedOwner.RequiresRelationshipChangeTracking)
if (doAttach && cacheEntry.State != EntityState.Added)
EntityEntry entry = this.ObjectContext.ObjectStateManager.GetEntityEntry(wrappedEntity.Entity);
// else relationship is already there, nothing more to do
internal void MarkForeignKeyPropertiesModified()
Debug.Assert(IsForeignKey, "cannot update foreign key values if the relationship is not a FK");
ReferentialConstraint constraint = ((AssociationType)RelationMetadata).ReferentialConstraints[0];
Debug.Assert(constraint != null, "null constraint");
EntityEntry dependentEntry = WrappedOwner.ObjectStateEntry;
Debug.Assert(dependentEntry != null, "Expected tracked entity.");
// No need to try to mark properties as modified for added/deleted/detached entities.
// Even if the entity is modified, the FK props may not be modified.
if (dependentEntry.State == EntityState.Unchanged || dependentEntry.State == EntityState.Modified)
foreach (var dependentProp in constraint.ToProperties)
internal abstract bool CheckIfNavigationPropertyContainsEntity(IEntityWrapper wrapper);
internal abstract void VerifyNavigationPropertyForAdd(IEntityWrapper wrapper);
internal void AddToNavigationProperty(IEntityWrapper wrapper)
Debug.Assert(this.RelationshipNavigation != null, "null RelationshipNavigation");
if (this.TargetAccessor.HasProperty && !this.CheckIfNavigationPropertyContainsEntity(wrapper))
Debug.Assert(wrapper.Context != null, "Expected context to be available.");
// We keep track of the nav properties we have set during Add/Attach so that they
// can be undone during rollback.
TransactionManager tm = wrapper.Context.ObjectStateManager.TransactionManager;
if (tm.IsAddTracking || tm.IsAttachTracking)
wrapper.Context.ObjectStateManager.TrackPromotedRelationship(this, wrapper);
internal void RemoveFromNavigationProperty(IEntityWrapper wrapper)
Debug.Assert(this.RelationshipNavigation != null, "null RelationshipNavigation");
if (this.TargetAccessor.HasProperty && this.CheckIfNavigationPropertyContainsEntity(wrapper))
// Remove given entity and its relationship from ObjectStateManager.
// Traversegraph to recursively remove all entities in the graph.
internal void ExcludeEntity(IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity)
Debug.Assert(wrappedEntity != null, "IEntityWrapper instance is null.");
Debug.Assert(!UsingNoTracking, "Should not try to exclude entities from the state manager for NoTracking related ends.");
if (!_context.ObjectStateManager.TransactionManager.TrackProcessedEntities ||
!(_context.ObjectStateManager.TransactionManager.IsAttachTracking || _context.ObjectStateManager.TransactionManager.IsAddTracking) ||
//check to see if entity is already removed from the cache
EntityEntry cacheEntry = _context.ObjectStateManager.FindEntityEntry(wrappedEntity.Entity);
if (null != cacheEntry && cacheEntry.State != EntityState.Deleted && !wrappedEntity.RelationshipManager.NodeVisited)
wrappedEntity.RelationshipManager.NodeVisited = true;
if (!this.IsForeignKey)
RemoveRelationshipFromObjectStateManager(wrappedEntity, _wrappedOwner, _relationshipSet, _navigation);
// There is a possibility that related entity is removed from cache but relationship is not removed.
// Example: Suppose A and B are related. When walking the graph it is possible that
// node B was visited through some relationship other than A-B.
else if (!this.IsForeignKey && null != FindRelationshipEntryInObjectStateManager(wrappedEntity))
RemoveRelationshipFromObjectStateManager(wrappedEntity, _wrappedOwner, _relationshipSet, _navigation);
internal RelationshipEntry FindRelationshipEntryInObjectStateManager(IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity)
Debug.Assert(wrappedEntity != null, "IEntityWrapper instance is null.");
Debug.Assert(!UsingNoTracking, "Should not look for RelationshipEntry in ObjectStateManager for NoTracking cases.");
EntityKey entityKey = wrappedEntity.EntityKey;
EntityKey ownerKey = _wrappedOwner.EntityKey;
return this._context.ObjectStateManager.FindRelationship(_relationshipSet,
new KeyValuePair(_navigation.From, ownerKey),
new KeyValuePair(_navigation.To, entityKey));
internal void Clear(IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity, RelationshipNavigation navigation, bool doCascadeDelete)
ClearCollectionOrRef(wrappedEntity, navigation, doCascadeDelete);
// Check if related entities contain proper property values
// (entities with temporary keys are skiped)
internal bool CheckReferentialConstraintProperties(EntityEntry ownerEntry)
// if the related end contains a real entity or is a reference with a detached entitykey, we need to check for RI constraints
if (!this.IsEmpty() ||
((ToEndMember.RelationshipMultiplicity == RelationshipMultiplicity.ZeroOrOne ||
ToEndMember.RelationshipMultiplicity == RelationshipMultiplicity.One) &&
((EntityReference)this).DetachedEntityKey != null))
foreach (ReferentialConstraint constraint in ((AssociationType)this.RelationMetadata).ReferentialConstraints)
// Check properties in principals
if (constraint.ToRole == FromEndProperty)
Debug.Assert(this is EntityReference, "Expected reference to principal");
EntityKey principalKey;
if (IsEmpty())
// Generally for foreign keys we want to use the EntityKey to do RI constraint validation
// However, if we are doing an Add/Attach, we should use the DetachedEntityKey because this is the value
// set by the user while the entity was detached, and should be used until the entity is fully added/attached
if (this.IsForeignKey &&
!(this.ObjectContext.ObjectStateManager.TransactionManager.IsAddTracking ||
principalKey = ((EntityReference)this).EntityKey;
principalKey = ((EntityReference)this).DetachedEntityKey;
IEntityWrapper wrappedRelatedEntity = ((EntityReference)this).ReferenceValue;
// For Added entities, it doesn't matter what the key value is since it can't be trusted anyway.
if (wrappedRelatedEntity.ObjectStateEntry != null && wrappedRelatedEntity.ObjectStateEntry.State == EntityState.Added)
return true;
principalKey = ExtractPrincipalKey(wrappedRelatedEntity);
if (!VerifyRIConstraintsWithRelatedEntry(constraint, ownerEntry.GetCurrentEntityValue, principalKey))
return false;
else if (constraint.FromRole == FromEndProperty)
if (IsEmpty())
// related end is empty, so we must have a reference with a detached key
EntityKey detachedKey = ((EntityReference)this).DetachedEntityKey;
// If the constraint is not PK<->PK then we can't validate it here.
// This debug code checks that we don't try to validate it.
List keyNames = new List(from v in detachedKey.EntityKeyValues select v.Key);
foreach (EdmProperty prop in constraint.ToProperties)
Debug.Assert(keyNames.Contains(prop.Name), "Attempt to validate constraint where some FK values are not in the dependent PK");
// don't need to validate the principal/detached key here because that has already been done during AttachContext
if (!VerifyRIConstraintsWithRelatedEntry(constraint, detachedKey.FindValueByName, ownerEntry.EntityKey))
return false;
foreach (IEntityWrapper wrappedRelatedEntity in GetWrappedEntities())
EntityEntry dependent = wrappedRelatedEntity.ObjectStateEntry;
if (dependent != null &&
dependent.State != EntityState.Added &&
dependent.State != EntityState.Deleted &&
dependent.State != EntityState.Detached)
if (!VerifyRIConstraintsWithRelatedEntry(constraint, dependent.GetCurrentEntityValue, ownerEntry.EntityKey))
return false;
// else keep processing the other constraints
return true;
private EntityKey ExtractPrincipalKey(IEntityWrapper wrappedRelatedEntity)
EntitySet principalEntitySet = GetTargetEntitySetFromRelationshipSet();
// get or create a key to use to compare the values -- the target entity might not have been attached
// yet so it may not have a key, but we can create one here to use for checking the values
EntityKey principalKey = wrappedRelatedEntity.EntityKey;
if (null != (object)principalKey && !principalKey.IsTemporary)
// Validate the key here because we need to get values from it for verification
// and that will fail if the key is malformed.
// Verify only if the key already exists.
EntityUtil.ValidateEntitySetInKey(principalKey, principalEntitySet);
principalKey = _context.ObjectStateManager.CreateEntityKey(principalEntitySet, wrappedRelatedEntity.Entity);
return principalKey;
internal static bool VerifyRIConstraintsWithRelatedEntry(ReferentialConstraint constraint, Func getDependentPropertyValue, EntityKey principalKey)
Debug.Assert(constraint.FromProperties.Count == constraint.ToProperties.Count, "RIC: Referential constraints From/To properties list have different size");
// NOTE order of properties in collections (From/ToProperties) is important.
for (int i = 0; i < constraint.FromProperties.Count; ++i)
string fromPropertyName = constraint.FromProperties[i].Name;
string toPropertyName = constraint.ToProperties[i].Name;
object currentValue = principalKey.FindValueByName(fromPropertyName);
object expectedValue = getDependentPropertyValue(toPropertyName);
Debug.Assert(currentValue != null, "currentValue is part of Key on an attached entity, it must not be null");
if (!ByValueEqualityComparer.Default.Equals(currentValue, expectedValue))
// RI Constraint violated
return false;
return true;
public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
// Due to the way the CLR handles IEnumerator return types, the check for a null owner for EntityReferences
// must be made here because GetInternalEnumerator is delay-executed and so will not throw until the
// enumerator is advanced
if (this is EntityReference)
return GetInternalEnumerable().GetEnumerator();
internal void RemoveAll()
//copy into list because changing collection member is not allowed during enumeration.
// If possible avoid copying into list.
List deletedEntities = null;
bool fireEvent = false;
_suppressEvents = true;
foreach (IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity in GetWrappedEntities())
if (null == deletedEntities)
deletedEntities = new List();
if (fireEvent = (null != deletedEntities) && (deletedEntities.Count > 0))
foreach (IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity in deletedEntities)
Remove(wrappedEntity, /*fixup*/true, /*deleteEntity*/false, /*deleteOwner*/true, /*applyReferentialConstraints*/true, /*preserveForeignKey*/false);
_suppressEvents = false;
if (fireEvent)
OnAssociationChanged(CollectionChangeAction.Refresh, null);
internal void DetachAll(EntityState ownerEntityState)
//copy into list because changing collection member is not allowed during enumeration.
// If possible avoid copying into list.
List deletedEntities = new List();
foreach (IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity in GetWrappedEntities())
bool detachRelationship =
ownerEntityState == EntityState.Added ||
_fromEndProperty.RelationshipMultiplicity == RelationshipMultiplicity.Many;
// every-fix up will fire with Remove action
// every forward operation (removing from this relatedEnd) will fire with Refresh
// do not merge the loops, handle the related ends seperately (when the event is being fired,
// we should be in good state: for every entity deleted, related event should have been fired)
foreach (IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity in deletedEntities)
// future enhancement: it does not make sense to return in the half way, either remove this code or
// move it to the right place
if (!this.ContainsEntity(wrappedEntity))
// if this is a reference, set the EntityKey property before removing the relationship and entity
EntityReference entityReference = this as EntityReference;
if (entityReference != null)
entityReference.DetachedEntityKey = entityReference.AttachedEntityKey;
if (detachRelationship)
DetachRelationshipFromObjectStateManager(wrappedEntity, _wrappedOwner, _relationshipSet, _navigation);
RelatedEnd relatedEnd = GetOtherEndOfRelationship(wrappedEntity);
relatedEnd.RemoveFromCache(_wrappedOwner, /* resetIsLoaded */ true, /*preserveForeignKey*/ false);
relatedEnd.OnAssociationChanged(CollectionChangeAction.Remove, _wrappedOwner.Entity);
// Clear the DetachedEntityKey if this is a foreign key
if (IsForeignKey)
EntityReference entityReference = this as EntityReference;
if (entityReference != null)
entityReference.DetachedEntityKey = null;
foreach (IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity in deletedEntities)
RelatedEnd relatedEnd = GetOtherEndOfRelationship(wrappedEntity);
this.RemoveFromCache(wrappedEntity, /* resetIsLoaded */ false, /*preserveForeignKey*/ false);
this.OnAssociationChanged(CollectionChangeAction.Refresh, null);
Debug.Assert(this.IsEmpty(), "Collection or reference should be empty");
#region Add
internal void AddToCache(IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity, bool applyConstraints)
AddToLocalCache(wrappedEntity, applyConstraints);
internal abstract void AddToLocalCache(IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity, bool applyConstraints);
internal abstract void AddToObjectCache(IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity);
#region Remove
internal bool RemoveFromCache(IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity, bool resetIsLoaded, bool preserveForeignKey)
bool result = RemoveFromLocalCache(wrappedEntity, resetIsLoaded, preserveForeignKey);
return result;
// Remove from the RelatedEnd
internal abstract bool RemoveFromLocalCache(IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity, bool resetIsLoaded, bool preserveForeignKey);
// Remove from the underlying POCO navigation property
internal abstract bool RemoveFromObjectCache(IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity);
internal abstract bool VerifyEntityForAdd(IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity, bool relationshipAlreadyExists);
internal abstract void VerifyType(IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity);
internal abstract bool CanSetEntityType(IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity);
internal abstract void Include(bool addRelationshipAsUnchanged, bool doAttach);
internal abstract void Exclude();
internal abstract void ClearCollectionOrRef(IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity, RelationshipNavigation navigation, bool doCascadeDelete);
internal abstract bool ContainsEntity(IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity);
internal abstract IEnumerable GetInternalEnumerable();
internal abstract IEnumerable GetWrappedEntities();
internal abstract void RetrieveReferentialConstraintProperties(Dictionary> keyValues, HashSet visited);
internal abstract bool IsEmpty();
internal abstract void OnRelatedEndClear();
internal abstract void ClearWrappedValues();
internal abstract void VerifyMultiplicityConstraintsForAdd(bool applyConstraints);
internal virtual void OnAssociationChanged(CollectionChangeAction collectionChangeAction, object entity)
Debug.Assert(!(entity is IEntityWrapper), "Object is an IEntityWrapper instance instead of the raw entity.");
if (!_suppressEvents)
if (_onAssociationChanged != null)
_onAssociationChanged(this, (new CollectionChangeEventArgs(collectionChangeAction, entity)));
private void AddEntityToObjectStateManager(IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity, bool doAttach)
Debug.Assert(wrappedEntity != null, "IEntityWrapper instance is null.");
Debug.Assert(_context != null, "Can't add to state manager if _context is null");
Debug.Assert(!UsingNoTracking, "Should not add an Entity to ObjectStateManager for NoTracking cases.");
EntitySet es = GetTargetEntitySetFromRelationshipSet();
if (!doAttach)
_context.AddSingleObject(es, wrappedEntity, "entity");
_context.AttachSingleObject(wrappedEntity, es, "entity");
// Now that we know we have a valid EntityKey for the target entity, verify that it matches the detached EntityKey, if there is one
EntityReference entityRef = this as EntityReference;
if (entityRef != null && entityRef.DetachedEntityKey != null)
EntityKey targetKey = wrappedEntity.EntityKey;
if (entityRef.DetachedEntityKey != targetKey)
throw EntityUtil.EntityKeyValueMismatch();
// else -- null just means the key isn't set, so the target entity key doesn't also have to be null
internal EntitySet GetTargetEntitySetFromRelationshipSet()
EntitySet entitySet = null;
AssociationSet associationSet = (AssociationSet)_relationshipSet;
Debug.Assert(associationSet != null, "(AssociationSet) cast failed");
AssociationEndMember associationEndMember = (AssociationEndMember)ToEndMember;
Debug.Assert(associationEndMember != null, "(AssociationEndMember) cast failed");
entitySet = associationSet.AssociationSetEnds[associationEndMember.Name].EntitySet;
Debug.Assert(entitySet != null, "cannot find entitySet");
return entitySet;
private RelationshipEntry AddRelationshipToObjectStateManager(IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity, bool addRelationshipAsUnchanged, bool doAttach)
Debug.Assert(wrappedEntity != null, "IEntityWrapper instance is null.");
Debug.Assert(!UsingNoTracking, "Should not add Relationship to ObjectStateManager for NoTracking cases.");
Debug.Assert(!this.IsForeignKey, "for IsForeignKey relationship ObjectStateEntries don't exist");
Debug.Assert(this._context != null && wrappedEntity.Context != null, "should be called only if both entities are attached");
Debug.Assert(this._context == wrappedEntity.Context, "both entities should be attached to the same context");
EntityKey ownerKey = _wrappedOwner.EntityKey;
EntityKey entityKey = wrappedEntity.EntityKey;
return this.ObjectContext.ObjectStateManager.AddRelation(
new RelationshipWrapper((AssociationSet)_relationshipSet,
new KeyValuePair(_navigation.From, ownerKey),
new KeyValuePair(_navigation.To, entityKey)),
// When Add method is called through Load API the relationship cache entries
// needs to be added to ObjectStateManager in Unchanged state rather then Added state
(addRelationshipAsUnchanged || doAttach) ? EntityState.Unchanged : EntityState.Added);
private static void WalkObjectGraphToIncludeAllRelatedEntities(IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity,
bool addRelationshipAsUnchanged, bool doAttach)
Debug.Assert(wrappedEntity != null, "IEntityWrapper instance is null.");
foreach (RelatedEnd relatedEnd in wrappedEntity.RelationshipManager.Relationships)
relatedEnd.Include(addRelationshipAsUnchanged, doAttach);
internal static void RemoveEntityFromObjectStateManager(IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity)
Debug.Assert(wrappedEntity != null, "IEntityWrapper instance is null.");
EntityEntry entry;
if (wrappedEntity.Context != null &&
wrappedEntity.Context.ObjectStateManager.TransactionManager.IsAttachTracking &&
wrappedEntity.Context.ObjectStateManager.TransactionManager.PromotedKeyEntries.TryGetValue(wrappedEntity.Entity, out entry))
// This is executed only in the cleanup code from ObjectContext.AttachTo()
// If the entry was promoted in AttachTo(), it has to be degraded now instead of being deleted.
entry = MarkEntityAsDeletedInObjectStateManager(wrappedEntity);
if (entry != null && entry.State != EntityState.Detached)
private static void RemoveRelationshipFromObjectStateManager(IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity, IEntityWrapper wrappedOwner, RelationshipSet relationshipSet, RelationshipNavigation navigation)
Debug.Assert(wrappedEntity != null, "IEntityWrapper instance is null.");
Debug.Assert(relationshipSet == null || !(relationshipSet.ElementType as AssociationType).IsForeignKey, "for IsForeignKey relationships ObjectStateEntries don't exist");
RelationshipEntry deletedEntry = MarkRelationshipAsDeletedInObjectStateManager(wrappedEntity, wrappedOwner, relationshipSet, navigation);
if (deletedEntry != null && deletedEntry.State != EntityState.Detached)
private void FixupOtherEndOfRelationshipForRemove(IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity, bool preserveForeignKey)
Debug.Assert(wrappedEntity != null, "IEntityWrapper instance is null.");
RelatedEnd relatedEnd = GetOtherEndOfRelationship(wrappedEntity);
relatedEnd.Remove(_wrappedOwner, /*fixup*/false, /*deleteEntity*/false, /*deleteOwner*/false, /*applyReferentialConstraints*/false, preserveForeignKey);
private static EntityEntry MarkEntityAsDeletedInObjectStateManager(IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity)
Debug.Assert(wrappedEntity != null, "IEntityWrapper instance is null.");
EntityEntry entry = null;
if (wrappedEntity.Context != null)
entry = wrappedEntity.Context.ObjectStateManager.FindEntityEntry(wrappedEntity.Entity);
if (entry != null)
return entry;
private static RelationshipEntry MarkRelationshipAsDeletedInObjectStateManager(IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity, IEntityWrapper wrappedOwner, RelationshipSet relationshipSet, RelationshipNavigation navigation)
Debug.Assert(wrappedEntity != null, "IEntityWrapper instance is null.");
Debug.Assert(relationshipSet == null || !(relationshipSet.ElementType as AssociationType).IsForeignKey, "for IsForeignKey relationships ObjectStateEntries don't exist");
RelationshipEntry entry = null;
if (wrappedOwner.Context != null && wrappedEntity.Context != null && relationshipSet != null)
EntityKey ownerKey = wrappedOwner.EntityKey;
EntityKey entityKey = wrappedEntity.EntityKey;
entry = wrappedEntity.Context.ObjectStateManager.DeleteRelationship(relationshipSet,
new KeyValuePair(navigation.From, ownerKey),
new KeyValuePair(navigation.To, entityKey));
return entry;
private static void DetachRelationshipFromObjectStateManager(IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity, IEntityWrapper wrappedOwner, RelationshipSet relationshipSet, RelationshipNavigation navigation)
Debug.Assert(wrappedEntity != null, "IEntityWrapper instance is null.");
if (wrappedOwner.Context != null && wrappedEntity.Context != null && relationshipSet != null)
EntityKey ownerKey = wrappedOwner.EntityKey;
EntityKey entityKey = wrappedEntity.EntityKey;
RelationshipEntry entry = wrappedEntity.Context.ObjectStateManager.FindRelationship(relationshipSet,
new KeyValuePair(navigation.From, ownerKey),
new KeyValuePair(navigation.To, entityKey));
if (entry != null)
private static void RemoveEntityFromRelatedEnds(IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity1, IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity2, RelationshipNavigation navigation)
Debug.Assert(wrappedEntity1 != null, "IEntityWrapper instance is null.");
Debug.Assert(wrappedEntity2 != null, "IEntityWrapper instance is null.");
foreach (RelatedEnd relatedEnd in wrappedEntity1.RelationshipManager.Relationships)
bool doCascadeDelete = false;
//check for cascade delete flag
doCascadeDelete = CheckCascadeDeleteFlag(relatedEnd.FromEndProperty) || relatedEnd.IsPrincipalEndOfReferentialConstraint();
//Remove the owner from the related end
relatedEnd.Clear(wrappedEntity2, navigation, doCascadeDelete);
private static bool CheckCascadeDeleteFlag(RelationshipEndMember relationEndProperty)
if (null != relationEndProperty)
return (relationEndProperty.DeleteBehavior == OperationAction.Cascade);
return false;
internal void AttachContext(ObjectContext context, MergeOption mergeOption)
if (!_wrappedOwner.InitializingProxyRelatedEnds)
EntityKey ownerKey = _wrappedOwner.EntityKey;
EntitySet entitySet = ownerKey.GetEntitySet(context.MetadataWorkspace);
AttachContext(context, entitySet, mergeOption);
/// Set the context and load options so that Query can be constructed on demand.
internal void AttachContext(ObjectContext context, EntitySet entitySet, MergeOption mergeOption)
EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(context, "context");
EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(entitySet, "entitySet");
_wrappedOwner.RelationshipManager.NodeVisited = false;
// If the context is the same as what we already have, and the mergeOption is consistent with our UsingNoTracking setting, nothing more to do
if (_context == context && (_usingNoTracking == (mergeOption == MergeOption.NoTracking)))
bool doCleanup = true;
// if the source isn't null, clear it
_sourceQuery = null;
this._context = context;
this._usingNoTracking = (mergeOption == MergeOption.NoTracking);
EdmType relationshipType;
RelationshipSet relationshipSet;
FindRelationshipSet(_context, entitySet, out relationshipType, out relationshipSet);
if (relationshipSet != null)
this._relationshipSet = relationshipSet;
this._relationMetadata = (RelationshipType)relationshipType;
foreach (EntitySetBase set in entitySet.EntityContainer.BaseEntitySets)
AssociationSet associationset = set as AssociationSet;
if (associationset != null)
if (associationset.ElementType == relationshipType &&
associationset.AssociationSetEnds[_navigation.From].EntitySet != entitySet &&
associationset.AssociationSetEnds[_navigation.From].EntitySet.ElementType == entitySet.ElementType)
throw EntityUtil.EntitySetIsNotValidForRelationship(entitySet.EntityContainer.Name, entitySet.Name, _navigation.From ,((AssociationSet)set).EntityContainer.Name,((AssociationSet)set).Name);
throw EntityUtil.NoRelationshipSetMatched(_navigation.RelationshipName);
//find relation end property
bool foundFromRelationEnd = false;
bool foundToRelationEnd = false;
foreach (AssociationEndMember relationEnd in ((AssociationType)_relationMetadata).AssociationEndMembers) //Only Association relationship is supported
if (relationEnd.Name == this._navigation.From)
Debug.Assert(!foundFromRelationEnd, "More than one related end was found with the same role name.");
foundFromRelationEnd = true;
this._fromEndProperty = relationEnd;
if (relationEnd.Name == this._navigation.To)
Debug.Assert(!foundToRelationEnd, "More than one related end was found with the same role name.");
foundToRelationEnd = true;
this._toEndProperty = relationEnd;
if (!(foundFromRelationEnd && foundToRelationEnd))
throw EntityUtil.RelatedEndNotFound();
// If this is a stub EntityReference and the DetachedEntityKey is set, make sure it is valid
if (this.IsEmpty())
// if there are no contained entities but this is a reference with a detached entity key, validate the key
EntityReference entityRef = this as EntityReference;
if (entityRef != null && entityRef.DetachedEntityKey != null)
EntityKey detachedKey = entityRef.DetachedEntityKey;
if (!IsValidEntityKeyType(detachedKey))
// devnote: We have to check this here instead of in the EntityKey property setter,
// because the key could be set to an invalid type temporarily during deserialization
throw EntityUtil.CannotSetSpecialKeys();
EntitySet targetEntitySet = detachedKey.GetEntitySet(context.MetadataWorkspace);
// else even for a reference we don't need to validate the key
// because it will be checked later once we have the key for the contained entity
doCleanup = false;
if (doCleanup)
// Uninitialize fields, so the cleanup code (for example in RelationshipWrapper.RemoveRelatedEntitiesFromObjectStateManager)
// knows that this RelatedEnd was not properly Attached.
internal void FindRelationshipSet(ObjectContext context, EntitySet entitySet, out EdmType relationshipType, out RelationshipSet relationshipSet)
// find the relationship set
Debug.Assert(context.MetadataWorkspace != null, "The context should not have a null metadata workspace.");
// find the TypeMetadata for the given relationship
relationshipType = context.MetadataWorkspace.GetItem(_navigation.RelationshipName, DataSpace.CSpace);
if (relationshipType == null)
throw EntityUtil.NoRelationshipSetMatched(_navigation.RelationshipName);
// find the RelationshipSet
foreach (EntitySetBase entitySetBase in entitySet.EntityContainer.BaseEntitySets)
if ((EdmType)entitySetBase.ElementType == relationshipType)
if (((AssociationSet)entitySetBase).AssociationSetEnds[_navigation.From].EntitySet == entitySet)
relationshipSet = (RelationshipSet)entitySetBase;
relationshipSet = null;
/// Clear the source and context.
internal void DetachContext()
if (this._context != null &&
this.ObjectContext.ObjectStateManager.TransactionManager.IsAttachTracking &&
this.ObjectContext.ObjectStateManager.TransactionManager.OriginalMergeOption == MergeOption.NoTracking)
this._usingNoTracking = true;
this._sourceQuery = null;
this._context = null;
this._relationshipSet = null;
this._fromEndProperty = null;
this._toEndProperty = null;
this._relationMetadata = null;
// Detached entity should have IsLoaded property set to false
this._isLoaded = false;
/// This method is very similar to the private method in Query of U class
/// Only difference is that it calls meterializer with a overload which does
/// not skip the deleted items.
/// query of U
internal static IEnumerable GetResults(ObjectQuery query)
return query.Execute(query.MergeOption);
internal RelatedEnd GetOtherEndOfRelationship(IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity)
Debug.Assert(wrappedEntity != null, "IEntityWrapper instance is null.");
return (RelatedEnd)wrappedEntity.RelationshipManager.GetRelatedEnd(_navigation.Reverse, _relationshipFixer);
// We have to allow a default constructor for serialization, so we need to make sure that the only
// thing you can do with a null owner is get/set the EntityReference.EntityKey property. All other
// operations are invalid. This needs to be used on all public methods in this class and EntityReference
// but not in EntityCollection because EntityCollection does not have a default constructor.
// It is not possible to get an EntityReference with a null Owner into the RelationshipManager, and there
// is no way to access EntityReference without creating one using the default constructor or going through
// the RelationshipManager, so we don't need to check this in internal or private methods.
internal void CheckOwnerNull()
if (_wrappedOwner.Entity == null)
throw EntityUtil.OwnerIsNull();
// This method is intended to be used to support the public API InitializeRelatedReference, where we have to take an existing EntityReference
// and set up the appropriate fields as shown below, instead of creating a new EntityReference and setting these fields in the constructor.
// This is also used by the constructor -- if we add something that needs to be set at construction time, it probably needs to be set for InitializeRelatedReference as well.
internal void InitializeRelatedEnd(IEntityWrapper wrappedOwner, RelationshipNavigation navigation, IRelationshipFixer relationshipFixer)
_navigation = navigation;
_relationshipFixer = relationshipFixer;
internal void SetWrappedOwner(IEntityWrapper wrappedOwner)
_wrappedOwner = wrappedOwner != null ? wrappedOwner : EntityWrapperFactory.NullWrapper;
#pragma warning disable 612 // Disable "obsolete" warning for the _owner field. Used for backwards compatibilty.
_owner = wrappedOwner.Entity as IEntityWithRelationships;
#pragma warning restore 612
internal static bool IsValidEntityKeyType(EntityKey entityKey)
return !(entityKey.IsTemporary ||
Object.ReferenceEquals(EntityKey.EntityNotValidKey, entityKey) ||
Object.ReferenceEquals(EntityKey.NoEntitySetKey, entityKey));
// This method is required to maintain compatability with the v1 binary serialization format.
// In particular, it recreates a entity wrapper from the serialized owner.
// Note that this is only expected to work for non-POCO entities, since serialization of POCO
// entities will not result in serialization of the RelationshipManager or its related objects.
public void OnDeserialized(StreamingContext context)
#pragma warning disable 612 // Disable "obsolete" warning for the _owner field. Used for backwards compatibilty.
_wrappedOwner = EntityWrapperFactory.WrapEntityUsingContext(_owner, ObjectContext);
#pragma warning restore 612
private NavigationProperty navigationPropertyCache = null;
internal NavigationProperty NavigationProperty
if (this.navigationPropertyCache == null && _wrappedOwner.Context != null && this.TargetAccessor.HasProperty)
string navigationPropertyName = this.TargetAccessor.PropertyName;
EntityType entityType = _wrappedOwner.Context.MetadataWorkspace.GetItem(_wrappedOwner.IdentityType.FullName, DataSpace.OSpace);
NavigationProperty member;
if (!entityType.NavigationProperties.TryGetValue(navigationPropertyName, false, out member))
throw new InvalidOperationException(System.Data.Entity.Strings.RelationshipManager_NavigationPropertyNotFound(navigationPropertyName));
// Avoid metadata lookups by caching the navigation property locally
this.navigationPropertyCache = member;
return this.navigationPropertyCache;
#region POCO Navigation Property Accessors
internal NavigationPropertyAccessor TargetAccessor
if (_wrappedOwner.Entity != null)
return RelationshipNavigation.ToPropertyAccessor;
// Disconnected RelatedEnds have no POCO navigation properties
return NavigationPropertyAccessor.NoNavigationProperty;
// If the RelationshipNavigation has not been fully initialized, it means this RelatedEnd was created without metadata
// This can occur in serialization scenarios
// Try to look up the metadata in all metadata repositories that are available and populate it
// This must be called before accessing any of the Accessor properties on the RelationshipNavigation
private void EnsureRelationshipNavigationAccessorsInitialized()
Debug.Assert(_navigation != null, "Null RelationshipNavigation");
Debug.Assert(_wrappedOwner.Entity != null, "Must be connected to lookup metadata");
if (!RelationshipNavigation.IsInitialized)
NavigationPropertyAccessor sourceAccessor = null;
NavigationPropertyAccessor targetAccessor = null;
AssociationType associationType = this.RelationMetadata as AssociationType;
string relationshipName = _navigation.RelationshipName;
string sourceRoleName = _navigation.From;
string targetRoleName = _navigation.To;
if (associationType != null ||
RelationshipManager.TryGetRelationshipType(WrappedOwner, WrappedOwner.IdentityType, relationshipName, out associationType) ||
EntityProxyFactory.TryGetAssociationTypeFromProxyInfo(WrappedOwner, relationshipName, targetRoleName, out associationType))
AssociationEndMember sourceEnd;
if (associationType.AssociationEndMembers.TryGetValue(sourceRoleName, false, out sourceEnd))
EntityType sourceEntityType = MetadataHelper.GetEntityTypeForEnd(sourceEnd);
targetAccessor = MetadataHelper.GetNavigationPropertyAccessor(sourceEntityType, relationshipName, sourceRoleName, targetRoleName);
AssociationEndMember targetEnd;
if (associationType.AssociationEndMembers.TryGetValue(targetRoleName, false, out targetEnd))
EntityType targetEntityType = MetadataHelper.GetEntityTypeForEnd(targetEnd);
sourceAccessor = MetadataHelper.GetNavigationPropertyAccessor(targetEntityType, relationshipName, targetRoleName, sourceRoleName);
if (sourceAccessor == null || targetAccessor == null)
throw RelationshipManager.UnableToGetMetadata(WrappedOwner, relationshipName);
RelationshipNavigation.InitializeAccessors(sourceAccessor, targetAccessor);
// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.