XmlUtf8RawTextWriter.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / Xml / System / Xml / Core / XmlUtf8RawTextWriter.cs / 1305376 / XmlUtf8RawTextWriter.cs

//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// [....]
// WARNING: This file is generated and should not be modified directly.  Instead,
// modify XmlTextWriterGenerator.cxx and run gen.bat in the same directory. 
// This batch file will execute the following commands:
//   cl.exe /C /EP /D _XML_UTF8_TEXT_WRITER XmlRawTextWriterGenerator.cxx > XmlUtf8RawTextWriter.cs
//   cl.exe /C /EP /D _XML_ENCODED_TEXT_WRITER XmlRawTextWriterGenerator.cxx > XmlEncodedRawTextWriter.cs 
// Because these two implementations of XmlTextWriter are so similar, the C++ preprocessor 
// is used to generate each implementation from one template file, using macros and ifdefs. 


// Note: This file was generated without #define SILVERLIGHT





















using System;
using System.IO; 
using System.Xml;
using System.Text; 
using System.Diagnostics; 
using System.Globalization;
namespace System.Xml {

    // Concrete implementation of XmlWriter abstract class that serializes events as encoded XML
    // text.  The general-purpose XmlEncodedTextWriter uses the Encoder class to output to any 
    // encoding.  The XmlUtf8TextWriter class combined the encoding operation with serialization
    // in order to achieve better performance. 
    internal class XmlUtf8RawTextWriter : XmlRawWriter { 
// Fields 
        // main buffer
        protected byte[] bufBytes;
        // output stream
        protected Stream    stream; 
        // encoding of the stream or text writer
        protected Encoding encoding; 

        // char type tables
        protected XmlCharType xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance;
        // buffer positions
        protected int   bufPos = 1;     // buffer position starts at 1, because we need to be able to safely step back -1 in case we need to 
                                        // close an empty element or in CDATA section detection of double ]; _BUFFER[0] will always be 0 
        protected int   textPos = 1;    // text end position; don't indent first element, pi, or comment
        protected int   contentPos;     // element content end position 
        protected int   cdataPos;       // cdata end position
        protected int   attrEndPos;     // end of the last attribute
        protected int   bufLen = BUFSIZE;
        // flags
        protected bool  writeToNull; 
        protected bool  hadDoubleBracket; 
        protected bool  inAttributeValue;







        // writer settings
        protected NewLineHandling   newLineHandling; 
        protected bool              closeOutput;
        protected bool              omitXmlDeclaration; 
        protected string            newLineChars; 
        protected bool              checkCharacters;
        protected XmlStandalone     standalone;
        protected XmlOutputMethod   outputMethod;

        protected bool              autoXmlDeclaration; 
        protected bool              mergeCDataSections;
// Constants
        private const int BUFSIZE = 2048 * 3;       // Should be greater than default FileStream size (4096), otherwise the FileStream will try to cache the data
        private const int OVERFLOW = 32;            // Allow overflow in order to reduce checks when writing out constant size markup
        private const int INIT_MARKS_COUNT = 64;
// Constructors 
        // Construct and initialize an instance of this class.
        protected XmlUtf8RawTextWriter( XmlWriterSettings settings ) { 
            // copy settings
            newLineHandling = settings.NewLineHandling;
            omitXmlDeclaration = settings.OmitXmlDeclaration;
            newLineChars = settings.NewLineChars; 
            checkCharacters = settings.CheckCharacters;
            closeOutput = settings.CloseOutput; 

            standalone = settings.Standalone; 
            outputMethod = settings.OutputMethod;
            mergeCDataSections = settings.MergeCDataSections;

            if ( checkCharacters && newLineHandling == NewLineHandling.Replace ) {
                ValidateContentChars( newLineChars, "NewLineChars", false ); 







        // Construct an instance of this class that serializes to a Stream interface.
        public XmlUtf8RawTextWriter( Stream stream, XmlWriterSettings settings ) : this( settings ) { 
            Debug.Assert( stream != null && settings != null );
            this.stream = stream; 
            this.encoding = settings.Encoding;

            // the buffer is allocated will OVERFLOW in order to reduce checks when writing out constant size markup
            bufBytes = new byte[ BUFSIZE + OVERFLOW ];
            // Output UTF-8 byte order mark if Encoding object wants it
            if ( !stream.CanSeek || stream.Position == 0 ) { 
                byte[] bom = encoding.GetPreamble(); 
                if ( bom.Length != 0 ) {
                    Buffer.BlockCopy( bom, 0, bufBytes, 1, bom.Length ); 
                    bufPos += bom.Length;
                    textPos += bom.Length;










            // Write the xml declaration 
            if ( settings.AutoXmlDeclaration ) { 
                WriteXmlDeclaration( standalone );
                autoXmlDeclaration = true; 

// XmlWriter implementation 
        // Returns settings the writer currently applies.
        public override XmlWriterSettings Settings { 
            get {
                XmlWriterSettings settings = new XmlWriterSettings();

                settings.Encoding = this.encoding; 
                settings.OmitXmlDeclaration = this.omitXmlDeclaration;
                settings.NewLineHandling = this.newLineHandling; 
                settings.NewLineChars = this.newLineChars; 
                settings.CloseOutput = this.closeOutput;
                settings.ConformanceLevel = ConformanceLevel.Auto; 
                settings.CheckCharacters = checkCharacters;

                settings.AutoXmlDeclaration = autoXmlDeclaration; 
                settings.Standalone = standalone;
                settings.OutputMethod = outputMethod; 
                settings.ReadOnly = true;
                return settings; 

        // Write the xml declaration.  This must be the first call.
        internal override void WriteXmlDeclaration( XmlStandalone standalone ) { 
            // Output xml declaration only if user allows it and it was not already output 
            if ( !omitXmlDeclaration && !autoXmlDeclaration ) {

                RawText( "" );

        internal override void WriteXmlDeclaration( string xmldecl ) { 
            // Output xml declaration only if user allows it and it was not already output 
            if ( !omitXmlDeclaration && !autoXmlDeclaration ) {
                WriteProcessingInstruction( "xml", xmldecl ); 

        // Serialize the document type declaration. 
        public override void WriteDocType( string name, string pubid, string sysid, string subset ) {
            Debug.Assert( name != null && name.Length > 0 ); 

            RawText( "'; 

        // Serialize the beginning of an element start tag: " 0 );
            Debug.Assert( prefix != null ); 

            bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) '<';
            if ( prefix != null && prefix.Length != 0 ) {
                RawText( prefix );
                bufBytes[this.bufPos++] = (byte) ':'; 
            RawText( localName ); 

            attrEndPos = bufPos; 

        // Serialize the end of an element start tag in preparation for content serialization: ">"
        internal override void StartElementContent() { 
            bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) '>';
            // StartElementContent is always called; therefore, in order to allow shortcut syntax, we save the 
            // position of the '>' character.  If WriteEndElement is called and no other characters have been
            // output, then the '>' character can be be overwritten with the shortcut syntax " />". 
            contentPos = bufPos;

        // Serialize an element end tag: "", if content was output.  Otherwise, serialize 
        // the shortcut syntax: " />".
        internal override void WriteEndElement( string prefix, string localName, string ns ) { 
            Debug.Assert( localName != null && localName.Length > 0 ); 
            Debug.Assert( prefix != null );

            if ( contentPos != bufPos ) {
                // Content has been output, so can't use shortcut syntax 
                bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) '<';
                bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) '/'; 
                if ( prefix != null && prefix.Length != 0) {
                    RawText( prefix ); 
                    bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) ':';
                RawText( localName );
                bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) '>'; 
            else { 
                // Use shortcut syntax; overwrite the already output '>' character 
                bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) ' '; 
                bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) '/';
                bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) '>';

        // Serialize a full element end tag: "" 
        internal override void WriteFullEndElement( string prefix, string localName, string ns ) { 
            Debug.Assert( localName != null && localName.Length > 0 );
            Debug.Assert( prefix != null ); 

            bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) '<'; 
            bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) '/';
            if ( prefix != null && prefix.Length != 0) { 
                RawText( prefix );
                bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) ':'; 
            RawText( localName );
            bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) '>';

        // Serialize an attribute tag using double quotes around the attribute value: 'prefix:localName="' 
        public override void WriteStartAttribute( string prefix, string localName, string ns ) { 
            Debug.Assert( localName != null && localName.Length  > 0 );
            Debug.Assert( prefix != null ); 

            if ( attrEndPos == bufPos ) { 
                bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) ' ';
            if ( prefix != null && prefix.Length > 0 ) {
                RawText( prefix ); 
                bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) ':';
            RawText( localName );
            bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) '='; 
            bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) '"';
            inAttributeValue = true; 
        // Serialize the end of an attribute value using double quotes: '"'
        public override void WriteEndAttribute() {

            bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) '"'; 
            inAttributeValue = false;
            attrEndPos = bufPos; 

        internal override void WriteNamespaceDeclaration( string prefix, string namespaceName ) { 
            Debug.Assert( prefix != null && namespaceName != null );

            this.WriteStartNamespaceDeclaration( prefix );
            this.WriteString( namespaceName ); 
        internal override bool SupportsNamespaceDeclarationInChunks {
            get { 
                return true;
        internal override void WriteStartNamespaceDeclaration(string prefix) {
            Debug.Assert( prefix != null ); 

            // VSTFDEVDIV bug #583965: Inconsistency between Silverlight 2 and Dev10 in the way a single xmlns attribute is serialized	
            // Resolved as: Won't fix (breaking change)






            if ( prefix.Length == 0 ) { 
                RawText( " xmlns=\"" );
            else {
                RawText( " xmlns:" ); 
                RawText( prefix );
                bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte)'='; 
                bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte)'"'; 

            inAttributeValue = true;


        internal override void WriteEndNamespaceDeclaration() { 
            inAttributeValue = false;
            bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte)'"';
            attrEndPos = bufPos;
        // Serialize a CData section.  If the "]]>" pattern is found within
        // the text, replace it with "]]>". 
        public override void WriteCData( string text ) { 
            Debug.Assert( text != null );

            if ( mergeCDataSections && bufPos == cdataPos ) {
                // Merge adjacent cdata sections - overwrite the "]]>" characters 
                Debug.Assert( bufPos >= 4 );
                bufPos -= 3; 
            else {
                // Start a new cdata section 
                bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) '<';
                bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) '!';
                bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) '[';
                bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) 'C'; 
                bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) 'D';
                bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) 'A'; 
                bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) 'T'; 
                bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) 'A';
                bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) '['; 

            WriteCDataSection( text );
            bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) ']';
            bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) ']'; 
            bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) '>'; 

            textPos = bufPos; 
            cdataPos = bufPos;

        // Serialize a comment. 
        public override void WriteComment( string text ) {
            Debug.Assert( text != null ); 

            bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) '<';
            bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) '!';
            bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) '-';
            bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) '-'; 

            WriteCommentOrPi( text, '-' ); 
            bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) '-';
            bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) '-'; 
            bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) '>';

        // Serialize a processing instruction. 
        public override void WriteProcessingInstruction( string name, string text ) {
            Debug.Assert( name != null && name.Length > 0 ); 
            Debug.Assert( text != null ); 


            bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) '<';
            bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) '?';
            RawText( name ); 

            if ( text.Length > 0 ) { 
                bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) ' '; 
                WriteCommentOrPi( text, '?' );

            bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) '?';
            bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) '>';

        // Serialize an entity reference. 
        public override void WriteEntityRef( string name ) { 
            Debug.Assert( name != null && name.Length > 0 );

            bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) '&';
            RawText( name ); 
            bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) ';';
            if ( bufPos > bufLen ) { 

            textPos = bufPos;
        // Serialize a character entity reference.
        public override void WriteCharEntity( char ch ) { 
            string strVal = ((int)ch).ToString( "X", NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo ); 

            if ( checkCharacters && !xmlCharType.IsCharData( ch ) ) { 
                // we just have a single char, not a surrogate, therefore we have to pass in '\0' for the second char
                throw XmlConvert.CreateInvalidCharException( ch, '\0' );

            bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte)'&'; 
            bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte)'#';
            bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte)'x'; 
            RawText( strVal );
            bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte)';';

            if ( bufPos > bufLen ) { 
            textPos = bufPos;

        // Serialize a whitespace node.


        public override unsafe void WriteWhitespace( string ws ) { 
            Debug.Assert( ws != null ); 

            fixed ( char * pSrc = ws ) {
                char * pSrcEnd = pSrc + ws.Length;
                if ( inAttributeValue) {
                    WriteAttributeTextBlock( pSrc, pSrcEnd ); 
                else { 
                    WriteElementTextBlock( pSrc, pSrcEnd ); 

        // Serialize either attribute or element text using XML rules.

        public override unsafe void WriteString( string text ) { 
            Debug.Assert( text != null );

            fixed ( char * pSrc = text ) {
                char * pSrcEnd = pSrc + text.Length;
                if ( inAttributeValue) { 
                    WriteAttributeTextBlock( pSrc, pSrcEnd );
                else { 
                    WriteElementTextBlock( pSrc, pSrcEnd );

        // Serialize surrogate character entity. 
        public override void WriteSurrogateCharEntity( char lowChar, char highChar ) {
            int surrogateChar = XmlCharType.CombineSurrogateChar( lowChar, highChar ); 

            bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte)'&'; 
            bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte)'#';
            bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte)'x';
            RawText( surrogateChar.ToString( "X", NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo ) );
            bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte)';'; 
            textPos = bufPos;
        // Serialize either attribute or element text using XML rules.
        // Arguments are validated in the XmlWellformedWriter layer. 

        public override unsafe void WriteChars( char[] buffer, int index, int count ) { 
            Debug.Assert( buffer != null );
            Debug.Assert( index >= 0 ); 
            Debug.Assert( count >= 0 && index + count <= buffer.Length ); 


            fixed ( char * pSrcBegin = &buffer[index] ) {
                if ( inAttributeValue ) {
                    WriteAttributeTextBlock( pSrcBegin, pSrcBegin + count ); 
                else { 
                    WriteElementTextBlock( pSrcBegin, pSrcBegin + count ); 

        // Serialize raw data.
        // Arguments are validated in the XmlWellformedWriter layer 

        public override unsafe void WriteRaw( char[] buffer, int index, int count ) {
            Debug.Assert( buffer != null ); 
            Debug.Assert( index >= 0 );
            Debug.Assert( count >= 0 && index + count <= buffer.Length );


            fixed ( char * pSrcBegin = &buffer[index] ) { 
                WriteRawWithCharChecking( pSrcBegin, pSrcBegin + count ); 
            textPos = bufPos; 

        // Serialize raw data.

        public override unsafe void WriteRaw( string data ) { 
            Debug.Assert( data != null );

            fixed ( char * pSrcBegin = data ) {
                WriteRawWithCharChecking( pSrcBegin, pSrcBegin + data.Length ); 
            textPos = bufPos; 

        // Flush all bytes in the buffer to output and close the output stream or writer. 
        public override void Close() {
            try {
            finally { 
                // Future calls to Close or Flush shouldn't write to Stream or Writer 
                writeToNull = true;
                if ( stream != null ) {
                    try {
                    finally {
                        try { 
                            if ( closeOutput ) { 
                        finally {
                            stream = null;







        // Flush all characters in the buffer to output and call Flush() on the output object. 
        public override void Flush() {
            if ( stream != null ) {




// Implementation methods
        // Flush all characters in the buffer to output.  Do not flush the output object.
        protected virtual void FlushBuffer() { 
            try {
                // Output all characters (except for previous characters stored at beginning of buffer) 
                if ( !writeToNull ) { 

                    Debug.Assert( stream != null); 
                    stream.Write( bufBytes, 1, bufPos - 1 );









            catch {
                // Future calls to flush (i.e. when Close() is called) don't attempt to write to stream 
                writeToNull = true;
            finally {
                // Move last buffer character to the beginning of the buffer (so that previous character can always be determined) 
                bufBytes[0] = bufBytes[bufPos - 1];

                if ( IsSurrogateByte( bufBytes[0] ) ) { 
                    // Last character was the first byte in a surrogate encoding, so move last three
                    // bytes of encoding to the beginning of the buffer. 
                    bufBytes[1] = bufBytes[bufPos]; 
                    bufBytes[2] = bufBytes[bufPos + 1];
                    bufBytes[3] = bufBytes[bufPos + 2]; 

                // Reset buffer position 
                textPos = (textPos == bufPos) ? 1 : 0;
                attrEndPos = (attrEndPos == bufPos) ? 1 : 0; 
                contentPos = 0;    // Needs to be zero, since overwriting '>' character is no longer possible 
                cdataPos = 0;      // Needs to be zero, since overwriting ']]>' characters is no longer possible
                bufPos = 1;        // Buffer position starts at 1, because we need to be able to safely step back -1 in case we need to 
                                   // close an empty element or in CDATA section detection of double ]; _BUFFER[0] will always be 0

        private void FlushEncoder() { 
            // intentionally empty 













        // Serialize text that is part of an attribute value.  The '&', '<', '>', and '"' characters
        // are entitized. 

        protected unsafe void WriteAttributeTextBlock( char *pSrc, char *pSrcEnd ) {
            fixed ( byte * pDstBegin = bufBytes ) { 
                byte * pDst = pDstBegin + this.bufPos;

                int ch = 0;
                for (;;) { 
                    byte * pDstEnd = pDst + ( pSrcEnd - pSrc );
                    if ( pDstEnd > pDstBegin + bufLen ) { 
                        pDstEnd = pDstBegin + bufLen; 

                    while ( pDst < pDstEnd && ( ( ( xmlCharType.charProperties[( ch = *pSrc )] & XmlCharType.fAttrValue ) != 0 ) && ch <= 0x7F ) ) {


                        *pDst = (byte)ch; 
                    Debug.Assert( pSrc <= pSrcEnd );

                    // end of value
                    if ( pSrc >= pSrcEnd ) { 
                    // end of buffer
                    if ( pDst >= pDstEnd ) { 
                        bufPos = (int)(pDst - pDstBegin);
                        pDst = pDstBegin + 1;
                    // some character needs to be escaped 
                    switch ( ch ) {
                        case '&': 
                            pDst = AmpEntity( pDst );
                        case '<':
                            pDst = LtEntity( pDst ); 
                        case '>': 
                            pDst = GtEntity( pDst ); 
                        case '"': 
                            pDst = QuoteEntity( pDst );
                        case '\'':
                            *pDst = (byte)ch; 
                        case (char)0x9: 
                            if ( newLineHandling == NewLineHandling.None ) {
                                *pDst = (byte)ch; 
                            else {
                                // escape tab in attributes 
                                pDst = TabEntity( pDst );
                        case (char)0xD:
                            if ( newLineHandling == NewLineHandling.None ) { 
                                *pDst = (byte)ch;
                            else { 
                                // escape new lines in attributes
                                pDst = CarriageReturnEntity( pDst ); 
                        case (char)0xA: 
                            if ( newLineHandling == NewLineHandling.None ) {
                                *pDst = (byte)ch;
                            else {
                                // escape new lines in attributes 
                                pDst = LineFeedEntity( pDst ); 
                           if ( XmlCharType.IsSurrogate( ch ) ) { pDst = EncodeSurrogate( pSrc, pSrcEnd, pDst ); pSrc += 2; } else if ( ch <= 0x7F || ch >= 0xFFFE ) { pDst = InvalidXmlChar( ch, pDst, true ); pSrc++; } else { pDst = EncodeMultibyteUTF8( ch, pDst ); pSrc++; };
                bufPos = (int)(pDst - pDstBegin); 

        // Serialize text that is part of element content.  The '&', '<', and '>' characters
        // are entitized.

        protected unsafe void WriteElementTextBlock( char *pSrc, char *pSrcEnd ) { 
            fixed ( byte * pDstBegin = bufBytes ) {
                byte * pDst = pDstBegin + this.bufPos; 

                int ch = 0;
                for (;;) {
                    byte * pDstEnd = pDst + ( pSrcEnd - pSrc ); 
                    if ( pDstEnd > pDstBegin + bufLen ) {
                        pDstEnd = pDstBegin + bufLen; 

                    while ( pDst < pDstEnd && ( ( ( xmlCharType.charProperties[( ch = *pSrc )] & XmlCharType.fAttrValue ) != 0 ) && ch <= 0x7F ) ) {

                        *pDst = (byte)ch;
                    Debug.Assert( pSrc <= pSrcEnd ); 

                    // end of value
                    if ( pSrc >= pSrcEnd ) {
                    // end of buffer 
                    if ( pDst >= pDstEnd ) {
                        bufPos = (int)(pDst - pDstBegin); 
                        pDst = pDstBegin + 1;

                    // some character needs to be escaped 
                    switch ( ch ) { 
                        case '&':
                            pDst = AmpEntity( pDst ); 
                        case '<':
                            pDst = LtEntity( pDst );
                        case '>':
                            pDst = GtEntity( pDst ); 
                        case '"':
                        case '\'': 
                        case (char)0x9:
                            *pDst = (byte)ch;
                        case (char)0xA:
                            if ( newLineHandling == NewLineHandling.Replace ) { 
                                pDst = WriteNewLine( pDst ); 
                            else { 
                                *pDst = (byte)ch;
                        case (char)0xD:
                            switch ( newLineHandling ) { 
                                case NewLineHandling.Replace: 
                                    // Replace "\r\n", or "\r" with NewLineChars
                                    if ( pSrc[1] == '\n' ) { 
                                    pDst = WriteNewLine( pDst );
                                case NewLineHandling.Entitize:
                                    // Entitize 0xD 
                                    pDst = CarriageReturnEntity( pDst ); 
                                case NewLineHandling.None: 
                                    *pDst = (byte)ch;
                            if ( XmlCharType.IsSurrogate( ch ) ) { pDst = EncodeSurrogate( pSrc, pSrcEnd, pDst ); pSrc += 2; } else if ( ch <= 0x7F || ch >= 0xFFFE ) { pDst = InvalidXmlChar( ch, pDst, true ); pSrc++; } else { pDst = EncodeMultibyteUTF8( ch, pDst ); pSrc++; }; 
                bufPos = (int)(pDst - pDstBegin);
                textPos = bufPos; 
                contentPos = 0;


        protected unsafe void RawText( string s ) {
            Debug.Assert( s != null ); 
            fixed ( char * pSrcBegin = s ) {
                RawText( pSrcBegin, pSrcBegin + s.Length ); 

        protected unsafe void RawText( char * pSrcBegin, char * pSrcEnd ) { 
            fixed ( byte * pDstBegin = bufBytes ) {
                byte * pDst = pDstBegin + this.bufPos; 
                char * pSrc = pSrcBegin; 

                int ch = 0; 
                for (;;) {
                    byte * pDstEnd = pDst + ( pSrcEnd - pSrc );
                    if ( pDstEnd > pDstBegin + this.bufLen ) {
                        pDstEnd = pDstBegin + this.bufLen; 
                    while ( pDst < pDstEnd && ( ( ch = *pSrc ) <= 0x7F ) ) {

                        *pDst = (byte)ch; 
                    Debug.Assert( pSrc <= pSrcEnd ); 

                    // end of value 
                    if ( pSrc >= pSrcEnd ) {
                    // end of buffer
                    if ( pDst >= pDstEnd ) { 
                        bufPos = (int)(pDst - pDstBegin); 
                        pDst = pDstBegin + 1; 

                    if ( XmlCharType.IsSurrogate( ch ) ) { pDst = EncodeSurrogate( pSrc, pSrcEnd, pDst ); pSrc += 2; } else if ( ch <= 0x7F || ch >= 0xFFFE ) { pDst = InvalidXmlChar( ch, pDst, false ); pSrc++; } else { pDst = EncodeMultibyteUTF8( ch, pDst ); pSrc++; }; 
                bufPos = (int)(pDst - pDstBegin); 

        protected unsafe void WriteRawWithCharChecking( char * pSrcBegin, char * pSrcEnd ) {
            fixed ( byte * pDstBegin = bufBytes ) { 
                char * pSrc = pSrcBegin; 
                byte * pDst = pDstBegin + bufPos;
                int ch = 0;
                for (;;) {
                    byte * pDstEnd = pDst + ( pSrcEnd - pSrc );
                    if ( pDstEnd > pDstBegin + bufLen ) { 
                        pDstEnd = pDstBegin + bufLen;

                    while ( pDst < pDstEnd && ( ( ( xmlCharType.charProperties[( ch = *pSrc )] & XmlCharType.fText ) != 0 ) && ch <= 0x7F ) ) { 

                        *pDst = (byte)ch; 

                    Debug.Assert( pSrc <= pSrcEnd ); 

                    // end of value
                    if ( pSrc >= pSrcEnd ) {
                    // end of buffer 
                    if ( pDst >= pDstEnd ) {
                        bufPos = (int)(pDst - pDstBegin); 
                        pDst = pDstBegin + 1;

                    // handle special characters 
                    switch ( ch ) { 
                        case ']':
                        case '<': 
                        case '&':
                        case (char)0x9:
                            *pDst = (byte)ch;
                        case (char)0xD: 
                            if ( newLineHandling == NewLineHandling.Replace ) { 
                                // Normalize "\r\n", or "\r" to NewLineChars
                                if ( pSrc[1] == '\n' ) { 
                                pDst = WriteNewLine( pDst );
                            else {
                                *pDst = (byte)ch; 
                        case (char)0xA:
                            if ( newLineHandling == NewLineHandling.Replace ) {
                                pDst = WriteNewLine( pDst );
                            else {
                                *pDst = (byte)ch; 
                            if ( XmlCharType.IsSurrogate( ch ) ) { pDst = EncodeSurrogate( pSrc, pSrcEnd, pDst ); pSrc += 2; } else if ( ch <= 0x7F || ch >= 0xFFFE ) { pDst = InvalidXmlChar( ch, pDst, false ); pSrc++; } else { pDst = EncodeMultibyteUTF8( ch, pDst ); pSrc++; };
                bufPos = (int)(pDst - pDstBegin); 

        protected unsafe void WriteCommentOrPi( string text, int stopChar ) {
            if ( text.Length == 0 ) { 
                if ( bufPos >= bufLen ) { 
            // write text
            fixed ( char * pSrcBegin = text ) 
            fixed ( byte * pDstBegin = bufBytes ) {
                char * pSrc = pSrcBegin; 
                char * pSrcEnd = pSrcBegin + text.Length; 
                byte * pDst = pDstBegin + bufPos;
                int ch = 0;
                for (;;) {
                    byte * pDstEnd = pDst + ( pSrcEnd - pSrc );
                    if ( pDstEnd > pDstBegin + bufLen ) { 
                        pDstEnd = pDstBegin + bufLen;

                    while ( pDst < pDstEnd && ( ( ( xmlCharType.charProperties[( ch = *pSrc )] & XmlCharType.fText ) != 0 ) && ch != stopChar && ch <= 0x7F ) ) { 

                        *pDst = (byte)ch; 

                    Debug.Assert( pSrc <= pSrcEnd ); 

                    // end of value
                    if ( pSrc >= pSrcEnd ) {
                    // end of buffer 
                    if ( pDst >= pDstEnd ) {
                        bufPos = (int)(pDst - pDstBegin); 
                        pDst = pDstBegin + 1;

                    // handle special characters 
                    switch ( ch ) { 
                        case '-':
                            *pDst = (byte) '-'; 
                            if ( ch == stopChar ) {
                                // Insert space between adjacent dashes or before comment's end dashes
                                if ( pSrc + 1 == pSrcEnd || *(pSrc + 1)== '-' ) { 
                                    *pDst = (byte) ' ';
                        case '?':
                            *pDst = (byte) '?';
                            if ( ch == stopChar ) { 
                                // Processing instruction: insert space between adjacent '?' and '>'
                                if ( pSrc + 1 < pSrcEnd && *(pSrc + 1)== '>' ) { 
                                    *pDst = (byte) ' '; 
                        case ']':
                            *pDst = (byte) ']'; 
                        case (char)0xD: 
                            if ( newLineHandling == NewLineHandling.Replace ) {
                                // Normalize "\r\n", or "\r" to NewLineChars 
                                if ( pSrc[1] == '\n' ) {
                                pDst = WriteNewLine( pDst ); 
                            else { 
                                *pDst = (byte)ch; 
                        case (char)0xA:
                            if ( newLineHandling == NewLineHandling.Replace ) {
                                pDst = WriteNewLine( pDst ); 
                            else { 
                                *pDst = (byte)ch; 
                        case '<':
                        case '&':
                        case (char)0x9: 
                            *pDst = (byte)ch;
                            if ( XmlCharType.IsSurrogate( ch ) ) { pDst = EncodeSurrogate( pSrc, pSrcEnd, pDst ); pSrc += 2; } else if ( ch <= 0x7F || ch >= 0xFFFE ) { pDst = InvalidXmlChar( ch, pDst, false ); pSrc++; } else { pDst = EncodeMultibyteUTF8( ch, pDst ); pSrc++; }; 
                bufPos = (int)(pDst - pDstBegin);


        protected unsafe void WriteCDataSection( string text ) {
            if ( text.Length == 0 ) { 
                if ( bufPos >= bufLen ) {
            // write text
            fixed ( char * pSrcBegin = text )
            fixed ( byte * pDstBegin = bufBytes ) {
                char * pSrc = pSrcBegin; 
                char * pSrcEnd = pSrcBegin + text.Length;
                byte * pDst = pDstBegin + bufPos; 
                int ch = 0;
                for (;;) { 
                    byte * pDstEnd = pDst + ( pSrcEnd - pSrc );
                    if ( pDstEnd > pDstBegin + bufLen ) {
                        pDstEnd = pDstBegin + bufLen;

                    while ( pDst < pDstEnd && ( ( ( xmlCharType.charProperties[( ch = *pSrc )] & XmlCharType.fAttrValue ) != 0 ) && ch != ']' && ch <= 0x7F ) ) { 


                        *pDst = (byte)ch;
                    Debug.Assert( pSrc <= pSrcEnd ); 

                    // end of value 
                    if ( pSrc >= pSrcEnd ) {
                    // end of buffer
                    if ( pDst >= pDstEnd ) { 
                        bufPos = (int)(pDst - pDstBegin); 
                        pDst = pDstBegin + 1; 

                    // handle special characters 
                    switch ( ch ) {
                        case '>': 
                            if ( hadDoubleBracket && pDst[-1] == (byte) ']') {   // pDst[-1] will always correct - there is a padding character at _BUFFER[0] 
                                // The characters "]]>" were found within the CData text
                                pDst = RawEndCData( pDst ); 
                                pDst = RawStartCData( pDst );
                            *pDst = (byte) '>';
                        case ']': 
                            if ( pDst[-1] == (byte)']' ) {   // pDst[-1] will always correct - there is a padding character at _BUFFER[0] 
                                hadDoubleBracket = true;
                            else {
                                hadDoubleBracket = false;
                            *pDst = (byte)']'; 
                        case (char)0xD: 
                            if ( newLineHandling == NewLineHandling.Replace ) {
                                // Normalize "\r\n", or "\r" to NewLineChars 
                                if ( pSrc[1] == '\n' ) {
                                pDst = WriteNewLine( pDst ); 
                            else { 
                                *pDst = (byte)ch; 
                        case (char)0xA:
                            if ( newLineHandling == NewLineHandling.Replace ) {
                                pDst = WriteNewLine( pDst ); 
                            else { 
                                *pDst = (byte)ch; 
                        case '&':
                        case '<':
                        case '"': 
                        case '\'':
                        case (char)0x9: 
                            *pDst = (byte)ch; 
                            if ( XmlCharType.IsSurrogate( ch ) ) { pDst = EncodeSurrogate( pSrc, pSrcEnd, pDst ); pSrc += 2; } else if ( ch <= 0x7F || ch >= 0xFFFE ) { pDst = InvalidXmlChar( ch, pDst, false ); pSrc++; } else { pDst = EncodeMultibyteUTF8( ch, pDst ); pSrc++; };
                bufPos = (int)(pDst - pDstBegin); 

        // Returns true if UTF8 encoded byte is first of four bytes that encode a surrogate pair.
        // To do this, detect the bit pattern 11110xxx. 
        private static bool IsSurrogateByte( byte b ) {
            return (b & 0xF8) == 0xF0; 


        private static unsafe byte* EncodeSurrogate( char* pSrc, char* pSrcEnd, byte* pDst ) { 
            Debug.Assert( XmlCharType.IsSurrogate( *pSrc ) );
            int ch = *pSrc; 
            if ( ch <= XmlCharType.SurHighEnd ) {
                if ( pSrc + 1 < pSrcEnd ) { 
                    int lowChar = pSrc[1];
                    if ( lowChar >= XmlCharType.SurLowStart ) {

                        // Calculate Unicode scalar value for easier manipulations (see section 3.7 in Unicode spec) 
                        // The scalar value repositions surrogate values to start at 0x10000.
                        ch = XmlCharType.CombineSurrogateChar( lowChar, ch ); 

                        pDst[0] = (byte)( 0xF0 | ( ch >> 18 ) ); 
                        pDst[1] = (byte)( 0x80 | ( ch >> 12 ) & 0x3F );
                        pDst[2] = (byte)( 0x80 | ( ch >> 6  ) & 0x3F );
                        pDst[3] = (byte)( 0x80 | ch & 0x3F);
                        pDst += 4; 


                        return pDst;
                    throw XmlConvert.CreateInvalidSurrogatePairException( (char)lowChar, (char)ch );
                throw new ArgumentException( Res.GetString( Res.Xml_InvalidSurrogateMissingLowChar ) );
            throw XmlConvert.CreateInvalidHighSurrogateCharException( (char)ch ); 

        private unsafe byte* InvalidXmlChar( int ch, byte* pDst, bool entitize ) { 
            Debug.Assert( !xmlCharType.IsWhiteSpace( (char)ch ) );
            Debug.Assert( !xmlCharType.IsAttributeValueChar( (char)ch ) ); 
            if ( checkCharacters ) {
                // This method will never be called on surrogates, so it is ok to pass in '\0' to the CreateInvalidCharException 
                throw XmlConvert.CreateInvalidCharException( (char)ch, '\0' );
            else {
                if ( entitize ) { 
                    return CharEntity( pDst, (char)ch );
                else { 

                    if ( ch < 0x80 ) { 

                        *pDst = (byte)ch;
                    else { 
                        pDst = EncodeMultibyteUTF8( ch, pDst ); 
                    return pDst;

        internal unsafe void EncodeChar(ref char* pSrc, char*pSrcEnd, ref byte* pDst) { 
            int ch = *pSrc;
            if ( XmlCharType.IsSurrogate( ch ) ) { pDst = EncodeSurrogate( pSrc, pSrcEnd, pDst ); pSrc += 2; } else if ( ch <= 0x7F || ch >= 0xFFFE ) { pDst = InvalidXmlChar( ch, pDst, false ); pSrc++; } else { pDst = EncodeMultibyteUTF8( ch, pDst ); pSrc++; }; 


        internal static unsafe byte* EncodeMultibyteUTF8( int ch, byte* pDst ) {
            Debug.Assert( ch >= 0x80 && !XmlCharType.IsSurrogate( ch ) ); 

            /* UTF8-2: If ch is in 0x80-0x7ff range, then use 2 bytes to encode it */
            if ( ch < 0x800 ) {
                *pDst = (byte)( unchecked((sbyte)0xC0) | (ch >> 6) ); 
            /* UTF8-3: If ch is anything else, then default to using 3 bytes to encode it. */ 
            else { 
                *pDst = (byte)( unchecked((sbyte)0xE0) | ( ch >> 12 ) );

                *pDst = (byte)( unchecked((sbyte)0x80) | ( ch >> 6 ) & 0x3F);
            *pDst = (byte)( 0x80 | ch & 0x3F );
            return pDst + 1; 

        // Encode *pSrc as a sequence of UTF8 bytes.  Write the bytes to pDst and return an updated pointer. 

        internal static unsafe void CharToUTF8( ref char * pSrc, char * pSrcEnd, ref byte * pDst ) {
            int ch = *pSrc;
            if ( ch <= 0x7F ) { 
                *pDst = (byte)ch;
            else if ( XmlCharType.IsSurrogate( ch ) ) { 
                pDst = EncodeSurrogate( pSrc, pSrcEnd, pDst );
                pSrc += 2;
            else { 
                pDst = EncodeMultibyteUTF8( ch, pDst );








        // Write NewLineChars to the specified buffer position and return an updated position. 


        protected unsafe byte * WriteNewLine( byte * pDst ) {
            fixed ( byte * pDstBegin = bufBytes ) {
                bufPos = (int) (pDst - pDstBegin); 
                // Let RawText do the real work
                RawText( newLineChars ); 
                return pDstBegin + bufPos; 

        // Following methods do not check whether pDst is beyond the bufSize because the buffer was allocated with a OVERFLOW to accomodate
        // for the writes of small constant-length string as below.
        // Entitize '<' as "<".  Return an updated pointer.

        protected static unsafe byte * LtEntity( byte * pDst ) { 
            pDst[0] = (byte)'&';
            pDst[1] = (byte)'l';
            pDst[2] = (byte)'t';
            pDst[3] = (byte)';'; 
            return pDst + 4;
        // Entitize '>' as ">".  Return an updated pointer.

        protected static unsafe byte * GtEntity( byte * pDst ) {
            pDst[0] = (byte)'&'; 
            pDst[1] = (byte)'g';
            pDst[2] = (byte)'t'; 
            pDst[3] = (byte)';'; 
            return pDst + 4;

        // Entitize '&' as "&".  Return an updated pointer.


        protected static unsafe byte * AmpEntity( byte * pDst ) { 
            pDst[0] = (byte)'&'; 
            pDst[1] = (byte)'a';
            pDst[2] = (byte)'m'; 
            pDst[3] = (byte)'p';
            pDst[4] = (byte)';';
            return pDst + 5;

        // Entitize '"' as """.  Return an updated pointer. 

        protected static unsafe byte * QuoteEntity( byte * pDst ) {
            pDst[0] = (byte)'&';
            pDst[1] = (byte)'q';
            pDst[2] = (byte)'u'; 
            pDst[3] = (byte)'o';
            pDst[4] = (byte)'t'; 
            pDst[5] = (byte)';'; 
            return pDst + 6;

        // Entitize '\t' as "	".  Return an updated pointer.


        protected static unsafe byte * TabEntity( byte * pDst ) { 
            pDst[0] = (byte)'&'; 
            pDst[1] = (byte)'#';
            pDst[2] = (byte)'x'; 
            pDst[3] = (byte)'9';
            pDst[4] = (byte)';';
            return pDst + 5;

        // Entitize 0xa as "
".  Return an updated pointer. 

        protected static unsafe byte * LineFeedEntity( byte * pDst ) {
            pDst[0] = (byte)'&';
            pDst[1] = (byte)'#';
            pDst[2] = (byte)'x'; 
            pDst[3] = (byte)'A';
            pDst[4] = (byte)';'; 
            return pDst + 5; 
        // Entitize 0xd as "
".  Return an updated pointer.

        protected static unsafe byte * CarriageReturnEntity( byte * pDst ) {
            pDst[0] = (byte)'&'; 
            pDst[1] = (byte)'#'; 
            pDst[2] = (byte)'x';
            pDst[3] = (byte)'D'; 
            pDst[4] = (byte)';';
            return pDst + 5;

        private static unsafe byte * CharEntity( byte * pDst, char ch ) {
            string s = ((int)ch).ToString( "X",NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo ); 
            pDst[0] = (byte)'&';
            pDst[1] = (byte)'#';
            pDst[2] = (byte)'x';
            pDst += 3; 

            fixed ( char *pSrc = s ) { 
                char *pS = pSrc; 
                while ( ( *pDst++ = (byte)*pS++ ) != 0 );

            pDst[-1] = (byte)';';
            return pDst;

        // Write "" to the specified buffer.  Return an updated pointer.

        protected static unsafe byte * RawEndCData( byte * pDst ) { 
            pDst[0] = (byte)']';
            pDst[1] = (byte)']';
            pDst[2] = (byte)'>';
            return pDst + 3; 

        protected unsafe void ValidateContentChars( string chars, string propertyName, bool allowOnlyWhitespace ) {

            if ( allowOnlyWhitespace ) {
                if ( !xmlCharType.IsOnlyWhitespace( chars ) ) { 
                    throw new ArgumentException( Res.GetString( Res.Xml_IndentCharsNotWhitespace, propertyName ) );
            else {
                string error = null; 
                for ( int i = 0; i < chars.Length; i++ ) {
                    if ( !xmlCharType.IsTextChar( chars[i] ) ) {
                        switch ( chars[i] ) {
                            case '\n': 
                            case '\r':
                            case '\t': 
                            case '<':
                            case '&': 
                            case ']':
                                error = Res.GetString( Res.Xml_InvalidCharacter, XmlException.BuildCharExceptionArgs( chars, i ) );
                                goto Error;
                                if ( XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate(chars[i]) ) {
                                    if ( i + 1 < chars.Length ) { 
                                        if ( XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate(chars[i + 1])  ) { 
                                    error = Res.GetString( Res.Xml_InvalidSurrogateMissingLowChar );
                                    goto Error; 
                                else if ( XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate(chars[i]) ) { 
                                    error = Res.GetString( Res.Xml_InvalidSurrogateHighChar, ((uint)chars[i]).ToString( "X", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture ) ); 
                                    goto Error;
                throw new ArgumentException( Res.GetString( Res.Xml_InvalidCharsInIndent, new string[] { propertyName, error } ) );

    // Same as base text writer class except that elements, attributes, comments, and pi's are indented. 
    internal class XmlUtf8RawTextWriterIndent : XmlUtf8RawTextWriter {
// Fields 
        protected int       indentLevel; 
        protected bool      newLineOnAttributes;
        protected string    indentChars;

        protected bool      mixedContent; 
        private BitStack    mixedContentStack;
        protected ConformanceLevel conformanceLevel = ConformanceLevel.Auto; 

// Constructors



        public XmlUtf8RawTextWriterIndent( Stream stream, XmlWriterSettings settings ) : base( stream, settings ) {
            Init( settings );
// XmlWriter methods 
        public override XmlWriterSettings Settings {
            get { 
                XmlWriterSettings settings = base.Settings;

                settings.ReadOnly = false;
                settings.Indent = true; 
                settings.IndentChars = indentChars;
                settings.NewLineOnAttributes = newLineOnAttributes; 
                settings.ReadOnly = true; 

                return settings; 

        public override void WriteDocType( string name, string pubid, string sysid, string subset ) { 
            // Add indentation
            if ( !mixedContent && base.textPos != base.bufPos) { 
            base.WriteDocType( name, pubid, sysid, subset ); 

        public override void WriteStartElement( string prefix, string localName, string ns ) {
            Debug.Assert( localName != null && localName.Length != 0 && prefix != null && ns != null ); 

            // Add indentation 
            if ( !mixedContent && base.textPos != base.bufPos) { 
            mixedContentStack.PushBit( mixedContent );

            base.WriteStartElement( prefix, localName, ns ); 
        internal override void StartElementContent() { 
            // If this is the root element and we're writing a document
            //   do not inherit the mixedContent flag into the root element. 
            //   This is to allow for whitespace nodes on root level
            //   without disabling indentation for the whole document.
            if (indentLevel == 1 && conformanceLevel == ConformanceLevel.Document) {
                mixedContent = false; 
            else { 
                mixedContent = mixedContentStack.PeekBit(); 

        internal override void OnRootElement(ConformanceLevel currentConformanceLevel) {
            // Just remember the current conformance level 
            conformanceLevel = currentConformanceLevel;
        internal override void WriteEndElement(string prefix, string localName, string ns) {
            // Add indentation 
            if ( !mixedContent && base.contentPos != base.bufPos ) {
                // There was content, so try to indent
                if ( base.textPos != base.bufPos ) { 
            mixedContent = mixedContentStack.PopBit();
            base.WriteEndElement( prefix, localName, ns );

        internal override void WriteFullEndElement(string prefix, string localName, string ns) { 
            // Add indentation
            if ( !mixedContent && base.contentPos != base.bufPos ) { 
                // There was content, so try to indent
                if ( base.textPos != base.bufPos ) { 
            mixedContent = mixedContentStack.PopBit(); 

            base.WriteFullEndElement( prefix, localName, ns ); 

        // Same as base class, plus possible indentation. 
        public override void WriteStartAttribute( string prefix, string localName, string ns ) {
            // Add indentation
            if ( newLineOnAttributes ) {
            base.WriteStartAttribute( prefix, localName, ns ); 
        public override void WriteCData( string text ) {
            mixedContent = true;
            base.WriteCData( text );

        public override void WriteComment( string text ) { 
            if ( !mixedContent && base.textPos != base.bufPos ) { 

            base.WriteComment( text );
        public override void WriteProcessingInstruction( string target, string text ) {
            if ( !mixedContent && base.textPos != base.bufPos ) { 
            base.WriteProcessingInstruction( target, text );

        public override void WriteEntityRef( string name ) { 
            mixedContent = true;
            base.WriteEntityRef( name ); 

        public override void WriteCharEntity( char ch ) { 
            mixedContent = true;
            base.WriteCharEntity( ch );
        public override void WriteSurrogateCharEntity( char lowChar, char highChar ) {
            mixedContent = true; 
            base.WriteSurrogateCharEntity( lowChar, highChar ); 
        public override void WriteWhitespace( string ws ) {
            mixedContent = true;
            base.WriteWhitespace( ws );

        public override void WriteString( string text ) { 
            mixedContent = true; 
            base.WriteString( text );

        public override void WriteChars( char[] buffer, int index, int count ) {
            mixedContent = true;
            base.WriteChars( buffer, index, count ); 
        public override void WriteRaw( char[] buffer, int index, int count ) { 
            mixedContent = true;
            base.WriteRaw( buffer, index, count ); 

        public override void WriteRaw( string data ) {
            mixedContent = true; 
            base.WriteRaw( data );
        public override void WriteBase64( byte[] buffer, int index, int count ) {
            mixedContent = true; 
            base.WriteBase64( buffer, index, count );

// Private methods
        private void Init( XmlWriterSettings settings ) { 
            indentLevel = 0;
            indentChars = settings.IndentChars; 
            newLineOnAttributes = settings.NewLineOnAttributes;
            mixedContentStack = new BitStack();

            // check indent characters that they are valid XML characters 
            if ( base.checkCharacters ) {
                if ( newLineOnAttributes ) { 
                    base.ValidateContentChars( indentChars, "IndentChars", true ); 
                    base.ValidateContentChars( newLineChars, "NewLineChars", true );
                else {
                    base.ValidateContentChars( indentChars, "IndentChars", false );
                    if ( base.newLineHandling != NewLineHandling.Replace ) {
                        base.ValidateContentChars( newLineChars, "NewLineChars", false ); 
        // Add indentation to output.  Write newline and then repeat IndentChars for each indent level.
        private void WriteIndent() {
            RawText( base.newLineChars );
            for ( int i = indentLevel; i > 0; i-- ) { 
                RawText( indentChars );

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// [....]
// WARNING: This file is generated and should not be modified directly.  Instead,
// modify XmlTextWriterGenerator.cxx and run gen.bat in the same directory. 
// This batch file will execute the following commands:
//   cl.exe /C /EP /D _XML_UTF8_TEXT_WRITER XmlRawTextWriterGenerator.cxx > XmlUtf8RawTextWriter.cs
//   cl.exe /C /EP /D _XML_ENCODED_TEXT_WRITER XmlRawTextWriterGenerator.cxx > XmlEncodedRawTextWriter.cs 
// Because these two implementations of XmlTextWriter are so similar, the C++ preprocessor 
// is used to generate each implementation from one template file, using macros and ifdefs. 


// Note: This file was generated without #define SILVERLIGHT





















using System;
using System.IO; 
using System.Xml;
using System.Text; 
using System.Diagnostics; 
using System.Globalization;
namespace System.Xml {

    // Concrete implementation of XmlWriter abstract class that serializes events as encoded XML
    // text.  The general-purpose XmlEncodedTextWriter uses the Encoder class to output to any 
    // encoding.  The XmlUtf8TextWriter class combined the encoding operation with serialization
    // in order to achieve better performance. 
    internal class XmlUtf8RawTextWriter : XmlRawWriter { 
// Fields 
        // main buffer
        protected byte[] bufBytes;
        // output stream
        protected Stream    stream; 
        // encoding of the stream or text writer
        protected Encoding encoding; 

        // char type tables
        protected XmlCharType xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance;
        // buffer positions
        protected int   bufPos = 1;     // buffer position starts at 1, because we need to be able to safely step back -1 in case we need to 
                                        // close an empty element or in CDATA section detection of double ]; _BUFFER[0] will always be 0 
        protected int   textPos = 1;    // text end position; don't indent first element, pi, or comment
        protected int   contentPos;     // element content end position 
        protected int   cdataPos;       // cdata end position
        protected int   attrEndPos;     // end of the last attribute
        protected int   bufLen = BUFSIZE;
        // flags
        protected bool  writeToNull; 
        protected bool  hadDoubleBracket; 
        protected bool  inAttributeValue;







        // writer settings
        protected NewLineHandling   newLineHandling; 
        protected bool              closeOutput;
        protected bool              omitXmlDeclaration; 
        protected string            newLineChars; 
        protected bool              checkCharacters;
        protected XmlStandalone     standalone;
        protected XmlOutputMethod   outputMethod;

        protected bool              autoXmlDeclaration; 
        protected bool              mergeCDataSections;
// Constants
        private const int BUFSIZE = 2048 * 3;       // Should be greater than default FileStream size (4096), otherwise the FileStream will try to cache the data
        private const int OVERFLOW = 32;            // Allow overflow in order to reduce checks when writing out constant size markup
        private const int INIT_MARKS_COUNT = 64;
// Constructors 
        // Construct and initialize an instance of this class.
        protected XmlUtf8RawTextWriter( XmlWriterSettings settings ) { 
            // copy settings
            newLineHandling = settings.NewLineHandling;
            omitXmlDeclaration = settings.OmitXmlDeclaration;
            newLineChars = settings.NewLineChars; 
            checkCharacters = settings.CheckCharacters;
            closeOutput = settings.CloseOutput; 

            standalone = settings.Standalone; 
            outputMethod = settings.OutputMethod;
            mergeCDataSections = settings.MergeCDataSections;

            if ( checkCharacters && newLineHandling == NewLineHandling.Replace ) {
                ValidateContentChars( newLineChars, "NewLineChars", false ); 







        // Construct an instance of this class that serializes to a Stream interface.
        public XmlUtf8RawTextWriter( Stream stream, XmlWriterSettings settings ) : this( settings ) { 
            Debug.Assert( stream != null && settings != null );
            this.stream = stream; 
            this.encoding = settings.Encoding;

            // the buffer is allocated will OVERFLOW in order to reduce checks when writing out constant size markup
            bufBytes = new byte[ BUFSIZE + OVERFLOW ];
            // Output UTF-8 byte order mark if Encoding object wants it
            if ( !stream.CanSeek || stream.Position == 0 ) { 
                byte[] bom = encoding.GetPreamble(); 
                if ( bom.Length != 0 ) {
                    Buffer.BlockCopy( bom, 0, bufBytes, 1, bom.Length ); 
                    bufPos += bom.Length;
                    textPos += bom.Length;










            // Write the xml declaration 
            if ( settings.AutoXmlDeclaration ) { 
                WriteXmlDeclaration( standalone );
                autoXmlDeclaration = true; 

// XmlWriter implementation 
        // Returns settings the writer currently applies.
        public override XmlWriterSettings Settings { 
            get {
                XmlWriterSettings settings = new XmlWriterSettings();

                settings.Encoding = this.encoding; 
                settings.OmitXmlDeclaration = this.omitXmlDeclaration;
                settings.NewLineHandling = this.newLineHandling; 
                settings.NewLineChars = this.newLineChars; 
                settings.CloseOutput = this.closeOutput;
                settings.ConformanceLevel = ConformanceLevel.Auto; 
                settings.CheckCharacters = checkCharacters;

                settings.AutoXmlDeclaration = autoXmlDeclaration; 
                settings.Standalone = standalone;
                settings.OutputMethod = outputMethod; 
                settings.ReadOnly = true;
                return settings; 

        // Write the xml declaration.  This must be the first call.
        internal override void WriteXmlDeclaration( XmlStandalone standalone ) { 
            // Output xml declaration only if user allows it and it was not already output 
            if ( !omitXmlDeclaration && !autoXmlDeclaration ) {

                RawText( "" );

        internal override void WriteXmlDeclaration( string xmldecl ) { 
            // Output xml declaration only if user allows it and it was not already output 
            if ( !omitXmlDeclaration && !autoXmlDeclaration ) {
                WriteProcessingInstruction( "xml", xmldecl ); 

        // Serialize the document type declaration. 
        public override void WriteDocType( string name, string pubid, string sysid, string subset ) {
            Debug.Assert( name != null && name.Length > 0 ); 

            RawText( "'; 

        // Serialize the beginning of an element start tag: " 0 );
            Debug.Assert( prefix != null ); 

            bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) '<';
            if ( prefix != null && prefix.Length != 0 ) {
                RawText( prefix );
                bufBytes[this.bufPos++] = (byte) ':'; 
            RawText( localName ); 

            attrEndPos = bufPos; 

        // Serialize the end of an element start tag in preparation for content serialization: ">"
        internal override void StartElementContent() { 
            bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) '>';
            // StartElementContent is always called; therefore, in order to allow shortcut syntax, we save the 
            // position of the '>' character.  If WriteEndElement is called and no other characters have been
            // output, then the '>' character can be be overwritten with the shortcut syntax " />". 
            contentPos = bufPos;

        // Serialize an element end tag: "", if content was output.  Otherwise, serialize 
        // the shortcut syntax: " />".
        internal override void WriteEndElement( string prefix, string localName, string ns ) { 
            Debug.Assert( localName != null && localName.Length > 0 ); 
            Debug.Assert( prefix != null );

            if ( contentPos != bufPos ) {
                // Content has been output, so can't use shortcut syntax 
                bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) '<';
                bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) '/'; 
                if ( prefix != null && prefix.Length != 0) {
                    RawText( prefix ); 
                    bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) ':';
                RawText( localName );
                bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) '>'; 
            else { 
                // Use shortcut syntax; overwrite the already output '>' character 
                bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) ' '; 
                bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) '/';
                bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) '>';

        // Serialize a full element end tag: "" 
        internal override void WriteFullEndElement( string prefix, string localName, string ns ) { 
            Debug.Assert( localName != null && localName.Length > 0 );
            Debug.Assert( prefix != null ); 

            bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) '<'; 
            bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) '/';
            if ( prefix != null && prefix.Length != 0) { 
                RawText( prefix );
                bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) ':'; 
            RawText( localName );
            bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) '>';

        // Serialize an attribute tag using double quotes around the attribute value: 'prefix:localName="' 
        public override void WriteStartAttribute( string prefix, string localName, string ns ) { 
            Debug.Assert( localName != null && localName.Length  > 0 );
            Debug.Assert( prefix != null ); 

            if ( attrEndPos == bufPos ) { 
                bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) ' ';
            if ( prefix != null && prefix.Length > 0 ) {
                RawText( prefix ); 
                bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) ':';
            RawText( localName );
            bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) '='; 
            bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) '"';
            inAttributeValue = true; 
        // Serialize the end of an attribute value using double quotes: '"'
        public override void WriteEndAttribute() {

            bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) '"'; 
            inAttributeValue = false;
            attrEndPos = bufPos; 

        internal override void WriteNamespaceDeclaration( string prefix, string namespaceName ) { 
            Debug.Assert( prefix != null && namespaceName != null );

            this.WriteStartNamespaceDeclaration( prefix );
            this.WriteString( namespaceName ); 
        internal override bool SupportsNamespaceDeclarationInChunks {
            get { 
                return true;
        internal override void WriteStartNamespaceDeclaration(string prefix) {
            Debug.Assert( prefix != null ); 

            // VSTFDEVDIV bug #583965: Inconsistency between Silverlight 2 and Dev10 in the way a single xmlns attribute is serialized	
            // Resolved as: Won't fix (breaking change)






            if ( prefix.Length == 0 ) { 
                RawText( " xmlns=\"" );
            else {
                RawText( " xmlns:" ); 
                RawText( prefix );
                bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte)'='; 
                bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte)'"'; 

            inAttributeValue = true;


        internal override void WriteEndNamespaceDeclaration() { 
            inAttributeValue = false;
            bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte)'"';
            attrEndPos = bufPos;
        // Serialize a CData section.  If the "]]>" pattern is found within
        // the text, replace it with "]]>". 
        public override void WriteCData( string text ) { 
            Debug.Assert( text != null );

            if ( mergeCDataSections && bufPos == cdataPos ) {
                // Merge adjacent cdata sections - overwrite the "]]>" characters 
                Debug.Assert( bufPos >= 4 );
                bufPos -= 3; 
            else {
                // Start a new cdata section 
                bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) '<';
                bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) '!';
                bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) '[';
                bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) 'C'; 
                bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) 'D';
                bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) 'A'; 
                bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) 'T'; 
                bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) 'A';
                bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) '['; 

            WriteCDataSection( text );
            bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) ']';
            bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) ']'; 
            bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) '>'; 

            textPos = bufPos; 
            cdataPos = bufPos;

        // Serialize a comment. 
        public override void WriteComment( string text ) {
            Debug.Assert( text != null ); 

            bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) '<';
            bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) '!';
            bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) '-';
            bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) '-'; 

            WriteCommentOrPi( text, '-' ); 
            bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) '-';
            bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) '-'; 
            bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) '>';

        // Serialize a processing instruction. 
        public override void WriteProcessingInstruction( string name, string text ) {
            Debug.Assert( name != null && name.Length > 0 ); 
            Debug.Assert( text != null ); 


            bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) '<';
            bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) '?';
            RawText( name ); 

            if ( text.Length > 0 ) { 
                bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) ' '; 
                WriteCommentOrPi( text, '?' );

            bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) '?';
            bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) '>';

        // Serialize an entity reference. 
        public override void WriteEntityRef( string name ) { 
            Debug.Assert( name != null && name.Length > 0 );

            bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) '&';
            RawText( name ); 
            bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte) ';';
            if ( bufPos > bufLen ) { 

            textPos = bufPos;
        // Serialize a character entity reference.
        public override void WriteCharEntity( char ch ) { 
            string strVal = ((int)ch).ToString( "X", NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo ); 

            if ( checkCharacters && !xmlCharType.IsCharData( ch ) ) { 
                // we just have a single char, not a surrogate, therefore we have to pass in '\0' for the second char
                throw XmlConvert.CreateInvalidCharException( ch, '\0' );

            bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte)'&'; 
            bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte)'#';
            bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte)'x'; 
            RawText( strVal );
            bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte)';';

            if ( bufPos > bufLen ) { 
            textPos = bufPos;

        // Serialize a whitespace node.


        public override unsafe void WriteWhitespace( string ws ) { 
            Debug.Assert( ws != null ); 

            fixed ( char * pSrc = ws ) {
                char * pSrcEnd = pSrc + ws.Length;
                if ( inAttributeValue) {
                    WriteAttributeTextBlock( pSrc, pSrcEnd ); 
                else { 
                    WriteElementTextBlock( pSrc, pSrcEnd ); 

        // Serialize either attribute or element text using XML rules.

        public override unsafe void WriteString( string text ) { 
            Debug.Assert( text != null );

            fixed ( char * pSrc = text ) {
                char * pSrcEnd = pSrc + text.Length;
                if ( inAttributeValue) { 
                    WriteAttributeTextBlock( pSrc, pSrcEnd );
                else { 
                    WriteElementTextBlock( pSrc, pSrcEnd );

        // Serialize surrogate character entity. 
        public override void WriteSurrogateCharEntity( char lowChar, char highChar ) {
            int surrogateChar = XmlCharType.CombineSurrogateChar( lowChar, highChar ); 

            bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte)'&'; 
            bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte)'#';
            bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte)'x';
            RawText( surrogateChar.ToString( "X", NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo ) );
            bufBytes[bufPos++] = (byte)';'; 
            textPos = bufPos;
        // Serialize either attribute or element text using XML rules.
        // Arguments are validated in the XmlWellformedWriter layer. 

        public override unsafe void WriteChars( char[] buffer, int index, int count ) { 
            Debug.Assert( buffer != null );
            Debug.Assert( index >= 0 ); 
            Debug.Assert( count >= 0 && index + count <= buffer.Length ); 


            fixed ( char * pSrcBegin = &buffer[index] ) {
                if ( inAttributeValue ) {
                    WriteAttributeTextBlock( pSrcBegin, pSrcBegin + count ); 
                else { 
                    WriteElementTextBlock( pSrcBegin, pSrcBegin + count ); 

        // Serialize raw data.
        // Arguments are validated in the XmlWellformedWriter layer 

        public override unsafe void WriteRaw( char[] buffer, int index, int count ) {
            Debug.Assert( buffer != null ); 
            Debug.Assert( index >= 0 );
            Debug.Assert( count >= 0 && index + count <= buffer.Length );


            fixed ( char * pSrcBegin = &buffer[index] ) { 
                WriteRawWithCharChecking( pSrcBegin, pSrcBegin + count ); 
            textPos = bufPos; 

        // Serialize raw data.

        public override unsafe void WriteRaw( string data ) { 
            Debug.Assert( data != null );

            fixed ( char * pSrcBegin = data ) {
                WriteRawWithCharChecking( pSrcBegin, pSrcBegin + data.Length ); 
            textPos = bufPos; 

        // Flush all bytes in the buffer to output and close the output stream or writer. 
        public override void Close() {
            try {
            finally { 
                // Future calls to Close or Flush shouldn't write to Stream or Writer 
                writeToNull = true;
                if ( stream != null ) {
                    try {
                    finally {
                        try { 
                            if ( closeOutput ) { 
                        finally {
                            stream = null;







        // Flush all characters in the buffer to output and call Flush() on the output object. 
        public override void Flush() {
            if ( stream != null ) {




// Implementation methods
        // Flush all characters in the buffer to output.  Do not flush the output object.
        protected virtual void FlushBuffer() { 
            try {
                // Output all characters (except for previous characters stored at beginning of buffer) 
                if ( !writeToNull ) { 

                    Debug.Assert( stream != null); 
                    stream.Write( bufBytes, 1, bufPos - 1 );









            catch {
                // Future calls to flush (i.e. when Close() is called) don't attempt to write to stream 
                writeToNull = true;
            finally {
                // Move last buffer character to the beginning of the buffer (so that previous character can always be determined) 
                bufBytes[0] = bufBytes[bufPos - 1];

                if ( IsSurrogateByte( bufBytes[0] ) ) { 
                    // Last character was the first byte in a surrogate encoding, so move last three
                    // bytes of encoding to the beginning of the buffer. 
                    bufBytes[1] = bufBytes[bufPos]; 
                    bufBytes[2] = bufBytes[bufPos + 1];
                    bufBytes[3] = bufBytes[bufPos + 2]; 

                // Reset buffer position 
                textPos = (textPos == bufPos) ? 1 : 0;
                attrEndPos = (attrEndPos == bufPos) ? 1 : 0; 
                contentPos = 0;    // Needs to be zero, since overwriting '>' character is no longer possible 
                cdataPos = 0;      // Needs to be zero, since overwriting ']]>' characters is no longer possible
                bufPos = 1;        // Buffer position starts at 1, because we need to be able to safely step back -1 in case we need to 
                                   // close an empty element or in CDATA section detection of double ]; _BUFFER[0] will always be 0

        private void FlushEncoder() { 
            // intentionally empty 













        // Serialize text that is part of an attribute value.  The '&', '<', '>', and '"' characters
        // are entitized. 

        protected unsafe void WriteAttributeTextBlock( char *pSrc, char *pSrcEnd ) {
            fixed ( byte * pDstBegin = bufBytes ) { 
                byte * pDst = pDstBegin + this.bufPos;

                int ch = 0;
                for (;;) { 
                    byte * pDstEnd = pDst + ( pSrcEnd - pSrc );
                    if ( pDstEnd > pDstBegin + bufLen ) { 
                        pDstEnd = pDstBegin + bufLen; 

                    while ( pDst < pDstEnd && ( ( ( xmlCharType.charProperties[( ch = *pSrc )] & XmlCharType.fAttrValue ) != 0 ) && ch <= 0x7F ) ) {


                        *pDst = (byte)ch; 
                    Debug.Assert( pSrc <= pSrcEnd );

                    // end of value
                    if ( pSrc >= pSrcEnd ) { 
                    // end of buffer
                    if ( pDst >= pDstEnd ) { 
                        bufPos = (int)(pDst - pDstBegin);
                        pDst = pDstBegin + 1;
                    // some character needs to be escaped 
                    switch ( ch ) {
                        case '&': 
                            pDst = AmpEntity( pDst );
                        case '<':
                            pDst = LtEntity( pDst ); 
                        case '>': 
                            pDst = GtEntity( pDst ); 
                        case '"': 
                            pDst = QuoteEntity( pDst );
                        case '\'':
                            *pDst = (byte)ch; 
                        case (char)0x9: 
                            if ( newLineHandling == NewLineHandling.None ) {
                                *pDst = (byte)ch; 
                            else {
                                // escape tab in attributes 
                                pDst = TabEntity( pDst );
                        case (char)0xD:
                            if ( newLineHandling == NewLineHandling.None ) { 
                                *pDst = (byte)ch;
                            else { 
                                // escape new lines in attributes
                                pDst = CarriageReturnEntity( pDst ); 
                        case (char)0xA: 
                            if ( newLineHandling == NewLineHandling.None ) {
                                *pDst = (byte)ch;
                            else {
                                // escape new lines in attributes 
                                pDst = LineFeedEntity( pDst ); 
                           if ( XmlCharType.IsSurrogate( ch ) ) { pDst = EncodeSurrogate( pSrc, pSrcEnd, pDst ); pSrc += 2; } else if ( ch <= 0x7F || ch >= 0xFFFE ) { pDst = InvalidXmlChar( ch, pDst, true ); pSrc++; } else { pDst = EncodeMultibyteUTF8( ch, pDst ); pSrc++; };
                bufPos = (int)(pDst - pDstBegin); 

        // Serialize text that is part of element content.  The '&', '<', and '>' characters
        // are entitized.

        protected unsafe void WriteElementTextBlock( char *pSrc, char *pSrcEnd ) { 
            fixed ( byte * pDstBegin = bufBytes ) {
                byte * pDst = pDstBegin + this.bufPos; 

                int ch = 0;
                for (;;) {
                    byte * pDstEnd = pDst + ( pSrcEnd - pSrc ); 
                    if ( pDstEnd > pDstBegin + bufLen ) {
                        pDstEnd = pDstBegin + bufLen; 

                    while ( pDst < pDstEnd && ( ( ( xmlCharType.charProperties[( ch = *pSrc )] & XmlCharType.fAttrValue ) != 0 ) && ch <= 0x7F ) ) {

                        *pDst = (byte)ch;
                    Debug.Assert( pSrc <= pSrcEnd ); 

                    // end of value
                    if ( pSrc >= pSrcEnd ) {
                    // end of buffer 
                    if ( pDst >= pDstEnd ) {
                        bufPos = (int)(pDst - pDstBegin); 
                        pDst = pDstBegin + 1;

                    // some character needs to be escaped 
                    switch ( ch ) { 
                        case '&':
                            pDst = AmpEntity( pDst ); 
                        case '<':
                            pDst = LtEntity( pDst );
                        case '>':
                            pDst = GtEntity( pDst ); 
                        case '"':
                        case '\'': 
                        case (char)0x9:
                            *pDst = (byte)ch;
                        case (char)0xA:
                            if ( newLineHandling == NewLineHandling.Replace ) { 
                                pDst = WriteNewLine( pDst ); 
                            else { 
                                *pDst = (byte)ch;
                        case (char)0xD:
                            switch ( newLineHandling ) { 
                                case NewLineHandling.Replace: 
                                    // Replace "\r\n", or "\r" with NewLineChars
                                    if ( pSrc[1] == '\n' ) { 
                                    pDst = WriteNewLine( pDst );
                                case NewLineHandling.Entitize:
                                    // Entitize 0xD 
                                    pDst = CarriageReturnEntity( pDst ); 
                                case NewLineHandling.None: 
                                    *pDst = (byte)ch;
                            if ( XmlCharType.IsSurrogate( ch ) ) { pDst = EncodeSurrogate( pSrc, pSrcEnd, pDst ); pSrc += 2; } else if ( ch <= 0x7F || ch >= 0xFFFE ) { pDst = InvalidXmlChar( ch, pDst, true ); pSrc++; } else { pDst = EncodeMultibyteUTF8( ch, pDst ); pSrc++; }; 
                bufPos = (int)(pDst - pDstBegin);
                textPos = bufPos; 
                contentPos = 0;


        protected unsafe void RawText( string s ) {
            Debug.Assert( s != null ); 
            fixed ( char * pSrcBegin = s ) {
                RawText( pSrcBegin, pSrcBegin + s.Length ); 

        protected unsafe void RawText( char * pSrcBegin, char * pSrcEnd ) { 
            fixed ( byte * pDstBegin = bufBytes ) {
                byte * pDst = pDstBegin + this.bufPos; 
                char * pSrc = pSrcBegin; 

                int ch = 0; 
                for (;;) {
                    byte * pDstEnd = pDst + ( pSrcEnd - pSrc );
                    if ( pDstEnd > pDstBegin + this.bufLen ) {
                        pDstEnd = pDstBegin + this.bufLen; 
                    while ( pDst < pDstEnd && ( ( ch = *pSrc ) <= 0x7F ) ) {

                        *pDst = (byte)ch; 
                    Debug.Assert( pSrc <= pSrcEnd ); 

                    // end of value 
                    if ( pSrc >= pSrcEnd ) {
                    // end of buffer
                    if ( pDst >= pDstEnd ) { 
                        bufPos = (int)(pDst - pDstBegin); 
                        pDst = pDstBegin + 1; 

                    if ( XmlCharType.IsSurrogate( ch ) ) { pDst = EncodeSurrogate( pSrc, pSrcEnd, pDst ); pSrc += 2; } else if ( ch <= 0x7F || ch >= 0xFFFE ) { pDst = InvalidXmlChar( ch, pDst, false ); pSrc++; } else { pDst = EncodeMultibyteUTF8( ch, pDst ); pSrc++; }; 
                bufPos = (int)(pDst - pDstBegin); 

        protected unsafe void WriteRawWithCharChecking( char * pSrcBegin, char * pSrcEnd ) {
            fixed ( byte * pDstBegin = bufBytes ) { 
                char * pSrc = pSrcBegin; 
                byte * pDst = pDstBegin + bufPos;
                int ch = 0;
                for (;;) {
                    byte * pDstEnd = pDst + ( pSrcEnd - pSrc );
                    if ( pDstEnd > pDstBegin + bufLen ) { 
                        pDstEnd = pDstBegin + bufLen;

                    while ( pDst < pDstEnd && ( ( ( xmlCharType.charProperties[( ch = *pSrc )] & XmlCharType.fText ) != 0 ) && ch <= 0x7F ) ) { 

                        *pDst = (byte)ch; 

                    Debug.Assert( pSrc <= pSrcEnd ); 

                    // end of value
                    if ( pSrc >= pSrcEnd ) {
                    // end of buffer 
                    if ( pDst >= pDstEnd ) {
                        bufPos = (int)(pDst - pDstBegin); 
                        pDst = pDstBegin + 1;

                    // handle special characters 
                    switch ( ch ) { 
                        case ']':
                        case '<': 
                        case '&':
                        case (char)0x9:
                            *pDst = (byte)ch;
                        case (char)0xD: 
                            if ( newLineHandling == NewLineHandling.Replace ) { 
                                // Normalize "\r\n", or "\r" to NewLineChars
                                if ( pSrc[1] == '\n' ) { 
                                pDst = WriteNewLine( pDst );
                            else {
                                *pDst = (byte)ch; 
                        case (char)0xA:
                            if ( newLineHandling == NewLineHandling.Replace ) {
                                pDst = WriteNewLine( pDst );
                            else {
                                *pDst = (byte)ch; 
                            if ( XmlCharType.IsSurrogate( ch ) ) { pDst = EncodeSurrogate( pSrc, pSrcEnd, pDst ); pSrc += 2; } else if ( ch <= 0x7F || ch >= 0xFFFE ) { pDst = InvalidXmlChar( ch, pDst, false ); pSrc++; } else { pDst = EncodeMultibyteUTF8( ch, pDst ); pSrc++; };
                bufPos = (int)(pDst - pDstBegin); 

        protected unsafe void WriteCommentOrPi( string text, int stopChar ) {
            if ( text.Length == 0 ) { 
                if ( bufPos >= bufLen ) { 
            // write text
            fixed ( char * pSrcBegin = text ) 
            fixed ( byte * pDstBegin = bufBytes ) {
                char * pSrc = pSrcBegin; 
                char * pSrcEnd = pSrcBegin + text.Length; 
                byte * pDst = pDstBegin + bufPos;
                int ch = 0;
                for (;;) {
                    byte * pDstEnd = pDst + ( pSrcEnd - pSrc );
                    if ( pDstEnd > pDstBegin + bufLen ) { 
                        pDstEnd = pDstBegin + bufLen;

                    while ( pDst < pDstEnd && ( ( ( xmlCharType.charProperties[( ch = *pSrc )] & XmlCharType.fText ) != 0 ) && ch != stopChar && ch <= 0x7F ) ) { 

                        *pDst = (byte)ch; 

                    Debug.Assert( pSrc <= pSrcEnd ); 

                    // end of value
                    if ( pSrc >= pSrcEnd ) {
                    // end of buffer 
                    if ( pDst >= pDstEnd ) {
                        bufPos = (int)(pDst - pDstBegin); 
                        pDst = pDstBegin + 1;

                    // handle special characters 
                    switch ( ch ) { 
                        case '-':
                            *pDst = (byte) '-'; 
                            if ( ch == stopChar ) {
                                // Insert space between adjacent dashes or before comment's end dashes
                                if ( pSrc + 1 == pSrcEnd || *(pSrc + 1)== '-' ) { 
                                    *pDst = (byte) ' ';
                        case '?':
                            *pDst = (byte) '?';
                            if ( ch == stopChar ) { 
                                // Processing instruction: insert space between adjacent '?' and '>'
                                if ( pSrc + 1 < pSrcEnd && *(pSrc + 1)== '>' ) { 
                                    *pDst = (byte) ' '; 
                        case ']':
                            *pDst = (byte) ']'; 
                        case (char)0xD: 
                            if ( newLineHandling == NewLineHandling.Replace ) {
                                // Normalize "\r\n", or "\r" to NewLineChars 
                                if ( pSrc[1] == '\n' ) {
                                pDst = WriteNewLine( pDst ); 
                            else { 
                                *pDst = (byte)ch; 
                        case (char)0xA:
                            if ( newLineHandling == NewLineHandling.Replace ) {
                                pDst = WriteNewLine( pDst ); 
                            else { 
                                *pDst = (byte)ch; 
                        case '<':
                        case '&':
                        case (char)0x9: 
                            *pDst = (byte)ch;
                            if ( XmlCharType.IsSurrogate( ch ) ) { pDst = EncodeSurrogate( pSrc, pSrcEnd, pDst ); pSrc += 2; } else if ( ch <= 0x7F || ch >= 0xFFFE ) { pDst = InvalidXmlChar( ch, pDst, false ); pSrc++; } else { pDst = EncodeMultibyteUTF8( ch, pDst ); pSrc++; }; 
                bufPos = (int)(pDst - pDstBegin);


        protected unsafe void WriteCDataSection( string text ) {
            if ( text.Length == 0 ) { 
                if ( bufPos >= bufLen ) {
            // write text
            fixed ( char * pSrcBegin = text )
            fixed ( byte * pDstBegin = bufBytes ) {
                char * pSrc = pSrcBegin; 
                char * pSrcEnd = pSrcBegin + text.Length;
                byte * pDst = pDstBegin + bufPos; 
                int ch = 0;
                for (;;) { 
                    byte * pDstEnd = pDst + ( pSrcEnd - pSrc );
                    if ( pDstEnd > pDstBegin + bufLen ) {
                        pDstEnd = pDstBegin + bufLen;

                    while ( pDst < pDstEnd && ( ( ( xmlCharType.charProperties[( ch = *pSrc )] & XmlCharType.fAttrValue ) != 0 ) && ch != ']' && ch <= 0x7F ) ) { 


                        *pDst = (byte)ch;
                    Debug.Assert( pSrc <= pSrcEnd ); 

                    // end of value 
                    if ( pSrc >= pSrcEnd ) {
                    // end of buffer
                    if ( pDst >= pDstEnd ) { 
                        bufPos = (int)(pDst - pDstBegin); 
                        pDst = pDstBegin + 1; 

                    // handle special characters 
                    switch ( ch ) {
                        case '>': 
                            if ( hadDoubleBracket && pDst[-1] == (byte) ']') {   // pDst[-1] will always correct - there is a padding character at _BUFFER[0] 
                                // The characters "]]>" were found within the CData text
                                pDst = RawEndCData( pDst ); 
                                pDst = RawStartCData( pDst );
                            *pDst = (byte) '>';
                        case ']': 
                            if ( pDst[-1] == (byte)']' ) {   // pDst[-1] will always correct - there is a padding character at _BUFFER[0] 
                                hadDoubleBracket = true;
                            else {
                                hadDoubleBracket = false;
                            *pDst = (byte)']'; 
                        case (char)0xD: 
                            if ( newLineHandling == NewLineHandling.Replace ) {
                                // Normalize "\r\n", or "\r" to NewLineChars 
                                if ( pSrc[1] == '\n' ) {
                                pDst = WriteNewLine( pDst ); 
                            else { 
                                *pDst = (byte)ch; 
                        case (char)0xA:
                            if ( newLineHandling == NewLineHandling.Replace ) {
                                pDst = WriteNewLine( pDst ); 
                            else { 
                                *pDst = (byte)ch; 
                        case '&':
                        case '<':
                        case '"': 
                        case '\'':
                        case (char)0x9: 
                            *pDst = (byte)ch; 
                            if ( XmlCharType.IsSurrogate( ch ) ) { pDst = EncodeSurrogate( pSrc, pSrcEnd, pDst ); pSrc += 2; } else if ( ch <= 0x7F || ch >= 0xFFFE ) { pDst = InvalidXmlChar( ch, pDst, false ); pSrc++; } else { pDst = EncodeMultibyteUTF8( ch, pDst ); pSrc++; };
                bufPos = (int)(pDst - pDstBegin); 

        // Returns true if UTF8 encoded byte is first of four bytes that encode a surrogate pair.
        // To do this, detect the bit pattern 11110xxx. 
        private static bool IsSurrogateByte( byte b ) {
            return (b & 0xF8) == 0xF0; 


        private static unsafe byte* EncodeSurrogate( char* pSrc, char* pSrcEnd, byte* pDst ) { 
            Debug.Assert( XmlCharType.IsSurrogate( *pSrc ) );
            int ch = *pSrc; 
            if ( ch <= XmlCharType.SurHighEnd ) {
                if ( pSrc + 1 < pSrcEnd ) { 
                    int lowChar = pSrc[1];
                    if ( lowChar >= XmlCharType.SurLowStart ) {

                        // Calculate Unicode scalar value for easier manipulations (see section 3.7 in Unicode spec) 
                        // The scalar value repositions surrogate values to start at 0x10000.
                        ch = XmlCharType.CombineSurrogateChar( lowChar, ch ); 

                        pDst[0] = (byte)( 0xF0 | ( ch >> 18 ) ); 
                        pDst[1] = (byte)( 0x80 | ( ch >> 12 ) & 0x3F );
                        pDst[2] = (byte)( 0x80 | ( ch >> 6  ) & 0x3F );
                        pDst[3] = (byte)( 0x80 | ch & 0x3F);
                        pDst += 4; 


                        return pDst;
                    throw XmlConvert.CreateInvalidSurrogatePairException( (char)lowChar, (char)ch );
                throw new ArgumentException( Res.GetString( Res.Xml_InvalidSurrogateMissingLowChar ) );
            throw XmlConvert.CreateInvalidHighSurrogateCharException( (char)ch ); 

        private unsafe byte* InvalidXmlChar( int ch, byte* pDst, bool entitize ) { 
            Debug.Assert( !xmlCharType.IsWhiteSpace( (char)ch ) );
            Debug.Assert( !xmlCharType.IsAttributeValueChar( (char)ch ) ); 
            if ( checkCharacters ) {
                // This method will never be called on surrogates, so it is ok to pass in '\0' to the CreateInvalidCharException 
                throw XmlConvert.CreateInvalidCharException( (char)ch, '\0' );
            else {
                if ( entitize ) { 
                    return CharEntity( pDst, (char)ch );
                else { 

                    if ( ch < 0x80 ) { 

                        *pDst = (byte)ch;
                    else { 
                        pDst = EncodeMultibyteUTF8( ch, pDst ); 
                    return pDst;

        internal unsafe void EncodeChar(ref char* pSrc, char*pSrcEnd, ref byte* pDst) { 
            int ch = *pSrc;
            if ( XmlCharType.IsSurrogate( ch ) ) { pDst = EncodeSurrogate( pSrc, pSrcEnd, pDst ); pSrc += 2; } else if ( ch <= 0x7F || ch >= 0xFFFE ) { pDst = InvalidXmlChar( ch, pDst, false ); pSrc++; } else { pDst = EncodeMultibyteUTF8( ch, pDst ); pSrc++; }; 


        internal static unsafe byte* EncodeMultibyteUTF8( int ch, byte* pDst ) {
            Debug.Assert( ch >= 0x80 && !XmlCharType.IsSurrogate( ch ) ); 

            /* UTF8-2: If ch is in 0x80-0x7ff range, then use 2 bytes to encode it */
            if ( ch < 0x800 ) {
                *pDst = (byte)( unchecked((sbyte)0xC0) | (ch >> 6) ); 
            /* UTF8-3: If ch is anything else, then default to using 3 bytes to encode it. */ 
            else { 
                *pDst = (byte)( unchecked((sbyte)0xE0) | ( ch >> 12 ) );

                *pDst = (byte)( unchecked((sbyte)0x80) | ( ch >> 6 ) & 0x3F);
            *pDst = (byte)( 0x80 | ch & 0x3F );
            return pDst + 1; 

        // Encode *pSrc as a sequence of UTF8 bytes.  Write the bytes to pDst and return an updated pointer. 

        internal static unsafe void CharToUTF8( ref char * pSrc, char * pSrcEnd, ref byte * pDst ) {
            int ch = *pSrc;
            if ( ch <= 0x7F ) { 
                *pDst = (byte)ch;
            else if ( XmlCharType.IsSurrogate( ch ) ) { 
                pDst = EncodeSurrogate( pSrc, pSrcEnd, pDst );
                pSrc += 2;
            else { 
                pDst = EncodeMultibyteUTF8( ch, pDst );








        // Write NewLineChars to the specified buffer position and return an updated position. 


        protected unsafe byte * WriteNewLine( byte * pDst ) {
            fixed ( byte * pDstBegin = bufBytes ) {
                bufPos = (int) (pDst - pDstBegin); 
                // Let RawText do the real work
                RawText( newLineChars ); 
                return pDstBegin + bufPos; 

        // Following methods do not check whether pDst is beyond the bufSize because the buffer was allocated with a OVERFLOW to accomodate
        // for the writes of small constant-length string as below.
        // Entitize '<' as "<".  Return an updated pointer.

        protected static unsafe byte * LtEntity( byte * pDst ) { 
            pDst[0] = (byte)'&';
            pDst[1] = (byte)'l';
            pDst[2] = (byte)'t';
            pDst[3] = (byte)';'; 
            return pDst + 4;
        // Entitize '>' as ">".  Return an updated pointer.

        protected static unsafe byte * GtEntity( byte * pDst ) {
            pDst[0] = (byte)'&'; 
            pDst[1] = (byte)'g';
            pDst[2] = (byte)'t'; 
            pDst[3] = (byte)';'; 
            return pDst + 4;

        // Entitize '&' as "&".  Return an updated pointer.


        protected static unsafe byte * AmpEntity( byte * pDst ) { 
            pDst[0] = (byte)'&'; 
            pDst[1] = (byte)'a';
            pDst[2] = (byte)'m'; 
            pDst[3] = (byte)'p';
            pDst[4] = (byte)';';
            return pDst + 5;

        // Entitize '"' as """.  Return an updated pointer. 

        protected static unsafe byte * QuoteEntity( byte * pDst ) {
            pDst[0] = (byte)'&';
            pDst[1] = (byte)'q';
            pDst[2] = (byte)'u'; 
            pDst[3] = (byte)'o';
            pDst[4] = (byte)'t'; 
            pDst[5] = (byte)';'; 
            return pDst + 6;

        // Entitize '\t' as "	".  Return an updated pointer.


        protected static unsafe byte * TabEntity( byte * pDst ) { 
            pDst[0] = (byte)'&'; 
            pDst[1] = (byte)'#';
            pDst[2] = (byte)'x'; 
            pDst[3] = (byte)'9';
            pDst[4] = (byte)';';
            return pDst + 5;

        // Entitize 0xa as "
".  Return an updated pointer. 

        protected static unsafe byte * LineFeedEntity( byte * pDst ) {
            pDst[0] = (byte)'&';
            pDst[1] = (byte)'#';
            pDst[2] = (byte)'x'; 
            pDst[3] = (byte)'A';
            pDst[4] = (byte)';'; 
            return pDst + 5; 
        // Entitize 0xd as "
".  Return an updated pointer.

        protected static unsafe byte * CarriageReturnEntity( byte * pDst ) {
            pDst[0] = (byte)'&'; 
            pDst[1] = (byte)'#'; 
            pDst[2] = (byte)'x';
            pDst[3] = (byte)'D'; 
            pDst[4] = (byte)';';
            return pDst + 5;

        private static unsafe byte * CharEntity( byte * pDst, char ch ) {
            string s = ((int)ch).ToString( "X",NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo ); 
            pDst[0] = (byte)'&';
            pDst[1] = (byte)'#';
            pDst[2] = (byte)'x';
            pDst += 3; 

            fixed ( char *pSrc = s ) { 
                char *pS = pSrc; 
                while ( ( *pDst++ = (byte)*pS++ ) != 0 );

            pDst[-1] = (byte)';';
            return pDst;

        // Write "" to the specified buffer.  Return an updated pointer.

        protected static unsafe byte * RawEndCData( byte * pDst ) { 
            pDst[0] = (byte)']';
            pDst[1] = (byte)']';
            pDst[2] = (byte)'>';
            return pDst + 3; 

        protected unsafe void ValidateContentChars( string chars, string propertyName, bool allowOnlyWhitespace ) {

            if ( allowOnlyWhitespace ) {
                if ( !xmlCharType.IsOnlyWhitespace( chars ) ) { 
                    throw new ArgumentException( Res.GetString( Res.Xml_IndentCharsNotWhitespace, propertyName ) );
            else {
                string error = null; 
                for ( int i = 0; i < chars.Length; i++ ) {
                    if ( !xmlCharType.IsTextChar( chars[i] ) ) {
                        switch ( chars[i] ) {
                            case '\n': 
                            case '\r':
                            case '\t': 
                            case '<':
                            case '&': 
                            case ']':
                                error = Res.GetString( Res.Xml_InvalidCharacter, XmlException.BuildCharExceptionArgs( chars, i ) );
                                goto Error;
                                if ( XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate(chars[i]) ) {
                                    if ( i + 1 < chars.Length ) { 
                                        if ( XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate(chars[i + 1])  ) { 
                                    error = Res.GetString( Res.Xml_InvalidSurrogateMissingLowChar );
                                    goto Error; 
                                else if ( XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate(chars[i]) ) { 
                                    error = Res.GetString( Res.Xml_InvalidSurrogateHighChar, ((uint)chars[i]).ToString( "X", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture ) ); 
                                    goto Error;
                throw new ArgumentException( Res.GetString( Res.Xml_InvalidCharsInIndent, new string[] { propertyName, error } ) );

    // Same as base text writer class except that elements, attributes, comments, and pi's are indented. 
    internal class XmlUtf8RawTextWriterIndent : XmlUtf8RawTextWriter {
// Fields 
        protected int       indentLevel; 
        protected bool      newLineOnAttributes;
        protected string    indentChars;

        protected bool      mixedContent; 
        private BitStack    mixedContentStack;
        protected ConformanceLevel conformanceLevel = ConformanceLevel.Auto; 

// Constructors



        public XmlUtf8RawTextWriterIndent( Stream stream, XmlWriterSettings settings ) : base( stream, settings ) {
            Init( settings );
// XmlWriter methods 
        public override XmlWriterSettings Settings {
            get { 
                XmlWriterSettings settings = base.Settings;

                settings.ReadOnly = false;
                settings.Indent = true; 
                settings.IndentChars = indentChars;
                settings.NewLineOnAttributes = newLineOnAttributes; 
                settings.ReadOnly = true; 

                return settings; 

        public override void WriteDocType( string name, string pubid, string sysid, string subset ) { 
            // Add indentation
            if ( !mixedContent && base.textPos != base.bufPos) { 
            base.WriteDocType( name, pubid, sysid, subset ); 

        public override void WriteStartElement( string prefix, string localName, string ns ) {
            Debug.Assert( localName != null && localName.Length != 0 && prefix != null && ns != null ); 

            // Add indentation 
            if ( !mixedContent && base.textPos != base.bufPos) { 
            mixedContentStack.PushBit( mixedContent );

            base.WriteStartElement( prefix, localName, ns ); 
        internal override void StartElementContent() { 
            // If this is the root element and we're writing a document
            //   do not inherit the mixedContent flag into the root element. 
            //   This is to allow for whitespace nodes on root level
            //   without disabling indentation for the whole document.
            if (indentLevel == 1 && conformanceLevel == ConformanceLevel.Document) {
                mixedContent = false; 
            else { 
                mixedContent = mixedContentStack.PeekBit(); 

        internal override void OnRootElement(ConformanceLevel currentConformanceLevel) {
            // Just remember the current conformance level 
            conformanceLevel = currentConformanceLevel;
        internal override void WriteEndElement(string prefix, string localName, string ns) {
            // Add indentation 
            if ( !mixedContent && base.contentPos != base.bufPos ) {
                // There was content, so try to indent
                if ( base.textPos != base.bufPos ) { 
            mixedContent = mixedContentStack.PopBit();
            base.WriteEndElement( prefix, localName, ns );

        internal override void WriteFullEndElement(string prefix, string localName, string ns) { 
            // Add indentation
            if ( !mixedContent && base.contentPos != base.bufPos ) { 
                // There was content, so try to indent
                if ( base.textPos != base.bufPos ) { 
            mixedContent = mixedContentStack.PopBit(); 

            base.WriteFullEndElement( prefix, localName, ns ); 

        // Same as base class, plus possible indentation. 
        public override void WriteStartAttribute( string prefix, string localName, string ns ) {
            // Add indentation
            if ( newLineOnAttributes ) {
            base.WriteStartAttribute( prefix, localName, ns ); 
        public override void WriteCData( string text ) {
            mixedContent = true;
            base.WriteCData( text );

        public override void WriteComment( string text ) { 
            if ( !mixedContent && base.textPos != base.bufPos ) { 

            base.WriteComment( text );
        public override void WriteProcessingInstruction( string target, string text ) {
            if ( !mixedContent && base.textPos != base.bufPos ) { 
            base.WriteProcessingInstruction( target, text );

        public override void WriteEntityRef( string name ) { 
            mixedContent = true;
            base.WriteEntityRef( name ); 

        public override void WriteCharEntity( char ch ) { 
            mixedContent = true;
            base.WriteCharEntity( ch );
        public override void WriteSurrogateCharEntity( char lowChar, char highChar ) {
            mixedContent = true; 
            base.WriteSurrogateCharEntity( lowChar, highChar ); 
        public override void WriteWhitespace( string ws ) {
            mixedContent = true;
            base.WriteWhitespace( ws );

        public override void WriteString( string text ) { 
            mixedContent = true; 
            base.WriteString( text );

        public override void WriteChars( char[] buffer, int index, int count ) {
            mixedContent = true;
            base.WriteChars( buffer, index, count ); 
        public override void WriteRaw( char[] buffer, int index, int count ) { 
            mixedContent = true;
            base.WriteRaw( buffer, index, count ); 

        public override void WriteRaw( string data ) {
            mixedContent = true; 
            base.WriteRaw( data );
        public override void WriteBase64( byte[] buffer, int index, int count ) {
            mixedContent = true; 
            base.WriteBase64( buffer, index, count );

// Private methods
        private void Init( XmlWriterSettings settings ) { 
            indentLevel = 0;
            indentChars = settings.IndentChars; 
            newLineOnAttributes = settings.NewLineOnAttributes;
            mixedContentStack = new BitStack();

            // check indent characters that they are valid XML characters 
            if ( base.checkCharacters ) {
                if ( newLineOnAttributes ) { 
                    base.ValidateContentChars( indentChars, "IndentChars", true ); 
                    base.ValidateContentChars( newLineChars, "NewLineChars", true );
                else {
                    base.ValidateContentChars( indentChars, "IndentChars", false );
                    if ( base.newLineHandling != NewLineHandling.Replace ) {
                        base.ValidateContentChars( newLineChars, "NewLineChars", false ); 
        // Add indentation to output.  Write newline and then repeat IndentChars for each indent level.
        private void WriteIndent() {
            RawText( base.newLineChars );
            for ( int i = indentLevel; i > 0; i-- ) { 
                RawText( indentChars );

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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