LocatorManager.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / untmp / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / wpf / src / Framework / MS / Internal / Annotations / Anchoring / LocatorManager.cs / 1305600 / LocatorManager.cs

                            #pragma warning disable 1634, 1691 
//    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved. 
// Description: 
//     The main entry-point to the Anchoring namespace.  LocatorManager is the
//     controller for the Anchoring algorithms.  Most of the work is delegated 
//     to processors.  LocatorManager maintains a registry of processors.
//     Spec: http://team/sites/ag/Specifications/Anchoring%20Namespace%20Spec.doc
// History: 
//  12/01/2002: magedz: Created - based on architectural discussions and design
//                      by axelk, rruiz, magedz 
//  02/01/2003: rruiz:  Added code for generating locators 
//  07/21/2003: rruiz:  Ported to WCP
//  08/18/2003: rruiz:  Updated to Anchoring Namespace spec. 
//  02/10/2004: ssimova:    Made    it  DispatcherObject
using System; 
using System.IO;
using System.Collections; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics; 
using System.Globalization;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Annotations; 
using System.Windows.Annotations.Storage;
using System.Windows.Controls; 
using System.Windows.Controls.Primitives; 
using System.Windows.Documents;
using System.Windows.Markup; 
using System.Windows.Threading;
using System.Xml;
using MS.Internal;
using MS.Utility; 

namespace MS.Internal.Annotations.Anchoring 
    ///     The main entry-point to the Anchoring namespace.  LocatorManager is the
    ///     controller for the Anchoring algorithms.  Most of the work is delegated
    ///     to processors.  LocatorManager maintains a registry of processors.
    sealed internal class LocatorManager : DispatcherObject
        //  Constructors 

        #region Constructors 

        ///     Create an instance of LocatorManager.  It manages the 
        ///     processors that are used to create and resolve locators.
        public LocatorManager() : this(null)
        ///     Create an instance of LocatorManager with an optional specific store. 
        ///     It manages the processors that are used to create and resolve locators. 
        ///     If a store is passed in, its used to query for annotations.  Otherwise
        ///     the service is looked for and the service's store is used. 
        /// optional, store to use for query of annotations
        public LocatorManager(AnnotationStore store)
            _locatorPartHandlers = new Hashtable();
            _subtreeProcessors = new Hashtable(); 
            _selectionProcessors = new Hashtable(); 

            RegisterSubTreeProcessor(new DataIdProcessor(this), DataIdProcessor.Id); 
            RegisterSubTreeProcessor(new FixedPageProcessor(this), FixedPageProcessor.Id);
            TreeNodeSelectionProcessor nodeProcessor = new TreeNodeSelectionProcessor();
            RegisterSelectionProcessor(nodeProcessor, typeof(FrameworkElement));
            RegisterSelectionProcessor(nodeProcessor, typeof(FrameworkContentElement)); 
            TextSelectionProcessor textProcessor = new TextSelectionProcessor();
            RegisterSelectionProcessor(textProcessor, typeof(TextRange)); 
            RegisterSelectionProcessor(textProcessor, typeof(TextAnchor)); 

            _internalStore = store; 
        #endregion Constructors

        //  Public Methods 
        #region Public Methods

        #region Processor Caches
        ///     Registers a subtree processor.  The processorId is the string to be 
        ///     used as the value of the SubTreeProcessorIdProperty for this processor. 
        ///     This call overrides any previous registrations for processorId or for
        ///     the locator part types recognized by processor. 
        /// instance to be registered
        /// string id used to specify this processor as
        /// the SubTreeProcessorIdProperty value 
        /// if the processor or processorId are null
        public void RegisterSubTreeProcessor(SubTreeProcessor processor, String processorId) 
            if (processor == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("processor");

            if (processorId == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("processorId"); 

            XmlQualifiedName[] locatorPartTypes = processor.GetLocatorPartTypes(); 
            _subtreeProcessors[processorId] = processor;
            if (locatorPartTypes != null)
                foreach (XmlQualifiedName typeName in locatorPartTypes)
                    _locatorPartHandlers[typeName] = processor;
        ///     Returns the subtree processor set on this tree node to be used to
        ///     process the subtree rooted at this node.  The subtree processor
        ///     returned is not the one used to process this node - only its 
        ///     subtree.  If no subtree processor is specified on this node
        ///     or any of its ancestors in the tree, an instance of the DataIdProcessor 
        ///     is returned. 
        /// tree node we are retrieving subtree processor for 
        /// a subtree processor specified by the SubTreeProcessorIdProperty
        /// on this node, or an instance of the DataIdProcessor if none is specified
        /// node is null
        public SubTreeProcessor GetSubTreeProcessor(DependencyObject node) 
            if (node == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("node"); 

            // This property should contain one or more (comma-delimited)
            // registered string IDs for subtree processors.
            string processorString = node.GetValue(SubTreeProcessorIdProperty) as string; 
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(processorString))
                SubTreeProcessor processor = (SubTreeProcessor)_subtreeProcessors[processorString]; 

                if (processor != null) 
                    return processor;
                    throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.InvalidSubTreeProcessor, processorString));
                return _subtreeProcessors[DataIdProcessor.Id] as SubTreeProcessor; 

        ///     Returns the subtree processor registered to handle the locator
        ///     part's type.  If none is registered, null is returned. 
        /// locator part for which a subtree processor 
        /// is being retreived 
        /// a subtree processor registered to handle the locator part's
        /// type; null if no such processor is registred 
        /// locatorPart is null
        public SubTreeProcessor GetSubTreeProcessorForLocatorPart(ContentLocatorPart locatorPart)
            if (locatorPart == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("locatorPart"); 
            return _locatorPartHandlers[locatorPart.PartType] as SubTreeProcessor;

        ///     Registers a selection processor for a selection Type.
        ///     This call overrides any previous registrations for the Type. 
        ///     The processor also provides an array of locator part types it knows how
        ///     to handle.  If a processor provides a locator part type that has been 
        ///     provided by a previously registered processor, the last processor to be 
        ///     registered overrides all others.
        ///     GetSelectionProcessor(Type) looks for a processor registered for
        ///     the Type or any of its base Types.  Interfaces are not taken into
        ///     account.  Do not register a selection processor for an interface 
        ///     Type.
        /// instance to be registered 
        /// Type of selection processed by this processor
        /// processor or selectionType is null 
        public void RegisterSelectionProcessor(SelectionProcessor processor, Type selectionType)
            if (processor == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("processor");
            if (selectionType == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("selectionType");
            XmlQualifiedName[] locatorPartTypes = processor.GetLocatorPartTypes();
            _selectionProcessors[selectionType] = processor;

            if (locatorPartTypes != null) 
                foreach (XmlQualifiedName type in locatorPartTypes) 
                    _locatorPartHandlers[type] = processor;

        ///     Returns the selection processor for selections of the specified
        ///     Type.  If no processor is registered for the specified Type, the 
        ///     Type's base Type (as defined by Type.BaseType) is checked, and so 
        ///     on.  Interfaces implemented by the Type or any of its base Types
        ///     are not taken into account. If no processor is registered for Type 
        ///     or any of its base Types, null is returned.
        /// the Type of selection for which a handler
        /// is requested 
        /// the selection processor for the specified Type or one of its
        /// base Types; null if no processor has been registered for this Type or 
        /// any of its base Types 
        /// selectionType is null
        public SelectionProcessor GetSelectionProcessor(Type selectionType) 
            if (selectionType == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("selectionType"); 

            SelectionProcessor processor = null; 
            // We keep looking until we find a processor or
            // there are no more base types to check for 
                processor = _selectionProcessors[selectionType] as SelectionProcessor;
                selectionType = selectionType.BaseType; 
            while (processor == null && selectionType != null); 
            return processor;

        ///     Returns the selection processor registered to handle the locator
        ///     part's type.  If none is registered, null is returned. 
        /// locator part for which a selection processor is 
        /// being retreived 
        /// the selection processor for the locatorPart's type;  null if no
        /// processor has been registerd for that type 
        /// locatorPart is null
        public SelectionProcessor GetSelectionProcessorForLocatorPart(ContentLocatorPart locatorPart)
            if (locatorPart == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("locatorPart"); 
            return _locatorPartHandlers[locatorPart.PartType] as SelectionProcessor;

        #endregion Processor Caches

        ///     Called by processors when they've encountered content in the tree
        ///     that should have annotations processed for it.  This is a low-level 
        ///     method that will get called several times during the algorithm for 
        ///     loading annotations.
        /// the tree node that needs to be processed
        /// list of IAttachedAnnotations that were loaded for 'node';
        /// the list will never be null but may be empty
        /// node is null 
        /// no AnnotationStore is available from
        /// the element tree 
        public IList ProcessAnnotations(DependencyObject node) 
            if (node == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("node");

            IList attachedAnnotations = new List(); 
            IList locators = GenerateLocators(node);
            if(locators.Count > 0) 
                AnnotationStore store = null;
                if (_internalStore != null) 
                    store = _internalStore;
                    AnnotationService service = AnnotationService.GetService(node); 
                    if (service == null || !service.IsEnabled) 
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.AnnotationServiceNotEnabled)); 
                    store = service.Store;
                // LocatorBases for a single node should always be Locators
                ContentLocator[] lists = new ContentLocator[locators.Count]; 
                locators.CopyTo(lists, 0); 

                IList annotations = store.GetAnnotations(lists[0]); 

                foreach (ContentLocator locator in locators)
                    if (locator.Parts[locator.Parts.Count - 1].NameValuePairs.ContainsKey(TextSelectionProcessor.IncludeOverlaps)) 
                        locator.Parts.RemoveAt(locator.Parts.Count - 1); 
                foreach (Annotation annotation in annotations)
                    foreach (AnnotationResource anchor in annotation.Anchors)
                        foreach(ContentLocatorBase locator in anchor.ContentLocators)
                            AttachmentLevel attachmentLevel; 
                            object attachedAnchor = FindAttachedAnchor(node, lists, locator, out attachmentLevel);
                            if(attachmentLevel != AttachmentLevel.Unresolved)
                                Debug.Assert(attachedAnchor != null, "AttachedAnchor cannot be null if attachmentLevel is not Unresolved.");
                                attachedAnnotations.Add(new AttachedAnnotation(this, annotation, anchor, attachedAnchor, attachmentLevel)); 

                                // Only process one locator per resource 
            return attachedAnnotations;

        ///     Generates zero or more Locators that map to the passed in
        ///     anchor.  The Locators are generated using the
        ///     SubTreeProcessorIdProperty values set on the tree containing
        ///     the anchor and the processors registered. 
        /// the anchor to generate Locators for 
        /// an array of Locators;  will never return null but may return 
        /// an empty list
        /// if selection is null 
        /// if no processor is registered for
        /// selection's Type
        public IList GenerateLocators(Object selection)
            if (selection == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("selection"); 

            ICollection nodes = null; 
            SelectionProcessor selProcessor = GetSelectionProcessor(selection.GetType());

            if (selProcessor != null)
                nodes = (ICollection)selProcessor.GetSelectedNodes(selection);
                throw new ArgumentException("Unsupported Selection", "selection"); 

            IList returnLocators = null;
            PathNode pathRoot = PathNode.BuildPathForElements(nodes); 

            if (pathRoot != null) 
                SubTreeProcessor processor = GetSubTreeProcessor(pathRoot.Node);
                Debug.Assert(processor != null, "SubtreeProcessor can not be null"); 

                returnLocators = GenerateLocators(processor, pathRoot, selection);
            // We never return null.  A misbehaved processor might return null so we fix it up.
            if (returnLocators == null) 
                returnLocators = new List(0); 

            return returnLocators; 

        ///     Produces an anchor spanning the content specified by 'locator'.
        ///     This method traverses the tree and, using the registered 
        ///     processors, resolves the locator in the current element tree. 
        /// the locator to be resolved 
        /// the index of the locator part to begin resolution with, ignored for
        /// LocatorGroups which always start with the first locator part
        /// the tree node to start the resolution from
        /// type of the returned anchor 
        /// an anchor that spans the content specified by locator; may return
        /// null if the locator could not be resolved (in which case type is set to 
        /// AttachmentLevel.Unresolved 
        /// locator or startNode are null
        /// offset is negative or greater than 
        /// locator.Count - 1
        public Object ResolveLocator(ContentLocatorBase locator, int offset, DependencyObject startNode, out AttachmentLevel attachmentLevel)

            if (locator == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("locator"); 

            if (startNode == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("startNode");

            // Offset need only be checked for Locators
            ContentLocator realLocator = locator as ContentLocator; 
            if (realLocator != null)
                if (offset < 0 || offset >= realLocator.Parts.Count) 
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("offset");

            return InternalResolveLocator(locator, offset, startNode, false /*skipStartNode*/, out attachmentLevel);

        #endregion Public Methods 
        //  Public Operators
        //  Public Events 

        //  Public Properties 
        #region Public Properties
        ///     DependencyProperty used to specify the processor to use for a
        ///     given subtree.  When set on a node, all nodes below it will be
        ///     processed with the specified processor, unless overriden.  Setting 
        ///     this property after annotations have been loaded will have no effect
        ///     on existing annotations.  If you want to change how the tree is 
        ///     processed, you should set this property and call LoadAnnotations/ 
        ///     UnloadAnnotations on the service.
#pragma warning suppress 7009
        public static readonly DependencyProperty SubTreeProcessorIdProperty = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached(
                new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(string.Empty, FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.Inherits | FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.OverridesInheritanceBehavior)); 
        ///    Sets the value of the SubTreeProcessorId attached property 
        ///    of the LocatorManager class.
        /// element to which to write the attached property
        /// the value to set 
        /// d is null
        public static void SetSubTreeProcessorId(DependencyObject d, String id) 
            if(d == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("d"); 

            //d will check the  context
            d.SetValue(SubTreeProcessorIdProperty, id);

        ///    Gets the value of the SubTreeProcessorId attached property 
        ///    of the LocatorManager class.
        /// the object from which to read the attached property
        /// the value of the SubTreeProcessorId attached property
        /// d is null
        public static String GetSubTreeProcessorId(DependencyObject d)
            if (d == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("d");
            //d will check the  context
            return d.GetValue(SubTreeProcessorIdProperty) as String;
        #endregion Public Properties
        //  Internal Methods 

        #region Internal Methods 

        ///     Traverse the element tree starting at subtree and load
        ///     annotations for that subtree. 
        /// root of the subtree for which to load annotations
        /// list of IAttachedAnnotations that were loaded for 'node';
        /// the list will never be null but may be empty 
        /// subtree is null
        internal IList ProcessSubTree(DependencyObject subTree) 
            if (subTree == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("subTree"); 

            ProcessingTreeState data = new ProcessingTreeState();
            PrePostDescendentsWalker walker = new PrePostDescendentsWalker(TreeWalkPriority.VisualTree, PreVisit, PostVisit, data);

            return data.AttachedAnnotations; 


        ///     Searches the element subtree for a node that maps to the
        ///     passed in ContentLocatorBase. 
        ///     Note: For LocatorGroups the startNode, offset, and prefixes
        ///     are ignored.  Due to the nature of LocatorGroups, we always 
        ///     start searching at the node with the service enabled, with 
        ///     the first locator part, ignoring all prefixes.
        /// the root of the subtree to search
        /// locators for the root of the subtree
        /// the ContentLocatorBase we are resolving to an anchor
        /// type of the anchor returned 
        /// the anchor for the passed in ContentLocatorBase; will return null if no match can be found
        /// startNode or locator is null 
        internal Object FindAttachedAnchor(DependencyObject startNode, ContentLocator[] prefixes, ContentLocatorBase locator, out AttachmentLevel attachmentLevel) 
            if (startNode == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("startNode");

            if (locator == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("locator"); 

            // Set it to unresolved initially 
            attachmentLevel = AttachmentLevel.Unresolved; 

            Object anchor = null; 
            bool matched = true;
            int locatorPartIdx = FindMatchingPrefix(prefixes, locator, out matched);

            // The annotation's locator starts with at least 
            // one of the locators for the local root.
            if (matched) 
                ContentLocator realLocator = locator as ContentLocator;
                if (realLocator == null || locatorPartIdx < realLocator.Parts.Count) 
                    // Now we try to resolve.  If any locator parts were matched to the startNode we want to
                    // start resolving with its children, skipping a revisit to the startNode.
                    anchor = InternalResolveLocator(locator, locatorPartIdx, startNode, locatorPartIdx != 0 /*skipStartNode*/, out attachmentLevel); 
                // If nothing was returned, we base our return values on the results 
                // of matching against the local root.
                if (attachmentLevel == AttachmentLevel.Unresolved && locatorPartIdx > 0) 
                    if (locatorPartIdx == 0)
                        attachmentLevel = AttachmentLevel.Unresolved; 
                    // If there was anything left to resolve then its incomplete 
                    else if (realLocator != null && locatorPartIdx < realLocator.Parts.Count)
                        attachmentLevel = AttachmentLevel.Incomplete;
                        anchor = startNode;
                    // otherwise its fully resolved 
                        attachmentLevel = AttachmentLevel.Full; 
                        anchor = startNode;

            return anchor; 
        ///    Determines if the locator matches any of the prefixes, and if so, returns
        ///    the length of the prefix that was matched.  Resolving of the locator can 
        ///    begin with the first locator part after those that were matched by the prefix.
        /// locators representing prefixes to match
        /// locator to find a match for 
        /// whether or not a match was found
        /// index of the next locator part to resolve 
        private int FindMatchingPrefix(ContentLocator[] prefixes, ContentLocatorBase locator, out bool matched) 
            matched = true; 
            int locatorPartIdx = 0;
            ContentLocator realLocator = locator as ContentLocator;

            // If we have a locator set or there are no prefixes then we 
            // are 'matched' implicitly.
            if (realLocator != null && prefixes != null && prefixes.Length > 0) 
                matched = false;
                foreach (ContentLocator prefix in prefixes) 
                    if (realLocator.StartsWith(prefix))
                        locatorPartIdx = prefix.Parts.Count; 
                        matched = true;

            return locatorPartIdx;

        #endregion Internal Methods 
        //  Private Methods
        #region Private Methods
        #region Generating Locators 

        ///     Walks the path through the element tree specified by 'root' and
        ///     produces a set of locators identifying the path based on
        ///     DependencyProperty settings on the tree.
        /// SubTreeProcessor to use on node
        /// the PathNode identifying the root of the subtree to process 
        /// selection for which Locators are being generated 
        ///     a set of locators identifying the path through the element tree; 
        ///     can return null if no locators can be generated for this root
        /// root is null
        /// no AnnotationStore is available from 
        /// the element tree
        private IList GenerateLocators(SubTreeProcessor processor, PathNode startNode, Object selection) 
            Debug.Assert(startNode != null, "startNode can not be null");
            List  locatorsToReturn = new List ();
            bool continueProcessing = true;

            // Process the current PathNode, with the possibilty of doing the whole 
            // subtree (in which case continueProcessing comes back false).
            ContentLocator list = processor.GenerateLocator(startNode, out continueProcessing); 
            bool processSelection = list != null; 
            IList newLocators = null;
            // If we should continue processing, we look at the children of the
            // root.  Depending on the number of children we do  different things.
            if (continueProcessing)
                switch (startNode.Children.Count)
                    case 0 : 
                        // No children - we just return what we have so far
                        if (list != null) 
                    case 1 : 
                        // One child - we ask the root of the subtree for the processor
                        // to use and then ask the processor to handle the subtree. 
                        SubTreeProcessor newProcessor = GetSubTreeProcessor(startNode.Node);
                        newLocators = GenerateLocators(newProcessor, (PathNode)startNode.Children[0], selection);

                        if (newLocators != null && newLocators.Count > 0) 
                            processSelection = false;
                        if (list != null) 
                            locatorsToReturn.AddRange(Merge(list, newLocators));

                    default :
                        // Multiple children - we must process all the children as a 
                        // locator set.  This returns one or more locators that all start 
                        // start with a ContentLocatorGroup which can have one locator for each
                        // child. 
                        ContentLocatorBase newLocator = GenerateLocatorGroup(startNode, selection);

                        if (newLocator != null)
                            processSelection = false; 

                        if (list != null) 
                        else if (newLocator != null)
                // If we shouldn't continue processing we package up the 
                // locator we got from the first GenerateLocator call 
                if (list != null)
            // If we produced a locator for root and no one below us did as well,
            // we need to process the selection, if any 
            if (processSelection && selection != null) 
                SelectionProcessor selProcessor = GetSelectionProcessor(selection.GetType()); 

                if (selProcessor != null)
                    IList  locatorParts = selProcessor.GenerateLocatorParts(selection, startNode.Node); 
                    // Possible bug - AddLocatorPartsToLocator was only written to handle normal locators, not
                    // locator groups. ToDo 
                    if (locatorParts != null && locatorParts.Count > 0) 
                        List tempLocators = new List(locatorsToReturn.Count * locatorParts.Count); 

                        foreach (ContentLocatorBase loc in locatorsToReturn)
                            tempLocators.AddRange(((ContentLocator)loc).DotProduct(locatorParts));  // 
                        locatorsToReturn = tempLocators; 

            return locatorsToReturn;

        ///     Produces a set of locators that uses locator groups to 
        ///     span multiple branches in the tree.
        /// the PathNode identifying the root of the subtree to process
        /// the selection we are currently processing
        ///     a locator set containing locators identifying the path 
        ///     through the element tree
        /// node is null 
        /// no AnnotationStore is available from
        /// the element tree 
        private ContentLocatorBase GenerateLocatorGroup(PathNode node, Object selection)
            Debug.Assert(node != null, "node can not be null");
            SubTreeProcessor processor = GetSubTreeProcessor(node.Node);
            IList tempLocators = null; 
            ContentLocatorGroup ContentLocatorGroup = new ContentLocatorGroup();
            // Produce a locator representing each child and add it
            // to the locator set.  NOTE - We currently only support one
            // locator per branch.
            foreach (PathNode child in node.Children) 
                tempLocators = GenerateLocators(processor, child, selection); 
                if (tempLocators != null && tempLocators.Count > 0) 
                    // Don't add empty Locators to the ContentLocatorGroup 
                    if (tempLocators[0] != null)
                        ContentLocatorGroup locatorGroup = null;
                        ContentLocator locator = tempLocators[0] as ContentLocator; 
                        if (locator != null && locator.Parts.Count != 0)
                            // NOTE - We currently only support producing one locator 
                            // per branch of the locator set.
                        else if ((locatorGroup = tempLocators[0] as ContentLocatorGroup) != null)


            // If the locators set is empty, we return null
            // If only one locator was generated for the children, we return that
            // locator directly.  No need for a ContentLocatorGroup 
            // Otherwise return the ContentLocatorGroup
            if (ContentLocatorGroup.Locators.Count == 0) 
                return null;
            else if (ContentLocatorGroup.Locators.Count == 1)
                ContentLocator list = ContentLocatorGroup.Locators[0];
                return list;
                return ContentLocatorGroup; 

        #endregion Generating Locators 

        #region Processing Tree 
        ///     Callback from DescendentsWalker before the nodes children are visited. 
        /// node to visit
        /// data used for the current tree walk
        /// returns whether or not the children should be visited 
        private bool PreVisit(DependencyObject dependencyObject, ProcessingTreeState data)
            Debug.Assert(data != null, "dataBlob is either null or not of ProcessingTreeState type"); 

            bool calledProcessAnnotations = false; 

            SubTreeProcessor processor = GetSubTreeProcessor(dependencyObject);
            Debug.Assert(processor != null, "SubtreeProcessor can not be null"); // There is always a default processor
            IList attachedAnnotations = processor.PreProcessNode(dependencyObject, out calledProcessAnnotations);
            if (attachedAnnotations != null) 

            // Combine whether this processor called ProcessAnnotations with the info of its siblings 
            data.CalledProcessAnnotations = data.CalledProcessAnnotations || calledProcessAnnotations;

            // Returning true here prevents children from being called 
            return !calledProcessAnnotations;
        ///     Callback from DescendentsWalker after the nodes children are visited. 
        /// node to visit
        /// data used for the current tree walk
        /// return value is ignored 
        private bool PostVisit(DependencyObject dependencyObject, ProcessingTreeState data)
            Debug.Assert(data != null, "dataBlob is either null or not of ProcessingTreeState type"); 

            bool childrenCalledProcessAnnotations = data.Pop(); 
            SubTreeProcessor processor = GetSubTreeProcessor(dependencyObject);
            Debug.Assert(processor != null, "SubtreeProcessor can not be null");

            bool calledProcessAnnotations = false; 
            IList attachedAnnotations = processor.PostProcessNode(dependencyObject, childrenCalledProcessAnnotations, out calledProcessAnnotations);
            if (attachedAnnotations != null) 

            // This flag is information available to PostVisit calls 
            data.CalledProcessAnnotations = data.CalledProcessAnnotations || calledProcessAnnotations || childrenCalledProcessAnnotations;

            // This return value is not used by PrePostDescendentsWalker
            return true; 

        #endregion Processing Tree 

        #region Resolving Locators

        ///     Resolves a locator starting on a specified locator part with a specified tree node.
        ///     The tree node can optionally be skipped (if some previous locator part has already 
        ///     matched it) in which case the resolution starts with its children. 
        /// the locator to resolve 
        /// the index of the first locator part to resolve
        /// the node to start the resolution at
        /// specifies whether to start with the startNode or its children
        /// return value specifying how successful the resolution was 
        /// the attached anchor the locator was resolved to
        /// if a locator set is resolved and the individual selections 
        /// can't be merged 
        private Object InternalResolveLocator(ContentLocatorBase locator, int offset, DependencyObject startNode, bool skipStartNode, out AttachmentLevel attachmentLevel)
            Debug.Assert(locator != null, "locator can not be null");
            Debug.Assert(startNode != null, "startNode can not be null");

            // Set it to unresolved initially 
            attachmentLevel = AttachmentLevel.Full;
            Object selection = null; 
            ContentLocatorGroup locatorGroup = locator as ContentLocatorGroup; 
            ContentLocator realLocator = locator as ContentLocator;
            AttachmentLevel individualAttachmentLevel = AttachmentLevel.Unresolved; 

            // If only one locator part left, it might represent a selection so we take
            // care of that case before trying to resolve the locator part
            if (realLocator != null && offset == realLocator.Parts.Count - 1) 
                ContentLocatorPart locatorPart = realLocator.Parts[offset]; 
                SelectionProcessor selProcessor = GetSelectionProcessorForLocatorPart(locatorPart); 

                if (selProcessor != null) 
                    selection = selProcessor.ResolveLocatorPart(locatorPart, startNode, out individualAttachmentLevel);
                    attachmentLevel = individualAttachmentLevel;
                    // No node has actually been matched in this case so we 
                    // return the default Unresolved (set at top of method).
                    // Its up to the caller to know if the node and 
                    // index passed in represented an incomplete resolution. 

                    return selection; 

            IList locators = null; 

            // Setup the locators and other inputs before the loop.  Normal locators 
            // are put in an array of locators (with one element).  LocatorGroups have 
            // their Locators collection used.
            if (locatorGroup == null) 
                Debug.Assert(offset >= 0 && offset < realLocator.Parts.Count, "offset out of range");

                locators = new List  (1); 
                // If there is a service, start at its root. 
                AnnotationService svc = AnnotationService.GetService(startNode);
                if (svc != null)
                    startNode = svc.Root; 
                locators = locatorGroup.Locators; 

                // Always start resolving locator groups from the beginning 
                // and use the node the service is enabled on to start
                offset = 0;
                skipStartNode = false;

            bool middlePortionExists = true; 
            if (locators.Count > 0)
                // Otherwise we need to resolve each of the locators in the locator set
                // and then try to merge the anchors that are returned
                ResolvingLocatorState data = ResolveSingleLocator(ref selection, ref attachmentLevel, AttachmentLevel.StartPortion, locators[0], offset, startNode, skipStartNode);
                // Special case - when there is only one locator we simply use the anchor and level
                // returned from resolving that single locator 
                if (locators.Count == 1) 
                    selection = data.AttachedAnchor; 
                    attachmentLevel = data.AttachmentLevel;
                    // Resolve all locators after the first and before the last
                    if (locators.Count > 2) 
                        AttachmentLevel tempLevel = AttachmentLevel.Unresolved;
                        AttachmentLevel savedLevel = attachmentLevel; 
                        for (int i = 1; i < locators.Count - 1; i++)
                            data = ResolveSingleLocator(ref selection, ref attachmentLevel, AttachmentLevel.MiddlePortion, locators[i], offset, startNode, skipStartNode);
                            //if there are >1 middle locators some of them might be resolved, some other - not
                            //if even one middle locator is resolved we should save its attachmenLevel 
                            if ((tempLevel == AttachmentLevel.Unresolved) || ((attachmentLevel & AttachmentLevel.MiddlePortion) != 0)) 
                                tempLevel = attachmentLevel;
                            attachmentLevel = savedLevel;
                        attachmentLevel = tempLevel;
                        // We make note that there were no middle portion locators 
                        middlePortionExists = false;

                    // Process the last locator
                    data = ResolveSingleLocator(ref selection, ref attachmentLevel, AttachmentLevel.EndPortion, locators[locators.Count - 1], offset, startNode, skipStartNode);
                    // If no locators exists for the middle portion we need to make
                    // sure its not the only portion left on. 
                    if (!middlePortionExists && attachmentLevel == AttachmentLevel.MiddlePortion) 
                        attachmentLevel &= ~AttachmentLevel.MiddlePortion; 

                    //if start and end is resolved we consider this as fully resolved
                    //this will handle the case of empty middle page in fixed 
                    if (attachmentLevel == (AttachmentLevel.StartPortion | AttachmentLevel.EndPortion))
                        attachmentLevel = AttachmentLevel.Full; 
                // There are no locators to resolve
                attachmentLevel = AttachmentLevel.Unresolved;

            return selection; 

        ///     Resolves a single locator starting at the given startNode.
        /// Sets the selection and attachmentLevel if necessary.
        /// object representing the content that has been resolved 
        /// so far; updated if the locator passed in is resolved
        /// attachmentLevel of content that has been resolved 
        /// so far; updated based on the resolution of the passed in locator 
        /// the level that is represented by this locator -
        /// start, middle or end 
        /// the locator to resolve
        /// the offset into the locator to start the resolution at
        /// the node to start the resolution at
        /// whether or not the start node should be looked at 
        /// the data representing the resolution of the single locator; used for
        /// special cases by calling code to override results from this method 
        private ResolvingLocatorState ResolveSingleLocator(ref object selection, ref AttachmentLevel attachmentLevel, AttachmentLevel attemptedLevel, ContentLocator locator, int offset, DependencyObject startNode, bool skipStartNode) 
            ResolvingLocatorState data = new ResolvingLocatorState(); 
            data.LocatorPartIndex = offset;
            data.ContentLocatorBase = locator;

            PrePostDescendentsWalker walker = new PrePostDescendentsWalker(TreeWalkPriority.VisualTree, ResolveLocatorPart, TerminateResolve, data); 
            walker.StartWalk(startNode, skipStartNode);
            if (data.AttachmentLevel == AttachmentLevel.Full && data.AttachedAnchor != null) 
                // Merge the results with pre-existing selection 
                if (selection != null)
                    SelectionProcessor selProcessor = GetSelectionProcessor(selection.GetType());
                    object newSelection; 
                    if (selProcessor != null)
                        if (selProcessor.MergeSelections(selection, data.AttachedAnchor, out newSelection)) 
                            selection = newSelection; 
                            // If we can't merge, them this locator isn't included in final results so we 
                            // we turn off the level that we are attempting to resolve
                            attachmentLevel &= ~attemptedLevel; 
                        // If not selection processor, the locator can't be resolved so
                        // we turn off the level that we were attempting to resolve
                        attachmentLevel &= ~attemptedLevel; 
                    selection = data.AttachedAnchor; 
                // ContentLocator didn't fully resolve so we turn off the level
                // that we were attempting to resolve 
                attachmentLevel &= ~attemptedLevel; 
            return data;

        ///     Resolves a locator starting from 'startFrom' and the locator part at
        ///     position 'offset' in the locator.  This method is called from the 
        ///     DescendentsWalker.  It maintains the state of resolution as each 
        ///     node is visited and individual locator parts are resolved.
        /// the current node to visit
        /// data containing the state of the current resolution
        /// whether or not the children of this node should be visited
        private bool ResolveLocatorPart(DependencyObject dependencyObject, ResolvingLocatorState data) 
            if (data.Finished) 
                return false; 

            ContentLocator locator = data.ContentLocatorBase; 

            Debug.Assert(locator != null, "locator can not be null");
            Debug.Assert(data.LocatorPartIndex >= 0 && data.LocatorPartIndex < locator.Parts.Count,
                         "LocatorPartIndex out of range"); 

            bool keepResolving = true; 
            DependencyObject node = null; 
            SubTreeProcessor processor = null;
            ContentLocatorPart locatorPart = locator.Parts[data.LocatorPartIndex]; 
            if (locatorPart == null)
                // Can't resolve a null ContentLocatorPart
                keepResolving = false; 
            processor = this.GetSubTreeProcessorForLocatorPart(locatorPart); 
            if (processor == null)
                // Can't keep resolving if there is no processor for this ContentLocatorBase Part
                keepResolving = false;
            if (locatorPart != null && processor != null)
                node = processor.ResolveLocatorPart(locatorPart, dependencyObject, out keepResolving); 
                if (node != null)
                    // At a minimum we are incompletely resolved
                    data.AttachmentLevel = AttachmentLevel.Incomplete;
                    data.AttachedAnchor = node;
                    keepResolving = true; 

                    data.LastNodeMatched = node; 

                    // We might already be finished here - if there are no more locator parts 
                    // we are fully resolved and there's no need to keep resolving
                    if (data.LocatorPartIndex == locator.Parts.Count)
                        data.AttachmentLevel = AttachmentLevel.Full; 
                        data.AttachedAnchor = node;
                        keepResolving = false; 

                    // If all we have left is the last locatorPart, lets try to resolve it as a 
                    // selection. If there is no selection processor, it will fall through and
                    // be handled by resolving on one of the children
                    else if (data.LocatorPartIndex == locator.Parts.Count - 1)
                        locatorPart = locator.Parts[data.LocatorPartIndex];
                        SelectionProcessor selProcessor = GetSelectionProcessorForLocatorPart(locatorPart); 
                        if (selProcessor != null)
                            AttachmentLevel attachmentLevel;
                            Object selection = selProcessor.ResolveLocatorPart(locatorPart, node, out attachmentLevel);
                            if (selection != null)
                                data.AttachmentLevel = attachmentLevel;
                                data.AttachedAnchor = selection; 
                                keepResolving = false; 
                                // In this case the processor couldn't resolve the selection
                                // locator part.  There's no use in continuing.
                                keepResolving = false; 

            return keepResolving;
        ///     This gets called after each node's subtree has been called to resolve 
        ///     the current locator part. 
        ///     If the node the call is made for was the last node that anything was
        ///     matched with, we want to stop looking at the rest of the tree.  This is 
        ///     because matches should be unique (so no sibling should be able to match)
        ///     and if they aren't the first match wins.
        private bool TerminateResolve(DependencyObject dependencyObject, ResolvingLocatorState data) 
            // If we are finished with the subtree for the last node matched, we've 
            // resolved as much as we can and we should not bother looking at the
            // rest of the tree.  Finished is a property we use to short-circuit
            // vising the rest of the tree.  Note: Returning false only prevents
            // the children from being visited, we need to not visit siblings either. 
            if (!data.Finished && data.LastNodeMatched == dependencyObject)
                data.Finished = true; 
            return false;

        #endregion Resolving Locators 

        #region ContentLocatorBase Operations 

        ///     Adds the additionalLocators to the end of initialLocator.  If
        ///     there are more than one additional locators, clones of
        ///     initialLocator are created.  This method may be destructive - 
        ///     the locators passed in may be modified.
        /// the locator to append the additional locators to 
        /// array of locators that need to be appended
        /// list of merged locators 
        private IList Merge(ContentLocatorBase initialLocator, IList additionalLocators)
            if (additionalLocators == null || additionalLocators.Count == 0)
                List res = new List(1);
                return res;

            for (int i = 1; i < additionalLocators.Count; i++)
                additionalLocators[i] = ((ContentLocatorBase)initialLocator.Clone()).Merge(additionalLocators[i]); 
            // Avoid making one too many clones... 
            additionalLocators[0] = initialLocator.Merge(additionalLocators[0]);
            return additionalLocators; 

        #endregion ContentLocatorBase Operations
        #endregion Private Methods
        //  Private Fields 

        #region Private Classes 

        ///     Private class used to store state while processing the tree. 
        ///     It keeps a list of annotations loaded as well as the state of
        ///     the calledProcessAnnotations flags returned by processors. 
        private class ProcessingTreeState
            public ProcessingTreeState() 

            ///     Returns list of attached annotations loaded so far.
            public List AttachedAnnotations
                    return _attachedAnnotations; 

            ///     Returns whether any node in the current node's subtree (including the
            ///     current node itself) has returned true for calledProcessAnnotations. 
            public bool CalledProcessAnnotations 
                    return _calledProcessAnnotations.Peek();
                    if (_calledProcessAnnotations.Peek() != value)

            ///   Pushes another boolean on to the stack of return values
            ///   we are maintaining for each level of children. 
            public void Push()
                // Push on a fresh bool value
            ///   Pops one return value off the stack and returns it. 
            public bool Pop()
                return _calledProcessAnnotations.Pop();

            private List _attachedAnnotations = new List(); 

            private Stack _calledProcessAnnotations = new Stack(); 

        ///     Data structure that maintains the state during an operation
        ///     to resolve a locator.  We keep the locator and locator part
        ///     index as the inputs.  We keep the attachment level and
        ///     attached anchor as the outputs. 
        ///     LastNodeMatched and Finished are used to short-circuit the
        ///     resolution process once we've made at least an incomplete 
        ///     match (in which case we only want to visit the children of 
        ///     the last matched node, not its siblings).
        ///     This class is not a struct because we don't want it to be
        ///     a value type.
        private class ResolvingLocatorState 
            public ContentLocator ContentLocatorBase; 
            public int LocatorPartIndex;
            public AttachmentLevel AttachmentLevel = AttachmentLevel.Unresolved;

            public Object AttachedAnchor;
            public bool Finished;
            public Object LastNodeMatched; 
        #endregion Private Classes

        //  Private Fields

        #region Private Fields 

        // Hashtable of locator part handlers - keyed by XmlQualifiedName
        private Hashtable _locatorPartHandlers;
        // Hashtable of subtree processors - keyed by processor id
        private Hashtable _subtreeProcessors; 
        // Hashtable of selection processors - keyed by selection Type
        private Hashtable _selectionProcessors; 

        // Potential separators for subtree processor class names
        private static readonly Char[] Separators = new Char[] { ',', ' ', ';' };
        // Optional store, used if passed in, otherwise we grab the service's store
        private AnnotationStore _internalStore = null; 
        #endregion Private Fields 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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