CellTreeNode.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / 8.0.50727.4016 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / Orcas / QFE / ndp / fx / src / DataEntity / System / Data / Map / ViewGeneration / Structures / CellTreeNode.cs / 2 / CellTreeNode.cs

//      Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// @owner [....]
// @backupOwner [....] 

using System.Data.Common.Utils; 
using System.Data.Common.Utils.Boolean;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Data.Mapping.ViewGeneration.CqlGeneration; 
using System.Data.Mapping.ViewGeneration.QueryRewriting;
using System.Data.Mapping.ViewGeneration.Utils; 
namespace System.Data.Mapping.ViewGeneration.Structures {
    using WrapperBoolExpr    = BoolExpr;
    using System.Data.Entity;

    // This class represents a node in the update or query mapping view tree 
    // (of course, the root node represents the full view)
    // Each node represents an expression of the form: 
    // The WHERE clause is of the form X1 OR X2 OR ... where each Xi is a multiconstant
    internal abstract partial class CellTreeNode : InternalBase { 

 		#region Constructor
		// effects: Creates a cell tree node with a reference to projectedSlotMap for
		// deciphering the fields in this 
		protected CellTreeNode(CellNormalizer normalizer) {
            m_normalizer = normalizer; 

        // effects: returns a copy of the tree below node 
        internal CellTreeNode MakeCopy() {
            DefaultCellTreeVisitor visitor = new DefaultCellTreeVisitor();
            CellTreeNode result = Accept(visitor, true);
            return result; 
 		#region Fields
        private CellNormalizer m_normalizer; 

		#region Properties
 		// effects: Returns the operation being performed by this node 
        internal abstract CellTreeOpType OpType { get; }
        // effects: Returns the right domain map associated with this celltreenode 
        internal abstract MemberDomainMap RightDomainMap { get; }
        internal abstract FragmentQuery LeftFragmentQuery { get; }

        internal abstract FragmentQuery RightFragmentQuery { get; }
        internal bool IsEmptyRightFragmentQuery
            get { return !m_normalizer.RightFragmentQP.IsSatisfiable(RightFragmentQuery); } 
        // effects: Returns the attributes available/projected from this node
        internal abstract Set Attributes { get; }

        // effects: Returns the children of this node 
        internal abstract List Children { get; }
        // effects: Returns the number of slots projected from this node 
        internal abstract int NumProjectedSlots { get;}
        // effects: Returns the number of boolean slots in this node
        internal abstract int NumBoolSlots { get;}

		internal MemberPathMapBase ProjectedSlotMap { 
            get { return m_normalizer.MemberMaps.ProjectedSlotMap; }
        internal CellNormalizer CellNormalizer
            get { return m_normalizer; }


 		#region Abstract Methods 
        // effects: Given a leaf cell node and the slots required by the parent, returns 
        // a CqlBlock corresponding to the tree rooted at this
        internal abstract CqlBlock ToCqlBlock(bool[] requiredSlots, CqlIdentifiers identifiers, ref int blockAliasNum, 
            ref List withStatements);

        // Effects: Returns true if slot at slot number "slot" is projected
        // by some node in tree rooted at this 
        internal abstract bool IsProjectedSlot(int slot);
        // Standard accept method for visitor pattern. TOutput is the return 
        // type for visitor methods.
        internal abstract TOutput Accept(CellTreeVisitor visitor, TInput param); 
        internal abstract TOutput Accept(SimpleCellTreeVisitor visitor, TInput param);

        #region Visitor methods 
        // effects: Given a cell tree node , removes unnecessary
        // "nesting" that occurs in the tree -- an unnecessary nesting 
        // occurs when a node has exactly one child. 
        internal CellTreeNode Flatten() {
            return FlatteningVisitor.Flatten(this); 

        // effects: Gets all the leaves in this
        internal List GetLeaves() { 
            return LeafVisitor.GetLeaves(this);
        // effects: Like Flatten, flattens the tree and then collapses
        // associative operators, e.g., (A IJ B) IJ C is changed to A IJ B IJ C 
        internal CellTreeNode AssociativeFlatten() {
            return AssociativeOpFlatteningVisitor.Flatten(this);
        #region Helper methods, e.g., for slots and strings 
        // effects: Returns true iff the Op (e.g., IJ) is associative, i.e.,
        // A OP (B OP C) is the same as (A OP B) OP C or A OP B OP C 
        internal static bool IsAssociativeOp(CellTreeOpType opType) {
            // This is not true for LOJ and LASJ
            return  opType == CellTreeOpType.IJ || opType == CellTreeOpType.Union ||
                opType == CellTreeOpType.FOJ; 
        // effects: Returns an array of booleans where bool[i] is set to true 
        // iff some node in the tree rooted at node projects that slot
        internal bool[] GetProjectedSlots() { 
            // Gets the information on the normal and the boolean slots
            int totalSlots = ProjectedSlotMap.Count + NumBoolSlots;
            bool[] slots = new bool[totalSlots];
            for (int i = 0; i < totalSlots; i++) { 
                slots[i] = IsProjectedSlot(i);
            return slots; 
        // effects: Given a slot number, slotNum, returns the output member path
        // that this slot contributes/corresponds to in the extent view. If
        // the slot corresponds to one of the boolean variables, returns null
        protected MemberPath GetMemberPath(int slotNum) { 
            return ProjectedSlot.GetMemberPath(slotNum, ProjectedSlotMap, NumBoolSlots);
        // effects: Given the index of a boolean variable (e.g., of from1),
        // returns the slot number for that boolean in this 
        protected int BoolIndexToSlot(int boolIndex) {
            // Booleans appear after the regular slot
            return ProjectedSlot.BoolIndexToSlot(boolIndex, ProjectedSlotMap, NumBoolSlots);

        // effects: Given a slotNum corresponding to a boolean slot, returns 
        // the cel number that the cell corresponds to 
        protected int SlotToBoolIndex(int slotNum) {
            return ProjectedSlot.SlotToBoolIndex(slotNum, ProjectedSlotMap, NumBoolSlots); 

        // effects: Returns true if slotNum corresponds to a key slot in the
        // output extent view 
        protected bool IsKeySlot(int slotNum) {
            return ProjectedSlot.IsKeySlot(slotNum, ProjectedSlotMap, NumBoolSlots); 

        // effects: Returns true if slotNum corresponds to a bool slot and 
        // not a regular field
        protected bool IsBoolSlot(int slotNum) {
            return ProjectedSlot.IsBoolSlot(slotNum, ProjectedSlotMap, NumBoolSlots);

        // effects: Returns the slot numbers corresponding to the key fields 
        // in the m_projectedSlotMap
        protected IEnumerable KeySlots { 
            get {
                int numMembers = ProjectedSlotMap.Count;
                for (int slotNum = 0; slotNum < numMembers; slotNum++) {
                    if (true == IsKeySlot(slotNum)) { 
                        yield return slotNum;

		// effects: Modifies builder to contain a Cql query corresponding to
        // the tree rooted at this
        internal override void ToFullString(StringBuilder builder) { 
            int blockAliasNum = 0;
            // Get the required slots, get the block and then get the string 
            bool[] requiredSlots = GetProjectedSlots(); 
            // Using empty identifiers over here since we do not use this for the actual CqlGeneration
            CqlIdentifiers identifiers = new CqlIdentifiers(); 
            List withStatements = new List();
            CqlBlock block = ToCqlBlock(requiredSlots, identifiers, ref blockAliasNum, ref withStatements);
            block.AsCql(builder, false, 1);

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
//      Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// @owner [....]
// @backupOwner [....] 

using System.Data.Common.Utils; 
using System.Data.Common.Utils.Boolean;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Data.Mapping.ViewGeneration.CqlGeneration; 
using System.Data.Mapping.ViewGeneration.QueryRewriting;
using System.Data.Mapping.ViewGeneration.Utils; 
namespace System.Data.Mapping.ViewGeneration.Structures {
    using WrapperBoolExpr    = BoolExpr;
    using System.Data.Entity;

    // This class represents a node in the update or query mapping view tree 
    // (of course, the root node represents the full view)
    // Each node represents an expression of the form: 
    // The WHERE clause is of the form X1 OR X2 OR ... where each Xi is a multiconstant
    internal abstract partial class CellTreeNode : InternalBase { 

 		#region Constructor
		// effects: Creates a cell tree node with a reference to projectedSlotMap for
		// deciphering the fields in this 
		protected CellTreeNode(CellNormalizer normalizer) {
            m_normalizer = normalizer; 

        // effects: returns a copy of the tree below node 
        internal CellTreeNode MakeCopy() {
            DefaultCellTreeVisitor visitor = new DefaultCellTreeVisitor();
            CellTreeNode result = Accept(visitor, true);
            return result; 
 		#region Fields
        private CellNormalizer m_normalizer; 

		#region Properties
 		// effects: Returns the operation being performed by this node 
        internal abstract CellTreeOpType OpType { get; }
        // effects: Returns the right domain map associated with this celltreenode 
        internal abstract MemberDomainMap RightDomainMap { get; }
        internal abstract FragmentQuery LeftFragmentQuery { get; }

        internal abstract FragmentQuery RightFragmentQuery { get; }
        internal bool IsEmptyRightFragmentQuery
            get { return !m_normalizer.RightFragmentQP.IsSatisfiable(RightFragmentQuery); } 
        // effects: Returns the attributes available/projected from this node
        internal abstract Set Attributes { get; }

        // effects: Returns the children of this node 
        internal abstract List Children { get; }
        // effects: Returns the number of slots projected from this node 
        internal abstract int NumProjectedSlots { get;}
        // effects: Returns the number of boolean slots in this node
        internal abstract int NumBoolSlots { get;}

		internal MemberPathMapBase ProjectedSlotMap { 
            get { return m_normalizer.MemberMaps.ProjectedSlotMap; }
        internal CellNormalizer CellNormalizer
            get { return m_normalizer; }


 		#region Abstract Methods 
        // effects: Given a leaf cell node and the slots required by the parent, returns 
        // a CqlBlock corresponding to the tree rooted at this
        internal abstract CqlBlock ToCqlBlock(bool[] requiredSlots, CqlIdentifiers identifiers, ref int blockAliasNum, 
            ref List withStatements);

        // Effects: Returns true if slot at slot number "slot" is projected
        // by some node in tree rooted at this 
        internal abstract bool IsProjectedSlot(int slot);
        // Standard accept method for visitor pattern. TOutput is the return 
        // type for visitor methods.
        internal abstract TOutput Accept(CellTreeVisitor visitor, TInput param); 
        internal abstract TOutput Accept(SimpleCellTreeVisitor visitor, TInput param);

        #region Visitor methods 
        // effects: Given a cell tree node , removes unnecessary
        // "nesting" that occurs in the tree -- an unnecessary nesting 
        // occurs when a node has exactly one child. 
        internal CellTreeNode Flatten() {
            return FlatteningVisitor.Flatten(this); 

        // effects: Gets all the leaves in this
        internal List GetLeaves() { 
            return LeafVisitor.GetLeaves(this);
        // effects: Like Flatten, flattens the tree and then collapses
        // associative operators, e.g., (A IJ B) IJ C is changed to A IJ B IJ C 
        internal CellTreeNode AssociativeFlatten() {
            return AssociativeOpFlatteningVisitor.Flatten(this);
        #region Helper methods, e.g., for slots and strings 
        // effects: Returns true iff the Op (e.g., IJ) is associative, i.e.,
        // A OP (B OP C) is the same as (A OP B) OP C or A OP B OP C 
        internal static bool IsAssociativeOp(CellTreeOpType opType) {
            // This is not true for LOJ and LASJ
            return  opType == CellTreeOpType.IJ || opType == CellTreeOpType.Union ||
                opType == CellTreeOpType.FOJ; 
        // effects: Returns an array of booleans where bool[i] is set to true 
        // iff some node in the tree rooted at node projects that slot
        internal bool[] GetProjectedSlots() { 
            // Gets the information on the normal and the boolean slots
            int totalSlots = ProjectedSlotMap.Count + NumBoolSlots;
            bool[] slots = new bool[totalSlots];
            for (int i = 0; i < totalSlots; i++) { 
                slots[i] = IsProjectedSlot(i);
            return slots; 
        // effects: Given a slot number, slotNum, returns the output member path
        // that this slot contributes/corresponds to in the extent view. If
        // the slot corresponds to one of the boolean variables, returns null
        protected MemberPath GetMemberPath(int slotNum) { 
            return ProjectedSlot.GetMemberPath(slotNum, ProjectedSlotMap, NumBoolSlots);
        // effects: Given the index of a boolean variable (e.g., of from1),
        // returns the slot number for that boolean in this 
        protected int BoolIndexToSlot(int boolIndex) {
            // Booleans appear after the regular slot
            return ProjectedSlot.BoolIndexToSlot(boolIndex, ProjectedSlotMap, NumBoolSlots);

        // effects: Given a slotNum corresponding to a boolean slot, returns 
        // the cel number that the cell corresponds to 
        protected int SlotToBoolIndex(int slotNum) {
            return ProjectedSlot.SlotToBoolIndex(slotNum, ProjectedSlotMap, NumBoolSlots); 

        // effects: Returns true if slotNum corresponds to a key slot in the
        // output extent view 
        protected bool IsKeySlot(int slotNum) {
            return ProjectedSlot.IsKeySlot(slotNum, ProjectedSlotMap, NumBoolSlots); 

        // effects: Returns true if slotNum corresponds to a bool slot and 
        // not a regular field
        protected bool IsBoolSlot(int slotNum) {
            return ProjectedSlot.IsBoolSlot(slotNum, ProjectedSlotMap, NumBoolSlots);

        // effects: Returns the slot numbers corresponding to the key fields 
        // in the m_projectedSlotMap
        protected IEnumerable KeySlots { 
            get {
                int numMembers = ProjectedSlotMap.Count;
                for (int slotNum = 0; slotNum < numMembers; slotNum++) {
                    if (true == IsKeySlot(slotNum)) { 
                        yield return slotNum;

		// effects: Modifies builder to contain a Cql query corresponding to
        // the tree rooted at this
        internal override void ToFullString(StringBuilder builder) { 
            int blockAliasNum = 0;
            // Get the required slots, get the block and then get the string 
            bool[] requiredSlots = GetProjectedSlots(); 
            // Using empty identifiers over here since we do not use this for the actual CqlGeneration
            CqlIdentifiers identifiers = new CqlIdentifiers(); 
            List withStatements = new List();
            CqlBlock block = ToCqlBlock(requiredSlots, identifiers, ref blockAliasNum, ref withStatements);
            block.AsCql(builder, false, 1);

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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