StaticFileHandler.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ DotNET / DotNET / 8.0 / untmp / whidbey / REDBITS / ndp / fx / src / xsp / System / Web / StaticFileHandler.cs / 2 / StaticFileHandler.cs

//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

 * Static File Handler 
 * Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation 

namespace System.Web {
    using System; 
    using System.Text;
    using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters; 
    using System.Threading; 
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    using System.Security; 
    using System.IO;
    using Microsoft.Win32;
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Web.Hosting; 
    using System.Web.Util;
    using System.Globalization; 
    internal static class HttpStatus {
        internal const int Unauthorized            =   401; 
        internal const int Forbidden               =   403;
        internal const int NotFound                =   404;

    internal class StaticFileHandler : IHttpHandler { 
        private const int   DEFAULT_CACHE_THRESHOLD = 256*1024;
        private const int   ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED     = 5;

        internal StaticFileHandler() { 
        private static void CacheValidateHandler( 
                                         HttpContext context,
                                         Object data, 
                                         ref HttpValidationStatus validationStatus ) {
            if ( context.Request.Headers[ "Range" ] != null ||
                 context.Request.RequestType.Equals( "(GETSOURCE)" ) ||
                 context.Request.RequestType.Equals( "(HEADSOURCE)" ) ) { 
                validationStatus = HttpValidationStatus.IgnoreThisRequest;


        public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { 
        public bool IsReusable {
            get { return true; } 

        private static void RespondUsingVirtualFile(string virtualPath, HttpResponse response) {
            Debug.Trace("StaticFileHandler", "Using VirtualPathProvider for " + virtualPath); 

            VirtualFile virtualFile = null; 
            if (HostingEnvironment.VirtualPathProvider.FileExists(virtualPath)) {
                virtualFile = HostingEnvironment.VirtualPathProvider.GetFile(virtualPath); 

            if (virtualFile == null) {
                Debug.Trace("StaticFileHandler", "Virtual file " + virtualPath + " not found"); 
                throw new HttpException( HttpStatus.NotFound,
                                         SR.GetString(SR.File_does_not_exist) ); 

            response.ContentType = MimeMapping.GetMimeMapping(virtualPath);

        internal static void ProcessRequestInternal(HttpContext context) { 
            FileInfo                file;
            HttpRequest         request = context.Request; 
            HttpResponse        response = context.Response; 
            string              FileName = request.PhysicalPath;
            // for non-default VirtualPathProvider use a different code path
            if (!HostingEnvironment.UsingMapPathBasedVirtualPathProvider) {
                RespondUsingVirtualFile(request.FilePath, response);
            Util.Debug.Trace( "GET", "Path = " + request.Path ); 
            Util.Debug.Trace( "GET", "File Name = " + FileName );
            // Check whether the file exists
            if ( !FileUtil.FileExists( FileName )) {
                throw new HttpException( HttpStatus.NotFound, 
                                         SR.GetString(SR.File_does_not_exist) ); 
            try {
                file  = new FileInfo( FileName );
            catch ( IOException ioEx) { 
                if (!HttpRuntime.HasFilePermission(FileName))
                    throw new HttpException( HttpStatus.NotFound, 
                    throw new HttpException( HttpStatus.NotFound, 
                                             ioEx );
            catch ( SecurityException  secEx) { 
                if (!HttpRuntime.HasFilePermission(FileName))
                    throw new HttpException( HttpStatus.Unauthorized, 
                    throw new HttpException( HttpStatus.Unauthorized, 
                                             secEx );
            // To be consistent with IIS, we won't serve out hidden files 

            if ( ( ((int) file.Attributes) & ((int) FileAttributes.Hidden) ) != 0 ) { 
                throw new HttpException( HttpStatus.NotFound,
                                         SR.GetString(SR.File_is_hidden) );
            // To prevent the trailing dot problem, error out all file names with trailing dot. 

            if ( FileName[ FileName.Length - 1 ] == '.' ) { 
                throw new HttpException( HttpStatus.NotFound,
                                         SR.GetString(SR.File_does_not_exist) );
            // If the file is a directory, then it must not have a slash in 
            // end of it (if it does have a slash suffix, then the config file 
            // mappings are missing and we will just return 403.  Otherwise,
            // we will redirect the client to the URL with this slash. 

            if ( ( ((int) file.Attributes) & ((int)FileAttributes.Directory) ) != 0 ) {
                if ( StringUtil.StringEndsWith(request.Path, '/') ) { 
                    // Just return 403 

                    throw new HttpException( HttpStatus.Forbidden, 
                                             SR.GetString(SR.Missing_star_mapping) );
                else {
                    // Redirect to a slash suffixed URL which will be
                    // handled by the */ handler mapper 
                    response.Redirect( request.Path + "/" );
            else {
                DateTime                lastModified;
                string                  strETag; 

                // Determine Last Modified Time.  We might need it soon 
                // if we encounter a Range: and If-Range header

                lastModified =   new DateTime( file.LastWriteTime.Year,
                                               0 );
                // Because we can't set a "Last-Modified" header to any time
                // in the future, check the last modified time and set it to
                // DateTime.Now if it's in the future. 
                // This is to fix VSWhidbey #402323
                if (lastModified > DateTime.Now) { 
                    lastModified = DateTime.Now; 
                // Generate ETag
                strETag = GenerateETag( context, lastModified );
                // OK.  Send the static file out either
                // entirely or send out the requested ranges 

                try {
                    BuildFileItemResponse( context, 
                                           strETag );
                catch ( Exception e ) {
                    // Check for ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED and set the HTTP
                    // status such that the auth modules do their thing 
                    if ((e is ExternalException) && IsSecurityError( ((ExternalException) e).ErrorCode) ) { 
                        throw new HttpException( HttpStatus.Unauthorized,
                                                 SR.GetString(SR.Resource_access_forbidden) ); 

                context.Response.Cache.SetLastModified( lastModified ); 

                context.Response.Cache.SetETag( strETag ); 
                // We will always set Cache-Control to public 

                context.Response.Cache.SetCacheability( HttpCacheability.Public );
        private static void BuildFileItemResponse( HttpContext context, 
                                    string fileName,
                                    long fileSize, 
                                    DateTime lastModifiedTime,
                                    string strETag ) {
            HttpRequest     request = context.Request;
            HttpResponse    response = context.Response; 
            bool            fCache = false;
            string          strRange; 
            int             cbCacheThreshold = DEFAULT_CACHE_THRESHOLD; 
            bool            fIsRangeRequest = false;
            // Get the Range: header if it exists
            strRange = request.Headers[ "Range" ];
            if ( strRange != null ) { 
                if ( StringUtil.StringStartsWithIgnoreCase(strRange, "bytes" ) ) { 
                    fIsRangeRequest = true;

            // Give the range code a first chance at sending the ranges.  If 
            // the Range: header is syntactically invalid, then we will fall
            // thru as if the Range: header was not present. 

            if ( fIsRangeRequest && 
                 !SendEntireEntity( context,
                                    lastModifiedTime ) ) {
                // At this point we know that based on "If-Range" 
                // (if provided) we may not send the entire entity.
                if ( RangeSupport.ProcessRangeRequest( context,
                                                       fileSize ) ) {
                    // If ProcessRangeRequest() returned true, then it 
                    // handled the range somehow (either sending it back
                    // with a 206 or sent a 416 


                // Fall thru.  The request is now cacheable again 
            if ( fileSize <= cbCacheThreshold &&
                 !request.RequestType.Equals( "(GETSOURCE)" ) &&
                 !request.RequestType.Equals( "(HEADSOURCE)" ) ) {
                fCache = true; 
            // Ask ASP to open the file contents and cache them
            // (hence the second parameter to WriteFile()) 
            if (fCache)
                response.WriteFile( fileName, fCache );
                response.TransmitFile( fileName );
            // Specify content type. Use extension to do the mapping

            response.ContentType = MimeMapping.GetMimeMapping( fileName );

            // Static file handler supports byte ranges 
            response.AppendHeader( "Accept-Ranges", "bytes" );
            // If we are caching, the instruct the ASP output cache to
            // to cache the result.

            if ( fCache ) { 
                // Set a validation handler to check to avoid serving from
                // ASP.NET output cache when Range or Translate:f 

                                                    new HttpCacheValidateHandler( CacheValidateHandler ),
                                                    null ); 
                // We want to flush cache entry when static file has changed

                response.AddFileDependency( fileName ); 

                // Set an expires in the future. 
                response.Cache.SetExpires( DateTime.Now.AddDays( 1 ) );
        internal /*public*/ static string GenerateETag( HttpContext context, DateTime lastModTime ) {
            long                    appDomainFileTime; 
            long                    lastModFileTime; 
            StringBuilder           strETag = new StringBuilder();
            // For now, we will produce an ETag which
            // will be invalidated when:
            // a) The static file has changes (that's ok) 
            // b) When an apppool starts
            appDomainFileTime = DateTime.Now.ToFileTime(); 

            // Get 64-bit FILETIME stamps

            lastModFileTime = lastModTime.ToFileTime(); 

            // ETag is ":" 
            strETag.Append( "\"" );
            strETag.Append( (lastModFileTime).ToString("X8", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) );
            strETag.Append( ":" );
            strETag.Append( (appDomainFileTime).ToString("X8", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) ); 
            strETag.Append( "\"" );
            // Is this a strong ETag.  Do what IIS does to determine this.
            // Compare the last modified time to now and if it earlier by 
            // more than 3 seconds, then it is strong.Equals( strIfRange ) )

            if ( !( ( DateTime.Now.ToFileTime() - lastModFileTime ) > 30000000 ) ) { 
                // Weak ETag 

                return "W/" + strETag.ToString(); 
            else {
                // Stron ETag.  Leave as is 
                return strETag.ToString(); 

        internal /*public*/ static bool SendEntireEntity( HttpContext context,
                                             string strETag,
                                             DateTime lastModifiedTime ) { 
            string                  strIfRange;
            bool                    fEntireEntity = false; 
            // The only way we would not send the range (and instead send 
            // the entire entity) is if the If-Range header did not hold

            // NOTE:  This routine is called by range handling code which
            //        would have first verified that there is indeed a 
            //        Range: header in the request. 
            strIfRange = context.Request.Headers[ "If-Range" ];
            if ( strIfRange == null ) {
                return false;
            else {
                // Is this an ETag or a Date? 
                // -- entity-tags are quoted strings, HTTP-dates are not

                if ( strIfRange[ 0 ] == '"' ) {
                    // ETag 
                    if ( !CompareETags( strIfRange, strETag ) ) { 
                        fEntireEntity = true;
                else {
                    // Date 
                    try { 
                        DateTime            dt = DateTime.Parse(strIfRange, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                        int  iDateCompare = DateTime.Compare( lastModifiedTime, dt); 
                        if ( iDateCompare == 1 ) {
                            fEntireEntity = true;
                    catch {
                        fEntireEntity = true; 

            return fEntireEntity;
        internal /*public*/ static bool IsSecurityError( int ErrorCode ) {
            return(ErrorCode == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED); 

        private static bool CompareETags( string strETag1, 
                                          string strETag2 ) {
            bool                fMatch = false;

            if ( strETag1.Equals( "*" ) || strETag2.Equals( "*" ) ) { 
                fMatch = true;
                goto Finished; 

            if ( StringUtil.StringStartsWith(strETag1, "W/" ) ) { 
                strETag1 = strETag1.Substring( 2 );

            if ( StringUtil.StringStartsWith(strETag2, "W/" ) ) { 
                strETag2 = strETag2.Substring( 2 );
            fMatch = strETag2.Equals( strETag1 );
            return fMatch;


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