BitmapSource.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / wpf / src / Core / CSharp / System / Windows / Media / Imaging / BitmapSource.cs / 1458001 / BitmapSource.cs

//  Microsoft Avalon
//  Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved.
//  File: BitmapSource.cs 
using System;
using System.IO; 
using System.Collections;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization;
using System.Reflection; 
using MS.Internal;
using System.Diagnostics; 
using System.Windows.Media; 
using System.Globalization;
using System.Security; 
using System.Net;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Windows.Media.Animation; 
using System.Windows.Media.Composition;
using MS.Win32; 
using System.IO.Packaging; 
using UnsafeNativeMethods = MS.Win32.PresentationCore.UnsafeNativeMethods;
using SR = MS.Internal.PresentationCore.SR; 
using SRID = MS.Internal.PresentationCore.SRID;
using MS.Internal.PresentationCore;                        // SecurityHelper

namespace System.Windows.Media.Imaging 
    #region BitmapSource 
    /// Interface for Bitmap Sources, included decoders and effects 
    [Localizability(LocalizationCategory.None, Readability = Readability.Unreadable)]
    public abstract class BitmapSource : ImageSource, DUCE.IResource
        #region Constructor
        /// Create a BitmapSource from an array of pixels.
        /// Width of the Bitmap
        /// Height of the Bitmap
        /// Horizontal DPI of the Bitmap
        /// Vertical DPI of the Bitmap 
        /// Format of the Bitmap
        /// Palette of the Bitmap 
        /// Array of pixels 
        /// stride
        public static BitmapSource Create( 
            int pixelWidth,
            int pixelHeight,
            double dpiX,
            double dpiY, 
            PixelFormat pixelFormat,
            Imaging.BitmapPalette palette, 
            System.Array pixels, 
            int stride
            return new CachedBitmap(
                        pixelWidth, pixelHeight,
                        dpiX, dpiY, 
                        pixelFormat, palette,
                        pixels, stride); 

        /// Create a BitmapSource from an array of pixels in unmanaged memory.
        /// Width of the Bitmap 
        /// Height of the Bitmap
        /// Horizontal DPI of the Bitmap 
        /// Vertical DPI of the Bitmap 
        /// Format of the Bitmap
        /// Palette of the Bitmap 
        /// Pointer to the buffer in memory
        /// Size of the buffer
        /// stride
        ///     Callers must have UnmanagedCode permission to call this API.
        /// Critical - access critical code, accepts pointer arguments
        /// PublicOK - demands unmanaged code permission 
        unsafe public static BitmapSource Create(
            int pixelWidth, 
            int pixelHeight,
            double dpiX, 
            double dpiY, 
            PixelFormat pixelFormat,
            Imaging.BitmapPalette palette, 
            IntPtr buffer,
            int bufferSize,
            int stride
            return new CachedBitmap(
                        pixelWidth, pixelHeight, 
                        dpiX, dpiY,
                        pixelFormat, palette,
                        buffer, bufferSize, stride);

        /// Constructor
        /// Critical: Accesses _wicSource
        /// TreatAsSafe: Inputs are safe
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
        protected BitmapSource() 
            // Synchronize for *this* object only by default.
            _syncObject = _bitmapInit; 
            _isSourceCached = false;

        /// Internal Constructor
        /// useVirtuals: Should properties and methods like PixelWidth and CopyPixels use their "default" implementation. 
        /// Critical: Accesses _wicSource
        /// TreatAsSafe: Input (bool) is safe
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
        internal BitmapSource(bool useVirtuals)
            _useVirtuals = true; 
            _isSourceCached = false;
            // Synchronize for *this* object only by default.
            _syncObject = _bitmapInit;
        /// Creates a copy of this object. 
        /// The copy.
        public new BitmapSource Clone() 
            return (BitmapSource)base.Clone();
        /// Shadows inherited CloneCurrentValue() with a strongly typed version for convenience. 
        /// The copy.
        public new BitmapSource CloneCurrentValue() 
            return (BitmapSource)base.CloneCurrentValue();
        #endregion Constructor
        #region Public properties and methods 

        /// Native format of the bitmap's data.
        /// If the BitmapSource is directly readable, this is the format the
        /// pixels will be in when they are read.
        public virtual System.Windows.Media.PixelFormat Format
                return _format;

        /// Width, in pixels, of the bitmap.
        public virtual int PixelWidth

                return _pixelWidth;
        /// Height, in pixels, of the bitmap.
        public virtual int PixelHeight
                return _pixelHeight;

        /// Horizontal DPI of the bitmap. 
        public virtual double DpiX 

                return _dpiX; 

        /// Vertical DPI of the bitmap. 
        public virtual double DpiY
                return _dpiY;

        /// Retrieve and set the bitmap palette. 
        public virtual Imaging.BitmapPalette Palette 

                if (_palette == null) 
                    // update the local palette
                    if (_format.Palettized) 
                        _palette = Imaging.BitmapPalette.CreateFromBitmapSource(this);

                return _palette; 
        /// Returns true if the BitmapSource is downloading content
        public virtual bool IsDownloading 
                return false; 

        /// Raised when downloading content is done
        /// May not be raised for all content. 
        public virtual event EventHandler DownloadCompleted

        /// Raised when download has progressed
        /// May not be raised for all content. 
        public virtual event EventHandler DownloadProgress

        /// Raised when download has failed
        /// May not be raised for all content. 
        public virtual event EventHandler DownloadFailed

        /// Raised when decoding has failed
        /// May not be raised for all content. 
        public virtual event EventHandler DecodeFailed

        /// Copy the pixel data from the bitmap into the array of pixels that
        /// has the specified stride, starting at the offset (specified in number 
        /// of pixels from the beginning). An empty rect (all 0s) will copy the
        /// entire bitmap.
        /// Source rect to copy. Int32Rect.Empty specifies the entire rect 
        /// Destination array
        /// Stride 
        /// Offset in the array to begin copying 
        ///     Critical: This code can be used to expose pixel information 
        ///     PublicOk: There is an inheritance demand to prevent sub classing and there is
        ///     a web permission demand to prevent non site of origin requests
        [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Flags = SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)]
        public virtual void CopyPixels(Int32Rect sourceRect, Array pixels, int stride, int offset) 


            // Demand Site Of origin on the URI if it passes then this  information is ok to expose
            CriticalCopyPixels(sourceRect, pixels, stride, offset);
        /// Copy the pixel data from the bitmap into the array of pixels that 
        /// has the specified stride, starting at the offset (specified in number
        /// of pixels from the beginning).
        /// Destination array 
        /// Stride
        /// Offset to begin at 
        ///     Critical: This code can be used to expose pixel information
        ///     PublicOk: There is an inheritance demand to prevent sub classing and there is 
        ///     a web permission demand to prevent non site of origin requests
        [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Flags = SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)] 
        public virtual void CopyPixels(Array pixels, int stride, int offset)
            Int32Rect sourceRect = Int32Rect.Empty; 
            // Demand Site Of origin on the URI if it passes then this  information is ok to expose

            CopyPixels(sourceRect, pixels, stride, offset); 
        /// Copy the pixel data from the bitmap into the array of pixels that
        /// has the specified stride, starting at the offset (specified in number 
        /// of pixels from the beginning). An empty rect (all 0s) will copy the
        /// entire bitmap.
        /// Source rect to copy. Int32Rect.Empty specified entire Bitmap 
        /// Pointer to the buffer
        /// Size of buffer 
        /// Stride 
        ///     Critical: This code can be used to expose pixel information 
        ///     PublicOk: There is an inheritance demand to prevent sub classing and there is
        ///     a web permission demand to prevent non site of origin requests
        [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Flags = SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)]
        [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Flags = SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)] 
        public virtual void CopyPixels(Int32Rect sourceRect, IntPtr buffer, int bufferSize, int stride) 
            // Demand Site Of origin on the URI if it passes then this  information is ok to expose
            CriticalCopyPixels(sourceRect, buffer, bufferSize, stride);

        /// Get the width of the bitmap in measure units (96ths of an inch).
        public override double Width

                return GetWidthInternal();

        /// Get the width of the bitmap in measure units (96ths of an inch). 
        public override double Height 

                return GetHeightInternal(); 
        /// Get the Metadata of the bitmap
        public override ImageMetadata Metadata 
                return null;
        #region Internal, Protected and Private properties and methods 

        /// Helper function to calculate Width.
        private double GetWidthInternal()
            return ImageSource.PixelsToDIPs(this.DpiX, this.PixelWidth);
        /// Helper function to calculate Height. 
        private double GetHeightInternal()
            return ImageSource.PixelsToDIPs(this.DpiY, this.PixelHeight); 
        /// Get the Size for the bitmap
        internal override Size Size
                return new Size(Math.Max(0, GetWidthInternal()), 
                                Math.Max(0, GetHeightInternal()));

        internal bool DelayCreation
                return _delayCreation; 
                _delayCreation = value;

                if (_delayCreation) 
                    CreationCompleted = false; 

        internal bool CreationCompleted
                return _creationComplete; 
                _creationComplete = value;
        /// Demand that the bitmap should be created if it was delay-created. 
        internal void CompleteDelayedCreation()
            // Protect against multithreaded contention on delayed creation.
            if (DelayCreation)
                lock (_syncObject) 
                    if (DelayCreation) 
                        DelayCreation = false;

                            DelayCreation = true; 

                        CreationCompleted = true; 
        internal virtual void FinalizeCreation()
            throw new NotImplementedException();

        private void EnsureShouldUseVirtuals() 
            if (_useVirtuals == false)
                throw new NotImplementedException();
        internal object SyncObject
                Debug.Assert(_syncObject != null); 
                return _syncObject;
        internal bool IsSourceCached
                return _isSourceCached; 
                _isSourceCached = value; 
        /// Critical - access safehandle that points to unmanaged resource 
        /// TreatAsSafe - Set: Its safe because any value is OK as the SafeHandle cannot be created
        ///                    by an arbitrary IntPtr.
        internal BitmapSourceSafeMILHandle WicSourceHandle 
                if (_wicSource == null || _wicSource.IsInvalid)
                    ManagedBitmapSource managedBitmapSource = new ManagedBitmapSource(this);
                    _wicSource = new BitmapSourceSafeMILHandle(Marshal.GetComInterfaceForObject( 

                return _wicSource; 
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
                if (value != null)
                    IntPtr wicSource = IntPtr.Zero; 
                    Guid _uuidWicBitmapSource = MILGuidData.IID_IWICBitmapSource;
                        ref _uuidWicBitmapSource,
                        out wicSource));
                    _wicSource = new BitmapSourceSafeMILHandle(wicSource, value);
                    _wicSource = null;

        /// Update local variables from the unmanaged resource 
        /// Critical - access/creates critical resources
        internal virtual void UpdateCachedSettings() 
            uint pw, ph;
            lock (_syncObject)
                _format = PixelFormat.GetPixelFormat(_wicSource);
                    out pw, 
                    out ph));
                    out _dpiX,
                    out _dpiY)); 
            _pixelWidth = (int)pw; 
            _pixelHeight = (int)ph;

        /// CriticalCopyPixels
        ///     Critical: This code can be used to expose pixel information
        [FriendAccessAllowed] // Built into Core, also used by Framework. 
        unsafe internal void CriticalCopyPixels(Int32Rect sourceRect, Array pixels, int stride, int offset)

            if (pixels == null)
                throw new System.ArgumentNullException("pixels");
            if (pixels.Rank != 1)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.Collection_BadRank), "pixels"); 
            if (offset < 0)

            int elementSize = -1; 

            if (pixels is byte[]) 
                elementSize = 1; 
            else if (pixels is short[] || pixels is ushort[])
                elementSize = 2; 
            else if (pixels is int[] || pixels is uint[] || pixels is float[])
                elementSize = 4;
            else if (pixels is double[])
                elementSize = 8; 

            if (elementSize == -1) 
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.Image_InvalidArrayForPixel)); 

            int destBufferSize = checked(elementSize * (pixels.Length - offset)); 

            if (pixels is byte[])
                fixed (void* pixelArray = &((byte[])pixels)[offset])
                    CriticalCopyPixels(sourceRect, (IntPtr)pixelArray, destBufferSize, stride); 
            else if (pixels is short[])
                fixed (void* pixelArray = &((short[])pixels)[offset])
                    CriticalCopyPixels(sourceRect, (IntPtr)pixelArray, destBufferSize, stride);
            else if (pixels is ushort[]) 
                fixed (void* pixelArray = &((ushort[])pixels)[offset]) 
                    CriticalCopyPixels(sourceRect, (IntPtr)pixelArray, destBufferSize, stride); 
            else if (pixels is int[]) 
                fixed (void* pixelArray = &((int[])pixels)[offset])
                    CriticalCopyPixels(sourceRect, (IntPtr)pixelArray, destBufferSize, stride);
            else if (pixels is uint[])
                fixed (void* pixelArray = &((uint[])pixels)[offset]) 
                    CriticalCopyPixels(sourceRect, (IntPtr)pixelArray, destBufferSize, stride);
            else if (pixels is float[])
                fixed (void* pixelArray = &((float[])pixels)[offset])
                    CriticalCopyPixels(sourceRect, (IntPtr)pixelArray, destBufferSize, stride); 
            else if (pixels is double[]) 
                fixed (void* pixelArray = &((double[])pixels)[offset])
                    CriticalCopyPixels(sourceRect, (IntPtr)pixelArray, destBufferSize, stride); 

        /// CriticalCopyPixels 
        ///     Critical: There is a risk of buffer overruns when copying data to the buffer. 
        ///               This code can also be used to expose pixel information
        internal void CriticalCopyPixels(Int32Rect sourceRect, IntPtr buffer, int bufferSize, int stride)
            if (buffer == IntPtr.Zero)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("buffer");

            if (stride <= 0) 
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("stride", SR.Get(SRID.ParameterMustBeGreaterThanZero));
            if (sourceRect.Width <= 0) 
                sourceRect.Width = PixelWidth;
            if (sourceRect.Height <= 0)
                sourceRect.Height = PixelHeight;

            if (sourceRect.Width > PixelWidth) 
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("sourceRect.Width", SR.Get(SRID.ParameterCannotBeGreaterThan, PixelWidth));
            if (sourceRect.Height > PixelHeight) 
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("sourceRect.Height", SR.Get(SRID.ParameterCannotBeGreaterThan, PixelHeight));
            int minStride = checked(((sourceRect.Width * Format.BitsPerPixel) + 7) / 8);
            if (stride < minStride)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("stride", SR.Get(SRID.ParameterCannotBeLessThan, minStride));
            int minRequiredDestSize = checked((stride * (sourceRect.Height - 1)) + minStride);
            if (bufferSize < minRequiredDestSize) 
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("buffer", SR.Get(SRID.ParameterCannotBeLessThan, minRequiredDestSize)); 

            lock (_syncObject) 
                    ref sourceRect, 

        ///     Critical: This code is used to check and grant access to pixel data 
        ///     TreatAsSafe: This code does not elevate
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
        protected void CheckIfSiteOfOrigin()
            string uri = null;

            // This call is inheritance demand protected. It is overridden in
            // BitmapFrameDecoder and BitmapImage 
            if (CanSerializeToString())
                // This call returns the URI either as an absolute URI which the user 
                // passed in, in the first place or as the string "image"
                // we only allow this code to succeed in the case of Uri and if it is site of 
                // origin or pack:. In all other conditions we fail
                uri = ConvertToString(null, null);
        /// Called when DUCE resource requires updating 
        /// Critical - access critical resource _convertedDUCEPtr
        /// TreatAsSafe - All inputs verified 
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
        internal override void UpdateResource(DUCE.Channel channel, bool skipOnChannelCheck) 
            base.UpdateResource(channel, skipOnChannelCheck); 

            UpdateBitmapSourceResource(channel, skipOnChannelCheck);
        /// Critical - access/create critical resource, returns unmanaged pointer 
        internal virtual BitmapSourceSafeMILHandle DUCECompatiblePtr
                BitmapSourceSafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmapSource */ pIWICSource = WicSourceHandle; 
                BitmapSourceSafeMILHandle /* CWICWrapperBitmap as IWICBitmapSource */ pCWICWrapperBitmap = null;
                // if we've already cached the ptr, reuse it. 
                if (_convertedDUCEPtr != null && !_convertedDUCEPtr.IsInvalid)
                    // already in friendly format
                    bool supportedFormat = (Array.IndexOf(s_supportedDUCEFormats, Format) != -1); 
                    if (supportedFormat && _isSourceCached)
                        #region Make sure the image is decoded on the UI thread

                        // In the case that the source is cached (ie it is already an IWICBitmap),
                        // its possible that the bitmap is a demand bitmap. The demand bitmap only 
                        // copies the source bits when absolutely required (ie CopyPixels). This means
                        // that if a decode frame is attached to the demand bitmap, it may decode bits 
                        // on the render thread (bad!). To prevent that, we call CopyPixels for the first 
                        // pixel which will decode the entire image.
                        // Ideally, we need an implementation of IWICBitmap that can cache on a scanline
                        // basis as well can be forced to "realize" its cache when requested. Consider
                        // adding a method on IWICBitmap such as RealizeCache(WICRect *).
                        Int32Rect sourceRect = new Int32Rect(0, 0, 1, 1);
                        PixelFormat format = Format; 
                        int bufferSize = (format.BitsPerPixel + 7) / 8; 
                        byte[] buffer = new byte[bufferSize];
                        // If the bitmap has corrupt pixel data, we may not have detected it until now.
                        // At this point the user cannot recover gracefully, so we'll display a 1x1 image
                        // similar to what LateBoundDecoder does before it's done downloading.
                                fixed (void* pixelArray = &((byte[])buffer)[0]) 
                                        ref sourceRect, 
                        catch (Exception e)
                            // the source will change during recovery, so we need to grab its new value 
                            pIWICSource = WicSourceHandle;

                    else // needs caching 
                        BitmapSourceSafeMILHandle pIWicConverter = null; 
                        using (FactoryMaker factoryMaker = new FactoryMaker())
                                if (!supportedFormat)
                                    #region Convert the source to a compatible format that's writable
                                    Guid destFmt = GetClosestDUCEFormat(Format, Palette).Guid; 

                                    // This forces a cached system memory copy of the image in PARGB32 format.  This is 
                                    // necessary to avoid format conversion in the UCE during render and accompanying
                                    // sychronization locks with UI thread during bitmap access.

                                        out pIWicConverter)); 
                                        ref destFmt,
                                        new SafeMILHandle(IntPtr.Zero), 
                                    pIWICSource = pIWicConverter;

                                #region Cache the source in memory to ensure it's not decoded/converted on the render thread 

                                            out pIWICSource));
                                catch (Exception e)

                                    // the source will change during recovery, so we need to grab its new value 
                                    pIWICSource = WicSourceHandle;

                                _isSourceCached = true; 

                                if (pIWicConverter != null)
                            out pCWICWrapperBitmap)); 

                    _convertedDUCEPtr = new BitmapSourceSafeMILHandle(pCWICWrapperBitmap.DangerousGetHandle(), pIWICSource);

                return _convertedDUCEPtr; 
        internal override DUCE.ResourceHandle AddRefOnChannelCore(DUCE.Channel channel)
            if (_duceResource.CreateOrAddRefOnChannel(this, channel, DUCE.ResourceType.TYPE_BITMAPSOURCE))
                UpdateResource(channel, true /* skip "on channel" check - we already know that we're on channel */ );
            return _duceResource.GetHandle(channel);

        DUCE.ResourceHandle DUCE.IResource.AddRefOnChannel(DUCE.Channel channel)
            // Reconsider the need for this lock when removing the MultiChannelResource. 
            using (CompositionEngineLock.Acquire())
                return AddRefOnChannelCore(channel); 

        internal override int GetChannelCountCore()
            return _duceResource.GetChannelCount(); 
        int DUCE.IResource.GetChannelCount() 
            return GetChannelCountCore(); 

        internal override DUCE.Channel GetChannelCore(int index)
            return _duceResource.GetChannel(index);
        DUCE.Channel DUCE.IResource.GetChannel(int index)
            return GetChannelCore(index);

        /// SecurityCritical: This code calls critical code SendCommandBitmapSource
        /// SecurityTreatAsSafe: The code called into demands 
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
        internal virtual void UpdateBitmapSourceResource(DUCE.Channel channel, bool skipOnChannelCheck) 
            if (_needsUpdate)
                _convertedDUCEPtr = null; 
                _needsUpdate = false;
            // If we're told we can skip the channel check, then we must be on channel
            Debug.Assert(!skipOnChannelCheck || _duceResource.IsOnChannel(channel)); 

            if (skipOnChannelCheck || _duceResource.IsOnChannel(channel))
                // We may end up loading in the bitmap bits so it's necessary to take the [....] lock here. 
                lock (_syncObject)

        /// Called when a failure to decode is detected. 
        /// Critical - access critical resource WicSourceHandle
        /// TreatAsSafe - All inputs verified
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
        internal void RecoverFromDecodeFailure(Exception e)
            // Set the source to an empty image in case the user doesn't respond to the failed event 
            byte[] pixels = new byte[4];
            WicSourceHandle = Create(1, 1, 96, 96, PixelFormats.Pbgra32, null, pixels, 4).WicSourceHandle; 
            IsSourceCached = true;

            // Let the user know that we've failed to decode so they can gracefully handle the failure.
            // Typically, the user would replace this image with a "failure" image 
            OnDecodeFailed(this, new ExceptionEventArgs(e));
        internal override void ReleaseOnChannelCore(DUCE.Channel channel)


        void DUCE.IResource.ReleaseOnChannel(DUCE.Channel channel) 
            using (CompositionEngineLock.Acquire()) 

        internal override DUCE.ResourceHandle GetHandleCore(DUCE.Channel channel) 
            return _duceResource.GetHandle(channel);

        DUCE.ResourceHandle DUCE.IResource.GetHandle(DUCE.Channel channel)
            using (CompositionEngineLock.Acquire()) 
                return GetHandleCore(channel); 
        /// Returns the closest format that is supported by the rendering engine
        internal static PixelFormat GetClosestDUCEFormat(PixelFormat format, BitmapPalette palette)
            int i = Array.IndexOf(s_supportedDUCEFormats, format); 

            if (i != -1) 
                return s_supportedDUCEFormats[i];

            int bitsPerPixel = format.InternalBitsPerPixel;

            if (bitsPerPixel == 1) 
                return PixelFormats.Indexed1; 
            else if (bitsPerPixel == 2)
                return PixelFormats.Indexed2;
            else if (bitsPerPixel <= 4)
                return PixelFormats.Indexed4;
            else if (bitsPerPixel <= 8) 
                return PixelFormats.Indexed8; 
            else if (bitsPerPixel <= 16 && format.Format != PixelFormatEnum.Gray16)     // For Gray16, one of the RGB Formats is closest
                return PixelFormats.Bgr555; 
            else if (format.HasAlpha || BitmapPalette.DoesPaletteHaveAlpha(palette)) 
                return PixelFormats.Pbgra32;
                return PixelFormats.Bgr32;
        /// Creates a IWICBitmap 
        /// Critical - access critical resource 
        internal static BitmapSourceSafeMILHandle CreateCachedBitmap(
            BitmapFrame frame, 
            BitmapSourceSafeMILHandle wicSource,
            BitmapCreateOptions createOptions, 
            BitmapCacheOption cacheOption, 
            BitmapPalette palette
            BitmapSourceSafeMILHandle wicConverter = null;
            BitmapSourceSafeMILHandle wicConvertedSource = null;
            // For NoCache, return the original
            if (cacheOption == BitmapCacheOption.None) 
                return wicSource;

            using (FactoryMaker factoryMaker = new FactoryMaker())
                IntPtr wicFactory = factoryMaker.ImagingFactoryPtr; 
                bool changeFormat = false;
                PixelFormat originalFmt = PixelFormats.Pbgra32; 
                WICBitmapCreateCacheOptions wicCache = WICBitmapCreateCacheOptions.WICBitmapCacheOnLoad;
                if (cacheOption == BitmapCacheOption.OnDemand) 
                    wicCache = WICBitmapCreateCacheOptions.WICBitmapCacheOnDemand;
                originalFmt = PixelFormat.GetPixelFormat(wicSource);
                PixelFormat destFmt = originalFmt; 
                // check that we need to change the format of the bitmap
                if (0 == (createOptions & BitmapCreateOptions.PreservePixelFormat)) 
                    if (Array.IndexOf(BitmapSource.s_supportedDUCEFormats, originalFmt) == -1)
                        changeFormat = true;
                    destFmt = BitmapSource.GetClosestDUCEFormat(originalFmt, palette);
                if (frame != null &&
                    (createOptions & BitmapCreateOptions.IgnoreColorProfile) == 0 && 
                    frame.ColorContexts != null &&
                    frame.ColorContexts[0] != null &&
                    frame.ColorContexts[0].IsValid &&
                    !frame._isColorCorrected && 
                    PixelFormat.GetPixelFormat(wicSource).Format != PixelFormatEnum.Extended
                    ColorContext destinationColorContext;
                    // We need to make sure, we can actually create the ColorContext for the destination destFmt
                    // If the destFmt is gray or scRGB, the following is not supported, so we cannot
                    // create the ColorConvertedBitmap
                        destinationColorContext = new ColorContext(destFmt); 
                    catch (NotSupportedException)
                        destinationColorContext = null;

                    if (destinationColorContext != null) 
                        // NOTE: Never do this for a non-MIL pixel format, because the format converter has 
                        // special knowledge to deal with the profile 

                        bool conversionSuccess = false; 
                        bool badColorContext = false;

                        // First try if the color converter can handle the source format directly
                        // Its possible that the color converter does not support certain pixelformats, so put a try/catch here. 
                            ColorConvertedBitmap colorConvertedBitmap = new ColorConvertedBitmap( 
                            wicSource = colorConvertedBitmap.WicSourceHandle;
                            frame._isColorCorrected = true; 
                            conversionSuccess = true; 
                            changeFormat = false;   // Changeformat no longer necessary, because destFmt already created
                            // by ColorConvertedBitmap 
                        catch (NotSupportedException)
                        catch (FileFormatException)
                            // If the file contains a bad color context, we catch the exception here 
                            // and don't bother trying the color conversion below, since color transform isn't possible
                            // with the given color context. 
                            badColorContext = true;

                        if (!conversionSuccess && changeFormat && !badColorContext) 
                        {   // If the conversion failed, we first use
                            // a FormatConvertedBitmap, and then Color Convert that one... 
                            changeFormat = false; 

                            FormatConvertedBitmap formatConvertedBitmap = new FormatConvertedBitmap(frame, destFmt, null, 0.0); 

                            ColorConvertedBitmap colorConvertedBitmap = new ColorConvertedBitmap(

                            wicSource = colorConvertedBitmap.WicSourceHandle; 
                            frame._isColorCorrected = true;
                            Debug.Assert(destFmt == colorConvertedBitmap.Format);
                            changeFormat = false;   // Changeformat no longer necessary, because destFmt already created
                            // by ColorConvertedBitmap 

                if (changeFormat) 
                    // start up a format converter
                    Guid fmtDestFmt = destFmt.Guid;
                            ref fmtDestFmt,
                            out wicConverter)); 

                    // dump the converted contents into a bitmap 
                            out wicConvertedSource));
                    // Create the unmanaged resources 
                            out wicConvertedSource));

            return wicConvertedSource;
        /// Called when decode fails
        private void OnDecodeFailed(object sender, ExceptionEventArgs e) 
            _decodeFailedEvent.InvokeEvents(this, e);

        #region Event handlers for bitmap chains

        // When the final link in a bitmap chain's download completes, its sets a new WicSourceHandle 
        // This change must propagate up the entire chain through DownloadCompleted events
        private void OnSourceDownloadCompleted(object sender, EventArgs e) 
            // _weakBitmapSourceEventSink might be null. If the link down the chain was cloned, then 
            // this link's event listeners would be cloned as well. As a result, this BitmapSource
            // will be listening to both the original and the clone's events, so it may get the event
            // twice.
            //         TransformedBitmap --> CachedBitmap 
            //                     |
            //                     | (caused by cloning the event helper on CachedBitmap) 
            //                     +-------> CachedBitmap (clone) 
            // So this BitmapSource will get DownloadCompleted from both the link down the chain and
            // its clone at the same time. The first event should be handled normally, whilethe 
            // second event is a duplicate and should be silently ignored.
            if (_weakBitmapSourceEventSink != null)

                // Need to call FinalizeCreation to create the new WicSourceHandle, but only in some 
                // circumstances. If this BitmapSource isn't done initializing, then there's no need 
                // to call FinalizeCreation since it will be called in EndInit.
                // FinalizeCreation makes use of properties on the object, and can throw if they're 
                // not set properly. Use IsValidForFinalizeCreation to validate, but don't throw
                // if the validation fails.
                if (_bitmapInit.IsInitAtLeastOnce &&
                    IsValidForFinalizeCreation(/* throwIfInvalid = */ false)) 
                    // FinalizeCreation() can throw because it usually makes pinvokes to things 
                    // that return HRESULTs. Since firing the download events up the chain is 
                    // new behavior in 4.0, these exceptions are breaking plus they aren't catchable
                    // by user code. This is mostly here for ColorConvertedBitmap throwing with 
                    // a bad color context, but the fact that any BitmapSource could throw and
                    // it wouldn't be catchable is justification enough to eat them all for now...
                    // See Dev10 #770180 
                        _needsUpdate = true;
                    _downloadEvent.InvokeEvents(this, e);
        private void OnSourceDownloadFailed(object sender, ExceptionEventArgs e)
            // _weakBitmapSourceEventSink might be null. If the link down the chain was cloned, then
            // this link's event listeners would be cloned as well. As a result, this BitmapSource 
            // will be listening to both the original and the clone's events, so it may get the event
            // twice. 
            //         TransformedBitmap --> CachedBitmap 
            //                     |
            //                     | (caused by cloning the event helper on CachedBitmap) 
            //                     +-------> CachedBitmap (clone)
            // So this BitmapSource will get DownloadFailed from both the link down the chain and
            // its clone at the same time. The first event should be handled normally, whilethe
            // second event is a duplicate and should be silently ignored. 
            if (_weakBitmapSourceEventSink != null)

                _failedEvent.InvokeEvents(this, e); 

        private void OnSourceDownloadProgress(object sender, DownloadProgressEventArgs e) 
            _progressEvent.InvokeEvents(this, e); 

        private void CleanUpWeakEventSink() 
            // Situation:
            // +------+ --a--> +-------------------+ --c--> +------------------+
            // | this |        | (weak event sink) |        | nextBitmapSource | 
            // +------+ <--b-- +-------------------+ <--d-- +------------------+
            //     |                                                  ^ 
            //     +---------------------e----------------------------+ 
            // a is the _weakBitmapSourceEventSink reference
            // b is a WeakReference from _weakBitmapSourceEventSink back to this 
            // c is the WeakBitmapSourceEventSink.EventSource property
            // d is the implicit reference due to _weakBitmapSourceEventSink attaching a handler
            //   to nextBitmapSource
            // e is the Source property on TransformedBitmap, etc 
            // nextBitmapSource fired DownloadCompleted/Failed, so we're detaching the event
            // handlers and cleaning up _weakBitmapSourceEventSink 
            // Remove link c, link d
            // Remove the reference from the weak event sink 
            // This implicitly removes link d as well (the EventSource setter detaches from the
            // old event source)
            // Note: this is NOT redundant, even if you detach explicitly somewhere else
            // If nextBitmapSource ever gets cloned, then the cloned nextBitmapSource will 
            // contain the same delegates as nextBitmapSource, which includes the weak
            // event sink. So although we'll be cleaning up link a, the cloned 
            // nextBitmapSource will still have a strong reference back to the weak 
            // event sink
            _weakBitmapSourceEventSink.EventSource = null; 

            // Remove link a
            _weakBitmapSourceEventSink = null;
            // Link b is a WeakReference and will not cause leaks
            // After: 
            // +------+        +-------------------+        +------------------+
            // | this |        | (weak event sink) |        | nextBitmapSource | 
            // +------+ <--b-- +-------------------+        +------------------+
            //     |                                                  ^
            //     +---------------------e----------------------------+
            // The weak event sink can be collected, unless a cloned nextBitmapSource is 
            // still referencing it.
            // this can be collected if it's not being explicitly referenced 
            // nextBitmapSource can be collected if it/this isn't being explicitly referenced 
        // Needs to be internal, called by subclasses to attach handlers when their Source changes
        internal void RegisterDownloadEventSource(BitmapSource eventSource)
            if (_weakBitmapSourceEventSink == null) 
                _weakBitmapSourceEventSink = new WeakBitmapSourceEventSink(this); 
            _weakBitmapSourceEventSink.EventSource = eventSource;

        // Needs to be internal, called by BitmapImage to detach handlers from the dummy downloading
        // BitmapFrameDecode's chain
        internal void UnregisterDownloadEventSource() 
            if (_weakBitmapSourceEventSink != null) 

        // Sometimes FinalizeCreation can't be called (e.g. when a ColorConvertedBitmap has no
        // SourceColorContext or no DestinationColorContext). EndInit needs to make these 
        // checks before it calls FinalizeCreation, but so does OnSourceDownloadCompleted.
        // Therefore, the validation has been factored out into this method. 
        // If the validation fails in EndInit, an exception should be thrown. If the validation 
        // fails in OnSourceDownloadCompleted, there should be no exception. Therefore, the
        // throwIfInvalid flag is provided. 
        internal virtual bool IsValidForFinalizeCreation(bool throwIfInvalid)
            return true;

        // Workaround for a behavior change caused by a bug fix 
        // According to the old implementation, CopyCommon will clone the download events as
        // well (_asdfEvent = sourceBitmap._asdfEvent.Clone();). The problem with this is the
        // _asdfEvent.Clone() will also clone all the delegates currently attached to _asdfEvent, 
        // so anyone listening to the original would be implicitly listening to the clone as well.
        // The bug was that BitmapFrameDecode's clone was broken if it was made while the original 
        // BFD was still downloading. The clone never does anything, so it doesn't update to show
        // the image after download completes and doesn't fire any events. So the net effect is 
        // that anyone attached to the original BFD would still see only 1 event get fired despite
        // implicitly listening to the clone as well.
        // The problem comes in when the BFD clone got fixed. It'll now update to show the image, 
        // but it will also start firing events. So people listening to the original BFD will now
        // see a behavior change (used to get download only once, but will now get download from 
        // the fixed clone as well). This flag is introduced as a workaround. When it's true, 
        // CopyCommon works as it did before: delegates get copied. When it's false, delegates do
        // not get copied. BitmapFrameDecode will override this to return false in order to 
        // simulate the old BFD behavior when clones didn't fire and the listeners on the original
        // only got the event once.
        internal virtual bool ShouldCloneEventDelegates 
            get { return true; } 


        #region Animatable and Freezable

        /// Called by the base Freezable class to make this object
        /// frozen. 
        protected override bool FreezeCore(bool isChecking)
            if (!base.FreezeCore(isChecking))
                return false;

            if (IsDownloading) 
                return false;

            return true;
        /// Copy the fields not covered by DPs.  This is used by 
        /// CloneCore(), CloneCurrentValueCore(), GetAsFrozenCore() and 
        /// GetCurrentValueAsFrozenCore().
        /// SecurityCritical: This code accesses unmanaged resources
        /// SecurityTreatAsSafe: Inputs are verified
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
        private void CopyCommon(BitmapSource sourceBitmap) 
            _useVirtuals = sourceBitmap._useVirtuals;
            _delayCreation = sourceBitmap.DelayCreation; 
            _creationComplete = sourceBitmap.CreationCompleted;
            WicSourceHandle = sourceBitmap.WicSourceHandle; // always do this near the top
            _syncObject = sourceBitmap.SyncObject;
            IsSourceCached = sourceBitmap.IsSourceCached; 

            // Decide on whether to stick with the old behavior of cloning delegates attached to 
            // the events or not depending on the ShouldCloneEventDelegates property. It always
            // returns true, except in BitmapFrameDecode where it's overridden to return false. 
            // See the comments for ShouldCloneEventDelegates for more details.
            if (ShouldCloneEventDelegates)
                if (sourceBitmap._downloadEvent != null)
                    _downloadEvent = sourceBitmap._downloadEvent.Clone(); 
                if (sourceBitmap._progressEvent != null)
                    _progressEvent = sourceBitmap._progressEvent.Clone();

                if (sourceBitmap._failedEvent != null) 
                    _failedEvent = sourceBitmap._failedEvent.Clone();

                if (sourceBitmap._decodeFailedEvent != null)
                    _decodeFailedEvent = sourceBitmap._decodeFailedEvent.Clone(); 
            // else do nothing
            // the events are already created (they're initialized in the field declarations) 

            _format = sourceBitmap.Format;
            _pixelWidth = sourceBitmap.PixelWidth; 
            _pixelHeight = sourceBitmap.PixelHeight;
            _dpiX = sourceBitmap.DpiX; 
            _dpiY = sourceBitmap.DpiY; 
            _palette = sourceBitmap.Palette;
            // If a BitmapSource is part of a chain, then it will have handlers attached
            // to the BitmapSource down the chain, X. When X gets cloned, the delegates
            // in its events get cloned as well, so now the original BitmapSource will have 
            // handlers attached both to X and the X's clone. Here, have the BitmapSource
            // detach from X's clone. 
            // Note that since DependencyProperties are cloned first and since Source is a 
            // DependencyProperty, the clone's Source would already be set at this point,
            // and the SourcePropertyChangedHook would have created a _weakBitmapSourceEventSink 
            // object.
            if (_weakBitmapSourceEventSink != null &&
                sourceBitmap._weakBitmapSourceEventSink != null) 

        /// Implementation of Freezable.CloneCore.
        protected override void CloneCore(Freezable sourceFreezable)
            BitmapSource sourceBitmap = (BitmapSource)sourceFreezable; 

        /// Implementation of Freezable.CloneCurrentValueCore.
        protected override void CloneCurrentValueCore(Freezable sourceFreezable) 
            BitmapSource sourceBitmap = (BitmapSource)sourceFreezable; 


        /// Implementation of Freezable.GetAsFrozenCore. 
        protected override void GetAsFrozenCore(Freezable sourceFreezable) 
            BitmapSource sourceBitmap = (BitmapSource)sourceFreezable;
        /// Implementation of Freezable.GetCurrentValueAsFrozenCore. 
        protected override void GetCurrentValueAsFrozenCore(Freezable sourceFreezable)
            BitmapSource sourceBitmap = (BitmapSource)sourceFreezable; 

        #region Data Members
        private bool _delayCreation = false;
        private bool _creationComplete = false; 
        private bool _useVirtuals = false; 
        internal BitmapInitialize _bitmapInit = new BitmapInitialize();
        /// Critical: Unmanaged IWICBitmapSource handle. Access only through WicSourceHandle
        internal BitmapSourceSafeMILHandle _wicSource = null;
        /// Critical: Unmanaged IWICBitmapSource handle.
        internal BitmapSourceSafeMILHandle _convertedDUCEPtr;

        internal object _syncObject; 
        internal bool _isSourceCached;
        // Setting this to true causes us to throw away the old DUCECompatiblePtr which contains 
        // a cache of the bitmap in video memory. We'll create a new DUCECompatiblePtr and
        // eventually send the bitmap to video memory again. 
        internal bool _needsUpdate;

        internal bool _isColorCorrected;
        internal UniqueEventHelper _downloadEvent = new UniqueEventHelper(); 
        internal UniqueEventHelper _progressEvent = new UniqueEventHelper();
        internal UniqueEventHelper _failedEvent = new UniqueEventHelper(); 
        internal UniqueEventHelper _decodeFailedEvent = new UniqueEventHelper(); 

        // cached properties. should always reflect the unmanaged copy 
        internal PixelFormat _format = PixelFormats.Default;
        internal int _pixelWidth = 0;
        internal int _pixelHeight = 0;
        internal double _dpiX = 96.0; 
        internal double _dpiY = 96.0;
        internal BitmapPalette _palette = null; 
        /// Duce resource
        internal DUCE.MultiChannelResource _duceResource = new DUCE.MultiChannelResource(); 

        /// List of supported DUCE formats
        /// NOTE: Please add formats in increasing bpp order
        private readonly static PixelFormat[] s_supportedDUCEFormats = 
            new PixelFormat[13]

        // For propagating events in bitmap chains 
        private WeakBitmapSourceEventSink _weakBitmapSourceEventSink = null;

        #region Interface definitions 

        //  IWICBitmapSource 
        // Guid: IID_IWICBitmapSource
        [ComImport(), Guid("00000120-a8f2-4877-ba0a-fd2b6645fb94"), InterfaceTypeAttribute(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)] 
        internal interface IWICBitmapSource
            int GetSize( 
                out int puiWidth,
                out int puiHeight 

            int GetPixelFormat(
                out Guid guidFormat
            int GetResolution( 
                out double pDpiX, 
                out double pDpiY

            int GetPalette(
                IntPtr /* IWICPalette */ pIPalette 
            // SizeParamIndex says which parameter specifies the size of the array, 
            // which we are saying is cbStride.
            int CopyPixels(
                IntPtr prc,
                int cbStride,
                int cbPixels, 
                IntPtr pvPixels


        #region Managed Bitmap Source

        //  ManagedBitmapSource 
        internal class ManagedBitmapSource : IWICBitmapSource
            private BitmapSource _bitmapSource; 

            private ManagedBitmapSource() 
            public ManagedBitmapSource(BitmapSource bitmapSource)
                if (bitmapSource == null)
                    throw new System.ArgumentNullException("bitmapSource");
                _bitmapSource = bitmapSource; 
            int IWICBitmapSource.GetSize(out int puiWidth, out int puiHeight)
                puiWidth = _bitmapSource.PixelWidth;
                puiHeight = _bitmapSource.PixelHeight; 
                return NativeMethods.S_OK;
            int IWICBitmapSource.GetPixelFormat(out Guid guidFormat)
                guidFormat = _bitmapSource.Format.Guid;
                return NativeMethods.S_OK;
            int IWICBitmapSource.GetResolution(out double pDpiX, out double pDpiY)
                pDpiX = _bitmapSource.DpiX; 
                pDpiY = _bitmapSource.DpiY;
                return NativeMethods.S_OK; 

            /// Critical    - Calls into a P/Invoke method InitializeFromPalette(). 
            int IWICBitmapSource.GetPalette(IntPtr /* IWICPalette */ pIPalette) 
                BitmapPalette palette = _bitmapSource.Palette; 
                if ((palette == null) || (palette.InternalPalette == null) || (SecurityHelper.SafeHandleIsInvalid(palette.InternalPalette)))
                    return (int)WinCodecErrors.WINCODEC_ERR_PALETTEUNAVAILABLE;

                HRESULT.Check(UnsafeNativeMethods.WICPalette.InitializeFromPalette(pIPalette, palette.InternalPalette)); 
                return NativeMethods.S_OK;

            ///     Critical: This code can be used to expose pixel information
            int IWICBitmapSource.CopyPixels(IntPtr prc, int cbStride, int cbPixels, IntPtr pvPixels) 
                if (cbStride < 0)
                    return NativeMethods.E_INVALIDARG;

                if (pvPixels == IntPtr.Zero) 
                    return NativeMethods.E_INVALIDARG; 

                Int32Rect rc; 

                if (prc == IntPtr.Zero)
                    rc = new Int32Rect(0, 0, _bitmapSource.PixelWidth, _bitmapSource.PixelHeight); 
                    rc = (Int32Rect)Marshal.PtrToStructure(prc, typeof(Int32Rect));

                int rectHeight, rectWidth;

                rectHeight = rc.Height; 
                rectWidth = rc.Width;
                if (rc.Width < 1 || rc.Height < 1) 
                    return NativeMethods.E_INVALIDARG; 

                // assuming cbStride can't be negative, but that prc.Height can
                PixelFormat pfStruct = _bitmapSource.Format; 

                if (pfStruct.Format == PixelFormatEnum.Default || 
                    pfStruct.Format == PixelFormatEnum.Extended) 
                    return (int)(WinCodecErrors.WINCODEC_ERR_UNSUPPORTEDPIXELFORMAT); 

                int rectRowSize = checked((rectWidth * pfStruct.InternalBitsPerPixel + 7) / 8); 

                if (cbPixels < checked((rectHeight - 1) * cbStride + rectRowSize)) 
                    return (int)(WinCodecErrors.WINCODEC_ERR_INSUFFICIENTBUFFER);

                // Need to marshal
                int arraySize = checked(rectHeight * rectRowSize);
                byte[] managedArray = new byte[arraySize]; 

                // perform the copy 
                _bitmapSource.CopyPixels(rc, managedArray, rectRowSize, 0); 

                    // transfer the contents of the relevant rect from the managed array to pvPixels
                    long rowPtr = pvPixels.ToInt64();
                    for (int y = 0; y < rectHeight; y++)
                        Marshal.Copy(managedArray, y * rectRowSize, new IntPtr(rowPtr), rectRowSize);
                        rowPtr += cbStride; 
                return NativeMethods.S_OK;
        #region WeakBitmapSourceEventSink 

        // Used to propagate DownloadCompleted events for bitmap chains 

        // The simple way is to just have this BitmapSource add handlers to the chained
        // BitmapSource's DownloadCompleted/DownloadFailed event. But that creates
        // an implicit strong reference from the child back to this. Since multiple chains can 
        // contain the child, this BitmapSource can prevent BitmapSources in another chain
        // from being collected. 
        // (A) <-----------------> (B) 
        // (C) <--> (D) <--> (E) <--^
        // A existing prevents C's entire chain from being collected 

        // The weak event sink prevents a strong reference from the chained BitmapSource
        // back to this one.
        // (A) --> (weak) <--> (B) 

        private class WeakBitmapSourceEventSink : WeakReference 
            public WeakBitmapSourceEventSink(BitmapSource bitmapSource)
                : base(bitmapSource) 

            public void OnSourceDownloadCompleted(object sender, EventArgs e) 
                BitmapSource bitmapSource = this.Target as BitmapSource; 
                if (null != bitmapSource) 
                    bitmapSource.OnSourceDownloadCompleted(bitmapSource, e); 
            public void OnSourceDownloadFailed(object sender, ExceptionEventArgs e)
                BitmapSource bitmapSource = this.Target as BitmapSource;
                if (null != bitmapSource)
                    bitmapSource.OnSourceDownloadFailed(bitmapSource, e); 

            public void OnSourceDownloadProgress(object sender, DownloadProgressEventArgs e)
                BitmapSource bitmapSource = this.Target as BitmapSource;
                if (null != bitmapSource) 
                    bitmapSource.OnSourceDownloadProgress(bitmapSource, e);
            public void DetachSourceDownloadHandlers(BitmapSource source) 
                if (!source.IsFrozen) 
                    source.DownloadCompleted -= OnSourceDownloadCompleted;
                    source.DownloadFailed -= OnSourceDownloadFailed;
                    source.DownloadProgress -= OnSourceDownloadProgress; 
            public void AttachSourceDownloadHandlers()
                if (!_eventSource.IsFrozen)
                    _eventSource.DownloadCompleted += OnSourceDownloadCompleted;
                    _eventSource.DownloadFailed += OnSourceDownloadFailed; 
                    _eventSource.DownloadProgress += OnSourceDownloadProgress;

            private BitmapSource _eventSource; 
            public BitmapSource EventSource
                    return _eventSource;
                    if (_eventSource != null) 
                    _eventSource = value;
                    if (_eventSource != null) 


    #endregion // BitmapSource 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
//  Microsoft Avalon
//  Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved.
//  File: BitmapSource.cs 
using System;
using System.IO; 
using System.Collections;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization;
using System.Reflection; 
using MS.Internal;
using System.Diagnostics; 
using System.Windows.Media; 
using System.Globalization;
using System.Security; 
using System.Net;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Windows.Media.Animation; 
using System.Windows.Media.Composition;
using MS.Win32; 
using System.IO.Packaging; 
using UnsafeNativeMethods = MS.Win32.PresentationCore.UnsafeNativeMethods;
using SR = MS.Internal.PresentationCore.SR; 
using SRID = MS.Internal.PresentationCore.SRID;
using MS.Internal.PresentationCore;                        // SecurityHelper

namespace System.Windows.Media.Imaging 
    #region BitmapSource 
    /// Interface for Bitmap Sources, included decoders and effects 
    [Localizability(LocalizationCategory.None, Readability = Readability.Unreadable)]
    public abstract class BitmapSource : ImageSource, DUCE.IResource
        #region Constructor
        /// Create a BitmapSource from an array of pixels.
        /// Width of the Bitmap
        /// Height of the Bitmap
        /// Horizontal DPI of the Bitmap
        /// Vertical DPI of the Bitmap 
        /// Format of the Bitmap
        /// Palette of the Bitmap 
        /// Array of pixels 
        /// stride
        public static BitmapSource Create( 
            int pixelWidth,
            int pixelHeight,
            double dpiX,
            double dpiY, 
            PixelFormat pixelFormat,
            Imaging.BitmapPalette palette, 
            System.Array pixels, 
            int stride
            return new CachedBitmap(
                        pixelWidth, pixelHeight,
                        dpiX, dpiY, 
                        pixelFormat, palette,
                        pixels, stride); 

        /// Create a BitmapSource from an array of pixels in unmanaged memory.
        /// Width of the Bitmap 
        /// Height of the Bitmap
        /// Horizontal DPI of the Bitmap 
        /// Vertical DPI of the Bitmap 
        /// Format of the Bitmap
        /// Palette of the Bitmap 
        /// Pointer to the buffer in memory
        /// Size of the buffer
        /// stride
        ///     Callers must have UnmanagedCode permission to call this API.
        /// Critical - access critical code, accepts pointer arguments
        /// PublicOK - demands unmanaged code permission 
        unsafe public static BitmapSource Create(
            int pixelWidth, 
            int pixelHeight,
            double dpiX, 
            double dpiY, 
            PixelFormat pixelFormat,
            Imaging.BitmapPalette palette, 
            IntPtr buffer,
            int bufferSize,
            int stride
            return new CachedBitmap(
                        pixelWidth, pixelHeight, 
                        dpiX, dpiY,
                        pixelFormat, palette,
                        buffer, bufferSize, stride);

        /// Constructor
        /// Critical: Accesses _wicSource
        /// TreatAsSafe: Inputs are safe
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
        protected BitmapSource() 
            // Synchronize for *this* object only by default.
            _syncObject = _bitmapInit; 
            _isSourceCached = false;

        /// Internal Constructor
        /// useVirtuals: Should properties and methods like PixelWidth and CopyPixels use their "default" implementation. 
        /// Critical: Accesses _wicSource
        /// TreatAsSafe: Input (bool) is safe
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
        internal BitmapSource(bool useVirtuals)
            _useVirtuals = true; 
            _isSourceCached = false;
            // Synchronize for *this* object only by default.
            _syncObject = _bitmapInit;
        /// Creates a copy of this object. 
        /// The copy.
        public new BitmapSource Clone() 
            return (BitmapSource)base.Clone();
        /// Shadows inherited CloneCurrentValue() with a strongly typed version for convenience. 
        /// The copy.
        public new BitmapSource CloneCurrentValue() 
            return (BitmapSource)base.CloneCurrentValue();
        #endregion Constructor
        #region Public properties and methods 

        /// Native format of the bitmap's data.
        /// If the BitmapSource is directly readable, this is the format the
        /// pixels will be in when they are read.
        public virtual System.Windows.Media.PixelFormat Format
                return _format;

        /// Width, in pixels, of the bitmap.
        public virtual int PixelWidth

                return _pixelWidth;
        /// Height, in pixels, of the bitmap.
        public virtual int PixelHeight
                return _pixelHeight;

        /// Horizontal DPI of the bitmap. 
        public virtual double DpiX 

                return _dpiX; 

        /// Vertical DPI of the bitmap. 
        public virtual double DpiY
                return _dpiY;

        /// Retrieve and set the bitmap palette. 
        public virtual Imaging.BitmapPalette Palette 

                if (_palette == null) 
                    // update the local palette
                    if (_format.Palettized) 
                        _palette = Imaging.BitmapPalette.CreateFromBitmapSource(this);

                return _palette; 
        /// Returns true if the BitmapSource is downloading content
        public virtual bool IsDownloading 
                return false; 

        /// Raised when downloading content is done
        /// May not be raised for all content. 
        public virtual event EventHandler DownloadCompleted

        /// Raised when download has progressed
        /// May not be raised for all content. 
        public virtual event EventHandler DownloadProgress

        /// Raised when download has failed
        /// May not be raised for all content. 
        public virtual event EventHandler DownloadFailed

        /// Raised when decoding has failed
        /// May not be raised for all content. 
        public virtual event EventHandler DecodeFailed

        /// Copy the pixel data from the bitmap into the array of pixels that
        /// has the specified stride, starting at the offset (specified in number 
        /// of pixels from the beginning). An empty rect (all 0s) will copy the
        /// entire bitmap.
        /// Source rect to copy. Int32Rect.Empty specifies the entire rect 
        /// Destination array
        /// Stride 
        /// Offset in the array to begin copying 
        ///     Critical: This code can be used to expose pixel information 
        ///     PublicOk: There is an inheritance demand to prevent sub classing and there is
        ///     a web permission demand to prevent non site of origin requests
        [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Flags = SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)]
        public virtual void CopyPixels(Int32Rect sourceRect, Array pixels, int stride, int offset) 


            // Demand Site Of origin on the URI if it passes then this  information is ok to expose
            CriticalCopyPixels(sourceRect, pixels, stride, offset);
        /// Copy the pixel data from the bitmap into the array of pixels that 
        /// has the specified stride, starting at the offset (specified in number
        /// of pixels from the beginning).
        /// Destination array 
        /// Stride
        /// Offset to begin at 
        ///     Critical: This code can be used to expose pixel information
        ///     PublicOk: There is an inheritance demand to prevent sub classing and there is 
        ///     a web permission demand to prevent non site of origin requests
        [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Flags = SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)] 
        public virtual void CopyPixels(Array pixels, int stride, int offset)
            Int32Rect sourceRect = Int32Rect.Empty; 
            // Demand Site Of origin on the URI if it passes then this  information is ok to expose

            CopyPixels(sourceRect, pixels, stride, offset); 
        /// Copy the pixel data from the bitmap into the array of pixels that
        /// has the specified stride, starting at the offset (specified in number 
        /// of pixels from the beginning). An empty rect (all 0s) will copy the
        /// entire bitmap.
        /// Source rect to copy. Int32Rect.Empty specified entire Bitmap 
        /// Pointer to the buffer
        /// Size of buffer 
        /// Stride 
        ///     Critical: This code can be used to expose pixel information 
        ///     PublicOk: There is an inheritance demand to prevent sub classing and there is
        ///     a web permission demand to prevent non site of origin requests
        [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Flags = SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)]
        [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Flags = SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)] 
        public virtual void CopyPixels(Int32Rect sourceRect, IntPtr buffer, int bufferSize, int stride) 
            // Demand Site Of origin on the URI if it passes then this  information is ok to expose
            CriticalCopyPixels(sourceRect, buffer, bufferSize, stride);

        /// Get the width of the bitmap in measure units (96ths of an inch).
        public override double Width

                return GetWidthInternal();

        /// Get the width of the bitmap in measure units (96ths of an inch). 
        public override double Height 

                return GetHeightInternal(); 
        /// Get the Metadata of the bitmap
        public override ImageMetadata Metadata 
                return null;
        #region Internal, Protected and Private properties and methods 

        /// Helper function to calculate Width.
        private double GetWidthInternal()
            return ImageSource.PixelsToDIPs(this.DpiX, this.PixelWidth);
        /// Helper function to calculate Height. 
        private double GetHeightInternal()
            return ImageSource.PixelsToDIPs(this.DpiY, this.PixelHeight); 
        /// Get the Size for the bitmap
        internal override Size Size
                return new Size(Math.Max(0, GetWidthInternal()), 
                                Math.Max(0, GetHeightInternal()));

        internal bool DelayCreation
                return _delayCreation; 
                _delayCreation = value;

                if (_delayCreation) 
                    CreationCompleted = false; 

        internal bool CreationCompleted
                return _creationComplete; 
                _creationComplete = value;
        /// Demand that the bitmap should be created if it was delay-created. 
        internal void CompleteDelayedCreation()
            // Protect against multithreaded contention on delayed creation.
            if (DelayCreation)
                lock (_syncObject) 
                    if (DelayCreation) 
                        DelayCreation = false;

                            DelayCreation = true; 

                        CreationCompleted = true; 
        internal virtual void FinalizeCreation()
            throw new NotImplementedException();

        private void EnsureShouldUseVirtuals() 
            if (_useVirtuals == false)
                throw new NotImplementedException();
        internal object SyncObject
                Debug.Assert(_syncObject != null); 
                return _syncObject;
        internal bool IsSourceCached
                return _isSourceCached; 
                _isSourceCached = value; 
        /// Critical - access safehandle that points to unmanaged resource 
        /// TreatAsSafe - Set: Its safe because any value is OK as the SafeHandle cannot be created
        ///                    by an arbitrary IntPtr.
        internal BitmapSourceSafeMILHandle WicSourceHandle 
                if (_wicSource == null || _wicSource.IsInvalid)
                    ManagedBitmapSource managedBitmapSource = new ManagedBitmapSource(this);
                    _wicSource = new BitmapSourceSafeMILHandle(Marshal.GetComInterfaceForObject( 

                return _wicSource; 
            [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
                if (value != null)
                    IntPtr wicSource = IntPtr.Zero; 
                    Guid _uuidWicBitmapSource = MILGuidData.IID_IWICBitmapSource;
                        ref _uuidWicBitmapSource,
                        out wicSource));
                    _wicSource = new BitmapSourceSafeMILHandle(wicSource, value);
                    _wicSource = null;

        /// Update local variables from the unmanaged resource 
        /// Critical - access/creates critical resources
        internal virtual void UpdateCachedSettings() 
            uint pw, ph;
            lock (_syncObject)
                _format = PixelFormat.GetPixelFormat(_wicSource);
                    out pw, 
                    out ph));
                    out _dpiX,
                    out _dpiY)); 
            _pixelWidth = (int)pw; 
            _pixelHeight = (int)ph;

        /// CriticalCopyPixels
        ///     Critical: This code can be used to expose pixel information
        [FriendAccessAllowed] // Built into Core, also used by Framework. 
        unsafe internal void CriticalCopyPixels(Int32Rect sourceRect, Array pixels, int stride, int offset)

            if (pixels == null)
                throw new System.ArgumentNullException("pixels");
            if (pixels.Rank != 1)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.Collection_BadRank), "pixels"); 
            if (offset < 0)

            int elementSize = -1; 

            if (pixels is byte[]) 
                elementSize = 1; 
            else if (pixels is short[] || pixels is ushort[])
                elementSize = 2; 
            else if (pixels is int[] || pixels is uint[] || pixels is float[])
                elementSize = 4;
            else if (pixels is double[])
                elementSize = 8; 

            if (elementSize == -1) 
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.Image_InvalidArrayForPixel)); 

            int destBufferSize = checked(elementSize * (pixels.Length - offset)); 

            if (pixels is byte[])
                fixed (void* pixelArray = &((byte[])pixels)[offset])
                    CriticalCopyPixels(sourceRect, (IntPtr)pixelArray, destBufferSize, stride); 
            else if (pixels is short[])
                fixed (void* pixelArray = &((short[])pixels)[offset])
                    CriticalCopyPixels(sourceRect, (IntPtr)pixelArray, destBufferSize, stride);
            else if (pixels is ushort[]) 
                fixed (void* pixelArray = &((ushort[])pixels)[offset]) 
                    CriticalCopyPixels(sourceRect, (IntPtr)pixelArray, destBufferSize, stride); 
            else if (pixels is int[]) 
                fixed (void* pixelArray = &((int[])pixels)[offset])
                    CriticalCopyPixels(sourceRect, (IntPtr)pixelArray, destBufferSize, stride);
            else if (pixels is uint[])
                fixed (void* pixelArray = &((uint[])pixels)[offset]) 
                    CriticalCopyPixels(sourceRect, (IntPtr)pixelArray, destBufferSize, stride);
            else if (pixels is float[])
                fixed (void* pixelArray = &((float[])pixels)[offset])
                    CriticalCopyPixels(sourceRect, (IntPtr)pixelArray, destBufferSize, stride); 
            else if (pixels is double[]) 
                fixed (void* pixelArray = &((double[])pixels)[offset])
                    CriticalCopyPixels(sourceRect, (IntPtr)pixelArray, destBufferSize, stride); 

        /// CriticalCopyPixels 
        ///     Critical: There is a risk of buffer overruns when copying data to the buffer. 
        ///               This code can also be used to expose pixel information
        internal void CriticalCopyPixels(Int32Rect sourceRect, IntPtr buffer, int bufferSize, int stride)
            if (buffer == IntPtr.Zero)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("buffer");

            if (stride <= 0) 
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("stride", SR.Get(SRID.ParameterMustBeGreaterThanZero));
            if (sourceRect.Width <= 0) 
                sourceRect.Width = PixelWidth;
            if (sourceRect.Height <= 0)
                sourceRect.Height = PixelHeight;

            if (sourceRect.Width > PixelWidth) 
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("sourceRect.Width", SR.Get(SRID.ParameterCannotBeGreaterThan, PixelWidth));
            if (sourceRect.Height > PixelHeight) 
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("sourceRect.Height", SR.Get(SRID.ParameterCannotBeGreaterThan, PixelHeight));
            int minStride = checked(((sourceRect.Width * Format.BitsPerPixel) + 7) / 8);
            if (stride < minStride)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("stride", SR.Get(SRID.ParameterCannotBeLessThan, minStride));
            int minRequiredDestSize = checked((stride * (sourceRect.Height - 1)) + minStride);
            if (bufferSize < minRequiredDestSize) 
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("buffer", SR.Get(SRID.ParameterCannotBeLessThan, minRequiredDestSize)); 

            lock (_syncObject) 
                    ref sourceRect, 

        ///     Critical: This code is used to check and grant access to pixel data 
        ///     TreatAsSafe: This code does not elevate
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
        protected void CheckIfSiteOfOrigin()
            string uri = null;

            // This call is inheritance demand protected. It is overridden in
            // BitmapFrameDecoder and BitmapImage 
            if (CanSerializeToString())
                // This call returns the URI either as an absolute URI which the user 
                // passed in, in the first place or as the string "image"
                // we only allow this code to succeed in the case of Uri and if it is site of 
                // origin or pack:. In all other conditions we fail
                uri = ConvertToString(null, null);
        /// Called when DUCE resource requires updating 
        /// Critical - access critical resource _convertedDUCEPtr
        /// TreatAsSafe - All inputs verified 
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
        internal override void UpdateResource(DUCE.Channel channel, bool skipOnChannelCheck) 
            base.UpdateResource(channel, skipOnChannelCheck); 

            UpdateBitmapSourceResource(channel, skipOnChannelCheck);
        /// Critical - access/create critical resource, returns unmanaged pointer 
        internal virtual BitmapSourceSafeMILHandle DUCECompatiblePtr
                BitmapSourceSafeMILHandle /* IWICBitmapSource */ pIWICSource = WicSourceHandle; 
                BitmapSourceSafeMILHandle /* CWICWrapperBitmap as IWICBitmapSource */ pCWICWrapperBitmap = null;
                // if we've already cached the ptr, reuse it. 
                if (_convertedDUCEPtr != null && !_convertedDUCEPtr.IsInvalid)
                    // already in friendly format
                    bool supportedFormat = (Array.IndexOf(s_supportedDUCEFormats, Format) != -1); 
                    if (supportedFormat && _isSourceCached)
                        #region Make sure the image is decoded on the UI thread

                        // In the case that the source is cached (ie it is already an IWICBitmap),
                        // its possible that the bitmap is a demand bitmap. The demand bitmap only 
                        // copies the source bits when absolutely required (ie CopyPixels). This means
                        // that if a decode frame is attached to the demand bitmap, it may decode bits 
                        // on the render thread (bad!). To prevent that, we call CopyPixels for the first 
                        // pixel which will decode the entire image.
                        // Ideally, we need an implementation of IWICBitmap that can cache on a scanline
                        // basis as well can be forced to "realize" its cache when requested. Consider
                        // adding a method on IWICBitmap such as RealizeCache(WICRect *).
                        Int32Rect sourceRect = new Int32Rect(0, 0, 1, 1);
                        PixelFormat format = Format; 
                        int bufferSize = (format.BitsPerPixel + 7) / 8; 
                        byte[] buffer = new byte[bufferSize];
                        // If the bitmap has corrupt pixel data, we may not have detected it until now.
                        // At this point the user cannot recover gracefully, so we'll display a 1x1 image
                        // similar to what LateBoundDecoder does before it's done downloading.
                                fixed (void* pixelArray = &((byte[])buffer)[0]) 
                                        ref sourceRect, 
                        catch (Exception e)
                            // the source will change during recovery, so we need to grab its new value 
                            pIWICSource = WicSourceHandle;

                    else // needs caching 
                        BitmapSourceSafeMILHandle pIWicConverter = null; 
                        using (FactoryMaker factoryMaker = new FactoryMaker())
                                if (!supportedFormat)
                                    #region Convert the source to a compatible format that's writable
                                    Guid destFmt = GetClosestDUCEFormat(Format, Palette).Guid; 

                                    // This forces a cached system memory copy of the image in PARGB32 format.  This is 
                                    // necessary to avoid format conversion in the UCE during render and accompanying
                                    // sychronization locks with UI thread during bitmap access.

                                        out pIWicConverter)); 
                                        ref destFmt,
                                        new SafeMILHandle(IntPtr.Zero), 
                                    pIWICSource = pIWicConverter;

                                #region Cache the source in memory to ensure it's not decoded/converted on the render thread 

                                            out pIWICSource));
                                catch (Exception e)

                                    // the source will change during recovery, so we need to grab its new value 
                                    pIWICSource = WicSourceHandle;

                                _isSourceCached = true; 

                                if (pIWicConverter != null)
                            out pCWICWrapperBitmap)); 

                    _convertedDUCEPtr = new BitmapSourceSafeMILHandle(pCWICWrapperBitmap.DangerousGetHandle(), pIWICSource);

                return _convertedDUCEPtr; 
        internal override DUCE.ResourceHandle AddRefOnChannelCore(DUCE.Channel channel)
            if (_duceResource.CreateOrAddRefOnChannel(this, channel, DUCE.ResourceType.TYPE_BITMAPSOURCE))
                UpdateResource(channel, true /* skip "on channel" check - we already know that we're on channel */ );
            return _duceResource.GetHandle(channel);

        DUCE.ResourceHandle DUCE.IResource.AddRefOnChannel(DUCE.Channel channel)
            // Reconsider the need for this lock when removing the MultiChannelResource. 
            using (CompositionEngineLock.Acquire())
                return AddRefOnChannelCore(channel); 

        internal override int GetChannelCountCore()
            return _duceResource.GetChannelCount(); 
        int DUCE.IResource.GetChannelCount() 
            return GetChannelCountCore(); 

        internal override DUCE.Channel GetChannelCore(int index)
            return _duceResource.GetChannel(index);
        DUCE.Channel DUCE.IResource.GetChannel(int index)
            return GetChannelCore(index);

        /// SecurityCritical: This code calls critical code SendCommandBitmapSource
        /// SecurityTreatAsSafe: The code called into demands 
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
        internal virtual void UpdateBitmapSourceResource(DUCE.Channel channel, bool skipOnChannelCheck) 
            if (_needsUpdate)
                _convertedDUCEPtr = null; 
                _needsUpdate = false;
            // If we're told we can skip the channel check, then we must be on channel
            Debug.Assert(!skipOnChannelCheck || _duceResource.IsOnChannel(channel)); 

            if (skipOnChannelCheck || _duceResource.IsOnChannel(channel))
                // We may end up loading in the bitmap bits so it's necessary to take the [....] lock here. 
                lock (_syncObject)

        /// Called when a failure to decode is detected. 
        /// Critical - access critical resource WicSourceHandle
        /// TreatAsSafe - All inputs verified
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
        internal void RecoverFromDecodeFailure(Exception e)
            // Set the source to an empty image in case the user doesn't respond to the failed event 
            byte[] pixels = new byte[4];
            WicSourceHandle = Create(1, 1, 96, 96, PixelFormats.Pbgra32, null, pixels, 4).WicSourceHandle; 
            IsSourceCached = true;

            // Let the user know that we've failed to decode so they can gracefully handle the failure.
            // Typically, the user would replace this image with a "failure" image 
            OnDecodeFailed(this, new ExceptionEventArgs(e));
        internal override void ReleaseOnChannelCore(DUCE.Channel channel)


        void DUCE.IResource.ReleaseOnChannel(DUCE.Channel channel) 
            using (CompositionEngineLock.Acquire()) 

        internal override DUCE.ResourceHandle GetHandleCore(DUCE.Channel channel) 
            return _duceResource.GetHandle(channel);

        DUCE.ResourceHandle DUCE.IResource.GetHandle(DUCE.Channel channel)
            using (CompositionEngineLock.Acquire()) 
                return GetHandleCore(channel); 
        /// Returns the closest format that is supported by the rendering engine
        internal static PixelFormat GetClosestDUCEFormat(PixelFormat format, BitmapPalette palette)
            int i = Array.IndexOf(s_supportedDUCEFormats, format); 

            if (i != -1) 
                return s_supportedDUCEFormats[i];

            int bitsPerPixel = format.InternalBitsPerPixel;

            if (bitsPerPixel == 1) 
                return PixelFormats.Indexed1; 
            else if (bitsPerPixel == 2)
                return PixelFormats.Indexed2;
            else if (bitsPerPixel <= 4)
                return PixelFormats.Indexed4;
            else if (bitsPerPixel <= 8) 
                return PixelFormats.Indexed8; 
            else if (bitsPerPixel <= 16 && format.Format != PixelFormatEnum.Gray16)     // For Gray16, one of the RGB Formats is closest
                return PixelFormats.Bgr555; 
            else if (format.HasAlpha || BitmapPalette.DoesPaletteHaveAlpha(palette)) 
                return PixelFormats.Pbgra32;
                return PixelFormats.Bgr32;
        /// Creates a IWICBitmap 
        /// Critical - access critical resource 
        internal static BitmapSourceSafeMILHandle CreateCachedBitmap(
            BitmapFrame frame, 
            BitmapSourceSafeMILHandle wicSource,
            BitmapCreateOptions createOptions, 
            BitmapCacheOption cacheOption, 
            BitmapPalette palette
            BitmapSourceSafeMILHandle wicConverter = null;
            BitmapSourceSafeMILHandle wicConvertedSource = null;
            // For NoCache, return the original
            if (cacheOption == BitmapCacheOption.None) 
                return wicSource;

            using (FactoryMaker factoryMaker = new FactoryMaker())
                IntPtr wicFactory = factoryMaker.ImagingFactoryPtr; 
                bool changeFormat = false;
                PixelFormat originalFmt = PixelFormats.Pbgra32; 
                WICBitmapCreateCacheOptions wicCache = WICBitmapCreateCacheOptions.WICBitmapCacheOnLoad;
                if (cacheOption == BitmapCacheOption.OnDemand) 
                    wicCache = WICBitmapCreateCacheOptions.WICBitmapCacheOnDemand;
                originalFmt = PixelFormat.GetPixelFormat(wicSource);
                PixelFormat destFmt = originalFmt; 
                // check that we need to change the format of the bitmap
                if (0 == (createOptions & BitmapCreateOptions.PreservePixelFormat)) 
                    if (Array.IndexOf(BitmapSource.s_supportedDUCEFormats, originalFmt) == -1)
                        changeFormat = true;
                    destFmt = BitmapSource.GetClosestDUCEFormat(originalFmt, palette);
                if (frame != null &&
                    (createOptions & BitmapCreateOptions.IgnoreColorProfile) == 0 && 
                    frame.ColorContexts != null &&
                    frame.ColorContexts[0] != null &&
                    frame.ColorContexts[0].IsValid &&
                    !frame._isColorCorrected && 
                    PixelFormat.GetPixelFormat(wicSource).Format != PixelFormatEnum.Extended
                    ColorContext destinationColorContext;
                    // We need to make sure, we can actually create the ColorContext for the destination destFmt
                    // If the destFmt is gray or scRGB, the following is not supported, so we cannot
                    // create the ColorConvertedBitmap
                        destinationColorContext = new ColorContext(destFmt); 
                    catch (NotSupportedException)
                        destinationColorContext = null;

                    if (destinationColorContext != null) 
                        // NOTE: Never do this for a non-MIL pixel format, because the format converter has 
                        // special knowledge to deal with the profile 

                        bool conversionSuccess = false; 
                        bool badColorContext = false;

                        // First try if the color converter can handle the source format directly
                        // Its possible that the color converter does not support certain pixelformats, so put a try/catch here. 
                            ColorConvertedBitmap colorConvertedBitmap = new ColorConvertedBitmap( 
                            wicSource = colorConvertedBitmap.WicSourceHandle;
                            frame._isColorCorrected = true; 
                            conversionSuccess = true; 
                            changeFormat = false;   // Changeformat no longer necessary, because destFmt already created
                            // by ColorConvertedBitmap 
                        catch (NotSupportedException)
                        catch (FileFormatException)
                            // If the file contains a bad color context, we catch the exception here 
                            // and don't bother trying the color conversion below, since color transform isn't possible
                            // with the given color context. 
                            badColorContext = true;

                        if (!conversionSuccess && changeFormat && !badColorContext) 
                        {   // If the conversion failed, we first use
                            // a FormatConvertedBitmap, and then Color Convert that one... 
                            changeFormat = false; 

                            FormatConvertedBitmap formatConvertedBitmap = new FormatConvertedBitmap(frame, destFmt, null, 0.0); 

                            ColorConvertedBitmap colorConvertedBitmap = new ColorConvertedBitmap(

                            wicSource = colorConvertedBitmap.WicSourceHandle; 
                            frame._isColorCorrected = true;
                            Debug.Assert(destFmt == colorConvertedBitmap.Format);
                            changeFormat = false;   // Changeformat no longer necessary, because destFmt already created
                            // by ColorConvertedBitmap 

                if (changeFormat) 
                    // start up a format converter
                    Guid fmtDestFmt = destFmt.Guid;
                            ref fmtDestFmt,
                            out wicConverter)); 

                    // dump the converted contents into a bitmap 
                            out wicConvertedSource));
                    // Create the unmanaged resources 
                            out wicConvertedSource));

            return wicConvertedSource;
        /// Called when decode fails
        private void OnDecodeFailed(object sender, ExceptionEventArgs e) 
            _decodeFailedEvent.InvokeEvents(this, e);

        #region Event handlers for bitmap chains

        // When the final link in a bitmap chain's download completes, its sets a new WicSourceHandle 
        // This change must propagate up the entire chain through DownloadCompleted events
        private void OnSourceDownloadCompleted(object sender, EventArgs e) 
            // _weakBitmapSourceEventSink might be null. If the link down the chain was cloned, then 
            // this link's event listeners would be cloned as well. As a result, this BitmapSource
            // will be listening to both the original and the clone's events, so it may get the event
            // twice.
            //         TransformedBitmap --> CachedBitmap 
            //                     |
            //                     | (caused by cloning the event helper on CachedBitmap) 
            //                     +-------> CachedBitmap (clone) 
            // So this BitmapSource will get DownloadCompleted from both the link down the chain and
            // its clone at the same time. The first event should be handled normally, whilethe 
            // second event is a duplicate and should be silently ignored.
            if (_weakBitmapSourceEventSink != null)

                // Need to call FinalizeCreation to create the new WicSourceHandle, but only in some 
                // circumstances. If this BitmapSource isn't done initializing, then there's no need 
                // to call FinalizeCreation since it will be called in EndInit.
                // FinalizeCreation makes use of properties on the object, and can throw if they're 
                // not set properly. Use IsValidForFinalizeCreation to validate, but don't throw
                // if the validation fails.
                if (_bitmapInit.IsInitAtLeastOnce &&
                    IsValidForFinalizeCreation(/* throwIfInvalid = */ false)) 
                    // FinalizeCreation() can throw because it usually makes pinvokes to things 
                    // that return HRESULTs. Since firing the download events up the chain is 
                    // new behavior in 4.0, these exceptions are breaking plus they aren't catchable
                    // by user code. This is mostly here for ColorConvertedBitmap throwing with 
                    // a bad color context, but the fact that any BitmapSource could throw and
                    // it wouldn't be catchable is justification enough to eat them all for now...
                    // See Dev10 #770180 
                        _needsUpdate = true;
                    _downloadEvent.InvokeEvents(this, e);
        private void OnSourceDownloadFailed(object sender, ExceptionEventArgs e)
            // _weakBitmapSourceEventSink might be null. If the link down the chain was cloned, then
            // this link's event listeners would be cloned as well. As a result, this BitmapSource 
            // will be listening to both the original and the clone's events, so it may get the event
            // twice. 
            //         TransformedBitmap --> CachedBitmap 
            //                     |
            //                     | (caused by cloning the event helper on CachedBitmap) 
            //                     +-------> CachedBitmap (clone)
            // So this BitmapSource will get DownloadFailed from both the link down the chain and
            // its clone at the same time. The first event should be handled normally, whilethe
            // second event is a duplicate and should be silently ignored. 
            if (_weakBitmapSourceEventSink != null)

                _failedEvent.InvokeEvents(this, e); 

        private void OnSourceDownloadProgress(object sender, DownloadProgressEventArgs e) 
            _progressEvent.InvokeEvents(this, e); 

        private void CleanUpWeakEventSink() 
            // Situation:
            // +------+ --a--> +-------------------+ --c--> +------------------+
            // | this |        | (weak event sink) |        | nextBitmapSource | 
            // +------+ <--b-- +-------------------+ <--d-- +------------------+
            //     |                                                  ^ 
            //     +---------------------e----------------------------+ 
            // a is the _weakBitmapSourceEventSink reference
            // b is a WeakReference from _weakBitmapSourceEventSink back to this 
            // c is the WeakBitmapSourceEventSink.EventSource property
            // d is the implicit reference due to _weakBitmapSourceEventSink attaching a handler
            //   to nextBitmapSource
            // e is the Source property on TransformedBitmap, etc 
            // nextBitmapSource fired DownloadCompleted/Failed, so we're detaching the event
            // handlers and cleaning up _weakBitmapSourceEventSink 
            // Remove link c, link d
            // Remove the reference from the weak event sink 
            // This implicitly removes link d as well (the EventSource setter detaches from the
            // old event source)
            // Note: this is NOT redundant, even if you detach explicitly somewhere else
            // If nextBitmapSource ever gets cloned, then the cloned nextBitmapSource will 
            // contain the same delegates as nextBitmapSource, which includes the weak
            // event sink. So although we'll be cleaning up link a, the cloned 
            // nextBitmapSource will still have a strong reference back to the weak 
            // event sink
            _weakBitmapSourceEventSink.EventSource = null; 

            // Remove link a
            _weakBitmapSourceEventSink = null;
            // Link b is a WeakReference and will not cause leaks
            // After: 
            // +------+        +-------------------+        +------------------+
            // | this |        | (weak event sink) |        | nextBitmapSource | 
            // +------+ <--b-- +-------------------+        +------------------+
            //     |                                                  ^
            //     +---------------------e----------------------------+
            // The weak event sink can be collected, unless a cloned nextBitmapSource is 
            // still referencing it.
            // this can be collected if it's not being explicitly referenced 
            // nextBitmapSource can be collected if it/this isn't being explicitly referenced 
        // Needs to be internal, called by subclasses to attach handlers when their Source changes
        internal void RegisterDownloadEventSource(BitmapSource eventSource)
            if (_weakBitmapSourceEventSink == null) 
                _weakBitmapSourceEventSink = new WeakBitmapSourceEventSink(this); 
            _weakBitmapSourceEventSink.EventSource = eventSource;

        // Needs to be internal, called by BitmapImage to detach handlers from the dummy downloading
        // BitmapFrameDecode's chain
        internal void UnregisterDownloadEventSource() 
            if (_weakBitmapSourceEventSink != null) 

        // Sometimes FinalizeCreation can't be called (e.g. when a ColorConvertedBitmap has no
        // SourceColorContext or no DestinationColorContext). EndInit needs to make these 
        // checks before it calls FinalizeCreation, but so does OnSourceDownloadCompleted.
        // Therefore, the validation has been factored out into this method. 
        // If the validation fails in EndInit, an exception should be thrown. If the validation 
        // fails in OnSourceDownloadCompleted, there should be no exception. Therefore, the
        // throwIfInvalid flag is provided. 
        internal virtual bool IsValidForFinalizeCreation(bool throwIfInvalid)
            return true;

        // Workaround for a behavior change caused by a bug fix 
        // According to the old implementation, CopyCommon will clone the download events as
        // well (_asdfEvent = sourceBitmap._asdfEvent.Clone();). The problem with this is the
        // _asdfEvent.Clone() will also clone all the delegates currently attached to _asdfEvent, 
        // so anyone listening to the original would be implicitly listening to the clone as well.
        // The bug was that BitmapFrameDecode's clone was broken if it was made while the original 
        // BFD was still downloading. The clone never does anything, so it doesn't update to show
        // the image after download completes and doesn't fire any events. So the net effect is 
        // that anyone attached to the original BFD would still see only 1 event get fired despite
        // implicitly listening to the clone as well.
        // The problem comes in when the BFD clone got fixed. It'll now update to show the image, 
        // but it will also start firing events. So people listening to the original BFD will now
        // see a behavior change (used to get download only once, but will now get download from 
        // the fixed clone as well). This flag is introduced as a workaround. When it's true, 
        // CopyCommon works as it did before: delegates get copied. When it's false, delegates do
        // not get copied. BitmapFrameDecode will override this to return false in order to 
        // simulate the old BFD behavior when clones didn't fire and the listeners on the original
        // only got the event once.
        internal virtual bool ShouldCloneEventDelegates 
            get { return true; } 


        #region Animatable and Freezable

        /// Called by the base Freezable class to make this object
        /// frozen. 
        protected override bool FreezeCore(bool isChecking)
            if (!base.FreezeCore(isChecking))
                return false;

            if (IsDownloading) 
                return false;

            return true;
        /// Copy the fields not covered by DPs.  This is used by 
        /// CloneCore(), CloneCurrentValueCore(), GetAsFrozenCore() and 
        /// GetCurrentValueAsFrozenCore().
        /// SecurityCritical: This code accesses unmanaged resources
        /// SecurityTreatAsSafe: Inputs are verified
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
        private void CopyCommon(BitmapSource sourceBitmap) 
            _useVirtuals = sourceBitmap._useVirtuals;
            _delayCreation = sourceBitmap.DelayCreation; 
            _creationComplete = sourceBitmap.CreationCompleted;
            WicSourceHandle = sourceBitmap.WicSourceHandle; // always do this near the top
            _syncObject = sourceBitmap.SyncObject;
            IsSourceCached = sourceBitmap.IsSourceCached; 

            // Decide on whether to stick with the old behavior of cloning delegates attached to 
            // the events or not depending on the ShouldCloneEventDelegates property. It always
            // returns true, except in BitmapFrameDecode where it's overridden to return false. 
            // See the comments for ShouldCloneEventDelegates for more details.
            if (ShouldCloneEventDelegates)
                if (sourceBitmap._downloadEvent != null)
                    _downloadEvent = sourceBitmap._downloadEvent.Clone(); 
                if (sourceBitmap._progressEvent != null)
                    _progressEvent = sourceBitmap._progressEvent.Clone();

                if (sourceBitmap._failedEvent != null) 
                    _failedEvent = sourceBitmap._failedEvent.Clone();

                if (sourceBitmap._decodeFailedEvent != null)
                    _decodeFailedEvent = sourceBitmap._decodeFailedEvent.Clone(); 
            // else do nothing
            // the events are already created (they're initialized in the field declarations) 

            _format = sourceBitmap.Format;
            _pixelWidth = sourceBitmap.PixelWidth; 
            _pixelHeight = sourceBitmap.PixelHeight;
            _dpiX = sourceBitmap.DpiX; 
            _dpiY = sourceBitmap.DpiY; 
            _palette = sourceBitmap.Palette;
            // If a BitmapSource is part of a chain, then it will have handlers attached
            // to the BitmapSource down the chain, X. When X gets cloned, the delegates
            // in its events get cloned as well, so now the original BitmapSource will have 
            // handlers attached both to X and the X's clone. Here, have the BitmapSource
            // detach from X's clone. 
            // Note that since DependencyProperties are cloned first and since Source is a 
            // DependencyProperty, the clone's Source would already be set at this point,
            // and the SourcePropertyChangedHook would have created a _weakBitmapSourceEventSink 
            // object.
            if (_weakBitmapSourceEventSink != null &&
                sourceBitmap._weakBitmapSourceEventSink != null) 

        /// Implementation of Freezable.CloneCore.
        protected override void CloneCore(Freezable sourceFreezable)
            BitmapSource sourceBitmap = (BitmapSource)sourceFreezable; 

        /// Implementation of Freezable.CloneCurrentValueCore.
        protected override void CloneCurrentValueCore(Freezable sourceFreezable) 
            BitmapSource sourceBitmap = (BitmapSource)sourceFreezable; 


        /// Implementation of Freezable.GetAsFrozenCore. 
        protected override void GetAsFrozenCore(Freezable sourceFreezable) 
            BitmapSource sourceBitmap = (BitmapSource)sourceFreezable;
        /// Implementation of Freezable.GetCurrentValueAsFrozenCore. 
        protected override void GetCurrentValueAsFrozenCore(Freezable sourceFreezable)
            BitmapSource sourceBitmap = (BitmapSource)sourceFreezable; 

        #region Data Members
        private bool _delayCreation = false;
        private bool _creationComplete = false; 
        private bool _useVirtuals = false; 
        internal BitmapInitialize _bitmapInit = new BitmapInitialize();
        /// Critical: Unmanaged IWICBitmapSource handle. Access only through WicSourceHandle
        internal BitmapSourceSafeMILHandle _wicSource = null;
        /// Critical: Unmanaged IWICBitmapSource handle.
        internal BitmapSourceSafeMILHandle _convertedDUCEPtr;

        internal object _syncObject; 
        internal bool _isSourceCached;
        // Setting this to true causes us to throw away the old DUCECompatiblePtr which contains 
        // a cache of the bitmap in video memory. We'll create a new DUCECompatiblePtr and
        // eventually send the bitmap to video memory again. 
        internal bool _needsUpdate;

        internal bool _isColorCorrected;
        internal UniqueEventHelper _downloadEvent = new UniqueEventHelper(); 
        internal UniqueEventHelper _progressEvent = new UniqueEventHelper();
        internal UniqueEventHelper _failedEvent = new UniqueEventHelper(); 
        internal UniqueEventHelper _decodeFailedEvent = new UniqueEventHelper(); 

        // cached properties. should always reflect the unmanaged copy 
        internal PixelFormat _format = PixelFormats.Default;
        internal int _pixelWidth = 0;
        internal int _pixelHeight = 0;
        internal double _dpiX = 96.0; 
        internal double _dpiY = 96.0;
        internal BitmapPalette _palette = null; 
        /// Duce resource
        internal DUCE.MultiChannelResource _duceResource = new DUCE.MultiChannelResource(); 

        /// List of supported DUCE formats
        /// NOTE: Please add formats in increasing bpp order
        private readonly static PixelFormat[] s_supportedDUCEFormats = 
            new PixelFormat[13]

        // For propagating events in bitmap chains 
        private WeakBitmapSourceEventSink _weakBitmapSourceEventSink = null;

        #region Interface definitions 

        //  IWICBitmapSource 
        // Guid: IID_IWICBitmapSource
        [ComImport(), Guid("00000120-a8f2-4877-ba0a-fd2b6645fb94"), InterfaceTypeAttribute(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)] 
        internal interface IWICBitmapSource
            int GetSize( 
                out int puiWidth,
                out int puiHeight 

            int GetPixelFormat(
                out Guid guidFormat
            int GetResolution( 
                out double pDpiX, 
                out double pDpiY

            int GetPalette(
                IntPtr /* IWICPalette */ pIPalette 
            // SizeParamIndex says which parameter specifies the size of the array, 
            // which we are saying is cbStride.
            int CopyPixels(
                IntPtr prc,
                int cbStride,
                int cbPixels, 
                IntPtr pvPixels


        #region Managed Bitmap Source

        //  ManagedBitmapSource 
        internal class ManagedBitmapSource : IWICBitmapSource
            private BitmapSource _bitmapSource; 

            private ManagedBitmapSource() 
            public ManagedBitmapSource(BitmapSource bitmapSource)
                if (bitmapSource == null)
                    throw new System.ArgumentNullException("bitmapSource");
                _bitmapSource = bitmapSource; 
            int IWICBitmapSource.GetSize(out int puiWidth, out int puiHeight)
                puiWidth = _bitmapSource.PixelWidth;
                puiHeight = _bitmapSource.PixelHeight; 
                return NativeMethods.S_OK;
            int IWICBitmapSource.GetPixelFormat(out Guid guidFormat)
                guidFormat = _bitmapSource.Format.Guid;
                return NativeMethods.S_OK;
            int IWICBitmapSource.GetResolution(out double pDpiX, out double pDpiY)
                pDpiX = _bitmapSource.DpiX; 
                pDpiY = _bitmapSource.DpiY;
                return NativeMethods.S_OK; 

            /// Critical    - Calls into a P/Invoke method InitializeFromPalette(). 
            int IWICBitmapSource.GetPalette(IntPtr /* IWICPalette */ pIPalette) 
                BitmapPalette palette = _bitmapSource.Palette; 
                if ((palette == null) || (palette.InternalPalette == null) || (SecurityHelper.SafeHandleIsInvalid(palette.InternalPalette)))
                    return (int)WinCodecErrors.WINCODEC_ERR_PALETTEUNAVAILABLE;

                HRESULT.Check(UnsafeNativeMethods.WICPalette.InitializeFromPalette(pIPalette, palette.InternalPalette)); 
                return NativeMethods.S_OK;

            ///     Critical: This code can be used to expose pixel information
            int IWICBitmapSource.CopyPixels(IntPtr prc, int cbStride, int cbPixels, IntPtr pvPixels) 
                if (cbStride < 0)
                    return NativeMethods.E_INVALIDARG;

                if (pvPixels == IntPtr.Zero) 
                    return NativeMethods.E_INVALIDARG; 

                Int32Rect rc; 

                if (prc == IntPtr.Zero)
                    rc = new Int32Rect(0, 0, _bitmapSource.PixelWidth, _bitmapSource.PixelHeight); 
                    rc = (Int32Rect)Marshal.PtrToStructure(prc, typeof(Int32Rect));

                int rectHeight, rectWidth;

                rectHeight = rc.Height; 
                rectWidth = rc.Width;
                if (rc.Width < 1 || rc.Height < 1) 
                    return NativeMethods.E_INVALIDARG; 

                // assuming cbStride can't be negative, but that prc.Height can
                PixelFormat pfStruct = _bitmapSource.Format; 

                if (pfStruct.Format == PixelFormatEnum.Default || 
                    pfStruct.Format == PixelFormatEnum.Extended) 
                    return (int)(WinCodecErrors.WINCODEC_ERR_UNSUPPORTEDPIXELFORMAT); 

                int rectRowSize = checked((rectWidth * pfStruct.InternalBitsPerPixel + 7) / 8); 

                if (cbPixels < checked((rectHeight - 1) * cbStride + rectRowSize)) 
                    return (int)(WinCodecErrors.WINCODEC_ERR_INSUFFICIENTBUFFER);

                // Need to marshal
                int arraySize = checked(rectHeight * rectRowSize);
                byte[] managedArray = new byte[arraySize]; 

                // perform the copy 
                _bitmapSource.CopyPixels(rc, managedArray, rectRowSize, 0); 

                    // transfer the contents of the relevant rect from the managed array to pvPixels
                    long rowPtr = pvPixels.ToInt64();
                    for (int y = 0; y < rectHeight; y++)
                        Marshal.Copy(managedArray, y * rectRowSize, new IntPtr(rowPtr), rectRowSize);
                        rowPtr += cbStride; 
                return NativeMethods.S_OK;
        #region WeakBitmapSourceEventSink 

        // Used to propagate DownloadCompleted events for bitmap chains 

        // The simple way is to just have this BitmapSource add handlers to the chained
        // BitmapSource's DownloadCompleted/DownloadFailed event. But that creates
        // an implicit strong reference from the child back to this. Since multiple chains can 
        // contain the child, this BitmapSource can prevent BitmapSources in another chain
        // from being collected. 
        // (A) <-----------------> (B) 
        // (C) <--> (D) <--> (E) <--^
        // A existing prevents C's entire chain from being collected 

        // The weak event sink prevents a strong reference from the chained BitmapSource
        // back to this one.
        // (A) --> (weak) <--> (B) 

        private class WeakBitmapSourceEventSink : WeakReference 
            public WeakBitmapSourceEventSink(BitmapSource bitmapSource)
                : base(bitmapSource) 

            public void OnSourceDownloadCompleted(object sender, EventArgs e) 
                BitmapSource bitmapSource = this.Target as BitmapSource; 
                if (null != bitmapSource) 
                    bitmapSource.OnSourceDownloadCompleted(bitmapSource, e); 
            public void OnSourceDownloadFailed(object sender, ExceptionEventArgs e)
                BitmapSource bitmapSource = this.Target as BitmapSource;
                if (null != bitmapSource)
                    bitmapSource.OnSourceDownloadFailed(bitmapSource, e); 

            public void OnSourceDownloadProgress(object sender, DownloadProgressEventArgs e)
                BitmapSource bitmapSource = this.Target as BitmapSource;
                if (null != bitmapSource) 
                    bitmapSource.OnSourceDownloadProgress(bitmapSource, e);
            public void DetachSourceDownloadHandlers(BitmapSource source) 
                if (!source.IsFrozen) 
                    source.DownloadCompleted -= OnSourceDownloadCompleted;
                    source.DownloadFailed -= OnSourceDownloadFailed;
                    source.DownloadProgress -= OnSourceDownloadProgress; 
            public void AttachSourceDownloadHandlers()
                if (!_eventSource.IsFrozen)
                    _eventSource.DownloadCompleted += OnSourceDownloadCompleted;
                    _eventSource.DownloadFailed += OnSourceDownloadFailed; 
                    _eventSource.DownloadProgress += OnSourceDownloadProgress;

            private BitmapSource _eventSource; 
            public BitmapSource EventSource
                    return _eventSource;
                    if (_eventSource != null) 
                    _eventSource = value;
                    if (_eventSource != null) 


    #endregion // BitmapSource 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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