SpeechEvent.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / 8.0.50727.4016 / WIN_WINDOWS / lh_tools_devdiv_wpf / Windows / wcp / Speech / Src / Internal / SapiInterop / SpeechEvent.cs / 1 / SpeechEvent.cs

//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

using System; 
using System.Runtime.InteropServices; 
using System.Speech.AudioFormat;
namespace System.Speech.Internal.SapiInterop

    // Internal helper class that wraps a SAPI event structure. 
    // A new instance is created by calling SpeechEvent.TryCreateSpeechEvent
    // Disposing this class will dispose all unmanmanaged memory. 
    internal class SpeechEvent : IDisposable 
        // Constructors

        #region Constructors 
        private SpeechEvent(SPEVENTENUM eEventId, SPEVENTLPARAMTYPE elParamType,
            ulong ullAudioStreamOffset, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam) 
            // We make a copy of the SPEVENTEX data but that's okay because the lParam will only be deleted once.
            _eventId = eEventId;
            _paramType = elParamType; 
            _audioStreamOffset = ullAudioStreamOffset;
            _wParam = (ulong)wParam.ToInt64(); 
            _lParam = (ulong)lParam; 

            // Let the GC know if we have a unmanaged object with a given size 
                GC.AddMemoryPressure(_sizeMemoryPressure = Marshal.SizeOf(_lParam));
        private SpeechEvent(SPEVENT sapiEvent, SpeechAudioFormatInfo audioFormat) 
 			: this(sapiEvent.eEventId, sapiEvent.elParamType, sapiEvent.ullAudioStreamOffset, sapiEvent.wParam, sapiEvent.lParam)
            if (audioFormat == null || audioFormat.EncodingFormat == 0)
                _audioPosition = TimeSpan.Zero;
                _audioPosition = audioFormat.AverageBytesPerSecond > 0 ? new TimeSpan ((long) ((sapiEvent.ullAudioStreamOffset * TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond) / (ulong) audioFormat.AverageBytesPerSecond)) : TimeSpan.Zero; 

        private SpeechEvent(SPEVENTEX sapiEventEx) : this(sapiEventEx.eEventId, sapiEventEx.elParamType, sapiEventEx.ullAudioStreamOffset, sapiEventEx.wParam, sapiEventEx.lParam)
            _audioPosition = new TimeSpan((long)sapiEventEx.ullAudioTimeOffset); 
            Dispose (); 

        public void Dispose ()
            // General code to free event data
            if (_lParam != 0) 
                    Marshal.Release ((IntPtr) _lParam);
                        Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem ((IntPtr) _lParam); 

                // Update the GC
                if (_sizeMemoryPressure > 0)
                    GC.RemoveMemoryPressure (_sizeMemoryPressure);
                    _sizeMemoryPressure = 0; 

                // Mark the object as beeing freed 
                _lParam = 0;
            GC.SuppressFinalize (this);

        // Internal Methods
        #region Internal Methods
        // This tries to get an event from the ISpEventSource. 
        // If there are no events queued then null is returned.
        // Otherwise a new SpeechEvent is created and returned. 
        static internal SpeechEvent TryCreateSpeechEvent(ISpEventSource sapiEventSource, bool additionalSapiFeatures, SpeechAudioFormatInfo audioFormat)
            uint fetched;
            SpeechEvent speechEvent = null; 
            if (additionalSapiFeatures)
                SPEVENTEX sapiEventEx; 
                ((ISpEventSource2)sapiEventSource).GetEventsEx(1, out sapiEventEx, out fetched);
                if (fetched == 1) 
                    speechEvent = new SpeechEvent(sapiEventEx);
                SPEVENT sapiEvent; 
                sapiEventSource.GetEvents(1, out sapiEvent, out fetched);
                if (fetched == 1) 
                    speechEvent = new SpeechEvent(sapiEvent, audioFormat);

            return speechEvent; 


        // Internal Properties 
        #region Internal Properties
        internal SPEVENTENUM EventId
            get { return _eventId; }
        internal ulong AudioStreamOffset
            get { return _audioStreamOffset; } 
        // The WParam is returned as a 64-bit value since unmanaged wParam is always 32 or 64 depending on architecture.
        // This is always some kind of numeric value in SAPI - it is never a pointer that needs to freed.
        internal ulong WParam
            get { return _wParam; }
        internal ulong LParam
            get { return _lParam; }

        internal TimeSpan AudioPosition 
            get { return _audioPosition; } 


        // Private Fields 
        #region Private Fields
        private SPEVENTENUM _eventId;
        private SPEVENTLPARAMTYPE _paramType;
        private ulong _audioStreamOffset;
        private ulong _wParam; 
        private ulong _lParam;
        private TimeSpan _audioPosition; 
        private int _sizeMemoryPressure; 


    internal enum SPEVENTLPARAMTYPE : ushort 
        SPET_LPARAM_IS_UNDEFINED = 0x0000, 
        SPET_LPARAM_IS_TOKEN = 0x0001, 
        SPET_LPARAM_IS_OBJECT = 0x0002,
        SPET_LPARAM_IS_POINTER = 0x0003, 
        SPET_LPARAM_IS_STRING = 0x0004

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

using System; 
using System.Runtime.InteropServices; 
using System.Speech.AudioFormat;
namespace System.Speech.Internal.SapiInterop

    // Internal helper class that wraps a SAPI event structure. 
    // A new instance is created by calling SpeechEvent.TryCreateSpeechEvent
    // Disposing this class will dispose all unmanmanaged memory. 
    internal class SpeechEvent : IDisposable 
        // Constructors

        #region Constructors 
        private SpeechEvent(SPEVENTENUM eEventId, SPEVENTLPARAMTYPE elParamType,
            ulong ullAudioStreamOffset, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam) 
            // We make a copy of the SPEVENTEX data but that's okay because the lParam will only be deleted once.
            _eventId = eEventId;
            _paramType = elParamType; 
            _audioStreamOffset = ullAudioStreamOffset;
            _wParam = (ulong)wParam.ToInt64(); 
            _lParam = (ulong)lParam; 

            // Let the GC know if we have a unmanaged object with a given size 
                GC.AddMemoryPressure(_sizeMemoryPressure = Marshal.SizeOf(_lParam));
        private SpeechEvent(SPEVENT sapiEvent, SpeechAudioFormatInfo audioFormat) 
 			: this(sapiEvent.eEventId, sapiEvent.elParamType, sapiEvent.ullAudioStreamOffset, sapiEvent.wParam, sapiEvent.lParam)
            if (audioFormat == null || audioFormat.EncodingFormat == 0)
                _audioPosition = TimeSpan.Zero;
                _audioPosition = audioFormat.AverageBytesPerSecond > 0 ? new TimeSpan ((long) ((sapiEvent.ullAudioStreamOffset * TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond) / (ulong) audioFormat.AverageBytesPerSecond)) : TimeSpan.Zero; 

        private SpeechEvent(SPEVENTEX sapiEventEx) : this(sapiEventEx.eEventId, sapiEventEx.elParamType, sapiEventEx.ullAudioStreamOffset, sapiEventEx.wParam, sapiEventEx.lParam)
            _audioPosition = new TimeSpan((long)sapiEventEx.ullAudioTimeOffset); 
            Dispose (); 

        public void Dispose ()
            // General code to free event data
            if (_lParam != 0) 
                    Marshal.Release ((IntPtr) _lParam);
                        Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem ((IntPtr) _lParam); 

                // Update the GC
                if (_sizeMemoryPressure > 0)
                    GC.RemoveMemoryPressure (_sizeMemoryPressure);
                    _sizeMemoryPressure = 0; 

                // Mark the object as beeing freed 
                _lParam = 0;
            GC.SuppressFinalize (this);

        // Internal Methods
        #region Internal Methods
        // This tries to get an event from the ISpEventSource. 
        // If there are no events queued then null is returned.
        // Otherwise a new SpeechEvent is created and returned. 
        static internal SpeechEvent TryCreateSpeechEvent(ISpEventSource sapiEventSource, bool additionalSapiFeatures, SpeechAudioFormatInfo audioFormat)
            uint fetched;
            SpeechEvent speechEvent = null; 
            if (additionalSapiFeatures)
                SPEVENTEX sapiEventEx; 
                ((ISpEventSource2)sapiEventSource).GetEventsEx(1, out sapiEventEx, out fetched);
                if (fetched == 1) 
                    speechEvent = new SpeechEvent(sapiEventEx);
                SPEVENT sapiEvent; 
                sapiEventSource.GetEvents(1, out sapiEvent, out fetched);
                if (fetched == 1) 
                    speechEvent = new SpeechEvent(sapiEvent, audioFormat);

            return speechEvent; 


        // Internal Properties 
        #region Internal Properties
        internal SPEVENTENUM EventId
            get { return _eventId; }
        internal ulong AudioStreamOffset
            get { return _audioStreamOffset; } 
        // The WParam is returned as a 64-bit value since unmanaged wParam is always 32 or 64 depending on architecture.
        // This is always some kind of numeric value in SAPI - it is never a pointer that needs to freed.
        internal ulong WParam
            get { return _wParam; }
        internal ulong LParam
            get { return _lParam; }

        internal TimeSpan AudioPosition 
            get { return _audioPosition; } 


        // Private Fields 
        #region Private Fields
        private SPEVENTENUM _eventId;
        private SPEVENTLPARAMTYPE _paramType;
        private ulong _audioStreamOffset;
        private ulong _wParam; 
        private ulong _lParam;
        private TimeSpan _audioPosition; 
        private int _sizeMemoryPressure; 


    internal enum SPEVENTLPARAMTYPE : ushort 
        SPET_LPARAM_IS_UNDEFINED = 0x0000, 
        SPET_LPARAM_IS_TOKEN = 0x0001, 
        SPET_LPARAM_IS_OBJECT = 0x0002,
        SPET_LPARAM_IS_POINTER = 0x0003, 
        SPET_LPARAM_IS_STRING = 0x0004

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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