CodeAccessSecurityEngine.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ FX-1434 / FX-1434 / 1.0 / untmp / whidbey / REDBITS / ndp / clr / src / BCL / System / Security / CodeAccessSecurityEngine.cs / 2 / CodeAccessSecurityEngine.cs

                            // ==++== 
//   Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// ==--== 

namespace System.Security { 
    using System; 
    using System.Threading;
    using System.Security.Util; 
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
    using System.Security.Permissions;
    using System.Reflection; 
    using System.Globalization;
    using System.Security.Policy; 
    using System.Runtime.Versioning; 

    // Used in DemandInternal, to remember the result of previous demands 
    internal enum PermissionType
        // special flags
        SecurityUnmngdCodeAccess            = 0, 
        SecuritySkipVerification            = 1, 
        ReflectionTypeInfo                  = 2,
        SecurityAssert                      = 3, 
        ReflectionMemberAccess              = 4,
        SecuritySerialization               = 5,
        ReflectionRestrictedMemberAccess    = 6,
        FullTrust                           = 7, 
        SecurityBindingRedirects            = 8,
        // special permissions 
        UIPermission                        = 9,
        EnvironmentPermission               = 10, 
        FileDialogPermission                = 11,
        FileIOPermission                    = 12,
        ReflectionPermission                = 13,
        SecurityPermission                  = 14, 

        // additional special flags 
        SecurityControlEvidence             = 16, 
        SecurityControlPrincipal            = 17

    internal class CodeAccessSecurityEngine
        internal static SecurityPermission AssertPermission;
        internal static PermissionToken AssertPermissionToken; 
        internal static extern void SpecialDemand(PermissionType whatPermission, ref StackCrawlMark stackMark); 
        internal static extern bool DoesFullTrustMeanFullTrust();

        [System.Diagnostics.Conditional( "_DEBUG" )] 
        [ResourceConsumption(ResourceScope.Process, ResourceScope.Process)] 
        private static void DEBUG_OUT( String str ) 
#if _DEBUG 
            if (debug)
                if (to_file)
                    System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
                    sb.Append( str ); 
                    sb.Append ((char)13) ; 
                    sb.Append ((char)10) ;
                    PolicyManager._DebugOut( file, sb.ToString() ); 
                    Console.WriteLine( str );
#if _DEBUG
        private static bool debug = false; 
        private static readonly bool to_file = false;
        private const String file = "d:\\foo\\debug.txt";
        private CodeAccessSecurityEngine(){}
        // static default constructor. This will be called before any of the static members are accessed. 
        static CodeAccessSecurityEngine() 
            AssertPermission = new SecurityPermission(SecurityPermissionFlag.Assertion); 
            AssertPermissionToken = PermissionToken.GetToken(AssertPermission);

        private static void ThrowSecurityException(Assembly asm, PermissionSet granted, PermissionSet refused, RuntimeMethodHandle rmh, SecurityAction action, Object demand, IPermission permThatFailed) 
            AssemblyName asmName = null; 
            Evidence asmEvidence = null; 
            if (asm != null)
                // Assert here because reflection will check grants and if we fail the check,
                // there will be an infinite recursion that overflows the stack.
                asmName = asm.GetName(); 
                if(asm != Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()) // this condition is to avoid having to marshal mscorlib's evidence (which is always in teh default domain) to the current domain
                    asmEvidence = asm.Evidence; 
            throw SecurityException.MakeSecurityException(asmName, asmEvidence, granted, refused, rmh, action, demand, permThatFailed);

        private static void ThrowSecurityException(Object assemblyOrString, PermissionSet granted, PermissionSet refused, RuntimeMethodHandle rmh, SecurityAction action, Object demand, IPermission permThatFailed)
            BCLDebug.Assert((assemblyOrString == null || assemblyOrString is Assembly || assemblyOrString is String), "Must pass in an Assembly object or String object here"); 

            if (assemblyOrString == null || assemblyOrString is Assembly) 
                ThrowSecurityException((Assembly)assemblyOrString, granted, refused, rmh, action, demand, permThatFailed); 
                AssemblyName asmName = new AssemblyName((String)assemblyOrString);
                throw SecurityException.MakeSecurityException(asmName, null, granted, refused, rmh, action, demand, permThatFailed);

        private static void LazyCheckSetHelper(PermissionSet demands, 
                                               IntPtr asmSecDesc, 
                                               RuntimeMethodHandle rmh,
                                               Assembly assembly, 
                                               SecurityAction action)
            if (demands.CanUnrestrictedOverride())

            PermissionSet grants; 
            PermissionSet refused; 

            _GetGrantedPermissionSet( asmSecDesc, out grants, out refused ); 

            CheckSetHelper( grants, refused, demands, rmh, (Object)assembly, action, true );
        internal static extern void _GetGrantedPermissionSet(IntPtr secDesc, 
                                                           out PermissionSet grants, 
                                                           out PermissionSet refused );
        internal static void CheckSetHelper(CompressedStack cs,
                                           PermissionSet grants,
                                           PermissionSet refused,
                                           PermissionSet demands, 
                                           RuntimeMethodHandle rmh,
                                           Assembly asm, 
                                           SecurityAction action) 
            if (cs != null) 
                cs.CheckSetDemand(demands, rmh);
                CheckSetHelper(grants, refused, demands, rmh, (Object)asm, action, true);

        internal static bool CheckSetHelper(PermissionSet grants, 
                                           PermissionSet refused, 
                                           PermissionSet demands,
                                           RuntimeMethodHandle rmh, 
                                           Object assemblyOrString,
                                           SecurityAction action,
                                           bool throwException)

            BCLDebug.Assert(demands != null, "Should not reach here with a null demand set"); 
    #if _DEBUG 
            if (debug)
                DEBUG_OUT("Granted: ");
                DEBUG_OUT("Refused: ");
                DEBUG_OUT(refused != null ? refused.ToXml().ToString() : ""); 
                DEBUG_OUT("Demanded: ");
                DEBUG_OUT(demands!=null ? demands.ToXml().ToString() : ""); 
            IPermission permThatFailed = null;
            if (grants != null)
            if (refused != null) 
            bool bThreadSecurity = SecurityManager._SetThreadSecurity(false); 


                // Check grant set
                if (!demands.CheckDemand(grants, out permThatFailed)) 
                    if (throwException) 
                        ThrowSecurityException(assemblyOrString, grants, refused, rmh, action, demands, permThatFailed); 
                        return false; 

                // Check refused set
                if (!demands.CheckDeny(refused, out permThatFailed)) 
                    if (throwException) 
                        ThrowSecurityException(assemblyOrString, grants, refused, rmh, action, demands, permThatFailed); 
                        return false; 
            catch (SecurityException)
            catch (Exception) 
                // Any exception besides a security exception in this code means that 
                // a permission was unable to properly handle what we asked of it.
                // We will define this to mean that the demand failed.
                if (throwException)
                    ThrowSecurityException(assemblyOrString, grants, refused, rmh, action, demands, permThatFailed); 
                    return false; 
                return false;
                if (bThreadSecurity)
            return true;

        internal static void CheckHelper(CompressedStack cs,
                                        PermissionSet grantedSet,
                                        PermissionSet refusedSet, 
                                        CodeAccessPermission demand,
                                        PermissionToken permToken, 
                                        RuntimeMethodHandle rmh, 
                                        Assembly asm,
                                        SecurityAction action) 
            if (cs != null)
                cs.CheckDemand(demand, permToken, rmh);
                CheckHelper(grantedSet, refusedSet, demand, permToken, rmh, (Object)asm, action, true);
        internal static bool CheckHelper(PermissionSet grantedSet,
                                        PermissionSet refusedSet, 
                                        CodeAccessPermission demand,
                                        PermissionToken permToken,
                                        RuntimeMethodHandle rmh,
                                        Object assemblyOrString, 
                                        SecurityAction action,
                                        bool throwException) 
            // We should never get here with a null demand
            BCLDebug.Assert(demand != null, "Should not reach here with a null demand"); 

    #if _DEBUG
            if (debug)
                DEBUG_OUT("Granted: ");
                DEBUG_OUT("Refused: "); 
                DEBUG_OUT(refusedSet != null ? refusedSet.ToXml().ToString() : "");
                DEBUG_OUT("Demanded: "); 
            if (permToken == null)
                permToken = PermissionToken.GetToken(demand); 
            if (grantedSet != null)
            if (refusedSet != null)

            // If PermissionSet is null, then module does not have Permissions... Fail check. 

            bool bThreadSecurity = SecurityManager._SetThreadSecurity(false); 
                if (grantedSet == null)
                    if (throwException)
                        ThrowSecurityException(assemblyOrString, grantedSet, refusedSet, rmh, action, demand, demand); 
                        return false; 

                else if (!grantedSet.IsUnrestricted() || !demand.CanUnrestrictedOverride()) 
                    // If we aren't unrestricted, there is a refused set, or our permission is not of the unrestricted
                    // variety, we need to do the proper callback.
                    BCLDebug.Assert(demand != null,"demand != null");
                    // Find the permission of matching type in the permission set. 

                    CodeAccessPermission grantedPerm = 

                    // Make sure the demand has been granted
                    if (!demand.CheckDemand( grantedPerm )) 
                        if (throwException) 
                            ThrowSecurityException(assemblyOrString, grantedSet, refusedSet, rmh, action, demand, demand); 
                            return false; 

                // Make the sure the permission is not refused. 

                if (refusedSet != null) 
                    CodeAccessPermission refusedPerm =
                    if (refusedPerm != null)
                        if (!refusedPerm.CheckDeny(demand))
        #if _DEBUG
                            if (debug) 
                                DEBUG_OUT( "Permission found in refused set" ); 
                                if (throwException) 
                                    ThrowSecurityException(assemblyOrString, grantedSet, refusedSet, rmh, action, demand, demand);
                                    return false;
                    if (refusedSet.IsUnrestricted() && demand.CanUnrestrictedOverride())
                        if (throwException)
                            ThrowSecurityException(assemblyOrString, grantedSet, refusedSet, rmh, action, demand, demand);
                            return false; 
            catch (SecurityException)
            catch (Exception)
                // Any exception besides a security exception in this code means that
                // a permission was unable to properly handle what we asked of it. 
                // We will define this to mean that the demand failed. 
                if (throwException)
                    ThrowSecurityException(assemblyOrString, grantedSet, refusedSet, rmh, action, demand, demand); 
                    return false;
                return false; 
                if (bThreadSecurity)
            DEBUG_OUT( "Check passed" );
            return true; 

        ///     Demand for the grant set of an assembly
        ///     Managed half of SecurityStackWalk::DemandGrantSet. 
        private static void CheckGrantSetHelper(PermissionSet grantSet) 
            BCLDebug.Assert(grantSet != null, "Missing grant set");

        ///     Perform a security demand which succeeds if either a compatibilty permission is granted to the 
        ///     call stack, or restricted member access and the grant set of the target of the reflection
        ///     operation is granted. 
        /// compatibility permission to check
        /// grant set of the reflection target 
        internal static void ReflectionTargetDemandHelper(PermissionType permission, PermissionSet targetGrant)
            ReflectionTargetDemandHelper((int)permission, targetGrant);

        ///     Perform a security demand which succeeds if either a compatibilty permission is granted to the 
        ///     call stack, or restricted member access and the grant set of the target of the reflection
        ///     operation is granted. 
        ///     Managed half of SecurityStackWalk::ReflectionTargetDemand.
        /// compatibility permission to check (See PermissionType)
        /// grant set of the reflection target 
        private static void ReflectionTargetDemandHelper(int permission, PermissionSet targetGrant) 
            // Capture a compressed stack so that we can make both permission checks without walking the stack 
            // multiple times.
            StackCrawlMark stackMark = StackCrawlMark.LookForMyCaller;
            CompressedStack cs = CompressedStack.GetCompressedStack(ref stackMark);
            ReflectionTargetDemandHelper(permission, targetGrant, cs);
        ///     Perform a reflection target demand against a given compressed stack 
        ///     Managed half of SecurityStackWalk::ReflectionTargetDemand
        /// compatibility permission to check (See PermissionType)
        /// grant set of the reflection target 
        /// compressed stack to do the demand against 
        private static void ReflectionTargetDemandHelper(int permission,
                                                         PermissionSet targetGrant, 
                                                         CompressedStack securityContext)
            BCLDebug.Assert(securityContext != null, "securityContext != null");
            // We need to remove all identity permissions from the grant set of the target, otherwise the
            // disjunctive demand will fail unless we're reflecting on the same assembly. 
            PermissionSet demandSet = null; 
            if (targetGrant == null)
                demandSet = new PermissionSet(PermissionState.Unrestricted);
                demandSet = targetGrant.CopyWithNoIdentityPermissions();
                demandSet.AddPermission(new ReflectionPermission(ReflectionPermissionFlag.RestrictedMemberAccess)); 

            securityContext.DemandFlagsOrGrantSet((1 << (int)permission), demandSet); 

        internal static void GetZoneAndOriginHelper( CompressedStack cs, PermissionSet grantSet, PermissionSet refusedSet, ArrayList zoneList, ArrayList originList )
            if (cs != null)
                cs.GetZoneAndOrigin(zoneList, originList, PermissionToken.GetToken(typeof(ZoneIdentityPermission)), PermissionToken.GetToken(typeof(UrlIdentityPermission))); 
            ZoneIdentityPermission zone = (ZoneIdentityPermission)grantSet.GetPermission( typeof( ZoneIdentityPermission ) ); 
            UrlIdentityPermission url = (UrlIdentityPermission)grantSet.GetPermission( typeof( UrlIdentityPermission ) );

            if (zone != null)
                zoneList.Add( zone.SecurityZone ); 

            if (url != null) 
                originList.Add( url.Url ); 

        internal static void GetZoneAndOrigin( ref StackCrawlMark mark, out ArrayList zone, out ArrayList origin )
            zone = new ArrayList(); 
            origin = new ArrayList();
            GetZoneAndOriginInternal( zone, origin, ref mark); 
        private static extern void GetZoneAndOriginInternal(ArrayList zoneList,
                                  ArrayList originList,
                                  ref StackCrawlMark stackMark); 

        internal static void CheckAssembly( Assembly asm, CodeAccessPermission demand ) 
            BCLDebug.Assert( asm != null, "Must pass in a good assembly" );
            BCLDebug.Assert( demand != null, "Must pass in a good demand" ); 
            if (SecurityManager._IsSecurityOn())
                PermissionSet granted, refused;
                asm.nGetGrantSet( out granted, out refused ); 
                CheckHelper( granted, refused, demand, PermissionToken.GetToken(demand), RuntimeMethodHandle.EmptyHandle, asm, SecurityAction.Demand, true );

        // Check - Used to initiate a code-access security check. 
        // This method invokes a stack walk after skipping to the frame
        // referenced by stackMark.
        private static extern void Check (Object demand, 
                                  ref StackCrawlMark stackMark,
                                  bool isPermSet); 

        internal static extern bool QuickCheckForAllDemands();
        internal static extern bool AllDomainsHomogeneousWithNoStackModifiers();
        internal static void Check(CodeAccessPermission cap, ref StackCrawlMark stackMark)
                  ref stackMark,

        internal static void Check(PermissionSet permSet, ref StackCrawlMark stackMark) 
                 ref stackMark, 

        internal static extern FrameSecurityDescriptor CheckNReturnSO(PermissionToken permToken,
                                                                    CodeAccessPermission demand, 
                                                                    ref StackCrawlMark stackMark,
                                                                    int unrestrictedOverride, 
                                                                    int create ); 

        internal static void Assert(CodeAccessPermission cap, ref StackCrawlMark stackMark) 
            // Make sure the caller of assert has the permission to assert
            //WARNING: The placement of the call here is just right to check
            //         the appropriate frame. 

            // Note: if the "AssertPermission" is not a permission that implements IUnrestrictedPermission 
            // you need to change the last parameter to a zero. 
            BCLDebug.Assert(AssertPermissionToken != null && AssertPermission != null, "Assert Permission not setup correctly");
            FrameSecurityDescriptor secObj = CheckNReturnSO(AssertPermissionToken, 
                                                            ref stackMark,
                                                            1 ); 
            if (secObj == null)
                if (SecurityManager._IsSecurityOn()) 
                    // Security: REQ_SQ flag is missing. Bad compiler ?
                    // This can happen when you create delegates over functions that need the REQ_SQ 
                    throw new ExecutionEngineException( Environment.GetResourceString( "ExecutionEngine_MissingSecurityDescriptor" ) );
                if (secObj.HasImperativeAsserts())
                    throw new SecurityException( Environment.GetResourceString( "Security_MustRevertOverride" ) ); 

        internal static void Deny(CodeAccessPermission cap, ref StackCrawlMark stackMark)
            FrameSecurityDescriptor secObj =
                SecurityRuntime.GetSecurityObjectForFrame(ref stackMark, true); 
            if (secObj == null) 
                if (SecurityManager._IsSecurityOn()) 
                    // Security: REQ_SQ flag is missing. Bad compiler ?
                    // This can happen when you create delegates over functions that need the REQ_SQ
                    throw new ExecutionEngineException( Environment.GetResourceString( "ExecutionEngine_MissingSecurityDescriptor" ) );
                if (secObj.HasImperativeDenials()) 
                    throw new SecurityException( Environment.GetResourceString( "Security_MustRevertOverride" ) );
        internal static void PermitOnly(CodeAccessPermission cap, ref StackCrawlMark stackMark)
            FrameSecurityDescriptor secObj = 
                SecurityRuntime.GetSecurityObjectForFrame(ref stackMark, true);
            if (secObj == null) 
                if (SecurityManager._IsSecurityOn())
                    // Security: REQ_SQ flag is missing. Bad compiler ?
                    // This can happen when you create delegates over functions that need the REQ_SQ 
                    throw new ExecutionEngineException( Environment.GetResourceString( "ExecutionEngine_MissingSecurityDescriptor" ) );
                if (secObj.HasImperativeRestrictions()) 
                    throw new SecurityException( Environment.GetResourceString( "Security_MustRevertOverride" ) );

        // Update the PLS used for optimization in the AppDomain: called from the VM 
        private static PermissionListSet UpdateAppDomainPLS(PermissionListSet adPLS, PermissionSet grantedPerms, PermissionSet refusedPerms) {
            if (adPLS == null) { 
                adPLS = new PermissionListSet();
                adPLS.UpdateDomainPLS(grantedPerms, refusedPerms);
                return adPLS;
            } else { 
                PermissionListSet newPLS = new PermissionListSet();
                newPLS.UpdateDomainPLS(grantedPerms, refusedPerms); 
                return newPLS;


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