SimpleWorkerRequest.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ FXUpdate3074 / FXUpdate3074 / 1.1 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / whidbey / QFE / ndp / fx / src / xsp / System / Web / Hosting / SimpleWorkerRequest.cs / 2 / SimpleWorkerRequest.cs

//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

namespace System.Web.Hosting { 
    using System.Collections;
    using System.IO; 
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    using System.Security.Principal;
    using System.Security;
    using System.Security.Permissions; 
    using System.Threading;
    using System.Web.Configuration; 
    using System.Web.Util; 

    // Simple Worker Request provides a concrete implementation
    // of HttpWorkerRequest that writes the respone to the user
    // supplied writer.

    ///    [To be supplied.] 
    [AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)]
    [AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)]
    public class SimpleWorkerRequest : HttpWorkerRequest {
        private bool        _hasRuntimeInfo;
        private String      _appVirtPath;       // "/foo" 
        private String      _appPhysPath;       // "c:\foo\" 
        private String      _page;
        private String      _pathInfo; 
        private String      _queryString;
        private TextWriter  _output;
        private String      _installDir;
        private void ExtractPagePathInfo() {
            int i = _page.IndexOf('/'); 
            if (i >= 0) {
                _pathInfo = _page.Substring(i); 
                _page = _page.Substring(0, i);
        private String GetPathInternal(bool includePathInfo) {
            String s = _appVirtPath.Equals("/") ? ("/" + _page) : (_appVirtPath + "/" + _page); 
            if (includePathInfo && _pathInfo != null)
                return s + _pathInfo; 
                return s;
        //  HttpWorkerRequest implementation 

        // "/foo/page.aspx/tail" 

        ///    [To be supplied.]
        public override String GetUriPath() {
            return GetPathInternal(true); 

        // "param=bar" 

        ///    [To be supplied.]
        public override String GetQueryString() {
            return _queryString; 

        // "/foo/page.aspx/tail?param=bar" 

        ///    [To be supplied.]
        public override String GetRawUrl() {
            String qs = GetQueryString(); 
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(qs)) 
                return GetPathInternal(true) + "?" + qs;
                return GetPathInternal(true);

        ///    [To be supplied.] 
        public override String GetHttpVerbName() {
            return "GET"; 

        ///    [To be supplied.]
        public override String GetHttpVersion() { 
            return "HTTP/1.0";

        ///    [To be supplied.] 
        public override String GetRemoteAddress() { 
            return ""; 

        ///    [To be supplied.]
        public override int GetRemotePort() {
            return 0; 

        ///    [To be supplied.]
        public override String GetLocalAddress() { 
            return "";

        ///    [To be supplied.]
        public override int GetLocalPort() {
            return 80; 
        ///    [To be supplied.] 
        public override IntPtr GetUserToken() {
            return IntPtr.Zero;

        ///    [To be supplied.]
        public override String GetFilePath() {
            return GetPathInternal(false);

        ///    [To be supplied.] 
        public override String GetFilePathTranslated() { 
            String path =  _appPhysPath + _page.Replace('/', '\\');
            return path;

        ///    [To be supplied.]
        public override String GetPathInfo() {
            return (_pathInfo != null) ? _pathInfo : String.Empty;

        ///    [To be supplied.] 
        public override String GetAppPath() { 
            return _appVirtPath;

        ///    [To be supplied.] 
        public override String GetAppPathTranslated() {
            return _appPhysPath;

        ///    [To be supplied.] 
        public override String GetServerVariable(String name) {
            return String.Empty; 

        ///    [To be supplied.]
        public override String MapPath(String path) { 
            if (!_hasRuntimeInfo)
                return null; 

            String mappedPath = null;
            String appPath = _appPhysPath.Substring(0, _appPhysPath.Length-1); // without trailing "\"
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(path) || path.Equals("/")) {
                mappedPath = appPath; 
            if (StringUtil.StringStartsWith(path, _appVirtPath)) {
                mappedPath = appPath + path.Substring(_appVirtPath.Length).Replace('/', '\\'); 

            return mappedPath; 
        ///    [To be supplied.] 
        public override string MachineConfigPath {
            get {
                if (_hasRuntimeInfo) { 
                    string path = HttpConfigurationSystem.MachineConfigurationFilePath;
                    return path; 
                    return null;

        ///    [To be supplied.] 
        public override string RootWebConfigPath { 
            get {
                if (_hasRuntimeInfo) {
                    string path = HttpConfigurationSystem.RootWebConfigurationFilePath;
                    return path;
                    return null;

        ///    [To be supplied.]
        public override String MachineInstallDirectory { 
            get {
                if (_hasRuntimeInfo) { 
                    return _installDir;
                return null; 

        ///    [To be supplied.]
        public override void SendStatus(int statusCode, String statusDescription) {

        ///    [To be supplied.]
        public override void SendKnownResponseHeader(int index, String value) {

        ///    [To be supplied.] 
        public override void SendUnknownResponseHeader(String name, String value) {

        ///    [To be supplied.] 
        public override void SendResponseFromMemory(byte[] data, int length) { 
            _output.Write(System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetChars(data, 0, length)); 

        ///    [To be supplied.]
        public override void SendResponseFromFile(String filename, long offset, long length) {

        ///    [To be supplied.]
        public override void SendResponseFromFile(IntPtr handle, long offset, long length) {

        ///    [To be supplied.]
        public override void FlushResponse(bool finalFlush) {

        ///    [To be supplied.] 
        public override void EndOfRequest() {

        // Internal support
        internal override void UpdateResponseCounters(bool finalFlush, int bytesOut) {
            if (finalFlush) { 
            if (bytesOut > 0) {
                PerfCounters.IncrementCounterEx(AppPerfCounter.REQUEST_BYTES_OUT, bytesOut);

        internal override void UpdateRequestCounters(int bytesIn) { 
            if (bytesIn > 0) { 
                PerfCounters.IncrementCounterEx(AppPerfCounter.REQUEST_BYTES_IN, bytesIn);

        // Ctors 
        private SimpleWorkerRequest() { 

         *  Ctor that gets application data from HttpRuntime, assuming 
         *  HttpRuntime has been set up (app domain specially created, etc.)
        ///    [To be supplied.] 
        [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Unrestricted = true)]
        public SimpleWorkerRequest(String page, String query, TextWriter output): this() {
            _queryString = query; 
            _output = output;
            _page = page; 
            _appPhysPath = Thread.GetDomain().GetData(".appPath").ToString();
            _appVirtPath = Thread.GetDomain().GetData(".appVPath").ToString();
            _installDir  = HttpRuntime.AspInstallDirectoryInternal;
            _hasRuntimeInfo = true;
         *  Ctor that gets application data as arguments,assuming HttpRuntime 
         *  has not been set up.
         *  This allows for limited functionality to execute handlers.

        ///    [To be supplied.] 
        [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Unrestricted = true)] 
        public SimpleWorkerRequest(String appVirtualDir, String appPhysicalDir, String page, String query, TextWriter output): this() {
            if (Thread.GetDomain().GetData(".appPath") != null) {
                throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.Wrong_SimpleWorkerRequest));

            _appVirtPath = appVirtualDir; 
            _appPhysPath = appPhysicalDir; 
            _queryString = query;
            _output = output; 
            _page = page;

            if (!StringUtil.StringEndsWith(_appPhysPath, '\\'))
                _appPhysPath += "\\"; 
            _hasRuntimeInfo = false;


// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

namespace System.Web.Hosting { 
    using System.Collections;
    using System.IO; 
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    using System.Security.Principal;
    using System.Security;
    using System.Security.Permissions; 
    using System.Threading;
    using System.Web.Configuration; 
    using System.Web.Util; 

    // Simple Worker Request provides a concrete implementation
    // of HttpWorkerRequest that writes the respone to the user
    // supplied writer.

    ///    [To be supplied.] 
    [AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)]
    [AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)]
    public class SimpleWorkerRequest : HttpWorkerRequest {
        private bool        _hasRuntimeInfo;
        private String      _appVirtPath;       // "/foo" 
        private String      _appPhysPath;       // "c:\foo\" 
        private String      _page;
        private String      _pathInfo; 
        private String      _queryString;
        private TextWriter  _output;
        private String      _installDir;
        private void ExtractPagePathInfo() {
            int i = _page.IndexOf('/'); 
            if (i >= 0) {
                _pathInfo = _page.Substring(i); 
                _page = _page.Substring(0, i);
        private String GetPathInternal(bool includePathInfo) {
            String s = _appVirtPath.Equals("/") ? ("/" + _page) : (_appVirtPath + "/" + _page); 
            if (includePathInfo && _pathInfo != null)
                return s + _pathInfo; 
                return s;
        //  HttpWorkerRequest implementation 

        // "/foo/page.aspx/tail" 

        ///    [To be supplied.]
        public override String GetUriPath() {
            return GetPathInternal(true); 

        // "param=bar" 

        ///    [To be supplied.]
        public override String GetQueryString() {
            return _queryString; 

        // "/foo/page.aspx/tail?param=bar" 

        ///    [To be supplied.]
        public override String GetRawUrl() {
            String qs = GetQueryString(); 
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(qs)) 
                return GetPathInternal(true) + "?" + qs;
                return GetPathInternal(true);

        ///    [To be supplied.] 
        public override String GetHttpVerbName() {
            return "GET"; 

        ///    [To be supplied.]
        public override String GetHttpVersion() { 
            return "HTTP/1.0";

        ///    [To be supplied.] 
        public override String GetRemoteAddress() { 
            return ""; 

        ///    [To be supplied.]
        public override int GetRemotePort() {
            return 0; 

        ///    [To be supplied.]
        public override String GetLocalAddress() { 
            return "";

        ///    [To be supplied.]
        public override int GetLocalPort() {
            return 80; 
        ///    [To be supplied.] 
        public override IntPtr GetUserToken() {
            return IntPtr.Zero;

        ///    [To be supplied.]
        public override String GetFilePath() {
            return GetPathInternal(false);

        ///    [To be supplied.] 
        public override String GetFilePathTranslated() { 
            String path =  _appPhysPath + _page.Replace('/', '\\');
            return path;

        ///    [To be supplied.]
        public override String GetPathInfo() {
            return (_pathInfo != null) ? _pathInfo : String.Empty;

        ///    [To be supplied.] 
        public override String GetAppPath() { 
            return _appVirtPath;

        ///    [To be supplied.] 
        public override String GetAppPathTranslated() {
            return _appPhysPath;

        ///    [To be supplied.] 
        public override String GetServerVariable(String name) {
            return String.Empty; 

        ///    [To be supplied.]
        public override String MapPath(String path) { 
            if (!_hasRuntimeInfo)
                return null; 

            String mappedPath = null;
            String appPath = _appPhysPath.Substring(0, _appPhysPath.Length-1); // without trailing "\"
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(path) || path.Equals("/")) {
                mappedPath = appPath; 
            if (StringUtil.StringStartsWith(path, _appVirtPath)) {
                mappedPath = appPath + path.Substring(_appVirtPath.Length).Replace('/', '\\'); 

            return mappedPath; 
        ///    [To be supplied.] 
        public override string MachineConfigPath {
            get {
                if (_hasRuntimeInfo) { 
                    string path = HttpConfigurationSystem.MachineConfigurationFilePath;
                    return path; 
                    return null;

        ///    [To be supplied.] 
        public override string RootWebConfigPath { 
            get {
                if (_hasRuntimeInfo) {
                    string path = HttpConfigurationSystem.RootWebConfigurationFilePath;
                    return path;
                    return null;

        ///    [To be supplied.]
        public override String MachineInstallDirectory { 
            get {
                if (_hasRuntimeInfo) { 
                    return _installDir;
                return null; 

        ///    [To be supplied.]
        public override void SendStatus(int statusCode, String statusDescription) {

        ///    [To be supplied.]
        public override void SendKnownResponseHeader(int index, String value) {

        ///    [To be supplied.] 
        public override void SendUnknownResponseHeader(String name, String value) {

        ///    [To be supplied.] 
        public override void SendResponseFromMemory(byte[] data, int length) { 
            _output.Write(System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetChars(data, 0, length)); 

        ///    [To be supplied.]
        public override void SendResponseFromFile(String filename, long offset, long length) {

        ///    [To be supplied.]
        public override void SendResponseFromFile(IntPtr handle, long offset, long length) {

        ///    [To be supplied.]
        public override void FlushResponse(bool finalFlush) {

        ///    [To be supplied.] 
        public override void EndOfRequest() {

        // Internal support
        internal override void UpdateResponseCounters(bool finalFlush, int bytesOut) {
            if (finalFlush) { 
            if (bytesOut > 0) {
                PerfCounters.IncrementCounterEx(AppPerfCounter.REQUEST_BYTES_OUT, bytesOut);

        internal override void UpdateRequestCounters(int bytesIn) { 
            if (bytesIn > 0) { 
                PerfCounters.IncrementCounterEx(AppPerfCounter.REQUEST_BYTES_IN, bytesIn);

        // Ctors 
        private SimpleWorkerRequest() { 

         *  Ctor that gets application data from HttpRuntime, assuming 
         *  HttpRuntime has been set up (app domain specially created, etc.)
        ///    [To be supplied.] 
        [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Unrestricted = true)]
        public SimpleWorkerRequest(String page, String query, TextWriter output): this() {
            _queryString = query; 
            _output = output;
            _page = page; 
            _appPhysPath = Thread.GetDomain().GetData(".appPath").ToString();
            _appVirtPath = Thread.GetDomain().GetData(".appVPath").ToString();
            _installDir  = HttpRuntime.AspInstallDirectoryInternal;
            _hasRuntimeInfo = true;
         *  Ctor that gets application data as arguments,assuming HttpRuntime 
         *  has not been set up.
         *  This allows for limited functionality to execute handlers.

        ///    [To be supplied.] 
        [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Unrestricted = true)] 
        public SimpleWorkerRequest(String appVirtualDir, String appPhysicalDir, String page, String query, TextWriter output): this() {
            if (Thread.GetDomain().GetData(".appPath") != null) {
                throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.Wrong_SimpleWorkerRequest));

            _appVirtPath = appVirtualDir; 
            _appPhysPath = appPhysicalDir; 
            _queryString = query;
            _output = output; 
            _page = page;

            if (!StringUtil.StringEndsWith(_appPhysPath, '\\'))
                _appPhysPath += "\\"; 
            _hasRuntimeInfo = false;


// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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