/ 4.0 / 4.0 / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / cdf / src / System.Runtime.DurableInstancing / System / Runtime / Diagnostics / DiagnosticTrace.cs / 1305376 / DiagnosticTrace.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Runtime.Diagnostics { using System; using System.Collections; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Diagnostics.Eventing; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Security; using System.Text; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.XPath; using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; using System.Security.Permissions; sealed class DiagnosticTrace { //Diagnostics trace const string DefaultTraceListenerName = "Default"; const string TraceRecordVersion = ""; const int WindowsVistaMajorNumber = 6; const string EventSourceVersion = ""; const ushort TracingEventLogCategory = 4; [Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "provider Id to create EtwProvider, which is SecurityCritical")] [SecurityCritical] static Guid defaultEtwProviderId = new Guid("{c651f5f6-1c0d-492e-8ae1-b4efd7c9d503}"); static Hashtable etwProviderCache = new Hashtable(); static bool isVistaOrGreater = Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major >= WindowsVistaMajorNumber; static string appDomainFriendlyName = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName; static FunctraceAnnotation; bool calledShutdown; bool haveListeners; object thisLock; SourceLevels level; DiagnosticTraceSource traceSource; [Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Stores object created by a critical c'tor")] [SecurityCritical] EtwProvider etwProvider; string TraceSourceName; Guid etwProviderId; [Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Usage of EventDescriptor, which is protected by a LinkDemand")] [SecurityCritical] static EventDescriptor transferEventDescriptor = new EventDescriptor(499, 0, (byte)TraceChannel.Analytic, (byte)TraceEventLevel.LogAlways, (byte)TraceEventOpcode.Info, 0x0, 0x20000000001A0065); [Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "This determines the event source name.")] [SecurityCritical] string eventSourceName; //Compiler will add all static initializers into the static constructor. Adding an explicit one to mark SecurityCritical. [Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "setting critical field defaultEtwProviderId")] [SecurityCritical] [SuppressMessage(FxCop.Category.Performance, FxCop.Rule.InitializeReferenceTypeStaticFieldsInline, Justification = "SecurityCriticial method")] static DiagnosticTrace() { } [Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Access critical etwProvider, eventSourceName field", Safe = "Doesn't leak info\\resources")] [SecuritySafeCritical] public DiagnosticTrace(string traceSourceName, Guid etwProviderId) { try { this.thisLock = new object(); this.TraceSourceName = traceSourceName; this.eventSourceName = string.Concat(this.TraceSourceName, " ", EventSourceVersion); this.LastFailure = DateTime.MinValue; CreateTraceSource(); } catch (Exception exception) { if (Fx.IsFatal(exception)) { throw; } #pragma warning disable 618 EventLogger logger = new EventLogger(this.eventSourceName, null); logger.LogEvent(TraceEventType.Error, TracingEventLogCategory, (uint)EventLogEventId.FailedToSetupTracing, false, exception.ToString()); #pragma warning restore 618 } try { CreateEtwProvider(etwProviderId); } catch (Exception exception) { if (Fx.IsFatal(exception)) { throw; } this.etwProvider = null; #pragma warning disable 618 EventLogger logger = new EventLogger(this.eventSourceName, null); logger.LogEvent(TraceEventType.Error, TracingEventLogCategory, (uint)EventLogEventId.FailedToSetupTracing, false, exception.ToString()); #pragma warning restore 618 } if (this.TracingEnabled || this.EtwTracingEnabled) { #pragma warning disable 618 this.AddDomainEventHandlersForCleanup(); #pragma warning restore 618 } } static public Guid DefaultEtwProviderId { [Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "reading critical field defaultEtwProviderId", Safe = "Doesn't leak info\\resources")] [SecuritySafeCritical] [SuppressMessage(FxCop.Category.Security, FxCop.Rule.DoNotIndirectlyExposeMethodsWithLinkDemands, Justification = "SecuritySafeCriticial method")] get { return DiagnosticTrace.defaultEtwProviderId; } [Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "setting critical field defaultEtwProviderId")] [SecurityCritical] [SuppressMessage(FxCop.Category.Security, FxCop.Rule.DoNotIndirectlyExposeMethodsWithLinkDemands, Justification = "SecurityCriticial method")] set { DiagnosticTrace.defaultEtwProviderId = value; } } DateTime LastFailure { get; set; } public DiagnosticTraceSource TraceSource { get { return this.traceSource; } } public EtwProvider EtwProvider { [Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Exposes the critical etwProvider field")] [SecurityCritical] get { return this.etwProvider; } } public bool IsEtwProviderEnabled { [Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Access critical etwProvider field", Safe = "Doesn't leak info\\resources")] [SecuritySafeCritical] get { return (this.EtwTracingEnabled && this.etwProvider.IsEnabled()); } } public bool HaveListeners { get { return this.haveListeners; } } public static Guid ActivityId { [Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "gets the CorrelationManager, which does a LinkDemand for UnmanagedCode", Safe = "only uses the CM to get the ActivityId, which is not protected data, doesn't leak the CM")] [SecuritySafeCritical] [SuppressMessage(FxCop.Category.Security, FxCop.Rule.DoNotIndirectlyExposeMethodsWithLinkDemands, Justification = "SecuritySafeCriticial method")] get { object id = Trace.CorrelationManager.ActivityId; return id == null ? Guid.Empty : (Guid)id; } [Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "gets the CorrelationManager, which does a LinkDemand for UnmanagedCode", Safe = "only uses the CM to get the ActivityId, which is not protected data, doesn't leak the CM")] [SecuritySafeCritical] set { Trace.CorrelationManager.ActivityId = value; } } public Action RefreshState { [Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Access critical etwProvider field", Safe = "Doesn't leak resources or information")] [SecuritySafeCritical] get { return this.EtwProvider.ControllerCallBack; } [Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Access critical etwProvider field", Safe = "Doesn't leak resources or information")] [SecuritySafeCritical] set { this.EtwProvider.ControllerCallBack = value; } } public SourceLevels Level { get { if (this.TraceSource != null) { this.level = this.TraceSource.Switch.Level; } return this.level; } } public bool TracingEnabled { get { return (this.traceSource != null); } } bool EtwTracingEnabled { [Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Access critical etwProvider field", Safe = "Doesn't leak info\\resources")] [SecuritySafeCritical] get { return (this.etwProvider != null); } } static string ProcessName { [Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Satisfies a LinkDemand for 'PermissionSetAttribute' on type 'Process' when calling method GetCurrentProcess", Safe = "Does not leak any resource and has been reviewed")] [SecuritySafeCritical] get { string retval = null; using (Process process = Process.GetCurrentProcess()) { retval = process.ProcessName; } return retval; } } static int ProcessId { [Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Satisfies a LinkDemand for 'PermissionSetAttribute' on type 'Process' when calling method GetCurrentProcess", Safe = "Does not leak any resource and has been reviewed")] [SecuritySafeCritical] get { int retval = -1; using (Process process = Process.GetCurrentProcess()) { retval = process.Id; } return retval; } } public void SetAnnotation(Func annotation) { DiagnosticTrace.traceAnnotation = annotation; } public bool ShouldTrace(TraceEventLevel level) { return ShouldTraceToTraceSource(level) || ShouldTraceToEtw(level); } public bool ShouldTraceToTraceSource(TraceEventLevel level) { return (this.HaveListeners && this.TraceSource != null && 0 != ((int)TraceLevelHelper.GetTraceEventType(level) & (int)this.Level)); } [Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Access critical etwProvider field", Safe = "Doesn't leak information\\resources")] [SecuritySafeCritical] public bool ShouldTraceToEtw(TraceEventLevel level) { return (this.EtwProvider != null && this.EtwProvider.IsEnabled((byte)level, 0)); } [Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Usage of EventDescriptor, which is protected by a LinkDemand", Safe = "Doesn't leak information\\resources")] [SecuritySafeCritical] public void Event(int eventId, TraceEventLevel traceEventLevel, TraceChannel channel, string description) { if (this.TracingEnabled) { EventDescriptor eventDescriptor = DiagnosticTrace.GetEventDescriptor(eventId, channel, traceEventLevel); this.Event(ref eventDescriptor, description); } } [Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Usage of EventDescriptor, which is protected by a LinkDemand")] [SecurityCritical] public void Event(ref EventDescriptor eventDescriptor, string description) { if (this.TracingEnabled) { TracePayload tracePayload = this.GetSerializedPayload(null, null, null); this.WriteTraceSource(ref eventDescriptor, description, tracePayload); } } public void SetAndTraceTransfer(Guid newId, bool emitTransfer) { if (emitTransfer) { TraceTransfer(newId); } DiagnosticTrace.ActivityId = newId; } [Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Access critical transferEventDescriptor field, as well as other critical methods", Safe = "Doesn't leak information or resources")] [SecuritySafeCritical] public void TraceTransfer(Guid newId) { Guid oldId = DiagnosticTrace.ActivityId; if (newId != oldId) { try { if (this.HaveListeners) { this.TraceSource.TraceTransfer(0, null, newId); } //also emit to ETW if (this.IsEtwEventEnabled(ref DiagnosticTrace.transferEventDescriptor)) { this.etwProvider.WriteTransferEvent(ref DiagnosticTrace.transferEventDescriptor, newId, DiagnosticTrace.traceAnnotation == null ? string.Empty : DiagnosticTrace.traceAnnotation(), DiagnosticTrace.appDomainFriendlyName); } } catch (Exception e) { if (Fx.IsFatal(e)) { throw; } LogTraceFailure(null, e); } } } [Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Usage of EventDescriptor, which is protected by a LinkDemand")] [SecurityCritical] public void WriteTraceSource(ref EventDescriptor eventDescriptor, string description, TracePayload payload) { if (this.TracingEnabled) { XPathNavigator navigator = null; try { string traceString = BuildTrace(ref eventDescriptor, description, payload); XmlDocument traceDocument = new XmlDocument(); traceDocument.LoadXml(traceString); navigator = traceDocument.CreateNavigator(); this.TraceSource.TraceData(TraceLevelHelper.GetTraceEventType(eventDescriptor.Level, eventDescriptor.Opcode), (int)eventDescriptor.EventId, navigator); if (this.calledShutdown) { this.TraceSource.Flush(); } } catch (Exception exception) { if (Fx.IsFatal(exception)) { throw; } LogTraceFailure(navigator == null ? string.Empty : navigator.ToString(), exception); } } } [Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Usage of EventDescriptor, which is protected by a LinkDemand")] [SecurityCritical] static string BuildTrace(ref EventDescriptor eventDescriptor, string description, TracePayload payload) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); XmlTextWriter writer = new XmlTextWriter(new StringWriter(sb, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)); writer.WriteStartElement(DiagnosticStrings.TraceRecordTag); writer.WriteAttributeString(DiagnosticStrings.NamespaceTag, DiagnosticTrace.TraceRecordVersion); writer.WriteAttributeString(DiagnosticStrings.SeverityTag, TraceLevelHelper.LookupSeverity((TraceEventLevel)eventDescriptor.Level, (TraceEventOpcode)eventDescriptor.Opcode)); writer.WriteAttributeString(DiagnosticStrings.ChannelTag, DiagnosticTrace.LookupChannel((TraceChannel)eventDescriptor.Channel)); writer.WriteElementString(DiagnosticStrings.TraceCodeTag, DiagnosticTrace.GenerateTraceCode(ref eventDescriptor)); writer.WriteElementString(DiagnosticStrings.DescriptionTag, description); writer.WriteElementString(DiagnosticStrings.AppDomain, payload.AppDomainFriendlyName); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(payload.EventSource)) { writer.WriteElementString(DiagnosticStrings.SourceTag, payload.EventSource); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(payload.ExtendedData)) { writer.WriteRaw(payload.ExtendedData); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(payload.SerializedException)) { writer.WriteRaw(payload.SerializedException); } writer.WriteEndElement(); return sb.ToString(); } [Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Usage of EventDescriptor, which is protected by a LinkDemand")] [SecurityCritical] static string GenerateTraceCode(ref EventDescriptor eventDescriptor) { return eventDescriptor.EventId.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } static string LookupChannel(TraceChannel traceChannel) { string channelName; switch (traceChannel) { case TraceChannel.Admin: channelName = "Admin"; break; case TraceChannel.Analytic: channelName = "Analytic"; break; case TraceChannel.Application: channelName = "Application"; break; case TraceChannel.Debug: channelName = "Debug"; break; case TraceChannel.Operational: channelName = "Operational"; break; case TraceChannel.Perf: channelName = "Perf"; break; default: channelName = traceChannel.ToString(); break; } return channelName; } public TracePayload GetSerializedPayload(object source, TraceRecord traceRecord, Exception exception) { return this.GetSerializedPayload(source, traceRecord, exception, false); } public TracePayload GetSerializedPayload(object source, TraceRecord traceRecord, Exception exception, bool getServiceReference) { string eventSource = null; string extendedData = null; string serializedException = null; if (source != null) { eventSource = CreateSourceString(source); } if (traceRecord != null) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); XmlTextWriter writer = new XmlTextWriter(new StringWriter(sb, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)); writer.WriteStartElement(DiagnosticStrings.ExtendedDataTag); traceRecord.WriteTo(writer); writer.WriteEndElement(); extendedData = sb.ToString(); } if (exception != null) { serializedException = DiagnosticTrace.ExceptionToTraceString(exception); } if (getServiceReference && (DiagnosticTrace.traceAnnotation != null)) { return new TracePayload(serializedException, eventSource, DiagnosticTrace.appDomainFriendlyName, extendedData, DiagnosticTrace.traceAnnotation()); } return new TracePayload(serializedException, eventSource, DiagnosticTrace.appDomainFriendlyName, extendedData, string.Empty); } [Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Usage of EventDescriptor, which is protected by a LinkDemand", Safe = "Only queries the status of the provider - does not modify the state")] [SecuritySafeCritical] public bool IsEtwEventEnabled(ref EventDescriptor eventDescriptor) { return (this.EtwTracingEnabled && this.etwProvider.IsEnabled(eventDescriptor.Level, eventDescriptor.Keywords)); } //only used for exceptions, perf is not important public static string XmlEncode(string text) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) { return text; } int len = text.Length; StringBuilder encodedText = new StringBuilder(len + 8); //perf optimization, expecting no more than 2 > characters for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { char ch = text[i]; switch (ch) { case '<': encodedText.Append("<"); break; case '>': encodedText.Append(">"); break; case '&': encodedText.Append("&"); break; default: encodedText.Append(ch); break; } } return encodedText.ToString(); } [Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Access the critical Listeners property", Safe = "Only Removes the default listener of the local source")] [SecuritySafeCritical] [SuppressMessage(FxCop.Category.Security, FxCop.Rule.DoNotIndirectlyExposeMethodsWithLinkDemands, Justification = "SecuritySafeCriticial method")] void CreateTraceSource() { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.TraceSourceName)) { this.traceSource = new DiagnosticTraceSource(this.TraceSourceName); if (this.traceSource != null) { this.traceSource.Listeners.Remove(DiagnosticTrace.DefaultTraceListenerName); this.haveListeners = this.traceSource.Listeners.Count > 0; this.level = this.traceSource.Switch.Level; } } } [Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Sets global event handlers for the AppDomain", Safe = "Doesn't leak resources\\Information")] [SecuritySafeCritical] [Obsolete("For SMDiagnostics.dll use only")] void AddDomainEventHandlersForCleanup() { AppDomain currentDomain = AppDomain.CurrentDomain; if (this.TracingEnabled) { currentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(UnhandledExceptionHandler); currentDomain.DomainUnload += new EventHandler(ExitOrUnloadEventHandler); currentDomain.ProcessExit += new EventHandler(ExitOrUnloadEventHandler); } } [Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Usage of EventDescriptor, which is protected by a LinkDemand", Safe = "Doesn't leak resources or information")] [SecuritySafeCritical] void CreateEtwProvider(Guid etwProviderId) { if (etwProviderId != Guid.Empty && DiagnosticTrace.isVistaOrGreater) { //Pick EtwProvider from cache, add to cache if not found this.etwProvider = (EtwProvider)etwProviderCache[etwProviderId]; if (this.etwProvider == null) { lock (etwProviderCache) { this.etwProvider = (EtwProvider)etwProviderCache[etwProviderId]; if (this.etwProvider == null) { this.etwProvider = new EtwProvider(etwProviderId); etwProviderCache.Add(etwProviderId, this.etwProvider); } } } this.etwProviderId = etwProviderId; } } void ExitOrUnloadEventHandler(object sender, EventArgs e) { ShutdownTracing(); } void UnhandledExceptionHandler(object sender, UnhandledExceptionEventArgs args) { Exception e = (Exception)args.ExceptionObject; TraceCore.UnhandledException(this, e); ShutdownTracing(); } static string CreateSourceString(object source) { return source.GetType().ToString() + "/" + source.GetHashCode().ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); } [Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Usage of EventDescriptor, which is protected by a LinkDemand")] [SecurityCritical] static EventDescriptor GetEventDescriptor(int eventId, TraceChannel channel, TraceEventLevel traceEventLevel) { unchecked { //map channel to keywords long keyword = (long)0x0; if (channel == TraceChannel.Admin) { keyword = keyword | (long)0x8000000000000000; } else if (channel == TraceChannel.Operational) { keyword = keyword | 0x4000000000000000; } else if (channel == TraceChannel.Analytic) { keyword = keyword | 0x2000000000000000; } else if (channel == TraceChannel.Debug) { keyword = keyword | 0x100000000000000; } else if (channel == TraceChannel.Perf) { keyword = keyword | 0x0800000000000000; } return new EventDescriptor(eventId, 0x0, (byte)channel, (byte)traceEventLevel, 0x0, 0x0, (long)keyword); } } static string ExceptionToTraceString(Exception exception) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); XmlTextWriter xml = new XmlTextWriter(new StringWriter(sb, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)); xml.WriteStartElement(DiagnosticStrings.ExceptionTag); xml.WriteElementString(DiagnosticStrings.ExceptionTypeTag, DiagnosticTrace.XmlEncode(exception.GetType().AssemblyQualifiedName)); xml.WriteElementString(DiagnosticStrings.MessageTag, DiagnosticTrace.XmlEncode(exception.Message)); xml.WriteElementString(DiagnosticStrings.StackTraceTag, DiagnosticTrace.XmlEncode(StackTraceString(exception))); xml.WriteElementString(DiagnosticStrings.ExceptionStringTag, DiagnosticTrace.XmlEncode(exception.ToString())); System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception win32Exception = exception as System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception; if (win32Exception != null) { xml.WriteElementString(DiagnosticStrings.NativeErrorCodeTag, win32Exception.NativeErrorCode.ToString("X", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } if (exception.Data != null && exception.Data.Count > 0) { xml.WriteStartElement(DiagnosticStrings.DataItemsTag); foreach (object dataItem in exception.Data.Keys) { xml.WriteStartElement(DiagnosticStrings.DataTag); xml.WriteElementString(DiagnosticStrings.KeyTag, DiagnosticTrace.XmlEncode(dataItem.ToString())); xml.WriteElementString(DiagnosticStrings.ValueTag, DiagnosticTrace.XmlEncode(exception.Data[dataItem].ToString())); xml.WriteEndElement(); } xml.WriteEndElement(); } if (exception.InnerException != null) { xml.WriteStartElement(DiagnosticStrings.InnerExceptionTag); xml.WriteRaw(ExceptionToTraceString(exception.InnerException)); xml.WriteEndElement(); } xml.WriteEndElement(); return sb.ToString(); } static string StackTraceString(Exception exception) { string retval = exception.StackTrace; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(retval)) { // This means that the exception hasn't been thrown yet. We need to manufacture the stack then. StackTrace stackTrace = new StackTrace(false); // Figure out how many frames should be throw away System.Diagnostics.StackFrame[] stackFrames = stackTrace.GetFrames(); int frameCount = 0; bool breakLoop = false; foreach (StackFrame frame in stackFrames) { string methodName = frame.GetMethod().Name; switch (methodName) { case "StackTraceString": case "AddExceptionToTraceString": case "GetAdditionalPayload": ++frameCount; break; default: if (methodName.StartsWith("ThrowHelper", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { ++frameCount; } else { breakLoop = true; } break; } if (breakLoop) { break; } } stackTrace = new StackTrace(frameCount, false); retval = stackTrace.ToString(); } return retval; } //CSDMain:109153, Duplicate code from System.ServiceModel.Diagnostics [Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Calls unsafe methods, UnsafeCreateEventLogger and UnsafeLogEvent.", Safe = "Event identities cannot be spoofed as they are constants determined inside the method, Demands the same permission that is asserted by the unsafe method.")] [SecuritySafeCritical] [SuppressMessage(FxCop.Category.Security, FxCop.Rule.SecureAsserts, Justification = "Should not demand permission that is asserted by the EtwProvider ctor.")] void LogTraceFailure(string traceString, Exception exception) { const int FailureBlackoutDuration = 10; TimeSpan FailureBlackout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(FailureBlackoutDuration); try { lock (this.thisLock) { if (DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(this.LastFailure) >= FailureBlackout) { this.LastFailure = DateTime.UtcNow; #pragma warning disable 618 EventLogger logger = EventLogger.UnsafeCreateEventLogger(this.eventSourceName, this); #pragma warning restore 618 if (exception == null) { logger.UnsafeLogEvent(TraceEventType.Error, TracingEventLogCategory, (uint)EventLogEventId.FailedToTraceEvent, false, traceString); } else { logger.UnsafeLogEvent(TraceEventType.Error, TracingEventLogCategory, (uint)EventLogEventId.FailedToTraceEventWithException, false, traceString, exception.ToString()); } } } } catch (Exception eventLoggerException) { if (Fx.IsFatal(eventLoggerException)) { throw; } } } void ShutdownTracing() { if (!this.calledShutdown) { this.calledShutdown = true; ShutdownTraceSource(); ShutdownEtwProvider(); } } void ShutdownTraceSource() { try { if (TraceCore.AppDomainUnloadIsEnabled(this)) { TraceCore.AppDomainUnload(this, AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName, DiagnosticTrace.ProcessName, DiagnosticTrace.ProcessId.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)); } this.TraceSource.Flush(); } catch (Exception exception) { if (Fx.IsFatal(exception)) { throw; } //log failure LogTraceFailure(null, exception); } } [Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Access critical etwProvider field", Safe = "Doesn't leak info\\resources")] [SecuritySafeCritical] void ShutdownEtwProvider() { try { if (this.etwProvider != null) { this.etwProvider.Dispose(); //no need to set this.etwProvider as null as Dispose() provides the necessary guard //leaving it non-null protects trace calls from NullReferenceEx, CSDMain Bug 136228 } } catch (Exception exception) { if (Fx.IsFatal(exception)) { throw; } //log failure LogTraceFailure(null, exception); } } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Runtime.Diagnostics { using System; using System.Collections; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Diagnostics.Eventing; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Security; using System.Text; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.XPath; using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; using System.Security.Permissions; sealed class DiagnosticTrace { //Diagnostics trace const string DefaultTraceListenerName = "Default"; const string TraceRecordVersion = ""; const int WindowsVistaMajorNumber = 6; const string EventSourceVersion = ""; const ushort TracingEventLogCategory = 4; [Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "provider Id to create EtwProvider, which is SecurityCritical")] [SecurityCritical] static Guid defaultEtwProviderId = new Guid("{c651f5f6-1c0d-492e-8ae1-b4efd7c9d503}"); static Hashtable etwProviderCache = new Hashtable(); static bool isVistaOrGreater = Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major >= WindowsVistaMajorNumber; static string appDomainFriendlyName = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName; static Func traceAnnotation; bool calledShutdown; bool haveListeners; object thisLock; SourceLevels level; DiagnosticTraceSource traceSource; [Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Stores object created by a critical c'tor")] [SecurityCritical] EtwProvider etwProvider; string TraceSourceName; Guid etwProviderId; [Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Usage of EventDescriptor, which is protected by a LinkDemand")] [SecurityCritical] static EventDescriptor transferEventDescriptor = new EventDescriptor(499, 0, (byte)TraceChannel.Analytic, (byte)TraceEventLevel.LogAlways, (byte)TraceEventOpcode.Info, 0x0, 0x20000000001A0065); [Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "This determines the event source name.")] [SecurityCritical] string eventSourceName; //Compiler will add all static initializers into the static constructor. Adding an explicit one to mark SecurityCritical. [Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "setting critical field defaultEtwProviderId")] [SecurityCritical] [SuppressMessage(FxCop.Category.Performance, FxCop.Rule.InitializeReferenceTypeStaticFieldsInline, Justification = "SecurityCriticial method")] static DiagnosticTrace() { } [Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Access critical etwProvider, eventSourceName field", Safe = "Doesn't leak info\\resources")] [SecuritySafeCritical] public DiagnosticTrace(string traceSourceName, Guid etwProviderId) { try { this.thisLock = new object(); this.TraceSourceName = traceSourceName; this.eventSourceName = string.Concat(this.TraceSourceName, " ", EventSourceVersion); this.LastFailure = DateTime.MinValue; CreateTraceSource(); } catch (Exception exception) { if (Fx.IsFatal(exception)) { throw; } #pragma warning disable 618 EventLogger logger = new EventLogger(this.eventSourceName, null); logger.LogEvent(TraceEventType.Error, TracingEventLogCategory, (uint)EventLogEventId.FailedToSetupTracing, false, exception.ToString()); #pragma warning restore 618 } try { CreateEtwProvider(etwProviderId); } catch (Exception exception) { if (Fx.IsFatal(exception)) { throw; } this.etwProvider = null; #pragma warning disable 618 EventLogger logger = new EventLogger(this.eventSourceName, null); logger.LogEvent(TraceEventType.Error, TracingEventLogCategory, (uint)EventLogEventId.FailedToSetupTracing, false, exception.ToString()); #pragma warning restore 618 } if (this.TracingEnabled || this.EtwTracingEnabled) { #pragma warning disable 618 this.AddDomainEventHandlersForCleanup(); #pragma warning restore 618 } } static public Guid DefaultEtwProviderId { [Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "reading critical field defaultEtwProviderId", Safe = "Doesn't leak info\\resources")] [SecuritySafeCritical] [SuppressMessage(FxCop.Category.Security, FxCop.Rule.DoNotIndirectlyExposeMethodsWithLinkDemands, Justification = "SecuritySafeCriticial method")] get { return DiagnosticTrace.defaultEtwProviderId; } [Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "setting critical field defaultEtwProviderId")] [SecurityCritical] [SuppressMessage(FxCop.Category.Security, FxCop.Rule.DoNotIndirectlyExposeMethodsWithLinkDemands, Justification = "SecurityCriticial method")] set { DiagnosticTrace.defaultEtwProviderId = value; } } DateTime LastFailure { get; set; } public DiagnosticTraceSource TraceSource { get { return this.traceSource; } } public EtwProvider EtwProvider { [Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Exposes the critical etwProvider field")] [SecurityCritical] get { return this.etwProvider; } } public bool IsEtwProviderEnabled { [Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Access critical etwProvider field", Safe = "Doesn't leak info\\resources")] [SecuritySafeCritical] get { return (this.EtwTracingEnabled && this.etwProvider.IsEnabled()); } } public bool HaveListeners { get { return this.haveListeners; } } public static Guid ActivityId { [Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "gets the CorrelationManager, which does a LinkDemand for UnmanagedCode", Safe = "only uses the CM to get the ActivityId, which is not protected data, doesn't leak the CM")] [SecuritySafeCritical] [SuppressMessage(FxCop.Category.Security, FxCop.Rule.DoNotIndirectlyExposeMethodsWithLinkDemands, Justification = "SecuritySafeCriticial method")] get { object id = Trace.CorrelationManager.ActivityId; return id == null ? Guid.Empty : (Guid)id; } [Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "gets the CorrelationManager, which does a LinkDemand for UnmanagedCode", Safe = "only uses the CM to get the ActivityId, which is not protected data, doesn't leak the CM")] [SecuritySafeCritical] set { Trace.CorrelationManager.ActivityId = value; } } public Action RefreshState { [Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Access critical etwProvider field", Safe = "Doesn't leak resources or information")] [SecuritySafeCritical] get { return this.EtwProvider.ControllerCallBack; } [Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Access critical etwProvider field", Safe = "Doesn't leak resources or information")] [SecuritySafeCritical] set { this.EtwProvider.ControllerCallBack = value; } } public SourceLevels Level { get { if (this.TraceSource != null) { this.level = this.TraceSource.Switch.Level; } return this.level; } } public bool TracingEnabled { get { return (this.traceSource != null); } } bool EtwTracingEnabled { [Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Access critical etwProvider field", Safe = "Doesn't leak info\\resources")] [SecuritySafeCritical] get { return (this.etwProvider != null); } } static string ProcessName { [Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Satisfies a LinkDemand for 'PermissionSetAttribute' on type 'Process' when calling method GetCurrentProcess", Safe = "Does not leak any resource and has been reviewed")] [SecuritySafeCritical] get { string retval = null; using (Process process = Process.GetCurrentProcess()) { retval = process.ProcessName; } return retval; } } static int ProcessId { [Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Satisfies a LinkDemand for 'PermissionSetAttribute' on type 'Process' when calling method GetCurrentProcess", Safe = "Does not leak any resource and has been reviewed")] [SecuritySafeCritical] get { int retval = -1; using (Process process = Process.GetCurrentProcess()) { retval = process.Id; } return retval; } } public void SetAnnotation(Func annotation) { DiagnosticTrace.traceAnnotation = annotation; } public bool ShouldTrace(TraceEventLevel level) { return ShouldTraceToTraceSource(level) || ShouldTraceToEtw(level); } public bool ShouldTraceToTraceSource(TraceEventLevel level) { return (this.HaveListeners && this.TraceSource != null && 0 != ((int)TraceLevelHelper.GetTraceEventType(level) & (int)this.Level)); } [Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Access critical etwProvider field", Safe = "Doesn't leak information\\resources")] [SecuritySafeCritical] public bool ShouldTraceToEtw(TraceEventLevel level) { return (this.EtwProvider != null && this.EtwProvider.IsEnabled((byte)level, 0)); } [Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Usage of EventDescriptor, which is protected by a LinkDemand", Safe = "Doesn't leak information\\resources")] [SecuritySafeCritical] public void Event(int eventId, TraceEventLevel traceEventLevel, TraceChannel channel, string description) { if (this.TracingEnabled) { EventDescriptor eventDescriptor = DiagnosticTrace.GetEventDescriptor(eventId, channel, traceEventLevel); this.Event(ref eventDescriptor, description); } } [Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Usage of EventDescriptor, which is protected by a LinkDemand")] [SecurityCritical] public void Event(ref EventDescriptor eventDescriptor, string description) { if (this.TracingEnabled) { TracePayload tracePayload = this.GetSerializedPayload(null, null, null); this.WriteTraceSource(ref eventDescriptor, description, tracePayload); } } public void SetAndTraceTransfer(Guid newId, bool emitTransfer) { if (emitTransfer) { TraceTransfer(newId); } DiagnosticTrace.ActivityId = newId; } [Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Access critical transferEventDescriptor field, as well as other critical methods", Safe = "Doesn't leak information or resources")] [SecuritySafeCritical] public void TraceTransfer(Guid newId) { Guid oldId = DiagnosticTrace.ActivityId; if (newId != oldId) { try { if (this.HaveListeners) { this.TraceSource.TraceTransfer(0, null, newId); } //also emit to ETW if (this.IsEtwEventEnabled(ref DiagnosticTrace.transferEventDescriptor)) { this.etwProvider.WriteTransferEvent(ref DiagnosticTrace.transferEventDescriptor, newId, DiagnosticTrace.traceAnnotation == null ? string.Empty : DiagnosticTrace.traceAnnotation(), DiagnosticTrace.appDomainFriendlyName); } } catch (Exception e) { if (Fx.IsFatal(e)) { throw; } LogTraceFailure(null, e); } } } [Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Usage of EventDescriptor, which is protected by a LinkDemand")] [SecurityCritical] public void WriteTraceSource(ref EventDescriptor eventDescriptor, string description, TracePayload payload) { if (this.TracingEnabled) { XPathNavigator navigator = null; try { string traceString = BuildTrace(ref eventDescriptor, description, payload); XmlDocument traceDocument = new XmlDocument(); traceDocument.LoadXml(traceString); navigator = traceDocument.CreateNavigator(); this.TraceSource.TraceData(TraceLevelHelper.GetTraceEventType(eventDescriptor.Level, eventDescriptor.Opcode), (int)eventDescriptor.EventId, navigator); if (this.calledShutdown) { this.TraceSource.Flush(); } } catch (Exception exception) { if (Fx.IsFatal(exception)) { throw; } LogTraceFailure(navigator == null ? string.Empty : navigator.ToString(), exception); } } } [Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Usage of EventDescriptor, which is protected by a LinkDemand")] [SecurityCritical] static string BuildTrace(ref EventDescriptor eventDescriptor, string description, TracePayload payload) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); XmlTextWriter writer = new XmlTextWriter(new StringWriter(sb, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)); writer.WriteStartElement(DiagnosticStrings.TraceRecordTag); writer.WriteAttributeString(DiagnosticStrings.NamespaceTag, DiagnosticTrace.TraceRecordVersion); writer.WriteAttributeString(DiagnosticStrings.SeverityTag, TraceLevelHelper.LookupSeverity((TraceEventLevel)eventDescriptor.Level, (TraceEventOpcode)eventDescriptor.Opcode)); writer.WriteAttributeString(DiagnosticStrings.ChannelTag, DiagnosticTrace.LookupChannel((TraceChannel)eventDescriptor.Channel)); writer.WriteElementString(DiagnosticStrings.TraceCodeTag, DiagnosticTrace.GenerateTraceCode(ref eventDescriptor)); writer.WriteElementString(DiagnosticStrings.DescriptionTag, description); writer.WriteElementString(DiagnosticStrings.AppDomain, payload.AppDomainFriendlyName); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(payload.EventSource)) { writer.WriteElementString(DiagnosticStrings.SourceTag, payload.EventSource); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(payload.ExtendedData)) { writer.WriteRaw(payload.ExtendedData); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(payload.SerializedException)) { writer.WriteRaw(payload.SerializedException); } writer.WriteEndElement(); return sb.ToString(); } [Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Usage of EventDescriptor, which is protected by a LinkDemand")] [SecurityCritical] static string GenerateTraceCode(ref EventDescriptor eventDescriptor) { return eventDescriptor.EventId.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } static string LookupChannel(TraceChannel traceChannel) { string channelName; switch (traceChannel) { case TraceChannel.Admin: channelName = "Admin"; break; case TraceChannel.Analytic: channelName = "Analytic"; break; case TraceChannel.Application: channelName = "Application"; break; case TraceChannel.Debug: channelName = "Debug"; break; case TraceChannel.Operational: channelName = "Operational"; break; case TraceChannel.Perf: channelName = "Perf"; break; default: channelName = traceChannel.ToString(); break; } return channelName; } public TracePayload GetSerializedPayload(object source, TraceRecord traceRecord, Exception exception) { return this.GetSerializedPayload(source, traceRecord, exception, false); } public TracePayload GetSerializedPayload(object source, TraceRecord traceRecord, Exception exception, bool getServiceReference) { string eventSource = null; string extendedData = null; string serializedException = null; if (source != null) { eventSource = CreateSourceString(source); } if (traceRecord != null) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); XmlTextWriter writer = new XmlTextWriter(new StringWriter(sb, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)); writer.WriteStartElement(DiagnosticStrings.ExtendedDataTag); traceRecord.WriteTo(writer); writer.WriteEndElement(); extendedData = sb.ToString(); } if (exception != null) { serializedException = DiagnosticTrace.ExceptionToTraceString(exception); } if (getServiceReference && (DiagnosticTrace.traceAnnotation != null)) { return new TracePayload(serializedException, eventSource, DiagnosticTrace.appDomainFriendlyName, extendedData, DiagnosticTrace.traceAnnotation()); } return new TracePayload(serializedException, eventSource, DiagnosticTrace.appDomainFriendlyName, extendedData, string.Empty); } [Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Usage of EventDescriptor, which is protected by a LinkDemand", Safe = "Only queries the status of the provider - does not modify the state")] [SecuritySafeCritical] public bool IsEtwEventEnabled(ref EventDescriptor eventDescriptor) { return (this.EtwTracingEnabled && this.etwProvider.IsEnabled(eventDescriptor.Level, eventDescriptor.Keywords)); } //only used for exceptions, perf is not important public static string XmlEncode(string text) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) { return text; } int len = text.Length; StringBuilder encodedText = new StringBuilder(len + 8); //perf optimization, expecting no more than 2 > characters for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { char ch = text[i]; switch (ch) { case '<': encodedText.Append("<"); break; case '>': encodedText.Append(">"); break; case '&': encodedText.Append("&"); break; default: encodedText.Append(ch); break; } } return encodedText.ToString(); } [Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Access the critical Listeners property", Safe = "Only Removes the default listener of the local source")] [SecuritySafeCritical] [SuppressMessage(FxCop.Category.Security, FxCop.Rule.DoNotIndirectlyExposeMethodsWithLinkDemands, Justification = "SecuritySafeCriticial method")] void CreateTraceSource() { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.TraceSourceName)) { this.traceSource = new DiagnosticTraceSource(this.TraceSourceName); if (this.traceSource != null) { this.traceSource.Listeners.Remove(DiagnosticTrace.DefaultTraceListenerName); this.haveListeners = this.traceSource.Listeners.Count > 0; this.level = this.traceSource.Switch.Level; } } } [Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Sets global event handlers for the AppDomain", Safe = "Doesn't leak resources\\Information")] [SecuritySafeCritical] [Obsolete("For SMDiagnostics.dll use only")] void AddDomainEventHandlersForCleanup() { AppDomain currentDomain = AppDomain.CurrentDomain; if (this.TracingEnabled) { currentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(UnhandledExceptionHandler); currentDomain.DomainUnload += new EventHandler(ExitOrUnloadEventHandler); currentDomain.ProcessExit += new EventHandler(ExitOrUnloadEventHandler); } } [Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Usage of EventDescriptor, which is protected by a LinkDemand", Safe = "Doesn't leak resources or information")] [SecuritySafeCritical] void CreateEtwProvider(Guid etwProviderId) { if (etwProviderId != Guid.Empty && DiagnosticTrace.isVistaOrGreater) { //Pick EtwProvider from cache, add to cache if not found this.etwProvider = (EtwProvider)etwProviderCache[etwProviderId]; if (this.etwProvider == null) { lock (etwProviderCache) { this.etwProvider = (EtwProvider)etwProviderCache[etwProviderId]; if (this.etwProvider == null) { this.etwProvider = new EtwProvider(etwProviderId); etwProviderCache.Add(etwProviderId, this.etwProvider); } } } this.etwProviderId = etwProviderId; } } void ExitOrUnloadEventHandler(object sender, EventArgs e) { ShutdownTracing(); } void UnhandledExceptionHandler(object sender, UnhandledExceptionEventArgs args) { Exception e = (Exception)args.ExceptionObject; TraceCore.UnhandledException(this, e); ShutdownTracing(); } static string CreateSourceString(object source) { return source.GetType().ToString() + "/" + source.GetHashCode().ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); } [Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Usage of EventDescriptor, which is protected by a LinkDemand")] [SecurityCritical] static EventDescriptor GetEventDescriptor(int eventId, TraceChannel channel, TraceEventLevel traceEventLevel) { unchecked { //map channel to keywords long keyword = (long)0x0; if (channel == TraceChannel.Admin) { keyword = keyword | (long)0x8000000000000000; } else if (channel == TraceChannel.Operational) { keyword = keyword | 0x4000000000000000; } else if (channel == TraceChannel.Analytic) { keyword = keyword | 0x2000000000000000; } else if (channel == TraceChannel.Debug) { keyword = keyword | 0x100000000000000; } else if (channel == TraceChannel.Perf) { keyword = keyword | 0x0800000000000000; } return new EventDescriptor(eventId, 0x0, (byte)channel, (byte)traceEventLevel, 0x0, 0x0, (long)keyword); } } static string ExceptionToTraceString(Exception exception) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); XmlTextWriter xml = new XmlTextWriter(new StringWriter(sb, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)); xml.WriteStartElement(DiagnosticStrings.ExceptionTag); xml.WriteElementString(DiagnosticStrings.ExceptionTypeTag, DiagnosticTrace.XmlEncode(exception.GetType().AssemblyQualifiedName)); xml.WriteElementString(DiagnosticStrings.MessageTag, DiagnosticTrace.XmlEncode(exception.Message)); xml.WriteElementString(DiagnosticStrings.StackTraceTag, DiagnosticTrace.XmlEncode(StackTraceString(exception))); xml.WriteElementString(DiagnosticStrings.ExceptionStringTag, DiagnosticTrace.XmlEncode(exception.ToString())); System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception win32Exception = exception as System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception; if (win32Exception != null) { xml.WriteElementString(DiagnosticStrings.NativeErrorCodeTag, win32Exception.NativeErrorCode.ToString("X", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } if (exception.Data != null && exception.Data.Count > 0) { xml.WriteStartElement(DiagnosticStrings.DataItemsTag); foreach (object dataItem in exception.Data.Keys) { xml.WriteStartElement(DiagnosticStrings.DataTag); xml.WriteElementString(DiagnosticStrings.KeyTag, DiagnosticTrace.XmlEncode(dataItem.ToString())); xml.WriteElementString(DiagnosticStrings.ValueTag, DiagnosticTrace.XmlEncode(exception.Data[dataItem].ToString())); xml.WriteEndElement(); } xml.WriteEndElement(); } if (exception.InnerException != null) { xml.WriteStartElement(DiagnosticStrings.InnerExceptionTag); xml.WriteRaw(ExceptionToTraceString(exception.InnerException)); xml.WriteEndElement(); } xml.WriteEndElement(); return sb.ToString(); } static string StackTraceString(Exception exception) { string retval = exception.StackTrace; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(retval)) { // This means that the exception hasn't been thrown yet. We need to manufacture the stack then. StackTrace stackTrace = new StackTrace(false); // Figure out how many frames should be throw away System.Diagnostics.StackFrame[] stackFrames = stackTrace.GetFrames(); int frameCount = 0; bool breakLoop = false; foreach (StackFrame frame in stackFrames) { string methodName = frame.GetMethod().Name; switch (methodName) { case "StackTraceString": case "AddExceptionToTraceString": case "GetAdditionalPayload": ++frameCount; break; default: if (methodName.StartsWith("ThrowHelper", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { ++frameCount; } else { breakLoop = true; } break; } if (breakLoop) { break; } } stackTrace = new StackTrace(frameCount, false); retval = stackTrace.ToString(); } return retval; } //CSDMain:109153, Duplicate code from System.ServiceModel.Diagnostics [Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Calls unsafe methods, UnsafeCreateEventLogger and UnsafeLogEvent.", Safe = "Event identities cannot be spoofed as they are constants determined inside the method, Demands the same permission that is asserted by the unsafe method.")] [SecuritySafeCritical] [SuppressMessage(FxCop.Category.Security, FxCop.Rule.SecureAsserts, Justification = "Should not demand permission that is asserted by the EtwProvider ctor.")] void LogTraceFailure(string traceString, Exception exception) { const int FailureBlackoutDuration = 10; TimeSpan FailureBlackout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(FailureBlackoutDuration); try { lock (this.thisLock) { if (DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(this.LastFailure) >= FailureBlackout) { this.LastFailure = DateTime.UtcNow; #pragma warning disable 618 EventLogger logger = EventLogger.UnsafeCreateEventLogger(this.eventSourceName, this); #pragma warning restore 618 if (exception == null) { logger.UnsafeLogEvent(TraceEventType.Error, TracingEventLogCategory, (uint)EventLogEventId.FailedToTraceEvent, false, traceString); } else { logger.UnsafeLogEvent(TraceEventType.Error, TracingEventLogCategory, (uint)EventLogEventId.FailedToTraceEventWithException, false, traceString, exception.ToString()); } } } } catch (Exception eventLoggerException) { if (Fx.IsFatal(eventLoggerException)) { throw; } } } void ShutdownTracing() { if (!this.calledShutdown) { this.calledShutdown = true; ShutdownTraceSource(); ShutdownEtwProvider(); } } void ShutdownTraceSource() { try { if (TraceCore.AppDomainUnloadIsEnabled(this)) { TraceCore.AppDomainUnload(this, AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName, DiagnosticTrace.ProcessName, DiagnosticTrace.ProcessId.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)); } this.TraceSource.Flush(); } catch (Exception exception) { if (Fx.IsFatal(exception)) { throw; } //log failure LogTraceFailure(null, exception); } } [Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Access critical etwProvider field", Safe = "Doesn't leak info\\resources")] [SecuritySafeCritical] void ShutdownEtwProvider() { try { if (this.etwProvider != null) { this.etwProvider.Dispose(); //no need to set this.etwProvider as null as Dispose() provides the necessary guard //leaving it non-null protects trace calls from NullReferenceEx, CSDMain Bug 136228 } } catch (Exception exception) { if (Fx.IsFatal(exception)) { throw; } //log failure LogTraceFailure(null, exception); } } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
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