XmlTextReaderImplHelpers.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / untmp / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / Xml / System / Xml / Core / XmlTextReaderImplHelpers.cs / 1305376 / XmlTextReaderImplHelpers.cs

//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// [....] 
using System; 
using System.IO;
using System.Text; 
using System.Security;
using System.Xml.Schema;
using System.Collections;
using System.Diagnostics; 
using System.Globalization; 
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.Versioning; 

using BufferBuilder=System.Xml.BufferBuilder;
using BufferBuilder = System.Text.StringBuilder;
namespace System.Xml {
    internal partial class XmlTextReaderImpl  {

// ParsingState 
        // Parsing state (aka. scanner data) - holds parsing buffer and entity input data information 
        private struct ParsingState { 
            // character buffer
            internal char[] chars; 
            internal int    charPos;
            internal int    charsUsed;
            internal Encoding encoding;
            internal bool   appendMode; 

            // input stream & byte buffer 
            internal Stream  stream; 
            internal Decoder decoder;
            internal byte[]  bytes; 
            internal int     bytePos;
            internal int     bytesUsed;

            // input text reader 
            internal TextReader textReader;
            // current line number & position 
            internal int   lineNo;
            internal int   lineStartPos; 

            // base uri of the current entity
            internal string baseUriStr;
            internal Uri    baseUri; 

            // eof flag of the entity 
            internal bool   isEof; 
            internal bool   isStreamEof;
            // entity type & id
            internal IDtdEntityInfo entity;
            internal int            entityId;
            // normalization
            internal bool   eolNormalized; 
#if !SILVERLIGHT // Needed only for XmlTextReader (reporting of entities)
            // EndEntity reporting 
            internal bool   entityResolvedManually;

            internal void Clear() { 
                chars = null;
                charPos = 0; 
                charsUsed = 0; 
                encoding = null;
                stream = null; 
                decoder = null;
                bytes = null;
                bytePos = 0;
                bytesUsed = 0; 
                textReader = null;
                lineNo = 1; 
                lineStartPos = -1; 
                baseUriStr = string.Empty;
                baseUri = null; 
                isEof = false;
                isStreamEof = false;
                eolNormalized = true;
#if !SILVERLIGHT // Needed only for XmlTextReader (reporting of entities) 
                entityResolvedManually = false;

            internal void Close( bool closeInput ) { 
                if ( closeInput ) {
                    if ( stream != null ) {
                    else if ( textReader != null ) {

            internal int LineNo {
                get {
                    return lineNo; 
            internal int LinePos {
                get { 
                    return charPos - lineStartPos;

// XmlContext 
        private class XmlContext  { 
            internal XmlSpace xmlSpace;
            internal string xmlLang;
            internal string defaultNamespace;
            internal XmlContext previousContext; 

            internal XmlContext() { 
                xmlSpace = XmlSpace.None; 
                xmlLang = string.Empty;
                defaultNamespace = string.Empty; 
                previousContext = null;

            internal XmlContext( XmlContext previousContext ) { 
                this.xmlSpace = previousContext.xmlSpace;
                this.xmlLang = previousContext.xmlLang; 
                this.defaultNamespace = previousContext.defaultNamespace; 
                this.previousContext = previousContext;

#if !SILVERLIGHT // Needed only for XmlTextReader
// NoNamespaceManager
        private class NoNamespaceManager : XmlNamespaceManager { 
            public NoNamespaceManager() : base () {}
            public override string DefaultNamespace { get { return string.Empty; } } 
            public override void PushScope() {}
            public override bool PopScope() { return false; }
            public override void AddNamespace( string prefix, string uri ) {}
            public override void RemoveNamespace( string prefix, string uri ) {} 
            public override IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { return null; }
            public override IDictionary GetNamespacesInScope( XmlNamespaceScope scope ) { return null; } 
            public override string LookupNamespace( string prefix ) { return string.Empty; } 
            public override string LookupPrefix( string uri ) { return null; }
            public override bool HasNamespace( string prefix ) { return false; } 

// DtdParserProxy: IDtdParserAdapter proxy for XmlTextReaderImpl
        internal class DtdParserProxy : IDtdParserAdapter {
        internal class DtdParserProxy : IDtdParserAdapterV1 {
            // Fields
            private XmlTextReaderImpl reader; 

        // Constructors 
            internal DtdParserProxy( XmlTextReaderImpl reader ) { 
                this.reader = reader;

        // IDtdParserAdapter proxies
            XmlNameTable IDtdParserAdapter.NameTable {
                get { return reader.DtdParserProxy_NameTable; } 
            IXmlNamespaceResolver IDtdParserAdapter.NamespaceResolver { 
                get { return reader.DtdParserProxy_NamespaceResolver; }

            Uri IDtdParserAdapter.BaseUri {
                // SxS: DtdParserProxy_BaseUri property on the reader may expose machine scope resources. This property
                // is just returning the value of the other property, so it may expose machine scope resource as well. 
                get { return reader.DtdParserProxy_BaseUri; } 

            bool IDtdParserAdapter.IsEof {
                get { return reader.DtdParserProxy_IsEof; } 
            char[] IDtdParserAdapter.ParsingBuffer { 
                get { return reader.DtdParserProxy_ParsingBuffer; }

            int IDtdParserAdapter.ParsingBufferLength {
                get { return reader.DtdParserProxy_ParsingBufferLength; }

            int IDtdParserAdapter.CurrentPosition { 
                get { return reader.DtdParserProxy_CurrentPosition; } 
                set { reader.DtdParserProxy_CurrentPosition = value; }

            int IDtdParserAdapter.EntityStackLength {
                get { return reader.DtdParserProxy_EntityStackLength; }

            bool IDtdParserAdapter.IsEntityEolNormalized { 
                get { return reader.DtdParserProxy_IsEntityEolNormalized; } 
            void IDtdParserAdapter.OnNewLine( int pos ) {
                reader.DtdParserProxy_OnNewLine( pos );
            int IDtdParserAdapter.LineNo {
                get { return reader.DtdParserProxy_LineNo; } 

            int IDtdParserAdapter.LineStartPosition { 
                get { return reader.DtdParserProxy_LineStartPosition; }

            int IDtdParserAdapter.ReadData() { 
                return reader.DtdParserProxy_ReadData();
            int IDtdParserAdapter.ParseNumericCharRef( BufferBuilder internalSubsetBuilder ) {
                return reader.DtdParserProxy_ParseNumericCharRef( internalSubsetBuilder ); 

            int IDtdParserAdapter.ParseNamedCharRef( bool expand, BufferBuilder internalSubsetBuilder ) {
                return reader.DtdParserProxy_ParseNamedCharRef( expand, internalSubsetBuilder ); 
            void IDtdParserAdapter.ParsePI( BufferBuilder sb ) { 
                reader.DtdParserProxy_ParsePI( sb );

            void IDtdParserAdapter.ParseComment( BufferBuilder sb ) {
                reader.DtdParserProxy_ParseComment( sb );

            bool IDtdParserAdapter.PushEntity( IDtdEntityInfo entity, out int entityId ) { 
                return reader.DtdParserProxy_PushEntity( entity, out entityId ); 
            bool IDtdParserAdapter.PopEntity( out IDtdEntityInfo oldEntity, out int newEntityId ) {
                return reader.DtdParserProxy_PopEntity( out oldEntity, out newEntityId );
            bool IDtdParserAdapter.PushExternalSubset( string systemId, string publicId ) {
                return reader.DtdParserProxy_PushExternalSubset( systemId, publicId ); 

            void IDtdParserAdapter.PushInternalDtd( string baseUri, string internalDtd ) { 
                reader.DtdParserProxy_PushInternalDtd( baseUri, internalDtd );

            void IDtdParserAdapter.Throw( Exception e ) { 
                reader.DtdParserProxy_Throw( e );
            void IDtdParserAdapter.OnSystemId( string systemId, LineInfo keywordLineInfo, LineInfo systemLiteralLineInfo ) {
                reader.DtdParserProxy_OnSystemId( systemId, keywordLineInfo, systemLiteralLineInfo ); 

            void IDtdParserAdapter.OnPublicId( string publicId, LineInfo keywordLineInfo, LineInfo publicLiteralLineInfo ) {
                reader.DtdParserProxy_OnPublicId( publicId, keywordLineInfo, publicLiteralLineInfo ); 
            bool IDtdParserAdapterWithValidation.DtdValidation {
                get { return reader.DtdParserProxy_DtdValidation; } 

            IValidationEventHandling IDtdParserAdapterWithValidation.ValidationEventHandling {
                get { return reader.DtdParserProxy_ValidationEventHandling; } 
            bool IDtdParserAdapterV1.Normalization { 
                get { return reader.DtdParserProxy_Normalization; }

            bool IDtdParserAdapterV1.Namespaces {
                get { return reader.DtdParserProxy_Namespaces; }

            bool IDtdParserAdapterV1.V1CompatibilityMode { 
                get { return reader.DtdParserProxy_V1CompatibilityMode; } 

// NodeData 
        private class NodeData : IComparable  { 
            // static instance with no data - is used when XmlTextReader is closed 
            static NodeData s_None;
            // NOTE: Do not use this property for reference comparison. It may not be unique.
            internal static NodeData None {
                get {
                    if ( s_None == null ) { 
                        // no locking; s_None is immutable so it's not a problem that it may get initialized more than once
                        s_None = new NodeData(); 
                    return s_None;

            // type
            internal XmlNodeType type; 

            // name 
            internal string localName; 
            internal string prefix;
            internal string ns; 
            internal string nameWPrefix;

            // value:
            // value == null -> the value is kept in the 'chars' buffer starting at valueStartPos and valueLength long 
            string value;
            char[] chars; 
            int    valueStartPos; 
            int    valueLength;
            // main line info
            internal LineInfo   lineInfo;

            // second line info 
            internal LineInfo   lineInfo2;
            // quote char for attributes 
            internal char   quoteChar;
            // depth
            internal int    depth;

            // empty element / default attribute 
            bool   isEmptyOrDefault;
            // entity id 
            internal int    entityId;
            // helper members
            internal bool   xmlContextPushed;

#if !SILVERLIGHT // Needed only for XmlTextReader (reporting of entities) 
            // attribute value chunks
            internal NodeData nextAttrValueChunk; 

            // type info 
            internal object schemaType;
            internal object typedValue;

            internal NodeData() { 
                Clear( XmlNodeType.None );
                xmlContextPushed = false; 

            internal int LineNo { 
                get {
                    return lineInfo.lineNo;

            internal int LinePos { 
                get { 
                    return lineInfo.linePos;

            internal bool IsEmptyElement {
                get { 
                    return type == XmlNodeType.Element && isEmptyOrDefault;
                set { 
                    Debug.Assert( type == XmlNodeType.Element );
                    isEmptyOrDefault = value; 

            internal bool IsDefaultAttribute { 
                get {
                    return type == XmlNodeType.Attribute && isEmptyOrDefault; 
                set {
                    Debug.Assert( type == XmlNodeType.Attribute ); 
                    isEmptyOrDefault = value;
            internal bool ValueBuffered {
                get { 
                    return value == null; 

            internal string StringValue {
                get {
                    Debug.Assert( valueStartPos >= 0 || this.value != null, "Value not ready." ); 

                    if ( this.value == null ) { 
                        this.value = new string( chars, valueStartPos, valueLength ); 
                    return this.value; 

            internal void TrimSpacesInValue() { 
                if ( ValueBuffered ) {
                    XmlTextReaderImpl.StripSpaces( chars, valueStartPos, ref valueLength ); 
                else {
                    value = XmlTextReaderImpl.StripSpaces(value); 

            internal void Clear( XmlNodeType type ) { 
                this.type = type;
                value = string.Empty; 
                valueStartPos = -1;
                nameWPrefix = string.Empty; 
                schemaType = null;
                typedValue = null;
            internal void ClearName() {
                localName = string.Empty; 
                prefix = string.Empty; 
                ns = string.Empty;
                nameWPrefix = string.Empty; 

            internal void SetLineInfo( int lineNo, int linePos ) {
                lineInfo.Set( lineNo, linePos ); 
            internal void SetLineInfo2( int lineNo, int linePos ) { 
                lineInfo2.Set( lineNo, linePos );

            internal void SetValueNode( XmlNodeType type, string value ) {
                Debug.Assert( value != null );
                this.type = type;
                this.value = value; 
                this.valueStartPos = -1;

            internal void SetValueNode( XmlNodeType type, char[] chars, int startPos, int len ) {
                this.type = type;

                this.value = null; 
                this.chars = chars; 
                this.valueStartPos = startPos;
                this.valueLength = len; 

            internal void SetNamedNode( XmlNodeType type, string localName ) {
                SetNamedNode( type, localName, string.Empty, localName ); 
            internal void SetNamedNode( XmlNodeType type, string localName, string prefix, string nameWPrefix ) { 
                Debug.Assert( localName != null );
                Debug.Assert( localName.Length > 0 ); 

                this.type = type;
                this.localName = localName;
                this.prefix = prefix; 
                this.nameWPrefix = nameWPrefix;
                this.ns = string.Empty; 
                this.value = string.Empty; 
                this.valueStartPos = -1;

            internal void SetValue( string value ) {
                this.valueStartPos = -1;
                this.value = value; 
            internal void SetValue( char[] chars, int startPos, int len ) { 
                this.value = null;
                this.chars = chars; 
                this.valueStartPos = startPos;
                this.valueLength = len;
            internal void OnBufferInvalidated() {
                if ( this.value == null ) { 
                    Debug.Assert( valueStartPos != -1 ); 
                    Debug.Assert( chars != null );
                    this.value = new string( chars, valueStartPos, valueLength ); 
                valueStartPos = -1;
            internal void CopyTo( int valueOffset, BufferBuilder sb ) {
                if ( value == null ) { 
                    Debug.Assert( valueStartPos != -1 ); 
                    Debug.Assert( chars != null );
                    sb.Append( chars, valueStartPos + valueOffset, valueLength - valueOffset ); 
                else {
                    if ( valueOffset <= 0 ) {
                        sb.Append( value ); 
                    else { 
                        sb.Append( value, valueOffset, value.Length - valueOffset ); 

            internal int CopyTo( int valueOffset, char[] buffer, int offset, int length ) {
                if ( value == null ) { 
                    Debug.Assert( valueStartPos != -1 );
                    Debug.Assert( chars != null ); 
                    int copyCount = valueLength - valueOffset; 
                    if ( copyCount > length ) {
                        copyCount = length; 
                    XmlTextReaderImpl.BlockCopyChars( chars, valueStartPos + valueOffset, buffer, offset, copyCount );
                    return copyCount;
                else {
                    int copyCount = value.Length - valueOffset; 
                    if ( copyCount > length ) { 
                        copyCount = length;
                    value.CopyTo( valueOffset, buffer, offset, copyCount );
                    return copyCount;

            internal int CopyToBinary( IncrementalReadDecoder decoder, int valueOffset ) { 
                if ( value == null ) { 
                    Debug.Assert( valueStartPos != -1 );
                    Debug.Assert( chars != null ); 
                    return decoder.Decode( chars, valueStartPos + valueOffset, valueLength - valueOffset );
                else {
                    return decoder.Decode( value, valueOffset, value.Length - valueOffset ); 
            internal void AdjustLineInfo( int valueOffset, bool isNormalized, ref LineInfo lineInfo ) {
                if ( valueOffset == 0 ) { 
                if ( valueStartPos != -1 ) {
                    XmlTextReaderImpl.AdjustLineInfo( chars, valueStartPos, valueStartPos + valueOffset, isNormalized, ref lineInfo ); 
                else { 
                    XmlTextReaderImpl.AdjustLineInfo( value, 0, valueOffset, isNormalized, ref lineInfo ); 

            // This should be inlined by JIT compiler
            internal string GetNameWPrefix( XmlNameTable nt ) {
                if ( nameWPrefix != null ) { 
                    return nameWPrefix;
                else { 
                    return CreateNameWPrefix( nt );

            internal string CreateNameWPrefix( XmlNameTable nt ) {
                Debug.Assert( nameWPrefix == null ); 
                if ( prefix.Length == 0 ) {
                    nameWPrefix = localName; 
                else {
                    nameWPrefix = nt.Add( string.Concat( prefix, ":", localName ) ); 
                return nameWPrefix;
            int IComparable.CompareTo( object obj ) {
                NodeData other = obj as NodeData; 
                if ( other != null ) { 
                    if ( Ref.Equal( localName, other.localName ) ) {
                        if ( Ref.Equal( ns, other.ns ) ) { 
                            return 0;
                        else {
                            return string.CompareOrdinal( ns, other.ns ); 
                    else { 
                        return string.CompareOrdinal( localName, other.localName );
                else {
                    Debug.Assert( false, "We should never get to this point." );
                    return GetHashCode().CompareTo( other.GetHashCode() ); 

        // DtdDefaultAttributeInfoToNodeDataComparer
        // Compares IDtdDefaultAttributeInfo to NodeData
        private class DtdDefaultAttributeInfoToNodeDataComparer : IComparer { 
            private static IComparer s_instance = new DtdDefaultAttributeInfoToNodeDataComparer();
            internal static IComparer Instance { 
                get { return s_instance; }

            public int Compare(object x, object y) {
                Debug.Assert(x == null || x is NodeData || x is IDtdDefaultAttributeInfo);
                Debug.Assert(y == null || y is NodeData || y is IDtdDefaultAttributeInfo); 

                string localName, localName2; 
                string prefix, prefix2; 

                if (x == null) { 
                    return y == null ? 0 : -1;
                else if (y == null) {
                    return 1; 
                NodeData nodeData = x as NodeData; 
                if (nodeData != null) {
                    localName = nodeData.localName; 
                    prefix = nodeData.prefix;
                else {
                    IDtdDefaultAttributeInfo attrDef = x as IDtdDefaultAttributeInfo; 
                    if (attrDef != null) {
                        localName = attrDef.LocalName; 
                        prefix = attrDef.Prefix; 
                    else { 
                        throw new XmlException(Res.Xml_DefaultException, string.Empty);
                nodeData = y as NodeData;
                if (nodeData != null) { 
                    localName2 = nodeData.localName; 
                    prefix2 = nodeData.prefix;
                else {
                    IDtdDefaultAttributeInfo attrDef = y as IDtdDefaultAttributeInfo;
                    if (attrDef != null) {
                        localName2 = attrDef.LocalName; 
                        prefix2 = attrDef.Prefix;
                    else { 
                        throw new XmlException(Res.Xml_DefaultException, string.Empty);

                // string.Compare does reference euqality first for us, so we don't have to do it here
                int result = string.Compare(localName, localName2, StringComparison.Ordinal); 
                if (result != 0) {
                    return result; 

                return string.Compare(prefix, prefix2, StringComparison.Ordinal); 

// OnDefaultAttributeUse delegate 
        internal delegate void OnDefaultAttributeUseDelegate(IDtdDefaultAttributeInfo defaultAttribute, XmlTextReaderImpl coreReader);

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.



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