/ 4.0 / 4.0 / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / xsp / System / Web / Compilation / ThemeDirectoryCompiler.cs / 1305376 / ThemeDirectoryCompiler.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Web.Compilation { using System; using System.IO; using System.Collections; using System.Globalization; using System.CodeDom.Compiler; using System.Configuration; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Web.Hosting; using System.Web.Util; using System.Web.UI; internal static class ThemeDirectoryCompiler { internal const string skinExtension = ".skin"; internal static VirtualPath GetAppThemeVirtualDir(string themeName) { return HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppVirtualPathObject.SimpleCombineWithDir(HttpRuntime.ThemesDirectoryName + "/" + themeName); } internal static VirtualPath GetGlobalThemeVirtualDir(string themeName) { return BuildManager.ScriptVirtualDir.SimpleCombineWithDir(HttpRuntime.GlobalThemesDirectoryName + "/" + themeName); } // We need to Assert here since there could be user code on the stack (VSWhidbey 259563) [PermissionSet(SecurityAction.Assert, Unrestricted=true)] internal static BuildResultCompiledType GetThemeBuildResultType(HttpContext context, string themeName) { using (new ApplicationImpersonationContext()) { return GetThemeBuildResultType(themeName); } } private static BuildResultCompiledType GetThemeBuildResultType(string themeName) { string appThemeCacheKey, globalThemeCacheKey = null; // First, check if the application theme is cached appThemeCacheKey = "Theme_" + Util.MakeValidTypeNameFromString(themeName); BuildResultCompiledType result = (BuildResultCompiledType) BuildManager.GetBuildResultFromCache(appThemeCacheKey); if (result == null) { // Then, check if the global theme is cached globalThemeCacheKey = "GlobalTheme_" + themeName; result = (BuildResultCompiledType) BuildManager.GetBuildResultFromCache( globalThemeCacheKey); } // If we found a theme buildresulttype, return it if (result != null) return result; bool gotLock = false; try { // Grab the compilation mutex CompilationLock.GetLock(ref gotLock); // Check the cache again now that we have the mutex result = (BuildResultCompiledType)BuildManager.GetBuildResultFromCache(appThemeCacheKey); if (result == null) { result = (BuildResultCompiledType)BuildManager.GetBuildResultFromCache( globalThemeCacheKey); } if (result != null) return result; // Theme was not found in the caches; check if the directory exists. VirtualPath appVirtualDir, globalVirtualDir = null; appVirtualDir = GetAppThemeVirtualDir(themeName); PageThemeBuildProvider themeBuildProvider = null; VirtualPath virtualDir = appVirtualDir; string cacheKey = appThemeCacheKey; // If the theme directories do not exist, simply throw if (appVirtualDir.DirectoryExists()) { themeBuildProvider = new PageThemeBuildProvider(appVirtualDir); } else { globalVirtualDir = GetGlobalThemeVirtualDir(themeName); if (!globalVirtualDir.DirectoryExists()) { throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.Page_theme_not_found, themeName)); } virtualDir = globalVirtualDir; cacheKey = globalThemeCacheKey; themeBuildProvider = new GlobalPageThemeBuildProvider(globalVirtualDir); } // The directory exists (either app or global), so compile it DateTime utcStart = DateTime.UtcNow; VirtualDirectory vdir = virtualDir.GetDirectory(); // Add all the .skin files to it AddThemeFilesToBuildProvider(vdir, themeBuildProvider, true); // Use predictable fixed names for theme assemblies. BuildProvidersCompiler bpc = new BuildProvidersCompiler(virtualDir, themeBuildProvider.AssemblyNamePrefix + BuildManager.GenerateRandomAssemblyName(themeName)); // Add the single build provider to the BuildProvidersCompiler bpc.SetBuildProviders(new SingleObjectCollection(themeBuildProvider)); // Compile it CompilerResults results = bpc.PerformBuild(); // Get the Type we care about from the BuildProvider result = (BuildResultCompiledType) themeBuildProvider.GetBuildResult(results); // Cache it for next time BuildManager.CacheBuildResult(cacheKey, result, utcStart); } finally { // Always release the mutex if we had taken it if (gotLock) { CompilationLock.ReleaseLock(); } } return result; } private static void AddThemeFilesToBuildProvider(VirtualDirectory vdir, PageThemeBuildProvider themeBuildProvider, bool topLevel) { // Go through all the files in the directory foreach (VirtualFileBase child in vdir.Children) { // Recursive into subdirectories. if (child.IsDirectory) { AddThemeFilesToBuildProvider(child as VirtualDirectory, themeBuildProvider, false); continue; } // We only process .skin and .css files string extension = Path.GetExtension(child.Name); if ((StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(extension, skinExtension)) && topLevel) { themeBuildProvider.AddSkinFile(child.VirtualPathObject); continue; } if (StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(extension, ".css")) { themeBuildProvider.AddCssFile(child.VirtualPathObject); continue; } } } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Web.Compilation { using System; using System.IO; using System.Collections; using System.Globalization; using System.CodeDom.Compiler; using System.Configuration; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Web.Hosting; using System.Web.Util; using System.Web.UI; internal static class ThemeDirectoryCompiler { internal const string skinExtension = ".skin"; internal static VirtualPath GetAppThemeVirtualDir(string themeName) { return HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppVirtualPathObject.SimpleCombineWithDir(HttpRuntime.ThemesDirectoryName + "/" + themeName); } internal static VirtualPath GetGlobalThemeVirtualDir(string themeName) { return BuildManager.ScriptVirtualDir.SimpleCombineWithDir(HttpRuntime.GlobalThemesDirectoryName + "/" + themeName); } // We need to Assert here since there could be user code on the stack (VSWhidbey 259563) [PermissionSet(SecurityAction.Assert, Unrestricted=true)] internal static BuildResultCompiledType GetThemeBuildResultType(HttpContext context, string themeName) { using (new ApplicationImpersonationContext()) { return GetThemeBuildResultType(themeName); } } private static BuildResultCompiledType GetThemeBuildResultType(string themeName) { string appThemeCacheKey, globalThemeCacheKey = null; // First, check if the application theme is cached appThemeCacheKey = "Theme_" + Util.MakeValidTypeNameFromString(themeName); BuildResultCompiledType result = (BuildResultCompiledType) BuildManager.GetBuildResultFromCache(appThemeCacheKey); if (result == null) { // Then, check if the global theme is cached globalThemeCacheKey = "GlobalTheme_" + themeName; result = (BuildResultCompiledType) BuildManager.GetBuildResultFromCache( globalThemeCacheKey); } // If we found a theme buildresulttype, return it if (result != null) return result; bool gotLock = false; try { // Grab the compilation mutex CompilationLock.GetLock(ref gotLock); // Check the cache again now that we have the mutex result = (BuildResultCompiledType)BuildManager.GetBuildResultFromCache(appThemeCacheKey); if (result == null) { result = (BuildResultCompiledType)BuildManager.GetBuildResultFromCache( globalThemeCacheKey); } if (result != null) return result; // Theme was not found in the caches; check if the directory exists. VirtualPath appVirtualDir, globalVirtualDir = null; appVirtualDir = GetAppThemeVirtualDir(themeName); PageThemeBuildProvider themeBuildProvider = null; VirtualPath virtualDir = appVirtualDir; string cacheKey = appThemeCacheKey; // If the theme directories do not exist, simply throw if (appVirtualDir.DirectoryExists()) { themeBuildProvider = new PageThemeBuildProvider(appVirtualDir); } else { globalVirtualDir = GetGlobalThemeVirtualDir(themeName); if (!globalVirtualDir.DirectoryExists()) { throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.Page_theme_not_found, themeName)); } virtualDir = globalVirtualDir; cacheKey = globalThemeCacheKey; themeBuildProvider = new GlobalPageThemeBuildProvider(globalVirtualDir); } // The directory exists (either app or global), so compile it DateTime utcStart = DateTime.UtcNow; VirtualDirectory vdir = virtualDir.GetDirectory(); // Add all the .skin files to it AddThemeFilesToBuildProvider(vdir, themeBuildProvider, true); // Use predictable fixed names for theme assemblies. BuildProvidersCompiler bpc = new BuildProvidersCompiler(virtualDir, themeBuildProvider.AssemblyNamePrefix + BuildManager.GenerateRandomAssemblyName(themeName)); // Add the single build provider to the BuildProvidersCompiler bpc.SetBuildProviders(new SingleObjectCollection(themeBuildProvider)); // Compile it CompilerResults results = bpc.PerformBuild(); // Get the Type we care about from the BuildProvider result = (BuildResultCompiledType) themeBuildProvider.GetBuildResult(results); // Cache it for next time BuildManager.CacheBuildResult(cacheKey, result, utcStart); } finally { // Always release the mutex if we had taken it if (gotLock) { CompilationLock.ReleaseLock(); } } return result; } private static void AddThemeFilesToBuildProvider(VirtualDirectory vdir, PageThemeBuildProvider themeBuildProvider, bool topLevel) { // Go through all the files in the directory foreach (VirtualFileBase child in vdir.Children) { // Recursive into subdirectories. if (child.IsDirectory) { AddThemeFilesToBuildProvider(child as VirtualDirectory, themeBuildProvider, false); continue; } // We only process .skin and .css files string extension = Path.GetExtension(child.Name); if ((StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(extension, skinExtension)) && topLevel) { themeBuildProvider.AddSkinFile(child.VirtualPathObject); continue; } if (StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(extension, ".css")) { themeBuildProvider.AddCssFile(child.VirtualPathObject); continue; } } } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
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