ConditionalWeakTable.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / clr / src / BCL / System / Runtime / CompilerServices / ConditionalWeakTable.cs / 1305376 / ConditionalWeakTable.cs

                            // ==++== 
//   Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// ==--== 
** Class:  ConditionalWeakTable 
** [....]
** Description: Compiler support for runtime-generated "object fields."
**    Lets DLR and other language compilers expose the ability to
**    attach arbitrary "properties" to instanced managed objects at runtime. 
**    We expose this support as a dictionary whose keys are the 
**    instanced objects and the values are the "properties." 
**    Unlike a regular dictionary, ConditionalWeakTables will not 
**    keep keys alive.
** Lifetimes of keys and values: 
**    Inserting a key and value into the dictonary will not 
**    prevent the key from dying, even if the key is strongly reachable 
**    from the value.
**    Prior to ConditionalWeakTable, the CLR did not expose
**    the functionality needed to implement this guarantee.
**    Once the key dies, the dictionary automatically removes 
**    the key/value entry.
** Relationship between ConditionalWeakTable and Dictionary:
**    ConditionalWeakTable mirrors the form and functionality
**    of the IDictionary interface for the sake of api consistency.
**    Unlike Dictionary, ConditionalWeakTable is fully thread-safe 
**    and requires no additional locking to be done by callers.
**    ConditionalWeakTable defines equality as Object.ReferenceEquals(). 
**    ConditionalWeakTable does not invoke GetHashCode() overrides.
**    It is not intended to be a general purpose collection
**    and it does not formally implement IDictionary or
**    expose the full public surface area.
** Thread safety guarantees: 
**    ConditionalWeakTable is fully thread-safe and requires no 
**    additional locking to be done by callers.
** OOM guarantees: 
**    Will not corrupt unmanaged handle table on OOM. No guarantees 
**    about managed weak table consistency. Native handles reclamation 
**    may be delayed until appdomain shutdown.

namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices
    using System; 
    using System.Runtime.Versioning;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices; 

    #region ConditionalWeakTable 
    public sealed class ConditionalWeakTable
        where TKey : class
        where TValue : class 
        #region Constructors 
        public ConditionalWeakTable() 
            _buckets = new int[0];
            _entries = new Entry[0];
            _freeList = -1; 
            _lock = new Object();
            Resize();   // Resize at once (so won't need "if initialized" checks all over) 

        #region Public Members
        // key:   key of the value to find. Cannot be null. 
        // value: if the key is found, contains the value associated with the key upon method return.
        //        if the key is not found, contains default(TValue). 
        // Method returns "true" if key was found, "false" otherwise.
        // Note: The key may get garbaged collected during the TryGetValue operation. If so, TryGetValue
        // may at its discretion, return "false" and set "value" to the default (as if the key was not present.)
        public bool TryGetValue(TKey key, out TValue value)
            if (key == null) 
                return TryGetValueWorker(key, out value);

        // key: key to add. May not be null.
        // value: value to associate with key.
        // If the key is already entered into the dictionary, this method throws an exception. 
        // Note: The key may get garbage collected during the Add() operation. If so, Add() 
        // has the right to consider any prior entries successfully removed and add a new entry without 
        // throwing an exception.
        public void Add(TKey key, TValue value)
            if (key == null) 

                _invalid = true;
                int entryIndex = FindEntry(key);
                if (entryIndex != -1) 
                    _invalid = false;

                CreateEntry(key, value);
                _invalid = false; 

        // key: key to remove. May not be null.
        // Returns true if the key is found and removed. Returns false if the key was not in the dictionary.
        // Note: The key may get garbage collected during the Remove() operation. If so,
        // Remove() will not fail or throw, however, the return value can be either true or false 
        // depending on who wins the ----. 
        public bool Remove(TKey key)
            if (key == null)
                _invalid = true;

                int hashCode = RuntimeHelpers.GetHashCode(key) & Int32.MaxValue; 
                int bucket = hashCode % _buckets.Length;
                int last = -1; 
                for (int entriesIndex = _buckets[bucket]; entriesIndex != -1; entriesIndex = _entries[entriesIndex].next) 
                    if (_entries[entriesIndex].hashCode == hashCode && _entries[entriesIndex].depHnd.GetPrimary() == key) 
                        if (last == -1)
                            _buckets[bucket] = _entries[entriesIndex].next; 
                            _entries[last].next = _entries[entriesIndex].next;

                        _entries[entriesIndex].next = _freeList;
                        _freeList = entriesIndex;
                        _invalid = false; 
                        return true;
                    last = entriesIndex;
                _invalid = false; 
                return false;

        // key:                 key of the value to find. Cannot be null.
        // createValueCallback: callback that creates value for key. Cannot be null.
        // Atomically tests if key exists in table. If so, returns corresponding value. If not,
        // invokes createValueCallback() passing it the key. The returned value is bound to the key in the table 
        // and returned as the result of GetValue(). 
        // If multiple threads ---- to initialize the same key, the table may invoke createValueCallback 
        // multiple times with the same key. Exactly one of these calls will "win the ----" and the returned
        // value of that call will be the one added to the table and returned by all the racing GetValue() calls.
        // This rule permits the table to invoke createValueCallback outside the internal table lock 
        // to prevent deadlocks.
        public TValue GetValue(TKey key, CreateValueCallback createValueCallback)
            // Our call to TryGetValue() validates key so no need for us to.
            //  if (key == null)
            //  { 
            //      ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentNullException(ExceptionArgument.key);
            //  } 
            if (createValueCallback == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("createValueCallback");

            TValue existingValue; 
            if (TryGetValue(key, out existingValue))
                return existingValue; 
            // If we got here, the key is not currently in table. Invoke the callback (outside the lock)
            // to generate the new value for the key.
            TValue newValue = createValueCallback(key);
                _invalid = true;
                // Now that we've retaken the lock, must recheck in case we lost a ---- to add the key.
                if (TryGetValueWorker(key, out existingValue))
                    _invalid = false; 
                    return existingValue;
                    // Verified in-lock that we won the ---- to add the key. Add it now. 
                    CreateEntry(key, newValue);
                    _invalid = false;
                    return newValue;
        // key:                 key of the value to find. Cannot be null. 
        // Helper method to call GetValue without passing a creation delegate.  Uses Activator.CreateInstance
        // to create new instances as needed.  If TValue does not have a default constructor, this will
        // throw. 
        public TValue GetOrCreateValue(TKey key) 
            return GetValue(key, k => Activator.CreateInstance());

        public delegate TValue CreateValueCallback(TKey key);
        #region Private Members
        // Worker for finding a key/value pair
        // Preconditions:
        //     Must hold _lock.
        //     Key already validated as non-null
        private bool TryGetValueWorker(TKey key, out TValue value)
            int entryIndex = FindEntry(key); 
            if (entryIndex != -1)
                Object primary = null;
                Object secondary = null;
                _entries[entryIndex].depHnd.GetPrimaryAndSecondary(out primary, out secondary);
                // Now that we've secured a strong reference to the secondary, must check the primary again 
                // to ensure it didn't expire (otherwise, we open a ---- where TryGetValue misreports an
                // expired key as a live key with a null value.) 
                if (primary != null) 
                    value = (TValue)secondary; 
                    return true;
            value = default(TValue);
            return false; 

        // Worker for adding a new key/value pair.
        // Preconditions:
        //     Must hold _lock. 
        //     Key already validated as non-null and not already in table.
        private void CreateEntry(TKey key, TValue value)
            if (_freeList == -1)

            int hashCode = RuntimeHelpers.GetHashCode(key) & Int32.MaxValue; 
            int bucket = hashCode % _buckets.Length; 

            int newEntry = _freeList; 
            _freeList = _entries[newEntry].next;

            _entries[newEntry].hashCode = hashCode;
            _entries[newEntry].depHnd = new DependentHandle(key, value); 
            _entries[newEntry].next = _buckets[bucket];
            _buckets[bucket] = newEntry; 


        // This does two things: resize and scrub expired keys off bucket lists.
        // Precondition:
        //      Must hold _lock. 
        // Postcondition:
        //      _freeList is non-empty on exit. 
        private void Resize()
            // Start by assuming we won't resize.
            int newSize = _buckets.Length; 
            // If any expired keys exist, we won't resize.
            bool hasExpiredEntries = false; 
            int entriesIndex;
            for (entriesIndex = 0; entriesIndex < _entries.Length; entriesIndex++)
                if ( _entries[entriesIndex].depHnd.IsAllocated && _entries[entriesIndex].depHnd.GetPrimary() == null) 
                    hasExpiredEntries = true; 

            if (!hasExpiredEntries)
                newSize = System.Collections.HashHelpers.GetPrime(_buckets.Length == 0 ? _initialCapacity + 1 : _buckets.Length * 2); 
            // Reallocate both buckets and entries and rebuild the bucket and freelists from scratch.
            // This serves both to scrub entries with expired keys and to put the new entries in the proper bucket. 
            int newFreeList = -1;
            int[] newBuckets = new int[newSize];
            for (int bucketIndex = 0; bucketIndex < newSize; bucketIndex++)
                newBuckets[bucketIndex] = -1;
            Entry[] newEntries = new Entry[newSize]; 

            // Migrate existing entries to the new table. 
            for (entriesIndex = 0; entriesIndex < _entries.Length; entriesIndex++)
                DependentHandle depHnd = _entries[entriesIndex].depHnd;
                if (depHnd.IsAllocated && depHnd.GetPrimary() != null) 
                    // Entry is used and has not expired. Link it into the appropriate bucket list. 
                    int bucket = _entries[entriesIndex].hashCode % newSize; 
                    newEntries[entriesIndex].depHnd = depHnd;
                    newEntries[entriesIndex].hashCode = _entries[entriesIndex].hashCode; 
                    newEntries[entriesIndex].next = newBuckets[bucket];
                    newBuckets[bucket] = entriesIndex;
                    // Entry has either expired or was on the freelist to begin with. Either way 
                    // insert it on the new freelist. 
                    newEntries[entriesIndex].depHnd = new DependentHandle(); 
                    newEntries[entriesIndex].next = newFreeList;
                    newFreeList = entriesIndex;

            // Add remaining entries to freelist. 
            while (entriesIndex != newEntries.Length) 
                newEntries[entriesIndex].depHnd = new DependentHandle(); 
                newEntries[entriesIndex].next = newFreeList;
                newFreeList = entriesIndex;

            _buckets = newBuckets; 
            _entries = newEntries; 
            _freeList = newFreeList;

        // Returns -1 if not found (if key expires during FindEntry, this can be treated as "not found.")
        // Preconditions:
        //     Must hold _lock. 
        //     Key already validated as non-null. 
        private int FindEntry(TKey key)
            int hashCode = RuntimeHelpers.GetHashCode(key) & Int32.MaxValue;
            for (int entriesIndex = _buckets[hashCode % _buckets.Length]; entriesIndex != -1; entriesIndex = _entries[entriesIndex].next) 
                if (_entries[entriesIndex].hashCode == hashCode && _entries[entriesIndex].depHnd.GetPrimary() == key) 
                    return entriesIndex;
            return -1;
        // Precondition: 
        //     Must hold _lock. 
        private void VerifyIntegrity() 
            if (_invalid)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(Environment.GetResourceString("CollectionCorrupted")); 
        // Finalizer. 

            // We're just freeing per-appdomain unmanaged handles here. If we're already shutting down the AD, 
            // don't bother. 
            // (Despite its name, Environment.HasShutdownStart also returns true if the current AD is finalizing.) 
            if (Environment.HasShutdownStarted)

            if (_lock != null) 
                    if (_invalid)
                    Entry[] entries = _entries;
                    // Make sure anyone sneaking into the table post-resurrection 
                    // gets booted before they can damage the native handle table.
                    _invalid = true; 
                    _entries = null;
                    _buckets = null;

                    for (int entriesIndex = 0; entriesIndex < entries.Length; entriesIndex++) 

        #region Private Data Members 
        // Entry can be in one of three states: 
        //    - Linked into the freeList (_freeList points to first entry)
        //         depHnd.IsAllocated == false 
        //         hashCode == 
        //         next links to next Entry on freelist)
        //    - Used with live key (linked into a bucket list where _buckets[hashCode % _buckets.Length] points to first entry) 
        //         depHnd.IsAllocated == true, depHnd.GetPrimary() != null
        //         hashCode == RuntimeHelpers.GetHashCode(depHnd.GetPrimary()) & Int32.MaxValue 
        //         next links to next Entry in bucket. 
        //    - Used with dead key (linked into a bucket list where _buckets[hashCode % _buckets.Length] points to first entry) 
        //         depHnd.IsAllocated == true, depHnd.GetPrimary() == null
        //         hashCode == 
        //         next links to next Entry in bucket.
        // The only difference between "used with live key" and "used with dead key" is that
        // depHnd.GetPrimary() returns null. The transition from "used with live key" to "used with dead key" 
        // happens asynchronously as a result of normal garbage collection. The dictionary itself 
        // receives no notification when this happens.
        // When the dictionary grows the _entries table, it scours it for expired keys and puts those
        // entries back on the freelist.
        private struct Entry 
            public DependentHandle depHnd;      // Holds key and value using a weak reference for the key and a strong reference 
                                                // for the value that is traversed only if the key is reachable without going through the value. 
            public int             hashCode;    // Cached copy of key's hashcode
            public int             next;        // Index of next entry, -1 if last 

        private int[]     _buckets;             // _buckets[hashcode & _buckets.Length] contains index of first entry in bucket (-1 if empty)
        private Entry[]   _entries; 
        private int       _freeList;            // -1 = empty, else index of first unused Entry
        private const int _initialCapacity = 5; 
        private Object    _lock;                // this could be a ReaderWriterLock but CoreCLR does not support RWLocks. 
        private bool      _invalid;             // flag detects if OOM or other background exception threw us out of the lock.


    #region DependentHandle 
    // This struct collects all operations on native DependentHandles. The DependentHandle 
    // merely wraps an IntPtr so this struct serves mainly as a "managed typedef."
    // DependentHandles exist in one of two states:
    //    IsAllocated == false
    //        No actual handle is allocated underneath. Illegal to call GetPrimary 
    //        or GetPrimaryAndSecondary(). Ok to call Free(). 
    //        Initializing a DependentHandle using the nullary ctor creates a DependentHandle 
    //        that's in the !IsAllocated state.
    //        (! Right now, we get this guarantee for free because (IntPtr)0 == NULL unmanaged handle.
    //         ! If that assertion ever becomes false, we'll have to add an _isAllocated field
    //         ! to compensate.) 
    //    IsAllocated == true 
    //        There's a handle allocated underneath. You must call Free() on this eventually
    //        or you cause a native handle table leak. 
    // This struct intentionally does no self-synchronization. It's up to the caller to
    // to use DependentHandles in a thread-safe way.
    struct DependentHandle 
        #region Constructors
        public DependentHandle(Object primary, Object secondary)
            IntPtr handle = (IntPtr)0;
            nInitialize(primary, secondary, out handle); 
            // no need to check for null result: nInitialize expected to throw OOM.
            _handle = handle; 
        #region Public Members
        public bool IsAllocated
                return _handle != (IntPtr)0; 
        // Getting the secondary object is more expensive than getting the first so
        // we provide a separate primary-only accessor for those times we only want the
        // primary.
        public Object GetPrimary()
            Object primary; 
            nGetPrimary(_handle, out primary);
            return primary; 

        public void GetPrimaryAndSecondary(out Object primary, out Object secondary) 
            nGetPrimaryAndSecondary(_handle, out primary, out secondary); 

        // Forces dependentHandle back to non-allocated state (if not already there)
        // and frees the handle if needed.
        public void Free()
            if (_handle != (IntPtr)0) 
                IntPtr handle = _handle; 
                _handle = (IntPtr)0;
        #region Private Members 
        private static extern void nInitialize(Object primary, Object secondary, out IntPtr dependentHandle);

        private static extern void nGetPrimary(IntPtr dependentHandle, out Object primary); 

        private static extern void nGetPrimaryAndSecondary(IntPtr dependentHandle, out Object primary, out Object secondary);
        private static extern void nFree(IntPtr dependentHandle);

        #region Private Data Member
        private IntPtr _handle;

    } // struct DependentHandle 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// ==++== 
//   Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// ==--== 
** Class:  ConditionalWeakTable 
** [....]
** Description: Compiler support for runtime-generated "object fields."
**    Lets DLR and other language compilers expose the ability to
**    attach arbitrary "properties" to instanced managed objects at runtime. 
**    We expose this support as a dictionary whose keys are the 
**    instanced objects and the values are the "properties." 
**    Unlike a regular dictionary, ConditionalWeakTables will not 
**    keep keys alive.
** Lifetimes of keys and values: 
**    Inserting a key and value into the dictonary will not 
**    prevent the key from dying, even if the key is strongly reachable 
**    from the value.
**    Prior to ConditionalWeakTable, the CLR did not expose
**    the functionality needed to implement this guarantee.
**    Once the key dies, the dictionary automatically removes 
**    the key/value entry.
** Relationship between ConditionalWeakTable and Dictionary:
**    ConditionalWeakTable mirrors the form and functionality
**    of the IDictionary interface for the sake of api consistency.
**    Unlike Dictionary, ConditionalWeakTable is fully thread-safe 
**    and requires no additional locking to be done by callers.
**    ConditionalWeakTable defines equality as Object.ReferenceEquals(). 
**    ConditionalWeakTable does not invoke GetHashCode() overrides.
**    It is not intended to be a general purpose collection
**    and it does not formally implement IDictionary or
**    expose the full public surface area.
** Thread safety guarantees: 
**    ConditionalWeakTable is fully thread-safe and requires no 
**    additional locking to be done by callers.
** OOM guarantees: 
**    Will not corrupt unmanaged handle table on OOM. No guarantees 
**    about managed weak table consistency. Native handles reclamation 
**    may be delayed until appdomain shutdown.

namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices
    using System; 
    using System.Runtime.Versioning;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices; 

    #region ConditionalWeakTable 
    public sealed class ConditionalWeakTable
        where TKey : class
        where TValue : class 
        #region Constructors 
        public ConditionalWeakTable() 
            _buckets = new int[0];
            _entries = new Entry[0];
            _freeList = -1; 
            _lock = new Object();
            Resize();   // Resize at once (so won't need "if initialized" checks all over) 

        #region Public Members
        // key:   key of the value to find. Cannot be null. 
        // value: if the key is found, contains the value associated with the key upon method return.
        //        if the key is not found, contains default(TValue). 
        // Method returns "true" if key was found, "false" otherwise.
        // Note: The key may get garbaged collected during the TryGetValue operation. If so, TryGetValue
        // may at its discretion, return "false" and set "value" to the default (as if the key was not present.)
        public bool TryGetValue(TKey key, out TValue value)
            if (key == null) 
                return TryGetValueWorker(key, out value);

        // key: key to add. May not be null.
        // value: value to associate with key.
        // If the key is already entered into the dictionary, this method throws an exception. 
        // Note: The key may get garbage collected during the Add() operation. If so, Add() 
        // has the right to consider any prior entries successfully removed and add a new entry without 
        // throwing an exception.
        public void Add(TKey key, TValue value)
            if (key == null) 

                _invalid = true;
                int entryIndex = FindEntry(key);
                if (entryIndex != -1) 
                    _invalid = false;

                CreateEntry(key, value);
                _invalid = false; 

        // key: key to remove. May not be null.
        // Returns true if the key is found and removed. Returns false if the key was not in the dictionary.
        // Note: The key may get garbage collected during the Remove() operation. If so,
        // Remove() will not fail or throw, however, the return value can be either true or false 
        // depending on who wins the ----. 
        public bool Remove(TKey key)
            if (key == null)
                _invalid = true;

                int hashCode = RuntimeHelpers.GetHashCode(key) & Int32.MaxValue; 
                int bucket = hashCode % _buckets.Length;
                int last = -1; 
                for (int entriesIndex = _buckets[bucket]; entriesIndex != -1; entriesIndex = _entries[entriesIndex].next) 
                    if (_entries[entriesIndex].hashCode == hashCode && _entries[entriesIndex].depHnd.GetPrimary() == key) 
                        if (last == -1)
                            _buckets[bucket] = _entries[entriesIndex].next; 
                            _entries[last].next = _entries[entriesIndex].next;

                        _entries[entriesIndex].next = _freeList;
                        _freeList = entriesIndex;
                        _invalid = false; 
                        return true;
                    last = entriesIndex;
                _invalid = false; 
                return false;

        // key:                 key of the value to find. Cannot be null.
        // createValueCallback: callback that creates value for key. Cannot be null.
        // Atomically tests if key exists in table. If so, returns corresponding value. If not,
        // invokes createValueCallback() passing it the key. The returned value is bound to the key in the table 
        // and returned as the result of GetValue(). 
        // If multiple threads ---- to initialize the same key, the table may invoke createValueCallback 
        // multiple times with the same key. Exactly one of these calls will "win the ----" and the returned
        // value of that call will be the one added to the table and returned by all the racing GetValue() calls.
        // This rule permits the table to invoke createValueCallback outside the internal table lock 
        // to prevent deadlocks.
        public TValue GetValue(TKey key, CreateValueCallback createValueCallback)
            // Our call to TryGetValue() validates key so no need for us to.
            //  if (key == null)
            //  { 
            //      ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentNullException(ExceptionArgument.key);
            //  } 
            if (createValueCallback == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("createValueCallback");

            TValue existingValue; 
            if (TryGetValue(key, out existingValue))
                return existingValue; 
            // If we got here, the key is not currently in table. Invoke the callback (outside the lock)
            // to generate the new value for the key.
            TValue newValue = createValueCallback(key);
                _invalid = true;
                // Now that we've retaken the lock, must recheck in case we lost a ---- to add the key.
                if (TryGetValueWorker(key, out existingValue))
                    _invalid = false; 
                    return existingValue;
                    // Verified in-lock that we won the ---- to add the key. Add it now. 
                    CreateEntry(key, newValue);
                    _invalid = false;
                    return newValue;
        // key:                 key of the value to find. Cannot be null. 
        // Helper method to call GetValue without passing a creation delegate.  Uses Activator.CreateInstance
        // to create new instances as needed.  If TValue does not have a default constructor, this will
        // throw. 
        public TValue GetOrCreateValue(TKey key) 
            return GetValue(key, k => Activator.CreateInstance());

        public delegate TValue CreateValueCallback(TKey key);
        #region Private Members
        // Worker for finding a key/value pair
        // Preconditions:
        //     Must hold _lock.
        //     Key already validated as non-null
        private bool TryGetValueWorker(TKey key, out TValue value)
            int entryIndex = FindEntry(key); 
            if (entryIndex != -1)
                Object primary = null;
                Object secondary = null;
                _entries[entryIndex].depHnd.GetPrimaryAndSecondary(out primary, out secondary);
                // Now that we've secured a strong reference to the secondary, must check the primary again 
                // to ensure it didn't expire (otherwise, we open a ---- where TryGetValue misreports an
                // expired key as a live key with a null value.) 
                if (primary != null) 
                    value = (TValue)secondary; 
                    return true;
            value = default(TValue);
            return false; 

        // Worker for adding a new key/value pair.
        // Preconditions:
        //     Must hold _lock. 
        //     Key already validated as non-null and not already in table.
        private void CreateEntry(TKey key, TValue value)
            if (_freeList == -1)

            int hashCode = RuntimeHelpers.GetHashCode(key) & Int32.MaxValue; 
            int bucket = hashCode % _buckets.Length; 

            int newEntry = _freeList; 
            _freeList = _entries[newEntry].next;

            _entries[newEntry].hashCode = hashCode;
            _entries[newEntry].depHnd = new DependentHandle(key, value); 
            _entries[newEntry].next = _buckets[bucket];
            _buckets[bucket] = newEntry; 


        // This does two things: resize and scrub expired keys off bucket lists.
        // Precondition:
        //      Must hold _lock. 
        // Postcondition:
        //      _freeList is non-empty on exit. 
        private void Resize()
            // Start by assuming we won't resize.
            int newSize = _buckets.Length; 
            // If any expired keys exist, we won't resize.
            bool hasExpiredEntries = false; 
            int entriesIndex;
            for (entriesIndex = 0; entriesIndex < _entries.Length; entriesIndex++)
                if ( _entries[entriesIndex].depHnd.IsAllocated && _entries[entriesIndex].depHnd.GetPrimary() == null) 
                    hasExpiredEntries = true; 

            if (!hasExpiredEntries)
                newSize = System.Collections.HashHelpers.GetPrime(_buckets.Length == 0 ? _initialCapacity + 1 : _buckets.Length * 2); 
            // Reallocate both buckets and entries and rebuild the bucket and freelists from scratch.
            // This serves both to scrub entries with expired keys and to put the new entries in the proper bucket. 
            int newFreeList = -1;
            int[] newBuckets = new int[newSize];
            for (int bucketIndex = 0; bucketIndex < newSize; bucketIndex++)
                newBuckets[bucketIndex] = -1;
            Entry[] newEntries = new Entry[newSize]; 

            // Migrate existing entries to the new table. 
            for (entriesIndex = 0; entriesIndex < _entries.Length; entriesIndex++)
                DependentHandle depHnd = _entries[entriesIndex].depHnd;
                if (depHnd.IsAllocated && depHnd.GetPrimary() != null) 
                    // Entry is used and has not expired. Link it into the appropriate bucket list. 
                    int bucket = _entries[entriesIndex].hashCode % newSize; 
                    newEntries[entriesIndex].depHnd = depHnd;
                    newEntries[entriesIndex].hashCode = _entries[entriesIndex].hashCode; 
                    newEntries[entriesIndex].next = newBuckets[bucket];
                    newBuckets[bucket] = entriesIndex;
                    // Entry has either expired or was on the freelist to begin with. Either way 
                    // insert it on the new freelist. 
                    newEntries[entriesIndex].depHnd = new DependentHandle(); 
                    newEntries[entriesIndex].next = newFreeList;
                    newFreeList = entriesIndex;

            // Add remaining entries to freelist. 
            while (entriesIndex != newEntries.Length) 
                newEntries[entriesIndex].depHnd = new DependentHandle(); 
                newEntries[entriesIndex].next = newFreeList;
                newFreeList = entriesIndex;

            _buckets = newBuckets; 
            _entries = newEntries; 
            _freeList = newFreeList;

        // Returns -1 if not found (if key expires during FindEntry, this can be treated as "not found.")
        // Preconditions:
        //     Must hold _lock. 
        //     Key already validated as non-null. 
        private int FindEntry(TKey key)
            int hashCode = RuntimeHelpers.GetHashCode(key) & Int32.MaxValue;
            for (int entriesIndex = _buckets[hashCode % _buckets.Length]; entriesIndex != -1; entriesIndex = _entries[entriesIndex].next) 
                if (_entries[entriesIndex].hashCode == hashCode && _entries[entriesIndex].depHnd.GetPrimary() == key) 
                    return entriesIndex;
            return -1;
        // Precondition: 
        //     Must hold _lock. 
        private void VerifyIntegrity() 
            if (_invalid)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(Environment.GetResourceString("CollectionCorrupted")); 
        // Finalizer. 

            // We're just freeing per-appdomain unmanaged handles here. If we're already shutting down the AD, 
            // don't bother. 
            // (Despite its name, Environment.HasShutdownStart also returns true if the current AD is finalizing.) 
            if (Environment.HasShutdownStarted)

            if (_lock != null) 
                    if (_invalid)
                    Entry[] entries = _entries;
                    // Make sure anyone sneaking into the table post-resurrection 
                    // gets booted before they can damage the native handle table.
                    _invalid = true; 
                    _entries = null;
                    _buckets = null;

                    for (int entriesIndex = 0; entriesIndex < entries.Length; entriesIndex++) 

        #region Private Data Members 
        // Entry can be in one of three states: 
        //    - Linked into the freeList (_freeList points to first entry)
        //         depHnd.IsAllocated == false 
        //         hashCode == 
        //         next links to next Entry on freelist)
        //    - Used with live key (linked into a bucket list where _buckets[hashCode % _buckets.Length] points to first entry) 
        //         depHnd.IsAllocated == true, depHnd.GetPrimary() != null
        //         hashCode == RuntimeHelpers.GetHashCode(depHnd.GetPrimary()) & Int32.MaxValue 
        //         next links to next Entry in bucket. 
        //    - Used with dead key (linked into a bucket list where _buckets[hashCode % _buckets.Length] points to first entry) 
        //         depHnd.IsAllocated == true, depHnd.GetPrimary() == null
        //         hashCode == 
        //         next links to next Entry in bucket.
        // The only difference between "used with live key" and "used with dead key" is that
        // depHnd.GetPrimary() returns null. The transition from "used with live key" to "used with dead key" 
        // happens asynchronously as a result of normal garbage collection. The dictionary itself 
        // receives no notification when this happens.
        // When the dictionary grows the _entries table, it scours it for expired keys and puts those
        // entries back on the freelist.
        private struct Entry 
            public DependentHandle depHnd;      // Holds key and value using a weak reference for the key and a strong reference 
                                                // for the value that is traversed only if the key is reachable without going through the value. 
            public int             hashCode;    // Cached copy of key's hashcode
            public int             next;        // Index of next entry, -1 if last 

        private int[]     _buckets;             // _buckets[hashcode & _buckets.Length] contains index of first entry in bucket (-1 if empty)
        private Entry[]   _entries; 
        private int       _freeList;            // -1 = empty, else index of first unused Entry
        private const int _initialCapacity = 5; 
        private Object    _lock;                // this could be a ReaderWriterLock but CoreCLR does not support RWLocks. 
        private bool      _invalid;             // flag detects if OOM or other background exception threw us out of the lock.


    #region DependentHandle 
    // This struct collects all operations on native DependentHandles. The DependentHandle 
    // merely wraps an IntPtr so this struct serves mainly as a "managed typedef."
    // DependentHandles exist in one of two states:
    //    IsAllocated == false
    //        No actual handle is allocated underneath. Illegal to call GetPrimary 
    //        or GetPrimaryAndSecondary(). Ok to call Free(). 
    //        Initializing a DependentHandle using the nullary ctor creates a DependentHandle 
    //        that's in the !IsAllocated state.
    //        (! Right now, we get this guarantee for free because (IntPtr)0 == NULL unmanaged handle.
    //         ! If that assertion ever becomes false, we'll have to add an _isAllocated field
    //         ! to compensate.) 
    //    IsAllocated == true 
    //        There's a handle allocated underneath. You must call Free() on this eventually
    //        or you cause a native handle table leak. 
    // This struct intentionally does no self-synchronization. It's up to the caller to
    // to use DependentHandles in a thread-safe way.
    struct DependentHandle 
        #region Constructors
        public DependentHandle(Object primary, Object secondary)
            IntPtr handle = (IntPtr)0;
            nInitialize(primary, secondary, out handle); 
            // no need to check for null result: nInitialize expected to throw OOM.
            _handle = handle; 
        #region Public Members
        public bool IsAllocated
                return _handle != (IntPtr)0; 
        // Getting the secondary object is more expensive than getting the first so
        // we provide a separate primary-only accessor for those times we only want the
        // primary.
        public Object GetPrimary()
            Object primary; 
            nGetPrimary(_handle, out primary);
            return primary; 

        public void GetPrimaryAndSecondary(out Object primary, out Object secondary) 
            nGetPrimaryAndSecondary(_handle, out primary, out secondary); 

        // Forces dependentHandle back to non-allocated state (if not already there)
        // and frees the handle if needed.
        public void Free()
            if (_handle != (IntPtr)0) 
                IntPtr handle = _handle; 
                _handle = (IntPtr)0;
        #region Private Members 
        private static extern void nInitialize(Object primary, Object secondary, out IntPtr dependentHandle);

        private static extern void nGetPrimary(IntPtr dependentHandle, out Object primary); 

        private static extern void nGetPrimaryAndSecondary(IntPtr dependentHandle, out Object primary, out Object secondary);
        private static extern void nFree(IntPtr dependentHandle);

        #region Private Data Member
        private IntPtr _handle;

    } // struct DependentHandle 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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