Section.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ DotNET / DotNET / 8.0 / untmp / WIN_WINDOWS / lh_tools_devdiv_wpf / Windows / wcp / Framework / MS / Internal / PtsHost / Section.cs / 1 / Section.cs

// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// File: Section.cs 
// Description: Section is representing a portion of a document in which 
// certain page formatting properties can be changed, such as line numbering, 
// number of columns, headers and footers.
// History:
//  05/05/2003 : [....] - moving from Avalon branch.

using System; 
using System.Windows; 
using System.Security;
using System.Windows.Documents; 
using System.Windows.Media;
using MS.Internal.Text;

using MS.Internal.PtsHost.UnsafeNativeMethods; 

namespace MS.Internal.PtsHost 
    /// Section is representing a portion of a document in which certain page 
    /// formatting properties can be changed, such as line numbering,
    /// number of columns, headers and footers.
    internal sealed class Section : UnmanagedHandle 
        //  Constructors

        #region Constructors
        /// Constructor 
        /// Content's structural cache 
        internal Section(StructuralCache structuralCache) : base(structuralCache.PtsContext)
            _structuralCache = structuralCache; 
        /// Dispose unmanaged resources.
        public override void Dispose()
        #endregion Constructors 

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------ 
        //  PTS callbacks
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------- 

        #region PTS callbacks 
        /// Indicates whether to skip a page 
        /// OUT: skip page due to odd/even page issue
        internal void FSkipPage(
            out int fSkip) 
            // Never skip a page
            fSkip = PTS.False; 

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // GetPageDimensions 
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// Get page dimensions
        /// OUT: direction of main text
        /// OUT: header/footer position on the page
        /// OUT: page width
        /// OUT: page height
        /// OUT: rectangle within page margins
        internal void GetPageDimensions( 
            out uint fswdir,
            out int fHeaderFooterAtTopBottom, 
            out int durPage,
            out int dvrPage,
            ref PTS.FSRECT fsrcMargin)
            // Set page dimentions
            Size pageSize = _structuralCache.CurrentFormatContext.PageSize; 
            durPage = TextDpi.ToTextDpi(pageSize.Width); 
            dvrPage = TextDpi.ToTextDpi(pageSize.Height);
            // Set page margin
            Thickness pageMargin = _structuralCache.CurrentFormatContext.PageMargin;
            TextDpi.EnsureValidPageMargin(ref pageMargin, pageSize);
            fsrcMargin.u = TextDpi.ToTextDpi(pageMargin.Left); 
            fsrcMargin.v = TextDpi.ToTextDpi(pageMargin.Top);
            fsrcMargin.du = durPage - TextDpi.ToTextDpi(pageMargin.Left + pageMargin.Right); 
            fsrcMargin.dv = dvrPage - TextDpi.ToTextDpi(pageMargin.Top + pageMargin.Bottom); 

            StructuralCache.PageFlowDirection = (FlowDirection)_structuralCache.PropertyOwner.GetValue(FrameworkElement.FlowDirectionProperty); 
            fswdir = PTS.FlowDirectionToFswdir(StructuralCache.PageFlowDirection);

            fHeaderFooterAtTopBottom = PTS.False;
        /// Get justification properties 
        /// IN: array of the section names on the page
        /// IN: number of sections on the page 
        /// IN: is last section on the page broken? 
        /// OUT: apply justification/alignment to the page?
        /// OUT: kind of vertical alignment for the page 
        /// OUT: cancel justification for the last column of the page? 
        /// Critical, because it is unsafe method.
        internal unsafe void GetJustificationProperties( 
            IntPtr* rgnms, 
            int cnms,
            int fLastSectionNotBroken, 
            out int fJustify,
            out PTS.FSKALIGNPAGE fskal,
            out int fCancelAtLastColumn)
            // NOTE: use the first section to report values (array is only for word compat).
            fJustify = PTS.False; 
            fCancelAtLastColumn = PTS.False; 
            fskal = PTS.FSKALIGNPAGE.fskalpgTop;

        /// Get next section
        /// OUT: next section exists 
        /// OUT: name of the next section 
        internal void GetNextSection(
            out int fSuccess,
            out IntPtr nmsNext) 
            fSuccess = PTS.False; 
            nmsNext = IntPtr.Zero; 
        // -----------------------------------------------------------------
        // GetSectionProperties
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// Get section properties 
        /// OUT: stop page before this section? 
        /// OUT: direction of this section
        /// OUT: apply column balancing to this section? 
        /// OUT: number of columns in the main text segment 
        /// OUT: number of segment-defined columnspan areas
        /// OUT: number of height-defined columnsapn areas 
        internal void GetSectionProperties(
            out int fNewPage, 
            out uint fswdir,
            out int fApplyColumnBalancing,
            out int ccol,
            out int cSegmentDefinedColumnSpanAreas, 
            out int cHeightDefinedColumnSpanAreas)
            ColumnPropertiesGroup columnProperties = new ColumnPropertiesGroup(Element); 
            Size pageSize = _structuralCache.CurrentFormatContext.PageSize;
            double lineHeight = DynamicPropertyReader.GetLineHeightValue(Element); 
            Thickness pageMargin = _structuralCache.CurrentFormatContext.PageMargin;
            double pageFontSize = (double)_structuralCache.PropertyOwner.GetValue(Block.FontSizeProperty);
            FontFamily pageFontFamily = (FontFamily)_structuralCache.PropertyOwner.GetValue(Block.FontFamilyProperty);
            bool enableColumns = _structuralCache.CurrentFormatContext.FinitePage; 

            fNewPage = PTS.False; // Since only one section is supported, don't force page break before. 
            fswdir = PTS.FlowDirectionToFswdir((FlowDirection)_structuralCache.PropertyOwner.GetValue(FrameworkElement.FlowDirectionProperty)); 
            fApplyColumnBalancing = PTS.False;
            ccol = PtsHelper.CalculateColumnCount(columnProperties, lineHeight, pageSize.Width - (pageMargin.Left + pageMargin.Right), pageFontSize, pageFontFamily, enableColumns); 
            cSegmentDefinedColumnSpanAreas = 0;
            cHeightDefinedColumnSpanAreas = 0;
        /// Get main TextSegment 
        /// OUT: name of the main text segment for this section 
        internal void GetMainTextSegment(
            out IntPtr nmSegment)
            if (_mainTextSegment == null)
                // Create the main text segment 
                _mainTextSegment = new ContainerParagraph(Element, _structuralCache);
            nmSegment = _mainTextSegment.Handle;

        /// Get header segment
        /// IN: ptr to page break record of main page
        /// IN: direction for dvrMaxHeight/dvrFromEdge
        /// OUT: is there header on this page?
        /// OUT: does margin increase with header?
        /// OUT: maximum size of header
        /// OUT: distance from top edge of the paper
        /// OUT: direction for header
        /// OUT: name of header segment
        internal void GetHeaderSegment( 
            IntPtr pfsbrpagePrelim,
            uint fswdir, 
            out int fHeaderPresent, 
            out int fHardMargin,
            out int dvrMaxHeight, 
            out int dvrFromEdge,
            out uint fswdirHeader,
            out IntPtr nmsHeader)
            fHeaderPresent = PTS.False;
            fHardMargin = PTS.False; 
            dvrMaxHeight = dvrFromEdge = 0; 
            fswdirHeader = fswdir;
            nmsHeader = IntPtr.Zero; 

        /// Get footer segment 
        /// IN: ptr to page break record of main page 
        /// IN: direction for dvrMaxHeight/dvrFromEdge
        /// OUT: is there footer on this page? 
        /// OUT: does margin increase with footer? 
        /// OUT: maximum size of footer
        /// OUT: distance from bottom edge of the paper 
        /// OUT: direction for footer 
        /// OUT: name of footer segment
        internal void GetFooterSegment(
            IntPtr pfsbrpagePrelim, 
            uint fswdir,
            out int fFooterPresent, 
            out int fHardMargin, 
            out int dvrMaxHeight,
            out int dvrFromEdge, 
            out uint fswdirFooter,
            out IntPtr nmsFooter)
            fFooterPresent = PTS.False; 
            fHardMargin = PTS.False;
            dvrMaxHeight = dvrFromEdge = 0; 
            fswdirFooter = fswdir; 
            nmsFooter = IntPtr.Zero;

        /// Get section column info
        /// IN: direction of section 
        /// IN: size of the preallocated fscolinfo array 
        /// OUT: array of the colinfo structures
        /// OUT: actual number of the columns in the segment 
        /// Critical, because: 
        ///     a) calls Critical function GetColumnsInfo,
        ///     b) it is unsafe method.
        internal unsafe void GetSectionColumnInfo(
            uint fswdir, 
            int ncol, 
            PTS.FSCOLUMNINFO* pfscolinfo,
            out int ccol) 
            ColumnPropertiesGroup columnProperties = new ColumnPropertiesGroup(Element);
            Size pageSize = _structuralCache.CurrentFormatContext.PageSize;
            double lineHeight = DynamicPropertyReader.GetLineHeightValue(Element); 
            Thickness pageMargin = _structuralCache.CurrentFormatContext.PageMargin;
            double pageFontSize = (double)_structuralCache.PropertyOwner.GetValue(Block.FontSizeProperty); 
            FontFamily pageFontFamily = (FontFamily)_structuralCache.PropertyOwner.GetValue(Block.FontFamilyProperty); 
            bool enableColumns = _structuralCache.CurrentFormatContext.FinitePage;
            ccol = ncol;
            PtsHelper.GetColumnsInfo(columnProperties, lineHeight, pageSize.Width - (pageMargin.Left + pageMargin.Right), pageFontSize, pageFontFamily, ncol, pfscolinfo, enableColumns);
        /// Get end note segment 
        /// OUT: are there endnotes for this segment? 
        /// OUT: name of endnote segment
        internal void GetEndnoteSegment(
            out int fEndnotesPresent, 
            out IntPtr nmsEndnotes) 
            fEndnotesPresent = PTS.False; 
            nmsEndnotes = IntPtr.Zero;

        /// Get end note separators
        /// OUT: name of the endnote separator segment
        /// OUT: name of endnote cont separator segment
        /// OUT: name of the endnote cont notice segment
        internal void GetEndnoteSeparators( 
            out IntPtr nmsEndnoteSeparator,
            out IntPtr nmsEndnoteContSeparator, 
            out IntPtr nmsEndnoteContNotice)
            nmsEndnoteSeparator = IntPtr.Zero;
            nmsEndnoteContSeparator = IntPtr.Zero; 
            nmsEndnoteContNotice = IntPtr.Zero;
        #endregion PTS callbacks
        // -----------------------------------------------------------------
        //  Internal Methods
        // -----------------------------------------------------------------
        #region Internal Methods 

        /// Invalidate format caches accumulated in the section.
        internal void InvalidateFormatCache()
            if (_mainTextSegment != null)

        /// Clear previously accumulated update info.
        internal void ClearUpdateInfo()
            if (_mainTextSegment != null) 

        /// Invalidate content's structural cache.
        internal void InvalidateStructure() 
            if (_mainTextSegment != null) 
                DtrList dtrs = _structuralCache.DtrList;
                if (dtrs != null)
        /// Destroy content's structural cache.
        internal void DestroyStructure() 
            if (_mainTextSegment != null) 
                _mainTextSegment = null; 

        /// Update number of characters consumed by the main text segment.
        internal void UpdateSegmentLastFormatPositions() 
            if(_mainTextSegment != null) 

        /// Can update section? 
        internal bool CanUpdate 
                return _mainTextSegment != null; 
        /// StructuralCache. 
        internal StructuralCache StructuralCache
                return _structuralCache; 
        /// Element owner.
        internal DependencyObject Element 
                return _structuralCache.PropertyOwner;

        #endregion Internal Methods
        //  Private Fields 

        #region Private Fields

        /// Main text segment.
        private BaseParagraph _mainTextSegment; 

        /// Structural cache.
        private readonly StructuralCache _structuralCache;
        #endregion Private Fields

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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