EntityEntry.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / DataEntity / System / Data / Objects / EntityEntry.cs / 1458001 / EntityEntry.cs

//      Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// @owner       [....]
// @backupOwner [....] 
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data.Objects.Internal; 
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Data.Metadata.Edm;
using System.Data.Objects.DataClasses;
using System.Collections; 
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data.Common; 
using System.Data.Common.Internal.Materialization; 
using System.Data.Common.Utils;
using System.Linq; 

namespace System.Data.Objects
    internal sealed class EntityEntry : ObjectStateEntry 
#if DEBUG 
        private static int _objectTypeCount; // Bid counter 
        internal readonly int ObjectID = System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref _objectTypeCount);
        private StateManagerTypeMetadata _cacheTypeMetadata;
        private EntityKey _entityKey;       // !null if IsKeyEntry or Entity
        private IEntityWrapper _wrappedEntity;     // Contains null entity if IsKeyEntry
        // entity entry change tracking
        private BitArray _modifiedFields;  // only and always exists if state is Modified or after Delete() on Modified 
        private List _originalValues; // only exists if _modifiedFields has a true-bit 

        // The _originalComplexObjects should always contain references to the values of complex objects which are "original" 
        // at the moment of calling GetComplexObjectSnapshot().  They are used to get original scalar values from _originalValues
        // and to check if complex object instance was changed.
        private Dictionary> _originalComplexObjects; // used for POCO Complex Objects change tracking
        #region RelationshipEnd fields
        /// Singlely-linked list of RelationshipEntry. 
        /// One of the ends in the RelationshipEntry must equal this.EntityKey
        private RelationshipEntry _headRelationshipEnds;

        /// Number of RelationshipEntry in the _relationshipEnds list. 
        private int _countRelationshipEnds; 

        #region Constructors 

        // EntityEntry
        internal EntityEntry(IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity, EntityKey entityKey, EntitySet entitySet, ObjectStateManager cache,
            StateManagerTypeMetadata typeMetadata, EntityState state) 
            : base(cache, entitySet, state)
            Debug.Assert(wrappedEntity != null, "entity wrapper cannot be null."); 
            Debug.Assert(wrappedEntity.Entity != null, "entity cannot be null.");
            Debug.Assert(typeMetadata != null, "typeMetadata cannot be null."); 
            Debug.Assert(entitySet != null, "entitySet cannot be null.");
            Debug.Assert((null == (object)entityKey) || (entityKey.EntitySetName == entitySet.Name), "different entitySet");

            _wrappedEntity = wrappedEntity; 
            _cacheTypeMetadata = typeMetadata;
            _entityKey = entityKey; 
            wrappedEntity.ObjectStateEntry = this;

        // KeyEntry
        internal EntityEntry(EntityKey entityKey, EntitySet entitySet, ObjectStateManager cache, StateManagerTypeMetadata typeMetadata)
            : base(cache, entitySet, EntityState.Unchanged) 
            Debug.Assert((object)entityKey != null, "entityKey cannot be null."); 
            Debug.Assert(entitySet != null, "extent cannot be null."); 
            Debug.Assert(typeMetadata != null, "typeMetadata cannot be null.");
            Debug.Assert(entityKey.EntitySetName == entitySet.Name, "different entitySet"); 

            _wrappedEntity = EntityWrapperFactory.NullWrapper;
            _entityKey = entityKey;
            _cacheTypeMetadata = typeMetadata; 

        #region Public members 

        override public bool IsRelationship
                return false; 

        override public object Entity
                return _wrappedEntity.Entity; 

        /// The EntityKey associated with the ObjectStateEntry
        override public EntityKey EntityKey
                return _entityKey;
            internal set
                _entityKey = value;

        internal IEnumerable> ForeignKeyDependents 
                foreach (var foreignKey in ((EntitySet)EntitySet).ForeignKeyDependents) 
                    AssociationSet associationSet = foreignKey.Item1; 
                    ReferentialConstraint constraint = foreignKey.Item2; 
                    EntityType dependentType = MetadataHelper.GetEntityTypeForEnd((AssociationEndMember)constraint.ToRole);
                    if (dependentType.IsAssignableFrom(_cacheTypeMetadata.DataRecordInfo.RecordType.EdmType)) 
                        yield return foreignKey;
        internal IEnumerable> ForeignKeyPrincipals
                foreach (var foreignKey in ((EntitySet)EntitySet).ForeignKeyPrincipals)
                    AssociationSet associationSet = foreignKey.Item1;
                    ReferentialConstraint constraint = foreignKey.Item2; 
                    EntityType dependentType = MetadataHelper.GetEntityTypeForEnd((AssociationEndMember)constraint.FromRole); 
                    if (dependentType.IsAssignableFrom(_cacheTypeMetadata.DataRecordInfo.RecordType.EdmType))
                        yield return foreignKey;
        override public IEnumerable GetModifiedProperties() 
            if (EntityState.Modified == this.State && _modifiedFields != null)
                Debug.Assert(null != _modifiedFields, "null fields");
                for (int i = 0; i < _modifiedFields.Count; i++) 
                    if (_modifiedFields[i]) 
                        yield return (GetCLayerName(i, _cacheTypeMetadata));
        /// Marks specified property as modified. 
        /// This API recognizes the names in terms of OSpace
        /// If State is not Modified or Unchanged 
        override public void SetModifiedProperty(string propertyName)
            if (this.IsKeyEntry)
                throw EntityUtil.CannotModifyKeyEntryState(); 
                if (EntityState.Unchanged == State)
                    State = EntityState.Modified; 
                    _cache.ChangeState(this, EntityState.Unchanged, State);
                if (EntityState.Modified == State) 
                    EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(propertyName, "propertyName"); 
                    int ordinal = _cacheTypeMetadata.GetOrdinalforOLayerMemberName(propertyName);
                    if (ordinal == -1)
                        throw EntityUtil.InvalidModifiedPropertyName(propertyName); 
                    throw EntityUtil.SetModifiedStates();

        internal void SetModifiedPropertyInternal(int ordinal) 
            if (null == _modifiedFields)
                _modifiedFields = new BitArray(GetFieldCount(_cacheTypeMetadata));

            _modifiedFields[ordinal] = true; 
        /// Original values of entity
        ///  DbDataRecord 
        [DebuggerBrowsable(DebuggerBrowsableState.Never)] // don't have debugger view expand this
        override public DbDataRecord OriginalValues 
                return InternalGetOriginalValues(true /*readOnly*/);

        /// Gets a version of the OriginalValues property that can be updated 
        public override OriginalValueRecord GetUpdatableOriginalValues() 
            return (OriginalValueRecord)InternalGetOriginalValues(false /*readOnly*/);

        private DbDataRecord InternalGetOriginalValues(bool readOnly)
            if (this.State == EntityState.Added)
                throw EntityUtil.OriginalValuesDoesNotExist(); 
            if (this.IsKeyEntry)
                throw EntityUtil.CannotAccessKeyEntryValues();
                if (this.WrappedEntity.RequiresScalarChangeTracking) 
                    // POCO: the snapshot of complex objects has to be updated 
                    // without chaning state of the entry or marking properties as modified.
                    // The IsOriginalValuesGetter is used in EntityMemberChanged to skip the state transition.
                    // The snapshot has to be updated in case the complex object instance was changed (not only scalar values).
                        // Process only complex objects. The method will not change the state of the entry. 
                        this.DetectChangesInProperties(true /*detectOnlyComplexProperties*/);
                if (readOnly) 
                    return new ObjectStateEntryDbDataRecord(this, _cacheTypeMetadata, _wrappedEntity.Entity); 
                    return new ObjectStateEntryOriginalDbUpdatableDataRecord_Public(this, _cacheTypeMetadata, _wrappedEntity.Entity, s_EntityRoot); 

        /// Current values of entity/ DataRow
        ///  DbUpdatableDataRecord  
        [DebuggerBrowsable(DebuggerBrowsableState.Never)] // don't have debugger view expand this
        override public CurrentValueRecord CurrentValues 
                if (this.State == EntityState.Deleted)
                    throw EntityUtil.CurrentValuesDoesNotExist(); 
                if (this.IsKeyEntry) 
                    throw EntityUtil.CannotAccessKeyEntryValues(); 
                    return new ObjectStateEntryDbUpdatableDataRecord(this, _cacheTypeMetadata, _wrappedEntity.Entity); 

        override public void Delete() 
            // doFixup flag is used for Cache and Collection & Ref consistency
            // When some entity is deleted if "doFixup" is true then Delete method
            // calls the Collection & Ref code to do the necessary fix-ups. 
            // "doFixup" equals to False is only called from EntityCollection & Ref code

        /// API to accept the current values as original values and  mark the entity as Unchanged.
        override public void AcceptChanges()

            if (ObjectStateManager.EntryHasConceptualNull(this)) 
                throw new InvalidOperationException(System.Data.Entity.Strings.ObjectContext_CommitWithConceptualNull);
            Debug.Assert(!this.IsKeyEntry || State == EntityState.Unchanged, "Key ObjectStateEntries must always be unchanged.");
            switch (State) 
                case EntityState.Deleted: 
                    // Current entry could be already detached if this is relationship entry and if one end of relationship was a KeyEntry
                    if (_cache != null)
                        _cache.ChangeState(this, EntityState.Deleted, EntityState.Detached);
                case EntityState.Added:
                    // If this entry represents an entity, perform key fixup. 
                    Debug.Assert(Entity != null, "Non-relationship entries should have a non-null entity.");
                    Debug.Assert((object)_entityKey != null, "All entities in the state manager should have a non-null EntityKey.");
                    Debug.Assert(_entityKey.IsTemporary, "All entities in the Added state should have a temporary EntityKey.");
                    // Retrieve referential constraint properties from Principal entities (possibly recursively)
                    // and check referential constraint properties in the Dependent entities (1 level only) 
                    // We have to do this before fixing up keys to preserve v1 behavior around when stubs are promoted. 
                    // However, we can't check FKs until after fixup, which happens after key fixup.  Therefore,
                    // we keep track of whether or not we need to go check again after fixup.  Also, checking for independent associations 
                    // happens using RelationshipEntries, while checking for constraints in FKs has to use the graph.
                    bool skippedFKs = RetrieveAndCheckReferentialConstraintValuesInAcceptChanges();


                    _modifiedFields = null; 
                    _originalValues = null; 
                    _originalComplexObjects = null;
                    State = EntityState.Unchanged; 

                    if (skippedFKs)
                        // If we skipped checking constraints on any FK relationships above, then 
                        // do it now on the fixuped RelatedEnds.


                case EntityState.Modified:
                    _cache.ChangeState(this, EntityState.Modified, EntityState.Unchanged); 
                    _modifiedFields = null;
                    _originalValues = null; 
                    _originalComplexObjects = null; 
                    State = EntityState.Unchanged;

                    // Need to check constraints here because fixup could have got us into an invalid state

                case EntityState.Unchanged: 

        override public void SetModified()
            if (this.IsKeyEntry) 
                throw EntityUtil.CannotModifyKeyEntryState(); 
                if (EntityState.Unchanged == State) 
                    State = EntityState.Modified; 
                    _cache.ChangeState(this, EntityState.Unchanged, State); 
                else if (EntityState.Modified != State) 
                    throw EntityUtil.SetModifiedStates();
        override public RelationshipManager RelationshipManager 
                if (IsKeyEntry)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(System.Data.Entity.Strings.ObjectStateEntry_RelationshipAndKeyEntriesDoNotHaveRelationshipManagers);
                if (WrappedEntity.Entity == null) 
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(System.Data.Entity.Strings.ObjectStateManager_CannotGetRelationshipManagerForDetachedPocoEntity); 
                return WrappedEntity.RelationshipManager;

        internal override BitArray ModifiedProperties 
            get { return _modifiedFields; }

        /// Changes state of the entry to the specified 
        /// The requested state
        public override void ChangeState(EntityState state) 
            if (this.State == EntityState.Detached && state == EntityState.Detached)

            // store a referece to the cache because this.ObjectStatemanager will be null if the requested state is Detached
            ObjectStateManager osm = this.ObjectStateManager; 

        /// Apply modified properties to the original object. 
        /// object with modified properties 
        public override void ApplyCurrentValues(object currentEntity) 
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(currentEntity, "currentEntity"); 


            if (this.IsKeyEntry) 
                throw EntityUtil.CannotAccessKeyEntryValues(); 

            IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity = EntityWrapperFactory.WrapEntityUsingStateManager(currentEntity, this.ObjectStateManager); 

        /// Apply original values to the entity. 
        /// The object with original values
        public override void ApplyOriginalValues(object originalEntity) 
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(originalEntity, "originalEntity");


            if (this.IsKeyEntry) 
                throw EntityUtil.CannotAccessKeyEntryValues();

            IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity = EntityWrapperFactory.WrapEntityUsingStateManager(originalEntity, this.ObjectStateManager);

        #endregion // Public members 

        #region RelationshipEnd methods 

        /// Add a RelationshipEntry (one of its ends must equal this.EntityKey)
        internal void AddRelationshipEnd(RelationshipEntry item)
#if DEBUG 
            Debug.Assert(null != item, "null item");
            Debug.Assert(null != item.RelationshipWrapper, "null RelationshipWrapper"); 
            Debug.Assert(0 <= _countRelationshipEnds, "negative _relationshipEndCount");
            Debug.Assert(EntityKey.Equals(item.RelationshipWrapper.Key0) || EntityKey.Equals(item.RelationshipWrapper.Key1), "entity key doesn't match");

            for (RelationshipEntry current = _headRelationshipEnds; 
                 null != current;
                 current = current.GetNextRelationshipEnd(EntityKey)) 
                Debug.Assert(!Object.ReferenceEquals(item, current), "RelationshipEntry already in list");
                Debug.Assert(!item.RelationshipWrapper.Equals(current.RelationshipWrapper), "RelationshipWrapper already in list"); 
            // the item will become the head of the list
            // i.e. you walk the list in reverse order of items being added 
            item.SetNextRelationshipEnd(this.EntityKey, _headRelationshipEnds);
            _headRelationshipEnds = item; 

            Debug.Assert(_countRelationshipEnds == (new RelationshipEndEnumerable(this)).ToArray().Length, "different count"); 

        /// Determines if a given relationship entry is present in the list of entries 
        /// The entry to look for 
        /// True of the relationship end is found 
        internal bool ContainsRelationshipEnd(RelationshipEntry item)
            for (RelationshipEntry current = _headRelationshipEnds;
                 null != current;
                 current = current.GetNextRelationshipEnd(EntityKey))
                if (object.ReferenceEquals(current, item))
                    return true; 
            return false;

        /// Remove a RelationshipEntry (one of its ends must equal this.EntityKey)
        internal void RemoveRelationshipEnd(RelationshipEntry item)
            Debug.Assert(null != item, "removing null");
            Debug.Assert(null != item.RelationshipWrapper, "null RelationshipWrapper");
            Debug.Assert(1 <= _countRelationshipEnds, "negative _relationshipEndCount");
            Debug.Assert(EntityKey.Equals(item.RelationshipWrapper.Key0) || EntityKey.Equals(item.RelationshipWrapper.Key1), "entity key doesn't match"); 

            // walk the singly-linked list, remembering the previous node so we can remove the current node 
            RelationshipEntry current = _headRelationshipEnds; 
            RelationshipEntry previous = null;
            bool previousIsKey0 = false; 
            while (null != current)
                // short-circuit if the key matches either candidate by reference
                bool currentIsKey0 = object.ReferenceEquals(this.EntityKey, current.Key0) || 
                    (!object.ReferenceEquals(this.EntityKey, current.Key1) && this.EntityKey.Equals(current.Key0));
                if (Object.ReferenceEquals(item, current)) 
                    RelationshipEntry next;
                    if (currentIsKey0) 
                    {   // if this.EntityKey matches Key0, NextKey0 is the next element in the lsit
                        Debug.Assert(EntityKey.Equals(current.RelationshipWrapper.Key0), "entity key didn't match");
                        next = current.NextKey0;
                        current.NextKey0 = null; 
                    {   // if this.EntityKey matches Key1, NextKey1 is the next element in the lsit 
                        Debug.Assert(EntityKey.Equals(current.RelationshipWrapper.Key1), "entity key didn't match");
                        next = current.NextKey1; 
                        current.NextKey1 = null;
                    if (null == previous)
                        _headRelationshipEnds = next;
                    else if (previousIsKey0) 
                        previous.NextKey0 = next; 
                        previous.NextKey1 = next; 
                    Debug.Assert(_countRelationshipEnds == (new RelationshipEndEnumerable(this)).ToArray().Length, "different count");
                Debug.Assert(!item.RelationshipWrapper.Equals(current.RelationshipWrapper), "same wrapper, different RelationshipEntry instances");

                previous = current; 
                current = currentIsKey0 ? current.NextKey0 : current.NextKey1;
                previousIsKey0 = currentIsKey0; 
            Debug.Assert(false, "didn't remove a RelationshipEntry");

        /// Update one of the ends for the related RelationshipEntry
        /// the EntityKey the relationship should currently have
        /// if promoting entity stub to full entity 
        internal void UpdateRelationshipEnds(EntityKey oldKey, EntityEntry promotedEntry) 
            Debug.Assert(null != (object)oldKey, "bad oldKey"); 
            Debug.Assert(!Object.ReferenceEquals(this, promotedEntry), "shouldn't be same reference");

            // traverse the list to update one of the ends in the relationship entry
            int count = 0; 
            RelationshipEntry next = _headRelationshipEnds;
            while (null != next) 
                // get the next relationship end before we change the key of current relationship end
                RelationshipEntry current = next; 
                next = next.GetNextRelationshipEnd(oldKey);

                // update the RelationshipEntry from the temporary key to real key
                current.ChangeRelatedEnd(oldKey, EntityKey); 

                // If we have a promoted entry, copy the relationship entries to the promoted entry 
                // only if the promoted entry doesn't already know about that particular relationship entry 
                // This can be the case with self referencing entities
                if (null != promotedEntry && !promotedEntry.ContainsRelationshipEnd(current)) 
                {   // all relationship ends moved to new promotedEntry
            Debug.Assert(count == _countRelationshipEnds, "didn't traverse all relationships"); 
            if (null != promotedEntry) 
            {   // cleanup existing (dead) entry to reduce confusion
                _headRelationshipEnds = null; 
                _countRelationshipEnds = 0;
        #region Enumerable and Enumerator
        internal RelationshipEndEnumerable GetRelationshipEnds() 
            return new RelationshipEndEnumerable(this);

        /// An enumerable so that EntityEntry doesn't implement it
        internal struct RelationshipEndEnumerable : IEnumerable, IEnumerable
            internal static readonly RelationshipEntry[] EmptyRelationshipEntryArray = new RelationshipEntry[0]; 
            private readonly EntityEntry _entityEntry;
            internal RelationshipEndEnumerable(EntityEntry entityEntry)
            {   // its okay if entityEntry is null
                _entityEntry = entityEntry;
            public RelationshipEndEnumerator GetEnumerator()
                return new RelationshipEndEnumerator(_entityEntry); 
            IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() 
                return GetEnumerator();
            IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() 
                Debug.Assert(false, "dead code, don't box the RelationshipEndEnumerable"); 
                return GetEnumerator(); 
            IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() 
                Debug.Assert(false, "dead code, don't box the RelationshipEndEnumerable");
                return GetEnumerator();

            /// Convert the singly-linked list into an Array 
            internal RelationshipEntry[] ToArray() 
                RelationshipEntry[] list = null;
                if ((null != _entityEntry) && (0 < _entityEntry._countRelationshipEnds))
                    RelationshipEntry relationshipEnd = _entityEntry._headRelationshipEnds;
                    list = new RelationshipEntry[_entityEntry._countRelationshipEnds]; 
                    for (int i = 0; i < list.Length; ++i) 
                        Debug.Assert(null != relationshipEnd, "count larger than list"); 
                        Debug.Assert(_entityEntry.EntityKey.Equals(relationshipEnd.Key0) || _entityEntry.EntityKey.Equals(relationshipEnd.Key1), "entity key mismatch");
                        list[i] = relationshipEnd;

                        relationshipEnd = relationshipEnd.GetNextRelationshipEnd(_entityEntry.EntityKey); 
                    Debug.Assert(null == relationshipEnd, "count smaller than list"); 
                return list ?? EmptyRelationshipEntryArray;

        /// An enumerator to walk the RelationshipEntry linked-list 
        internal struct RelationshipEndEnumerator : IEnumerator, IEnumerator 
            private readonly EntityEntry _entityEntry;
            private RelationshipEntry _current; 

            internal RelationshipEndEnumerator(EntityEntry entityEntry)
                _entityEntry = entityEntry; 
                _current = null;
            public RelationshipEntry Current 
                get { return _current; } 
            IEntityStateEntry IEnumerator.Current
                get { return _current; } 
            object IEnumerator.Current 
                    Debug.Assert(false, "dead code, don't box the RelationshipEndEnumerator");
                    return _current;
            public void Dispose()
            public bool MoveNext()
                if (null != _entityEntry)
                    if (null == _current)
                        _current = _entityEntry._headRelationshipEnds;
                        _current = _current.GetNextRelationshipEnd(_entityEntry.EntityKey); 
                return (null != _current);
            public void Reset()
                Debug.Assert(false, "not implemented"); 

        #region ObjectStateEntry members 

        override internal bool IsKeyEntry 
                return null == _wrappedEntity.Entity;
        /// Reuse or create a new (Entity)DataRecordInfo. 
        override internal DataRecordInfo GetDataRecordInfo(StateManagerTypeMetadata metadata, object userObject)
            if (Helper.IsEntityType(metadata.CdmMetadata.EdmType) && (null != (object)_entityKey))
                // is EntityType with null EntityKey when constructing new EntityKey during ObjectStateManager.Add
                // always need a new EntityRecordInfo instance for the different key (reusing DataRecordInfo's FieldMetadata). 
                return new EntityRecordInfo(metadata.DataRecordInfo, _entityKey, (EntitySet)EntitySet);
                // ObjectContext.AttachTo uses CurrentValueRecord to build EntityKey for EntityType 
                // so the Entity doesn't have an EntityKey yet, SQLBU 525130
                //Debug.Assert(Helper.IsComplexType(metadata.CdmMetadata.EdmType), "!IsComplexType");
                return metadata.DataRecordInfo;
        override internal void Reset() 
            Debug.Assert(_cache != null, "Cannot Reset an entity that is not currently attached to a context."); 
            _cache.ForgetEntryWithConceptualNull(this, resetAllKeys: true);


            _wrappedEntity = EntityWrapperFactory.NullWrapper; 
            _entityKey = null; 
            _modifiedFields = null;
            _originalValues = null; 
            _originalComplexObjects = null;


        override internal Type GetFieldType(int ordinal, StateManagerTypeMetadata metadata) 
            // 'metadata' is used for ComplexTypes
            return metadata.GetFieldType(ordinal);

        override internal string GetCLayerName(int ordinal, StateManagerTypeMetadata metadata) 
            return metadata.CLayerMemberName(ordinal); 

        override internal int GetOrdinalforCLayerName(string name, StateManagerTypeMetadata metadata) 
            return metadata.GetOrdinalforCLayerMemberName(name);
        override internal void RevertDelete()
            // just change the state from deleted, to last state. 
            State = (_modifiedFields == null) ? EntityState.Unchanged : EntityState.Modified;
            _cache.ChangeState(this, EntityState.Deleted, State); 

        override internal int GetFieldCount(StateManagerTypeMetadata metadata)
            return metadata.FieldCount;
        private void CascadeAcceptChanges()
            foreach (RelationshipEntry entry in _cache.CopyOfRelationshipsByKey(EntityKey))
                // CascadeAcceptChanges is only called on Entity ObjectStateEntry when it is
                // in deleted state. Entity is in deleted state therefore for all related Relationship 
                // cache entries only valid state is Deleted.
                Debug.Assert(entry.State == EntityState.Deleted, "Relationship ObjectStateEntry should be in deleted state"); 

        override internal void SetModifiedAll()
            Debug.Assert(!this.IsKeyEntry, "SetModifiedAll called on a KeyEntry"); 
            Debug.Assert(State == EntityState.Modified, "SetModifiedAll called when not modified");
            if (null == _modifiedFields)
                _modifiedFields = new BitArray(GetFieldCount(_cacheTypeMetadata));

        /// Used to report that a scalar entity property is about to change 
        /// The current value of the specified property is cached when this method is called.
        /// The name of the entity property that is changing
        override internal void EntityMemberChanging(string entityMemberName)
            if (this.IsKeyEntry) 
                throw EntityUtil.CannotAccessKeyEntryValues(); 
            this.EntityMemberChanging(entityMemberName, null, null);

        /// Used to report that a scalar entity property has been changed
        /// The property value that was cached during EntityMemberChanging is now 
        /// added to OriginalValues
        /// The name of the entity property that has changing 
        override internal void EntityMemberChanged(string entityMemberName)
            if (this.IsKeyEntry)
                throw EntityUtil.CannotAccessKeyEntryValues();
            this.EntityMemberChanged(entityMemberName, null, null);
        /// Used to report that a complex property is about to change 
        /// The current value of the specified property is cached when this method is called.
        /// The name of the top-level entity property that is changing
        /// The complex object that contains the property that is changing 
        /// The name of the property that is changing on complexObject
        override internal void EntityComplexMemberChanging(string entityMemberName, object complexObject, string complexObjectMemberName) 
            if (this.IsKeyEntry)
                throw EntityUtil.CannotAccessKeyEntryValues();
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(complexObjectMemberName, "complexObjectMemberName");
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(complexObject, "complexObject"); 
            this.EntityMemberChanging(entityMemberName, complexObject, complexObjectMemberName);
        /// Used to report that a complex property has been changed 
        /// The property value that was cached during EntityMemberChanging is now added to OriginalValues
        /// The name of the top-level entity property that has changed
        /// The complex object that contains the property that changed 
        /// The name of the property that changed on complexObject
        override internal void EntityComplexMemberChanged(string entityMemberName, object complexObject, string complexObjectMemberName) 
            if (this.IsKeyEntry)
                throw EntityUtil.CannotAccessKeyEntryValues();
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(complexObjectMemberName, "complexObjectMemberName");
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(complexObject, "complexObject"); 
            this.EntityMemberChanged(entityMemberName, complexObject, complexObjectMemberName);
        internal IEntityWrapper WrappedEntity
                return _wrappedEntity;

        /// Method called to complete the change tracking process on an entity property. The original property value
        /// is now saved in the original values record if there is not already an entry in the record for this property.
        /// The parameters to this method must have the same values as the parameter values passed to the last call to
        /// EntityValueChanging on this ObjectStateEntry. 
        /// All inputs are in OSpace.
        /// Name of the top-level entity property that has changed 
        /// If entityMemberName refers to a complex property, this is the complex
        /// object that contains the change. Otherwise this is null. 
        /// If entityMemberName refers to a complex property, this is the name of
        /// the property that has changed on complexObject. Otherwise this is null.
        private void EntityMemberChanged(string entityMemberName, object complexObject, string complexObjectMemberName)
            string changingMemberName;
            StateManagerTypeMetadata typeMetadata; 
            object changingObject; 

            // Get the metadata for the property that is changing, and verify that it is valid to change it for this entry 
            // If something fails, we will clear out our cached values in the finally block, and require the user to submit another Changing notification
                int changingOrdinal = this.GetAndValidateChangeMemberInfo(entityMemberName, complexObject, complexObjectMemberName, 
                    out typeMetadata, out changingMemberName, out changingObject);
                // if EntityKey is changing and is in a valid scenario for it to change, no further action is needed 
                if (changingOrdinal == -2)

                // Verify that the inputs to this call match the values we have cached 
                if ((changingObject != _cache.ChangingObject) ||
                    (changingMemberName != _cache.ChangingMember) || 
                    (entityMemberName != _cache.ChangingEntityMember)) 
                    throw EntityUtil.EntityValueChangedWithoutEntityValueChanging(); 

                // check the state after the other values because if the other cached values have not been set and are null, it is more
                // intuitive to the user to get an error that specifically points to that as the problem, and in that case, the state will 
                // also not be matched, so if we checked this first, it would cause a confusing error to be thrown.
                if (this.State != _cache.ChangingState) 
                    throw EntityUtil.ChangedInDifferentStateFromChanging(this.State, _cache.ChangingState);

                object oldValue = _cache.ChangingOldValue;
                object newValue = null;
                StateManagerMemberMetadata memberMetadata = null; 
                if (_cache.SaveOriginalValues)
                    memberMetadata = typeMetadata.Member(changingOrdinal); 
                    // Expand only non-null complex type values
                    if (memberMetadata.IsComplex && oldValue != null) 
                        // devnote: Not using GetCurrentEntityValue here because change tracking can only be done on OSpace members,
                        //          so we don't need to worry about shadow state, and we don't want a CSpace representation of complex objects
                        newValue = memberMetadata.GetValue(changingObject); 
                        ExpandComplexTypeAndAddValues(memberMetadata, oldValue, newValue, false);
                        AddOriginalValue(memberMetadata, changingObject, oldValue); 

                // if the property is a Foreign Key, let's clear out the appropriate EntityReference 
                // UNLESS we are applying FK changes as part of DetectChanges where we don't want to
                // start changing references yet. If we are in the Align stage of DetectChanges, this is ok. 
                TransactionManager transManager = ObjectStateManager.TransactionManager; 
                List> relationships;
                if (complexObject == null &&  // check if property is a top-level property 
                    (transManager.IsAlignChanges || !transManager.IsDetectChanges) &&
                    this.IsPropertyAForeignKey(entityMemberName, out relationships))
                    foreach (var relationship in relationships) 
                        string relationshipName = relationship.First; 
                        string targetRoleName = relationship.Second; 

                        RelatedEnd relatedEnd = this.WrappedEntity.RelationshipManager.GetRelatedEndInternal(relationshipName, targetRoleName); 
                        Debug.Assert(relatedEnd != null, "relatedEnd should exist if property is a foreign key");
                        EntityReference reference = relatedEnd as EntityReference;
                        Debug.Assert(reference != null, "relatedEnd should be an EntityReference");
                        // Allow updating of other relationships that this FK property participates in except that
                        // if we're doing fixup by references as part of AcceptChanges then don't allow a ref to 
                        // be changed. 
                        if (!transManager.IsFixupByReference)
                            if (memberMetadata == null)
                                memberMetadata = typeMetadata.Member(changingOrdinal);
                            if (newValue == null)
                                newValue = memberMetadata.GetValue(changingObject); 
                            bool hasConceptualNullFk = ForeignKeyFactory.IsConceptualNullKey(reference.CachedForeignKey);
                            if (!ByValueEqualityComparer.Default.Equals(oldValue, newValue) || hasConceptualNullFk)
                // POCO: The state of the entry is not changed if the EntityMemberChanged method
                // was called from ObjectStateEntry.OriginalValues property.
                // The OriginalValues uses EntityMemberChanging/EntityMemberChanged to update snapshot of complex object in case
                // complex object was changed (not a scalar value). 
                if (_cache != null && !_cache.TransactionManager.IsOriginalValuesGetter)
                    EntityState initialState = State; 
                    if (State != EntityState.Added)
                        State = EntityState.Modified;
                    if (State == EntityState.Modified)
                    if (initialState != this.State) 
                        _cache.ChangeState(this, initialState, this.State); 
                Debug.Assert(_cache != null, "Unexpected null state manager."); 
                SetCachedChangingValues(null, null, null, EntityState.Detached, null); 

        // helper method used to set value of property
        internal void SetCurrentEntityValue(string memberName, object newValue)
            int ordinal = _cacheTypeMetadata.GetOrdinalforOLayerMemberName(memberName);
            SetCurrentEntityValue(_cacheTypeMetadata, ordinal, _wrappedEntity.Entity, newValue); 

        internal void SetOriginalEntityValue(StateManagerTypeMetadata metadata, int ordinal, object userObject, object newValue) 
            if (State == EntityState.Added)
                throw EntityUtil.OriginalValuesDoesNotExist();
            EntityState initialState = State;
            object orgValue; // StateManagerValue
            object oldOriginalValue; // the actual value

            // Update original values list 
            StateManagerMemberMetadata memberMetadata = metadata.Member(ordinal);
            if (FindOriginalValue(memberMetadata, userObject, out orgValue)) 

            if (memberMetadata.IsComplex)
                oldOriginalValue = memberMetadata.GetValue(userObject); 
                if (oldOriginalValue == null)
                    throw EntityUtil.NullableComplexTypesNotSupported(memberMetadata.CLayerName); 
                IExtendedDataRecord newValueRecord = newValue as IExtendedDataRecord;
                if (newValueRecord != null)
                    // Requires materialization 
                    newValue = _cache.ComplexTypeMaterializer.CreateComplex(newValueRecord, newValueRecord.DataRecordInfo, null);
                // We only store scalar properties values in original values, so no need to search the list
                // if the property being set is complex. Just get the value as an OSpace object. 
                ExpandComplexTypeAndAddValues(memberMetadata, oldOriginalValue, newValue, true);
                AddOriginalValue(memberMetadata, userObject, newValue);
            if (initialState == EntityState.Unchanged)
                State = EntityState.Modified;
        /// Method called to start the change tracking process on an entity property. The current property value is cached at 
        /// this stage in preparation for later storage in the original values record. Multiple successful calls to this method 
        /// will overwrite the cached values.
        /// All inputs are in OSpace. 
        /// Name of the top-level entity property that is changing
        /// If entityMemberName refers to a complex property, this is the complex
        /// object that contains the change. Otherwise this is null. 
        /// If entityMemberName refers to a complex property, this is the name of
        /// the property that is changing on complexObject. Otherwise this is null. 
        private void EntityMemberChanging(string entityMemberName, object complexObject, string complexObjectMemberName) 
            string changingMemberName; 
            StateManagerTypeMetadata typeMetadata;
            object changingObject;

            // Get the metadata for the property that is changing, and verify that it is valid to change it for this entry 
            int changingOrdinal = this.GetAndValidateChangeMemberInfo(entityMemberName, complexObject, complexObjectMemberName,
                out typeMetadata, out changingMemberName, out changingObject); 
            // if EntityKey is changing and is in a valid scenario for it to change, no further action is needed
            if (changingOrdinal == -2) 
            Debug.Assert(changingOrdinal != -1, "Expected GetAndValidateChangeMemberInfo to throw for a invalid property name");
            // Cache the current value for later storage in original values. If we are not in a state where we should update 
            // the original values, we don't even need to bother saving the current value here. However, we will still cache
            // the other data regarding the change, so that we always require matching Changing and Changed calls, regardless of the state. 
            StateManagerMemberMetadata memberMetadata = typeMetadata.Member(changingOrdinal);

            // POCO
            // Entities which don't implement IEntityWithChangeTracker entity can already have original values even in the Unchanged state. 
            _cache.SaveOriginalValues = (State == EntityState.Unchanged || State == EntityState.Modified) &&
                                        !FindOriginalValue(memberMetadata, changingObject); 
            // devnote: Not using GetCurrentEntityValue here because change tracking can only be done on OSpace members,
            //          so we don't need to worry about shadow state, and we don't want a CSpace representation of complex objects 
            object oldValue = memberMetadata.GetValue(changingObject);

            Debug.Assert(this.State != EntityState.Detached, "Change tracking should not happen on detached entities.");
            SetCachedChangingValues(entityMemberName, changingObject, changingMemberName, this.State, oldValue); 
        // helper method used to get value of property 
        internal object GetOriginalEntityValue(string memberName)
            int ordinal = _cacheTypeMetadata.GetOrdinalforOLayerMemberName(memberName);
            return GetOriginalEntityValue(_cacheTypeMetadata, ordinal, _wrappedEntity.Entity, ObjectStateValueRecord.OriginalReadonly);
        internal object GetOriginalEntityValue(StateManagerTypeMetadata metadata, int ordinal, object userObject, ObjectStateValueRecord updatableRecord)
            Debug.Assert(updatableRecord != ObjectStateValueRecord.OriginalUpdatablePublic, "OriginalUpdatablePublic records must preserve complex type information, use the overload that takes parentEntityPropertyIndex"); 
            return GetOriginalEntityValue(metadata, ordinal, userObject, updatableRecord, s_EntityRoot);

        internal object GetOriginalEntityValue(StateManagerTypeMetadata metadata, int ordinal, object userObject, ObjectStateValueRecord updatableRecord, int parentEntityPropertyIndex)
            // if original value is stored, then use it, otherwise use the current value from the entity 
            object retValue; 
            StateManagerMemberMetadata member = metadata.Member(ordinal); 
            if (FindOriginalValue(member, userObject, out retValue))
                // If the object is null, return DBNull.Value to be consistent with GetCurrentEntityValue
                return ((StateManagerValue)retValue).originalValue ?? DBNull.Value;
            return GetCurrentEntityValue(metadata, ordinal, userObject, updatableRecord, parentEntityPropertyIndex); 
        internal object GetCurrentEntityValue(StateManagerTypeMetadata metadata, int ordinal, object userObject, ObjectStateValueRecord updatableRecord) 
            Debug.Assert(updatableRecord != ObjectStateValueRecord.OriginalUpdatablePublic, "OriginalUpdatablePublic records must preserve complex type information, use the overload that takes parentEntityPropertyIndex"); 
            return GetCurrentEntityValue(metadata, ordinal, userObject, updatableRecord, s_EntityRoot);

        internal object GetCurrentEntityValue(StateManagerTypeMetadata metadata, int ordinal, object userObject, ObjectStateValueRecord updatableRecord, int parentEntityPropertyIndex) 
            object retValue = null;
            StateManagerMemberMetadata member = metadata.Member(ordinal); 
            Debug.Assert(null != member, "didn't throw ArgumentOutOfRangeException");

            if (!metadata.IsMemberPartofShadowState(ordinal))
            { // if it is not shadow state 
                retValue = member.GetValue(userObject);
                // Wrap the value in a record if it is a non-null complex type 
                if (member.IsComplex && retValue != null)
                    // need to get the new StateManagerTypeMetadata for nested /complext member
                    switch (updatableRecord)
                        case ObjectStateValueRecord.OriginalReadonly: 
                            retValue = new ObjectStateEntryDbDataRecord(this,
                                _cache.GetOrAddStateManagerTypeMetadata(member.CdmMetadata.TypeUsage.EdmType), retValue); 
                        case ObjectStateValueRecord.CurrentUpdatable:
                            retValue = new ObjectStateEntryDbUpdatableDataRecord(this, 
                                _cache.GetOrAddStateManagerTypeMetadata(member.CdmMetadata.TypeUsage.EdmType), retValue);
                        case ObjectStateValueRecord.OriginalUpdatableInternal:
                            retValue = new ObjectStateEntryOriginalDbUpdatableDataRecord_Internal(this, 
                                _cache.GetOrAddStateManagerTypeMetadata(member.CdmMetadata.TypeUsage.EdmType), retValue);
                        case ObjectStateValueRecord.OriginalUpdatablePublic: 
                            retValue = new ObjectStateEntryOriginalDbUpdatableDataRecord_Public(this,
                                _cache.GetOrAddStateManagerTypeMetadata(member.CdmMetadata.TypeUsage.EdmType), retValue, parentEntityPropertyIndex); 
                            Debug.Assert(false, "shouldn't happen");
                    // we need to pass the toplevel ordinal 
#if DEBUG // performance, don't do this work in retail until shadow state is supported 
            else if (userObject == _wrappedEntity.Entity)
                Debug.Assert(false, "shadowstate not supported");
#if SupportShadowState 
                            Debug.Assert(null != _currentValues, "shadow state without values");
                            _currentValues.TryGetValue(member.CLayerName, out retValue); // try to get it from shadow state if exists 
                            // we don't support CSpace only complex type 
            return retValue ?? DBNull.Value;
        private bool FindOriginalValue(StateManagerMemberMetadata metadata, object instance)
            object tmp; 
            return FindOriginalValue(metadata, instance, out tmp);

        internal bool FindOriginalValue(StateManagerMemberMetadata metadata, object instance, out object value)
            bool found = false; 
            object retValue = null;
            if (null != _originalValues) 
                foreach (StateManagerValue cachevalue in _originalValues)   // this should include also shadow state
                    if (cachevalue.userObject == instance && cachevalue.memberMetadata == metadata)
                        found = true;
                        retValue = cachevalue; 
            value = retValue; 
            return found;

        // Get AssociationEndMember of current entry of given relationship 
        // Relationship must be related to the current entry.
        internal AssociationEndMember GetAssociationEndMember(RelationshipEntry relationshipEntry) 
            Debug.Assert((object)this.EntityKey != null, "entry should have a not null EntityKey");

            AssociationEndMember endMember = relationshipEntry.RelationshipWrapper.GetAssociationEndMember(EntityKey);
            Debug.Assert(null != endMember, "should be one of the ends of the relationship"); 
            return endMember;
        // Get entry which is on the other end of given relationship.
        // Relationship must be related to the current entry. 
        internal EntityEntry GetOtherEndOfRelationship(RelationshipEntry relationshipEntry)
            Debug.Assert((object)this.EntityKey != null, "entry should have a not null EntityKey");
            return _cache.GetEntityEntry(relationshipEntry.RelationshipWrapper.GetOtherEntityKey(this.EntityKey));

        /// Helper method to recursively expand a complex object's values down to scalars for storage in the original values record.
        /// This method is used when a whole complex object is set on its parent object, instead of just setting
        /// individual scalar values on that object.
        /// metadata for the complex property being expanded on the parent
        /// where the parent can be an entity or another complex object 
        /// Old value of the complex property. Scalar values from this object are stored in the original values record 
        /// New value of the complex property. This object reference is used in the original value record and is
        /// associated with the scalar values for the same property on the oldComplexObject 
        /// Whether or not to use the existing complex object in the original values or to use the original value that is already present 
        private void ExpandComplexTypeAndAddValues(StateManagerMemberMetadata memberMetadata, object oldComplexObject, object newComplexObject, bool useOldComplexObject)
            Debug.Assert(memberMetadata.IsComplex, "Cannot expand non-complex objects"); 
            if (newComplexObject == null)
                throw EntityUtil.NullableComplexTypesNotSupported(memberMetadata.CLayerName); 
            Debug.Assert(oldComplexObject == null || (oldComplexObject.GetType() == newComplexObject.GetType()), "Cannot replace a complex object with an object of a different type, unless the original one was null"); 

            StateManagerTypeMetadata typeMetadata = _cache.GetOrAddStateManagerTypeMetadata(memberMetadata.CdmMetadata.TypeUsage.EdmType);
            object retValue;
            for (int field = 0; field < typeMetadata.FieldCount; field++) 
                StateManagerMemberMetadata complexMemberMetadata = typeMetadata.Member(field); 
                if (complexMemberMetadata.IsComplex) 
                    object oldComplexMemberValue = null; 
                    if (oldComplexObject != null)
                        oldComplexMemberValue = complexMemberMetadata.GetValue(oldComplexObject);
                        if (oldComplexMemberValue == null && FindOriginalValue(complexMemberMetadata, oldComplexObject, out retValue)) 
                    ExpandComplexTypeAndAddValues(complexMemberMetadata, oldComplexMemberValue, complexMemberMetadata.GetValue(newComplexObject), useOldComplexObject); 
                    object originalValue = null; 
                    object complexObject = newComplexObject;
                    if (useOldComplexObject) 
                        // Set the original values using the existing current value object 
                        // complexObject --> the existing complex object
                        // originalValue --> the new value to set for this member
                        originalValue = complexMemberMetadata.GetValue(newComplexObject);
                        complexObject = oldComplexObject; 
                        if (oldComplexObject != null)
                            // If we already have an entry for this property in the original values list, we need to remove it. We can't just
                            // update it because StateManagerValue is a struct and there is no way to get a reference to the entry in the list.
                            originalValue = complexMemberMetadata.GetValue(oldComplexObject);
                            if (FindOriginalValue(complexMemberMetadata, oldComplexObject, out retValue)) 
                                StateManagerValue originalStateValue = ((StateManagerValue)retValue); 
                                originalValue = originalStateValue.originalValue;
                                Debug.Assert(this.Entity is IEntityWithChangeTracker, "for POCO objects the snapshot should contain all original values");
                            originalValue = complexMemberMetadata.GetValue(newComplexObject);

                    // Add the new entry. The userObject will reference the new complex object that is currently being set. 
                    // If the value was in the list previously, we will still use the old value with the new object reference.
                    // That will ensure that we preserve the old value while still maintaining the link to the 
                    // existing complex object that is attached to the entity or parent complex object. If an entry is already 
                    // in the list this means that it was either explicitly set by the user or the entire complex type was previously
                    // set and expanded down to the individual properties.  In either case we do the same thing. 
                    AddOriginalValue(complexMemberMetadata, complexObject, originalValue);

        /// Helper method to validate that the property names being reported as changing/changed are valid for this entity and that 
        /// the entity is in a valid state for the change request. Also determines if this is a change on a complex object, and
        /// returns the appropriate metadata and object to be used for the rest of the changing and changed operations. 
        /// Top-level entity property name
        /// Complex object that contains the change, null if the change is on a top-level entity property
        /// Name of the property that is changing on the complexObject, null for top-level entity properties 
        /// Metadata for the type that contains the change, either for the entity itself or for the complex object
        /// Property name that is actually changing -- either entityMemberName for entities or 
        /// complexObjectMemberName for complex objects 
        /// Object reference that contains the change, either the entity or complex object
        /// as appropriate for the requested change 
        /// Ordinal of the property that is changing, or -2 if the EntityKey is changing in a valid scenario. This is relative
        /// to the returned typeMetadata. Throws exceptions if the requested property name(s) are invalid for this entity.
        internal int GetAndValidateChangeMemberInfo(string entityMemberName, object complexObject, string complexObjectMemberName,
            out StateManagerTypeMetadata typeMetadata, out string changingMemberName, out object changingObject) 
            typeMetadata = null; 
            changingMemberName = null; 
            changingObject = null;
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(entityMemberName, "entityMemberName");
            // complexObject and complexObjectMemberName are allowed to be null here for change tracking on top-level entity properties


            int changingOrdinal = _cacheTypeMetadata.GetOrdinalforOLayerMemberName(entityMemberName); 
            if (changingOrdinal == -1) 
                if (entityMemberName == StructuralObject.EntityKeyPropertyName) 
                    // Setting EntityKey property is only allowed from here when we are in the middle of relationship fixup.
                    if (!_cache.InRelationshipFixup)
                        throw EntityUtil.CantSetEntityKey();
                        // If we are in fixup, there is nothing more to do here with EntityKey, so just 
                        // clear the saved changing values and return. This will ensure that we behave
                        // the same with the change notifications on EntityKey as with other properties.
                        // I.e. we still don't allow the following:
                        //     EntityMemberChanging("Property1") 
                        //     EntityMemberChanging("EntityKey")
                        //     EntityMemberChanged("EntityKey") 
                        //     EntityMemberChanged("Property1") 
                        Debug.Assert(this.State != EntityState.Detached, "Change tracking should not happen on detached entities.");
                        SetCachedChangingValues(null, null, null, this.State, null); 
                        return -2;
                    throw EntityUtil.ChangeOnUnmappedProperty(entityMemberName); 
                StateManagerTypeMetadata tmpTypeMetadata;
                string tmpChangingMemberName;
                object tmpChangingObject; 

                // entityMemberName is a confirmed valid property on the Entity, but if this is a complex type we also need to validate its property 
                if (complexObject != null) 
                    // a complex object was provided, but the top-level Entity property is not complex 
                    if (!_cacheTypeMetadata.Member(changingOrdinal).IsComplex)
                        throw EntityUtil.ComplexChangeRequestedOnScalarProperty(entityMemberName);

                    tmpTypeMetadata = _cache.GetOrAddStateManagerTypeMetadata(complexObject.GetType(), (EntitySet)this.EntitySet); 
                    changingOrdinal = tmpTypeMetadata.GetOrdinalforOLayerMemberName(complexObjectMemberName); 
                    if (changingOrdinal == -1)
                        throw EntityUtil.ChangeOnUnmappedComplexProperty(complexObjectMemberName);

                    tmpChangingMemberName = complexObjectMemberName; 
                    tmpChangingObject = complexObject;
                    tmpTypeMetadata = _cacheTypeMetadata; 
                    tmpChangingMemberName = entityMemberName;
                    tmpChangingObject = this.Entity;
                    if (WrappedEntity.IdentityType != Entity.GetType() && // Is a proxy
                        Entity is IEntityWithChangeTracker && // Is a full proxy 
                        IsPropertyAForeignKey(entityMemberName)) // Property is part of FK
                        // Set a flag so that we don't try to set FK propertis while already in a setter. 
                        _cache.InFKSetter = true;

                VerifyEntityValueIsEditable(tmpTypeMetadata, changingOrdinal, tmpChangingMemberName);
                typeMetadata = tmpTypeMetadata;
                changingMemberName = tmpChangingMemberName; 
                changingObject = tmpChangingObject; 
                return changingOrdinal;

        /// Helper method to set the information needed for the change tracking cache. Ensures that all of these values get set together. 
        private void SetCachedChangingValues(string entityMemberName, object changingObject, string changingMember, EntityState changingState, object oldValue) 
            _cache.ChangingEntityMember = entityMemberName;
            _cache.ChangingObject = changingObject; 
            _cache.ChangingMember = changingMember;
            _cache.ChangingState = changingState;
            _cache.ChangingOldValue = oldValue;
            if (changingState == EntityState.Detached) 
                _cache.SaveOriginalValues = false; 
        [DebuggerBrowsable(DebuggerBrowsableState.Never)] // don't have debugger view expand this
        internal OriginalValueRecord EditableOriginalValues
                Debug.Assert(!this.IsKeyEntry, "should not edit original key entry"); 
                Debug.Assert(EntityState.Modified == State || 
                             EntityState.Deleted == State ||
                             EntityState.Unchanged == State, 
                             "only expecting Modified or Deleted state");

                return new ObjectStateEntryOriginalDbUpdatableDataRecord_Internal(this, _cacheTypeMetadata, _wrappedEntity.Entity);
        internal void DetachObjectStateManagerFromEntity() 
            // This method can be called on relationship entries where there is no entity 
            if (!this.IsKeyEntry) // _wrappedEntity.Entity is not null.

                if (!this._cache.TransactionManager.IsAttachTracking || 
                     this._cache.TransactionManager.OriginalMergeOption != MergeOption.NoTracking) 
                    // If AttachTo() failed while attaching graph retrieved with NoTracking option, 
                    // we don't want to reset the EntityKey

                    //Entry's this._entityKey is set to null at the caller, maintaining consistency between entityWithKey.EntityKey and this.EntityKey
                    _wrappedEntity.EntityKey = null; 

        // This method is used for entities which don't implement IEntityWithChangeTracker to store orignal values of properties 
        // which are later used to detect changes in properties
        internal void TakeSnapshot(bool onlySnapshotComplexProperties)

            if (this.State != EntityState.Added) 
                StateManagerTypeMetadata metadata = this._cacheTypeMetadata;
                int fieldCount = this.GetFieldCount(metadata);
                object currentValue;

                for (int i = 0; i < fieldCount; i++) 
                    StateManagerMemberMetadata member = metadata.Member(i); 
                    if (member.IsComplex) 
                        // memberValue is a complex object 
                        currentValue = member.GetValue(this._wrappedEntity.Entity);
                        this.AddComplexObjectSnapshot(this.Entity, i, currentValue);
                        this.TakeSnapshotOfComplexType(member, currentValue);
                    else if (!onlySnapshotComplexProperties)
                        currentValue = member.GetValue(this._wrappedEntity.Entity); 
                        this.AddOriginalValue(member, this._wrappedEntity.Entity, currentValue);

        internal void TakeSnapshotOfForeignKeys() 
            Dictionary> keys; 
            this.FindRelatedEntityKeysByForeignKeys(out keys, useOriginalValues: false);
            if (keys != null)
                foreach (var pair in keys) 
                    EntityReference reference = pair.Key as EntityReference; 
                    Debug.Assert(reference != null, "EntityReference expected"); 
                    Debug.Assert(pair.Value.Count == 1, "Unexpected number of keys");
                    if (!ForeignKeyFactory.IsConceptualNullKey(reference.CachedForeignKey))
                        reference.SetCachedForeignKey(pair.Value.First(), this);

        private void TakeSnapshotOfComplexType(StateManagerMemberMetadata member, object complexValue) 
            Debug.Assert(member.IsComplex, "Cannot expand non-complex objects");

            // Skip null values 
            if (complexValue == null)
            StateManagerTypeMetadata typeMetadata = _cache.GetOrAddStateManagerTypeMetadata(member.CdmMetadata.TypeUsage.EdmType);
            for (int i = 0; i < typeMetadata.FieldCount; i++) 
                StateManagerMemberMetadata complexMember = typeMetadata.Member(i);
                object currentValue = complexMember.GetValue(complexValue);
                if (complexMember.IsComplex) 
                    // Recursive call for nested complex types 
                    // For POCO objects we have to store a reference to the original complex object 
                    this.AddComplexObjectSnapshot(complexValue, i, currentValue);
                    TakeSnapshotOfComplexType(complexMember, currentValue); 
                    if (!FindOriginalValue(complexMember, complexValue)) 
                        AddOriginalValue(complexMember, complexValue, currentValue); 

        private void AddComplexObjectSnapshot(object userObject, int ordinal, object complexObject)
            Debug.Assert(userObject != null, "null userObject");
            Debug.Assert(ordinal >= 0, "invalid ordinal"); 
            if (complexObject == null)

            // Verify if the same complex object is not used multiple times. 
            if (this._originalComplexObjects == null) 
                this._originalComplexObjects = new Dictionary>(); 
            Dictionary ordinal2complexObject;
            if (!this._originalComplexObjects.TryGetValue(userObject, out ordinal2complexObject))
                ordinal2complexObject = new Dictionary();
                this._originalComplexObjects.Add(userObject, ordinal2complexObject); 

            Debug.Assert(!ordinal2complexObject.ContainsKey(ordinal), "shouldn't contain this ordinal yet"); 
            ordinal2complexObject.Add(ordinal, complexObject);

        private void CheckForDuplicateComplexObjects(object complexObject) 
            if (this._originalComplexObjects == null || complexObject == null) 

            foreach (Dictionary ordinal2complexObject in this._originalComplexObjects.Values) 
                foreach (object oldComplexObject in ordinal2complexObject.Values)
                    if (Object.ReferenceEquals(complexObject, oldComplexObject)) 
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(System.Data.Entity.Strings.ObjectStateEntry_ComplexObjectUsedMultipleTimes(this.Entity.GetType().FullName, complexObject.GetType().FullName)); 

        // This method uses original values stored in the ObjectStateEntry to detect changes in values of entity's properties
        internal void DetectChangesInProperties(bool detectOnlyComplexProperties) 
            Debug.Assert(!this.IsKeyEntry, "Entry should be an EntityEntry"); 
            Debug.Assert(this.State != EntityState.Added, "This method should not be called for entries in Added state"); 

            StateManagerTypeMetadata metadata = this._cacheTypeMetadata; 

            int fieldCount = this.GetFieldCount(metadata);
            object currentValue;
            object originalStateManagerValue; 
            bool originalValueFound;
            for (int i = 0; i < fieldCount; i++) 
                StateManagerMemberMetadata member = metadata.Member(i); 
                currentValue = member.GetValue(this._wrappedEntity.Entity);
                if (member.IsComplex)
                    if (this.State != EntityState.Deleted) 
                        var oldComplexValue = this.GetComplexObjectSnapshot(this.Entity, i); 
                        bool complexObjectInstanceChanged = this.DetectChangesInComplexType(member, member, currentValue, oldComplexValue); 
                        if (complexObjectInstanceChanged)
                            // instance of complex object was changed

                            // Before updating the snapshot verify if the same complex object is not used multiple times.

                            // equivalent of EntityObject.ReportPropertyChanging() 

                            Debug.Assert(_cache.SaveOriginalValues, "complex object instance was changed so the SaveOriginalValues flag should be set to true"); 

                            // Since the EntityMemberChanging method is called AFTER the complex object was changed, it means that
                            // the EntityMemberChanging method was unable to find the real oldValue.
                            // The real old value is stored for POCO objects in _originalComplexObjects dictionary. 
                            // The cached changing oldValue has to be updated with the real oldValue.
                            _cache.ChangingOldValue = oldComplexValue; 
                            // equivalent of EntityObject.ReportPropertyChanged()

                            // The _originalComplexObjects should always contain references to the values of complex objects which are "original"
                            // at the moment of calling GetComplexObjectSnapshot().  They are used to get original scalar values from _originalValues.
                            this.UpdateComplexObjectSnapshot(member, this.Entity, i, currentValue); 
                else if (!detectOnlyComplexProperties)
                    originalValueFound = this.FindOriginalValue(member, this._wrappedEntity.Entity, out originalStateManagerValue);
                    Debug.Assert(originalValueFound, "Original value not found even after snapshot.");
                    var originalValue = ((StateManagerValue)originalStateManagerValue).originalValue;
                    if (!Object.Equals(currentValue, originalValue)) 
                        // Key property - throw if the actual byte values have changed, otherwise ignore the change 
                        if (member.IsPartOfKey) 
                            if (!ByValueEqualityComparer.Default.Equals(currentValue, originalValue)) 
                                throw EntityUtil.CannotModifyKeyProperty(member.CLayerName);
                            if (this.State != EntityState.Deleted) 
                                // equivalent of EntityObject.ReportPropertyChanging() 

                                // equivalent of EntityObject.ReportPropertyChanged()

        private bool DetectChangesInComplexType(
            StateManagerMemberMetadata topLevelMember, 
            StateManagerMemberMetadata complexMember,
            object complexValue, 
            object oldComplexValue) 
            Debug.Assert(complexMember.IsComplex, "Cannot expand non-complex objects"); 

            if (complexValue == null)
                // If the values are just null, do not detect this as a change 
                if (oldComplexValue == null)
                    return false; 
                throw EntityUtil.NullableComplexTypesNotSupported(complexMember.CLayerName); 

            if (!Object.ReferenceEquals(oldComplexValue, complexValue))
                // Complex object instance was changed.  The calling method will update the snapshot of this object.
                return true; 

            Debug.Assert(oldComplexValue != null, "original complex type value should not be null at this point"); 

            StateManagerTypeMetadata metadata = _cache.GetOrAddStateManagerTypeMetadata(complexMember.CdmMetadata.TypeUsage.EdmType);
            for (int i = 0; i < GetFieldCount(metadata); i++)
                StateManagerMemberMetadata member = metadata.Member(i);
                object currentValue = null; 
                currentValue = member.GetValue(complexValue); 
                if (member.IsComplex)
                    if (this.State != EntityState.Deleted)
                        var oldNestedComplexValue = this.GetComplexObjectSnapshot(complexValue, i);
                        bool complexObjectInstanceChanged = DetectChangesInComplexType(topLevelMember, member, currentValue, oldNestedComplexValue); 
                        if (complexObjectInstanceChanged)
                            // instance of complex object was changed 

                            // Before updating the snapshot verify if the same complex object is not used multiple times. 

                            // equivalent of EntityObject.ReportComplexPropertyChanging()
                            ((IEntityChangeTracker)this).EntityComplexMemberChanging(topLevelMember.CLayerName, complexValue, member.CLayerName); 

                            // Since the EntityComplexMemberChanging method is called AFTER the complex object was changed, it means that 
                            // the EntityComplexMemberChanging method was unable to find real oldValue. 
                            // The real old value is stored for POCO objects in _originalComplexObjects dictionary.
                            // The cached changing oldValue has to be updated with the real oldValue. 
                            _cache.ChangingOldValue = oldNestedComplexValue;

                            // equivalent of EntityObject.ReportComplexPropertyChanged()
                            ((IEntityChangeTracker)this).EntityComplexMemberChanged(topLevelMember.CLayerName, complexValue, member.CLayerName); 

                            // The _originalComplexObjects should always contain references to the values of complex objects which are "original" 
                            // at the moment of calling GetComplexObjectSnapshot().  They are used to get original scalar values from _originalValues. 
                            this.UpdateComplexObjectSnapshot(member, complexValue, i, currentValue);
                    object originalStateManagerValue;
                    bool originalValueFound = FindOriginalValue(member, complexValue, out originalStateManagerValue); 
                    Debug.Assert(originalValueFound, "if the complex object instance was changed, it should be detected earlier.  If the instance wasn't changed, the original values should be found."); 
                    if (!Object.Equals(currentValue, ((StateManagerValue)originalStateManagerValue).originalValue))
                        Debug.Assert(!member.IsPartOfKey, "Found member of complex type that is part of a key");
                        // equivalent of EntityObject.ReportComplexPropertyChanging()
                        ((IEntityChangeTracker)this).EntityComplexMemberChanging(topLevelMember.CLayerName, complexValue, member.CLayerName);
                        // equivalent of EntityObject.ReportComplexPropertyChanged()
                        ((IEntityChangeTracker)this).EntityComplexMemberChanged(topLevelMember.CLayerName, complexValue, member.CLayerName); 
            // Scalar value in a complex object was changed
            return false;
        private object GetComplexObjectSnapshot(object parentObject, int parentOrdinal)
            object oldComplexObject = null; 
            if (this._originalComplexObjects != null)
                Dictionary ordinal2complexObject;
                if (this._originalComplexObjects.TryGetValue(parentObject, out ordinal2complexObject))
                    ordinal2complexObject.TryGetValue(parentOrdinal, out oldComplexObject); 
            return oldComplexObject; 
        // The _originalComplexObjects should always contain references to the values of complex objects which are "original"
        // at the moment of calling GetComplexObjectSnapshot().  They are used to get original scalar values from _originalValues
        // and to check if complex object instance was changed.
        // This method should be called after EntityMemberChanged in POCO case. 
        internal void UpdateComplexObjectSnapshot(StateManagerMemberMetadata member, object userObject, int ordinal, object currentValue)
            bool requiresAdd = true; 
            if (this._originalComplexObjects != null)
                Dictionary ordinal2complexObject;
                if (this._originalComplexObjects.TryGetValue(userObject, out ordinal2complexObject))
                    Debug.Assert(ordinal2complexObject != null, "value should already exists"); 
                    object oldValue = ordinal2complexObject[ordinal];
                    ordinal2complexObject[ordinal] = currentValue; 
                    // check nested complex objects (if they exist)
                    if (this._originalComplexObjects.TryGetValue(oldValue, out ordinal2complexObject)) 
                        this._originalComplexObjects.Add(currentValue, ordinal2complexObject);
                        StateManagerTypeMetadata typeMetadata = _cache.GetOrAddStateManagerTypeMetadata(member.CdmMetadata.TypeUsage.EdmType);
                        for (int i = 0; i < typeMetadata.FieldCount; i++) 
                            StateManagerMemberMetadata complexMember = typeMetadata.Member(i);
                            if (complexMember.IsComplex) 
                                object nestedValue = complexMember.GetValue(currentValue);
                                // Recursive call for nested complex objects
                                UpdateComplexObjectSnapshot(complexMember, currentValue, i, nestedValue); 
                    requiresAdd = false;
                AddComplexObjectSnapshot(userObject, ordinal, currentValue); 
        /// Processes each dependent end of an FK relationship in this entity and determines if a nav 
        /// prop is set to a principal.  If it is, and if the principal is Unchanged or Modified,
        /// then the primary key value is taken from the principal and used to fixup the FK value.
        /// This is called during AddObject so that references set from the added object will take
        /// precedence over FK values such that there is no need for the user to set FK values 
        /// explicitly.  If a conflict in the FK value is encountered due to an overlapping FK
        /// that is tied to two different PK values, then an exception is thrown. 
        /// Note that references to objects that are not yet tracked by the context are ignored, since 
        /// they will ultimately be brought into the context as Added objects, at which point we would
        /// have skipped them anyway because the are not Unchanged or Modified. 
        internal void FixupFKValuesFromNonAddedReferences()
            Debug.Assert(EntitySet is EntitySet, "Expect entity entries to have true entity sets."); 
            if (!((EntitySet)EntitySet).HasForeignKeyRelationships)
            // Keep track of all FK values that have already been set so that we can detect conflicts.
            var changedFKs = new Dictionary();
            foreach (Tuple dependent in ForeignKeyDependents)
                var reference = RelationshipManager.GetRelatedEndInternal(dependent.Item1.ElementType.FullName, dependent.Item2.FromRole.Name) as EntityReference;
                Debug.Assert(reference != null, "Expected reference to exist and be an entity reference (not collection)"); 
                if (reference.TargetAccessor.HasProperty)
                    var principal = WrappedEntity.GetNavigationPropertyValue(reference);
                    if (principal != null)
                        ObjectStateEntry principalEntry; 
                        if (_cache.TryGetObjectStateEntry(principal, out principalEntry) &&
                            (principalEntry.State == EntityState.Modified || principalEntry.State == EntityState.Unchanged)) 
                            Debug.Assert(principalEntry is EntityEntry, "Existing entry for an entity must be an EntityEntry, not a RelationshipEntry");
                            reference.UpdateForeignKeyValues(WrappedEntity, ((EntityEntry)principalEntry).WrappedEntity, changedFKs, forceChange: false); 
        // Method used for entities which don't implement IEntityWithRelationships 
        internal void TakeSnapshotOfRelationships()
            Debug.Assert(this._wrappedEntity != null, "wrapped entity shouldn't be null");
            Debug.Assert(!(this._wrappedEntity.Entity is IEntityWithRelationships), "this method should be called only for entities which don't implement IEntityWithRelationships");

            RelationshipManager rm = this._wrappedEntity.RelationshipManager; 

            StateManagerTypeMetadata metadata = this._cacheTypeMetadata; 
            ReadOnlyMetadataCollection navigationProperties =
                (metadata.CdmMetadata.EdmType as EntityType).NavigationProperties; 

            foreach (NavigationProperty n in navigationProperties)
                RelatedEnd relatedEnd = rm.GetRelatedEndInternal(n.RelationshipType.FullName, n.ToEndMember.Name); 
                object val = this.WrappedEntity.GetNavigationPropertyValue(relatedEnd);
                if (val != null) 
                    if (n.ToEndMember.RelationshipMultiplicity == RelationshipMultiplicity.Many) 
                        // Collection
                        IEnumerable collection = val as IEnumerable;
                        if (collection == null) 
                            throw new EntityException(System.Data.Entity.Strings.ObjectStateEntry_UnableToEnumerateCollection(n.Name, this.Entity.GetType().FullName)); 

                        foreach (object o in collection) 
                            // Skip nulls in collections
                            if (o != null)
                                this.TakeSnapshotOfSingleRelationship(relatedEnd, n, o);
                        // Reference
                        this.TakeSnapshotOfSingleRelationship(relatedEnd, n, val);

        private void TakeSnapshotOfSingleRelationship(RelatedEnd relatedEnd, NavigationProperty n, object o) 
            // Related entity can be already attached, so find the existing entry
            EntityEntry relatedEntry = this.ObjectStateManager.FindEntityEntry(o);
            IEntityWrapper relatedWrapper; 

            if (relatedEntry != null) 
                Debug.Assert(this.ObjectStateManager.TransactionManager.IsAddTracking ||
                    this.ObjectStateManager.TransactionManager.IsAttachTracking, "Should be inside Attach or Add"); 

                //relatedEntry.VerifyOrUpdateRelatedEnd(n, this._wrappedEntity);
                relatedWrapper = relatedEntry._wrappedEntity;
                // In case of unidirectional relationships, it is possible that the other end of relationship was already added
                // to the context but its relationship manager doesn't contain proper related end with the current entity. 
                // In OSM we treat all relationships as bidirectional so the related end has to be updated. 
                RelatedEnd otherRelatedEnd = relatedWrapper.RelationshipManager.GetRelatedEndInternal(n.RelationshipType.FullName, n.FromEndMember.Name);
                if (!otherRelatedEnd.ContainsEntity(this._wrappedEntity)) 
                    Debug.Assert(relatedWrapper.ObjectStateEntry != null, "Expected related entity to be tracked in snapshot code.");
                    if (relatedWrapper.ObjectStateEntry.State == EntityState.Deleted)
                        throw EntityUtil.UnableToAddRelationshipWithDeletedEntity();
                    if (ObjectStateManager.TransactionManager.IsAttachTracking && 
                        (State & (EntityState.Modified | EntityState.Unchanged)) != 0 &&
                        (relatedWrapper.ObjectStateEntry.State & (EntityState.Modified | EntityState.Unchanged)) != 0) 
                        EntityEntry principalEntry = null;
                        EntityEntry dependentEntry = null;
                        if (relatedEnd.IsDependentEndOfReferentialConstraint(checkIdentifying: false)) 
                            principalEntry = relatedWrapper.ObjectStateEntry; 
                            dependentEntry = this; 
                        else if (otherRelatedEnd.IsDependentEndOfReferentialConstraint(checkIdentifying: false)) 
                            principalEntry = this;
                            dependentEntry = relatedWrapper.ObjectStateEntry;
                        if (principalEntry != null)
                            var constraint = ((AssociationType)relatedEnd.RelationMetadata).ReferentialConstraints[0]; 
                            if (!RelatedEnd.VerifyRIConstraintsWithRelatedEntry(constraint, dependentEntry.GetCurrentEntityValue, principalEntry.EntityKey))
                                throw EntityUtil.InconsistentReferentialConstraintProperties();
                    // Keep track of the fact that we aligned the related end here so that we can undo
                    // it in rollback without wiping the already existing nav properties. 
                    EntityReference otherEndAsRef = otherRelatedEnd as EntityReference; 
                    if (otherEndAsRef != null && otherEndAsRef.NavigationPropertyIsNullOrMissing())
                    otherRelatedEnd.AddToLocalCache(this._wrappedEntity, applyConstraints: true);
                    otherRelatedEnd.OnAssociationChanged(CollectionChangeAction.Add, _wrappedEntity.Entity); 
                if (!this.ObjectStateManager.TransactionManager.WrappedEntities.TryGetValue(o, out relatedWrapper)) 
                    relatedWrapper = EntityWrapperFactory.WrapEntityUsingStateManager(o, this.ObjectStateManager);

            if (!relatedEnd.ContainsEntity(relatedWrapper)) 
                relatedEnd.AddToLocalCache(relatedWrapper, true);
                relatedEnd.OnAssociationChanged(CollectionChangeAction.Add, relatedWrapper.Entity); 

        internal void DetectChangesInRelationshipsOfSingleEntity() 
            Debug.Assert(!this.IsKeyEntry, "Entry should be an EntityEntry"); 
            Debug.Assert(!(this.Entity is IEntityWithRelationships), "Entity shouldn't implement IEntityWithRelationships"); 

            StateManagerTypeMetadata metadata = this._cacheTypeMetadata; 

            ReadOnlyMetadataCollection navigationProperties =
                (metadata.CdmMetadata.EdmType as EntityType).NavigationProperties;
            foreach (NavigationProperty n in navigationProperties)
                RelatedEnd relatedEnd = this.WrappedEntity.RelationshipManager.GetRelatedEndInternal(n.RelationshipType.FullName, n.ToEndMember.Name); 
                Debug.Assert(relatedEnd != null, "relatedEnd is null");
                object val = this.WrappedEntity.GetNavigationPropertyValue(relatedEnd);

                HashSet current = new HashSet();
                if (val != null) 
                    if (n.ToEndMember.RelationshipMultiplicity == RelationshipMultiplicity.Many) 
                        // Collection
                        IEnumerable collection = val as IEnumerable; 
                        if (collection == null)
                            throw new EntityException(System.Data.Entity.Strings.ObjectStateEntry_UnableToEnumerateCollection(n.Name, this.Entity.GetType().FullName));
                        foreach (object o in collection)
                            // Skip nulls in collections 
                            if (o != null)
                        // Reference 

                // find deleted entities
                foreach (object o in relatedEnd.GetInternalEnumerable()) 
                    if (!current.Contains(o)) 
                            this.ObjectStateManager.TransactionManager.DeletedRelationshipsByGraph, o, relatedEnd, verifyForAdd:false); 
                // "current" contains now only added entities
                foreach (object o in current) 
                        this.ObjectStateManager.TransactionManager.AddedRelationshipsByGraph, o, relatedEnd, verifyForAdd:true);
        private void AddRelationshipDetectedByGraph(
            Dictionary>> relationships, 
            object relatedObject,
            RelatedEnd relatedEndFrom,
            bool verifyForAdd)
            IEntityWrapper relatedWrapper = EntityWrapperFactory.WrapEntityUsingStateManager(relatedObject, this.ObjectStateManager);
            this.AddDetectedRelationship(relationships, relatedWrapper, relatedEndFrom); 

            RelatedEnd relatedEndTo = relatedEndFrom.GetOtherEndOfRelationship(relatedWrapper); 

            if (verifyForAdd &&
                relatedEndTo is EntityReference &&
                this.ObjectStateManager.FindEntityEntry(relatedObject) == null) 
                // If the relatedObject is not tracked by the context, let's detect it before OSM.PerformAdd to avoid 
                // making RelatedEnd.Add() more complicated (it would have to know when the values in relatedEndTo can be overriden, and when not 

            this.AddDetectedRelationship(relationships, _wrappedEntity, relatedEndTo);
        private void AddRelationshipDetectedByForeignKey(
            Dictionary>> relationships, 
            Dictionary>> principalRelationships, 
            EntityKey relatedKey,
            EntityEntry relatedEntry, 
            RelatedEnd relatedEndFrom)
            Debug.Assert(!relatedKey.IsTemporary, "the relatedKey was created by a method which returns only permaanent keys");
            this.AddDetectedRelationship(relationships, relatedKey, relatedEndFrom); 

            if (relatedEntry != null) 
                IEntityWrapper relatedWrapper = relatedEntry.WrappedEntity; ;
                RelatedEnd relatedEndTo = relatedEndFrom.GetOtherEndOfRelationship(relatedWrapper);

                EntityKey permanentKeyOwner = this.ObjectStateManager.GetPermanentKey(relatedEntry.WrappedEntity, relatedEndTo, this.WrappedEntity);
                this.AddDetectedRelationship(principalRelationships, permanentKeyOwner, relatedEndTo); 
        /// Designed to be used by Change Detection methods to insert 
        /// Added/Deleted relationships into 
        /// Creates new entries in the dictionaries if required
        /// IEntityWrapper or EntityKey 
        /// The set of detected relationships to add this entry to
        /// The entity the relationship points to 
        /// The related end the relationship originates from 
        private void AddDetectedRelationship(
            Dictionary>> relationships, 
            T relatedObject,
            RelatedEnd relatedEnd)
            // Update info about changes to this/from side of the relationship 
            Dictionary> alreadyDetectedRelationshipsFrom;
            if (!relationships.TryGetValue(relatedEnd.WrappedOwner, out alreadyDetectedRelationshipsFrom)) 
                alreadyDetectedRelationshipsFrom = new Dictionary>();
                relationships.Add(relatedEnd.WrappedOwner, alreadyDetectedRelationshipsFrom); 

            HashSet objectsInRelatedEnd;
            if (!alreadyDetectedRelationshipsFrom.TryGetValue(relatedEnd, out objectsInRelatedEnd)) 
                objectsInRelatedEnd = new HashSet(); 
                alreadyDetectedRelationshipsFrom.Add(relatedEnd, objectsInRelatedEnd); 
                if (relatedEnd is EntityReference)
                    Debug.Assert(objectsInRelatedEnd.Count() == 1, "unexpected number of entities for EntityReference"); 
                    T existingRelatedObject = objectsInRelatedEnd.First();
                    if (!Object.Equals(existingRelatedObject, relatedObject)) 
                        throw EntityUtil.CannotAddMoreThanOneEntityToEntityReference(


        /// Detaches an entry and create in its place key entry if necessary
        /// Removes relationships with another key entries and removes these key entries if necessary
        internal void Detach() 
            bool createKeyEntry = false;

            RelationshipManager relationshipManager = _wrappedEntity.RelationshipManager;
            Debug.Assert(relationshipManager != null, "Entity wrapper returned a null RelationshipManager"); 
            // Key entry should be created only when current entity is not in Added state
            // and if the entity is a "OneToOne" or "ZeroToOne" end of some existing relationship. 
            createKeyEntry = 
                    this.State != EntityState.Added &&

                // Remove current entity from collections/references (on both ends of relationship)
                // Relationship entries are removed from ObjectStateManager if current entity is in Added state 
                // or if current entity is a "Many" end of the relationship. 
                // NOTE In this step only relationship entries which have normal entity on the other end
                //      can be detached. 
                // NOTE In this step no Deleted relationship entries are detached.

            // Remove relationship entries which has a key entry on the other end. 
            // If the key entry does not have any other relationship, it is removed from Object State Manager.
            // NOTE Relationship entries which have a normal entity on the other end are detached only if the relationship state is Deleted.
            IEntityWrapper existingWrappedEntity = _wrappedEntity;
            EntityKey key = _entityKey; 
            EntityState state = State; 

            if (createKeyEntry) 
                // If entity is in state different than Added state, entityKey should not be set to null 
                // EntityKey is set to null in 
                //    ObjectStateManger.ChangeState() ->
                //    ObjectStateEntry.Reset() -> 
                //    ObjectStateEntry.DetachObjectStateManagerFromEntity()

                // Store data required to restore the entity key if needed.
                _wrappedEntity.ObjectStateEntry = null; 

                _cache.ChangeState(this, this.State, EntityState.Detached); 

            // In case the detach event modifies the key. 
            if (state != EntityState.Added)
                existingWrappedEntity.EntityKey = key;
        //"doFixup" equals to False is called from EntityCollection & Ref code only 
        internal void Delete(bool doFixup)

            if (this.IsKeyEntry)
                throw EntityUtil.CannotCallDeleteOnKeyEntry();
            if (doFixup && this.State != EntityState.Deleted)
                this.NullAllForeignKeys(); // May set conceptual nulls which will later be removed

            switch (State) 
                case EntityState.Added:
                    Debug.Assert(EntityState.Added == State, "Expected ObjectStateEntry state is Added; make sure FixupRelationship did not corrupt cache entry state"); 

                    _cache.ChangeState(this, EntityState.Added, EntityState.Detached);

                    Debug.Assert(null == _modifiedFields, "There should not be any modified fields"); 

                case EntityState.Modified: 
                    if (!doFixup)
                        // Even when we are not doing relationship fixup at the collection level, if the entry is not a relationship
                        // we need to check to see if there are relationships that are referencing keys that should be removed
                        // this mainly occurs in cascade delete scenarios
                        DeleteRelationshipsThatReferenceKeys(null, null); 
                    Debug.Assert(EntityState.Modified == State, "Expected ObjectStateEntry state is Modified; make sure FixupRelationship did not corrupt cache entry state"); 
                    _cache.ChangeState(this, EntityState.Modified, EntityState.Deleted); 
                    State = EntityState.Deleted;
                case EntityState.Unchanged:
                    if (!doFixup)
                        // Even when we are not doing relationship fixup at the collection level, if the entry is not a relationship
                        // we need to check to see if there are relationships that are referencing keys that should be removed 
                        // this mainly occurs in cascade delete scenarios 
                        DeleteRelationshipsThatReferenceKeys(null, null);
                    Debug.Assert(State == EntityState.Unchanged, "Unexpected state");
                    Debug.Assert(EntityState.Unchanged == State, "Expected ObjectStateEntry state is Unchanged; make sure FixupRelationship did not corrupt cache entry state");
                    _cache.ChangeState(this, EntityState.Unchanged, EntityState.Deleted);
                    Debug.Assert(null == _modifiedFields, "There should not be any modified fields"); 
                    State = EntityState.Deleted;
                case EntityState.Deleted:
                    // no-op 
        /// Nulls all FK values in this entity, or sets conceptual nulls if they are not nullable. 
        private void NullAllForeignKeys()
            foreach (var dependent in ForeignKeyDependents)
                EntityReference relatedEnd = WrappedEntity.RelationshipManager.GetRelatedEndInternal(
                    dependent.Item1.ElementType.FullName, dependent.Item2.FromRole.Name) as EntityReference; 
                Debug.Assert(relatedEnd != null, "Expected non-null EntityReference to principal.");
        private bool IsOneEndOfSomeRelationship()
            foreach (RelationshipEntry relationshipEntry in _cache.FindRelationshipsByKey(EntityKey))
                RelationshipMultiplicity multiplicity = this.GetAssociationEndMember(relationshipEntry).RelationshipMultiplicity;
                if (multiplicity == RelationshipMultiplicity.One || 
                    multiplicity == RelationshipMultiplicity.ZeroOrOne) 
                    EntityKey targetKey = relationshipEntry.RelationshipWrapper.GetOtherEntityKey(EntityKey); 
                    EntityEntry relatedEntry = _cache.GetEntityEntry(targetKey);
                    // Relationships with KeyEntries don't count.
                    if (!relatedEntry.IsKeyEntry)
                        return true;
            return false; 

        // Detaches related relationship entries if other ends of these relationships are key entries.
        // Detaches also related relationship entries if the entry is in Deleted state and the multiplicity is Many. 
        // Key entry from the other side of the relationship is removed if is not related to other entries.
        private void DetachRelationshipsEntries(RelationshipManager relationshipManager) 
            Debug.Assert(relationshipManager != null, "Unexpected null RelationshipManager");
            Debug.Assert(!this.IsKeyEntry, "Should only be detaching relationships with key entries if the source is not a key entry"); 

            foreach (RelationshipEntry relationshipEntry in _cache.CopyOfRelationshipsByKey(EntityKey))
                // Get state entry for other side of the relationship 
                EntityKey targetKey = relationshipEntry.RelationshipWrapper.GetOtherEntityKey(EntityKey);
                Debug.Assert((object)targetKey != null, "EntityKey not on either side of relationship as expected"); 
                EntityEntry relatedEntry = _cache.GetEntityEntry(targetKey);
                if (relatedEntry.IsKeyEntry) 
                    // This must be an EntityReference, so set the DetachedEntityKey if the relationship is currently Added or Unchanged
                    // devnote: This assumes that we are in the middle of detaching the entity associated with this state entry, because
                    //          we don't always want to preserve the EntityKey for every detached relationship, if the source entity itself isn't being detached 
                    if (relationshipEntry.State != EntityState.Deleted)
                        AssociationEndMember targetMember = relationshipEntry.RelationshipWrapper.GetAssociationEndMember(targetKey); 
                        // devnote: Since we know the target end of this relationship is a key entry, it has to be a reference, so just cast
                        EntityReference entityReference = (EntityReference)relationshipManager.GetRelatedEndInternal(targetMember.DeclaringType.FullName, targetMember.Name); 
                        entityReference.DetachedEntityKey = targetKey;
                    // else do nothing -- we can't null out the key for Deleted state, because there could be other relationships with this same source in a different state
                    // Remove key entry if necessary
                    // Remove relationship entry 
                    // Detach deleted relationships
                    if (relationshipEntry.State == EntityState.Deleted) 
                        RelationshipMultiplicity multiplicity = this.GetAssociationEndMember(relationshipEntry).RelationshipMultiplicity; 
                        if (multiplicity == RelationshipMultiplicity.Many) 
        private void FixupRelationships() 
            RelationshipManager relationshipManager = _wrappedEntity.RelationshipManager; 
            Debug.Assert(relationshipManager != null, "Entity wrapper returned a null RelationshipManager");
            DeleteRelationshipsThatReferenceKeys(null, null);

        /// see if there are any relationship entries that point to key entries 
        /// if there are, remove the relationship entry
        /// This is called when one of the ends of a relationship is being removed 
        /// An option relationshipSet; deletes only relationships that are part of this set
        internal void DeleteRelationshipsThatReferenceKeys(RelationshipSet relationshipSet, RelationshipEndMember endMember)
            if (State != EntityState.Detached)
                // devnote: Need to use a copy of the relationships list because we may be deleting Added 
                //          relationships, which will be removed from the list while we are still iterating
                foreach (RelationshipEntry relationshipEntry in _cache.CopyOfRelationshipsByKey(EntityKey)) 
                    // Only delete the relationship entry if it is not already deleted (in which case we cannot access its values)
                    // and when the given (optionally) relationshipSet matches the one in teh relationship entry
                    if ((relationshipEntry.State != EntityState.Deleted) && 
                        (relationshipSet == null || relationshipSet == relationshipEntry.EntitySet))
                        EntityEntry otherEnd = this.GetOtherEndOfRelationship(relationshipEntry); 
                        if (endMember == null || endMember == otherEnd.GetAssociationEndMember(relationshipEntry))
                            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                                EntityKey entityKey = relationshipEntry.GetCurrentRelationValue(i) as EntityKey;
                                if ((object)entityKey != null) 
                                    EntityEntry relatedEntry = _cache.GetEntityEntry(entityKey); 
                                    if (relatedEntry.IsKeyEntry) 
                                        // remove the relationshipEntry 

        // Retrieve referential constraint properties from Principal entities (possibly recursively)
        // and check referential constraint properties in the Dependent entities (1 level only) 
        // This code does not check the constraints on FKs because that work is instead done by
        // the FK fixup code that is also called from AcceptChanges. 
        // Returns true if any FK relationships were skipped so that they can be checked again after fixup 
        private bool RetrieveAndCheckReferentialConstraintValuesInAcceptChanges()
            RelationshipManager relationshipManager = _wrappedEntity.RelationshipManager;
            Debug.Assert(relationshipManager != null, "Entity wrapper returned a null RelationshipManager");
            // Find key property names which are part of referential integrity constraints
            List propertiesToRetrieve;  // names of properties which should be retrieved from Principal entities 
            bool propertiesToCheckExist;        // true iff there are properties which should be checked in dependent entities
            // Get RI property names from metadata 
            bool skippedFKs = relationshipManager.FindNamesOfReferentialConstraintProperties(out propertiesToRetrieve, out propertiesToCheckExist, skipFK: true);
            // Do not try to retrieve RI properties if entity doesn't participate in any RI Constraints
            if (propertiesToRetrieve != null)
                // Retrieve key values from related entities 
                Dictionary> properties;
                // Create HashSet to store references to already visited entities, used to detect circular references 
                HashSet visited = new HashSet();
                relationshipManager.RetrieveReferentialConstraintProperties(out properties, visited, includeOwnValues: false);

                // Update properties
                foreach (KeyValuePair> pair in properties) 
                    this.SetCurrentEntityValue(pair.Key /*name*/, pair.Value.Key /*value*/); 
            if (propertiesToCheckExist)
                // Compare properties of current entity with properties of the dependent entities
            return skippedFKs; 

        internal void RetrieveReferentialConstraintPropertiesFromKeyEntries(Dictionary> properties)
            string thisRole;
            AssociationSet association; 

            // Iterate through related relationship entries 
            foreach (RelationshipEntry relationshipEntry in _cache.FindRelationshipsByKey(EntityKey)) 
                EntityEntry otherEnd = this.GetOtherEndOfRelationship(relationshipEntry); 

                // We only try to retrieve properties from key entries
                if (otherEnd.IsKeyEntry)
                    association = (AssociationSet)relationshipEntry.EntitySet;
                    Debug.Assert(association != null, "relationship is not an association"); 
                    // Iterate through referential constraints of the association of the relationship
                    // NOTE PERFORMANCE This collection in current stack can have 0 or 1 elements 
                    foreach (ReferentialConstraint constraint in association.ElementType.ReferentialConstraints)
                        thisRole = this.GetAssociationEndMember(relationshipEntry).Name;
                        // Check if curent entry is a dependent end of the referential constraint
                        if (constraint.ToRole.Name == thisRole) 
                            Debug.Assert(!otherEnd.EntityKey.IsTemporary, "key of key entry can't be temporary");
                            IList otherEndKeyValues = otherEnd.EntityKey.EntityKeyValues; 
                            Debug.Assert(otherEndKeyValues != null, "key entry must have key values");

                            // NOTE PERFORMANCE Number of key properties is supposed to be "small"
                            foreach (EntityKeyMember pair in otherEndKeyValues) 
                                for (int i = 0; i < constraint.FromProperties.Count; ++i) 
                                    if (constraint.FromProperties[i].Name == pair.Key)
                                        EntityEntry.AddOrIncreaseCounter(properties, constraint.ToProperties[i].Name, pair.Value);

        internal static void AddOrIncreaseCounter(Dictionary> properties, string propertyName, object propertyValue)
            Debug.Assert(properties != null); 
            Debug.Assert(propertyName != null);
            Debug.Assert(propertyValue != null); 
            if (properties.ContainsKey(propertyName))
                // If this property already exists in the dictionary, check if value is the same then increase the counter

                KeyValuePair valueCounterPair = properties[propertyName];
                if (!ByValueEqualityComparer.Default.Equals(valueCounterPair.Key, propertyValue))
                    throw EntityUtil.InconsistentReferentialConstraintProperties(); 
                    valueCounterPair.Value.Value = valueCounterPair.Value.Value + 1;
                // If property doesn't exist in the dictionary - add new entry with pair
                properties[propertyName] = new KeyValuePair(propertyValue, new IntBox(1)); 
        // Check if related dependent entities contain proper property values
        // Only entities in Unchanged and Modified state are checked (including KeyEntries) 
        private void CheckReferentialConstraintPropertiesInDependents()
            string thisRole;
            AssociationSet association; 

            // Iterate through related relationship entries 
            foreach (RelationshipEntry relationshipEntry in _cache.FindRelationshipsByKey(EntityKey)) 
                EntityEntry otherEnd = this.GetOtherEndOfRelationship(relationshipEntry); 

                // We only check entries which are in Unchanged or Modified state
                // (including KeyEntries which are always in Unchanged State)
                if (otherEnd.State == EntityState.Unchanged || otherEnd.State == EntityState.Modified) 
                    association = (AssociationSet)relationshipEntry.EntitySet; 
                    Debug.Assert(association != null, "relationship is not an association"); 

                    // Iterate through referential constraints of the association of the relationship 
                    // NOTE PERFORMANCE This collection in current stack can have 0 or 1 elements
                    foreach (ReferentialConstraint constraint in association.ElementType.ReferentialConstraints)
                        thisRole = this.GetAssociationEndMember(relationshipEntry).Name; 

                        // Check if curent entry is a principal end of the referential constraint 
                        if (constraint.FromRole.Name == thisRole) 
                            Debug.Assert(!otherEnd.EntityKey.IsTemporary, "key of Unchanged or Modified entry can't be temporary"); 
                            IList otherEndKeyValues = otherEnd.EntityKey.EntityKeyValues;
                            // NOTE PERFORMANCE Number of key properties is supposed to be "small"
                            foreach (EntityKeyMember pair in otherEndKeyValues)
                                for (int i = 0; i < constraint.FromProperties.Count; ++i)
                                    if (constraint.ToProperties[i].Name == pair.Key) 
                                        if (!ByValueEqualityComparer.Default.Equals(GetCurrentEntityValue(constraint.FromProperties[i].Name), pair.Value)) 
                                            throw EntityUtil.InconsistentReferentialConstraintProperties();

        internal void PromoteKeyEntry(IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity, IExtendedDataRecord shadowValues, StateManagerTypeMetadata typeMetadata) 
            Debug.Assert(wrappedEntity != null, "entity wrapper cannot be null."); 
            Debug.Assert(wrappedEntity.Entity != null, "entity cannot be null."); 
            Debug.Assert(this.IsKeyEntry, "ObjectStateEntry should be a key.");
            Debug.Assert(typeMetadata != null, "typeMetadata cannot be null."); 

            _wrappedEntity = wrappedEntity;
            _wrappedEntity.ObjectStateEntry = this;
            // Allow updating of cached metadata because the actual entity might be a derived type
            _cacheTypeMetadata = typeMetadata; 
#if DEBUG   // performance, don't do this work in retail until shadow state is supported
            if (shadowValues != null) 
                // shadowState always  coms from materializer, just copy the shadowstate values
                Debug.Assert(shadowValues.DataRecordInfo.RecordType.EdmType.Equals(_cacheTypeMetadata.CdmMetadata.EdmType), "different cspace metadata instance");
                for (int ordinal = 0; ordinal < _cacheTypeMetadata.FieldCount; ordinal++) 
                    if (_cacheTypeMetadata.IsMemberPartofShadowState(ordinal)) 
                        Debug.Assert(false, "shadowstate not supported");

        /// Turns this entry into a key entry (SPAN stub). 
        internal void DegradeEntry() 
            Debug.Assert((object)_entityKey != null);
            _entityKey = EntityKey; //Performs validation.

            _modifiedFields = null; 
            _originalValues = null;
            _originalComplexObjects = null;

            // we don't want temporary keys to exist outside of the context 
            if (State == EntityState.Added)
                _wrappedEntity.EntityKey = null; 
                _entityKey = null;

            if (State != EntityState.Unchanged)
                _cache.ChangeState(this, this.State, EntityState.Unchanged); 
                State = EntityState.Unchanged;
            _wrappedEntity.ObjectStateEntry = null;

            object degradedEntity = _wrappedEntity.Entity;
            _wrappedEntity = EntityWrapperFactory.NullWrapper; 
            _cache.OnObjectStateManagerChanged(CollectionChangeAction.Remove, degradedEntity);
        internal void AttachObjectStateManagerToEntity()
            // This method should only be called in cases where we really have an entity to attach to
            Debug.Assert(_wrappedEntity.Entity != null, "Cannot attach a null entity to the state manager"); 

        // Get values of key properties which doesn't already exist in passed in 'properties' 
        internal void GetOtherKeyProperties(Dictionary> properties)
            Debug.Assert(properties != null);
            Debug.Assert(_cacheTypeMetadata != null); 
            Debug.Assert(_cacheTypeMetadata.DataRecordInfo != null);
            Debug.Assert(_cacheTypeMetadata.DataRecordInfo.RecordType != null); 
            EntityType entityType = _cacheTypeMetadata.DataRecordInfo.RecordType.EdmType as EntityType;
            Debug.Assert(entityType != null, "EntityType == null"); 

            foreach (EdmMember member in entityType.KeyMembers)
                if (!properties.ContainsKey(member.Name)) 
                    properties[member.Name] = new KeyValuePair(this.GetCurrentEntityValue(member.Name), new IntBox(1)); 

        internal void AddOriginalValue(StateManagerMemberMetadata memberMetadata, object userObject, object value)
            if (null == _originalValues) 
                _originalValues = new List(); 
            _originalValues.Add(new StateManagerValue(memberMetadata, userObject, value));

        internal void CompareKeyProperties(object changed)
            Debug.Assert(changed != null, "changed object is null"); 
            StateManagerTypeMetadata metadata = this._cacheTypeMetadata; 

            int fieldCount = this.GetFieldCount(metadata); 
            object currentValueNew;
            object currentValueOld;

            for (int i = 0; i < fieldCount; i++) 
                StateManagerMemberMetadata member = metadata.Member(i); 
                if (member.IsPartOfKey) 

                    currentValueNew = member.GetValue(changed);
                    currentValueOld = member.GetValue(_wrappedEntity.Entity);
                    if (!ByValueEqualityComparer.Default.Equals(currentValueNew, currentValueOld))
                        throw EntityUtil.CannotModifyKeyProperty(member.CLayerName); 

        // helper method used to get value of property 
        internal object GetCurrentEntityValue(string memberName)
            int ordinal = _cacheTypeMetadata.GetOrdinalforOLayerMemberName(memberName); 
            return GetCurrentEntityValue(_cacheTypeMetadata, ordinal, _wrappedEntity.Entity, ObjectStateValueRecord.CurrentUpdatable);

        /// Verifies that the property with the given ordinal is editable.
        /// the property is not editable
        internal void VerifyEntityValueIsEditable(StateManagerTypeMetadata typeMetadata, int ordinal, string memberName) 
            if (this.State == EntityState.Deleted)
                throw EntityUtil.CantModifyDetachedDeletedEntries();

            Debug.Assert(typeMetadata != null, "Cannot verify entity or complex object is editable if typeMetadata is null."); 
            StateManagerMemberMetadata member = typeMetadata.Member(ordinal);
            Debug.Assert(member != null, "Member shouldn't be null."); 

            // Key fields are only editable if the entry is the Added state. 
            if (member.IsPartOfKey && State != EntityState.Added)
                throw EntityUtil.CannotModifyKeyProperty(memberName);
        // This API are mainly for DbDataRecord implementations to get and set the values 
        // also for loadoptions, setoldvalue will be used.
        // we should handle just for C-space, we will not recieve a call from O-space for set 
        // We will not also return any value in term of O-Layer. all set and gets for us is in terms of C-layer.
        // the only O-layer interaction we have is through delegates from entity.
        internal void SetCurrentEntityValue(StateManagerTypeMetadata metadata, int ordinal, object userObject, object newValue)
            // required to validate state because entity could be detatched from this context and added to another context
            // and we want this to fail instead of setting the value which would redirect to the other context 

            StateManagerMemberMetadata member = metadata.Member(ordinal); 
            Debug.Assert(member != null, "StateManagerMemberMetadata was not found for the given ordinal.");

            if (member.IsComplex)
                if (newValue == null || newValue == DBNull.Value)
                    throw EntityUtil.NullableComplexTypesNotSupported(member.CLayerName); 
                IExtendedDataRecord newValueRecord = newValue as IExtendedDataRecord;
                if (newValueRecord == null)
                    throw EntityUtil.InvalidTypeForComplexTypeProperty("value"); 
                newValue = _cache.ComplexTypeMaterializer.CreateComplex(newValueRecord, newValueRecord.DataRecordInfo, null); 
            _wrappedEntity.SetCurrentValue(this, member, ordinal, userObject, newValue);

        private void TransitionRelationshipsForAdd() 
            foreach (RelationshipEntry relationshipEntry in _cache.CopyOfRelationshipsByKey(this.EntityKey)) 
                // Unchanged -> Added
                if (relationshipEntry.State == EntityState.Unchanged) 
                    this.ObjectStateManager.ChangeState(relationshipEntry, EntityState.Unchanged, EntityState.Added);
                    relationshipEntry.State = EntityState.Added;
                // Deleted -> Detached
                else if (relationshipEntry.State == EntityState.Deleted) 
                    // Remove key entry if necessary
                    // Remove relationship entry
        private void VerifyIsNotRelated()
            Debug.Assert(!this.IsKeyEntry, "shouldn't be called for a key entry");


        internal void ChangeObjectState(EntityState requestedState) 
            if (this.IsKeyEntry)
                if (requestedState == EntityState.Unchanged)
                    return; // No-op
                throw EntityUtil.CannotModifyKeyEntryState();
            switch (this.State)
                case EntityState.Added:
                    switch (requestedState)
                        case EntityState.Added: 
                            // Relationship fixup: Unchanged -> Added,  Deleted -> Detached
                        case EntityState.Unchanged:
                            // Relationship fixup: none 
                        case EntityState.Modified:
                            // Relationship fixup: none 
                        case EntityState.Deleted: 
                            // Need to forget conceptual nulls so that AcceptChanges does not throw.
                            // Note that there should always be no conceptual nulls left when we get into the Deleted state.
                            _cache.ForgetEntryWithConceptualNull(this, resetAllKeys: true);
                            // Relationship fixup: Added -> Detached, Unchanged -> Deleted 
                            // NOTE: OSM.TransactionManager.IsLocalPublicAPI == true so cascade delete and RIC are disabled 
                        case EntityState.Detached: 
                            // Relationship fixup: * -> Detached
                            throw EntityUtil.InvalidEntityStateArgument("state");
                case EntityState.Unchanged:
                    switch (requestedState) 
                        case EntityState.Added:
                            this._modifiedFields = null; 
                            this._originalValues = null;
                            this._originalComplexObjects = null; 
                            this.State = EntityState.Added; 
                            // Relationship fixup: Unchanged -> Added,  Deleted -> Detached
                        case EntityState.Unchanged:
                            // Relationship fixup: none
                        case EntityState.Modified:
                            // Relationship fixup: none 
                        case EntityState.Deleted:
                            // Relationship fixup: Added -> Detached,  Unchanged -> Deleted
                            // NOTE: OSM.TransactionManager.IsLocalPublicAPI == true so cascade delete and RIC are disabled
                        case EntityState.Detached: 
                            // Relationship fixup: * -> Detached 
                            throw EntityUtil.InvalidEntityStateArgument("state");
                case EntityState.Modified:
                    switch (requestedState) 
                        case EntityState.Added:
                            this._modifiedFields = null;
                            this._originalValues = null;
                            this._originalComplexObjects = null;
                            this.State = EntityState.Added; 
                            // Relationship fixup: Unchanged -> Added,  Deleted -> Detached
                        case EntityState.Unchanged:
                            // Relationship fixup: none
                        case EntityState.Modified:
                            // Relationship fixup: none 
                        case EntityState.Deleted:
                            // Relationship fixup: Added -> Detached,  Unchanged -> Deleted 
                            // NOTE: OSM.TransactionManager.IsLocalPublicAPI == true so cascade delete and RIC are disabled
                        case EntityState.Detached: 
                            // Relationship fixup: * -> Detached
                            throw EntityUtil.InvalidEntityStateArgument("state"); 
                case EntityState.Deleted:
                    switch (requestedState) 
                        case EntityState.Added: 
                            // Throw if the entry has some not-Deleted relationships 
                            this._modifiedFields = null;
                            this._originalValues = null;
                            this._originalComplexObjects = null; 
                            this.State = EntityState.Added;
                            _cache.FixupReferencesByForeignKeys(this); // Make sure refs based on FK values are set 
                            _cache.OnObjectStateManagerChanged(CollectionChangeAction.Add, Entity); 
                        case EntityState.Unchanged: 
                            // Throw if the entry has some not-Deleted relationship
                            this._modifiedFields = null;
                            this._originalValues = null; 
                            this._originalComplexObjects = null;
                            this.ObjectStateManager.ChangeState(this, EntityState.Deleted, EntityState.Unchanged); 
                            this.State = EntityState.Unchanged;
                            _wrappedEntity.TakeSnapshot(this); // refresh snapshot

                            _cache.FixupReferencesByForeignKeys(this); // Make sure refs based on FK values are set
                            _cache.OnObjectStateManagerChanged(CollectionChangeAction.Add, Entity); 

                            // Relationship fixup: none 
                        case EntityState.Modified:
                            // Throw if the entry has some not-Deleted relationship 
                            // Relationship fixup: none
                            this.ObjectStateManager.ChangeState(this, EntityState.Deleted, EntityState.Modified);
                            this.State = EntityState.Modified; 
                            _cache.FixupReferencesByForeignKeys(this); // Make sure refs based on FK values are set 
                            _cache.OnObjectStateManagerChanged(CollectionChangeAction.Add, Entity);
                        case EntityState.Deleted:
                            // No-op
                        case EntityState.Detached:
                            // Relationship fixup: * -> Detached 
                            throw EntityUtil.InvalidEntityStateArgument("state");
                case EntityState.Detached: 
                    Debug.Fail("detached entry");
        internal void UpdateOriginalValues(object entity)
            Debug.Assert(EntityState.Added != this.State, "Cannot change original values of an entity in the Added state");
            EntityState oldState = this.State;
            this.UpdateRecordWithSetModified(entity, this.EditableOriginalValues); 

            if (oldState == EntityState.Unchanged && this.State == EntityState.Modified) 
                // The UpdateRecord changes state but doesn't update ObjectStateManager's dictionaries.
                this.ObjectStateManager.ChangeState(this, oldState, EntityState.Modified);
        internal void UpdateRecordWithoutSetModified(object value, DbUpdatableDataRecord current) 
            UpdateRecord(value, current, UpdateRecordBehavior.WithoutSetModified, s_EntityRoot); 

        internal void UpdateRecordWithSetModified(object value, DbUpdatableDataRecord current)
            UpdateRecord(value, current, UpdateRecordBehavior.WithSetModified, s_EntityRoot);
        private enum UpdateRecordBehavior
        internal const int s_EntityRoot = -1;
        private void UpdateRecord(object value, DbUpdatableDataRecord current, UpdateRecordBehavior behavior, int propertyIndex) 
            Debug.Assert(null != value, "null value"); 
            Debug.Assert(null != current, "null CurrentValueRecord");
            Debug.Assert(!(value is IEntityWrapper));
            Debug.Assert(propertyIndex == s_EntityRoot ||
                         propertyIndex >= 0, "Unexpected index. Use -1 if the passed value is an entity, not a complex type object"); 

            // get Metadata for type 
            StateManagerTypeMetadata typeMetadata = current._metadata; 
            DataRecordInfo recordInfo = typeMetadata.DataRecordInfo;
            foreach (FieldMetadata field in recordInfo.FieldMetadata)
                int index = field.Ordinal;
                object fieldValue = typeMetadata.Member(index).GetValue(value) ?? DBNull.Value;
                if (Helper.IsComplexType(field.FieldType.TypeUsage.EdmType)) 
                    object existing = current.GetValue(index); 
                    // Ensure that the existing ComplexType value is not null. This is not supported.
                    if (existing == DBNull.Value)
                        throw EntityUtil.NullableComplexTypesNotSupported(field.FieldType.Name); 
                    else if (fieldValue != DBNull.Value) 
                        // There is both an IExtendedDataRecord and an existing CurrentValueRecord
                        // This part is different than Shaper.UpdateRecord - we have to remember the name of property on the entity (for complex types)
                        // For property of a complex type the rootCLayerName is CLayerName of the complex property on the entity.
                        this.UpdateRecord(fieldValue, (DbUpdatableDataRecord)existing,
                            propertyIndex == s_EntityRoot ? index : propertyIndex);
                                 "Property is not PrimitiveType");

                    // Set the new value if it doesn't match the existing value or if the field is modified and 
                    // this entity has a conceptual null, since setting the field may then clear the conceptual null--see 640443.
                    if (HasRecordValueChanged(current, index, fieldValue)) 
                        current.SetValue(index, fieldValue);
                        if (behavior == UpdateRecordBehavior.WithSetModified)
                            // This part is different than Shaper.UpdateRecord - we have to mark the field as modified.
                            // For property of a complex type the rootCLayerName is CLayerName of the complex property on the entity. 
                            SetModifiedPropertyInternal(propertyIndex == s_EntityRoot ? index : propertyIndex);

        internal bool HasRecordValueChanged(DbDataRecord record, int propertyIndex, object newFieldValue)
            object existing = record.GetValue(propertyIndex);
            return (existing != newFieldValue) && 
                (((object)DBNull.Value == newFieldValue) || 
                 ((object)DBNull.Value == existing) ||
                 (!ByValueEqualityComparer.Default.Equals(existing, newFieldValue))) || 
                (_cache.EntryHasConceptualNull(this) && _modifiedFields != null && _modifiedFields[propertyIndex]);

        internal void ApplyCurrentValuesInternal(IEntityWrapper wrappedCurrentEntity) 
            Debug.Assert(!IsKeyEntry, "Cannot apply values to a key KeyEntry."); 
            Debug.Assert(wrappedCurrentEntity != null, "null entity wrapper"); 

            if (this.State != EntityState.Modified && 
                this.State != EntityState.Unchanged)
                throw EntityUtil.EntityMustBeUnchangedOrModified(this.State);

            if (this.WrappedEntity.IdentityType != wrappedCurrentEntity.IdentityType) 
                throw EntityUtil.EntitiesHaveDifferentType(this.Entity.GetType().FullName, wrappedCurrentEntity.Entity.GetType().FullName);


        internal void UpdateCurrentValueRecord(object value) 
            Debug.Assert(!(value is IEntityWrapper)); 
            _wrappedEntity.UpdateCurrentValueRecord(value, this);

        internal void ApplyOriginalValuesInternal(IEntityWrapper wrappedOriginalEntity) 
            Debug.Assert(!IsKeyEntry, "Cannot apply values to a key KeyEntry."); 
            Debug.Assert(wrappedOriginalEntity != null, "null entity wrapper"); 

            if (this.State != EntityState.Modified && 
                this.State != EntityState.Unchanged &&
                this.State != EntityState.Deleted)
                throw EntityUtil.EntityMustBeUnchangedOrModifiedOrDeleted(this.State); 
            if (this.WrappedEntity.IdentityType != wrappedOriginalEntity.IdentityType) 
                throw EntityUtil.EntitiesHaveDifferentType(this.Entity.GetType().FullName, wrappedOriginalEntity.Entity.GetType().FullName); 

            // The ObjectStateEntry.UpdateModifiedFields uses a variation of Shaper.UpdateRecord method
            // which additionaly marks properties as modified as necessary. 
        /// For each FK contained in this entry, the entry is removed from the index maintained by
        /// the ObjectStateManager for that key.
        internal void RemoveFromForeignKeyIndex()
            if (!this.IsKeyEntry) 
                foreach (EntityReference relatedEnd in FindFKRelatedEnds()) 
                    foreach(EntityKey foreignKey in relatedEnd.GetAllKeyValues())
                        _cache.RemoveEntryFromForeignKeyIndex(foreignKey, this); 

        /// Looks at the foreign keys contained in this entry and performs fixup to the entities that
        /// they reference, or adds the key and this entry to the index of foreign keys that reference 
        /// entities that we don't yet know about.
        internal void FixupReferencesByForeignKeys(bool replaceAddedRefs) 
            Debug.Assert(_cache != null, "Attempt to fixup detached entity entry"); 
            bool setIsLoaded = !(_cache.TransactionManager.IsAttachTracking || _cache.TransactionManager.IsAddTracking);
                foreach (var dependent in ForeignKeyDependents)
                    EntityReference relatedEnd = WrappedEntity.RelationshipManager.GetRelatedEndInternal( 
                        dependent.Item1.ElementType.FullName, dependent.Item2.FromRole.Name) as EntityReference;
                    Debug.Assert(relatedEnd != null, "Expected non-null EntityReference to principal."); 
                    // Prevent fixup using values that are effectivly null but aren't nullable.
                    if (!ForeignKeyFactory.IsConceptualNullKey(relatedEnd.CachedForeignKey))
                        FixupEntityReferenceToPrincipal(relatedEnd, null, setIsLoaded, replaceAddedRefs); 
        internal void FixupEntityReferenceByForeignKey(EntityReference reference)
            // The FK is changing, so the reference is no longer loaded from the store, even if we do fixup 
            // Remove the existing CachedForeignKey
            bool hasConceptualNullFk = ForeignKeyFactory.IsConceptualNullKey(reference.CachedForeignKey);
            if (hasConceptualNullFk)
                ObjectStateManager.ForgetEntryWithConceptualNull(this, resetAllKeys: false);
            IEntityWrapper existingPrincipal = reference.ReferenceValue;
            EntityKey foreignKey = ForeignKeyFactory.CreateKeyFromForeignKeyValues(this, reference); 

            // Check if the new FK matches the key of the entity already at the principal end.
            // If it does, then don't change the ref.
            bool needToSetRef; 
            if ((object)foreignKey == null || existingPrincipal.Entity == null)
                needToSetRef = true; 
                EntityKey existingPrincipalKey = existingPrincipal.EntityKey;
                EntityEntry existingPrincipalEntry = existingPrincipal.ObjectStateEntry;
                if (existingPrincipalKey.IsTemporary && existingPrincipalEntry != null) 
                    // Build a temporary non-temp key for the added entity so we can see if it matches the new FK 
                    existingPrincipalKey = new EntityKey((EntitySet)existingPrincipalEntry.EntitySet, (IExtendedDataRecord)existingPrincipalEntry.CurrentValues); 
                // If existingPrincipalKey is still a temp key here, then the equality check will fail
                needToSetRef = !foreignKey.Equals(existingPrincipalKey);
            if (_cache.TransactionManager.RelationshipBeingUpdated != reference)
                if (needToSetRef) 
                    ObjectStateManager stateManager = _cache; 
                    // Keep track of this entity so that we don't try to delete/detach the entity while we're
                    // working with it.  This allows the FK to be set to some value without that entity being detached.
                    // However, if the FK is being set to null, then for an identifying relationship we will detach. 
                    if ((object)foreignKey != null)
                        _cache.TransactionManager.EntityBeingReparented = Entity; 
                        FixupEntityReferenceToPrincipal(reference, foreignKey, setIsLoaded: false, replaceExistingRef: true);
                        Debug.Assert(_cache != null, "Unexpected null state manager."); 
                        _cache.TransactionManager.EntityBeingReparented = null; 
                // We only want to update the CachedForeignKey and not touch the EntityReference.Value/EntityKey
                FixupEntityReferenceToPrincipal(reference, foreignKey, setIsLoaded: false, replaceExistingRef: false); 
        /// Given a RelatedEnd that represents a FK from this dependent entity to the principal entity of the
        /// relationship, this method fixes up references between the two entities.
        /// Represents a FK relationship to a principal
        /// The foreign key, if it has already been computed 
        /// If true, then the IsLoaded flag for the relationship is set 
        /// If true, then any existing references will be replaced
        internal void FixupEntityReferenceToPrincipal(EntityReference relatedEnd, EntityKey foreignKey, bool setIsLoaded, bool replaceExistingRef) 
            Debug.Assert(relatedEnd != null, "Found null RelatedEnd or EntityCollection to principal");
            if (foreignKey == null)
                foreignKey = ForeignKeyFactory.CreateKeyFromForeignKeyValues(this, relatedEnd);
            // Note that if we're not changing FKs directly, but rather as a result of fixup after a ref has changed, 
            // and if the entity currently being pointed to is Added, then we shouldn't clobber it, because a ref to
            // an Added entity wins in this case. 
            bool canModifyReference = _cache.TransactionManager.RelationshipBeingUpdated != relatedEnd &&
                                      (!_cache.TransactionManager.IsForeignKeyUpdate ||
                                       relatedEnd.ReferenceValue.ObjectStateEntry == null ||
                                       relatedEnd.ReferenceValue.ObjectStateEntry.State != EntityState.Added); 

            relatedEnd.SetCachedForeignKey(foreignKey, this);
            ObjectStateManager.ForgetEntryWithConceptualNull(this, resetAllKeys: false); 
            if (foreignKey != null) // Implies no value is null or CreateKeyFromForeignKeyValues would have returned null
                // Lookup key in OSM.  If found, then we can do fixup.  If not, then need to add to index
                // Should not overwrite a reference at this point since this might cause the graph to 
                // be shredded.  This allows us to correctly detect key violations or RIC violations later.
                EntityEntry principalEntry; 
                if (_cache.TryGetEntityEntry(foreignKey, out principalEntry) && 
                    !principalEntry.IsKeyEntry &&
                    principalEntry.State != EntityState.Deleted && 
                    (replaceExistingRef || WillNotRefSteal(relatedEnd, principalEntry.WrappedEntity)) &&
                    if (canModifyReference) 
                        // We add both sides to the promoted EntityKeyRefs collection because it could be the dependent or 
                        // the principal or both that are being added.  Having extra members in this index doesn't hurt. 
                        if (_cache.TransactionManager.PopulatedEntityReferences != null)
                            Debug.Assert(_cache.TransactionManager.IsAddTracking || _cache.TransactionManager.IsAttachTracking,
                                "PromotedEntityKeyRefs is non-null while not tracking add or attach");

                        // Set the EntityKey on the RelatedEnd--this will cause the reference to be set and fixup to happen. 
                        relatedEnd.SetEntityKey(foreignKey, forceFixup: true); 

                        if (_cache.TransactionManager.PopulatedEntityReferences != null) 
                            EntityReference otherEnd = relatedEnd.GetOtherEndOfRelationship(principalEntry.WrappedEntity) as EntityReference;
                            if (otherEnd != null)
                    if (setIsLoaded && principalEntry.State != EntityState.Added) 
                    // Add an entry to the index for later fixup 
                    _cache.AddEntryContainingForeignKeyToIndex(foreignKey, this);
                    if (canModifyReference && replaceExistingRef && relatedEnd.ReferenceValue.Entity != null) 
                        relatedEnd.ReferenceValue = EntityWrapperFactory.NullWrapper;
            else if(canModifyReference) 
                if (replaceExistingRef && (relatedEnd.ReferenceValue.Entity != null || relatedEnd.EntityKey != null))
                    relatedEnd.ReferenceValue = EntityWrapperFactory.NullWrapper;
                if (setIsLoaded)
                    // This is the case where a query comes from the database with a null FK value.
                    // We know that there is no related entity in the database and therefore the entity on the 
                    // other end of the relationship is as loaded as it is possible to be.  Therefore, we 
                    // set the IsLoaded flag so that if a user asks we will tell them that (based on last known
                    // state of the database) there is no need to do a load. 

        /// Determins whether or not setting a reference will cause implicit ref stealing as part of FK fixup. 
        /// If it would, then an exception is thrown.  If it would not and we can safely overwrite the existing
        /// value, then true is returned.  If it would not but we should not overwrite the existing value, 
        /// then false is returned.
        private bool WillNotRefSteal(EntityReference refToPrincipal, IEntityWrapper wrappedPrincipal)
            RelatedEnd dependentEnd = refToPrincipal.GetOtherEndOfRelationship(wrappedPrincipal); 
            EntityReference refToDependent = dependentEnd as EntityReference;
            if ((refToPrincipal.ReferenceValue.Entity == null && refToPrincipal.NavigationPropertyIsNullOrMissing()) && 
                (refToDependent == null || (refToDependent.ReferenceValue.Entity == null && refToDependent.NavigationPropertyIsNullOrMissing()))) 
                // Return true if the ref to principal is null and it's not 1:1 or it is 1:1 and the ref to dependent is also null. 
                return true;
            else if (refToDependent != null &&
                     (Object.ReferenceEquals(refToDependent.ReferenceValue.Entity, refToPrincipal.WrappedOwner.Entity) || 
                return true; 
            else if (refToDependent == null || 
                     Object.ReferenceEquals(refToPrincipal.ReferenceValue.Entity, wrappedPrincipal.Entity) ||
                // Return false if the ref to principal is non-null and it's not 1:1 
                return false;
                // Else it is 1:1 and one side or the other is non-null => reference steal! 
                throw EntityUtil.CannotAddMoreThanOneEntityToEntityReference(
        /// Given that this entry represents an entity on the dependent side of a FK, this method attempts to return the key of the
        /// entity on the principal side of the FK.  If the two entities both exist in the context, then the primary key of 
        /// the principal entity is found and returned.  If the principal entity does not exist in the context, then a key
        /// for it is built up from the foreign key values contained in the dependent entity.
        /// The role indicating the FK to navigate 
        /// Set to the principal key or null on return
        /// True if the principal key was found or built; false if it could not be found or built 
        internal bool TryGetReferenceKey(AssociationEndMember principalRole, out EntityKey principalKey) 
            EntityReference relatedEnd = (RelatedEnd)RelationshipManager.GetRelatedEnd(principalRole.DeclaringType.FullName, principalRole.Name) as EntityReference; 
            Debug.Assert(relatedEnd != null, "Expected there to be a non null EntityReference to the principal");
            if (relatedEnd.CachedValue.Entity == null || relatedEnd.CachedValue.ObjectStateEntry == null)
                principalKey = null; 
                return false;
            principalKey = relatedEnd.EntityKey ?? relatedEnd.CachedValue.ObjectStateEntry.EntityKey;
            return principalKey != null; 

        /// Performs fixuyup of foreign keys based on referencesd between objects.  This should only be called 
        /// for Added objects since this is the only time that references take precedence over FKs in fixup.
        internal void FixupForeignKeysByReference() 
            Debug.Assert(_cache != null, "Attempt to fixup detached entity entry"); 

        /// Fixup the FKs by the current reference values 
        /// Do this in the order of fixing up values from the principal ends first, and then propogate those values to the dependents
        private void FixupForeignKeysByReference(List visited)
            EntitySet entitySet = EntitySet as EntitySet;

            // Perf optimization to avoid all this work if the entity doesn't participate in any FK relationships
            if (!entitySet.HasForeignKeyRelationships) 

            foreach (var dependent in ForeignKeyDependents) 
                // Added dependent.  Make sure we traverse all the way to the top-most principal before beginging fixup.
                EntityReference reference = RelationshipManager.GetRelatedEndInternal(dependent.Item1.ElementType.FullName, dependent.Item2.FromRole.Name) as EntityReference;
                Debug.Assert(reference != null, "Expected reference to exist and be an entity reference (not collection)"); 
                IEntityWrapper existingPrincipal = reference.ReferenceValue;
                if (existingPrincipal.Entity != null) 
                    EntityEntry principalEntry = existingPrincipal.ObjectStateEntry;
                    bool? isOneToMany = null; 
                    if (principalEntry != null && principalEntry.State == EntityState.Added &&
                        (principalEntry != this || (isOneToMany = reference.GetOtherEndOfRelationship(existingPrincipal) is EntityReference).Value))
                        visited = visited ?? new List(); 
                        if (visited.Contains(this))
                            if (!isOneToMany.HasValue) 
                                isOneToMany = reference.GetOtherEndOfRelationship(existingPrincipal) is EntityReference; 
                            if (isOneToMany.Value)
                                // Cycles in constraints are dissallowed except for 1:* self references 
                                throw EntityUtil.CircularRelationshipsWithReferentialConstraints();
                    // "forceChange" is false because we don't want to actually set the property values 
                    // here if they are aready set to the same thing--we don't want the events and setting 
                    // the modified flag is irrelavent during AcceptChanges.
                    reference.UpdateForeignKeyValues(this.WrappedEntity, existingPrincipal, changedFKs: null, forceChange: false); 
                    EntityKey principalKey = reference.EntityKey; 
                    if (principalKey != null && !principalKey.IsTemporary)
                        reference.UpdateForeignKeyValues(this.WrappedEntity, principalKey); 

            foreach (var principal in ForeignKeyPrincipals)
                // Added prinipal end.  Fixup FKs on all dependents.
                // This is necessary because of the case where a PK in an added entity is changed after it and its dependnents 
                // are added to the context--see bug 628752. 
                bool fkOverlapsPk = false; // Set to true if we find out that the FK overlaps the dependent PK
                bool dependentPropsChecked = false; // Set to true once we have checked whether or not the FK overlaps the PK 
                EntityKey principalKey = WrappedEntity.EntityKey;
                RelatedEnd principalEnd = RelationshipManager.GetRelatedEndInternal(principal.Item1.ElementType.FullName, principal.Item2.ToRole.Name);
                foreach (IEntityWrapper dependent in principalEnd.GetWrappedEntities())
                    EntityEntry dependentEntry = dependent.ObjectStateEntry;
                    Debug.Assert(dependentEntry != null, "Should have fully tracked graph at this point."); 
                    if (dependentEntry.State != EntityState.Added && !dependentPropsChecked) 
                        dependentPropsChecked = true; 
                        foreach (EdmProperty dependentProp in principal.Item2.ToProperties)
                            int dependentOrdinal = dependentEntry._cacheTypeMetadata.GetOrdinalforOLayerMemberName(dependentProp.Name);
                            StateManagerMemberMetadata member = dependentEntry._cacheTypeMetadata.Member(dependentOrdinal); 
                            if (member.IsPartOfKey)
                                // If the FK overlpas the PK then we can't set it for non-Added entities. 
                                // In this situation we just continue with the next one and if the conflict
                                // may then be flagged later as a RIC check. 
                                fkOverlapsPk = true;
                    // This code relies on the fact that a dependent referenced to an Added principal must be either Added or 
                    // Modified since we cannpt trust thestate of the principal PK and therefore the dependent FK must also 
                    // be considered not completely trusted--it may need to be updated.
                    if (dependentEntry.State == EntityState.Added || (dependentEntry.State == EntityState.Modified && !fkOverlapsPk)) 
                        EntityReference principalRef = principalEnd.GetOtherEndOfRelationship(dependent) as EntityReference;
                        Debug.Assert(principalRef != null, "Expected reference to exist and be an entity reference (not collection)");
                        // "forceChange" is false because we don't want to actually set the property values 
                        // here if they are aready set to the same thing--we don't want the events and setting
                        // the modified flag is irrelavent during AcceptChanges. 
                        principalRef.UpdateForeignKeyValues(dependent, WrappedEntity, changedFKs: null, forceChange: false); 

        private bool IsPropertyAForeignKey(string propertyName) 
            foreach (var dependent in ForeignKeyDependents) 
                foreach (EdmProperty property in dependent.Item2.ToProperties)
                    if (property.Name == propertyName)
                        return true;
            return false; 
        private bool IsPropertyAForeignKey(string propertyName, out List> relationships)
            relationships = null;
            foreach (var dependent in ForeignKeyDependents)
                foreach (EdmProperty property in dependent.Item2.ToProperties) 
                    if (property.Name == propertyName) 
                        if (relationships == null)
                            relationships = new List>(); 
                        relationships.Add(new Pair(dependent.Item1.ElementType.FullName, dependent.Item2.FromRole.Name)); 

            return relationships != null;

        internal void FindRelatedEntityKeysByForeignKeys( 
            out Dictionary> relatedEntities, 
            bool useOriginalValues)
            relatedEntities = null;

            foreach (var dependent in ForeignKeyDependents)
                AssociationSet associationSet = dependent.Item1;
                ReferentialConstraint constraint = dependent.Item2; 
                // Get association end members for the dependent and the principal ends 
                string dependentId = constraint.ToRole.Identity;
                var setEnds = associationSet.AssociationSetEnds; 
                Debug.Assert(associationSet.AssociationSetEnds.Count == 2, "Expected an association set with only two ends.");
                AssociationEndMember dependentEnd;
                AssociationEndMember principalEnd;
                if (setEnds[0].CorrespondingAssociationEndMember.Identity == dependentId) 
                    dependentEnd = setEnds[0].CorrespondingAssociationEndMember; 
                    principalEnd = setEnds[1].CorrespondingAssociationEndMember; 
                    dependentEnd = setEnds[1].CorrespondingAssociationEndMember;
                    principalEnd = setEnds[0].CorrespondingAssociationEndMember;

                EntitySet principalEntitySet = MetadataHelper.GetEntitySetAtEnd(associationSet, principalEnd); 
                EntityKey foreignKey = ForeignKeyFactory.CreateKeyFromForeignKeyValues(this, constraint, principalEntitySet, useOriginalValues); 
                if (foreignKey != null) // Implies no value is null or CreateKeyFromForeignKeyValues would have returned null
                    EntityReference reference = RelationshipManager.GetRelatedEndInternal(
                        associationSet.ElementType.FullName, constraint.FromRole.Name) as EntityReference;

                    // only for deleted relationships the hashset can have > 1 elements 
                    HashSet entityKeys;
                    relatedEntities = relatedEntities != null ? relatedEntities : new Dictionary>(); 
                    if (!relatedEntities.TryGetValue(reference, out entityKeys)) 
                        entityKeys = new HashSet(); 
                        relatedEntities.Add(reference, entityKeys);
        /// Returns a list of all RelatedEnds for this entity 
        /// that are the dependent end of an FK Association
        internal IEnumerable FindFKRelatedEnds()
            HashSet relatedEnds = new HashSet();
            foreach (var dependent in ForeignKeyDependents) 
                EntityReference reference = RelationshipManager.GetRelatedEndInternal( 
                    dependent.Item1.ElementType.FullName, dependent.Item2.FromRole.Name) as EntityReference;
            return relatedEnds; 
        /// Identifies any changes in FK's and creates entries in;
        /// - TransactionManager.AddedRelationshipsByForeignKey 
        /// - TransactionManager.DeletedRelationshipsByForeignKey
        /// If the FK change will result in fix-up then two entries
        /// are added to TransactionManager.AddedRelationshipsByForeignKey 
        /// (one for each direction of the new realtionship)
        internal void DetectChangesInForeignKeys() 
            //DetectChangesInProperties should already have marked this entity as dirty 
            Debug.Assert(this.State == EntityState.Added || this.State == EntityState.Modified, "unexpected state");

            //We are going to be adding data to the TransactionManager
            TransactionManager tm = this.ObjectStateManager.TransactionManager; 

            foreach (EntityReference entityReference in this.FindFKRelatedEnds()) 
                EntityKey currentKey = ForeignKeyFactory.CreateKeyFromForeignKeyValues(this, entityReference);
                EntityKey originalKey = entityReference.CachedForeignKey; 
                bool originalKeyIsConceptualNull = ForeignKeyFactory.IsConceptualNullKey(originalKey);

                //If both keys are null there is nothing to check
                if (originalKey != null || currentKey != null) 
                    if (originalKey == null) 
                        //If original is null then we are just adding a relationship
                        EntityEntry entry; 
                        this.ObjectStateManager.TryGetEntityEntry(currentKey, out entry);
                        this.AddRelationshipDetectedByForeignKey(tm.AddedRelationshipsByForeignKey, tm.AddedRelationshipsByPrincipalKey, currentKey, entry, entityReference);
                    else if (currentKey == null) 
                        //If current is null we are just deleting a relationship 
                        Debug.Assert(!originalKeyIsConceptualNull, "If FK is nullable there shouldn't be a conceptual null set"); 
                        this.AddDetectedRelationship(tm.DeletedRelationshipsByForeignKey, originalKey, entityReference);
                    //If there is a Conceptual Null set we need to check if the current values
                    //are different from the values when the Conceptual Null was created
                    else if (!currentKey.Equals(originalKey)
                        && (!originalKeyIsConceptualNull || ForeignKeyFactory.IsConceptualNullKeyChanged(originalKey, currentKey))) 
                        //If keys don't match then we are always adding 
                        EntityEntry entry; 
                        this.ObjectStateManager.TryGetEntityEntry(currentKey, out entry);
                        this.AddRelationshipDetectedByForeignKey(tm.AddedRelationshipsByForeignKey, tm.AddedRelationshipsByPrincipalKey, currentKey, entry, entityReference); 

                        //And if the original key wasn't a conceptual null we are also deleting
                        if (!originalKeyIsConceptualNull)
                            this.AddDetectedRelationship(tm.DeletedRelationshipsByForeignKey, originalKey, entityReference);

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
//      Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// @owner       [....]
// @backupOwner [....] 
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data.Objects.Internal; 
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Data.Metadata.Edm;
using System.Data.Objects.DataClasses;
using System.Collections; 
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data.Common; 
using System.Data.Common.Internal.Materialization; 
using System.Data.Common.Utils;
using System.Linq; 

namespace System.Data.Objects
    internal sealed class EntityEntry : ObjectStateEntry 
#if DEBUG 
        private static int _objectTypeCount; // Bid counter 
        internal readonly int ObjectID = System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref _objectTypeCount);
        private StateManagerTypeMetadata _cacheTypeMetadata;
        private EntityKey _entityKey;       // !null if IsKeyEntry or Entity
        private IEntityWrapper _wrappedEntity;     // Contains null entity if IsKeyEntry
        // entity entry change tracking
        private BitArray _modifiedFields;  // only and always exists if state is Modified or after Delete() on Modified 
        private List _originalValues; // only exists if _modifiedFields has a true-bit 

        // The _originalComplexObjects should always contain references to the values of complex objects which are "original" 
        // at the moment of calling GetComplexObjectSnapshot().  They are used to get original scalar values from _originalValues
        // and to check if complex object instance was changed.
        private Dictionary> _originalComplexObjects; // used for POCO Complex Objects change tracking
        #region RelationshipEnd fields
        /// Singlely-linked list of RelationshipEntry. 
        /// One of the ends in the RelationshipEntry must equal this.EntityKey
        private RelationshipEntry _headRelationshipEnds;

        /// Number of RelationshipEntry in the _relationshipEnds list. 
        private int _countRelationshipEnds; 

        #region Constructors 

        // EntityEntry
        internal EntityEntry(IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity, EntityKey entityKey, EntitySet entitySet, ObjectStateManager cache,
            StateManagerTypeMetadata typeMetadata, EntityState state) 
            : base(cache, entitySet, state)
            Debug.Assert(wrappedEntity != null, "entity wrapper cannot be null."); 
            Debug.Assert(wrappedEntity.Entity != null, "entity cannot be null.");
            Debug.Assert(typeMetadata != null, "typeMetadata cannot be null."); 
            Debug.Assert(entitySet != null, "entitySet cannot be null.");
            Debug.Assert((null == (object)entityKey) || (entityKey.EntitySetName == entitySet.Name), "different entitySet");

            _wrappedEntity = wrappedEntity; 
            _cacheTypeMetadata = typeMetadata;
            _entityKey = entityKey; 
            wrappedEntity.ObjectStateEntry = this;

        // KeyEntry
        internal EntityEntry(EntityKey entityKey, EntitySet entitySet, ObjectStateManager cache, StateManagerTypeMetadata typeMetadata)
            : base(cache, entitySet, EntityState.Unchanged) 
            Debug.Assert((object)entityKey != null, "entityKey cannot be null."); 
            Debug.Assert(entitySet != null, "extent cannot be null."); 
            Debug.Assert(typeMetadata != null, "typeMetadata cannot be null.");
            Debug.Assert(entityKey.EntitySetName == entitySet.Name, "different entitySet"); 

            _wrappedEntity = EntityWrapperFactory.NullWrapper;
            _entityKey = entityKey;
            _cacheTypeMetadata = typeMetadata; 

        #region Public members 

        override public bool IsRelationship
                return false; 

        override public object Entity
                return _wrappedEntity.Entity; 

        /// The EntityKey associated with the ObjectStateEntry
        override public EntityKey EntityKey
                return _entityKey;
            internal set
                _entityKey = value;

        internal IEnumerable> ForeignKeyDependents 
                foreach (var foreignKey in ((EntitySet)EntitySet).ForeignKeyDependents) 
                    AssociationSet associationSet = foreignKey.Item1; 
                    ReferentialConstraint constraint = foreignKey.Item2; 
                    EntityType dependentType = MetadataHelper.GetEntityTypeForEnd((AssociationEndMember)constraint.ToRole);
                    if (dependentType.IsAssignableFrom(_cacheTypeMetadata.DataRecordInfo.RecordType.EdmType)) 
                        yield return foreignKey;
        internal IEnumerable> ForeignKeyPrincipals
                foreach (var foreignKey in ((EntitySet)EntitySet).ForeignKeyPrincipals)
                    AssociationSet associationSet = foreignKey.Item1;
                    ReferentialConstraint constraint = foreignKey.Item2; 
                    EntityType dependentType = MetadataHelper.GetEntityTypeForEnd((AssociationEndMember)constraint.FromRole); 
                    if (dependentType.IsAssignableFrom(_cacheTypeMetadata.DataRecordInfo.RecordType.EdmType))
                        yield return foreignKey;
        override public IEnumerable GetModifiedProperties() 
            if (EntityState.Modified == this.State && _modifiedFields != null)
                Debug.Assert(null != _modifiedFields, "null fields");
                for (int i = 0; i < _modifiedFields.Count; i++) 
                    if (_modifiedFields[i]) 
                        yield return (GetCLayerName(i, _cacheTypeMetadata));
        /// Marks specified property as modified. 
        /// This API recognizes the names in terms of OSpace
        /// If State is not Modified or Unchanged 
        override public void SetModifiedProperty(string propertyName)
            if (this.IsKeyEntry)
                throw EntityUtil.CannotModifyKeyEntryState(); 
                if (EntityState.Unchanged == State)
                    State = EntityState.Modified; 
                    _cache.ChangeState(this, EntityState.Unchanged, State);
                if (EntityState.Modified == State) 
                    EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(propertyName, "propertyName"); 
                    int ordinal = _cacheTypeMetadata.GetOrdinalforOLayerMemberName(propertyName);
                    if (ordinal == -1)
                        throw EntityUtil.InvalidModifiedPropertyName(propertyName); 
                    throw EntityUtil.SetModifiedStates();

        internal void SetModifiedPropertyInternal(int ordinal) 
            if (null == _modifiedFields)
                _modifiedFields = new BitArray(GetFieldCount(_cacheTypeMetadata));

            _modifiedFields[ordinal] = true; 
        /// Original values of entity
        ///  DbDataRecord 
        [DebuggerBrowsable(DebuggerBrowsableState.Never)] // don't have debugger view expand this
        override public DbDataRecord OriginalValues 
                return InternalGetOriginalValues(true /*readOnly*/);

        /// Gets a version of the OriginalValues property that can be updated 
        public override OriginalValueRecord GetUpdatableOriginalValues() 
            return (OriginalValueRecord)InternalGetOriginalValues(false /*readOnly*/);

        private DbDataRecord InternalGetOriginalValues(bool readOnly)
            if (this.State == EntityState.Added)
                throw EntityUtil.OriginalValuesDoesNotExist(); 
            if (this.IsKeyEntry)
                throw EntityUtil.CannotAccessKeyEntryValues();
                if (this.WrappedEntity.RequiresScalarChangeTracking) 
                    // POCO: the snapshot of complex objects has to be updated 
                    // without chaning state of the entry or marking properties as modified.
                    // The IsOriginalValuesGetter is used in EntityMemberChanged to skip the state transition.
                    // The snapshot has to be updated in case the complex object instance was changed (not only scalar values).
                        // Process only complex objects. The method will not change the state of the entry. 
                        this.DetectChangesInProperties(true /*detectOnlyComplexProperties*/);
                if (readOnly) 
                    return new ObjectStateEntryDbDataRecord(this, _cacheTypeMetadata, _wrappedEntity.Entity); 
                    return new ObjectStateEntryOriginalDbUpdatableDataRecord_Public(this, _cacheTypeMetadata, _wrappedEntity.Entity, s_EntityRoot); 

        /// Current values of entity/ DataRow
        ///  DbUpdatableDataRecord  
        [DebuggerBrowsable(DebuggerBrowsableState.Never)] // don't have debugger view expand this
        override public CurrentValueRecord CurrentValues 
                if (this.State == EntityState.Deleted)
                    throw EntityUtil.CurrentValuesDoesNotExist(); 
                if (this.IsKeyEntry) 
                    throw EntityUtil.CannotAccessKeyEntryValues(); 
                    return new ObjectStateEntryDbUpdatableDataRecord(this, _cacheTypeMetadata, _wrappedEntity.Entity); 

        override public void Delete() 
            // doFixup flag is used for Cache and Collection & Ref consistency
            // When some entity is deleted if "doFixup" is true then Delete method
            // calls the Collection & Ref code to do the necessary fix-ups. 
            // "doFixup" equals to False is only called from EntityCollection & Ref code

        /// API to accept the current values as original values and  mark the entity as Unchanged.
        override public void AcceptChanges()

            if (ObjectStateManager.EntryHasConceptualNull(this)) 
                throw new InvalidOperationException(System.Data.Entity.Strings.ObjectContext_CommitWithConceptualNull);
            Debug.Assert(!this.IsKeyEntry || State == EntityState.Unchanged, "Key ObjectStateEntries must always be unchanged.");
            switch (State) 
                case EntityState.Deleted: 
                    // Current entry could be already detached if this is relationship entry and if one end of relationship was a KeyEntry
                    if (_cache != null)
                        _cache.ChangeState(this, EntityState.Deleted, EntityState.Detached);
                case EntityState.Added:
                    // If this entry represents an entity, perform key fixup. 
                    Debug.Assert(Entity != null, "Non-relationship entries should have a non-null entity.");
                    Debug.Assert((object)_entityKey != null, "All entities in the state manager should have a non-null EntityKey.");
                    Debug.Assert(_entityKey.IsTemporary, "All entities in the Added state should have a temporary EntityKey.");
                    // Retrieve referential constraint properties from Principal entities (possibly recursively)
                    // and check referential constraint properties in the Dependent entities (1 level only) 
                    // We have to do this before fixing up keys to preserve v1 behavior around when stubs are promoted. 
                    // However, we can't check FKs until after fixup, which happens after key fixup.  Therefore,
                    // we keep track of whether or not we need to go check again after fixup.  Also, checking for independent associations 
                    // happens using RelationshipEntries, while checking for constraints in FKs has to use the graph.
                    bool skippedFKs = RetrieveAndCheckReferentialConstraintValuesInAcceptChanges();


                    _modifiedFields = null; 
                    _originalValues = null; 
                    _originalComplexObjects = null;
                    State = EntityState.Unchanged; 

                    if (skippedFKs)
                        // If we skipped checking constraints on any FK relationships above, then 
                        // do it now on the fixuped RelatedEnds.


                case EntityState.Modified:
                    _cache.ChangeState(this, EntityState.Modified, EntityState.Unchanged); 
                    _modifiedFields = null;
                    _originalValues = null; 
                    _originalComplexObjects = null; 
                    State = EntityState.Unchanged;

                    // Need to check constraints here because fixup could have got us into an invalid state

                case EntityState.Unchanged: 

        override public void SetModified()
            if (this.IsKeyEntry) 
                throw EntityUtil.CannotModifyKeyEntryState(); 
                if (EntityState.Unchanged == State) 
                    State = EntityState.Modified; 
                    _cache.ChangeState(this, EntityState.Unchanged, State); 
                else if (EntityState.Modified != State) 
                    throw EntityUtil.SetModifiedStates();
        override public RelationshipManager RelationshipManager 
                if (IsKeyEntry)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(System.Data.Entity.Strings.ObjectStateEntry_RelationshipAndKeyEntriesDoNotHaveRelationshipManagers);
                if (WrappedEntity.Entity == null) 
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(System.Data.Entity.Strings.ObjectStateManager_CannotGetRelationshipManagerForDetachedPocoEntity); 
                return WrappedEntity.RelationshipManager;

        internal override BitArray ModifiedProperties 
            get { return _modifiedFields; }

        /// Changes state of the entry to the specified 
        /// The requested state
        public override void ChangeState(EntityState state) 
            if (this.State == EntityState.Detached && state == EntityState.Detached)

            // store a referece to the cache because this.ObjectStatemanager will be null if the requested state is Detached
            ObjectStateManager osm = this.ObjectStateManager; 

        /// Apply modified properties to the original object. 
        /// object with modified properties 
        public override void ApplyCurrentValues(object currentEntity) 
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(currentEntity, "currentEntity"); 


            if (this.IsKeyEntry) 
                throw EntityUtil.CannotAccessKeyEntryValues(); 

            IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity = EntityWrapperFactory.WrapEntityUsingStateManager(currentEntity, this.ObjectStateManager); 

        /// Apply original values to the entity. 
        /// The object with original values
        public override void ApplyOriginalValues(object originalEntity) 
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(originalEntity, "originalEntity");


            if (this.IsKeyEntry) 
                throw EntityUtil.CannotAccessKeyEntryValues();

            IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity = EntityWrapperFactory.WrapEntityUsingStateManager(originalEntity, this.ObjectStateManager);

        #endregion // Public members 

        #region RelationshipEnd methods 

        /// Add a RelationshipEntry (one of its ends must equal this.EntityKey)
        internal void AddRelationshipEnd(RelationshipEntry item)
#if DEBUG 
            Debug.Assert(null != item, "null item");
            Debug.Assert(null != item.RelationshipWrapper, "null RelationshipWrapper"); 
            Debug.Assert(0 <= _countRelationshipEnds, "negative _relationshipEndCount");
            Debug.Assert(EntityKey.Equals(item.RelationshipWrapper.Key0) || EntityKey.Equals(item.RelationshipWrapper.Key1), "entity key doesn't match");

            for (RelationshipEntry current = _headRelationshipEnds; 
                 null != current;
                 current = current.GetNextRelationshipEnd(EntityKey)) 
                Debug.Assert(!Object.ReferenceEquals(item, current), "RelationshipEntry already in list");
                Debug.Assert(!item.RelationshipWrapper.Equals(current.RelationshipWrapper), "RelationshipWrapper already in list"); 
            // the item will become the head of the list
            // i.e. you walk the list in reverse order of items being added 
            item.SetNextRelationshipEnd(this.EntityKey, _headRelationshipEnds);
            _headRelationshipEnds = item; 

            Debug.Assert(_countRelationshipEnds == (new RelationshipEndEnumerable(this)).ToArray().Length, "different count"); 

        /// Determines if a given relationship entry is present in the list of entries 
        /// The entry to look for 
        /// True of the relationship end is found 
        internal bool ContainsRelationshipEnd(RelationshipEntry item)
            for (RelationshipEntry current = _headRelationshipEnds;
                 null != current;
                 current = current.GetNextRelationshipEnd(EntityKey))
                if (object.ReferenceEquals(current, item))
                    return true; 
            return false;

        /// Remove a RelationshipEntry (one of its ends must equal this.EntityKey)
        internal void RemoveRelationshipEnd(RelationshipEntry item)
            Debug.Assert(null != item, "removing null");
            Debug.Assert(null != item.RelationshipWrapper, "null RelationshipWrapper");
            Debug.Assert(1 <= _countRelationshipEnds, "negative _relationshipEndCount");
            Debug.Assert(EntityKey.Equals(item.RelationshipWrapper.Key0) || EntityKey.Equals(item.RelationshipWrapper.Key1), "entity key doesn't match"); 

            // walk the singly-linked list, remembering the previous node so we can remove the current node 
            RelationshipEntry current = _headRelationshipEnds; 
            RelationshipEntry previous = null;
            bool previousIsKey0 = false; 
            while (null != current)
                // short-circuit if the key matches either candidate by reference
                bool currentIsKey0 = object.ReferenceEquals(this.EntityKey, current.Key0) || 
                    (!object.ReferenceEquals(this.EntityKey, current.Key1) && this.EntityKey.Equals(current.Key0));
                if (Object.ReferenceEquals(item, current)) 
                    RelationshipEntry next;
                    if (currentIsKey0) 
                    {   // if this.EntityKey matches Key0, NextKey0 is the next element in the lsit
                        Debug.Assert(EntityKey.Equals(current.RelationshipWrapper.Key0), "entity key didn't match");
                        next = current.NextKey0;
                        current.NextKey0 = null; 
                    {   // if this.EntityKey matches Key1, NextKey1 is the next element in the lsit 
                        Debug.Assert(EntityKey.Equals(current.RelationshipWrapper.Key1), "entity key didn't match");
                        next = current.NextKey1; 
                        current.NextKey1 = null;
                    if (null == previous)
                        _headRelationshipEnds = next;
                    else if (previousIsKey0) 
                        previous.NextKey0 = next; 
                        previous.NextKey1 = next; 
                    Debug.Assert(_countRelationshipEnds == (new RelationshipEndEnumerable(this)).ToArray().Length, "different count");
                Debug.Assert(!item.RelationshipWrapper.Equals(current.RelationshipWrapper), "same wrapper, different RelationshipEntry instances");

                previous = current; 
                current = currentIsKey0 ? current.NextKey0 : current.NextKey1;
                previousIsKey0 = currentIsKey0; 
            Debug.Assert(false, "didn't remove a RelationshipEntry");

        /// Update one of the ends for the related RelationshipEntry
        /// the EntityKey the relationship should currently have
        /// if promoting entity stub to full entity 
        internal void UpdateRelationshipEnds(EntityKey oldKey, EntityEntry promotedEntry) 
            Debug.Assert(null != (object)oldKey, "bad oldKey"); 
            Debug.Assert(!Object.ReferenceEquals(this, promotedEntry), "shouldn't be same reference");

            // traverse the list to update one of the ends in the relationship entry
            int count = 0; 
            RelationshipEntry next = _headRelationshipEnds;
            while (null != next) 
                // get the next relationship end before we change the key of current relationship end
                RelationshipEntry current = next; 
                next = next.GetNextRelationshipEnd(oldKey);

                // update the RelationshipEntry from the temporary key to real key
                current.ChangeRelatedEnd(oldKey, EntityKey); 

                // If we have a promoted entry, copy the relationship entries to the promoted entry 
                // only if the promoted entry doesn't already know about that particular relationship entry 
                // This can be the case with self referencing entities
                if (null != promotedEntry && !promotedEntry.ContainsRelationshipEnd(current)) 
                {   // all relationship ends moved to new promotedEntry
            Debug.Assert(count == _countRelationshipEnds, "didn't traverse all relationships"); 
            if (null != promotedEntry) 
            {   // cleanup existing (dead) entry to reduce confusion
                _headRelationshipEnds = null; 
                _countRelationshipEnds = 0;
        #region Enumerable and Enumerator
        internal RelationshipEndEnumerable GetRelationshipEnds() 
            return new RelationshipEndEnumerable(this);

        /// An enumerable so that EntityEntry doesn't implement it
        internal struct RelationshipEndEnumerable : IEnumerable, IEnumerable
            internal static readonly RelationshipEntry[] EmptyRelationshipEntryArray = new RelationshipEntry[0]; 
            private readonly EntityEntry _entityEntry;
            internal RelationshipEndEnumerable(EntityEntry entityEntry)
            {   // its okay if entityEntry is null
                _entityEntry = entityEntry;
            public RelationshipEndEnumerator GetEnumerator()
                return new RelationshipEndEnumerator(_entityEntry); 
            IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() 
                return GetEnumerator();
            IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() 
                Debug.Assert(false, "dead code, don't box the RelationshipEndEnumerable"); 
                return GetEnumerator(); 
            IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() 
                Debug.Assert(false, "dead code, don't box the RelationshipEndEnumerable");
                return GetEnumerator();

            /// Convert the singly-linked list into an Array 
            internal RelationshipEntry[] ToArray() 
                RelationshipEntry[] list = null;
                if ((null != _entityEntry) && (0 < _entityEntry._countRelationshipEnds))
                    RelationshipEntry relationshipEnd = _entityEntry._headRelationshipEnds;
                    list = new RelationshipEntry[_entityEntry._countRelationshipEnds]; 
                    for (int i = 0; i < list.Length; ++i) 
                        Debug.Assert(null != relationshipEnd, "count larger than list"); 
                        Debug.Assert(_entityEntry.EntityKey.Equals(relationshipEnd.Key0) || _entityEntry.EntityKey.Equals(relationshipEnd.Key1), "entity key mismatch");
                        list[i] = relationshipEnd;

                        relationshipEnd = relationshipEnd.GetNextRelationshipEnd(_entityEntry.EntityKey); 
                    Debug.Assert(null == relationshipEnd, "count smaller than list"); 
                return list ?? EmptyRelationshipEntryArray;

        /// An enumerator to walk the RelationshipEntry linked-list 
        internal struct RelationshipEndEnumerator : IEnumerator, IEnumerator 
            private readonly EntityEntry _entityEntry;
            private RelationshipEntry _current; 

            internal RelationshipEndEnumerator(EntityEntry entityEntry)
                _entityEntry = entityEntry; 
                _current = null;
            public RelationshipEntry Current 
                get { return _current; } 
            IEntityStateEntry IEnumerator.Current
                get { return _current; } 
            object IEnumerator.Current 
                    Debug.Assert(false, "dead code, don't box the RelationshipEndEnumerator");
                    return _current;
            public void Dispose()
            public bool MoveNext()
                if (null != _entityEntry)
                    if (null == _current)
                        _current = _entityEntry._headRelationshipEnds;
                        _current = _current.GetNextRelationshipEnd(_entityEntry.EntityKey); 
                return (null != _current);
            public void Reset()
                Debug.Assert(false, "not implemented"); 

        #region ObjectStateEntry members 

        override internal bool IsKeyEntry 
                return null == _wrappedEntity.Entity;
        /// Reuse or create a new (Entity)DataRecordInfo. 
        override internal DataRecordInfo GetDataRecordInfo(StateManagerTypeMetadata metadata, object userObject)
            if (Helper.IsEntityType(metadata.CdmMetadata.EdmType) && (null != (object)_entityKey))
                // is EntityType with null EntityKey when constructing new EntityKey during ObjectStateManager.Add
                // always need a new EntityRecordInfo instance for the different key (reusing DataRecordInfo's FieldMetadata). 
                return new EntityRecordInfo(metadata.DataRecordInfo, _entityKey, (EntitySet)EntitySet);
                // ObjectContext.AttachTo uses CurrentValueRecord to build EntityKey for EntityType 
                // so the Entity doesn't have an EntityKey yet, SQLBU 525130
                //Debug.Assert(Helper.IsComplexType(metadata.CdmMetadata.EdmType), "!IsComplexType");
                return metadata.DataRecordInfo;
        override internal void Reset() 
            Debug.Assert(_cache != null, "Cannot Reset an entity that is not currently attached to a context."); 
            _cache.ForgetEntryWithConceptualNull(this, resetAllKeys: true);


            _wrappedEntity = EntityWrapperFactory.NullWrapper; 
            _entityKey = null; 
            _modifiedFields = null;
            _originalValues = null; 
            _originalComplexObjects = null;


        override internal Type GetFieldType(int ordinal, StateManagerTypeMetadata metadata) 
            // 'metadata' is used for ComplexTypes
            return metadata.GetFieldType(ordinal);

        override internal string GetCLayerName(int ordinal, StateManagerTypeMetadata metadata) 
            return metadata.CLayerMemberName(ordinal); 

        override internal int GetOrdinalforCLayerName(string name, StateManagerTypeMetadata metadata) 
            return metadata.GetOrdinalforCLayerMemberName(name);
        override internal void RevertDelete()
            // just change the state from deleted, to last state. 
            State = (_modifiedFields == null) ? EntityState.Unchanged : EntityState.Modified;
            _cache.ChangeState(this, EntityState.Deleted, State); 

        override internal int GetFieldCount(StateManagerTypeMetadata metadata)
            return metadata.FieldCount;
        private void CascadeAcceptChanges()
            foreach (RelationshipEntry entry in _cache.CopyOfRelationshipsByKey(EntityKey))
                // CascadeAcceptChanges is only called on Entity ObjectStateEntry when it is
                // in deleted state. Entity is in deleted state therefore for all related Relationship 
                // cache entries only valid state is Deleted.
                Debug.Assert(entry.State == EntityState.Deleted, "Relationship ObjectStateEntry should be in deleted state"); 

        override internal void SetModifiedAll()
            Debug.Assert(!this.IsKeyEntry, "SetModifiedAll called on a KeyEntry"); 
            Debug.Assert(State == EntityState.Modified, "SetModifiedAll called when not modified");
            if (null == _modifiedFields)
                _modifiedFields = new BitArray(GetFieldCount(_cacheTypeMetadata));

        /// Used to report that a scalar entity property is about to change 
        /// The current value of the specified property is cached when this method is called.
        /// The name of the entity property that is changing
        override internal void EntityMemberChanging(string entityMemberName)
            if (this.IsKeyEntry) 
                throw EntityUtil.CannotAccessKeyEntryValues(); 
            this.EntityMemberChanging(entityMemberName, null, null);

        /// Used to report that a scalar entity property has been changed
        /// The property value that was cached during EntityMemberChanging is now 
        /// added to OriginalValues
        /// The name of the entity property that has changing 
        override internal void EntityMemberChanged(string entityMemberName)
            if (this.IsKeyEntry)
                throw EntityUtil.CannotAccessKeyEntryValues();
            this.EntityMemberChanged(entityMemberName, null, null);
        /// Used to report that a complex property is about to change 
        /// The current value of the specified property is cached when this method is called.
        /// The name of the top-level entity property that is changing
        /// The complex object that contains the property that is changing 
        /// The name of the property that is changing on complexObject
        override internal void EntityComplexMemberChanging(string entityMemberName, object complexObject, string complexObjectMemberName) 
            if (this.IsKeyEntry)
                throw EntityUtil.CannotAccessKeyEntryValues();
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(complexObjectMemberName, "complexObjectMemberName");
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(complexObject, "complexObject"); 
            this.EntityMemberChanging(entityMemberName, complexObject, complexObjectMemberName);
        /// Used to report that a complex property has been changed 
        /// The property value that was cached during EntityMemberChanging is now added to OriginalValues
        /// The name of the top-level entity property that has changed
        /// The complex object that contains the property that changed 
        /// The name of the property that changed on complexObject
        override internal void EntityComplexMemberChanged(string entityMemberName, object complexObject, string complexObjectMemberName) 
            if (this.IsKeyEntry)
                throw EntityUtil.CannotAccessKeyEntryValues();
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(complexObjectMemberName, "complexObjectMemberName");
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(complexObject, "complexObject"); 
            this.EntityMemberChanged(entityMemberName, complexObject, complexObjectMemberName);
        internal IEntityWrapper WrappedEntity
                return _wrappedEntity;

        /// Method called to complete the change tracking process on an entity property. The original property value
        /// is now saved in the original values record if there is not already an entry in the record for this property.
        /// The parameters to this method must have the same values as the parameter values passed to the last call to
        /// EntityValueChanging on this ObjectStateEntry. 
        /// All inputs are in OSpace.
        /// Name of the top-level entity property that has changed 
        /// If entityMemberName refers to a complex property, this is the complex
        /// object that contains the change. Otherwise this is null. 
        /// If entityMemberName refers to a complex property, this is the name of
        /// the property that has changed on complexObject. Otherwise this is null.
        private void EntityMemberChanged(string entityMemberName, object complexObject, string complexObjectMemberName)
            string changingMemberName;
            StateManagerTypeMetadata typeMetadata; 
            object changingObject; 

            // Get the metadata for the property that is changing, and verify that it is valid to change it for this entry 
            // If something fails, we will clear out our cached values in the finally block, and require the user to submit another Changing notification
                int changingOrdinal = this.GetAndValidateChangeMemberInfo(entityMemberName, complexObject, complexObjectMemberName, 
                    out typeMetadata, out changingMemberName, out changingObject);
                // if EntityKey is changing and is in a valid scenario for it to change, no further action is needed 
                if (changingOrdinal == -2)

                // Verify that the inputs to this call match the values we have cached 
                if ((changingObject != _cache.ChangingObject) ||
                    (changingMemberName != _cache.ChangingMember) || 
                    (entityMemberName != _cache.ChangingEntityMember)) 
                    throw EntityUtil.EntityValueChangedWithoutEntityValueChanging(); 

                // check the state after the other values because if the other cached values have not been set and are null, it is more
                // intuitive to the user to get an error that specifically points to that as the problem, and in that case, the state will 
                // also not be matched, so if we checked this first, it would cause a confusing error to be thrown.
                if (this.State != _cache.ChangingState) 
                    throw EntityUtil.ChangedInDifferentStateFromChanging(this.State, _cache.ChangingState);

                object oldValue = _cache.ChangingOldValue;
                object newValue = null;
                StateManagerMemberMetadata memberMetadata = null; 
                if (_cache.SaveOriginalValues)
                    memberMetadata = typeMetadata.Member(changingOrdinal); 
                    // Expand only non-null complex type values
                    if (memberMetadata.IsComplex && oldValue != null) 
                        // devnote: Not using GetCurrentEntityValue here because change tracking can only be done on OSpace members,
                        //          so we don't need to worry about shadow state, and we don't want a CSpace representation of complex objects
                        newValue = memberMetadata.GetValue(changingObject); 
                        ExpandComplexTypeAndAddValues(memberMetadata, oldValue, newValue, false);
                        AddOriginalValue(memberMetadata, changingObject, oldValue); 

                // if the property is a Foreign Key, let's clear out the appropriate EntityReference 
                // UNLESS we are applying FK changes as part of DetectChanges where we don't want to
                // start changing references yet. If we are in the Align stage of DetectChanges, this is ok. 
                TransactionManager transManager = ObjectStateManager.TransactionManager; 
                List> relationships;
                if (complexObject == null &&  // check if property is a top-level property 
                    (transManager.IsAlignChanges || !transManager.IsDetectChanges) &&
                    this.IsPropertyAForeignKey(entityMemberName, out relationships))
                    foreach (var relationship in relationships) 
                        string relationshipName = relationship.First; 
                        string targetRoleName = relationship.Second; 

                        RelatedEnd relatedEnd = this.WrappedEntity.RelationshipManager.GetRelatedEndInternal(relationshipName, targetRoleName); 
                        Debug.Assert(relatedEnd != null, "relatedEnd should exist if property is a foreign key");
                        EntityReference reference = relatedEnd as EntityReference;
                        Debug.Assert(reference != null, "relatedEnd should be an EntityReference");
                        // Allow updating of other relationships that this FK property participates in except that
                        // if we're doing fixup by references as part of AcceptChanges then don't allow a ref to 
                        // be changed. 
                        if (!transManager.IsFixupByReference)
                            if (memberMetadata == null)
                                memberMetadata = typeMetadata.Member(changingOrdinal);
                            if (newValue == null)
                                newValue = memberMetadata.GetValue(changingObject); 
                            bool hasConceptualNullFk = ForeignKeyFactory.IsConceptualNullKey(reference.CachedForeignKey);
                            if (!ByValueEqualityComparer.Default.Equals(oldValue, newValue) || hasConceptualNullFk)
                // POCO: The state of the entry is not changed if the EntityMemberChanged method
                // was called from ObjectStateEntry.OriginalValues property.
                // The OriginalValues uses EntityMemberChanging/EntityMemberChanged to update snapshot of complex object in case
                // complex object was changed (not a scalar value). 
                if (_cache != null && !_cache.TransactionManager.IsOriginalValuesGetter)
                    EntityState initialState = State; 
                    if (State != EntityState.Added)
                        State = EntityState.Modified;
                    if (State == EntityState.Modified)
                    if (initialState != this.State) 
                        _cache.ChangeState(this, initialState, this.State); 
                Debug.Assert(_cache != null, "Unexpected null state manager."); 
                SetCachedChangingValues(null, null, null, EntityState.Detached, null); 

        // helper method used to set value of property
        internal void SetCurrentEntityValue(string memberName, object newValue)
            int ordinal = _cacheTypeMetadata.GetOrdinalforOLayerMemberName(memberName);
            SetCurrentEntityValue(_cacheTypeMetadata, ordinal, _wrappedEntity.Entity, newValue); 

        internal void SetOriginalEntityValue(StateManagerTypeMetadata metadata, int ordinal, object userObject, object newValue) 
            if (State == EntityState.Added)
                throw EntityUtil.OriginalValuesDoesNotExist();
            EntityState initialState = State;
            object orgValue; // StateManagerValue
            object oldOriginalValue; // the actual value

            // Update original values list 
            StateManagerMemberMetadata memberMetadata = metadata.Member(ordinal);
            if (FindOriginalValue(memberMetadata, userObject, out orgValue)) 

            if (memberMetadata.IsComplex)
                oldOriginalValue = memberMetadata.GetValue(userObject); 
                if (oldOriginalValue == null)
                    throw EntityUtil.NullableComplexTypesNotSupported(memberMetadata.CLayerName); 
                IExtendedDataRecord newValueRecord = newValue as IExtendedDataRecord;
                if (newValueRecord != null)
                    // Requires materialization 
                    newValue = _cache.ComplexTypeMaterializer.CreateComplex(newValueRecord, newValueRecord.DataRecordInfo, null);
                // We only store scalar properties values in original values, so no need to search the list
                // if the property being set is complex. Just get the value as an OSpace object. 
                ExpandComplexTypeAndAddValues(memberMetadata, oldOriginalValue, newValue, true);
                AddOriginalValue(memberMetadata, userObject, newValue);
            if (initialState == EntityState.Unchanged)
                State = EntityState.Modified;
        /// Method called to start the change tracking process on an entity property. The current property value is cached at 
        /// this stage in preparation for later storage in the original values record. Multiple successful calls to this method 
        /// will overwrite the cached values.
        /// All inputs are in OSpace. 
        /// Name of the top-level entity property that is changing
        /// If entityMemberName refers to a complex property, this is the complex
        /// object that contains the change. Otherwise this is null. 
        /// If entityMemberName refers to a complex property, this is the name of
        /// the property that is changing on complexObject. Otherwise this is null. 
        private void EntityMemberChanging(string entityMemberName, object complexObject, string complexObjectMemberName) 
            string changingMemberName; 
            StateManagerTypeMetadata typeMetadata;
            object changingObject;

            // Get the metadata for the property that is changing, and verify that it is valid to change it for this entry 
            int changingOrdinal = this.GetAndValidateChangeMemberInfo(entityMemberName, complexObject, complexObjectMemberName,
                out typeMetadata, out changingMemberName, out changingObject); 
            // if EntityKey is changing and is in a valid scenario for it to change, no further action is needed
            if (changingOrdinal == -2) 
            Debug.Assert(changingOrdinal != -1, "Expected GetAndValidateChangeMemberInfo to throw for a invalid property name");
            // Cache the current value for later storage in original values. If we are not in a state where we should update 
            // the original values, we don't even need to bother saving the current value here. However, we will still cache
            // the other data regarding the change, so that we always require matching Changing and Changed calls, regardless of the state. 
            StateManagerMemberMetadata memberMetadata = typeMetadata.Member(changingOrdinal);

            // POCO
            // Entities which don't implement IEntityWithChangeTracker entity can already have original values even in the Unchanged state. 
            _cache.SaveOriginalValues = (State == EntityState.Unchanged || State == EntityState.Modified) &&
                                        !FindOriginalValue(memberMetadata, changingObject); 
            // devnote: Not using GetCurrentEntityValue here because change tracking can only be done on OSpace members,
            //          so we don't need to worry about shadow state, and we don't want a CSpace representation of complex objects 
            object oldValue = memberMetadata.GetValue(changingObject);

            Debug.Assert(this.State != EntityState.Detached, "Change tracking should not happen on detached entities.");
            SetCachedChangingValues(entityMemberName, changingObject, changingMemberName, this.State, oldValue); 
        // helper method used to get value of property 
        internal object GetOriginalEntityValue(string memberName)
            int ordinal = _cacheTypeMetadata.GetOrdinalforOLayerMemberName(memberName);
            return GetOriginalEntityValue(_cacheTypeMetadata, ordinal, _wrappedEntity.Entity, ObjectStateValueRecord.OriginalReadonly);
        internal object GetOriginalEntityValue(StateManagerTypeMetadata metadata, int ordinal, object userObject, ObjectStateValueRecord updatableRecord)
            Debug.Assert(updatableRecord != ObjectStateValueRecord.OriginalUpdatablePublic, "OriginalUpdatablePublic records must preserve complex type information, use the overload that takes parentEntityPropertyIndex"); 
            return GetOriginalEntityValue(metadata, ordinal, userObject, updatableRecord, s_EntityRoot);

        internal object GetOriginalEntityValue(StateManagerTypeMetadata metadata, int ordinal, object userObject, ObjectStateValueRecord updatableRecord, int parentEntityPropertyIndex)
            // if original value is stored, then use it, otherwise use the current value from the entity 
            object retValue; 
            StateManagerMemberMetadata member = metadata.Member(ordinal); 
            if (FindOriginalValue(member, userObject, out retValue))
                // If the object is null, return DBNull.Value to be consistent with GetCurrentEntityValue
                return ((StateManagerValue)retValue).originalValue ?? DBNull.Value;
            return GetCurrentEntityValue(metadata, ordinal, userObject, updatableRecord, parentEntityPropertyIndex); 
        internal object GetCurrentEntityValue(StateManagerTypeMetadata metadata, int ordinal, object userObject, ObjectStateValueRecord updatableRecord) 
            Debug.Assert(updatableRecord != ObjectStateValueRecord.OriginalUpdatablePublic, "OriginalUpdatablePublic records must preserve complex type information, use the overload that takes parentEntityPropertyIndex"); 
            return GetCurrentEntityValue(metadata, ordinal, userObject, updatableRecord, s_EntityRoot);

        internal object GetCurrentEntityValue(StateManagerTypeMetadata metadata, int ordinal, object userObject, ObjectStateValueRecord updatableRecord, int parentEntityPropertyIndex) 
            object retValue = null;
            StateManagerMemberMetadata member = metadata.Member(ordinal); 
            Debug.Assert(null != member, "didn't throw ArgumentOutOfRangeException");

            if (!metadata.IsMemberPartofShadowState(ordinal))
            { // if it is not shadow state 
                retValue = member.GetValue(userObject);
                // Wrap the value in a record if it is a non-null complex type 
                if (member.IsComplex && retValue != null)
                    // need to get the new StateManagerTypeMetadata for nested /complext member
                    switch (updatableRecord)
                        case ObjectStateValueRecord.OriginalReadonly: 
                            retValue = new ObjectStateEntryDbDataRecord(this,
                                _cache.GetOrAddStateManagerTypeMetadata(member.CdmMetadata.TypeUsage.EdmType), retValue); 
                        case ObjectStateValueRecord.CurrentUpdatable:
                            retValue = new ObjectStateEntryDbUpdatableDataRecord(this, 
                                _cache.GetOrAddStateManagerTypeMetadata(member.CdmMetadata.TypeUsage.EdmType), retValue);
                        case ObjectStateValueRecord.OriginalUpdatableInternal:
                            retValue = new ObjectStateEntryOriginalDbUpdatableDataRecord_Internal(this, 
                                _cache.GetOrAddStateManagerTypeMetadata(member.CdmMetadata.TypeUsage.EdmType), retValue);
                        case ObjectStateValueRecord.OriginalUpdatablePublic: 
                            retValue = new ObjectStateEntryOriginalDbUpdatableDataRecord_Public(this,
                                _cache.GetOrAddStateManagerTypeMetadata(member.CdmMetadata.TypeUsage.EdmType), retValue, parentEntityPropertyIndex); 
                            Debug.Assert(false, "shouldn't happen");
                    // we need to pass the toplevel ordinal 
#if DEBUG // performance, don't do this work in retail until shadow state is supported 
            else if (userObject == _wrappedEntity.Entity)
                Debug.Assert(false, "shadowstate not supported");
#if SupportShadowState 
                            Debug.Assert(null != _currentValues, "shadow state without values");
                            _currentValues.TryGetValue(member.CLayerName, out retValue); // try to get it from shadow state if exists 
                            // we don't support CSpace only complex type 
            return retValue ?? DBNull.Value;
        private bool FindOriginalValue(StateManagerMemberMetadata metadata, object instance)
            object tmp; 
            return FindOriginalValue(metadata, instance, out tmp);

        internal bool FindOriginalValue(StateManagerMemberMetadata metadata, object instance, out object value)
            bool found = false; 
            object retValue = null;
            if (null != _originalValues) 
                foreach (StateManagerValue cachevalue in _originalValues)   // this should include also shadow state
                    if (cachevalue.userObject == instance && cachevalue.memberMetadata == metadata)
                        found = true;
                        retValue = cachevalue; 
            value = retValue; 
            return found;

        // Get AssociationEndMember of current entry of given relationship 
        // Relationship must be related to the current entry.
        internal AssociationEndMember GetAssociationEndMember(RelationshipEntry relationshipEntry) 
            Debug.Assert((object)this.EntityKey != null, "entry should have a not null EntityKey");

            AssociationEndMember endMember = relationshipEntry.RelationshipWrapper.GetAssociationEndMember(EntityKey);
            Debug.Assert(null != endMember, "should be one of the ends of the relationship"); 
            return endMember;
        // Get entry which is on the other end of given relationship.
        // Relationship must be related to the current entry. 
        internal EntityEntry GetOtherEndOfRelationship(RelationshipEntry relationshipEntry)
            Debug.Assert((object)this.EntityKey != null, "entry should have a not null EntityKey");
            return _cache.GetEntityEntry(relationshipEntry.RelationshipWrapper.GetOtherEntityKey(this.EntityKey));

        /// Helper method to recursively expand a complex object's values down to scalars for storage in the original values record.
        /// This method is used when a whole complex object is set on its parent object, instead of just setting
        /// individual scalar values on that object.
        /// metadata for the complex property being expanded on the parent
        /// where the parent can be an entity or another complex object 
        /// Old value of the complex property. Scalar values from this object are stored in the original values record 
        /// New value of the complex property. This object reference is used in the original value record and is
        /// associated with the scalar values for the same property on the oldComplexObject 
        /// Whether or not to use the existing complex object in the original values or to use the original value that is already present 
        private void ExpandComplexTypeAndAddValues(StateManagerMemberMetadata memberMetadata, object oldComplexObject, object newComplexObject, bool useOldComplexObject)
            Debug.Assert(memberMetadata.IsComplex, "Cannot expand non-complex objects"); 
            if (newComplexObject == null)
                throw EntityUtil.NullableComplexTypesNotSupported(memberMetadata.CLayerName); 
            Debug.Assert(oldComplexObject == null || (oldComplexObject.GetType() == newComplexObject.GetType()), "Cannot replace a complex object with an object of a different type, unless the original one was null"); 

            StateManagerTypeMetadata typeMetadata = _cache.GetOrAddStateManagerTypeMetadata(memberMetadata.CdmMetadata.TypeUsage.EdmType);
            object retValue;
            for (int field = 0; field < typeMetadata.FieldCount; field++) 
                StateManagerMemberMetadata complexMemberMetadata = typeMetadata.Member(field); 
                if (complexMemberMetadata.IsComplex) 
                    object oldComplexMemberValue = null; 
                    if (oldComplexObject != null)
                        oldComplexMemberValue = complexMemberMetadata.GetValue(oldComplexObject);
                        if (oldComplexMemberValue == null && FindOriginalValue(complexMemberMetadata, oldComplexObject, out retValue)) 
                    ExpandComplexTypeAndAddValues(complexMemberMetadata, oldComplexMemberValue, complexMemberMetadata.GetValue(newComplexObject), useOldComplexObject); 
                    object originalValue = null; 
                    object complexObject = newComplexObject;
                    if (useOldComplexObject) 
                        // Set the original values using the existing current value object 
                        // complexObject --> the existing complex object
                        // originalValue --> the new value to set for this member
                        originalValue = complexMemberMetadata.GetValue(newComplexObject);
                        complexObject = oldComplexObject; 
                        if (oldComplexObject != null)
                            // If we already have an entry for this property in the original values list, we need to remove it. We can't just
                            // update it because StateManagerValue is a struct and there is no way to get a reference to the entry in the list.
                            originalValue = complexMemberMetadata.GetValue(oldComplexObject);
                            if (FindOriginalValue(complexMemberMetadata, oldComplexObject, out retValue)) 
                                StateManagerValue originalStateValue = ((StateManagerValue)retValue); 
                                originalValue = originalStateValue.originalValue;
                                Debug.Assert(this.Entity is IEntityWithChangeTracker, "for POCO objects the snapshot should contain all original values");
                            originalValue = complexMemberMetadata.GetValue(newComplexObject);

                    // Add the new entry. The userObject will reference the new complex object that is currently being set. 
                    // If the value was in the list previously, we will still use the old value with the new object reference.
                    // That will ensure that we preserve the old value while still maintaining the link to the 
                    // existing complex object that is attached to the entity or parent complex object. If an entry is already 
                    // in the list this means that it was either explicitly set by the user or the entire complex type was previously
                    // set and expanded down to the individual properties.  In either case we do the same thing. 
                    AddOriginalValue(complexMemberMetadata, complexObject, originalValue);

        /// Helper method to validate that the property names being reported as changing/changed are valid for this entity and that 
        /// the entity is in a valid state for the change request. Also determines if this is a change on a complex object, and
        /// returns the appropriate metadata and object to be used for the rest of the changing and changed operations. 
        /// Top-level entity property name
        /// Complex object that contains the change, null if the change is on a top-level entity property
        /// Name of the property that is changing on the complexObject, null for top-level entity properties 
        /// Metadata for the type that contains the change, either for the entity itself or for the complex object
        /// Property name that is actually changing -- either entityMemberName for entities or 
        /// complexObjectMemberName for complex objects 
        /// Object reference that contains the change, either the entity or complex object
        /// as appropriate for the requested change 
        /// Ordinal of the property that is changing, or -2 if the EntityKey is changing in a valid scenario. This is relative
        /// to the returned typeMetadata. Throws exceptions if the requested property name(s) are invalid for this entity.
        internal int GetAndValidateChangeMemberInfo(string entityMemberName, object complexObject, string complexObjectMemberName,
            out StateManagerTypeMetadata typeMetadata, out string changingMemberName, out object changingObject) 
            typeMetadata = null; 
            changingMemberName = null; 
            changingObject = null;
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(entityMemberName, "entityMemberName");
            // complexObject and complexObjectMemberName are allowed to be null here for change tracking on top-level entity properties


            int changingOrdinal = _cacheTypeMetadata.GetOrdinalforOLayerMemberName(entityMemberName); 
            if (changingOrdinal == -1) 
                if (entityMemberName == StructuralObject.EntityKeyPropertyName) 
                    // Setting EntityKey property is only allowed from here when we are in the middle of relationship fixup.
                    if (!_cache.InRelationshipFixup)
                        throw EntityUtil.CantSetEntityKey();
                        // If we are in fixup, there is nothing more to do here with EntityKey, so just 
                        // clear the saved changing values and return. This will ensure that we behave
                        // the same with the change notifications on EntityKey as with other properties.
                        // I.e. we still don't allow the following:
                        //     EntityMemberChanging("Property1") 
                        //     EntityMemberChanging("EntityKey")
                        //     EntityMemberChanged("EntityKey") 
                        //     EntityMemberChanged("Property1") 
                        Debug.Assert(this.State != EntityState.Detached, "Change tracking should not happen on detached entities.");
                        SetCachedChangingValues(null, null, null, this.State, null); 
                        return -2;
                    throw EntityUtil.ChangeOnUnmappedProperty(entityMemberName); 
                StateManagerTypeMetadata tmpTypeMetadata;
                string tmpChangingMemberName;
                object tmpChangingObject; 

                // entityMemberName is a confirmed valid property on the Entity, but if this is a complex type we also need to validate its property 
                if (complexObject != null) 
                    // a complex object was provided, but the top-level Entity property is not complex 
                    if (!_cacheTypeMetadata.Member(changingOrdinal).IsComplex)
                        throw EntityUtil.ComplexChangeRequestedOnScalarProperty(entityMemberName);

                    tmpTypeMetadata = _cache.GetOrAddStateManagerTypeMetadata(complexObject.GetType(), (EntitySet)this.EntitySet); 
                    changingOrdinal = tmpTypeMetadata.GetOrdinalforOLayerMemberName(complexObjectMemberName); 
                    if (changingOrdinal == -1)
                        throw EntityUtil.ChangeOnUnmappedComplexProperty(complexObjectMemberName);

                    tmpChangingMemberName = complexObjectMemberName; 
                    tmpChangingObject = complexObject;
                    tmpTypeMetadata = _cacheTypeMetadata; 
                    tmpChangingMemberName = entityMemberName;
                    tmpChangingObject = this.Entity;
                    if (WrappedEntity.IdentityType != Entity.GetType() && // Is a proxy
                        Entity is IEntityWithChangeTracker && // Is a full proxy 
                        IsPropertyAForeignKey(entityMemberName)) // Property is part of FK
                        // Set a flag so that we don't try to set FK propertis while already in a setter. 
                        _cache.InFKSetter = true;

                VerifyEntityValueIsEditable(tmpTypeMetadata, changingOrdinal, tmpChangingMemberName);
                typeMetadata = tmpTypeMetadata;
                changingMemberName = tmpChangingMemberName; 
                changingObject = tmpChangingObject; 
                return changingOrdinal;

        /// Helper method to set the information needed for the change tracking cache. Ensures that all of these values get set together. 
        private void SetCachedChangingValues(string entityMemberName, object changingObject, string changingMember, EntityState changingState, object oldValue) 
            _cache.ChangingEntityMember = entityMemberName;
            _cache.ChangingObject = changingObject; 
            _cache.ChangingMember = changingMember;
            _cache.ChangingState = changingState;
            _cache.ChangingOldValue = oldValue;
            if (changingState == EntityState.Detached) 
                _cache.SaveOriginalValues = false; 
        [DebuggerBrowsable(DebuggerBrowsableState.Never)] // don't have debugger view expand this
        internal OriginalValueRecord EditableOriginalValues
                Debug.Assert(!this.IsKeyEntry, "should not edit original key entry"); 
                Debug.Assert(EntityState.Modified == State || 
                             EntityState.Deleted == State ||
                             EntityState.Unchanged == State, 
                             "only expecting Modified or Deleted state");

                return new ObjectStateEntryOriginalDbUpdatableDataRecord_Internal(this, _cacheTypeMetadata, _wrappedEntity.Entity);
        internal void DetachObjectStateManagerFromEntity() 
            // This method can be called on relationship entries where there is no entity 
            if (!this.IsKeyEntry) // _wrappedEntity.Entity is not null.

                if (!this._cache.TransactionManager.IsAttachTracking || 
                     this._cache.TransactionManager.OriginalMergeOption != MergeOption.NoTracking) 
                    // If AttachTo() failed while attaching graph retrieved with NoTracking option, 
                    // we don't want to reset the EntityKey

                    //Entry's this._entityKey is set to null at the caller, maintaining consistency between entityWithKey.EntityKey and this.EntityKey
                    _wrappedEntity.EntityKey = null; 

        // This method is used for entities which don't implement IEntityWithChangeTracker to store orignal values of properties 
        // which are later used to detect changes in properties
        internal void TakeSnapshot(bool onlySnapshotComplexProperties)

            if (this.State != EntityState.Added) 
                StateManagerTypeMetadata metadata = this._cacheTypeMetadata;
                int fieldCount = this.GetFieldCount(metadata);
                object currentValue;

                for (int i = 0; i < fieldCount; i++) 
                    StateManagerMemberMetadata member = metadata.Member(i); 
                    if (member.IsComplex) 
                        // memberValue is a complex object 
                        currentValue = member.GetValue(this._wrappedEntity.Entity);
                        this.AddComplexObjectSnapshot(this.Entity, i, currentValue);
                        this.TakeSnapshotOfComplexType(member, currentValue);
                    else if (!onlySnapshotComplexProperties)
                        currentValue = member.GetValue(this._wrappedEntity.Entity); 
                        this.AddOriginalValue(member, this._wrappedEntity.Entity, currentValue);

        internal void TakeSnapshotOfForeignKeys() 
            Dictionary> keys; 
            this.FindRelatedEntityKeysByForeignKeys(out keys, useOriginalValues: false);
            if (keys != null)
                foreach (var pair in keys) 
                    EntityReference reference = pair.Key as EntityReference; 
                    Debug.Assert(reference != null, "EntityReference expected"); 
                    Debug.Assert(pair.Value.Count == 1, "Unexpected number of keys");
                    if (!ForeignKeyFactory.IsConceptualNullKey(reference.CachedForeignKey))
                        reference.SetCachedForeignKey(pair.Value.First(), this);

        private void TakeSnapshotOfComplexType(StateManagerMemberMetadata member, object complexValue) 
            Debug.Assert(member.IsComplex, "Cannot expand non-complex objects");

            // Skip null values 
            if (complexValue == null)
            StateManagerTypeMetadata typeMetadata = _cache.GetOrAddStateManagerTypeMetadata(member.CdmMetadata.TypeUsage.EdmType);
            for (int i = 0; i < typeMetadata.FieldCount; i++) 
                StateManagerMemberMetadata complexMember = typeMetadata.Member(i);
                object currentValue = complexMember.GetValue(complexValue);
                if (complexMember.IsComplex) 
                    // Recursive call for nested complex types 
                    // For POCO objects we have to store a reference to the original complex object 
                    this.AddComplexObjectSnapshot(complexValue, i, currentValue);
                    TakeSnapshotOfComplexType(complexMember, currentValue); 
                    if (!FindOriginalValue(complexMember, complexValue)) 
                        AddOriginalValue(complexMember, complexValue, currentValue); 

        private void AddComplexObjectSnapshot(object userObject, int ordinal, object complexObject)
            Debug.Assert(userObject != null, "null userObject");
            Debug.Assert(ordinal >= 0, "invalid ordinal"); 
            if (complexObject == null)

            // Verify if the same complex object is not used multiple times. 
            if (this._originalComplexObjects == null) 
                this._originalComplexObjects = new Dictionary>(); 
            Dictionary ordinal2complexObject;
            if (!this._originalComplexObjects.TryGetValue(userObject, out ordinal2complexObject))
                ordinal2complexObject = new Dictionary();
                this._originalComplexObjects.Add(userObject, ordinal2complexObject); 

            Debug.Assert(!ordinal2complexObject.ContainsKey(ordinal), "shouldn't contain this ordinal yet"); 
            ordinal2complexObject.Add(ordinal, complexObject);

        private void CheckForDuplicateComplexObjects(object complexObject) 
            if (this._originalComplexObjects == null || complexObject == null) 

            foreach (Dictionary ordinal2complexObject in this._originalComplexObjects.Values) 
                foreach (object oldComplexObject in ordinal2complexObject.Values)
                    if (Object.ReferenceEquals(complexObject, oldComplexObject)) 
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(System.Data.Entity.Strings.ObjectStateEntry_ComplexObjectUsedMultipleTimes(this.Entity.GetType().FullName, complexObject.GetType().FullName)); 

        // This method uses original values stored in the ObjectStateEntry to detect changes in values of entity's properties
        internal void DetectChangesInProperties(bool detectOnlyComplexProperties) 
            Debug.Assert(!this.IsKeyEntry, "Entry should be an EntityEntry"); 
            Debug.Assert(this.State != EntityState.Added, "This method should not be called for entries in Added state"); 

            StateManagerTypeMetadata metadata = this._cacheTypeMetadata; 

            int fieldCount = this.GetFieldCount(metadata);
            object currentValue;
            object originalStateManagerValue; 
            bool originalValueFound;
            for (int i = 0; i < fieldCount; i++) 
                StateManagerMemberMetadata member = metadata.Member(i); 
                currentValue = member.GetValue(this._wrappedEntity.Entity);
                if (member.IsComplex)
                    if (this.State != EntityState.Deleted) 
                        var oldComplexValue = this.GetComplexObjectSnapshot(this.Entity, i); 
                        bool complexObjectInstanceChanged = this.DetectChangesInComplexType(member, member, currentValue, oldComplexValue); 
                        if (complexObjectInstanceChanged)
                            // instance of complex object was changed

                            // Before updating the snapshot verify if the same complex object is not used multiple times.

                            // equivalent of EntityObject.ReportPropertyChanging() 

                            Debug.Assert(_cache.SaveOriginalValues, "complex object instance was changed so the SaveOriginalValues flag should be set to true"); 

                            // Since the EntityMemberChanging method is called AFTER the complex object was changed, it means that
                            // the EntityMemberChanging method was unable to find the real oldValue.
                            // The real old value is stored for POCO objects in _originalComplexObjects dictionary. 
                            // The cached changing oldValue has to be updated with the real oldValue.
                            _cache.ChangingOldValue = oldComplexValue; 
                            // equivalent of EntityObject.ReportPropertyChanged()

                            // The _originalComplexObjects should always contain references to the values of complex objects which are "original"
                            // at the moment of calling GetComplexObjectSnapshot().  They are used to get original scalar values from _originalValues.
                            this.UpdateComplexObjectSnapshot(member, this.Entity, i, currentValue); 
                else if (!detectOnlyComplexProperties)
                    originalValueFound = this.FindOriginalValue(member, this._wrappedEntity.Entity, out originalStateManagerValue);
                    Debug.Assert(originalValueFound, "Original value not found even after snapshot.");
                    var originalValue = ((StateManagerValue)originalStateManagerValue).originalValue;
                    if (!Object.Equals(currentValue, originalValue)) 
                        // Key property - throw if the actual byte values have changed, otherwise ignore the change 
                        if (member.IsPartOfKey) 
                            if (!ByValueEqualityComparer.Default.Equals(currentValue, originalValue)) 
                                throw EntityUtil.CannotModifyKeyProperty(member.CLayerName);
                            if (this.State != EntityState.Deleted) 
                                // equivalent of EntityObject.ReportPropertyChanging() 

                                // equivalent of EntityObject.ReportPropertyChanged()

        private bool DetectChangesInComplexType(
            StateManagerMemberMetadata topLevelMember, 
            StateManagerMemberMetadata complexMember,
            object complexValue, 
            object oldComplexValue) 
            Debug.Assert(complexMember.IsComplex, "Cannot expand non-complex objects"); 

            if (complexValue == null)
                // If the values are just null, do not detect this as a change 
                if (oldComplexValue == null)
                    return false; 
                throw EntityUtil.NullableComplexTypesNotSupported(complexMember.CLayerName); 

            if (!Object.ReferenceEquals(oldComplexValue, complexValue))
                // Complex object instance was changed.  The calling method will update the snapshot of this object.
                return true; 

            Debug.Assert(oldComplexValue != null, "original complex type value should not be null at this point"); 

            StateManagerTypeMetadata metadata = _cache.GetOrAddStateManagerTypeMetadata(complexMember.CdmMetadata.TypeUsage.EdmType);
            for (int i = 0; i < GetFieldCount(metadata); i++)
                StateManagerMemberMetadata member = metadata.Member(i);
                object currentValue = null; 
                currentValue = member.GetValue(complexValue); 
                if (member.IsComplex)
                    if (this.State != EntityState.Deleted)
                        var oldNestedComplexValue = this.GetComplexObjectSnapshot(complexValue, i);
                        bool complexObjectInstanceChanged = DetectChangesInComplexType(topLevelMember, member, currentValue, oldNestedComplexValue); 
                        if (complexObjectInstanceChanged)
                            // instance of complex object was changed 

                            // Before updating the snapshot verify if the same complex object is not used multiple times. 

                            // equivalent of EntityObject.ReportComplexPropertyChanging()
                            ((IEntityChangeTracker)this).EntityComplexMemberChanging(topLevelMember.CLayerName, complexValue, member.CLayerName); 

                            // Since the EntityComplexMemberChanging method is called AFTER the complex object was changed, it means that 
                            // the EntityComplexMemberChanging method was unable to find real oldValue. 
                            // The real old value is stored for POCO objects in _originalComplexObjects dictionary.
                            // The cached changing oldValue has to be updated with the real oldValue. 
                            _cache.ChangingOldValue = oldNestedComplexValue;

                            // equivalent of EntityObject.ReportComplexPropertyChanged()
                            ((IEntityChangeTracker)this).EntityComplexMemberChanged(topLevelMember.CLayerName, complexValue, member.CLayerName); 

                            // The _originalComplexObjects should always contain references to the values of complex objects which are "original" 
                            // at the moment of calling GetComplexObjectSnapshot().  They are used to get original scalar values from _originalValues. 
                            this.UpdateComplexObjectSnapshot(member, complexValue, i, currentValue);
                    object originalStateManagerValue;
                    bool originalValueFound = FindOriginalValue(member, complexValue, out originalStateManagerValue); 
                    Debug.Assert(originalValueFound, "if the complex object instance was changed, it should be detected earlier.  If the instance wasn't changed, the original values should be found."); 
                    if (!Object.Equals(currentValue, ((StateManagerValue)originalStateManagerValue).originalValue))
                        Debug.Assert(!member.IsPartOfKey, "Found member of complex type that is part of a key");
                        // equivalent of EntityObject.ReportComplexPropertyChanging()
                        ((IEntityChangeTracker)this).EntityComplexMemberChanging(topLevelMember.CLayerName, complexValue, member.CLayerName);
                        // equivalent of EntityObject.ReportComplexPropertyChanged()
                        ((IEntityChangeTracker)this).EntityComplexMemberChanged(topLevelMember.CLayerName, complexValue, member.CLayerName); 
            // Scalar value in a complex object was changed
            return false;
        private object GetComplexObjectSnapshot(object parentObject, int parentOrdinal)
            object oldComplexObject = null; 
            if (this._originalComplexObjects != null)
                Dictionary ordinal2complexObject;
                if (this._originalComplexObjects.TryGetValue(parentObject, out ordinal2complexObject))
                    ordinal2complexObject.TryGetValue(parentOrdinal, out oldComplexObject); 
            return oldComplexObject; 
        // The _originalComplexObjects should always contain references to the values of complex objects which are "original"
        // at the moment of calling GetComplexObjectSnapshot().  They are used to get original scalar values from _originalValues
        // and to check if complex object instance was changed.
        // This method should be called after EntityMemberChanged in POCO case. 
        internal void UpdateComplexObjectSnapshot(StateManagerMemberMetadata member, object userObject, int ordinal, object currentValue)
            bool requiresAdd = true; 
            if (this._originalComplexObjects != null)
                Dictionary ordinal2complexObject;
                if (this._originalComplexObjects.TryGetValue(userObject, out ordinal2complexObject))
                    Debug.Assert(ordinal2complexObject != null, "value should already exists"); 
                    object oldValue = ordinal2complexObject[ordinal];
                    ordinal2complexObject[ordinal] = currentValue; 
                    // check nested complex objects (if they exist)
                    if (this._originalComplexObjects.TryGetValue(oldValue, out ordinal2complexObject)) 
                        this._originalComplexObjects.Add(currentValue, ordinal2complexObject);
                        StateManagerTypeMetadata typeMetadata = _cache.GetOrAddStateManagerTypeMetadata(member.CdmMetadata.TypeUsage.EdmType);
                        for (int i = 0; i < typeMetadata.FieldCount; i++) 
                            StateManagerMemberMetadata complexMember = typeMetadata.Member(i);
                            if (complexMember.IsComplex) 
                                object nestedValue = complexMember.GetValue(currentValue);
                                // Recursive call for nested complex objects
                                UpdateComplexObjectSnapshot(complexMember, currentValue, i, nestedValue); 
                    requiresAdd = false;
                AddComplexObjectSnapshot(userObject, ordinal, currentValue); 
        /// Processes each dependent end of an FK relationship in this entity and determines if a nav 
        /// prop is set to a principal.  If it is, and if the principal is Unchanged or Modified,
        /// then the primary key value is taken from the principal and used to fixup the FK value.
        /// This is called during AddObject so that references set from the added object will take
        /// precedence over FK values such that there is no need for the user to set FK values 
        /// explicitly.  If a conflict in the FK value is encountered due to an overlapping FK
        /// that is tied to two different PK values, then an exception is thrown. 
        /// Note that references to objects that are not yet tracked by the context are ignored, since 
        /// they will ultimately be brought into the context as Added objects, at which point we would
        /// have skipped them anyway because the are not Unchanged or Modified. 
        internal void FixupFKValuesFromNonAddedReferences()
            Debug.Assert(EntitySet is EntitySet, "Expect entity entries to have true entity sets."); 
            if (!((EntitySet)EntitySet).HasForeignKeyRelationships)
            // Keep track of all FK values that have already been set so that we can detect conflicts.
            var changedFKs = new Dictionary();
            foreach (Tuple dependent in ForeignKeyDependents)
                var reference = RelationshipManager.GetRelatedEndInternal(dependent.Item1.ElementType.FullName, dependent.Item2.FromRole.Name) as EntityReference;
                Debug.Assert(reference != null, "Expected reference to exist and be an entity reference (not collection)"); 
                if (reference.TargetAccessor.HasProperty)
                    var principal = WrappedEntity.GetNavigationPropertyValue(reference);
                    if (principal != null)
                        ObjectStateEntry principalEntry; 
                        if (_cache.TryGetObjectStateEntry(principal, out principalEntry) &&
                            (principalEntry.State == EntityState.Modified || principalEntry.State == EntityState.Unchanged)) 
                            Debug.Assert(principalEntry is EntityEntry, "Existing entry for an entity must be an EntityEntry, not a RelationshipEntry");
                            reference.UpdateForeignKeyValues(WrappedEntity, ((EntityEntry)principalEntry).WrappedEntity, changedFKs, forceChange: false); 
        // Method used for entities which don't implement IEntityWithRelationships 
        internal void TakeSnapshotOfRelationships()
            Debug.Assert(this._wrappedEntity != null, "wrapped entity shouldn't be null");
            Debug.Assert(!(this._wrappedEntity.Entity is IEntityWithRelationships), "this method should be called only for entities which don't implement IEntityWithRelationships");

            RelationshipManager rm = this._wrappedEntity.RelationshipManager; 

            StateManagerTypeMetadata metadata = this._cacheTypeMetadata; 
            ReadOnlyMetadataCollection navigationProperties =
                (metadata.CdmMetadata.EdmType as EntityType).NavigationProperties; 

            foreach (NavigationProperty n in navigationProperties)
                RelatedEnd relatedEnd = rm.GetRelatedEndInternal(n.RelationshipType.FullName, n.ToEndMember.Name); 
                object val = this.WrappedEntity.GetNavigationPropertyValue(relatedEnd);
                if (val != null) 
                    if (n.ToEndMember.RelationshipMultiplicity == RelationshipMultiplicity.Many) 
                        // Collection
                        IEnumerable collection = val as IEnumerable;
                        if (collection == null) 
                            throw new EntityException(System.Data.Entity.Strings.ObjectStateEntry_UnableToEnumerateCollection(n.Name, this.Entity.GetType().FullName)); 

                        foreach (object o in collection) 
                            // Skip nulls in collections
                            if (o != null)
                                this.TakeSnapshotOfSingleRelationship(relatedEnd, n, o);
                        // Reference
                        this.TakeSnapshotOfSingleRelationship(relatedEnd, n, val);

        private void TakeSnapshotOfSingleRelationship(RelatedEnd relatedEnd, NavigationProperty n, object o) 
            // Related entity can be already attached, so find the existing entry
            EntityEntry relatedEntry = this.ObjectStateManager.FindEntityEntry(o);
            IEntityWrapper relatedWrapper; 

            if (relatedEntry != null) 
                Debug.Assert(this.ObjectStateManager.TransactionManager.IsAddTracking ||
                    this.ObjectStateManager.TransactionManager.IsAttachTracking, "Should be inside Attach or Add"); 

                //relatedEntry.VerifyOrUpdateRelatedEnd(n, this._wrappedEntity);
                relatedWrapper = relatedEntry._wrappedEntity;
                // In case of unidirectional relationships, it is possible that the other end of relationship was already added
                // to the context but its relationship manager doesn't contain proper related end with the current entity. 
                // In OSM we treat all relationships as bidirectional so the related end has to be updated. 
                RelatedEnd otherRelatedEnd = relatedWrapper.RelationshipManager.GetRelatedEndInternal(n.RelationshipType.FullName, n.FromEndMember.Name);
                if (!otherRelatedEnd.ContainsEntity(this._wrappedEntity)) 
                    Debug.Assert(relatedWrapper.ObjectStateEntry != null, "Expected related entity to be tracked in snapshot code.");
                    if (relatedWrapper.ObjectStateEntry.State == EntityState.Deleted)
                        throw EntityUtil.UnableToAddRelationshipWithDeletedEntity();
                    if (ObjectStateManager.TransactionManager.IsAttachTracking && 
                        (State & (EntityState.Modified | EntityState.Unchanged)) != 0 &&
                        (relatedWrapper.ObjectStateEntry.State & (EntityState.Modified | EntityState.Unchanged)) != 0) 
                        EntityEntry principalEntry = null;
                        EntityEntry dependentEntry = null;
                        if (relatedEnd.IsDependentEndOfReferentialConstraint(checkIdentifying: false)) 
                            principalEntry = relatedWrapper.ObjectStateEntry; 
                            dependentEntry = this; 
                        else if (otherRelatedEnd.IsDependentEndOfReferentialConstraint(checkIdentifying: false)) 
                            principalEntry = this;
                            dependentEntry = relatedWrapper.ObjectStateEntry;
                        if (principalEntry != null)
                            var constraint = ((AssociationType)relatedEnd.RelationMetadata).ReferentialConstraints[0]; 
                            if (!RelatedEnd.VerifyRIConstraintsWithRelatedEntry(constraint, dependentEntry.GetCurrentEntityValue, principalEntry.EntityKey))
                                throw EntityUtil.InconsistentReferentialConstraintProperties();
                    // Keep track of the fact that we aligned the related end here so that we can undo
                    // it in rollback without wiping the already existing nav properties. 
                    EntityReference otherEndAsRef = otherRelatedEnd as EntityReference; 
                    if (otherEndAsRef != null && otherEndAsRef.NavigationPropertyIsNullOrMissing())
                    otherRelatedEnd.AddToLocalCache(this._wrappedEntity, applyConstraints: true);
                    otherRelatedEnd.OnAssociationChanged(CollectionChangeAction.Add, _wrappedEntity.Entity); 
                if (!this.ObjectStateManager.TransactionManager.WrappedEntities.TryGetValue(o, out relatedWrapper)) 
                    relatedWrapper = EntityWrapperFactory.WrapEntityUsingStateManager(o, this.ObjectStateManager);

            if (!relatedEnd.ContainsEntity(relatedWrapper)) 
                relatedEnd.AddToLocalCache(relatedWrapper, true);
                relatedEnd.OnAssociationChanged(CollectionChangeAction.Add, relatedWrapper.Entity); 

        internal void DetectChangesInRelationshipsOfSingleEntity() 
            Debug.Assert(!this.IsKeyEntry, "Entry should be an EntityEntry"); 
            Debug.Assert(!(this.Entity is IEntityWithRelationships), "Entity shouldn't implement IEntityWithRelationships"); 

            StateManagerTypeMetadata metadata = this._cacheTypeMetadata; 

            ReadOnlyMetadataCollection navigationProperties =
                (metadata.CdmMetadata.EdmType as EntityType).NavigationProperties;
            foreach (NavigationProperty n in navigationProperties)
                RelatedEnd relatedEnd = this.WrappedEntity.RelationshipManager.GetRelatedEndInternal(n.RelationshipType.FullName, n.ToEndMember.Name); 
                Debug.Assert(relatedEnd != null, "relatedEnd is null");
                object val = this.WrappedEntity.GetNavigationPropertyValue(relatedEnd);

                HashSet current = new HashSet();
                if (val != null) 
                    if (n.ToEndMember.RelationshipMultiplicity == RelationshipMultiplicity.Many) 
                        // Collection
                        IEnumerable collection = val as IEnumerable; 
                        if (collection == null)
                            throw new EntityException(System.Data.Entity.Strings.ObjectStateEntry_UnableToEnumerateCollection(n.Name, this.Entity.GetType().FullName));
                        foreach (object o in collection)
                            // Skip nulls in collections 
                            if (o != null)
                        // Reference 

                // find deleted entities
                foreach (object o in relatedEnd.GetInternalEnumerable()) 
                    if (!current.Contains(o)) 
                            this.ObjectStateManager.TransactionManager.DeletedRelationshipsByGraph, o, relatedEnd, verifyForAdd:false); 
                // "current" contains now only added entities
                foreach (object o in current) 
                        this.ObjectStateManager.TransactionManager.AddedRelationshipsByGraph, o, relatedEnd, verifyForAdd:true);
        private void AddRelationshipDetectedByGraph(
            Dictionary>> relationships, 
            object relatedObject,
            RelatedEnd relatedEndFrom,
            bool verifyForAdd)
            IEntityWrapper relatedWrapper = EntityWrapperFactory.WrapEntityUsingStateManager(relatedObject, this.ObjectStateManager);
            this.AddDetectedRelationship(relationships, relatedWrapper, relatedEndFrom); 

            RelatedEnd relatedEndTo = relatedEndFrom.GetOtherEndOfRelationship(relatedWrapper); 

            if (verifyForAdd &&
                relatedEndTo is EntityReference &&
                this.ObjectStateManager.FindEntityEntry(relatedObject) == null) 
                // If the relatedObject is not tracked by the context, let's detect it before OSM.PerformAdd to avoid 
                // making RelatedEnd.Add() more complicated (it would have to know when the values in relatedEndTo can be overriden, and when not 

            this.AddDetectedRelationship(relationships, _wrappedEntity, relatedEndTo);
        private void AddRelationshipDetectedByForeignKey(
            Dictionary>> relationships, 
            Dictionary>> principalRelationships, 
            EntityKey relatedKey,
            EntityEntry relatedEntry, 
            RelatedEnd relatedEndFrom)
            Debug.Assert(!relatedKey.IsTemporary, "the relatedKey was created by a method which returns only permaanent keys");
            this.AddDetectedRelationship(relationships, relatedKey, relatedEndFrom); 

            if (relatedEntry != null) 
                IEntityWrapper relatedWrapper = relatedEntry.WrappedEntity; ;
                RelatedEnd relatedEndTo = relatedEndFrom.GetOtherEndOfRelationship(relatedWrapper);

                EntityKey permanentKeyOwner = this.ObjectStateManager.GetPermanentKey(relatedEntry.WrappedEntity, relatedEndTo, this.WrappedEntity);
                this.AddDetectedRelationship(principalRelationships, permanentKeyOwner, relatedEndTo); 
        /// Designed to be used by Change Detection methods to insert 
        /// Added/Deleted relationships into 
        /// Creates new entries in the dictionaries if required
        /// IEntityWrapper or EntityKey 
        /// The set of detected relationships to add this entry to
        /// The entity the relationship points to 
        /// The related end the relationship originates from 
        private void AddDetectedRelationship(
            Dictionary>> relationships, 
            T relatedObject,
            RelatedEnd relatedEnd)
            // Update info about changes to this/from side of the relationship 
            Dictionary> alreadyDetectedRelationshipsFrom;
            if (!relationships.TryGetValue(relatedEnd.WrappedOwner, out alreadyDetectedRelationshipsFrom)) 
                alreadyDetectedRelationshipsFrom = new Dictionary>();
                relationships.Add(relatedEnd.WrappedOwner, alreadyDetectedRelationshipsFrom); 

            HashSet objectsInRelatedEnd;
            if (!alreadyDetectedRelationshipsFrom.TryGetValue(relatedEnd, out objectsInRelatedEnd)) 
                objectsInRelatedEnd = new HashSet(); 
                alreadyDetectedRelationshipsFrom.Add(relatedEnd, objectsInRelatedEnd); 
                if (relatedEnd is EntityReference)
                    Debug.Assert(objectsInRelatedEnd.Count() == 1, "unexpected number of entities for EntityReference"); 
                    T existingRelatedObject = objectsInRelatedEnd.First();
                    if (!Object.Equals(existingRelatedObject, relatedObject)) 
                        throw EntityUtil.CannotAddMoreThanOneEntityToEntityReference(


        /// Detaches an entry and create in its place key entry if necessary
        /// Removes relationships with another key entries and removes these key entries if necessary
        internal void Detach() 
            bool createKeyEntry = false;

            RelationshipManager relationshipManager = _wrappedEntity.RelationshipManager;
            Debug.Assert(relationshipManager != null, "Entity wrapper returned a null RelationshipManager"); 
            // Key entry should be created only when current entity is not in Added state
            // and if the entity is a "OneToOne" or "ZeroToOne" end of some existing relationship. 
            createKeyEntry = 
                    this.State != EntityState.Added &&

                // Remove current entity from collections/references (on both ends of relationship)
                // Relationship entries are removed from ObjectStateManager if current entity is in Added state 
                // or if current entity is a "Many" end of the relationship. 
                // NOTE In this step only relationship entries which have normal entity on the other end
                //      can be detached. 
                // NOTE In this step no Deleted relationship entries are detached.

            // Remove relationship entries which has a key entry on the other end. 
            // If the key entry does not have any other relationship, it is removed from Object State Manager.
            // NOTE Relationship entries which have a normal entity on the other end are detached only if the relationship state is Deleted.
            IEntityWrapper existingWrappedEntity = _wrappedEntity;
            EntityKey key = _entityKey; 
            EntityState state = State; 

            if (createKeyEntry) 
                // If entity is in state different than Added state, entityKey should not be set to null 
                // EntityKey is set to null in 
                //    ObjectStateManger.ChangeState() ->
                //    ObjectStateEntry.Reset() -> 
                //    ObjectStateEntry.DetachObjectStateManagerFromEntity()

                // Store data required to restore the entity key if needed.
                _wrappedEntity.ObjectStateEntry = null; 

                _cache.ChangeState(this, this.State, EntityState.Detached); 

            // In case the detach event modifies the key. 
            if (state != EntityState.Added)
                existingWrappedEntity.EntityKey = key;
        //"doFixup" equals to False is called from EntityCollection & Ref code only 
        internal void Delete(bool doFixup)

            if (this.IsKeyEntry)
                throw EntityUtil.CannotCallDeleteOnKeyEntry();
            if (doFixup && this.State != EntityState.Deleted)
                this.NullAllForeignKeys(); // May set conceptual nulls which will later be removed

            switch (State) 
                case EntityState.Added:
                    Debug.Assert(EntityState.Added == State, "Expected ObjectStateEntry state is Added; make sure FixupRelationship did not corrupt cache entry state"); 

                    _cache.ChangeState(this, EntityState.Added, EntityState.Detached);

                    Debug.Assert(null == _modifiedFields, "There should not be any modified fields"); 

                case EntityState.Modified: 
                    if (!doFixup)
                        // Even when we are not doing relationship fixup at the collection level, if the entry is not a relationship
                        // we need to check to see if there are relationships that are referencing keys that should be removed
                        // this mainly occurs in cascade delete scenarios
                        DeleteRelationshipsThatReferenceKeys(null, null); 
                    Debug.Assert(EntityState.Modified == State, "Expected ObjectStateEntry state is Modified; make sure FixupRelationship did not corrupt cache entry state"); 
                    _cache.ChangeState(this, EntityState.Modified, EntityState.Deleted); 
                    State = EntityState.Deleted;
                case EntityState.Unchanged:
                    if (!doFixup)
                        // Even when we are not doing relationship fixup at the collection level, if the entry is not a relationship
                        // we need to check to see if there are relationships that are referencing keys that should be removed 
                        // this mainly occurs in cascade delete scenarios 
                        DeleteRelationshipsThatReferenceKeys(null, null);
                    Debug.Assert(State == EntityState.Unchanged, "Unexpected state");
                    Debug.Assert(EntityState.Unchanged == State, "Expected ObjectStateEntry state is Unchanged; make sure FixupRelationship did not corrupt cache entry state");
                    _cache.ChangeState(this, EntityState.Unchanged, EntityState.Deleted);
                    Debug.Assert(null == _modifiedFields, "There should not be any modified fields"); 
                    State = EntityState.Deleted;
                case EntityState.Deleted:
                    // no-op 
        /// Nulls all FK values in this entity, or sets conceptual nulls if they are not nullable. 
        private void NullAllForeignKeys()
            foreach (var dependent in ForeignKeyDependents)
                EntityReference relatedEnd = WrappedEntity.RelationshipManager.GetRelatedEndInternal(
                    dependent.Item1.ElementType.FullName, dependent.Item2.FromRole.Name) as EntityReference; 
                Debug.Assert(relatedEnd != null, "Expected non-null EntityReference to principal.");
        private bool IsOneEndOfSomeRelationship()
            foreach (RelationshipEntry relationshipEntry in _cache.FindRelationshipsByKey(EntityKey))
                RelationshipMultiplicity multiplicity = this.GetAssociationEndMember(relationshipEntry).RelationshipMultiplicity;
                if (multiplicity == RelationshipMultiplicity.One || 
                    multiplicity == RelationshipMultiplicity.ZeroOrOne) 
                    EntityKey targetKey = relationshipEntry.RelationshipWrapper.GetOtherEntityKey(EntityKey); 
                    EntityEntry relatedEntry = _cache.GetEntityEntry(targetKey);
                    // Relationships with KeyEntries don't count.
                    if (!relatedEntry.IsKeyEntry)
                        return true;
            return false; 

        // Detaches related relationship entries if other ends of these relationships are key entries.
        // Detaches also related relationship entries if the entry is in Deleted state and the multiplicity is Many. 
        // Key entry from the other side of the relationship is removed if is not related to other entries.
        private void DetachRelationshipsEntries(RelationshipManager relationshipManager) 
            Debug.Assert(relationshipManager != null, "Unexpected null RelationshipManager");
            Debug.Assert(!this.IsKeyEntry, "Should only be detaching relationships with key entries if the source is not a key entry"); 

            foreach (RelationshipEntry relationshipEntry in _cache.CopyOfRelationshipsByKey(EntityKey))
                // Get state entry for other side of the relationship 
                EntityKey targetKey = relationshipEntry.RelationshipWrapper.GetOtherEntityKey(EntityKey);
                Debug.Assert((object)targetKey != null, "EntityKey not on either side of relationship as expected"); 
                EntityEntry relatedEntry = _cache.GetEntityEntry(targetKey);
                if (relatedEntry.IsKeyEntry) 
                    // This must be an EntityReference, so set the DetachedEntityKey if the relationship is currently Added or Unchanged
                    // devnote: This assumes that we are in the middle of detaching the entity associated with this state entry, because
                    //          we don't always want to preserve the EntityKey for every detached relationship, if the source entity itself isn't being detached 
                    if (relationshipEntry.State != EntityState.Deleted)
                        AssociationEndMember targetMember = relationshipEntry.RelationshipWrapper.GetAssociationEndMember(targetKey); 
                        // devnote: Since we know the target end of this relationship is a key entry, it has to be a reference, so just cast
                        EntityReference entityReference = (EntityReference)relationshipManager.GetRelatedEndInternal(targetMember.DeclaringType.FullName, targetMember.Name); 
                        entityReference.DetachedEntityKey = targetKey;
                    // else do nothing -- we can't null out the key for Deleted state, because there could be other relationships with this same source in a different state
                    // Remove key entry if necessary
                    // Remove relationship entry 
                    // Detach deleted relationships
                    if (relationshipEntry.State == EntityState.Deleted) 
                        RelationshipMultiplicity multiplicity = this.GetAssociationEndMember(relationshipEntry).RelationshipMultiplicity; 
                        if (multiplicity == RelationshipMultiplicity.Many) 
        private void FixupRelationships() 
            RelationshipManager relationshipManager = _wrappedEntity.RelationshipManager; 
            Debug.Assert(relationshipManager != null, "Entity wrapper returned a null RelationshipManager");
            DeleteRelationshipsThatReferenceKeys(null, null);

        /// see if there are any relationship entries that point to key entries 
        /// if there are, remove the relationship entry
        /// This is called when one of the ends of a relationship is being removed 
        /// An option relationshipSet; deletes only relationships that are part of this set
        internal void DeleteRelationshipsThatReferenceKeys(RelationshipSet relationshipSet, RelationshipEndMember endMember)
            if (State != EntityState.Detached)
                // devnote: Need to use a copy of the relationships list because we may be deleting Added 
                //          relationships, which will be removed from the list while we are still iterating
                foreach (RelationshipEntry relationshipEntry in _cache.CopyOfRelationshipsByKey(EntityKey)) 
                    // Only delete the relationship entry if it is not already deleted (in which case we cannot access its values)
                    // and when the given (optionally) relationshipSet matches the one in teh relationship entry
                    if ((relationshipEntry.State != EntityState.Deleted) && 
                        (relationshipSet == null || relationshipSet == relationshipEntry.EntitySet))
                        EntityEntry otherEnd = this.GetOtherEndOfRelationship(relationshipEntry); 
                        if (endMember == null || endMember == otherEnd.GetAssociationEndMember(relationshipEntry))
                            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                                EntityKey entityKey = relationshipEntry.GetCurrentRelationValue(i) as EntityKey;
                                if ((object)entityKey != null) 
                                    EntityEntry relatedEntry = _cache.GetEntityEntry(entityKey); 
                                    if (relatedEntry.IsKeyEntry) 
                                        // remove the relationshipEntry 

        // Retrieve referential constraint properties from Principal entities (possibly recursively)
        // and check referential constraint properties in the Dependent entities (1 level only) 
        // This code does not check the constraints on FKs because that work is instead done by
        // the FK fixup code that is also called from AcceptChanges. 
        // Returns true if any FK relationships were skipped so that they can be checked again after fixup 
        private bool RetrieveAndCheckReferentialConstraintValuesInAcceptChanges()
            RelationshipManager relationshipManager = _wrappedEntity.RelationshipManager;
            Debug.Assert(relationshipManager != null, "Entity wrapper returned a null RelationshipManager");
            // Find key property names which are part of referential integrity constraints
            List propertiesToRetrieve;  // names of properties which should be retrieved from Principal entities 
            bool propertiesToCheckExist;        // true iff there are properties which should be checked in dependent entities
            // Get RI property names from metadata 
            bool skippedFKs = relationshipManager.FindNamesOfReferentialConstraintProperties(out propertiesToRetrieve, out propertiesToCheckExist, skipFK: true);
            // Do not try to retrieve RI properties if entity doesn't participate in any RI Constraints
            if (propertiesToRetrieve != null)
                // Retrieve key values from related entities 
                Dictionary> properties;
                // Create HashSet to store references to already visited entities, used to detect circular references 
                HashSet visited = new HashSet();
                relationshipManager.RetrieveReferentialConstraintProperties(out properties, visited, includeOwnValues: false);

                // Update properties
                foreach (KeyValuePair> pair in properties) 
                    this.SetCurrentEntityValue(pair.Key /*name*/, pair.Value.Key /*value*/); 
            if (propertiesToCheckExist)
                // Compare properties of current entity with properties of the dependent entities
            return skippedFKs; 

        internal void RetrieveReferentialConstraintPropertiesFromKeyEntries(Dictionary> properties)
            string thisRole;
            AssociationSet association; 

            // Iterate through related relationship entries 
            foreach (RelationshipEntry relationshipEntry in _cache.FindRelationshipsByKey(EntityKey)) 
                EntityEntry otherEnd = this.GetOtherEndOfRelationship(relationshipEntry); 

                // We only try to retrieve properties from key entries
                if (otherEnd.IsKeyEntry)
                    association = (AssociationSet)relationshipEntry.EntitySet;
                    Debug.Assert(association != null, "relationship is not an association"); 
                    // Iterate through referential constraints of the association of the relationship
                    // NOTE PERFORMANCE This collection in current stack can have 0 or 1 elements 
                    foreach (ReferentialConstraint constraint in association.ElementType.ReferentialConstraints)
                        thisRole = this.GetAssociationEndMember(relationshipEntry).Name;
                        // Check if curent entry is a dependent end of the referential constraint
                        if (constraint.ToRole.Name == thisRole) 
                            Debug.Assert(!otherEnd.EntityKey.IsTemporary, "key of key entry can't be temporary");
                            IList otherEndKeyValues = otherEnd.EntityKey.EntityKeyValues; 
                            Debug.Assert(otherEndKeyValues != null, "key entry must have key values");

                            // NOTE PERFORMANCE Number of key properties is supposed to be "small"
                            foreach (EntityKeyMember pair in otherEndKeyValues) 
                                for (int i = 0; i < constraint.FromProperties.Count; ++i) 
                                    if (constraint.FromProperties[i].Name == pair.Key)
                                        EntityEntry.AddOrIncreaseCounter(properties, constraint.ToProperties[i].Name, pair.Value);

        internal static void AddOrIncreaseCounter(Dictionary> properties, string propertyName, object propertyValue)
            Debug.Assert(properties != null); 
            Debug.Assert(propertyName != null);
            Debug.Assert(propertyValue != null); 
            if (properties.ContainsKey(propertyName))
                // If this property already exists in the dictionary, check if value is the same then increase the counter

                KeyValuePair valueCounterPair = properties[propertyName];
                if (!ByValueEqualityComparer.Default.Equals(valueCounterPair.Key, propertyValue))
                    throw EntityUtil.InconsistentReferentialConstraintProperties(); 
                    valueCounterPair.Value.Value = valueCounterPair.Value.Value + 1;
                // If property doesn't exist in the dictionary - add new entry with pair
                properties[propertyName] = new KeyValuePair(propertyValue, new IntBox(1)); 
        // Check if related dependent entities contain proper property values
        // Only entities in Unchanged and Modified state are checked (including KeyEntries) 
        private void CheckReferentialConstraintPropertiesInDependents()
            string thisRole;
            AssociationSet association; 

            // Iterate through related relationship entries 
            foreach (RelationshipEntry relationshipEntry in _cache.FindRelationshipsByKey(EntityKey)) 
                EntityEntry otherEnd = this.GetOtherEndOfRelationship(relationshipEntry); 

                // We only check entries which are in Unchanged or Modified state
                // (including KeyEntries which are always in Unchanged State)
                if (otherEnd.State == EntityState.Unchanged || otherEnd.State == EntityState.Modified) 
                    association = (AssociationSet)relationshipEntry.EntitySet; 
                    Debug.Assert(association != null, "relationship is not an association"); 

                    // Iterate through referential constraints of the association of the relationship 
                    // NOTE PERFORMANCE This collection in current stack can have 0 or 1 elements
                    foreach (ReferentialConstraint constraint in association.ElementType.ReferentialConstraints)
                        thisRole = this.GetAssociationEndMember(relationshipEntry).Name; 

                        // Check if curent entry is a principal end of the referential constraint 
                        if (constraint.FromRole.Name == thisRole) 
                            Debug.Assert(!otherEnd.EntityKey.IsTemporary, "key of Unchanged or Modified entry can't be temporary"); 
                            IList otherEndKeyValues = otherEnd.EntityKey.EntityKeyValues;
                            // NOTE PERFORMANCE Number of key properties is supposed to be "small"
                            foreach (EntityKeyMember pair in otherEndKeyValues)
                                for (int i = 0; i < constraint.FromProperties.Count; ++i)
                                    if (constraint.ToProperties[i].Name == pair.Key) 
                                        if (!ByValueEqualityComparer.Default.Equals(GetCurrentEntityValue(constraint.FromProperties[i].Name), pair.Value)) 
                                            throw EntityUtil.InconsistentReferentialConstraintProperties();

        internal void PromoteKeyEntry(IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity, IExtendedDataRecord shadowValues, StateManagerTypeMetadata typeMetadata) 
            Debug.Assert(wrappedEntity != null, "entity wrapper cannot be null."); 
            Debug.Assert(wrappedEntity.Entity != null, "entity cannot be null."); 
            Debug.Assert(this.IsKeyEntry, "ObjectStateEntry should be a key.");
            Debug.Assert(typeMetadata != null, "typeMetadata cannot be null."); 

            _wrappedEntity = wrappedEntity;
            _wrappedEntity.ObjectStateEntry = this;
            // Allow updating of cached metadata because the actual entity might be a derived type
            _cacheTypeMetadata = typeMetadata; 
#if DEBUG   // performance, don't do this work in retail until shadow state is supported
            if (shadowValues != null) 
                // shadowState always  coms from materializer, just copy the shadowstate values
                Debug.Assert(shadowValues.DataRecordInfo.RecordType.EdmType.Equals(_cacheTypeMetadata.CdmMetadata.EdmType), "different cspace metadata instance");
                for (int ordinal = 0; ordinal < _cacheTypeMetadata.FieldCount; ordinal++) 
                    if (_cacheTypeMetadata.IsMemberPartofShadowState(ordinal)) 
                        Debug.Assert(false, "shadowstate not supported");

        /// Turns this entry into a key entry (SPAN stub). 
        internal void DegradeEntry() 
            Debug.Assert((object)_entityKey != null);
            _entityKey = EntityKey; //Performs validation.

            _modifiedFields = null; 
            _originalValues = null;
            _originalComplexObjects = null;

            // we don't want temporary keys to exist outside of the context 
            if (State == EntityState.Added)
                _wrappedEntity.EntityKey = null; 
                _entityKey = null;

            if (State != EntityState.Unchanged)
                _cache.ChangeState(this, this.State, EntityState.Unchanged); 
                State = EntityState.Unchanged;
            _wrappedEntity.ObjectStateEntry = null;

            object degradedEntity = _wrappedEntity.Entity;
            _wrappedEntity = EntityWrapperFactory.NullWrapper; 
            _cache.OnObjectStateManagerChanged(CollectionChangeAction.Remove, degradedEntity);
        internal void AttachObjectStateManagerToEntity()
            // This method should only be called in cases where we really have an entity to attach to
            Debug.Assert(_wrappedEntity.Entity != null, "Cannot attach a null entity to the state manager"); 

        // Get values of key properties which doesn't already exist in passed in 'properties' 
        internal void GetOtherKeyProperties(Dictionary> properties)
            Debug.Assert(properties != null);
            Debug.Assert(_cacheTypeMetadata != null); 
            Debug.Assert(_cacheTypeMetadata.DataRecordInfo != null);
            Debug.Assert(_cacheTypeMetadata.DataRecordInfo.RecordType != null); 
            EntityType entityType = _cacheTypeMetadata.DataRecordInfo.RecordType.EdmType as EntityType;
            Debug.Assert(entityType != null, "EntityType == null"); 

            foreach (EdmMember member in entityType.KeyMembers)
                if (!properties.ContainsKey(member.Name)) 
                    properties[member.Name] = new KeyValuePair(this.GetCurrentEntityValue(member.Name), new IntBox(1)); 

        internal void AddOriginalValue(StateManagerMemberMetadata memberMetadata, object userObject, object value)
            if (null == _originalValues) 
                _originalValues = new List(); 
            _originalValues.Add(new StateManagerValue(memberMetadata, userObject, value));

        internal void CompareKeyProperties(object changed)
            Debug.Assert(changed != null, "changed object is null"); 
            StateManagerTypeMetadata metadata = this._cacheTypeMetadata; 

            int fieldCount = this.GetFieldCount(metadata); 
            object currentValueNew;
            object currentValueOld;

            for (int i = 0; i < fieldCount; i++) 
                StateManagerMemberMetadata member = metadata.Member(i); 
                if (member.IsPartOfKey) 

                    currentValueNew = member.GetValue(changed);
                    currentValueOld = member.GetValue(_wrappedEntity.Entity);
                    if (!ByValueEqualityComparer.Default.Equals(currentValueNew, currentValueOld))
                        throw EntityUtil.CannotModifyKeyProperty(member.CLayerName); 

        // helper method used to get value of property 
        internal object GetCurrentEntityValue(string memberName)
            int ordinal = _cacheTypeMetadata.GetOrdinalforOLayerMemberName(memberName); 
            return GetCurrentEntityValue(_cacheTypeMetadata, ordinal, _wrappedEntity.Entity, ObjectStateValueRecord.CurrentUpdatable);

        /// Verifies that the property with the given ordinal is editable.
        /// the property is not editable
        internal void VerifyEntityValueIsEditable(StateManagerTypeMetadata typeMetadata, int ordinal, string memberName) 
            if (this.State == EntityState.Deleted)
                throw EntityUtil.CantModifyDetachedDeletedEntries();

            Debug.Assert(typeMetadata != null, "Cannot verify entity or complex object is editable if typeMetadata is null."); 
            StateManagerMemberMetadata member = typeMetadata.Member(ordinal);
            Debug.Assert(member != null, "Member shouldn't be null."); 

            // Key fields are only editable if the entry is the Added state. 
            if (member.IsPartOfKey && State != EntityState.Added)
                throw EntityUtil.CannotModifyKeyProperty(memberName);
        // This API are mainly for DbDataRecord implementations to get and set the values 
        // also for loadoptions, setoldvalue will be used.
        // we should handle just for C-space, we will not recieve a call from O-space for set 
        // We will not also return any value in term of O-Layer. all set and gets for us is in terms of C-layer.
        // the only O-layer interaction we have is through delegates from entity.
        internal void SetCurrentEntityValue(StateManagerTypeMetadata metadata, int ordinal, object userObject, object newValue)
            // required to validate state because entity could be detatched from this context and added to another context
            // and we want this to fail instead of setting the value which would redirect to the other context 

            StateManagerMemberMetadata member = metadata.Member(ordinal); 
            Debug.Assert(member != null, "StateManagerMemberMetadata was not found for the given ordinal.");

            if (member.IsComplex)
                if (newValue == null || newValue == DBNull.Value)
                    throw EntityUtil.NullableComplexTypesNotSupported(member.CLayerName); 
                IExtendedDataRecord newValueRecord = newValue as IExtendedDataRecord;
                if (newValueRecord == null)
                    throw EntityUtil.InvalidTypeForComplexTypeProperty("value"); 
                newValue = _cache.ComplexTypeMaterializer.CreateComplex(newValueRecord, newValueRecord.DataRecordInfo, null); 
            _wrappedEntity.SetCurrentValue(this, member, ordinal, userObject, newValue);

        private void TransitionRelationshipsForAdd() 
            foreach (RelationshipEntry relationshipEntry in _cache.CopyOfRelationshipsByKey(this.EntityKey)) 
                // Unchanged -> Added
                if (relationshipEntry.State == EntityState.Unchanged) 
                    this.ObjectStateManager.ChangeState(relationshipEntry, EntityState.Unchanged, EntityState.Added);
                    relationshipEntry.State = EntityState.Added;
                // Deleted -> Detached
                else if (relationshipEntry.State == EntityState.Deleted) 
                    // Remove key entry if necessary
                    // Remove relationship entry
        private void VerifyIsNotRelated()
            Debug.Assert(!this.IsKeyEntry, "shouldn't be called for a key entry");


        internal void ChangeObjectState(EntityState requestedState) 
            if (this.IsKeyEntry)
                if (requestedState == EntityState.Unchanged)
                    return; // No-op
                throw EntityUtil.CannotModifyKeyEntryState();
            switch (this.State)
                case EntityState.Added:
                    switch (requestedState)
                        case EntityState.Added: 
                            // Relationship fixup: Unchanged -> Added,  Deleted -> Detached
                        case EntityState.Unchanged:
                            // Relationship fixup: none 
                        case EntityState.Modified:
                            // Relationship fixup: none 
                        case EntityState.Deleted: 
                            // Need to forget conceptual nulls so that AcceptChanges does not throw.
                            // Note that there should always be no conceptual nulls left when we get into the Deleted state.
                            _cache.ForgetEntryWithConceptualNull(this, resetAllKeys: true);
                            // Relationship fixup: Added -> Detached, Unchanged -> Deleted 
                            // NOTE: OSM.TransactionManager.IsLocalPublicAPI == true so cascade delete and RIC are disabled 
                        case EntityState.Detached: 
                            // Relationship fixup: * -> Detached
                            throw EntityUtil.InvalidEntityStateArgument("state");
                case EntityState.Unchanged:
                    switch (requestedState) 
                        case EntityState.Added:
                            this._modifiedFields = null; 
                            this._originalValues = null;
                            this._originalComplexObjects = null; 
                            this.State = EntityState.Added; 
                            // Relationship fixup: Unchanged -> Added,  Deleted -> Detached
                        case EntityState.Unchanged:
                            // Relationship fixup: none
                        case EntityState.Modified:
                            // Relationship fixup: none 
                        case EntityState.Deleted:
                            // Relationship fixup: Added -> Detached,  Unchanged -> Deleted
                            // NOTE: OSM.TransactionManager.IsLocalPublicAPI == true so cascade delete and RIC are disabled
                        case EntityState.Detached: 
                            // Relationship fixup: * -> Detached 
                            throw EntityUtil.InvalidEntityStateArgument("state");
                case EntityState.Modified:
                    switch (requestedState) 
                        case EntityState.Added:
                            this._modifiedFields = null;
                            this._originalValues = null;
                            this._originalComplexObjects = null;
                            this.State = EntityState.Added; 
                            // Relationship fixup: Unchanged -> Added,  Deleted -> Detached
                        case EntityState.Unchanged:
                            // Relationship fixup: none
                        case EntityState.Modified:
                            // Relationship fixup: none 
                        case EntityState.Deleted:
                            // Relationship fixup: Added -> Detached,  Unchanged -> Deleted 
                            // NOTE: OSM.TransactionManager.IsLocalPublicAPI == true so cascade delete and RIC are disabled
                        case EntityState.Detached: 
                            // Relationship fixup: * -> Detached
                            throw EntityUtil.InvalidEntityStateArgument("state"); 
                case EntityState.Deleted:
                    switch (requestedState) 
                        case EntityState.Added: 
                            // Throw if the entry has some not-Deleted relationships 
                            this._modifiedFields = null;
                            this._originalValues = null;
                            this._originalComplexObjects = null; 
                            this.State = EntityState.Added;
                            _cache.FixupReferencesByForeignKeys(this); // Make sure refs based on FK values are set 
                            _cache.OnObjectStateManagerChanged(CollectionChangeAction.Add, Entity); 
                        case EntityState.Unchanged: 
                            // Throw if the entry has some not-Deleted relationship
                            this._modifiedFields = null;
                            this._originalValues = null; 
                            this._originalComplexObjects = null;
                            this.ObjectStateManager.ChangeState(this, EntityState.Deleted, EntityState.Unchanged); 
                            this.State = EntityState.Unchanged;
                            _wrappedEntity.TakeSnapshot(this); // refresh snapshot

                            _cache.FixupReferencesByForeignKeys(this); // Make sure refs based on FK values are set
                            _cache.OnObjectStateManagerChanged(CollectionChangeAction.Add, Entity); 

                            // Relationship fixup: none 
                        case EntityState.Modified:
                            // Throw if the entry has some not-Deleted relationship 
                            // Relationship fixup: none
                            this.ObjectStateManager.ChangeState(this, EntityState.Deleted, EntityState.Modified);
                            this.State = EntityState.Modified; 
                            _cache.FixupReferencesByForeignKeys(this); // Make sure refs based on FK values are set 
                            _cache.OnObjectStateManagerChanged(CollectionChangeAction.Add, Entity);
                        case EntityState.Deleted:
                            // No-op
                        case EntityState.Detached:
                            // Relationship fixup: * -> Detached 
                            throw EntityUtil.InvalidEntityStateArgument("state");
                case EntityState.Detached: 
                    Debug.Fail("detached entry");
        internal void UpdateOriginalValues(object entity)
            Debug.Assert(EntityState.Added != this.State, "Cannot change original values of an entity in the Added state");
            EntityState oldState = this.State;
            this.UpdateRecordWithSetModified(entity, this.EditableOriginalValues); 

            if (oldState == EntityState.Unchanged && this.State == EntityState.Modified) 
                // The UpdateRecord changes state but doesn't update ObjectStateManager's dictionaries.
                this.ObjectStateManager.ChangeState(this, oldState, EntityState.Modified);
        internal void UpdateRecordWithoutSetModified(object value, DbUpdatableDataRecord current) 
            UpdateRecord(value, current, UpdateRecordBehavior.WithoutSetModified, s_EntityRoot); 

        internal void UpdateRecordWithSetModified(object value, DbUpdatableDataRecord current)
            UpdateRecord(value, current, UpdateRecordBehavior.WithSetModified, s_EntityRoot);
        private enum UpdateRecordBehavior
        internal const int s_EntityRoot = -1;
        private void UpdateRecord(object value, DbUpdatableDataRecord current, UpdateRecordBehavior behavior, int propertyIndex) 
            Debug.Assert(null != value, "null value"); 
            Debug.Assert(null != current, "null CurrentValueRecord");
            Debug.Assert(!(value is IEntityWrapper));
            Debug.Assert(propertyIndex == s_EntityRoot ||
                         propertyIndex >= 0, "Unexpected index. Use -1 if the passed value is an entity, not a complex type object"); 

            // get Metadata for type 
            StateManagerTypeMetadata typeMetadata = current._metadata; 
            DataRecordInfo recordInfo = typeMetadata.DataRecordInfo;
            foreach (FieldMetadata field in recordInfo.FieldMetadata)
                int index = field.Ordinal;
                object fieldValue = typeMetadata.Member(index).GetValue(value) ?? DBNull.Value;
                if (Helper.IsComplexType(field.FieldType.TypeUsage.EdmType)) 
                    object existing = current.GetValue(index); 
                    // Ensure that the existing ComplexType value is not null. This is not supported.
                    if (existing == DBNull.Value)
                        throw EntityUtil.NullableComplexTypesNotSupported(field.FieldType.Name); 
                    else if (fieldValue != DBNull.Value) 
                        // There is both an IExtendedDataRecord and an existing CurrentValueRecord
                        // This part is different than Shaper.UpdateRecord - we have to remember the name of property on the entity (for complex types)
                        // For property of a complex type the rootCLayerName is CLayerName of the complex property on the entity.
                        this.UpdateRecord(fieldValue, (DbUpdatableDataRecord)existing,
                            propertyIndex == s_EntityRoot ? index : propertyIndex);
                                 "Property is not PrimitiveType");

                    // Set the new value if it doesn't match the existing value or if the field is modified and 
                    // this entity has a conceptual null, since setting the field may then clear the conceptual null--see 640443.
                    if (HasRecordValueChanged(current, index, fieldValue)) 
                        current.SetValue(index, fieldValue);
                        if (behavior == UpdateRecordBehavior.WithSetModified)
                            // This part is different than Shaper.UpdateRecord - we have to mark the field as modified.
                            // For property of a complex type the rootCLayerName is CLayerName of the complex property on the entity. 
                            SetModifiedPropertyInternal(propertyIndex == s_EntityRoot ? index : propertyIndex);

        internal bool HasRecordValueChanged(DbDataRecord record, int propertyIndex, object newFieldValue)
            object existing = record.GetValue(propertyIndex);
            return (existing != newFieldValue) && 
                (((object)DBNull.Value == newFieldValue) || 
                 ((object)DBNull.Value == existing) ||
                 (!ByValueEqualityComparer.Default.Equals(existing, newFieldValue))) || 
                (_cache.EntryHasConceptualNull(this) && _modifiedFields != null && _modifiedFields[propertyIndex]);

        internal void ApplyCurrentValuesInternal(IEntityWrapper wrappedCurrentEntity) 
            Debug.Assert(!IsKeyEntry, "Cannot apply values to a key KeyEntry."); 
            Debug.Assert(wrappedCurrentEntity != null, "null entity wrapper"); 

            if (this.State != EntityState.Modified && 
                this.State != EntityState.Unchanged)
                throw EntityUtil.EntityMustBeUnchangedOrModified(this.State);

            if (this.WrappedEntity.IdentityType != wrappedCurrentEntity.IdentityType) 
                throw EntityUtil.EntitiesHaveDifferentType(this.Entity.GetType().FullName, wrappedCurrentEntity.Entity.GetType().FullName);


        internal void UpdateCurrentValueRecord(object value) 
            Debug.Assert(!(value is IEntityWrapper)); 
            _wrappedEntity.UpdateCurrentValueRecord(value, this);

        internal void ApplyOriginalValuesInternal(IEntityWrapper wrappedOriginalEntity) 
            Debug.Assert(!IsKeyEntry, "Cannot apply values to a key KeyEntry."); 
            Debug.Assert(wrappedOriginalEntity != null, "null entity wrapper"); 

            if (this.State != EntityState.Modified && 
                this.State != EntityState.Unchanged &&
                this.State != EntityState.Deleted)
                throw EntityUtil.EntityMustBeUnchangedOrModifiedOrDeleted(this.State); 
            if (this.WrappedEntity.IdentityType != wrappedOriginalEntity.IdentityType) 
                throw EntityUtil.EntitiesHaveDifferentType(this.Entity.GetType().FullName, wrappedOriginalEntity.Entity.GetType().FullName); 

            // The ObjectStateEntry.UpdateModifiedFields uses a variation of Shaper.UpdateRecord method
            // which additionaly marks properties as modified as necessary. 
        /// For each FK contained in this entry, the entry is removed from the index maintained by
        /// the ObjectStateManager for that key.
        internal void RemoveFromForeignKeyIndex()
            if (!this.IsKeyEntry) 
                foreach (EntityReference relatedEnd in FindFKRelatedEnds()) 
                    foreach(EntityKey foreignKey in relatedEnd.GetAllKeyValues())
                        _cache.RemoveEntryFromForeignKeyIndex(foreignKey, this); 

        /// Looks at the foreign keys contained in this entry and performs fixup to the entities that
        /// they reference, or adds the key and this entry to the index of foreign keys that reference 
        /// entities that we don't yet know about.
        internal void FixupReferencesByForeignKeys(bool replaceAddedRefs) 
            Debug.Assert(_cache != null, "Attempt to fixup detached entity entry"); 
            bool setIsLoaded = !(_cache.TransactionManager.IsAttachTracking || _cache.TransactionManager.IsAddTracking);
                foreach (var dependent in ForeignKeyDependents)
                    EntityReference relatedEnd = WrappedEntity.RelationshipManager.GetRelatedEndInternal( 
                        dependent.Item1.ElementType.FullName, dependent.Item2.FromRole.Name) as EntityReference;
                    Debug.Assert(relatedEnd != null, "Expected non-null EntityReference to principal."); 
                    // Prevent fixup using values that are effectivly null but aren't nullable.
                    if (!ForeignKeyFactory.IsConceptualNullKey(relatedEnd.CachedForeignKey))
                        FixupEntityReferenceToPrincipal(relatedEnd, null, setIsLoaded, replaceAddedRefs); 
        internal void FixupEntityReferenceByForeignKey(EntityReference reference)
            // The FK is changing, so the reference is no longer loaded from the store, even if we do fixup 
            // Remove the existing CachedForeignKey
            bool hasConceptualNullFk = ForeignKeyFactory.IsConceptualNullKey(reference.CachedForeignKey);
            if (hasConceptualNullFk)
                ObjectStateManager.ForgetEntryWithConceptualNull(this, resetAllKeys: false);
            IEntityWrapper existingPrincipal = reference.ReferenceValue;
            EntityKey foreignKey = ForeignKeyFactory.CreateKeyFromForeignKeyValues(this, reference); 

            // Check if the new FK matches the key of the entity already at the principal end.
            // If it does, then don't change the ref.
            bool needToSetRef; 
            if ((object)foreignKey == null || existingPrincipal.Entity == null)
                needToSetRef = true; 
                EntityKey existingPrincipalKey = existingPrincipal.EntityKey;
                EntityEntry existingPrincipalEntry = existingPrincipal.ObjectStateEntry;
                if (existingPrincipalKey.IsTemporary && existingPrincipalEntry != null) 
                    // Build a temporary non-temp key for the added entity so we can see if it matches the new FK 
                    existingPrincipalKey = new EntityKey((EntitySet)existingPrincipalEntry.EntitySet, (IExtendedDataRecord)existingPrincipalEntry.CurrentValues); 
                // If existingPrincipalKey is still a temp key here, then the equality check will fail
                needToSetRef = !foreignKey.Equals(existingPrincipalKey);
            if (_cache.TransactionManager.RelationshipBeingUpdated != reference)
                if (needToSetRef) 
                    ObjectStateManager stateManager = _cache; 
                    // Keep track of this entity so that we don't try to delete/detach the entity while we're
                    // working with it.  This allows the FK to be set to some value without that entity being detached.
                    // However, if the FK is being set to null, then for an identifying relationship we will detach. 
                    if ((object)foreignKey != null)
                        _cache.TransactionManager.EntityBeingReparented = Entity; 
                        FixupEntityReferenceToPrincipal(reference, foreignKey, setIsLoaded: false, replaceExistingRef: true);
                        Debug.Assert(_cache != null, "Unexpected null state manager."); 
                        _cache.TransactionManager.EntityBeingReparented = null; 
                // We only want to update the CachedForeignKey and not touch the EntityReference.Value/EntityKey
                FixupEntityReferenceToPrincipal(reference, foreignKey, setIsLoaded: false, replaceExistingRef: false); 
        /// Given a RelatedEnd that represents a FK from this dependent entity to the principal entity of the
        /// relationship, this method fixes up references between the two entities.
        /// Represents a FK relationship to a principal
        /// The foreign key, if it has already been computed 
        /// If true, then the IsLoaded flag for the relationship is set 
        /// If true, then any existing references will be replaced
        internal void FixupEntityReferenceToPrincipal(EntityReference relatedEnd, EntityKey foreignKey, bool setIsLoaded, bool replaceExistingRef) 
            Debug.Assert(relatedEnd != null, "Found null RelatedEnd or EntityCollection to principal");
            if (foreignKey == null)
                foreignKey = ForeignKeyFactory.CreateKeyFromForeignKeyValues(this, relatedEnd);
            // Note that if we're not changing FKs directly, but rather as a result of fixup after a ref has changed, 
            // and if the entity currently being pointed to is Added, then we shouldn't clobber it, because a ref to
            // an Added entity wins in this case. 
            bool canModifyReference = _cache.TransactionManager.RelationshipBeingUpdated != relatedEnd &&
                                      (!_cache.TransactionManager.IsForeignKeyUpdate ||
                                       relatedEnd.ReferenceValue.ObjectStateEntry == null ||
                                       relatedEnd.ReferenceValue.ObjectStateEntry.State != EntityState.Added); 

            relatedEnd.SetCachedForeignKey(foreignKey, this);
            ObjectStateManager.ForgetEntryWithConceptualNull(this, resetAllKeys: false); 
            if (foreignKey != null) // Implies no value is null or CreateKeyFromForeignKeyValues would have returned null
                // Lookup key in OSM.  If found, then we can do fixup.  If not, then need to add to index
                // Should not overwrite a reference at this point since this might cause the graph to 
                // be shredded.  This allows us to correctly detect key violations or RIC violations later.
                EntityEntry principalEntry; 
                if (_cache.TryGetEntityEntry(foreignKey, out principalEntry) && 
                    !principalEntry.IsKeyEntry &&
                    principalEntry.State != EntityState.Deleted && 
                    (replaceExistingRef || WillNotRefSteal(relatedEnd, principalEntry.WrappedEntity)) &&
                    if (canModifyReference) 
                        // We add both sides to the promoted EntityKeyRefs collection because it could be the dependent or 
                        // the principal or both that are being added.  Having extra members in this index doesn't hurt. 
                        if (_cache.TransactionManager.PopulatedEntityReferences != null)
                            Debug.Assert(_cache.TransactionManager.IsAddTracking || _cache.TransactionManager.IsAttachTracking,
                                "PromotedEntityKeyRefs is non-null while not tracking add or attach");

                        // Set the EntityKey on the RelatedEnd--this will cause the reference to be set and fixup to happen. 
                        relatedEnd.SetEntityKey(foreignKey, forceFixup: true); 

                        if (_cache.TransactionManager.PopulatedEntityReferences != null) 
                            EntityReference otherEnd = relatedEnd.GetOtherEndOfRelationship(principalEntry.WrappedEntity) as EntityReference;
                            if (otherEnd != null)
                    if (setIsLoaded && principalEntry.State != EntityState.Added) 
                    // Add an entry to the index for later fixup 
                    _cache.AddEntryContainingForeignKeyToIndex(foreignKey, this);
                    if (canModifyReference && replaceExistingRef && relatedEnd.ReferenceValue.Entity != null) 
                        relatedEnd.ReferenceValue = EntityWrapperFactory.NullWrapper;
            else if(canModifyReference) 
                if (replaceExistingRef && (relatedEnd.ReferenceValue.Entity != null || relatedEnd.EntityKey != null))
                    relatedEnd.ReferenceValue = EntityWrapperFactory.NullWrapper;
                if (setIsLoaded)
                    // This is the case where a query comes from the database with a null FK value.
                    // We know that there is no related entity in the database and therefore the entity on the 
                    // other end of the relationship is as loaded as it is possible to be.  Therefore, we 
                    // set the IsLoaded flag so that if a user asks we will tell them that (based on last known
                    // state of the database) there is no need to do a load. 

        /// Determins whether or not setting a reference will cause implicit ref stealing as part of FK fixup. 
        /// If it would, then an exception is thrown.  If it would not and we can safely overwrite the existing
        /// value, then true is returned.  If it would not but we should not overwrite the existing value, 
        /// then false is returned.
        private bool WillNotRefSteal(EntityReference refToPrincipal, IEntityWrapper wrappedPrincipal)
            RelatedEnd dependentEnd = refToPrincipal.GetOtherEndOfRelationship(wrappedPrincipal); 
            EntityReference refToDependent = dependentEnd as EntityReference;
            if ((refToPrincipal.ReferenceValue.Entity == null && refToPrincipal.NavigationPropertyIsNullOrMissing()) && 
                (refToDependent == null || (refToDependent.ReferenceValue.Entity == null && refToDependent.NavigationPropertyIsNullOrMissing()))) 
                // Return true if the ref to principal is null and it's not 1:1 or it is 1:1 and the ref to dependent is also null. 
                return true;
            else if (refToDependent != null &&
                     (Object.ReferenceEquals(refToDependent.ReferenceValue.Entity, refToPrincipal.WrappedOwner.Entity) || 
                return true; 
            else if (refToDependent == null || 
                     Object.ReferenceEquals(refToPrincipal.ReferenceValue.Entity, wrappedPrincipal.Entity) ||
                // Return false if the ref to principal is non-null and it's not 1:1 
                return false;
                // Else it is 1:1 and one side or the other is non-null => reference steal! 
                throw EntityUtil.CannotAddMoreThanOneEntityToEntityReference(
        /// Given that this entry represents an entity on the dependent side of a FK, this method attempts to return the key of the
        /// entity on the principal side of the FK.  If the two entities both exist in the context, then the primary key of 
        /// the principal entity is found and returned.  If the principal entity does not exist in the context, then a key
        /// for it is built up from the foreign key values contained in the dependent entity.
        /// The role indicating the FK to navigate 
        /// Set to the principal key or null on return
        /// True if the principal key was found or built; false if it could not be found or built 
        internal bool TryGetReferenceKey(AssociationEndMember principalRole, out EntityKey principalKey) 
            EntityReference relatedEnd = (RelatedEnd)RelationshipManager.GetRelatedEnd(principalRole.DeclaringType.FullName, principalRole.Name) as EntityReference; 
            Debug.Assert(relatedEnd != null, "Expected there to be a non null EntityReference to the principal");
            if (relatedEnd.CachedValue.Entity == null || relatedEnd.CachedValue.ObjectStateEntry == null)
                principalKey = null; 
                return false;
            principalKey = relatedEnd.EntityKey ?? relatedEnd.CachedValue.ObjectStateEntry.EntityKey;
            return principalKey != null; 

        /// Performs fixuyup of foreign keys based on referencesd between objects.  This should only be called 
        /// for Added objects since this is the only time that references take precedence over FKs in fixup.
        internal void FixupForeignKeysByReference() 
            Debug.Assert(_cache != null, "Attempt to fixup detached entity entry"); 

        /// Fixup the FKs by the current reference values 
        /// Do this in the order of fixing up values from the principal ends first, and then propogate those values to the dependents
        private void FixupForeignKeysByReference(List visited)
            EntitySet entitySet = EntitySet as EntitySet;

            // Perf optimization to avoid all this work if the entity doesn't participate in any FK relationships
            if (!entitySet.HasForeignKeyRelationships) 

            foreach (var dependent in ForeignKeyDependents) 
                // Added dependent.  Make sure we traverse all the way to the top-most principal before beginging fixup.
                EntityReference reference = RelationshipManager.GetRelatedEndInternal(dependent.Item1.ElementType.FullName, dependent.Item2.FromRole.Name) as EntityReference;
                Debug.Assert(reference != null, "Expected reference to exist and be an entity reference (not collection)"); 
                IEntityWrapper existingPrincipal = reference.ReferenceValue;
                if (existingPrincipal.Entity != null) 
                    EntityEntry principalEntry = existingPrincipal.ObjectStateEntry;
                    bool? isOneToMany = null; 
                    if (principalEntry != null && principalEntry.State == EntityState.Added &&
                        (principalEntry != this || (isOneToMany = reference.GetOtherEndOfRelationship(existingPrincipal) is EntityReference).Value))
                        visited = visited ?? new List(); 
                        if (visited.Contains(this))
                            if (!isOneToMany.HasValue) 
                                isOneToMany = reference.GetOtherEndOfRelationship(existingPrincipal) is EntityReference; 
                            if (isOneToMany.Value)
                                // Cycles in constraints are dissallowed except for 1:* self references 
                                throw EntityUtil.CircularRelationshipsWithReferentialConstraints();
                    // "forceChange" is false because we don't want to actually set the property values 
                    // here if they are aready set to the same thing--we don't want the events and setting 
                    // the modified flag is irrelavent during AcceptChanges.
                    reference.UpdateForeignKeyValues(this.WrappedEntity, existingPrincipal, changedFKs: null, forceChange: false); 
                    EntityKey principalKey = reference.EntityKey; 
                    if (principalKey != null && !principalKey.IsTemporary)
                        reference.UpdateForeignKeyValues(this.WrappedEntity, principalKey); 

            foreach (var principal in ForeignKeyPrincipals)
                // Added prinipal end.  Fixup FKs on all dependents.
                // This is necessary because of the case where a PK in an added entity is changed after it and its dependnents 
                // are added to the context--see bug 628752. 
                bool fkOverlapsPk = false; // Set to true if we find out that the FK overlaps the dependent PK
                bool dependentPropsChecked = false; // Set to true once we have checked whether or not the FK overlaps the PK 
                EntityKey principalKey = WrappedEntity.EntityKey;
                RelatedEnd principalEnd = RelationshipManager.GetRelatedEndInternal(principal.Item1.ElementType.FullName, principal.Item2.ToRole.Name);
                foreach (IEntityWrapper dependent in principalEnd.GetWrappedEntities())
                    EntityEntry dependentEntry = dependent.ObjectStateEntry;
                    Debug.Assert(dependentEntry != null, "Should have fully tracked graph at this point."); 
                    if (dependentEntry.State != EntityState.Added && !dependentPropsChecked) 
                        dependentPropsChecked = true; 
                        foreach (EdmProperty dependentProp in principal.Item2.ToProperties)
                            int dependentOrdinal = dependentEntry._cacheTypeMetadata.GetOrdinalforOLayerMemberName(dependentProp.Name);
                            StateManagerMemberMetadata member = dependentEntry._cacheTypeMetadata.Member(dependentOrdinal); 
                            if (member.IsPartOfKey)
                                // If the FK overlpas the PK then we can't set it for non-Added entities. 
                                // In this situation we just continue with the next one and if the conflict
                                // may then be flagged later as a RIC check. 
                                fkOverlapsPk = true;
                    // This code relies on the fact that a dependent referenced to an Added principal must be either Added or 
                    // Modified since we cannpt trust thestate of the principal PK and therefore the dependent FK must also 
                    // be considered not completely trusted--it may need to be updated.
                    if (dependentEntry.State == EntityState.Added || (dependentEntry.State == EntityState.Modified && !fkOverlapsPk)) 
                        EntityReference principalRef = principalEnd.GetOtherEndOfRelationship(dependent) as EntityReference;
                        Debug.Assert(principalRef != null, "Expected reference to exist and be an entity reference (not collection)");
                        // "forceChange" is false because we don't want to actually set the property values 
                        // here if they are aready set to the same thing--we don't want the events and setting
                        // the modified flag is irrelavent during AcceptChanges. 
                        principalRef.UpdateForeignKeyValues(dependent, WrappedEntity, changedFKs: null, forceChange: false); 

        private bool IsPropertyAForeignKey(string propertyName) 
            foreach (var dependent in ForeignKeyDependents) 
                foreach (EdmProperty property in dependent.Item2.ToProperties)
                    if (property.Name == propertyName)
                        return true;
            return false; 
        private bool IsPropertyAForeignKey(string propertyName, out List> relationships)
            relationships = null;
            foreach (var dependent in ForeignKeyDependents)
                foreach (EdmProperty property in dependent.Item2.ToProperties) 
                    if (property.Name == propertyName) 
                        if (relationships == null)
                            relationships = new List>(); 
                        relationships.Add(new Pair(dependent.Item1.ElementType.FullName, dependent.Item2.FromRole.Name)); 

            return relationships != null;

        internal void FindRelatedEntityKeysByForeignKeys( 
            out Dictionary> relatedEntities, 
            bool useOriginalValues)
            relatedEntities = null;

            foreach (var dependent in ForeignKeyDependents)
                AssociationSet associationSet = dependent.Item1;
                ReferentialConstraint constraint = dependent.Item2; 
                // Get association end members for the dependent and the principal ends 
                string dependentId = constraint.ToRole.Identity;
                var setEnds = associationSet.AssociationSetEnds; 
                Debug.Assert(associationSet.AssociationSetEnds.Count == 2, "Expected an association set with only two ends.");
                AssociationEndMember dependentEnd;
                AssociationEndMember principalEnd;
                if (setEnds[0].CorrespondingAssociationEndMember.Identity == dependentId) 
                    dependentEnd = setEnds[0].CorrespondingAssociationEndMember; 
                    principalEnd = setEnds[1].CorrespondingAssociationEndMember; 
                    dependentEnd = setEnds[1].CorrespondingAssociationEndMember;
                    principalEnd = setEnds[0].CorrespondingAssociationEndMember;

                EntitySet principalEntitySet = MetadataHelper.GetEntitySetAtEnd(associationSet, principalEnd); 
                EntityKey foreignKey = ForeignKeyFactory.CreateKeyFromForeignKeyValues(this, constraint, principalEntitySet, useOriginalValues); 
                if (foreignKey != null) // Implies no value is null or CreateKeyFromForeignKeyValues would have returned null
                    EntityReference reference = RelationshipManager.GetRelatedEndInternal(
                        associationSet.ElementType.FullName, constraint.FromRole.Name) as EntityReference;

                    // only for deleted relationships the hashset can have > 1 elements 
                    HashSet entityKeys;
                    relatedEntities = relatedEntities != null ? relatedEntities : new Dictionary>(); 
                    if (!relatedEntities.TryGetValue(reference, out entityKeys)) 
                        entityKeys = new HashSet(); 
                        relatedEntities.Add(reference, entityKeys);
        /// Returns a list of all RelatedEnds for this entity 
        /// that are the dependent end of an FK Association
        internal IEnumerable FindFKRelatedEnds()
            HashSet relatedEnds = new HashSet();
            foreach (var dependent in ForeignKeyDependents) 
                EntityReference reference = RelationshipManager.GetRelatedEndInternal( 
                    dependent.Item1.ElementType.FullName, dependent.Item2.FromRole.Name) as EntityReference;
            return relatedEnds; 
        /// Identifies any changes in FK's and creates entries in;
        /// - TransactionManager.AddedRelationshipsByForeignKey 
        /// - TransactionManager.DeletedRelationshipsByForeignKey
        /// If the FK change will result in fix-up then two entries
        /// are added to TransactionManager.AddedRelationshipsByForeignKey 
        /// (one for each direction of the new realtionship)
        internal void DetectChangesInForeignKeys() 
            //DetectChangesInProperties should already have marked this entity as dirty 
            Debug.Assert(this.State == EntityState.Added || this.State == EntityState.Modified, "unexpected state");

            //We are going to be adding data to the TransactionManager
            TransactionManager tm = this.ObjectStateManager.TransactionManager; 

            foreach (EntityReference entityReference in this.FindFKRelatedEnds()) 
                EntityKey currentKey = ForeignKeyFactory.CreateKeyFromForeignKeyValues(this, entityReference);
                EntityKey originalKey = entityReference.CachedForeignKey; 
                bool originalKeyIsConceptualNull = ForeignKeyFactory.IsConceptualNullKey(originalKey);

                //If both keys are null there is nothing to check
                if (originalKey != null || currentKey != null) 
                    if (originalKey == null) 
                        //If original is null then we are just adding a relationship
                        EntityEntry entry; 
                        this.ObjectStateManager.TryGetEntityEntry(currentKey, out entry);
                        this.AddRelationshipDetectedByForeignKey(tm.AddedRelationshipsByForeignKey, tm.AddedRelationshipsByPrincipalKey, currentKey, entry, entityReference);
                    else if (currentKey == null) 
                        //If current is null we are just deleting a relationship 
                        Debug.Assert(!originalKeyIsConceptualNull, "If FK is nullable there shouldn't be a conceptual null set"); 
                        this.AddDetectedRelationship(tm.DeletedRelationshipsByForeignKey, originalKey, entityReference);
                    //If there is a Conceptual Null set we need to check if the current values
                    //are different from the values when the Conceptual Null was created
                    else if (!currentKey.Equals(originalKey)
                        && (!originalKeyIsConceptualNull || ForeignKeyFactory.IsConceptualNullKeyChanged(originalKey, currentKey))) 
                        //If keys don't match then we are always adding 
                        EntityEntry entry; 
                        this.ObjectStateManager.TryGetEntityEntry(currentKey, out entry);
                        this.AddRelationshipDetectedByForeignKey(tm.AddedRelationshipsByForeignKey, tm.AddedRelationshipsByPrincipalKey, currentKey, entry, entityReference); 

                        //And if the original key wasn't a conceptual null we are also deleting
                        if (!originalKeyIsConceptualNull)
                            this.AddDetectedRelationship(tm.DeletedRelationshipsByForeignKey, originalKey, entityReference);

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.



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