CredentialSelector.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ WCF / WCF / 3.5.30729.1 / untmp / Orcas / SP / ndp / cdf / src / WCF / infocard / Service / managed / Microsoft / InfoCards / CredentialSelector.cs / 1 / CredentialSelector.cs

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
namespace Microsoft.InfoCards
    using System;
    using System.IO; 
    using System.Text; 
    using System.Xml;
    using System.Xml.Serialization; 
    using System.Xml.Schema;
    using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
    using Microsoft.InfoCards.Diagnostics;
    using System.Collections.Generic; 
    using System.Collections;
    using IDT = Microsoft.InfoCards.Diagnostics.InfoCardTrace; 
    // Summary: 
    //  Enumeration of known CredentialSelectors
    internal enum CredentialSelectorType
        InvalidSelector = -1,
        X509CertificateIssuerNameSelector = 0, 
        X509CertificateIssuerSerialNoSelector = 1, 
        X509CertificateKeyHashSelector = 2,
        X509CertificateKeyIdSelector = 3, 
        UserNameSelector = 4,
        SpnSelector = 5,
        SelfIssuedCardIdSelector = 6,
        RsaKeyValueSelector = 7, 
        UserPrincipalNameSelector = 8
    // Summary: 
    //  CredentialSelector class.
    internal class CredentialSelector :IXmlSerializable
        CredentialSelectorType m_type;
        byte[ ] m_data; 
        // Summary: 
        //  CTOR
        public CredentialSelector()
            m_type = CredentialSelectorType.InvalidSelector;
        // Summary: 
        //  Gets/Sets the type of selector
        public CredentialSelectorType Type
            get { return m_type; }
            set { m_type = value; } 

        public bool IsComplete() 
            return ( CredentialSelectorType.InvalidSelector != m_type
                     && m_data != null && m_data.Length > 0 );

        // Summary:
        //  returns the inner buffer as a unicode string. 
        public string GetStringWithoutNullTerminator()
            if( null == m_data ) 
                return null; 
            string value = Encoding.Unicode.GetString( m_data );
            return value.Substring( 0, value.Length - 1 ); 
        // Summary:
        //  returns a copy of the inner buffer. 
        public byte[ ] GetBytes() 
            if( null == m_data )
                return null;
            byte[ ] buffer = new byte[ m_data.Length ];
            Array.Copy( m_data, 0, buffer, 0, m_data.Length ); 
            return buffer;
        // Summary: 
        //  Set the inner buffer to the Unicode bytes of the specified string
        public void SetValue( string data )
            m_data = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes( data + "\0" );
        // Summary: 
        //  Sets the inner buffer to the sepcified data
        public void SetValue( byte[ ] data, int index, int length )
            byte[ ] buffer = new byte[ length ];
            Array.Copy( data, index, buffer, 0, length ); 
            m_data = buffer; 
        // Summary:
        //  Serialized object to stream
        public void Serialize( BinaryWriter writer )
            writer.Write( (Int32)m_type ); 
            Utility.SerializeBytes( writer, m_data );

        // Summary:
        //  Populates members from stream. 
        public void Deserialize( BinaryReader reader ) 
            m_type = (CredentialSelectorType)reader.ReadInt32();
            m_data = reader.ReadBytes( reader.ReadInt32() ); 

        public XmlSchema GetSchema()
            return null;
        // Summary 
        //  Write the CredentialSelector to xml.
        // Parameters
        //   writer - The XmlWriter to write the data to 
        public void WriteXml( XmlWriter writer ) 
            switch( m_type )
                case CredentialSelectorType.UserNameSelector:
                    WriteUserNameSelector( writer );
                case CredentialSelectorType.X509CertificateIssuerNameSelector: 
                    WriteX509CertificateIssuerNameSelector( writer );
                case CredentialSelectorType.X509CertificateIssuerSerialNoSelector: 
                    WriteX509CertificateIssuerSerialNoSelector( writer );
                case CredentialSelectorType.X509CertificateKeyHashSelector:
                    WriteX509CertificateKeyHashSelector( writer );
                case CredentialSelectorType.SelfIssuedCardIdSelector: 
                    WriteSelfIssuedCardIdSelector( writer );
                case CredentialSelectorType.UserPrincipalNameSelector: 
                    WriteUserPrincipalNameSelector( writer );
                    throw IDT.ThrowHelperError( new XmlException( SR.GetString( SR.UnexpectedElement ) ) );


        // Summary 
        //  Read the Credential from the xml. The reader should be on one of the following elements
        // Parameters
        //   reader - The XmlReader to read data from 
        public void ReadXml( XmlReader reader )
            switch( reader.LocalName ) 
                case XmlNames.WSIdentity.UserNameElement: 
                    ReadUserNameSelector( reader ); 
                case XmlNames.XmlDSig.X509IssuerNameElement: 
                    ReadX509IssuerNameSelector( reader );
                case XmlNames.XmlDSig.X509SerialNumberElement:
                    ReadX509IssuerSerialNumberSelector( reader ); 
                case XmlNames.WSSecurityExt.KeyIdentifierElement: 
                    ReadX509KeyIdentifierSelector( reader ); 
                case XmlNames.WSIdentity.PrivatePersonalIdentifierElement: 
                    ReadSelfIssuedSelector( reader );
                case XmlNames.WSIdentity.UserPrincipalNameElement:
                    ReadUserPrincipalNameSelector( reader ); 
                    throw IDT.ThrowHelperError( new XmlException( SR.GetString( SR.UnexpectedElement ) ) ); 

        // Summary:
        //  Write the username selector information. 
        // Arguments:
        //  writer:     The XmlWriter to write the xml information to. 
        private void WriteUserNameSelector( XmlWriter writer )
            writer.WriteStartElement( XmlNames.WSIdentity.UserNameElement, XmlNames.WSIdentity.Namespace ); 
            writer.WriteString( this.GetStringWithoutNullTerminator() );

        // Summary:
        //  Write the userprincipalname selector information.
        // Arguments: 
        //  writer:     The XmlWriter to write the xml information to.
        private void WriteUserPrincipalNameSelector( XmlWriter writer ) 
            writer.WriteStartElement( XmlNames.WSIdentity.UserPrincipalNameElement, XmlNames.WSIdentity.Namespace ); 
            writer.WriteString( this.GetStringWithoutNullTerminator() );
        // Summary:
        //  Write the X509IssuerName selector information. 
        // Arguments:
        //  writer:     The XmlWriter to write the xml information to. 
        private void WriteX509CertificateIssuerNameSelector( XmlWriter writer )
            writer.WriteStartElement( XmlNames.XmlDSig.X509IssuerNameElement, XmlNames.XmlDSig.Namespace ); 
            string value = this.GetStringWithoutNullTerminator();
            if( !String.IsNullOrEmpty( value ) ) 
                writer.WriteString( value );

        // Summary:
        //  Write the X509IssuerSerialNumber selector information. 
        // Arguments:
        //  writer:     The XmlWriter to write the xml information to. 
        private void WriteX509CertificateIssuerSerialNoSelector( XmlWriter writer )
            writer.WriteStartElement( XmlNames.XmlDSig.X509SerialNumberElement, XmlNames.XmlDSig.Namespace ); 
            BigInt bigint = new BigInt( this.GetBytes() );
            writer.WriteString( bigint.ToDecimal() ); 
        // Summary:
        //  Write the X509CertificateKeyHash selector information.
        // Arguments:
        //  writer:     The XmlWriter to write the xml information to. 
        private void WriteX509CertificateKeyHashSelector( XmlWriter writer )
            writer.WriteStartElement( XmlNames.WSSecurityExt.KeyIdentifierElement, XmlNames.WSSecurityExt.Namespace );

            // NOTE: We are still writing the incorrect SHA1 uri in order to maintain compatibility between 
            // v1 and Orcas. However, in v2 we should change this value to the correct URI.
            writer.WriteAttributeString( XmlNames.WSSecurityExt.ValueTypeAttribute, 
                             XmlNames.WSSecurityExt.AltSha1ThumbprintKeyTypeValue ); 
            writer.WriteString( Convert.ToBase64String( this.GetBytes(), Base64FormattingOptions.None ) );

        // Summary: 
        //  Write the SelfIssued selector information.
        // Arguments:
        //  writer:     The XmlWriter to write the xml information to.
        private void WriteSelfIssuedCardIdSelector( XmlWriter writer ) 
            writer.WriteStartElement( XmlNames.WSIdentity.PrivatePersonalIdentifierElement, XmlNames.WSIdentity.Namespace ); 
            string value = this.GetStringWithoutNullTerminator(); 
            if( !String.IsNullOrEmpty( value ) )
                writer.WriteString( value );

        // Summary: 
        //  Read the username selector information.
        // Arguments:
        //  reader:     The XmlReader to read the xml information from.
        private void ReadUserNameSelector( XmlReader reader ) 
            IDT.ThrowInvalidArgumentConditional( XmlNames.WSIdentity.UserNameElement != reader.LocalName 
                                                 || XmlNames.WSIdentity.Namespace != reader.NamespaceURI 
                                                 , reader.LocalName );
            IDT.TraceDebug( "Reading the username information" ); 

            // Read the credential data
            this.Type = CredentialSelectorType.UserNameSelector;
            String value = reader.ReadElementContentAsString().Trim(); 
            if( !String.IsNullOrEmpty( value ) ) 
                this.SetValue( value ); 

        // Summary: 
        //  Read the userprinicpalname selector information. 
        // Arguments: 
        //  reader:     The XmlReader to read the xml information from.
        private void ReadUserPrincipalNameSelector( XmlReader reader )
            IDT.ThrowInvalidArgumentConditional( XmlNames.WSIdentity.UserPrincipalNameElement != reader.LocalName
                                                 || XmlNames.WSIdentity.Namespace != reader.NamespaceURI 
                                                , reader.LocalName ); 
            IDT.TraceDebug( "Reading the Kerberos credential information" );
            // Read the credential data
            this.Type = CredentialSelectorType.UserPrincipalNameSelector; 
        // Summary:
        //  Read the X509IssuerName selector information. 
        // Arguments:
        //  reader:     The XmlReader to read the xml information from.
        private void ReadX509IssuerNameSelector( XmlReader reader )
            // Read the X509IssuerName element
            IDT.ThrowInvalidArgumentConditional( XmlNames.XmlDSig.X509IssuerNameElement != reader.LocalName
                                                 || XmlNames.XmlDSig.Namespace != reader.NamespaceURI
                                                , reader.LocalName );
            IDT.TraceDebug( "Reading the x509 issuer name information" );
            this.Type = CredentialSelectorType.X509CertificateIssuerNameSelector;
            String value = reader.ReadElementContentAsString().Trim();
            if( !String.IsNullOrEmpty( value ) )
                this.SetValue( value ); 

        // Summary: 
        //  Read the X509IssuerSerialNumber selector information.
        // Arguments: 
        //  reader:     The XmlReader to read the xml information from.
        private void ReadX509IssuerSerialNumberSelector( XmlReader reader )
            // Read the X509IssuerSerialNumber element 
            IDT.ThrowInvalidArgumentConditional( XmlNames.XmlDSig.X509SerialNumberElement != reader.LocalName 
                                                 || XmlNames.XmlDSig.Namespace != reader.NamespaceURI 
                                                , reader.LocalName );
            IDT.TraceDebug( "Reading the X509IssuerSerialNumber information" ); 

            this.Type = CredentialSelectorType.X509CertificateIssuerSerialNoSelector;
            BigInt bigint = new BigInt();
            String strval = reader.ReadElementContentAsString().Trim(); 
                if( !String.IsNullOrEmpty( strval ) ) 
                    bigint.FromDecimal( strval ); 
                    byte[ ] value = bigint.ToByteArray();
                    this.SetValue( value, 0, value.Length );
            catch( FormatException )
                throw IDT.ThrowHelperError( new InvalidCardException( SR.GetString( SR.ServiceInvalidSerialNumber ) ) ); 

        // Summary: 
        //  Read the X509KeyIdentifier selector information.
        // Arguments: 
        //  reader:     The XmlReader to read the xml information from.
        private void ReadX509KeyIdentifierSelector( XmlReader reader )
            // Read the X509KeyIdentifier element 
            IDT.ThrowInvalidArgumentConditional( XmlNames.WSSecurityExt.KeyIdentifierElement != reader.LocalName 
                                                 || XmlNames.WSSecurityExt.Namespace != reader.NamespaceURI 
                                                , reader.LocalName );
            IDT.TraceDebug( "Reading the X509KeyIdentifier information" ); 

            this.Type = CredentialSelectorType.X509CertificateKeyHashSelector;

            string hashType = reader.GetAttribute( XmlNames.WSSecurityExt.ValueTypeAttribute ); 
            if( String.IsNullOrEmpty( hashType ) )
                hashType = reader.GetAttribute( XmlNames.WSSecurityExt.ValueTypeAttribute, XmlNames.WSSecurityExt.Namespace ); 
            // For backward compability we will support both versions of the SHA1 uri
            if( XmlNames.WSSecurityExt.Sha1ThumbprintKeyTypeValue != hashType
                && XmlNames.WSSecurityExt.AltSha1ThumbprintKeyTypeValue != hashType  ) 
                throw IDT.ThrowHelperError( new InvalidCardException( SR.GetString( SR.ServiceUnsupportedKeyIdentifierType ) ) ); 
                MemoryStream ms = Utility.ReadByteStreamFromBase64( reader );
                int length = Convert.ToInt32( ms.Length );
                if( length > 0 )
                    SetValue( ms.GetBuffer(), 0, length );
            catch( FormatException )
                throw IDT.ThrowHelperError( new InvalidCardException( SR.GetString( SR.ServiceInvalidThumbPrintValue ) ) );


        // Summary:
        //  Read the SelfIssued credential selector information. 
        // Arguments:
        //  reader:     The XmlReader to read the xml information from.
        private void ReadSelfIssuedSelector( XmlReader reader )
            IDT.ThrowInvalidArgumentConditional( XmlNames.WSIdentity.PrivatePersonalIdentifierElement != reader.LocalName 
                                                || XmlNames.WSIdentity.Namespace != reader.NamespaceURI
                                                , reader.LocalName ); 

            IDT.TraceDebug( "Reading the PPID information" );

            // Read the credential data
            this.Type = CredentialSelectorType.SelfIssuedCardIdSelector; 
            string strval = reader.ReadElementContentAsString().Trim();
            if( !String.IsNullOrEmpty( strval ) ) 
                this.SetValue( strval );


// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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