/ 4.0 / 4.0 / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / Net / System / Net / Mail / MailHeaderInfo.cs / 1305376 / MailHeaderInfo.cs
using System; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Net.Mail; using System.Globalization; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace System.Net.Mail { // Enumeration of the well-known headers. // If you add to this enum you MUST also add the appropriate initializer in m_HeaderInfo below. internal enum MailHeaderID { Bcc = 0, Cc, Comments, ContentDescription, ContentDisposition, ContentID, ContentLocation, ContentTransferEncoding, ContentType, Date, From, Importance, InReplyTo, Keywords, Max, MessageID, MimeVersion, Priority, References, ReplyTo, ResentBcc, ResentCc, ResentDate, ResentFrom, ResentMessageID, ResentSender, ResentTo, Sender, Subject, To, XPriority, XReceiver, XSender, ZMaxEnumValue = XSender, // Keep this to equal to the last "known" enum entry if you add to the end Unknown = -1 } internal static class MailHeaderInfo { // Structure that wraps information about a single mail header private struct HeaderInfo { public readonly string NormalizedName; public readonly bool IsSingleton; public readonly MailHeaderID ID; public readonly bool IsUserSettable; public HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID id, string name, bool isSingleton, bool isUserSettable) { ID = id; NormalizedName = name; IsSingleton = isSingleton; IsUserSettable = isUserSettable; } } // Table of well-known mail headers. // Keep the initializers in [....] with the enum above. private static readonly HeaderInfo[] m_HeaderInfo = { // ID NormalizedString IsSingleton IsUserSettable new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.Bcc, "Bcc", true, false), new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.Cc, "Cc", true, false), new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.Comments, "Comments", false, true), new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.ContentDescription, "Content-Description", true, true), new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.ContentDisposition, "Content-Disposition", true, true), new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.ContentID, "Content-ID", true, false), new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.ContentLocation, "Content-Location", true, false), new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.ContentTransferEncoding, "Content-Transfer-Encoding", true, false), new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.ContentType, "Content-Type", true, false), new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.Date, "Date", true, false), new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.From, "From", true, false), new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.Importance, "Importance", true, false), new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.InReplyTo, "In-Reply-To", true, true), new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.Keywords, "Keywords", false, true), new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.Max, "Max", false, true), new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.MessageID, "Message-ID", true, true), new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.MimeVersion, "MIME-Version", true, false), new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.Priority, "Priority", true, false), new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.References, "References", true, true), new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.ReplyTo, "Reply-To", true, false), new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.ResentBcc, "Resent-Bcc", false, true), new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.ResentCc, "Resent-Cc", false, true), new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.ResentDate, "Resent-Date", false, true), new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.ResentFrom, "Resent-From", false, true), new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.ResentMessageID, "Resent-Message-ID", false, true), new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.ResentSender, "Resent-Sender", false, true), new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.ResentTo, "Resent-To", false, true), new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.Sender, "Sender", true, false), new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.Subject, "Subject", true, false), new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.To, "To", true, false), new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.XPriority, "X-Priority", true, false), new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.XReceiver, "X-Receiver", false, true), new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.XSender, "X-Sender", true, true) }; private static readonly Dictionarym_HeaderDictionary; static MailHeaderInfo() { #if DEBUG // Check that enum and header info array are in [....] for(int i = 0; i < m_HeaderInfo.Length; i++) { if((int)m_HeaderInfo[i].ID != i) { throw new Exception("Header info data structures are not in [....]"); } } #endif // Create dictionary for string-to-enum lookup. Ordinal and IgnoreCase are intentional. m_HeaderDictionary = new Dictionary ((int)MailHeaderID.ZMaxEnumValue + 1, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); for(int i = 0; i < m_HeaderInfo.Length; i++) { m_HeaderDictionary.Add(m_HeaderInfo[i].NormalizedName, i); } } internal static string GetString(MailHeaderID id) { switch(id) { case MailHeaderID.Unknown: case MailHeaderID.ZMaxEnumValue+1: return null; default: return m_HeaderInfo[(int)id].NormalizedName; } } internal static MailHeaderID GetID(string name) { int id; if(m_HeaderDictionary.TryGetValue(name, out id)) { return (MailHeaderID)id; } return MailHeaderID.Unknown; } internal static bool IsWellKnown(string name) { int dummy; return m_HeaderDictionary.TryGetValue(name, out dummy); } internal static bool IsUserSettable(string name) { int index; if (m_HeaderDictionary.TryGetValue(name, out index)) { return m_HeaderInfo[index].IsUserSettable; } //values not in the list of well-known headers are always user-settable return true; } internal static bool IsSingleton(string name) { int index; if(m_HeaderDictionary.TryGetValue(name, out index)) { return m_HeaderInfo[index].IsSingleton; } return false; } internal static string NormalizeCase(string name) { int index; if(m_HeaderDictionary.TryGetValue(name, out index)) { return m_HeaderInfo[index].NormalizedName; } return name; } internal static bool IsMatch(string name, MailHeaderID header) { int index; if(m_HeaderDictionary.TryGetValue(name, out index) && (MailHeaderID)index == header) { return true; } return false; } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. using System; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Net.Mail; using System.Globalization; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace System.Net.Mail { // Enumeration of the well-known headers. // If you add to this enum you MUST also add the appropriate initializer in m_HeaderInfo below. internal enum MailHeaderID { Bcc = 0, Cc, Comments, ContentDescription, ContentDisposition, ContentID, ContentLocation, ContentTransferEncoding, ContentType, Date, From, Importance, InReplyTo, Keywords, Max, MessageID, MimeVersion, Priority, References, ReplyTo, ResentBcc, ResentCc, ResentDate, ResentFrom, ResentMessageID, ResentSender, ResentTo, Sender, Subject, To, XPriority, XReceiver, XSender, ZMaxEnumValue = XSender, // Keep this to equal to the last "known" enum entry if you add to the end Unknown = -1 } internal static class MailHeaderInfo { // Structure that wraps information about a single mail header private struct HeaderInfo { public readonly string NormalizedName; public readonly bool IsSingleton; public readonly MailHeaderID ID; public readonly bool IsUserSettable; public HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID id, string name, bool isSingleton, bool isUserSettable) { ID = id; NormalizedName = name; IsSingleton = isSingleton; IsUserSettable = isUserSettable; } } // Table of well-known mail headers. // Keep the initializers in [....] with the enum above. private static readonly HeaderInfo[] m_HeaderInfo = { // ID NormalizedString IsSingleton IsUserSettable new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.Bcc, "Bcc", true, false), new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.Cc, "Cc", true, false), new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.Comments, "Comments", false, true), new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.ContentDescription, "Content-Description", true, true), new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.ContentDisposition, "Content-Disposition", true, true), new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.ContentID, "Content-ID", true, false), new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.ContentLocation, "Content-Location", true, false), new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.ContentTransferEncoding, "Content-Transfer-Encoding", true, false), new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.ContentType, "Content-Type", true, false), new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.Date, "Date", true, false), new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.From, "From", true, false), new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.Importance, "Importance", true, false), new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.InReplyTo, "In-Reply-To", true, true), new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.Keywords, "Keywords", false, true), new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.Max, "Max", false, true), new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.MessageID, "Message-ID", true, true), new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.MimeVersion, "MIME-Version", true, false), new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.Priority, "Priority", true, false), new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.References, "References", true, true), new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.ReplyTo, "Reply-To", true, false), new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.ResentBcc, "Resent-Bcc", false, true), new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.ResentCc, "Resent-Cc", false, true), new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.ResentDate, "Resent-Date", false, true), new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.ResentFrom, "Resent-From", false, true), new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.ResentMessageID, "Resent-Message-ID", false, true), new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.ResentSender, "Resent-Sender", false, true), new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.ResentTo, "Resent-To", false, true), new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.Sender, "Sender", true, false), new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.Subject, "Subject", true, false), new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.To, "To", true, false), new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.XPriority, "X-Priority", true, false), new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.XReceiver, "X-Receiver", false, true), new HeaderInfo(MailHeaderID.XSender, "X-Sender", true, true) }; private static readonly Dictionary m_HeaderDictionary; static MailHeaderInfo() { #if DEBUG // Check that enum and header info array are in [....] for(int i = 0; i < m_HeaderInfo.Length; i++) { if((int)m_HeaderInfo[i].ID != i) { throw new Exception("Header info data structures are not in [....]"); } } #endif // Create dictionary for string-to-enum lookup. Ordinal and IgnoreCase are intentional. m_HeaderDictionary = new Dictionary ((int)MailHeaderID.ZMaxEnumValue + 1, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); for(int i = 0; i < m_HeaderInfo.Length; i++) { m_HeaderDictionary.Add(m_HeaderInfo[i].NormalizedName, i); } } internal static string GetString(MailHeaderID id) { switch(id) { case MailHeaderID.Unknown: case MailHeaderID.ZMaxEnumValue+1: return null; default: return m_HeaderInfo[(int)id].NormalizedName; } } internal static MailHeaderID GetID(string name) { int id; if(m_HeaderDictionary.TryGetValue(name, out id)) { return (MailHeaderID)id; } return MailHeaderID.Unknown; } internal static bool IsWellKnown(string name) { int dummy; return m_HeaderDictionary.TryGetValue(name, out dummy); } internal static bool IsUserSettable(string name) { int index; if (m_HeaderDictionary.TryGetValue(name, out index)) { return m_HeaderInfo[index].IsUserSettable; } //values not in the list of well-known headers are always user-settable return true; } internal static bool IsSingleton(string name) { int index; if(m_HeaderDictionary.TryGetValue(name, out index)) { return m_HeaderInfo[index].IsSingleton; } return false; } internal static string NormalizeCase(string name) { int index; if(m_HeaderDictionary.TryGetValue(name, out index)) { return m_HeaderInfo[index].NormalizedName; } return name; } internal static bool IsMatch(string name, MailHeaderID header) { int index; if(m_HeaderDictionary.TryGetValue(name, out index) && (MailHeaderID)index == header) { return true; } return false; } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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