Soap.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ FX-1434 / FX-1434 / 1.0 / untmp / whidbey / REDBITS / ndp / clr / src / BCL / System / Runtime / Remoting / Soap.cs / 1 / Soap.cs

                            // ==++== 
//   Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// ==--== 
** File:    Soap.cs 
** Purpose: Classes used for SOAP configuration. 
namespace System.Runtime.Remoting { 
    using System;
    using System.Collections; 
    using System.IO; 
    using System.Text;
    using System.Reflection; 
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    using System.Runtime.Remoting.Activation;
    using System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging;
    using System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata; 
    using System.Runtime.Serialization;
    using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary; 
    using System.Security.Permissions; 
    using System.Threading;
    using CultureInfo = System.Globalization.CultureInfo;

    [SecurityPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Flags=SecurityPermissionFlag.Infrastructure)]	 
    public class SoapServices 
        // hide the default constructor
        private SoapServices() 

        // tables for interop type maps (both map "name namespace" to a Type object) 
        private static Hashtable _interopXmlElementToType = Hashtable.Synchronized(new Hashtable());
        private static Hashtable _interopTypeToXmlElement = Hashtable.Synchronized(new Hashtable()); 
        private static Hashtable _interopXmlTypeToType = Hashtable.Synchronized(new Hashtable());
        private static Hashtable _interopTypeToXmlType = Hashtable.Synchronized(new Hashtable()); 

        private static Hashtable _xmlToFieldTypeMap = Hashtable.Synchronized(new Hashtable());

        private static Hashtable _methodBaseToSoapAction = Hashtable.Synchronized(new Hashtable()); 
        private static Hashtable _soapActionToMethodBase = Hashtable.Synchronized(new Hashtable());
        private static String CreateKey(String elementName, String elementNamespace)
            if (elementNamespace == null)
                return elementName;
                return elementName + " " + elementNamespace; 
        // Used for storing interop type mappings 
        private class XmlEntry
            public String Name;
            public String Namespace;

            public XmlEntry(String name, String xmlNamespace) 
                Name = name; 
                Namespace = xmlNamespace; 
        } // class XmlEntry 

        // contains mappings for xml element and attribute names to actual field names.
        private class XmlToFieldTypeMap 
            private class FieldEntry 
                public Type Type;
                public String Name; 

                public FieldEntry(Type type, String name)
                    Type = type; 
                    Name = name;

            private Hashtable _attributes = new Hashtable(); 
            private Hashtable _elements = new Hashtable();

            public XmlToFieldTypeMap(){}
            public void AddXmlElement(Type fieldType, String fieldName,
                                      String xmlElement, String xmlNamespace) 
                _elements[CreateKey(xmlElement, xmlNamespace)] =
                    new FieldEntry(fieldType, fieldName); 

            public void AddXmlAttribute(Type fieldType, String fieldName,
                                        String xmlAttribute, String xmlNamespace) 
                _attributes[CreateKey(xmlAttribute, xmlNamespace)] = 
                    new FieldEntry(fieldType, fieldName); 
            public void GetFieldTypeAndNameFromXmlElement(String xmlElement, String xmlNamespace,
                                                          out Type type, out String name)
                FieldEntry field = (FieldEntry)_elements[CreateKey(xmlElement, xmlNamespace)]; 
                if (field != null)
                    type = field.Type; 
                    name = field.Name;
                    type = null;
                    name = null; 
            } // GetTypeFromXmlElement 
            public void GetFieldTypeAndNameFromXmlAttribute(String xmlAttribute, String xmlNamespace,
                                                            out Type type, out String name) 
                FieldEntry field = (FieldEntry)_attributes[CreateKey(xmlAttribute, xmlNamespace)];
                if (field != null)
                    type = field.Type;
                    name = field.Name; 
                    type = null;
                    name = null;
            } // GetTypeFromXmlAttribute 

        } // class XmlToFieldTypeMap 

        public static void RegisterInteropXmlElement(String xmlElement, String xmlNamespace, 
                                                     Type type)
            _interopXmlElementToType[CreateKey(xmlElement, xmlNamespace)] = type;
            _interopTypeToXmlElement[type] = new XmlEntry(xmlElement, xmlNamespace); 
        } // RegisterInteropXmlElement
        public static void RegisterInteropXmlType(String xmlType, String xmlTypeNamespace,
                                                  Type type) 
            _interopXmlTypeToType[CreateKey(xmlType, xmlTypeNamespace)] = type;
            _interopTypeToXmlType[type] = new XmlEntry(xmlType, xmlTypeNamespace);
        } // RegisterInteropXmlType 

        public static void PreLoad(Type type) 
            // register soap action values 
                MethodInfo[] methods = type.GetMethods();
                foreach (MethodInfo mi in methods)
                    // This will only add an entry to the table if SoapAction was explicitly set 
                    //   on the SoapMethodAttribute.

            // register interop xml elements and types if specified 
            SoapTypeAttribute attr = (SoapTypeAttribute)

            if (attr.IsInteropXmlElement()) 
                RegisterInteropXmlElement(attr.XmlElementName, attr.XmlNamespace, type);
            if (attr.IsInteropXmlType()) 
                RegisterInteropXmlType(attr.XmlTypeName, attr.XmlTypeNamespace, type); 

            // construct field maps for mapping xml elements and attributes back to 
            //   the correct type
            int mapCount = 0;
            XmlToFieldTypeMap map = new XmlToFieldTypeMap();
            foreach(FieldInfo field in type.GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly))
                SoapFieldAttribute fieldAttr = (SoapFieldAttribute) 
                if (fieldAttr.IsInteropXmlElement())
                    String xmlName = fieldAttr.XmlElementName;
                    String xmlNamespace = fieldAttr.XmlNamespace; 
                    if (fieldAttr.UseAttribute)
                        map.AddXmlAttribute(field.FieldType, field.Name, xmlName, xmlNamespace); 
                        map.AddXmlElement(field.FieldType, field.Name, xmlName, xmlNamespace);
            } // foreach field
            // add field map if there is more than one entry
            if (mapCount > 0) 
                _xmlToFieldTypeMap[type] = map; 

        } // PreLoad 

        public static void PreLoad(Assembly assembly)
            Type[] types = assembly.GetTypes();
            foreach (Type type in types) 
        } // PreLoad

        public static Type GetInteropTypeFromXmlElement(String xmlElement, String xmlNamespace)
            return (Type)_interopXmlElementToType[CreateKey(xmlElement, xmlNamespace)];
        } // GetInteropTypeFromXmlElement 

        public static Type GetInteropTypeFromXmlType(String xmlType, String xmlTypeNamespace) 
            return (Type)_interopXmlTypeToType[CreateKey(xmlType, xmlTypeNamespace)];
        } // GetInteropTypeFromXmlElement

        public static void GetInteropFieldTypeAndNameFromXmlElement(Type containingType, 
            String xmlElement, String xmlNamespace, 
            out Type type, out String name)
            if (containingType == null)
                type = null;
                name = null; 
            XmlToFieldTypeMap map = (XmlToFieldTypeMap)_xmlToFieldTypeMap[containingType];
            if (map != null) 
                map.GetFieldTypeAndNameFromXmlElement(xmlElement, xmlNamespace,
                                                      out type, out name);
                type = null; 
                name = null;
        } // GetInteropFieldTypeFromXmlElement

        public static void GetInteropFieldTypeAndNameFromXmlAttribute(Type containingType, 
            String xmlAttribute, String xmlNamespace,
            out Type type, out String name) 
            if (containingType == null)
                type = null;
                name = null;

            XmlToFieldTypeMap map = (XmlToFieldTypeMap)_xmlToFieldTypeMap[containingType]; 
            if (map != null) 
                map.GetFieldTypeAndNameFromXmlAttribute(xmlAttribute, xmlNamespace, 
                                                        out type, out name);
                type = null;
                name = null; 
        } // GetInteropFieldTypeFromXmlAttribute

        public static bool GetXmlElementForInteropType(Type type,
                                                       out String xmlElement, out String xmlNamespace)
            // check table first
            XmlEntry entry = (XmlEntry)_interopTypeToXmlElement[type]; 
            if (entry != null) 
                xmlElement = entry.Name; 
                xmlNamespace = entry.Namespace;
                return true;
            // check soap attribute
            SoapTypeAttribute attr = (SoapTypeAttribute) 

            if (attr.IsInteropXmlElement()) 
                xmlElement = attr.XmlElementName;
                xmlNamespace = attr.XmlNamespace;
                return true; 
                xmlElement = null;
                xmlNamespace = null; 
                return false;
        } // GetXmlElementForInteropType

        public static bool GetXmlTypeForInteropType(Type type, 
                                                    out String xmlType, out String xmlTypeNamespace) 
            // check table first 
            XmlEntry entry = (XmlEntry)_interopTypeToXmlType[type];
            if (entry != null)
                xmlType = entry.Name; 
                xmlTypeNamespace = entry.Namespace;
                return true; 

            // check soap attribute 
            SoapTypeAttribute attr = (SoapTypeAttribute)

            if (attr.IsInteropXmlType()) 
                xmlType = attr.XmlTypeName; 
                xmlTypeNamespace = attr.XmlTypeNamespace; 
                return true;
                xmlType = null;
                xmlTypeNamespace = null; 
                return false;
        } // GetXmlTypeForInteropType 

        public static String GetXmlNamespaceForMethodCall(MethodBase mb)
            SoapMethodAttribute attr = (SoapMethodAttribute)
            return attr.XmlNamespace;
        } // GetXmlNamespaceForMethodCall 

        public static String GetXmlNamespaceForMethodResponse(MethodBase mb) 
            SoapMethodAttribute attr = (SoapMethodAttribute)
            return attr.ResponseXmlNamespace; 
        } // GetXmlNamespaceForMethodResponse
        public static void RegisterSoapActionForMethodBase(MethodBase mb)
            SoapMethodAttribute attr =
            if (attr.SoapActionExplicitySet)
                RegisterSoapActionForMethodBase(mb, attr.SoapAction); 
        } // RegisterSoapActionForMethodBase
        public static void RegisterSoapActionForMethodBase(MethodBase mb, String soapAction)
            if (soapAction != null)
                _methodBaseToSoapAction[mb] = soapAction;
                // get table of method bases
                ArrayList mbTable = (ArrayList)_soapActionToMethodBase[soapAction]; 
                if (mbTable == null) 
                    lock (_soapActionToMethodBase) 
                        mbTable = ArrayList.Synchronized(new ArrayList());
                        _soapActionToMethodBase[soapAction] = mbTable;
        } // RegisterSoapActionForMethodBase

        public static String GetSoapActionFromMethodBase(MethodBase mb)
            String soapAction = (String)_methodBaseToSoapAction[mb];
            if (soapAction == null) 
                SoapMethodAttribute attr = 
                soapAction = attr.SoapAction;
            return soapAction;
        } // GetSoapActionFromMethodBase 

        public static bool IsSoapActionValidForMethodBase(String soapAction, MethodBase mb) 
            // remove quotation marks if present
            if ((soapAction[0] == '"') && (soapAction[soapAction.Length - 1] == '"'))
                soapAction = soapAction.Substring(1, soapAction.Length - 2); 

            // compare this to the soapAction on the method base 
            SoapMethodAttribute attr = (SoapMethodAttribute) 
            if (String.CompareOrdinal(attr.SoapAction, soapAction) == 0) 
                return true;

            // check to see if a soap action value is registered for this
            String registeredSoapAction = (String)_methodBaseToSoapAction[mb]; 
            if (registeredSoapAction != null)
                if (String.CompareOrdinal(registeredSoapAction, soapAction) == 0) 
                    return true;

            // otherwise, parse SOAPAction and verify
            String typeName, methodName;
            String[] parts = soapAction.Split(new char[1]{'#'});
            if (parts.Length == 2) 
                bool assemblyIncluded;
                typeName = XmlNamespaceEncoder.GetTypeNameForSoapActionNamespace( 
                    parts[0], out assemblyIncluded);
                if (typeName == null)
                    return false;
                methodName = parts[1];
                // compare to values of method base ( 
                Type type = mb.DeclaringType;
                String actualTypeName = type.FullName; 
                if (assemblyIncluded)
                    actualTypeName += ", " + type.Module.Assembly.nGetSimpleName();

                // return true if type and method name are the same 
                return actualTypeName.Equals(typeName) && mb.Name.Equals(methodName);
                return false;
        } // IsSoapActionValidForMethodBase 

        public static bool GetTypeAndMethodNameFromSoapAction(String soapAction,
                                                              out String typeName, 
                                                              out String methodName)
            // remove quotation marks if present 
            if ((soapAction[0] == '"') && (soapAction[soapAction.Length - 1] == '"'))
                soapAction = soapAction.Substring(1, soapAction.Length - 2); 

            ArrayList mbTable = (ArrayList)_soapActionToMethodBase[soapAction];
            if (mbTable != null)
                // indicate that we can't resolve soap action to type and method name
                if (mbTable.Count > 1) 
                    typeName = null;
                    methodName = null; 
                    return false;

                MethodBase mb = (MethodBase)mbTable[0]; 
                if (mb != null)
                    Type type = mb.DeclaringType; 
                    typeName = type.FullName + ", " + type.Module.Assembly.nGetSimpleName();
                    methodName = mb.Name; 
                    return true;

            String[] parts = soapAction.Split(new char[1]{'#'}); 
            if (parts.Length == 2) 
                bool assemblyIncluded; 
                typeName = XmlNamespaceEncoder.GetTypeNameForSoapActionNamespace(
                    parts[0], out assemblyIncluded);
                if (typeName == null)
                    methodName = null;
                    return false; 

                methodName = parts[1]; 
                return true;
                typeName = null;
                methodName = null; 
                return false; 
        } // GetTypeAndMethodNameFromSoapAction

        //Future namespaces might be 

        //namespaces are 
        internal static String startNS = "";
        internal static String assemblyNS = ""; 
        internal static String namespaceNS = ""; 
        internal static String fullNS = "";
        public static String XmlNsForClrType
            get {return startNS;}

        public static String XmlNsForClrTypeWithAssembly 
            get {return assemblyNS;}

        public static String XmlNsForClrTypeWithNs
            get {return namespaceNS;} 
        public static String XmlNsForClrTypeWithNsAndAssembly 
            get {return fullNS;} 

        public static bool IsClrTypeNamespace(String namespaceString)
            if (namespaceString.StartsWith(startNS, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                return true; 
                return false;

        public static String CodeXmlNamespaceForClrTypeNamespace(String typeNamespace, String assemblyName)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(256); 
            if (IsNameNull(typeNamespace))
                if (IsNameNull(assemblyName)) 
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("typeNamespace"+",assemblyName");
                    UriEncode(assemblyName, sb);
            else if (IsNameNull(assemblyName)) 
                if (typeNamespace[0] == '.')
                UriEncode(assemblyName, sb);
            return sb.ToString();

        public static bool DecodeXmlNamespaceForClrTypeNamespace(String inNamespace, out String typeNamespace, out String assemblyName) 
            if (IsNameNull(inNamespace))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("inNamespace"); 

            assemblyName = null;
            typeNamespace = "";
            if (inNamespace.StartsWith(assemblyNS, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                assemblyName = UriDecode(inNamespace.Substring(assemblyNS.Length)); 
            else if (inNamespace.StartsWith(namespaceNS, StringComparison.Ordinal)) 
                typeNamespace = inNamespace.Substring(namespaceNS.Length);
            else if (inNamespace.StartsWith(fullNS, StringComparison.Ordinal)) 
                int index = inNamespace.IndexOf("/", fullNS.Length);
                typeNamespace = inNamespace.Substring(fullNS.Length,index-fullNS.Length);
                assemblyName = UriDecode(inNamespace.Substring(index+1)); 
                return false; 

            return true; 

        internal static void UriEncode(String value, StringBuilder sb)
            if (value == null || value.Length == 0)
            for (int i=0; i= 3)) 
                    if (value[i+1] == '2' && value[i+2] == '0') 
                        sb.Append(' ');
                        i += 2; 
                    else if (value[i+1] == '3' && value[i+2] == 'D')
                        i += 2;
                    else if (value[i+1] == '2' && value[i+2] == 'C') 
                        i += 2;

            return sb.ToString();


        private static bool IsNameNull(String name) 
            if (name == null || name.Length == 0)
                return true; 
                return false;
    } // class SoapServices
    internal static class XmlNamespaceEncoder 
        // < 

        internal static String GetXmlNamespaceForType(Type type, String dynamicUrl)
            String typeName = type.FullName;
            Assembly assem = type.Module.Assembly; 
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(256); 
            Assembly systemAssembly = typeof(String).Module.Assembly;
            if(assem == systemAssembly)
            return sb.ToString();
        } // GetXmlNamespaceForType 

        // encode a type namespace as an xml namespace (dynamic url is for types which have 
        //   dynamically changing uri's, such as .SOAP files)
        internal static String GetXmlNamespaceForTypeNamespace(Type type, String dynamicUrl)
            String typeNamespace = type.Namespace; 
            Assembly assem = type.Module.Assembly;
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(256); 
            Assembly systemAssembly = typeof(String).Module.Assembly; 

            if(assem == systemAssembly) 

            return sb.ToString(); 
        } // GetXmlNamespaceForTypeNamespace
        // retrieve xml namespace that matches this type 
        internal static String GetTypeNameForSoapActionNamespace(String uri, out bool assemblyIncluded)
            assemblyIncluded = false;
            String urtNSprefix = SoapServices.fullNS;
            String systemNSprefix = SoapServices.namespaceNS;
            if (uri.StartsWith(urtNSprefix, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                uri = uri.Substring(urtNSprefix.Length); // now contains type/assembly 
                char[] sep = new char[]{'/'};
                String[] parts = uri.Split(sep); 
                if (parts.Length != 2)
                    return null;
                    assemblyIncluded = true;
                    return parts[0] + ", " + parts[1]; 
            if (uri.StartsWith(systemNSprefix, StringComparison.Ordinal)) 
                String assemName = typeof(String).Module.Assembly.nGetSimpleName();
                assemblyIncluded = true;
                return uri.Substring(systemNSprefix.Length) + ", " + assemName; // now contains type 
            return null; 
        } // GetTypeForXmlNamespace
    } // XmlNamespaceEncoder 

} // namespace


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