XmlWriter.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / untmp / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / Xml / System / Xml / Core / XmlWriter.cs / 1305376 / XmlWriter.cs

//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// [....] 
using System; 
using System.IO; 
using System.Text;
using System.Xml.XPath;
using System.Xml.Schema;
using System.Diagnostics; 
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization; 
using System.Runtime.Versioning; 

namespace System.Xml { 

    // Specifies the state of the XmlWriter.
    public enum WriteState {
        // Nothing has been written yet. 
        // Writing the prolog. 
        // Writing a the start tag for an element.

        // Writing an attribute value. 
        // Writing element content. 
        // XmlWriter is closed; Close has been called.

        // Writer is in error state. 
    // Represents a writer that provides fast non-cached forward-only way of generating XML streams containing XML documents
    // that conform to the W3C Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 specification and the Namespaces in XML specification. 
    public abstract class XmlWriter : IDisposable {

        // Helper buffer for WriteNode(XmlReader, bool)
        char[] writeNodeBuffer; 

        // Constants 
        const int WriteNodeBufferSize = 1024; 

        // Returns the settings describing the features of the the writer. Returns null for V1 XmlWriters (XmlTextWriter). 
        public virtual XmlWriterSettings Settings {
            get {
                return null;
        // Write methods 
        // Writes out the XML declaration with the version "1.0".
        public abstract void WriteStartDocument(); 

        //Writes out the XML declaration with the version "1.0" and the speficied standalone attribute.
        public abstract void WriteStartDocument(bool standalone);
        //Closes any open elements or attributes and puts the writer back in the Start state.
        public abstract void WriteEndDocument(); 
        // Writes out the DOCTYPE declaration with the specified name and optional attributes.
        public abstract void WriteDocType(string name, string pubid, string sysid, string subset); 

        // Writes out the specified start tag and associates it with the given namespace.
        public void WriteStartElement(string localName, string ns) {
            WriteStartElement(null, localName, ns); 
        // Writes out the specified start tag and associates it with the given namespace and prefix. 
        public abstract void WriteStartElement(string prefix, string localName, string ns);
        // Writes out a start tag with the specified local name with no namespace.
        public void WriteStartElement(string localName) {
            WriteStartElement(null, localName, (string)null);

        // Closes one element and pops the corresponding namespace scope. 
        public abstract void WriteEndElement(); 

        // Closes one element and pops the corresponding namespace scope. Writes out a full end element tag, e.g. . 
        public abstract void WriteFullEndElement();

        // Writes out the attribute with the specified LocalName, value, and NamespaceURI.
        [System.Runtime.TargetedPatchingOptOutAttribute("Performance critical to inline across NGen image boundaries")] 
        public void WriteAttributeString(string localName, string ns, string value) {
            WriteStartAttribute(null, localName, ns); 

        // Writes out the attribute with the specified LocalName and value.
        public void WriteAttributeString(string localName, string value) {
            WriteStartAttribute(null, localName, (string)null); 

        // Writes out the attribute with the specified prefix, LocalName, NamespaceURI and value. 
        public void WriteAttributeString(string prefix, string localName, string ns, string value) {
            WriteStartAttribute(prefix, localName, ns);
        // Writes the start of an attribute. 
        public void WriteStartAttribute(string localName, string ns) {
            WriteStartAttribute(null, localName, ns); 

        // Writes the start of an attribute.
        public abstract void WriteStartAttribute(string prefix, string localName, string ns); 

        // Writes the start of an attribute. 
        public void WriteStartAttribute(string localName) { 
            WriteStartAttribute(null, localName, (string)null);

        // Closes the attribute opened by WriteStartAttribute call.
        public abstract void WriteEndAttribute();
        // Writes out a ; block containing the specified text.
        public abstract void WriteCData(string text); 
        // Writes out a comment ; containing the specified text.
        public abstract void WriteComment(string text); 

        // Writes out a processing instruction with a space between the name and text as follows: 
        public abstract void WriteProcessingInstruction(string name, string text);
        // Writes out an entity reference as follows: "&"+name+";".
        public abstract void WriteEntityRef(string name); 
        // Forces the generation of a character entity for the specified Unicode character value.
        public abstract void WriteCharEntity(char ch); 

        // Writes out the given whitespace.
        public abstract void WriteWhitespace(string ws);
        // Writes out the specified text content.
        public abstract void WriteString(string text); 
        // Write out the given surrogate pair as an entity reference.
        public abstract void WriteSurrogateCharEntity(char lowChar, char highChar); 

        // Writes out the specified text content.
        public abstract void WriteChars(char[] buffer, int index, int count);
        // Writes raw markup from the given character buffer.
        public abstract void WriteRaw(char[] buffer, int index, int count); 
        // Writes raw markup from the given string.
        public abstract void WriteRaw(string data); 

        // Encodes the specified binary bytes as base64 and writes out the resulting text.
        public abstract void WriteBase64(byte[] buffer, int index, int count);
        // Encodes the specified binary bytes as binhex and writes out the resulting text.
        public virtual void WriteBinHex(byte[] buffer, int index, int count) { 
            BinHexEncoder.Encode(buffer, index, count, this); 
        // Returns the state of the XmlWriter.
        public abstract WriteState WriteState { get; }

        // Closes the XmlWriter and the underlying stream/TextReader (if Settings.CloseOutput is true). 
        public abstract void Close();
        // Flushes data that is in the internal buffers into the underlying streams/TextReader and flushes the stream/TextReader. 
        public abstract void Flush();
        // Returns the closest prefix defined in the current namespace scope for the specified namespace URI.
        public abstract string LookupPrefix(string ns);

        // Gets an XmlSpace representing the current xml:space scope. 
        public virtual XmlSpace XmlSpace {
            get { 
                return XmlSpace.Default; 

        // Gets the current xml:lang scope.
        public virtual string XmlLang {
            get { 
                return string.Empty;

        // Scalar Value Methods 

        // Writes out the specified name, ensuring it is a valid NmToken according to the XML specification
        // (http://www.w3.org/TR/1998/REC-xml-19980210#NT-Name).
        public virtual void WriteNmToken(string name) { 
            if (name == null || name.Length == 0) {
                throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.Xml_EmptyName)); 
            WriteString(XmlConvert.VerifyNMTOKEN(name, ExceptionType.ArgumentException));

        // Writes out the specified name, ensuring it is a valid Name according to the XML specification
        // (http://www.w3.org/TR/1998/REC-xml-19980210#NT-Name).
        public virtual void WriteName(string name) { 
            WriteString(XmlConvert.VerifyQName(name, ExceptionType.ArgumentException));
        // Writes out the specified namespace-qualified name by looking up the prefix that is in scope for the given namespace.
        public virtual void WriteQualifiedName(string localName, string ns) { 
            if (ns != null && ns.Length > 0) {
                string prefix = LookupPrefix(ns);
                if (prefix == null) {
                    throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.Xml_UndefNamespace, ns)); 

        // Writes out the specified value.
        public virtual void WriteValue(object value) { 
            if (value == null) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException("value"); 
            WriteString(XmlUntypedStringConverter.Instance.ToString(value, null)); 
            WriteString(XmlUntypedConverter.Untyped.ToString(value, null));

        // Writes out the specified value. 
        public virtual void WriteValue(string value) { 
            if (value == null) {
        // Writes out the specified value.
        public virtual void WriteValue(bool value) { 
        // Writes out the specified value.
        public virtual void WriteValue(DateTime value) {
            WriteString(XmlConvert.ToString(value, XmlDateTimeSerializationMode.RoundtripKind));

        // Writes out the specified value. 
        public virtual void WriteValue(double value) { 

        // Writes out the specified value.
        public virtual void WriteValue(float value) {
        // Writes out the specified value. 
        public virtual void WriteValue(decimal value) {

        // Writes out the specified value.
        public virtual void WriteValue(int value) { 
        // Writes out the specified value.
        public virtual void WriteValue(long value) { 

        // XmlReader Helper Methods 

        // Writes out all the attributes found at the current position in the specified XmlReader. 
        public virtual void WriteAttributes(XmlReader reader, bool defattr) { 

            if (null == reader) { 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("reader");

            if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element || reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.XmlDeclaration) { 
                if (reader.MoveToFirstAttribute()) {
                    WriteAttributes(reader, defattr); 
            else if (reader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Attribute) {
                throw new XmlException(Res.Xml_InvalidPosition, string.Empty);
            else { 
                do {
                    // we need to check both XmlReader.IsDefault and XmlReader.SchemaInfo.IsDefault. 
                    // If either of these is true and defattr=false, we should not write the attribute out 
                    if (defattr || !reader.IsDefaultInternal) {
                        WriteStartAttribute(reader.Prefix, reader.LocalName, reader.NamespaceURI); 
                        while (reader.ReadAttributeValue()) {
                            if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EntityReference) {
                            else {
                while (reader.MoveToNextAttribute());
        // Copies the current node from the given reader to the writer (including child nodes), and if called on an element moves the XmlReader 
        // to the corresponding end element.
        public virtual void WriteNode(XmlReader reader, bool defattr) { 
            if (null == reader) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException("reader");
            bool canReadChunk = reader.CanReadValueChunk;
            int d = reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.None ? -1 : reader.Depth; 
            do { 
                switch (reader.NodeType) {
                    case XmlNodeType.Element: 
                        WriteStartElement(reader.Prefix, reader.LocalName, reader.NamespaceURI);
                        WriteAttributes(reader, defattr);
                        if (reader.IsEmptyElement) {
                    case XmlNodeType.Text:
                        if (canReadChunk) { 
                            if (writeNodeBuffer == null) {
                                writeNodeBuffer = new char[WriteNodeBufferSize];
                            int read; 
                            while ((read = reader.ReadValueChunk(writeNodeBuffer, 0, WriteNodeBufferSize)) > 0) {
                                this.WriteChars(writeNodeBuffer, 0, read); 
                        else { 
                    case XmlNodeType.Whitespace: 
                    case XmlNodeType.SignificantWhitespace:
                    case XmlNodeType.CDATA:
                    case XmlNodeType.EntityReference:
                    case XmlNodeType.XmlDeclaration:
                    case XmlNodeType.ProcessingInstruction: 
                        WriteProcessingInstruction(reader.Name, reader.Value); 
                    case XmlNodeType.DocumentType: 
                        WriteDocType(reader.Name, reader.GetAttribute("PUBLIC"), reader.GetAttribute("SYSTEM"), reader.Value);

                    case XmlNodeType.Comment: 
                    case XmlNodeType.EndElement: 
            } while (reader.Read() && (d < reader.Depth || (d == reader.Depth && reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement)));
#if !SILVERLIGHT // Removing dependency on XPathNavigator
        // Copies the current node from the given XPathNavigator to the writer (including child nodes). 
        public virtual void WriteNode(XPathNavigator navigator, bool defattr) { 
            if (navigator == null) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException("navigator"); 
            int iLevel = 0;

            navigator = navigator.Clone(); 

            while (true) { 
                bool mayHaveChildren = false; 
                XPathNodeType nodeType = navigator.NodeType;
                switch (nodeType) {
                    case XPathNodeType.Element:
                        WriteStartElement(navigator.Prefix, navigator.LocalName, navigator.NamespaceURI);
                        // Copy attributes
                        if (navigator.MoveToFirstAttribute()) { 
                            do { 
                                IXmlSchemaInfo schemaInfo = navigator.SchemaInfo;
                                if (defattr || (schemaInfo == null || !schemaInfo.IsDefault)) { 
                                    WriteStartAttribute(navigator.Prefix, navigator.LocalName, navigator.NamespaceURI);
                                    // copy string value to writer
                            } while (navigator.MoveToNextAttribute()); 
                        // Copy namespaces
                        if (navigator.MoveToFirstNamespace(XPathNamespaceScope.Local)) {
                        mayHaveChildren = true; 
                    case XPathNodeType.Attribute:
                        // do nothing on root level attribute 
                    case XPathNodeType.Text:
                    case XPathNodeType.SignificantWhitespace:
                    case XPathNodeType.Whitespace: 
                    case XPathNodeType.Root: 
                        mayHaveChildren = true;
                    case XPathNodeType.Comment:
                    case XPathNodeType.ProcessingInstruction: 
                        WriteProcessingInstruction(navigator.LocalName, navigator.Value); 
                    case XPathNodeType.Namespace: 
                        // do nothing on root level namespace
                if (mayHaveChildren) {
                    // If children exist, move down to next level 
                    if (navigator.MoveToFirstChild()) {
                    else {
                        // EndElement 
                        if (navigator.NodeType == XPathNodeType.Element) { 
                            if (navigator.IsEmptyElement) {
                            else {

                // No children 
                while (true) {
                    if (iLevel == 0) {
                        // The entire subtree has been copied
                    if (navigator.MoveToNext()) { 
                        // Found a sibling, so break to outer loop

                    // No siblings, so move up to previous level
                    // EndElement 
                    if (navigator.NodeType == XPathNodeType.Element)

        // Element Helper Methods 
        // Writes out an element with the specified name containing the specified string value.
        public void WriteElementString(string localName, String value) { 
            WriteElementString(localName, null, value);

        // Writes out an attribute with the specified name, namespace URI and string value. 
        public void WriteElementString(string localName, String ns, String value) {
            WriteStartElement(localName, ns); 
            if (null != value && 0 != value.Length) { 

        // Writes out an attribute with the specified name, namespace URI, and string value. 
        public void WriteElementString(string prefix, String localName, String ns, String value) {
            WriteStartElement(prefix, localName, ns); 
            if (null != value && 0 != value.Length) { 

        void IDisposable.Dispose() { 
        // Dispose the underline stream objects (calls Close on the XmlWriter)
        protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { 
            if (disposing && WriteState != WriteState.Closed) {

#if !SILVERLIGHT // Removing dependency on XPathNavigator 
        // Copy local namespaces on the navigator's current node to the raw writer. The namespaces are returned by the navigator in reversed order. 
        // The recursive call reverses them back.
        private void WriteLocalNamespaces(XPathNavigator nsNav) { 
            string prefix = nsNav.LocalName;
            string ns = nsNav.Value;

            if (nsNav.MoveToNextNamespace(XPathNamespaceScope.Local)) { 
            if (prefix.Length == 0) {
                WriteAttributeString(string.Empty, "xmlns", XmlReservedNs.NsXmlNs, ns); 
            else {
                WriteAttributeString("xmlns", prefix, XmlReservedNs.NsXmlNs, ns);
        // Static methods for creating writers 
        // Creates an XmlWriter for writing into the provided file.
        public static XmlWriter Create(string outputFileName) { 
            return Create(outputFileName, null); 
        // Creates an XmlWriter for writing into the provided file with the specified settings.
        public static XmlWriter Create(string outputFileName, XmlWriterSettings settings) { 
            if (settings == null) {
                settings = new XmlWriterSettings(); 
            return settings.CreateWriter(outputFileName);

        // Creates an XmlWriter for writing into the provided stream.
        public static XmlWriter Create(Stream output) { 
            return Create(output, null);
        // Creates an XmlWriter for writing into the provided stream with the specified settings.
        public static XmlWriter Create(Stream output, XmlWriterSettings settings) { 
            if (settings == null) {
                settings = new XmlWriterSettings();
            return settings.CreateWriter(output); 
        // Creates an XmlWriter for writing into the provided TextWriter. 
        public static XmlWriter Create(TextWriter output) {
            return Create(output, null); 

        // Creates an XmlWriter for writing into the provided TextWriter with the specified settings.
        public static XmlWriter Create(TextWriter output, XmlWriterSettings settings) { 
            if (settings == null) {
                settings = new XmlWriterSettings(); 
            return settings.CreateWriter(output);

        // Creates an XmlWriter for writing into the provided StringBuilder.
        public static XmlWriter Create(StringBuilder output) {
            return Create(output, null); 
        // Creates an XmlWriter for writing into the provided StringBuilder with the specified settings. 
        public static XmlWriter Create(StringBuilder output, XmlWriterSettings settings) {
            if (settings == null) { 
                settings = new XmlWriterSettings();
            if (output == null) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException("output"); 
            return settings.CreateWriter(new StringWriter(output, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); 

        // Creates an XmlWriter wrapped around the provided XmlWriter with the default settings. 
        public static XmlWriter Create(XmlWriter output) {
            return Create(output, null);
        // Creates an XmlWriter wrapped around the provided XmlWriter with the specified settings.
        public static XmlWriter Create(XmlWriter output, XmlWriterSettings settings) { 
            if (settings == null) { 
                settings = new XmlWriterSettings();
            return settings.CreateWriter(output);

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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