ClientBuildManager.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ Net / Net / 3.5.50727.3053 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / whidbey / netfxsp / ndp / fx / src / xsp / System / Web / Compilation / ClientBuildManager.cs / 6 / ClientBuildManager.cs

//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.


namespace System.Web.Compilation { 

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Specialized; 
using System.Configuration;
using System.Diagnostics; 
using System.IO; 
using System.Threading;
using System.Reflection; 
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.Remoting;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Globalization; 
using System.CodeDom;
using System.CodeDom.Compiler; 
using System.Web; 
using System.Web.Configuration;
using System.Web.Util; 
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.Hosting;
using System.Xml;
using Debug=System.Web.Util.Debug; 

// Flags that drive the behavior of precompilation 
public enum PrecompilationFlags { 

    Default = 0x00000000,

    // determines whether the deployed app will be updatable 
    Updatable = 0x00000001,
    // determines whether the target directory can be overwritten 
    OverwriteTarget = 0x00000002,
    // determines whether the compiler will emit debug information
    ForceDebug = 0x00000004,

    // determines whether the application is built clean 
    Clean = 0x00000008,
    // determines whether the /define:CodeAnalysis flag needs to be added 
    // as compilation symbol
    CodeAnalysis = 0x00000010, 

    // determines whether to generate APTCA attribute.
    AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers = 0x00000020,
    // determines whether to delaySign the generate assemblies.
    DelaySign = 0x00000040, 
    // determines whether to use fixed assembly names
    FixedNames = 0x00000080, 

[AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)] 
[AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)]
public class ClientBuildManagerParameter { 
    private string _strongNameKeyFile; 
    private string _strongNameKeyContainer;
    private PrecompilationFlags _precompilationFlags = PrecompilationFlags.Default; 

    // Determines the behavior of the precompilation
    public PrecompilationFlags PrecompilationFlags {
        get { return _precompilationFlags; } 
        set { _precompilationFlags = value; }
    public string StrongNameKeyFile {
        get { return _strongNameKeyFile; } 
        set { _strongNameKeyFile = value; }

    public string StrongNameKeyContainer { 
        get { return _strongNameKeyContainer; }
        set { _strongNameKeyContainer = value; } 
// This class provide access to the BuildManager outside of an IIS environment
// Instances of this class are created in the caller's App Domain.
// It creates and configures the new App Domain for handling BuildManager calls
// using System.Web.Hosting.ApplicationHost.CreateApplicationHost() 

[PermissionSet(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Unrestricted = true)] 
[PermissionSet(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Unrestricted = true)]
public sealed class ClientBuildManager : MarshalByRefObject, IDisposable {

    private VirtualPath _virtualPath; 
    private string _physicalPath;
    private string _installPath; 
    private string _appId; 
    private string _codeGenDir;
    private HostingEnvironmentParameters _hostingParameters;

    private WaitCallback _onAppDomainUnloadedCallback;
    private WaitCallback _onAppDomainShutdown; 
    private ApplicationShutdownReason _reason;
    private BuildManagerHost _host; 
    private Exception _hostCreationException;
    private bool _hostCreationPending; 

    public event BuildManagerHostUnloadEventHandler AppDomainUnloaded;

    public event EventHandler AppDomainStarted; 

    public event BuildManagerHostUnloadEventHandler AppDomainShutdown; 
    // internal lock used for host creation. 
    private object _lock = new object();
    // Whether to wait for the call back from the previous host unloading before creating a new one
    private bool _waitForCallBack;

     * Creates an instance of the ClientBuildManager.
     * appPhysicalSourceDir points to the physical root of the application (e.g "c:\myapp") 
     * virtualPath is the virtual path to the app root. It can be anything (e.g. "/dummy"), 
     *      but ideally it should match the path later given to Cassini, in order for
     *      compilation that happens here to be reused there. 

    public ClientBuildManager(string appVirtualDir, string appPhysicalSourceDir) :
        this(appVirtualDir, appPhysicalSourceDir, 
        null /*appPhysicalTargetDir*/, null /*ClientBuildManagerParameter*/) {
     * Creates an instance of the PrecompilationManager. 
     * appPhysicalSourceDir points to the physical root of the application (e.g "c:\myapp")
     * appVirtualDir is the virtual path to the app root. It can be anything (e.g. "/dummy"),
     *      but ideally it should match the path later given to Cassini, in order for
     *      compilation that happens here to be reused there. 
     * appPhysicalTargetDir is the directory where the precompiled site is placed
    public ClientBuildManager(string appVirtualDir, string appPhysicalSourceDir, 
        string appPhysicalTargetDir) : this(appVirtualDir, appPhysicalSourceDir,
            appPhysicalTargetDir, null /*ClientBuildManagerParameter*/) { 

     * Creates an instance of the PrecompilationManager. 
     * appPhysicalSourceDir points to the physical root of the application (e.g "c:\myapp")
     * appVirtualDir is the virtual path to the app root. It can be anything (e.g. "/dummy"), 
     *      but ideally it should match the path later given to Cassini, in order for 
     *      compilation that happens here to be reused there.
     * appPhysicalTargetDir is the directory where the precompiled site is placed 
     * flags determines the behavior of the precompilation
    public ClientBuildManager(string appVirtualDir, string appPhysicalSourceDir,
        string appPhysicalTargetDir, ClientBuildManagerParameter parameter) { 

        if (parameter == null) { 
            parameter = new ClientBuildManagerParameter(); 
        // Always build clean in precompilation for deployment mode,
        // since building incrementally raises all kind of issues (VSWhidbey 382954).
        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(appPhysicalTargetDir)) {
            parameter.PrecompilationFlags |= PrecompilationFlags.Clean; 
        _hostingParameters = new HostingEnvironmentParameters(); 
        _hostingParameters.HostingFlags = HostingEnvironmentFlags.DontCallAppInitialize |
        _hostingParameters.ClientBuildManagerParameter = parameter;
        _hostingParameters.PrecompilationTargetPhysicalDirectory = appPhysicalTargetDir;

        // Make sure the app virtual dir starts with / 
        if (appVirtualDir[0] != '/')
            appVirtualDir = "/" + appVirtualDir; 
        Initialize(VirtualPath.CreateNonRelative(appVirtualDir), appPhysicalSourceDir);

     * returns the codegendir used by runtime appdomain
    public string CodeGenDir {
        get { 
            if (_codeGenDir == null) { 
                _codeGenDir = _host.CodeGenDir; 

            return _codeGenDir;
     * Indicates whether the host is created.

    public bool IsHostCreated {
        get {
            return _host != null; 
     * Create an object in the runtime appdomain 

    public IRegisteredObject CreateObject(Type type, bool failIfExists) {
        if (type == null) { 
            throw new ArgumentNullException("type");
        Debug.Assert(_appId != null); 

        _host.RegisterAssembly(type.Assembly.FullName, type.Assembly.Location);

        ApplicationManager appManager = ApplicationManager.GetApplicationManager(); 
        return appManager.CreateObjectInternal(_appId, type, _host.ApplicationHost, failIfExists);
     * Return the list of directories that would cause appdomain shutdown. 
    public string[] GetAppDomainShutdownDirectories() {
        Debug.Trace("CBM", "GetAppDomainShutdownDirectories");
        return FileChangesMonitor.s_dirsToMonitor;
     * Makes sure that all the top level files are compiled (code, global.asax, ...) 

    public void CompileApplicationDependencies() {
        Debug.Trace("CBM", "CompileApplicationDependencies"); 


    public IDictionary GetBrowserDefinitions() {
        Debug.Trace("CBM", "GetBrowserDefinitions"); 

        return _host.GetBrowserDefinitions();

     * Returns the physical path of the generated file corresponding to the virtual directory.
     * Note the virtualPath needs to use this format: 
     * "/[appname]/App_WebReferences/{[subDir]/}"
    public string GetGeneratedSourceFile(string virtualPath) { 
        Debug.Trace("CBM", "GetGeneratedSourceFile " + virtualPath);
        if (virtualPath == null) {
            throw new ArgumentNullException("virtualPath");
        return _host.GetGeneratedSourceFile(VirtualPath.CreateTrailingSlash(virtualPath)); 
    * Returns the virtual path of the corresponding generated file.
    * Note the filepath needs to be a full path.
    public string GetGeneratedFileVirtualPath(string filePath) {
        Debug.Trace("CBM", "GetGeneratedFileVirtualPath " + filePath); 
        if (filePath == null) {
            throw new ArgumentNullException("filePath"); 

        return _host.GetGeneratedFileVirtualPath(filePath);
     * Returns an array of the virtual paths to all the code directories in the app thru the hosted appdomain

    public string[] GetVirtualCodeDirectories() {
        Debug.Trace("CBM", "GetHostedVirtualCodeDirectories");
        return _host.GetVirtualCodeDirectories(); 
     * Returns an array of the assemblies defined in the bin and assembly reference config section
    public String[] GetTopLevelAssemblyReferences(string virtualPath) {
        Debug.Trace("CBM", "GetHostedVirtualCodeDirectories"); 
        if (virtualPath == null) {
            throw new ArgumentNullException("virtualPath"); 

        return _host.GetTopLevelAssemblyReferences(VirtualPath.Create(virtualPath));
     * Returns the compiler type and parameters that need to be used to build 
     * a given code directory.  Also, returns the directory containing all the code
     * files generated from non-code files in the code directory (e.g. wsdl files)
    public void GetCodeDirectoryInformation(string virtualCodeDir,
        out Type codeDomProviderType, out CompilerParameters compilerParameters, 
        out string generatedFilesDir) { 
        Debug.Trace("CBM", "GetCodeDirectoryInformation " + virtualCodeDir);
        if (virtualCodeDir == null) {
            throw new ArgumentNullException("virtualCodeDir");
            out codeDomProviderType, out compilerParameters, out generatedFilesDir);
        Debug.Trace("CBM", "GetCodeDirectoryInformation " + virtualCodeDir + " end");

     * Returns the compiler type and parameters that need to be used to build
     * a given file. 

    public void GetCompilerParameters(string virtualPath, 
        out Type codeDomProviderType, out CompilerParameters compilerParameters) {
        Debug.Trace("CBM", "GetCompilerParameters " + virtualPath);

        if (virtualPath == null) { 
            throw new ArgumentNullException("virtualPath");
        _host.GetCompilerParams(VirtualPath.Create(virtualPath), out codeDomProviderType, out compilerParameters);

     * Returns the codedom tree and the compiler type/param for a given file.
    public CodeCompileUnit GenerateCodeCompileUnit(
        string virtualPath, out Type codeDomProviderType, 
        out CompilerParameters compilerParameters, out IDictionary linePragmasTable) {
        Debug.Trace("CBM", "GenerateCodeCompileUnit " + virtualPath);

        return GenerateCodeCompileUnit(virtualPath, null, 
            out codeDomProviderType, out compilerParameters, out linePragmasTable);

    public CodeCompileUnit GenerateCodeCompileUnit( 
        string virtualPath, String virtualFileString, out Type codeDomProviderType,
        out CompilerParameters compilerParameters, out IDictionary linePragmasTable) {
        Debug.Trace("CBM", "GenerateCodeCompileUnit " + virtualPath);
        if (virtualPath == null) {
            throw new ArgumentNullException("virtualPath"); 


        return _host.GenerateCodeCompileUnit(VirtualPath.Create(virtualPath), virtualFileString,
            out codeDomProviderType, out compilerParameters, out linePragmasTable);

    public string GenerateCode( 
        string virtualPath, String virtualFileString, out IDictionary linePragmasTable) { 
        Debug.Trace("CBM", "GenerateCode " + virtualPath);
        if (virtualPath == null) {
            throw new ArgumentNullException("virtualPath");
        return _host.GenerateCode(VirtualPath.Create(virtualPath), virtualFileString, out linePragmasTable); 
     * Returns the compiled type for an input file
    public Type GetCompiledType(string virtualPath) {
        Debug.Trace("CBM", "GetCompiledType " + virtualPath); 
        if (virtualPath == null) {
            throw new ArgumentNullException("virtualPath"); 

        string[] typeAndAsemblyName = _host.GetCompiledTypeAndAssemblyName(VirtualPath.Create(virtualPath), null);
        if (typeAndAsemblyName == null) 
            return null; 

        Assembly a = Assembly.LoadFrom(typeAndAsemblyName[1]); 
        Type t = a.GetType(typeAndAsemblyName[0]);
        return t;
     * Compile a file 
    public void CompileFile(string virtualPath) {
        CompileFile(virtualPath, null); 

    public void CompileFile(string virtualPath, ClientBuildManagerCallback callback) {
        Debug.Trace("CBM", "CompileFile " + virtualPath); 

        if (virtualPath == null) { 
            throw new ArgumentNullException("virtualPath"); 
        try {
            _host.GetCompiledTypeAndAssemblyName(VirtualPath.Create(virtualPath), callback);
        finally {
            // DevDiv 180798. We are returning null in ClientBuildManagerCallback.InitializeLifetimeService, 
            // so we need to manually disconnect the instance so that it will be released. 
            if (callback != null) {
     * Indicates whether an assembly is a code assembly. 
    public bool IsCodeAssembly(string assemblyName) {
        Debug.Trace("CBM", "IsCodeAssembly " + assemblyName); 

        if (assemblyName == null) {
            throw new ArgumentNullException("assemblyName");

        bool result = _host.IsCodeAssembly(assemblyName); 

        Debug.Trace("CBM", "IsCodeAssembly " + result.ToString());
        return result;

    public bool Unload() { 
        Debug.Trace("CBM", "Unload");
        BuildManagerHost host = _host;
        if (host != null) {
            _host = null;
            return host.UnloadAppDomain(); 
        return false; 
     * Precompile an application
    public void PrecompileApplication() { 
     * Precompile an application with callback support 
    public void PrecompileApplication(ClientBuildManagerCallback callback) {
        PrecompileApplication(callback, false);

    public void PrecompileApplication(ClientBuildManagerCallback callback, bool forceCleanBuild) { 
        Debug.Trace("CBM", "PrecompileApplication"); 

        PrecompilationFlags savedFlags = _hostingParameters.ClientBuildManagerParameter.PrecompilationFlags; 

        if (forceCleanBuild) {

            // If there was a previous host, it will be unloaded by CBM and we will wait for the callback. 
            // If there was no previous host, we don't do any waiting.
            // DevDiv 46290 
            _waitForCallBack = _host != null; 

            Debug.Trace("CBM", "Started Unload"); 
            // Unload the existing appdomain so the new one will be created with the clean flag

            _hostingParameters.ClientBuildManagerParameter.PrecompilationFlags = 
                savedFlags | PrecompilationFlags.Clean;
        try {
        finally {
            if (forceCleanBuild) { 
                // Revert precompilationFlags 
                _hostingParameters.ClientBuildManagerParameter.PrecompilationFlags = savedFlags;
            // DevDiv 180798. We are returning null in ClientBuildManagerCallback.InitializeLifetimeService,
            // so we need to manually disconnect the instance so that it will be released.
            if (callback != null) {

    // _waitForCallBack is set to false in OnAppDomainUnloaded. 
    // This method waits until it is set to false before continuing, so that
    // we do not run into a concurrency issue where _host could be set to null.
    // DevDiv 46290
    private void WaitForCallBack() { 
        Debug.Trace("CBM", "WaitForCallBack");
        int waited = 0; 
        while (_waitForCallBack && waited <= 50) { 
        if (_waitForCallBack) {
            Debug.Trace("CBM", "timeout while waiting for callback");
        else {
            Debug.Trace("CBM", "callback received before timeout"); 
    public override Object InitializeLifetimeService() {
        return null; // never expire lease
    internal void Initialize(VirtualPath virtualPath, string physicalPath) {
        Debug.Trace("CBM", "Initialize"); 
        _virtualPath = virtualPath;
        _physicalPath = FileUtil.FixUpPhysicalDirectory(physicalPath);

        _onAppDomainUnloadedCallback = new WaitCallback(OnAppDomainUnloadedCallback);
        _onAppDomainShutdown = new WaitCallback(OnAppDomainShutdownCallback); 

        _installPath = RuntimeEnvironment.GetRuntimeDirectory(); 
        // Do not create host during intialization. It will be done on demand.

    private void EnsureHostCreated() {
        if (_host == null) {
            lock (_lock) { 
                // Create the host if necessary 
                if (_host == null) {
                    Debug.Trace("CBM", "EnsureHostCreated: after CreateHost()");

        // If an exception happened during host creation, rethrow it 
        if (_hostCreationException != null) { 
            Debug.Trace("CBM", "EnsureHostCreated: failed. " + _hostCreationException);
            // We need to wrap it in a new exception, otherwise we lose the original stack.
            throw new HttpException(_hostCreationException.Message,
    private void CreateHost() { 
        Debug.Trace("CBM", "CreateHost");
        Debug.Assert(_host == null); 

        Debug.Assert(!_hostCreationPending, "CreateHost: creation already pending");

        _hostCreationPending = true; 

        // Use a local to avoid having a partially created _host 
        BuildManagerHost host = null; 

        try { 
            string appId;

            ApplicationManager appManager = ApplicationManager.GetApplicationManager();
            host = (BuildManagerHost) appManager.CreateObjectWithDefaultAppHostAndAppId(
                _physicalPath, _virtualPath, 
                typeof(BuildManagerHost), false /*failIfExists*/, 
                _hostingParameters, out appId);
            // host appdomain cannot be unloaded during creation.


            _host = host; 
            _appId = appId; 

            _hostCreationException = _host.InitializationException; 
        catch (Exception e) {
            // If an exception happens, keep track of it
            _hostCreationException = e; 

            // Even though the host initialization failed, keep track of it so subsequent 
            // request will see the error 
            _host = host;
        finally {
            _hostCreationPending = false;

            if (host != null) { 
                // Notify the client that the host is ready
                if (AppDomainStarted != null) { 
                    AppDomainStarted(this, EventArgs.Empty); 
                // The host can be unloaded safely now.

        Debug.Trace("CBM", "CreateHost LEAVE"); 

    // Called by BuildManagerHost when the ASP appdomain is unloaded 
    internal void OnAppDomainUnloaded(ApplicationShutdownReason reason) {
        Debug.Trace("CBM", "OnAppDomainUnloaded " + reason.ToString());

        // Don't try to use this host anymore 
        _host = null;
        _hostCreationException = null; 
        _reason = reason; 

        _waitForCallBack = false; 

        // Don't do anything that can be slow here.  Instead queue in a worker thread

    private void OnAppDomainUnloadedCallback(Object unused) { 
        Debug.Trace("CBM", "OnAppDomainUnloadedCallback"); 

        // Notify the client that the appdomain is unloaded 
        if (AppDomainUnloaded != null) {
            AppDomainUnloaded(this, new BuildManagerHostUnloadEventArgs(_reason));

    private void OnAppDomainShutdownCallback(Object o) { 
        if (AppDomainShutdown != null) { 
            AppDomainShutdown(this, new BuildManagerHostUnloadEventArgs((ApplicationShutdownReason)o));

    internal void OnAppDomainShutdown(ApplicationShutdownReason reason) {
        // Don't do anything that can be slow here. Instead queue in a worker thread 
        ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(_onAppDomainShutdown, reason);
    #region IDisposable
    //Dispose the runtime appdomain properly when CBM is disposed 
    void IDisposable.Dispose() {
[PermissionSet(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Unrestricted = true)]
[PermissionSet(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Unrestricted = true)] 
public class BuildManagerHostUnloadEventArgs : EventArgs {
    ApplicationShutdownReason _reason;

    public BuildManagerHostUnloadEventArgs(ApplicationShutdownReason reason) { 
        _reason = reason;
    // Get the reason for the hosted appdomain shutdown
    public ApplicationShutdownReason Reason { get { return _reason; } }

public delegate void BuildManagerHostUnloadEventHandler(object sender, BuildManagerHostUnloadEventArgs e);
 * Type of the entries in the table returned by GenerateCodeCompileUnit

[AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)]
public sealed class LinePragmaCodeInfo { 

    public LinePragmaCodeInfo() { 

    public LinePragmaCodeInfo(int startLine, int startColumn, int startGeneratedColumn, int codeLength, bool isCodeNugget) { 
        this._startLine = startLine;
        this._startColumn = startColumn;
        this._startGeneratedColumn = startGeneratedColumn;
        this._codeLength = codeLength; 
        this._isCodeNugget = isCodeNugget;
    // Starting line in ASPX file
    internal int _startLine; 

    public int StartLine { get { return _startLine; } }

    // Starting column in the ASPX file 
    internal int _startColumn;
    public int StartColumn { get { return _startColumn; } } 

    // Starting column in the generated source file (assuming no indentations are used) 
    internal int _startGeneratedColumn;

    public int StartGeneratedColumn { get { return _startGeneratedColumn; } }
    // Length of the code snippet
    internal int _codeLength; 
    public int CodeLength { get { return _codeLength; } }
    // Whether the script block is a nugget.
    internal bool _isCodeNugget;

    public bool IsCodeNugget { get { return _isCodeNugget; } } 


// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.


namespace System.Web.Compilation { 

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Specialized; 
using System.Configuration;
using System.Diagnostics; 
using System.IO; 
using System.Threading;
using System.Reflection; 
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.Remoting;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Globalization; 
using System.CodeDom;
using System.CodeDom.Compiler; 
using System.Web; 
using System.Web.Configuration;
using System.Web.Util; 
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.Hosting;
using System.Xml;
using Debug=System.Web.Util.Debug; 

// Flags that drive the behavior of precompilation 
public enum PrecompilationFlags { 

    Default = 0x00000000,

    // determines whether the deployed app will be updatable 
    Updatable = 0x00000001,
    // determines whether the target directory can be overwritten 
    OverwriteTarget = 0x00000002,
    // determines whether the compiler will emit debug information
    ForceDebug = 0x00000004,

    // determines whether the application is built clean 
    Clean = 0x00000008,
    // determines whether the /define:CodeAnalysis flag needs to be added 
    // as compilation symbol
    CodeAnalysis = 0x00000010, 

    // determines whether to generate APTCA attribute.
    AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers = 0x00000020,
    // determines whether to delaySign the generate assemblies.
    DelaySign = 0x00000040, 
    // determines whether to use fixed assembly names
    FixedNames = 0x00000080, 

[AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)] 
[AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)]
public class ClientBuildManagerParameter { 
    private string _strongNameKeyFile; 
    private string _strongNameKeyContainer;
    private PrecompilationFlags _precompilationFlags = PrecompilationFlags.Default; 

    // Determines the behavior of the precompilation
    public PrecompilationFlags PrecompilationFlags {
        get { return _precompilationFlags; } 
        set { _precompilationFlags = value; }
    public string StrongNameKeyFile {
        get { return _strongNameKeyFile; } 
        set { _strongNameKeyFile = value; }

    public string StrongNameKeyContainer { 
        get { return _strongNameKeyContainer; }
        set { _strongNameKeyContainer = value; } 
// This class provide access to the BuildManager outside of an IIS environment
// Instances of this class are created in the caller's App Domain.
// It creates and configures the new App Domain for handling BuildManager calls
// using System.Web.Hosting.ApplicationHost.CreateApplicationHost() 

[PermissionSet(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Unrestricted = true)] 
[PermissionSet(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Unrestricted = true)]
public sealed class ClientBuildManager : MarshalByRefObject, IDisposable {

    private VirtualPath _virtualPath; 
    private string _physicalPath;
    private string _installPath; 
    private string _appId; 
    private string _codeGenDir;
    private HostingEnvironmentParameters _hostingParameters;

    private WaitCallback _onAppDomainUnloadedCallback;
    private WaitCallback _onAppDomainShutdown; 
    private ApplicationShutdownReason _reason;
    private BuildManagerHost _host; 
    private Exception _hostCreationException;
    private bool _hostCreationPending; 

    public event BuildManagerHostUnloadEventHandler AppDomainUnloaded;

    public event EventHandler AppDomainStarted; 

    public event BuildManagerHostUnloadEventHandler AppDomainShutdown; 
    // internal lock used for host creation. 
    private object _lock = new object();
    // Whether to wait for the call back from the previous host unloading before creating a new one
    private bool _waitForCallBack;

     * Creates an instance of the ClientBuildManager.
     * appPhysicalSourceDir points to the physical root of the application (e.g "c:\myapp") 
     * virtualPath is the virtual path to the app root. It can be anything (e.g. "/dummy"), 
     *      but ideally it should match the path later given to Cassini, in order for
     *      compilation that happens here to be reused there. 

    public ClientBuildManager(string appVirtualDir, string appPhysicalSourceDir) :
        this(appVirtualDir, appPhysicalSourceDir, 
        null /*appPhysicalTargetDir*/, null /*ClientBuildManagerParameter*/) {
     * Creates an instance of the PrecompilationManager. 
     * appPhysicalSourceDir points to the physical root of the application (e.g "c:\myapp")
     * appVirtualDir is the virtual path to the app root. It can be anything (e.g. "/dummy"),
     *      but ideally it should match the path later given to Cassini, in order for
     *      compilation that happens here to be reused there. 
     * appPhysicalTargetDir is the directory where the precompiled site is placed
    public ClientBuildManager(string appVirtualDir, string appPhysicalSourceDir, 
        string appPhysicalTargetDir) : this(appVirtualDir, appPhysicalSourceDir,
            appPhysicalTargetDir, null /*ClientBuildManagerParameter*/) { 

     * Creates an instance of the PrecompilationManager. 
     * appPhysicalSourceDir points to the physical root of the application (e.g "c:\myapp")
     * appVirtualDir is the virtual path to the app root. It can be anything (e.g. "/dummy"), 
     *      but ideally it should match the path later given to Cassini, in order for 
     *      compilation that happens here to be reused there.
     * appPhysicalTargetDir is the directory where the precompiled site is placed 
     * flags determines the behavior of the precompilation
    public ClientBuildManager(string appVirtualDir, string appPhysicalSourceDir,
        string appPhysicalTargetDir, ClientBuildManagerParameter parameter) { 

        if (parameter == null) { 
            parameter = new ClientBuildManagerParameter(); 
        // Always build clean in precompilation for deployment mode,
        // since building incrementally raises all kind of issues (VSWhidbey 382954).
        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(appPhysicalTargetDir)) {
            parameter.PrecompilationFlags |= PrecompilationFlags.Clean; 
        _hostingParameters = new HostingEnvironmentParameters(); 
        _hostingParameters.HostingFlags = HostingEnvironmentFlags.DontCallAppInitialize |
        _hostingParameters.ClientBuildManagerParameter = parameter;
        _hostingParameters.PrecompilationTargetPhysicalDirectory = appPhysicalTargetDir;

        // Make sure the app virtual dir starts with / 
        if (appVirtualDir[0] != '/')
            appVirtualDir = "/" + appVirtualDir; 
        Initialize(VirtualPath.CreateNonRelative(appVirtualDir), appPhysicalSourceDir);

     * returns the codegendir used by runtime appdomain
    public string CodeGenDir {
        get { 
            if (_codeGenDir == null) { 
                _codeGenDir = _host.CodeGenDir; 

            return _codeGenDir;
     * Indicates whether the host is created.

    public bool IsHostCreated {
        get {
            return _host != null; 
     * Create an object in the runtime appdomain 

    public IRegisteredObject CreateObject(Type type, bool failIfExists) {
        if (type == null) { 
            throw new ArgumentNullException("type");
        Debug.Assert(_appId != null); 

        _host.RegisterAssembly(type.Assembly.FullName, type.Assembly.Location);

        ApplicationManager appManager = ApplicationManager.GetApplicationManager(); 
        return appManager.CreateObjectInternal(_appId, type, _host.ApplicationHost, failIfExists);
     * Return the list of directories that would cause appdomain shutdown. 
    public string[] GetAppDomainShutdownDirectories() {
        Debug.Trace("CBM", "GetAppDomainShutdownDirectories");
        return FileChangesMonitor.s_dirsToMonitor;
     * Makes sure that all the top level files are compiled (code, global.asax, ...) 

    public void CompileApplicationDependencies() {
        Debug.Trace("CBM", "CompileApplicationDependencies"); 


    public IDictionary GetBrowserDefinitions() {
        Debug.Trace("CBM", "GetBrowserDefinitions"); 

        return _host.GetBrowserDefinitions();

     * Returns the physical path of the generated file corresponding to the virtual directory.
     * Note the virtualPath needs to use this format: 
     * "/[appname]/App_WebReferences/{[subDir]/}"
    public string GetGeneratedSourceFile(string virtualPath) { 
        Debug.Trace("CBM", "GetGeneratedSourceFile " + virtualPath);
        if (virtualPath == null) {
            throw new ArgumentNullException("virtualPath");
        return _host.GetGeneratedSourceFile(VirtualPath.CreateTrailingSlash(virtualPath)); 
    * Returns the virtual path of the corresponding generated file.
    * Note the filepath needs to be a full path.
    public string GetGeneratedFileVirtualPath(string filePath) {
        Debug.Trace("CBM", "GetGeneratedFileVirtualPath " + filePath); 
        if (filePath == null) {
            throw new ArgumentNullException("filePath"); 

        return _host.GetGeneratedFileVirtualPath(filePath);
     * Returns an array of the virtual paths to all the code directories in the app thru the hosted appdomain

    public string[] GetVirtualCodeDirectories() {
        Debug.Trace("CBM", "GetHostedVirtualCodeDirectories");
        return _host.GetVirtualCodeDirectories(); 
     * Returns an array of the assemblies defined in the bin and assembly reference config section
    public String[] GetTopLevelAssemblyReferences(string virtualPath) {
        Debug.Trace("CBM", "GetHostedVirtualCodeDirectories"); 
        if (virtualPath == null) {
            throw new ArgumentNullException("virtualPath"); 

        return _host.GetTopLevelAssemblyReferences(VirtualPath.Create(virtualPath));
     * Returns the compiler type and parameters that need to be used to build 
     * a given code directory.  Also, returns the directory containing all the code
     * files generated from non-code files in the code directory (e.g. wsdl files)
    public void GetCodeDirectoryInformation(string virtualCodeDir,
        out Type codeDomProviderType, out CompilerParameters compilerParameters, 
        out string generatedFilesDir) { 
        Debug.Trace("CBM", "GetCodeDirectoryInformation " + virtualCodeDir);
        if (virtualCodeDir == null) {
            throw new ArgumentNullException("virtualCodeDir");
            out codeDomProviderType, out compilerParameters, out generatedFilesDir);
        Debug.Trace("CBM", "GetCodeDirectoryInformation " + virtualCodeDir + " end");

     * Returns the compiler type and parameters that need to be used to build
     * a given file. 

    public void GetCompilerParameters(string virtualPath, 
        out Type codeDomProviderType, out CompilerParameters compilerParameters) {
        Debug.Trace("CBM", "GetCompilerParameters " + virtualPath);

        if (virtualPath == null) { 
            throw new ArgumentNullException("virtualPath");
        _host.GetCompilerParams(VirtualPath.Create(virtualPath), out codeDomProviderType, out compilerParameters);

     * Returns the codedom tree and the compiler type/param for a given file.
    public CodeCompileUnit GenerateCodeCompileUnit(
        string virtualPath, out Type codeDomProviderType, 
        out CompilerParameters compilerParameters, out IDictionary linePragmasTable) {
        Debug.Trace("CBM", "GenerateCodeCompileUnit " + virtualPath);

        return GenerateCodeCompileUnit(virtualPath, null, 
            out codeDomProviderType, out compilerParameters, out linePragmasTable);

    public CodeCompileUnit GenerateCodeCompileUnit( 
        string virtualPath, String virtualFileString, out Type codeDomProviderType,
        out CompilerParameters compilerParameters, out IDictionary linePragmasTable) {
        Debug.Trace("CBM", "GenerateCodeCompileUnit " + virtualPath);
        if (virtualPath == null) {
            throw new ArgumentNullException("virtualPath"); 


        return _host.GenerateCodeCompileUnit(VirtualPath.Create(virtualPath), virtualFileString,
            out codeDomProviderType, out compilerParameters, out linePragmasTable);

    public string GenerateCode( 
        string virtualPath, String virtualFileString, out IDictionary linePragmasTable) { 
        Debug.Trace("CBM", "GenerateCode " + virtualPath);
        if (virtualPath == null) {
            throw new ArgumentNullException("virtualPath");
        return _host.GenerateCode(VirtualPath.Create(virtualPath), virtualFileString, out linePragmasTable); 
     * Returns the compiled type for an input file
    public Type GetCompiledType(string virtualPath) {
        Debug.Trace("CBM", "GetCompiledType " + virtualPath); 
        if (virtualPath == null) {
            throw new ArgumentNullException("virtualPath"); 

        string[] typeAndAsemblyName = _host.GetCompiledTypeAndAssemblyName(VirtualPath.Create(virtualPath), null);
        if (typeAndAsemblyName == null) 
            return null; 

        Assembly a = Assembly.LoadFrom(typeAndAsemblyName[1]); 
        Type t = a.GetType(typeAndAsemblyName[0]);
        return t;
     * Compile a file 
    public void CompileFile(string virtualPath) {
        CompileFile(virtualPath, null); 

    public void CompileFile(string virtualPath, ClientBuildManagerCallback callback) {
        Debug.Trace("CBM", "CompileFile " + virtualPath); 

        if (virtualPath == null) { 
            throw new ArgumentNullException("virtualPath"); 
        try {
            _host.GetCompiledTypeAndAssemblyName(VirtualPath.Create(virtualPath), callback);
        finally {
            // DevDiv 180798. We are returning null in ClientBuildManagerCallback.InitializeLifetimeService, 
            // so we need to manually disconnect the instance so that it will be released. 
            if (callback != null) {
     * Indicates whether an assembly is a code assembly. 
    public bool IsCodeAssembly(string assemblyName) {
        Debug.Trace("CBM", "IsCodeAssembly " + assemblyName); 

        if (assemblyName == null) {
            throw new ArgumentNullException("assemblyName");

        bool result = _host.IsCodeAssembly(assemblyName); 

        Debug.Trace("CBM", "IsCodeAssembly " + result.ToString());
        return result;

    public bool Unload() { 
        Debug.Trace("CBM", "Unload");
        BuildManagerHost host = _host;
        if (host != null) {
            _host = null;
            return host.UnloadAppDomain(); 
        return false; 
     * Precompile an application
    public void PrecompileApplication() { 
     * Precompile an application with callback support 
    public void PrecompileApplication(ClientBuildManagerCallback callback) {
        PrecompileApplication(callback, false);

    public void PrecompileApplication(ClientBuildManagerCallback callback, bool forceCleanBuild) { 
        Debug.Trace("CBM", "PrecompileApplication"); 

        PrecompilationFlags savedFlags = _hostingParameters.ClientBuildManagerParameter.PrecompilationFlags; 

        if (forceCleanBuild) {

            // If there was a previous host, it will be unloaded by CBM and we will wait for the callback. 
            // If there was no previous host, we don't do any waiting.
            // DevDiv 46290 
            _waitForCallBack = _host != null; 

            Debug.Trace("CBM", "Started Unload"); 
            // Unload the existing appdomain so the new one will be created with the clean flag

            _hostingParameters.ClientBuildManagerParameter.PrecompilationFlags = 
                savedFlags | PrecompilationFlags.Clean;
        try {
        finally {
            if (forceCleanBuild) { 
                // Revert precompilationFlags 
                _hostingParameters.ClientBuildManagerParameter.PrecompilationFlags = savedFlags;
            // DevDiv 180798. We are returning null in ClientBuildManagerCallback.InitializeLifetimeService,
            // so we need to manually disconnect the instance so that it will be released.
            if (callback != null) {

    // _waitForCallBack is set to false in OnAppDomainUnloaded. 
    // This method waits until it is set to false before continuing, so that
    // we do not run into a concurrency issue where _host could be set to null.
    // DevDiv 46290
    private void WaitForCallBack() { 
        Debug.Trace("CBM", "WaitForCallBack");
        int waited = 0; 
        while (_waitForCallBack && waited <= 50) { 
        if (_waitForCallBack) {
            Debug.Trace("CBM", "timeout while waiting for callback");
        else {
            Debug.Trace("CBM", "callback received before timeout"); 
    public override Object InitializeLifetimeService() {
        return null; // never expire lease
    internal void Initialize(VirtualPath virtualPath, string physicalPath) {
        Debug.Trace("CBM", "Initialize"); 
        _virtualPath = virtualPath;
        _physicalPath = FileUtil.FixUpPhysicalDirectory(physicalPath);

        _onAppDomainUnloadedCallback = new WaitCallback(OnAppDomainUnloadedCallback);
        _onAppDomainShutdown = new WaitCallback(OnAppDomainShutdownCallback); 

        _installPath = RuntimeEnvironment.GetRuntimeDirectory(); 
        // Do not create host during intialization. It will be done on demand.

    private void EnsureHostCreated() {
        if (_host == null) {
            lock (_lock) { 
                // Create the host if necessary 
                if (_host == null) {
                    Debug.Trace("CBM", "EnsureHostCreated: after CreateHost()");

        // If an exception happened during host creation, rethrow it 
        if (_hostCreationException != null) { 
            Debug.Trace("CBM", "EnsureHostCreated: failed. " + _hostCreationException);
            // We need to wrap it in a new exception, otherwise we lose the original stack.
            throw new HttpException(_hostCreationException.Message,
    private void CreateHost() { 
        Debug.Trace("CBM", "CreateHost");
        Debug.Assert(_host == null); 

        Debug.Assert(!_hostCreationPending, "CreateHost: creation already pending");

        _hostCreationPending = true; 

        // Use a local to avoid having a partially created _host 
        BuildManagerHost host = null; 

        try { 
            string appId;

            ApplicationManager appManager = ApplicationManager.GetApplicationManager();
            host = (BuildManagerHost) appManager.CreateObjectWithDefaultAppHostAndAppId(
                _physicalPath, _virtualPath, 
                typeof(BuildManagerHost), false /*failIfExists*/, 
                _hostingParameters, out appId);
            // host appdomain cannot be unloaded during creation.


            _host = host; 
            _appId = appId; 

            _hostCreationException = _host.InitializationException; 
        catch (Exception e) {
            // If an exception happens, keep track of it
            _hostCreationException = e; 

            // Even though the host initialization failed, keep track of it so subsequent 
            // request will see the error 
            _host = host;
        finally {
            _hostCreationPending = false;

            if (host != null) { 
                // Notify the client that the host is ready
                if (AppDomainStarted != null) { 
                    AppDomainStarted(this, EventArgs.Empty); 
                // The host can be unloaded safely now.

        Debug.Trace("CBM", "CreateHost LEAVE"); 

    // Called by BuildManagerHost when the ASP appdomain is unloaded 
    internal void OnAppDomainUnloaded(ApplicationShutdownReason reason) {
        Debug.Trace("CBM", "OnAppDomainUnloaded " + reason.ToString());

        // Don't try to use this host anymore 
        _host = null;
        _hostCreationException = null; 
        _reason = reason; 

        _waitForCallBack = false; 

        // Don't do anything that can be slow here.  Instead queue in a worker thread

    private void OnAppDomainUnloadedCallback(Object unused) { 
        Debug.Trace("CBM", "OnAppDomainUnloadedCallback"); 

        // Notify the client that the appdomain is unloaded 
        if (AppDomainUnloaded != null) {
            AppDomainUnloaded(this, new BuildManagerHostUnloadEventArgs(_reason));

    private void OnAppDomainShutdownCallback(Object o) { 
        if (AppDomainShutdown != null) { 
            AppDomainShutdown(this, new BuildManagerHostUnloadEventArgs((ApplicationShutdownReason)o));

    internal void OnAppDomainShutdown(ApplicationShutdownReason reason) {
        // Don't do anything that can be slow here. Instead queue in a worker thread 
        ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(_onAppDomainShutdown, reason);
    #region IDisposable
    //Dispose the runtime appdomain properly when CBM is disposed 
    void IDisposable.Dispose() {
[PermissionSet(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Unrestricted = true)]
[PermissionSet(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Unrestricted = true)] 
public class BuildManagerHostUnloadEventArgs : EventArgs {
    ApplicationShutdownReason _reason;

    public BuildManagerHostUnloadEventArgs(ApplicationShutdownReason reason) { 
        _reason = reason;
    // Get the reason for the hosted appdomain shutdown
    public ApplicationShutdownReason Reason { get { return _reason; } }

public delegate void BuildManagerHostUnloadEventHandler(object sender, BuildManagerHostUnloadEventArgs e);
 * Type of the entries in the table returned by GenerateCodeCompileUnit

[AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)]
public sealed class LinePragmaCodeInfo { 

    public LinePragmaCodeInfo() { 

    public LinePragmaCodeInfo(int startLine, int startColumn, int startGeneratedColumn, int codeLength, bool isCodeNugget) { 
        this._startLine = startLine;
        this._startColumn = startColumn;
        this._startGeneratedColumn = startGeneratedColumn;
        this._codeLength = codeLength; 
        this._isCodeNugget = isCodeNugget;
    // Starting line in ASPX file
    internal int _startLine; 

    public int StartLine { get { return _startLine; } }

    // Starting column in the ASPX file 
    internal int _startColumn;
    public int StartColumn { get { return _startColumn; } } 

    // Starting column in the generated source file (assuming no indentations are used) 
    internal int _startGeneratedColumn;

    public int StartGeneratedColumn { get { return _startGeneratedColumn; } }
    // Length of the code snippet
    internal int _codeLength; 
    public int CodeLength { get { return _codeLength; } }
    // Whether the script block is a nugget.
    internal bool _isCodeNugget;

    public bool IsCodeNugget { get { return _isCodeNugget; } } 


// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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