TextRangeSerialization.cs source code in C# .NET

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/ 4.0 / 4.0 / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / wpf / src / Framework / System / Windows / Documents / TextRangeSerialization.cs / 1305600 / TextRangeSerialization.cs

// File: TextRangeSerialization.cs
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved. 
// Description: Set of static methods implementing text range serialization 
namespace System.Windows.Documents
    using MS.Internal;
    using System.Text; 
    using System.Xml;
    using System.IO; 
    using System.Windows.Markup; // TypeConvertContext, ParserContext 
    using System.Windows.Controls;
    using System.Collections; 
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Globalization;
    using System.Security; 

    ///     TextRangeSerialization is a static class containing 
    ///     an implementation for TextRange serialization functionality.
    ///     It is only used from TextRange.GetXml/AppendXml methods. 
    internal static class TextRangeSerialization
        // ------------------------------------------------------------- 
        // Internal Methods 
        // -------------------------------------------------------------
        #region Internal Methods

        internal static void WriteXaml(XmlWriter xmlWriter, ITextRange range, bool useFlowDocumentAsRoot, WpfPayload wpfPayload)
            WriteXaml(xmlWriter, range, useFlowDocumentAsRoot, wpfPayload, false);
        /// Writes a content of current range in form of valid xml. 
        /// Places an artificial element xaml:FlowDocument as a root of output xml.
        /// XmlWriter to which the range will be serialized 
        /// TextRange whose content is copied into XmlWriter xmlWriter. 
        /// true means that we need to serialize the whole FlowDocument - used in FileSave scenario;
        /// false means that we are in copy-paste scenario and will use Section or Span as a root - depending on context.
        /// When this parameter is not null, images are serialized.  When null, images are stripped out.
        /// When TRUE, TextElements are serialized as-is.  When FALSE, they're upcast to their base type.
        internal static void WriteXaml(XmlWriter xmlWriter, ITextRange range, bool useFlowDocumentAsRoot, WpfPayload wpfPayload, bool preserveTextElements)
            // Set unindented formatting to avoid inserting insignificant whitespaces as significant ones
            Formatting saveWriterFormatting = Formatting.None; 
            if (xmlWriter is XmlTextWriter)
                saveWriterFormatting = ((XmlTextWriter)xmlWriter).Formatting; 
                ((XmlTextWriter)xmlWriter).Formatting = Formatting.None;

            // Get the default xamlTypeMapper.
            XamlTypeMapper xamlTypeMapper = XmlParserDefaults.DefaultMapper;
            // Identify structural scope of selection - nearest common ancestor
            ITextPointer commonAncestor = FindSerializationCommonAncestor(range); 
            // Decide whether we need last paragraph merging or not
            bool lastParagraphMustBeMerged = 
                !TextPointerBase.IsAfterLastParagraph(range.End) &&
                range.End.GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection.Backward) != TextPointerContext.ElementStart;

            // Write wrapping element with contextual properties 
            WriteRootFlowDocument(range, commonAncestor, xmlWriter, xamlTypeMapper, lastParagraphMustBeMerged, useFlowDocumentAsRoot);
            // The ignoreWriteHyperlinkEnd flag will be set after call WriteOpeningTags. 
            // If ignoreWriteHyperlinkEnd is true, WriteXamlTextSegment won't write Hyperlink end element
            // since Hyperlink writing opening tag is ignored by selecting the partial of Hyperlink. 
            bool ignoreWriteHyperlinkEnd;
            List ignoreList = new List();

            // Start counting tags needed to be closed. 
            // EmptyDocumentDepth==1 - counts FlowDocument opened in WriteRootFlowDocument above.
            int elementLevel = EmptyDocumentDepth + WriteOpeningTags(range, range.Start, commonAncestor, xmlWriter, xamlTypeMapper, /*reduceElement:*/wpfPayload == null, out ignoreWriteHyperlinkEnd, ref ignoreList, preserveTextElements); 
            if (range.IsTableCellRange)
                WriteXamlTableCellRange(xmlWriter, range, xamlTypeMapper, ref elementLevel, wpfPayload, preserveTextElements);
                WriteXamlTextSegment(xmlWriter, range.Start, range.End, xamlTypeMapper, ref elementLevel, wpfPayload, ignoreWriteHyperlinkEnd, ignoreList, preserveTextElements);
            // Close all remaining tags - scoping its End position
            Invariant.Assert(elementLevel >= 0, "elementLevel cannot be negative"); 
            while (elementLevel-- > 0)

            // Restore xmlWriter's Formatting property 
            if (xmlWriter is XmlTextWriter) 
                ((XmlTextWriter)xmlWriter).Formatting = saveWriterFormatting; 

        /// Reads a well-formed xml representing a serialized text range.
        /// It expects a root element xaml:FlowDocument and two range markers 
        /// The result of reading is pasting this text into End position 
        /// of text range.
        /// TextRange designating the target position for pasting.
        /// The existing content of a range will be deleted and new content
        /// will be inserted at the end. 
        /// Resulting locations of Start/End positions depend on their gravities.
        /// Normally (when gravity=Backward/Forward respectively) the resulting 
        /// range will embrace the inserted content. 
        /// Represents a portion of xml to insert into the range.
        /// We are expecting to be called with xmlReader on opening tag 
        /// of root text range element - xaml:FlowDocument.
        /// Some insignificant stuff may occur before the root though. 
        /// Otherwise exception will be thrown. 
        internal static void PasteXml(TextRange range, TextElement fragment) 
            Invariant.Assert(fragment != null);

            // Check a special case for pasing a single embedded element 
            if (PasteSingleEmbeddedElement(range, fragment))
                // All done. Return successfully. 

            // Set default value for an indicator of whether we need to merge last paragraph or not.
            // It depends on a state of a range, so do it before emptying the range.
            AdjustFragmentForTargetRange(fragment, range); 

            // Delete current content of a range 
            if (!range.IsEmpty) 
                range.Text = String.Empty; 
            Invariant.Assert(range.IsEmpty, "range must be empty in the beginning of pasting");

            // Chek special case of empty pasted fragment 
            if (((ITextPointer)fragment.ContentStart).CompareTo(fragment.ContentEnd) == 0)
                // Pasted fragment is empty. Nothing to insert. 

            // Transfer the content from reader to writer and merge elements on both ends
            PasteTextFragment(fragment, range);

        #endregion Internal Methods 
        // --------------------------------------------------------------
        // Private Methods
        // -------------------------------------------------------------
        #region Private Methods
        // ............................................................. 
        // Serialization 
        // .............................................................

        /// This function serializes text segment formed by rangeStart and rangeEnd to valid xml using xmlWriter.
        /// To mask the security exception from XamlWriter.Save in partial trust case,
        /// this function checks if the current call stack has the all clipboard permission. 
        private static void WriteXamlTextSegment(XmlWriter xmlWriter, ITextPointer rangeStart, ITextPointer rangeEnd, XamlTypeMapper xamlTypeMapper, ref int elementLevel, WpfPayload wpfPayload, bool ignoreWriteHyperlinkEnd, List ignoreList, bool preserveTextElements)
            // Special case for pure text selection - we need a Run wrapper for it. 
            if (elementLevel == EmptyDocumentDepth && typeof(Run).IsAssignableFrom(rangeStart.ParentType))

            // Create text navigator for reading the range's content
            ITextPointer textReader = rangeStart.CreatePointer();
            // Exclude last opening tag from serialization - we don't need to create extra element
            // is cases when we have whole paragraphs/cells selected. 
            // NOTE: We do this slightly differently than in TextRangeEdit.AdjustRangeEnd, where we use normalization for adjusted position. 
            // In this case normalized position does not work, because we need to keep information about crossed paragraph boundary.
            while (rangeEnd.GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection.Backward) == TextPointerContext.ElementStart) 
                rangeEnd = rangeEnd.GetNextContextPosition(LogicalDirection.Backward);
            // Write the range internal contents
            while (textReader.CompareTo(rangeEnd) < 0) 
                TextPointerContext runType = textReader.GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection.Forward);
                switch (runType)
                    case TextPointerContext.ElementStart:
                        TextElement nextElement = (TextElement)textReader.GetAdjacentElement(LogicalDirection.Forward); 
                        if (nextElement is Hyperlink)
                            // Don't write Hyperlink start element if Hyperlink is invalid 
                            // in case of having a UiElement except Image or stated the range end
                            // position before the end position of the Hyperlink. 
                            if (IsHyperlinkInvalid(textReader, rangeEnd))
                                ignoreWriteHyperlinkEnd = true;

                        else if (nextElement != null) 

                            TextElementEditingBehaviorAttribute att = (TextElementEditingBehaviorAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(nextElement.GetType(), typeof(TextElementEditingBehaviorAttribute));
                            if (att != null && !att.IsTypographicOnly) 
                                if (IsPartialNonTypographic(textReader, rangeEnd))
                                    // Add pointer to ignore list
                                    ITextPointer ptr = textReader.CreatePointer();


                        WriteStartXamlElement(/*range:*/null, textReader, xmlWriter, xamlTypeMapper, /*reduceElement:*/wpfPayload == null, preserveTextElements); 
                    case TextPointerContext.ElementEnd:
                        // Don't write Hyperlink end element if Hyperlink include the invalid
                        // in case of having a UiElement except Image or stated the range end
                        // before the end position of the Hyperlink or Hyperlink opening tag is 
                        // skipped from WriteOpeningTags by selecting of the partial of Hyperlink.
                        if (ignoreWriteHyperlinkEnd && (textReader.GetAdjacentElement(LogicalDirection.Forward) is Hyperlink)) 
                            // Reset the flag to keep walk up the next Hyperlink tag
                            ignoreWriteHyperlinkEnd = false; 


                        // Check the ignore list 
                        ITextPointer endPointer = textReader.CreatePointer(); 
                        endPointer.MoveToElementEdge(ElementEdge.BeforeEnd);  //
                        if (ignoreList.Contains(endPointer.Offset)) 
                        if (TextSchema.IsBreak(textReader.ParentType)) 
                            // For LineBreak, etc. use empty element syntax
                        {   // 
                            // For all other textelements use explicit closing tag. 

                    case TextPointerContext.Text: 
                        int textLength = textReader.GetTextRunLength(LogicalDirection.Forward);
                        char[] text = new Char[textLength]; 
                        textLength = TextPointerBase.GetTextWithLimit(textReader, LogicalDirection.Forward, text, 0, textLength, rangeEnd);
                        // XmlWriter will throw an ArgumentException if text contains
                        // any invalid surrogates, so strip them out now.
                        textLength = StripInvalidSurrogateChars(text, textLength);
                        xmlWriter.WriteChars(text, 0, textLength);

                    case TextPointerContext.EmbeddedElement: 
                        object embeddedObject = textReader.GetAdjacentElement(LogicalDirection.Forward);

                        WriteEmbeddedObject(embeddedObject, xmlWriter, wpfPayload); 
                        Invariant.Assert(false, "unexpected value of runType");

        /// Serializes a rectagular table range 
        private static void WriteXamlTableCellRange(XmlWriter xmlWriter, ITextRange range, XamlTypeMapper xamlTypeMapper, ref int elementLevel, WpfPayload wpfPayload, bool preserveTextElements) 
            Invariant.Assert(range.IsTableCellRange, "range is expected to be in IsTableCellRange state");

            List textSegments = range.TextSegments; 

            int checkElementLevel = -1; // negative value as an indicator that it is not yet initialized 
            // Set ignoreWriteHyperlinkEnd as false initially
            bool ignoreWriteHyperlinkEnd = false; 
            List ignoreList = new List();

            for (int i = 0; i < textSegments.Count; i++)
                TextSegment textSegment = textSegments[i];
                // Open a row for this segment (except for the very first one, for which we opened a row in a WriteOpeningTags method) 
                if (i > 0)
                    ITextPointer pointer = textSegment.Start.CreatePointer();
                    while (!typeof(TableRow).IsAssignableFrom(pointer.ParentType))
                        Invariant.Assert(typeof(TextElement).IsAssignableFrom(pointer.ParentType), "pointer must be still in a scope of TextElement"); 
                    Invariant.Assert(typeof(TableRow).IsAssignableFrom(pointer.ParentType), "pointer must be in a scope of TableRow"); 
                    ITextRange textRange = new TextRange(textSegment.Start, textSegment.End);

                    elementLevel += WriteOpeningTags(textRange, textSegment.Start, pointer, xmlWriter, xamlTypeMapper, /*reduceElement:*/wpfPayload == null, out ignoreWriteHyperlinkEnd, ref ignoreList, preserveTextElements);

                // Output the cell segment for one row 
                WriteXamlTextSegment(xmlWriter, textSegment.Start, textSegment.End, xamlTypeMapper, ref elementLevel, wpfPayload, ignoreWriteHyperlinkEnd, ignoreList, preserveTextElements); 

                Invariant.Assert(elementLevel >= 4, "At the minimun we expected to stay within four elements: Section(wrapper),Table,TableRowGroup,TableRow"); 
                if (checkElementLevel < 0) checkElementLevel = elementLevel; // initialize level checking variable
                Invariant.Assert(checkElementLevel == elementLevel, "elementLevel is supposed to be unchanged between segments of table cell range");

                // Assuming that the element is TableRow - close it. 
                // NOTE: Such assumption is valid because WriteXamlTextSegment moves end pointer out of all opening tags,
                // so it ends serialization immediately after the last cell's closing tag. 
                // This means that we only need to close one level - for TableRow. 
        /// Walks the tree up from current position and writes all scoping tags 
        /// in their natural order - from root to leafs. 
        /// Range identifying the whole selection.
        /// Needed for
        /// - table cell range case: proper column processing: to output only columns related to the selection
        /// - text segement case: hyperlink serialization heuristics 
        /// ITextPointer identifying an element. 
        /// A position identifying the scope which should be used for serialization.
        /// All tags outside of this scope will be ignored.
        /// XmlWriter to write element tags.
        /// /// 
        /// Number of opening tags written into XmlWriter. 
        /// This number should be used afterwards to close all opened tags. 
        private static int WriteOpeningTags(ITextRange range, ITextPointer thisElement, ITextPointer scope, XmlWriter xmlWriter, XamlTypeMapper xamlTypeMapper, bool reduceElement, out bool ignoreWriteHyperlinkEnd, ref List ignoreList, bool preserveTextElements) 
            ignoreWriteHyperlinkEnd = false;

            // Recursion ends when we reach the scope level. We will write tags on returing path from the recursion 
            if (thisElement.HasEqualScope(scope))
                return 0; // no elements have opened at this level. Return elementCount==0. 
            Invariant.Assert(typeof(TextElement).IsAssignableFrom(thisElement.ParentType), "thisElement is expected to be a TextElement");

            ITextPointer previousLevel = thisElement.CreatePointer();

            // Recurse into the parent element 
            int elementLevel = WriteOpeningTags(range, previousLevel, scope, xmlWriter, xamlTypeMapper, reduceElement, out ignoreWriteHyperlinkEnd, ref ignoreList, preserveTextElements); 

            // After returning from the recursion - when all parent tags have been written, 
            // write the opening tag for this element

            // Hyperlink open tag will be skipped since the range selection of Hyperlink is the partial
            // of Hyperlink range or Hyperlink include invalid UIElement except Image. 
            bool ignoreHyperlink = false;
            bool isPartialNonTypographic = false; 
            if (thisElement.ParentType == typeof(Hyperlink))
                if (TextPointerBase.IsAtNonMergeableInlineStart(range.Start))
                    ITextPointer position = thisElement.CreatePointer();

                    ignoreHyperlink = IsHyperlinkInvalid(position, range.End); 
                    ignoreHyperlink = true;
                TextElementEditingBehaviorAttribute att = (TextElementEditingBehaviorAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(thisElement.ParentType, typeof(TextElementEditingBehaviorAttribute));
                if (att != null && !att.IsTypographicOnly) 
                    if (TextPointerBase.IsAtNonMergeableInlineStart(range.Start))
                        ITextPointer position = thisElement.CreatePointer(); 
                        isPartialNonTypographic = IsPartialNonTypographic(position, range.End); 
                        isPartialNonTypographic = true;
            int count; 
            if (ignoreHyperlink)
                // Ignore writing Hyperlink opening tag
                ignoreWriteHyperlinkEnd = true;

                // Set elementLevel without adding it 
                count = elementLevel;
            else if (isPartialNonTypographic) 
                // Add the end pointer to the list 
                ITextPointer position = thisElement.CreatePointer();
                // Set elementLevel without adding to it
                count = elementLevel; 
                // Write the opening tag
                WriteStartXamlElement(range, thisElement, xmlWriter, xamlTypeMapper, reduceElement, preserveTextElements);

                // Each opening tag adds one to the level count 
                count = elementLevel + 1;
            // Return the opening tag count
            return count; 

        /// Writes an opening tag of an element together with all attributes 
        /// representing Avalon properties.
        /// Parameter used for top-level Table element - to decide what columns to output.
        /// For all other elements it's ignored. 
        /// TextPointer positioned in the scope of element whose
        /// start tag is going to be written. 
        /// XmlWriter to output element opening tag. 
        /// True value of this parameter indicates that
        /// serialization goes into XamlPackage, so all elements
        /// can be preserved as is; otherwise some of them must be 
        /// reduced into simpler representations (such as InlineUIContainer -> Run
        /// and BlockUIContainer -> Paragraph). 
        /// If TRUE, TextElements are serialized as-is.  If FALSE, they're upcast 
        /// to their base types.
        private static void WriteStartXamlElement(ITextRange range, ITextPointer textReader, XmlWriter xmlWriter, XamlTypeMapper xamlTypeMapper, bool reduceElement, bool preserveTextElements)
            Type elementType = textReader.ParentType;
            Type elementTypeStandardized = TextSchema.GetStandardElementType(elementType, reduceElement); 

            // Get rid f UIContainers when their child is not an image 
            if (elementTypeStandardized == typeof(InlineUIContainer) || elementTypeStandardized == typeof(BlockUIContainer))
                InlineUIContainer inlineUIContainer = textReader.GetAdjacentElement(LogicalDirection.Backward) as InlineUIContainer;
                BlockUIContainer blockUIContainer = textReader.GetAdjacentElement(LogicalDirection.Backward) as BlockUIContainer; 
                if ((inlineUIContainer == null || !(inlineUIContainer.Child is Image)) &&
                    (blockUIContainer == null || !(blockUIContainer.Child is Image))) 
                    // Even when we serialize for DataFormats.XamlPackage we strip out UIElement
                    // different from Images.
                    // Note that this condition is consistent with the one in WriteEmbeddedObject - 
                    // so that when we reduce the element type fromm UIContainer to Run/Paragraph
                    // we also output just a space instead of the embedded object conntained in it. 
                    elementTypeStandardized = TextSchema.GetStandardElementType(elementType, /*reduceElement:*/true); 
            else if (preserveTextElements)
                elementTypeStandardized = elementType;

            bool customTextElement = preserveTextElements && !TextSchema.IsKnownType(elementType); 
            if (customTextElement) 
                // If the element is not from PresentationFramework, we'll need to serialize a namespace 
                int index = elementTypeStandardized.Module.Name.LastIndexOf('.');
                string assembly = (index == -1 ? elementTypeStandardized.Module.Name : elementTypeStandardized.Module.Name.Substring(0, index));
                string nameSpace = "clr-namespace:" + elementTypeStandardized.Namespace + ";" + "assembly=" + assembly; 
                string prefix = elementTypeStandardized.Namespace;
                xmlWriter.WriteStartElement(prefix, elementTypeStandardized.Name, nameSpace); 

            // Write properties 
            DependencyObject complexProperties = new DependencyObject();
            WriteInheritableProperties(elementTypeStandardized, textReader, xmlWriter, /*onlyAffected:*/true, complexProperties); 
            WriteNoninheritableProperties(elementTypeStandardized, textReader, xmlWriter, /*onlyAffected:*/true, complexProperties); 
            if (customTextElement)
                WriteLocallySetProperties(elementTypeStandardized, textReader, xmlWriter, complexProperties);
            WriteComplexProperties(xmlWriter, complexProperties, elementTypeStandardized);
            // Special case for Table element serialization
            if (elementTypeStandardized == typeof(Table) && textReader is TextPointer) 
                // Write the columns text.
                WriteTableColumnsInformation(range, (Table)((TextPointer)textReader).Parent, xmlWriter, xamlTypeMapper); 

        // Write columns related to the given table cell range. 
        private static void WriteTableColumnsInformation(ITextRange range, Table table, XmlWriter xmlWriter, XamlTypeMapper xamlTypeMapper)
            TableColumnCollection columns = table.Columns; 
            int startColumn;
            int endColumn; 

            if (!TextRangeEditTables.GetColumnRange(range, table, out startColumn, out endColumn))
                startColumn = 0; 
                endColumn = columns.Count - 1;
            Invariant.Assert(startColumn >= 0, "startColumn index is supposed to be non-negative");
            if(columns.Count > 0)
                // Build an appropriate name for the complex property
                string complexPropertyName = table.GetType().Name + ".Columns"; 

                // Write the start element for the complex property. 

                for (int i = startColumn; i <= endColumn && i < columns.Count; i++) 
                    WriteXamlAtomicElement(columns[i], xmlWriter, /*reduceElement:*/false);
                // Close the element for the complex property


        /// Creates a FlowDocument element wrapping copied content and storing its contextual properties.
        /// true means that we need to serialize the whole FlowDocument - used in FileSave scenario;
        /// false means that we are in copy-paste scenario and will use Section or Span as a root - depending on context.
        private static void WriteRootFlowDocument(ITextRange range, ITextPointer context, XmlWriter xmlWriter, XamlTypeMapper xamlTypeMapper, bool lastParagraphMustBeMerged, bool useFlowDocumentAsRoot)
            Type rootType; 
            const string xmlNamespace = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation";
            const string xmlns = "xmlns"; 

            // Decide what root element to use
            if (useFlowDocumentAsRoot)
                rootType = typeof(FlowDocument);
                Type contextType = context.ParentType; 
                if (contextType == null ||
                    typeof(Paragraph).IsAssignableFrom(contextType) ||
                    typeof(Inline).IsAssignableFrom(contextType) && !typeof(AnchoredBlock).IsAssignableFrom(contextType))
                    rootType = typeof(Span);
                    rootType = typeof(Section); 

            // Create a root element FlowDocument 
            xmlWriter.WriteStartElement(rootType.Name, xmlNamespace);
            // Define default namespace as Avalon namespace 
            xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString(xmlns, xmlNamespace);
            // Set the value of xml:space to "preserve" to consider all spaces as significant
            // Note that Xml treats whitespaces as significant if they belong to some nonempty line
            // (neighbored by non-whitespace characters at least from one side)
            // That's why we only loose whitespaces if they occupy the whole textrun in xml. 
            // So alternative solution for whitespace preservation could be setting xml:space="preserve"
            // attribute to only empty runs - this would make our whitespace preservation more 
            // narrowed... 


            xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString("xml:space", "preserve"); 
            // Write all contextual properties as attributes of root fragment
            DependencyObject complexProperties = new DependencyObject(); 
            if (useFlowDocumentAsRoot)
                WriteInheritablePropertiesForFlowDocument((DependencyObject)((TextPointer)context).Parent, xmlWriter, complexProperties);
                WriteInheritableProperties(rootType, context, xmlWriter, /*onlyAffected:*/false, complexProperties); 
            if (rootType == typeof(Span))
                // Root element is not real element to paste. It is just a property bag for contextual properties.
                // So we collect non-inheritable properties only for inline content; not needing it for block one. 
                WriteNoninheritableProperties(typeof(Span), context, xmlWriter, /*onlyAffected:*/false, complexProperties);
            // Write an indicator that last paragraph must be merged on paste
            if (rootType == typeof(Section) && lastParagraphMustBeMerged) 
                xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString(Section.HasTrailingParagraphBreakOnPastePropertyName, "False");
            // Note that we are skipping background property, because we only want to transfer it for the whole document.
            WriteComplexProperties(xmlWriter, complexProperties, rootType);

        private static void WriteInheritablePropertiesForFlowDocument(DependencyObject context, XmlWriter xmlWriter, DependencyObject complexProperties)
            DependencyProperty[] inheritableProperties = TextSchema.GetInheritableProperties(typeof(FlowDocument)); 

            for (int i = 0; i < inheritableProperties.Length; i++) 
                DependencyProperty property = inheritableProperties[i];
                object value = context.ReadLocalValue(property); 

                if (value != DependencyProperty.UnsetValue)
                    string stringValue = DPTypeDescriptorContext.GetStringValue(property, value); 
                    if (stringValue != null)
                        stringValue = FilterNaNStringValueForDoublePropertyType(stringValue, property.PropertyType); 

                        string propertyName; 
                        if (property == FrameworkContentElement.LanguageProperty)
                            // Special case for CultureInfo property that must be represented in xaml as xml:lang attribute
                            propertyName = "xml:lang"; 
                            // Regular case using own property name
                            propertyName = property.OwnerType == typeof(Typography) ? "Typography." + property.Name : property.Name; 
                        xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString(propertyName, stringValue);
                        complexProperties.SetValue(property, value); 

        // Writes a collection of attributes representing inheritable properties
        // whose values has been affected by this element. 
        // Parameter onlyAffected=true means that we serialize only properties affected by
        // the current element; otherwise we output all known inheritable properties. 
        private static void WriteInheritableProperties(Type elementTypeStandardized, ITextPointer context, XmlWriter xmlWriter, bool onlyAffected, DependencyObject complexProperties) 
            // Create a pointer positioned immediately outside the element 
            ITextPointer outerContext = null;
            if (onlyAffected)
                outerContext = context.CreatePointer(); 
            DependencyProperty[] inheritableProperties = TextSchema.GetInheritableProperties(elementTypeStandardized);
            for (int i = 0; i < inheritableProperties.Length; i++)
                DependencyProperty property = inheritableProperties[i];
                object innerValue = context.GetValue(property);
                if (innerValue == null) 
                    // Some properties like Foreground may have null as default value.
                    // Skip them. 

                object outerValue = null; 
                if (onlyAffected)
                    outerValue = outerContext.GetValue(property); 
                // The property must appear in markup if the element
                if (!onlyAffected ||  // all properties requested for saving context on root
                    !TextSchema.ValuesAreEqual(innerValue, outerValue)) // or the element really affects the property
                    string stringValue = DPTypeDescriptorContext.GetStringValue(property, innerValue);
                    if (stringValue != null) 
                        stringValue = FilterNaNStringValueForDoublePropertyType(stringValue, property.PropertyType); 

                        string propertyName;
                        if (property == FrameworkContentElement.LanguageProperty)
                            // Special case for CultureInfo property that must be represented in xaml as xml:lang attribute
                            propertyName = "xml:lang"; 
                            // Regular case: serialize a property with its own name
                            propertyName = GetPropertyNameForElement(property, elementTypeStandardized, /*forceComplexName:*/false);
                        xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString(propertyName, stringValue); 
                        complexProperties.SetValue(property, innerValue);

        // Writes a collection of attributes representing non-inheritable properties 
        // whose values are set inline on the given element instance. 
        // When we read properties fromContext we want all values including defaults; from text elements we only want only affected
        private static void WriteNoninheritableProperties(Type elementTypeStandardized, ITextPointer context, XmlWriter xmlWriter, bool onlyAffected, DependencyObject complexProperties) 
            DependencyProperty[] elementProperties = TextSchema.GetNoninheritableProperties(elementTypeStandardized);

            // We'll need a pointer to walk the tree up when onlyAffected=false 
            ITextPointer parentContext = onlyAffected ? null : context.CreatePointer();
            for (int i = 0; i < elementProperties.Length; i++) 
                DependencyProperty property = elementProperties[i]; 
                Type propertyOwnerType = context.ParentType;

                object propertyValue;
                if (onlyAffected) 
                    propertyValue = context.GetValue(property);
                    // This is request for contextual properties - use "manual" inheritance to collect values
                    Invariant.Assert(elementTypeStandardized == typeof(Span), "Request for contextual properties is expected for Span wrapper only"); 

                    // Get property value from this element or from one of its ancestors (the latter in case of !onlyAffeted) 
                    propertyValue = context.GetValue(property); 

                    // Get property value from its ancestors if the property is not set. 
                    // TextDecorationCollection is special-cased as its default is empty collection,
                    // and its value source cannot be distinguished from ITextPointer.
                    if (propertyValue == null || TextDecorationCollection.Empty.ValueEquals(propertyValue as TextDecorationCollection))
                        if (property == Inline.BaselineAlignmentProperty || property == TextElement.TextEffectsProperty)
                            // These properties do not make sense as contextual; do not include them into context. 

                        while ((propertyValue == null || TextDecorationCollection.Empty.ValueEquals(propertyValue as TextDecorationCollection))
                            && typeof(Inline).IsAssignableFrom(parentContext.ParentType)) 
                            propertyValue = parentContext.GetValue(property); 
                            propertyOwnerType = parentContext.ParentType;




                if ((property == Block.MarginProperty && (typeof(Paragraph).IsAssignableFrom(propertyOwnerType) || typeof(List).IsAssignableFrom(propertyOwnerType))) 
                    (property == Block.PaddingProperty) && typeof(List).IsAssignableFrom(propertyOwnerType)) 
                    Thickness thickness = (Thickness)propertyValue;
                    if (Paragraph.IsMarginAuto(thickness)) 

                // Write the property as attribute string or add it to a list of complex properties. 
                WriteNoninheritableProperty(xmlWriter, property, propertyValue, propertyOwnerType, onlyAffected, complexProperties, context.ReadLocalValue(property)); 

        // Writes a value of an individual non-inheritable property in form of attribute string.
        // If the value cannot be serialized as a string, adds the property to a collection of complexProperties.
        // To minimize the amount of xaml produced, the property is skipped if its value is equal to its default value 
        // for the given element type - the propertyOwnerType.
        // The flag onlyAffected=false means that we want to output all properties independently on 
        // if they are equal to their default values or not. 
        private static void WriteNoninheritableProperty(XmlWriter xmlWriter, DependencyProperty property, object propertyValue, Type propertyOwnerType, bool onlyAffected, DependencyObject complexProperties, object localValue)
            bool write = false;
            if (propertyValue != null &&
                propertyValue != DependencyProperty.UnsetValue)
                if (!onlyAffected)
                    write = true; 
                    PropertyMetadata metadata = property.GetMetadata(propertyOwnerType);

                    write = (metadata == null) || !(TextSchema.ValuesAreEqual(propertyValue, /*defaultValue*/metadata.DefaultValue) && localValue == DependencyProperty.UnsetValue); 
            if (write)
                string stringValue = DPTypeDescriptorContext.GetStringValue(property, propertyValue);

                if (stringValue != null)
                    stringValue = FilterNaNStringValueForDoublePropertyType(stringValue, property.PropertyType);
                    // For the property name in this case we safe to use simple name only; 
                    // as noninheritable property would never require TypeName.PropertyName notation
                    // for attribute syntax. 
                    xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString(property.Name, stringValue);
                    complexProperties.SetValue(property, propertyValue);
        // Writes a collection of attributes representing properties with local values set on them.
        // If the value cannot be serialized as a string, adds the property to a collection of complexProperties.
        private static void WriteLocallySetProperties(Type elementTypeStandardized, ITextPointer context, XmlWriter xmlWriter, DependencyObject complexProperties)
            TextPointer textPointer = context as TextPointer;
            if (textPointer == null) 
                // We can't have custom properties if we're not a TextPointer

            LocalValueEnumerator locallySetProperties = context.GetLocalValueEnumerator();
            DependencyProperty[] inheritableProperties = TextSchema.GetInheritableProperties(elementTypeStandardized); 
            DependencyProperty[] nonInheritableProperties = TextSchema.GetNoninheritableProperties(elementTypeStandardized);
            while (locallySetProperties.MoveNext()) 
                DependencyProperty locallySetProperty = (DependencyProperty)locallySetProperties.Current.Property; 

                // Don't serialize read-only properties, or any properties registered or owned by a
                // a class in the framework (we only want to serialize custom properties), to be
                // consistent with our behavior for non-custom inlines. 
                if (!locallySetProperty.ReadOnly && 
                    !IsPropertyKnown(locallySetProperty, inheritableProperties, nonInheritableProperties) && 
                    object propertyValue = context.ReadLocalValue(locallySetProperty);
                    string stringValue = DPTypeDescriptorContext.GetStringValue(locallySetProperty, propertyValue);

                    if (stringValue != null) 
                        stringValue = FilterNaNStringValueForDoublePropertyType(stringValue, locallySetProperty.PropertyType); 
                        string propertyName = GetPropertyNameForElement(locallySetProperty, elementTypeStandardized, /*forceComplexName:*/false);
                        xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString(propertyName, stringValue); 
                        complexProperties.SetValue(locallySetProperty, propertyValue); 

// *** CLRTypeDescriptorContext is essentially the same as DPTypeDescriptorContext.
#if false
            // Check all CLR properties 
            // Note that this is partially redundant.  TypeDescriptor.GetProperties, when called on a
            // DependencyObject, will return all properties that are set-- including all those already 
            // serialized as Inheritable, NonInheritable, or LocallySet properties.  A potential 
            // optimization, therefore, is to remove those serialization methods and simply use this one
            // for everything when we've opted into custom element serialization. 
            PropertyDescriptorCollection descriptorCollection = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(textPointer.Parent);
            IEnumerator descriptors = descriptorCollection.GetEnumerator();
            while (descriptors.MoveNext())
                PropertyDescriptor current = (PropertyDescriptor)descriptors.Current;
                // ShouldSerializeValue() will return true for readonly properties that have explicitly 
                // been told to serialize, such as Span.Inlines.  If we serialize a read-only property, 
                // however, the parser will throw an exception when we try to deserialize.  So we
                // explicitly skip all read-only properties, and all DPs. 
                if (!current.ShouldSerializeValue(textPointer.Parent) || current.IsReadOnly || current is MS.Internal.ComponentModel.DependencyObjectPropertyDescriptor)
                // Serialize the property
                object propertyValue = current.GetValue(textPointer.Parent); 
                if (propertyValue != null) 
                    string stringValue = CLRTypeDescriptorContext.GetStringValue(current, propertyValue); 

                    if (stringValue != null)
                        stringValue = FilterNaNStringValueForDoublePropertyType(stringValue, current.PropertyType); 

                        xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString(current.Name, stringValue); 
        private static bool IsPropertyKnown(DependencyProperty propertyToTest, DependencyProperty[] inheritableProperties, DependencyProperty[] nonInheritableProperties)
            for (int i = 0; i < inheritableProperties.Length; i++)
                DependencyProperty property = inheritableProperties[i];
                if (property == propertyToTest) 
                    return true; 
            for (int i = 0; i < nonInheritableProperties.Length; i++) 
                DependencyProperty property = nonInheritableProperties[i];
                if (property == propertyToTest)
                    return true;
            return false;

        /// Writes complex properties in form of child elements with compound names
        /// To mask the security exception from XamlWriter.Save in partial trust case, 
        /// this function checks if the current call stack has unmanaged code permission. 
        private static void WriteComplexProperties(XmlWriter xmlWriter, DependencyObject complexProperties, Type elementType) 
            if (!SecurityHelper.CheckUnmanagedCodePermission())
                // In partial trust, we cannot serialize any complex properties because 
                // XamlWriter.Save demands UnmanagedCodePermission.
                // If we're in PT, drop the properties. 
                // If you're here debugging a lost complex property, consider adding 
                // code to DPTypeDescriptorContext to convert the complex property
                // into a non-complex property, or consider modifying XamlWriter.Save.

            LocalValueEnumerator properties = complexProperties.GetLocalValueEnumerator(); 
            while (properties.MoveNext()) 
                LocalValueEntry propertyEntry = properties.Current;

                // Build an appropriate name for the complex property 
                string complexPropertyName = GetPropertyNameForElement(propertyEntry.Property, elementType, /*forceComplexName:*/true);
                // Write the start element for the complex property. 
                // Serialize the complex property value from SaveAsXml().
                string complexPropertyXml = System.Windows.Markup.XamlWriter.Save(propertyEntry.Value);

                // Write the serialized complext property value as Xml. 
                // Close the element for the complex property 

        // Creates a name for the property which is consistent with xaml parser logic
        // When forceComplexName=true produces the TypeName.PropertyName notation unconditionally, 
        // otherwise such complex name is produced only when the TypeName is different from elementType.Name.
        private static string GetPropertyNameForElement(DependencyProperty property, Type elementType, bool forceComplexName) 
            string propertyName;
            if (DependencyProperty.FromName(property.Name, elementType) == property) 
                // The elementType is an owner of this property, so we can use its name
                if (forceComplexName)
                    propertyName = elementType.Name + "." + property.Name;
                    propertyName = property.Name; 
                // The elementType does not own this property, so we use the property's registered owner type name.
                propertyName = property.OwnerType.Name + "." + property.Name; 

            return propertyName; 

        // Serializes an element assuming that it does not have any children. Used for TableColumn
        private static void WriteXamlAtomicElement(DependencyObject element, XmlWriter xmlWriter, bool reduceElement)
            Type elementTypeStandardized = TextSchema.GetStandardElementType(element.GetType(), reduceElement); 
            DependencyProperty[] elementProperties = TextSchema.GetNoninheritableProperties(elementTypeStandardized);

            for (int i = 0; i < elementProperties.Length; i++)
                DependencyProperty property = elementProperties[i];
                object propertyValue = element.ReadLocalValue(property); 
                if (propertyValue != null && propertyValue != DependencyProperty.UnsetValue) 
                    System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter typeConverter = System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(property.PropertyType); 
                    Invariant.Assert(typeConverter != null, "typeConverter==null: is not expected for atomic elements");
                    Invariant.Assert(typeConverter.CanConvertTo(typeof(string)), "type is expected to be convertable into string type");
                    string stringValue = (string)typeConverter.ConvertTo(/*ITypeDescriptorContext:*/null, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, propertyValue, typeof(string));
                    Invariant.Assert(stringValue != null, "expecting non-null stringValue"); 
                    xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString(property.Name, stringValue);


        /// Writes embeded object tag. 
        /// XmlWriter to output element opening tag. 
        private static void WriteEmbeddedObject(object embeddedObject, XmlWriter xmlWriter, WpfPayload wpfPayload) 
            if (wpfPayload != null && embeddedObject is Image) 
                // Writing in WPF mode: need to create an image with a Source referring into a package
                Image image = (Image)embeddedObject; 

                if (image.Source != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(image.Source.ToString()))
                    // Add the image to the Image collection in the package 
                    // and define the reference to image into the package
                    string imageSource = wpfPayload.AddImage(image); 
                    if (imageSource != null) 
                        Type elementTypeStandardized = typeof(Image); 

                        // Write opening tag for the element
                        // Write all properties except for Source
                        DependencyProperty[] imageProperties = TextSchema.ImageProperties; 
                        DependencyObject complexProperties = new DependencyObject();
                        for (int i = 0; i < imageProperties.Length; i++)
                            DependencyProperty property = imageProperties[i];
                            if (property != Image.SourceProperty) 
                                object value = image.GetValue(property); 
                                // Write the property as attribute string or add it to a list of complex properties.
                                WriteNoninheritableProperty(xmlWriter, property, value, elementTypeStandardized, /*onlyAffected:*/true, complexProperties, image.ReadLocalValue(property)); 

                        // Write Source property - as a local reference into the package container 
                        // Write Source property as the complex property to specify the BitmapImage
                        // cache option as "OnLoad" instead of the default "OnDeman". Otherwise, 
                        // we couldn't load the image by disposing WpfPayload package. 
                        xmlWriter.WriteStartElement(typeof(Image).Name + "." + Image.SourceProperty.Name);
                        xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString(System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapImage.UriSourceProperty.Name, imageSource);
                        xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString(System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapImage.CacheOptionProperty.Name, "OnLoad");

                        // Write remaining complex properties 
                        WriteComplexProperties(xmlWriter, complexProperties, elementTypeStandardized); 

                        // Close the element 
                // In non-package mode we ignore all UIElements. 
                // Output a space replacing this embedded element.
                // Note that in this mode (DataFormats.Xaml) InlineUIContainer was 
                // replaced by Run and BlockUIContainer - by Paragraph,
                // so the space output here will be significant.
                xmlWriter.WriteString(" ");
        // ............................................................. 
        // Pasting 
        // .............................................................

        // Handles a special case for pasting a single embedded element - 
        // needs to choose between BlockUIContainer and InlineUIContainer.
        private static bool PasteSingleEmbeddedElement(TextRange range, TextElement fragment) 
            if (fragment.ContentStart.GetOffsetToPosition(fragment.ContentEnd) == 3)
                TextElement uiContainer = fragment.ContentStart.GetAdjacentElement(LogicalDirection.Forward) as TextElement;
                FrameworkElement embeddedElement = null;
                if (uiContainer is BlockUIContainer)
                    embeddedElement = ((BlockUIContainer)uiContainer).Child as FrameworkElement;
                    if (embeddedElement != null) 
                        ((BlockUIContainer)uiContainer).Child = null;
                else if (uiContainer is InlineUIContainer)
                    embeddedElement = ((InlineUIContainer)uiContainer).Child as FrameworkElement; 
                    if (embeddedElement != null)
                        ((InlineUIContainer)uiContainer).Child = null; 

                if (embeddedElement != null)
                    return true;

            return false; 

        private static void PasteTextFragment(TextElement fragment, TextRange range)
            Invariant.Assert(range.IsEmpty, "range must be empty at this point - emptied by a caller");
            Invariant.Assert(fragment is Section || fragment is Span, "The wrapper element must be a Section or Span"); 
            // Define insertion position.
            TextPointer insertionPosition = TextRangeEditTables.EnsureInsertionPosition(range.End); 

            // Check if our insertion position has a non-splittable Inline ancestor such as Hyperlink element.
            // Since we cannot split such Inline, we must switch to Text mode for pasting.
            // Note that this also has the side effect of converting paragraph breaks to space characters. 
            if (insertionPosition.HasNonMergeableInlineAncestor)
                PasteNonMergeableTextFragment(fragment, range); 
                PasteMergeableTextFragment(fragment, range, insertionPosition);

        // Helper for PasteTextFragment 
        private static void PasteNonMergeableTextFragment(TextElement fragment, TextRange range) 
            // We cannot split Hyperlink or other non-splittable inline ancestor. 
            // Paste text content of fragment in such case.

            // Get text content to be pasted.
            string fragmentText = TextRangeBase.GetTextInternal(fragment.ElementStart, fragment.ElementEnd); 

            // Paste text into our empty target range. 
            range.Text = fragmentText;
            // Select pasted content
            range.Select(range.Start, range.End);
        // Helper for PasteTextFragment
        private static void PasteMergeableTextFragment(TextElement fragment, TextRange range, TextPointer insertionPosition) 
            TextPointer fragmentStart;
            TextPointer fragmentEnd; 

            if (fragment is Span)
                // Split structure at insertion point in target 
                insertionPosition = TextRangeEdit.SplitFormattingElements(insertionPosition, /*keepEmptyFormatting:*/false);
                Invariant.Assert(insertionPosition.Parent is Paragraph, "insertionPosition must be in a scope of a Paragraph after splitting formatting elements"); 
                // Move the whole Span into the insertion point

                // Store edge positions of inserted content
                fragmentStart = fragment.ElementStart;
                fragmentEnd = fragment.ElementEnd; 

                // Remove wrapper from a tree 
                fragment.Reposition(null, null); 
                ValidateMergingPositions(typeof(Inline), fragmentStart, fragmentEnd);
                // Transfer inheritable contextual properties
                ApplyContextualProperties(fragmentStart, fragmentEnd, fragment);
                // Correct leading nested List elements in the fragment 

                // Split a paragraph at insertion position 
                bool needFirstParagraphMerging = SplitParagraphForPasting(ref insertionPosition);

                // Move the whole Section into the insertion point

                // Store edge positions of inserted content 
                fragmentStart = fragment.ElementStart; 
                fragmentEnd = fragment.ElementEnd.GetPositionAtOffset(0, LogicalDirection.Forward); // need forward orientation to stick with the following content during merge at fragmentStart position
                // And unwrap the root Section
                fragment.Reposition(null, null);
                ValidateMergingPositions(typeof(Block), fragmentStart, fragmentEnd);
                // Transfer inheritable contextual properties
                ApplyContextualProperties(fragmentStart, fragmentEnd, fragment); 
                // Merge paragraphs on fragment boundaries
                if (needFirstParagraphMerging) 
                    MergeParagraphsAtPosition(fragmentStart, /*mergingOnFragmentStart:*/true);
                // Get an indication that we need to merge last paragraph
                if (!((Section)fragment).HasTrailingParagraphBreakOnPaste) 
                    MergeParagraphsAtPosition(fragmentEnd, /*mergingOnFragmentStart:*/false);

            // For paragraph pasting move range end to the following paragraph, because
            // it must include an ending paragraph break (in case of no-merging) 
            if (fragment is Section && ((Section)fragment).HasTrailingParagraphBreakOnPaste) 
                fragmentEnd = fragmentEnd.GetInsertionPosition(LogicalDirection.Forward); 

            // Select pasted content
            range.Select(fragmentStart, fragmentEnd); 
        // Removes nested ListItems in the beginning of a fragment 
        // to avoid multiple bulleting.
        private static void CorrectLeadingNestedLists(Section fragment)
            List list = fragment.Blocks.FirstBlock as List;
            while (list != null) 
                ListItem listItem = list.ListItems.FirstListItem; 
                if (listItem == null) 

                if (listItem.NextListItem != null)
                List nestedList = listItem.Blocks.FirstBlock as List;
                if (nestedList == null) 
                // So we have nested list in the very beginning of the outer single-item list:
                // remove that outer list 
                listItem.Reposition(null, null); 
                list.Reposition(null, null);
                list = nestedList;
        // Decides whether we need to split a paragraph before pasting a fragment or not.
        // Splits the paragraph if needed, or simply moves the insertionPosition before its start. 
        // Returns true if splitting happened and consequently merging is required after pasting. 
        private static bool SplitParagraphForPasting(ref TextPointer insertionPosition)
            bool needFirstParagraphMerging = true; // we need splitting unless the position os at the bery beginniong of a paragraph

            // When the insertion position is at the beginning of a paragraph we can avoid
            // splitting and then merging paragraphs at fragment start position. 
            // This is not a pref consideration. We do not want an empty paragraph
            // would kill a formatting of a first pasted paragraphs (say, ListItem of a pasted List). 
            TextPointer positionBeforeParagraph = insertionPosition; 
            // Skip formatting tags
            while (positionBeforeParagraph.GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection.Backward) == TextPointerContext.ElementStart && 
                positionBeforeParagraph = positionBeforeParagraph.GetNextContextPosition(LogicalDirection.Backward);
            while (positionBeforeParagraph.GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection.Backward) == TextPointerContext.ElementStart &&
                needFirstParagraphMerging = false;
                positionBeforeParagraph = positionBeforeParagraph.GetNextContextPosition(LogicalDirection.Backward); 
            if (!needFirstParagraphMerging)
                // Insertion position was in the beginning of a paragraph. 
                // No need in splitting/merging at fragment start
                insertionPosition = positionBeforeParagraph; 
                // split paragraph to create an insertion positionn at block level
                insertionPosition = TextRangeEdit.InsertParagraphBreak(insertionPosition, /*moveIntoSecondParagraph:*/false);
            // When insertionPosition is inside a ListItem, then InsertParagraphBreak will
            // split not only a parent Paragraph but also a ListItem and return a position 
            // between ListItems. This position is not good for inserting Block elements, 
            // so we also need to split parent List element.
            // In a case when insertionPosition was at the beginning of a paragraph, 
            // we still can end up being between ListItems, so again need to split a parent List.
            if (insertionPosition.Parent is List)
                insertionPosition = TextRangeEdit.SplitElement(insertionPosition); 
            return needFirstParagraphMerging; 
        // Merges two paragraphs preceding and following the given position
        private static void MergeParagraphsAtPosition(TextPointer position, bool mergingOnFragmentStart)
            TextPointer navigator = position; 
            while (navigator != null && !(navigator.Parent is Paragraph))
                if (navigator.GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection.Backward) == TextPointerContext.ElementEnd) 
                    navigator = navigator.GetNextContextPosition(LogicalDirection.Backward); 
                    navigator = null; 
            if (navigator != null)
                Invariant.Assert(navigator.Parent is Paragraph, "We suppose have a first paragraph found");
                Paragraph firstParagraph = (Paragraph)navigator.Parent;

                navigator = position; 
                while (navigator != null && !(navigator.Parent is Paragraph))
                    if (navigator.GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection.Forward) == TextPointerContext.ElementStart) 
                        navigator = navigator.GetNextContextPosition(LogicalDirection.Forward); 
                        navigator = null; 
                if (navigator != null)
                    Invariant.Assert(navigator.Parent is Paragraph, "We suppose a second paragraph found");
                    Paragraph secondParagraph = (Paragraph)navigator.Parent;

                    if (TextRangeEditLists.ParagraphsAreMergeable(firstParagraph, secondParagraph)) 
                        TextRangeEditLists.MergeParagraphs(firstParagraph, secondParagraph); 
                    else if (mergingOnFragmentStart && firstParagraph.TextRange.IsEmpty)
                    else if (!mergingOnFragmentStart && secondParagraph.TextRange.IsEmpty)

        // Validates that the sibling element at this position belong to expected itemType (Inline, Block, ListItem)
        private static void ValidateMergingPositions(Type itemType, TextPointer start, TextPointer end)
            if (start.CompareTo(end) < 0)
                // Verify inner part 
                TextPointerContext forwardFromStart = start.GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection.Forward);
                TextPointerContext backwardFromEnd = end.GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection.Backward); 
                Invariant.Assert(forwardFromStart == TextPointerContext.ElementStart, "Expecting first opening tag of pasted fragment");
                Invariant.Assert(backwardFromEnd == TextPointerContext.ElementEnd, "Expecting last closing tag of pasted fragment");
                Invariant.Assert(itemType.IsAssignableFrom(start.GetAdjacentElement(LogicalDirection.Forward).GetType()), "The first pasted fragment item is expected to be a " + itemType.Name);
                Invariant.Assert(itemType.IsAssignableFrom(end.GetAdjacentElement(LogicalDirection.Backward).GetType()), "The last pasted fragment item is expected to be a " + itemType.Name); 

                // Veryfy outer part 
                TextPointerContext backwardFromStart = start.GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection.Backward); 
                TextPointerContext forwardFromEnd = end.GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection.Forward);
                Invariant.Assert(backwardFromStart == TextPointerContext.ElementStart || backwardFromStart == TextPointerContext.ElementEnd || backwardFromStart == TextPointerContext.None, "Bad context preceding a pasted fragment"); 
                Invariant.Assert(!(backwardFromStart == TextPointerContext.ElementEnd) || itemType.IsAssignableFrom(start.GetAdjacentElement(LogicalDirection.Backward).GetType()), "An element preceding a pasted fragment is expected to be a " + itemType.Name);
                Invariant.Assert(forwardFromEnd == TextPointerContext.ElementStart || forwardFromEnd == TextPointerContext.ElementEnd || forwardFromEnd == TextPointerContext.None, "Bad context following a pasted fragment");
                Invariant.Assert(!(forwardFromEnd == TextPointerContext.ElementStart) || itemType.IsAssignableFrom(end.GetAdjacentElement(LogicalDirection.Forward).GetType()), "An element following a pasted fragment is expected to be a " + itemType.Name);
        // Helper function used to set default value for an indicator requesting to merge last paragraph. 
        private static void AdjustFragmentForTargetRange(TextElement fragment, TextRange range)
            if (fragment is Section && ((Section)fragment).HasTrailingParagraphBreakOnPaste)
                // Explicit indicator is missing, we need to set it by default.
                // In a case of TextRange.Xml property assignment we assume that 
                // user expects to insert as many paragraphs new paragraphs as her pasted xaml contains.
                // The expection must be done to the case when the target range is 
                // extended beyond the last paragraph - then we must merge last paragraph 
                // to avoid extra paragraph creation at the end (one additional paragraph
                // will be created in this case by Pasting code before pasting). 
                // The other case for exception is when target TextContainer is empty -
                // in this case we as well want to merge last paragraph with the following
                // one (which will be created as part of paragraph enforcement in pasting operation).
                // The both desired conditions - IsAfterLastParagraph and "in empty container" 
                // can be identified by the following simple test - range.End is not at end-of-doc.
                ((Section)fragment).HasTrailingParagraphBreakOnPaste = range.End.GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection.Forward) != TextPointerContext.None; 
        // Applies a whole property bag to a range from start to end to simulate inheritance of this property from source conntext
        private static void ApplyContextualProperties(TextPointer start, TextPointer end, TextElement propertyBag)
            Invariant.Assert(propertyBag.IsEmpty && propertyBag.Parent == null, "propertyBag is supposed to be an empty element outside any tree"); 

            LocalValueEnumerator contextualProperties = propertyBag.GetLocalValueEnumerator(); 
            while (start.CompareTo(end) < 0 && contextualProperties.MoveNext())
                // Note: we repeatedly check for IsEmpty because the selection
                // may become empty as a result of normalization after formatting
                // (thai character sequence).
                LocalValueEntry propertyEntry = contextualProperties.Current; 
                DependencyProperty property = propertyEntry.Property;
                if (TextSchema.IsCharacterProperty(property) && 
                    // In case a property is both an Inline and Paragraph property, 
                    // propertyBag element type (section or span) decides how it should be applied.
                    if (TextSchema.IsBlock(propertyBag.GetType()))
                        ApplyContextualProperty(typeof(Block), start, end, property, propertyEntry.Value); 
                        ApplyContextualProperty(typeof(Inline), start, end, property, propertyEntry.Value);
                else if (TextSchema.IsCharacterProperty(property))
                    ApplyContextualProperty(typeof(Inline), start, end, property, propertyEntry.Value); 
                else if (TextSchema.IsParagraphProperty(property)) 
                    ApplyContextualProperty(typeof(Block), start, end, property, propertyEntry.Value);

            // Merge formatting elements at end position
        // Applies one property to a range from start to end to simulate inheritance of this property from source conntext
        private static void ApplyContextualProperty(Type targetType, TextPointer start, TextPointer end, DependencyProperty property, object value) 
            if (TextSchema.ValuesAreEqual(start.Parent.GetValue(property), value))
                return; // The property at insertion position is the same as it was in source context. Nothing to do. 
            // Advance start pointer to enter pasted fragment 
            start = start.GetNextContextPosition(LogicalDirection.Forward);
            while (start != null && start.CompareTo(end) < 0)
                TextPointerContext passedContext = start.GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection.Backward);
                if (passedContext == TextPointerContext.ElementStart) 
                    TextElement element = (TextElement)start.Parent; 
                    // Check if this element affects the property in question
                    if (element.ReadLocalValue(property) != DependencyProperty.UnsetValue || 
                        !TextSchema.ValuesAreEqual(element.GetValue(property), element.Parent.GetValue(property)))
                        // The element affects this property, so we can skip it
                        start = element.ElementEnd; 
                    else if (targetType.IsAssignableFrom(element.GetType())) 
                        start = element.ElementEnd;
                        if (targetType == typeof(Block) && start.CompareTo(end) > 0)
                            // Contextual properties should not apply to the last paragraph
                            // when it is merged with the following content - 
                            // to avoid affecting the folowing visible content formatting.

                        // This is topmost-level inline element which inherits this property. 
                        // Set the value explicitly
                        if (!TextSchema.ValuesAreEqual(value, element.GetValue(property)))
                            if (!TextSchema.ValuesAreEqual(value, element.GetValue(property)))
                                element.SetValue(property, value); 
                        // Traverse down into a structured (non-innline) element 
                        start = start.GetNextContextPosition(LogicalDirection.Forward); 
                    // Traverse up from any element
                    Invariant.Assert(passedContext != TextPointerContext.None, "TextPointerContext.None is not expected"); 
                    start = start.GetNextContextPosition(LogicalDirection.Forward);
        // Returns a navigator scoped in the common ancestor for the start and end positions
        // The navigator is positioned in the beginning of the ancestor's content.
        // Modifies the common ancestor for hyperlink serialization heuristic - in case when the range is positioned at hyperlink boundaries.
        // Since we need to write a hyperlink wrapper in this case, navigator is positioned before hyperlink element start. 
        private static ITextPointer FindSerializationCommonAncestor(ITextRange range)
            // Create navigators for tree traversing looking for commonAncestor 
            ITextPointer commonAncestor = range.Start.CreatePointer();
            ITextPointer runningEnd = range.End.CreatePointer(); 

            // Find nearest common ancestor
            while (!commonAncestor.HasEqualScope(runningEnd))
                // Run all way from end up the tree to check if start is ancestor
                while (typeof(TextElement).IsAssignableFrom(runningEnd.ParentType) && !runningEnd.HasEqualScope(commonAncestor)) 

                if (runningEnd.HasEqualScope(commonAncestor))
                // Move start one level up

            while (!IsAcceptableAncestor(commonAncestor, range))
            if (typeof(TextElement).IsAssignableFrom(commonAncestor.ParentType))

                // Check for special case, when range start and end are at Hyperlink boundaries.
                // Need to expand commonAncestor to Hyperlink element start, so that Hyperlink wrapper is written. 
                ITextPointer hyperlinkStart = GetHyperlinkStart(range);
                if (hyperlinkStart != null) 
                    commonAncestor = hyperlinkStart;
            return commonAncestor; 
        // Verify that a pointer is an acceptable ancestor.  Some types can't be ancestors at all, while
        // non-typographic-only elements are unacceptable if the range being serialized does not include the
        // element's start and end (because we don't want to serialize properties on such an element).
        private static bool IsAcceptableAncestor(ITextPointer commonAncestor, ITextRange range) 
            if (typeof(TableRow).IsAssignableFrom(commonAncestor.ParentType) || 
                typeof(TableRowGroup).IsAssignableFrom(commonAncestor.ParentType) || 
                typeof(Table).IsAssignableFrom(commonAncestor.ParentType) ||
                typeof(BlockUIContainer).IsAssignableFrom(commonAncestor.ParentType) || 
                typeof(List).IsAssignableFrom(commonAncestor.ParentType) ||
                typeof(Inline).IsAssignableFrom(commonAncestor.ParentType) && TextSchema.HasTextDecorations(commonAncestor.GetValue(Inline.TextDecorationsProperty)))
                return false; 
            // We don't want to use any formatting from within a non-typographic-only element unless the entire 
            // element is selected (in which case, the ancestor candidate will already be outside that element.
            // If there is such an element ANYWHERE in the ancestry, the only acceptable 
            // ancestor is outside the outermost such element.
            ITextPointer navigator = commonAncestor.CreatePointer();
            while (typeof(TextElement).IsAssignableFrom(navigator.ParentType))
                TextElementEditingBehaviorAttribute behaviorAttribute = (TextElementEditingBehaviorAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(navigator.ParentType, typeof(TextElementEditingBehaviorAttribute));
                if (behaviorAttribute != null && !behaviorAttribute.IsTypographicOnly) 
                    return false;

            return true; 
        // Removes (inplace) any invalid surrogate chars from an array. 
        // Returns the new array length, text.Length minus any stripped
        // chars. 
        // Unicode surrogates are 32 bit references to abstract chars.
        // A valid surrogate pair consists of a 16 bit code point (the
        // high surrogate) in the range u+d800 - u+dbff, followed by a 
        // second 16 bit code point (the low surrogate) in the range
        // u+dc00 - u+dfff. 
        // An invalid surrogate is a high surrogate not followed by a
        // low surrogate, or a low surrogate not preceeded by a high 
        // surrogate.
        // Length specifies the number of characters in text to examine,
        // characters past length are ignored (as if text.Length == length). 
        // Also removes nul characters 
        private static int StripInvalidSurrogateChars(char[] text, int length) 
            int count; 

            Invariant.Assert(text.Length >= length, "Asserting that text.Length >= length");

            int i; 
            for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
                char testChar = text[i]; 
                if (Char.IsHighSurrogate(testChar) || Char.IsLowSurrogate(testChar) || IsBadCode(testChar))
            if (i == length)
                // No surrogates, early out. 
                count = length;
                count = i;
                for (; i < length; i++)
                    if (Char.IsHighSurrogate(text[i])) 
                        if (i + 1 < length && Char.IsLowSurrogate(text[i + 1])) 
                            // Valid surrogate encountered.
                            text[count] = text[i];
                            text[count + 1] = text[i + 1]; 
                            count += 2;
                            i++; // Skip over low surrogate. 
                            // Bogus high surrogte encountered -- remove it.
                            // Simply don't update destinationIndex or count.
                    else if (Char.IsLowSurrogate(text[i]))
                        // Bogus low surrogate encountered -- remove it. 
                        // Simply don't update destinationIndex or count.
                    else if (IsBadCode(text[i]))
                        // nul character enountered - remove it.
                        // Simply don't update destinationIndex or count. 
                        // Non-surrogate encountered. 
                        text[count] = text[i];
                        count += 1;
            return count; 
        private static bool IsBadCode(char code)
            return (code < ' ' && code != '\x0009' && code != '\x000A' && code != '\x000D');

        /// Return true if rangeEnd is not at the end of an element. 
        /// textReader must already be at the start of the element. 
        private static bool IsPartialNonTypographic(ITextPointer textReader, ITextPointer rangeEnd)
            bool isPartial = false; 

            Invariant.Assert(textReader.GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection.Forward) == TextPointerContext.ElementStart); 
            ITextPointer elementNavigation = textReader.CreatePointer();
            ITextPointer elementEnd = textReader.CreatePointer(); 


            // Find the end position 
            if (elementEnd.CompareTo(rangeEnd) > 0) 
                isPartial = true; 

            return isPartial;

        /// Return true if Hyperlink range is invalid. 
        /// Hyperlink is invalid if it include a UiElement except Image or the range end position
        /// is stated before the end position of hyperlink. 
        /// This must be called before Hyperlink start element position.
        private static bool IsHyperlinkInvalid(ITextPointer textReader, ITextPointer rangeEnd)
            // TextRead must be on the position before the element start position of Hyperlink
            Invariant.Assert(textReader.GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection.Forward) == TextPointerContext.ElementStart); 

            bool hyperlinkInvalid = false; 

            // Get the forward adjacent element and cast Hyperlink hardly since it must be Hyperlink
            Hyperlink hyperlink = (Hyperlink)textReader.GetAdjacentElement(LogicalDirection.Forward);
            ITextPointer hyperlinkNavigation = textReader.CreatePointer();
            ITextPointer hyperlinkEnd = textReader.CreatePointer(); 
            // Find the hyperlink end position

            // Hyperlink end position is stated after the range end position. 
            if (hyperlinkEnd.CompareTo(rangeEnd) > 0)
                hyperlinkInvalid = true; 
                // Check whether the hyperlink having a UiElement except Image until hyperlink end position
                while (hyperlinkNavigation.CompareTo(hyperlinkEnd) < 0)
                    InlineUIContainer inlineUIContainer = hyperlinkNavigation.GetAdjacentElement(LogicalDirection.Forward) as InlineUIContainer;
                    if (inlineUIContainer != null && !(inlineUIContainer.Child is Image)) 
                        hyperlinkInvalid = true;

            return hyperlinkInvalid; 
        // Returns a position before hyperlink element start if passed range start and end are at hyperlink boundaries. Otherwise, null.
        private static ITextPointer GetHyperlinkStart(ITextRange range)
            ITextPointer hyperlinkStart = null; 

            if (TextPointerBase.IsAtNonMergeableInlineStart(range.Start) && TextPointerBase.IsAtNonMergeableInlineEnd(range.End)) 
                // Find a position at hyperlink start.
                hyperlinkStart = range.Start.CreatePointer(LogicalDirection.Forward); 
                while (hyperlinkStart.GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection.Backward) == TextPointerContext.ElementStart &&
            return hyperlinkStart;

        private static string FilterNaNStringValueForDoublePropertyType(string stringValue, Type propertyType)
            if (propertyType == typeof(double) && 
                String.Compare(stringValue, "NaN", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                return "Auto"; // convert NaN to Auto, to keep parser happy

            return stringValue; 
        #endregion Private Methods 

        // -------------------------------------------------------------- 
        // Private Constants
        // -------------------------------------------------------------- 

        #region Private Constants 
        // A structural depth of a empty FlowDocument fragment
        private const int EmptyDocumentDepth = 1; 

        #endregion Private Constants

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// File: TextRangeSerialization.cs
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved. 
// Description: Set of static methods implementing text range serialization 
namespace System.Windows.Documents
    using MS.Internal;
    using System.Text; 
    using System.Xml;
    using System.IO; 
    using System.Windows.Markup; // TypeConvertContext, ParserContext 
    using System.Windows.Controls;
    using System.Collections; 
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Globalization;
    using System.Security; 

    ///     TextRangeSerialization is a static class containing 
    ///     an implementation for TextRange serialization functionality.
    ///     It is only used from TextRange.GetXml/AppendXml methods. 
    internal static class TextRangeSerialization
        // ------------------------------------------------------------- 
        // Internal Methods 
        // -------------------------------------------------------------
        #region Internal Methods

        internal static void WriteXaml(XmlWriter xmlWriter, ITextRange range, bool useFlowDocumentAsRoot, WpfPayload wpfPayload)
            WriteXaml(xmlWriter, range, useFlowDocumentAsRoot, wpfPayload, false);
        /// Writes a content of current range in form of valid xml. 
        /// Places an artificial element xaml:FlowDocument as a root of output xml.
        /// XmlWriter to which the range will be serialized 
        /// TextRange whose content is copied into XmlWriter xmlWriter. 
        /// true means that we need to serialize the whole FlowDocument - used in FileSave scenario;
        /// false means that we are in copy-paste scenario and will use Section or Span as a root - depending on context.
        /// When this parameter is not null, images are serialized.  When null, images are stripped out.
        /// When TRUE, TextElements are serialized as-is.  When FALSE, they're upcast to their base type.
        internal static void WriteXaml(XmlWriter xmlWriter, ITextRange range, bool useFlowDocumentAsRoot, WpfPayload wpfPayload, bool preserveTextElements)
            // Set unindented formatting to avoid inserting insignificant whitespaces as significant ones
            Formatting saveWriterFormatting = Formatting.None; 
            if (xmlWriter is XmlTextWriter)
                saveWriterFormatting = ((XmlTextWriter)xmlWriter).Formatting; 
                ((XmlTextWriter)xmlWriter).Formatting = Formatting.None;

            // Get the default xamlTypeMapper.
            XamlTypeMapper xamlTypeMapper = XmlParserDefaults.DefaultMapper;
            // Identify structural scope of selection - nearest common ancestor
            ITextPointer commonAncestor = FindSerializationCommonAncestor(range); 
            // Decide whether we need last paragraph merging or not
            bool lastParagraphMustBeMerged = 
                !TextPointerBase.IsAfterLastParagraph(range.End) &&
                range.End.GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection.Backward) != TextPointerContext.ElementStart;

            // Write wrapping element with contextual properties 
            WriteRootFlowDocument(range, commonAncestor, xmlWriter, xamlTypeMapper, lastParagraphMustBeMerged, useFlowDocumentAsRoot);
            // The ignoreWriteHyperlinkEnd flag will be set after call WriteOpeningTags. 
            // If ignoreWriteHyperlinkEnd is true, WriteXamlTextSegment won't write Hyperlink end element
            // since Hyperlink writing opening tag is ignored by selecting the partial of Hyperlink. 
            bool ignoreWriteHyperlinkEnd;
            List ignoreList = new List();

            // Start counting tags needed to be closed. 
            // EmptyDocumentDepth==1 - counts FlowDocument opened in WriteRootFlowDocument above.
            int elementLevel = EmptyDocumentDepth + WriteOpeningTags(range, range.Start, commonAncestor, xmlWriter, xamlTypeMapper, /*reduceElement:*/wpfPayload == null, out ignoreWriteHyperlinkEnd, ref ignoreList, preserveTextElements); 
            if (range.IsTableCellRange)
                WriteXamlTableCellRange(xmlWriter, range, xamlTypeMapper, ref elementLevel, wpfPayload, preserveTextElements);
                WriteXamlTextSegment(xmlWriter, range.Start, range.End, xamlTypeMapper, ref elementLevel, wpfPayload, ignoreWriteHyperlinkEnd, ignoreList, preserveTextElements);
            // Close all remaining tags - scoping its End position
            Invariant.Assert(elementLevel >= 0, "elementLevel cannot be negative"); 
            while (elementLevel-- > 0)

            // Restore xmlWriter's Formatting property 
            if (xmlWriter is XmlTextWriter) 
                ((XmlTextWriter)xmlWriter).Formatting = saveWriterFormatting; 

        /// Reads a well-formed xml representing a serialized text range.
        /// It expects a root element xaml:FlowDocument and two range markers 
        /// The result of reading is pasting this text into End position 
        /// of text range.
        /// TextRange designating the target position for pasting.
        /// The existing content of a range will be deleted and new content
        /// will be inserted at the end. 
        /// Resulting locations of Start/End positions depend on their gravities.
        /// Normally (when gravity=Backward/Forward respectively) the resulting 
        /// range will embrace the inserted content. 
        /// Represents a portion of xml to insert into the range.
        /// We are expecting to be called with xmlReader on opening tag 
        /// of root text range element - xaml:FlowDocument.
        /// Some insignificant stuff may occur before the root though. 
        /// Otherwise exception will be thrown. 
        internal static void PasteXml(TextRange range, TextElement fragment) 
            Invariant.Assert(fragment != null);

            // Check a special case for pasing a single embedded element 
            if (PasteSingleEmbeddedElement(range, fragment))
                // All done. Return successfully. 

            // Set default value for an indicator of whether we need to merge last paragraph or not.
            // It depends on a state of a range, so do it before emptying the range.
            AdjustFragmentForTargetRange(fragment, range); 

            // Delete current content of a range 
            if (!range.IsEmpty) 
                range.Text = String.Empty; 
            Invariant.Assert(range.IsEmpty, "range must be empty in the beginning of pasting");

            // Chek special case of empty pasted fragment 
            if (((ITextPointer)fragment.ContentStart).CompareTo(fragment.ContentEnd) == 0)
                // Pasted fragment is empty. Nothing to insert. 

            // Transfer the content from reader to writer and merge elements on both ends
            PasteTextFragment(fragment, range);

        #endregion Internal Methods 
        // --------------------------------------------------------------
        // Private Methods
        // -------------------------------------------------------------
        #region Private Methods
        // ............................................................. 
        // Serialization 
        // .............................................................

        /// This function serializes text segment formed by rangeStart and rangeEnd to valid xml using xmlWriter.
        /// To mask the security exception from XamlWriter.Save in partial trust case,
        /// this function checks if the current call stack has the all clipboard permission. 
        private static void WriteXamlTextSegment(XmlWriter xmlWriter, ITextPointer rangeStart, ITextPointer rangeEnd, XamlTypeMapper xamlTypeMapper, ref int elementLevel, WpfPayload wpfPayload, bool ignoreWriteHyperlinkEnd, List ignoreList, bool preserveTextElements)
            // Special case for pure text selection - we need a Run wrapper for it. 
            if (elementLevel == EmptyDocumentDepth && typeof(Run).IsAssignableFrom(rangeStart.ParentType))

            // Create text navigator for reading the range's content
            ITextPointer textReader = rangeStart.CreatePointer();
            // Exclude last opening tag from serialization - we don't need to create extra element
            // is cases when we have whole paragraphs/cells selected. 
            // NOTE: We do this slightly differently than in TextRangeEdit.AdjustRangeEnd, where we use normalization for adjusted position. 
            // In this case normalized position does not work, because we need to keep information about crossed paragraph boundary.
            while (rangeEnd.GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection.Backward) == TextPointerContext.ElementStart) 
                rangeEnd = rangeEnd.GetNextContextPosition(LogicalDirection.Backward);
            // Write the range internal contents
            while (textReader.CompareTo(rangeEnd) < 0) 
                TextPointerContext runType = textReader.GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection.Forward);
                switch (runType)
                    case TextPointerContext.ElementStart:
                        TextElement nextElement = (TextElement)textReader.GetAdjacentElement(LogicalDirection.Forward); 
                        if (nextElement is Hyperlink)
                            // Don't write Hyperlink start element if Hyperlink is invalid 
                            // in case of having a UiElement except Image or stated the range end
                            // position before the end position of the Hyperlink. 
                            if (IsHyperlinkInvalid(textReader, rangeEnd))
                                ignoreWriteHyperlinkEnd = true;

                        else if (nextElement != null) 

                            TextElementEditingBehaviorAttribute att = (TextElementEditingBehaviorAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(nextElement.GetType(), typeof(TextElementEditingBehaviorAttribute));
                            if (att != null && !att.IsTypographicOnly) 
                                if (IsPartialNonTypographic(textReader, rangeEnd))
                                    // Add pointer to ignore list
                                    ITextPointer ptr = textReader.CreatePointer();


                        WriteStartXamlElement(/*range:*/null, textReader, xmlWriter, xamlTypeMapper, /*reduceElement:*/wpfPayload == null, preserveTextElements); 
                    case TextPointerContext.ElementEnd:
                        // Don't write Hyperlink end element if Hyperlink include the invalid
                        // in case of having a UiElement except Image or stated the range end
                        // before the end position of the Hyperlink or Hyperlink opening tag is 
                        // skipped from WriteOpeningTags by selecting of the partial of Hyperlink.
                        if (ignoreWriteHyperlinkEnd && (textReader.GetAdjacentElement(LogicalDirection.Forward) is Hyperlink)) 
                            // Reset the flag to keep walk up the next Hyperlink tag
                            ignoreWriteHyperlinkEnd = false; 


                        // Check the ignore list 
                        ITextPointer endPointer = textReader.CreatePointer(); 
                        endPointer.MoveToElementEdge(ElementEdge.BeforeEnd);  //
                        if (ignoreList.Contains(endPointer.Offset)) 
                        if (TextSchema.IsBreak(textReader.ParentType)) 
                            // For LineBreak, etc. use empty element syntax
                        {   // 
                            // For all other textelements use explicit closing tag. 

                    case TextPointerContext.Text: 
                        int textLength = textReader.GetTextRunLength(LogicalDirection.Forward);
                        char[] text = new Char[textLength]; 
                        textLength = TextPointerBase.GetTextWithLimit(textReader, LogicalDirection.Forward, text, 0, textLength, rangeEnd);
                        // XmlWriter will throw an ArgumentException if text contains
                        // any invalid surrogates, so strip them out now.
                        textLength = StripInvalidSurrogateChars(text, textLength);
                        xmlWriter.WriteChars(text, 0, textLength);

                    case TextPointerContext.EmbeddedElement: 
                        object embeddedObject = textReader.GetAdjacentElement(LogicalDirection.Forward);

                        WriteEmbeddedObject(embeddedObject, xmlWriter, wpfPayload); 
                        Invariant.Assert(false, "unexpected value of runType");

        /// Serializes a rectagular table range 
        private static void WriteXamlTableCellRange(XmlWriter xmlWriter, ITextRange range, XamlTypeMapper xamlTypeMapper, ref int elementLevel, WpfPayload wpfPayload, bool preserveTextElements) 
            Invariant.Assert(range.IsTableCellRange, "range is expected to be in IsTableCellRange state");

            List textSegments = range.TextSegments; 

            int checkElementLevel = -1; // negative value as an indicator that it is not yet initialized 
            // Set ignoreWriteHyperlinkEnd as false initially
            bool ignoreWriteHyperlinkEnd = false; 
            List ignoreList = new List();

            for (int i = 0; i < textSegments.Count; i++)
                TextSegment textSegment = textSegments[i];
                // Open a row for this segment (except for the very first one, for which we opened a row in a WriteOpeningTags method) 
                if (i > 0)
                    ITextPointer pointer = textSegment.Start.CreatePointer();
                    while (!typeof(TableRow).IsAssignableFrom(pointer.ParentType))
                        Invariant.Assert(typeof(TextElement).IsAssignableFrom(pointer.ParentType), "pointer must be still in a scope of TextElement"); 
                    Invariant.Assert(typeof(TableRow).IsAssignableFrom(pointer.ParentType), "pointer must be in a scope of TableRow"); 
                    ITextRange textRange = new TextRange(textSegment.Start, textSegment.End);

                    elementLevel += WriteOpeningTags(textRange, textSegment.Start, pointer, xmlWriter, xamlTypeMapper, /*reduceElement:*/wpfPayload == null, out ignoreWriteHyperlinkEnd, ref ignoreList, preserveTextElements);

                // Output the cell segment for one row 
                WriteXamlTextSegment(xmlWriter, textSegment.Start, textSegment.End, xamlTypeMapper, ref elementLevel, wpfPayload, ignoreWriteHyperlinkEnd, ignoreList, preserveTextElements); 

                Invariant.Assert(elementLevel >= 4, "At the minimun we expected to stay within four elements: Section(wrapper),Table,TableRowGroup,TableRow"); 
                if (checkElementLevel < 0) checkElementLevel = elementLevel; // initialize level checking variable
                Invariant.Assert(checkElementLevel == elementLevel, "elementLevel is supposed to be unchanged between segments of table cell range");

                // Assuming that the element is TableRow - close it. 
                // NOTE: Such assumption is valid because WriteXamlTextSegment moves end pointer out of all opening tags,
                // so it ends serialization immediately after the last cell's closing tag. 
                // This means that we only need to close one level - for TableRow. 
        /// Walks the tree up from current position and writes all scoping tags 
        /// in their natural order - from root to leafs. 
        /// Range identifying the whole selection.
        /// Needed for
        /// - table cell range case: proper column processing: to output only columns related to the selection
        /// - text segement case: hyperlink serialization heuristics 
        /// ITextPointer identifying an element. 
        /// A position identifying the scope which should be used for serialization.
        /// All tags outside of this scope will be ignored.
        /// XmlWriter to write element tags.
        /// /// 
        /// Number of opening tags written into XmlWriter. 
        /// This number should be used afterwards to close all opened tags. 
        private static int WriteOpeningTags(ITextRange range, ITextPointer thisElement, ITextPointer scope, XmlWriter xmlWriter, XamlTypeMapper xamlTypeMapper, bool reduceElement, out bool ignoreWriteHyperlinkEnd, ref List ignoreList, bool preserveTextElements) 
            ignoreWriteHyperlinkEnd = false;

            // Recursion ends when we reach the scope level. We will write tags on returing path from the recursion 
            if (thisElement.HasEqualScope(scope))
                return 0; // no elements have opened at this level. Return elementCount==0. 
            Invariant.Assert(typeof(TextElement).IsAssignableFrom(thisElement.ParentType), "thisElement is expected to be a TextElement");

            ITextPointer previousLevel = thisElement.CreatePointer();

            // Recurse into the parent element 
            int elementLevel = WriteOpeningTags(range, previousLevel, scope, xmlWriter, xamlTypeMapper, reduceElement, out ignoreWriteHyperlinkEnd, ref ignoreList, preserveTextElements); 

            // After returning from the recursion - when all parent tags have been written, 
            // write the opening tag for this element

            // Hyperlink open tag will be skipped since the range selection of Hyperlink is the partial
            // of Hyperlink range or Hyperlink include invalid UIElement except Image. 
            bool ignoreHyperlink = false;
            bool isPartialNonTypographic = false; 
            if (thisElement.ParentType == typeof(Hyperlink))
                if (TextPointerBase.IsAtNonMergeableInlineStart(range.Start))
                    ITextPointer position = thisElement.CreatePointer();

                    ignoreHyperlink = IsHyperlinkInvalid(position, range.End); 
                    ignoreHyperlink = true;
                TextElementEditingBehaviorAttribute att = (TextElementEditingBehaviorAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(thisElement.ParentType, typeof(TextElementEditingBehaviorAttribute));
                if (att != null && !att.IsTypographicOnly) 
                    if (TextPointerBase.IsAtNonMergeableInlineStart(range.Start))
                        ITextPointer position = thisElement.CreatePointer(); 
                        isPartialNonTypographic = IsPartialNonTypographic(position, range.End); 
                        isPartialNonTypographic = true;
            int count; 
            if (ignoreHyperlink)
                // Ignore writing Hyperlink opening tag
                ignoreWriteHyperlinkEnd = true;

                // Set elementLevel without adding it 
                count = elementLevel;
            else if (isPartialNonTypographic) 
                // Add the end pointer to the list 
                ITextPointer position = thisElement.CreatePointer();
                // Set elementLevel without adding to it
                count = elementLevel; 
                // Write the opening tag
                WriteStartXamlElement(range, thisElement, xmlWriter, xamlTypeMapper, reduceElement, preserveTextElements);

                // Each opening tag adds one to the level count 
                count = elementLevel + 1;
            // Return the opening tag count
            return count; 

        /// Writes an opening tag of an element together with all attributes 
        /// representing Avalon properties.
        /// Parameter used for top-level Table element - to decide what columns to output.
        /// For all other elements it's ignored. 
        /// TextPointer positioned in the scope of element whose
        /// start tag is going to be written. 
        /// XmlWriter to output element opening tag. 
        /// True value of this parameter indicates that
        /// serialization goes into XamlPackage, so all elements
        /// can be preserved as is; otherwise some of them must be 
        /// reduced into simpler representations (such as InlineUIContainer -> Run
        /// and BlockUIContainer -> Paragraph). 
        /// If TRUE, TextElements are serialized as-is.  If FALSE, they're upcast 
        /// to their base types.
        private static void WriteStartXamlElement(ITextRange range, ITextPointer textReader, XmlWriter xmlWriter, XamlTypeMapper xamlTypeMapper, bool reduceElement, bool preserveTextElements)
            Type elementType = textReader.ParentType;
            Type elementTypeStandardized = TextSchema.GetStandardElementType(elementType, reduceElement); 

            // Get rid f UIContainers when their child is not an image 
            if (elementTypeStandardized == typeof(InlineUIContainer) || elementTypeStandardized == typeof(BlockUIContainer))
                InlineUIContainer inlineUIContainer = textReader.GetAdjacentElement(LogicalDirection.Backward) as InlineUIContainer;
                BlockUIContainer blockUIContainer = textReader.GetAdjacentElement(LogicalDirection.Backward) as BlockUIContainer; 
                if ((inlineUIContainer == null || !(inlineUIContainer.Child is Image)) &&
                    (blockUIContainer == null || !(blockUIContainer.Child is Image))) 
                    // Even when we serialize for DataFormats.XamlPackage we strip out UIElement
                    // different from Images.
                    // Note that this condition is consistent with the one in WriteEmbeddedObject - 
                    // so that when we reduce the element type fromm UIContainer to Run/Paragraph
                    // we also output just a space instead of the embedded object conntained in it. 
                    elementTypeStandardized = TextSchema.GetStandardElementType(elementType, /*reduceElement:*/true); 
            else if (preserveTextElements)
                elementTypeStandardized = elementType;

            bool customTextElement = preserveTextElements && !TextSchema.IsKnownType(elementType); 
            if (customTextElement) 
                // If the element is not from PresentationFramework, we'll need to serialize a namespace 
                int index = elementTypeStandardized.Module.Name.LastIndexOf('.');
                string assembly = (index == -1 ? elementTypeStandardized.Module.Name : elementTypeStandardized.Module.Name.Substring(0, index));
                string nameSpace = "clr-namespace:" + elementTypeStandardized.Namespace + ";" + "assembly=" + assembly; 
                string prefix = elementTypeStandardized.Namespace;
                xmlWriter.WriteStartElement(prefix, elementTypeStandardized.Name, nameSpace); 

            // Write properties 
            DependencyObject complexProperties = new DependencyObject();
            WriteInheritableProperties(elementTypeStandardized, textReader, xmlWriter, /*onlyAffected:*/true, complexProperties); 
            WriteNoninheritableProperties(elementTypeStandardized, textReader, xmlWriter, /*onlyAffected:*/true, complexProperties); 
            if (customTextElement)
                WriteLocallySetProperties(elementTypeStandardized, textReader, xmlWriter, complexProperties);
            WriteComplexProperties(xmlWriter, complexProperties, elementTypeStandardized);
            // Special case for Table element serialization
            if (elementTypeStandardized == typeof(Table) && textReader is TextPointer) 
                // Write the columns text.
                WriteTableColumnsInformation(range, (Table)((TextPointer)textReader).Parent, xmlWriter, xamlTypeMapper); 

        // Write columns related to the given table cell range. 
        private static void WriteTableColumnsInformation(ITextRange range, Table table, XmlWriter xmlWriter, XamlTypeMapper xamlTypeMapper)
            TableColumnCollection columns = table.Columns; 
            int startColumn;
            int endColumn; 

            if (!TextRangeEditTables.GetColumnRange(range, table, out startColumn, out endColumn))
                startColumn = 0; 
                endColumn = columns.Count - 1;
            Invariant.Assert(startColumn >= 0, "startColumn index is supposed to be non-negative");
            if(columns.Count > 0)
                // Build an appropriate name for the complex property
                string complexPropertyName = table.GetType().Name + ".Columns"; 

                // Write the start element for the complex property. 

                for (int i = startColumn; i <= endColumn && i < columns.Count; i++) 
                    WriteXamlAtomicElement(columns[i], xmlWriter, /*reduceElement:*/false);
                // Close the element for the complex property


        /// Creates a FlowDocument element wrapping copied content and storing its contextual properties.
        /// true means that we need to serialize the whole FlowDocument - used in FileSave scenario;
        /// false means that we are in copy-paste scenario and will use Section or Span as a root - depending on context.
        private static void WriteRootFlowDocument(ITextRange range, ITextPointer context, XmlWriter xmlWriter, XamlTypeMapper xamlTypeMapper, bool lastParagraphMustBeMerged, bool useFlowDocumentAsRoot)
            Type rootType; 
            const string xmlNamespace = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation";
            const string xmlns = "xmlns"; 

            // Decide what root element to use
            if (useFlowDocumentAsRoot)
                rootType = typeof(FlowDocument);
                Type contextType = context.ParentType; 
                if (contextType == null ||
                    typeof(Paragraph).IsAssignableFrom(contextType) ||
                    typeof(Inline).IsAssignableFrom(contextType) && !typeof(AnchoredBlock).IsAssignableFrom(contextType))
                    rootType = typeof(Span);
                    rootType = typeof(Section); 

            // Create a root element FlowDocument 
            xmlWriter.WriteStartElement(rootType.Name, xmlNamespace);
            // Define default namespace as Avalon namespace 
            xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString(xmlns, xmlNamespace);
            // Set the value of xml:space to "preserve" to consider all spaces as significant
            // Note that Xml treats whitespaces as significant if they belong to some nonempty line
            // (neighbored by non-whitespace characters at least from one side)
            // That's why we only loose whitespaces if they occupy the whole textrun in xml. 
            // So alternative solution for whitespace preservation could be setting xml:space="preserve"
            // attribute to only empty runs - this would make our whitespace preservation more 
            // narrowed... 


            xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString("xml:space", "preserve"); 
            // Write all contextual properties as attributes of root fragment
            DependencyObject complexProperties = new DependencyObject(); 
            if (useFlowDocumentAsRoot)
                WriteInheritablePropertiesForFlowDocument((DependencyObject)((TextPointer)context).Parent, xmlWriter, complexProperties);
                WriteInheritableProperties(rootType, context, xmlWriter, /*onlyAffected:*/false, complexProperties); 
            if (rootType == typeof(Span))
                // Root element is not real element to paste. It is just a property bag for contextual properties.
                // So we collect non-inheritable properties only for inline content; not needing it for block one. 
                WriteNoninheritableProperties(typeof(Span), context, xmlWriter, /*onlyAffected:*/false, complexProperties);
            // Write an indicator that last paragraph must be merged on paste
            if (rootType == typeof(Section) && lastParagraphMustBeMerged) 
                xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString(Section.HasTrailingParagraphBreakOnPastePropertyName, "False");
            // Note that we are skipping background property, because we only want to transfer it for the whole document.
            WriteComplexProperties(xmlWriter, complexProperties, rootType);

        private static void WriteInheritablePropertiesForFlowDocument(DependencyObject context, XmlWriter xmlWriter, DependencyObject complexProperties)
            DependencyProperty[] inheritableProperties = TextSchema.GetInheritableProperties(typeof(FlowDocument)); 

            for (int i = 0; i < inheritableProperties.Length; i++) 
                DependencyProperty property = inheritableProperties[i];
                object value = context.ReadLocalValue(property); 

                if (value != DependencyProperty.UnsetValue)
                    string stringValue = DPTypeDescriptorContext.GetStringValue(property, value); 
                    if (stringValue != null)
                        stringValue = FilterNaNStringValueForDoublePropertyType(stringValue, property.PropertyType); 

                        string propertyName; 
                        if (property == FrameworkContentElement.LanguageProperty)
                            // Special case for CultureInfo property that must be represented in xaml as xml:lang attribute
                            propertyName = "xml:lang"; 
                            // Regular case using own property name
                            propertyName = property.OwnerType == typeof(Typography) ? "Typography." + property.Name : property.Name; 
                        xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString(propertyName, stringValue);
                        complexProperties.SetValue(property, value); 

        // Writes a collection of attributes representing inheritable properties
        // whose values has been affected by this element. 
        // Parameter onlyAffected=true means that we serialize only properties affected by
        // the current element; otherwise we output all known inheritable properties. 
        private static void WriteInheritableProperties(Type elementTypeStandardized, ITextPointer context, XmlWriter xmlWriter, bool onlyAffected, DependencyObject complexProperties) 
            // Create a pointer positioned immediately outside the element 
            ITextPointer outerContext = null;
            if (onlyAffected)
                outerContext = context.CreatePointer(); 
            DependencyProperty[] inheritableProperties = TextSchema.GetInheritableProperties(elementTypeStandardized);
            for (int i = 0; i < inheritableProperties.Length; i++)
                DependencyProperty property = inheritableProperties[i];
                object innerValue = context.GetValue(property);
                if (innerValue == null) 
                    // Some properties like Foreground may have null as default value.
                    // Skip them. 

                object outerValue = null; 
                if (onlyAffected)
                    outerValue = outerContext.GetValue(property); 
                // The property must appear in markup if the element
                if (!onlyAffected ||  // all properties requested for saving context on root
                    !TextSchema.ValuesAreEqual(innerValue, outerValue)) // or the element really affects the property
                    string stringValue = DPTypeDescriptorContext.GetStringValue(property, innerValue);
                    if (stringValue != null) 
                        stringValue = FilterNaNStringValueForDoublePropertyType(stringValue, property.PropertyType); 

                        string propertyName;
                        if (property == FrameworkContentElement.LanguageProperty)
                            // Special case for CultureInfo property that must be represented in xaml as xml:lang attribute
                            propertyName = "xml:lang"; 
                            // Regular case: serialize a property with its own name
                            propertyName = GetPropertyNameForElement(property, elementTypeStandardized, /*forceComplexName:*/false);
                        xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString(propertyName, stringValue); 
                        complexProperties.SetValue(property, innerValue);

        // Writes a collection of attributes representing non-inheritable properties 
        // whose values are set inline on the given element instance. 
        // When we read properties fromContext we want all values including defaults; from text elements we only want only affected
        private static void WriteNoninheritableProperties(Type elementTypeStandardized, ITextPointer context, XmlWriter xmlWriter, bool onlyAffected, DependencyObject complexProperties) 
            DependencyProperty[] elementProperties = TextSchema.GetNoninheritableProperties(elementTypeStandardized);

            // We'll need a pointer to walk the tree up when onlyAffected=false 
            ITextPointer parentContext = onlyAffected ? null : context.CreatePointer();
            for (int i = 0; i < elementProperties.Length; i++) 
                DependencyProperty property = elementProperties[i]; 
                Type propertyOwnerType = context.ParentType;

                object propertyValue;
                if (onlyAffected) 
                    propertyValue = context.GetValue(property);
                    // This is request for contextual properties - use "manual" inheritance to collect values
                    Invariant.Assert(elementTypeStandardized == typeof(Span), "Request for contextual properties is expected for Span wrapper only"); 

                    // Get property value from this element or from one of its ancestors (the latter in case of !onlyAffeted) 
                    propertyValue = context.GetValue(property); 

                    // Get property value from its ancestors if the property is not set. 
                    // TextDecorationCollection is special-cased as its default is empty collection,
                    // and its value source cannot be distinguished from ITextPointer.
                    if (propertyValue == null || TextDecorationCollection.Empty.ValueEquals(propertyValue as TextDecorationCollection))
                        if (property == Inline.BaselineAlignmentProperty || property == TextElement.TextEffectsProperty)
                            // These properties do not make sense as contextual; do not include them into context. 

                        while ((propertyValue == null || TextDecorationCollection.Empty.ValueEquals(propertyValue as TextDecorationCollection))
                            && typeof(Inline).IsAssignableFrom(parentContext.ParentType)) 
                            propertyValue = parentContext.GetValue(property); 
                            propertyOwnerType = parentContext.ParentType;




                if ((property == Block.MarginProperty && (typeof(Paragraph).IsAssignableFrom(propertyOwnerType) || typeof(List).IsAssignableFrom(propertyOwnerType))) 
                    (property == Block.PaddingProperty) && typeof(List).IsAssignableFrom(propertyOwnerType)) 
                    Thickness thickness = (Thickness)propertyValue;
                    if (Paragraph.IsMarginAuto(thickness)) 

                // Write the property as attribute string or add it to a list of complex properties. 
                WriteNoninheritableProperty(xmlWriter, property, propertyValue, propertyOwnerType, onlyAffected, complexProperties, context.ReadLocalValue(property)); 

        // Writes a value of an individual non-inheritable property in form of attribute string.
        // If the value cannot be serialized as a string, adds the property to a collection of complexProperties.
        // To minimize the amount of xaml produced, the property is skipped if its value is equal to its default value 
        // for the given element type - the propertyOwnerType.
        // The flag onlyAffected=false means that we want to output all properties independently on 
        // if they are equal to their default values or not. 
        private static void WriteNoninheritableProperty(XmlWriter xmlWriter, DependencyProperty property, object propertyValue, Type propertyOwnerType, bool onlyAffected, DependencyObject complexProperties, object localValue)
            bool write = false;
            if (propertyValue != null &&
                propertyValue != DependencyProperty.UnsetValue)
                if (!onlyAffected)
                    write = true; 
                    PropertyMetadata metadata = property.GetMetadata(propertyOwnerType);

                    write = (metadata == null) || !(TextSchema.ValuesAreEqual(propertyValue, /*defaultValue*/metadata.DefaultValue) && localValue == DependencyProperty.UnsetValue); 
            if (write)
                string stringValue = DPTypeDescriptorContext.GetStringValue(property, propertyValue);

                if (stringValue != null)
                    stringValue = FilterNaNStringValueForDoublePropertyType(stringValue, property.PropertyType);
                    // For the property name in this case we safe to use simple name only; 
                    // as noninheritable property would never require TypeName.PropertyName notation
                    // for attribute syntax. 
                    xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString(property.Name, stringValue);
                    complexProperties.SetValue(property, propertyValue);
        // Writes a collection of attributes representing properties with local values set on them.
        // If the value cannot be serialized as a string, adds the property to a collection of complexProperties.
        private static void WriteLocallySetProperties(Type elementTypeStandardized, ITextPointer context, XmlWriter xmlWriter, DependencyObject complexProperties)
            TextPointer textPointer = context as TextPointer;
            if (textPointer == null) 
                // We can't have custom properties if we're not a TextPointer

            LocalValueEnumerator locallySetProperties = context.GetLocalValueEnumerator();
            DependencyProperty[] inheritableProperties = TextSchema.GetInheritableProperties(elementTypeStandardized); 
            DependencyProperty[] nonInheritableProperties = TextSchema.GetNoninheritableProperties(elementTypeStandardized);
            while (locallySetProperties.MoveNext()) 
                DependencyProperty locallySetProperty = (DependencyProperty)locallySetProperties.Current.Property; 

                // Don't serialize read-only properties, or any properties registered or owned by a
                // a class in the framework (we only want to serialize custom properties), to be
                // consistent with our behavior for non-custom inlines. 
                if (!locallySetProperty.ReadOnly && 
                    !IsPropertyKnown(locallySetProperty, inheritableProperties, nonInheritableProperties) && 
                    object propertyValue = context.ReadLocalValue(locallySetProperty);
                    string stringValue = DPTypeDescriptorContext.GetStringValue(locallySetProperty, propertyValue);

                    if (stringValue != null) 
                        stringValue = FilterNaNStringValueForDoublePropertyType(stringValue, locallySetProperty.PropertyType); 
                        string propertyName = GetPropertyNameForElement(locallySetProperty, elementTypeStandardized, /*forceComplexName:*/false);
                        xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString(propertyName, stringValue); 
                        complexProperties.SetValue(locallySetProperty, propertyValue); 

// *** CLRTypeDescriptorContext is essentially the same as DPTypeDescriptorContext.
#if false
            // Check all CLR properties 
            // Note that this is partially redundant.  TypeDescriptor.GetProperties, when called on a
            // DependencyObject, will return all properties that are set-- including all those already 
            // serialized as Inheritable, NonInheritable, or LocallySet properties.  A potential 
            // optimization, therefore, is to remove those serialization methods and simply use this one
            // for everything when we've opted into custom element serialization. 
            PropertyDescriptorCollection descriptorCollection = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(textPointer.Parent);
            IEnumerator descriptors = descriptorCollection.GetEnumerator();
            while (descriptors.MoveNext())
                PropertyDescriptor current = (PropertyDescriptor)descriptors.Current;
                // ShouldSerializeValue() will return true for readonly properties that have explicitly 
                // been told to serialize, such as Span.Inlines.  If we serialize a read-only property, 
                // however, the parser will throw an exception when we try to deserialize.  So we
                // explicitly skip all read-only properties, and all DPs. 
                if (!current.ShouldSerializeValue(textPointer.Parent) || current.IsReadOnly || current is MS.Internal.ComponentModel.DependencyObjectPropertyDescriptor)
                // Serialize the property
                object propertyValue = current.GetValue(textPointer.Parent); 
                if (propertyValue != null) 
                    string stringValue = CLRTypeDescriptorContext.GetStringValue(current, propertyValue); 

                    if (stringValue != null)
                        stringValue = FilterNaNStringValueForDoublePropertyType(stringValue, current.PropertyType); 

                        xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString(current.Name, stringValue); 
        private static bool IsPropertyKnown(DependencyProperty propertyToTest, DependencyProperty[] inheritableProperties, DependencyProperty[] nonInheritableProperties)
            for (int i = 0; i < inheritableProperties.Length; i++)
                DependencyProperty property = inheritableProperties[i];
                if (property == propertyToTest) 
                    return true; 
            for (int i = 0; i < nonInheritableProperties.Length; i++) 
                DependencyProperty property = nonInheritableProperties[i];
                if (property == propertyToTest)
                    return true;
            return false;

        /// Writes complex properties in form of child elements with compound names
        /// To mask the security exception from XamlWriter.Save in partial trust case, 
        /// this function checks if the current call stack has unmanaged code permission. 
        private static void WriteComplexProperties(XmlWriter xmlWriter, DependencyObject complexProperties, Type elementType) 
            if (!SecurityHelper.CheckUnmanagedCodePermission())
                // In partial trust, we cannot serialize any complex properties because 
                // XamlWriter.Save demands UnmanagedCodePermission.
                // If we're in PT, drop the properties. 
                // If you're here debugging a lost complex property, consider adding 
                // code to DPTypeDescriptorContext to convert the complex property
                // into a non-complex property, or consider modifying XamlWriter.Save.

            LocalValueEnumerator properties = complexProperties.GetLocalValueEnumerator(); 
            while (properties.MoveNext()) 
                LocalValueEntry propertyEntry = properties.Current;

                // Build an appropriate name for the complex property 
                string complexPropertyName = GetPropertyNameForElement(propertyEntry.Property, elementType, /*forceComplexName:*/true);
                // Write the start element for the complex property. 
                // Serialize the complex property value from SaveAsXml().
                string complexPropertyXml = System.Windows.Markup.XamlWriter.Save(propertyEntry.Value);

                // Write the serialized complext property value as Xml. 
                // Close the element for the complex property 

        // Creates a name for the property which is consistent with xaml parser logic
        // When forceComplexName=true produces the TypeName.PropertyName notation unconditionally, 
        // otherwise such complex name is produced only when the TypeName is different from elementType.Name.
        private static string GetPropertyNameForElement(DependencyProperty property, Type elementType, bool forceComplexName) 
            string propertyName;
            if (DependencyProperty.FromName(property.Name, elementType) == property) 
                // The elementType is an owner of this property, so we can use its name
                if (forceComplexName)
                    propertyName = elementType.Name + "." + property.Name;
                    propertyName = property.Name; 
                // The elementType does not own this property, so we use the property's registered owner type name.
                propertyName = property.OwnerType.Name + "." + property.Name; 

            return propertyName; 

        // Serializes an element assuming that it does not have any children. Used for TableColumn
        private static void WriteXamlAtomicElement(DependencyObject element, XmlWriter xmlWriter, bool reduceElement)
            Type elementTypeStandardized = TextSchema.GetStandardElementType(element.GetType(), reduceElement); 
            DependencyProperty[] elementProperties = TextSchema.GetNoninheritableProperties(elementTypeStandardized);

            for (int i = 0; i < elementProperties.Length; i++)
                DependencyProperty property = elementProperties[i];
                object propertyValue = element.ReadLocalValue(property); 
                if (propertyValue != null && propertyValue != DependencyProperty.UnsetValue) 
                    System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter typeConverter = System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(property.PropertyType); 
                    Invariant.Assert(typeConverter != null, "typeConverter==null: is not expected for atomic elements");
                    Invariant.Assert(typeConverter.CanConvertTo(typeof(string)), "type is expected to be convertable into string type");
                    string stringValue = (string)typeConverter.ConvertTo(/*ITypeDescriptorContext:*/null, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, propertyValue, typeof(string));
                    Invariant.Assert(stringValue != null, "expecting non-null stringValue"); 
                    xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString(property.Name, stringValue);


        /// Writes embeded object tag. 
        /// XmlWriter to output element opening tag. 
        private static void WriteEmbeddedObject(object embeddedObject, XmlWriter xmlWriter, WpfPayload wpfPayload) 
            if (wpfPayload != null && embeddedObject is Image) 
                // Writing in WPF mode: need to create an image with a Source referring into a package
                Image image = (Image)embeddedObject; 

                if (image.Source != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(image.Source.ToString()))
                    // Add the image to the Image collection in the package 
                    // and define the reference to image into the package
                    string imageSource = wpfPayload.AddImage(image); 
                    if (imageSource != null) 
                        Type elementTypeStandardized = typeof(Image); 

                        // Write opening tag for the element
                        // Write all properties except for Source
                        DependencyProperty[] imageProperties = TextSchema.ImageProperties; 
                        DependencyObject complexProperties = new DependencyObject();
                        for (int i = 0; i < imageProperties.Length; i++)
                            DependencyProperty property = imageProperties[i];
                            if (property != Image.SourceProperty) 
                                object value = image.GetValue(property); 
                                // Write the property as attribute string or add it to a list of complex properties.
                                WriteNoninheritableProperty(xmlWriter, property, value, elementTypeStandardized, /*onlyAffected:*/true, complexProperties, image.ReadLocalValue(property)); 

                        // Write Source property - as a local reference into the package container 
                        // Write Source property as the complex property to specify the BitmapImage
                        // cache option as "OnLoad" instead of the default "OnDeman". Otherwise, 
                        // we couldn't load the image by disposing WpfPayload package. 
                        xmlWriter.WriteStartElement(typeof(Image).Name + "." + Image.SourceProperty.Name);
                        xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString(System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapImage.UriSourceProperty.Name, imageSource);
                        xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString(System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapImage.CacheOptionProperty.Name, "OnLoad");

                        // Write remaining complex properties 
                        WriteComplexProperties(xmlWriter, complexProperties, elementTypeStandardized); 

                        // Close the element 
                // In non-package mode we ignore all UIElements. 
                // Output a space replacing this embedded element.
                // Note that in this mode (DataFormats.Xaml) InlineUIContainer was 
                // replaced by Run and BlockUIContainer - by Paragraph,
                // so the space output here will be significant.
                xmlWriter.WriteString(" ");
        // ............................................................. 
        // Pasting 
        // .............................................................

        // Handles a special case for pasting a single embedded element - 
        // needs to choose between BlockUIContainer and InlineUIContainer.
        private static bool PasteSingleEmbeddedElement(TextRange range, TextElement fragment) 
            if (fragment.ContentStart.GetOffsetToPosition(fragment.ContentEnd) == 3)
                TextElement uiContainer = fragment.ContentStart.GetAdjacentElement(LogicalDirection.Forward) as TextElement;
                FrameworkElement embeddedElement = null;
                if (uiContainer is BlockUIContainer)
                    embeddedElement = ((BlockUIContainer)uiContainer).Child as FrameworkElement;
                    if (embeddedElement != null) 
                        ((BlockUIContainer)uiContainer).Child = null;
                else if (uiContainer is InlineUIContainer)
                    embeddedElement = ((InlineUIContainer)uiContainer).Child as FrameworkElement; 
                    if (embeddedElement != null)
                        ((InlineUIContainer)uiContainer).Child = null; 

                if (embeddedElement != null)
                    return true;

            return false; 

        private static void PasteTextFragment(TextElement fragment, TextRange range)
            Invariant.Assert(range.IsEmpty, "range must be empty at this point - emptied by a caller");
            Invariant.Assert(fragment is Section || fragment is Span, "The wrapper element must be a Section or Span"); 
            // Define insertion position.
            TextPointer insertionPosition = TextRangeEditTables.EnsureInsertionPosition(range.End); 

            // Check if our insertion position has a non-splittable Inline ancestor such as Hyperlink element.
            // Since we cannot split such Inline, we must switch to Text mode for pasting.
            // Note that this also has the side effect of converting paragraph breaks to space characters. 
            if (insertionPosition.HasNonMergeableInlineAncestor)
                PasteNonMergeableTextFragment(fragment, range); 
                PasteMergeableTextFragment(fragment, range, insertionPosition);

        // Helper for PasteTextFragment 
        private static void PasteNonMergeableTextFragment(TextElement fragment, TextRange range) 
            // We cannot split Hyperlink or other non-splittable inline ancestor. 
            // Paste text content of fragment in such case.

            // Get text content to be pasted.
            string fragmentText = TextRangeBase.GetTextInternal(fragment.ElementStart, fragment.ElementEnd); 

            // Paste text into our empty target range. 
            range.Text = fragmentText;
            // Select pasted content
            range.Select(range.Start, range.End);
        // Helper for PasteTextFragment
        private static void PasteMergeableTextFragment(TextElement fragment, TextRange range, TextPointer insertionPosition) 
            TextPointer fragmentStart;
            TextPointer fragmentEnd; 

            if (fragment is Span)
                // Split structure at insertion point in target 
                insertionPosition = TextRangeEdit.SplitFormattingElements(insertionPosition, /*keepEmptyFormatting:*/false);
                Invariant.Assert(insertionPosition.Parent is Paragraph, "insertionPosition must be in a scope of a Paragraph after splitting formatting elements"); 
                // Move the whole Span into the insertion point

                // Store edge positions of inserted content
                fragmentStart = fragment.ElementStart;
                fragmentEnd = fragment.ElementEnd; 

                // Remove wrapper from a tree 
                fragment.Reposition(null, null); 
                ValidateMergingPositions(typeof(Inline), fragmentStart, fragmentEnd);
                // Transfer inheritable contextual properties
                ApplyContextualProperties(fragmentStart, fragmentEnd, fragment);
                // Correct leading nested List elements in the fragment 

                // Split a paragraph at insertion position 
                bool needFirstParagraphMerging = SplitParagraphForPasting(ref insertionPosition);

                // Move the whole Section into the insertion point

                // Store edge positions of inserted content 
                fragmentStart = fragment.ElementStart; 
                fragmentEnd = fragment.ElementEnd.GetPositionAtOffset(0, LogicalDirection.Forward); // need forward orientation to stick with the following content during merge at fragmentStart position
                // And unwrap the root Section
                fragment.Reposition(null, null);
                ValidateMergingPositions(typeof(Block), fragmentStart, fragmentEnd);
                // Transfer inheritable contextual properties
                ApplyContextualProperties(fragmentStart, fragmentEnd, fragment); 
                // Merge paragraphs on fragment boundaries
                if (needFirstParagraphMerging) 
                    MergeParagraphsAtPosition(fragmentStart, /*mergingOnFragmentStart:*/true);
                // Get an indication that we need to merge last paragraph
                if (!((Section)fragment).HasTrailingParagraphBreakOnPaste) 
                    MergeParagraphsAtPosition(fragmentEnd, /*mergingOnFragmentStart:*/false);

            // For paragraph pasting move range end to the following paragraph, because
            // it must include an ending paragraph break (in case of no-merging) 
            if (fragment is Section && ((Section)fragment).HasTrailingParagraphBreakOnPaste) 
                fragmentEnd = fragmentEnd.GetInsertionPosition(LogicalDirection.Forward); 

            // Select pasted content
            range.Select(fragmentStart, fragmentEnd); 
        // Removes nested ListItems in the beginning of a fragment 
        // to avoid multiple bulleting.
        private static void CorrectLeadingNestedLists(Section fragment)
            List list = fragment.Blocks.FirstBlock as List;
            while (list != null) 
                ListItem listItem = list.ListItems.FirstListItem; 
                if (listItem == null) 

                if (listItem.NextListItem != null)
                List nestedList = listItem.Blocks.FirstBlock as List;
                if (nestedList == null) 
                // So we have nested list in the very beginning of the outer single-item list:
                // remove that outer list 
                listItem.Reposition(null, null); 
                list.Reposition(null, null);
                list = nestedList;
        // Decides whether we need to split a paragraph before pasting a fragment or not.
        // Splits the paragraph if needed, or simply moves the insertionPosition before its start. 
        // Returns true if splitting happened and consequently merging is required after pasting. 
        private static bool SplitParagraphForPasting(ref TextPointer insertionPosition)
            bool needFirstParagraphMerging = true; // we need splitting unless the position os at the bery beginniong of a paragraph

            // When the insertion position is at the beginning of a paragraph we can avoid
            // splitting and then merging paragraphs at fragment start position. 
            // This is not a pref consideration. We do not want an empty paragraph
            // would kill a formatting of a first pasted paragraphs (say, ListItem of a pasted List). 
            TextPointer positionBeforeParagraph = insertionPosition; 
            // Skip formatting tags
            while (positionBeforeParagraph.GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection.Backward) == TextPointerContext.ElementStart && 
                positionBeforeParagraph = positionBeforeParagraph.GetNextContextPosition(LogicalDirection.Backward);
            while (positionBeforeParagraph.GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection.Backward) == TextPointerContext.ElementStart &&
                needFirstParagraphMerging = false;
                positionBeforeParagraph = positionBeforeParagraph.GetNextContextPosition(LogicalDirection.Backward); 
            if (!needFirstParagraphMerging)
                // Insertion position was in the beginning of a paragraph. 
                // No need in splitting/merging at fragment start
                insertionPosition = positionBeforeParagraph; 
                // split paragraph to create an insertion positionn at block level
                insertionPosition = TextRangeEdit.InsertParagraphBreak(insertionPosition, /*moveIntoSecondParagraph:*/false);
            // When insertionPosition is inside a ListItem, then InsertParagraphBreak will
            // split not only a parent Paragraph but also a ListItem and return a position 
            // between ListItems. This position is not good for inserting Block elements, 
            // so we also need to split parent List element.
            // In a case when insertionPosition was at the beginning of a paragraph, 
            // we still can end up being between ListItems, so again need to split a parent List.
            if (insertionPosition.Parent is List)
                insertionPosition = TextRangeEdit.SplitElement(insertionPosition); 
            return needFirstParagraphMerging; 
        // Merges two paragraphs preceding and following the given position
        private static void MergeParagraphsAtPosition(TextPointer position, bool mergingOnFragmentStart)
            TextPointer navigator = position; 
            while (navigator != null && !(navigator.Parent is Paragraph))
                if (navigator.GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection.Backward) == TextPointerContext.ElementEnd) 
                    navigator = navigator.GetNextContextPosition(LogicalDirection.Backward); 
                    navigator = null; 
            if (navigator != null)
                Invariant.Assert(navigator.Parent is Paragraph, "We suppose have a first paragraph found");
                Paragraph firstParagraph = (Paragraph)navigator.Parent;

                navigator = position; 
                while (navigator != null && !(navigator.Parent is Paragraph))
                    if (navigator.GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection.Forward) == TextPointerContext.ElementStart) 
                        navigator = navigator.GetNextContextPosition(LogicalDirection.Forward); 
                        navigator = null; 
                if (navigator != null)
                    Invariant.Assert(navigator.Parent is Paragraph, "We suppose a second paragraph found");
                    Paragraph secondParagraph = (Paragraph)navigator.Parent;

                    if (TextRangeEditLists.ParagraphsAreMergeable(firstParagraph, secondParagraph)) 
                        TextRangeEditLists.MergeParagraphs(firstParagraph, secondParagraph); 
                    else if (mergingOnFragmentStart && firstParagraph.TextRange.IsEmpty)
                    else if (!mergingOnFragmentStart && secondParagraph.TextRange.IsEmpty)

        // Validates that the sibling element at this position belong to expected itemType (Inline, Block, ListItem)
        private static void ValidateMergingPositions(Type itemType, TextPointer start, TextPointer end)
            if (start.CompareTo(end) < 0)
                // Verify inner part 
                TextPointerContext forwardFromStart = start.GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection.Forward);
                TextPointerContext backwardFromEnd = end.GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection.Backward); 
                Invariant.Assert(forwardFromStart == TextPointerContext.ElementStart, "Expecting first opening tag of pasted fragment");
                Invariant.Assert(backwardFromEnd == TextPointerContext.ElementEnd, "Expecting last closing tag of pasted fragment");
                Invariant.Assert(itemType.IsAssignableFrom(start.GetAdjacentElement(LogicalDirection.Forward).GetType()), "The first pasted fragment item is expected to be a " + itemType.Name);
                Invariant.Assert(itemType.IsAssignableFrom(end.GetAdjacentElement(LogicalDirection.Backward).GetType()), "The last pasted fragment item is expected to be a " + itemType.Name); 

                // Veryfy outer part 
                TextPointerContext backwardFromStart = start.GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection.Backward); 
                TextPointerContext forwardFromEnd = end.GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection.Forward);
                Invariant.Assert(backwardFromStart == TextPointerContext.ElementStart || backwardFromStart == TextPointerContext.ElementEnd || backwardFromStart == TextPointerContext.None, "Bad context preceding a pasted fragment"); 
                Invariant.Assert(!(backwardFromStart == TextPointerContext.ElementEnd) || itemType.IsAssignableFrom(start.GetAdjacentElement(LogicalDirection.Backward).GetType()), "An element preceding a pasted fragment is expected to be a " + itemType.Name);
                Invariant.Assert(forwardFromEnd == TextPointerContext.ElementStart || forwardFromEnd == TextPointerContext.ElementEnd || forwardFromEnd == TextPointerContext.None, "Bad context following a pasted fragment");
                Invariant.Assert(!(forwardFromEnd == TextPointerContext.ElementStart) || itemType.IsAssignableFrom(end.GetAdjacentElement(LogicalDirection.Forward).GetType()), "An element following a pasted fragment is expected to be a " + itemType.Name);
        // Helper function used to set default value for an indicator requesting to merge last paragraph. 
        private static void AdjustFragmentForTargetRange(TextElement fragment, TextRange range)
            if (fragment is Section && ((Section)fragment).HasTrailingParagraphBreakOnPaste)
                // Explicit indicator is missing, we need to set it by default.
                // In a case of TextRange.Xml property assignment we assume that 
                // user expects to insert as many paragraphs new paragraphs as her pasted xaml contains.
                // The expection must be done to the case when the target range is 
                // extended beyond the last paragraph - then we must merge last paragraph 
                // to avoid extra paragraph creation at the end (one additional paragraph
                // will be created in this case by Pasting code before pasting). 
                // The other case for exception is when target TextContainer is empty -
                // in this case we as well want to merge last paragraph with the following
                // one (which will be created as part of paragraph enforcement in pasting operation).
                // The both desired conditions - IsAfterLastParagraph and "in empty container" 
                // can be identified by the following simple test - range.End is not at end-of-doc.
                ((Section)fragment).HasTrailingParagraphBreakOnPaste = range.End.GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection.Forward) != TextPointerContext.None; 
        // Applies a whole property bag to a range from start to end to simulate inheritance of this property from source conntext
        private static void ApplyContextualProperties(TextPointer start, TextPointer end, TextElement propertyBag)
            Invariant.Assert(propertyBag.IsEmpty && propertyBag.Parent == null, "propertyBag is supposed to be an empty element outside any tree"); 

            LocalValueEnumerator contextualProperties = propertyBag.GetLocalValueEnumerator(); 
            while (start.CompareTo(end) < 0 && contextualProperties.MoveNext())
                // Note: we repeatedly check for IsEmpty because the selection
                // may become empty as a result of normalization after formatting
                // (thai character sequence).
                LocalValueEntry propertyEntry = contextualProperties.Current; 
                DependencyProperty property = propertyEntry.Property;
                if (TextSchema.IsCharacterProperty(property) && 
                    // In case a property is both an Inline and Paragraph property, 
                    // propertyBag element type (section or span) decides how it should be applied.
                    if (TextSchema.IsBlock(propertyBag.GetType()))
                        ApplyContextualProperty(typeof(Block), start, end, property, propertyEntry.Value); 
                        ApplyContextualProperty(typeof(Inline), start, end, property, propertyEntry.Value);
                else if (TextSchema.IsCharacterProperty(property))
                    ApplyContextualProperty(typeof(Inline), start, end, property, propertyEntry.Value); 
                else if (TextSchema.IsParagraphProperty(property)) 
                    ApplyContextualProperty(typeof(Block), start, end, property, propertyEntry.Value);

            // Merge formatting elements at end position
        // Applies one property to a range from start to end to simulate inheritance of this property from source conntext
        private static void ApplyContextualProperty(Type targetType, TextPointer start, TextPointer end, DependencyProperty property, object value) 
            if (TextSchema.ValuesAreEqual(start.Parent.GetValue(property), value))
                return; // The property at insertion position is the same as it was in source context. Nothing to do. 
            // Advance start pointer to enter pasted fragment 
            start = start.GetNextContextPosition(LogicalDirection.Forward);
            while (start != null && start.CompareTo(end) < 0)
                TextPointerContext passedContext = start.GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection.Backward);
                if (passedContext == TextPointerContext.ElementStart) 
                    TextElement element = (TextElement)start.Parent; 
                    // Check if this element affects the property in question
                    if (element.ReadLocalValue(property) != DependencyProperty.UnsetValue || 
                        !TextSchema.ValuesAreEqual(element.GetValue(property), element.Parent.GetValue(property)))
                        // The element affects this property, so we can skip it
                        start = element.ElementEnd; 
                    else if (targetType.IsAssignableFrom(element.GetType())) 
                        start = element.ElementEnd;
                        if (targetType == typeof(Block) && start.CompareTo(end) > 0)
                            // Contextual properties should not apply to the last paragraph
                            // when it is merged with the following content - 
                            // to avoid affecting the folowing visible content formatting.

                        // This is topmost-level inline element which inherits this property. 
                        // Set the value explicitly
                        if (!TextSchema.ValuesAreEqual(value, element.GetValue(property)))
                            if (!TextSchema.ValuesAreEqual(value, element.GetValue(property)))
                                element.SetValue(property, value); 
                        // Traverse down into a structured (non-innline) element 
                        start = start.GetNextContextPosition(LogicalDirection.Forward); 
                    // Traverse up from any element
                    Invariant.Assert(passedContext != TextPointerContext.None, "TextPointerContext.None is not expected"); 
                    start = start.GetNextContextPosition(LogicalDirection.Forward);
        // Returns a navigator scoped in the common ancestor for the start and end positions
        // The navigator is positioned in the beginning of the ancestor's content.
        // Modifies the common ancestor for hyperlink serialization heuristic - in case when the range is positioned at hyperlink boundaries.
        // Since we need to write a hyperlink wrapper in this case, navigator is positioned before hyperlink element start. 
        private static ITextPointer FindSerializationCommonAncestor(ITextRange range)
            // Create navigators for tree traversing looking for commonAncestor 
            ITextPointer commonAncestor = range.Start.CreatePointer();
            ITextPointer runningEnd = range.End.CreatePointer(); 

            // Find nearest common ancestor
            while (!commonAncestor.HasEqualScope(runningEnd))
                // Run all way from end up the tree to check if start is ancestor
                while (typeof(TextElement).IsAssignableFrom(runningEnd.ParentType) && !runningEnd.HasEqualScope(commonAncestor)) 

                if (runningEnd.HasEqualScope(commonAncestor))
                // Move start one level up

            while (!IsAcceptableAncestor(commonAncestor, range))
            if (typeof(TextElement).IsAssignableFrom(commonAncestor.ParentType))

                // Check for special case, when range start and end are at Hyperlink boundaries.
                // Need to expand commonAncestor to Hyperlink element start, so that Hyperlink wrapper is written. 
                ITextPointer hyperlinkStart = GetHyperlinkStart(range);
                if (hyperlinkStart != null) 
                    commonAncestor = hyperlinkStart;
            return commonAncestor; 
        // Verify that a pointer is an acceptable ancestor.  Some types can't be ancestors at all, while
        // non-typographic-only elements are unacceptable if the range being serialized does not include the
        // element's start and end (because we don't want to serialize properties on such an element).
        private static bool IsAcceptableAncestor(ITextPointer commonAncestor, ITextRange range) 
            if (typeof(TableRow).IsAssignableFrom(commonAncestor.ParentType) || 
                typeof(TableRowGroup).IsAssignableFrom(commonAncestor.ParentType) || 
                typeof(Table).IsAssignableFrom(commonAncestor.ParentType) ||
                typeof(BlockUIContainer).IsAssignableFrom(commonAncestor.ParentType) || 
                typeof(List).IsAssignableFrom(commonAncestor.ParentType) ||
                typeof(Inline).IsAssignableFrom(commonAncestor.ParentType) && TextSchema.HasTextDecorations(commonAncestor.GetValue(Inline.TextDecorationsProperty)))
                return false; 
            // We don't want to use any formatting from within a non-typographic-only element unless the entire 
            // element is selected (in which case, the ancestor candidate will already be outside that element.
            // If there is such an element ANYWHERE in the ancestry, the only acceptable 
            // ancestor is outside the outermost such element.
            ITextPointer navigator = commonAncestor.CreatePointer();
            while (typeof(TextElement).IsAssignableFrom(navigator.ParentType))
                TextElementEditingBehaviorAttribute behaviorAttribute = (TextElementEditingBehaviorAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(navigator.ParentType, typeof(TextElementEditingBehaviorAttribute));
                if (behaviorAttribute != null && !behaviorAttribute.IsTypographicOnly) 
                    return false;

            return true; 
        // Removes (inplace) any invalid surrogate chars from an array. 
        // Returns the new array length, text.Length minus any stripped
        // chars. 
        // Unicode surrogates are 32 bit references to abstract chars.
        // A valid surrogate pair consists of a 16 bit code point (the
        // high surrogate) in the range u+d800 - u+dbff, followed by a 
        // second 16 bit code point (the low surrogate) in the range
        // u+dc00 - u+dfff. 
        // An invalid surrogate is a high surrogate not followed by a
        // low surrogate, or a low surrogate not preceeded by a high 
        // surrogate.
        // Length specifies the number of characters in text to examine,
        // characters past length are ignored (as if text.Length == length). 
        // Also removes nul characters 
        private static int StripInvalidSurrogateChars(char[] text, int length) 
            int count; 

            Invariant.Assert(text.Length >= length, "Asserting that text.Length >= length");

            int i; 
            for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
                char testChar = text[i]; 
                if (Char.IsHighSurrogate(testChar) || Char.IsLowSurrogate(testChar) || IsBadCode(testChar))
            if (i == length)
                // No surrogates, early out. 
                count = length;
                count = i;
                for (; i < length; i++)
                    if (Char.IsHighSurrogate(text[i])) 
                        if (i + 1 < length && Char.IsLowSurrogate(text[i + 1])) 
                            // Valid surrogate encountered.
                            text[count] = text[i];
                            text[count + 1] = text[i + 1]; 
                            count += 2;
                            i++; // Skip over low surrogate. 
                            // Bogus high surrogte encountered -- remove it.
                            // Simply don't update destinationIndex or count.
                    else if (Char.IsLowSurrogate(text[i]))
                        // Bogus low surrogate encountered -- remove it. 
                        // Simply don't update destinationIndex or count.
                    else if (IsBadCode(text[i]))
                        // nul character enountered - remove it.
                        // Simply don't update destinationIndex or count. 
                        // Non-surrogate encountered. 
                        text[count] = text[i];
                        count += 1;
            return count; 
        private static bool IsBadCode(char code)
            return (code < ' ' && code != '\x0009' && code != '\x000A' && code != '\x000D');

        /// Return true if rangeEnd is not at the end of an element. 
        /// textReader must already be at the start of the element. 
        private static bool IsPartialNonTypographic(ITextPointer textReader, ITextPointer rangeEnd)
            bool isPartial = false; 

            Invariant.Assert(textReader.GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection.Forward) == TextPointerContext.ElementStart); 
            ITextPointer elementNavigation = textReader.CreatePointer();
            ITextPointer elementEnd = textReader.CreatePointer(); 


            // Find the end position 
            if (elementEnd.CompareTo(rangeEnd) > 0) 
                isPartial = true; 

            return isPartial;

        /// Return true if Hyperlink range is invalid. 
        /// Hyperlink is invalid if it include a UiElement except Image or the range end position
        /// is stated before the end position of hyperlink. 
        /// This must be called before Hyperlink start element position.
        private static bool IsHyperlinkInvalid(ITextPointer textReader, ITextPointer rangeEnd)
            // TextRead must be on the position before the element start position of Hyperlink
            Invariant.Assert(textReader.GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection.Forward) == TextPointerContext.ElementStart); 

            bool hyperlinkInvalid = false; 

            // Get the forward adjacent element and cast Hyperlink hardly since it must be Hyperlink
            Hyperlink hyperlink = (Hyperlink)textReader.GetAdjacentElement(LogicalDirection.Forward);
            ITextPointer hyperlinkNavigation = textReader.CreatePointer();
            ITextPointer hyperlinkEnd = textReader.CreatePointer(); 
            // Find the hyperlink end position

            // Hyperlink end position is stated after the range end position. 
            if (hyperlinkEnd.CompareTo(rangeEnd) > 0)
                hyperlinkInvalid = true; 
                // Check whether the hyperlink having a UiElement except Image until hyperlink end position
                while (hyperlinkNavigation.CompareTo(hyperlinkEnd) < 0)
                    InlineUIContainer inlineUIContainer = hyperlinkNavigation.GetAdjacentElement(LogicalDirection.Forward) as InlineUIContainer;
                    if (inlineUIContainer != null && !(inlineUIContainer.Child is Image)) 
                        hyperlinkInvalid = true;

            return hyperlinkInvalid; 
        // Returns a position before hyperlink element start if passed range start and end are at hyperlink boundaries. Otherwise, null.
        private static ITextPointer GetHyperlinkStart(ITextRange range)
            ITextPointer hyperlinkStart = null; 

            if (TextPointerBase.IsAtNonMergeableInlineStart(range.Start) && TextPointerBase.IsAtNonMergeableInlineEnd(range.End)) 
                // Find a position at hyperlink start.
                hyperlinkStart = range.Start.CreatePointer(LogicalDirection.Forward); 
                while (hyperlinkStart.GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection.Backward) == TextPointerContext.ElementStart &&
            return hyperlinkStart;

        private static string FilterNaNStringValueForDoublePropertyType(string stringValue, Type propertyType)
            if (propertyType == typeof(double) && 
                String.Compare(stringValue, "NaN", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                return "Auto"; // convert NaN to Auto, to keep parser happy

            return stringValue; 
        #endregion Private Methods 

        // -------------------------------------------------------------- 
        // Private Constants
        // -------------------------------------------------------------- 

        #region Private Constants 
        // A structural depth of a empty FlowDocument fragment
        private const int EmptyDocumentDepth = 1; 

        #endregion Private Constants

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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