Window.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / untmp / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / wpf / src / Framework / System / Windows / Window.cs / 1471291 / Window.cs

//    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// Description: Implements the base Avalon Window class 
// History
//  06/12/02    MihaiI      Created 
//  06/12/03    hamidm      Added functionalities and moved to wcp tree
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.ComponentModel; 
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices; 
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Windows.Automation.Peers;
using System.Windows.Controls; 
using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Windows.Interop; 
using System.Windows.Media; 
using System.Windows.Shell;
using System.Windows.Threading; 
using MS.Internal;
using MS.Internal.AppModel;
using MS.Internal.Interop;
using MS.Internal.KnownBoxes; 
using MS.Win32;
using HRESULT = MS.Internal.Interop.HRESULT; 

//In order to avoid generating warnings about unknown message numbers and 
//unknown pragmas when compiling your C# source code with the actual C# compiler,
//you need to disable warnings 1634 and 1691. (Presharp Documentation)
#pragma warning disable 1634, 1691
namespace System.Windows
    /// Critical: In PartialTrust we want to not allow creation or inheritance of window
    /// PublicOk: This has inheritance demand and constructor is blocked in partial trust
    public class Window : ContentControl, IWindowService 
        // Constructors
        #region Constructors
        ///     Initializes the dependency ids of this class
        /// Critical: Calls critical native method RegisterWindowMessage
        /// TreatAsSafe: The class has inheritance demand and constructor is blocked in partial trust
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
        static Window() 
            HeightProperty.OverrideMetadata(typeof(Window), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(new PropertyChangedCallback(_OnHeightChanged)));
            MinHeightProperty.OverrideMetadata(typeof(Window), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(new PropertyChangedCallback(_OnMinHeightChanged))); 
            MaxHeightProperty.OverrideMetadata(typeof(Window), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(new PropertyChangedCallback(_OnMaxHeightChanged)));
            WidthProperty.OverrideMetadata(typeof(Window), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(new PropertyChangedCallback(_OnWidthChanged)));
            MinWidthProperty.OverrideMetadata(typeof(Window), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(new PropertyChangedCallback(_OnMinWidthChanged)));
            MaxWidthProperty.OverrideMetadata(typeof(Window), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(new PropertyChangedCallback(_OnMaxWidthChanged))); 

            // override VisibilityProperty Metadata. For Window, Visibility.Visible means the Window is visible. 
            // Visibility.Hidden and Visibility.Collapsed mean the Window is not visible. 
            // Visibility.Hidden and Visibility.Collapsed are treated the same.
            // We default to Visibility.Collapsed since RenderSize returns (0,0) only for 
            // collapsed elements and not for hidden. We want to return (0,0) when window is
            // never shown.
            VisibilityProperty.OverrideMetadata(typeof(Window), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(Visibility.Collapsed, new PropertyChangedCallback(_OnVisibilityChanged), new CoerceValueCallback(CoerceVisibility)));
            IsTabStopProperty.OverrideMetadata(typeof(Window), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(BooleanBoxes.FalseBox));
            KeyboardNavigation.DirectionalNavigationProperty.OverrideMetadata(typeof(Window), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(KeyboardNavigationMode.Cycle)); 
            KeyboardNavigation.TabNavigationProperty.OverrideMetadata(typeof(Window), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(KeyboardNavigationMode.Cycle)); 
            KeyboardNavigation.ControlTabNavigationProperty.OverrideMetadata(typeof(Window), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(KeyboardNavigationMode.Cycle));
            FocusManager.IsFocusScopeProperty.OverrideMetadata(typeof(Window), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(BooleanBoxes.TrueBox)); 

            DefaultStyleKeyProperty.OverrideMetadata(typeof(Window), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(typeof(Window)));
            _dType = DependencyObjectType.FromSystemTypeInternal(typeof(Window));
            FlowDirectionProperty.OverrideMetadata(typeof(Window), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(new PropertyChangedCallback(_OnFlowDirectionChanged)));
            RenderTransformProperty.OverrideMetadata(typeof(Window), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(Transform.Identity, new PropertyChangedCallback(_OnRenderTransformChanged), new CoerceValueCallback(CoerceRenderTransform)));
            ClipToBoundsProperty.OverrideMetadata(typeof(Window), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(BooleanBoxes.FalseBox, new PropertyChangedCallback(_OnClipToBoundsChanged), new CoerceValueCallback(CoerceClipToBounds))); 

            // Note that this event only gets raised in Windows 7 and later.
            WM_TASKBARBUTTONCREATED = UnsafeNativeMethods.RegisterWindowMessage("TaskbarButtonCreated");
            WM_APPLYTASKBARITEMINFO = UnsafeNativeMethods.RegisterWindowMessage("WPF_ApplyTaskbarItemInfo");
                new EventHandler(OnStaticManipulationCompleted), 
                /*handledEventsToo*/ true);
                new EventHandler(OnStaticManipulationInertiaStarting), 
                /*handledEventsToo*/ true);
        ///     Constructs a window object 
        ///     Automatic determination of current Dispatcher. Use alternative constructor
        ///     that accepts a Dispatcher for best performance. 
        ///     Initializes the Width/Height, Top/Left properties to use windows 
        ///     default. Updates Application object properties if inside app. 
        ///     Also, window style is set to WS_CHILD inside CreateSourceWindow 
        ///     for browser hosted case
        ///     Callers must have UIPermission(UIPermissionWindow.AllWindows) to call this API.
        /// Critical: We explicitly demand all window permission currently Window creation is not available in Internet Zone. 
        ///     _ownerHandle and _dialogOwnerHandle fields are initialized when this .ctor gets called. 
        /// PublicOK: The only scenarios where we're currently going to enable creation of Windows is with RootBrowserWindow.
        ///     This code has a demand. 
        public Window()
            _inTrustedSubWindow = false; 
        ///     Constructs a window object
        ///     Automatic determination of current Dispatcher. Use alternative constructor
        ///     that accepts a Dispatcher for best performance. 
        ///     Initializes the Width/Height, Top/Left properties to use windows
        ///     default. Updates Application object properties if inside app. 
        ///     Also, window style is set to WS_CHILD inside CreateSourceWindow
        ///     for browser hosted case
        ///     This method currently requires full trust to run.
        /// Critical - The only scenarios where we're currently going to enable creation of Windows is with RootBrowserWindow.
        ///     Do not ever call it from anywhere else. This is only for RBW scenario!!! 
        ///     _ownerHandle and _dialogOwnerHandle fields are initialized when this .ctor gets called.
        internal Window(bool inRbw):base() 
            if (inRbw) 
                _inTrustedSubWindow = true;
                _inTrustedSubWindow = false;
        #endregion Constructors 

        // Public Methods 
        #region Public Methods 

        ///     Show the window
        ///     Calling Show on window is the same as setting the 
        ///     Visibility property to Visibility.Visible.
        public void Show() 
            // Update the property value only.  Do not do anything further in
            // _OnVisibilityInvalidate since we will synchronously call ShowHelper 
            // from here. 

        ///     Hide the window
        ///     Calling Hide on window is the same as setting the
        ///     Visibility property to Visibility.Hidden 
        public void Hide()

            if (_disposed == true) 

            // set Visibility to Hidden even if _isVisible is false since
            // _isVisible can be false b/c of Visibility = Collapsed and Hide()
            // should change Visibility to Hidden. 
            // Update the property value only.  Do not do anything further in 
            // _OnVisibilityInvalidate since we will synchronously call ShowHelper 
            // from here.

        ///     Closes the Window 
        ///     Window fires the Closing event before it closes. If the 
        ///     user cancels the closing event, the window is not closed.
        ///     Otherwise, the window is closed and the Closed event is
        ///     fired.
        ///     Callers must have UIPermission(UIPermissionWindow.AllWindows) to call this API.
        ///  PublicOK: This API Demands UIPermission with AllWindows access
        ///  Critical: calls critical code (InternalClose) 
        [SecurityCritical ]
        public void Close()
            // this call ends up throwing an exception if Close
            // is not allowed 
            InternalClose(false, false);

        ///     Kick off the Window's MoveWindow loop
        ///     To enable custom chrome on Windows. First check if this is the Left MouseButton.
        ///     Will throw exception if it's not, otherwise, will kick off the Windows's MoveWindow loop. 
        ///     Callers must have UIPermission(UIPermissionWindow.AllWindows) to call this API.
        ///     Critical - as this code performs an elevation via the calls to SendMessage. 
        ///     PublicOk - as there is a demand for all windows permission.
        ///     We explicitly demand unamnaged code permission - as there's no valid scenario for this in the SEE. 
        public void DragMove() 
            // this call ends up throwing an exception if dragmove
            // is not allowed

            // Adding check for IsCompositionTargetInvalid as part of the fix for WOSB 1453012 
            if (IsSourceWindowNull || IsCompositionTargetInvalid)

            // Mouse.LeftButton actually reflects the primary button user is using. 
            // So we don't need to check whether the button has been swapped here. 
            if (Mouse.LeftButton == MouseButtonState.Pressed)
                if (WindowState == WindowState.Normal)
                    // SendMessage's return value is dependent on the message send.  WM_SYSCOMMAND
                    // and WM_LBUTTONUP return value just signify whether the WndProc handled the 
                    // message or not, so they are not interesting
#pragma warning disable 6523 
                    UnsafeNativeMethods.SendMessage( CriticalHandle, WindowMessage.WM_SYSCOMMAND, (IntPtr)NativeMethods.SC_MOUSEMOVE, IntPtr.Zero); 
                    UnsafeNativeMethods.SendMessage( CriticalHandle, WindowMessage.WM_LBUTTONUP, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);
#pragma warning restore 6523 
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.DragMoveFail));
        ///     Shows the window as a modal window
        /// bool? 
        ///     Callers must have UIPermission(UIPermissionWindow.AllWindows) to call this API. 
        /// Critical: This code causes unmamanged code elevation in the call to GetWindowLong and GetDesktopWindow 
        ///           which has a SUC on it. There is also a call to SetFocus which returns a window handle.
        ///           It also accesses _dialogOwnerHandle, _dialogPreviousActiveHandle and _ownerHandle.
        /// PublicOK: There is a demand in the code
        [SecurityCritical ]
        public Nullable ShowDialog() 
            // this call ends up throwing an exception if ShowDialog
            // is not allowed 
            if ( _isVisible == true )
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.ShowDialogOnVisible));
            else if ( _showingAsDialog == true )
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.ShowDialogOnModal));
            _dialogOwnerHandle = _ownerHandle;
            // verify owner handle is window
            if (UnsafeNativeMethods.IsWindow( new HandleRef( null, _dialogOwnerHandle ) ) != true)
                _dialogOwnerHandle = IntPtr.Zero; 
            // remember the current active window;
            // this is used when dialog creation fails or dialog closes, we set the active window back to this one. 
            _dialogPreviousActiveHandle = UnsafeNativeMethods.GetActiveWindow();

            // if owner window is not specified, we get the current active window on this thread's
            // message queue as the owner. 
            if (_dialogOwnerHandle == IntPtr.Zero)
                _dialogOwnerHandle = _dialogPreviousActiveHandle; 
            // If hwndOwner == HWNDESKTOP, change it to NULL.  This way the desktop
            // (and all its children) won't be disabled if the dialog is modal.
            if ((_dialogOwnerHandle != IntPtr.Zero) &&
                (_dialogOwnerHandle == UnsafeNativeMethods.GetDesktopWindow())) 
                _dialogOwnerHandle = IntPtr.Zero; 

            // if dialog owner is not null, get the top level window (case where dialog owner is a 
            // child window), and save it's state regarding enabled and active window
            if (_dialogOwnerHandle != IntPtr.Zero)
                // get the top level window from the dialog owner handle 
                int style = 0;
                while (_dialogOwnerHandle != IntPtr.Zero) 
                    style = UnsafeNativeMethods.GetWindowLong(new HandleRef(this, _dialogOwnerHandle), NativeMethods.GWL_STYLE); 
                    if ((style & NativeMethods.WS_CHILD) == NativeMethods.WS_CHILD)
                        _dialogOwnerHandle = UnsafeNativeMethods.GetParent(new HandleRef(null, _dialogOwnerHandle));

            Debug.Assert(_threadWindowHandles == null, "_threadWindowHandles must be null before enumerating the thread windows");
            // NOTE: hamidm -- 01/22/04
            // _threadWindowHandles is created here.  This reference is nulled out in EnableThreadWindows 
            // when it is called with a true parameter.  Please do not null it out anywhere else. 
            // EnableThreadWindow(true) is called when dialog is going away.  Once dialog is closed and
            // thread windows have been enabled, then there no need to keep the array list around. 
            // Please see
            _threadWindowHandles = new ArrayList();
            //Get visible and enabled windows in the thread
            // If the callback function returns true for all windows in the thread, the return value is true. 
            // If the callback function returns false on any enumerated window, or if there are no windows
            // found in the thread, the return value is false. 
            // No need for use to actually check the return value. 
#pragma warning disable 6523
                                                  new NativeMethods.EnumThreadWindowsCallback(ThreadWindowsCallback),
#pragma warning enable 6523
            //disable those windows 
            IntPtr hWndCapture = SafeNativeMethods.GetCapture(); 
            if (hWndCapture != IntPtr.Zero)
                // NOTE: hamidm -- 7/14/04
                // EnableWindow(false) (called from EnableThreadWindows(false)
                // sends WM_CANCELMODE to the window, so we don't need 
                // to send it again.  However, if we change our impl
                // of dialog such that we don't disable all windows on the 
                // thread, then we would need this call. Keeping this code here 
                // until we finish the Dialog task # 18498
                // UnsafeNativeMethods.SendMessage(hWndCapture,
                //                                WindowMessage.WM_CANCELMODE,
                //                                IntPtr.Zero,
                //                                IntPtr.Zero); 

                // hWndCapture = UnsafeNativeMethods.GetCapture(); 
                // if (hWndCapture != IntPtr.Zero) 
                // {
                    // PS # 862892 
                    // WCP: Investigate whether ReleaseCapture is needed in ShowDialog
                // }

            // Ensure Dialog RoutedCommand is registered with CommandManager 

                _showingAsDialog = true;
                // NOTE: hamidm 01/22/04 
                // See







                if (_threadWindowHandles != null)
                    // Some exception case. Re-enable the windows that were disabled 

                // Activate the previously active window.
                // This code/logic came from User.
                if ( (_dialogPreviousActiveHandle != IntPtr.Zero) && 
                    (UnsafeNativeMethods.IsWindow(new HandleRef(null, _dialogPreviousActiveHandle)) == true))
                    // SetFocus fails if the input hwnd is not a Window or if the Window is not on the 
                    // calling thread.
                    // Furthermore, this code path is executed when an exception occurs when we try to
                    // show the window.  Here we are doing the minimum possible to restore state of
                    // the avalon window object.  Hence, if for some reason, we are not able to
                    // SetFocus to the window that previously had focus, we don't care as that failure 
                    // is not important enought to warrant throwing an exception.
                    UnsafeNativeMethods.TrySetFocus(new HandleRef(null, _dialogPreviousActiveHandle), ref _dialogPreviousActiveHandle); 

                // clears _showingAsDialog and accelerators related fields 
                _showingAsDialog = false;

                // using catch and throw instead of catch(Exception e) throw e;  since the former 
                // gives the complete call stack upto the offending method where the exception is thrown
                // If the owner window belongs to another thread, the reactivation
                // of the owner may have failed within DestroyWindow().  Therefore,
                // if the current thread is in the foreground and the owner is not
                // in the foreground we can safely set the foreground back 
                // to the owner.
                TODO: hamidm  7/18/2003 
                PS: 862826
                // WCP Dialog: Figure out what to do when reactivating the owner window 
                // which is in another thread.
                if (_dialogOwnerHandle != IntPtr.Zero)
                    if (IsCurrentThreadForeground() && 
#endif //FIGURE_OUT
                _showingAsDialog = false;
            return _dialogResult; 
        ///     This method tries to activate the Window. 
        ///     This method calls SetForegroundWindow on the hWnd, thus the rules for SetForegroundWindow
        ///     apply to this method. 
        ///     Callers must have UIPermission(UIPermissionWindow.AllWindows) to call this API.
        /// bool -- indicating whether the window was activated or not 
        ///     Critical as this code performs an elevation in the call to SetForegroundWindow. 
        ///     PublicOk - there is a demand in the code. Any caller will require
        ///                     all window code permissions.
        public bool Activate()
            // this call ends up throwing an exception if Activate 
            // is not allowed
            // Demand AllWindows code permission.
            // There be a more appropriate less-restrictive permission - but this should suffice for now.

            // Adding check for IsCompositionTargetInvalid as part of the fix for WOSB 1453012 
            if (IsSourceWindowNull || IsCompositionTargetInvalid)
                return false;

            return UnsafeNativeMethods.SetForegroundWindow(new HandleRef(null, CriticalHandle)); 
        #region LogicalTree
        ///     Returns enumerator to logical children
        protected internal override IEnumerator LogicalChildren
                // Don't use UIElementCollection because we don't have a reference to content's visual parent; 
                // window has style and user can change it.
                return new SingleChildEnumerator(this.Content); 

        #endregion LogicalTree 

        #region static public method 
        /// Gets Window in which the given DependecyObject is hosted in. 
        /// Returns the Window the given dependencyObject is hosted in.
        /// Window
        public static Window GetWindow(DependencyObject dependencyObject) 
            if (dependencyObject == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("dependencyObject");

            // Window.IWindowServiceProperty is an internal inheritable dependency property
            // Normally this value is set to the root Window element, all the element
            // inside the window view will get this value through property inheritance mechanism. 

            return dependencyObject.GetValue(Window.IWindowServiceProperty) as Window; 

        #endregion static public method 

        #endregion Public Methods
        // Public Properties
        #region Public Properties
        /// DependencyProperty for TaskbarItemInfo
        public static readonly DependencyProperty TaskbarItemInfoProperty = DependencyProperty.Register( 
            new PropertyMetadata(
                (d, e) => ((Window)d).OnTaskbarItemInfoChanged(e),

        /// Get or set the TaskbarItemInfo associated with this Window.
        public TaskbarItemInfo TaskbarItemInfo 
                return (TaskbarItemInfo)GetValue(TaskbarItemInfoProperty);
                SetValue(TaskbarItemInfoProperty, value);

        /// Critical - This property modifies the way that Shell exposes this window in the taskbar. 
        ///                It's unsafe to set this value in partial trust.
        /// TreatAsSafe - The VerifyAccessCoercion on the DP for this should have already verified this demand. 
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
        private void OnTaskbarItemInfoChanged(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) 
            var oldBar = (TaskbarItemInfo)e.OldValue;
            var newBar = (TaskbarItemInfo)e.NewValue;
            // We don't propagate changes to this on anything earlier than Windows 7.
            if (!Utilities.IsOSWindows7OrNewer) 

            if (!e.IsASubPropertyChange)
                if (oldBar != null) 
                    oldBar.PropertyChanged -= OnTaskbarItemInfoSubPropertyChanged; 
                if (newBar != null)
                    newBar.PropertyChanged += OnTaskbarItemInfoSubPropertyChanged;
        /// Critical - This accesses and modifies critical objects like _taskbarList and CriticalHandle.
        private void HandleTaskbarListError(HRESULT hr)
            if (hr.Failed) 
                // Even if some of the taskbar methods get this error it doesn't mean that all of them will. 
                // They aren't all implemented with SendMessageTimeout, and unfortunately the ITaskbarList3 API inconsistently 
                // exposes that implementation detail.
                if (hr == (HRESULT)Win32Error.ERROR_TIMEOUT) 
                    // Explorer appears to be busy.  Post back to the Window to try again.
                    if (TraceShell.IsEnabled)
                        TraceShell.Trace(TraceEventType.Error, TraceShell.ExplorerTaskbarTimeout);
                        TraceShell.Trace(TraceEventType.Warning, TraceShell.ExplorerTaskbarRetrying); 

                    // Explorer being hung should be a transient issue.  Post back to apply the full TaskbarItemInfo. 
                else if (hr == (HRESULT)Win32Error.ERROR_INVALID_WINDOW_HANDLE)
                    // We'll get this when Explorer's not running.  This means there's no Shell to integrate with.
                    if (TraceShell.IsEnabled) 
                        TraceShell.Trace(TraceEventType.Warning, TraceShell.ExplorerTaskbarNotRunning);
                    // If this is a transient condition then we'll get a WM_TASKBARBUTTONCREATED when Explorer comes
                    // back and the taskbar button gets created again, at which point we'll rehook.
                    // In the meantime, just stop trying since there's no reasonable expectation of recovery.
                    Utilities.SafeRelease(ref _taskbarList); 
                    // That covers the troublesome errors that we know how to handle.
                    // For anything else we'll ignore the error and count on a subsequent update to correct the state. 
                    if (TraceShell.IsEnabled)
                        TraceShell.Trace(TraceEventType.Error, TraceShell.NativeTaskbarError(hr.ToString()));

        /// Critical - This calls Critical UpdateTaskbar* methods that modify the way that Shell
        ///                exposes this window in the taskbar.  It's unsafe to set this value in partial trust.
        /// TreatAsSafe - This is only called as an event handler set in a SecurityCritical context.
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
        private void OnTaskbarItemInfoSubPropertyChanged(object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) 
            // Don't propagate changes from other TaskbarItemInfos.
            if (sender != this.TaskbarItemInfo) 
                // Since this and the TaskbarItemInfo should share affinity for the same thread
                // this really shouldn't happen...
            // Defer any sub-property changes until the native ITaskbarList3 has been set up.
            if (_taskbarList == null) 
            // If the taskbar has timed out in the last minute, don't try to do this again.
            if (_taskbarRetryTimer != null && _taskbarRetryTimer.IsEnabled) 

            DependencyProperty dp = e.Property;

            HRESULT hr = HRESULT.S_OK; 

            if (dp == TaskbarItemInfo.ProgressStateProperty) 
                hr = UpdateTaskbarProgressState();
            else if (dp == TaskbarItemInfo.ProgressValueProperty)
                hr = UpdateTaskbarProgressValue();
            else if (dp == TaskbarItemInfo.OverlayProperty)
                hr = UpdateTaskbarOverlay(); 
            else if (dp == TaskbarItemInfo.DescriptionProperty) 
                hr = UpdateTaskbarDescription();
            else if (dp == TaskbarItemInfo.ThumbnailClipMarginProperty) 
                hr = UpdateTaskbarThumbnailClipping(); 
            else if (dp == TaskbarItemInfo.ThumbButtonInfosProperty)
                hr = UpdateTaskbarThumbButtons();

        /// DependencyProperty for AllowsTransparency
        public static readonly DependencyProperty AllowsTransparencyProperty =
                        new FrameworkPropertyMetadata( 
                                new PropertyChangedCallback(OnAllowsTransparencyChanged),
                                new CoerceValueCallback(CoerceAllowsTransparency))); 

        /// Whether or not the Window uses per-pixel opacity
        public bool AllowsTransparency
            get { return (bool)GetValue(AllowsTransparencyProperty); } 
            set { SetValue(AllowsTransparencyProperty, BooleanBoxes.Box(value)); }

        private static void OnAllowsTransparencyChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)

        private static object CoerceAllowsTransparency(DependencyObject d, object value) 
            value = VerifyAccessCoercion(d, value);
            if (!((Window) d).IsSourceWindowNull)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.ChangeNotAllowedAfterShow));

            return value; 

        ///     The DependencyProperty for TitleProperty.
        ///     Flags:              None
        ///     Default Value:      String.Empty
        public static readonly DependencyProperty TitleProperty =
                DependencyProperty.Register("Title", typeof(String), typeof(Window), 
                        new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(String.Empty, 
                                new PropertyChangedCallback(_OnTitleChanged)),
                        new ValidateValueCallback(_ValidateText)); 
        ///     The data that will be displayed as the title of the window.
        ///     Hosts are free to display the title in any manner that they
        ///     want.  For example, the browser may display the title set via 
        ///     the Title property somewhere besides the caption bar
        public string Title
                return (String)GetValue(TitleProperty);

                SetValue(TitleProperty, value);

        ///     The DependencyProperty for Icon 
        ///     Flags:              None
        ///     Default Value:      None 
        public static readonly DependencyProperty IconProperty =
                        new FrameworkPropertyMetadata( 
                                new PropertyChangedCallback(_OnIconChanged),
                                new CoerceValueCallback(VerifyAccessCoercion))); 

        ///     Sets the Icon of the Window
        ///     Following is the precedence for displaying the icon: 
        ///     1) Use ImageSource provided by the Icon property.  If Icon property is
        ///     null, see 2 below. 
        ///     2) If Icon Property is not set, then use the Application icon
        ///     embedded in the exe.  Querying Icon property returns null.
        ///     3) If no icon is embedded in the exe, then we set IntPtr.Zero
        ///     as the icon and Win32 displays its default icon.  Querying Icon 
        ///     property returns null.
        ///     If Icon property is set, Window does not dispose that object when it 
        ///     is closed.
        ///     Callers must have UIPermission(UIPermissionWindow.AllWindows) to call this API. 
        ///     Critical: This code causes icon value to be set. This in turn causes property invalidation
        ///               which will access unsafe native methods. 
        ///     PublicOK: There exists a demand , safe to expose
        public ImageSource Icon 

                // this call ends up throwing an exception if accessing 
                // Icon is not allowed
                return (ImageSource) GetValue(IconProperty);

                // this call ends up throwing an exception if accessing
                // Icon is not allowed 

                SetValue(IconProperty, value);

        ///     The DependencyProperty for SizeToContentProperty. 
        ///     Flags:              None
        ///     Default Value:      "SizeToContent.Manual" 
        public static readonly DependencyProperty SizeToContentProperty =
                        new FrameworkPropertyMetadata( 
                                new PropertyChangedCallback(_OnSizeToContentChanged)),
                        new ValidateValueCallback(_ValidateSizeToContentCallback)); 

        /// Auto size Window to its content's size
        /// 1. SizeToContent can be applied to Width Height independently 
        /// 2. After SizeToContent is set, setting Width/Height does not take affect if that 
        ///    dimension is sizing to content.
        /// 3. SizeToContent is turned off (restored to SizeToContent.Manual) if user starts to 
        ///    interact with window in terms of size
        /// Default value is SizeToContent.Manual 
        public SizeToContent SizeToContent 

                // this call ends up throwing an exception if accessing
                // SizeToContent is not allowed 
                return (SizeToContent) GetValue(SizeToContentProperty); 

                // this call ends up throwing an exception if accessing 
                // SizeToContent is not allowed
                SetValue(SizeToContentProperty, value);

        /// DependencyProperty for  property. 
        public static readonly DependencyProperty TopProperty = 
                        new FrameworkPropertyMetadata( 
                                new PropertyChangedCallback(_OnTopChanged),
                                new CoerceValueCallback(CoerceTop)));
        ///     Position for Top of the host window 
        ///     The following values are valid: 
        ///     Positive Doubles: sets the top location to the specified value
        ///     NaN: indicates to use the system default value. This
        ///     is the default for Top property
        ///     PositiveInfinity, NegativeInfinity: These are invalid inputs. 
        [TypeConverter("System.Windows.LengthConverter, PresentationFramework, Version=" + Microsoft.Internal.BuildInfo.WCP_VERSION + ", Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=" + Microsoft.Internal.BuildInfo.WCP_PUBLIC_KEY_TOKEN + ", Custom=null")] 
        public double Top
                // this call ends up throwing an exception if accessing Top
                // is not allowed 
                return (double)GetValue(TopProperty);
                // this call ends up throwing an exception if accessing Top
                // is not allowed 

                // we don't do an if check here to see if the new value is the same 
                // as the current Top value b/c the current value maybe as a result
                // of user resizing which means the the local value of Top has not
                // been written to.  So, if window.Top is explicitly set now we want
                // to write to the local value.  We do make this if check in Top 
                // property invalidation callback for optimization
                SetValue(TopProperty, value); 
        /// DependencyProperty for  property.
        public static readonly DependencyProperty LeftProperty = 
                        new FrameworkPropertyMetadata( 
                                new PropertyChangedCallback(_OnLeftChanged),
                                new CoerceValueCallback(CoerceLeft))); 

        ///     Position for Left edge of  coordinate of the host window
        ///     The following values are valid: 
        ///     Positive Doubles: sets the top location to the specified value 
        ///     NaN: indicates to use the system default value. This
        ///     is the default for Top property 
        ///     PositiveInfinity, NegativeInfinity: These are invalid inputs.
        [TypeConverter("System.Windows.LengthConverter, PresentationFramework, Version=" + Microsoft.Internal.BuildInfo.WCP_VERSION + ", Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=" + Microsoft.Internal.BuildInfo.WCP_PUBLIC_KEY_TOKEN + ", Custom=null")] 
        public double Left

                // this call ends up throwing an exception if accessing left
                // is not allowed
                return (double)GetValue(LeftProperty);

                // this call ends up throwing an exception if accessing left
                // is not allowed

                // we don't do an if check here to see if the new value is the same 
                // as the current Left value b/c the current value maybe as a result 
                // of user resizing which means the the local value of Left has not
                // been written to.  So, if window.Left is explicitly set now we want 
                // to write to the local value.  We do make this if check in Left
                // property invalidation callback for optimization
                SetValue(LeftProperty, value);
        ///     This property returns the restoring rectangle of the window.  This information
        ///     can be used to track a users size and position preferences when the 
        ///     Window is maximized or minimized.
        ///     If RestoreBounds is queried before the Window has been shown or after it has
        ///     been closed, it will return Rect.Empty. 
        ///     Callers must have UIPermission(UIPermissionWindow.AllWindows) to call this API. 
        ///     Critical: This code accesses Handle and calls critical method GetNormalRectLogicalUnits
        ///     PublicOK: This code only works under RBW code path , this operation is ok since
        ///     RBW window is bound to the restrictions of its parent window which is the browser

        public Rect RestoreBounds 
            [SecurityCritical ]

                // this call ends up throwing an exception if accessing RestoreBounds 
                // is not allowed
                if (!_inTrustedSubWindow)

                // either before calling show or after closing AND 
                // Adding check for IsCompositionTargetInvalid as part of the fix for WOSB 1453012
                if (IsSourceWindowNull || IsCompositionTargetInvalid) 
                    return Rect.Empty;

                return GetNormalRectLogicalUnits(CriticalHandle);

        ///     This enum can have following values 
        ///         Manual (default)
        ///         CenterScreen 
        ///         CenterOwner
        ///     If the WindowStartupLocation is WindowStartupLocation.Manual then
        ///     Top and Left properites are used to position the window. 
        ///     This property is used only before window creation. Once the window is
        ///     created hiding it and showing it will not take this property into account. 
        ///     WindowStartupLocation is used to position the window only it it is set to 
        ///     WindowStartupLocation.CenterScreen or WindowStartupLocation.CenterOwner,
        ///     otherwise Top/Left is used.  Furthermore, if determining the location
        ///     of the window is not possible when WindowStartupLocation is set to
        ///     WindowStartupLocation.CenterScreen or WindowStartupLocation.Owner, then 
        ///     Top/Left is used instead.
        public WindowStartupLocation WindowStartupLocation
                // this call ends up throwing an exception if accessing
                // WindowStartupLocation is not allowed 

                return _windowStartupLocation; 

                // this call ends up throwing an exception if accessing 
                // WindowStartupLocation is not allowed

                //validate WindowStartupLocation enum
                if (!IsValidWindowStartupLocation(value))
                    throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("value", (int)value, typeof( WindowStartupLocation ));
                _windowStartupLocation = value; 

        ///     The DependencyProperty for ShowInTaskbarProperty.
        ///     Flags:              None 
        ///     Default Value:      true
        public static readonly DependencyProperty ShowInTaskbarProperty = 
                        new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(BooleanBoxes.TrueBox,
                                new PropertyChangedCallback(_OnShowInTaskbarChanged),
                                new CoerceValueCallback(VerifyAccessCoercion))); 

        ///     Determines if the window should show up in the system taskbar. 
        ///     This also determines if the window appears in the Alt-Tab list.
        public bool ShowInTaskbar
                // this call ends up throwing an exception if accessing 
                // ShowInTaskbar is not allowed

                return (bool) GetValue(ShowInTaskbarProperty);
                // this call ends up throwing an exception if accessing
                // ShowInTaskbar is not allowed 

                SetValue(ShowInTaskbarProperty, BooleanBoxes.Box(value));
        ///     The key needed set a read-only property.
        private static readonly DependencyPropertyKey IsActivePropertyKey
            = DependencyProperty.RegisterReadOnly("IsActive", typeof(bool), typeof(Window),
                                          new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(BooleanBoxes.FalseBox));
        ///     The DependencyProperty for IsActive. 
        ///     Flags:              None 
        ///     Default Value:      True
        ///     Read-Only:          true 
        public static readonly DependencyProperty IsActiveProperty
            = IsActivePropertyKey.DependencyProperty;
        /// IsActive property. It indicates whether the Window is active. 
        /// The title bar will have the active theme. The active window will be 
        /// the topmost of all top-level windows that don't explicitly set the TopMost property or style.
        /// If a window is active, focus is within the window. 
        public bool IsActive
                return (bool)GetValue(IsActiveProperty); 

        ///     This set the owner for the property of the current window.
        ///     If the window has owner and the owner is minimized then 
        ///     owned window is also minimized. Owner window can never be
        ///     over owned window. Owned window is NOT modal. So user can 
        ///     still interact with owner window. This property can not be 
        ///     set of the top level window.
        ///     Callers must have UIPermission(UIPermissionWindow.AllWindows) to call this API.
        /// Critical - _ownerWindow is accessed, SetOwnerHandle is called.
        /// PublicOK - get/set protected by Demand's. 
        public Window Owner 
            [SecurityCritical ]
                // this call ends up throwing an exception if accessing Owner
                // is not allowed 
                return _ownerWindow;
                // this call ends up throwing an exception if accessing Owner 
                // is not allowed 
                if (value == this)
                    throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.CannotSetOwnerToItself)); 
                if ( _showingAsDialog == true ) 
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.CantSetOwnerAfterDialogIsShown)); 

                if (value != null && value.IsSourceWindowNull == true)
                    // Try to be specific in the error message.
                    if (value._disposed) 
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.CantSetOwnerToClosedWindow));
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.CantSetOwnerWhosHwndIsNotCreated));

                if ( _ownerWindow == value ) 

                if (!_disposed) 
                    // Check to see if value is already a child of this window.
                    // If yes, throw Exception
                    if (value != null) 
                        WindowCollection ownedWindows = OwnedWindows; 
                        for (int i = 0; i < ownedWindows.Count; i++) 
                            if (ownedWindows[i] == value) 
                                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.CircularOwnerChild, value, this));
                    // Update OwnerWindows of the previous owner 
                    if (_ownerWindow != null)
                        // using OwnedWindowsInternl b/c we want to modifying the
                        // underlying collection
                // Update parent handle. If value is null, then make parent 
                // handle IntPtr.Zero
                _ownerWindow = value; 

                // We should not do anything if the window is already closed and maybe throw exception.
                // In Dev10, it is unknown whether we can begin to throw exceptions, because it is a BC.
                // I opened DevDiv bug # 479775 to track the Window dispose behavior. 
                // In Dev10, we still update _ownerWindow after window is closed just so that the Owner getter
                // returns the right value. 
                if (_disposed) 

                SetOwnerHandle(_ownerWindow != null ? _ownerWindow.CriticalHandle: IntPtr.Zero);
                // Update OwnerWindows of the new owner
                if (_ownerWindow != null) 
                    // using OwnedWindowsInternl b/c we want to modifying the
                    // underlying collection 

        /// This code checks to see if the owner property is null 
        /// True if the window is null , false other wise 
        ///     Critical: This code is critical since it acceses owner which is critical data 
        ///     TreatAsSafe: Since this exposes no critical data
        private bool IsOwnerNull
                return (_ownerWindow == null);

        ///     This is a collection of windows that are owned by current window. 
        // This collection is a copy of the original one to avoid synchronizing issues. 
        public WindowCollection OwnedWindows 
                return OwnedWindowsInternal.Clone();

        /// Sets/gets DialogResult
        [DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden), TypeConverter(typeof(DialogResultConverter))]
        public Nullable DialogResult 
                // this call ends up throwing an exception if accessing
                // DialogResult is not allowed
                return _dialogResult;

                // this call ends up throwing an exception if accessing
                // DialogResult is not allowed

                if (_showingAsDialog == true) 
                    // This value should be set only after the window is created and shown as dialog.
                    // When _showingAsDialog is set, _sourceWindow must be set too.
                    Debug.Assert( IsSourceWindowNull == false , "IsSourceWindowNull cannot be true when _showingAsDialog is true");

                    // 03/03/2006 -- hamidm 
                    // Fix for 1388606 Close Dialog Window should not return null
                    // According to the new design, setting DialogResult to its current value will not have any effect. 
                    if (_dialogResult != value)
                        _dialogResult = value;

                        // if DialogResult is set from within a Closing event then
                        // the window is in the closing state.  Thus, if we call 
                        // Close() again from here we go into an infinite loop.
                        // Note: Windows OS bug # 934500 Setting DialogResult 
                        // on the Closing EventHandler of a Dialog causes StackOverFlowException
                        if(_isClosing == false)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.DialogResultMustBeSetAfterShowDialog)); 


        ///     The DependencyProperty for WindowStyleProperty. 
        ///     Flags:              None
        ///     Default Value:      WindowStyle.SingleBorderWindow 
        public static readonly DependencyProperty WindowStyleProperty =
                DependencyProperty.Register("WindowStyle", typeof(WindowStyle), typeof(Window),
                        new FrameworkPropertyMetadata( 
                                new PropertyChangedCallback(_OnWindowStyleChanged), 
                                new CoerceValueCallback(CoerceWindowStyle)), 
                        new ValidateValueCallback(_ValidateWindowStyleCallback));
        ///     Defines the visual style of the window (3DBorderWindow,
        ///     SingleBorderWindow, ToolWindow, none).
        ///     Default will be SingleBorderWindow. 
        public WindowStyle WindowStyle
                // this call ends up throwing an exception if accessing
                // WindowStyle is not allowed 

                return (WindowStyle) GetValue(WindowStyleProperty); 
                // this call ends up throwing an exception if accessing
                // WindowStyle is not allowed 

                SetValue(WindowStyleProperty, value); 

        private static object CoerceWindowStyle(DependencyObject d, object value) 
            value = VerifyAccessCoercion(d, value); 
            if (!((Window)d).IsSourceWindowNull)
                // Since the new style hasn't actually been set yet, verify against the new value.
            return value;
        ///     The DependencyProperty for WindowStateProperty. 
        ///     Flags:              None
        ///     Default Value:      WindowState.Normal
        public static readonly DependencyProperty WindowStateProperty = 
                DependencyProperty.Register("WindowState", typeof(WindowState), typeof(Window),
                        new FrameworkPropertyMetadata( 
                                new PropertyChangedCallback(_OnWindowStateChanged), 
                                new CoerceValueCallback(VerifyAccessCoercion)),
                        new ValidateValueCallback(_ValidateWindowStateCallback));

        ///     Current state of the window.  Valid options are Maximized, Minimized,
        ///     or Normal.  The host window may choose to ignore a request to change 
        ///     the current window state. 
        public WindowState WindowState 

                // this call ends up throwing an exception if accessing 
                // WindowState is not allowed 
                return (WindowState) GetValue(WindowStateProperty);
                // this call ends up throwing an exception if accessing 
                // WindowState is not allowed 
                SetValue(WindowStateProperty, value);
        ///     The DependencyProperty for the ResizeMode property. 
        ///     Flags:                  AffectsMeasure 
        ///     Default Value:      false
        public static readonly DependencyProperty ResizeModeProperty =
                DependencyProperty.Register("ResizeMode", typeof(ResizeMode), typeof(Window),
                        new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(ResizeMode.CanResize,
                                new PropertyChangedCallback(_OnResizeModeChanged),
                                new CoerceValueCallback(VerifyAccessCoercion)), 
                        new ValidateValueCallback(_ValidateResizeModeCallback)); 

        ///     Current state of the window.  Valid options are Maximized, Minimized,
        ///     or Normal.  The host window may choose to ignore a request to change
        ///     the current window state.
        public ResizeMode ResizeMode

                // this call ends up throwing an exception if accessing
                // ResizeMode is not allowed

                return ((ResizeMode) GetValue(ResizeModeProperty)); 
                // this call ends up throwing an exception if accessing
                // ResizeMode is not allowed

                SetValue(ResizeModeProperty, value); 
        ///     The DependencyProperty for TopmostProperty.
        ///     Flags:              None
        ///     Default Value:      false 
        public static readonly DependencyProperty TopmostProperty = 
                        new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(BooleanBoxes.FalseBox,
                                new PropertyChangedCallback(_OnTopmostChanged),
                                new CoerceValueCallback(VerifyAccessCoercion)));
        ///     Determines if this window is always on the top. 
        public bool Topmost
                // this call ends up throwing an exception if accessing
                // Topmost is not allowed 

                return (bool) GetValue(TopmostProperty); 
                // this call ends up throwing an exception if accessing
                // Topmost is not allowed 

                SetValue(TopmostProperty, BooleanBoxes.Box(value)); 

        public static readonly DependencyProperty ShowActivatedProperty = 
                        new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(BooleanBoxes.TrueBox,
                                new CoerceValueCallback(VerifyAccessCoercion)));

        ///     Determines if this window is activated when shown (default = true). 
        ///     Not supported for RBW. 
        public bool ShowActivated 

                // this call ends up throwing an exception if accessing 
                // ShowActivated is not allowed 
                return (bool)GetValue(ShowActivatedProperty);
                // this call ends up throwing an exception if accessing 
                // ShowActivated is not allowed

                SetValue(ShowActivatedProperty, BooleanBoxes.Box(value));

        #endregion Public Properties 
        // Public Events
        #region Public Events 

        ///     This event is raised after the window source is created before it is shown 
        public event EventHandler SourceInitialized 
            add { Events.AddHandler(EVENT_SOURCEINITIALIZED, value); }
            remove { Events.RemoveHandler(EVENT_SOURCEINITIALIZED, value); }

        ///     This event is raised when the window is activated 
        public event EventHandler Activated 
            add { Events.AddHandler(EVENT_ACTIVATED, value); }
            remove { Events.RemoveHandler(EVENT_ACTIVATED, value); }

        ///     This event is raised when the window is deactivated 
        public event EventHandler Deactivated 
            add { Events.AddHandler(EVENT_DEACTIVATED, value); }
            remove { Events.RemoveHandler(EVENT_DEACTIVATED, value); }

        ///     This event is raised when the window state is changed 
        public event EventHandler StateChanged 
            add { Events.AddHandler(EVENT_STATECHANGED, value); }
            remove { Events.RemoveHandler(EVENT_STATECHANGED, value); }

        ///     This event is raised when the window location is changed 
        public event EventHandler LocationChanged 
            add { Events.AddHandler(EVENT_LOCATIONCHANGED, value); }
            remove { Events.RemoveHandler(EVENT_LOCATIONCHANGED, value); }

        ///     This event is raised before the window is closed 
        ///     The user can set the CancelEventArg.Cancel property to true to prevent
        ///     the window from closing. However, if the Applicaiton is shutting down
        ///     the window closing cannot be cancelled
        public event CancelEventHandler Closing
            add { Events.AddHandler(EVENT_CLOSING, value); } 
            remove { Events.RemoveHandler(EVENT_CLOSING, value); }

        ///     This event is raised when the window is closed.
        public event EventHandler Closed
            add { Events.AddHandler(EVENT_CLOSED, value); } 
            remove { Events.RemoveHandler(EVENT_CLOSED, value); }

        ///     This event is raised when the window and its content is rendered.
        public event EventHandler ContentRendered
            add { Events.AddHandler(EVENT_CONTENTRENDERED, value); } 
            remove { Events.RemoveHandler(EVENT_CONTENTRENDERED, value); }

        #endregion Public Events

        // Protected Methods 
        #region Protected Methods 

        /// Creates AutomationPeer ()
        protected override AutomationPeer OnCreateAutomationPeer()
            return new WindowAutomationPeer(this); 
        /// OnVisualParentChanged is called when the parent of the Visual is changed.
        /// Old parent or null if the Visual did not have a parent before. 
        protected internal sealed override void OnVisualParentChanged(DependencyObject oldParent)
            // Checking for Visual parent here covers all the scenarios
            // including the following:

            // Window w1 = new Window(); 
            // Window w2 = new WIndow();
            // w1.Show(); 
            // w2.Show(); 
            // w1.VisualChildren.Add(w2);

            // Window w1 = new Window();
            // Window w2 = new WIndow();
            // w1.Show(); 
            // w1.VisualChildren.Add(w2);
            //  w2.Show(); 
            if ( VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(this) != null )
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.WindowMustBeRoot));
        ///     Measurement override. Implements content sizing logic. 
        ///     Deducts the frame size from the constraint and then passes it on 
        ///     to its child.  Only supports one Visual child (just like control)
        protected override Size MeasureOverride(Size availableSize)
            // hamidm: WOSB 1330752 Window content should respect Window's Max/Min size 
            // setting in a SizeToContent Window.
            // Take Min/Max[Width/Height] into consideration.  The logic here is similar to
            // that used in FE.MeasureCore but is limited to Min/Max restriction.  Furthermore,
            // we have our own version of MinMax struct called WindowMinMax that takes
            // SizeToContent into account when calculating the min/max values for height/width. 
            // We don't do anything special in ArrangeOverride the Arrange size is guaranteed 
            // to be the available hwnd size which should be atleast as big as the desired size. 

            Size frameworkAvailableSize = new Size(availableSize.Width, availableSize.Height); 

            WindowMinMax mm = GetWindowMinMax();

            frameworkAvailableSize.Width  = Math.Max(mm.minWidth,  Math.Min(frameworkAvailableSize.Width, mm.maxWidth)); 
            frameworkAvailableSize.Height = Math.Max(mm.minHeight, Math.Min(frameworkAvailableSize.Height, mm.maxHeight));
            //  call to specific layout to measure 
            Size desiredSize = MeasureOverrideHelper(frameworkAvailableSize);
            //  maximize desiredSize with user provided min size
            desiredSize = new Size(
                Math.Max(desiredSize.Width, mm.minWidth),
                Math.Max(desiredSize.Height, mm.minHeight)); 

            return desiredSize; 

        ///     ArrangeOverride allows for the customization of the positioning of children.
        ///     Deducts the frame size of the window from the constraint and then 
        ///     arranges its child.  Supports only one child.
        protected override Size ArrangeOverride(Size arrangeBounds) 

            // hamidm: WOSB 1330752 Window content should respect Window's Max/Min size
            // setting in a SizeToContent Window.
            // We don't do anything special in ArrangeCore regarding min/max size since
            // for BypassLayoutPolicies (Avalon Window case), the Arrange size is guaranteed 
            // to be the available hwnd size which should be atleast as big as the desired size. 

            // Three primary cases
            //      1) hwnd does not exist  -- don't do anything
            //      1a) CompositionTarget is invalid -- don't do anything
            //      2) Child visual exists  -- arrange child at arrangeBounds - window frame size 
            //      3) No Child visual      -- don't do anything
            // Adding check for IsCompositionTargetInvalid as part of the fix for WOSB 1453012 
            if (IsSourceWindowNull || IsCompositionTargetInvalid)
                return arrangeBounds;

            if (this.VisualChildrenCount > 0) 
                UIElement child = this.GetVisualChild(0) as UIElement; 
                if (child != null) 
                    // Find out the size of the window frame x. 
                    // (constraint - x) is the size we pass onto
                    // our child
                    Size frameSize = GetHwndNonClientAreaSizeInMeasureUnits();
                    // In some instances (constraint size - frame size) can be negative. One instance
                    // is when window is set to minimized before layout has happened.  Apparently, Win32 
                    // gives a rect(-32000, -32000, -31840, -31975) for GetWindowRect when hwnd is 
                    // minimized.  However, when we calculate the frame size we get width = 8 and
                    // height = 28!!!  Here, we will take the max of zero and the difference b/w the 
                    // hwnd size and the frame size
                    // PS Windows OS Bug: 955861
                    Size childArrangeBounds = new Size();
                    childArrangeBounds.Width = Math.Max(0.0, arrangeBounds.Width - frameSize.Width); 
                    childArrangeBounds.Height = Math.Max(0.0, arrangeBounds.Height - frameSize.Height); 

                    child.Arrange(new Rect(childArrangeBounds)); 

                    // Windows OS bug # 928719, 953458
                    // The default impl of FlowDirection is that it adds a transform on the element
                    // on whom the FlowDirection property is RlTb.  However, transforms work only if 
                    // there is a parent visual.  In the window case, we are the root and thus this
                    // does not work.  Thus, we add the same transform to our child, if our 
                    // FlowDireciton = Rltb. 
                    if (FlowDirection == FlowDirection.RightToLeft)
                        InternalSetLayoutTransform(child, new MatrixTransform(-1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, childArrangeBounds.Width, 0.0));

            return arrangeBounds; 

        ///     This method is invoked when the Content property changes.
        /// The old value of the Content property.
        /// The new value of the Content property. 
        protected override void OnContentChanged(object oldContent, object newContent)
            base.OnContentChanged(oldContent, newContent); 

            // hamidm 01/12/2005 
            // WOSB 1010151 FxCop: ConstructorsShouldNotCallBaseClassVirtualMethods::
            // System.Windows (presentationframework.dll 2 violation)
            // We can't set IWS property in the cctor since it results 
            // in calling some virtual.  So, as an alternative we set it
            // when content is changed and when we set the root visual. 
            // We set it here, b/c once window has logical children, they 
            // can query for inherited IWS property.

            // We post a dispatcher work item to fire ContentRendered
            // only if this is Loaded in the tree.  If not, we will
            // post it from the LoadedHandler.  This guarantees that 
            // we don't fire ContentRendered on a subtree that is not
            // connected to a PresentationSource 
            if (IsLoaded == true) 
                // _postContentRenderedFromLoadedHandler == true means 
                // that we deferred to the Loaded event to PostConetentRendered
                // for the previous content change and Loaded has not fired yet. 
                // Thus we don't want to hook up another event handler 
                if (_postContentRenderedFromLoadedHandler == false)
                    this.Loaded += new RoutedEventHandler(LoadedHandler);
                    _postContentRenderedFromLoadedHandler = true;
        ///     This even fires after the window source is created before it is shown. This event is non cancelable and is
        ///     for user infromational purposes 
        ///     This method follows the .Net programming guideline of having a protected virtual
        ///     method that raises an event, to provide a convenience for developers that subclass 
        ///     the event. If you override this method - you need to call Base.OnSourceInitialized(...) for
        ///     the corresponding event to be raised. 
        protected virtual void OnSourceInitialized(EventArgs e) 
            EventHandler handler = (EventHandler)Events[EVENT_SOURCEINITIALIZED];
            if (handler != null) handler(this, e); 
        ///     This even fires when window is activated. This event is non cancelable and is
        ///     for user infromational purposes 
        ///     This method follows the .Net programming guideline of having a protected virtual
        ///     method that raises an event, to provide a convenience for developers that subclass 
        ///     the event. If you override this method - you need to call Base.OnClosed(...) for
        ///     the corresponding event to be raised. 
        protected virtual void OnActivated(EventArgs e) 
            EventHandler handler = (EventHandler)Events[EVENT_ACTIVATED];
            if (handler != null) handler(this, e); 
        ///     This even fires when window is deactivated. This event is non cancelable and is
        ///     for user infromational purposes 
        ///     This method follows the .Net programming guideline of having a protected virtual
        ///     method that raises an event, to provide a convenience for developers that subclass 
        ///     the event. If you override this method - you need to call Base.OnClosed(...) for
        ///     the corresponding event to be raised. 
        protected virtual void OnDeactivated(EventArgs e)
            EventHandler handler = (EventHandler)Events[EVENT_DEACTIVATED];
            if (handler != null) handler(this, e);

        ///     This even fires when window state is changed. This event is non 
        ///     cancelable and is for user infromational purposes
        ///     This method follows the .Net programming guideline of having a protected virtual
        ///     method that raises an event, to provide a convenience for developers
        ///     that subclass the event. If you override this method - you need to call 
        ///     Base.OnClosed(...) for the corresponding event to be raised.
        protected virtual void OnStateChanged(EventArgs e) 
            EventHandler handler = (EventHandler)Events[EVENT_STATECHANGED];
            if (handler != null) handler(this, e);
        ///     This event fires when window location changes. This event is not 
        ///     cancelable and is for user infromational purposes 
        ///     This method follows the .Net programming guideline of having a protected virtual
        ///     method that raises an event, to provide a convenience for developers that subclass
        ///     the event. If you override this method - you need to call Base.OnClosed(...) for
        ///     the corresponding event to be raised. 
        protected virtual void OnLocationChanged(EventArgs e) 
            EventHandler handler = (EventHandler)Events[EVENT_LOCATIONCHANGED]; 
            if (handler != null) handler(this, e);

        ///     This event fires when window is Closing. This event is cancelable and thus the
        ///     user can set the CancelEventArgs.Cancel property to true to dismiss window 
        ///     closing 
        ///     This method follows the .Net programming guideline of having a protected virtual
        ///     method that raises an event, to provide a convenience for developers that subclass
        ///     the event. If you override this method - you need to call Base.OnClosing(...) for
        ///     the corresponding event to be raised. 
        protected virtual void OnClosing(CancelEventArgs e) 
            CancelEventHandler handler = (CancelEventHandler)Events[EVENT_CLOSING]; 
            if (handler != null) handler(this, e);

        ///     This event fires when window is closed. This event is non cancelable and is
        ///     for user infromational purposes 
        ///     This method follows the .Net programming guideline of having a protected virtual 
        ///     method that raises an event, to provide a convenience for developers that subclass
        ///     the event. If you override this method - you need to call Base.OnClosed(...) for
        ///     the corresponding event to be raised.
        protected virtual void OnClosed(EventArgs e)
            EventHandler handler = (EventHandler)Events[EVENT_CLOSED];
            if (handler != null) handler(this, e); 

        ///     This override fires the ContentRendered event. 
        protected virtual void OnContentRendered(EventArgs e) 

            // After the content is rendered we want to check if there is an element that needs to be focused
            // If there is - set focus to it
            DependencyObject doContent = Content as DependencyObject; 
            if (doContent != null)
                IInputElement focusedElement = FocusManager.GetFocusedElement(doContent) as IInputElement; 
                if (focusedElement != null)

            EventHandler handler = (EventHandler)Events[EVENT_CONTENTRENDERED];
            if (handler != null) handler(this, e); 
        #endregion Protected Methods 
        // Internal Methods
        #region Internal Methods 
        ///     Critical - calls a method that elevates - CompositionTarget 
        ///     TreatAsSafe - We only use the CompositionTarget to do device to logical unit conversion. 
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
        internal Point DeviceToLogicalUnits(Point ptDeviceUnits)
            Invariant.Assert(IsCompositionTargetInvalid == false, "IsCompositionTargetInvalid is supposed to be false here");
            Point ptLogicalUnits = _swh.CompositionTarget.TransformFromDevice.Transform(ptDeviceUnits); 
            return ptLogicalUnits;
        ///     Critical - calls a method that elevates - CompositionTarget 
        ///     TreatAsSafe - We only use the CompositionTarget to do logical to device unit conversion.
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
        internal Point LogicalToDeviceUnits(Point ptLogicalUnits) 
            Invariant.Assert(IsCompositionTargetInvalid == false, "IsCompositionTargetInvalid is supposed to be false here"); 
            Point ptDeviceUnits = _swh.CompositionTarget.TransformToDevice.Transform(ptLogicalUnits); 
            return ptDeviceUnits;

        internal static bool VisibilityToBool(Visibility v)
            switch (v) 
                case Visibility.Visible: 
                    return true; 
                case Visibility.Hidden:
                case Visibility.Collapsed: 
                    return false;
                    return false;
        ///     Called by ResizeGrip control to set its reference in the Window object
        ///     RBW doesn't need ResizeGrip and hence it doesn't do
        ///     anything in this virtual
        internal virtual void SetResizeGripControl(Control ctrl)
            _resizeGripControl = ctrl; 
        internal virtual void ClearResizeGripControl(Control oldCtrl)
            if (oldCtrl == _resizeGripControl)
                _resizeGripControl = null;

        internal virtual void TryClearingMainWindow() 
            if (IsInsideApp && this == App.MainWindow)
                App.MainWindow = null; 
        ///     Send a WM_CLOSE message to close the window. When the WM_CLOSE message is 
        ///     processed by the WindowFilterMessage function, the Closing event is fired.
        ///     Closing event is cancelable and thus can dismiss window closing.
        /// Specifies whether the app should shutdown or not 
        /// Specifies whether cancelling closing should be ignored 
        ///     Critical - as this code calls UnsafeSendMessage that has a SUC. 
        internal void InternalClose(bool shutdown, bool ignoreCancel)
            if (_disposed == true)
            _appShuttingDown = shutdown;
            _ignoreCancel = ignoreCancel;

            if ( IsSourceWindowNull ) 
                _isClosing = true; 
                // Event handler exception continuality: if exception occurs in Closing event handler, the
                // cleanup action is to finish closing. 
                CancelEventArgs e = new CancelEventArgs(false);

                if (ShouldCloseWindow(e.Cancel))
                    _isClosing = false; 
                    // 03/14/2006 -- hamidm
                    // WOSB 1560557 Dialog does not close with ESC key after it has been cancelled
                    // No need to reset DialogResult to null here since source window is null.  That means 
                    // that ShowDialog has not been called and thus no need to worry about DialogResult.
                // close window synchronously

                // We demand for UIPermission AllWindows at the public API, Window.Close(), level.
                // It can be called when shutting down the app. 
                // The public entry to that code path Application.Shutdown is
                // also protected with a demand for UIPermission with AllWindow access 
                // SendMessage's return value is dependent on the message send.  WM_CLOSE
                // return value just signify whether the WndProc handled the 
                // message or not, so it is not interesting
#pragma warning disable 6523
                UnsafeNativeMethods.UnsafeSendMessage(CriticalHandle, WindowMessage.WM_CLOSE, new IntPtr(), new IntPtr());
#pragma warning enable 6523 
        // NOTE: hamidm  05/18/03 -- PS # 843776
        // We fire Closing and Closed envent even if the hwnd is not 
        // created yet i.e. window is not shown.
        ///     Critical: Calls critical code: Window.InternalDispose
        private void CloseWindowBeforeShow() 
            // raise Closed event
        ///     Critical - as this accesses critical data. 
        ///     TreatAsSafe - as this function just tests to see whether _sourceWindow has been created. 
        ///                          Ok to expose publically. Equivalent to is Window visible.
        internal bool IsSourceWindowNull
            [ SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe ]
                if ( _swh != null ) 
                    return _swh.IsSourceWindowNull;
                return true;
        ///     Critical - as this accesses critical data. 
        ///     TreatAsSafe - as this function just tests to see whether CompositionTarget is valid. 
        ///                          Ok to expose publically.
        internal bool IsCompositionTargetInvalid
            [ SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe ]
                if (_swh != null) 
                    return _swh.IsCompositionTargetInvalid;
                return true;
        internal NativeMethods.RECT WorkAreaBoundsForNearestMonitor
                Debug.Assert( _swh != null ); 
                return _swh.WorkAreaBoundsForNearestMonitor;
        internal Size WindowSize
                Debug.Assert( _swh != null ); 
                return _swh.WindowSize;
        // This is currently exposed just for DRTs.


        internal HwndSource HwndSourceWindow
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe ]
                if ( _swh != null )
                    return _swh.HwndSourceWindow;
                    return null; 


        // NOTE: added on 10/03/02
        // We should set our _hwndSource reference to null here. 
        // Else, if the hwndSource is not null, users can call
        // public APIs that use hwndSource and it will fail

        ///     can be used by internal derived class
        ///     Critical: It calls critical code: Window.UpdateWindowListsOnClose and it
        ///     is used to dispose of the native handles which link demands in safe handle 
        private void InternalDispose()
            _disposed = true;
            // UpdateWindowLists here instead of in WM_CLOSE for 2 reasons. 
            // 1. WM_CLOSE is not fired for child window. An example would be RootBrowserWindow (bug 1754467).
            // 2. It is not fired as a result of calling Dispose directly on HwndSource (HwndSource distroy the window). 

            // detach all events 
            Utilities.SafeDispose(ref _events);
            // NOTE: hamidm 
            // This InternalDispose method is called while
            // processing WM_DESTROY msg. Once we're done 
            // processing this msg, HwndWrapper does its processing.
            // We don't need to dispose _swh here b/c
            // HwndWrapper fires the hwndDisposed event while
            // processing WM_DESTROY msg. HwndSource listens to 
            // this event and disposes itself i.e. the CompositionTarget etc.
            // If we call dispose here, HwndWrapper.Dispose sends 
            // a WM_DESTROY msg and it is a duplicate msg. 

            // When the window is closing, stop any deferred operations. 
            if (_taskbarRetryTimer != null)
                _taskbarRetryTimer = null; 

                Utilities.SafeDispose(ref _hiddenWindow);
                Utilities.SafeDispose(ref _defaultLargeIconHandle);
                Utilities.SafeDispose(ref _defaultSmallIconHandle); 
                Utilities.SafeDispose(ref _currentLargeIconHandle);
                Utilities.SafeDispose(ref _currentSmallIconHandle); 
                Utilities.SafeRelease(ref _taskbarList); 
                _isClosing = false;

        ///     This is a callback called to set the window Visual. It is called after 
        ///     the source window has been created.
        internal override void OnAncestorChanged()
            if (Parent != null) 
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.WindowMustBeRoot)); 
        ///     Initializes the _style and _styleEx bits.
        internal virtual void CreateAllStyle() 
            // we don't need to set to WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW since all the styles are set 
            // manually depending on window properties. 
            // We always have the sysmenu 
            // If the Window has a Caption, then this also
            // shows the icon and the close box

            _Style = NativeMethods.WS_CLIPCHILDREN | NativeMethods.WS_SYSMENU; 
            _StyleEx = 0;
            // do all the other checks and update style bits

            // Visibility bits
            if ( _isVisible ) 
                _Style |= NativeMethods.WS_VISIBLE; 


        ///     Create the window 
        ///     Virtual so that subclasses ( currently only RootBrowserWindow) - may assert for HwndSource creation.
        ///     Critical - calls critical method CreateSourceWindow to create hwnd.
        internal virtual void CreateSourceWindowDuringShow()
        ///     This method is called in the following two cases:
        ///     1. As a result of calling Show on Window, Window.Show (Visibility = Visible).
        ///     2. WindowInteropHelper.EnsureHandle is called. Hwnd is created but not shown. 
        ///        We only create hwnd. RootVisual is not set until Show.
        ///     This method does the following: 
        ///     CalculateLocation of the window:
        ///         Calculates location of window. If either Top/Left is CW_USEDEFAULT, 
        ///         we have to make sure that window displays on the screen. Details in
        ///         the methods.
        ///     Calculate size: 
        ///         Calculates size. If either one of Width/Height is set, then we
        ///         create a window with both set to default and then resizing it 
        ///         to the set value 
        ///     Update Properties: 
        ///         After the hwnd is created, we updated our property values for various
        ///         properties
        ///     Modify the message filter: 
        ///         Elevated processes don't normally receive messages from unelevated processes.
        ///         For taskbar integration in Windows 7 we need to explicitly allow explorer to post 
        ///         messages to this window.. 
        /// Specifies whether this method is called from Window.Show 
        /// or WindowInteropHelper.EnsureHandle
        ///     Critical - as this method accesses critical data and creates a window which it stores locally
        internal void CreateSourceWindow(bool duringShow) 

            // We do not support create hwnd before shown for RBW. 
            if (duringShow == false)
            // we need to cache initial requested top and left as the very first thing
            // since updating the styles etc (as for borderless case below) fires
            // WM_MOVE and update Top/Left.  Also, for RBW case, Top/Left is returned
            // as 0,0 since they are inconsequential. 

            double requestedTop = 0; 
            double requestedLeft = 0; 
            double requestedWidth = 0;
            double requestedHeight = 0; 

            GetRequestedDimensions(ref requestedLeft, ref requestedTop, ref requestedWidth, ref requestedHeight);

            using (HwndStyleManager sm = HwndStyleManager.StartManaging(this, StyleFromHwnd, StyleExFromHwnd)) 
                // set window style and styleEx bits 
                // CreateAllStyle is internal virtual. RBW overrides it to set style to WS_CHILD and 
                // set parent handle

                // create the Win32 Window
                HwndSourceParameters param = CreateHwndSourceParameters();
                // HwndSource disposes itself when HwndWrapper process the WM_DESTROY message. 
                // Window sends WM_CLOSE (which in turn sends WM_DESTROY) to the hwnd when
                // Window.Close() is called.  Thus, this HwndSource created by window is always 
                // disposed by HwndSource itself 
#pragma warning disable 56518
                HwndSource source = new HwndSource(param); 
#pragma warning enable 56518
                _swh = new SourceWindowHelper(source);
                source.SizeToContentChanged += new EventHandler(OnSourceSizeToContentChanged);
                // since we created the window with the style, mark
                // sm as not dirty so that we don't unneccessarialy update 
                // the Win32 style bits. 
                sm.Dirty = false;
                // NOTE: hamidm
                // WOULD BE LOST.  IF IN THE 


                // Since RBW cannot access WindowStyle, hence it overrides 
                // this virtual and does nothing it it.
            } // end using StyleManager
            // We don't do anything that uses the Window styles below so we might as
            // well close the using so that we update the new style to the hwnd.
            // This change was made for WOSB 1051710 where SizeToContent.WidthAndHeight borderless
            // windows where actually bigger than the content size.  This was b/c of 
            // the fact that we didn't update the style of the hwnd before setting
            // the RootVisual which inturn calls MeasureOverride on Window from 
            // where we calculating the non-client area size using the stale 
            // style bits from the hwnd.
            // Add Disposed event handler
            _swh.AddDisposedHandler ( new EventHandler(OnSourceWindowDisposed) );

            _hwndCreatedButNotShown = !duringShow; 

            // Since this is only for Win7 taskbar integration, don't bother with this call unless we're on an appropriate OS. 
            if (Utilities.IsOSWindows7OrNewer) 
                // In case the application is run elevated, explicitly allow WM_TASKBARBUTTONCREATED and WM_COMMAND 
                // through the message filter.  This method call will fail if the application was started with
                // SECURITY_MANDATORY_LOW_RID, so don't propagate failed error codes.
                // It's not the end of the world if this fails: Shell integration simply won't work.
                MSGFLTINFO info; 
                UnsafeNativeMethods.ChangeWindowMessageFilterEx(_swh.CriticalHandle, WM_TASKBARBUTTONCREATED, MSGFLT.ALLOW, out info);
                UnsafeNativeMethods.ChangeWindowMessageFilterEx(_swh.CriticalHandle, WindowMessage.WM_COMMAND, MSGFLT.ALLOW, out info); 

            // Sub classes can have different intialization. RBW does very minimalistic 
            // stuff in its override
            SetupInitialState(requestedTop, requestedLeft, requestedWidth, requestedHeight);

            // Fire SourceInitialized event 
        /// Critical: Exposes _ownerHandle. 
        internal virtual HwndSourceParameters CreateHwndSourceParameters()
            HwndSourceParameters param = new HwndSourceParameters(Title, NativeMethods.CW_USEDEFAULT, NativeMethods.CW_USEDEFAULT);
            param.UsesPerPixelOpacity = AllowsTransparency; 
            param.WindowStyle = _Style; 
            param.ExtendedWindowStyle = _StyleEx;
            param.ParentWindow = _ownerHandle; 
            param.AdjustSizingForNonClientArea = true;
            param.HwndSourceHook = new HwndSourceHook(WindowFilterMessage); // hook to process window messages
            return param;

        private void OnSourceSizeToContentChanged(object sender, EventArgs args) 
            SizeToContent = HwndSourceSizeToContent;

        internal virtual void CorrectStyleForBorderlessWindowCase()
            // We create an OverLapped window for which user adds WS_CAPTION 
            // to the passed in style.  If we were creating a borderless window,
            // remove WS_CAPTION from the hwnd. 
            // We should really be using WS_POPUP for borderless windows, but
            // there's a bug with default sizing where user creates the popup 
            // window with 0,0 size.

            using (HwndStyleManager sm = HwndStyleManager.StartManaging(this, StyleFromHwnd, StyleExFromHwnd)) 
                if (WindowStyle == WindowStyle.None) 
                    _Style = _swh.StyleFromHwnd;
                    _Style &= ~NativeMethods.WS_CAPTION; 
        internal virtual void GetRequestedDimensions(ref double requestedLeft, ref double requestedTop, ref double requestedWidth, ref double requestedHeight)
            requestedTop = this.Top; 
            requestedLeft = this.Left;
            requestedWidth = this.Width; 
            requestedHeight = this.Height;

        ///     Critical - as this method accesses critical data (CriticalHandle) and
        ///                 resizes/repositions the window 
        ///     It also calls critical method (SetRootVisual) 
        internal virtual void SetupInitialState(double requestedTop, double requestedLeft, double requestedWidth, double requestedHeight)
            // Push the current SizeToContent value to HwndSource after it's created. Initial [....] up.
            HwndSourceSizeToContent = (SizeToContent) GetValue(SizeToContentProperty); 
            NativeMethods.RECT rc = WindowBounds; 
            Size sizeDeviceUnits = new Size(rc.right - rc.left, rc.bottom -;
            double xDeviceUnits = rc.left; 
            double yDeviceUnits =;

            bool updateHwndPlacement = false;
            // This code is absolutely necessary here.  This is the initial [....] up
            // for Left/Top.  We don't do this in WM_MOVE if sourceWindow is 
            // null (it is null b/c the call to create HwndSource has not returned at the point) 
            // and we are not listening to WM_CREATE either.  The reasons for not
            // doing so is b/c if sourceWindow is null, we can't get to the CompositionTarget 
            // to convert b/w device and logical pixels
            Point currentLocationLogicalUnits = DeviceToLogicalUnits(new Point(xDeviceUnits, yDeviceUnits));

            // Update our current hwnd ActualTop/ActualLeft values 
            // The _actualLeft and _actualTop need to be updated before we coerce Top and Left.
            // See CoerceTop for more info. 
            _actualLeft = currentLocationLogicalUnits.X; 
            _actualTop = currentLocationLogicalUnits.Y;
            // Coerce Top and Left value to be the intial value used in CreateWindowEx. 
                _updateHwndLocation = false;
                _updateHwndLocation = true; 

            Point requestedSizeDeviceUnits = LogicalToDeviceUnits(new Point(requestedWidth, requestedHeight));
            Point requestedLocationDeviceUnits = LogicalToDeviceUnits(new Point(requestedLeft, requestedTop)); 

            // if Width was specified and is not the same as the current width, then update it 
            if ((!DoubleUtil.IsNaN(requestedWidth)) && (!DoubleUtil.AreClose(sizeDeviceUnits.Width, requestedSizeDeviceUnits.X))) 
                // at this stage, ActualWidth/Height is not set since 
                // layout has not happened (it happens when we set the
                // RootVisual of the HwndSource)

                updateHwndPlacement = true; 
                sizeDeviceUnits.Width = requestedSizeDeviceUnits.X;
                // SetWindowPlacement for Width/Height when Width/Height is set and WindowState is maximized/minimized. 
                if (WindowState != WindowState.Normal)
                    UpdateHwndRestoreBounds(requestedWidth, BoundsSpecified.Width);
            // if Height was specified and is not the same as the current height, then update it
            if (!DoubleUtil.IsNaN(requestedHeight) && (!DoubleUtil.AreClose(sizeDeviceUnits.Height, requestedSizeDeviceUnits.Y))) 
                // at this stage, ActualWidth/Height is not set since
                // layout has not happened (it happens when we set the 
                // RootVisual of the HwndSource)

                updateHwndPlacement = true;
                sizeDeviceUnits.Height = requestedSizeDeviceUnits.Y; 

                // SetWindowPlacement for Width/Height when Width/Height is set and WindowState is maximized/minimized. 
                if (WindowState != WindowState.Normal) 
                    UpdateHwndRestoreBounds(requestedHeight, BoundsSpecified.Height); 

            // if left was specified and is not the same as the current left, then update it 
            if (!DoubleUtil.IsNaN(requestedLeft) && (!DoubleUtil.AreClose(xDeviceUnits, requestedLocationDeviceUnits.X)))
                updateHwndPlacement = true; 
                xDeviceUnits = requestedLocationDeviceUnits.X;
                // SetWindowPlacement for Top/Left when Top/Left is set and WindowState is maximized/minimized.
                if (WindowState != WindowState.Normal)
                    UpdateHwndRestoreBounds(requestedLeft, BoundsSpecified.Left); 
            // if top was specified and is not the same as the current top, then update it
            if (!DoubleUtil.IsNaN(requestedTop) && (!DoubleUtil.AreClose(yDeviceUnits, requestedLocationDeviceUnits.Y))) 
                updateHwndPlacement = true;
                yDeviceUnits = requestedLocationDeviceUnits.Y;
                // SetWindowPlacement for Top/Left when Top/Left is set and WindowState is maximized/minimized.
                if (WindowState != WindowState.Normal) 
                    UpdateHwndRestoreBounds(requestedTop, BoundsSpecified.Top);

            Point minSizeDeviceUnits = LogicalToDeviceUnits(new Point(MinWidth, MinHeight));
            Point maxSizeDeviceUnits = LogicalToDeviceUnits(new Point(MaxWidth, MaxHeight)); 

            // We need this here b/c when WM_GETMINMAXINFO is handled as a result of 
            // creating the hwnd, _swh is null and thus we cannot get to the CompositionTarget 
            // to convert b/w device and logical units.  Thus, once the hwnd is created, we
            // need to check to make sure that the hwnd is within the min/max boundaries. 
            // Here is idea it to detect if we are outside the min/max range and if yes, cause
            // a resize.  This resize will call WM_GETMINMAXINFO and that will further take
            // care of the bounds 

            if (!Double.IsPositiveInfinity(maxSizeDeviceUnits.X) && (sizeDeviceUnits.Width > maxSizeDeviceUnits.X)) 
                updateHwndPlacement = true;
                sizeDeviceUnits.Width = maxSizeDeviceUnits.X; 

            if (!Double.IsPositiveInfinity(minSizeDeviceUnits.Y) && (sizeDeviceUnits.Height > maxSizeDeviceUnits.Y))
                updateHwndPlacement = true;
                sizeDeviceUnits.Height = maxSizeDeviceUnits.Y; 

            if (sizeDeviceUnits.Width < minSizeDeviceUnits.X) 
                updateHwndPlacement = true;
                sizeDeviceUnits.Width = minSizeDeviceUnits.X;

            if (sizeDeviceUnits.Height < minSizeDeviceUnits.Y) 
                updateHwndPlacement = true;
                sizeDeviceUnits.Height = minSizeDeviceUnits.Y; 

            // Now that we know the window Width/Height/Left/Top, we want to calculate
            // the location based on WindowStartupLocation enum.  All inputs to 
            // CalculateWindowLocation must be in DEVICE units.  It will return true,
            // if it updated theinput values of left, top. 
            updateHwndPlacement = (CalculateWindowLocation(ref xDeviceUnits, ref yDeviceUnits, sizeDeviceUnits)? true: updateHwndPlacement);
            // We need to update the hwnd size before we set RootVisual b/c setting RootVisual
            // results in a Measure/Arrange/Layout and we want to set the correct hwnd size
            // now so that layout happens at the correct size.

            // We are intentionally not merging this SetWindowPos with the one in SetRootVisualAndUpdateSTC. The reason is 
            // that if Width or Height is set we initially create the hwnd with both as default win32 size
            // and later (above call to SetWindowPos) resizes it to reflect the specified Width or Height. 
            // After this is done, we set RootVisual which results in a layout with the correct size of
            // the hwnd.
            // If we merge the two SetWindowPos calls, then for the scenario where 
            // Width or Height is set initially, we create the hwnd with win32 default size.  Setting RootVisual
            // would cause layout to happen at that default size.  Now, we resize the window to reflect the 
            // specified size which will result in another layout. 
            // The third option is to set RootVisual after doing all resizes.  This is not possible to do for 
            // the SizeToContent case since we don't know the size of hwnd until RootVisual is set and layout
            // has happened.
            if (updateHwndPlacement == true)
                if (WindowState == WindowState.Normal) 
                    UnsafeNativeMethods.SetWindowPos(new HandleRef(this, CriticalHandle), 
                        new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero),
                        NativeMethods.SWP_NOZORDER | NativeMethods.SWP_NOACTIVATE 

                    // The value of Top and Left is affected by WindowState and WindowStartupLocation. 
                    // we need to coerce Top and Left whenever these deciding factors change.
                    // More info in CoerceTop.
                        _updateHwndLocation = false;
                        _updateStartupLocation = true; 
                        _updateHwndLocation = true;
                        _updateStartupLocation = false; 

            // RootVisual is not set until Show. 
            // Only set RootVisual when we are going to show the window.
            if (!HwndCreatedButNotShown)
        ///     Critical - as this method accesses critical method (_swh.RootVisual) 
        internal void SetRootVisual()
            // hamidm 01/12/2005
            // WOSB 1010151 FxCop: ConstructorsShouldNotCallBaseClassVirtualMethods:: 
            // System.Windows (presentationframework.dll 2 violation) 
            // We can't set IWS property in the cctor since it results 
            // in calling some virtual.  So, as an alternative we set it
            // when content is changed and when we set the root visual.
            // We set it here, b/c once RootVisual is set, the visual tree
            // can/is created and visual children can query for inherited 
            // IWS property.
            // set root visual  synchronously, shell request
            if ( IsSourceWindowNull == false ) 
                _swh.RootVisual = this;

        ///     Critical - as this method accesses critical method SetRootVisual() and pinvoke to update 
        ///     window size/location.
        internal void SetRootVisualAndUpdateSTC()

            // We update size/location based on the value of SizeToContent after the RootVisual is set. 
            // The world (size/location) could have changed after SetRootVisual.  Verify assumptions before moving on. 
            // Specifically SetRootVisual may have initialized a Layout, and if an event handler Closed the Window
            // as a result then _swh (used by LogicalToDeviceUnits) is already disposed. 
            if (!IsSourceWindowNull)
                // if SizeToContent, we would need to set the location again if
                // WSL is CenterOwner or CenterScreen b/c size may have changed 
                // after we set the RootVisual on HwndSource.
                // And if the hwnd is created but is not shown yet, we need to re-calculate the location again because 
                // the value of the WindowStartupLocation can change after EnsureHandle is called. 
                // We only update location if there is any change needed.
                if ((SizeToContent != SizeToContent.Manual) || (HwndCreatedButNotShown == true)) 
                    NativeMethods.RECT rc = WindowBounds;
                    double xDeviceUnits = rc.left;
                    double yDeviceUnits =; 

                    // inputs to CalculateWindowLocation must be in DEVICE units 
                    Point newSizeDeviceUnits = LogicalToDeviceUnits(new Point(this.ActualWidth, this.ActualHeight)); 
                    if (CalculateWindowLocation(ref xDeviceUnits, ref yDeviceUnits, new Size(newSizeDeviceUnits.X, newSizeDeviceUnits.Y)))
                        if (WindowState == WindowState.Normal)
                            UnsafeNativeMethods.SetWindowPos(new HandleRef(this, CriticalHandle),
                                new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero), 
                                NativeMethods.SWP_NOSIZE | NativeMethods.SWP_NOZORDER | NativeMethods.SWP_NOACTIVATE 

                            // The value of Top and Left is affected by WindowState and WindowStartupLocation.
                            // we need to coerce Top and Left whenever these deciding factors change. 
                            // More info in CoerceTop.
                                _updateHwndLocation = false;
                                _updateStartupLocation = true; 
                                _updateHwndLocation = true; 
                                _updateStartupLocation = false; 

        ///     Create the style bits depending on the WindowStyle property 
        ///     This method does not clear the bits, so the style bits should be cleared
        ///     before calling this method
        private void CreateWindowStyle() 
            // Clear the style bits related to WindowStyle 
            _Style &= ~NativeMethods.WS_CAPTION; 
            _StyleEx &= ~(NativeMethods.WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE | NativeMethods.WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW);
            // WS_CAPTION == WS_BORDER | WS_DLGFRAME (0x00C00000L)
            // Thus no need to set/clear WS_BORDER when we are
            // already seting/clearing WS_CAPTION
            switch (WindowStyle) 
                case WindowStyle.None: 
                    _Style &= (~NativeMethods.WS_CAPTION); 
                case WindowStyle.SingleBorderWindow:
                    _Style |= NativeMethods.WS_CAPTION;
                case WindowStyle.ThreeDBorderWindow:
                    _Style |= NativeMethods.WS_CAPTION; 
                    _StyleEx |= NativeMethods.WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE; 
                case WindowStyle.ToolWindow:
                    _Style |= NativeMethods.WS_CAPTION;
                    _StyleEx |= NativeMethods.WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW;
#if Never
                case WindowBorderStyle.Sizable: 
                    _startSettings.Style |= NativeMethods.WS_BORDER | NativeMethods.WS_THICKFRAME; 
                case WindowBorderStyle.FixedDialog:
                    _startSettings.Style |= NativeMethods.WS_BORDER;
                    _startSettings.StyleEx |= NativeMethods.WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME;
                case WindowBorderStyle.SizableToolWindow:
                    _startSettings.Style |= NativeMethods.WS_BORDER | NativeMethods.WS_THICKFRAME; 
                    _startSettings.StyleEx |= NativeMethods.WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW; 

        // called as a result of title property changing to propagate it to the hwnd 
        ///     Critical: As this accesses Handle 
        ///     TreatAsSafe: There will be a demand from SetWindowText 
        internal virtual void UpdateTitle(string title)
            // Adding check for IsCompositionTargetInvalid as part of the fix for WOSB 1453012
            if ( IsSourceWindowNull == false && IsCompositionTargetInvalid == false) 
                UnsafeNativeMethods.SetWindowText(new HandleRef(this, CriticalHandle), title); 
        // called as a result of Height/MinHeight/MaxHeight and Width/MinWidth/MaxWidth property changing to update the hwnd size
        ///     Critical: This code accesses CriticalHandle
        ///     TreatAsSafe: This code only works under RBW code path , this operation is ok since 
        ///     RBW window is bound to the restrictions of its parent window which is the browser
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
        private void UpdateHwndSizeOnWidthHeightChange(double widthLogicalUnits, double heightLogicalUnits)
            if (!_inTrustedSubWindow)
            Debug.Assert( IsSourceWindowNull == false , "IsSourceWindowNull cannot be true when calling this function");
            Point ptDeviceUnits = LogicalToDeviceUnits(new Point(widthLogicalUnits, heightLogicalUnits)); 
            UnsafeNativeMethods.SetWindowPos(new HandleRef(this, CriticalHandle),
                        new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero), 
                        NativeMethods.SWP_NOMOVE | NativeMethods.SWP_NOZORDER | NativeMethods.SWP_NOACTIVATE

        // Activate or Deactivate window 
        internal void HandleActivate(bool windowActivated)
            // hamidm -- 12/10/04
            // This method is called by WM_ACTIVATE msg hander for the stand alone
            // window case.  WM_ACTIVATE is sent twice when activating a minimized 
            // window by mouse click; once with window state minimized and then again 
            // with window state normal.  Thus, we have the following if conditions
            // to fire Activated/Deactivated events only if we're activating/deactivating 
            // the window and the window was previously deactivated/activated.
            // Please look at WOSB 990841 (Activated event fires twice on window when
            // you minimize and restore a window) on this issue. 
            // Event handler exception continuality: if exception occurs in Activated/Deactivated event handlers, our state will not be 
            // corrupted because the state related to Activated/Deactivated, IsActive is set before the event is fired.
            // Please check Event handler exception continuality if the logic changes. 
            if ((windowActivated == true) && (IsActive == false))
                SetValue(IsActivePropertyKey, BooleanBoxes.TrueBox);
            else if ((windowActivated == false) && (IsActive == true)) 
                SetValue(IsActivePropertyKey, BooleanBoxes.FalseBox);

        internal virtual void UpdateHeight(double newHeight) 
            if (WindowState == WindowState.Normal) 
                // We cannot save the current hwnd height in logical units in WmSizeChanged b/c the HwndSource
                // might not be completely created at that time (when we call new HwndSource from CreateSourceWindow) 
                // and DeviceToLogicalUnits fails.  Thus we convert to logical units here before we call
                // UpdateHwndSizeonWidthHeightChange since that expects logical units.

                NativeMethods.RECT rc = WindowBounds; 
                Point sizeLogicalUnits = DeviceToLogicalUnits(new Point(rc.Width, 0));
                UpdateHwndSizeOnWidthHeightChange(sizeLogicalUnits.X, newHeight); 
                UpdateHwndRestoreBounds(newHeight, BoundsSpecified.Height);
        internal virtual void UpdateWidth(double newWidth)
            if (WindowState == WindowState.Normal) 
                // We cannot save the current hwnd width in logical units in WmSizeChanged b/c the HwndSource 
                // might not be completely created at that time (when we call new HwndSource from CreateSourceWindow)
                // and DeviceToLogicalUnits fails.  Thus we convert to logical units here before we call
                // UpdateHwndSizeonWidthHeightChange since that expects logical units.
                NativeMethods.RECT rc = WindowBounds;
                Point sizeLogicalUnits = DeviceToLogicalUnits(new Point(0, rc.Height)); 
                UpdateHwndSizeOnWidthHeightChange(newWidth, sizeLogicalUnits.Y); 
                // set restore width
                UpdateHwndRestoreBounds(newWidth, BoundsSpecified.Width);
        /// Critical - This code is used to block off api in rbw
        /// TreatAsSafe - This is critical only because we want to track change 
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
        internal virtual void VerifyApiSupported()
            // don't do anything here since we allow this API in Window.
            // Subclasses can throw exception in their override if 
            // they don't allow the api. 
        #endregion Internal Methods 

        // Internal Properties
        #region Internal Properties
        internal bool HwndCreatedButNotShown
                return _hwndCreatedButNotShown;

        internal bool IsDisposed 
                return _disposed; 
        /// This tells whether user has set Visible or not. It's currently used in Application 
        /// where if Visibility has not been set when the Window is navigated to, we set it to
        /// Visible
        internal bool IsVisibilitySet 
                return _isVisibilitySet; 

        ///     Exposes the hwnd of the window. This property is used by the WindowInteropHandler
        ///     class 
        ///     Critical: This code exposes handle 
        internal IntPtr CriticalHandle
                if (_swh != null)
                    return _swh.CriticalHandle;
                return IntPtr.Zero; 
        ///     Enables to get/set the owner handle for this window. This property is used by 
        ///     the WindowInteropHelper class
        ///     This API is currently not available for use in Internet Zone. 
        /// Critical - accesses _ownerHandle, calls SetOwnerHandle. 
        /// TreatAsSafe - get/set protected by Demand's.
        internal IntPtr OwnerHandle
                return _ownerHandle; 
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]

                if ( _showingAsDialog == true ) 
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.CantSetOwnerAfterDialogIsShown));

        ///     This is used by RBW to set the correct win32 style
        internal int Win32Style
                return _Style;
                // The reason this is not wrapped by a manager is that it should never
                // be invoked outside the scope on an already established manager. 
                Debug.Assert(Manager != null, "HwndStyleManager must have a valid value here"); 
                _Style = value;

        ///    Critical: This code causes style to be set and acceses a critical resource 
        ///    TreatAsSafe: There exists a demand on set since SET is not safe
        internal int _Style 
                if (Manager != null)
                    return _styleDoNotUse.Value; 

                else if ( IsSourceWindowNull ) 
                    return _styleDoNotUse.Value; 

                    return _swh.StyleFromHwnd;
                _styleDoNotUse= new SecurityCriticalDataForSet(value);
                Manager.Dirty = true; 
        ///    Critical: This code causes style to be set 
        ///    TreatAsSafe: There exists a demand on set since SET is not safe
        internal int _StyleEx
                if (Manager != null) 
                    return _styleExDoNotUse.Value; 

                else if (IsSourceWindowNull == true  )
                    return _styleExDoNotUse.Value;
                    return _swh.StyleExFromHwnd;
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
                _styleExDoNotUse= new SecurityCriticalDataForSet((int)value);
                Manager.Dirty = true; 

        internal HwndStyleManager Manager 
            get { return _manager; } 
            set { _manager = value; } 
        bool IWindowService.UserResized
            get { return false; }
        #endregion Internal Properties
        // Internal Fields 
        #region Internal Fields
        /// DialogCancel Command. It closes window if it's dialog and return false as the dialog value. 
        /// Right now this is only used by Cancel Button to close the dialog. 
        internal static readonly RoutedCommand DialogCancelCommand = new RoutedCommand("DialogCancel", typeof(Window));

        #endregion Internal Fields 

        // Internal Types 
        #region Internal Types
        // similar to the one in FE except that it takes care of SizeToContent 
        // while determining the min/max values for height and width.
        internal struct WindowMinMax 
            internal double minWidth;
            internal double maxWidth; 
            internal double minHeight;
            internal double maxHeight;

            internal WindowMinMax(double minSize, double maxSize) 
                minWidth = minSize; 
                maxWidth = maxSize; 
                minHeight = minSize;
                maxHeight = maxSize; 
        #endregion Internal Types
        // Private Methods 
        #region Private Methods
        private Size MeasureOverrideHelper(Size constraint)
            // need to handle infinity 
            // return the entire client area of the window
            // Measure children properly. 
            // Three primary cases
            //      1)  hwnd does not exist  -- return 0,0 
            //      1a) CompositionTarget is invalid -- return 0,0
            //      2)  Child visual exists  -- we return child.DesiredSize + frame size
            //      3)  No Child visual      -- return the hwnd size (this should be the same
            //                                  as the one passed into MeasureOverride for our framework) 

            // Adding check for IsCompositionTargetInvalid as part of the fix for WOSB 1453012 
            if (IsSourceWindowNull || IsCompositionTargetInvalid) 
                // No need to use CompositionTarget.TransformFromDevice 
                // since size is 0,0
                return new Size(0,0);
            if (this.VisualChildrenCount > 0)
                UIElement child = this.GetVisualChild(0) as UIElement; 
                if (child != null) // UIElement children
                    // Find out the size of the window frame x.
                    // (constraint - x) is the size we pass onto
                    // our child
                    Size frameSize = GetHwndNonClientAreaSizeInMeasureUnits();
                    // In some instances (constraint size - frame size) can be negative. One instance 
                    // is when window is set to minimized before layout has happened.  Apparently, Win32
                    // gives a rect(-32000, -32000, -31840, -31975) for GetWindowRect when hwnd is 
                    // minimized.  However, when we calculate the frame size we get width = 8 and
                    // height = 28!!!  Here, we will take the max of zero and the difference b/w the
                    // hwnd size and the frame size
                    // PS Windows OS Bug: 955861
                    Size childConstraint = new Size(); 
                    childConstraint.Width = ((constraint.Width == Double.PositiveInfinity) ? Double.PositiveInfinity : Math.Max(0.0, (constraint.Width - frameSize.Width))); 
                    childConstraint.Height = ((constraint.Height == Double.PositiveInfinity) ? Double.PositiveInfinity : Math.Max(0.0, (constraint.Height - frameSize.Height)));
                    Size childDesiredSize = child.DesiredSize;
                    return new Size(childDesiredSize.Width + frameSize.Width, childDesiredSize.Height + frameSize.Height);
            // if we reach here, we return the input size 
            return _swh.GetSizeFromHwndInMeasureUnits();

        // Similar logic as in FE.MinMax and takes care of max/min size allowed by win32 for the hwnd.  However, we
        // don't take Height/Width into consideration.  This is because of the following reasons:
        // 1) Window Height/Width info doesn't matter here since we just need to ensure that the child element is
        //    layed out within the Max/Min restrictions of the window.  Window is layed out at the size sent into MO/AO 
        //    and Height and Width of the window does not play a part MO/AO stage. 
        // 2) We had WOSB 1399028 FlowDocumentReader: When the maximise button is clicked on the window with FDR the 
        //    content don't reflow to fill in the entire window) and the fix for that is to simply not use H/W here.
        //    GetWindowMinMax fixes the following bugs:
        //    WOSB 1330752 Window content should respect Window's Max/Min size 
        //    WOSB 1030000 Wrong window actual size returned if Autosize window content is smaller than the actual
        //    window (seems to return content size as opposed to window size) 
        //  This method is called by both MeasureOverride( ) and WmGetMinMaxInfo( ).
        //  It will calculate a final Min/Max size in logic units for this HWND based on Win32 restricted value and 
        //  current Min/Max setting in this instance.
        internal virtual WindowMinMax GetWindowMinMax()
            WindowMinMax mm = new WindowMinMax( );
            Invariant.Assert(IsCompositionTargetInvalid == false, "IsCompositionTargetInvalid is supposed to be false here"); 

            // convert the max/min size (taken in to account the hwnd size restrictions by win32) into logical units 
            Point trackMaxSizeLogicalUnits = DeviceToLogicalUnits(new Point(_trackMaxWidthDeviceUnits, _trackMaxHeightDeviceUnits));
            Point trackMinSizeLogicalUnits = DeviceToLogicalUnits(new Point(_trackMinWidthDeviceUnits, _trackMinHeightDeviceUnits));

            // Get the final Min/Max Width
            mm.minWidth = Math.Max(this.MinWidth, trackMinSizeLogicalUnits.X); 

            // Min's precedence is higher than Max; If Min is greater than Max, use Min. 
            if (MinWidth > MaxWidth)
                mm.maxWidth = Math.Min(MinWidth, trackMaxSizeLogicalUnits.X);
                if (!Double.IsPositiveInfinity(MaxWidth)) 
                    mm.maxWidth = Math.Min(MaxWidth, trackMaxSizeLogicalUnits.X); 
                    mm.maxWidth = trackMaxSizeLogicalUnits.X; 
            // Get the final Min/Max Height 
            mm.minHeight = Math.Max(this.MinHeight, trackMinSizeLogicalUnits.Y);

            // Min's precedence is higher than Max; If Min is greater than Max, use Min. 
            if (MinHeight > MaxHeight)
                mm.maxHeight = Math.Min(this.MinHeight, trackMaxSizeLogicalUnits.Y); 
                if (!Double.IsPositiveInfinity(MaxHeight))
                    mm.maxHeight = Math.Min(MaxHeight, trackMaxSizeLogicalUnits.Y); 
                    mm.maxHeight = trackMaxSizeLogicalUnits.Y;

            return mm;

        private void LoadedHandler(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) 
            if (_postContentRenderedFromLoadedHandler == true)
                _postContentRenderedFromLoadedHandler = false;
                this.Loaded -= new RoutedEventHandler(LoadedHandler);
        ///  Keep this method in [....] with Frame.PostContentRendered().  
        private void PostContentRendered()
            // Post the firing of ContentRendered as Input priority work item so
            // that ContentRendered will be fired after render query empties.
            if (_contentRenderedCallback != null)
                // Content was changed again before the previous rendering completed (or at least
                // before the Dispatcher got to Input priority callbacks). 
            _contentRenderedCallback = Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Input, 
                                   (DispatcherOperationCallback) delegate (object unused)
                                       // Event handler exception continuality: there are no state related/depending on ContentRendered event.
                                       // If an exception occurs in event handler, our state will not be corrupted. 
                                       // Please check event handler exception continuality if the logic changes.
                                       _contentRenderedCallback = null; 
                                       return null;

        /// Ensure Dialog command is registered with the CommandManager
        private void EnsureDialogCommand() 
            // _dialogCommandAdded is a static variable, however, we're not synchronizing 
            // access to it.  The reason is that, CommandManager is thread safe and according
            // to KiranKu we don't want to take the overhead of locking here.  For multiple
            // threaded cases, we could end up calling the CommandManager more than once but
            // KiranKu is okay with that perf hit in the corner case. 
            if (!_dialogCommandAdded)
                // Right now we only have DialogCancel Command, which closes window if it's dialog and return false as the dialog's result. 
                CommandBinding binding = new CommandBinding(DialogCancelCommand);
                binding.Executed += new ExecutedRoutedEventHandler(OnDialogCommand); 
                CommandManager.RegisterClassCommandBinding(typeof(Window), binding);

                _dialogCommandAdded = true;
        /// Dialog Command Execute handler
        /// Right now we only have DialogCancel Command, which closes window if it's dialog and return false for DialogResult. 
        private static void OnDialogCommand(object target, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e) 
            //close dialog & return result 
            Window w = target as Window; 

            Debug.Assert(w != null, "Target must be of type Window."); 

        /// Close window if it's dialog and return false for DialogResult.
        private void OnDialogCancelCommand() 
            if (_showingAsDialog) 
                DialogResult = false;

        /// The callback function for EnumThreadWindows 
        private bool ThreadWindowsCallback(IntPtr hWnd, IntPtr lparam)
            Debug.Assert(_threadWindowHandles != null, "_threadWindowHandles must not be null at this point");
            // the dialog's hwnd has not been created yet when calling into this function. 
            // so its hwnd won't be in the list.
            // We only do visible && enabled windows.
            // We need to check Visible because there might be hidden windows that do message looping,
            // We don't want to disable them.
            if (SafeNativeMethods.IsWindowVisible(new HandleRef(null, hWnd)) && 
                SafeNativeMethods.IsWindowEnabled(new HandleRef(null, hWnd)))
            return true;

        /// Enables/disables all Windows on this thread
        ///     Critical: This code calls into IsWindow and EnableWindow 
        private void EnableThreadWindows(bool state)

            Debug.Assert(_threadWindowHandles != null, "_threadWindowHandles must not be null at this point"); 
            for (int i = 0; i < _threadWindowHandles.Count; i++)
                IntPtr hWnd = (IntPtr)_threadWindowHandles[i];

                if (UnsafeNativeMethods.IsWindow(new HandleRef(null, hWnd)))
                    // Calls EnableWindow which returns the previous Window state
                    // (enable/disable) and we don't care about that here 
#pragma warning disable 6523 
                    UnsafeNativeMethods.EnableWindowNoThrow(new HandleRef(null, hWnd), state);
#pragma warning enable 6523 

            // EnableThreadWindows is called with true only when dialog is going away.  Now
            // we've enabled the windows that we had earlier disabled; thus, disposing 
            // _threadWindowHandles. 
            if (state == true)
                _threadWindowHandles = null;
        /// Intialization when Window is constructed 
        ///     Initializes the Width/Height, Top/Left properties to use windows
        ///     default. Updates Application object properties if inside app. 
        ///     Also, window style is set to WS_CHILD inside CreateSourceWindow
        ///     for browser hosted case
        private void Initialize() 
            // AVTempUIPermission avtUIPermission = new AVTempUIPermission(AVTUIPermissionNewWindow.LaunchNewWindows); 
            // CASRemoval:avtUIPermission.Demand(); 

            //  this makes MeasureCore / ArrangeCore to defer to direct MeasureOverride and ArrangeOverride calls 
            //  without reading Width / Height properties and modifying input constraint size parameter...
            BypassLayoutPolicies = true;

            // check if within an app && on the same thread 
            if (IsInsideApp == true)
                if (Application.Current.Dispatcher.Thread == Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher.Thread) 
                    // add to window collection 
                    // use internal version since we want to update the underlying collection
                    if (App.MainWindow == null)
                        App.MainWindow = this;

        internal void VerifyContextAndObjectState() 
            // Verify that we are executing on the right context 


            if (_disposed) 
                throw new ObjectDisposedException(null, SR.Get(SRID.WindowDisposed)); 
        private void VerifyCanShow()
            if (_disposed == true) 
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.ReshowNotAllowed)); 

        private void VerifyNotClosing() 
            if (_isClosing == true) 
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.InvalidOperationDuringClosing));

            if (IsSourceWindowNull == false && IsCompositionTargetInvalid == true)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.InvalidCompositionTarget)); 
        private void VerifyHwndCreateShowState()
            if (HwndCreatedButNotShown)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.NotAllowedBeforeShow));
        ///     sets the IWindowService attached property
        private void SetIWindowService()
            if (GetValue(IWindowServiceProperty) == null)
                SetValue(IWindowServiceProperty, (IWindowService)this);

        ///     Critical - calls a method that elevates - GetCursorPos
        ///     TreatAsSafe - as there's a demand.
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
        IntPtr GetCurrentMonitorFromMousePosition()
            // center on the screen on which the mouse is on
            NativeMethods.POINT pt = new NativeMethods.POINT(); 


            NativeMethods.POINTSTRUCT ptStruct = new NativeMethods.POINTSTRUCT(pt.x, pt.y); 
            return SafeNativeMethods.MonitorFromPoint(ptStruct, NativeMethods.MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST);
        //     Calculates the window location based on the WindowStartupLocation property 
        //     If values for CenterScreen, CenterOwner cannot be determined, then we return
        //     unmodified values.
        //     This method can be called before or after the hwnd is created.  So, we have
        //     to accout for both scenarios. 
        ///     Critical: This code accesses handle and calls critical method GetNormalRectDeviceUnits
        ///     TreatAsSafe: This data is ok to give out 
        private bool CalculateWindowLocation(ref double leftDeviceUnits, ref double topDeviceUnits, Size currentSizeDeviceUnits) 
            Debug.Assert(IsSourceWindowNull == false, "_swh should not be null here"); 
            double inLeft = leftDeviceUnits;
            double inTop = topDeviceUnits;

            switch (_windowStartupLocation) 
                case WindowStartupLocation.Manual: 
                case WindowStartupLocation.CenterScreen:
                    // NOTE: hamidm 05/19/04 
                    // Bug (Windows OS Bugs) # 843790 -- Which screen to center the
                    // window on?
                    // If Window has a parent handle, then center the Window on the 
                    // same monitor as the parent hwnd.  If theres no parent hwnd,
                    // center the Window on the monitor where the mouse is currently 
                    // on. 
                    // The exception to this rule is when ShowInTaskbar is set to false 
                    // and we parent to window to achieve that.  That's the reason for
                    // having the extra condition in the if statement below
                    IntPtr hMonitor = IntPtr.Zero;
                    if ((_ownerHandle == IntPtr.Zero) || 
                        ((_hiddenWindow != null) && (_hiddenWindow.Handle == _ownerHandle))) 
                        hMonitor = GetCurrentMonitorFromMousePosition(); 
                        // have a parent hwnd; center on the screen on 
                        // which our parent hwnd is.
                        hMonitor = MonitorFromWindow(_ownerHandle); 

                    if (hMonitor != IntPtr.Zero) 
                        CalculateCenterScreenPosition(hMonitor, currentSizeDeviceUnits, ref leftDeviceUnits, ref topDeviceUnits);
                case WindowStartupLocation.CenterOwner:
                    Rect ownerRectDeviceUnits = Rect.Empty; 
                    // If the owner is WPF window.
                    // The owner can be non-WPF window. It can be set via WindowInteropHelper.Owner. 
                    if (CanCenterOverWPFOwner == true)
                        // If the owner is in a non-normal state use the screen bounds for centering the window.
                        // Top/Left/Width/Height reflect the restore bounds, so they can't be used in this scenario. 
                        if (Owner.WindowState == WindowState.Maximized || Owner.WindowState == WindowState.Minimized)
                            goto case WindowStartupLocation.CenterScreen; 
                        Point ownerSizeDeviceUnits;
                        // if owner hwnd is created, we use WindowSize to get its size. Note: we cannot use ActualWidth/Height here,
                        // because it is possible that the hwnd is created (WIH.EnsureHandle) but it is not shown yet; layout has not
                        // happen; ActualWidth/Height is not calculated yet. 
                        // If the owner hwnd is not yet created, we use Owner.Width/Height.
                        if (Owner.CriticalHandle == IntPtr.Zero) 
                            ownerSizeDeviceUnits = Owner.LogicalToDeviceUnits(new Point(Owner.Width, Owner.Height));
                            Size size = Owner.WindowSize;
                            ownerSizeDeviceUnits = new Point(size.Width, size.Height); 
                        // A minimized window doesn't have valid Top,Left; that's why RestoreBounds.TopLeft is used. 
                        Point ownerLocationDeviceUnits = Owner.LogicalToDeviceUnits(new Point(Owner.Left, Owner.Top));
                        ownerRectDeviceUnits = new Rect(ownerLocationDeviceUnits.X, ownerLocationDeviceUnits.Y, 
                            ownerSizeDeviceUnits.X, ownerSizeDeviceUnits.Y);
                        // non-WPF owner
                        if ((_ownerHandle != IntPtr.Zero) && UnsafeNativeMethods.IsWindow(new HandleRef(null, _ownerHandle))) 
                            ownerRectDeviceUnits = GetNormalRectDeviceUnits(_ownerHandle);

                    if (! ownerRectDeviceUnits.IsEmpty)
                        leftDeviceUnits = ownerRectDeviceUnits.X + ((ownerRectDeviceUnits.Width - currentSizeDeviceUnits.Width) / 2);
                        topDeviceUnits = ownerRectDeviceUnits.Y + ((ownerRectDeviceUnits.Height - currentSizeDeviceUnits.Height) / 2); 
                        // Check the screen rect to make sure the window is shown on screen. Details in Dev10 bug 452051.
                        // It is the same as [....]' behavior. 
                        NativeMethods.RECT workAreaRectDeviceUnits = WorkAreaBoundsForHwnd(_ownerHandle);
                        leftDeviceUnits = Math.Min(leftDeviceUnits, workAreaRectDeviceUnits.right - currentSizeDeviceUnits.Width);
                        leftDeviceUnits = Math.Max(leftDeviceUnits, workAreaRectDeviceUnits.left);
                        topDeviceUnits = Math.Min(topDeviceUnits, workAreaRectDeviceUnits.bottom - currentSizeDeviceUnits.Height); 
                        topDeviceUnits = Math.Max(topDeviceUnits,;
            return (!DoubleUtil.AreClose(inLeft, leftDeviceUnits) || !DoubleUtil.AreClose(inTop, topDeviceUnits));

        ///    Critical: This code calls critical method to get mointor handle. 
        ///              We will need to do thread model to determine whether the data this method returns is TreatAsSafe.
        private static NativeMethods.RECT WorkAreaBoundsForHwnd(IntPtr hwnd)
            IntPtr hMonitor = MonitorFromWindow(hwnd); 

            return WorkAreaBoundsForMointor(hMonitor); 

        ///    Critical: Calls critical method to GetMointorInfo. Marshal.SizeOf also has linkdemand.
        ///              We will need to do thread model to determine whether the data this method returns is TreatAsSafe.
        private static NativeMethods.RECT WorkAreaBoundsForMointor(IntPtr hMonitor)
            NativeMethods.MONITORINFOEX monitorInfo = new NativeMethods.MONITORINFOEX(); 

            Debug.Assert(hMonitor != IntPtr.Zero); 
            SafeNativeMethods.GetMonitorInfo(new HandleRef(null, hMonitor), monitorInfo);

            return monitorInfo.rcWork;

        ///    Critical: Defense in depth. Exposing of a handle is considered security critical. 
        private static IntPtr MonitorFromWindow(IntPtr hwnd)
            IntPtr hMonitor = SafeNativeMethods.MonitorFromWindow(new HandleRef(null, hwnd), NativeMethods.MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST);
            if (hMonitor == IntPtr.Zero) 
                throw new Win32Exception(); 
            return hMonitor;

        /// Calculates the left and right coordinates of a window
        /// when centered on a given monitor. 
        /// Handle to the monitor to center the window on 
        /// Size of the window, in device units 
        /// Receives the new left location in device units
        /// Receives the new top location in device units 
        ///    Critical: This code calls critical method WorkAreaBoundsForMointor.
        ///              We will need to do thread model to determine whether the data this method returns is TreatAsSafe.
        internal static void CalculateCenterScreenPosition(IntPtr hMonitor, Size currentSizeDeviceUnits, ref double leftDeviceUnits, ref double topDeviceUnits) 
            NativeMethods.RECT workAreaRectDeviceUnits = WorkAreaBoundsForMointor(hMonitor);
            // We're using Width/Height here as opposed to ActualWidth/Height
            // as layout hasn't happened yet.
            double workAreaWidthDeviceUnits = workAreaRectDeviceUnits.right - workAreaRectDeviceUnits.left;
            double workAreaHeightDeviceUnits = workAreaRectDeviceUnits.bottom -; 

            Debug.Assert(workAreaWidthDeviceUnits >= 0, String.Format("workAreaWidth ({0})for monitor ({1}) is negative", hMonitor, workAreaWidthDeviceUnits)); 
            Debug.Assert(workAreaHeightDeviceUnits >= 0, String.Format("workAreaHeight ({0}) for monitor ({1}) is negative", hMonitor, workAreaHeightDeviceUnits)); 

            leftDeviceUnits = (workAreaRectDeviceUnits.left + ((workAreaWidthDeviceUnits - currentSizeDeviceUnits.Width) / 2)); 
            topDeviceUnits = ( + ((workAreaHeightDeviceUnits - currentSizeDeviceUnits.Height) / 2));

        private bool CanCenterOverWPFOwner 
                Debug.Assert(IsSourceWindowNull == false, "_swh should not be null here");
                // if Owner is null, we cannot CenterOwner
                if (Owner == null)
                    return false; 
                // if Owner._sourceWindow is null, and if Owner's Width or Height is not specified 
                // then we cannot CenterOwner
                if (Owner.IsSourceWindowNull) 
                    if ((DoubleUtil.IsNaN(Owner.Width)) ||
                        return false;

                // if Owner's Top or Left is not specified, we cannot CenterOwner 
                if ((DoubleUtil.IsNaN(Owner.Left)) ||
                    return false; 
                return true; 
        ///     Critical - calls a method that elevates - GetWindowLong, GetWindowPlacement
        private Rect GetNormalRectDeviceUnits(IntPtr hwndHandle)
            int styleEx = UnsafeNativeMethods.GetWindowLong(new HandleRef(this, hwndHandle), NativeMethods.GWL_EXSTYLE); 

            NativeMethods.WINDOWPLACEMENT wp = new NativeMethods.WINDOWPLACEMENT(); 
            wp.length = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(NativeMethods.WINDOWPLACEMENT));
            UnsafeNativeMethods.GetWindowPlacement(new HandleRef(this, hwndHandle), ref wp);
            Point locationDeviceUnits = new Point(wp.rcNormalPosition_left, wp.rcNormalPosition_top);
            // GetWindowPlacement returns workarea co-ods for a top level window whose
            // WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW bit is clear.  If this bit is set, then the co-ods 
            // returned are relative to the screen co-ods of the monitor. 
            // TransfromWorkAreaScreenArea can transform a point from work area co-ods
            // to screen area co-ods and vice versa depending on TransformType value passed. 
            // So, in our case, if the window is not a ToolWindow we want to transform
            // the point from work area co-ods to screen co-ods.
            if ((styleEx & NativeMethods.WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW) == 0)
                locationDeviceUnits = TransformWorkAreaScreenArea(locationDeviceUnits, TransformType.WorkAreaToScreenArea);
            Point sizeDeviceUnits = new Point(wp.rcNormalPosition_right - wp.rcNormalPosition_left,
                                              wp.rcNormalPosition_bottom - wp.rcNormalPosition_top); 

            return new Rect(locationDeviceUnits.X, locationDeviceUnits.Y, sizeDeviceUnits.X, sizeDeviceUnits.Y);
        ///     Critical - calls critical method GetNormalRectDeviceUnits 
        private Rect GetNormalRectLogicalUnits(IntPtr hwndHandle) 
            Rect rectDeviceUnits = GetNormalRectDeviceUnits(hwndHandle);

            Point sizeLogicalUnits = DeviceToLogicalUnits(new Point(rectDeviceUnits.Width, rectDeviceUnits.Height)); 
            Point locationLogicalUnits = DeviceToLogicalUnits(new Point(rectDeviceUnits.X, rectDeviceUnits.Y));
            return new Rect(locationLogicalUnits.X, locationLogicalUnits.Y, sizeLogicalUnits.X, sizeLogicalUnits.Y); 
        ///     Update style bits for window state
        private void CreateWindowState() 
            switch (WindowState) 
                case WindowState.Normal:
                case WindowState.Maximized:
                    _Style |= NativeMethods.WS_MAXIMIZE;
                case WindowState.Minimized: 
                    _Style |= NativeMethods.WS_MINIMIZE;
                case WindowState.Theatre:
                    throw new NotImplementedException(SR.Get(SRID.NotImplementedException)); 

                case WindowState.FullScreen:
                    throw new NotImplementedException(SR.Get(SRID.NotImplementedException));
        ///     creates topmost window 
        private void CreateTopmost()
            // check for topmost 
            if ( Topmost )
                _StyleEx |= NativeMethods.WS_EX_TOPMOST; 
                _StyleEx &= ~NativeMethods.WS_EX_TOPMOST;

        ///     set's resizibility for the window 
        private void CreateResizibility() 
            _Style &= ~(NativeMethods.WS_THICKFRAME | NativeMethods.WS_MAXIMIZEBOX | NativeMethods.WS_MINIMIZEBOX);

                case ResizeMode.NoResize: 
                case ResizeMode.CanMinimize: 
                    _Style |= NativeMethods.WS_MINIMIZEBOX;
                case ResizeMode.CanResize:
                case ResizeMode.CanResizeWithGrip: 
                    _Style |= NativeMethods.WS_THICKFRAME | NativeMethods.WS_MAXIMIZEBOX | NativeMethods.WS_MINIMIZEBOX;
                    Debug.Assert(false, "Invalid value for ResizeMode");

        ///     Updates the window icon
        /// Critical as we perform an elevation - (UnsafeNativeMethods.SendMessage) will have a SUC on it soon.
        /// TreatAsSafe: This method ok to use on window and does nothing on RBW. 

        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
        private void UpdateIcon()
            // NOTE: hamidm -- bug 963275 AppModel: Set Window.Icon = null
            // causes NullReferenceException 

            // if _icon is null, set _defaultLargeIconHandle and _defaultSmallIconHandle
            //  to the app icon (embedded in the exe).  _icon is used as window icon if it
            // is not null, else default icons from exe are used.  If both are null, 
            // we set IntPtr.Zero as the icons for the window and Win32 defaults
            // come into play. 

            NativeMethods.IconHandle largeIconHandle; 
            NativeMethods.IconHandle smallIconHandle;

            if (_icon != null)
                IconHelper.GetIconHandlesFromImageSource(_icon, out largeIconHandle, out smallIconHandle);
                // these both should be null before we've queried that exe for icons. 
                // Once, we looked in the exe, these are no longer null and hence we
                // don't want to re-query in the exe anymore
                if (_defaultLargeIconHandle == null && _defaultSmallIconHandle == null)
                     // sets the default small and large icon handles
                     IconHelper.GetDefaultIconHandles(out largeIconHandle, out smallIconHandle); 
                    _defaultLargeIconHandle = largeIconHandle; 
                    _defaultSmallIconHandle = smallIconHandle;
                    largeIconHandle = _defaultLargeIconHandle;
                    smallIconHandle = _defaultSmallIconHandle; 
                // get default icons 

            /// One of the steps necessary to hide a Window's taskbar button is to parent it off another HWND. 
            /// On XP when this is done the Window's alt-tab icon takes on the icon of the parent.  If we've created
            /// a hidden parent window for the sake of ShowInTaskbar=false, then we need to keep its icon in [....]
            /// with the Window's.
            /// On Vista this isn't necessary. 

            // Make the array big enough to hold anything we need to update. 
            // We'll keep track of the true count separately. 
            var iconWindows = new HandleRef[]
                new HandleRef(this, CriticalHandle),
            int iconWindowsCount = 1; 

            if (_hiddenWindow != null) 
                iconWindows[1] = new HandleRef(_hiddenWindow, _hiddenWindow.CriticalHandle);

            for (int i = 0; i < iconWindowsCount; ++i)
                HandleRef hwnd = iconWindows[i];


            // dispose the previous icon handle if it's not the default handle
            if (_currentLargeIconHandle != null && _currentLargeIconHandle != _defaultLargeIconHandle)
            if (_currentSmallIconHandle != null && _currentSmallIconHandle != _defaultSmallIconHandle)

            _currentLargeIconHandle = largeIconHandle; 
            _currentSmallIconHandle = smallIconHandle;
        ///     Sets the parent hwnd (Owner) for this window. This could be called as a result of 
        ///     setting one of the following
        ///         Window Owner {set;}
        ///         IntPtr OwnerHandle {set;}  -- this is used by WindowInteropHelper 
        /// IntPtr of the parent window 
        /// Critical - sets _ownerHandle to the value got as a param
        private void SetOwnerHandle(IntPtr ownerHandle)
            // Note: hamidm 9/1/2005 
            // 1278098 "SetWindowLong failed.  Error = 1400" appears in console when setting
            // Window.Owner to a Window hasn't been shown (chk build) 
            // SetWindowLong with GWL_HWNDPARENT fails if the new parent/owner is IntPtr.Zero
            // and the old owner was also IntPtr.Zero.  The if check below works around this 
            // issue.
            if (_ownerHandle == ownerHandle && _ownerHandle == IntPtr.Zero)
            // If this call is removing the owner then we possibly need to reparent it with 
            // the hidden window (ShowInTaskbar==false)
            // Once the hidden window is created we keep its icon in [....] with the Window's. 
            _ownerHandle = (IntPtr.Zero == ownerHandle && !ShowInTaskbar)
                ? EnsureHiddenWindow().CriticalHandle
                : ownerHandle;
            if (IsSourceWindowNull == false)
                UnsafeNativeMethods.SetWindowLong(new HandleRef(null, CriticalHandle), 

                // Update and reset the Owner Window if this is set through WindowInteropHelper.
                // We want to do this because once we are passed in the IntPtr for
                // the parent window, the Owner window is not the parent anymore. 

                if ((_ownerWindow != null) && (_ownerWindow.CriticalHandle != _ownerHandle)) 
                    _ownerWindow = null; 
        ///     This is called back into when HwndSouce being used by this object is disposed, or if the 
        ///     hwnd is destroyed. 
        ///     When that happens on the same thread, we receive WM_CLOSE, WM_DESTROY and 
        ///     everything works fine.  However, if that happened on another thread, we don't get
        ///     WM_CLOSE, WM_DESTROY until later, but we get this disposed callback and we
        ///     set dispose this object.  If we don't do this, there could be timing related issues if
        ///     we get called into after the HwndSource or hwnd has been disposed/destoyed but before 
        ///     we receive WM_CLOSE, WM_DESTROY messages.
        ///     Critical: Is used to dispose of the native handles which link demands in safe handle via the call to
        ///     InternalDispose
        private void OnSourceWindowDisposed(object sender, EventArgs e) 
            if ( _disposed == false)
        ///     This is the hook to HwndSource that is called when window messages related to 
        ///     this window occur. Currently, we listen to the following messages 
        ///         WM_CLOSE        : We listen to this message in order to fire the Closing event. 
        ///                           If the user cancels window closing, we set handled to true so
        ///                           that the DefWindowProc does not handle this message. Otherwise,
        ///                           we set handled to false.
        ///         WM_DESTROY      : We listen to this message in order to fire the Closed event. 
        ///                           Handled is always set to false.
        ///         WM_ACTIVATE     : Used for Activated and deactivated events 
        ///         WM_SIZE         : Used for SizeChanged, StateChanged events. Also, helps us keep our 
        ///                           size updated
        ///         WM_MOVE:        : Used for location changed event and to keep our cached top/left 
        ///                           updated
        ///         WM_GETMINMAXINFO: Used to enforce Max/MinHeight and Max/MinWidth
        ///     Critical: Calls critical code: Window.WmClose(), Window.ApplyTaskbarItemInfo()
        private IntPtr WindowFilterMessage( IntPtr hwnd,
            int msg, 
            IntPtr wParam, 
            IntPtr lParam,
            ref bool handled) 
            IntPtr retInt = IntPtr.Zero ;
            WindowMessage message = (WindowMessage)msg;
            // hamidm - 10/27/2005
            // we need to process WM_GETMINMAXINFO before _swh is assigned to 
            // b/c we want to store the max/min size allowed by win32 for the hwnd 
            // which is later used in GetWindowMinMax.  WmGetMinMaxInfo can handle
            // _swh == null case. 
            switch (message)
                case WindowMessage.WM_GETMINMAXINFO:
                    handled = WmGetMinMaxInfo(lParam); 
                case WindowMessage.WM_SIZE: 
                    handled = WmSizeChanged(wParam); 

            if(_swh != null && _swh.CompositionTarget != null) // For extraneous messages during shutdown
                // Can't case this in the switch statement since it's dynamically generated. 
                if (message == WM_TASKBARBUTTONCREATED || message == WM_APPLYTASKBARITEMINFO)
                    // Either Explorer's created a new button or it's time to try again. 
                    // Stop deferring updates to the Taskbar.
                    if (_taskbarRetryTimer != null) 
                    // We'll receive WM_TASKBARBUTTONCREATED at times other than when the Window was created,
                    //    e.g. Explorer restarting, in response to ShowInTaskbar=true, etc. 
                    // We'll receive WM_APPLYTASKBARITEMINFO when we'ved posted it to ourself after a failed ITaskbarList3 call. 
                else switch (message)
                    case WindowMessage.WM_CLOSE:
                        handled = WmClose(); 
                    case WindowMessage.WM_DESTROY: 
                        handled = WmDestroy(); 
                    case WindowMessage.WM_ACTIVATE: 
                        handled = WmActivate(wParam);
                    case WindowMessage.WM_MOVE:
                        handled = WmMoveChanged(); 
                    case WindowMessage.WM_NCHITTEST: 
                        handled = WmNcHitTest(lParam, ref retInt); 
                    case WindowMessage.WM_SHOWWINDOW: 
                        handled = WmShowWindow(wParam, lParam);
                    case WindowMessage.WM_COMMAND:
                        handled = WmCommand(wParam, lParam); 
                        handled = false; 

            return retInt;

        ///     Called on WM_COMMAND message. 
        ///     True if we want to handle the command, false otherwise.
        /// Be cautious about adding new handlers here.  For Windows 7 taskbar integration we explicitly 
        /// allow WM_COMMAND to pass through the message filter from processes that have privileges different
        /// from this one so Explorer can post messages back to this window. 
        /// Changes to the WM_COMMANDs that are processed here may require a security review. 
        private bool WmCommand(IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam) 
            if (NativeMethods.SignedHIWORD(wParam.ToInt32()) == THUMBBUTTON.THBN_CLICKED)
                TaskbarItemInfo taskbar = TaskbarItemInfo; 
                if (taskbar != null)
                    int index = NativeMethods.SignedLOWORD(wParam.ToInt32()); 
                    if (index >= 0 && index < taskbar.ThumbButtonInfos.Count)
                return true; 
            return false; 

        ///     Called on WM_CLOSE message. Fires the Closing event.
        ///     True if we want to stop the window from closing, else false 
        private bool WmClose() 
            // For WS_CHILD window, WM_SIZE, WM_MOVE (and maybe others) are called
            // synchronously from CreateWindowEx call and we run into issues if 
            // _sourceWindow in null.  We only care to listen to WM_CREATE &
            // WM_GETMINMAXINFO synchronously from CreateWindowEx thus we want
            // to explicitly add the null check below at all other places.
            // Adding check for IsCompositionTargetInvalid as part of the fix for WOSB 1453012
            if (IsSourceWindowNull || IsCompositionTargetInvalid) 
                return false;

            // if DialogResult is set from within a Closing event then
            // the window is in the closing state.  In such a case, we
            // should not call Close() from DialogResult.set and thus 
            // we have this variable.
            // Note: Windows OS bug # 934500 Setting DialogResult 
            // on the Closing EventHandler of a Dialog causes StackOverFlowException
            _isClosing = true; 

            // Event handler exception continuality: if exception occurs in Closing event handler, the
            // cleanup action is to finish closing.
            CancelEventArgs e = new CancelEventArgs(false); 

            if (ShouldCloseWindow(e.Cancel)) 
                return false; 
                // close cancelled 
                _isClosing = false;
                // 03/14/2006 -- hamidm 
                // WOSB 1560557 Dialog does not close with ESC key after it has been cancelled
                // Since closing is cancelled, DialogResult should be reset to null b/c
                // 1) DialogResult = true/false means that dialog has been accepeted/rejected (since dialog didn't
                //                   close (closing cancelled), DialogResult should be null)
                _dialogResult = null; 

                return true; 
        private void CloseWindowFromWmClose()
            if (_showingAsDialog)
            // We should ClearRootVisual here instead of in InternalDispose. InternalDispose is called either as a result of HwndSource
            // disposing itself or it will try to dispose HwndSource. HwndSource will clear the root visual when it is disposed. 

            // We should also ClearHiddenWindow here, because in InternalDispose the window handle could be null if the dispose happens as
            // a result of HwndSource dispose. Our InternalDispose has been changed to handle reantrance, so the issue (bug 953988) described in 
            // ClearHiddenWindowIfAny should not happen any more.

        private bool ShouldCloseWindow(bool cancelled) 
            // if shutdown Closing cannot be cancelled
            // if parent window is closing, child window Closing cannot be cancelled.
            return ((!cancelled) || (_appShuttingDown) || (_ignoreCancel)); 
        /// Critical - This code calls EnableThreadWindows and accesses _dialogPreviousActiveHandle
        /// TreatAsSafe - There is a demand for unmanaged code 
        private void DoDialogHide()
            Debug.Assert(_showingAsDialog == true, "_showingAsDialog must be true when DoDialogHide is called"); 

            bool wasActive = false; 

            //It's possible that _dispatcherFrame could be null at this time.
            //The scenario is: When showing the window as a modal dialog, the window Activated event is fired
            //before _dispatcherFrame is instantiated. In the Activated handler, if user closes the 
            //window (setting DialogResult fires the WM_CLOSE event), the _dispatcherFrame is still null.
            //Bug 874463 addressed this. 
            if (_dispatcherFrame != null) 
                // un block the push frame call 
                _dispatcherFrame.Continue = false;
                _dispatcherFrame = null;
            // 03/03/2006 -- hamidm
            // Fix for 1388606 Close Dialog Window should not return null 
            // The consensus here is that DialogResult should never be null when ShowDialog returns
            // As such, we coerce it to be false.  Furthermore, we don't use the DialogResult property 
            // to update _dialogResult here since that does more than just updating the underlying
            // variable
            if (_dialogResult == null)
                _dialogResult = false;
            // clears _showingAsDialog
            _showingAsDialog = false; 

            // enable previous window stuff goes here...
            wasActive = _swh.IsActiveWindow;
            // NOTE: hamidm -- 01/22/04
            // We assert here b/c I think _threadWindowHandles should never be null when we get 
            // called in here. 
            // However, if inside ShowDialog we hit an exception after showing the dialog and the 
            // exception handler is run, then _threadWindowHandles will be null here.
            // Keeping this as assert.  If this turn out to be an over active assert, we'll switch to
            // an if condition. 
            Debug.Assert(_threadWindowHandles != null, "_threadWindowHandles must not be null at this point");
            // reenable windows in the thread that were disabled 

            // if dialog that is closing was active window and there was a previously active window, 
            // set the active window.  The owner window may not be the previously active window. See DevDiv bug 122467 for details.
            // Furthermore, verify that _dialogPreviousActiveHandle is still a window b/c it
            // could have been destroyed by now by some other thread/codepath etc.
            // WOSB 1098573 (BVT BLOCKER: System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception thrown when 
            // trying to shutdown app inside a Dialog Window)
            if ((wasActive == true) && 
                (_dialogPreviousActiveHandle != IntPtr.Zero) && 
                (UnsafeNativeMethods.IsWindow(new HandleRef(this, _dialogPreviousActiveHandle)) == true))
                UnsafeNativeMethods.SetActiveWindow(new HandleRef(this, _dialogPreviousActiveHandle));

                // rare situation, figure this out later 
                // talk to user team as to what we need to do here
        ///     Critical: Calls critical code: Window.InternalClose and Application.CriticalShutdown 
        private void UpdateWindowListsOnClose() 
            // Close all owned windows
            // use internal version since we want to update the underlying collection
            WindowCollection ownedWindows = OwnedWindowsInternal; 


            while (ownedWindows.Count > 0)
                // if parent window is closing, child window Closing cannot be cancelled.
                ownedWindows[0].InternalClose(false, true /* Ignore cancel */); 
            Debug.Assert(ownedWindows.Count == 0, "All owned windows should now be gone"); 

            // Update OwnerWindows of our Owner 
            if (IsOwnerNull == false)
                // use internal version since we want to update the underlying collection
            if (this.IsInsideApp) 
                if (Application.Current.Dispatcher.Thread == Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher.Thread) 
                    // use internal version since we want to update the underlying collection
                    // Check to see if app should shut down--this behavior really belongs in Application
                    if (_appShuttingDown == false) 
                        // If this is the last window that's closing and shutdownmode is onlastwindowclose, or
                        // if this is the main window closing and shutdownmode is onmainwindowclose, shutdown 
                        // the app
                        if (((App.Windows.Count == 0) && (App.ShutdownMode == ShutdownMode.OnLastWindowClose))
                         || ((App.MainWindow == this) && (App.ShutdownMode == ShutdownMode.OnMainWindowClose)))

        ///     Critical: This can be used to dispose a window which is a secure resource
        private bool  WmDestroy() 
            // For WS_CHILD window, WM_SIZE, WM_MOVE (and maybe others) are called 
            // synchronously from CreateWindowEx call and we run into issues if 
            // _sourceWindow in null.  We only care to listen to WM_CREATE &
            // WM_GETMINMAXINFO synchronously from CreateWindowEx thus we want 
            // to explicitly add the null check below at all other places.
            if (IsSourceWindowNull)
                return false; 
            if (_disposed == false) 

            // hamidm - WOSB 1453012 STRESS: System.NullReferenceException @ System.Windows.Window.DeviceToLogicalUnits
            // We're intentionally not adding a check for IsCompositionTargetInvlaid here since we
            // feel that it is okay to fire the Closed event to notify the developer that window has 
            // closed. 

            // Event handler exception continuality: if exception occurs in Closed event handler, the 
            // cleanup action is to finish closing.
            // raise Closed event
            return false;
        private bool WmActivate( IntPtr wParam )
            // For WS_CHILD window, WM_SIZE, WM_MOVE (and maybe others) are called
            // synchronously from CreateWindowEx call and we run into issues if
            // _sourceWindow in null.  We only care to listen to WM_CREATE &
            // WM_GETMINMAXINFO synchronously from CreateWindowEx thus we want 
            // to explicitly add the null check below at all other places.
            // Adding check for IsCompositionTargetInvalid as part of the fix for WOSB 1453012 
            if (IsSourceWindowNull || IsCompositionTargetInvalid)
                return false;

            int loWord = NativeMethods.SignedLOWORD(wParam); 
            bool windowActivated;
            if ( loWord == NativeMethods.WA_INACTIVE )
                windowActivated = false;
                windowActivated = true;
            return false;

        // When the window is in a maximized or minimized state, we want the dimension properties 
        // to reflect what it would be when it's restored.
        private void UpdateDimensionsToRestoreBounds() 
            Rect restoreRect = RestoreBounds;
            SetValue(LeftProperty, restoreRect.Left); 
            SetValue(TopProperty, restoreRect.Top);
            SetValue(WidthProperty, restoreRect.Width);
            SetValue(HeightProperty, restoreRect.Height);

        private bool WmSizeChanged(IntPtr wParam) 
            // For WS_CHILD window, WM_SIZE, WM_MOVE (and maybe others) are called
            // synchronously from CreateWindowEx call and we run into issues if 
            // _sourceWindow in null.  We only care to listen to WM_CREATE &
            // WM_GETMINMAXINFO synchronously from CreateWindowEx thus we want
            // to explicitly add the null check below, at all other places.
            // Adding IsCompositionTargetInvalid check here for fix of WOSB 1453012.
            // Add this check here means that we won't fire WindowStateChanged event. 
            // However, since the hwnd is going away anyways, not firing StateChanged 
            // should not be a big deal.  The other side effect is that Width/Height DPs
            // won't be updated that should be fine too since window is going away. 
            if (IsSourceWindowNull || IsCompositionTargetInvalid)
                return false;

            NativeMethods.RECT rc = WindowBounds; 
            Point ptLogicalUnits = DeviceToLogicalUnits(new Point(rc.right - rc.left, rc.bottom -; 

                _updateHwndSize = false;
                SetValue(FrameworkElement.WidthProperty, ptLogicalUnits.X);
                SetValue(FrameworkElement.HeightProperty, ptLogicalUnits.Y); 
                _updateHwndSize = true;

            // Update the Taskbar's data about this window.  This can intermittently fail if Explorer gets busy.
            // It's not worth handling failures here since if there is a clip we'll try again on the next resize
            // and it doesn't affect the window itself. 
            HRESULT hr = UpdateTaskbarThumbnailClipping();
            switch ((int)wParam) 
                // We introduced _previousWindowState for the following scenario: 
                // win1.WindowState = WindowState.Maximized; // or stateA
                // ...
                // win1.WindowState = WindowState.Normal; // or stateB 
                // Developer sets WindowState to Maximized/Minimized then return to Normal. 
                // OnStateChanged should be fired. However, We were comparing that to WindowState.Normal. 
                // The value in property engine had been updated to Normal in the CLR setter, so OnStateChanged
                // was never fired. 
                // This is addressed in bug 937458.
                // Another reason for remembering the previous state is that
                // WM_SIZE is sent when the client area size of the hwnd changes. 
                // Thus, if the hwnd is maximized, and the border style changes,
                // WM_SIZE is sent.  In such cases, we don't want to fire 
                // StateChanged since the previous state was maximized too. 
                // See WOSB 1097658 (NullReferenceException thrown when changing ResizeMode from CanMinimize
                // to CanResizeWithGrip inside StateChanged event handler). 
                // There are two places we update _previousWindowState.

                // WindowState can be changed as a result of the following two passes 
                // 1. User interaction changes WindowState
                // 2. Developer programmatically changes WindowState 
                // We update _previousWindowState at two places 
                // 1. Before Hwnd is created, when developer programmatically changes WindowState, we update it when WindowState is invalidated.
                // 2. After Hwnd is created, we update it here because both passes comes here eventually. 

                // Event handler exception continuality: if exception occurs in StateChanged event handler, our state will not be
                // corrupted because the state related to StateChanged, WindowStateProperty and _previousWindowState, are set before the event is fired.
                // Please check Event handler exception continuality if the logic changes. 
                case NativeMethods.SIZE_MAXIMIZED:
                    if (_previousWindowState != WindowState.Maximized) 
                        // Do not set local value unless it is from user interaction.
                        // User interaction is considered as the same pri as SetValue 
                        // If WindowState is not the same as the current win32 value, it means the change is
                        // not from the DP system but from user interaction.
                        if (WindowState != WindowState.Maximized)
                                _updateHwndLocation = false; 
                                _updateHwndSize = false;
                                _updateHwndSize = true; 
                                _updateHwndLocation = true;
                            WindowState = WindowState.Maximized; 
                        _previousWindowState = WindowState.Maximized; 
                case NativeMethods.SIZE_MINIMIZED: 
                    if (_previousWindowState != WindowState.Minimized)
                        if (WindowState != WindowState.Minimized) 
                                _updateHwndSize = false;
                                _updateHwndLocation = false;
                                _updateHwndSize = true;
                                _updateHwndLocation = true; 
                            WindowState = WindowState.Minimized;
                        _previousWindowState = WindowState.Minimized; 
                case NativeMethods.SIZE_RESTORED:
                    if (_previousWindowState != WindowState.Normal) 
                        if (WindowState != WindowState.Normal)
                            WindowState = WindowState.Normal; 
                        _previousWindowState = WindowState.Normal; 

            // HwndSource passes the win32 msgs to the public hookds first before
            // passing layout hook etc.  Thus we get the WM_SIZE msg before
            // layout filter has processed it and we were reporting stale
            // value for height/width.  Now, UIElement fires SizeChanged event. 

            return false; 

        ///     Critical: This code accesses critical data, such as _inTrustedSubWindow
        private bool WmMoveChanged()
            // We want to listen to WM_MOVE synchronously since if a Window is 
            // created minimized/maximized we get this message as a result of
            // calling CreateWindowEx.  Here, sourceWindow is null but we still 
            // need to update _actual[Top/Left] to reflect the correct Top/Left
            // when Show() returns.  Thus we input hwnd and process top/left info
            // We won't fire LocationChanged unless Show has returned meaning 
            // IsSourceWindowNull is false.  Furthermore, LocationChanged is
            // fired only if the top/left values really changed 
            // Adding IsCompositionTargetInvalid check here for WOSB 1453012.
            // Since hwnd is going away, not updating Top/Left DPs and not firing 
            // LocationChanged should not matter.
            if (IsSourceWindowNull || IsCompositionTargetInvalid)
                return false; 
            if (!_inTrustedSubWindow) 

            // the input lparam gives the client location,
            // so just call GetWindowRect for Left and Top. 
            NativeMethods.RECT rc = WindowBounds;
            Point ptLogicalUnits = DeviceToLogicalUnits(new Point(rc.left,; 

            if (!DoubleUtil.AreClose(_actualLeft, ptLogicalUnits.X) ||
                !DoubleUtil.AreClose(_actualTop, ptLogicalUnits.Y))
                _actualLeft = ptLogicalUnits.X; 
                _actualTop = ptLogicalUnits.Y;
                // In Window, WmMoveChangedHelper write the local value of Top/Left 
                // (if necessary) or updates the property system values for
                // Top/Left by calling CoerceValue.  Furthermore, it fires the 
                // LocationChanged event.  RBW overrides WmMoveChangedHelper to do
                // nothing as writing Top/Left is not supported for RBW and
                // LocationChanged is never fired for it either.

                //Invalidate AutomationPeer if it was created/used by Automation. 
                //This will schedule a deferred update of bounding rectangle and 
                //corresponding notification to the Automation layer.
                AutomationPeer peer = UIElementAutomationPeer.FromElement(this); 
                if(peer != null)

            return false;

        // This method updates the Left/Top values and fires the location changed event.
        // It is virtual so that RBW can override it.
        internal virtual void WmMoveChangedHelper() 
            if (WindowState == WindowState.Normal) 
                    _updateHwndLocation = false;
                    SetValue(LeftProperty, _actualLeft);
                    SetValue(TopProperty, _actualTop);
                    _updateHwndLocation = true; 
                // Event handler exception continuality: if exception occurs in LocationChanged event handler, our state will not be
                // corrupted because the states related to LocationChanged, LeftProperty, TopProperty, Left and Top are set before the event is fired.
                // Please check event handler exception continuality if the logic changes.

        ///     Critical:This calls into pointer to structure which is critical
        private bool WmGetMinMaxInfo( IntPtr lParam ) 
            NativeMethods.MINMAXINFO mmi = (NativeMethods.MINMAXINFO)UnsafeNativeMethods.PtrToStructure( lParam, typeof(NativeMethods.MINMAXINFO)); 
            // For Bug 1380569: Window SizeToContent does not work after changing Max size properties 
            // When Min/Max size is changed in this Window instance, we want to make sure the correct
            // final Min/Max size is used to measure the window layout and notify the Win32 of the required
            // Min/Max size. 
            // This method is responsible to notify Win32 of the new Min/Max size. 
            // MeasureOverride( ) is responisble to use the right Min/Max size to calculate the desired layout size. 
            // But only this method knows the Win32 restricted Min/Max value for the HWND when it responds to WM_GETMINMAXINFO message. 
            // To generate the right final Min/Max size value in both places ( here and MeasureOverride), we should
            // cache the Win32 restricted size here.

            // hamidm -- 10/27/2005 
            // We need to store the max/min size the hwnd can take.  This is used in GetWindowMinMax to determine
            // the size passed to children for their layout.  These are stored in device units here so later 
            // we change them to logical units.  Fixes the following bugs:
            // WOSB: 1030000 Wrong window actual size returned if Autosize window
            // content is smaller than the actual window (seems to return content 
            // size as opposed to window size)
            // WOSB: 1330752 Window content should respect Window's Max/Min size 

            _trackMinWidthDeviceUnits = mmi.ptMinTrackSize.x; 
            _trackMinHeightDeviceUnits = mmi.ptMinTrackSize.y;
            _trackMaxWidthDeviceUnits = mmi.ptMaxTrackSize.x;
            _trackMaxHeightDeviceUnits = mmi.ptMaxTrackSize.y;
            // if IsCompositionTargetInvalid is true, then it means that the CompositionTarget is not available.
            // This can happen at hwnd creation or destruction time. 
            if (IsSourceWindowNull == false && IsCompositionTargetInvalid == false) 
                // Get the final MinMax size for this HWND based on Win32 track value and Min/Max setting
                // in this instance.
                WindowMinMax finalMinMax = GetWindowMinMax( ); 

                // The finalMinMax struct keeps the desired Min/Max size for this hwnd in Logic Units. 
                Point minSizeDeviceUnits = LogicalToDeviceUnits(new Point(finalMinMax.minWidth, finalMinMax.minHeight)); 
                Point maxSizeDeviceUnits = LogicalToDeviceUnits(new Point(finalMinMax.maxWidth, finalMinMax.maxHeight));
                // Put the new value in mmi
                mmi.ptMinTrackSize.x = DoubleUtil.DoubleToInt(minSizeDeviceUnits.X);
                mmi.ptMinTrackSize.y = DoubleUtil.DoubleToInt(minSizeDeviceUnits.Y);
                mmi.ptMaxTrackSize.x = DoubleUtil.DoubleToInt(maxSizeDeviceUnits.X);
                mmi.ptMaxTrackSize.y = DoubleUtil.DoubleToInt(maxSizeDeviceUnits.Y); 
                // Notify Win32 of the new Min/Max value for this HWND.
                Marshal.StructureToPtr(mmi, lParam, true);

            return true; 
        private bool WmNcHitTest( IntPtr lParam, ref IntPtr refInt ) 
            // For WS_CHILD window, WM_SIZE, WM_MOVE (and maybe others) are called 
            // synchronously from CreateWindowEx call and we run into issues if
            // _sourceWindow in null.  We only care to listen to WM_CREATE &
            // WM_GETMINMAXINFO synchronously from CreateWindowEx thus we want
            // to explicitly add the null check below at all other places. 
            // Adding check for IsCompositionTargetInvalid as the fix for WOSB 1453012. 
            // This can be true either at HwndSource creation time or when hwnd is going 
            // away.
            if (IsSourceWindowNull || IsCompositionTargetInvalid) 
                return false;
            // WmNcHitTest is necessary to enable ResizeGrip and it only
            // relevant for Window.  Doing this processing in a virtual so 
            // that RBW can override it 
            return HandleWmNcHitTestMsg(lParam, ref refInt);

        internal virtual bool HandleWmNcHitTestMsg(IntPtr lParam, ref IntPtr refInt)



            if ((_resizeGripControl == null) || (ResizeMode != ResizeMode.CanResizeWithGrip))
                return false;
            // mouse position wrt to the left/top of the screen
            int x = NativeMethods.SignedLOWORD(lParam); 
            int y = NativeMethods.SignedHIWORD(lParam);

            // Find the client area 0,0 of the Window wrt the screen
            // This will be used to transform the mouse position from screen co-od 
            // to window's client area co-od.  We need this to be able to figure out
            // whether the mouse is currently over the resize grip control or not 

            NativeMethods.POINT pt = GetPointRelativeToWindow(x, y); 
            Point ptLogicalUnits = DeviceToLogicalUnits(new Point(pt.x, pt.y));

            // Now, (ptLogicalUnits.X, ptLogicalUnits.Y) is the mouse postion wrt to the
            // Window's client region. 
            // The next step is to find out whether the mouse is on top of the
            // ResizeGrip control 
            // For this we first need to find out mouse location wrt to the ResizeGrip 
            // control and then check whether the mouse location is on the control
            // Conditions when mouse is on top of the control: 
            //     x,y should be not be less than zero
            //     x,y should not be greater than RenderSize.Width and RenderSize.Height

            GeneralTransform transfromFromWindow = this.TransformToDescendant(_resizeGripControl); 
            Point mousePositionWRTResizeGripControl = ptLogicalUnits;
            if (transfromFromWindow == null || transfromFromWindow.TryTransform(ptLogicalUnits, out mousePositionWRTResizeGripControl) == false) 
                return false;

            // check if the mouse is outside the ResizeGripControl region
            if ((mousePositionWRTResizeGripControl.X < 0) ||
                (mousePositionWRTResizeGripControl.Y < 0 ) || 
                (mousePositionWRTResizeGripControl.X > _resizeGripControl.RenderSize.Width) ||
                (mousePositionWRTResizeGripControl.Y > _resizeGripControl.RenderSize.Height)) 
                // mouse not over ResizeGripControl; just let the DefWndProc handle this
                return false; 

            if (FlowDirection == FlowDirection.RightToLeft)
                refInt = new IntPtr(NativeMethods.HTBOTTOMLEFT);
                refInt = new IntPtr(NativeMethods.HTBOTTOMRIGHT); 
            // we've handled the WM_NCHITTEST msg thus return true
            return true;

        private bool WmShowWindow(IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam) 
            // For WS_CHILD window, WM_SIZE, WM_MOVE (and maybe others) are called
            // synchronously from CreateWindowEx call and we run into issues if 
            // _sourceWindow in null.  We only care to listen to WM_CREATE &
            // WM_GETMINMAXINFO synchronously from CreateWindowEx thus we want
            // to explicitly add the null check below at all other places.
            // Adding check for IsCompositionTargetInvalid as part of the fix for WOSB 1453012
            if (IsSourceWindowNull || IsCompositionTargetInvalid) 
                return false;

            //lParam has five values: 0(programtically show/hide), 1(SW_PARENTCLOSING),
            //about 1 and 3. 
            switch (NativeMethods.IntPtrToInt32(lParam))
                //The window's owner window is being minimized. 
                //In Win32, when lParam is SW_PARENTCLOSING, wParam is false,
                //which means the window is being hidden. 
                case NativeMethods.SW_PARENTCLOSING:
                    //This window will be hidden. Update _isVisible to reflect the
                    // new state.  Furthermore update visibility such that we
                    // do not call ShowHelper again and thus calling 
                    // UpdateVisibilityProperty.
                    _isVisible = false; 
                //The window's owner window is being restored.
                //In Win32, when lParam is SW_PARENTOPENING, wParam is true,
                //which means the window is being shown.
                case NativeMethods.SW_PARENTOPENING: 
                    //This window will be shown. Update _isVisible to reflect the
                    // new state.  Furthermore update visibility such that we 
                    // do not call ShowHelper again and thus calling 
                    // UpdateVisibilityProperty.
                    _isVisible = true; 

            return false;

        private static void _OnIconChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            Window w = (Window)d; 
            Debug.Assert(w != null, "DependencyObject must be of type Window.");
            // We'll support most kinds of Images.  If it's not a BitmapFrame we'll rasterize it. 
            w.OnIconChanged(e.NewValue as ImageSource);

        private void OnIconChanged(ImageSource newIcon)
            // No need to dispose previous _icon.
            // _icon is a ref to the ImageSource object 
            // set by the developer.  Since the dev created 
            // the ImageSource object it is his responsibility to
            // dispose it. 
            _icon = newIcon;

            // Adding check for IsCompositionTargetInvalid as part of the fix for WOSB 1453012
            if (IsSourceWindowNull == false && IsCompositionTargetInvalid == false) 
        private static void _OnTitleChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            Window w = (Window)d;
            Debug.Assert(w != null, "DependencyObject must be of type Window."); 


        private static bool _ValidateText(object value) 
            return (value != null);
        private void OnTitleChanged()
        private static void _OnShowInTaskbarChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            Window w = (Window)d;
            Debug.Assert(w != null, "DependencyObject must be of type Window.");

        ///     Critical: This code accesses hwnd
        ///     TreatAsSafe: This function simply minimizes and maximises that is ok, also this will only
        ///     work in RBW code path and that is ok since this is bounded to parent
        private void OnShowInTaskbarChanged() 
            if (!_inTrustedSubWindow)

            // this call ends up throwing an exception if accessing 
            // ShowInTaskbar is not allowed
            // There are 2 cases
            // Case 1 : being set before source window is created 
            // Case 2 : being set after the source window is created
            // Case 3 : bet set when CompositionTarget is invalid meaning we're in a bad state

            // Adding check for IsCompositionTargetInvalid as part of the fix for WOSB 1453012 
            if ( IsSourceWindowNull == false && IsCompositionTargetInvalid == false)
                bool fHideWindow = false; 
                // Win32 bug. For ShowInTaskbar to change dynamically, we need to hide then show the window.
                // It is recommended to hide the window, chnage the style bits and then show it again. 
                if (_isVisible)
                    UnsafeNativeMethods.SetWindowPos(new HandleRef(this, CriticalHandle), NativeMethods.NullHandleRef, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                                       NativeMethods.SWP_NOMOVE | 
                                       NativeMethods.SWP_NOSIZE |
                                       NativeMethods.SWP_NOZORDER | 
                                       NativeMethods.SWP_NOACTIVATE | 
                                       NativeMethods.SWP_NOSENDCHANGING |
                    fHideWindow = true;
                using (HwndStyleManager sm = HwndStyleManager.StartManaging(this, StyleFromHwnd, StyleExFromHwnd  ))
                // Use fHideWindow instead of _isVisible in case if we listen to HideWindow messages and update _isVisible value, 
                // it won't break this code.
                if (fHideWindow) 
                    UnsafeNativeMethods.SetWindowPos(new HandleRef(this, CriticalHandle), NativeMethods.NullHandleRef, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                                                    NativeMethods.SWP_NOMOVE |
                                                    NativeMethods.SWP_NOSIZE | 
                                                    NativeMethods.SWP_NOZORDER |
                                                    NativeMethods.SWP_NOACTIVATE | 
                                                    NativeMethods.SWP_NOSENDCHANGING | 

        private static bool _ValidateWindowStateCallback(object value) 
            return IsValidWindowState((WindowState)value); 

        private static void _OnWindowStateChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) 
            Window w = (Window)d;

            Debug.Assert(w != null, "DependencyObject must be of type Window."); 
            w.OnWindowStateChanged((WindowState) e.NewValue);
        ///     Critical: This code can cause window to maximize and minimize and used hwnd 
        ///     TreatAsSafe: This has a demand
        private void OnWindowStateChanged(WindowState windowState) 




            if (IsSourceWindowNull == false && IsCompositionTargetInvalid == false)
                if (_isVisible == true) 
                    HandleRef hr = new HandleRef(this,  CriticalHandle); 
                    int style = _Style;
                    // Only call ShowWindow if window is in a different state
                    switch (windowState)
                        case WindowState.Normal: 
                            if ((style & NativeMethods.WS_MAXIMIZE) == NativeMethods.WS_MAXIMIZE)
                                // The old behavior of this case is to restore the window using SW_RESTORE.
                                // With the ShowActivated property set to false we want this restore operation 
                                // to take the current activation state into account when restoring the window.
                                if (ShowActivated || IsActive)
                                    UnsafeNativeMethods.ShowWindow(hr, NativeMethods.SW_RESTORE); 
                                    UnsafeNativeMethods.ShowWindow(hr, NativeMethods.SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE); 
                            else if ((style & NativeMethods.WS_MINIMIZE) == NativeMethods.WS_MINIMIZE)
                                // We query to WINDOWPLACEMENT to get an indication about the state before the
                                // minimize operation happened. If we were coming from a maximized state and now we
                                // switch to normal, we want activation to happen since the maximized state is always 
                                // activated and transitioning from activated to non-activated would be weird.
                                NativeMethods.WINDOWPLACEMENT placement = new NativeMethods.WINDOWPLACEMENT(); 
                                placement.length = Marshal.SizeOf(placement);
                                UnsafeNativeMethods.GetWindowPlacement(hr, ref placement); 

                                if ((placement.flags & NativeMethods.WPF_RESTORETOMAXIMIZED) == NativeMethods.WPF_RESTORETOMAXIMIZED)
                                    UnsafeNativeMethods.ShowWindow(hr, NativeMethods.SW_RESTORE);
                                    if (ShowActivated) 
                                        UnsafeNativeMethods.ShowWindow(hr, NativeMethods.SW_RESTORE); 
                                        UnsafeNativeMethods.ShowWindow(hr, NativeMethods.SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE); 
                        case WindowState.Maximized:
                            if ((style & NativeMethods.WS_MAXIMIZE) != NativeMethods.WS_MAXIMIZE) 
                                // The OS doesn't provide support for non-activated maximized windows. 
                                UnsafeNativeMethods.ShowWindow(hr, NativeMethods.SW_MAXIMIZE);

                        case WindowState.Minimized: 
                            if ((style & NativeMethods.WS_MINIMIZE) != NativeMethods.WS_MINIMIZE) 
                                // Historically, we used SW_MINIMIZE in here which activates the next top-level
                                // window in the Z order. Therefore, our ShowActivated property can't affect the
                                // minimized state since this would incur a breaking change requiring us to use
                                // SW_SHOWMINIMIZED instead in case ShowActivated is set to true (bw compat case). 
                                UnsafeNativeMethods.ShowWindow(hr, NativeMethods.SW_MINIMIZE); 

                // WindowState can be changed as a result of the following two passes 
                // 1. User interaction changes WindowState
                // 2. Developer programmatically changes WindowState
                // We update _previousWindowState at two places
                // 1. Before Hwnd is created, when developer programmatically changes WindowState, we update it here. 
                // 2. After Hwnd is created, we update it when we get to WM_SIZE because both passes eventally meet there.
                _previousWindowState = windowState; 

            // The value of Top and Left is affected by WindowState and WindowStartupLocation. 
            // we need to coerce Top and Left whenever these deciding factors change.
            // More info in CoerceTop.
                _updateHwndLocation = false;
                _updateHwndLocation = true;

        private static bool _ValidateWindowStyleCallback(object value) 
            return IsValidWindowStyle((WindowStyle)value);

        private static void _OnWindowStyleChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            Window w = (Window)d; 

            Debug.Assert(w != null, "DependencyObject must be of type Window."); 
            w.OnWindowStyleChanged((WindowStyle) e.NewValue); 
        private void OnWindowStyleChanged(WindowStyle windowStyle)
            //Per our conversation with Aaron today, in M6 we are going to demand UnrestrictedFullScreen permission for
            //setting WindowStyle to None. But there will be changes in M7 so that we can differentiate between FullScreen 
            //and NoBorder window, so we comment this section out for future references.
            //if ((value == WindowStyle.None) && (WindowState == WindowState.Maximized)) 
            //if (windowStyle == WindowStyle.None) 
            //    AVTempUIPermission avtUIPermission = new AVTempUIPermission(AVTUIPermissionFullScreen.UnrestrictedFullScreen); 

            // Adding check for IsCompositionTargetInvalid as part of the fix for WOSB 1453012
            if (IsSourceWindowNull == false && IsCompositionTargetInvalid == false) 
                using (HwndStyleManager sm = HwndStyleManager.StartManaging(this, StyleFromHwnd, StyleExFromHwnd ))

        private static void _OnTopmostChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) 
            Window w = (Window)d;
            Debug.Assert(w != null, "DependencyObject must be of type Window.");
            w.OnTopmostChanged((bool) e.NewValue);
        /// There is an explicit demand here - to enforce not being able to set this DP in Internet Zone. 
        /// this should remanin here until Window spoofing work is done. 
        ///     Critical as this accesses critical data - (CriticalHandle )
        ///     TreatAsSafe - as there is a demand. 
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe ]
        private void OnTopmostChanged(bool topmost)
            SecurityHelper.DemandUIWindowPermission(); // Demand UI permission for topmost.
            // this call ends up throwing an exception if accessing 
            // Topmost is not allowed

            // Adding check for IsCompositionTargetInvalid as part of the fix for WOSB 1453012
            if (IsSourceWindowNull == false  && IsCompositionTargetInvalid == false)
                HandleRef hWnd = topmost ? NativeMethods.HWND_TOPMOST : NativeMethods.HWND_NOTOPMOST;
                UnsafeNativeMethods.SetWindowPos(new HandleRef(null, CriticalHandle), 
                       0, 0, 0, 0,
                       NativeMethods.SWP_NOMOVE | NativeMethods.SWP_NOSIZE | NativeMethods.SWP_NOACTIVATE); 

        private static object CoerceVisibility(DependencyObject d, object value) 
            Window w = (Window)d; 
            Visibility newValue = (Visibility)value;
            if (newValue == Visibility.Visible) 
            return value;

        /// Called when VisiblityProperty is invalidated
        /// The actual window is created when the Visibility property is set 
        /// to Visibility.Visible for the first time or when Show is called.
        /// For Window, Visibility.Visible means the Window is visible. 
        /// Visibility.Hidden and Visibility.Collapsed mean the Window is not visible. 
        /// Visibility.Hidden and Visibility.Collapsed are treated the same.
        private static void _OnVisibilityChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            Window w = (Window)d;
            // Indicate Visibility has been set
            // This works fine because Window is always the root.  So Visibility property 
            // would not be invalidated usless it is set to a value.  But if that changes, 
            // we will get invalidation when Window it added to the tree and this would be broken.
            w._isVisibilitySet = true; 

            // _visibilitySetInternally is used to identify a call from Show/Hide in
            // _OnVisibilityInvalidated callback.  If a call originates in Show/Hide,
            // we DO NOT want to do anything in the _OnVisibilityCallback since, we 
            // synchronously call ShowHelper from Show/Hide
            if (w._visibilitySetInternally == true) 

            bool visibilityValue = VisibilityToBool((Visibility) e.NewValue);

                new DispatcherOperationCallback(w.ShowHelper), 
                visibilityValue ? BooleanBoxes.TrueBox : BooleanBoxes.FalseBox); 
        ///     Critical: This code causes an elevation to all Window permission and
        ///               calls into CreateSourceWindow
        ///     TreatAsSafe: There is a demand for creating the hwnd unless it is under an RBW 
        ///                 code path and if it has been called via the internal constructor chain
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
        private void SafeCreateWindowDuringShow()
            //this is true the first time the window is created
            if (IsSourceWindowNull == true)
                //this is true only if called via RBW 
                if (!_inTrustedSubWindow)
                // _isVisible is false at this moment.  Thus CreateAllStyle 
                // called by CreateSourceWindow does not set WS_VISIBLE style

                // If the hwnd has been created via WindowsInteropHelper.EnsureHandle,
                // we just need to hook up the RootVisual and update the size according to STC before Show. 
            else if (HwndCreatedButNotShown) 
                _hwndCreatedButNotShown = false;
        // We set/clear ShowKeyboardCue when Show(ShowDialog)/Hide is called.
        // We do not clear the state of ShowKeyboardCue when Window is closed. 
        private void SetShowKeyboardCueState() 
            // set property on AccessKey control indicating the 
            // invocation device
            if (KeyboardNavigation.IsKeyboardMostRecentInputDevice())
                _previousKeyboardCuesProperty = (bool)GetValue(KeyboardNavigation.ShowKeyboardCuesProperty); 
                SetValue(KeyboardNavigation.ShowKeyboardCuesProperty, BooleanBoxes.TrueBox);
                _resetKeyboardCuesProperty = true; 
        // We set/clear ShowKeyboardCue when Show(ShowDialog)/Hide is called.
        // We do not clear the state of ShowKeyboardCue when Window is closed.
        private void ClearShowKeyboardCueState()
            // if we set KeyboradNavigation.ShowKeyboardCuesProperty in ShowDialog,
            // set it to false here. 
            if (_resetKeyboardCuesProperty == true) 
                _resetKeyboardCuesProperty = false; 
                SetValue(KeyboardNavigation.ShowKeyboardCuesProperty, BooleanBoxes.Box(_previousKeyboardCuesProperty));
        private void UpdateVisibilityProperty(Visibility value)
            // _visibilitySetInternally is used to identify a call (in _OnVisibilityInvalidated 
            // callback) for updating the property value only and not changing the actual
            // visibility state of the hwnd. 
                _visibilitySetInternally = true;
                SetValue(VisibilityProperty, value); 
                _visibilitySetInternally = false;

        /// update _isVisible and call CreateSourceWindow if 
        /// it's the first time window is set to Visibile
        ///     Critical: Acceses CriticalHandle
        ///     TreatAsSafe: Code only creates window in RBW path 
        private object ShowHelper(object booleanBox)
            // Setting Visiblilty is async. When this is called from the async callback,
            // check whether the window is already closed. 
            // E.g. window.Visibility = true; 
            //      ...
            //      window.Close(); 
            // We should not do anything if the window is already closed.
            if (_disposed == true)
                return null; 
            bool value = (bool) booleanBox; 
            _isClosing = false;
            // hamidm 9/7/2005 WOSB 1223920 (BVT Blocker: Invariant Assert when calling
            // Window.Show after setting Visibility=Hidden)

            // We should optimize for when visibilityValue == _isVisible only in ShowHelper 
            // since this is called from a [....] and async call.  We cannot optimize it there
            // since _isVisible may not reflect the exact state requested by the OM call. 
            if (_isVisible == value) 
                return null; 

            // _isVisible should always be set after calling SafeCreateWindow, because
            // if exception occurs in Loading event (fired as a result of setting Visibility to visible) handler, 
            // we set Visibility back to Collapsed. Otherwise we could get into a loop.
            if (value == true) 
                if (Application.IsShuttingDown)
                    return null; 


                _isVisible = true;
                //demand in case you are trying to hide this window 
                if (!_inTrustedSubWindow)

                if (_showingAsDialog == true)
                _isVisible = false;

            // we need this check here again, b/c creating the window fires the 
            // Activted event and if user closes the window from it, then by 
            // the time we get to this point _sourceWindow is already disposed.
            if ( IsSourceWindowNull == false ) 
                // NOTE: hamidm 08/24/04
                // PS Windows OS bug # 950580 Specifying an Avalon app to start
                // maximized from a shortcut does not work. 

                // ShowWindow MSDN documentation says that the first time ShowWindow 
                // is called, nCmd passed in STARTUPINFO is used instead of the one 
                // passed in via ShowWindow call. However, that is not the case.
                // ShowWindow implementation in user32 uses nCmd of STARTUPINFO only 
                // if we pass SW_SHOW, SW_SHOWNORMAL, SW_SHOWDEFAULT to ShowWindow.
                // If anything else is passed, it does not use nCmd of STARTUPINFO.

                int nCmd = 0; 
                if (value == true)
                    // nCmdForShow access WindowState which is inaccessible for RBW. 
                    // Thus doing so in a virtual that RBW overrides
                    nCmd = nCmdForShow(); 
                    nCmd = NativeMethods.SW_HIDE; 
                UnsafeNativeMethods.ShowWindow(new HandleRef(this, CriticalHandle), nCmd); 
                // We already did a ShowWindow upabove and then because of the using, we will flush which
                // will cause us to set the visibility. Ideally I would like to simply not have the ShowWindow 
                // call above, *but* there is this SHOWNA stuff which is tied to Focus/Activation cleanup
                // scheduled for M8.
                //set the style
            // dialog functionality; start dispatcher loop to block the call
            if ((_showingAsDialog == true) && (_isVisible == true)) 
                // hamidm -- 07/07/04
                // PS Bug # 992107, 935429
                // Since we exited the Context, we need to make sure
                // we enter it before returning even if there is an 
                // exception 
                Debug.Assert(_dispatcherFrame == null, "_dispatcherFrame must be null here"); 

                    // tell users we're going modal 
                    _dispatcherFrame = new DispatcherFrame(); 
                    // tell users we're going non-modal
            return null;

        internal virtual int nCmdForShow()
            int nCmd = 0; 
                case WindowState.Maximized: 
                    nCmd = NativeMethods.SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED; // The OS doesn't provide support for non-activated maximized windows.
                case WindowState.Minimized:
                    nCmd = ShowActivated ? NativeMethods.SW_SHOWMINIMIZED : NativeMethods.SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE;
                    nCmd = ShowActivated ? NativeMethods.SW_SHOW : NativeMethods.SW_SHOWNA;
            return nCmd;

        ///     Critical: This code elevates
        ///     TreatAsSafe: This code is safe to call since it is not configurable and sets a preallowed style 
        private void SafeStyleSetter() 
            (new UIPermission(UIPermissionWindow.AllWindows)).Assert(); 
            try//blessed assert to toggle visibility, this does not let random styles from being set
                using (HwndStyleManager sm = HwndStyleManager.StartManaging(this, StyleFromHwnd, StyleExFromHwnd))
                    _Style = _isVisible ? (_Style | NativeMethods.WS_VISIBLE) : _Style;
        private static bool _ValidateSizeToContentCallback(object value) 
            return IsValidSizeToContent((SizeToContent)value); 

        /// SizeToContent property GetValue override
        private static object _SizeToContentGetValueOverride(DependencyObject d)
            Window w = d as Window; 

            Debug.Assert(w != null, "DependencyObject must be of type Window."); 
            return w.SizeToContent;

        /// SizeToContent property invalidation callback
        private static void _OnSizeToContentChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) 
            Window w = d as Window; 

            Debug.Assert(w != null, "DependencyObject must be of type Window.");
            w.OnSizeToContentChanged((SizeToContent) e.NewValue);

        private void OnSizeToContentChanged(SizeToContent sizeToContent) 
            // this call ends up throwing an exception if accessing
            // SizeToContent is not allowed 

            // Update HwndSource's SizeToContent.
            // HwndSource will only update layout if the value has changed. 
            // Adding check for IsCompositionTargetInvalid as part of the fix for WOSB 1453012 
            if (IsSourceWindowNull == false && IsCompositionTargetInvalid == false) 
                HwndSourceSizeToContent = sizeToContent; 

        /// Validate [Max/Min]Width/Height and Top/Left value.
        /// Length takes Double; Win32 handles Int. 
        /// We throw exception when the value goes below Int32Min and Int32Max.
        /// WorkItem 26263: ValidateValueCallback needs to move to PropertyMetadata so Window can 
        /// add its own validation and validate before invalid value is set. Right now, we can only
        /// validate this in PropertyInalidatinonCallback because of this. (We couldn't make it virtual on
        /// FrameworkELement because ValidateValueCallback doesn't provide context. Work item 25275).
        private static void ValidateLengthForHeightWidth(double l) 
            //basically, NaN and PositiveInfinity are ok, and then anything 
            //that can be converted to Int32 
            if (!Double.IsPositiveInfinity(l) && !DoubleUtil.IsNaN(l) &&
                ((l > Int32.MaxValue) || (l < Int32.MinValue))) 
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.ValueNotBetweenInt32MinMax, l));

        private static void ValidateTopLeft(double length) 
            // Values not allowed: PositiveInfinity, NegativeInfinity
            // and values that are beyond the range of Int32 
            if (Double.IsPositiveInfinity(length) ||
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.InvalidValueForTopLeft, length)); 
            if ((length > Int32.MaxValue) || 
                (length < Int32.MinValue))
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.ValueNotBetweenInt32MinMax, length));
        private static void _OnHeightChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            Window w = d as Window; 
            Debug.Assert(w != null, "d must be typeof Window");
            if (w._updateHwndSize) 
                w.OnHeightChanged((double) e.NewValue);

        /// There is an explicit demand here - to enforce not being able to set this DP in Internet Zone. 
        /// this should remanin here until Window spoofing work is done.
        private void OnHeightChanged(double height)
            // WOSB 1018227:  Move ValidateLengthForHeightWidth calls from property
            // invalidation callback to PropertyMetadata 
            // Adding check for IsCompositionTargetInvalid as part of the fix for WOSB 1453012 
            if (IsSourceWindowNull == false && IsCompositionTargetInvalid == false && !DoubleUtil.IsNaN(height))
        private static void _OnMinHeightChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            Window w = d as Window; 
            Debug.Assert(w != null, "d must be typeof Window");
            w.OnMinHeightChanged((double) e.NewValue); 

        private void OnMinHeightChanged(double minHeight)
            // this call ends up throwing an exception if accessing
            // MinHeight is not allowed 

            // Only trigger immediate size update when hwnd has been created and MinHeight is not Auto and MinHeight is
            // greater then current HWND height.
            // If hwnd hasn't been created, size will be controlled when it is created.
            // If MinHeight is Auto or ActualHeight is greater than MinHeight, there is no need update size of the window. 
            // Adding check for IsCompositionTargetInvalid as part of the fix for WOSB 1453012 
            if ((IsSourceWindowNull == false ) && (IsCompositionTargetInvalid == false)) 
                NativeMethods.RECT rcHwnd = WindowBounds; 
                Point logicalSize = DeviceToLogicalUnits(new Point(rcHwnd.Width, rcHwnd.Height));
                if (minHeight > logicalSize.Y)
                    if (WindowState == WindowState.Normal) 
                        UpdateHwndSizeOnWidthHeightChange(logicalSize.X, minHeight); 
                        // no need to do anything.  When window is restored, we get WM_GETMINMAXINFO where
                        // we restrict the max/min size of the window to [Max/Min][Height/Width]
        private static void _OnMaxHeightChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            Window w = d as Window;
            Debug.Assert(w != null, "d must be typeof Window");
            w.OnMaxHeightChanged((double) e.NewValue);

        private void OnMaxHeightChanged(double maxHeight) 
            // this call ends up throwing an exception if accessing
            // MaxHeight is not allowed 

            // Only trigger immediate size update when hwnd has been created and MaxHeight is not Auto and
            // the HWND's height > MaxHeight 
            // Adding check for IsCompositionTargetInvalid as part of the fix for WOSB 1453012
            if ((IsSourceWindowNull == false) && (IsCompositionTargetInvalid == false)) 
                NativeMethods.RECT rcHwnd = WindowBounds;
                Point logicalSize = DeviceToLogicalUnits(new Point(rcHwnd.Width, rcHwnd.Height));
                if (maxHeight < logicalSize.Y) 
                    if (WindowState == WindowState.Normal) 
                        UpdateHwndSizeOnWidthHeightChange(logicalSize.X, maxHeight);
                        // no need to do anything.  When window is restored, we get WM_GETMINMAXINFO where
                        // we restrict the max/min size of the window to [Max/Min][Height/Width] 
        private static void _OnWidthChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            Window w = d as Window;
            Debug.Assert(w != null, "d must be typeof Window"); 
            if (w._updateHwndSize)
                w.OnWidthChanged((double) e.NewValue); 

        private void OnWidthChanged(double width)

            // Adding check for IsCompositionTargetInvalid as part of the fix for WOSB 1453012 
            if (IsSourceWindowNull == false && IsCompositionTargetInvalid == false && !DoubleUtil.IsNaN(width)) 

        private static void _OnMinWidthChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) 
            Window w = d as Window; 
            Debug.Assert(w != null, "d must be typeof Window"); 
            w.OnMinWidthChanged((double) e.NewValue);

        private void OnMinWidthChanged(double minWidth)
            // this call ends up throwing an exception if accessing 
            // MinWidth is not allowed
            // WOSB 1018227:  Move ValidateLengthForHeightWidth calls from property
            // invalidation callback to PropertyMetadata 
            // Only trigger immediate size update when hwnd has been created and MinWidth is not Auto and MinWidth is
            // greater then current ActualWidth.
            // If hwnd hasn't been created, size will be controlled when it is created. 
            // If MinWidth is Auto or ActualWidth is greater than MinWidth, there is no need update size of the window.
            // Adding check for IsCompositionTargetInvalid as part of the fix for WOSB 1453012 
            if ((IsSourceWindowNull == false) && (IsCompositionTargetInvalid == false))
                NativeMethods.RECT rcHwnd = WindowBounds;
                Point logicalSize = DeviceToLogicalUnits(new Point(rcHwnd.Width, rcHwnd.Height));
                if (minWidth > logicalSize.X)
                    if (WindowState == WindowState.Normal)
                        UpdateHwndSizeOnWidthHeightChange(minWidth, logicalSize.Y); 
                        // no need to do anything.  When window is restored, we get WM_GETMINMAXINFO where
                        // we restrict the max/min size of the window to [Max/Min][Height/Width]

        private static void _OnMaxWidthChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) 
            Window w = d as Window;
            Debug.Assert(w != null, "d must be typeof Window");
            w.OnMaxWidthChanged((double) e.NewValue); 
        private void OnMaxWidthChanged(double maxWidth) 
            // this call ends up throwing an exception if accessing 
            // MaxWidth is not allowed

            // Only trigger immediate size update when hwnd has been created and MaxWidth is not Auto and
            // ActualWidth > MaxWidth 
            // Adding check for IsCompositionTargetInvalid as part of the fix for WOSB 1453012
            if ((IsSourceWindowNull == false ) && (IsCompositionTargetInvalid == false)) 
                NativeMethods.RECT rcHwnd = WindowBounds;
                Point logicalSize = DeviceToLogicalUnits(new Point(rcHwnd.Width, rcHwnd.Height));
                if (maxWidth < logicalSize.X) 
                    if (WindowState == WindowState.Normal) 
                        UpdateHwndSizeOnWidthHeightChange(maxWidth, logicalSize.Y);
                        // no need to do anything.  When window is restored, we get WM_GETMINMAXINFO where
                        // we restrict the max/min size of the window to [Max/Min][Height/Width] 
        // Updates the restore bounds of the hwnd based on BoundsSpecified enum values
        // OR-ing of BoundsSpecified enum is not supported.
        ///     Critical: This code accesses CriticalHandle 
        ///     TreatAsSafe:This code is disabled for all windows including RBW in PartialTrust
        private void UpdateHwndRestoreBounds(double newValue, BoundsSpecified specifiedRestoreBounds)

            NativeMethods.WINDOWPLACEMENT wp = new NativeMethods.WINDOWPLACEMENT();
            wp.length = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(NativeMethods.WINDOWPLACEMENT)); 
            UnsafeNativeMethods.GetWindowPlacement(new HandleRef(this, CriticalHandle), ref wp);
            double convertedValue = (LogicalToDeviceUnits(new Point(newValue, 0))).X; 
            switch (specifiedRestoreBounds)
                case BoundsSpecified.Height:
                    wp.rcNormalPosition_bottom = wp.rcNormalPosition_top + DoubleUtil.DoubleToInt(convertedValue);
                case BoundsSpecified.Width: 
                    wp.rcNormalPosition_right = wp.rcNormalPosition_left + DoubleUtil.DoubleToInt(convertedValue);
                case BoundsSpecified.Top: 
                    // convert input value into work-area co-ods
                    double newTop = newValue; 
                    // [Get/Set]WindowPlacement work with workarea co-ods for a top level
                    // window whose WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW bit is clear.  If this bit is set,
                    // then the co-ods are expected to be in screen co-ods of the monitor.
                    // TransfromWorkAreaScreenArea can transform a point from work area co-ods 
                    // to screen area co-ods and vice versa depending on TransformType value passed.
                    // So, in our case, if the window is not a ToolWindow we want to transform 
                    // the input value from screen co-ods to work area co-ods. 
                    if ((StyleExFromHwnd & NativeMethods.WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW) == 0)
                        newTop = TransformWorkAreaScreenArea(new Point(0, newTop), TransformType.ScreenAreaToWorkArea).Y;
                    newTop = (LogicalToDeviceUnits(new Point(0, newTop))).Y;
                    int currentHeight = wp.rcNormalPosition_bottom - wp.rcNormalPosition_top; 
                    wp.rcNormalPosition_top = DoubleUtil.DoubleToInt(newTop);
                    wp.rcNormalPosition_bottom = wp.rcNormalPosition_top + currentHeight; 
                case BoundsSpecified.Left:
                    // convert input value into work-area co-ods 
                    double newLeft = newValue;
                    // [Get/Set]WindowPlacement work with workarea co-ods for a top level
                    // window whose WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW bit is clear.  If this bit is set,
                    // then the co-ods are expected to be in screen co-ods of the monitor. 
                    // TransfromWorkAreaScreenArea can transform a point from work area co-ods
                    // to screen area co-ods and vice versa depending on TransformType value passed. 
                    // So, in our case, if the window is not a ToolWindow we want to transform
                    // the input value from screen co-ods to work area co-ods. 
                    if ((StyleExFromHwnd & NativeMethods.WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW) == 0)
                        newLeft = TransformWorkAreaScreenArea(new Point(newLeft, 0), TransformType.ScreenAreaToWorkArea).X;
                    newLeft = (LogicalToDeviceUnits(new Point(newLeft, 0))).X;
                    int currentWidth = wp.rcNormalPosition_right - wp.rcNormalPosition_left; 
                    wp.rcNormalPosition_left = DoubleUtil.DoubleToInt(newLeft); 
                    wp.rcNormalPosition_right = wp.rcNormalPosition_left + currentWidth;
                    Debug.Assert(false, String.Format("specifiedRestoreBounds can't be {0}", specifiedRestoreBounds));

            // The showCmd flag retreived by GetWindowPlacement is SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED when the window is maximized. 
            // If the window is minimized, showCmd is SW_SHOWMINIMIZED. Otherwise, it is SW_SHOWNORMAL, regardless 
            // of the window's visibility.
            // SetWindowPlacement with SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED and SW_SHOWMINIMIZED will cause a hidden window to show. 
            // To workaround this issue, we check whether the current window is hidden and set showCmd to SW_HIDE if it is.
            if (!this._isVisible)
                wp.showCmd = NativeMethods.SW_HIDE; 
            UnsafeNativeMethods.SetWindowPlacement(new HandleRef(this, CriticalHandle), ref wp);

        // deltaX = workAreaOriginValue - screenOriginValue (both in virtual co-ods)
        // X(screenAreaCood) = x(workAreaCood) + deltaX
        /// Critical: This code acceses CriticalHandle
        ///     TreatAsSafe: This code only works under RBW code path , this operation is ok since 
        ///     RBW window is bound to the restrictions of its parent window which is the browser 
        private Point TransformWorkAreaScreenArea(Point pt, TransformType transformType)
            int deltaX = 0;
            int deltaY = 0; 
            Point retPt;
            if (!_inTrustedSubWindow) 

            // First we get the monitor on which the window is on.  [Get/Set]WindowPlacement
            // co-ods are dependent on the monitor on which the window is on.
            IntPtr hMonitor = SafeNativeMethods.MonitorFromWindow(new HandleRef(this, CriticalHandle), NativeMethods.MONITOR_DEFAULTTONULL); 

            if (hMonitor != IntPtr.Zero) 
                NativeMethods.MONITORINFOEX monitorInfo = new NativeMethods.MONITORINFOEX();
                monitorInfo.cbSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(NativeMethods.MONITORINFOEX)); 

                SafeNativeMethods.GetMonitorInfo(new HandleRef(this, hMonitor), monitorInfo);
                NativeMethods.RECT workAreaRect = monitorInfo.rcWork;
                NativeMethods.RECT screenAreaRect = monitorInfo.rcMonitor; 
                deltaX = workAreaRect.left - screenAreaRect.left;
                deltaY = -; 

            if (transformType == TransformType.WorkAreaToScreenArea) 
                retPt = new Point(pt.X + deltaX, pt.Y + deltaY);
                retPt = new Point(pt.X - deltaX, pt.Y - deltaY); 
            return retPt;

        // Hua Wang: The logic for coerce Top & Left
        // 1.   Before Window is first shown (w.IsSourceWindowNull == false)
        //      The value can come from 3 parties 
        //          a. default
        //          b. SetValue 
        //          c. Style, trigger... 
        //      In all those 3 cases, we would like to pass the value because we don't have a
        //      different value from hwnd before it is shown. 
        // To understarnd the below 2 cases better, you will need to know the Window position API precedence as following:
        //      WindowState > WindowStartupLocation (only works the first time shown) > Top/Left
        // 2.   During show
        //      There are 3 places that can coerce value during show. Right now they are all in 
        //      SetupInitialState. 
        //          a. After CreateWindowEx.
        //                  i. We should always update with the win32 default position when it is Nan. 
        //                  ii. If WindowState is maxmized, we should always return from the hwnd (_actualTop/Left),
        //                  but update the hwnd restorebounds. So setting Top/Left WindowState to to Maxmized before show would
        //                  work for restorebounds (details in bug 1217802).
        //          b. If Top/Left is set and/or WindowStartupLocation is effective. 
        //                  WindowState must be normal here because it takes precedence over WindowStartupLocation and Top/Left.
        //                  Since WindowStartupLocation only works the first time shown, we have a flag (_updateStartupLocation) 
        //                  to help indicating that. 
        //                  If StartupLocation is effective, we should return from the hwnd (_actualTop/Left).
        //          c. If SizeToContent is set and WindowStartupLocation is effective. 
        //                  Same as b.
        // 3.   After show
        //      a. User moves the Window. 
        //          If user resize, we set local value (SetValue).
        //      b. User maximizes or minimizes. Or WindowState is changed programmtically 
        //          We coerce Top and Left's value when WindowState is changed no matter whether it is 
        //          from user action or programmtically.
        //      c. SetValue 
        //      For b and c, when WindowState is max or min, the hwnd value should always be returned.
        //      The new value should be set as restorebounds. Otherwise update with the new value.
        // Note: as we can see from above logic, _actualTop/Left should always be updated with the current hwnd position before we
        // coerce Top and Left after hwnd is created. 
        private static object CoerceTop(DependencyObject d, object value) 
            Window w = d as Window; 

            // this call ends up throwing an exception if accessing Top
            // is not allowed

            double top = (double)value; 
            // WOSB 1018227:  Move ValidateTopLeft calls from property
            // invalidation callback to PropertyMetadata 

            if (w.IsSourceWindowNull || w.IsCompositionTargetInvalid)
                return value;
            if (double.IsNaN(top))
                return w._actualTop;

            if (w.WindowState != WindowState.Normal) 
                return value; 

            if (w._updateStartupLocation && (w.WindowStartupLocation != WindowStartupLocation.Manual)) 
                return w._actualTop;
            return value;
        private static void _OnTopChanged (DependencyObject d , DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            Window w = d as Window;
            Debug.Assert( w != null, "DependencyObject must be of type Window." );

            if (w._updateHwndLocation) 
                w.OnTopChanged((double) e.NewValue); 
        private void OnTopChanged(double newTop)
            // Adding check for IsCompositionTargetInvalid as part of the fix for WOSB 1453012
            if (IsSourceWindowNull == false && IsCompositionTargetInvalid == false) 
                // NaN is special and indicates using Win32 default, 
                // so we exclude that. 
                if (DoubleUtil.IsNaN(newTop) == false)
                    if (WindowState == WindowState.Normal)
                        Invariant.Assert(!Double.IsNaN(_actualLeft), "_actualLeft cannot be NaN after show");
                        UpdateHwndPositionOnTopLeftChange(Double.IsNaN(Left) ? _actualLeft : Left, newTop); 
                        UpdateHwndRestoreBounds(newTop, BoundsSpecified.Top);
                // here the value is stored as measure units as newTop is in measure/logical units
                _actualTop = newTop; 
        // Please see comments for CoerceTop.
        private static object CoerceLeft(DependencyObject d, object value)
            Window w = d as Window; 

            // this call ends up throwing an exception if setting property is not allowed 

            double left = (double)value; 

            // WOSB 1018227:  Move ValidateTopLeft calls from property
            // invalidation callback to PropertyMetadata

            if (w.IsSourceWindowNull || w.IsCompositionTargetInvalid) 
                return value;

            if (double.IsNaN(left))
                return w._actualLeft; 
            if (w.WindowState != WindowState.Normal) 
                return value; 

            if (w._updateStartupLocation && (w.WindowStartupLocation != WindowStartupLocation.Manual))
                return w._actualLeft;
            return value;

        private static void _OnLeftChanged (DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            Window w = d as Window; 
            Debug.Assert( w != null, "DependencyObject must be of type Window." );
            if (w._updateHwndLocation) 
                w.OnLeftChanged((double) e.NewValue); 

        // _actualLeft is used to determine if LocationChanged should be fired in WMMoveChagnged. 
        // We need it b/c we need to remember the last hwnd Left location to decide whether
        // we need to fire the event or not.  Why do we need to update here?  Well, for the following 
        // scenario: 
        //    Window w = new Window();
        //    w.Left = 100; 
        //    w.WindowStyle = WindowStyle.None;
        //    w.Show();
        //  In this case, we want to not fire LocationChanged from SetWindowPos called called 
        //  from CorrectStyleForBorderlessWindowCase().
        //  _actualLeft is update from the following places: 
        // 1) In WM_MOVE handler
        // 2) In OnLeftChanged for the case when the hwnd is not created yet.
        // 3) SetupInitialState
        private void OnLeftChanged(double newLeft) 
            // Adding check for IsCompositionTargetInvalid as part of the fix for WOSB 1453012
            if (IsSourceWindowNull == false && IsCompositionTargetInvalid == false) 
                // NaN is special and indicates using Win32 default,
                // so we exclude that here.
                if (DoubleUtil.IsNaN(newLeft) == false) 
                    if (WindowState == WindowState.Normal) 
                        Invariant.Assert(!Double.IsNaN(_actualTop), "_actualTop cannot be NaN after show");
                        UpdateHwndPositionOnTopLeftChange(newLeft, Double.IsNaN(Top) ? _actualTop : Top); 
                        UpdateHwndRestoreBounds(newLeft, BoundsSpecified.Left); 
                // here the value is stored as measure units as newLeft is in measure/logical units
                _actualLeft = newLeft;

        ///     Critical: This code accesses Hwnd and can be used to reposition window 
        ///     TreatAsSafe: Will not work on any window in partial trust
        private void UpdateHwndPositionOnTopLeftChange(double leftLogicalUnits, double topLogicalUnits)
            Debug.Assert( IsSourceWindowNull == false , "IsSourceWindowNull cannot be true when calling this function"); 
            Point ptDeviceUnits = LogicalToDeviceUnits(new Point(leftLogicalUnits, topLogicalUnits)); 

            UnsafeNativeMethods.SetWindowPos(new HandleRef(this, CriticalHandle), 
                        new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero),
                        NativeMethods.SWP_NOSIZE | NativeMethods.SWP_NOZORDER | NativeMethods.SWP_NOACTIVATE 
        private static bool _ValidateResizeModeCallback(object value)
            return IsValidResizeMode((ResizeMode)value);

        private static void _OnResizeModeChanged (DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) 
            Window w = d as Window;
            Debug.Assert( w != null, "DependencyObject must be of type Window." ); 

        private void OnResizeModeChanged()
            // this call ends up throwing an exception if accessing 
            // ResizeMode is not allowed

            // Adding check for IsCompositionTargetInvalid as part of the fix for WOSB 1453012
            if ( IsSourceWindowNull == false && IsCompositionTargetInvalid == false)
                using (HwndStyleManager sm = HwndStyleManager.StartManaging(this, StyleFromHwnd, StyleExFromHwnd  ))

        private static object VerifyAccessCoercion(DependencyObject d, object value)
            // this call ends up throwing an exception if setting property is not allowed
            return value;

        private static void _OnFlowDirectionChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            Window w = d as Window; 
            Debug.Assert(w != null, "DependencyObject must be of type Window.");
        ///     Right to Left
        private void OnFlowDirectionChanged() 
            // Adding check for IsCompositionTargetInvalid as part of the fix for WOSB 1453012 
            if (IsSourceWindowNull == false && IsCompositionTargetInvalid == false) 
                using (HwndStyleManager sm = HwndStyleManager.StartManaging(this, StyleFromHwnd, StyleExFromHwnd )) 
        private static object CoerceRenderTransform(DependencyObject d, object value) 
            Transform renderTransformValue = (Transform)value; 

            if ((value == null) ||
                (renderTransformValue != null && renderTransformValue.Value != null && renderTransformValue.Value.IsIdentity == true))
                // setting this value is allowed.
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.TransformNotSupported)); 

            return value;

        private static void _OnRenderTransformChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) 
        private static object CoerceClipToBounds(DependencyObject d, object value)
            if ((bool)value != false)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.ClipToBoundsNotSupported));
            return value; 
        private static void _OnClipToBoundsChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)

        ///     Get or create the hidden window used for parenting when ShowInTaskbar == false. 
        ///     Critical as this code modifies critical fields and returns an HwndSource.
        private HwndSource EnsureHiddenWindow() 
            if (_hiddenWindow == null) 
                HwndSourceParameters param = new HwndSourceParameters("Hidden Window");
                param.SetSize(NativeMethods.CW_USEDEFAULT, NativeMethods.CW_USEDEFAULT); 
                param.SetPosition(NativeMethods.CW_USEDEFAULT, NativeMethods.CW_USEDEFAULT);
                param.WindowStyle = NativeMethods.WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW;
                _hiddenWindow = new HwndSource(param);

            return _hiddenWindow; 

        ///     sets taskbar status
        ///     Critical as this code calls critical members. 
        ///     TreatAsSafe as - if ShowInTaskbar == false we demand unmanaged code permission.
        ///                              if ShowInTaskbar == true this is considered TAS. No new "critical data" created. 
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe ]
        private void SetTaskbarStatus() 
            if (ShowInTaskbar == false) // don't show in taskbar
                // To remove the taskbar button for this window it needs to have a non-null parent 
                // (we'll create a hidden window for this purpose) and not have WS_EX_APPWINDOW
                // Create this now, even if we're not currently going to parent it.
                // If the Owner changes, we'll need to switch to this. 

                // when this window is unowned
                if (_ownerHandle == IntPtr.Zero) 
                    // When we do this parenting trick on XP the alt-tab icon for the window takes on
                    // the parent's icon.  To keep things working right we need to apply Icon to the 
                    // hidden window.  On Vista this is redundant.
                    if (!(IsSourceWindowNull || IsCompositionTargetInvalid))
                _StyleEx &= ~NativeMethods.WS_EX_APPWINDOW;
            else // (ShowInTaskbar == true) show in task bar
                _StyleEx |= NativeMethods.WS_EX_APPWINDOW;
                if( ! IsSourceWindowNull ) 
                    if ((_hiddenWindow != null) && (_ownerHandle == _hiddenWindow.Handle)) 
        ///     Critical: This code calls accesses critical object CriticalHandle and calls UnsafeNativeMethods. 
        private void OnTaskbarRetryTimerTick(object sender, EventArgs e) 
            UnsafeNativeMethods.PostMessage(new HandleRef(this, CriticalHandle), WM_APPLYTASKBARITEMINFO, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);
        ///     Critical: This code calls accesses critical object _taskbarList. 
        private void ApplyTaskbarItemInfo() 
            if (!Utilities.IsOSWindows7OrNewer)
                if (TraceShell.IsEnabled) 
                    TraceShell.Trace(TraceEventType.Warning, TraceShell.NotOnWindows7); 

            // If the Window hasn't yet been shown then these calls will fail.
            // We'll try this again when the WM_TASKBARBUTTONCREATED message gets sent.
            if (IsSourceWindowNull || IsCompositionTargetInvalid) 

            // If the taskbar has timed out in the last minute, don't try to do this again. 
            if (_taskbarRetryTimer != null && _taskbarRetryTimer.IsEnabled)

            if (_taskbarList == null) 
                // If we don't have a handle and there isn't a TaskbarItemInfo, then we don't have anything to apply or remove.
                if (TaskbarItemInfo == null) 
                ITaskbarList taskbarList = null;
                    taskbarList = (ITaskbarList)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromCLSID(new Guid(CLSID.TaskbarList)));

                    // This QI will only work on Win7.
                    _taskbarList = (ITaskbarList3)taskbarList;
                    taskbarList = null; 

                    Utilities.SafeRelease(ref taskbarList); 

                // Don't use SystemParameters here.  We need pixels.
                _overlaySize = new Size( 
                // IsEmpty is inclusive, in case either of these succeeded it would pass... 
                Debug.Assert(0 != (int)_overlaySize.Width);
                Debug.Assert(0 != (int)_overlaySize.Height); 

                // When we detect that Explorer is nonresponsive, use this to defer further attempts
                // at updating the TaskbarList until a specified amount of time (1 minute)
                if (_taskbarRetryTimer == null) 
                    _taskbarRetryTimer = new DispatcherTimer { Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 1, 0) }; 
                    // Explorer being hung should be a transient issue.  Post back to apply the full TaskbarItemInfo. 
                    _taskbarRetryTimer.Tick += OnTaskbarRetryTimerTick;

            // Apply (or clear) all aspects of the TaskbarItemInfo to this Window.
            HRESULT hr = HRESULT.S_OK; 
            hr = RegisterTaskbarThumbButtons();
            if (hr.Succeeded) 
                // Updating the state will also update the value, so don't call UpdateTaskbarProgressValue. 
                hr = UpdateTaskbarProgressState();
            if (hr.Succeeded)
                hr = UpdateTaskbarOverlay();
            if (hr.Succeeded) 
                hr = UpdateTaskbarDescription(); 
            if (hr.Succeeded)
                hr = UpdateTaskbarThumbnailClipping(); 
            if (hr.Succeeded) 
                hr = UpdateTaskbarThumbButtons();

            // We'll asynchronously retry if we failed initially setting up the TaskbarItemInfo.

        ///     Critical: This code calls methods on native interface ITaskbarList3 and accesses CriticalHandle 
        private HRESULT UpdateTaskbarProgressState()
            Debug.Assert(null != _taskbarList);
            TaskbarItemInfo taskbarInfo = TaskbarItemInfo;
            TBPF tbpf = TBPF.NOPROGRESS; 
            if (taskbarInfo != null)
                switch (taskbarInfo.ProgressState)
                    case TaskbarItemProgressState.Error:
                        tbpf = TBPF.ERROR; 
                    case TaskbarItemProgressState.Indeterminate: 
                        tbpf = TBPF.INDETERMINATE; 
                    case TaskbarItemProgressState.None: 
                        tbpf = TBPF.NOPROGRESS;
                    case TaskbarItemProgressState.Normal:
                        tbpf = TBPF.NORMAL; 
                    case TaskbarItemProgressState.Paused: 
                        tbpf = TBPF.PAUSED; 
                        // The coercion should have caught this.
                        tbpf = TBPF.NOPROGRESS;
            HRESULT hr = _taskbarList.SetProgressState(CriticalHandle, tbpf);
            if (hr.Succeeded) 
                // Explicitly update this in case this property being set
                // to None or Indeterminate before made the value not update.
                hr = UpdateTaskbarProgressValue(); 
            return hr; 
        ///     Critical: This code calls methods on native interface ITaskbarList3 and accesses CriticalHandle
        private HRESULT UpdateTaskbarProgressValue()
            Debug.Assert(null != _taskbarList); 

            TaskbarItemInfo taskbarInfo = TaskbarItemInfo; 

            // If we're not attached then don't modify this.
            if (taskbarInfo == null
                || taskbarInfo.ProgressState == TaskbarItemProgressState.None 
                || taskbarInfo.ProgressState == TaskbarItemProgressState.Indeterminate)
                return HRESULT.S_OK; 
            const ulong precisionValue = 1000;
            // The coercion should enforce this.
            Debug.Assert(0 <= taskbarInfo.ProgressValue && taskbarInfo.ProgressValue <= 1);
            var intValue = (ulong)(taskbarInfo.ProgressValue * precisionValue);
            return _taskbarList.SetProgressValue(CriticalHandle, intValue, precisionValue); 

        ///     Critical: This code calls methods on native interface ITaskbarList3 and accesses CriticalHandle
        private HRESULT UpdateTaskbarOverlay() 
            Debug.Assert(null != _taskbarList); 
            TaskbarItemInfo taskbarInfo = TaskbarItemInfo;
            NativeMethods.IconHandle hicon = NativeMethods.IconHandle.GetInvalidIcon(); 

            // The additional string at the end of SetOverlayIcon sets the accDescription
            // for screen readers.  We don't currently have a property that utilizes this.
                if (null != taskbarInfo && null != taskbarInfo.Overlay) 
                    hicon = IconHelper.CreateIconHandleFromImageSource(taskbarInfo.Overlay, _overlaySize); 

                return _taskbarList.SetOverlayIcon(CriticalHandle, hicon, null);

        ///     Critical: This code calls methods on native interface ITaskbarList3 and accesses CriticalHandle
        private HRESULT UpdateTaskbarDescription() 
            Debug.Assert(null != _taskbarList);
            TaskbarItemInfo taskbarInfo = TaskbarItemInfo;
            string tooltip = "";

            if (taskbarInfo != null) 
                tooltip = taskbarInfo.Description ?? ""; 

            return _taskbarList.SetThumbnailTooltip(CriticalHandle, tooltip); 

        ///     Critical: This code calls methods on native interface ITaskbarList3 and accesses CriticalHandle
        ///     TreatAsSafe: This function returns immediately if the ITaskbarList3 handle is invalid.  It would 
        ///         only be created in a critical context. 
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
        private HRESULT UpdateTaskbarThumbnailClipping()
            // If TaskbarItemInfo isn't attached and active then there's nothing to do here.
            if (_taskbarList == null) 
                return HRESULT.S_OK; 

            if (_taskbarRetryTimer != null && _taskbarRetryTimer.IsEnabled) 
                // Explorer appears to be hung.  Don't try this.
                return HRESULT.S_FALSE;

            // Don't count on Window properties being in [....] at the time of this call. 
            // Just use native methods to check 
            if (UnsafeNativeMethods.IsIconic(CriticalHandle))
                // If the window is minimized then don't try to update the clip.
                return HRESULT.S_FALSE;
            TaskbarItemInfo taskbarInfo = TaskbarItemInfo;
            NativeMethods.RefRECT interopRc = null; 
            // If the taskbarInfo isn't available then remove any clipping.
            if (taskbarInfo != null && !taskbarInfo.ThumbnailClipMargin.IsZero) 
                Thickness margin = taskbarInfo.ThumbnailClipMargin;
                // Use the native GetClientRect.  Window.ActualWidth and .ActualHeight include the non-client areas.
                NativeMethods.RECT physicalClientRc = default(NativeMethods.RECT); 
                SafeNativeMethods.GetClientRect(new HandleRef(this, CriticalHandle), ref physicalClientRc);
                var logicalClientRc = new Rect( 
                    DeviceToLogicalUnits(new Point(physicalClientRc.left,, 
                    DeviceToLogicalUnits(new Point(physicalClientRc.right, physicalClientRc.bottom)));
                // Crop the clipping to ensure that the margin doesn't overlap itself.
                if (margin.Left + margin.Right >= logicalClientRc.Width
                    || margin.Top + margin.Bottom >= logicalClientRc.Height)
                    // Empty client rectangle is different than no clipping applied.
                    interopRc = new NativeMethods.RefRECT(0, 0, 0, 0); 
                    var physicalClip = new Rect(
                        LogicalToDeviceUnits(new Point(margin.Left, margin.Top)),
                        LogicalToDeviceUnits(new Point(logicalClientRc.Width - margin.Right, logicalClientRc.Height - margin.Bottom)));
                    interopRc = new NativeMethods.RefRECT((int)physicalClip.Left, (int)physicalClip.Top, (int)physicalClip.Right, (int)physicalClip.Bottom); 
            return _taskbarList.SetThumbnailClip(CriticalHandle, interopRc);

        ///     Critical: This code calls methods on native interface ITaskbarList3 and accesses CriticalHandle
        private HRESULT RegisterTaskbarThumbButtons() 
            Debug.Assert(null != _taskbarList);
            // The ITaskbarList3 API requires that the maximum number of buttons to ever be used
            // are registered at the beginning.  Modifications can be made to this list later.
            var nativeButtons = new THUMBBUTTON[c_MaximumThumbButtons];
            for (int i = 0; i < c_MaximumThumbButtons; ++i)
                nativeButtons[i] = new THUMBBUTTON 
                    iId = (uint)i, 
                    dwMask = THB.FLAGS | THB.ICON | THB.TOOLTIP

            // If this gets called (successfully) more than once it usually returns E_INVALIDARG.  It's not really 
            // a failure and we potentially want to retry this operation. 
            HRESULT hr = _taskbarList.ThumbBarAddButtons(CriticalHandle, (uint)nativeButtons.Length, nativeButtons);
            if (hr == HRESULT.E_INVALIDARG) 
                hr = HRESULT.S_FALSE;
            return hr; 
        ///     Critical: This code calls methods on native interface ITaskbarList3 and accesses CriticalHandle
        private HRESULT UpdateTaskbarThumbButtons()
            Debug.Assert(null != _taskbarList); 

            var nativeButtons = new THUMBBUTTON[c_MaximumThumbButtons]; 
            TaskbarItemInfo taskbarInfo = TaskbarItemInfo; 
            ThumbButtonInfoCollection thumbButtons = null;
            if (taskbarInfo != null)
                thumbButtons = taskbarInfo.ThumbButtonInfos;

            var nativeIcons = new List(); 
                uint currentButton = 0;
                if (null != thumbButtons)
                    foreach (ThumbButtonInfo wrappedTB in thumbButtons) 
                        var nativeTB = new THUMBBUTTON 
                            iId = (uint)currentButton,
                            dwMask = THB.FLAGS | THB.TOOLTIP | THB.ICON, 

                        switch (wrappedTB.Visibility)
                            case Visibility.Collapsed:
                                // HIDDEN removes the button from layout logic. 
                                nativeTB.dwFlags = THBF.HIDDEN; 
                            case Visibility.Hidden:
                                // To match WPF's notion of hidden, we want this not HIDDEN
                                // but disabled, without background, and without icon.
                                nativeTB.dwFlags = THBF.DISABLED | THBF.NOBACKGROUND; 
                                nativeTB.hIcon = IntPtr.Zero;
                            case Visibility.Visible: 

                                nativeTB.szTip = wrappedTB.Description ?? "";
                                if (wrappedTB.ImageSource != null)
                                    NativeMethods.IconHandle nativeIcon = IconHelper.CreateIconHandleFromImageSource(wrappedTB.ImageSource, _overlaySize);
                                    nativeTB.hIcon = nativeIcon.CriticalGetHandle(); 
                                if (!wrappedTB.IsBackgroundVisible)
                                    nativeTB.dwFlags |= THBF.NOBACKGROUND;

                                if (!wrappedTB.IsEnabled) 
                                    nativeTB.dwFlags |= THBF.DISABLED;
                                    nativeTB.dwFlags |= THBF.ENABLED;

                                // This is separate from enabled/disabled 
                                if (!wrappedTB.IsInteractive) 
                                    nativeTB.dwFlags |= THBF.NONINTERACTIVE; 

                                if (wrappedTB.DismissWhenClicked)
                                    nativeTB.dwFlags |= THBF.DISMISSONCLICK;
                        nativeButtons[currentButton] = nativeTB;

                        if (currentButton == c_MaximumThumbButtons) 

                // If we're not attached, or the list is less than the maximum number of buttons
                // then fill in the rest with collapsed, empty buttons.
                for (; currentButton < c_MaximumThumbButtons; ++currentButton) 
                    nativeButtons[currentButton] = new THUMBBUTTON 
                        iId = (uint)currentButton,
                        dwFlags = THBF.NOBACKGROUND | THBF.DISABLED | THBF.HIDDEN, 
                        dwMask = THB.FLAGS | THB.ICON | THB.TOOLTIP
                // Finally, apply the update.
                return _taskbarList.ThumbBarUpdateButtons(CriticalHandle, (uint)nativeButtons.Length, nativeButtons); 
                foreach (var icon in nativeIcons)
        private void CreateRtl()
            if ( this.FlowDirection == FlowDirection.LeftToRight )
                _StyleEx &= ~NativeMethods.WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL;
            else if ( this.FlowDirection == FlowDirection.RightToLeft )
                _StyleEx |= NativeMethods.WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL; 
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.IncorrectFlowDirection));
        ///     Updates both style and styleEx for the window




        internal void Flush()
            // hamidm - 07/13/2005: WOSB 1178019 (A NullReferenceException occurs when animating
            // the WindowStyle enum via a custom animation).  This bug contains details of 
            // why we were seeing the null ref. 
            // Sometimes, the SetWindowPos call below results in sending certain window messages 
            // like (WM_SIZE) and their handling leads to setting some property on the Window leading
            // to a call to HwndStyleManager.StartManaging.  Thus, we end up calling
            // dispose on the "new" usage of the Manager before we complete this run of Flush method.
            // This resulted in null ref in setting the Dirty bit below since we were not using 
            // a local copy and the window member copy was already set to null by the "new" usage
            // of Manager.  To fix this bug, we do the following two things: 
            // 1) Keep a local copy of HwndStyleManager in this method to make it re-entrant.
            // 2) null out _window.Manager in HwndStyleMangager.Dispose only if _window.Manager is 
            //    this instance of the Manager.
            HwndStyleManager manager = Manager;
            if (manager.Dirty && CriticalHandle != IntPtr.Zero) 
                UnsafeNativeMethods.CriticalSetWindowLong(new HandleRef(this,CriticalHandle), NativeMethods.GWL_STYLE, (IntPtr)_styleDoNotUse.Value); 
                UnsafeNativeMethods.CriticalSetWindowLong(new HandleRef(this,CriticalHandle), NativeMethods.GWL_EXSTYLE, (IntPtr)_styleExDoNotUse.Value); 

                UnsafeNativeMethods.SetWindowPos(new HandleRef(this, CriticalHandle), NativeMethods.NullHandleRef, 0, 0, 0, 0, 
                                               NativeMethods.SWP_NOMOVE |
                                               NativeMethods.SWP_NOSIZE |
                                               NativeMethods.SWP_NOZORDER |
                                               NativeMethods.SWP_FRAMECHANGED | 
                                               NativeMethods.SWP_DRAWFRAME |
                manager.Dirty = false; 
        private void ClearRootVisual()

        private NativeMethods.POINT GetPointRelativeToWindow( int x, int y ) 
            return _swh.GetPointRelativeToWindow( x, y, this.FlowDirection); 

        //     If you're in the middle of changing the window's _style or _styleEx and call this function,
        //     you may get inconsistent results. 
        private Size GetHwndNonClientAreaSizeInMeasureUnits()
            // HwndSource expands the client area to cover the entire window when it is in UsesPerPixelOpacity mode, 
            // So non client area is (0,0)
            return AllowsTransparency ? new Size(0, 0) : _swh.GetHwndNonClientAreaSizeInMeasureUnits(); 

        ///      Critical as this method accesses critical data. 
        ///      TreatAsSafe - this method "eliminates" critical data - ergo considered safe.
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
        private void ClearSourceWindow()
            if (_swh != null)
                    HwndSource source = _swh.HwndSourceWindow; 
                    _swh = null;

                    if (source != null)
                        source.SizeToContentChanged -= new EventHandler(OnSourceSizeToContentChanged);

        /// Critical - accesses _ownerHandle and SetOwnerHandle.
        /// TreatAsSafe - doesn't disclose _ownerHandle; setting parent's handle to IntPtr.Zero is considered a safe operation. 
        private void ClearHiddenWindowIfAny() 
            // If there is a hiddenWindow and it's the owner of the current one as the result of setting ShowInTaskbar, 
            // we need to unparent it. Because when we dipose the hiddenWindow, if it's still the parent
            // of the current window, the current Window will get a second WM_DESTORY because its owner being distoried.
            // See detail in bug 953988.
            // Unparent it in WM_CLOSE because when we get to WM_DESTROY, _sourceWindow.Handle could be IntPtr.Zero; 
            // InternalDispose() is where _hiddenWindow is disposed. It could be called from two places: 1. WmDestroy 2. OnSourceWindowDisposed.
            // When it's called from OnSourceWindowDisposed, _sourceWindow.Handle could have been set to IntPtr.Zero. 
            if ((_hiddenWindow != null) && (_hiddenWindow.Handle == _ownerHandle)) 

        private void VerifyConsistencyWithAllowsTransparency() 
            if (AllowsTransparency) 

        private void VerifyConsistencyWithAllowsTransparency(WindowStyle style)
            if (AllowsTransparency && style != WindowStyle.None)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.MustUseWindowStyleNone)); 

        /// Ciritical - accesses _inTrustedSubWindow.
        /// TreatAsSafe - doesn't reveal _inTrustedSubWindow. 
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
        private void VerifyConsistencyWithShowActivated() 
            // We don't support to show a maximized non-activated window.
            // Don't check this consistency in a RBW (would break because Visibility is set when launching the RBW).
            if (!_inTrustedSubWindow && WindowState == WindowState.Maximized && !ShowActivated) 
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.ShowNonActivatedAndMaximized));
        private static bool IsValidSizeToContent(SizeToContent value)
            return value == SizeToContent.Manual ||
                   value == SizeToContent.Width ||
                   value == SizeToContent.Height ||
                   value == SizeToContent.WidthAndHeight; 
        private static bool IsValidResizeMode(ResizeMode value) 
            return value == ResizeMode.NoResize 
                || value == ResizeMode.CanMinimize
                || value == ResizeMode.CanResize
                || value == ResizeMode.CanResizeWithGrip;

        private static bool IsValidWindowStartupLocation(WindowStartupLocation value) 
            return value == WindowStartupLocation.CenterOwner
                || value == WindowStartupLocation.CenterScreen 
                || value == WindowStartupLocation.Manual;

        private static bool IsValidWindowState(WindowState value) 
            return value == WindowState.Maximized 
                || value == WindowState.Minimized 
                || value == WindowState.Normal;

        private static bool IsValidWindowStyle(WindowStyle value)
            return value == WindowStyle.None 
                || value == WindowStyle.SingleBorderWindow
                || value == WindowStyle.ThreeDBorderWindow 
                || value == WindowStyle.ToolWindow; 
        #endregion Private Methods

        #region Manipulation Boundary Feedback
        ///     Provides feedback when a manipulation has encountered a boundary by nudging the window. 
        ///     PanningFeedback is reported on Handle of the Window using Begin/Update/EndPanningFeedback 
        ///     APIs. When the Handle reported to these APIs is not of a top-level window, these APIs
        ///     do a GetAncestor call to get the top-level window and apply the effect of it. For eg.
        ///     in the case of XBAPs we report the feedback to the Handle of RootBrowserWindow which is
        ///     a child window, but still the panning feedback effect gets applied to the browser window 
        ///     itself. Security wise this also assumes that PanningFeedback will not move the Window
        ///     by an arbitrary distance. 
        protected override void OnManipulationBoundaryFeedback(ManipulationBoundaryFeedbackEventArgs e)

            // If the original source is not from the same PresentationSource as of the Window,
            // then do not act on the PanningFeedback. 
            if (!PresentationSource.UnderSamePresentationSource(e.OriginalSource as DependencyObject, this))
            if (!e.Handled)
                if (_currentPanningTarget == null ||
                    !_currentPanningTarget.IsAlive || 
                    _currentPanningTarget.Target != e.OriginalSource)
                    if (_swh != null) 
                        // Cache location if starting the panning feedback. 
                        // Using SourceWindowHelper.WindowBounds instead of Window.Left
                        // and Window.Top so that the implementation works with
                        // RootBrowserWindow.
                        NativeMethods.RECT rc = WindowBounds; 
                        _prePanningLocation = DeviceToLogicalUnits(new Point(rc.left,;
                ManipulationDelta manipulation = e.BoundaryFeedback;
                UpdatePanningFeedback(manipulation.Translation, e.OriginalSource); 
                e.CompensateForBoundaryFeedback = CompensateForPanningFeedback;
        private static void OnStaticManipulationInertiaStarting(object sender, ManipulationInertiaStartingEventArgs e)
            Window window = sender as Window; 
            if (window != null)
                // Transitioning from direct manipulation to inertia, animate the window
                // back to its original position.
        private static void OnStaticManipulationCompleted(object sender, ManipulationCompletedEventArgs e) 
            Window window = sender as Window; 
            if (window != null)
                // A complete was encountered. If this was a forced complete, snap the window
                // back to its original position. 

        ///     Provides feedback by nudging the window.
        ///     Critical - Accesses _swh 
        ///     TreatAsSafe - Does not expose protected values. Panning feedback does not translate
        ///         totalOverpanOffset 1:1 into a window offset. The value is scaled and clamped. 
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
        private void UpdatePanningFeedback(Vector totalOverpanOffset, object originalSource) 
            if ((_currentPanningTarget != null) && !_currentPanningTarget.IsAlive)
                // The old source is gone, end any pending feedback 
                _currentPanningTarget = null;

            if (_swh != null) 
                if (_currentPanningTarget == null)
                    // Provide feedback for this source's events 
                    _currentPanningTarget = new WeakReference(originalSource);
                // Only provide feedback for one source at a time
                if (originalSource == _currentPanningTarget.Target) 
                    // Update the window position
                    _swh.UpdatePanningFeedback(totalOverpanOffset, false);
        ///     Returns the window to its original position. 
        ///     Critical - Accesses _swh
        ///     TreatAsSafe - Restores the window back to its original position, which is safe. 
        ///                   Doesn't expose _swh.
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
        private void EndPanningFeedback(bool animateBack)
            if (_swh != null)
                // Restore the window to its original position
            _currentPanningTarget = null; 
            _prePanningLocation = new Point(double.NaN, double.NaN); 
        ///     Method to compensate a point for PanningFeedback.
        Point CompensateForPanningFeedback(Point point) 
            if (!double.IsNaN(_prePanningLocation.X) && !double.IsNaN(_prePanningLocation.Y) && (_swh != null)) 
                // transform the point to pre pan coordinate system
                NativeMethods.RECT rc = WindowBounds; 
                Point windowLocation = DeviceToLogicalUnits(new Point(rc.left,;
                return new Point(point.X - (_prePanningLocation.X - windowLocation.X), point.Y - (_prePanningLocation.Y - windowLocation.Y));
            return point; 

        // Private Properties
        #region Private Properties
        private SizeToContent HwndSourceSizeToContent 
                return _swh.HwndSourceSizeToContent;
                _swh.HwndSourceSizeToContent = value; 
        private NativeMethods.RECT WindowBounds
                Debug.Assert( _swh != null );
                return _swh.WindowBounds; 
        private int StyleFromHwnd
                return _swh != null ? _swh.StyleFromHwnd : 0;

        private int StyleExFromHwnd 
                return _swh != null ? _swh.StyleExFromHwnd : 0; 
        ///     Private helper for OwnedWindows property. 
        ///     The public version returns a copy of the WindowCollection.
        ///     For internal Window usage, we use OwnedWindowInternal
        ///     so that we can modify the underlying collection.
        private WindowCollection OwnedWindowsInternal
                if (_ownedWindows == null) 
                    _ownedWindows = new WindowCollection();
                return _ownedWindows; 
        ///     Application Instance 
        private System.Windows.Application App
            get {return System.Windows.Application.Current;} 
        ///     Tells whether the Application object exists or not
        private bool IsInsideApp
                return (Application.Current != null);

        ///     List of events on this Window
        private EventHandlerList Events
                if (_events == null) 
                    _events = new EventHandlerList(); 
                return _events;

        #endregion Private Properties 

        // Private Fields
        #region Private Fields
        private SourceWindowHelper  _swh;                               // object that will hold the window 
        private Window              _ownerWindow;                       // owner window
        // keeps track of the owner hwnd
        // we need this one b/c a owner/parent
        // can be set through the WindowInteropHandler
        // which is different than the owner Window object 
        /// Critical - handle of the parent window; get/set considered privileged operation 
        private IntPtr              _ownerHandle = IntPtr.Zero;   // no need to dispose this 
        private WindowCollection    _ownedWindows;
        private ArrayList           _threadWindowHandles;

        private bool                _updateHwndSize     = true; 
        private bool                _updateHwndLocation = true;
        private bool                _updateStartupLocation; 
        private bool                _isVisible; 
        private bool                _isVisibilitySet;           // use this to tell whether Visibility is set or not.
        private bool                _resetKeyboardCuesProperty; // true if we set ShowKeyboradCuesProperty in ShowDialog 
        private bool                _previousKeyboardCuesProperty;

        private static bool         _dialogCommandAdded;
        private bool                _postContentRenderedFromLoadedHandler; 


        private bool                _disposed; 

        private bool                _appShuttingDown;
        private bool                _ignoreCancel;
        private bool                _showingAsDialog; 
        private bool                _isClosing;
        private bool                _visibilitySetInternally; 
        // The hwnd can be created before window is shown via WindowInteropHelper.EnsureHandle.
        private bool                _hwndCreatedButNotShown; 

        private double              _trackMinWidthDeviceUnits = 0;
        private double              _trackMinHeightDeviceUnits = 0;
        private double              _trackMaxWidthDeviceUnits = Double.PositiveInfinity; 
        private double              _trackMaxHeightDeviceUnits = Double.PositiveInfinity;
        /// Critical - as this data is obtained via an elevation.
        /// TreatAsSafe - as we've decided that Window position is not directly exploitable. 
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
        private double              _actualTop = Double.NaN;
        /// Critical - as this data is obtained via an elevation. 
        /// TreatAsSafe - as we've decided that Window position is not directly exploitable. 
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
        private double              _actualLeft = Double.NaN;

        //Never expose this at any cost
        ///     Critical: This is a flag to indicate that this call is under RBW
        ///                please do not expose it 
        private bool                        _inTrustedSubWindow; 

        private ImageSource _icon;

        private NativeMethods.IconHandle    _defaultLargeIconHandle; 
        private NativeMethods.IconHandle    _defaultSmallIconHandle;
        private NativeMethods.IconHandle    _currentLargeIconHandle; 
        private NativeMethods.IconHandle    _currentSmallIconHandle; 

        private bool?                       _dialogResult = null; 
        /// Critical - handle of the owner dialog; get/set considered privileged operation
        private IntPtr                      _dialogOwnerHandle = IntPtr.Zero;
        /// Critical - handle of the active window before the dialog is shown; get/set considered privileged operation 
        private IntPtr                      _dialogPreviousActiveHandle;
        private DispatcherFrame             _dispatcherFrame;

        private WindowStartupLocation       _windowStartupLocation = WindowStartupLocation.Manual; 

        // The previous WindowState value before WindowState changes 
        private WindowState                 _previousWindowState = WindowState.Normal; 
        /// Critical - handle of the owner dialog; get/set considered privileged operation 
        private HwndSource          _hiddenWindow;
        private EventHandlerList    _events; 

        // These should never be used directly, access only through property accessors 
        private SecurityCriticalDataForSet                 _styleDoNotUse;
        private SecurityCriticalDataForSet                 _styleExDoNotUse; 
        private HwndStyleManager    _manager;

        // reference to Resize Grip control; this is used to find out whether
        // the mouse of over the resizegrip control 
        private Control                 _resizeGripControl;
        Point _prePanningLocation = new Point(double.NaN, double.NaN); 

        // static objects for Events 
        private static readonly object EVENT_SOURCEINITIALIZED = new object();
        private static readonly object EVENT_CLOSING = new object();
        private static readonly object EVENT_CLOSED = new object();
        private static readonly object EVENT_ACTIVATED = new object(); 
        private static readonly object EVENT_DEACTIVATED = new object();
        private static readonly object EVENT_STATECHANGED = new object(); 
        private static readonly object EVENT_LOCATIONCHANGED = new object(); 
        private static readonly object EVENT_CONTENTRENDERED = new object();
        #region Windows 7 Taskbar related fields

        // Register Window Message used by Shell to notify that the corresponding taskbar button has been added to the taskbar.
        /// Critical - This value is obtained in a Critical context (static constructor).
        private static readonly WindowMessage WM_TASKBARBUTTONCREATED;
        // Register Window Message used by Window to signal that we need to apply the taskbar button information again.
        /// Critical - This value is obtained in a Critical context (static constructor).
        private static readonly WindowMessage WM_APPLYTASKBARITEMINFO; 
        // Magic constant determined by Shell.
        private const int c_MaximumThumbButtons = 7; 

        /// Critical - Handle to a native interface.
        private ITaskbarList3 _taskbarList; 
        // When a taskbarList update fails because Explorer is hung, defer further changes for a little while
        // to avoid hanging the app as well. 
        /// Critical - It's Tick handler is security critical.  It's created in a critical context.
        private DispatcherTimer _taskbarRetryTimer;
        private Size _overlaySize; 


        internal static readonly DependencyProperty IWindowServiceProperty
            = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("IWindowService", typeof(IWindowService), typeof(Window),
                                          new FrameworkPropertyMetadata((IWindowService)null, 
                                          FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.Inherits | FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.OverridesInheritanceBehavior));
        DispatcherOperation         _contentRenderedCallback; 

        private WeakReference _currentPanningTarget; 

        #endregion Private Fields

        #region Private Class 

        ///      This class - is a wrapper around the HwndSource member - stored by the Window 
        ///      All properties/methods on this class are marked as crtical, as by definition this classes purpose is the storage of critical data.
        ///      Some of the individual members are marked - "TreatAsSafe". 
        ///      If you find you need a property on HwndSource to be accessed by the outer Window class
        ///      Make sure you understand what you're doing from a security perspective.
        ///      Consult with AvSee or HamidM if you have any questions. 
        internal class SourceWindowHelper 
                ///     Critical - as this accesses critical data ( _sourceWindow )
                internal SourceWindowHelper( HwndSource sourceWindow ) 
                    Debug.Assert( sourceWindow != null ); 
                    _sourceWindow = sourceWindow; 
                ///     Critical - as this accesses critical data.
                ///     TreatAsSafe - as this function just tests to see whether _sourceWindow has been created.
                ///                          Ok to expose publically. Equivalent to is Window visible. 
                internal bool IsSourceWindowNull 
                    [ SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe ]
                        return ( _sourceWindow == null );

                ///     Critical - as this accesses critical data. 
                ///     TreatAsSafe - as this function just tests to see whether CompositionTarget is valid or not.
                ///                          Ok to expose publically. 
                internal bool IsCompositionTargetInvalid
                    [ SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe ] 
                        return (CompositionTarget == null); 

                ///     Critical as this method hands out critical data.
                internal IntPtr CriticalHandle
                    [ SecurityCritical] 
                        if (_sourceWindow != null)
                            return _sourceWindow.CriticalHandle;
                            return IntPtr.Zero; 

                /// Get the work area bounds for this window - taking multi-mon into account. 
                ///     Critical: This code accesses CriticalHandle 
                ///     TreatAsSafe: This information is safe to expose. It does not expose the CriticalHandle
                internal NativeMethods.RECT WorkAreaBoundsForNearestMonitor
                    [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
                        IntPtr monitor; 
                        NativeMethods.MONITORINFOEX monitorInfo = new NativeMethods.MONITORINFOEX(); 
                        monitorInfo.cbSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(NativeMethods.MONITORINFOEX));
                        monitor = SafeNativeMethods.MonitorFromWindow( new HandleRef( this, CriticalHandle), NativeMethods.MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST  );
                        if ( monitor != IntPtr.Zero )
                            SafeNativeMethods.GetMonitorInfo( new HandleRef ( this, monitor ) , monitorInfo); 
                        return monitorInfo.rcWork; 


                ///     Critical as this method accesses critical data. 
                ///     TreatAsSafe - client bounds by themselves is considered safe.
                private NativeMethods.RECT ClientBounds 
                    [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
                        NativeMethods.RECT rc = new NativeMethods.RECT(0,0,0,0);
                        SafeNativeMethods.GetClientRect(new HandleRef(this, CriticalHandle), ref rc); 

                        return rc; 
                ///     Critical as this method accesses critical data.
                ///     TreatAsSafe - window bounds by themselves is considered safe.
                internal NativeMethods.RECT WindowBounds
                    [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
                        NativeMethods.RECT rc = new NativeMethods.RECT(0,0,0,0);
                        SafeNativeMethods.GetWindowRect(new HandleRef(this, CriticalHandle), ref rc);

                        return rc; 

                ///     Critical as this method accesses critical data, _sourceWindow.CriticalHandle.
                private NativeMethods.POINT GetWindowScreenLocation(FlowDirection flowDirection) 
                    Debug.Assert(IsSourceWindowNull != true, "IsSourceWindowNull cannot be true here"); 
                    NativeMethods.POINT pt = new NativeMethods.POINT(0, 0); 
                    if (flowDirection == FlowDirection.RightToLeft)
                        NativeMethods.RECT rc = new NativeMethods.RECT(0, 0, 0, 0);

                        // with RTL window, GetClientRect returns reversed coordinates
                        SafeNativeMethods.GetClientRect(new HandleRef(this, CriticalHandle), ref rc); 

                        // note that we use rc.right here for the RTL case and client to screen that point 
                        pt = new NativeMethods.POINT(rc.right,; 
                    UnsafeNativeMethods.ClientToScreen(new HandleRef(this, _sourceWindow.CriticalHandle), pt); 

                    return pt;
                ///     Critical as this method accesses critical data. 
                ///     TreatAsSafe - as setting the auto-size behavior of the window is considered safe. 
                internal SizeToContent HwndSourceSizeToContent 
                    [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
                        return _sourceWindow.SizeToContent;
                    [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
                        _sourceWindow.SizeToContent = value;

                ///      Critical as this method accesses critical data. 
                ///      NOT TREAT AS SAFE !
                internal Visual RootVisual
                        _sourceWindow.RootVisual = value; 
                ///     Critical - as this method accesses critical data, _sourceWindow.CriticalHandle,
                ///              - and calls UnsafeNativeMethod GetActiveWindow()
                ///     TreatAsSafe - the information we're returning ( this window is active) is deemed safe. 
                internal bool IsActiveWindow 
                    [ SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
                        return (_sourceWindow.CriticalHandle == UnsafeNativeMethods.GetActiveWindow());

                ///         Critical as this accesses and hands out critical data. 
                ///      * This is currently exposed for usage in the DRTs only. *
                internal HwndSource HwndSourceWindow
                        return _sourceWindow; 
                ///         Critical as this accesses and hands out critical data.
                internal HwndTarget CompositionTarget 
                        if (_sourceWindow != null) 
                            HwndTarget compositionTarget = _sourceWindow.CompositionTarget;
                            if (compositionTarget != null && compositionTarget.IsDisposed == false)
                                return compositionTarget;
                        return null;

                /// Return the relative window width and height. 
                internal Size WindowSize 
                        // Get the size of the avalon window and pass it to
                        // the base implementation.

                        NativeMethods.RECT rc = WindowBounds; 

                        return new Size(rc.right - rc.left, rc.bottom -; 
                /// Critical as this method calls a method that elevates - GetWindowLong
                /// TreatAsSafe - this is information about the current window.
                ///                     this is safe as : 
                ///                             it's innocous information.
                ///                             if you had permission to create the current window - you should be able to find out what you created it as. 
                ///                             for the browser case - you're not allowed to create the window. The actual styles you'd get would be fixed per OS release, you could guess them anyway. 
                internal int StyleExFromHwnd 
                    [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe ]
                        // Should never be called when Handle is non-null
                        Debug.Assert( IsSourceWindowNull == false , "Should only be invoked when we know Handle is non-null" ); 
                        return UnsafeNativeMethods.GetWindowLong(new HandleRef(this,CriticalHandle), NativeMethods.GWL_EXSTYLE); 

                /// Critical as this method calls a method that elevates - GetWindowLong
                /// TreatAsSafe -this is information about the current window. 
                ///                     this is safe as :
                ///                             it's innocous information. 
                ///                             if you had permission to create the current window - you should be able to find out what you created it as. 
                ///                             for the browser case - you're not allowed to create the window. The actual styles you'd get would be fixed per OS release, you could guess them anyway.
                internal int StyleFromHwnd
                    [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe ]
                        // Should never be called when Handle is non-null 
                        Debug.Assert( IsSourceWindowNull == false , "Should only be invoked when we know Handle is non-null" ); 
                        return UnsafeNativeMethods.GetWindowLong(new HandleRef(this,CriticalHandle), NativeMethods.GWL_STYLE);

                ///     Transform global coords of window location
                ///     to coords relative to top/left of the window. 
                ///      Critical as this function accesses critical data (GetWindowScreenLocation). 
                ///      TreatAsSafe - as exposing the coords relative to the Window is considered safe.
                [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe ]
                internal NativeMethods.POINT GetPointRelativeToWindow( int x, int y, FlowDirection flowDirection ) 
                    NativeMethods.POINT ptWindow = GetWindowScreenLocation(flowDirection); 
                    // At this point ptWindow contains the location of the client area's top/left wrt
                    // the screen 

                    return new NativeMethods.POINT( x - ptWindow.x, y - ptWindow.y );
                ///     Gets the size from the hwnd 
                /// Critical as this method accesses critical data. 
                /// TreatAsSafe - as this method returns the Window's current size. Considered safe.
                [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
                internal Size GetSizeFromHwndInMeasureUnits() 
                    Debug.Assert( IsSourceWindowNull == false , "IsSourceWindowNull can't be true here"); 
                    Point pt = new Point(0,0);
                    NativeMethods.RECT rect = WindowBounds; 
                    pt.X = rect.right - rect.left;
                    pt.Y = rect.bottom -;
                    pt = _sourceWindow.CompositionTarget.TransformFromDevice.Transform(pt);
                    return new Size(pt.X,pt.Y); 
                ///     Gets the frame size of the hwnd. 
                ///     Note that we use the current Hwnd's style information.
                ///     If you're in the middle of changing the window's _style or _styleEx and call this function,
                ///     you may get inconsistent results.
                ///     Critical as this method accesses critical data and performs an elevation 
                ///     TreatAsSafe - as this method returns the Window's current non client area size. Considered safe. 
                [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
                internal Size GetHwndNonClientAreaSizeInMeasureUnits()
                    Debug.Assert( IsSourceWindowNull == false , "IsSourceWindowNull can't be true here");
                    // Diff the Client and Window sizes to get the dimensions of the frame.
                    NativeMethods.RECT clientRect = ClientBounds; 
                    NativeMethods.RECT windowRect = WindowBounds; 

                    Point pt = new Point( 
                        (windowRect.right - windowRect.left) - (clientRect.right - clientRect.left),
                        (windowRect.bottom - - (clientRect.bottom -;

                    pt = _sourceWindow.CompositionTarget.TransformFromDevice.Transform(pt); 
                    return new Size(pt.X, pt.Y);
                ///     Critical as this function accesses critical data. 
                ///     TreatAsSafe - as this function eliminates the top visual of the window if there is one. Considered safe this is
                ///                          equivalent to making the window have no content.
                [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
                internal void ClearRootVisual()
                    if ( _sourceWindow.RootVisual != null ) 
                        _sourceWindow.RootVisual = null; 

                ///     Critical as this function accesses critical data.
                ///     THIS FUNCTION IS NOT TREAT AS SAFE ! 
                internal void AddDisposedHandler( EventHandler theHandler ) 
                    if (_sourceWindow != null)
                        _sourceWindow.Disposed += theHandler; 
                ///     Critical as this function accesses critical data. 
                ///     THIS FUNCTION IS NOT TREAT AS SAFE !
                internal void RemoveDisposedHandler( EventHandler theHandler ) 
                    if (_sourceWindow != null) 
                        _sourceWindow.Disposed -= theHandler;

                ///     Updates panning feedback for this window based on the offset. 
                /// The amount of over-panning being reported. 
                /// Whether to animate to the new feedback position. 
                ///     Critical - Accesses _sourceWindow and _panningFeedback. 
                ///     TreatAsSafe - Does not expose protected values. Panning feedback does not translate
                ///         totalOverpanOffset 1:1 into a window offset. The value is scaled and clamped.
                [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
                internal void UpdatePanningFeedback(Vector totalOverpanOffset, bool animate)
                    if ((_panningFeedback == null) && (_sourceWindow != null)) 
                        _panningFeedback = new HwndPanningFeedback(_sourceWindow); 

                    if (_panningFeedback != null)
                        // Update the window position
                        _panningFeedback.UpdatePanningFeedback(totalOverpanOffset, animate); 
                ///     Return the window back to its original position.
                /// Whether to animate to the original position. 
                ///     Critical - Accesses _panningFeedback. 
                ///     TreatAsSafe - Does not expose _panningFeedback. Restores the window to its original position, which is safe. 
                [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
                internal void EndPanningFeedback(bool animateBack)
                    if (_panningFeedback != null)
                        // Restore the window to its original position
                        _panningFeedback = null; 

                private HwndSource _sourceWindow;
                ///     Allows slightly changing the position of the window. 
                ///     Critical - Don't want to expose as defense in depth. 
                private HwndPanningFeedback _panningFeedback;

        internal class HwndStyleManager : IDisposable 
            static internal HwndStyleManager StartManaging(Window w, int Style, int StyleEx )
                if (w.Manager == null)
                    return new HwndStyleManager(w, Style, StyleEx);
                    return w.Manager;

            private HwndStyleManager(Window w, int Style, int StyleEx  )
                _window = w;
                _window.Manager = this; 
                if ( w.IsSourceWindowNull == false )
                    _window._Style    =  Style;
                    _window._StyleEx  = StyleEx;

                    // Dirty ==> _style and hwnd are out of [....]. Since we just got 
                    // the style from hwnd, it obviously is not Dirty.
                    Dirty = false; 
                _refCount = 1;

            void IDisposable.Dispose()

                // hamidm - 07/13/2005: WOSB 1178019 (A NullReferenceException occurs when animating 
                // the WindowStyle enum via a custom animation).  This bug contains details of 
                // why we were seeing the null ref.
                // Sometimes, the Flush call below results in sending certain window messages
                // and their handling leads to setting some property on the Window leading
                // to a call to HwndStyleManager.StartManaging.  Thus, we end up calling
                // dispose on that before we complete this run of the Dispose method.  This 
                // resulted in null ref in Flush.  To fix this bug, we do the following two things:
                // 1) Keep a local copy of HwndStyleManager in Flush to make it re-entrant 
                // 2) null out _window.Manager below only if _window.Manager is this instance
                //    of the Manager. 

                if (_refCount == 0)

                    if (_window.Manager == this) 
                        _window.Manager = null;

            internal bool Dirty 
                get { return _fDirty; } 
                set { _fDirty = value; } 
            private Window          _window;
            private int             _refCount;
            private bool            _fDirty;
        #endregion PrivateClass
        #region Private Enums 
        private enum TransformType
            WorkAreaToScreenArea = 0,
            ScreenAreaToWorkArea = 1
        private enum BoundsSpecified
            Height = 0, 
            Width = 1,
            Top = 2, 
            Left = 3
        #endregion Private Enums
        #region DTypeThemeStyleKey
        // Returns the DependencyObjectType for the registered ThemeStyleKey's default 
        // value. Controls will override this method to return approriate types.
        internal override DependencyObjectType DTypeThemeStyleKey 
            get { return _dType; }
        private static DependencyObjectType _dType;
        #endregion DTypeThemeStyleKey 

    #region Enums
    /// WindowStyle 
    public enum WindowStyle
        /// no border at all  also implies no caption
        None = 0,                                               // no border at all  also implies no caption 

        /// SingleBorderWindow 
        SingleBorderWindow = 1,                                    // WS_BORDER 

        /// 3DBorderWindow
        ThreeDBorderWindow = 2,                                    // WS_BORDER | WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE
        /// FixedToolWindow
        ToolWindow = 3,                                           // WS_BORDER | WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW

        // NOTE: if you add or remove any values in this enum, be sure to update Window.IsValidWindowStyle()

    /// WindowState
    public enum WindowState
        /// Default size 
        Normal = 0, 
        /// Minimized 
        Minimized = 1,   // WS_MINIMIZE

        /// Maximized
        Maximized = 2   // WS_MAXIMIZE 

        // NOTE: if you add or remove any values in this enum, be sure to update Window.IsValidWindowState() 

        // The following Two are not Implement yet
        /// Theatre
        Theatre = 3, 

        /// FullScreen
        FullScreen = 4
    [Localizability(LocalizationCategory.None, Readability = Readability.Unreadable)]
    public enum WindowStartupLocation
        /// Uses the values specified by Left and Top properties to position the Window
        Manual = 0, 

        /// Centers the Window on the screen.  If there are more than one monitors, then
        /// the Window is centered on the monitor that has the mouse on it
        CenterScreen = 1, 

        /// Centers the Window on its owner.  If there is no owner window defined or if 
        /// it is not possible to center it on the owner, then defaults to Manual
        CenterOwner = 2,

        // NOTE: if you add or remove any values in this enum, be sure to update Window.IsValidWindowStartupLocation()

    ///     ResizeMode 
    [Localizability(LocalizationCategory.None, Readability = Readability.Unreadable)] 
    public enum ResizeMode
        ///     User cannot resize the Window. Maximize and Minimize boxes 
        ///     do not show in the caption bar.
        NoResize = 0, 

        ///     User can only minimize the Window.  Minimize box is shown and enabled
        ///     in the caption bar while the Maximize box is disabled.
        CanMinimize = 1, 

        ///     User can fully resize the Window including minimize and maximize. 
        ///     Both Maximize and Minimize boxes are shown and enabled in the caption
        ///     bar. 
        CanResize = 2,

        ///     Same as CanResize and ResizeGrip will show
        CanResizeWithGrip = 3 

        // NOTE: if you add or remove any values in this enum, be sure to update Window.IsValidResizeMode() 
    #endregion Enums

    internal class SingleChildEnumerator : IEnumerator 
        internal SingleChildEnumerator(object Child) 
            _child = Child;
            _count = Child == null ? 0 : 1; 

        object IEnumerator.Current
            get { return (_index == 0) ? _child : null; }
        bool IEnumerator.MoveNext()
            return _index < _count;
        void IEnumerator.Reset()
            _index = -1; 
        private int _index = -1;
        private int _count = 0;
        private object _child;

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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