HttpResponse.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ DotNET / DotNET / 8.0 / untmp / whidbey / REDBITS / ndp / fx / src / xsp / System / Web / HttpResponse.cs / 15 / HttpResponse.cs

//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

 * Response intrinsic 
namespace System.Web { 

    using System.Text;
    using System.Threading;
    using System.Runtime.Serialization; 
    using System.IO;
    using System.Collections; 
    using System.Collections.Specialized; 
    using System.Globalization;
    using System.Web.Util; 
    using System.Web.Hosting;
    using System.Web.Caching;
    using System.Web.Configuration;
    using System.Web.UI; 
    using System.Configuration;
    using System.Security.Permissions; 
    using System.Web.Management; 

    ///    Used in HttpResponse.WriteSubstitution.
    public delegate String HttpResponseSubstitutionCallback(HttpContext context); 

    ///     Enables type-safe server to browser communication. Used to
    ///       send Http output to a client. 
    [AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)]
    public sealed class HttpResponse {
        private HttpWorkerRequest _wr;              // some response have HttpWorkerRequest 
        private HttpContext _context;               // context
        private HttpWriter _httpWriter;             // and HttpWriter 
        private TextWriter _writer;                 // others just have Writer 

        private HttpHeaderCollection _headers;      // response header collection (IIS7+) 

        private bool _headersWritten;
        private bool _completed;    // after final flush
        private bool _ended;        // after response.end or execute url 
        private bool _flushing;
        private bool _clientDisconnected; 
        private bool _filteringCompleted; 
        private bool _closeConnectionAfterError;
        // simple properties

        private int         _statusCode = 200;
        private String      _statusDescription; 
        private bool        _bufferOutput = true;
        private String      _contentType = "text/html"; 
        private String      _charSet; 
        private bool        _customCharSet;
        private bool        _contentLengthSet; 
        private String      _redirectLocation;
        private bool        _redirectLocationSet;
        private Encoding    _encoding;
        private Encoder     _encoder; // cached encoder for the encoding 
        private Encoding    _headerEncoding; // encoding for response headers, default utf-8
        private bool        _cacheControlHeaderAdded; 
        private HttpCachePolicy _cachePolicy; 
        private ArrayList   _cacheHeaders;
        private bool        _suppressHeaders; 
        private bool        _suppressContentSet;
        private bool        _suppressContent;
        private string      _appPathModifier;
        private bool        _isRequestBeingRedirected; 
        private bool        _useAdaptiveError;
        private bool        _handlerHeadersGenerated; 
        // complex properties
        private ArrayList               _customHeaders;
        private HttpCookieCollection    _cookies;
        #pragma warning disable 0649
        private ResponseDependencyList  _fileDependencyList; 
        private ResponseDependencyList  _virtualPathDependencyList;
        private ResponseDependencyList  _cacheItemDependencyList; 
        #pragma warning restore 0649 
        private AggregateCacheDependency _aggDependency;
        private ErrorFormatter          _overrideErrorFormatter; 

        // cache properties
        int         _expiresInMinutes;
        bool        _expiresInMinutesSet; 
        DateTime    _expiresAbsolute;
        bool        _expiresAbsoluteSet; 
        string      _cacheControl; 

        private bool        _statusSet; 
        private int         _subStatusCode;
        private bool        _versionHeaderSent;
        private bool        _contentTypeSet;
        // chunking
        bool        _transferEncodingSet; 
        bool        _chunked; 

        // mobile redirect properties 
        internal static readonly String RedirectQueryStringVariable = "__redir";
        internal static readonly String RedirectQueryStringValue = "1";
        internal static readonly String RedirectQueryStringAssignment = RedirectQueryStringVariable + "=" + RedirectQueryStringValue;
        private static readonly String _redirectQueryString = "?" + RedirectQueryStringAssignment;
        private static readonly String _redirectQueryStringInline = RedirectQueryStringAssignment + "&"; 
        internal HttpContext Context {
            get { return _context; } 
            set { _context = value; }

        internal HttpRequest Request { 
            get {
                if (_context == null) 
                    return null; 
                return _context.Request;

         * Internal package visible constructor to create responses that 
         * have HttpWorkerRequest
         * @param wr Worker Request 
        internal HttpResponse(HttpWorkerRequest wr, HttpContext context) { 
            _wr = wr;
            _context = context;
            // HttpWriter is created in InitResponseWriter

        // Public constructor for responses that go to an arbitrary writer 
        // Initializes a new instance of the  class. 
        public HttpResponse(TextWriter writer) {
            _wr = null; 
            _httpWriter = null;
            _writer = writer;
        private bool UsingHttpWriter {
            get { 
                return (_httpWriter != null && _writer == _httpWriter); 

         *  Cleanup code
        internal void Dispose() {
            // recycle buffers 
            if (_httpWriter != null) 

        internal void InitResponseWriter() {
            if (_httpWriter == null) {
                _httpWriter = new HttpWriter(this); 

                _writer = _httpWriter; 
        // Private helper methods
        private void AppendHeader(HttpResponseHeader h) {
            if (_customHeaders == null) 
                _customHeaders = new ArrayList(); 
            if (_cachePolicy != null && StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase("Set-Cookie", h.Name)) { 
        internal bool HeadersWritten {
            get { return _headersWritten; } 
            set { _headersWritten = value; } 
        internal ArrayList GenerateResponseHeadersIntegrated(bool forCache) {
            ArrayList headers = new ArrayList();
            HttpHeaderCollection responseHeaders = Headers as HttpHeaderCollection;
            int headerId = 0; 

            // copy all current response headers 
            foreach(String key in responseHeaders) 
                // skip certain headers that the cache does not cache 
                // this is based on the cache headers saved separately in AppendHeader
                // and not generated in GenerateResponseHeaders in ISAPI mode
                headerId = HttpWorkerRequest.GetKnownResponseHeaderIndex(key);
                if (headerId >= 0 && forCache && 
                     (headerId == HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderServer ||
                      headerId == HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderSetCookie || 
                      headerId == HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderCacheControl || 
                      headerId == HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderExpires ||
                      headerId == HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderLastModified || 
                      headerId == HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderEtag ||
                      headerId == HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderVary)) {

                if ( headerId >= 0 ) { 
                    headers.Add(new HttpResponseHeader(headerId, responseHeaders[key])); 
                else { 
                    headers.Add(new HttpResponseHeader(key, responseHeaders[key]));
            return headers;
        internal void GenerateResponseHeadersForCookies()
            if (_cookies == null || (_cookies.Count == 0 && !_cookies.Changed))
                return; // no cookies exist

            HttpHeaderCollection headers = Headers as HttpHeaderCollection; 
            HttpResponseHeader cookieHeader = null;
            HttpCookie cookie = null; 
            bool needToReset = false; 

            // Go through all cookies, and check whether any have been added 
            // or changed.  If a cookie was added, we can simply generate a new
            // set cookie header for it.  If the cookie collection has been
            // changed (cleared or cookies removed), or an existing cookie was
            // changed, we have to regenerate all Set-Cookie headers due to an IIS 
            // limitation that prevents us from being able to delete specific
            // Set-Cookie headers for items that changed. 
            if (!_cookies.Changed) 
                for(int c = 0; c < _cookies.Count; c++) 
                    cookie = _cookies[c];
                    if (cookie.Added) {
                        // if a cookie was added, we generate a Set-Cookie header for it 
                        cookieHeader = cookie.GetSetCookieHeader(_context);
                        headers.SetHeader(cookieHeader.Name, cookieHeader.Value, false); 
                        cookie.Added = false; 
                        cookie.Changed = false;
                    else if (cookie.Changed) {
                        // if a cookie has changed, we need to clear all cookie
                        // headers and re-write them all since we cant delete
                        // specific existing cookies 
                        needToReset = true;

            if (_cookies.Changed || needToReset)
                // delete all set cookie headers
                // write all the cookies again
                for(int c = 0; c < _cookies.Count; c++) 
                    // generate a Set-Cookie header for each cookie
                    cookie = _cookies[c];
                    cookieHeader = cookie.GetSetCookieHeader(_context); 
                    headers.SetHeader(cookieHeader.Name, cookieHeader.Value, false);
                    cookie.Added = false; 
                    cookie.Changed = false; 
                _cookies.Changed = false;
        internal void GenerateResponseHeadersForHandler()
            if ( !(_wr is IIS7WorkerRequest) ) { 

            bool sendCacheControlHeader = false;
            String versionHeader = null;
            // Generate the default headers associated with an ASP.NET handler
            if (!_headersWritten && !_handlerHeadersGenerated) { 
                try { 
                    // The "sendCacheControlHeader" is default to true, but a false setting in either
                    // the  section (legacy) or the  section (current) will disable 
                    // sending of that header.
                    RuntimeConfig config = RuntimeConfig.GetLKGConfig(_context);

                    HttpRuntimeSection runtimeConfig = config.HttpRuntime; 
                    if (runtimeConfig != null) {
                        versionHeader = runtimeConfig.VersionHeader; 
                        sendCacheControlHeader = runtimeConfig.SendCacheControlHeader; 
                    OutputCacheSection outputCacheConfig = config.OutputCache;
                    if (outputCacheConfig != null) {
                        sendCacheControlHeader &= outputCacheConfig.SendCacheControlHeader;

                    // Ensure that cacheability is set to cache-control: private 
                    // if it is not explicitly set 
                    if (sendCacheControlHeader && !_cacheControlHeaderAdded) {
                        Headers.Set("Cache-Control", "private"); 

                    // set the version header
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(versionHeader)) { 
                        Headers.Set("X-AspNet-Version", versionHeader);
                    // Force content-type generation
                    _contentTypeSet = true; 
                finally {
                    _handlerHeadersGenerated = true;
        internal ArrayList GenerateResponseHeaders(bool forCache) {
            ArrayList   headers = new ArrayList(); 
            bool sendCacheControlHeader = HttpRuntimeSection.DefaultSendCacheControlHeader;

            // ASP.NET version header
            if (!forCache ) { 

                if (!_versionHeaderSent) { 
                    String versionHeader = null; 

                    // The "sendCacheControlHeader" is default to true, but a false setting in either 
                    // the  section (legacy) or the  section (current) will disable
                    // sending of that header.
                    RuntimeConfig config = RuntimeConfig.GetLKGConfig(_context);
                    HttpRuntimeSection runtimeConfig = config.HttpRuntime;
                    if (runtimeConfig != null) { 
                        versionHeader = runtimeConfig.VersionHeader; 
                        sendCacheControlHeader = runtimeConfig.SendCacheControlHeader;

                    OutputCacheSection outputCacheConfig = config.OutputCache;
                    if (outputCacheConfig != null) {
                        sendCacheControlHeader &= outputCacheConfig.SendCacheControlHeader; 
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(versionHeader)) { 
                        headers.Add(new HttpResponseHeader("X-AspNet-Version", versionHeader));

                    _versionHeaderSent = true;

            // custom headers 
            if (_customHeaders != null) { 
                int numCustomHeaders = _customHeaders.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i < numCustomHeaders; i++) 

            // location of redirect 
            if (_redirectLocation != null) {
                headers.Add(new HttpResponseHeader(HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderLocation, _redirectLocation)); 

            // don't include headers that the cache changes or omits on a cache hit 
            if (!forCache) {
                // cookies
                if (_cookies != null) {
                    int numCookies = _cookies.Count; 

                    for (int i = 0; i < numCookies; i++) { 

                // cache policy
                if (_cachePolicy != null && _cachePolicy.IsModified()) {
                    _cachePolicy.GetHeaders(headers, this); 
                else { 
                    if (_cacheHeaders != null) { 

                     * Ensure that cacheability is set to cache-control: private
                     * if it is not explicitly set. 
                    if (!_cacheControlHeaderAdded && sendCacheControlHeader) { 
                        headers.Add(new HttpResponseHeader(HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderCacheControl, "private")); 

            // content type 
            if ( _statusCode != 204 && _contentType != null) { 
                String contentType = AppendCharSetToContentType( _contentType ); 
                headers.Add(new HttpResponseHeader(HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderContentType, contentType));

            // done
            return headers;

        internal string AppendCharSetToContentType(string contentType) 
            String newContentType = contentType;
            // charset=xxx logic -- append if
            //      not there already and
            //          custom set or response encoding used by http writer to convert bytes to chars
            if (_customCharSet || (_httpWriter != null && _httpWriter.ResponseEncodingUsed)) { 
                if (contentType.IndexOf("charset=", StringComparison.Ordinal) < 0) {
                    String charset = Charset; 
                    if (charset.Length > 0) { // not suppressed 
                        newContentType = contentType + "; charset=" + charset;

            return newContentType; 
        internal bool UseAdaptiveError { 
            get {
                return _useAdaptiveError; 
            set {
                _useAdaptiveError = value;
        private void WriteHeaders() { 
            if (_wr == null)

             // Fire pre-send headers event

            if (_context != null && _context.ApplicationInstance != null) { 
            // status
            // VSWhidbey 270635: We need to reset the status code for mobile devices. 
            if (UseAdaptiveError) {

                // VSWhidbey 288054: We should change the status code for cases
                // that cannot be handled by mobile devices 
                // 4xx for Client Error and 5xx for Server Error in HTTP spec
                int statusCode = StatusCode; 
                if (statusCode >= 400 && statusCode < 600) { 
                    this.StatusCode = 200;

            _wr.SendStatus(this.StatusCode, this.StatusDescription);
            // headers encoding
            // unicode messes up the response badly 

            // headers

            ArrayList headers = GenerateResponseHeaders(false); 
            HttpResponseHeader header = null;
            int n = (headers != null) ? headers.Count : 0; 
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) 
                header = headers[i] as HttpResponseHeader; 
        internal int GetBufferedLength() {
            // if length is greater than Int32.MaxValue, Convert.ToInt32 will throw. 
            // This is okay until we support large response sizes 
            return (_httpWriter != null) ? Convert.ToInt32(_httpWriter.GetBufferedLength()) : 0;

        private static byte[] s_chunkSuffix = new byte[2] { (byte)'\r', (byte)'\n'};
        private static byte[] s_chunkEnd    = new byte[5] { (byte)'0',  (byte)'\r', (byte)'\n', (byte)'\r', (byte)'\n'};
        private void Flush(bool finalFlush) {
            // Already completed or inside Flush? 
            if (_completed || _flushing) 
            // Special case for non HTTP Writer
            if (_httpWriter == null) {
            // Avoid recursive flushes 
            _flushing = true;
            try {

                IIS7WorkerRequest iis7WorkerRequest = _wr as IIS7WorkerRequest;
                if (iis7WorkerRequest != null) { 
                    // generate the handler headers if flushing
                    // Push buffers across to native side and explicitly flush.
                    // IIS7 handles the chunking as necessary so we can omit that logic 
                    UpdateNativeResponse(true /*sendHeaders*/);

                    // force a synchronous send

                    _headersWritten = true; 

                long bufferedLength = 0;

                // Headers
                if (!_headersWritten) {
                    if (!_suppressHeaders && !_clientDisconnected) { 
                        if (finalFlush) {
                            bufferedLength = _httpWriter.GetBufferedLength();

                            // suppress content-type for empty responses 
                            if (!_contentLengthSet && bufferedLength == 0 && _httpWriter != null)
                                _contentType = null; 
                            // if there are any cookies, do not kernel cache the response
                            if (_cachePolicy != null && _cookies != null && _cookies.Count != 0) { 
                            // generate response headers
                            // recalculate as sending headers might change it (PreSendHeaders)
                            bufferedLength = _httpWriter.GetBufferedLength(); 

                            // Calculate content-length if not set explicitely
                            // WOS #1380818: Content-Length should not be set for response with 304 status (HTTP.SYS doesn't, and HTTP 1.1 spec implies it)
                            if (!_contentLengthSet && _statusCode != 304) 
                        else { 
                            // Check if need chunking for HTTP/1.1
                            if (!_contentLengthSet && !_transferEncodingSet && _statusCode == 200) { 
                                String protocol = _wr.GetHttpVersion();

                                if (protocol != null && protocol.Equals("HTTP/1.1")) {
                                    AppendHeader(new HttpResponseHeader(HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderTransferEncoding, "chunked")); 
                                    _chunked = true;
                                bufferedLength = _httpWriter.GetBufferedLength();


                    _headersWritten = true; 
                else {
                    bufferedLength = _httpWriter.GetBufferedLength(); 

                // Filter and recalculate length if not done already 
                if (!_filteringCompleted) { 
                    bufferedLength = _httpWriter.GetBufferedLength(); 

                // Content 
                // suppress HEAD content unless overriden 
                if (!_suppressContentSet && Request != null && Request.HttpVerb == HttpVerb.HEAD)
                    _suppressContent = true; 

                if (_suppressContent || _ended) {
                    bufferedLength = 0; 
                if (!_clientDisconnected) { 
                    // Fire pre-send request event
                    if (_context != null && _context.ApplicationInstance != null) 

                    if (_chunked) {
                        if (bufferedLength > 0) { 
                            byte[] chunkPrefix = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(Convert.ToString(bufferedLength, 16) + "\r\n");
                            _wr.SendResponseFromMemory(chunkPrefix, chunkPrefix.Length); 
                            _wr.SendResponseFromMemory(s_chunkSuffix, s_chunkSuffix.Length);

                        if (finalFlush) 
                            _wr.SendResponseFromMemory(s_chunkEnd, s_chunkEnd.Length);
                    else { 


                    if (!finalFlush) 
            finally {
                _flushing = false; 

                // Remember if completed
                if (finalFlush)
                    _completed = true; 
        internal void FinalFlushAtTheEndOfRequestProcessing() {

        internal void FinalFlushAtTheEndOfRequestProcessing(bool needPipelineCompletion) {
        // WOS 1555777: kernel cache support 
        // If the response can be kernel cached, return the kernel cache key;
        // otherwise return null.  The kernel cache key is used to invalidate 
        // the entry if a dependency changes or the item is flushed from the
        // managed cache for any reason.
        internal String SetupKernelCaching(String originalCacheUrl) {
            // don't kernel cache if we have a cookie header 
            if (_cookies != null && _cookies.Count != 0) {
                return null; 
            bool enableKernelCacheForVaryByStar = IsKernelCacheEnabledForVaryByStar();

            // check cache policy
            if (!_cachePolicy.IsKernelCacheable(Request, enableKernelCacheForVaryByStar)) { 
                return null;
            // check configuration if the kernel mode cache is enabled
            HttpRuntimeSection runtimeConfig = RuntimeConfig.GetLKGConfig(_context).HttpRuntime; 
            if (runtimeConfig == null || !runtimeConfig.EnableKernelOutputCache) {
                return null;
            double seconds = (_cachePolicy.UtcGetAbsoluteExpiration() - DateTime.UtcNow).TotalSeconds;
            if (seconds <= 0) { 
                return null; 
            int secondsToLive = seconds < Int32.MaxValue ? (int) seconds : Int32.MaxValue;
            string kernelCacheUrl = _wr.SetupKernelCaching(secondsToLive, originalCacheUrl, enableKernelCacheForVaryByStar);

            if (kernelCacheUrl != null) { 
                // Tell cache policy not to use max-age as kernel mode cache doesn't update it

            return kernelCacheUrl; 

         * Disable kernel caching for this response.  If kernel caching is not supported, this method 
         * returns without performing any action.
        public void DisableKernelCache() { 
            if (_wr == null) {


        private bool IsKernelCacheEnabledForVaryByStar() 
            OutputCacheSection outputCacheConfig = RuntimeConfig.GetAppConfig().OutputCache;
            return (_cachePolicy.IsVaryByStar && outputCacheConfig.EnableKernelCacheForVaryByStar); 

        internal void FilterOutput() {
            try { 
                if (UsingHttpWriter) {
                    IIS7WorkerRequest iis7WorkerRequest = _wr as IIS7WorkerRequest; 
                    if (iis7WorkerRequest != null) { 
                        _httpWriter.FilterIntegrated(true, iis7WorkerRequest);
                    else {
            finally { 
                _filteringCompleted = true; 

        /// Prevents any other writes to the Response
        internal void IgnoreFurtherWrites() {
            if (UsingHttpWriter) { 

         * Is the entire response buffered so far
        internal bool IsBuffered() {
            return !_headersWritten && UsingHttpWriter; 

        //  Expose cookie collection to request 
        //    Gets the HttpCookie collection sent by the current request.
        public HttpCookieCollection Cookies {
            get {
                if (_cookies == null) 
                    _cookies = new HttpCookieCollection(this, false);
                return _cookies; 

        public NameValueCollection Headers {
            get {
                if ( !(_wr is IIS7WorkerRequest) ) { 
                    throw new PlatformNotSupportedException(SR.GetString(SR.Requires_Iis_Integrated_Mode));
                if (_headers == null) {
                    _headers = new HttpHeaderCollection(_wr, this, 16); 

                return _headers;
         * Add dependency on a file to the current response

        ///    Adds dependency on a file to the current response.
        public void AddFileDependency(String filename) {
            _fileDependencyList.AddDependency(filename, "filename"); 

        // Add dependency on a list of files to the current response 

        //   Adds dependency on a group of files to the current response.
        public void AddFileDependencies(ArrayList filenames) {
            _fileDependencyList.AddDependencies(filenames, "filenames"); 
        public void AddFileDependencies(string[] filenames) {
            _fileDependencyList.AddDependencies(filenames, "filenames"); 

        internal void AddVirtualPathDependencies(string[] virtualPaths) {
            _virtualPathDependencyList.AddDependencies(virtualPaths, "virtualPaths", false, Request.Path); 
        internal void AddFileDependencies(string[] filenames, DateTime utcTime) { 
            _fileDependencyList.AddDependencies(filenames, "filenames", false, utcTime);

        // Add dependency on another cache item to the response.
        public void AddCacheItemDependency(string cacheKey) {
            _cacheItemDependencyList.AddDependency(cacheKey, "cacheKey"); 
        // Add dependency on a list of cache items to the response. 
        public void AddCacheItemDependencies(ArrayList cacheKeys) {
            _cacheItemDependencyList.AddDependencies(cacheKeys, "cacheKeys"); 

        public void AddCacheItemDependencies(string[] cacheKeys) { 
            _cacheItemDependencyList.AddDependencies(cacheKeys, "cacheKeys");
        // Add dependency on one or more CacheDependency objects to the response
        public void AddCacheDependency(params CacheDependency[] dependencies) { 
            if (_aggDependency == null) {
                _aggDependency = new AggregateCacheDependency();

        public static void RemoveOutputCacheItem(string path) { 
            if (path == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("path");
            if (StringUtil.StringStartsWith(path, "\\\\") || path.IndexOf(':') >= 0 || !UrlPath.IsRooted(path))
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.Invalid_path_for_remove, path)); 

            CacheInternal cacheInternal = HttpRuntime.CacheInternal; 
            string key = OutputCacheModule.CreateOutputCachedItemKey(
                    path, HttpVerb.GET, null, null); 


            key = OutputCacheModule.CreateOutputCachedItemKey( 
                    path, HttpVerb.POST, null, null);
        // Get the list of file dependencies.
        internal string[] GetFileDependencies() {
            return _fileDependencyList.GetDependencies();

        // Get the list of cache item dependencies. 
        internal string[] GetCacheItemDependencies() { 
            return _cacheItemDependencyList.GetDependencies();

        // Check if there are file dependencies.
        internal bool HasFileDependencies() {
            return _fileDependencyList.HasDependencies(); 
        // Check if there are item dependencies. 
        internal bool HasCacheItemDependencies() {
            return _cacheItemDependencyList.HasDependencies(); 

        internal CacheDependency GetCacheDependency() {
            return _aggDependency; 
        internal CacheDependency GetVirtualPathDependency() { 
            return _virtualPathDependencyList.CreateCacheDependency(CacheDependencyType.VirtualPaths, null);

        internal CacheDependency CreateCacheDependencyForResponse(CacheDependency dependencyVary) {
            CacheDependency dependency;
            // N.B. - add file dependencies last so that we hit the file changes monitor
            // just once. 
            dependency = _cacheItemDependencyList.CreateCacheDependency(CacheDependencyType.CacheItems, dependencyVary); 
            dependency = _fileDependencyList.CreateCacheDependency(CacheDependencyType.Files, dependency);
            dependency = _virtualPathDependencyList.CreateCacheDependency(CacheDependencyType.VirtualPaths, dependency); 

            // N.B. we add in the aggregate dependency here, and return it,
            // so this function should only be called once, because the resulting
            // dependency can only be added to the cache once 
            AggregateCacheDependency aggDependency;
            if (_aggDependency != null) { 
                aggDependency = _aggDependency; 
            else { 
                aggDependency = new AggregateCacheDependency();

            if (dependency != null) { 
            return aggDependency;

        // Get response headers and content as HttpRawResponse
        internal HttpRawResponse GetSnapshot() {
            int statusCode = 200; 
            string statusDescription = null;
            ArrayList headers = null; 
            ArrayList buffers = null; 
            bool hasSubstBlocks = false;
            if (!IsBuffered())
                throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.Cannot_get_snapshot_if_not_buffered));

            IIS7WorkerRequest iis7WorkerRequest = _wr as IIS7WorkerRequest; 

            // data 
            if (!_suppressContent) { 
                if (iis7WorkerRequest != null) {
                    buffers = _httpWriter.GetIntegratedSnapshot(out hasSubstBlocks, iis7WorkerRequest); 
                else {
                    buffers = _httpWriter.GetSnapshot(out hasSubstBlocks);
            // headers (after data as the data has side effects (like charset, see ASURT 113202)) 
            if (!_suppressHeaders) {
                statusCode = _statusCode; 
                statusDescription = _statusDescription;
                // In integrated pipeline, we need to use the current response headers
                // from the response (these may have been generated by other handlers, etc)
                // instead of the ASP.NET cached headers 
                if (iis7WorkerRequest != null) {
                    headers = GenerateResponseHeadersIntegrated(true); 
                else {
                    headers = GenerateResponseHeaders(true); 
            return new HttpRawResponse(statusCode, statusDescription, headers, buffers, hasSubstBlocks);

        // Send saved response snapshot as the entire response 
        internal void UseSnapshot(HttpRawResponse rawResponse, bool sendBody) { 
            if (_headersWritten)
                throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.Cannot_use_snapshot_after_headers_sent)); 

            if (_httpWriter == null)
                throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.Cannot_use_snapshot_for_TextWriter));
            // restore status 
            StatusCode = rawResponse.StatusCode;
            StatusDescription = rawResponse.StatusDescription; 

            // restore headers
            ArrayList headers = rawResponse.Headers;
            int n = (headers != null) ? headers.Count : 0; 
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                HttpResponseHeader h = (HttpResponseHeader)(headers[i]); 
                this.AppendHeader(h.Name, h.Value); 
            // restore content

            _suppressContent = !sendBody; 
        internal void CloseConnectionAfterError() { 
            _closeConnectionAfterError = true;

        private void WriteErrorMessage(Exception e, bool dontShowSensitiveErrors) {
            ErrorFormatter errorFormatter = null;
            CultureInfo uiculture = null, savedUiculture = null; 
            bool needToRestoreUiculture = false;
            if (_context.DynamicUICulture != null) { 
                // if the user set the culture dynamically use it
                uiculture =  _context.DynamicUICulture; 
            else  {
                // get the UI culture under which the error text must be created (use LKG to avoid errors while reporting error)
                GlobalizationSection globConfig = RuntimeConfig.GetLKGConfig(_context).Globalization; 
                if ((globConfig != null) && (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(globConfig.UICulture))) {
                    try { 
                        uiculture = HttpServerUtility.CreateReadOnlyCultureInfo(globConfig.UICulture); 
                    catch { 
            //  In Integrated mode, generate the necessary response headers for the error
            // set the UI culture
            if (uiculture != null) { 
                savedUiculture = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture;
                Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = uiculture;
                needToRestoreUiculture = true;

            try { 
                try { 
                    // Try to get an error formatter
                    errorFormatter = GetErrorFormatter(e); 
#if DBG
                    Debug.Trace("internal", "Error stack for " + Request.Path, e);
                    if (dontShowSensitiveErrors && !errorFormatter.CanBeShownToAllUsers) 
                        errorFormatter = new GenericApplicationErrorFormatter(Request.IsLocal);
                    Debug.Trace("internal", "errorFormatter's type = " +  errorFormatter.GetType()); 

                    if (ErrorFormatter.RequiresAdaptiveErrorReporting(Context)) { 
                        _writer.Write(errorFormatter.GetAdaptiveErrorMessage(Context, dontShowSensitiveErrors));
                    else {

                        // Write a stack dump in an HTML comment for debugging purposes 
                        // Only show it for Asp permission medium or higher (ASURT 126373) 
                        if (!dontShowSensitiveErrors &&
                            HttpRuntime.HasAspNetHostingPermission(AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Medium)) { 
                         if (!dontShowSensitiveErrors && !Request.IsLocal ) {

                    if (_closeConnectionAfterError) {
                finally {
                    // restore ui culture 
                    if (needToRestoreUiculture)
                        Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = savedUiculture;
            catch { // Protect against exception filters
        internal void SetOverrideErrorFormatter(ErrorFormatter errorFormatter) {
            _overrideErrorFormatter = errorFormatter;
        internal ErrorFormatter GetErrorFormatter(Exception e) {
            ErrorFormatter  errorFormatter = null; 
            if (_overrideErrorFormatter != null) {
                return _overrideErrorFormatter; 

            // Try to get an error formatter
            errorFormatter = HttpException.GetErrorFormatter(e); 

            if (errorFormatter == null) { 
                ConfigurationException ce = e as ConfigurationException; 
                if (ce != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(ce.Filename))
                    errorFormatter = new ConfigErrorFormatter(ce); 

            // If we couldn't get one, create one here
            if (errorFormatter == null) { 
                // If it's a 404, use a special error page, otherwise, use a more
                // generic one. 
                if (_statusCode == 404) 
                    errorFormatter = new PageNotFoundErrorFormatter(Request.Path);
                else if (_statusCode == 403) 
                    errorFormatter = new PageForbiddenErrorFormatter(Request.Path);
                else {
                    if (e is System.Security.SecurityException)
                        errorFormatter = new SecurityErrorFormatter(e); 
                        errorFormatter = new UnhandledErrorFormatter(e); 
            return errorFormatter;

        private void WriteOneExceptionStack(Exception e) { 
            Exception subExcep = e.InnerException;
            if (subExcep != null) 

            string title = "[" + e.GetType().Name + "]"; 
            if (e.Message != null && e.Message.Length > 0)
                title += ": " + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(e.Message);

            if (e.StackTrace != null)

        private void WriteExceptionStack(Exception e) { 
            ConfigurationErrorsException errors = e as ConfigurationErrorsException;
            if (errors == null) {
            else {
                // Write the original exception to get the first error with 
                // a full stack trace 
                // Write additional errors, which will contain truncated stacks
                ICollection col = errors.Errors;
                if (col.Count > 1) {
                    bool firstSkipped = false; 
                    foreach (ConfigurationException ce in col) {
                        if (!firstSkipped) { 
                            firstSkipped = true; 


        internal void ReportRuntimeError(Exception e, bool canThrow, bool localExecute) { 
            CustomErrorsSection customErrorsSetting = null;
            bool useCustomErrors = false;
            int code = -1;
            if (_completed)
            // always try to disable IIS custom errors when we send an error
            if (_wr != null) { 
                _wr.TrySkipIisCustomErrors = true;

            if (!localExecute) { 
                code = HttpException.GetHttpCodeForException(e);
                // Don't raise event for 404.  See VSWhidbey 124147. 
                if (code != 404) {
                    WebBaseEvent.RaiseRuntimeError(e, this); 

                // This cannot use the HttpContext.IsCustomErrorEnabled property, since it must call
                // GetSettings() with the canThrow parameter. 
                customErrorsSetting = CustomErrorsSection.GetSettings(_context, canThrow);
                if (customErrorsSetting != null) 
                    useCustomErrors = customErrorsSetting.CustomErrorsEnabled(Request); 
                    useCustomErrors = true; 

            if (!_headersWritten) {
                // nothing sent yet - entire response 

                if (code == -1) { 
                    code = HttpException.GetHttpCodeForException(e); 
                // change 401 to 500 in case the config is not to impersonate
                if (code == 401 && !_context.IsClientImpersonationConfigured)
                    code = 500;
                if (_context.TraceIsEnabled)
                    _context.Trace.StatusCode = code; 
                if (!localExecute && useCustomErrors) {
                    String redirect = (customErrorsSetting != null) ? customErrorsSetting.GetRedirectString(code) : null; 

                    if (redirect == null || !RedirectToErrorPage(redirect)) {
                        // if no redirect display generic error
                        StatusCode = code;
                        WriteErrorMessage(e, true); 
                else { 
                    StatusCode = code;
                    WriteErrorMessage(e, false);
            else { 

                if (_contentType != null && _contentType.Equals("text/html")) { 
                    // in the middle of Html - break Html
"); Write(""); Write(""); Write("


\r\n\r\n"); } WriteErrorMessage(e, useCustomErrors); } } internal void SynchronizeStatus(int statusCode, int subStatusCode, string description) { _statusCode = statusCode; _subStatusCode = subStatusCode; _statusDescription = description; } internal void SynchronizeHeader(int knownHeaderIndex, string name, string value) { HttpHeaderCollection headers = Headers as HttpHeaderCollection; headers.SynchronizeHeader(name, value); // unknown headers have an index < 0 if (knownHeaderIndex < 0) { return; } switch (knownHeaderIndex) { case HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderCacheControl: _cacheControlHeaderAdded = true; break; case HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderContentType: _contentType = value; _contentTypeSet = false; break; case HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderLocation: _redirectLocation = value; _redirectLocationSet = false; break; case HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderSetCookie: // If the header is Set-Cookie, update the corresponding // cookie in the cookies collection if (value != null) { HttpCookie cookie = HttpRequest.CreateCookieFromString(value); Cookies.Set(cookie); // do not write this cookie back to IIS cookie.Changed = false; cookie.Added = false; } break; } } internal void SyncStatusIntegrated() { Debug.Assert(_wr is IIS7WorkerRequest, "_wr is IIS7WorkerRequest"); if (!_headersWritten && _statusSet) { // For integrated pipeline, synchronize the status immediately so that the FREB log // correctly indicates the module and notification that changed the status. _wr.SendStatus(_statusCode, _subStatusCode, this.StatusDescription); _statusSet = false; } } // Public properties // Http status code // Gets or sets the HTTP status code of output returned to client. public int StatusCode { get { return _statusCode; } set { if (_headersWritten) throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.Cannot_set_status_after_headers_sent)); if (_statusCode != value) { _statusCode = value; _subStatusCode = 0; _statusDescription = null; _statusSet = true; } } } // the IIS sub status code // since this doesn't get emitted in the protocol // we won't send it through the worker request interface // directly public int SubStatusCode { get { if ( !(_wr is IIS7WorkerRequest) ) { throw new PlatformNotSupportedException(SR.GetString(SR.Requires_Iis_Integrated_Mode)); } return _subStatusCode; } set { if ( !(_wr is IIS7WorkerRequest) ) { throw new PlatformNotSupportedException(SR.GetString(SR.Requires_Iis_Integrated_Mode)); } if (_headersWritten) { throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.Cannot_set_status_after_headers_sent)); } _subStatusCode = value; _statusSet = true; } } /* * Http status description string */ // Http status description string // Gets or sets the HTTP status string of output returned to the client. public String StatusDescription { get { if (_statusDescription == null) _statusDescription = HttpWorkerRequest.GetStatusDescription(_statusCode); return _statusDescription; } set { if (_headersWritten) throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.Cannot_set_status_after_headers_sent)); if (value != null && value.Length > 512) // ASURT 124743 throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value"); _statusDescription = value; _statusSet = true; } } public bool TrySkipIisCustomErrors { get { if (_wr != null) { return _wr.TrySkipIisCustomErrors; } return false; } set { if (_wr != null) { _wr.TrySkipIisCustomErrors = value; } } } // Flag indicating to buffer the output // Gets or sets a value indicating whether HTTP output is buffered. public bool BufferOutput { get { return _bufferOutput; } set { if (_bufferOutput != value) { _bufferOutput = value; if (_httpWriter != null) _httpWriter.UpdateResponseBuffering(); } } } // Gets the Content-Encoding HTTP response header. internal String GetHttpHeaderContentEncoding() { string coding = null; if (_wr is IIS7WorkerRequest) { if (_headers != null) { coding = _headers["Content-Encoding"]; } } else if (_customHeaders != null) { int numCustomHeaders = _customHeaders.Count; for (int i = 0; i < numCustomHeaders; i++) { HttpResponseHeader h = (HttpResponseHeader)_customHeaders[i]; if (h.Name == "Content-Encoding") { coding = h.Value; break; } } } return coding; } /* * Content-type */ /// /// Gets or sets the /// HTTP MIME type of output. /// public String ContentType { get { return _contentType; } set { if (_headersWritten) { // Don't throw if the new content type is the same as the current one if (_contentType == value) return; throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.Cannot_set_content_type_after_headers_sent)); } _contentTypeSet = true; _contentType = value; } } // Gets or sets the HTTP charset of output. public String Charset { get { if (_charSet == null) _charSet = ContentEncoding.WebName; return _charSet; } set { if (_headersWritten) throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.Cannot_set_content_type_after_headers_sent)); if (value != null) _charSet = value; else _charSet = String.Empty; // to differentiate between not set (default) and empty chatset _customCharSet = true; } } // Content encoding for conversion // Gets or sets the HTTP character set of output. public Encoding ContentEncoding { get { if (_encoding == null) { // use LKG config because Response.ContentEncoding is need to display [config] error GlobalizationSection globConfig = RuntimeConfig.GetLKGConfig(_context).Globalization; if (globConfig != null) _encoding = globConfig.ResponseEncoding; if (_encoding == null) _encoding = Encoding.Default; } return _encoding; } set { if (value == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("value"); if (_encoding == null || !_encoding.Equals(value)) { _encoding = value; _encoder = null; // flush cached encoder if (_httpWriter != null) _httpWriter.UpdateResponseEncoding(); } } } public Encoding HeaderEncoding { get { if (_headerEncoding == null) { // use LKG config because Response.ContentEncoding is need to display [config] error GlobalizationSection globConfig = RuntimeConfig.GetLKGConfig(_context).Globalization; if (globConfig != null) _headerEncoding = globConfig.ResponseHeaderEncoding; // default to UTF-8 (also for Unicode as headers cannot be double byte encoded) if (_headerEncoding == null || _headerEncoding.Equals(Encoding.Unicode)) _headerEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; } return _headerEncoding; } set { if (value == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("value"); if (value.Equals(Encoding.Unicode)) { throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.Invalid_header_encoding, value.WebName)); } if (_headerEncoding == null || !_headerEncoding.Equals(value)) { if (_headersWritten) throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.Cannot_set_header_encoding_after_headers_sent)); _headerEncoding = value; } } } // Encoder cached for the current encoding internal Encoder ContentEncoder { get { if (_encoder == null) { Encoding e = ContentEncoding; _encoder = e.GetEncoder(); // enable best fit mapping accoding to config // (doesn't apply to utf-8 which is the default, thus optimization) if (!e.Equals(Encoding.UTF8)) { bool enableBestFit = false; GlobalizationSection globConfig = RuntimeConfig.GetLKGConfig(_context).Globalization; if (globConfig != null) { enableBestFit = globConfig.EnableBestFitResponseEncoding; } if (!enableBestFit) { // setting 'fallback' disables best fit mapping _encoder.Fallback = new EncoderReplacementFallback(); } } } return _encoder; } } // Cache policy // Returns the caching semantics of the Web page (expiration time, privacy, vary clauses). public HttpCachePolicy Cache { get { if (_cachePolicy == null) { _cachePolicy = new HttpCachePolicy(); } return _cachePolicy; } } // Return whether or not we have cache policy. We don't want to create it in // situations where we don't modify it. internal bool HasCachePolicy { get { return _cachePolicy != null; } } // Client connected flag // Gets a value indicating whether the client is still connected to the server. public bool IsClientConnected { get { if (_clientDisconnected) return false; if (_wr != null && !_wr.IsClientConnected()) { _clientDisconnected = true; return false; } return true; } } public bool IsRequestBeingRedirected { get { return _isRequestBeingRedirected; } } /// /// Gets or Sets a redirection string (value of location resposne header) for redirect response. /// public String RedirectLocation { get { return _redirectLocation; } set { if (_headersWritten) throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.Cannot_append_header_after_headers_sent)); _redirectLocation = value; _redirectLocationSet = true; } } /* * Disconnect client */ /// /// Closes the socket connection to a client. /// public void Close() { if (!_clientDisconnected && !_completed && _wr != null) { _wr.CloseConnection(); _clientDisconnected = true; } } // TextWriter object // Enables custom output to the outgoing Http content body. public TextWriter Output { get { return _writer;} } internal TextWriter SwitchWriter(TextWriter writer) { TextWriter oldWriter = _writer; _writer = writer; return oldWriter; } // Output stream // Enables binary output to the outgoing Http content body. public Stream OutputStream { get { if (!UsingHttpWriter) throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.OutputStream_NotAvail)); return _httpWriter.OutputStream; } } // ASP classic compat // Writes a string of binary characters to the HTTP output stream. public void BinaryWrite(byte[] buffer) { OutputStream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); } // Appends a PICS (Platform for Internet Content Selection) label HTTP header to the output stream. public void Pics(String value) { AppendHeader("PICS-Label", value); } // Filtering stream // Specifies a wrapping filter object to modify HTTP entity body before transmission. public Stream Filter { get { if (UsingHttpWriter) return _httpWriter.GetCurrentFilter(); else return null; } set { if (UsingHttpWriter) { _httpWriter.InstallFilter(value); IIS7WorkerRequest iis7WorkerRequest = _wr as IIS7WorkerRequest; if (iis7WorkerRequest != null) { iis7WorkerRequest.ResponseFilterInstalled(); } } else throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.Filtering_not_allowed)); } } // Flag to suppress writing of content // Gets or sets a value indicating that HTTP content will not be sent to client. public bool SuppressContent { get { return _suppressContent; } set { _suppressContent = value; _suppressContentSet = true; } } // // Public methods // /* * Add Http custom header * * @param name header name * @param value header value */ /// /// Adds an HTTP /// header to the output stream. /// public void AppendHeader(String name, String value) { bool isCacheHeader = false; if (_headersWritten) throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.Cannot_append_header_after_headers_sent)); // some headers are stored separately or require special action int knownHeaderIndex = HttpWorkerRequest.GetKnownResponseHeaderIndex(name); switch (knownHeaderIndex) { case HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderContentType: ContentType = value; return; // don't keep as custom header case HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderContentLength: _contentLengthSet = true; break; case HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderLocation: RedirectLocation = value; return; // don't keep as custom header case HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderTransferEncoding: _transferEncodingSet = true; break; case HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderCacheControl: _cacheControlHeaderAdded = true; goto case HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderExpires; case HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderExpires: case HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderLastModified: case HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderEtag: case HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderVary: isCacheHeader = true; break; } // In integrated mode, write the headers directly if (_wr is IIS7WorkerRequest) { Headers.Add(HttpResponseHeader.MaybeEncodeHeader(name), HttpResponseHeader.MaybeEncodeHeader(value)); } else { if (isCacheHeader) { // don't keep as custom header if (_cacheHeaders == null) { _cacheHeaders = new ArrayList(); } _cacheHeaders.Add(new HttpResponseHeader(knownHeaderIndex, value)); return; } else { HttpResponseHeader h; if (knownHeaderIndex >= 0) h = new HttpResponseHeader(knownHeaderIndex, value); else h = new HttpResponseHeader(name, value); AppendHeader(h); } } } /// /// /// /// Adds an HTTP /// cookie to the output stream. /// /// public void AppendCookie(HttpCookie cookie) { if (_headersWritten) throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.Cannot_append_cookie_after_headers_sent)); Cookies.AddCookie(cookie, true); OnCookieAdd(cookie); } /// /// /// public void SetCookie(HttpCookie cookie) { if (_headersWritten) throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.Cannot_append_cookie_after_headers_sent)); Cookies.AddCookie(cookie, false); OnCookieCollectionChange(); } internal void BeforeCookieCollectionChange() { if (_headersWritten) throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.Cannot_modify_cookies_after_headers_sent)); } internal void OnCookieAdd(HttpCookie cookie) { // add to request's cookies as well Request.AddResponseCookie(cookie); } internal void OnCookieCollectionChange() { // synchronize with request cookie collection Request.ResetCookies(); } // Clear response headers // Clears all headers from the buffer stream. public void ClearHeaders() { if (_headersWritten) throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.Cannot_clear_headers_after_headers_sent)); StatusCode = 200; _subStatusCode = 0; _statusDescription = null; _contentType = "text/html"; _charSet = null; _customCharSet = false; _contentLengthSet = false; _redirectLocation = null; _redirectLocationSet = false; _isRequestBeingRedirected = false; _handlerHeadersGenerated = false; _customHeaders = null; if (_headers != null) { _headers.ClearInternal(); } _transferEncodingSet = false; _chunked = false; if (_cookies != null) { _cookies.Reset(); Request.ResetCookies(); } if (_cachePolicy != null) { _cachePolicy.Reset(); } _cacheControlHeaderAdded = false; _cacheHeaders = null; _suppressHeaders = false; _suppressContent = false; _suppressContentSet = false; _expiresInMinutes = 0; _expiresInMinutesSet = false; _expiresAbsolute = DateTime.MinValue; _expiresAbsoluteSet = false; _cacheControl = null; IIS7WorkerRequest iis7WorkerRequest = _wr as IIS7WorkerRequest; if (iis7WorkerRequest != null) { // clear the native response as well ClearNativeResponse(false, true, iis7WorkerRequest); } } /// /// Clears all content output from the buffer stream. /// public void ClearContent() { Clear(); } /* * Clear response buffer and headers. (For ASP compat doesn't clear headers) */ /// /// Clears all headers and content output from the buffer stream. /// public void Clear() { if (UsingHttpWriter) _httpWriter.ClearBuffers(); IIS7WorkerRequest iis7WorkerRequest = _wr as IIS7WorkerRequest; if (iis7WorkerRequest != null) { // clear the native response buffers too ClearNativeResponse(true, false, iis7WorkerRequest); } } /* * Clear response buffer and headers. Internal. Used to be 'Clear'. */ internal void ClearAll() { if (!_headersWritten) ClearHeaders(); Clear(); } /* * Flush response currently buffered */ /// /// Sends all currently buffered output to the client. /// public void Flush() { if (_completed) throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.Cannot_flush_completed_response)); Flush(false); } /* * Append string to the log record * * @param param string to append to the log record */ /// /// Adds custom log information to the IIS log file. /// [AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Medium)] public void AppendToLog(String param) { // only makes sense for IIS if (_wr is System.Web.Hosting.ISAPIWorkerRequest) ((System.Web.Hosting.ISAPIWorkerRequest)_wr).AppendLogParameter(param); else if (_wr is System.Web.Hosting.IIS7WorkerRequest) _context.Request.AppendToLogQueryString(param); } /// /// Redirects a client to a new URL. /// public void Redirect(String url) { Redirect(url, true); } /// /// Redirects a client to a new URL. /// public void Redirect(String url, bool endResponse) { if (url == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("url"); if (url.IndexOf('\n') >= 0) throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.Cannot_redirect_to_newline)); if (_headersWritten) throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.Cannot_redirect_after_headers_sent)); Page page = _context.Handler as Page; if ((page != null) && page.IsCallback) { throw new ApplicationException(SR.GetString(SR.Redirect_not_allowed_in_callback)); } url = ApplyRedirectQueryStringIfRequired(url); url = ApplyAppPathModifier(url); url = ConvertToFullyQualifiedRedirectUrlIfRequired(url); url = UrlEncodeRedirect(url); Clear(); // If it's a Page and SmartNavigation is on, return a short script // to perform the redirect instead of returning a 302 (bugs ASURT 82331/86782) #pragma warning disable 0618 // To avoid SmartNavigation deprecation warning if (page != null && page.IsPostBack && page.SmartNavigation && (Request["__smartNavPostBack"] == "true")) { #pragma warning restore 0618 Write(""); Write(""); } else { this.StatusCode = 302; RedirectLocation = url; Write("Object moved\r\n"); Write("

Object moved to here.

\r\n"); Write("\r\n"); } _isRequestBeingRedirected = true; if (endResponse) End(); } internal string ApplyRedirectQueryStringIfRequired(string url) { if (Request == null || (string)Request.Browser["requiresPostRedirectionHandling"] != "true") return url; Page page = _context.Handler as Page; if (page != null && !page.IsPostBack) return url; //do not add __redir=1 if it already exists int i = url.IndexOf(RedirectQueryStringAssignment, StringComparison.Ordinal); if(i == -1) { i = url.IndexOf('?'); if (i >= 0) { url = url.Insert(i + 1, _redirectQueryStringInline); } else { url = String.Concat(url, _redirectQueryString); } } return url; } // // Redirect to error page appending ?aspxerrorpath if no query string in the url. // Fails to redirect if request is already for error page. // Suppresses all errors. // Returns true if redirect performed successfuly // internal bool RedirectToErrorPage(String url) { const String qsErrorMark = "aspxerrorpath"; try { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(url)) return false; // nowhere to redirect if (_headersWritten) return false; if (Request.QueryString[qsErrorMark] != null) return false; // already in error redirect // append query string if (url.IndexOf('?') < 0) url = url + "?" + qsErrorMark + "=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncodeSpaces(Request.Path); // redirect without response.end Redirect(url, false /*endResponse*/); } catch { return false; } return true; } // Implementation of the DefaultHttpHandler for IIS6+ internal bool CanExecuteUrlForEntireResponse { get { // if anything is sent, too late if (_headersWritten) { return false; } // must have the right kind of worker request if (_wr == null || !_wr.SupportsExecuteUrl) { return false; } // must not be capturing output to custom writer if (!UsingHttpWriter) { return false; } // there is some cached output not yet sent if (_httpWriter.GetBufferedLength() != 0) { return false; } // can't use execute url with filter installed if (_httpWriter.FilterInstalled) { return false; } if (_cachePolicy != null && _cachePolicy.IsModified()) { return false; } return true; } } internal IAsyncResult BeginExecuteUrlForEntireResponse( String pathOverride, NameValueCollection requestHeaders, AsyncCallback cb, Object state) { Debug.Assert(CanExecuteUrlForEntireResponse); // prepare user information String userName, userAuthType; if (_context != null && _context.User != null) { userName = _context.User.Identity.Name; userAuthType = _context.User.Identity.AuthenticationType; } else { userName = String.Empty; userAuthType = String.Empty; } // get the path String path = Request.RewrittenUrl; // null is ok if (pathOverride != null) { path = pathOverride; } // get the headers String headers = null; if (requestHeaders != null) { int numHeaders = requestHeaders.Count; if (numHeaders > 0) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < numHeaders; i++) { sb.Append(requestHeaders.GetKey(i)); sb.Append(": "); sb.Append(requestHeaders.Get(i)); sb.Append("\r\n"); } headers = sb.ToString(); } } byte[] entity = null; if (_context != null && _context.Request != null) { entity = _context.Request.EntityBody; } Debug.Trace("ExecuteUrl", "HttpResponse.BeginExecuteUrlForEntireResponse:" + " path=" + path + " headers=" + headers + " userName=" + userName + " authType=" + userAuthType); // call worker request to start async execute url for this request IAsyncResult ar = _wr.BeginExecuteUrl( path, null, // this method headers, true, // let execute url send headers true, // add user info _wr.GetUserToken(), userName, userAuthType, entity, cb, state); // suppress further sends from ASP.NET // (only if succeeded starting async operation - not is 'finally' block) _headersWritten = true; _ended = true; return ar; } internal void EndExecuteUrlForEntireResponse(IAsyncResult result) { Debug.Trace("ExecuteUrl", "HttpResponse.EndExecuteUrlForEntireResponse"); _wr.EndExecuteUrl(result); } // Methods to write from file // Writes values to an HTTP output content stream. public void Write(String s) { _writer.Write(s); } // Writes values to an HTTP output content stream. public void Write(Object obj) { _writer.Write(obj); } /// /// Writes values to an HTTP output content stream. /// public void Write(char ch) { _writer.Write(ch); } /// /// Writes values to an HTTP output content stream. /// public void Write(char[] buffer, int index, int count) { _writer.Write(buffer, index, count); } /// /// Writes a substition block to the response. /// public void WriteSubstitution(HttpResponseSubstitutionCallback callback) { // cannot be instance method on a control if (callback.Target != null && callback.Target is Control) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.Invalid_substitution_callback), "callback"); } if (UsingHttpWriter) { // HttpWriter can take substitution blocks _httpWriter.WriteSubstBlock(callback, _wr as IIS7WorkerRequest); } else { // text writer -- write as string _writer.Write(callback(_context)); } // set the cache policy: reduce cachability from public to server if (_cachePolicy != null && _cachePolicy.GetCacheability() == HttpCacheability.Public) _cachePolicy.SetCacheability(HttpCacheability.Server); } /* * Helper method to write from file stream * * Handles only TextWriter case. For real requests * HttpWorkerRequest can take files */ private void WriteStreamAsText(Stream f, long offset, long size) { if (size < 0) size = f.Length - offset; if (size > 0) { if (offset > 0) f.Seek(offset, SeekOrigin.Begin); byte[] fileBytes = new byte[(int)size]; int bytesRead = f.Read(fileBytes, 0, (int)size); _writer.Write(Encoding.Default.GetChars(fileBytes, 0, bytesRead)); } } // support for VirtualPathProvider internal void WriteVirtualFile(VirtualFile vf) { Debug.Trace("WriteVirtualFile", vf.Name); using (Stream s = vf.Open()) { if (UsingHttpWriter) { long size = s.Length; if (size > 0) { // write as memory block byte[] fileBytes = new byte[(int)size]; int bytesRead = s.Read(fileBytes, 0, (int) size); _httpWriter.WriteBytes(fileBytes, 0, bytesRead); } } else { // Write file contents WriteStreamAsText(s, 0, -1); } } } // Helper method to get absolute physical filename from the argument to WriteFile private String GetNormalizedFilename(String fn) { // If it's not a physical path, call MapPath on it if (!UrlPath.IsAbsolutePhysicalPath(fn)) { if (Request != null) fn = Request.MapPath(fn); // relative to current request else fn = HostingEnvironment.MapPath(fn); } return fn; } // Write file /// Writes a named file directly to an HTTP content output stream. public void WriteFile(String filename) { if (filename == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("filename"); } WriteFile(filename, false); } /* * Write file * * @param filename file to write * @readIntoMemory flag to read contents into memory immediately */ /// /// Reads a file into a memory block. /// public void WriteFile(String filename, bool readIntoMemory) { if (filename == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("filename"); } filename = GetNormalizedFilename(filename); FileStream f = null; try { f = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); if (UsingHttpWriter) { long size = f.Length; if (size > 0) { if (readIntoMemory) { // write as memory block byte[] fileBytes = new byte[(int)size]; int bytesRead = f.Read(fileBytes, 0, (int) size); _httpWriter.WriteBytes(fileBytes, 0, bytesRead); } else { // write as file block f.Close(); // close before writing f = null; _httpWriter.WriteFile(filename, 0, size); } } } else { // Write file contents WriteStreamAsText(f, 0, -1); } } finally { if (f != null) f.Close(); } } public void TransmitFile(string filename) { TransmitFile(filename, 0, -1); } public void TransmitFile(string filename, long offset, long length) { if (filename == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("filename"); } if (offset < 0) throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.Invalid_range), "offset"); if (length < -1) throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.Invalid_range), "length"); if (!UsingHttpWriter) { if (offset != 0 || length != -1) { throw new PlatformNotSupportedException(); } WriteFile(filename); return; } if ((offset != 0 || length != -1) && _wr is ISAPIWorkerRequestOutOfProc) throw new PlatformNotSupportedException(); filename = GetNormalizedFilename(filename); long size; using (FileStream f = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read)) { size = f.Length; } if (size < offset) throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.Invalid_range), "offset"); if (length == -1) length = size - offset; else if ((size - offset) < length) throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.Invalid_range), "offset"); if (length > 0) { bool supportsLongTransmitFile = (_wr != null && _wr.SupportsLongTransmitFile); _httpWriter.TransmitFile(filename, offset, length, _context.IsClientImpersonationConfigured || HttpRuntime.IsOnUNCShareInternal, supportsLongTransmitFile); } } private void ValidateFileRange(String filename, long offset, long length) { FileStream f = null; try { f = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); long fileSize = f.Length; if (length == -1) length = fileSize - offset; if (offset < 0 || length > fileSize - offset) throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.Invalid_range)); } finally { if (f != null) f.Close(); } } /* * Write file * * @param filename file to write * @param offset file offset to start writing * @param size number of bytes to write */ /// /// Writes a file directly to an HTTP content output stream. /// public void WriteFile(String filename, long offset, long size) { if (filename == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("filename"); } if (size == 0) return; filename = GetNormalizedFilename(filename); ValidateFileRange(filename, offset, size); if (UsingHttpWriter) { // HttpWriter can take files -- don't open here (but Demand permission) InternalSecurityPermissions.FileReadAccess(filename).Demand(); _httpWriter.WriteFile(filename, offset, size); } else { FileStream f = null; try { f = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); WriteStreamAsText(f, offset, size); } finally { if (f != null) f.Close(); } } } /* * Write file * * @param handle file to write * @param offset file offset to start writing * @param size number of bytes to write */ /// /// Writes a file directly to an HTTP content output stream. /// [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, UnmanagedCode=true)] public void WriteFile(IntPtr fileHandle, long offset, long size) { if (size <= 0) return; FileStream f = null; try { f = new FileStream(new Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle(fileHandle,false), FileAccess.Read); if (UsingHttpWriter) { long fileSize = f.Length; if (size == -1) size = fileSize - offset; if (offset < 0 || size > fileSize - offset) throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.Invalid_range)); if (offset > 0) f.Seek(offset, SeekOrigin.Begin); // write as memory block byte[] fileBytes = new byte[(int)size]; int bytesRead = f.Read(fileBytes, 0, (int)size); _httpWriter.WriteBytes(fileBytes, 0, bytesRead); } else { WriteStreamAsText(f, offset, size); } } finally { if (f != null) f.Close(); } } // // Deprecated ASP compatibility methods and properties // /// /// /// Same as StatusDescription. Provided only for ASP compatibility. /// /// public string Status { get { return this.StatusCode.ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo) + " " + this.StatusDescription; } set { int code = 200; String descr = "OK"; try { int i = value.IndexOf(' '); code = Int32.Parse(value.Substring(0, i), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); descr = value.Substring(i+1); } catch { throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.Invalid_status_string)); } this.StatusCode = code; this.StatusDescription = descr; } } /// /// /// Same as BufferOutput. Provided only for ASP compatibility. /// /// public bool Buffer { get { return this.BufferOutput;} set { this.BufferOutput = value;} } /// /// Same as Appendheader. Provided only for ASP compatibility. /// public void AddHeader(String name, String value) { AppendHeader(name, value); } /* * Cancelles handler processing of the current request * throws special [non-]exception uncatchable by the user code * to tell application to stop module execution. */ /// /// Sends all currently buffered output to the client then closes the /// socket connection. /// public void End() { if (_context.IsInCancellablePeriod) { InternalSecurityPermissions.ControlThread.Assert(); Thread.CurrentThread.Abort(new HttpApplication.CancelModuleException(false)); } else { // when cannot abort execution, flush and supress further output if (!_flushing) { // ignore Reponse.End while flushing (in OnPreSendHeaders) Flush(); _ended = true; if (_context.ApplicationInstance != null) { _context.ApplicationInstance.CompleteRequest(); } } } } /* * ASP compatible caching properties */ /// /// /// Gets or sets the time, in minutes, until cached /// information will be removed from the cache. Provided for ASP compatiblility. Use /// the /// Property instead. /// /// public int Expires { get { return _expiresInMinutes; } set { if (!_expiresInMinutesSet || value < _expiresInMinutes) { _expiresInMinutes = value; Cache.SetExpires(_context.Timestamp + new TimeSpan(0, _expiresInMinutes, 0)); } } } /// /// /// Gets or sets the absolute time that cached information /// will be removed from the cache. Provided for ASP compatiblility. Use the /// property instead. /// /// public DateTime ExpiresAbsolute { get { return _expiresAbsolute; } set { if (!_expiresAbsoluteSet || value < _expiresAbsolute) { _expiresAbsolute = value; Cache.SetExpires(_expiresAbsolute); } } } /// /// /// Provided for ASP compatiblility. Use the /// property instead. /// /// public string CacheControl { get { if (_cacheControl == null) { // the default return "private"; } return _cacheControl; } set { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) { _cacheControl = null; Cache.SetCacheability(HttpCacheability.NoCache); } else if (StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(value, "private")) { _cacheControl = value; Cache.SetCacheability(HttpCacheability.Private); } else if (StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(value, "public")) { _cacheControl = value; Cache.SetCacheability(HttpCacheability.Public); } else if (StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(value, "no-cache")) { _cacheControl = value; Cache.SetCacheability(HttpCacheability.NoCache); } else { throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.Invalid_value_for_CacheControl, value)); } } } internal void SetAppPathModifier(string appPathModifier) { if (appPathModifier != null && ( appPathModifier.Length == 0 || appPathModifier[0] == '/' || appPathModifier[appPathModifier.Length - 1] == '/')) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.InvalidArgumentValue, "appPathModifier")); } _appPathModifier = appPathModifier; } public string ApplyAppPathModifier(string virtualPath) { object ch = _context.CookielessHelper; // This ensures that the cookieless-helper is initialized and applies the AppPathModifier if (virtualPath == null) return null; if (UrlPath.IsRelativeUrl(virtualPath)) { virtualPath = UrlPath.Combine(Request.FilePathObject.VirtualPathString, virtualPath); } else { // ignore paths with http://server/... or // if (!UrlPath.IsRooted(virtualPath) || virtualPath.StartsWith("//", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { return virtualPath; } virtualPath = UrlPath.Reduce(virtualPath); } if (_appPathModifier == null || virtualPath.IndexOf(_appPathModifier, StringComparison.Ordinal) >= 0) return virtualPath; string appPath = HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppVirtualPathString; int compareLength = appPath.Length; bool isVirtualPathShort = (virtualPath.Length == appPath.Length - 1); if (isVirtualPathShort) { compareLength--; } // String.Compare will throw exception if there aren't compareLength characters if (virtualPath.Length < compareLength) { return virtualPath; } if (!StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(virtualPath, 0, appPath, 0, compareLength)) { return virtualPath; } if (isVirtualPathShort) { virtualPath += "/"; } Debug.Assert(virtualPath.Length >= appPath.Length); if (virtualPath.Length == appPath.Length) { virtualPath = virtualPath.Substring(0, appPath.Length) + _appPathModifier + "/"; } else { virtualPath = virtualPath.Substring(0, appPath.Length) + _appPathModifier + "/" + virtualPath.Substring(appPath.Length); } return virtualPath; } internal String RemoveAppPathModifier(string virtualPath) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_appPathModifier)) return virtualPath; int pos = virtualPath.IndexOf(_appPathModifier, StringComparison.Ordinal); if (pos <= 0 || virtualPath[pos-1] != '/') return virtualPath; return virtualPath.Substring(0, pos-1) + virtualPath.Substring(pos + _appPathModifier.Length); } private String ConvertToFullyQualifiedRedirectUrlIfRequired(String url) { HttpRuntimeSection runtimeConfig = RuntimeConfig.GetConfig(_context).HttpRuntime; if ( runtimeConfig.UseFullyQualifiedRedirectUrl || (Request != null && (string)Request.Browser["requiresFullyQualifiedRedirectUrl"] == "true")) { return (new Uri(Request.Url, url)).AbsoluteUri ; } else { return url; } } private String UrlEncodeRedirect(String url) { // convert all non-ASCII chars before ? to %XX using UTF-8 and // after ? using Response.ContentEncoding int iqs = url.IndexOf('?'); if (iqs >= 0) { Encoding qsEncoding = (Request != null) ? Request.ContentEncoding : ContentEncoding; url = HttpUtility.UrlEncodeSpaces(HttpUtility.UrlEncodeNonAscii(url.Substring(0, iqs), Encoding.UTF8)) + HttpUtility.UrlEncodeNonAscii(url.Substring(iqs), qsEncoding); } else { url = HttpUtility.UrlEncodeSpaces(HttpUtility.UrlEncodeNonAscii(url, Encoding.UTF8)); } return url; } internal void UpdateNativeResponse(bool sendHeaders) { IIS7WorkerRequest iis7WorkerRequest = _wr as IIS7WorkerRequest; if (null == iis7WorkerRequest) { return; } // WOS 1841024 - Don't set _suppressContent to true for HEAD requests. IIS needs the content // in order to correctly set the Content-Length header. // WOS 1634512 - need to clear buffers if _ended == true // WOS 1850019 - Breaking Change: ASP.NET v2.0: Content-Length is not correct for pages that call HttpResponse.SuppressContent if ((_suppressContent && Request != null && Request.HttpVerb != HttpVerb.HEAD) || _ended) Clear(); bool needPush = false; // NOTE: This also sets the response encoding on the HttpWriter long bufferedLength = _httpWriter.GetBufferedLength(); // // Set headers and status // if (!_headersWritten) { // // Set status // // VSWhidbey 270635: We need to reset the status code for mobile devices. if (UseAdaptiveError) { // VSWhidbey 288054: We should change the status code for cases // that cannot be handled by mobile devices // 4xx for Client Error and 5xx for Server Error in HTTP spec int statusCode = StatusCode; if (statusCode >= 400 && statusCode < 600) { this.StatusCode = 200; } } if (_statusSet) { _wr.SendStatus(this.StatusCode, this.SubStatusCode, this.StatusDescription); _statusSet = false; } // // Set headers // if (!_suppressHeaders && !_clientDisconnected) { // If redirect location set, write it through to IIS as a header if (_redirectLocation != null && _redirectLocationSet) { HttpHeaderCollection headers = Headers as HttpHeaderCollection; headers.Set("Location", _redirectLocation); _redirectLocationSet = false; } // // If content-type explicitly set, write it through to IIS as a header // othervise we won't generate it // We no longer suppress content type for empty responses. If its // explicitly set, we generate it. if (_contentType != null && _contentTypeSet) { HttpHeaderCollection headers = Headers as HttpHeaderCollection; String contentType = AppendCharSetToContentType(_contentType); headers.Set("Content-Type", contentType); _contentTypeSet = false; } // // If cookies have been added/changed, set the corresponding headers // GenerateResponseHeadersForCookies(); // Not calling WriteHeaders headers in Integrated mode. // Instead, most headers are generated when the handler runs, // or on demand as necessary. // The only exception are the cache policy headers. if (sendHeaders) { if (_cachePolicy != null) { // if there are any cookies, do not kernel cache the response if (_cookies != null && _cookies.Count != 0) { _cachePolicy.SetHasSetCookieHeader(); DisableKernelCache(); } if (_cachePolicy.IsModified()) { ArrayList cacheHeaders = new ArrayList(); _cachePolicy.GetHeaders(cacheHeaders, this); HttpHeaderCollection headers = Headers as HttpHeaderCollection; foreach (HttpResponseHeader header in cacheHeaders) { // set and override the header headers.Set(header.Name, header.Value); } } } needPush = true; } } } if (_flushing && !_filteringCompleted) { _httpWriter.FilterIntegrated(false, iis7WorkerRequest); bufferedLength = _httpWriter.GetBufferedLength(); } if (!_clientDisconnected && (bufferedLength > 0 || needPush)) { if (bufferedLength == 0 ) { if (_httpWriter.IgnoringFurtherWrites) { return; } } // push HttpWriter buffers to worker request _httpWriter.Send(_wr); // push buffers through into native iis7WorkerRequest.PushResponseToNative(); // dispose them (since they're copied or // owned by native request) _httpWriter.DisposeIntegratedBuffers(); } } private void ClearNativeResponse(bool clearEntity, bool clearHeaders, IIS7WorkerRequest wr) { wr.ClearResponse(clearEntity, clearHeaders); if (clearEntity) { _httpWriter.ClearSubstitutionBlocks(); } } } internal enum CacheDependencyType { Files, CacheItems, VirtualPaths } struct ResponseDependencyList { private ArrayList _dependencies; private string[] _dependencyArray; private DateTime _oldestDependency; private string _requestVirtualPath; internal void AddDependency(string item, string argname) { if (item == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(argname); } _dependencyArray = null; if (_dependencies == null) { _dependencies = new ArrayList(1); } DateTime utcNow = DateTime.UtcNow; _dependencies.Add(new ResponseDependencyInfo( new string[] {item}, utcNow)); // _oldestDependency is initialized to MinValue and indicates that it must always be set if (_oldestDependency == DateTime.MinValue || utcNow < _oldestDependency) _oldestDependency = utcNow; } internal void AddDependencies(ArrayList items, string argname) { if (items == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(argname); } string[] a = (string[]) items.ToArray(typeof(string)); AddDependencies(a, argname, false); } internal void AddDependencies(string[] items, string argname) { AddDependencies(items, argname, true); } internal void AddDependencies(string[] items, string argname, bool cloneArray) { AddDependencies(items, argname, cloneArray, DateTime.UtcNow); } internal void AddDependencies(string[] items, string argname, bool cloneArray, string requestVirtualPath) { if (requestVirtualPath == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("requestVirtualPath"); _requestVirtualPath = requestVirtualPath; AddDependencies(items, argname, cloneArray, DateTime.UtcNow); } internal void AddDependencies(string[] items, string argname, bool cloneArray, DateTime utcDepTime) { if (items == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(argname); } string [] itemsLocal; if (cloneArray) { itemsLocal = (string[]) items.Clone(); } else { itemsLocal = items; } foreach (string item in itemsLocal) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(item)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(argname); } } _dependencyArray = null; if (_dependencies == null) { _dependencies = new ArrayList(1); } _dependencies.Add(new ResponseDependencyInfo(itemsLocal, utcDepTime)); // _oldestDependency is initialized to MinValue and indicates that it must always be set if (_oldestDependency == DateTime.MinValue || utcDepTime < _oldestDependency) _oldestDependency = utcDepTime; } internal bool HasDependencies() { if (_dependencyArray == null && _dependencies == null) return false; return true; } internal string[] GetDependencies() { if (_dependencyArray == null && _dependencies != null) { int size = 0; foreach (ResponseDependencyInfo info in _dependencies) { size += info.items.Length; } _dependencyArray = new string[size]; int index = 0; foreach (ResponseDependencyInfo info in _dependencies) { int length = info.items.Length; Array.Copy(info.items, 0, _dependencyArray, index, length); index += length; } } return _dependencyArray; } internal CacheDependency CreateCacheDependency(CacheDependencyType dependencyType, CacheDependency dependency) { if (_dependencies != null) { if (dependencyType == CacheDependencyType.Files || dependencyType == CacheDependencyType.CacheItems) { foreach (ResponseDependencyInfo info in _dependencies) { CacheDependency dependencyOld = dependency; try { if (dependencyType == CacheDependencyType.Files) { dependency = new CacheDependency(0, info.items, null, dependencyOld, info.utcDate); } else { // We create a "public" CacheDepdency here, since the keys are for public items. dependency = new CacheDependency(null, info.items, dependencyOld, DateTimeUtil.ConvertToLocalTime(info.utcDate)); } } finally { if (dependencyOld != null) { dependencyOld.Dispose(); } } } } else { CacheDependency virtualDependency = null; VirtualPathProvider vpp = HostingEnvironment.VirtualPathProvider; if (vpp != null && _requestVirtualPath != null) { virtualDependency = vpp.GetCacheDependency(_requestVirtualPath, GetDependencies(), _oldestDependency); } if (virtualDependency != null) { AggregateCacheDependency tempDep = new AggregateCacheDependency(); tempDep.Add(virtualDependency); if (dependency != null) { tempDep.Add(dependency); } dependency = tempDep; } } } return dependency; } } internal class ResponseDependencyInfo { internal readonly string[] items; internal readonly DateTime utcDate; internal ResponseDependencyInfo(string[] items, DateTime utcDate) { this.items = items; this.utcDate = utcDate; } } }

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